Introspection of a person is an example. Take your sword and fight to the end! Self-analysis in different situations

Introspection- a person’s study of himself, the desire to know his inner world, an attempt to penetrate the depths of his own psyche.

It has always been believed that in order to better understand other people, it is first of all necessary to know yourself, to realize your own motives, views, feelings, and your reactions to various events.

A person’s self-analysis is helped by his own experience, experiences, system of assessments and values, but his projections, subjectivism, distortion of facts due to personal perception prevent the full use of these data.

Through introspection, a person gets to know himself, identifies the main and minor parts of his individuality, establishes their common features and tendencies, generalizes and groups them, thereby creating a portrait of his personality. To systematize your knowledge about yourself, you will need a notepad and pen.

Writing it down in your own hand will help you verbalize your awareness and not lose sight of an individual fragment, as well as see the overall picture made up of pieces. The condition for keeping this notebook of self-analysis is that no one will ever see it, since there may be a subconscious desire to show oneself in an exclusively favorable light.

1. my close circle;
2. career and work;
3. personal life;
4. family;
5. me and my inner world.

The first direction is my close circle

The best manifestation of a person’s personal qualities occurs in interaction with people around him, colleagues, friends and acquaintances. A person’s environment speaks about his system of values ​​and views. A Russian proverb says: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are!”

The first step on the path to introspection and self-knowledge is to compile in your notebook a list of all the friends and acquaintances with whom you have communicated in the past and are currently in contact. Next to each person, it is necessary to write down his most important and significant qualities, habits, and character traits.

After all friends, acquaintances and comrades are included in the list, you need to divide them into 2 groups. In the first group, add those people with whom you no longer keep in touch, indicating the reason for the breakup. The second group will contain those people with whom you still communicate. Here, too, you should indicate the personal characteristics or characteristics of these people who are worthy of your attention and communication.

Now you can clearly see two lists of friends and acquaintances with the characteristic features of each individual group. This helps you understand the reasons for broken connections, understand how long and why you are able to maintain relationships with the people around you; helps to identify persistent patterns.

The second direction in self-analysis is career and work

Self-knowledge through the prism of career and work includes an analysis of relationships with colleagues and the problem of choosing one’s profession.

Studying yourself through the analysis of relationships with colleagues consists of writing down in a self-analysis notebook the colleagues you like and the employees you dislike, as well as the most striking conflict situations with their participation. It is advisable to remember all the places where you had to work and all the employees with whom you interacted. It should be noted here:

Objective reasons for the conflict;
- track your reactions and feelings during the conflict and after it;
- remember your actions during the conflict;
- conduct the same analysis of the reactions and actions of your colleagues.

If you managed to remember all the moments and all the colleagues in your professional activity, then it will be quite easy for you to see in the resulting list many of the same situations and types of people with whom you collaborated at work. A red thread runs through the pattern of your behavior and that of your colleagues, which you should pay attention to during self-analysis.

In this direction of self-knowledge, you should also analyze the problem of choosing a profession. This part includes all fluctuations in interests, even those you had as a child. Self-reflection involves answering some questions frankly:

1. What profession did you choose as a child?
2. What professions did you like best? What did you like about them? At what age?
3. Have you changed your hobby, your desired activity? Why?
4.Did your family and friends influence your choice of profession? Did you follow their advice? For what reason did you agree or reject?
5. On what grounds did you choose your current job?

By answering these questions, you will understand your desired professions, reasons for satisfaction, or, on the contrary, your hobbies.

The next step in self-analysis in this area is to study a real lesson. We make a table of 3 columns. In the first column, write down all types of professional activities that you have been involved in until now. Here it is necessary to note the time frame of the position held. In the second column, write down the incentives and reasons that gave rise to it. Thirdly, the real reasons for terminating the employment contract.

The analyzed records will show those activities that satisfy you and those that do not bring the desired result. General traits, such as, for example, you like to work with people or, on the contrary, you are more comfortable working with technology; Working with works of art or living nature will help you understand yourself as a professional, narrow down your preferences in choosing a professional activity, and realize yourself in your field.

The third direction of introspection is personal life

Your fans and loved ones will help you study yourself in this area. Again, you need to make a list, as in the case of friends and comrades.

Make 3 lists of those with whom you have a relationship; the second list - those who liked you; the third - who was attractive only to you. With each name, we write down what attracted you to this person and what repelled you (internal spiritual qualities, external data, social status, etc.). We try to understand the true reason for sympathy or antipathy.

Analyze people by importance. Write down the reasons for starting and ending relationships with these people.

Using this list, you can see what type of men or women attracts you most and what this is connected with. Why are you leaving a relationship, and what traits turn you off in a partner?

By analyzing his partners, a person can draw unexpected conclusions for himself. It turns out, for example, that we dream of a blue-eyed blond man with a high social status, but in life we ​​choose a dark-haired simple worker with average earnings, but who knows how to get along well with others and find creative solutions in any situation.

Knowing yourself from this side helps to open your eyes to the relationships that happen in life and understand their reasons.

The fourth direction is family

A qualitative study of yourself comes from an analysis of your parental family, which took part in your upbringing and laid the foundations of your personality. Those “seeds” that your parents “planted” in childhood can be observed in your current adult life.

You should draw up a psychological portrait of each member of your parental family; they should be as detailed and detailed as possible. Describe the scheme and model of relationships that reigned in your home. Describe what you appreciated and what you didn't like. Now make the same portrait of your own family members.

Take a close look at the psychological portraits of both families. Are there any similarities in your behavior and the behavior of your parents? What do you like about this similarity? What's frustrating?

Fifth direction - me and my inner world

One of the most difficult and lengthy areas in introspection and self-knowledge. You need to try to be as objective and sober in your assessments as possible. Let's start by making two lists:

1. The highest achievements. What made it successful?
2. Your mistakes and failures. Reasons for failure?

It is necessary to rank the lists based on your own relationship to what happened, and not how others rated it. You now have a list of what you are capable of.

The next step is to determine your strengths and weaknesses. We make 4 columns: in the first 2 we write down our personal qualities from our point of view, your pros and cons. The remaining 2 columns are advantages and disadvantages, in the opinion of the people around you, and it may well turn out that those qualities that you consider a plus are assessed by others as a disadvantage, and vice versa.

In any case, a completed portrait will help identify weaknesses that need to be worked on and shortcomings that need to be corrected. And this, in turn, is the path to self-improvement.

Thus, introspection is not only a fascinating activity, but also very useful. By drawing conclusions, a person receives the keys to new opportunities in his life, as he understands all the reasons for failures and the strengths of his personality, which will lead to new successes. -

How to do self-analysis.

You learned about whether self-analysis is possible or not from the article “Is Self-Analysis Possible?”, now I will try to present to you one of the options for how it can be carried out. But do not forget about all the advantages and all the disadvantages and limitations of self-analysis.

In this option, you are invited to stock up on a thick notebook, a pair of pens that write well, and some time daily or weekly that you can devote to your own introspection. And, of course, a fair amount of interest and enthusiasm that you are ready to devote to this exciting process.

Where to begin?

Each of you will have your own, unique and inimitable experience that you will gain as a result of this activity. This business is not just captivating - it is addictive. This does not mean that you only need introspection and study, and whenever free time appears, throw yourself into it headlong, but you need to approach this seriously, responsibly and be ready to spend your free time. This can be very interesting, but it is not necessary. Therefore, your self-analysis may take you much less or more time.

To say that you will analyze yourself and understand everything is to say nothing. Much, much later, when your notes and notebooks are left aside, you will make discoveries and learn something new for yourself. Therefore, now, I cannot tell you, I cannot promise that you will analyze yourself once, understand everything and you will feel good. Nothing like that will happen. But something else, more important, may happen.

And this important thing is that you can look at hundreds of things and phenomena completely differently. Many of your actions may appear in a completely different light. Why and how does this happen? Why can our opinion of us change so much? The reason is actually very simple: when we take actions, when our life changes, we evaluate it, we define it, we relate to it somehow. But we extremely rarely give such an assessment of the entire cycle of events, all the steps we have taken. And when someone is late for a meeting, it doesn’t seem like something special, it doesn’t happen to anyone, but when, analyzing yourself, you realize that you have a chronic reason for being late, and the same chronic system of making excuses, then you ask yourself the question: and why, exactly?

After all introspection is not, or not so much, to interpret some event in our life, but rather to look at the most significant cycles of events, the chain of our steps and the orderly rows of rakes made over the years. A particular situation may not characterize you in any way, but a separate pattern inherent in this or that cycle, a pattern of any property, is already some kind of diagnosis. Without a medical connotation, of course.

Since your life strategies are unique and inimitable, I can hardly say what will happen to you as a result, and what useful discoveries you will be able to make if you analyze them. But you can take advice on which directions are best to focus all your attention. It's easy.

Notebook for self-analysis and writing in it

Any notebook will do, preferably one with more pages. The order of the entries is completely random. If it is more convenient for someone to design it, somehow decorate it with different pastes and emphasize important words and phrases, then there is no problem. Whatever you prefer. But here’s a request: don’t try to be clever, perpetuate your words, polish your phrases, or think for a long time about the beauty of your statements. In our business, the main thing is spontaneity, lightness and arbitrariness. Don’t be lazy to write notes on scraps of paper if you don’t have a notebook at hand, but you remember something important. Then you can either rewrite or put these notes in a notebook. I simply put it in, and, as a result, the notebook did not resemble a diary at all, but more like a piggy bank of all sorts of leaves and notes. However, sometimes I sorted through all these notes, grouped them and rewrote some of them together if they were united by some common meaning. In general, no categoricalness or strictness. To your taste and color.

Friends and buddies.

Throughout our lives we make friends. Some of them stay with you for the rest of your life, some we part with for various reasons. It seems that we remember them all well, there is no point in arguing. However, it is extremely valuable and useful to write them all down on paper. Try to give a short portrait for each of them. Try to highlight something special that is common to all your friends. This way you can find some traits and qualities that predetermine your sympathy. When remembering and studying your friends, it will be useful to have several very important parameters that should be remembered and recorded. Attention here! As a rule, people who write diaries try to present reality in such a light that everyone is a villain and they are good. This happens mostly unconsciously, and happens because any diary always contains the secret feeling of its author that this diary will one day be read by someone else. But since you are engaged in introspection and not writing a diary for subsequent generations, try to be frank and explain events as they deserve, and not in a way that makes you look decent and noble. It makes sense to remember and describe (or label, or draw, but it should appear on paper in one form or another) the following things.

First, if those people whom you used to call friends, but now you can only do so in the past tense, have ceased to be such, then why did this happen? Who acted as the explicit or implicit initiator of the separation? In what cases have you lost interest in this friendship, and in what cases have you lost interest in you? It is worth highlighting separately the cases when friendship, for some reason, turned into hostility, into irreconcilable hatred. What happened? Do these situations have something in common that is typical for all of them?

Second. Try to determine for yourself and write down the fundamental difference between a friend and a friend, between a friend and a good acquaintance. Find the shades of gradation of your relationships that exist for you and try to define each of them, as well as highlight the most characteristic differences between these concepts. In what cases would you never call a friend a friend? When would you never call a friend your friend? What is the most important thing so that you can call a person a friend and your relationship - friendship, friendly?

Third. Lifespan of a relationship. How durable are they? How long are you able to maintain and develop friendships? Are your friendships at a critical point?

Fourth. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where two of your close friends begin to quarrel with each other? What are your actions in such a situation? What results does this lead to? Would you say you are satisfied with your strategy? If not, how can it be improved, knowing from experience that it is ineffective? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to be at enmity, but at the same time there was someone else who remained neutral and maintained relationships - both with you and with the party hostile to you? What will you do, having already had experience in a similar situation, if it happens again with other people close to you now? What lesson did you learn from these situations?

Who would you say is the antithesis of a friend? What qualities doom a person to hopelessness in trying to become your friend? What do you never accept under any circumstances? Here it is very useful not so much to give abstract examples, but to remember real people and real cases from your life.

What traits and qualities in you most often spoil relationships with other people? Which one is most common? What do your friends reproach you for most often? In what cases did you compromise, and in what cases did you not lift a finger to change the situation? And how does the first differ from the other?

Love and Marriage Relationships Each of you has a very different background of experience on this testing ground, and therefore it is very difficult to offer universal templates for analysis. However, I will try to do this, and you can use only those that clearly suit you, or add some of your own that are not listed here. In general, the list of possible aspects is easily and simply scaled, expanded and refined, and you can supplement and modify it.

First. Remember and write down all the people throughout your life to whom you have had loving feelings, to whom you have been drawn, to whom you have dreamed as a potential partner, with whom you have had a real connection, regardless of its duration. Try to remember everyone who was interesting to you, who you were attracted to, who you were in love with, for whom you had strong emotional and sexual feelings.

Second. Remember and write down all the people who had an increased interest in you, and you knew about it. Perhaps someone sought your love and appreciation? Persistently invited to spend time? Here identify all those whose claims did not arouse your response and interest. Briefly describe each of these cases. Remember how you make it clear to a person that his interest will not be justified? What is the reason for your refusal in each particular case? Don't all these cases have something in common? Here you can also make notes about cases when the opposite side began to behave atypically: threats, persecution, change of favor to hostility, revenge, and so on. Clarify all these cases and try to determine what your mistake is, and how you can get out of such situations with the least losses - both for you and for other people.

Third. Sex appeal. Highlight the most important features of your partner's sexual attractiveness, without reference to specific examples. There is nothing to be ashamed of here, anyway, no one except you will read or see it. Write down the most important qualities and arrange them in order of importance. And only then try this list on your partners to see how much it matches in each specific case. Is there some kind of pattern in which the duration of a relationship, for example, can be directly dependent on the completeness of this list?

Fourth. Write down the reasons for separation and destruction of your love relationships. What are these reasons, do they have anything in common? In what cases did you not break off the relationship completely, but transferred it in a different direction, for example, into friendship or into the category of good acquaintances? In what cases have you hated your partner and avoided him? In what cases did he do the same? Who is more likely to initiate divorce and separation? Who more often suggests changing the relationship to friendship? Who is more likely to go on the warpath? What useful experiences have you had, what lessons have you learned, what will you do next time if the situation happens again?

Fifth. Attitude towards children. How many children will you have? Why exactly this number? Is a child's name important? What associations do you have with this name, if any? Does the gender of the child matter? What role do you want to play in parenting? How do you feel about corporal punishment and why? Are there any parallels between your answer and how your parents treated you as a child?

Sixth. Note somewhere your three strongest feelings when you, so to speak, lost your head from the desire to be close to these people. What do these people have in common? Be extremely careful. Body constitution, eye color, voice, height, manners, character traits, gestures, hair color, and so on. What can be added to this list for each of these people that would make them even more beautiful? What will destroy their image and all their attractiveness if some element is removed from the compiled list. You can try to carefully remove this or that feature or quality in your imagination, and at the same time carefully listen to your own feelings. Write down any ideas.

Profession and work

Think about what professions you dreamed of as you grew up. How big is the list of these professions? Why did you dream about this in each specific case, what prompted you to this thought, this dream? What is the reason for the fact that over time it has lost its relevance.

The influence of parents and relatives on your professional choice. Did they have special theories about who you should be and what you should strive for? Are you making choices influenced by someone else or your own? Was there any pressure on you? Have you been threatened or blackmailed by anyone? Have your interests and attempts to realize yourself the way you want been thwarted?

Place of work. Write down all the jobs you have worked on. Write privately, in any order, without excluding anything. If the list ends up being large, then you can re-sort it in a convenient order. What brought you to this job? Make a comment for each of them. What did you like most about this job? What did you learn that was particularly useful on this job? What was the reason you left this job. In each case, highlight the most important, central one. Is there any pattern, something common, any property in your list of reasons? Maybe you are chronically laid off? Or do you become disillusioned with this work after a while? Perhaps some third-party reasons that have nothing to do with work are always interfering? Re-sort the list of abandoned jobs by reason, combining the most common ones. What conclusion can you draw? What adjustments can you make to your future career based on the information you have received?

Relationships with colleagues and superiors. Make a list of all the most conflicting cases throughout your professional career. Quarrels, betrayal, intrigue, pressure from someone, demotion, salary reduction, deception, and so on. Highlight the most typical situations that are repeated. What conclusion can you draw in this situation, having received such a “track record”? Are there opportunities to improve this situation and prevent repetition of such situations?

Especially highlight relationships with superiors. Make a brief description of all of them, what is the reason for conflict or strained relations with them in each specific case? Remember and describe the cases of “good” bosses, if there were any. What steps have you taken to, if possible, smooth out or eliminate conflicts and mutual dissatisfaction?

Are you a magical person? If you worked in small teams, how did the life of this team and the position of the company (organization) itself develop during the entire period of your stay in it? If possible, highlight all the cases when, during your work, the company either strengthened its position, or, conversely, its position worsened. Write it all down and compare the results. Can any conclusions be drawn from this?

Personal qualities and characteristics

Remember all your brightest successes, the best achievements. Write them down and define the reason that, in your opinion, was the reason for this success. What is your contribution in each of these cases? What qualities played the first violin in these events. You can write it out regardless, without reference to a particular area. A brilliant speech, an excellent dissertation defense, a sporting achievement, any result in a particular field that you admire, are satisfied with, and are proud of, or that you were delighted with in the distant or recent past (even if the emotions are now dulled and cooled down). Write down everything that comes to mind.

Describe your best qualities of any property. Include all your skills and abilities. Imagine how you can enhance this, how you can make these qualities even more effective and useful? Summarize your ideas.

Make a list of your most important shortcomings. It is best if it consists of two columns. The first list is based on the theory of the people around you. The second is only according to your own theory. The lists may be the same, or very different: for example, the list of shortcomings I highlighted included those that were not noticed by others (at one time there was a theory that you need to be taller - who needs it, why it is necessary is not clear), and The list of third-party shortcomings also included some that I even considered advantages (for example, a dislike of talking about my problems). Think about whether these lists can be shortened? If a deficiency cannot be corrected, then how and with what can it be compensated? If you are unable to give up something that other people perceive as a disadvantage, what compromise solutions could you offer them so that the disadvantage would affect them less?

Remember and write down all your interests throughout your life. What interested you in this or that period? Have you ever lost interest in one thing or another, and after a while returned to it again? Try to clarify the time interval for each area of ​​your interests, your hobbies: it could be a hobby, sports, immersion in a particular scientific or applied topic, flower breeding, and so on. This also includes plans that you have not implemented, but have been nurturing for some time.

Parents and education

Remember and write down all the cases when the help and support of your parents (relatives) turned out to be very valuable to you at that time. Make a list of thanks that you could present to your parents as an excuse. What useful and valuable did they do for you, what is their role unconditional and unambiguous. Leave all the grievances and misunderstandings for other pages of introspection. Only objectivity, only statements of facts and recognition of positive aspects.

Remember and write down the most insatiable grievances, the most furious complaints against your parents. Try, in addition to writing them down, to express them in the form of a drawing for each such situation. Detail what really hurts, what does not wash off over time and does not subside. Divide this list into one where your grievance was expressed and not expressed. Which cases are there more? What do you think would happen if this list were reversed? Would it be better or worse? What will you do in the future: will you leave everything as it is, or will you try to somehow break this situation? Also write down the conclusions you drew from your unpleasant childhood experiences that you will extend to your children?

How confident are you that you will not repeat these mistakes of your parents? Will you use the positive experiences you recalled in the first part of the self-reflection? Come up with some global, universal tips that you have learned from your relationship with your parents that will benefit all other parents.

Were you punished as a child? Remember all the most severe punishments, if any? How will you look after your own children? Do you have an opinion on this matter? Can this opinion be called a continuation of the line of upbringing that your parents followed in relation to you? Or is it, on the contrary, the antithesis of their approach?

Think about and write down the image of an ideal father and an ideal mother. What should they be? Determine the true qualities of your parents, and compare the list of ideal and the list of what actually happened. Compare the ideal image of the opposite sex with the list of your hobbies, your most important qualities in the person you can love or love. What qualities are the same? Do you find something in your loving affections that is similar to your ideas about an ideal parent?

Matching elements

Often we unconsciously make a choice towards something that has some super-valuable attribute, some special property. This could be numerical matches, or color matches, or the choice of a name, orientation to some external information that you choose as a guide to action, and so on.

Names. You can try to write down all the names of the people closest and most significant to you throughout your life. Is there a particular name that appears more often than others?

Numbers and critical dates. In the process of self-analysis, you can discover numbers that tend to repeat. For example, two years of marriage is the ceiling for you. Or you don't tend to stay more than a quarter at any job. Don’t be lazy to remember the apartment and floor numbers of your loved ones, your friends. Clarify some numbers if they particularly stick in your memory. There may also be critical months (for example, in December everything improves for you, or vice versa), typical recurrences of diseases, and so on.

Attitude towards animals. What animals did you have (have), which ones do you love and why, which ones do you dislike and why? What role have animals played in your life? What valuable things did your communication with them provide?

Color preferences. What colors do you love the most? What are your most powerful memories? What color clothes do you like best? Hair color? Eye color? If you can remember, list all your favorites and cutest ones by color choice. Are there any similarities? Mentally repaint them a different color and listen to your own feelings. If something has changed, try to formulate it somehow.


Here is a very rough list of the most important cycles in your life. It can be clarified and supplemented as necessary and due to the specific content of your biography. The most important result that you can get is that your relationships with the world will become much more transparent, clearer, you will look at them completely differently, and many problems will disappear forever. Your attitude towards yourself may change greatly: it may seem strange, but you will learn to understand and accept yourself not just an order of magnitude, but many times better and more harmonious. You will reconsider a lot of your past and simply laugh at some things: my God, but this happened to me, and how it bothered me!

29.05.2014 -


In the article I tell you what personal self-analysis means to me, why it is needed, and when it is needed. Self-analysis is an analysis of oneself as an individual, so it is individual, but below I will describe the basic principles and give personal examples.

Self-analysis is tracking the processes occurring inside our psyche. In other words, this is an analysis of all your aspirations, habits, views and other programs. This is the first necessary cycle of personality.

The article is purely practical, and if you were looking for this information for personal use, then get ready that there will be a lot of material, and be sure to bookmark the necessary pages so that you can return to them at any time convenient for you.

Self-analysis is observation of oneself and one’s life, with an emphasis on tracing cause-and-effect relationships. It is needed for a deeper understanding of ourselves, but in general, it occurs in a completely natural way in the course of our lives.

Sometimes we need to thoroughly and purposefully engage in artificial introspection, allocating certain time and conditions for this so that it is deeper and, accordingly, of higher quality. But why and when this is necessary, we will consider further.

When to Use Practical Self-Analysis

Self-analysis must be used:

  • began to experience fears and uncertainty about the future
  • something is bothering you, but you can’t figure out what exactly

Why is personality self-analysis necessary?

With the help of introspection, we can find out the true reasons for our feelings in life, and this will give us certainty about what needs to be done next and how to get rid of unpleasant feelings. This will also allow us to determine what exactly we want and what steps we need to take to achieve this.

Practicing qualitative self-reflection

Look at your schedule, allocate a few hours of free time during the week, ideally let it be a whole evening, a whole day or half a day. An hour of time may not be enough, and if the practice is interrupted unfinished, then it simply will not make sense, so allocate time with a reserve. Finishing early will leave you with plenty of free time and inspiration to start taking action.

Next, determine a place where you can be completely alone, so that no one will disturb you at this time. Bring a notepad and pen with you. Turn off your phone, social networks, internet, computer, TV, etc. Nothing should distract you at this moment, no external interference with your thoughts.

Put your brain in the alpha state. To do this, calm down, try to turn off the internal dialogue, relax, and just try to feel a state of joy, remember the happiest moments in your life. Next, strengthen this state of joy and calmness, and then turn off the internal dialogue and memories again. Simply allow physical and mental peace to flow throughout your entire body. Next, move on to questions.

Self-Reflection Questions

Ask yourself questions and think carefully about each one, then write down the final answer to each question in your notebook. Try to find the deepest reasons for your desires. Sample questions:

  • Am I a happy person? (how much, why, and can I be happier)
  • What makes me happy?
  • What's stopping me from being happy?
  • What do I really want and why do I need it? Why do I want this?
  • What brings me the most joy?
  • What needs to happen to make me happier?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses? Advantages, disadvantages.
  • What would I like to get rid of in my life?
  • What internal personality qualities would I like to develop in myself?
  • What prevents me from changing my life, my views, my habits?
  • What am I deceiving myself about?
  • How am I being honest with myself?

I can recommend following the following template. You ask yourself a question, and when you get an answer, you ask, what will this do for me and why do I need it? Then, having received the answer, you ask again, why is this so? And so on until the very end, until you can determine your true, natural aspirations.

An example from my life

During my school years, I played sports, often watched sports stars on TV, and wanted to become the same. I was also attracted by the way famous musicians and actors are greeted; many people recognize them, want to take a photo as a souvenir, and often ask for an autograph. Then it seemed to me that striving for fame was my personal desire, and therefore it did not leave me for a long time even after school. I wanted to become a rich and famous person, but fame attracted me more.

Over time, I noticed that the desire to become rich increased, and the desire for fame became less. But later I understood why this happened.

As I later realized, I was attracted not by fame itself, but by the opportunities it brings. Later, I was attracted to the idea of ​​becoming rich, but my true desire was to gain the opportunities that wealth brings. This is comfort, safety, a sense of calm.


As I got older, I began to analyze my desires and identify their true reasons. It turned out that the desire to be famous is just an external program that was introduced into my teenage psyche with the help of television screens. In fact, fame and fortune are not my true desires; my real desires are completely different. I also noticed that the desire to become rich is not only a desire for a more comfortable life (reducing stressful situations associated with providing housing and food), but also the same thirst for fame, but on a more local level, on a smaller scale. Why? I'll touch on this a little further down.

What I asked myself and what I came to. Questions - answers. Introspection.

  • Why do I need a lot of money? (more than just resolving issues of housing, food, clothing)

This will allow me to buy the biggest luxury houses, the most beautiful cars, football clubs and so on.

  • Why do I need houses, cars, etc.?

It turns out that this is also a desire for fame, since this would allow me to attract attention to myself with the help of things that are inaccessible to most people. It was my inner desire to stand out from others. Okay, I realized that this is a veiled desire for fame, expressed in an attempt to buy the attention of other people with money, but why do I need this?

  • Why do I need fame?

What I understood became a real discovery for me. It turned out that I always wanted something that in fact was not my true desire, I just moved by inertia and was driven by other forces, because I absolutely do not need fame itself in its pure form, it does not interest me. It turned out that fame didn’t matter to me, but I wanted to get it? I just understood that she would give me what really interests me. But what then interests me?

  • Why did I need this?

It turned out that subconscious aspirations were at play. Since childhood, I could watch on television how many girls react to stars, and among these girls I liked many, the conclusion is obvious. After such incidents, gaining fame seemed to be my natural desire. But in reality I needed something else. When childhood ended and adolescence began, my first attempts to start relationships with girls began. Most of the first attempts ended unsuccessfully due to inexperience, but over time my observation and penchant for introspection helped me out. Then I began to study the psychology of girls, I wanted to understand what they needed from men so that I could give it to them. Further, I began to constantly develop the necessary internal qualities in myself, as well as correct myself and my behavior towards girls, and due to this I was able to enter adulthood. But even then I noticed that I couldn’t interest some girls, no matter what strategies I used. And when I saw how these same girls were almost in love with various famous musicians who didn’t even do anything, then of course I had a subconscious desire to become as famous as these stars. During my student years, I noticed that many girls preferred to date exclusively rich guys and men.

  • Why did I want to interest women?

When I became older, I was able to gain enough experience, and I wanted to have more girls. But as I realized, this was not my true desire. These were excuses like it’s normal for a man to have more than one girlfriend, but I was deceiving myself. This is also not a true desire, but just an attempt to be no worse than someone else, just a way to assert oneself for oneself. Only after knowing myself and my true desires did I realize that one girl who really suits me would be enough.

I see and understand perfectly well that many people live the same way by inertia as I lived before. Therefore, whatever the woman I like would consider a worthy man in her understanding, I still continue to set high goals in order to meet the corresponding demands. Obviously, achieving better results will help you be interesting to any circle of people, regardless of their beliefs and filters of their perception. The rules of the game are such that in our world your importance is determined by what you have, how much you earn, how famous you are, and everything like that. Of course, I had girls who completely suited me, and with whom I didn’t mind starting a family life, but in the end I couldn’t give them the life they dreamed of. And we always talked about this directly, because it was something like business communication.

  • Why do I need to be interesting to any circle of people?

From the above, I realized that my main goal is to create a family with a woman I really like. I realized that I am a person of traditional values, and this is what I like. In this case, I do not deceive myself and live in harmony with myself, my true values ​​and desires. The girl I might like can be in any circle, have certain beliefs, views, or be under the influence of certain forces, laws or circumstances. In order to be able to influence circumstances, I must have a sufficient number of external forces, that is, be a more influential person. And as I already said, Very specific things influence people. I often had to give up a girl, even though I liked her, just because I couldn’t give her the life she wanted. Moreover, even more often it happened that I could not even start a relationship with the girl I liked, only because my standard of living was significantly lower than hers. At such moments, I felt like a real asshole, and I realized that in order for me to build a family with any girl I liked, I had to build my life so that not a single girl felt uncomfortable around me. It doesn’t matter what lifestyle she has been accustomed to since childhood, I must live such a life in order to be able to realize absolutely any requests within reason.

Life has deprived us of choice; it has set before us certain laws by which we must live. To put it roughly, the relationship between men and women is a market, but I’m not saying that many people think so, on the contrary, many people think that it is not so.

Social life

I still have to lead an active social life, but the difference between conscious and unconscious life is obvious. Now I absolutely don’t care about fame, and if I try to be more visible in society, it’s in order to get a greater return on my activities, do you get the point? If this allows me to increase my income level, then I will have to be more socially active (attract attention to myself), and this works in most areas. The more famous a musician, for example, becomes, the more he will earn, and the higher his status will be in the eyes of other people. And it’s not just about talent, as many believe. Most of us know very little known musicians who make higher quality material than 90% of the popular members of their genre. Let me give you an example. Let's say you wrote a book, it may be interesting and useful to many people, and others also tell you about it. If the book has already been written, you have put your work and your soul into it, then why not do it in such a way as to get a great return from it, especially if you consider that it really carries great value or is very interesting. If you don’t be socially active and don’t promote this book, then no one will read it, or only a few people will read it. If you spent a whole year on it, then this is not the return you want. Of course, I will try to ensure that more people have the opportunity to read it, since it can be recommended to friends, and I can be in demand as an author. In general, everything is clear here.

Rules of the game

From all this, it turns out that I have the main goal of life, and all other striving for social significance can be considered not from the position of what I want, but from the position of what I should. The main goal in my case is to create a family, and everything else is just creating conditions for the realization of my life goal. I also quite clearly defined the main mission of my activities, from which people who in one way or another benefit from the results of my activities will benefit. I realized a long time ago that if I manage to have the necessary standard of living, then I can benefit more people, I can do charity work, and I’m more likely to realize my dream, that is, create a family.

If I don’t need to shine, then it’s more profitable for me to stay in the shadows, but promote my products (for example, there are many wealthy investors and businessmen whom few people know, they are interested in their companies being more in demand).

It turned out that all I really want is something that I can feel with my heart, feel, that is, be happy, in the process of this movement. Overall I am of course happy, there is just a feeling of incompleteness. This is normal, we will have some unfinished business all our lives, and this should in no way deprive us of the state of happiness at the present moment. When the task is completed, we will receive even more joy and pleasure, but if you become attached to your goals and dreams, you are robbing yourself of happiness. Just take steps and experience happiness on your way to your dream.

To each his own

Everyone has their own life and their own views on this world. From the above introspection, it becomes clear that our life consists of programs, and in my case, I returned to the program that I had absorbed since childhood, and this is only the implementation of my right to choose. For most normal people, choosing family values ​​for themselves is a completely natural phenomenon, especially since it correlates with the innate instincts of self-preservation, reproduction, and procreation. But all this does not mean that everyone should be supposedly normal and not have the right to manage their own lives at their own discretion. You can fulfill your personal mission on this earth, which you deem necessary for yourself, but the question is whether you will be truly happy in doing so, and whether this choice is the choice of your heart and soul.

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Self-analysis in different situations

I conduct an analysis regarding every phenomenon in my life, and I conduct a thorough and deep analysis, which is given above, as I have time for this, but whenever possible I try to allocate time for this. With thorough self-analysis, it is enough to determine your desires, goals, all your movements in life, and simply understand yourself. There are no clear patterns here, everyone does it in their own way, remember the main goal of self-analysis is to determine the reasons for what is bothering you and deal with it all.

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After you have carried out self-analysis, you yourself will understand what needs to be done. If you have an understanding, then proceed and introduce new necessary habits into your life that correspond to your priorities and desires.

If you feel a lack of strength, then you need to exercise first and restore

Finally, I’ll add that despite the name, for high-quality self-analysis you need to be able not only to analyze, but also to feel. How to learn this? You already know how to do this, but the quality of these skills is developed differently for everyone. How to develop these skills? Very simple, just practice. By doing this constantly, you gain experience, you learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, as you begin to understand yourself and understand this world.

That is why I put personal self-analysis in first place, since the direction of your movement will depend on its quality and depth.

Personality self-analysis, source - Xche blog.

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Federal budgetary state educational institution of higher professional education "Ivanovo State Polytechnic University"

on the topic of: « Psychological withIs it self-analysis?integrity"

In the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy"

Ivanovo 2013


1. Test “Leading hemisphere of the brain”

2. Test “Character Accentuation”

3. Test “Determination of temperament”

4. Self-portrait test

5. Test “House-tree-person”

6. Test “Non-existent animal”



Self-analysis is a person’s study of himself, the desire to know his inner world, an attempt to penetrate the depths of his own psyche. It has always been believed that in order to better understand other people, it is first of all necessary to know yourself. Self-analysis can give a person the opportunity for more complete self-realization and disclosure of his inner potential. However, although many people can usefully analyze themselves, the process of self-analysis can never be considered complete, since a person’s development process cannot be considered complete at any point in his life - a person is constantly changing under the influence of a variety of circumstances. To conduct a personality self-analysis, you need to pass several tests that will give a complete picture of a person’s personality.

1. Test “Leading hemisphere of the brain”

Scientists have found that if the right hemisphere of the brain is dominant of the two hemispheres, then the emotional sphere predominates in a person. If the left hemisphere is dominant, then the person’s analytical mind prevails over emotionality. Two types of thinking are associated with the functions of the left and right hemispheres in humans - abstract - logical and spatial - figurative. These types of thinking have a number of synonyms. Verbal and non-verbal (since abstract-logical thinking of the left hemisphere, in contrast to the imaginative thinking of the right hemisphere, is based on the ability to produce speech). Analytical and synthetic (since with the help of logical thinking in the left hemisphere, objects and phenomena are analyzed, while imaginative thinking in the right hemisphere ensures the integrity of perception). Discrete and simultaneous (since with the help of logical thinking the left hemisphere carries out a number of sequential operations, while with the help of imaginative thinking the right hemisphere acquires the ability to simultaneously perceive and evaluate an object). The proposed test allows you to identify the leading hemisphere using simple, objective methods. The leading hemisphere is a congenital trait and, as a rule, does not change until the end of life. But it must be taken into account that with strong excitement the leading hemispheres can change: left to right and vice versa. When taking the test, we discovered that my dominant brain hemisphere is the left.

Conclusion: The main area of ​​specialization of the left hemisphere is logical thinking. It dominates when performing the following functions:

· processing of verbal information:

· it is responsible for your language abilities and controls speech, as well as reading and writing abilities; it also remembers facts, names, dates and their spellings.

· analytical thinking:

· the left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis, it is it that analyzes all facts, numbers and mathematical symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

· sequential processing of information:

· information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.

· when you raise your right hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

Well-adapted type of behavior to a variety of circumstances. Emotional, but not persistent enough (manifests itself in important issues of life - marriage, education, etc.), susceptible to the influence of others. Easily gets along with other types of characters.

2. Test “Character Accentuation”

The study of human character is an important part of psychology. A person’s character is what determines his significant actions, and not random reactions to certain stimuli or prevailing circumstances. The action of a person with character is almost always conscious and deliberate, and can be explained and justified, at least from the position of the actor. When talking about character, we usually put into our idea of ​​it a person’s ability to behave independently, consistently, regardless of circumstances, showing his will and perseverance, determination and perseverance. Character accentuations are extreme variants of the norm, in which individual character traits are excessively strengthened, as a result of which selective vulnerability to a certain kind of influence is revealed with good and even increased resistance to others. This classification is based on an assessment of a person’s communication style with other people and represents the following types of characters as independent: Hyperthymic type. A noticeable feature of the hyperthymic personality type is a constant (or frequent) stay in an elevated mood, even in the absence of any external reasons for this. An elevated mood is combined with high activity and a thirst for activity. Hypertims are characterized by sociability and increased talkativeness. They look at life optimistically, without losing this quality even when obstacles arise. Difficulties are often overcome without much difficulty, due to their inherent activity and activity. Emotional type. The main feature of an emotive personality is high sensitivity and deep reactions in the field of subtle emotions. Characterized by kindness, kindness, sincerity, and emotional responsiveness. All these features, as a rule, are visible and constantly manifest themselves in the external reactions of the individual in various situations. A characteristic feature is increased tearfulness (as they say, “wet eyes”). Anxious type. The main feature of this type is increased anxiety about possible failures, concern for one’s own fate and the fate of loved ones. At the same time, there are usually no objective reasons for such concern or they are insignificant. They are distinguished by timidity, sometimes with a manifestation of humility. Constant wariness of external circumstances is combined with self-doubt. Demonstrative type. The central feature of a demonstrative personality is the need and constant desire to impress, attract attention, and be in the center. This manifests itself in vain, often deliberate behavior, in particular in such traits as self-praise, perception and presentation of oneself as the central character of any situation. A significant portion of what such a person says about himself often turns out to be a figment of fantasy or a significantly embellished account of events. Dysthymic type. He is characterized by low contact, taciturnity, and a dominant pessimistic mood. Such people are usually homebodies, are burdened by noisy society, rarely enter into conflicts with others, and lead a secluded lifestyle. They highly value those who are friends with them and are ready to obey them. They have the following personality traits that are attractive to communication partners: seriousness, conscientiousness, and a keen sense of justice. They also have repulsive features. This is passivity, slowness of thinking, slowness, individualism. Stuck type. The stuck personality type is characterized by high stability of affect and the duration of the emotional response of experiences. An insult to personal interests and dignity is usually not forgotten for a long time and is never easily forgiven. In this regard, others often characterize them as vindictive and vindictive people. There are reasons for this: the experience of affect is often combined with fantasizing, hatching a plan for revenge on the offender. The painful sensitivity of these people is most often clearly visible. They can also be called sensitive and easily vulnerable, although in combination with the above. Pedantic type. Clearly visible external manifestations of this type are increased accuracy, craving for order, indecisiveness and caution. Before doing anything, they think long and carefully about everything. Obviously, behind the external pedantry there is a reluctance and inability to make quick changes and accept responsibility. These people do not change jobs unnecessarily, only in the most extreme cases, and then with great difficulty. They love their production, their usual work, and are conscientious in everyday life. Cyclothymic type. The most important feature of the cyclothymic type is the alternation of hyperthymic and dysthymic states. Such changes are frequent and systematic. In the hyperthymic phase of behavior, joyful events evoke in cyclothymes not only joyful emotions, but also a thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, and activity. Sad events cause not only grief, but also depression. This state is characterized by slowness of reactions and thinking, slowdown and decrease in emotional response. Excitable type. A feature of an excitable personality is pronounced impulsiveness of behavior. The manner of communication and behavior largely depends not on logic, not on rational understanding of one’s actions, but is determined by impulse, attraction, instinct or uncontrollable impulses. In the area of ​​social interaction, representatives of this type are characterized by extremely low tolerance, which can also be regarded as a lack of tolerance in general. Exalted type. The main feature of an exalted personality is a violent, exalted reaction to what is happening. They easily become delighted by joyful events and despair by sad ones. They are distinguished by extreme impressionability about any event or fact. At the same time, internal impressionability and a tendency to experience find external expression in their behavior. Below is some data on the connection between various types of personality accentuation and delinquent behavior. psychological introspection personality temperament

Let's look at the table that shows the accentuations of personality and character in points.

Hyperthymia - 18 points.

Emotionality - 15 points.

Anxiety - 6 points.

Demonstrativeness - 12 points.

Dysthymicity - 0 points.

Getting stuck - 10 points.

Pedantry - 8 points.

Cyclothimity - 15 points.

Excitability - 9 points.

Exaltation - 18 points.

Conclusion: From this table you can see that the following pronounced accentuations of character take place, these are the hyperthymic type of character, emotionality, cyclothimity, exaltation. Among character accentuations, the most pronounced is the exalted and hyperthymic type. This type is characterized by high contact, low conflict, pronounced emotions and increased distractibility to external events or objects. These character accentuations almost completely coincide with the exalted type of character accentuation; only this property can be supplemented with high diplomacy in building relationships with others.

3. Test “Determination of temperament”

The main personality traits include: temperament and character. Temperament is determined by the type of nervous system and reflects predominantly innate behavioral characteristics. Temperament expresses a person's attitude to the events occurring around him.

Any person must constantly take into account the temperamental characteristics of the people with whom he has to work and communicate. This is necessary for effective interaction with them, reducing the likelihood of conflict situations, and avoiding possible stress. We took the test and calculated our results: Extraversion - 14 points (11-14 ambivers - communicate when you need it). Neuroticism - 15 points (emotional sensitivity). Using the graph, we determined what type of temperament we have.

Conclusion: In this test, we determined that my temperament type is choleric. Cholerics are easily excitable and unbalanced; it is difficult to switch their attention. They are very mobile, even to the point of excessiveness, their feelings are strong and manifest themselves vividly. They take on new tasks with great ardor and devote themselves completely to them, but at the same time, an inadequate assessment of their strengths leads to a sharp decline in activity. The disadvantages of this type of temperament lie precisely in imbalance, which causes outbursts of harshness, irritability, and exhaustion of strength.

Cholerics also have characteristic features: people of this type have hasty, often confused speech, bright and expressive facial expressions. Choleric people find it difficult to sit in one place, they often jump up or change positions, and gesticulate a lot and sharply. There is something defiant in their uneven gait.

4. Test"Self-Portrait"

This test can be useful for practical study of the characteristics of self-awareness, self-attitude, and self-esteem of an individual. The purpose of the test is to identify the individual typological characteristics of a person, his ideas about himself, his appearance, personality and attitude towards it. In the process of interpreting the “body diagram”, one can judge whether the resulting graphic product fully corresponds to the physical and psychological experiences of a person, which organs of the body carry a certain meaning, how the person’s desires, his conflicts, compensations and social attitudes are somatically fixed and indicated. As an example, consider my drawing No. 1. A realistic image - made with more careful details, that is, drawing the face, hair, ears, neck, clothes. Usually, people who are very pedantic and prone to detail and an analytical cognitive style draw this way. An image of a pose or movement - a person depicts himself during the period of performing some action. Apparently, this type of image is characteristic of persons with expressive movements, passion for sports, dancing, etc.



Feature criteria

1 - self-esteem(location of the picture on the sheet)

1.1 in the center - adequate

2 - intellectual and social adequacy(head)

2.1 proportional, normal-sized head - intellectual and social adequacy.

3 -control over bodily impulses(neck)

3.1 normal neck - adequate (balanced) control over bodily impulses.

4 - location of basic needs and drives(torso)

4.1 normal, proportional torso - balance of needs and drives.

5 - sensitivity to criticism, public opinion

6 -anxiety

6.1 strong pressure

6.2 redrawing and erasing

6.3 arms close to the body

7 - fears

7.1 Outlining

8 -aggressiveness

8.1 strong pressure

8.2 bold outline of the picture

9 - expressed defense

9.1 hands behind back or in pockets

10 - demonstrativeness

10.1 long eyelashes

10.2 A lot of attention is paid to hair

10.3 clothes, carefully drawn, decorated

10.4 makeup and jewelry

5. Test “House-tree-person”

Purpose of the technique - assessment of the subject’s personality, level of development, performance and integration; obtaining data relating to the sphere of his relationships with the outside world in general and with specific people in particular.

Wall: the contours of the line are too accentuated - a conscious desire to maintain control. Doors. Their absence - the subject experiences difficulties in trying to open up to others (especially in the home circle). Color brown - for walls. A well-adjusted, shy, and emotionally uninvolved subject will typically use at least two and no more than five colors.

Color selection. The color green is the need to have a sense of security, to protect oneself from danger. This position is not so important when using green for the branches of a tree or the roof of a house. The color purple is a strong need for power.

General form. Placing a drawing on the edge of a sheet is the main feeling of uncertainty and danger. Often associated with a specific time value:

a) the right side is the future, the left is the past;

b) indicating the specificity of experiences: the left side is emotional, the right side is intellectual.

Perspective. Triple perspective (three-dimensional, the subject draws at least 4 separate walls, on which even 2 are not in the same plan) - excessive concern with the opinions of others about oneself. The desire to keep in mind (to recognize) all connections, even minor ones, all features.

Placement of the picture. Placing a picture on the right half of the sheet indicates the subject’s tendency to seek pleasure in the intellectual spheres. Controlled behavior. Focus on the future. The contours are very straight - rigidity.


Head. The head is the sphere of intellect (control). Sphere of imagination. A big head is an unconscious emphasis on the belief about the importance of thinking in human activity. The neck is an organ that symbolizes the connection between the sphere of control (head) and the sphere of drive (body). Thus, this is their focal point. Shoulders and their size are a sign of physical strength or the need for power. The torso is masculinity.

Face. Facial features include eyes, ears, mouth, nose. These are receptors for external stimuli - sensory contact with reality. Long eyelashes mean flirtatiousness, a tendency to seduce, seduce, and demonstrate oneself. Nostrils - primitive aggression. Hair is a sign of masculinity (bravery, strength, maturity and desire for it). Unshaded hair, unpainted hair framing the head - the subject is controlled by hostile feelings.

Limbs. Hands are tools for more perfect and sensitive adaptation to the environment, mainly in interpersonal relationships. Hands behind your back - unwillingness to give in, to compromise (even with friends). The tendency to control the manifestation of aggressive, hostile impulses. Hands are relaxed and flexible - good adaptability in interpersonal relationships. Hands behind your back or in your pockets - feelings of guilt, self-doubt. The fingers are one-dimensional, surrounded by a loop - conscious efforts against aggressive feelings. Feet are a sign of mobility (physiological or psychological) in interpersonal relationships.

Pose. A person with a smooth, easy step means good adaptability. Dolls represent compliance, the experience of dominance of the environment.

Background. Environment. The line of the base (earth) is insecurity. It represents the necessary reference point (support) for constructing the integrity of the drawing. Gives it stability. The meaning of this line sometimes depends on the quality the subject attaches to it.

Multifaceted criteria. Broken lines, erased details, omissions, accentuation, shading are areas of conflict.

Buttons, a belt buckle, an emphasized vertical axis of the figure, pockets - dependence.

Contour, pressure, shading, location. The combination of confident, bright and light contours is rude and callous. Energetic, confident strokes - perseverance, safety. Jagged, uneven lines - insolence, hostility.

Confident, strong lines - ambition, zeal. Strong pressure - energy, persistence. Great tension.

Light lines mean lack of energy. Light pressure - low energy resources, stiffness.

Length of strokes. Rhythmic shading - sensitivity, sympathy, looseness. Horizontal strokes - emphasizing imagination, femininity, weakness.

Task orientation. Persistent drawing, despite difficulties, is a good prognosis and energy.


The interpretation according to K. Koch is based on the provisions of K. Jung (a tree is a symbol of a standing person).

The roots are the collective, the unconscious.

The trunk is impulses, instincts, primitive stages.

Branches - passivity or opposition to life.

Foliage shape.

Branches upward - enthusiasm, impulse, desire for power.

Branches in different directions - the search for self-affirmation, contacts, self-dispersal, fussiness, sensitivity to the environment, does not resist it. Loop leaves are a preferred use of their charm.


The trunk, depicted by lines with pressure, is determination, activity, productivity. An open trunk connected with foliage means good intelligence, normal development, the desire to preserve one’s inner world. The leaf, used in its entirety, wants to be noticed, count on others, and assert itself. Sheet height (the page is divided into 8 parts): 1/4 - the ability to comprehend your experience and slow down your actions.

Manner of depiction.

Landscape signifies sentimentality.

Turning over a leaf is independence, a sign of intelligence, prudence.


Several joint lines representing the earth are depicted together and touch the edge of the sheet - spontaneous contact, sudden removal, impulsiveness, capriciousness.

6. Test "Nexisting animal"

Projective methodology for personality research. The subject is asked to invent and draw a non-existent animal, as well as give it a previously non-existent name. As an example, consider my drawing No. 3.

The position of the drawing on the sheet. Full face position , those. the head is directed at the person drawing (at himself), interpreted as egocentrism. On the head there are details corresponding to the sense organs - ears, mouth, eyes. The meaning of the “ears” detail is direct: interest in information, the importance of others’ opinions about oneself. Mouth with teeth- verbal aggression, in most cases - defensive (snarls, bullies, is rude in response to a negative attitude towards him, condemnation, censure). A characteristic pattern is a drawn, rounded mouth (fearfulness, anxiety). Eyelashes- hysterical and demonstrative behavior. Eyelashes are also an interest in admiring others for external beauty and manner of dressing, attaching great importance to this. An increased (relative to the figure as a whole) size of the head indicates that the subject values ​​the rational principle (possibly erudition) in himself and those around him. Wool-- sensuality, emphasizing one's gender and sometimes focusing on one's sexual role.

The supporting, supporting part of the figure. It includes (legs, paws, sometimes a pedestal). The solidity of this part is considered in relation to the size of the entire figure and shape: a) thoroughness, thoughtfulness, rationality of decision-making, paths to conclusions, formation of judgment, reliance on essential provisions and significant information. b) superficiality of judgments, frivolity in conclusions and unfoundedness of judgments, sometimes impulsive decision-making (especially in the absence or almost absence of legs). Pay attention to the nature of the connection of the legs with the body: accurately, carefully or carelessly, weakly connected or not connected at all - this is the nature of control over reasoning, conclusions, decisions. Uniformity and one-directionality of the shape of the paws, any elements of the supporting part - conformity of judgments and attitudes in decision making, their standardness, banality. The diversity in the form and position of these details is the originality of attitudes and judgments, independence and non-banality; sometimes even creativity (corresponding to the unusual form) or dissent (closer to pathology).

Tails. They express their attitude to their own actions, decisions, conclusions, to their verbal products - judging by whether these tails are turned to the right (on the sheet) or to the left. Tails turned to the right - attitude towards one’s actions and behavior.

Total energy. The number of depicted details is assessed - is it just the necessary amount to give an idea of ​​an imaginary non-existent animal (body, head, limbs or body, tail, wings, etc.): with a filled outline, without shading and additional lines and parts, just a primitive outline - or there is a generous depiction of not only necessary, but also additional details that complicate the design. Accordingly, the more components and elements (in addition to the most necessary), the higher the energy. In the opposite case - energy saving, asthenicity of the body, chronic somatic disease (the same is confirmed by the nature of the line - a weak cobweb-like line, “moving a pencil on paper” without pressing on it). The opposite character of the lines - bold with pressure - is not polar: it is not energy, but anxiety.

Types of animals. Thematically, animals are divided into threatened, threatening and neutral (similar to a lion, hippopotamus, wolf or bird, snail, ant, or squirrel, dog, cat). This is an attitude towards one’s own person and one’s “I”, an idea of ​​one’s own position in the world, as if identifying oneself by significance (with a hare, a bug, an elephant, a dog, etc.). In this case, the animal being drawn is a representative of the person drawing.

Creative possibilities. They are usually expressed by the number of elements combined in a figure: banality, lack of creativity take the form of a “ready-made” existing animal (people, horses, dogs, pigs, fish), to which only a “ready-made” existing part is attached so that the drawn animal becomes non-existent - a cat with wings, a fish with feathers, a dog with flippers, etc. Originality is expressed in the form of constructing a figure from elements, and not from whole blanks.

Name. Can express a rational combination of semantic parts (flying hare, “hipper cat”, “fly eider”, etc.). Another option is word formation with a book-scientific, sometimes Latin suffix or ending (“ratoletius”, etc.). The first is rationality, a specific attitude in orientation and adaptation; the second is demonstrativeness, aimed mainly at demonstrating one’s own intelligence, erudition, and knowledge. There are names that are superficial and sound without any comprehension (“lyalie”, “lioshana”, “grateker”, etc.), signifying a frivolous attitude towards others, the inability to take into account a danger signal, the presence of affective criteria at the basis of thinking, the preponderance of aesthetic elements in judgments over rational ones.

Ironic and humorous names are observed (“rhinochurka”, “bubbleland”, etc.) - with a correspondingly ironic and condescending attitude towards others. Infantile names usually have repeating elements (“tru-tru”, lyu-lyu, “cous-cous”, etc.)


A person capable of self-analysis receives many psychological benefits. They can be summarized as an increase in inner strength and, therefore, self-confidence. Each successfully completed self-analysis increases the individual’s self-confidence. In addition, personal space is mastered solely through one’s own initiative and perseverance. The effect achieved through self-analysis also manifests itself in other areas of life, which indicates the possibility of forming an algorithm for self-analysis. During the work, it was found that a person’s character is an integral part of him. A person’s behavior towards himself and his work depends on its characteristics. Not only does character influence a person’s activity, but this activity itself can shape the character of an individual. The variety of character traits is manifested in both qualitative and quantitative terms. Even people who have the same character traits (for example, kindness, generosity, compassion, etc.) have them to varying degrees. When the quantitative expression of one or another character trait reaches maximum values, so-called character accentuation occurs, which is interpreted as extreme variants of the norm as a result of the strengthening of its individual traits. K. Leonhard identifies ten such accentuations (according to some authors twelve) and suggests using the test he developed to identify them. This work gave me an idea of ​​what the concept of character includes, what types of characters there are, and how they differ from each other .

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    What is character? Psychotypes as a factor in conflict behavior. The influence of temperament on human behavior. Diversity and characteristics of character types. Dependence between temperament, character and behavior of a person, psychological accentuations.

    abstract, added 10/04/2009

    The essence of the concept of character and features of its formation. Content, types and traits of character, its structure. Age, national-psychological characteristics and sex-role (gender) differences in character. Basic types of personality character accentuations.

    course work, added 06/09/2014

    Freud's psychological theory. Personality structure. Personal defense mechanisms. Jung's analytical psychology. Archetype of the collective unconscious. Psychological personality types. Berne's transactional analysis. Structural analysis.

    course work, added 02/01/2003

    Psychological properties and personality traits as elements of its psychological structure. Psychophysiological determinants of individuality, temperament, character, emotional sphere. Constitutional typologies of the psyche by E. Kretschmer and W. Sheldon.

    test, added 11/09/2011

    Definition of character as a socially formed behavioral pattern of an individual. Temperament as the physiological basis of individual behavior. The level of morality and self-improvement of a person. National characteristics of character and its accentuation.

    course work, added 02/27/2011

    Groups of personalities from the point of view of their psychological characteristics. The essence of the theory of accentuation of the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard, the role of their recognition in the positive development of personality. Parameters of pathological characters and types of personality disorders.

    abstract, added 12/15/2009

    Psychological characteristics of the criminal's personality. Typology of criminal personality: violent and selfish types. Psychological characteristics of professional criminals and careless criminals. Psychology of juvenile delinquents.

    test, added 02/22/2008

    Types of temperament and psychological characteristics. The role of temperament in human activity. Formation of character based on temperament. Concept, types and accentuation of character, classification of character traits. Integral characteristics of individuality.

    test, added 11/12/2010

    The concept of personality as a set of individual, social and psychological qualities. Properties and personality traits. her behavior. Psychological differences between men and women. The essence of personality theories 3. Freud, A. Adler, G. Eysenck and K.K. Platonov.

Your possibilities, man! Pekelis Viktor Davydovich



Lack of self-confidencethe reason for most of our failures.


A person needs to take a careful look at his life from time to time. Without this there can be no true growth of the human personality. Leo Tolstoy once said about himself: “The most serious work of thought is constantly going on: am I living like this, testing myself...”

It is never too late to check yourself and is always useful. A person never discovers so many shortcomings in himself as during self-analysis, and this, with a reasonable approach, adds strength to him. True, humorists say that never has a person discovered so many weaknesses in himself as from the time when he discovered so many strengths.

I think the reader understands: in this chapter we will talk about the importance for a person to know what part of the recommendations, what rules, how many skills he should acquire for self-improvement. To do this, first of all, you need to know yourself well; for this you should subject yourself to careful introspection and detailed study. From here, in fact, self-education, self-development, self-improvement begins.

But then the natural question will be why such an important chapter, with which everything should begin, is not at the beginning of the book, but somewhere in the middle?

I answer: you cannot begin introspection, so to speak, from scratch, without knowing the range of problems for which introspection is being conducted. Figuratively speaking, until now we have always been climbing the mountain in order to look around from its top, and then we ourselves, without help, were able to go down to the foot and begin a new ascent. But the ascent is independent - now with the knowledge of where and what obstacles await us, and perhaps even insurmountable obstacles.

One of the greatest reserves of personality is hidden in self-analysis. It cannot be obtained by any other methods. Unfortunately, until recently the search lay entirely in the realm of intuition. Only very recently has the problem begun to be investigated using the methods of modern experimental science.

Psychologists consider the emotional assessment of one’s self to be one of the most important traits of human character.

Self-analysis is needed not at all in order to please oneself, but in order to more fully devote oneself to one’s favorite work, realizing its meaning and significance for one’s native country, for one’s people, for the future that we are building. This future is the most perfect system on Earth. That is why self-analysis should be optimistic and imbued with universal human interests. That is why for a Soviet person, talking alone with oneself should be infinitely far from petty self-examination: one must be, as they say, not only alone, but also in the world.

Careful self-analysis to correct mistakes and learn from experience is by no means an easy task. Especially in our ever-increasingly complex age. From the point of view of “game theory,” our life is by no means a blitz tournament. We must be able to intelligently and objectively think through each newly developed life situation in order to make the optimal “moves” from the point of view of the benefit of society and our interests. Here you need extreme sincerity with yourself, self-control of every movement of the soul, analysis of the various motives and reasons that forced you to make this or that decision. This is extraordinarily difficult and extraordinarily important work. It requires desire, will and continuous training. But it also leads to outstanding results.

It would seem, at first glance, that personality is something “in me,” “for me.” But no, personality is really “in me,” but for others. That is why all personality traits are so important not only for one person - oneself - but also for others: kindness, responsiveness, integrity, rudeness, suspicion and all the other 1500 (yes, one thousand five hundred!) personality traits recorded in Russian language.

Since we are talking about personality - “in me” - for others, then, naturally, when analyzing yourself, you must constantly compare your “I” with what you see in others.

Man does not live in a vacuum. He takes into account the assessments of those people with whom he contacts, from whom he draws interests, and on whom he focuses.

Human communication always involves feedback, a subtle consideration of the diverse impulses emanating from others. These “others” are a certain group, called a reference group in social psychology. Each of us has a group with which we reckon. She - this group - to some, and sometimes to a significant extent, shapes our positions in relation to life situations, and, more generally, our ideal.

The work of Soviet psychologists under the leadership of Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR A. Petrovsky established that a person in the process of communication constantly verifies himself with a certain standard and, depending on the results of verification, turns out to be satisfied with himself or dissatisfied.

A long list of ethical concepts is taken, and the most common and important of the 1500 that have been discussed are selected and put in order. For example, pride, modesty, caring, accuracy, perseverance, etc. From these concepts you construct your standard - an ideal: a list of certain qualities in a certain order. Of course, the most valuable qualities come first.

Then a “construction” is also created from ethical and other (for example, volitional or professional) qualities that we find in ourselves. This is a subjective “construction”. They are compared using a special formula and the corresponding coefficient is obtained.

If, as a result of self-testing, the “reference”, ideal assessments and the “subjective”, real, coincide, then the person is completely satisfied with himself, his moral character, his will, his ability to work, etc. In other words, in such a situation, the ideal and the real are one and the same the same thing, subjective assessment is the ideal. A rare but acceptable phenomenon: self-esteem is +1.

It may also be the other way around: self-esteem is equal to – 1. Then the “reference” and “subjective” list of personality qualities are in a mutually inverse relationship. This is the lowest rating - by the way, this does not happen. Between these estimates lies the average data.

Psychologists say that a person has a certain “internal pressure gauge”, with the help of which everyone evaluates himself quite accurately. (Note in parentheses: that not everyone has the courage to express the results of self-assessment.)

Excessively high self-esteem leads to overestimation of oneself, and, consequently, to a skeptical attitude towards this person in the reference group - “he thinks too highly of himself!”

Excessively low self-esteem indicates the development of an “inferiority complex” and lack of self-confidence.

For personality assessment, the so-called “expected assessment” is also important - what the reference group thinks about you, how it evaluates you; simply: “What do those eyes say about you?” The expected score is determined in the same way.

And the last factor: how do you yourself evaluate the reference group, do you value it high or low?

Conclusions of psychologists.

Three indicators: self-esteem, expected assessment, assessment by the individual of the group - necessarily enter into the structure of the personality, and whether a person wants it or not, he is objectively forced to take into account these subjective indicators of his well-being in the group, the success or failure of his behavior, position in relation to yourself and those around you.

Having determined the correct attitude towards oneself and the correct attitude towards others, a person will thereby achieve so-called psychological comfort and choose with the greatest certainty his place in society.

Remember, hasn’t it happened to us, having become entangled in a complex analysis of our feelings and the surrounding situation, to mentally give up on everything and rely on the simple and ancient principle: “The heart will tell you, your intuition will guide you.” And then regret the thoughtlessness of your actions. The art of real self-analysis is not a simple matter. But having mastered it, we will acquire a powerful weapon. And first of all - to penetrate the treasury of your internal resources, your capabilities.

Now it is quite natural to answer the question: how to bring character formation under control?

First, it is appropriate to remember that character consists of the ability to act according to principles.

Secondly, you need, as Nikolai Ostrovsky said, “to call yourself to your own harsh, impartial judgment. I should clearly and accurately, without sparing my pride... find out my shortcomings, vices and... decide once and for all whether I will put up with them or not.”

Only a courageous person can do this. This means that you must have the courage to ask strict questions of yourself. And not only ask, but also answer truthfully.

Therefore, you need to be fair in everything: in thoughts, actions, deeds.

It is necessary to abandon egoism - selfishness. You need to be guided in your actions by the rule: what can you give to people, how to do it so as not to cause people not only harm, but also trouble.

We must learn to break bad habits, break them using a simple technique: since it is bad, we must act according to the principle - “I will do the opposite!” And then, having taken the road of “self-awareness,” every day should be for you a day of victory over yourself.

In working on ourselves, in the difficult task of self-improvement, we must monitor whether we always manage to maintain harmony between our beliefs, views, judgments, on the one hand, and actions, everyday actions, on the other. By the way, Pascal also said that a person’s moral qualities should be judged not by his individual efforts, but by his everyday life.

The process of maintaining life harmony is nothing more than self-correction. We spend our whole lives doing it. It goes in parallel with self-education and self-improvement. Every person needs to know what he has the power to strengthen in himself and what to suppress. As a result, we master the so-called psychological defense - the ability to rebuild ourselves in order to obtain the most effective forms of adaptation to specific life situations with the least expenditure of nervous energy.

This position is fundamentally different from passive contemplation of fast-flowing life and one’s role in it.

The experiences of outstanding people are interesting. Many of them kept detailed diaries for many years. (A diary can become one of the most important forms of self-analysis.) By recording and analyzing every detail of your life, your inner state, your attitude towards life situations, you can acquire enormous power over yourself.

Nowadays it is fashionable to use cybernetic methods everywhere, in particular modeling. Try to learn how to “model” your behavior for the coming day in detail. In the morning, imagine the events that could happen to you; even if something unpleasant awaits you, do not evade, do not play hide and seek with yourself, but try to find the most worthy solutions, choose a noble line of behavior.

Of course, reality does not always coincide with the plan. But if you prepare yourself in this way for the upcoming life situation, you will not be caught by surprise, and you will be able to solve quite complex problems intelligently, without being guided only by unleashed emotions, which often give not the best advice.

Responding to a letter from O. L. Knipper-Chekhova, A. P. Chekhov wrote: “You write that you envy my character. I must tell you that by nature I have a harsh character, I am quick-tempered and so on. and so on, but I’m used to controlling myself, because it’s not appropriate for a decent person to let oneself go.”

How to cultivate restraint in yourself - one of the elements of the ability to control yourself?

It should be noted that the ability not to show character, not to obey it, is also a sign of character, a sign of the ability to control oneself, although they say that character cannot be hidden in your pocket.

Some tips can be given.

If you have a short temper, try to play the role of a balanced person at any time every day. At the same time, you need to force yourself to calmly react to the unpleasant, not only externally, but also internally.

Some people may find this advice unpleasant. So, you have to play like an actor on stage? But Plato also said: “Oh, how pleasant a person can be when he knows how to be himself.”

It's true that playing a good person is associated with hypocrisy. But we must remember the amazing laws of our psyche. With such a “game,” “feedback” is triggered, and the person involuntarily transforms into the person whose role he “played.” With long-term training, the makeup of the soul is fixed, and the character changes.

Ultimately, the effect of self-hypnosis is triggered, a kind of self-regulation of well-being occurs. But, of course, the method must be applied with complete sincerity and conviction of its effectiveness.

An original and, it must be said, useful practical application of the method of “playing” to be a good person was recently found by foreign psychologists working in the field of trade.

Having established that the cordiality of salespeople significantly affects the efficiency of selling goods, they advised the owners of large stores to make salespeople obligated to work with a smile. Special notices were posted in all departments: “Smile!” - “Smile!”

It would seem that the technique, at best, would lead to the sellers having rehearsed, artificial smiles on their faces. However, something unexpected happened at first glance. As the survey showed, the sellers unanimously stated that, even despite their bad mood in the morning, within an hour after they started work and after they “put on” the duty smile, they were in a good, welcoming mood.

Mystic? No, the feedback effect worked. A bad mood usually causes a gloomy expression on the face. A smile, on the contrary, improves your mood. In the section “No to bad mood!” It has already been said that a smile is a balm for the soul and that laughter is called “jogging in place.” Indeed, 3 minutes of healthy laughter replaces 15 minutes of morning exercise.

Yes, self-regulation of well-being is possible. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. And you will be convinced that even the most subtle mechanisms of our psyche are amenable to self-government. By the way, the experience of the theater speaks to this: actors on days that are completely gloomy for them can appear on stage in comic roles.

So, every person who is going to put his creative potential for the benefit of society is obliged to carefully study himself, to know his weaknesses and strengths in order to correct and “improve” his “I” with maximum efficiency. And this “I” is large and diverse.

“Each person is a whole world that is born with him and dies with him. Under every gravestone lies world history,” wrote Goethe.

Modern science puts at a person’s disposal a whole arsenal of methods and means for self-analysis. But the person himself must use them, because no one - neither a doctor, nor a psychologist, nor any other “engineer of human souls” is able to penetrate into the most secret corners of our “I”, observe and study this for many years, day after day. I".

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