Far Cry Assault Coop is a global modification with many online activities. Upgrades and storage boxes

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When Crytek announced in 2006 that it had sold all rights to Far Cry to Ubisoft, it raised a lot of questions. Will the new developer be able to make a worthy sequel? After all, usually the merits and failures of the game are attributed to the developers, and not to the publishers. Will old ideas continue to evolve, or will the game change course drastically? How similar will the new project be to Crytek's latest creation, Crysis? Comparison with him is unavoidable. And, most importantly, what will be better in the end?

Not Far Cry

The first thing to do when sitting down for Far Cry 2 is to forget its name. This game is not a continuation at all. It can't even be called a spiritual heir, unlike Crysis. Everything changed in the second half. The setting, the characters, the plot, the combat system, even the game concept is completely different from what we saw in Far Cry. The only common ground is the beautiful graphics and the jungle. But this, you see, is not enough.

In Far Cry 2, the action takes place in an unknown African country, where a civil war has been going on for many years. We play as one of the mercenaries - you can choose a hero from a dozen characters - who has received a contract to kill the Jackal, a well-known arms dealer who supplies both sides of the conflict. The task did not promise to be easy, but things immediately went much worse than one could imagine.

We were immediately taken prisoner, contracted malaria, and almost died during the shootout. The deadlines for the implementation of the contract are greatly delayed, so it’s impossible to just shoot back and quickly hit the road. We'll have to get into internal disassembly to get to the Jackal. There are two groups that have real power in the country - the paramilitary UFLL and the revolutionary APR. Both of them are still brats, but we did not come to bring justice, but to earn money.

However, you are not alone. Other mercenaries are also working here, who are not averse to helping in case of emergency, but they themselves can ask for help. Friends are ready to pull you out of the battlefield if the main character is shot, or suggest how best to complete the mission. But they will also not miss the chance to use your task for their own purposes. This feature adds some spice to the game. You are not just completing one task after another, you are in the center of a big game where each player has his own interest.

The most interesting begins when you start the task. You are free to act straightforwardly: come and open fire. But who said it's the best option? Why not, say, climb a rock and shoot a sentry in the leg with a sniper rifle? A friend will immediately run to him to help the wounded. This classic sniper tactic is bait on the wounded. And it works great in Far Cry 2.

Need to kill a certain person? Remove the sentry from the weapon with a silencer and while the guards are looking for the killer, sneak into the building from the other entrance and put the victim down. And here's how you can: remove the sentry, wait until opponents gather around him to discuss a plan of action, and burn the enemies with a flamethrower. If you want to steal a thing, you can generally do without a single shot.

In Far Cry 2 there is no single template, and the quest developers do not advise anything. Only you plan the entire operation from start to finish. There are a lot of mission options. The power path with explosions and machine gun bursts works great too. But just don’t think that you can just shove forward and bring down the militants in batches. The enemy is tenacious, smart, and the main character dies from several accurate bursts.

And the higher the difficulty level, the angrier and smarter the enemy. Enemies hide in the bushes, pursue the hero to the last, coordinate their actions with partners and do not disdain to make detours from the flank and rear. Note that they are not too lazy to make a detour of 100-200 meters. At first, it’s even unusual to look at such smart enemies who know how to navigate in open areas ...

True, sometimes silicon brains melt from excessive efforts. The enemy can simply start crouching, not paying attention to the player at all. The favorite trick of crazy drivers is to drive right up to you until cars collide. And the enemy does not care that he is driving an ordinary car, and you are firing furiously from a machine gun. But such incidents are rare.

blood diamonds

Far Cry 2 is not just about story missions. Take a walk, see the world... For starters, it's just beautiful. Palm trees, flocks of wild living creatures... However, living creatures for some reason are entirely herbivorous. Safaris can be done for the benefit of the wallet. Look - some bungler has lost suitcases with diamonds (this is the local currency), which, of course, will disappear to no avail in this wilderness ...

You won't last long in this country without diamonds. There will be no free guns. Therefore, in addition to collecting stones, you have to take additional orders to eliminate important people. You can try to make do with salvaged weapons, but you'll miss out on the best models; besides, rusty shotguns and machine guns constantly jam, or even explode in their hands.

And arms dealers are smart guys. They understand that you are nobody without a weapon, and they use it. You will have to complete their tasks to eliminate competitors in order to gain access to new trunks, items and improvements. But that's not all! The protagonist is sick with malaria and to keep on his feet, he needs to constantly drink pills. When the packaging runs out, you have to deal with the delivery of passports for refugees to get new medicine.

Additional tasks are quite monotonous: kill someone, blow something up. But thanks to the freedom of action, they do not have time to get bored. Roadblocks are much more annoying. Having cleared the checkpoint, do not think that this will all end. Enemies instantly respawn, it is worth driving away from the checkpoint. It's good that the guards are not numerous and can be destroyed in a few minutes.

The picture in the game is one of the most beautiful to date. And if in Crysis technology served only for beauty, in Far Cry 2 they are tied to the gameplay. Most a prime example- the fire. Dynamically spreading fire is not just a beautiful effect, but a deadly threat and a formidable weapon. The savannah is full of dry grass, and most of the buildings are made of wood, so a well-aimed Molotov cocktail can doom the enemy to a painful death.

Fire can be used to cover retreat routes, block the enemy, preventing him from maneuvering, and burn out particularly cunning ambushes. If you compare the picture with Crysis, it's hard to say which looks better. It is likely that the brainchild of Crytek is ahead in technology, but hopelessly loses in design and design. In addition, Far Cry 2 is much better optimized. To enjoy graphics at maximum settings, you do not need a computer the day after tomorrow.

Absolutely all actions in the game are performed by the main character. When you want to look at a card, the main character takes out a card right in the game. Treatment? Injection with a syringe. Dangerous wound? The character picks out the bullet with tongs. Open the door? You see how the hand reaches out and turns the handle.

There are no conventions in the game like “approach the car, press the button and instantly find yourself in the cockpit”. Every action is animated and looks great. In general, the animation in Far Cry 2 is one of the best. You need to see how the character taps the shotgun with his hand to knock out the jammed cartridge...

Far Cry 2 rises like a hefty eucalyptus tree above a dense undergrowth of interesting, colorful, damn exciting, but terribly linear action movies. Developers are always talking about "multiple problem solving options," but more often than not, it's limited to small forks, and by no means true freedom. Playing Far Cry 2 is a real inspiration. The game encourages experimentation. But freedom is not limited to missions alone - we have huge territories in front of us that are interesting to explore.

Especially Far Cry 2 wants to be loved for the game world and the harsh reality. Boundless African savannah, deadly jungles, bloody diamonds and ultimate realism. There is not an ounce of mysticism, science fiction or the fight against terrorism in the game. Already now we can safely say that Far Cry 2 is one of the best games of the year and my personal favorite for the title of "best action movie of 2008".

Ways of transportation

The character can move in three ways - walking, running and squatting. Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Walking, according to tradition, is the main mode of transportation. The speed is normal, but the character is noticeable, it is easier to hit him. However, if the firefight is in tall grass, you can only notice the enemy while standing upright. I usually walk when I know there are no enemies nearby, or I'm looking for diamonds.

To increase the speed of movement, you can switch to running. The character moves faster, but changing direction becomes more difficult - if only to brake hard and turn around. Also, after running, especially if you rushed until the character is exhausted, the picture will be blurry for some time (as if out of breath) and you will not be able to aim normally. After running, you need to restore strength in order to break away again.

If you press the "squat" key while running, the character will flopping sharply and slowing down. This is convenient when, for example, you need to cross the road. We slipped through the dangerous area and immediately hid in the grass. When you squat, you make the least amount of noise. This method of movement is optimal if you want the enemy not to notice you. Also, squatting, it is convenient to keep the defense in position.

Entering the water, the character will slowly swim breaststroke. You need to swim carefully, because if the enemy notices you, you most likely will not sail anywhere. If you need to cross a dangerous area, swim underwater. When life begins to diminish - emerge.


You can see the character's health level in the lower left corner. The scale consists of several divisions. The more spaces emptied, the more injured the character. But if the division is not completely empty, you can hide in a shelter, and after a while it will be restored. I think this is a good compromise between the eternal regeneration, like in Call of Duty, and the classic system with percentages and numbers.

If you have taken a lot of health and it came to the last division, bleeding will begin. Even if they stop shooting at you, the character will soon die from blood loss. To prevent this from happening, quickly press the cure key. The character will perform an unpleasant but necessary procedure that will stop the bleeding and restore two divisions. However, if you get hit during treatment, you will have to start over.

To fully recover, you can go to sleep in a hut or in a refugee shelter. However, this method will not work in combat. In this case, a miracle injection will help you out. After injecting, you will fully restore health. Syringes can be found in first aid kits that are scattered throughout the country. You can carry six doses at the same time. You can also drink bottled water - this restores one bar. But, unfortunately, you can not take water with you.

At the very beginning of the game, the main character will fall ill with malaria. Periodically it will be twisted by seizures. The screen will turn green, the image will float, and the character will become completely helpless. At this point, you need to quickly take a pill to feel better. The medicine is gradually running out, and in order to get a new one, you need to complete the task for the refugees. You will be given passports that you need to take to the next victims of the war.

If you do not have time to take the medicine, the main character will faint and wake up in a shelter, where he will be handed several pills. They will not last long, so the medicine will have to be obtained in any case. When it's time to look for pills, you can understand by the messages in the main menu or by an empty jar (the character will show it while taking the medicine). A small bug has been noticed: if the character was twisted by a seizure and he was injured, then by pressing the heal key, you will first make an injection and only then take a pill.


Far Cry 2 has really huge spaces, so without a map you will instantly get lost. There are three types of cards - large, medium and small. The large map shows the entire region and only the main objects - bus stops, arms dealers, Mikey's bar, cities and the objective of the task.

The middle map shows a specific section of the region, but more detailed information is provided for it. It is already easier for you to understand the roads, there is also all the information about this part of the area - roadblocks, shelters, satellite dishes and so on. A small map is available when you enter a city or a special zone (it is highlighted on the middle map with a characteristic color). With the help of small maps, it is convenient to navigate the area, especially when there are many houses, and you need to get to one particular one.

Viewing maps takes place right in the game and in real time. Therefore, inspecting the area when you are being shot from all barrels is a bad idea. You can also use the map directly while driving without slowing down. You can switch between maps with a single keystroke. This allows you to better plan the route, because it is often difficult to understand where you need to go from one map.

When you are in a special area (it's a small map), press the aim button to scan the area with the monocular. In addition to purely reconnaissance purposes - how many militants are armed, patrol routes - with this device you can mark the position of certain objects. Let's say you're looking at a Jeep. The red stripe on the monocular will turn green. Press the shot key. The character will take a picture. Now look at the map - all the cars are visible on it. In this way, you can mark ammo, first aid kits, installed machine guns, vehicles and sniper positions.

Finding diamonds

Some bungler scattered across the country two hundred and twenty briefcases, each of which contains from one to three diamonds. Searching for jewelry is not at all difficult, and the income is serious. It seems that 1-3 diamonds is not much, but you will not have time to look back, as in two hours of playing you will calmly pick up 15-20 stones. And this is already enough to buy a new gun.

How is the search for diamonds? When you pass near a hidden suitcase with a map in your hands, a green light will start flashing on the GPRS receiver. The closer you are to the stone, the faster the light will flash. To determine exactly where to go, start spinning slowly around your axis, looking at the light signal. If the light stops flashing and turns green, it means that the diamond is right on course.

Closer to the suitcase, a sound signal will be added to the light signal. Usually suitcases just lie on the ground, on a box or a stone. But some are hidden in secluded places. They can be, for example, on the roof of a bus or in a cache partitioned off with boards. Sometimes, to get to the stone, you have to think carefully with your head. When driving cars, do not forget to look at the GPRS receiver - it can also search for diamonds. Of course, you can’t drive through the jungle by car, but at least you will understand that it’s time to go in search.

Weapon Handling

If you don't know how to handle weapons, you won't last long in Far Cry 2. Shooting from the hip, even if you have the crosshair enabled, will only help if you are standing close to the enemy. In all other cases, you need to fire in aiming mode. To do this, press the right mouse button, and the character will press the weapon to his shoulder. At the same time, the speed of movement decreases, and the image is also slightly blurred at the edges.

In 90% of cases, you need to shoot only in accurate mode. First, the accuracy is greatly increased. Secondly, the enemy is easier to catch in sight. Thirdly, it is easier to spot the enemy. Fighters have remarkable health, so try to shoot in the head. If you hit the leg, the enemy may collapse to the ground. But, even wounded, he can continue to fire. So listen carefully to see if anyone around you is moaning...

The second headache in the game is the big payoff. You can forget about the long bursts of assault rifles. To hit the target, you have to shoot in short bursts of 2-5 shots. Then you need to stop and adjust the sight. Strong recoil from the AK-47 and machine guns, from the cannon with minimal recoil can be noted Silent MP-5, FAL Paratrooper and AR-16.

Any weapon in Far Cry 2 has its own life cycle. A brand new, just bought barrel shines pleasantly in the sun and shoots without misfires. But after some time, from intensive use, the weapon begins to get dirty, and the metal parts to rust. Changes in appearance are just the beginning. Then the cartridge starts to jam, you have to knock it out right in the battle. Jamming occurs more and more often, and at one point the weapon just explodes in your hands.

In order not to be left with one machete against six militants, you need to monitor the condition of the weapon. The best way to save yourself the trouble is after two or three major missions, roll into the armory and upgrade your weapons. I advise you not to use captured weapons unless there is a real need for it. The enemy disgustingly monitors the state of the trunks, constant jamming is guaranteed to you.


Far Cry 2 has huge territories, and if you walk, you can get to your destination for hours. You will be rescued by motor boats and cars, which, although not in abundance, are still found in this forgotten country. Driving a car is quite simple - gas, reverse and handbrake. African roads can easily compete with Russian off-road. Therefore, carefully follow the road so as not to fly into a ditch or catch a beautiful palm tree with your bumper.

The car at high speed becomes very sensitive to the road surface. You should not try to slide downhill at a speed of under a hundred kilometers, it will end very sadly. The slightest stone - and the car will roll over at great speed. The character, of course, will not die, but you are guaranteed a long walk.

Boats are a little slower than cars, respond worse to control, and also, if you first accelerate and then turn off the engine, they can drift for a long time. By the way, this is an elegant tactic. Accelerate on the approach to the enemy base, sit down at the machine gun and, while the boat is moving forward by inertia, fire at the guards on the move. Each vehicle has a GPRS receiver that displays the nearest area. The image, however, is fuzzy, so you still can’t do without a map.

On the roads and rivers you will periodically encounter enemy patrols. Getting away from them is quite difficult, and perhaps not necessary. It is much easier to stop, sit down at the machine gun and destroy the enemy. If you have a car without a machine gun, and the enemy has a machine gun, drive into the jungle, run into the bushes and wait until the militants leave the car. Finish them off quickly and confiscate the transport.

If your car is shot at or you successfully fit into a tree several times, the engine will begin to smoke suspiciously. The more damage, the more intense the smoke. In case of light damage, it is white, and in case of serious damage, it is black. But it doesn't matter, because the main character is a born mechanic. Approach the engine, press the repair key and watch how the character makes repairs with one box key.

A car or a boat can be repaired an unlimited number of times, but you need no one to disturb you during the repair. If you get a bullet in the back, the character will throw the ring key and grab the machine gun. However, this is good - at least there are no stupid deaths. Repair time can be reduced by purchasing upgrades from the weapon shop. Also, the duration of restoration repairs depends on the level of damage.

Vehicle types

There are not many types of vehicles. And where can normal technology come from in a country that has been engulfed in the flames of a civil war for years ... Devastation and poverty are its companions. What kind of cars and boats are in the game?

military jeep

In the first place - both in terms of prevalence and usefulness - is a military jeep with a machine gun, the car is not very fast, but with good cross-country ability. With protection, things are not going well at all. The lack of doors and the unprotected rear do not contribute to the survival of the driver and passenger under machine gun fire.

An M-249 machine gun is installed on the roof of the truck, which can be rotated 360 degrees. To move from the driver's seat to the place of the shooter, just press one key. Advanced models are armed with the M2 heavy machine gun or the MK-19 grenade launcher. The latter is generally a terrible weapon. Try to ride it on a military jeep. The machine gun will help out a lot during the clearing of checkpoints and when meeting with patrols.

If you notice a patrol in this vehicle, immediately stand behind the machine gun and open fire. Try to shoot at the machine gunner first. The driver is much easier to deal with. If the enemy noticed you, and you are on foot, immediately run into the forest and hide behind a tree. The enemy will first try to crush you. If you are driving a normal car, also go to the forest, but sit behind the car.

Truck "ZIL"

The Soviet ZIL truck is a real headache if you are driving. Excellent cross-country ability is completely crossed out by low speed and disgusting control. The car constantly strives to roll over and fly into a ravine. And if the enemy notices you, you will never break away from the pursuit. Usually you will have to destroy trucks in the tasks of the seller with weapons. Shooting them with small arms is long and tedious, so use grenades, mines or a grenade launcher.


Buggy is a fairly rare car in the game. It also provides little or no protection to the driver, but perhaps it is not necessary. The car clearly relies on speed. You can easily overtake any ground transport in the game. This is especially useful if you don't want to destroy the checkpoint, but simply run through it at speed. While the enemy realizes what and how, sits in cars, you will have long disappeared in clouds of dust.

True, the car also has serious shortcomings. First, it has to be constantly repaired. Catching a few bursts or hitting a tree, she immediately begins to smoke suspiciously. Secondly, driving at high speed, given the impassable road, is quite difficult and dangerous.

civil car

An ordinary two-door car of an unknown brand is probably the second most common car. And this is the most unfortunate vehicle in the game - disgusting handling and low speed. The car constantly strives to tip over, and if a military jeep sits on your tail, you will never break away from your pursuers. Use this car only if there are no other options and it is a long walk.

Civil jeeps

There are two more jeeps in the game - without weapons, but much more decent looking. Cars hold the road perfectly and practically do not shake, even if you are driving over stones. The lack of weapons is partially offset by defense and speed. Doors and a closed rear protect the driver well, and good speed, combined with off-road capability and stability, allows you to break away from a military jeep. These cars are quite rare. They can usually be found near hideouts and occasionally taken from mercenaries on the road.


Boats in Far Cry 2 are much smaller. It is understandable, because you will have to swim much less. First, you will get a light boat with a large propeller at the stern. The engine of the boat is not covered in any way, so it will constantly break down during firefights. The same can be said about the driver's seat and the shooter - no protection. But the ship is quite fast and maneuverable.

The second river vessel is a fishing boat. It is larger and much quieter. The wheelhouse protects the character well from bullets if you get under fire. I tried to use this particular vessel, but, unfortunately, it is not so common. Do not forget - this applies to both boats - that, unlike a military jeep, where the transition from the cockpit to the machine gun was carried out by pressing one button, on river transport you first need to leave the helmsman and reach the machine gun.


Separate from all modes of transport are paragliders. It is difficult to find them - they are located on high rocks. On a paraglider, you can quickly, and most importantly, silently penetrate enemy territory. True, if you fly too low, they will notice you and open fire. A few hits on the wings and the paraglider will crash to the ground. Therefore, if you are using an aircraft to infiltrate enemy territory, wait until nighttime when visibility is severely reduced. Your chances will increase significantly.

It may not be a Crysis level, but the picture is amazingly good.

With the help of bus stops, you can quickly move around the country.

Economy in the game

The economic component in the game is quite simple. The financial collapse in the country led to barter in kind. In our case, diamonds play the role of currency. It is on them that you buy weapons and upgrades. You will receive diamonds for completing story and additional tasks, and there is something else in your suitcases.

There are 1000 diamonds in total in the country, and if you want to buy all the weapons and upgrades, you will have to get all the jewels. This is the total number of stones. Region Leboa-Sako - 120 diamonds for story missions, 60 diamonds for additional tasks, 200 diamonds in suitcases. Bowa-Seko region - 330 diamonds for story missions, 90 diamonds for additional tasks, 200 diamonds in suitcases.


In the game you will meet other mercenaries who can become your friends. The first friend - open the menu, his portrait on the left side - helps you cope with the story missions. He can suggest how best to neutralize the enemy, or offer something else interesting. The first friend will call as soon as you receive the task. After that, a new mark will appear on the map, where you can meet with a friend.

The second friend is a fallback option and a free medic. First you need to meet with him and agree to help. Now, if the main character is shot (health is completely removed), a friend will come to the rescue. He will drag you to a safe place, shooting back at opponents. True, you will have only two divisions of health, and only a pistol and a machete from weapons. Therefore, an urgent need to inject the medicine and pick up a more powerful gun.

If a friend gets shot, you must save him. Find the place where the wounded comrade lies - it is marked with a smoke bomb - and give him an injection.

In Mikey's bar, you will always find mercenaries who will ask for help. Having completed the task, you will improve your reputation and get a new friend to replace your fallen comrades.

Enemy Behavior

Knowing the behavior of enemies, you will be able to effectively plan your actions. What can opponents do? Communicate with comrades, serve and relax. Most of the time, soldiers walk around the area or stand on posts. Periodically, they approach comrades or call on the phone to talk. At this point, their attention is scattered. They also smoke, drink, eat and sleep. The latter they usually do at night.

The enemy has three types of behavior: relaxed, alert and combative. In a relaxed state, they perform the above actions and do not show signs of anxiety. But as soon as they notice or hear something suspicious, the militant goes on reconnaissance. He can warn or call his comrades with him. If the enemy does not notice anything, he will return to a relaxed state.

If the enemy has noticed you, he immediately warns his comrades with a cry, they inform others, and soon all the enemies are already hunting for your head. The enemy begins to confidently coordinate actions and outflank. If you run and hide, the enemy will continue to search, but will no longer know your location. This will avoid the environment. But the enemies are combing the area with a frequent comb, so you can’t relax.

The enemy sees much worse at night than during the day - hiding in the bushes or tall grass, you can walk literally a meter away and he will not notice anything. Keep in mind that crouching makes much less noise. The enemy can still hear a suspicious rustle, but will not necessarily notice you.

During the fight, the opponents, although they notice you from a long distance, turn their heads much less, and therefore it is easier to outflank them. Even if you silently filmed a militant, his comrades may notice his body, and then the search will immediately begin. And don't forget to make sure you finish off the enemy. The wounded at first may be silent, but then he will yell at the whole district and raise the alarm.

The enemy understands perfectly well what a fire in the savannah is, and they are very afraid of fire. Therefore, skillfully arranging fires, you can squeeze them out of positions. In this way, you can cover the flanks and cut off the attackers when you are fleeing. Also, the fire greatly distracts the attention of the militants, and they begin to shoot less often.

The fact that the enemy knows how to shoot from a machine gun has long become the norm. But the militants do not disdain grenades. For example, if you hide in a house, grenades will fly through the windows and doors first, and only then will the assault team go. They also know how to blow up fuel kegs to get the character. But the main thing is that drivers will stubbornly try to run you over.

Objects on the map

When you open the map, you will see many different markers. You can view the map legend in a special menu. In this chapter, we will talk about the role of labeled objects.


There are three cities in the country - Pala, Sefapane and Port Selao. The cities are almost abandoned by the civilian population, but in them you will find the headquarters of the UFLL and APR. They are located opposite each other at opposite ends of the city. The cities have been declared a peaceful zone, so if you don't want to incur the wrath of both factions, it's best to keep your weapons on safety. However, sometimes a real war begins in cities. At these moments, you need to urgently flee. Cities are mainly used to receive quests.


The headquarters of the groups, as we have already said, are located in the cities of Pala, Sefapane and Port Selao. You can get a job in them. What is the work of a mercenary, you probably already know. To start the mission, go to the guard at the headquarters and hand over all the weapons. It will be returned at the exit. Climb to the second floor, listen to what is required of you, and take the folder to start the task. Also, you will immediately receive all the money - the game has an exclusively advance payment system.

secret hideout

When you run out of malaria pills, go to the secret hideout. Here you can take the task of delivering documents to another secret hideout. For this you will receive a new package of medicine. You can also sleep in these houses; there is always a free bed for the main character.

Bar Mikey

In Mikey's bar, you will find mercenaries who may ask you to complete some task. As we said, this increases the reputation of the character. There is a gun shop next to the bar.

bus stops

Despite the devastation, buses continue to run in the country. This is a kind of system for quickly moving around the territory. Find the bus station, go to the map and select your destination. True, you can only move between bus stops, but this is already a lot. It is especially convenient to return to the city. The trip will pass instantly, but the game time does not stop. Therefore, if you drive in the evening, you may end up at your destination at night.

Satellite connection

After finding a communication antenna, you can contact an unknown employer who will instruct you to kill an important person. You need to destroy a specific person. That is, you can, without raising an alarm, sneak past the guards, finish off the victim and quietly crawl back. After completing the contract, you will receive a certain amount of diamonds.

Guard posts

Checkpoints are placed on all roads, but most often located at forks. Security at checkpoints - by the way, I wonder whose soldiers these are? - seems to have received an order to destroy anyone who tries to pass by. Therefore, you, in fact, have little choice - to fight your way through or try to go around the jungle or savannas.

There are not too many soldiers at the checkpoint, but they have cars, so it is quite difficult to get through at speed. Be sure to sit on the tail and will fire from machine guns. The best tool for clearing roadblocks is a grenade launcher, a flamethrower or a jeep with a machine gun. At every checkpoint there is a warehouse of something. These can be ammo, grenades or rockets, fuel for a flamethrower or Molotov cocktails, and first aid kits.

You need to find them once, and after that the checkpoint will be reconnoitered. Now, when you turn the card back on, you will see the corresponding icon on the post. This is sometimes useful if specific ammo is needed. It is necessary to drive off two hundred meters, and the opponents at the checkpoints will be reborn. At first, this is insanely annoying, but when you get used to clearing roadblocks quickly, this stupidity is not perceived so sharply. In any case, try to lay the best route.


In these houses you can replenish ammo, put captured weapons in special boxes, meet friends, and sometimes there is an abandoned car nearby. You can also sleep peacefully. This allows you to skip time forward. Let's say you want to commit a night sabotage, and the hands of the clock are seven in the evening. In order not to wait, set the time, plop down on the bed and sleep peacefully. But before you can use the house, you need to finish off the guards. Usually it is two or three soldiers.

Gun shop

The weapon shop is the only place where you can spend earned diamonds. To purchase weapons, sit down at the computer and fill the basket. Initially, not all weapons are available for purchase. If you want to open a new one, you need to complete the task of the seller. It is always the same - to destroy a competitor's machine with weapons.

All purchased weapons appear in the warehouse (this is a neighboring building). Of course, all guns are brand new. Once purchased weapons do not need to be purchased again, they are available in unlimited quantities. Therefore, do not forget to change worn trunks in a timely manner. You can also fully restore ammo for any type of weapon. By purchasing special boxes, you can store trophy weapons in them. Then it can be taken from any shelter.

gun cases


Weapons can jam and explode, cars can break, but a machete will never let you down. One blow from behind or several blows from the front and the opponent will be dead. Throwing yourself with a saber at a soldier with a machine gun is not a very reasonable act, but a machete is not intended for frontal attacks. Although I must admit that I had several situations when the cartridges ran out, and the enemy stood nearby, and I had to rush into battle with melee weapons. But this is more the exception than the rule.

A machete is perfect for silently eliminating sentries. If there is no weapon with a silencer, sneak up on the enemy from behind and strike. A quiet scream hardly anyone hears. Of course, it is unlikely to cut the entire camp, after all, not Splinter Cell, but it is quite possible to take long-range sentries on knives. You can also finish off wounded soldiers. Run up to the enemy lying on the ground and strike. The machete also has a purely economic use - cutting boards when you need to get into a cache of diamonds.

Main weapon

You can only carry one primary weapon. What did the developers attribute to this group? Assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns and some submachine guns with grenade launchers. In general, most of the models

assault rifles

The G3-KA4 will be your first assault rifle in the game. She will be forced to buy as part of learning the basics of the game. This model has nothing to brag about, the only thing that can please is a small return and more or less decent accuracy. But every fighter at the beginning of the game carries a G3-KA4 with him. As soon as possible, get rid of this model and try to buy the next one in the store.

Strong middling assault rifle - AK-47. This model has good accuracy and range, as well as decent damage. That's just the return spoils the whole impression. The barrel rises a lot during shooting, and you have to constantly make adjustments when aiming. But in general, if you actively use assault rifles, be sure to buy this model.

The best assault rifle for medium range combat is the AR-16. The model is equipped with an optical sight, which significantly increases the accuracy of shooting. Low recoil allows you to fire almost without interruption. But the AR-16 can only fire three-round bursts, and this occasionally becomes a problem when the collision takes place at close range. However, the weapon is still worth its diamonds.

The FAL Paratrooper assault rifle looks nice. It has great range and accuracy. True, a big return takes getting used to. Small damage is the biggest disadvantage of this model. At long distances, this is not very relevant, but when the enemy gets closer, problems begin. However, the FAL Paratrooper is often used by militants in Bowa-Seko. You can try out the cannon first before buying it from the weapon shop.


Your first Homeland 37 shotgun will have to be purchased anyway, as will the G3-KA4 assault rifle. But, unlike the G3-KA4, its benefits are much greater. The shotgun does a lot of damage, one shot is enough for the enemy at close range. The disadvantages of the Homeland 37 include a low rate of fire (pump mechanism, what to do) and a long reload time.

The SPAS-12 semi-automatic shotgun is the sweet spot. It's not overly expensive, but it has decent features. The rate of fire is much higher than that of the Homeland 37, but reloading, alas, takes a long time. Therefore, do not forget to catch the cartridge in the chamber as soon as possible. And keep a good handgun or submachine gun handy.

The most serious drawback of the SPAS-12 is its low range, even compared to other shotguns. You have to get close to the enemy or take a few shots. Enemies in Leboa-Sako and Bowa-Seko often use SPAS-12, so be careful and stay away from them. Otherwise, you will try the deadly power of this model in your own skin.

If you are crazy about shotguns and are ready to shell out a round sum in diamonds, I advise you to buy USAS-12. This is an automatic shotgun with an insane rate of fire. Also, you will not have any problems with reloading - they removed the empty clip and put in a new one. Reloading will take a few seconds. When you are armed with USAS-12, the enemy has almost no chance in close combat. But the weapon consumes ammo at a monstrous rate, so be sure to buy an upgrade to carry more ammo with you.

Sniper rifles

The M1903 sniper rifle is the first model you get in the game. Despite the fact that the weapon is a hundred years old, it will still serve you faithfully. The rifle is very accurate and hits the enemy with one hit, but after each shot you need to manually juggle the bolt.

At first this seems like a disadvantage, because you have to break away from the scope and while you are reloading, the enemy can run away. But this feature can be used for good. While the character is jigging the shutter, take a quick look around the area to get a general idea of ​​the battlefield. However, if you still do not like manual reloading, it is better to wait until native SVD becomes available.

The Soviet SVD sniper rifle is a worthy replacement for the M1903. Semi-automatic firing mode and a 10-round clip allow you to fire without looking up from the sight. Reloading will also take seconds. This is especially useful when there are a lot of enemies or if you missed a running enemy. SVD can sometimes be picked up from the corpses of enemy snipers, but it's better not to be greedy and buy it at a weapons store.

If you are a born sniper, the AS50 semi-automatic sniper rifle is a must buy. It costs a lot, but fully justifies the cost. Thanks to the high rate of fire and high damage, you can even seriously damage vehicles. Add to that a huge range. With the AS50 in the savannah, you are virtually invincible. Only weapons wear out quickly, change the barrel after each mission.

Other models

If you choose the MGL-140 hand grenade launcher as your main weapon, you need to choose the right secondary weapon. You can’t shoot from it near, four charges in the clip will end quickly, and then you have to think what to do next. Unlike the MG-79, the MGL-140's rounds fly in a straighter trajectory, making it much easier to shoot.

Also, thanks to the optical sight, you can fire at the enemy from a long distance. Is it worth it to constantly use this weapon? It is difficult to give a definite answer. In certain situations, a very useful model. Instantly clean up the checkpoint, blow up the cars in the convoy and destroy the ordered client from afar ... But as for constantly carrying it with you, I strongly doubt it. In any case, you should try this model.

The silenced MP-5 submachine gun is the ideal weapon for covert operations under the cover of night. The weapon makes little to no noise when fired, so you can take out enemies without raising the alarm. True, the silencer reduces damage and range, so try to hit the head. With the help of the MP-5, you can destroy all enemies without even betraying your presence. Or, on the contrary, you can attract attention with a corpse and lure the soldiers from a well-lit base into a dark field with thick grass, where they will be finished.

Secondary weapon

An additional weapon is a fallback if the main one fails or the situation is such that it is inconvenient to use it. This group includes pistols, submachine guns and explosives with a grenade launcher.


The Makarov pistol is carried by most of the fighters in the game. This model has average damage, but the best accuracy among pistols. The Makarov wears out for quite a long time and rarely sticks, which makes it valuable on long hikes. Probably not worth buying this weapon in the store. It can be removed from the bodies of opponents. But, on the other hand, it costs a little.

The famous Star .45 pistol is about halfway between Makarov and Eagle .50 in terms of damage. Other characteristics - accuracy, rate of fire - are also at a decent level. That's just the return is large enough. But you are unlikely to try to hit the enemy from a long distance. And in close combat, this does not play a special role. I advise you to buy this model, but whether to make an improvement, you already need to think.

The silenced Makarov is a good alternative to the silent MP-5 assault rifle. Of course, a pistol cannot completely replace a submachine gun, but in general it will do. Low recoil allows you to shoot quickly and accurately. But it is desirable to aim for the head. It takes three or four bullets to the chest to finish off an opponent. Buy a gun as soon as possible.

In the game, as well as in real life, the Eagle .50 is more of a showy weapon. Of course, he has a powerful cartridge and the enemy can be finished off with one or two hits. But the pistol has a low rate of fire and high recoil. I preferred to use the Star .45, which is much less of a problem. Yes, and it's cheaper. Eagle .50 can be found on the bodies of commanders.

The flare gun is more of a fun but useless toy. One hit is enough for you to finish off the enemy. It looks unusual, but one cartridge in the barrel and low accuracy nullify this advantage. The enemy use signal pistols to call for help.

mine and grenade launcher

The radio-controlled mine is the ideal weapon for destroying convoys. They laid several mines on the road, moved to a safe distance and, when the cars got into the radius of destruction, they detonated the charges. This is the main, but not the only way to use mines.

There are many ways to use explosives. For example, they sneaked into the base at night, planted a mine near the object that needs to be destroyed, stepped back and blew it up. The enemy will raise a noise, will run around the place of the explosion, but you will already be far away. You can also try another option. Place mines in the field, start shooting from a sniper rifle, and when the enemy approaches your position, activate charges. In general, there is room for imagination.

The M-79 is a single-shot grenade launcher. You can carry from three to six grenades with you, depending on the chosen difficulty level. The grenade launcher is an excellent weapon when you need to destroy a group of infantry or vehicles. Just make sure that the opponents do not have time to scatter. Spending a charge on one person is unreasonable.

The grenade has a very specific flight path, so it will take you some time to learn how to accurately shoot long distances. Buy an M-79 as soon as possible. This, of course, is an expensive, but extremely useful weapon.

Submachine guns

The MAC-10 is a compact and fast-firing submachine gun. He has problems with penetration, but with his rate of fire, this is not important. This model has a very mediocre firing range, so try to force close combat on the enemy. The MAC-10 is great for the sniper as a defensive weapon when the enemy gets too close. But I still preferred not to buy it, but to wait for the next model.

The Israeli Uzi does much more damage and also fires a little slower than the MAC-10. This, by the way, is even good. Although you can aim normally while shooting, and less ammo is consumed. True, the ultrasound wears out quickly enough, so change the barrel in time and do not pick it up from the corpses of enemies. Overall, the Uzi is a great choice for a character using a sniper rifle or shotgun.

Special Weapon

Now let's deal with the third group of weapons - it includes machine guns, grenade launchers, a flamethrower, a sniper rifle with darts and even a mortar. In general, heavy or very specific weapons.

grenade launchers

The first grenade launcher you get in the game is, of course, the Soviet RPG-7. Managing it is as easy as shelling pears - aim and pull the trigger. The charge will rush forward and hit the target. First of all, the grenade launcher is designed to destroy equipment, but it is also good against manpower, since the affected area allows.

A good trick is to shoot from the RPG-7 at the fuel tank. The enemy will get twice. The main drawback of the Soviet grenade launcher is that the charge flies strictly in a straight line. This greatly reduces the range of fire against moving targets. Therefore, if you want to destroy the convoy, you need to get closer and make allowances for movement.

Carl G is the second and last grenade launcher. Unlike the RPG-7's straight charge, you can control the missile's flight, making the weapon extremely useful against moving vehicles. After the shot, continue to drive the car with the aim to hit the target. True, the model costs 35 diamonds, which is quite a lot. Therefore, if you still do not have enough jewelry, you can use trophy weapons. In Bowa-Seko, the Carl G grenade launcher is quite common and usually in good condition.

RPG-7 and Carl G are well suited for the destruction of ordered persons. The range of the rocket allows you to launch a charge at decent distances. Roughly estimate where the victim is standing, and shoot there. It is likely that it will be covered by an explosive wave. Grenade launchers are decent, so I advise you to first test captured weapons, and then buy the model that you like the most.

Sniper rifle with darts

This sniper rifle fires darts that travel at subsonic speeds, so a soft pop sounds instead of a shot. As you probably already understood, this rifle is just perfect for sabotage operations. We bought a camouflage suit, climbed a hill with tall grass and take out the enemy one by one. In this way, you can clear the entire base without leaving the spot and without raising the alarm.

True, the rifle has quite specific drawbacks. For example, you need to shoot accurately in the head in order to hit the enemy for sure. Also, due to the design features - after all, we do not shoot with bullets - this model has a lame range and accuracy. True, if you operate at night, and even in a camouflage suit, this should not cause trouble.

Much worse is the small amount of ammunition that you can carry with you. They are not enough even on the average difficulty level, so be sure to buy an upgrade. Do not forget that after each shot you need to manually crank the bolt. However, the tactics of combat with this rifle does not imply a mutual shootout with the enemy, so there is nothing to worry about. On the contrary, it is useful to take a look around the surroundings.

Flamethrower LPO-50

The car can always be repaired and it will be like new.

I am sure that the Soviet flamethrower will become your favorite weapon, even if you do not use it all the time. LPO-50 is a melee weapon. To set fire to the enemy, you need to approach almost point-blank. Much closer than if you were shooting with a shotgun. Therefore, it is better to use the LPO-50 for a surprise attack. They waited for the enemies to gather together, crept closer, abruptly jumped out of the bushes and shouted: “One, two, three - Christmas tree, burn!” - burned the unfortunate militants.

For obvious reasons, LPO-50 makes excellent fires easily, which is both beneficial and harmful. The benefit is this. The enemy can burn out not only from a flamethrower jet, but also from a fire. In any case, the militants are not up to shooting. First of all, they think about how not to fall into a fiery trap, and not how to deal with the main character. The harm lies in the fact that, setting fire to everything right and left, you can find yourself in the center of the fire, and it will turn out that there will be nowhere to run. I generally keep quiet about burns, they are a common thing with a flamethrower.

With the help of LPO-50 it is convenient to burn out drivers and shooters in cars. Liquid fire will instantly penetrate open windows, burning everything inside the car. The main thing is that you are not crushed at this moment. The fuel indicator is placed directly on the flamethrower, and not at the bottom of the screen like other weapons, so do not forget to keep an eye on the gauge. On difficult difficulty levels, it is also worth buying a large fuel tank.

machine guns

PKM is the first machine gun you get in the game. A machine gun that is pleasing to the eye and heart and will give you the firepower you need. That's just in the truest sense of return torments. You can shoot normally only in short bursts and constantly adjusting the sight. But the PKM is a trouble-free weapon that rarely jams, even when its service life is nearing its end. Therefore, you can save money by removing the machine gun from the corpses of enemies. But 10 diamonds is not too big a cost, so I don't see much point in it.

The second M-249 machine gun outperforms the PKM in terms of rate of fire, magazine capacity, recoil and accuracy. But this model has worse damage and reliability. When the PKM continues to shoot with might and main, the M-249 is already constantly jamming the cartridge. In addition to firepower, range and rate of fire, machine guns have another not immediately noticeable plus. The enemy, having fallen under fire, temporarily retreats back. This helps to avoid encirclement when you keep the defense in a good position.


The mortar is the hardest weapon in the game. Learning to shoot from it is not easy. But if you use weapons correctly, the benefits will be enormous. You have two types of charges - smoke and explosive. The first is used for zeroing in order to correctly select the angle of inclination. The second is to destroy targets. The mine hits a large area and flies very far. But this does not guarantee you that you will be able to fire at enemies with impunity.

The militants will at least try to get away from the shelling, but most likely they will jump into the car and drive in your direction. Nevertheless, the mortar is a formidable weapon. By learning how to shoot accurately, you will open yourself up to good prospects for destroying enemies from a great distance. Sometimes you will also encounter enemy mortars. Fear them like fire. They shoot with fantastic accuracy at any distance.

Grenades and Molotov cocktails

Attack grenades explode exactly 4.2 seconds after being thrown. The explosion covers an area with a radius of about 12-14 meters. Grenades are primarily intended for the destruction of manpower, but are well suited for undermining equipment. Only you need to throw it under the wheels so that it does not bounce, hitting the surface. Seeing a grenade, the enemy will rush to run, but due to the large radius of destruction, not everyone will be able to escape.

Molotov cocktails have a smaller damage radius. When throwing them, you need to aim well, because, having missed by two meters, you will no longer cause any harm to the enemy. However, the power of Molotov cocktails is that they start a fire. Therefore, even if you do not hit, the enemy will still be distracted by saving his own skin.

Explosive items

Despite the devastation and the civil war, the militants are directly surrounding their positions with explosives, making your life much easier. What can be blown up in the game? Of course, boxes of ammunition. After several hits, they begin to crackle cheerfully, bullets whistle in all directions, and opponents die abruptly.

Red or yellow barrels hoot merrily from machine gun fire, spilling burning fuel around them. Some barrels first take off like rockets, and then fall to the ground and explode. Small canisters do not explode too much, but mischievously enough. Much happier babahat large tanks. The effect is amazing. However, they can only be found at gas stations.

Gas cylinders behave like crazy rockets. They fly along the ground in an arbitrary direction and then explode. Round propane tanks are more conservative. They just spin on the ground, setting fire to everything around, and then detonate. Large propane tanks first blaze with fire from a shot hole, and then detonate, hitting all enemies in a decent radius.

Stationary weapon

There are three types of stationary weapons in the game, and all have the following in common. First, the shooter has no protection. Therefore, standing up for such a tool, you risk your life greatly. And how the enemy risks is even hard to imagine. Secondly, the guns have infinite ammo. Thirdly, if you shoot without interruption, they can overheat.

M-249 is the first stationary machine gun that you will meet in the game. It is very similar to light machine guns, only it has much less recoil. The old M2 does not shoot as fast, but it has a powerful cartridge. From it you can destroy not only infantry, but also equipment. In general, this model is more preferable. Finally, the MK-19 is a stationary grenade launcher. The projectiles fly along a shallow trajectory, which adds to the problems when aiming, but the large radius of destruction compensates for this disadvantage.

Upgrades and storage boxes

For each weapon, you can buy an upgrade that increases the maximum amount of ammo you can carry. How much more ammo you can carry depends on the specific weapon and difficulty level. How useful this is again depends on the level of difficulty. In any case, of course, upgrades need to be bought only for those models that you use constantly.

For some models, you can buy accuracy and reliability upgrades. In the first case, the weapon will become more accurate to shoot. Useful for assault rifles and important during mid-range combat. In the second case, the weapon's service life increases. You need to buy only for fragile models. For example, Soviet weapons are already quite reliable.

The most expensive (as much as 45 diamonds), but probably the most useful improvement is the saboteur suit. After purchase, it is put on automatically and never taken off. With this suit, you can hide in the tall grass and crawl past the militant in half a meter, and he will not notice anything.

But if you are discovered, the disguise will be gone. In order to become invisible again, you need to drop the chase and get out of the line of sight. The saboteur suit is useful in itself, and if you are conducting night sabotage operations, it is simply irreplaceable. Even the enemy will hear something, he may simply not notice you. The verdict is unequivocal - take and not spare diamonds. We'll collect more new ones.

For 25 diamonds, you can buy a medical upgrade that increases the number of syringes you can carry with you. How much depends on the level of difficulty. You can buy the upgrade twice. Buy or not? If you play at an easy level, you can get by with one purchase. But on a difficult one, you need to buy both and as soon as possible. Although it will cost 50 diamonds.

You can also buy crates to store primary, secondary, and special weapons. The meaning of these "devices" is quite simple. You put a cannon in a box and you can take it from any hideout or armory. Sometimes this is quite helpful. For example, you no longer need a sniper rifle, but instead of going to the warehouse - and it can be far away - you visit the nearest house and get a brand new assault rifle.

True, you can easily do without it. But the boxes are not too expensive, and by suppressing your greed, you can ease your journey around the country. So, what are the prices for these wonderful boxes? A box for the main weapon - 12 diamonds, for a secondary weapon - 6 diamonds, for a special weapon - 6 diamonds.


In this article, we will talk about story missions. Side ones - contract killings, the destruction of convoys with weapons and orders from friends - although they take place each time in new places and often require ingenuity (and you try to quietly finish off the victim in a peaceful zone!), But in essence they are the same.

FarCry 2 has an open world and non-linear gameplay, so missions, in addition to those described in the beginning and epilogue of the first two acts, as well as in the third, can be completed in a different order. Also, when you're on the UFLL and APR missions, you might be asked to save a buddy. Without this, you will not receive a new assignment.

The described passage is just one of the options. The game pushes for experimentation, and I tried to describe only the most interesting options, with an emphasis on accuracy or invisibility of actions. Why clear the entire base when you can finish the mission with one shot from a sniper rifle? Why shoot at all when you can pick up the object and quietly leave?

It is possible, however, that you will come up with a more ingenious plan or prefer a different style of play. But this passage will always help if you need a well-developed and effective operation plan.

Act one

The game will start with a car ride. Your driver is a very talkative companion who will gladly tell you what is happening in a small African country. The civil war not only claimed many lives, but also contributed to a humanitarian catastrophe. In addition, the President was assassinated last spring; according to rumors, this was done by his own security, which did not contribute to the normalization of the situation. Now everyone is trying to get out of the country, and the plane you see taking off along the way may be the last one for a long time.

Those who do not have enough money or connections to safely get out of the country try to cross the border on foot or by boat. The death of the president and the loss of control by the authorities led to the fact that a full-scale war broke out between the UFLL and APR groups. Soon you will reach a checkpoint. Foreign mercenaries roam among the local militants. Checkpoints should theoretically serve to maintain order, but in reality the soldiers are engaged in banal robbery and executions.

The driver will be able to negotiate with the soldiers. For a case of beer he grabs on his way back from town, they'll let the car through. Do not flatter yourself with a friendly tone, you have just been on the verge of death. At the crossroads, a military jeep will stop you and force you to let three trucks with the military pass. Yes, the UFLL and the APR did a good job of raping their own country, and the world community turned a blind eye to the riots going on in a small African country. The Belgian embassy closed two months ago, and since then the mercenaries are the only foreign nationals.

Soon you will see how three mercenaries look indifferently at the burning huts. The driver, and the main character too, is not eager to find out who was left in the houses. Reasonably deciding that it is not worth angering the armed killers, he, trying not to attract attention, will pass by at maximum speed. Behind the bridge, the main character suddenly becomes ill, but he will soon return to normal.

Then you will drive to Palu. Before the collapse of the government, it was a small but actively developing city. But after the start of the civil war, entrepreneurs were killed or fled the country. Looting is a faithful companion of troubled times. Palu has now been divided between the UFLL and the APR. This is a kind of truce zone where you can meet with the leaders of both factions. Sometimes, usually at night, some bad gunman starts shooting, and the city turns into a war zone. But sooner or later, the mind takes over, and, having buried the dead, the groups again declare a truce.

In the hotel, the character will again become ill, and he will lose consciousness.

You wake up at night, apparently in your room. A certain mercenary sits and reads a diary in the room. It soon becomes clear that we have a Jackal in front of us, for the murder of which the protagonist received a contract. However, since he is stricken with malaria, the Jackal does not see him as a threat. After finishing the conversation with a quote from Nietzsche, he will leave you a gun, a machete and leave the room.

You will pass out again, but will soon wake up from the gunfire. This means that the truce between the UFLL and the APR has been broken in the city. The main character will pick up a magazine and a machete with a pistol, and you have to get out of the city. The main entrance is shot through from two sides, so it's best to jump out from the second floor in the section located on the north side. Pick up a machine gun, look at the map and start getting out of the city, carefully bypassing the clusters of enemies. Sooner or later, you will still pass out from wounds or an attack of malaria. However, this is not the end, our character will be saved again.

You wake up in a small room. Immediately heal critical wounds and wait until the door opens. You were saved by one of the UFLL officers, so you have to work for this group. Exit the room and take the weapon from the table. Then search the first-aid kit on the wall and inject it to fully restore health. When you patch up your wounds, you will be asked to fix the car. Go out into the yard, go to the car and pick the engine with a wrench. This is what is called refurbishment.

After repair, your phone will ring. Pick up the phone to receive a new assignment from UFLL. You need to retake the shelter from the APR fighters. When approaching the house, leave the car so that you will not be noticed ahead of time. Shoot two militants and answer the call. There is one more task for you, but before that you must rest in the shelter. After sleeping off, collect ammunition and look at the map to understand where you need to go. You must now clear the APR camp.

Drive to the camp and leave the car at the entrances again. Go to the hill - the map points there - and look around the area with binoculars. Take pictures of ammunition, weapons and equipment. After that you will be called. Now you need not only to clear the camp, but also to get the mercenary out of captivity. How to attack is up to you. One of the options is this. You launch an attack, attracting attention with loud explosions, and run into the forest. When the opponents go in a crowd to the place where you originally fired from, throw grenades at them.

When the camp is empty, go to the marked building and free the mercenary. Now this is your friend who will help you during tasks in the future. After leaving the building, answer the call. The officer is pleased with the work and offers to return for a reward. The employer would be happy to give away diamonds - this is the local currency - only his assistant lost them. Get out of their house, take out the card and spin around your axis until the light turns on with a steady green light. Diamonds right on the course.

After finding the diamonds, you will complete the UFLL errand, but you cannot proceed to the story missions yet. Now we need to visit Mikey's bar. There you will meet a friend who will say that the person sitting at the table can help with a cure for malaria. Talk to him too. He will ask you to take the package to the priest, who will share the pills for the delivery. Take the tape and listen to the recording. After that, the journalist will ask you to find all the other films that are scattered around the country. This is an additional task.

Then talk to the mercenary standing against the wall. This is your second buddy who will help out if you get shot. He can become the new best friend if the first one dies. Exit the bar and go to the gun store. There you will be taught how to buy weapons and use the warehouse. After that, get in the car and drive to the city. Find the priest and give him the package. He will hand over the medicine and say that if the pills run out, then by helping the refugees, you can get a new package.

At this point, the training will end, story and side quests will become available to you, and the entire region will open.

Tasks for UFLL


Go to the headquarters of the group to receive the task. On the second floor, a guide is already waiting for you to talk about the details of the mission. A group of foreign mercenaries intend to kidnap a certain target from the APR, and the UFLL, for certain reasons, does not need it at all. Therefore, you are required to destroy the device in the mercenary camp. This will force them out of the country. The fee for the task is 15 diamonds.

If you don’t want to do errands from a friend, immediately get on the bus and go to the eastern desert. Buy a sniper rifle from the store. The rest of the weapons are not so important. The mercenaries have set up their camp in the oasis. They have an advantageous position - the camp is on a hill, and there is nowhere to hide in the desert. An enemy sniper has taken up position on a dune west of the oasis, and two machine guns are sweeping the western and eastern passages. Almost the entire defense covers the target that we need to destroy.

However, we have the opportunity to finish the mission with one shot. Near the mechanism that needs to be destroyed, someone has carefully placed fuel tanks. But you need to somehow get close to the distance of the shot. The eastern and western directions are well guarded, but the southern direction is left almost unattended. He is guarded by only one sentry, who periodically wanders near the water.

Hiding in the grass and behind the rocks, come in from the south side. Crawl up a small hill and get a sniper rifle. You should see one of the fuel barrels. It remains to shoot at him to destroy the target. Now you can start shooting soldiers, although you were not paid for it. Therefore, while the enemy is trying to understand what happened and where they are firing from, it is better to quickly escape from the oasis.

Consider the scenario, if you listen to a friend. He will call when you leave the group's headquarters. A friend will ask you to meet in a shelter in the east and offer such a plan. Before going to the camp, you need to visit the villa where the mercenary informant hid and force him to give false coordinates to the employers. The mercenaries will go to the specified location and be ambushed.

The villa where the informant is located is well guarded, so a good option is to sneak inside unnoticed without attracting too much attention. Follow the western road carefully avoiding enemy patrols. From the garage you can easily get to the western entrance to the house. Find an informant on the second floor, put a machete to his throat and make him dictate new coordinates. If you haven't been spotted, slip out of the house quietly the old way. Otherwise, keep the defense inside the house.

After completing the task, you can return to the original mission. Now the truck with the device is in the village, and sneaking in unnoticed is much more difficult, if not impossible. So get your assault rifle ready. You can not clear the whole village, but only make your way to the car with the device and throw grenades at it or shoot it with a grenade launcher. After that you can leave.

When the car is destroyed, a friend will call you and ask for help. He got involved in a shootout at the southern checkpoint. Rather, drive to the indicated direction and attack the APR militants. I advise you not to use grenades, Molotov cocktails and grenade launchers. Too much chance of hitting a friend. When you destroy all enemies and save a friend (or a friend throws back flippers), the mission will be over.

king and gold

Go back to the group's headquarters to get the second task. The once deposed king has returned from Europe and, apparently, will try to seize power in the country again. To hire soldiers, he brought with him a pile of gold and hid it somewhere. The most likely location for the cache is the northwestern oasis. You need to find gold in order to destroy the plans of the king and enrich UFLL at the same time. The fee is 15 diamonds.

The main mission is quite simple. Get to the oasis, interrupt the guards and report the gold. As a weapon, I advise you to use a sniper rifle. Having bought a weapon, get into the car and drive into the desert. Drop the car halfway and enter from the south side. Unlike the previous mission, where the oasis was located on a hill, this one is located in a lowland. The enemy has practically no shelters, he is in full view. Therefore, take a convenient hill and shoot the militants.

Pay special attention to transport. If the enemy manages to sit down and start the car, you may have problems, unless you know how to skillfully shoot at moving targets. Don't forget to destroy the fuel barrels in order to hit hidden enemies with explosions. After clearing the area, run to the pit in the center of the camp and go down. There you will find gold. Send a message to UFLL that you have found a cache and leave the oasis.

Go to the shelter near the lake, where a friend is already waiting for you. He offers to intervene in family matters between the king and his son. The noble offspring wants to kill the king in order to seize power. You need to bring the ring as proof. In gratitude, the prince will withdraw the troops from the oasis, which will greatly facilitate the search for gold.

The king hides in an old fortress, which is guarded by APR troops. The main entrance is shot through with machine guns, and snipers sit on the towers. If you want to sneak around unnoticed, it's best to operate under the cover of darkness. Crawl to the south wall and look for the entrance on the southeast side. It is difficult to go unnoticed in a fortress; if you catch someone's eye, quickly finish the enemy, throw grenades at random into the darkness and run to the building where the king sat down. In the first minutes, the hype is only in your favor, and you can slip through.

In the building, go up to the second floor and finish off the king. Although you can listen to his monologue for the sake of interest, especially the part in which his deposed majesty promises that his son will avenge him. Take the ring from the corpse and answer the friend's call. The prince is already waiting for you at the lake house where you met your friend.

Exit the fortress and drive to the lake. The prince will thank you and withdraw the troops from the oasis. He will also give his jeep. It does not have a machine gun, but the car has good maneuverability. At the exit from the shelter, a friend will call you and ask you to quickly come to the oasis. He's not sure everything will go smoothly. Go to a meeting. Talk to your friend and then climb into the hole to find gold and send a message to UFLL.

When you inspect the gold, the sounds of shots will be heard above. Climb the stairs faster and help your friend fight off the attack. There are not very many opponents, but there is a threat of outflanking. Stop such breakthroughs with grenades. If a comrade is injured, do not forget to heal him. After fighting off the attack, you will complete the mission and will be able to take on the last assignment from the UFLL.

Farm sabotage

Step back into the UFLL HQ to take on the third mission. A Western company maintains a farm in the country where it grows rare and expensive plants. So expensive that APR pays for security and delivers scarce goods. You need to destroy the pump in the greenhouse. This will force Western businessmen to stop cooperating with APR. The fee for the task is 15 diamonds.

If you do not want to carry out the instructions of a friend, then immediately go to the farm. Just to get started, visit the weapons store. Sabotage is all the more interesting if you spend it quietly. Therefore, buy a silent MP-5 and two radio-controlled mines. Get on the bus and go to the northeast station. Wait until night and stomp to the southwest. If you are driving, be sure to leave it halfway.

The farm is located in the middle of the jungle and is surrounded by rocks. Two well-traveled roads lead to it, but there are also two secret paths that can be reached on foot without attracting attention. All sorts of bushes are planted around the greenhouse, so under the cover of night, in a camouflage suit, you can easily get to the pump without touching the guards at all. True, there are two towers with snipers, but at night the shooters see much worse.

I would advise you to enter the farm from the north side. There's a lot less security there. When you crawl through the bushes, you will practically not see anything that is happening around. Therefore, carefully listen to the conversations of the guards. And as soon as they get worried, crawl back and wait until the militants check the bushes and calm down.

Having reached the greenhouse, set a mine near the pump and quietly crawl out of the farm. Hiding in the bushes, detonate the charge and quickly get away. Just don't forget the snipers. Of course, they won't be able to stop you, but running under gunfire is quite unpleasant.

Now consider how this mission will go if you listen to a friend.

Buddy errands take up a lot of time and do not make the main task easier. But this, right, is not a reason to refuse them. A friend will traditionally call and ask to meet at the shelter. Get on the boat and sail south. You need to drag the chemicals from the landfill and deliver the cargo to the airfield. Then a friend on a plane will fly over the farm and spray chemicals, which will kill all the plants.

From the hideout, stomp west to reach the junkyard. A barrel of chemicals can be quietly dragged away under the cover of night. It is enough to remove the guard in one direction, crawl into the building, take the object and disappear into the night. But the open area is downright conducive to shooting the enemy with a sniper rifle. It's long but fun. You can also do this: blow up fuel kegs to raise a panic, and shoot fussing enemies with an assault rifle.

In any case, after picking up the barrel of chemicals, drive to the runway. There are no opponents at all, so you don't have to worry. Give the canister to your friend and move to the farm. Get into the greenhouse in the old way (see the walkthrough without the help of a friend), plant a mine, crawl away to a safe distance and detonate the projectile. Wait for a friend to fly by on a plane and spray chemicals.

But this is not the end. The plane, which was controlled by a friend, was shot down, and you need to help out your partner faster. Run to the accident site, focusing on the sounds of shooting and the mark on the map. You will come out to the enemies from the back, so you can quickly destroy two or three militants. The rest, noticing a new and more significant threat, should forget about a friend and switch to you. This is only to our advantage. After destroying all enemies, you will complete the task.

APR tasks

Assassination of the chief of police

Bright heads from APR without thinking twice will immediately instruct to remove the chief of police. The standard reward is 15 diamonds. In general, this is perhaps the only mission that is easier, and most importantly, more interesting to complete, spitting on the requests of a friend. The police chief drives around in a jeep, in a convoy of three cars. You need to track the convoy and destroy the target.

The beauty of the mission is that you need to trace the route and plan a competent ambush. We will not consider options with explosions from grenade launchers due to their obviousness and ease of execution. And in general, it is much more interesting to blow up columns with the help of radio-controlled mines. The sensations are much sharper when the victim falls into the perfect trap, and you leave unnoticed.

First of all, you need to know the route. This can be done by observing the movement of the icon on the map for a while. You can also install visual observation, but it is much more difficult. If the chief of police notices you, he will start to run away quickly and it will be problematic to catch up with him. The victim drives on the western side of the map and will definitely cross four bridges. This is the ideal place to set the min.

Place three mines on a 20-meter stretch so that the distance between the charges is approximately the same. If there are more mins - put everything. It definitely won't get worse. Then hide in the bushes and wait for the convoy. When the cars drive over the mines, detonate the charges. It is unlikely that anyone will survive after the explosions. But even if someone survives, you can easily finish off a shell-shocked enemy.

If you decide to obey a friend, go to the shelter. The partner has a great idea. You can make your task easier if you steal the ledger of the chief of police. It contains entries proving that our victim worked for the UFLL and the APR at the same time. When the boss finds out about the loss, he will run to hide in the police station, fearing revenge for betrayal. That's where we'll get it.

The ledger is in the possession of the police chief's brother, who is hiding in a fishing village to the north. I advise you to try a silent operation under the cover of night. Buy a silent MP-5 submachine gun and a sniper rifle with darts. Drive along the road and, without attracting attention, clear the small pier, which is located opposite the fishing village. There will be two or three guards there. Swim across to a small island and eliminate sentries.

Now, from a sniper rifle, shoot the militants at the house where the brother of the police chief sat down. Your task is to neutralize them so that the rest do not notice the corpses. In principle, a small corridor is enough to get to the victim, so do not get too carried away. Then swim to the pier, climb onto the pier and slip into the house we need. He is very close. If the lake will be patrolled by a boat, wait until it moves away. It is useless to try to remove the machine gunner and helmsman without raising the alarm.

Put a machete to the police chief's brother's throat to find out where the ledger is. She lies on a nearby bedside table. Take the book and leave the village. A friend will call you and say that the plan worked. Now you can go to kill the chief of police. The police station is located in such an area that it would not be difficult for you to sneak up unnoticed under the cover of darkness. Tall grass is your safe haven. Just to be sure, finish off the enemy sniper in the north.

Then go into the prison and shoot the police chief. It remains to destroy the convoy. Your partner promises to help you with this, so hurry up to get to the battlefield faster. The friend, apparently, decided not to wait and had already begun to attack. Quickly shoot at the militants to switch their attention to yourself and save a comrade from unnecessary injuries.

gas hunger

It's time to take on the second APR assignment. They want you to destroy the gas tank that the UFLL has for sale. This sabotage will hit the group's finances hard. But the tank cannot be blown up from small arms, you will need explosives or a grenade launcher. Well, a grenade launcher is a grenade launcher. Take the folder to start the quest and get 15 diamonds.

If you want to carry out the operation stealthily, buy a radio-controlled mine and a silent MP-5. Infiltrate the train station at night and sneak carefully up to the cistern, removing patrols if necessary. Just be careful not to be spotted by the sniper on the roof. Plant a mine, crawl back to a safe distance and detonate the detonator. At the station, the search for the saboteur will immediately begin, but you can safely leave.

The second option is to take a sniper rifle and explosives. Come in from the side of the mountains, there is a small path, lie down on a convenient rock, from where the entire railway station will be visible, and start shooting UFLL militants. First of all, you shoot the sniper on the roof, then destroy the fussing opponents. They, of course, will notice you, but they are unlikely to be able to go upstairs. Too steep climb.

Most of the enemies who manage to break through will gather below the rock, unsuccessfully trying to find a position from where they can hit you. It's just some kind of holiday. With Molotov cocktails, first set fire to the grass behind the opponents, then on the sides - and watch the militants burn in terrible agony. Those who manage to escape are finished off with a sniper rifle. Then you go down to the base, put a mine, and blow up the tank.

But there is also a third option. Simple, reliable and elegant. Again, come in from the side of the mountains and just shoot from the RPG-7 or Carl G at the tank. The distance, of course, is large, but the range of the charge allows it, and it is problematic to miss such a target. Security doesn't even know what happened. There was a cistern - and there was no cistern. Go back along the path through the mountains and enjoy easy money.

What new will the comrade offer in this mission? He will offer to first kill one of the leaders of the UFLL, who sat down on the farm, before blowing up the gas tank. Killing him will lead to the fact that after the attack on the railway station, reinforcements will go to the enemy on the train, which the comrade, in turn, will derail. Here is such an ingenious partisan combination.

You can traditionally sneak up on the victim at night and quietly bang. The south passage is heavily guarded, so enter from the west or north. The assault option works well, an assault rifle or a sniper rifle with a machine gun will help pave the way. In this case, use fuel to divert attention and/or burn the enemy.

In any case, after finishing with the leader, drive to the railway station and blow up the gas tank. After that, a friend will call you and ask for help. He managed to undermine the composition, but the surviving opponents are strongly pressing him. The partner holds the defense on the southern hill, the UFLL militants attack from the north. Shoot back, hiding behind sandbags, or attack the enemy from the rear. When you destroy all enemies, the mission will be completed.

garbage deeds

Go to the headquarters to take the last task. This time the revolutionaries want you to go to the junkyard and destroy the compressor in the garage. Without this device, the UFLL will have a harder time repairing vehicles, giving the APR a technical edge. Payment - 15 diamonds.

There is a large pile of garbage in the dump, so you will have to fight at close range. Buy an assault rifle or a shotgun - a sniper rifle and a grenade launcher are of little use. The garage is well guarded, but no one asks you to break through the central gate with a fight. The landfill is located in the center of the jungle, that is, on the sides there are abundant thickets that will reliably hide you from prying eyes.

It is enough to leave the car halfway and go around the central post through the jungle. Then shoot the sentries from the forest and change position. Track the militants who have come running and throw grenades at them. Come to the landfill. This is a real maze, so actively change positions after each attack so that the enemy loses sight of you. True, such running can end in sudden and sad meetings.

However, once in a landfill, you can simply walk to the garage - it is not far from the forest - and destroy the compressor with a grenade or mine. If you like covert operations, this mission is a great opportunity to practice your skills of silently penetrating a protected area. From the side of the forest, they crawled into a landfill, planted a mine, crawled into the forest and detonated the charge. And let the enemy get busy looking for the culprit of the explosion.

Get on the bus, go to the northern stop and stomp into the shelter. A friend will ask you to steal a map from the fuel depot before blowing up the compressor. The details of the plan are as follows. When you attack at the junkyard, cars with fuel will go to the fuel depot. The resulting map will allow you to find out the route of movement and steal the truck. After talking with your partner, go on the road.

It is quite possible to visit the map at night, but it will be quite difficult to sneak. Although tall grass grows around, the terrain is open, and big-eyed snipers are sitting on the roofs, apparently suffering from insomnia. In addition, we will go to the fuel depot, where there are a lot of barrels of fuel, which, combined with dry grass, will give an excellent result.

Therefore, arm yourself with a sniper rifle and arrange a fiery hell from afar, shooting at fuel barrels. Then finish off the surviving enemies, go to the office and pick up the map. A friend will call you, and now you can go to the landfill. Blow up the compressor with a radio-controlled mine and answer the call of a friend again.

He can not cope with the enemy and asks you to help. Comrade nearby, you can easily run. Then you act according to the standard scheme - distract the attention of the enemy and save your friend. This will end the mission and you can take on UFLL errands or start quests that will lead to the end of the first act.


Before you take on the final story missions in Act 1, make sure you've completed all of the buddy missions. In the future, you will be able to return to this region and complete the tasks of the weapons seller and the assassination, but, alas, the orders of friends, alas, will not be available.

You will receive the final task of the first chapter at the headquarters of the victorious faction. Who won up depends on how you did the tasks - completing the instructions of a friend or just the main mission. However, it doesn't matter who wins. You have to visit the same place, with the same assignment. Only the customer and the victim will change. You need to kill the leader of the losing faction for the leader of the winning faction. You will find the victim in a small camp in the northeast of the region.

The camp is in the jungle, so the car will have to be abandoned on the road. If you go straight ahead, you will reach the river with a small house and a few sentries. On the left should be a suspension bridge and a waterfall. There is? So you have chosen the right direction. There are two ways to get to the camp.

The first way - before reaching the house on the river, turn left and go up the hill along the path. You will have to fight in the jungle - assault rifle is the best weapon - and the enemy will almost certainly try to use the numerical advantage. In this case, retreat to the path and keep the defense there.

Or swim across the river at the house, go up the path and attack from the side of the bridge. Here, a sniper rifle or an assault rifle with a telescopic sight is already more relevant. There is no way to approach you, except for the bridge, and a long distance is only at hand. After clearing the area from the guards, go into the house, but do not touch the victim. First, place one mine at the entrance to the house, as well as several on the north and south directions. Now you can talk and shoot the former leader of the group.

When the victim is dead, the fighters of the victorious group will come running to finish off the main character. Undermine the charges - this should kill some of the enemies - and run across the bridge, shooting back from the enemy if he interferes with the passage. If the situation is calm, you can go down the path, otherwise jump off the bridge into the water. When you break away from your pursuers, a journalist will call and offer to meet at the sawmill.

Get on the bus - yes, I know that the station is far, but it's better than taking a boat - and go to the nearest stop. There is no one at the sawmill, so you can relax. But before you talk to a journalist, be sure to replenish your supply of medical syringes, buy an assault rifle or a shotgun. After the conversation, you will have to survive a serious fight and you need to be sure that the weapon will not let you down.

The journalist will tell you that the winning faction declared you and your buddies foreign spies and sentenced to death. Also, civilians were attacked, who were guilty of something before the winners. They hide in the church, but soon the soldiers will get there to arrange a bloody massacre. The problem is that you will not have time to cover the comrades who hold the defense in Mikey's bar, and the civilians in the church. Therefore, you will have to decide who to save - friends or civilians.

Consider the option with friends. Drive to Mikey's bar and finish off the soldiers storming the building. Get inside and help your friend move the refrigerator to block the door. Now get ready. The enemy will bombard the building. Stand at one window and shoot back. Not bad help grenades and Molotov cocktails. Just throw them carefully to hit the window exactly. To recharge, hide behind the bar. But sooner or later the main character will be shot.

If you choose civilians, drive to the city. There is no one there, all the mercenaries and soldiers disappeared at once. Go to church and listen to the priest. He will lead people through the back entrance, and you must cover their retreat. When the entrance is blocked, you will be alone in the church. You will have to keep the defense until the character, at the behest of the script, loses consciousness.

In general, the character will be shot anyway. You wake up in the back of a truck carrying the corpses of your comrades. Apparently, the enemy forgot about the blow of mercy. The character will fall out of the car, but there is nothing special to rejoice at. Sandstorm does not increase the chances of survival for a wounded fighter. You don't have a map, I don't talk about weapons at all. Although it would still be useless. Move in any direction until the character passes out.

You will wake up on a bed in a small hut. A desert storm howls outside the window, and a Jackal sits nearby. He even sympathizes with the protagonist, who was betrayed by the victors. He will also share his thoughts on the situation in the country. When the sounds of an approaching car are heard outside, the Jackal will wish good luck and leave through the window.

A representative of the losing group will enter the hut and offer a task. After losing in the northern region, their troops have fallen into a state of chaos, and they need time to regroup in the southern region. You need to shoot the leader of the group that won and betrayed you. He will soon be holding a squad meeting, and this is a great chance to attack. The captain will throw you a flask and leave the room. The main character will lose consciousness again.

When the character wakes up, pick up the AK-47, the Makarov pistol and the mortar. The task remains the same - to destroy the leader of the winning faction. The squad stopped on the road, and our victim makes a speech to the soldiers. Of course, the whole honest company can be covered with a mortar, especially since weapons were not available until that moment and everyone wants to indulge. But it's better to stop at the sniper rifle. We do not need to destroy the entire squad, it is enough to shoot a specific person.

Drive to the place indicated on the map and leave the car halfway. Between the marked place and the checkpoint in the north there is a convenient hill from which you can shoot the leader of the group. He stands on an overturned van and speaks into a megaphone. An accurate headshot will solve all your problems. Then it remains only to break away from the pursuers. You can leave the Leboa-Sako region with a clear conscience and go to Bowa-Seko. The transition between areas is located in the southwestern corner of the map.

Act two

After entering Bowa-Seko, check out the gun store and drive into town. This is also a peaceful area, so be careful not to accidentally shoot even in the air. You are already expected at the headquarters. Your actions in Leboa-Sako not only severely weakened one faction, but also brought an unexpected calm to the region. Therefore, your employer - who it will be depends on who won - is afraid that the mercenaries will be left without work.

This cannot be allowed, because we, too, are mercenaries and want to make money on the war. The employer knows how to rekindle the conflict. He found a large cache of Jackal's weapons, and you must deliver him to the city of Port Selao under the flag of the losing faction. The deadly cargo is already on the ship. You just have to meet the captain and ensure safety during the voyage. The essence of the operation is clear, it's time to move on.

Get on a boat (you can also take a bus, but it seemed to me that it took a little longer) and swim along the river to the barge. Climb aboard and inspect the ship. Along the sides and at the stern, stationary grenade launchers are installed. It's just great, because they will help repel the attack. There is a Carl G grenade launcher on the deck, which needs to be picked up urgently. It will also come in handy in the future.

Step into the wheelhouse and talk to the captain to start sailing. The barge will be attacked by sailors in boats and fired upon by soldiers from the shore. Submachine gunners and machine gunners are not so bad, mortar gunners are much more dangerous. They need to be killed first. If the ship is seriously damaged, it will stop in the middle of the lake. Ignore it, fight off the enemies and fix the engine. It is located in the center of the ship.

When you reach the port, leave the ship and run to the doctor's house. I advise you to study the area, because soon you will have to quickly run away to the pier. You can even park your car on the road ahead of time. The doctor does not have a cure for malaria, but he will talk about people who will help with the pills. Also during the conversation, you will hear gunfire in the city. The weapon plan starts to work. The doctor will ask you to return when the militants calm down. You also need to leave the city.

If you go through the main door, you will come under heavy fire and it will be much more difficult to get out of the city. Therefore, use the back door to quietly slip out of the war zone without attracting attention. You need to get to the port in order to receive a new task. The captain of the ship will contact you and say that he was attacked. Look at the map to see where you need to go. This is the pier near the bar where you will now meet your friends.

Get in the boat and swim to the barge. From a boat with a machine gun, destroy the militants on the boats and on the shore. If you don’t get someone, moor to the shore and finish off. When the soldiers stop attacking, go to the wheelhouse to talk to the captain. The plan was a complete success. Now APR and UFLL are once again fighting to the death. The captain of the ship automatically becomes the best friend.

You can take on missions for the APR, UFLL and gun dealers, contract killings and buddy missions. You can also return to Leboa-Sako to collect diamonds and complete quests for weapons dealers and contract killings.

Tasks for UFLL

Fatal disease

Head to the UFLL HQ to receive the mission. Hector will tell you that malaria is rampant in the country, and APR has the ability to produce a medicine. The leaders want you to go to the village of Dogon and destroy the stove in which medicines are prepared. This, of course, will lead to an increase in the number of diseases, but it will also undermine the authority of Tamboss.

This is one of the most difficult missions for UFLL. The village is large and has many narrow streets. A mortar man sits on the roof. You won’t be able to slip, sooner or later you will pierce somewhere, and the assault option is long and dangerous.

The first option is this. Buy an assault rifle with a scope or a sniper rifle and a machine gun. Bypassing the roadblocks, approach the village and occupy the eastern hill. To get to the furnace, you need to make your way through the entire village. First you need to eliminate the mortar man who is sitting on the roof in the center of the settlement. This must be done first, otherwise you will regularly receive a mine on the head.

When you shoot down the mortar, the guards in the village will noticeably perk up. Continue to sit on the hill and fight off the enemies that are trying to break through to your position. Then enter the village. Actively use grenades and blow up fuel barrels. The streets are small, many people will die from explosions. Try to keep your distance so as not to suddenly run into a militant with a shotgun.

In the upper part of the village, the guards are much less. Go to the stove and throw a grenade at it to destroy the equipment. Now we need to get out of here alive. You can return through the village. Or walk a little forward on the cliffs, take a paraglider and descend gracefully into the gorge.

The second option - you wait for the night and, armed with a silent MP-5 and a sniper rifle with darts, move towards the village. Take out the mortar to ease your way later on and sneak around the east side. When you get spotted - if you don't, you're very lucky - throw a few grenades into the center of the village to distract the enemy, and quickly run to the furnace, still sticking to the edge.

Kill opponents only if they interfere with the passage. Do not pay attention to the shots from behind and from the side. We are now relying on surprise and speed, and not firepower, especially since the opponents will not immediately rush in pursuit. They will carefully follow you. You will have time to run through several houses and finally get lost in the alleys. Having reached the furnace, throw a grenade and go down on a paraglider.

The task of a friend slightly diversifies, but does not change the goal. He will offer to kill the driver who is transporting the medicine before destroying the stove. You will find the driver in a small village.

The easiest way to sneak into the village is from the east side. Before looking for the driver, shoot the shooter on the tower with a sniper rifle with darts. Then, hiding in the tall grass, carefully avoiding or destroying the MP-5 patrols, go into the hut and put a bullet between the victim's eyes. Do not try to jump over the wall at the hut! All the same, you won’t climb over, but you’ll make decent noise.

Now you can return to the village. After destroying the furnace, grab the paraglider and fly north. You need to get to the ruins to save your friend. You will not reach the ruins themselves, but you will land nearby. You need to save your partner in the standard way - switch the enemy's attention to yourself and quickly destroy them.

Dangerous job

APR has hired a demolition worker who teaches militants how to make makeshift mines. And the UFLL want to eliminate this man. The fee for the task is 30 diamonds. This is an easy mission, especially if you don't follow a buddy's errand. It is advisable to operate at night, and choose a silent MP-5 or a pistol with a silencer from weapons.

Get on the boat and sail east. After reaching the camp, swim to the shore and enter from the western side. The hut in which the person we need is sitting is in the northwest corner. This is the very edge of the base, while almost all the militants are in the center. Wait until the guards go around, quickly go into the hut and use the silent weapon to kill the demoman.

If you don't have a silent weapon, just shoot the guards at the hut, quickly run inside and kill the demoman. Then leave the house and run to the river. The guards should not have time to react, but to be sure, you can set fire to the grass to cover the retreat. That, in fact, is all.

Buddy wants you to steal the map first and have the bomber dictate new coordinates for the plane. After that, he will drop the load in the right place for you. It is quite difficult to get into the camp unnoticed. Arm yourself with a sniper rifle or MGL-140. From a safe distance, put down the snipers, and then the alarmed guards.

After clearing the street, pick up an assault rifle / shotgun from the corpse of a militant and search the buildings in the camp to make sure that no one is hiding there. Come into the office and pick up the card. Now go to the camp with the victim and get into the house in the old way. First make the demoman read the message, and then shoot him.

Now you need to get to the airfield to meet the package. Or, to put it simply, you need to save a friend from the militants. Although the airfield is really conducive to shooting enemies from afar, I advise you to quickly break through to your partner, because he will not last long. When you destroy all enemies, the mission will be over.

Unhealthy competition

The third and final task from the UFLL is to eliminate the arms dealer Yabek, who only works with the APR. The arms dealer hides on a barge and is heavily guarded. For the task, we need a Carl G grenade launcher. True, you can pick it up right on the spot, but it's better to play it safe.

Walk along railway to the east, clearing the encountered roadblocks until you reach the bridge. On the east side, without making too much noise, go down to the river and look for a militant with a grenade launcher. Slash him with a machete and pick up Carl G if you didn't bring a weapon with you. Choose a position from where the starboard side can be shot through. Place a charge and shoot at Yabek's cabin to finish off the arms dealer.

The buddy errand is one of the most useful in the game. It will make the mission much easier. The comrade will offer to blow up the bridge over the barge in order to sink the ship with the debris along with the arms dealer. But for this you need to get a warhead. You will find it at the site of the old crash of the Mi-24.

The crash site is guarded by three snipers and several patrols. First of all, you need to eliminate the enemy shooters. Arm yourself with a sniper rifle and act during the day, because the snipers are well hidden, at night you are tormented to look. To make it easier for yourself, first cut the sniper in the west. It can be reached by a path.

Then pick up a warhead and go to a friend. He is already waiting on the bridge. The checkpoint at the bridge itself is already empty, so you can not be afraid of an attack. Give your friend the warhead, and when he prepares the charge, run back to a safe distance. After the explosion, the barge with Yabek will be destroyed, but you need to repel the APR attack. The fighters will appear from the side of the road. They can be thrown with grenades when they get closer.

Tasks for APR

medical intervention

Go to the APR headquarters to talk to Oliver Tambossa and Nicholas Greaves. Civil War led to a shortage of medical supplies, especially painkillers. But UFLL managed to get nitrous oxide. If you can destroy the cargo, the group will have problems with the treatment of the wounded. For the task you will receive 30 diamonds. Now this is the standard board.

A fairly simple task, especially if you ignore the requests of a friend. Nitrogen tanks are very vulnerable, they can be blown up even with a sniper rifle. The best option is to make one shot from afar and quickly hit the road. Buy a sniper rifle or a Carl G grenade launcher, get into the boat and sail west. Then leave the boat and walk north.

The base is heavily guarded, but you can sneak up on the south path. You will easily slip past the sentries, especially if you sneak at night and in a camouflage suit. The only one who can see you is the sniper on the north tower. But this is unlikely, it is far away, and there are a lot of thickets around. Coming out from the south direction, you will not only bypass the enemy, but also go straight to the truck.

Choose a comfortable position and wait until all sentries move away. Then fire the grenade launcher at the truck or the sniper rifle at the tanks. The bullet is not a charge, more accuracy is required. You can try another option: sneak up close to the car and plant a radio-controlled mine, move to a safe position and detonate the charge. Then go south along the path to the river and get into the boat.

If you want to help a friend, get ready that the mission will become much more difficult. You can forget about the silent or "shoot and run" option. Immediately stock up on a grenade launcher and an assault rifle. The rest of the weapons are unlikely to be useful in this mission. The partner offers to steal and blow up a nitrogen truck right in the UFLL garage, which is located in the city of Sefapane. But for this you will have to pick up the spare part from the post office, which, of course, is heavily guarded.

It is better to wait until night to sneak into the building, pick up the package and quietly disappear into the African night. If you want to storm, get ready for big trouble. There are really a lot of soldiers, and even the curious from checkpoints will run into the sounds of shooting. First, try to destroy the enemies by blowing up the fuel barrels. Then shoot the snipers in the western direction.

Finally, you lure the remaining militants into the field in order to scare them with a fire and eliminate them. When you enter the post office, first check the room with grenades. After picking up the parcel, quickly go outside - a friend will call you. You never know who of the enemies survived and will try to throw grenades at you while you are talking on the phone. With the received package, go to the truck. Just do not forget that it must be captured, not destroyed. So think about where you shoot.

The soldiers obviously won't let you just get in the car and go. Start clearing the area. First, destroy the sniper on the tower, then take on the ordinary soldiers. Do not go inside, run around the perimeter and fire at the militants from the bushes. Just make sure you take out all the enemies. It was not enough for you to get behind the wheel and get a line from a machine gun.

After clearing the area, go to the truck and fix the engine. Then get behind the wheel and drive to the city of Sefapane. You need to go along the northern road. Along the way, you will encounter one checkpoint and a patrol. Leave the nitrogen truck next to the road in advance. Remember that you are carrying an explosive substance and a random burst will result in a detonation. There is a truce in the city itself, so drive the car into the garage without any problems.

A friend is waiting for you there. After talking with him, approach the cylinders and knock down the valve. Go to the door and run out of the building. Now you need to repel the attack of the UFLL soldiers. It is not difficult to repel an attack, but it is much more difficult to save a partner. Actively throw grenades right and left, hit with a grenade launcher, shoot with an assault rifle and stay close to a friend at all times. If he gets hurt, give him a quick thrust to get him to his feet. After destroying all UFLL militants, you will complete the task.

Radio trash

Oliver Tamboss and Nicholas Greaves have a new assignment. You must destroy the APR radio station, which fills the airwaves with monstrous lies. Exactly, there should be only one propaganda in the country. I mean, I mean, it's true. Take the folder to start the quest and get 30 diamonds. You will find explosives right at the antenna, so do not stock up on radio-controlled mines in advance.

Get on the bus and go to the southwest stop. From there, go northwest. The village is well guarded. Snipers and grenade launchers sit on the towers. They must be destroyed first, otherwise it will not be fun to run under the explosions of charges. Having dealt with them, take on the soldiers crawling near the houses. True, if they notice you, they should already happily attack, shooting from machine guns. Do not forget that here is tall and dry grass that burns well.

If you don't want to start a massacre, stock up on a silent MP-5 and a sniper rifle with optics. You need to move out at night. Hiding in tall grass, stealthily sneak towards the target, keeping to the southwest direction. This way you will bypass the sniper. However, for reliability, you can quietly destroy the shooter. After reaching the generator, pick up a mine, put a charge and step to the ledge in the north. There you will find a paraglider.

Shoot the enemy sniper if you didn't take him down while sneaking towards the generator. Then get on a paraglider and fly over the village. If you fly at night, the soldiers should not even notice you. However, if they open fire, you still have to hold out. After landing, detonate the charge at the generator to complete the mission.

After receiving the task, get into the boat and sail west to get to your friend. He will offer to slightly diversify the mission. You need to kill the Minister of Propaganda of the UFLL in order to intimidate the APR DJ and force him to read the desired message on the air. This will lead to a riot, during which the foreign bump that the comrade wants to get should die. That's just the driver of this foreigner is your friend. It will most likely have to be pulled out.

The Minister of Propaganda is in the tourist lodges. Such a big deal is well guarded, so a silent variant with an MP-5 and a direct assault is quite a challenge. But you can also try a completely unusual plan: arm yourself with Carl G and sit down on the north coast, opposite the camp site. Choose a rock that is more comfortable, from where the opposite coast will be perfectly visible, and get a grenade launcher.

There are three huts in total, the minister sits in the central house with a pointed roof. Aim at the lower edge of the roof and fire. If you don't hit the target, try shooting a little higher or lower. The minister is like a felt boot - even after the hundred and first shot he will stubbornly sit in the hut, hoping for some unknown reason. When the target is dead, a friend will call you.

Use the old way to get into the village and go into a small house, next to the antenna and generator. Put a machete to the DJ's throat and make him read the message. Mine the target, get into the paraglider and fly away from the village. Upon landing, detonate the charge. Now you need to save a friend who holds the defense at the checkpoint, north of the settlement. He sits in the center and shoots back from enemies. Once you save him, the mission will be completed.

Pipe battle

The leaders of the APR want to deal another blow to the wallet of the UFLL group. They pump water from a fresh lake to sell it to neighboring countries. You must destroy the pipe, but the power of the explosives available to you will not be enough. Therefore, first you need to get explosives. It can be found in the diamond mine. Take the folder with documents and 30 diamonds from Greaves to start the task.

First you need to get explosives, so drive to the diamond mine. Opt for a sniper rifle and possibly a machine gun. Although when you destroy the pipeline, a sniper rifle with darts will be more useful than a machine gun, especially since you do not need radio-controlled mines in this mission, so you can take an Israeli submachine gun for close combat. The mine is located in the middle of the jungle, so you have excellent cover around the perimeter. Open fire on militants from the jungle. First of all, remove the guards on the hill and undermine the fuel barrels.

You can do it a little differently. If you want, try to sneak up to the explosives unnoticed and just as quietly go back. To do this, you need to enter the mine from the northern direction. There are surprisingly few guards in the lowland, although there is a certain shortage of shelters. If the enemy sees you, the guards from above will open fire and you will most likely not have time to escape. However, I managed to steal the explosives in broad daylight and get away unnoticed. Although there was some fuss, it did not come to alarm.

One way or another, when you get the explosives, follow the road towards the pipeline. A sniper and a grenade launcher are on duty at the checkpoint to the north, but they are looking at the construction site. You can easily sneak up behind and stab with a machete. It's not difficult with a certain skill, but if you can't do it without noise, shoot the enemy with a sniper rifle with darts. Then shoot the sniper on the south tower. If the alarm has not been raised before, you have a great advantage.

Now crawl to the stationary MK-19 grenade launcher and open fire on the guards at the pipeline. If you shoot quickly and accurately, you will destroy most of the enemies. When the enemy stops showing up, go to the construction site along a small path. Try to change your sniper rifle to an assault rifle. Make sure you take out all the guards, and if anything, finish off the survivors. Then set the explosives and run back. After 15 seconds, an explosion will be heard and the mission will be completed.

A friend this time will not contact you immediately after receiving the task, but when you receive the explosives. Go to his shelter, since it is not far from the diamond mine. He wants you to destroy the pump at the station. Then the UFLL workers won't be able to turn off the water when you blow up the pipeline. This will allow the diamond mine to be flooded, further hitting UFLL. That's just then you have to cover a friend.

The house is well guarded, there is even a mortar man there, and patrols often ride along the road. If you attack in the open, you risk getting stuck in this area for a long time, fighting off enemies. It is better to crawl unnoticed from the east direction, remove the lone sentry and quickly, before his comrades notice his death, go to the station and put a few radio-controlled mines. Then return to the jungle and detonate the charges.

Then, according to the old scheme, destroy the water supply. True, if you want strong sensations, jump onto the pipeline (either at the very beginning, or along the boxes at the pumping station) and crawl to the charge installation site. In the dark, and correctly guessing the time when the sentries turn away, it may be possible to set the charge. True, you still need to run away and at the same time not fall off the pipe. You can try. Consider this homework.

After the explosion, a friend will call and ask to meet him at the diamond mine. Get into the boat and swim to the mine. You will have to walk part of the way. Start shooting militants from a sniper rifle while walking through the jungle. Then break through to your partner, make a healing injection if necessary and finish off the surviving enemies. Mission completed. See how the terrain has changed and move on to the next task. APR is done for now.


When you complete three missions for UFLL and APR, the final tasks in the second act will begin. As at the end of the first act, the winner is determined based on which tasks you have completed during these missions and which you have not. But this time the tasks will change a little. More precisely, the names and places where the missions will take place will change, but the goals will remain the same - to meet and pick up the diamonds.

If UFLL wins, the character will be sent to the village in the northeast, where Tambossa will be waiting for you to hand over a suitcase with diamonds. But this, of course, is not for you. You should just deliver it to the headquarters. The fee is 40 diamonds, which is decent even by the standards of the second act. When you go down from the second floor, a friend will meet you and offer to bring diamonds to the airfield in order to fly out of the country along with the jewelry. After all, the war is almost over, and the mercenaries will be left without work. Why not hit the jackpot?

Get on the boat and swim towards the village. It's suspiciously empty. You will soon understand the reasons for this. The militants lie in pools of their own blood. Go to the marked house and go up to the second floor. Tambossa is killed, but the diamonds are still there. Pick up the suitcase to get hit by the Jackal. He will deliver a mysterious speech and knock out the character. In general, everything is as usual - we were on a horse for a very short time.

If APR wins, Tambossa will send you on a mission. You must deliver the offer of peace to Mbantuwa and collect the suitcase with the diamonds. On the first floor of the headquarters, a friend will meet you again and offer to hit the road with diamonds from the country. Get on the boat and sail to the village. There are a lot of corpses there. You will find Mbantuwe in the house on the second floor. Pick up the suitcase with diamonds again to get hit by the Jackal and pass out. In general, there are few differences.

You wake up in a dusty cell. Approach the door. You will see and hear your friend being interrogated. When you did not appear at the airfield with a suitcase, the pilot flew away, and soldiers grabbed a friend. In general, it's time to run while you're still alive. When a comrade is dragged away to torture, break down the adjacent wall and pick up a machete. Look out into the corridor and exit into the courtyard of the prison. Gather your weapons and follow the bloody trails to see where your friend was dragged.

Now that you are armed, you can attack the guards. The first soldiers are talking nonchalantly with their weapons thrown behind their backs, and you can cut them down in one burst. Then beat off the attack of the guards who came running and go to your friend. Open the door and talk to your friend. He can't walk now, so he'll catch up with you later. Exit the prison and follow the road.

On the way you will come across a garage with a car and several guards. Kill the militants and steal the car. This, however, can attract attention, and you will have to fight off other enemies. You need to get to the crossroads, which is at the very bottom. When you finish the mission, you can stop and think about what to do next. The death of the leader of the losing faction has finally upset the balance of power, and now anything can happen. In general, everything is wonderful and wonderful.

If you win UFLL, you will receive a call from Nicholas, who became the head of the APR after the death of Tamboss. The leader sits in the new command post of the group and really wants to meet you. Having reached the headquarters, go to the leader. Nicholas wants you to eliminate the leader of the APR, Addy Mbantuwe. The fee is 40 diamonds.

Addy is hiding on the southern shore of the lake. Let's not draw too much attention; buy a silent MP-5 and a sniper rifle with darts. I advise you to make your way at night and from the east side. There is dense vegetation, and you will be hard to see. Carefully enter the two-story house and go upstairs. Seeing you, Mbantuwe will scream in surprise. Fortunately, no one will hear the swearing. Kill him and leave the house.

If APR wins, Hector will call and offer to meet at headquarters. He wants you to take out Sediko, who is hiding in the eastern base. The fee for the task is 40 diamonds. There are a lot of soldiers at the base, so it's better to act quietly. Buy a silent MP-5 and a sniper rifle with darts. Come in at night from the south side and shoot the sniper on the roof. He is big-eyed, can see from afar. Then crawl into the building, go up to the second floor and shoot Sediko. If you listen to his chatter for too long, he will reach for a gun.

Regardless of which faction won, you will receive this task immediately after the end of the previous one. Drive to UFLL Headquarters to speak with Anto Cancaras. He asks to destroy two leaders of the UFLL in order to single-handedly manage the group. They are hiding in a diamond mine. For the task you will receive 25 diamonds.

The mine, as you remember, is already flooded, so it will not be possible to sneak up unnoticed. You can arm yourself with the MGL-140 grenade launcher and kill everyone from afar. There is nowhere to hide in the flooded area, you can manage quickly. Or use a sniper rifle with darts to shoot opponents one at a time. They stand far from each other, so most of the enemies can be killed without raising an alarm.

Enter the building where Voorhees and Carbonella are hiding. They will start asking to shoot each other. Choose the least likable character and put a bullet in his forehead. Then listen to what the survivor has to say. He will offer to kill Kankaras, who sent you on this mission. If you agree, leave the hut, otherwise finish off the survivor.

Do you want to betray your employer? Buy a sniper rifle and drive to the headquarters. Find a tall building in the city center and climb to the roof. Look for windows in the headquarters with open shutters. Aim and shoot Kankaras in the head. Mission completed.

When you complete the previous task with UFLL, Reuben will call and ask you to meet at the bar. When you get to this institution, you will see that the journalist is not alone. Arturo Quepo is with him. He will ask to eliminate Greaves and Purefay in order to become the sole head of the APR. In general, the same story as with Kankaras and UFLL. They're hiding in a base to the northeast. The fee for the task is 25 diamonds.

I opted for the MGL-140 and the Israeli submachine gun. First, throw grenades from afar until the militants stop running and shooting back. Then go to the base, switch to the submachine gun and go into the hut. Greaves and Purefoy will raise their hands and ask to shoot each other. Finish off one character and listen to what the second one has to say. He will ask you to kill Arturo Quepo. In general, the old story.

If you don’t want to ride around the map once again - especially since you won’t get diamonds for this - just finish off the second character. If you want, leave him alive and go to the city. Stomp into the headquarters. The guard at the entrance is already aware and will not search you, but will let you inside with a weapon. Rise to the second floor and shoot Arturo Quepo. Now you need to get out of the city, because the militants on the street are very angry. Do not try to kill everyone, just break through the city limits.

Act three. Heart of Darkness

Thanks to our actions, both factions have been greatly weakened. But there is also bad news. Former enemies united to prevent a mass exodus of refugees from the country. When you complete the tasks described above, Ruben will call and tell you that all the journalists have been gathered in the hangar and seem to be going to be expelled from the country. True, Ruben strongly doubts this. Most likely, they will simply be taken out into the field and shot.

Drive to the airport and destroy the few guards. Just do not miss the mortars, who famously shoot, hiding in the grass. Go to the hangar where Ruben is being held. He will say that the forced expulsion or murder of journalists is most likely done in order to stop the outflow of civilians from the country. You will also learn that the Jackal has started a rebellion, and the UFLL, along with the APR, are trying to suppress it. Finally, Rubin will ask you to transfer his things to the family, because he is not sure that he will survive.

Take things and exit the hangar. Now you need to get to the old prison to meet the Jackal. If you have not completed some task - it's time. Soon you won't be able to go back. Also spend all the diamonds, after meeting with the Jackal you will no longer be taken to the weapons store. Upgrade the barrels and put the spare ones in the weapon boxes. You will still be in the shelter.

When you get to the prison, you will see that the rebellion has already been suppressed. Jackal will meet you in the courtyard and tell you his plan. He intends to ensure that civilians are allowed to cross the border. You must pick up a suitcase with diamonds, which will be used to bribe the border guards. Then go to the UFLL and APR camp and kill the surviving leaders of the groups. They are on good terms with you, so the guards will let you through with weapons.

After completing the task, you should meet the Jackal at the border. After the conversation, the Jackal will open the gate and you will be able to get into a previously inaccessible area. If you forgot to do something - it's not too late to return. Are all things done? Then go ahead. You will walk through the jungle for a long time without meeting resistance. Then you will come across a camp of militants. They're in the lowlands and you're on a cliff - a great position to attack.

In the first minutes of the battle, I managed to destroy 90% of the enemies with the MGL-140. Moreover, most of the militants did not even understand where the fire was coming from. Most importantly, keep a stationary machine gun in sight. You can not let the enemy behind this weapon. Then go down and finish off the survivors. Exit the camp and follow the path to the shelter. If necessary, sleep off and replenish your grenade ammo.

The road does not imply a fork, so move strictly straight ahead, shooting at the patrols that meet. There will be many opponents, but these are ordinary skirmishes. No tricks - just clear the area. If you start having problems with weapons, pick up a trophy barrel. In the second shelter, you can sleep off, pick up new weapons from the boxes and decide what to do first - destroy the leaders or go for diamonds.

Let's start with the leaders. Follow the western path. The camp is full of soldiers, and some are armed with grenade launchers, sniper rifles and even mortars. The leaders are sitting in the hut. If you go there and just attack in the forehead, most likely you will no longer be able to get out or repel the attack. Therefore, gradually clear the camp or, if you have a Carl G grenade launcher, look for a position from where you can shoot accurately.

The position should be as far away from the camp as possible. The Carl G has optics, so you can aim from a long distance. It is desirable that you be hidden, but at the same time see the leaders in the scope. Did you find a position? Don't rush to shoot. Make sure that the sentries move away so that they do not notice the rocket launch. Here after that - the stove. A direct missile hit on the hut will kill everyone. Until the militants realize what happened, quickly retreat to the shelter.

Reload your weapon and take the briefcase. This will provoke an attack by the rest of the friends. Buddies are much more dangerous than ordinary fighters, so immediately throw grenades and look for reliable shelter. When you fight off the attack, some of the comrades may be alive, but badly injured. Of course, we will not treat them. But you can pick up a former friend, get a gun and finish him off with a headshot.

Then go to the Jackal's hut and give him the briefcase. He will put a gun to the diamonds and start pouring gasoline on the hut, at the same time telling that the border guards do not allow civilians to cross the border. And the UFLL and APR troops are advancing from behind. One of you must go to the border guards to hand over the diamonds. The other is to climb the mountain and blow up the dynamite. The explosion will fill up the passage with stones and give time to cross the border.

The only problem is that there is no detonator and you will have to undermine it manually. This means that the character will die. Then the Jackal will say a very strange and contradictory thought. Like, both of you are like cancer cells on the body of an unfortunate African country. And both must die. Therefore, the one who carries the diamonds will then put a bullet in his head. Let's just say it's a bold statement. Especially considering who our characters are. In any case, you will have to choose between a suitcase and dynamite.

Consider the option with a suitcase. Take it from the table and exit the hut. Walk along the path to the indicated target, shooting at the meeting militants. When you reach the border guards, give the diamonds and watch the video. In it, no one is going to put a bullet in the head, so the death of the protagonist is a big question.

Want to undermine yourself? Then grab the battery and stomp up the mountain, destroying the militants. At the very top you will find boxes with dynamite. Put a battery on them and close the wires. There will be an explosion, and you will be shown exactly the same video as if you had chosen a suitcase with diamonds. This will end the game and the end credits will roll.

Here the game has come to its logical conclusion, and even the controversial ending does not spoil the overall impression. But personally, I'm most interested in this: what changes await FarCry in the third part?

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Even when the first part of Far Cry came out, gamers realized that the gaming industry would never be the same. It was enough to turn on the game to understand how great it is in every way. The graphics were especially different - earlier in shooters they did not focus on it, but in Far Edge you could not go through the game, but simply admire the landscapes that were simply breathtaking. Then came the second part, further consolidating the success of the series. Well, as for the third episode, which went on sale in 2012, there is simply no doubt about it - this is one of the best first-person shooters of all time. This game has received many awards. Including for the best graphics. She was also named the best shooter of the year. Now you will read the passage of the game Far Cry 3, since not all gamers cope with the tasks that they face in the process. It is worth noting that only the storyline will be discussed here, and in the Far Cry game itself, you can still be distracted by side quests, as well as simple exploration of the open world.

Chapters 1-4

Far Cry 3 walkthrough begins on a Caribbean island where your character has come to rest with friends and his brother. However, a terrible thing happened, and the whole group was taken hostage by local bandits. The game starts with you sitting in cages. However, your brother manages to get out and free everyone - go after him in an attempt to escape, but nothing will come of it - the bandit leader Vass will attack you and kill your brother Grant, and you need to run as fast as possible towards the jungle to hide. After that, you will find yourself in the village of Amanaki, where you will come to your senses in the hut of some stranger who will heal your wounds and even give you some money so that you can survive in such a dangerous place. With this money you need to purchase your first pistol, and then talk to Dennis again - that is the name of your savior. He will give you a task - to activate the radio tower. Go to her, she is marked on the map. The task is extremely simple, among your opponents there is only a poisonous snake, which you will find on the tower. After activation, return to Dennis to start a new chapter. In it, you have to learn hunting and gathering - these are also necessary skills, without which you cannot survive. You need to go in search of wild boars, kill two and butcher them, and then find the plants that Dennis told you about. Collect them and return to the camp, where you can make yourself a bag from the skins of wild boars to carry more items, and from herbs - healing potions. In the fourth chapter, serious action finally begins - together with Dennis, you need to go to capture an outpost controlled by bandits. You can do everything quietly, or you can go head-on - it doesn't change anything. The only important thing is that, on a tip, one of the girls from your group should have been at the outpost, but she was not there. Well, you'll have to continue playing Far Cry 3 to find her and the others.

Chapters 5-8

The passage of the game Far Cry 3 continues with the fact that you are looking for Dr. Earnhard, who should have the same girl who was not at the outpost. When you find the doctor, you will find out that this is true, but she is in critical condition and you need a special mushroom so that the doctor can save her. Head to the grotto where you accidentally step on some kind of hallucinogenic mushroom that will give you visions. After overcoming them, find the desired mushroom and return to the doctor. Leave the work on your girlfriend's health to a specialist - you have more important things to do. Go to the operation "Medusa", which will begin with your search for the desired liner, which is guarded by a lot of bandits. This is a problem, since you cannot make noise here - first of all, eliminate the three signalmen, and if you can do it silently, you can quietly get onto the liner. There you need to eavesdrop on the conversation in the wheelhouse and pick up important information. At the exit, you will need to deal with support units, after which another mission awaits you - now you need to blow up the bandit camp. Another operation, during the implementation of which you should not make a fuss. Make your way to the camp, plant explosives and get out as quickly as possible so as not to explode along with the camp. The next task is even more serious, now you need to raid the island prison in order to free good people from the clutches of bandits. Everything is simple here - the usual assault with a lot of shooting - again, pay attention to the signalers in the first place, as they can call for reinforcements. After clearing the coast, go into the cave and kill all the opponents there. However, when you try to go outside, you will be stunned - this is where the passage takes a rather sharp turn in Far Cry 3.

Chapters 9-12

In the game Far Cry 3, the passage will surprise you more than once. At the moment, Vass overtook and grabbed you, but you will have a chance to escape. Everything around is on fire, so you will have to move very carefully. Your goal is to get to your girlfriend and save her, after which you need to jump into the car that will save you. But your tail is behind you - grab a grenade launcher and start shooting opponents. Next, you have to return to the cave - now there are already two rescued friends, but you need to solve more serious problems, because Vass is actually becoming a huge danger to absolutely everyone. For now, you need to get the transmitter left in the cave and activate it. After that, it will be time to meet with Citra, the local leader of the indigenous population. Naturally, you will first have to prove that she really needs you. To do this, drink a drink that will be prepared for you, and go travel through hallucinations. There you will need to follow the man in the white suit. As soon as you wake up, go in search of this person. You will need to get into the city, and then go to a bar and join three gamblers who are missing a fourth member. Soon the same man in white will appear - go after him. The passage of Far Cry 3 is gaining momentum - really crazy events will begin soon.

Chapters 13-16

The man in white turned out to be an undercover American CIA agent. His goal is to deprive the real leader of the bandits of power, because Vass is just one of his assistants. Now the passage of Far Cry 3 changes its direction - you have to complete the tasks of this agent. And first of all, it will be necessary to burn the fields of marijuana, which are supposedly rice fields. Arm yourself with a flamethrower and go to work - hurry up, because a huge number of bandits will try to prevent you. After that, a very important moment will come - you have to save your friend Oliver, who also survived, although no one believed in it. You will need to shoot opponents with a sniper rifle while Oliver makes his way to the water in a car. As soon as he dives, follow him, get on the boat and swim away, shooting at the same time from the pursuers. Oliver gives you important information about the former bandit Buck, who can help you. Go to the city and talk to him - he will give you a task to find a part of the compass, which can be the key to the treasure. In this chapter, you will have to swim among the compartments of a sinking ship, so be prepared for the utmost concentration. Returning to Baku, you will find out where the second part of the compass is - it is in a bunker that is filled with enemies. Get ready for a serious fight, and when you win it - blow up the passage to the cave, swim in it until you find the second part of the compass. What else will the passage of Far Cry 3 prepare for you? "Werewolf" Buck is a rather slippery type, so you need to keep your eyes peeled for him.

Chapters 17-20

The complete passage of Far Cry 3 will take you a very long time - so far you have only reached the middle of it. So, talk to Buck again - he will tell you the location of the last part of the compass. Go to the right mine, where again you will need to fight very strong opponents. For example, snipers will be waiting for you, from which you can hide only behind carts, which you yourself will need to push in front of you. Using the compass, determine the exact location where the last element lies. Now you need to team up with Buck and go to the very statue in which the dagger is kept, which the former bandit was so interested in. Having obtained a dagger, you can return with Buck to his house. Like Buck said, he's holding another friend of yours, Keith, captive in the basement. And he is ready to exchange the dagger for Keith. When you find yourself in the basement, Buck will suddenly change his mind and decide to capture you as well, but you can naturally defeat him in hand-to-hand combat. Well, it's for the best - now you have both the Kit and the dagger. Now all that remains for you to do is to come to Zither and give her this dagger, which is an ancient value. This rarity will still have a serious impact on the passage of Far Cry 3. The final will be determined by him. But you still need to get to the final.

Chapters 21-24

This is how the passage of Far Cry 3 turned in such an unexpected way. The werewolf Buck was punished, the dagger ended up with Zither, but Dennis's settlement was under attack by bandits. Hurry to help your new friend - you will first need to blow up the truck, and then climb the tower and from there destroy all opponents. After that, you will need to get into the car and catch up with the convoy of trucks in which the prisoners are. However, another surprise awaits you - there are no prisoners, but Vass is in place - you are again captured. This time, the bandit takes you to the ocean and throws you into the water, after tying your hands and feet. However, you, of course, manage to extricate yourself, after which you will need to swim ashore and clear the coast from opponents. Fight Vass again, and here he will shoot you right in the heart - however, you are not that easy to kill. It turns out that the lighter in your breast pocket saved your life, but you are in a pile of corpses that the bandits have collected. Get out of it and silently look for your equipment that was removed from you. Return to Citra, who will again give you a drug to drink, from which you will have hallucinations. Only this time you will have to act more actively - first shoot the monster with a bow, then shoot the opponents in complete darkness, and then finish off the monster itself. Well, now your goal is clear - you need to kill Vass. Go to his island, but know there - an ambush will await you there. Deal with bandits. At a certain point, suddenly you realize that the hallucinogen is still working. Shoot copies of Vass, and then grapple with the bandit himself and kill him. Now you know how to get through Far Cry 3, but only until Vass dies. As you already know, he was not the main one, that is, there is still quite a lot of work ahead of you.

Chapters 25-28

The passage of the game "Far Cry 3" is gradually nearing completion - Vass has been eliminated, but the most important bandit Hoyt remains, with whom you will need to deal with the help of Agent Willis, the man in white. Now you need to say goodbye to your friends, and also go to the cave to find out the backstory from flashbacks - how exactly did you get to the island. After that, go to a meeting with Willis, who agrees to take you to Hoyt's island by helicopter. Only for this you will need to shoot opponents while Willis deals with the helicopter. Next, you must jump off using the wingsuit, and after landing, deal with the coast guard. Get in the car and go to the city - there you need to go to the bar where you have an appointment with Sam, Willis' colleague. After playing a game of poker, you can leave with Sam, who has prepared a recruit disguise for you at the Hoyt military base, so that you can get as close to the ringleader as possible. Now you need to get past the guards, distracting them with stones, and make your way to the place where Hoyt's army recruits are gathering. Register there under a fake name and listen to Hoyt's speech to his recruits. At this stage, the passage of Far Cry 3 becomes more and more difficult. Codes may be useful to you, but it is better to do without them - for the whole game you could already learn how to handle your character.

Chapters 29-32

In Far Cry 3, co-op is available to everyone - this greatly simplifies the situation, but this guide describes the walkthrough for one player. Therefore, you can only rely on yourself. So, you need to gain Hoyt's trust, so go to the camp on Sam's tip and eliminate three conspirators quietly and without witnesses - on the body of the third you will find evidence that you can provide to Hoyt. Next, you will need to meet with Sam and go through the minefield, where he will provide detente, and you will provide fire support. Your next task is to take photos of three more conspirators who are at the head of all this action. You will need to climb the tower and take photos while moving on a cable. After that, blow up two ships and quickly leave the place, because you will be hunted by very strong enemy units. Well, now you've got Hoyt's attention, and he wants to meet you in person. After the conversation, he decides to take you to the room where your brother is - you thought he was dead, but in fact he was only wounded and captured. You need to beat him up so as not to arouse Hoyt's suspicions. Here is such a sudden turn offers you the passage of Far Cry 3. The finale is already close, so get ready.

Chapters 33-35

Well, the full passage of Far Cry 3 has already taken you quite a long time - there are only a few missions left. The next two are the systematic destruction of two strategic objects of Hoyt, to which he gave you access. But the third mission is a meeting with Hoyt, who is clearly unhappy with what is happening to his important points. Travel with Sam to Hoyt's lair and sit down to play cards with him. As it turned out, Hoyt already understood who was behind his troubles - a brawl begins in which Sam dies, but you can defeat Hoyt in a knife fight. That's all, the leader of the bandits is finished. However, this is not the end of the game. In Far Cry 3, the co-op playthrough is slightly different from the single player mode, so this guide is only suitable for those who do not play in multiplayer. It will be interesting for them to get acquainted with the final part of our guide.

Chapters 36-38

That's all, the end of the game is literally in three steps - you just need to get to it. First you have to get out of the island of Hroyta - on the way you will meet a large number of mercenaries and bandits who will need to be shot. Don't forget to pick up your newfound brother, then get on the helicopter with him and fly away. First of all, head to the doctor's mansion, which is on fire. The work of mercenaries or Zither? Talk to the doctor and find out the truth. Head to the temple of Zither, leave the weakened brother at the entrance and go inside. A new hallucination will immediately begin, in which you have to go along the path of the Warrior. When the vision ends, you will find yourself outside, in your hands you will have the same dagger that you yourself gave to Zither. She will stand next to you, and all your friends will be hung by the arms. Citra will tell you that you now need to make a sacrifice. Closest to you is your girlfriend, whom Citra offers to kill first, and then kill all the other friends - then you can stay on the island and rule with her. You are now faced with the most serious choice in the game, which will determine the ending. If you choose your friends and kill Citra, you can safely get out of the island. If your choice falls on Citra, then in the final video you will kill all your friends, make love, and in the process Citra will take a dagger and stick it in your chest. But don't worry - you will wake up on the shore of the island and you will have to think if it was all a dream or if you really went through all this.

In any case, free mode opens up for you, and you can explore the island, swim in the ocean, fight with the remaining mercenaries and bandits, complete those side quests that you haven’t had time to do yet, and most importantly, enjoy the gameplay that really deserves the most high praise. And if you liked this game, and you have already played the first two, then you should pay attention first of all to the independent addition Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, in which the action is transferred to the future, as well as to the fourth part of the game, which was released completely recently and offers you even more features as well as various graphic beauties.

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