Subtle world: cutting reality into layers. Book of knowledge Esoteric layer of the universe

change from 06/29/2015 - ()

All the material presented below has actually already been found in other articles. In this article it is collected and considered simply in a different terminology and from a different angle, which allows us to clarify some points. In addition, a brief thesis statement should help not to miss the thread of the presentation and makes it possible to get a complete picture of the structure of the universe. So.

At each level of awareness, a person has a different understanding of the universe. In essence, the universe is not divorced from its creator. God in the Ramha hypostasis is a single and not much manifested form. This is a form of absolute unity in eternity and infinity. God is in a state of sleep, an inactive form. The genus is the same Ramha, but manifested in a multiple structure. While maintaining his supreme personality, he manifested himself in many subpersonalities, which, as it were, are independent, but at the same time are part of him.

This can be compared to the cells of our body. Each cell seems to develop and live independently, but at the same time it is part of our body.

God learned that there was something super-great in him, an unknown hidden secret. Realizing that he was perfect, he realized that he could continue his improvement even further. Therefore, it was reflected in the form of numerous worlds and dimensions, times and spaces and other conditions. The super-great absolute something does not oppose Ramha. As long as there is mystery, there is ignorance, which means there is movement. And movement is life. Infinite unity cannot move.

Man is the image and likeness of Ramha, but not the same. Through life, a person gets to know himself and transforms the ignorance of the super-great something that is in him.

Our personality is simultaneously projected into all worlds. Energy vortexes (chakras) are the centers of this interaction. A linear description of our past and future lives is a simplified reflection of the structure of the universe. In fact, there is no past and no future, but there are two fans of alternatives in the eternal now. The law of karma or cause-and-effect relationships is beyond the time factor. Retribution may come earlier than the event that caused this retribution.


England, like all the energies of the universe, is binary. On the one hand, inglia is all the energies of the universe, on the other hand, it is what animates the worlds. A certain spectrum of energies that can revive. When Ramha realized that there was a super-great secret in him, he was sincerely delighted and illuminated by the light of joy, which, in fact, connects the entire universe into a single structure.

The very first manifested layer is called the world of causes or the causal world (lat., causalis - causal). Speaking in Russian - the worlds of Rule, the worlds of patron gods, the worlds of root causes. The worlds of Rule are the worlds of eternity and infinity. This is identity. The Worlds of Rule are the cause of the ocean of cause-and-effect relationships, its bottom, although there is no bottom as such. Turn off logic and feel it intuitively.

The next layer is the worlds of Slavi or Light Navi. These are the worlds of Legs, Arlegs, Arans, etc. When moving from the 4-dimensional space of the Explicit World to the next, each dimension unfolds into the same number of dimensions as the previous world had. Four dimensions of the Explicit World, then 4x4=16, then 16x16=256, etc.

Approximately, this can be represented as a linear entry into our space, unfolding into volume, acquiring additional structural rotations in each dimension, folding, and linear departure into the next space with the corresponding number of dimensions.

This can also be seen in the structure of the atom, first proposed by D. Larson back in the 50s of the 20th century. Consequently, you can already imagine what the structure of an atom (building “substance”) looks like in Slavi’s worlds. By the way, from his works it is well understood why time in the Explicit World seems one-dimensional. Moreover, with a deep study of his works, it is better understood why it is possible to expand space and stretch time while being in our Explicit World. According to Larson's writings, our subconscious is the consciousness of coordinate time. It feels like M. Bulgakov knew very well what he was writing about in his novel “The Master and Margarita.” I'm talking about tricks with the size of apartment No. 50. And note, in karmic astrogeography, 50 is the number of interaction with time and space.

Returning to the worlds of Slavi. We always have access to them, but we do not always realize this. One of these worlds is called supermental. This is the world of mental images. A world where information is stored in images. Essentially, when we form a mental image using sensory perception (right hemisphere), we find ourselves in this world. When we engage our analytical thinking (left hemisphere) we have access to another layer of Slavi's world - the mental world where information is stored. In total, both of these worlds reflect the image of the letter Vedi - the information content of the universe, that which determines the laws of cause-and-effect relationships. In the worlds of Rule, at the basis of these worlds, there is no longer information and images, but love, creative energy of an extremely high order. In the worlds of Rule there is no such thing as karma; there life proceeds according to the law of love.

The next layer is the astral world. Astral - the world of stars. In these worlds, the energy component is fundamental. The information in them has an energetic shell. The path from the Manifest World to the Mental World lies through the Astral World. In other words, the path to the Vedas lies through energy. This is from the perspective of the Explicit World. From the position of the world of Slavi, the path to energy lies through information.

A person contacts the astral world through feelings and emotions. Moreover, through high emotions: love, joy, happiness, euphoria of achieving a goal, etc. At the moment of such euphoria, in fact, the focus of his consciousness is in the astral world. A person, with his emotions, sets the vector of development in the astral world.

The next layer is the vital world. This is a world in which the programs of our subconscious are written. Our behavioral patterns, which manifest themselves in the form of either fears, or desires, or other subconscious aspirations that we cannot explain. In fact, it is the basis of our overt character. Therefore, the vital worlds are the worlds closest to us, which are not covered by our consciousness. They can be called the upper layers of the subconscious.

Human behavioral programs are stored in the vital worlds. Therefore, it is possible to trace some connections that are implicit at first glance. For example, arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. The spider, on a symbolic level, personifies alien knowledge, alien behavioral patterns that are not acceptable to us. And if a person categorically rejects everything that is alien, something that is ours and something that is not ours, outwardly this manifests itself as a fear of spiders. This coupling, this connection, is stored in the vital world. For example, if a child almost drowned in water as a child, but over the years he forgot about it, he may still have some kind of dislike for water. A behavioral pattern that shoots out in the form of sympathy or antipathy towards something and is stored in the vital world, the layer of the world of Slavi. With some practice, you can create programs of the vital world yourself. In fact, vital is a Russian word. Vita - life and al - completeness. Vital is what expands life, goes beyond the Explicit World, but relates directly to our life.

The next layer is the world of Reveal. We have already talked a lot about him. We won't stop now.

The next layer is the world of dark Navi. In esotericism, these are the lower astral worlds. They are also called infraphysical. The world of low emotions: anger, revenge, envy, greed, depravity. The body may be in the Manifest World, but the focus of our consciousness can resonate with both the higher and lower astral worlds.

The next layer is the world of Pekla. It is worth understanding that different spiritual cultures have different ranges of perception, so it can often turn out that what is considered heaven in one spiritual culture is hell in another spiritual culture. Remember: if a Slav lives according to his conscience, he will find the most pure svarga, and if he does not live according to his conscience, he will find Christian paradise. Those. Christian paradise is located where the Slavic inferno or Scandinavian Jotunheim is located. Don't believe me? Study, check. Absolute parallels can be found.

The closest such world to us is the world of five-dimensional space. Entering such worlds causes unpleasant sensations, which suggests that these are lower worlds. Often a person falls into fifth dimensionality in a dream. This is a curved space. You can take one step there and find yourself in a completely different place. There are even people with fifth-dimensional thinking. It is very difficult to interact with such people. For them, the fifth dimension is included in the encoding and decoding of the information that they transmit or receive. It seems to him that he is conveying one idea, but in fact he is expressing a slightly different one. At the same time, the other person perceives it as it was voiced. In fact, the interlocutor cannot understand what this person wants from him, and he also cannot explain to him, because... the answer is also interpreted in its own way.

Do you want some tea? - No, thank you, I don’t want tea now.

But the person asking the question understands your answer to mean that you want something different. For example, coffee. And the dialogue continues. This is a simple example. In more complex cases, psychiatrists immediately make a diagnosis of schizophrenia. But the reason is different - the focus of their consciousness fell into the irrational world. They are not sick; their standard of thinking differs from the generally accepted one.

There is one more layer that is worth mentioning. This is the world in which man himself lives. This is the world of his inner psychic reality. In fact, there are many of these layers, one for each incarnation. We are consciously aware of only one, although the subconscious has access to all.

We look at the outer world through the eyes of our inner world. We don't see the real world, we see its reflection. There is even a law of the Universe - the law of reflection.

In fact, all worlds are one big illusion. We don't see real things, we just identify them that way.. All the people around us do not look the way we see them. By and large, we consist only of information and energy flows. For example, a science such as Ayurveda only describes about 500,000 human energy channels. Remember superstring theory.

An illusion, but an illusion that was created by our subconscious for our own improvement. Essentially this is a game. But the process of the game is real, and we must adhere to the laws and rules of this game.

All worlds, all listed and not listed, are in our subconscious, and our subconscious is our deep structure, reflecting those aspects of our personality that we do not consciously capture. The subconscious contains our life purpose, our life program, our interaction with the gods and ancestors, etc. In fact, when talking about the subconscious, we are talking about that part of our deepest self that no longer completely belongs to us, but is a place, a bridge between man and God. The subconscious is that part of our personality that we do not directly control, but which connects us with the Family. Therefore, communication with the gods is possible through the subconscious directly. Diving into his subconscious, understanding himself, a person shifts the focus of his consciousness to those of his bodies that are displayed here and now, but in other worlds. Working with the subconscious is an integral aspect of the interaction between man and divine forces. Remember this expression: " are not your consciousness, it belongs to you, and you learn to use it..."

If each of us goes deeper into our subconscious, we will all meet there somewhere. In that part of our deepest self that is common to us. The Ra material places such a deep Self as a 6th density entity.

Any person who has somehow come into contact with you has a subconscious connection with you. Otherwise you wouldn't have crossed paths. It is a reflection of some inner aspect of you. Therefore, when a person observes his life using various mantic means, the subconscious gives him figurative and numerical signs. According to the initial letter, numbers are the energy of life passing into the soul to realize the source.

Hence, parallel worlds are other facets of our own explicit space, which appear in the internal mental reality of a person at the moment of making a decision. A fan of parallel realities appears. All this is done to ensure that our personality goes through all possible scenarios at once. At some point, they will all definitely come together, so that, having enriched each other with knowledge, they will disperse again. Therefore, people often dream of events that did not happen in their explicit life, but they happened in a parallel reality, and now they need to find out about it. It is the feelings and conclusions that are important, not the event itself. If you scold an event that happened once without your participation, you will certainly still participate in it. The law of action is inexorable.

Working through subconscious aspects is an integral part of spiritual development. When a person faces his ignorance, he should rejoice because he has seen something in which he can improve. But when a person has no desire to work on himself, he strives to run away from himself. External manifestations of the presence of serious internal problems are fear, discomfort and loneliness. If you can't spend at least an hour alone with yourself, you should think about it.

Each person lives in his own mental reality, and what he shows to this reality with his life is what he will see. This interaction with the outside world is, in fact, interaction with oneself, interaction with a reflection of oneself. Nothing irritates a person more in other people than what is ignorant in himself. Think about it.

Not glory and not a cow, not a heavy earthly crown -
Send me, Creator, a second one so that he can come out and play with me.
I ask not for stolen love, not for mercy for a day -
Send me, Creator, a second one so that I won’t be so lonely...

In esoteric literature there are no materials, much less works, that explain to humanity the concepts of multidimensional structures of worlds and universes. It is believed that these concepts are useless to give to humanity, since few people are interested in this and, moreover, it is believed that the human mind is not able to comprehend and understand the explanations that may be found in the works of the Great Teachers of the Cosmos.

In his third edition of the book “Our Universe”, the author offers his independent study of the issues of multidimensionality of Space - Time, synthesized from individual esoteric data of worlds and universes. They ultimately lead to the problem of the presence of various factors influencing the meaningful successes of human evolution, and represent, in the author’s opinion, the need for those Homo Sapiens who strive to quickly complete their evolution in a dense body and enter the calmer, subtle and Higher worlds Universe.

The short excerpts from the future book given here may now be useful to those who understand what needs to be done themselves in order to find themselves in line with the universal flow of Time in multidimensional conditions and make their successful transition to the next level of life - to the subtle world, which has long been built up and populated animals and plants. The missing information will be filled in in the third edition of the book.

“The Wheel of Samsara” is the only fundamental concept that is now given to humanity directly by the Supreme Mind. This is associated with the beginning of the Ascension of the earth and Humanity to the Light and to the Holy Spirit. From completely fresh esoteric works published only in Russia, one can get an idea of ​​the structure, life and mechanisms of movement of this gigantic cosmic formation, one might say, a “forge of personnel” for the Highest Fiery Spheres of the Universe.

The circle (or wheel) of Samsara reliably ensures the fulfillment of the Involution of the Human Spirit and the evolution of humanity throughout the entire period of its existence in the dense and subtle Worlds of Eternities, replacing one another.

Morya, whom we knew as the Lord of the heavenly hierarchy of the Earth, tells us about the wheel of Samsara. From the text of the book it follows that the spiritual and physical unification of Lord Morya, Buddha, Jesus Christ and their three female essences, including the Mother of Jesus Christ Mary, took place into one Superbeing with the tenth Avatar at its head. This is the future Savior of humanity - Maitreya. Each of the three Hypostases of Maitreya made a “leap” and went beyond the circle of Samsara and is located in the Border Region between illusory and True Existence.

Morya, talking about himself, reports that He will stay in this area for a long time and will often work outside the wheel of Samsara, and can also enter it independently and according to its need. The wheel of Samsara is the wheel of reincarnation. These are Past, Present and Future. This is Cause and Effect, that is, Karma. This is an illusory space with karmic movement in a circle. This is the rotation of people, stars, worlds, galaxies around their axis and the vibration of everything.

The inner reality of Samsara is the energy of Time. In the wheel of Samsara, current time can be slowed down or accelerated at the will of the Creator. As long as you live with the energy of Time, it has power over you. The Free Will of man is constrained precisely by the presence of the energy of Time. It was created by the Eternal Spirit specifically for creation from the entire great variety of special illusory universes, which are called the universes of Time. They were discussed in detail in the second edition of the book. Everything that was created in them by gods and people is an illusion, that is, a deception of human feelings. People themselves are also an illusion - living holographs, dressed in illusory matter called Maya. Everything in the universes of Time is an illusion, including our thoughts. Everything, except for a tiny bubble of the Emptiness of the Spirit, hidden in the Shell of the Creator’s Fiery Matter. This is a Silver thread (Sushumna) and a drop of Fire of the highest Consciousness - Ojas (Ringse). The drop is located in the thalamus of the human skull. The Eternal Spirit is the Truth, and a piece of His Consciousness gives us a chance to free ourselves from Samsara.

The life of people, planets, stars, galaxies in Samsara goes along the Central Stream of Time for centuries after centuries.

Many centuries ago, humanity was a fairly homogeneous mass, but at present it is highly polarized. There are many reasons for this, but we will not dwell on them here. The volume of information coming from all sides can only be absorbed by people with a purified consciousness. Humanity has certainly changed, which is reflected in an increase in conflicts between parties who do not understand what is happening. The very near future is the last steps in putting things in order in all aspects of life. Now almost all space reserves on Earth are used. The main thing that is now required from humanity is purity, balance, Faith, devotion and complete trust in God's Grace.

People who already have or potentially have deep consciousness and are capable of evolving live in the central time stream of Samsara. People who do not want to open up to new things define themselves into lateral flows, where they move along personal circular spirals. Each time they live what has already been lived. This is a constant stay in an identical situation, without any purpose and participation in the evolution of humanity. The human soul could help escape from this “vicious” formation, but it needs the help of a strong-willed and intelligent owner of the body. To know for sure that your consciousness does not wander along a personal spiral, but moves along with the evolutionary flow, feels the presence of God in your life, is in harmony with the world around you, then this person lives where he should. The selection of people has already taken place, and the strongest will be left, that is, those who are able to perceive new things without conditions, who believe in the powerful power of the Creator, who want to develop.

Mass catastrophes will affect the consciousnesses of people located in the side streams and will have little effect on people from the central stream of Time. The latter were ready and waiting for changes, preparing themselves for them, while the former in every possible way drove away thoughts about the future.

The circle of Samsara is different for each person, personal, and the person is born again in his own circle, taking into account the time interval of absence. Planets, stars, universes and Eternities also have their own circle of Samsara. All worlds created by the Creators, in dense and subtle bodies, have their own circles of Samsara. But the chaos of these formations should not exist if we assume that all the circles of Samsara fit into one, but very large sphere of Samsara, filled with the driving energy of Time, with different vibrational frequencies of oscillations of objects. The concept of “sphere” for Samsara is arbitrary, and we cannot know exactly what form this shell has. For example, in the opinion of the author, a certain ellipsoid is preferable to a sphere. All worlds, universes and Eternities have enough space here and order is maintained.

By accepting the author's hypothesis about the Sphere of Samsara, we can explain many mysterious clues regarding the structure of dense worlds, the historical events taking place in them, and even the location of the Creator of this Sphere and its Eternities - in the center! Then the center of the Sphere can be called the Higher World of Samsara.

Thus, the circle of Samsara is a linear flow of the current of Time along a circle and on this line the Beginnings and Past and Future of each converge at one point. In our opinion, this point is not fixed in a specific place. It begins on a specific circle at the moment of birth, for example of a person. His Future is ahead as evolution moves, and his Past remains behind as he moves. When the circle of life is completed, the past and the future meet at one point. This is one of the clues to esotericism. In the universes and Eternities, the snake never bites its tail, and their development proceeds in spirals, composed of successively formed circles of Samsara of different levels of development of the worlds. The circle of Samsara is located in the sphere of Samsara with its plane perpendicular to the axis: “The center is the abyss.” The circles of Samsara are also the levels of the worlds of the universes. They are located in parallel according to increasing serial numbers of the levels of worlds from the first to the seventh (twelfth).

Thus, along the “Center - Abyss” axis, a central “free” channel is formed, through which the energy Time can flow from the Central Universe to ensure life in the sphere of Samsara. It is planned to place a schematic image of the sphere of Samsara in the third issue of the book “Our Universe” and, on its basis, to try to talk about the multidimensionality of the devices of the universes of Time.

The author believes that the sphere of Samsara includes the entire Superuniverse, therefore, in our Universe there should be seven spheres of Samsara and, as a result, seven flows of energy Time to them will be formed. Each sphere is enclosed in the thinnest space-time shell, woven from the primary, that is, the most highly durable elements of energy Time. This shell has an entrance for the inhabitants of the first three levels of matter (the term of Teacher Moria), and our fourth level of the Worlds of the Sevenfold Universe. Here somewhere there is a tunnel exit into the abyss for daredevils - losers who tried to leave Samsara without the necessary data for this. This shell represents the main obstacle for anyone who wants to break out of Samsara with its illusion into the True Space of the Window of Consciousness, called Eternal Life. There is no series of deaths and births. There all entities are truly immortal and happy. And although each Spatio-temporal shell of Samsara necessarily has an Entrance to Samsara and an Exit from it, none of those who have not developed their own ultra-high high-frequency field of vibrational frequencies of energy oscillations higher than that of the rotating and pulsating external one can penetrate through this Entrance. the shell of Samsara. This is achieved by continuous work, taking the path to the One God. An attempt to exit Samsara is fraught with a “deadly” outcome if the daredevil does not have enough movement in the directions of straight lines cutting the sphere, namely, this is the only way to exit Samsara in a single moment, and not after millions and millions of years of patient continuous work of the holy ascetic. If there is not enough energy, especially at the last stage of its rotational movement, then the exhausted person falls into the abyss according to the Laws of Samsara. He does not completely die, since he is immortal, but he will have to begin his entire subsequent evolution anew from the lowest point of the abyss. If there is no strength, humble yourself and be just an observer, but learn to radiate your light.

Morya says that in order to get out of Time, from Samsara, you need a Teacher who has done all this himself, and even more than once. Without a Teacher, in His opinion, there is practically no way out of Samsara for a person born on Earth! Morya offers his help, but even in this case, only a few break through the Space-time shell of Samsara. There were always a lot of people who wanted to break through on their own, but everything ended already at the first attempts to penetrate through multidimensionality, that is, an indescribable mixture for us and understandable only to the Spirit of the rotating shells of various worlds and objects standing in the way of the Seeker’s movement. And one of the main obstacles to movement has always been Illusion, hiding the true reality. The circle of Samsara has clouded our consciousness and deprived everyone of cosmic memory at birth. The Circle of Samsara is a wonderful test for the brave spirits of the Earth (Moriya).

We conclude this short story about the circle of Samsara. We could not tell anything about the True Path, when Time loses Power over you (in Sanskrit: kalagiya) and you discover a passage through it into Timelessness; how to grow and how to cleanse your consciousness of centuries-old accumulations of everyday dirt on it; how to avoid falling into the traps of a cunning and insidious Person, who is your opponent, on the way to the Gate. She comes up with many tricks to avoid discovering her true nature. We did not talk about Eternal Life, into which we strive, about Timelessness, the Ocean of Consciousness, about Being in Non-Existence.

I hope that the third issue will be published in the fall of this year, and you - my readers - will accept this information as the beginning of practical work on your liberation from the influences that fetter our Consciousness.

The issue will contain a lot of new knowledge from the field of fundamental physics, including about the infinity of life in the multidimensional structures of the sphere of Samsara.


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The information offered to you for the harmonious development of yourself, the discovery of all kinds of gifts, understanding your destiny and following it, is the totality of my personal experience, the experience of the Ancestors described in ancient manuscripts, and the experience gained from communication with the highest light spirits from the subtle planes of existence (from spiritual mentors, elements, the spirit of the Earth, the spirit of the Solar System, the Creator of our part of the Universe and the first spirit of the Family). Everything that is described served as a leap in development for me and my like-minded friends.
It is not my goal to impose on you what helped me and my friends achieve certain successes in life in understanding ourselves and the world around us. My goal is to show one of the possible ways to achieve enlightenment for a human being. It’s up to you personally to decide whether to use our keys to enter the world of knowledge, the keys of other masters, or create your own.
Every person is special! He has his own unique experience of many lives, his own destiny and his own path to discovering inner strength and amazing abilities. Therefore, I want to emphasize that this teaching will not give you precise instructions in the form of a set of exercises for revealing the Memory of the Family or Clairvoyance, since such exercises simply do not exist - it is impossible to take into account the characteristics of each person in a set of exercises. But there are exercises that help trained people discover their gifts. And we will first talk about preparation, and then about auxiliary exercises.
How is our teaching different from others? Should we be trusted? After all, there are a huge number of different teachings in the world that claim that they can help everyone develop all kinds of abilities. The duration of training is very different - from a ten-day seminar to many years of asceticism and painstaking practices. But how do you understand that this particular teaching can help you discover the power of the Soul within yourself? After all, you can try all your life and, being disappointed, abandon the idea of ​​self-improvement once and for all. The answer is simple - get to know the masters better, observe their lifestyle and try on this image for yourself. Is this what you want? And if you are finally confident in your choice, still trust only your feelings.
The Master is you in the future. If a master is unkempt, unhealthy, unbalanced, and his words do not match his actions, is it worth listening to him? If a master talks about nirvana or amazing abilities, but after many years of teaching he himself has not achieved this, should he become his student?
In the modern world, there are a lot of “masters” who make money from naive students, so I ask you to be vigilant in your choice. Some people believe that real masters do not charge money for training. Sometimes this is true, but you must understand that knowledge is not given for free and has its price. In the Universe, nothing appears from nowhere and flows into nowhere. If you do not pay the master’s work directly, you will have to pay it to the Universe in the form of good deeds or fulfillment of your destiny. The master will also not be left with anything - he will receive much more from the Universe. But if you show greed by receiving knowledge “for free” and using it only for personal purposes, expect lessons and trials. We always receive something and give something away - this is the law of the Universe!
If you have already become familiar with our works and achievements, and feel that there is something to learn from us, then let’s continue. As I mentioned earlier, only prepared people have the opportunity to discover all kinds of divine gifts within themselves. What does preparation include? First of all this:
— Understanding the structure of the Universe.
— Understanding your stay on Earth and fulfilling your purpose.
— Understanding the human structure and its capabilities.
— Understanding the cause-and-effect relationship that opens the gates to Power (opportunities).
— Purification of spirit and body. Achieving balance. Personal Power Set.
When you learn how the world works and what role you personally have in it, life will take on great meaning and become much simpler and more beautiful. Understanding your capabilities and knowing the path that will lead you to their inclusion will allow you to fulfill all your dreams, living in harmony with the world around you to the delight of yourself and the Universe.
It's time to go. To meet you!

Fundamentals of the structure of the Universe

How often do we hear such phrases from mothers or grandmothers: “don’t drink cold water - your throat will hurt!”, “don’t sit in a draft - you’ll catch a cold!”, “don’t put hot food in the refrigerator - it will break!” or “don’t pet the mongrel - you’ll catch the infection!” Oddly enough, all these phrases have no substance; they are stereotypes of thinking that litter the heads of most people. People live in deception, in ignorance, in fear and don’t even try to think about why suddenly you can catch a cold from a draft? How does a draft differ from the wind outside and why can it have such a strong impact on people’s health, and does it have any effect at all? The lives of many people are lived in great fear, and it is fear that is the cause of many problems, and not drafts, dirt and other fictions. What is the cause of fear? – ignorance!
Unfortunately, the school does not give us even an approximate understanding of the structure of the Universe, not to mention a holistic view of the world and its living nature. And if people knew who they were, how they appeared on Earth, why, what connects them with everything that exists, what causes diseases and all sorts of troubles, they would live completely differently and would be happy. Understanding yourself and the world around you opens up unprecedented horizons for you. Any problems cease to be such and life becomes a fabulous paradise, if, of course, you start using what you know. I will try to be brief and clear in my presentation, so I will only describe the basics of the world order.

Creation of worlds and man

To begin with, we need to choose a fulcrum from which the narrative will go, and you can trace the connection from small to large or vice versa.
The entire Universe consists of many energies, which in themselves are alive. These energies, in a special distribution, created great spirits - primordial beings. One of the primordial spirits, whom we call Rod, planned to create a new world within himself. Some other spirits-primal beings, which were smaller, helped him in this, deciding to become part of him. They jointly created the spaces of Prav, Glory, Navi and Reveal, which differed in special frequencies from each other, and the upper spaces penetrated into the lower ones, but not vice versa. In order to constantly gain strength, the Rod established a flow of spirits within itself through the dense worlds of Navi, Reveal and back to itself in Prav. Thus, the spirits created new worlds in these spaces, embodying themselves in them and at the same time creating special energies that nourished the Rod and expanded its borders.
One day, one of the spirits of the Family offered him his structure of the Universe, asking him to allocate 15 cells of the internal space of the Family for him. He created stars and planets, and Rod helped him unite them all into galaxies. One of the names of this spirit is Creator. He created a soul, different shells and bodies in order to embody particles of his spirit in the Universe created on different planets. This is how many types of new life appeared in the body of the Creator. Man became the pinnacle of creation.
The universe where man now lives is closed on itself in the “wheel of life.” Imagine that you have a strange microscope and you begin to peer into a drop of blood. First you would see living cells, then molecules, atoms, electrons, other smaller particles, then you would be able to see formations that are souls, then what we call spirit, and spirit is our universe, which consists of galaxies, which consist of star systems, planets, creatures, bodies, organs and cells. In the end, we come to where we started, but this path is long.
The Spirit of the Family can be compared to a tree, the trunk of which has many branches - smaller spirits, and those branches - even smaller spirits, and on them there are leaves, and they have veins, etc. The spirit of each person is part of a larger spirit and at the same time it is a small part of the spirit of the Family.
Now let's consider who a person is. So that a particle of the Creator’s spirit could develop in the created worlds, God created the Soul - a special living device that collects unique experience bit by bit. This experience is energy that nourishes and strengthens the Spirit. The soul has a nodular shell that folds energy inside, as if tying new knots. It is protected by a vagrian power shell from invasion from outside by other entities and is located between the spaces of Navi and Rule, which is called Interworld or Glory. The soul has the opportunity to incarnate in all the worlds of Navi and Yavi space, of which there are about 300. In order to incarnate the soul in one of the worlds, many bodies of various great spirits, parts of the Creator, were created. For the embodiment of the soul in a Man, 4 bodies are necessary (mental, astral, etheric and dense) - these bodies are temporary, they are created for one incarnation, but they help the soul to develop simultaneously in 4 worlds. The body is dense with thinner bodies, connected by chakras, through which energies flow, nourishing the body, soul and spirit. All four bodies and the soul are connected by a special shell, which unites the entire structure into the human being. This is how a person is born in one of the worlds of Reveal or Navi, starting a new life, receiving experience and impressions from his creations. This experience is a kind of memory that is preserved scattered throughout the Essence of a person, in bodies, soul and spirit. The creature can remember all its past incarnations with a wise lifestyle. But not all events of lives are preserved in the soul, but only special, new ones - there are no repetitions in it. The energies that the Soul receives from the life experience of the entity are different in quality. The spirit needs only wholesome light food. Until the Creature gains the required quantity and quality of strength, it will constantly reincarnate in the dense worlds, locking up its Spirit. Only constant development, creativity and righteous life will help fill the Soul with pure light and subsequently give food to the Spirit and help it return home, to Rule, with new knowledge and new strength.

Worlds Reveal, Navi, Glory and Rule

The world of Reveal is known to all of us. We know him better than anyone else, since our consciousness is tuned specifically to him from birth. This is the densest world of all - the world of gross matter. But it is notable for the fact that the energy in it is, as it were, packaged, and if we take the same volumes of the spaces of Reveal, Navi, Slavi and Rule, then Reveal will have the most energy. Thanks to the world of Reveal, our body can receive enormous strength, nourishing other bodies, soul and spirit. Of course, if we keep our body healthy. But on the other hand, due to the density of space, we are more limited in our actions than in thinner worlds.
Navi space is filled with several worlds. Modern people have given these worlds the names etheric, astral and mental, although these names do not accurately describe the worlds themselves. The name “mirror” is more suitable for the etheric world, since the dense world is reflected in it, as in water. It is a type of dense world and is very similar to our world of Reveal. Human-like creatures inhabit it. They can see us from their world, since the subtler world penetrates the denser one. It also has vegetation and other life forms similar to our world, but there is no eating of one by the other. Some earthly civilizations continued their chronicle in the etheric world and still live there.
The astral world was created so that souls have the opportunity to experience situations that would never happen in the dense world. In it, as in the dense world, there are trees and various creatures. This world consists of two worlds - the second world is, as it were, a superstructure of the first. Every person goes there in their dreams. This is the most controlled of worlds. In the astral world, everything goes according to the script without the right of choice for the creatures inhabiting it - they are like a figment of the imagination, but still alive. Some beings of the astral world can share their power, and some can take away. This world allows the human essence to live many lives in one, adding astral affairs to the affairs of the dense world. It would be more correct to call the astral world “fairy-tale” or the world of dreams.
The mental world is different. It is divided into three worlds in the likeness of a nesting doll - one inside the other. There are no fruits for food there - everyone feeds on energy. The main food of this world is the energy of the stars. There is no vegetation in this world, only an ocean of energies and different creatures, but all intelligent. They have greater opportunities than us, since they have more freedom. But the power of a person’s mind is higher, since a person is God, imprisoned in a dense body. The mental world is an all-pervasive world of constructs. In it, various creations are initially created and, imbued with energies, they descend new beings into the lower worlds. I would call this world creative.
All subtle worlds are tied to the planets, as to living entities, and they are tied to the general volume of Navi.
The Space of Glory is an interworld. Souls live there. The borders of Slava, Navya and Pravya are in contact. There is a subworld in Slavi - it is called Purgatory. Souls go there after incarnations to be cleansed of heavy, bad energies received during incarnation. If there are energies in the soul that are poison for the spirit, that part of the soul will be dismantled into little knots and this action will be painful. Once the soul has been filled with pure energies for its incarnation, it will pass through Purgatory unnoticed to its home, into the vastness of the Interworld. When the soul is filled with high-quality subtle energies over many incarnations, the Spirit will be able to take them all and go to the Rule, to its home, thereby expanding the boundaries of the Rule and receiving enormous power. This will mean that the Spirit has fulfilled its purpose, rising one step higher to the Family. The empty matrix of the soul will then become a haven for new spirits. But if the time has come for the Spirit to return to Rule, and the necessary energies have not been collected, the Soul then ends up with the Spirit in the upper Purgatory, which is located between Glory and Rule. Subtle energies are selected for the Spirit and the Spirit is divided. One part, the thin one, goes to Prav, and the heavier one, together with the Soul, goes back to Slav for subsequent incarnations. This world itself, which I called the upper purgatory, is a great and beautiful creature that fulfills a special purpose.
Rule the space for pure spirits. To be filled with strength, the spirit sets off from Prav on a journey to the dense worlds. For this purpose the Soul and various bodies were created. When he gains the necessary strength, he returns back to Prav and begins to create new worlds. This is how the space of Rule and the Universe itself expands.

47 human chakras

All creatures that inhabit the worlds of Navi and Yavi have special devices that redistribute energies from world to world and from body to body. Our Ancestors called these devices Wheels of Light. In the modern world they are called chakras. Chakras are found in humans, animals, plants, planets, star systems, galaxies, and even blood cells. A person consists of cells that form organs, and those are part of even more organized organs. Every cell and organ has chakras, but at this stage of development we are only interested in those chakras that will help us in revealing superpowers and achieving certain results. It is true to say that a person has several billion chakras, but we will focus on the 47 main ones. Most people on planet Earth have this number of chakras. This amount depends on which star system the soul incarnated from. Despite the presence of the mentioned chakras in most people, not all of them work.
Chakras are installed on the subtle bodies of humans. Spinning, the Wheel of Light begins to condense energies, creating a kind of black hole that opens a channel from the subtle world to the denser world. Energy flows through this channel, which can nourish the body, give it the necessary information, or can be directed to other actions. A person has 15 etheric chakras, 24 astral and 8 mental. All chakras are structured differently and control different types of energies. All chakras connect with the nervous system of the dense human body, opening channels between the worlds and directing energies to the main nerve nodes or vice versa from them. A clear example of one of the chakras is the sun - this huge chakra collects energy in the etheric world and directs it to us. Black holes show the reverse functioning of the chakra.
If a person develops without flaws, then the chakras work properly and the transition of energies occurs without loss. If the channels are damaged, then there will be a constant spill of energies and their mixing with other energy flows, which limits a person’s life activity, from which both the soul and spirit suffer.
A person is born with a different number of chakras turned on. It depends on the antiquity of the soul and its purpose. If a creature makes a great leap in its development, then additional chakras are connected, opening up new opportunities for a person and giving him new strength. If a person is lazy and does not fulfill his destiny, then the chakras, on the contrary, are suspended, the body begins to age from a lack of energy, and the person simply lives out his life. When a person achieves a lot, additional devices can be installed on the chakras, which enhance or distribute energies in a certain way, giving even more opportunities to the person. In some cases, higher spirits can direct energies directly into a person’s chakras for divine accomplishments.
In order to read thoughts and see the future, travel without a body, not sleep at all and not eat food, you need to have all 47 chakras in good working order.
We eat, breathe, see, feel, think - all this collects and directs energies from the dense body to the subtle bodies through the chakras, and then through the shells into the soul, while some of the energies are sent to the system from where the soul came for incarnation. The work of the chakras is monitored by special beings that we call guardian angels. The quality of our life directly affects the quality of the collected energies. If a person smokes, drinks or eats poisonous foods in the form of meat and various chemicals, then soon most of the chakras, mainly astral and mental, close. In this case, a person lives at the lowest level of energies and capabilities.
It is also worth mentioning that each chakra can have within itself a different number of “petals” - additional devices that filter energies according to certain qualities. These petals, like chakras, can be developed or not. The more petals work in a chakra, the greater the volume of energies and in a larger range the chakra can pass through itself.
Let's look at the chakras, the location of the chakras, and some of their purposes. The description of the chakras is very brief; we will go into a more detailed description later.

Ethereal chakras

We will go from bottom to top of the human body - from the feet to the head.

Knee chakras (1,2) protect a person from earthly low-frequency energies. If a person leads a healthy way of thinking and living, strong protection is obtained, but if he eats meat and swears, the protection weakens and the body begins to collapse, starting from the knees.
Palm chakras (3,4) work to receive and release energies within low frequencies. If you develop the sensitivity of these chakras, it will be possible to force the energy to move by laying on hands and subsequent movements, which will allow you to treat various ailments. These chakras can accumulate all the power of the body and direct it to enhance some action or reaction.
Elbow chakras (5,6) connectors are for the shoulder and hand chakras. If the energy was not redistributed between them, the hands would burn.
Shoulder chakras (7,8) , like the previous two - the protective role is carried out for the organs inside, so that the throat and heart chakras do not become clogged. These chakras are also responsible for skin health and cover the heart chakra on top.
Source chakra (9). The source chakra has 3 petals. One petal draws energy from the masculine principle of the planet. The second draws strength from the feminine principle. And the third petal connects to cosmic systems, drawing strength from them, starting from the spirit of the planet and reaching out to the Creator himself.
All types of creatures on planet Earth, which are divided into male and female, collectively form two Origins - male and female. These Origins are special energy-informational spaces; they can also be called spirits or egregors. In the Slavic Rodnoverie, these principles are reflected in the images and. Each of the Origins contains all kinds of energies that are exchanged between the origins of each individual being, including humans.
The source chakra is the basis of the entire energy-informational structure of a person. The performance of all other chakras and a person’s longevity depend on it. It also plays a major role in the birth of new life.
As I said earlier, there is a constant cycle of energy in the Universe. Everything that exists is interconnected with each other, and if one being takes energy from another, it must return the debt with a small surplus, and the surplus is its own creation. For example, if someone taught you how to draw, you must pass this art on to someone else, plus create your own creation using the knowledge gained. It is thanks to this law that our Universe is constantly evolving.
The source chakra can “borrow” energies through the three petals from various great spirits, but the person will be obliged to return these energies afterwards. If he constantly takes and in return gives less or does not give at all, then the petals of the chakra begin to cover up, and then the chakra itself begins to fade, from which the entire energy structure of a person suffers. This leads to the activation of the aging mechanism and the subsequent death of the dense body.
The generation of one’s own energy occurs through the dense body of a person and his mental activity. If a person keeps his dense body clean and cheerful, then the source chakra will be replenished with dense energies, giving an impulse to the spinal energy column, thereby including the entire energy system thanks to which a person lives. A person’s thoughts and actions create energies that feed, through the petals of the source chakra, both the male and female principles, and the entire cosmos, starting from planet Earth and ending with the entire Universe. In this way, we repay our debt, that is, the borrowed energies during the incarnation of our soul in the world of Reveal.
Here it is worth dwelling on the very process of incarnation of the soul, namely conception. Conception is a great sacrament of two lovers, which cannot be predicted or calculated by the mind. Modern science knows practically nothing about this, and the union of a sperm with an egg is only a consequence of the incarnation of the spirit of the unborn child, which depends not on us, but on the spirit itself and the rest of the Universe. I will not plunge into the mystery entirely, and this is not possible. I will only describe the secrets that I know and can help you maintain your own longevity and give birth to beautiful, healthy children.
For a spirit to be able to incarnate in our world, it needs enough energy to create a new body and organize its energy-informational structure. The spirit can spend this energy from its reserves (its own soul), but this is fraught with the loss of the experience of many years of the previous life, or even entire incarnations. Moreover, before the formation of a self-sufficient adult personality, a person’s spirit is dependent on many circumstances that can lead him away from full self-awareness, which will put an end to replenishing the energy he expended. Such attempts at incarnation can greatly deplete the spirit, which comes to Earth in order, on the contrary, to replenish its strength. Therefore, he relies entirely on his future parents. And through parents, the spirit can receive a loan of energy from the Universe itself. But the quantity and quality of these energies depends on the parents themselves.
The older the soul of the incarnating spirit, the more energy is needed for the birth and formation of a harmonious personality. Each of the parents has source chakras, and they have three petals. If the spirit is incarnated in the body of a boy, then he needs a large amount of male energies, which are mainly taken through the petal of the masculine principle of the father, and if in the body of a girl, then the feminine energies will be taken through the petal of the feminine principle from the mother. The remaining energies will be taken from cosmic systems (spirits) through the third petal of the source chakra. To reach the divine peaks (the most subtle energies) with this petal, a strong impulse is needed, which can be generated by all other chakras, working together. Such an impulse is easy to create when all chakras are working, but it is more difficult and dangerous with a smaller number. Through the chakras of mom and dad, what is needed is selected, while the parents complement each other. If a married couple has a low level of awareness and during their lives neither the man nor the woman has been able to sufficiently develop the petals of the source chakra, then the ancient soul is unlikely to want to incarnate in their family. As a rule, young souls are born to such parents. In our difficult times, when there are very few conscious, knowing parents on the planet, ancient souls sometimes have to take risks in order to incarnate and fulfill their task. In this case, not only the incarnate spirit suffers from a lack of energy and overexpenditure of its personal power, but also the parents. If the spirit of the boy did not receive enough male energies at conception, then these energies will be taken later as part of the vital force of the father or the male line of the family. If the father cannot find ways to replenish his strength, he may die prematurely. The same will happen with regard to the embodiment of the ancient spirit in the body of a girl, but on the maternal side.
In my case, after my birth my father became very ill. Doctors were unable to make a diagnosis, sentencing him to the last two years of his life. He still found the strength to give up junk food and habits, which added an additional eight years to his life. After my father, my grandfather fell ill with a similar disease. They left within one year of each other, and my grandfather became my guardian angel. I am grateful to my family for sacrificing their lives for mine and I believe that I can fulfill my debt to them and the Universe. To embody the spirit of my wife, all the costs of the feminine principle were borne by her grandmother. Previously healthy and strong, immediately after giving birth she literally began to fade before our eyes. But these losses could have been avoided if there had been a different society, different knowledge, a different level of awareness of humanity.
With a righteous life, the petals of the source chakra, together with other chakras, gain strength and can cover the entire range of energies. Such parents can easily give birth to a child with an ancient soul, while the parents themselves will not suffer at all from this, but, on the contrary, will have the opportunity to replenish themselves with additional strength and abilities.
What contributes to the development of the source chakra and its petals?
Healthy eating (vegetarian, raw food) and thinking.
Physical exercise.
Kind attitude towards both one and the other sex. Mutual assistance and joint creativity. (for petals of the masculine and feminine principles).
A good attitude towards the environment. Mutual assistance and joint creativity. (for the petal of the cosmic system).
Belly Chakra (10) nourishes all organs with vital force. Through it, it is possible to enhance the flow of energies for the treatment of diseased organs, provided that the person fulfills his purpose.
Chest chakra or stomach chakra (11) generally not used to its full capacity. It is like a release of what is dangerous or unnecessary for the body or soul. Stagnant energies are taken from the whole body through it.
Heart chakra (12) is responsible for receiving energy, which is called “Living”. This energy gives strength to the entire body.
Throat chakra (13) provides connection between the Cosmos and the Earth, soul and body. It redistributes energies, and only through it do they flow from cosmic systems to the body and back - from the body to the soul. This chakra also connects and supports the forehead chakra.
Frontal Chakra (14) used to obtain information about the surrounding space - not only in the present time, but also in the future. In this way, you can anticipate events, for example, danger.
The supra-head chakra is the fontanel (15). The subtlest energy flows through it. Without the work of this chakra, the existence of the body is not possible. It is responsible for the position of the body in the energy flows of the Earth. Energy passes through it from cosmic systems through shells to the physical body. The supra-head chakra cannot fully open if at least one of the lower chakras is not functioning well.
All etheric chakras work for each person. And even if a person’s hand is cut off, they remain in their place, but work idle.

Astral chakras

The astral chakras are activated when a person falls asleep or is immersed in hypnosis. At the same time, they muffle sensations in the dense body. One of the tasks of the astral chakras is to maintain a connection within the essence of a person between the dense body and the astral body during dreams, when the soul is working through various life circumstances.

Foot (1,2), knee (3,4), elbow (7,8), waist (11,12) and axillary (9,10) chakras necessary to feel and move in the astral world as in the dense world. The foot chakras allow you to fly - like the nozzles of a rocket, they can turn 180 degrees.
Two chakras above the bronchi (17, 18) control breathing. A person breathes through them in the astral body.
The four main chakras are the abdomen (14), stomach (15), heart (16) and neck (19) run along the length of the spine. In addition to protective duties, they distribute energy from the astral body along the astral spine, although the body itself does not exist as such, but there is a device that resembles it.
Exuding Chakra (13) plays the same role as the chakra of the dense body - it gives impulse to the spinal column of energies
Frontal Chakra (23) provides eye protection.
The chakra is located near the cerebellum (20) that looks down.
Each hemisphere of the brain has chakras (21,22) that are located above the ears. They protect the astral brain. The danger of the astral world is that without protection, a person’s astral body can be damaged during wanderings. It is important that the chakras work properly.
Overhead chakra (24) allows you to separate the astral body in any direction from the body - left, right, down, but not up.

Mental chakras

Source chakra (1) , filled to the brim with energy allows people to embody souls with great spirit.
Further along the spine there are two chakras, which abdominal cavity (2) And abdominal cavity (3) cover. They endow all organs with mental energy. And if a person eats clean food, then the chakra above the head has the opportunity to fill them enough for a healthy and long life on Earth.
Heart chakra (4) can accumulate mental energy to restore the body. This energy, like plasticine, can fill up holes anywhere in the body.
Throat Chakra (5) like the others below, it distributes mental energy through vertebrate channels. When the channels are clean and in good order, it is possible for the healer to give healing to another person by laying on his hand.
Behind the cerebellum is the chakra (6) so that a healthy person is. Strengthens the capabilities of both hemispheres of the brain with mental energy. Thanks to it, you can penetrate your ancestral memory, dive into the past, or solve problems in the present that are many times greater than the capabilities of ordinary people.
Frontal Chakra (7) helps to see on subtle planes. If you want to see the structure of the internal organs, you permeate them with the subtlety of energies and see their condition.
Overhead chakra (8) receives energy only when the mental body is ripe to endow a person with the abilities of clairvoyance, hearing, teleportation, levitation, enhancing the influence of the dense body, and more. It always runs in idle mode, even for a very young entity. In developed people, it transmits enough energy to use the above abilities. Thanks to the subtlety of mental energies, it becomes possible to perform actions in the etheric and dense bodies to transform them.
Energy flows from the mental body to the chakra above the head and is then distributed to the chakras below. This energy is much thinner than the previous layers and when the chakras work in perfect mode, it reaches the dense body like building material from which any objects can be created. The peculiarity of the supra-head chakra is that it transmits energy not only from the mental body, but also from the systems of cosmic mental space.


Be careful, there are a lot of letters.

Part 1 When you grow up, you’ll find out for yourself..


Once upon a time my brain had a lot of free space. About the same as a new hard drive. Apart from vital programs and an operating system, there was almost nothing in it, and therefore many things that were obvious to adults seemed to me to be the greatest secret of the universe.

One day, many guests gathered in our house with one common gift to congratulate their father on his birthday, and so we got the miracle of the Sirius-311 radio. Along with the new product of the domestic electronics industry, my father was given a whole bunch of records, both store-bought and homemade, on X-rays. Such plates were called “bones” because human “details”—parts of the skeleton and internal organs of patients—were clearly visible in the photographs.

It was on these bones that I first heard Vysotsky’s song “Rumors.” There is this line: “...They say your neighbor was taken away because he looks like Beria.” I immediately ran up to my father, who was sitting at the head with my mother, and asked loudly: “Dad!” Who is Beria? The guests simply crawled over with laughter... And in response I heard: “When you grow up, you’ll know for yourself. Run, son, play there, there are grown-up uncles and aunts here. You don’t need to listen to them.”

So I learned for the rest of my life that, again, quoting V.S. Vysotsky, “the amazing is nearby, but it is prohibited.” Armed with a new “driver”, I began to explore the world around me with renewed energy, but most importantly, having chosen new methods of knowledge, taking into account the fact that not everything will be told to you openly, and I discovered the following wonderful discovery: - It turns out that adults themselves don’t know a damn thing. they understand, they only pretend that they understand, while they reassure themselves and those around them with meaningless words and excuses.

One day I ask my mother: “Why did the bus stop and we walk so far in twenty-degree frost, to the music school?”
- It's broken.
- What's broken? Has the wheel fallen off? Is the steering wheel stuck?
- Don't know. Who cares?

For my mother it made no difference, but for me it was extremely important. I wanted to understand why the bus did not take us further, and the explanation “broke down” did not give the required answer.

Such disappointment has become a natural state for me. I have had the opportunity to be convinced many times that even teachers, who are created to EXPLAIN, also know nothing about this world. And the most incomprehensible thing for me was why they don’t even want to know anything!?

I remember how shocked I was by the answer to my question asked to the school teacher of botany-zoology-biology-anatomy. During the lesson, he told us about a well-known experiment when a person is brought to his hand with a piece of hot metal, and quickly replaces it with another, cold piece, and touches the skin. A person gets a burn in this place, the same one that could only be left by a hot object. I ask the teacher: “Yuri Fedorovich, why is this happening?” And he answers me: “Self-hypnosis”!

Damn it, is this the answer! What does “self-hypnosis” mean? Can you tell me the mechanism of how living tissue cells can be physically damaged under the influence of a cold iron plate? After all, what is suggestion? This is, for example, when a person is sick, but he was convinced that he is healthy. Then the patient begins to think that he is healthy, but in fact his illness does not disappear. This is the suggestion.

But if real, physical, material changes in the state of a substance or tissue occur, then what kind of suggestion can we talk about? Suggestion is the imposition of an illusion, an image of something that does not exist in nature, in the material world. But if they hit me on the head with a piece of ice, then I will have bruises and abrasions, no matter how much you convince me that it is water. There is no water damage. The water would just wet my head. This means that the state of matter changed from liquid to solid, and despite the fact that water did not turn into forget-me-not, it acquired the properties of a solid. What does suggestion have to do with it?

That's how it burned. This is the result of exposure to high temperature to living tissue. The state of matter has changed. Not aggregate, but qualitative, but it has changed, even if you crack it! And what does this have to do with illusions in the head caused by suggestion? In fact, the skin was burned, and Yuri Fedorovich is content to explain this phenomenon with just one word: - “Self-hypnosis”!

Thank you Yuri Fedorovich! I know that you are still working to this day, and thank God that now you are a colonel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and not a school teacher. However, you are one of those who made me critically evaluate everything that is considered an immutable truth. He encouraged me to not be content with explanations like “when you grow up, you’ll know,” “it’s broken,” “self-hypnosis,” or “she drowned.”

Part 2 Extrafilms as a tool for obtaining initial data.

Today, rewinding my life back in my memory like a film, I understand that it was at that time when I was an inquisitive and persistent teenager that I began to seek fundamentally different ways of understanding the world. I clearly realized that when reading books, we absorb errors and misconceptions, and often outright lies of the authors of these books, and instead of getting closer to the truth, we move further and further from it. What was to be done in the complete absence of alternative information, having only teaching aids approved by the USSR Ministry of Education? Like D.I. Mendeleev got the hint in a dream.

I learned not to sleep in my sleep. Nowadays this is called lucid dreaming. This is when you realize that your mind is asleep while in your relaxed body, but at the same time you understand everything. You see, hear, move arbitrarily in space, evaluate your surroundings, read inscriptions, ask questions, etc., and after waking up, you remember everything. Now I call it “extrafilms”.

Why exactly “films” and not “travel”, for example? Because it all started with shows, this is when you find yourself in some place, as an observer. Like a camera installed on the panel of an ATM. You see, hear, evaluate what is happening, but you cannot even turn your head to see what is on the sides. Now “shows” have become a rarity, now I can almost always move in any direction, look at objects from all sides, but I decided not to change the terminology. Sentiment is not alien to me either.

And during such viewings, I discovered a strange thing. Most of what they show me, I am unable to describe using the Russian language. It’s not that my vocabulary is limited, no, as for wagging my tongue, it won’t “rust” for me. Here the problem is of a different nature. What I see in “extrafilms” has no analogues in the real world. I'll explain now.

For example, you find yourself on a desert island, where a tribe lives, who have not heard anything about the existence of another world, confident that besides their island and the ocean there is nothing else at all. The tribe has a language of communication consisting of twelve letters and seven hundred words. Their most complex tool is a sharpened stick for hunting fish.

And then the day comes when you have mastered the Aboriginal language, and begin to describe OUR world to them, using THEIR language. What will happen? Well, at least try to explain to them what a “locomotive” is. "Barn on wheels"? So they don’t know what a barn is, much less what a wheel is. "Iron Behemoth"? But the savages do not know what iron is. All? Dead end? Definitely. You will return from the island without salty bread.

Our ancestors had at least a minimal conceptual apparatus, so to describe unknown phenomena they used images accessible to their imagination. For example, "flying chariot". It was absolutely clear to me that by this concept they meant some kind of technical device capable of moving through the air. I just couldn’t understand why they used the word “chariot.” It would be more logical to call it “flying boat” or “iron bird”. The epiphany came when I saw some of the UFO images.

He slapped himself on the forehead: “Damn!” But a “chariot” is not a gig with wheels at all. A CHARIOT is a form of apparatus! WHEEL - that's how to say it correctly. It was the wheel that our ancestors defined as the “flying saucer”, because it is the closest in image to the objects known at that time! The “wheel” turned into a “chariot” either due to the loss of some concepts, or through the fault of translators and interpreters.

Now do you understand the main problem that faces me when I try to describe what I saw in my extra films? This is the absence of a set of specific images in the conceptual apparatus used by our contemporaries. Something that has no analogues in the surrounding world is extremely difficult to explain without demonstrating a visual image. In addition, there vision does not play a leading role at all.

What is important there is the feeling of the particles from which our world is created, passing through you. But comparing this sensation with the penetration of a scalpel into the stomach is also pointless. This needs to be felt, but there are no concepts and images to describe it, and there will not be until we have learned to evaluate reality using not only, and not so much, the standard set of senses given to the human body. Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste, to understand the structure of the world, are just as insufficient as knowledge of one of Ohm’s laws for assembly. It is impossible to solve a quadratic equation knowing only the multiplication table. No one can determine the chemical formula of a substance with only a magnifying glass in their hands.

Nevertheless, realizing the complexity of the task that I undertake, I will still try to explain some of the principles of the structure of the world that I managed to get to in the process of finding answers to questions of interest. I will try to do this as concisely as possible, at least at the level of describing a UFO as a “flying chariot.” However, taking into account all of the above, it becomes clear that theses will not get you off here.

Part 3 Timelessness as a physical term.

Probably everyone, in the process of studying school courses in astronomy, chemistry and physics, came to the conclusion that the structure of the microcosm and macrocosm are suspiciously similar. The same insight once came to me. I remember the horror I felt when I imagined that our universe, for someone, could be just a microscopic part of the matter located in their world.

When the teacher was talking about the Brownian motion of molecules in heated water, as if on a movie screen, I saw some guy holding a test tube to a flaming alcohol lamp, and in what for him is a solution, but for us the universe, a chaotic acceleration of the movement of atoms begins from heating in molecules. For a man, they are atoms, but for us they are stars, and these stars - atoms begin to fly into each other at breakneck speed, collide, knock out electrons, protons and neutrons from each other... After all, planet Earth is also an invisible particle for him! Here it is, the end of the world! The fact that for our world there is a global cosmic collapse, in their world everything is just a chemical reaction, or a banal boiling.

Scary? Scary. Until you realize that time and space, so obvious to humans, are completely relative things. After all, what is time? This is just a series of events, their sequence at one specific point in space that we have chosen to observe. Being at this specific point in space, we see individual elements of a single event, in parts, and not simultaneously.

There is a well-known paradox to describe this process. This is when an observer sits in an office with an open door, past which visitors to the institution pass along the corridor. A lady with a dog appeared at the open door and immediately disappeared from sight. Following her, the figure of a rocker in a studded leather jacket appeared in the doorway. Then an old woman with a string bag containing a loaf of bread and a bottle of kefir. To the observer in the office, all these events seem separate, and the pauses between events are precisely what add up in his mind in a sequence, creating the illusion of the passage of time. It is an illusion, and not all reality.

It is enough to make the ceiling transparent and place an observer on the top floor of the building so that he can simultaneously observe the entire floor, stairs, corridor, and colleagues’ offices. And then the picture will change dramatically, along with a spatial change in the observation point. Colleagues in their offices will continue to observe individual events - the appearance and disappearance of visitors in doorways. And an observer who has moved his location from the office to the highest level will see all visitors at the same time! What looks like the past and the future for colleagues, for a man standing on a transparent floor will become existing at the same time!

This means that our whole life is a sequence of events from birth to death exclusively for each of us, subjectively. Anyone who observes these events from another point in space sees both birth and death at the same time. For him, time does not exist at all. At the point where he is, there is only one present, without any past or future. But this is only what concerns our world. The world of the observer will continue to have a past, present and future. However, there are other observers above our observer, this is a fractal structure that expands and at the same time contracts to infinity.

I called this state “TIMELESS” because I did not know that General Denikin first used this word, but in a different meaning. Nowadays, the term is used by journalists and writers to denote an abstract, figurative concept when describing chaos, difficult times of troubles, social and cultural stagnation.

For me, timelessness remains a very real concept to explain a physical, not an emotional phenomenon. Timelessness has many ways of expression. In repetitions of events, in the reverse movement of time, in its acceleration or deceleration for one or a group of observers, as well as the difference in the speed of subjective time.

So to a fly, a person seems like a barely moving amorphous block. She manages to live for several days during the period in which we pour ourselves a cup of tea. For a turtle, everything is diametrically opposite. In a moment of a turtle's life, we manage to light a fire. For a person, a fly circling in a room is a small dark speck running around at breakneck speed. We can examine the fly only if it remains motionless for some time. In the same way, a turtle sitting on the side of the sidewalk along which people are walking sees vaguely flickering, blurry shadows. And the concept of flies is completely inaccessible to her. Despite the fact that flies coexist with turtles at the same time for humans, and in the same material world, they do not exist for each other!

So is it any wonder that we also have no idea about those who exist in the same world next to us?! Then it becomes clear why sometimes we see UFOs or unknown creatures not recognized by science. Let’s imagine that a fly drank fermented juice, relaxed, and froze next to some kind of “garbage” that its grandparents had flown over many times. And suddenly some of this “garbage” began to move! Yes, this is exactly how a fly will perceive a turtle’s head poking out from under its shell.

Meanwhile, for a moment the turtle will also see something supernatural! An unknown creature with paws and transparent wings materialized out of nowhere. “Wow!!! Annu - nahi are back! – thought the turtle, and with furious speed threw out its graceful neck to grab the “alien”, but... The fly dematerialized, teleported, in the turtle’s opinion, in the blink of an eye. So for the turtle world, flies continue to remain mythical creatures, esotericism, ufological nonsense, Fomenkovism and Zadornovism. And the fly’s colleagues will accuse him of Chudinovism or Davidenkoism if she shares her discovery with them. And so as not to be considered a moron, she will never admit that she herself saw how one part of the “garbage” began to move.

Part 4 Ether in the fractal structure of dimensions.

But the subjective properties of time are just flowers! It becomes truly interesting only when you get to the images that give an understanding of the essence and laws of functioning of living space, and its interaction with time.

First you need to triple the productivity of the imagination, and imagine the multivariate construction of space, which occurs under the influence of the free will of the creatures inhabiting it. Our scientists, like theologians, have no doubt that only one creature in this world has free will - man. I don’t doubt for a second that other participants in the action interact with us invisibly, and sometimes visibly, who are endowed with no less developed abilities, but most likely, on the contrary, are much more ahead of us in this ability.

Thus, science officially denies the existence of telepathy, for example, but at the same time this phenomenon is actively used by governments and intelligence agencies. Clerics salivate at the mention of the existence of spirits, but at the same time their cult of saints actively flourishes, who are completely indistinguishable from the spirits with whom the pagans communicate.

This suggests that we are not the only ones in our world who have free will and perform meaningful actions leading to a change in the state of matter. But how multidimensional is our world? And what connections exist between dimensions?

Let's try to start with a simple example. Let's say you woke up early in the morning and are wondering whether to get up right away or lie down for a minute? And as soon as you thought about it, a separation of the worlds immediately occurred. In one of the dimensions you stood up, and in the other you continue to lie down “just a minute more.” Let's say that for some reason your spirit has chosen the dimension in which you need to stand right away. Here you are faced with a new choice: should you put your left foot into the slipper first, or your right? And again the division of worlds arises.

No matter how continuously you have to use your free will, so often a new world arises, parallel, built by your thoughts, your will. And now imagine how many layers of worlds created by you alone appear in just one hour? And all these worlds continue to exist simultaneously. But there are still more than seven billion carriers of free will around you, and these are only those who are recognized by science and theologians, and those whom we do not see, but exist next to us, they also continuously generate new parallel universes!

And thanks to the discussion of this version, I became convinced that many people besides me, independently of me, came to similar conclusions. Here, for example, is a fragment of the last letter written by my good friend maxodeva: -

“The main idea is that the World is a fractal structure, maybe static, maybe growing (the World Tree - a tree is one of the simplest fractal structures). A structure of much greater dimensionality than the 3D we perceive. Our present (ray of perception) seems to highlight a certain point on this fractal structure, and our life is a certain trajectory of movement along the fractal. Movement along a fractal is necessary if the dimension of the subject’s perception is lower than the dimension of the fractal structure and the subject cannot perceive the entire fractal at once. Then the concept of “time” arises as a measure of movement along a fractal and is not an absolute concept. The speed of time is the speed of movement and the speed of perception of reality (the speed of understanding the structure of a fractal) at the same time.

If the perception of a subject (his present) is at a certain point in the World, then there are many points to which the subject can move further (this is a multivariate future) and many points from which one could get to the current point (this is a multivariate past).

Phenomena that in 3D are seen as unrelated, in a larger dimension can be simply parts of one phenomenon. Once, at the Chemistry Olympiad, my child was given the task of imagining what the periodic table looks like in the world of two-dimensionality. The main thing is that electrons in shells are located in three dimensions, but in the world of two-dimensional people there is no third dimension, which means they do not see part of the shells and will not be able to understand where the electrons come from, which in our world move through the third dimension :). Now I realized that all the paradoxes with probabilities in our microworld can be associated with the fact that elementary particles actually move in a world of higher dimensions.”

A? What! For me it is the highest degree of pleasure to read thoughts that even in detail repeat my own experiences. This can only be compared with a great scientific discovery, believe me!

However, we now have another task: - To describe the indescribable with our fingers. And if so, then all methods are good to achieve this goal. Let’s begin to “obscurantize” in spite of the “educated” know-it-alls who do not use any other argument other than: - “Read the textbook”!

1 - The ether is in continuous motion in all directions simultaneously, and at the same time with different speeds at once, because speed is a relative thing, Kamenev cannot be refuted in this. At the same time, the dispute between those who believe that the universe is expanding and those who are confident that it is contracting is removed. As paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, both are right. The movement of the ether is multi-vector and fractal; the principle of relativity applies here again. It all depends on the choice of observation point in space.
2 - Ether is the basic “building” material for the creation of various chemical elements, and this gives reason to believe that the alchemists were right, and the transmutation of stable elements is not science fiction, but the law of the existence of matter, and its usual property is the transition from one state to another, both at the atomic level and including aggregate states. Let me immediately note that this assumption automatically places the existence of magic in the category of completely scientific phenomena.
3 - At different points in space, the density of matter can be different in the same unit of time. This statement allows us to accept without much shock the fact that some UFOs, like a knife through butter, penetrate giant rocks, planets, and even the Sun. Temperature, I note, matters only for dense matter.
4 - Among the “generators” for creating new material objects, and transforming one into another, there is also human thought, which affects the ether, causing it to mutate into new elements, creating the necessary density, state of aggregation and all the parameters inherent in both dense physical bodies, as well as more rarefied ones, similar to radiation known to science.
5 - The fuel, or energy for the transition of matter from one state to another with the help of thought, is the natural vibrations of the moving ether. Just as ocean waves have kinetic energy that can be easily converted into useful work, so ethereal “waves” have an inexhaustible resource for the functioning of generator-converters, which is the human brain.
6 - Such vibrations simultaneously have different frequencies, powers and amplitudes. How is this possible? Perhaps, if you imagine that the ether is both energy and a conductor. 60 years ago, people began to use frequency dividers to broadcast many different channels of different frequencies over one wire. At the output there is a decoder that picks up any of the channels in accordance with the operator’s settings. By the way, why our modern communication centers are still talking about the lack of free pairs for telephone subscribers, I don’t understand. I'm not a signalman. But in my opinion, it has long been possible to use one cable for an entire block if you use frequency dividers, which were used in the armed forces even under Tsar Gorokh.

These six points are more demonstrative, to describe the images that I see, but which I am not able to describe due to the lack of necessary funds. I cited them only to make it possible to determine the approximate direction in which one should move in order to obtain a more accurate picture of the structure of the universe.

Part 5 Quantum physics about spirit and mind.

The idea that if I was mistaken, it would not be very much, came to me after becoming acquainted with some of the basics of quantum physics. I even saved an excerpt from a popular science article on this topic as a keepsake, and I can’t resist showing it to you, despite the fact that I didn’t save the name of the author of the article: -

“Quantum physics shows us that the world around us is not something rigid and unchanging, as it might seem. Instead, it is something constantly changing, built on our individual and collective thoughts.
What we consider to be true is actually an illusion, almost a circus trick. Fortunately, we have already begun to uncover this illusion and, most importantly, to look for opportunities to change it.

What is your body made of? The human body is made up of nine systems, including the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and urinary tract systems.

What are they made of?
From tissues and organs.
What are tissues and organs made of?
From cells.
What are cells made of?
From molecules.
What are molecules made of?
From atoms.
What are atoms made of?
From subatomic particles.
What are subatomic particles made of?
From energy!

You and I are pure energy-light in its most beautiful and intelligent embodiment. An energy constantly changing beneath the surface, but under the control of your powerful intellect. You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being.

If you could see yourself under a powerful electron and conduct other experiments on yourself, you would be convinced that you consist of a bunch of constantly changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons and so on.
So is everything that surrounds you. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be where and how we see it. An object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you see, your observations, your attention to something, and your intention, literally creates that object.

This is proven by science. Your world consists of spirit, mind and body. Each of these three elements, spirit, mind and body, performs a function that is unique to it and not available to the others. What your eyes see and your body feels is the physical world, which we will call the Body. A body is an effect created for a reason.

This reason is Thought. The body cannot create. It can only sense and be felt... this is its unique function. Thought cannot feel... it can only invent, create and explain. She needs the world of relativity (the physical world, the Body) in order to feel herself.
Spirit is All That Is, that which gives Life to Thought and Body. The body does not have the power to create, although it gives such an illusion. This illusion is the cause of many disappointments. The body is simply a result and does not have the power to cause or create anything.

The key to all this information is the opportunity for you to learn to see the Universe differently, in order to give embodiment to everything that is your true desire.”

Imagine now the role and place of man in this perfect system! Today it is simply impossible for the human mind to cope with this task, just as it is unable to rise into the air with the help of the muscular strength of the arms. But we have no way out, and we’ll have to move on to the most interesting part. By time.
Taking into account the endless branching of options for the development of the future, when observing from a certain point from which the past, present and future are visible simultaneously, among the infinite number of fractal structures there must certainly be found at least one in which two different segments of the past and future belonging to various options.

This paradox inevitably causes... a change in the past! It’s fantastic, but quantum theory itself indirectly confirms the likelihood of such an event occurring. What is this probability? Probably insignificant, but it does not cease to exist because of this. But... If we do not forget that the human brain is the generator of space formation, and the architect of the creation of an infinite number of fractal branches, then it becomes clear that the probability of an event combining different periods of time can become a pattern.

For example: - An orangutan noticed that if you hit a tree with a stick, a tasty thing will fall off it. Further, every time he passes by a tree, he will earn himself a bonus. Once discovered, a random event ceases to be random by the will of the subject, and turns into a pattern.

Therefore, the past, having changed once as a result of the influence of free will, will certainly change again and again. And then it turns out that not only the future is multivariate, but also the past. And there is no paradox here.

This event will look paradoxical only for one subject at a certain point in space, and specifically in a segment of the time vector, if he is not aware of the mobility and multidimensionality of the world. But if he understands that he is in one dimension, in which the future came as it came, and this dimension intersected with another, in which those prerequisites for the occurrence of the observed future did not exist, then the past was completely different!

And here comes a vague understanding of what we see on earth and cannot explain in any way. The Yonaguni underwater complex, megalithic structures, dragons, satyrs, pseglavians, etc., all this does not belong to OUR branch of reality. Somewhere the dimensions intersected, and we are observing not ours, but someone else’s past, from those sectors of the fractal that do not have a common root with our reality. And this is only one of the possible phenomena that can be explained by this theory.

Deja vu, the repetition of events in different variations at different times, the suspiciously long life expectancy of some historical characters, all this is the result of influence on the past. May be. But I am extremely glad that I was not the only one who came to understand this issue. Maybe I wouldn’t write about it, why write for myself? But after a conversation with friends, I realized that perhaps there are others who carry all this within themselves, but cannot express it.

This is what mylnikovdm writes to me:

“Yes, you’re right, the past also changes, just like the future. Not only does changing the future often require changing the past, because there is such a thing as causation. If there was some event or cause in the past, then it must inevitably have a consequence. There are two ways to avoid this consequence. Either form some kind of resistance, or change the event itself, the cause.

Here look. You take and throw a stone. It flies along a certain trajectory and arrives at the target. At the same time, in the middle of the flight (present), there are two states: the past, when you threw the stone, and the future, when the stone hits the target.

Now there is someone who is in the present while the stone is still flying, and who does not want the stone you throw to hit its target. What can he do?

For material beings who cannot work with energy-information fields, there is only one option, this is to somehow influence the stone so that it changes its trajectory or collapses. For the majority of people living today, who are too immersed in dense matter and have lost their ability to work with energy-information fields, this option will actually be the only one.

But for creatures that can influence energy-information fields, it is possible to change information about the past, thereby changing the consequences that will occur in the future. And for those who do not have dense material bodies to exert a material impact according to the first option, on the contrary, this particular method is the only possible one. There is also, of course, an option when they find someone in a material body and influence him so that he performs the desired physical effect for them.

Thus, the set of possible options looks exactly like the letter Z (life), where the center of the letter is the present, the intersection point of all possible options from the past, which allow us to obtain the current state. But further from the current state, the future options also diverge into several possible options, depending on from which past we got to this present.

Another interesting point that I was also once told about. The further away they are from the present event, the easier it is to change them. Events that have just happened or are about to happen are very difficult to change. Moreover, the more complex changes need to be made, the more energy needs to be spent, since nearby events have a very strong connection with the present.

It's also interesting that there aren't many options for the present. There is only one. Moreover, this is something like a giant quantum computer that executes the program of the Universe, in which each atom is simultaneously an executing element of this computer.

Creating several such “computers” would require too much energy. Therefore, there is only one and there are no “parallel universes”, and if they exist, they will not be connected in any way with ours, and therefore we do not care, since events in another universe cannot have a direct impact on ours. But, like any computer, it changes its state every tick based on information about the past, moving one tick into the future. This means that if we can change information about the past, then we thereby change the state to which this computer-Universe will come in the future.

Yes, another interesting conclusion follows from this. Physical travel in time is not possible in principle, since in principle there is no matter either in the past or in the future. It exists only in the present. In a sense, matter is the constantly changing present. But you can move mentally, reading the energy-information fields of both the past and the future.

It is also impossible to predict the future with 100% accuracy, as well as to describe the past with 100% accuracy, since they are invariant.”

So what do you think? Dmitry, I'm proud of you! It's just some kind of holiday! When you see a person who has such clarity of mind and a deep understanding of “indescribable” processes, you no longer need marmalade or chocolate, you understand how incomparably more valuable is the fulfillment of a person than all the material riches of the world.

And here is another addition from koctroma2

Modern humanity at this point in time has quite a lot of different types of evidence of the existence of worlds different from the visible world of forms - the material plane of planet Earth. The existence of other worlds gradually becomes a stable picture of the world. Interest in “other” worlds, as well as in issues of interaction with such worlds, usually comes down to thinking about what qualities or paranormal abilities a person must have in order to “see”, feel, interact with such a different world, as well as with its representatives, there are also plenty of opinions and points of view on this matter on how to develop the ability to “see, hear, feel.” There has been a strong public opinion among “knowledgeable” people that in order to have paranormal, extrasensory abilities at the first stage it is necessary to develop, accumulate, etc. Sensitivity to the perception of the subtle world.

For many practitioners, energetic, spiritual, yogic, etc. With practice this works, but many don’t. But even those who manage to develop some extraordinary abilities, that is, those that not everyone living today have, sooner or later hit the ceiling, they suddenly understand that there is a limit to the development of these abilities, and beyond a certain level of development human beings, practices that focus on ability are doomed to failure. A reasonable question arises: what to do next and what to do for those who really want to “open their third eye,” but never want to open it?
Let's start with the fact that many people still have a persistent misconception about the purpose of a person, his essential definition, his abilities and capabilities, and, accordingly, about the need for their development, disclosure, etc.
One of the basic statements of the Esoteric teaching says:
“Man is, first of all, a Soul that exists “eternally,” and also follows the path of evolution and can periodically be reincarnated in new physical bodies, which it organizes for itself according to a certain order and template, from the cells of genetic parents, taking into account all previous accumulated experience and previous existence."
The esoteric model determines the interaction of planet Earth and man:
1. Planet Earth has its own consciousness and is a single living organism.
2. Everything that exists inside the consciousness of the Earth exists on the planet.
3. Any object on Earth has its own consciousness and, including humans, is a multidimensional energy-informational object.
Let us consider such a multidimensional interaction using the example of a Simplified model of interaction between human Mental Bodies and Consciousnesses.

Simplified Model of Consciousness and Mental Bodies:

The External Signal arrives at the “Antenna” and then to the Mental Body of Sahasrara. Provided that a person has an Active Consciousness “Super-I” (Higher Self), this Signal is processed by this Consciousness.
The unprocessed part of the “Signal” that passed through the Mental Body of Sahasrara enters the Worldview “filter” - the Subconscious, located on the Mental Body of Ajna.
If a person has an active “not-I” Consciousness, then this “Signal” is processed by him and launches the 3rd Eye - the second System of Perception of the World. The unprocessed, not accepted part of the “Signal” from the Mental Body of Ajna enters the Mental Body of Vishuddha, which includes Consciousness - the translator of the Signal, which turns the received Signal into our 3-dimensional world and the Mind - which analyzes the received images.
If a person has an Active “I” Consciousness, then it processes the part of the “Signal” received by it using the 1st Perception System and builds Conscious Behavior.
If the “I” Consciousness is not active, then part of the Signal enters the Mental Body of Anahata - “Animal Consciousness” and builds Emotional Behavior.
From this diagram it is clear that each Active “upper” - higher frequency Consciousness “intercepts” the Signal and takes control over itself.
Therefore, by developing our higher frequency states of Consciousness, we fundamentally change ourselves, our perception of ourselves and the world, our behavior, our capabilities, etc.
The esoteric model of the Universe tells us about the principle of consciousnesses embedded in each other - the Matryoshka principle. Such a doll shows that human consciousness is invested (absorbed) into another similar consciousness, which subsequently enters the next more expanded similar consciousness and so on ad infinitum.
Man is, first of all, consciousness, and he is inside the consciousness of planet Earth. The planet is also, first of all, consciousness, and it is inside the consciousness of the Solar System, which is inside the consciousness of the Galaxy, and so on.
Man is a multidimensional energy-informational structure of living consciousness; God “embedded” 7 basic abilities in every person:
1. clairsentience (tactile sensations)
2. spiritual clairvoyance
3. claircognizance
4. clairaudience
5. clear sense of smell
6. clear physical vision
7. Clear recognition of taste sensations
In modern man, 5 basic abilities are mainly clearly manifested through the senses, and therefore another misconception lies in the definition of his abilities. Many people confuse the concepts of “Sensuality” and “Sensitivity”.

Spiritual Vision and Sensitivity

Sensuality is an ability human psyche respond to external influences and experience the influence of external objects, which are realized with the help of the senses, the ability to experience emotional states, penchant for carnal pleasures.
The ability of the human spirit (sensuality) to perceive the surrounding reality with the help of the senses is a condition for obtaining cognitive experience and a person’s practical attitude towards the world.
The presence of sensory abilities in a person determines for him, like any other living organism, a guideline and successful actions in the world around him.
Sensitivity- this is a property of humans and animals sense irritating signals from the external environment and from one’s own tissues and organs: tactile (touch), pain, temperature, muscle-bone, etc.
We hope the difference is obvious! This is precisely where all the answers to questions related to paranormal, extrasensory and other “other” abilities in humans lie.

A person is a “system” and his self-development, transformation of consciousness, transmutation of the physical body must occur comprehensively, in a system of multidimensional spiritual development and the harmonious entry of the Spirit, Soul and transformation of the Personality into individuality. We invite you to begin not only to receive, study, and memorize knowledge, but also to apply it, practically developing your abilities of Feeling Knowledge in the World of New Energies ***

Conscious control of attention gives a person the opportunity to more effectively identify, compare and, if necessary, eliminate external and internal factors that lead to a state of balance, which is important for qualitatively increasing the level of development of a person’s personality. You can learn about the mechanisms of attention and the ability to consciously control it in the practice “Development of the Soul: Human Attention. The role of attention in life."

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