Quotes about the volunteer movement. The year of kind people, or about volunteering and volunteering. “Volunteers get a million...smiles” - Gayla Lemaire

“We may not be able to save everyone we would like to. But we will save a lot more than those who don’t even try...” - P. Scott.

“Hurry to do good deeds!” A. Yashin

“Nothing costs us so little and is valued so dearly as politeness and kindness” M. Cervantes

“The smarter and kinder a person is, the more good he notices” B. Pascal

"Kindness. This is the quality that I desire to acquire more than all others."L. Tolstoy

“Kindness is the eternal highest goal of our life” L. Tolstoy

“Kindness, readiness to protect the weak and defenseless is, first of all, courage, fearlessness of the soul” V. Sukhomlinsky

“At the heart of volunteering (volunteering) are the ideals of service and solidarity and the belief that together we can make this world a better place. Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General

“He who does nothing for others does nothing for himself” Goethe

“A volunteer doesn’t always have time - he has a heart” Unknown author

“Helping people is like the rent you pay for a room here on Earth.” Muhammad Ali

“You exist due to what you receive. You live by giving."

Winston Churchill

“Not a single day without a good deed!” Robert Baden-Powel (Scouting slogan)

“The best way to avoid doing bad is to do good, because there is nothing more difficult in this world than trying to do nothing at all.” John Clare

“To believe in goodness, you must begin to do it” Leo Tolstoy

“Doing good is easier than being kind” Georges Wolfrom

“The smallest help is better than the greatest sympathy” Vladislav Lorants

“There is a great difference between friendly advice and a friendly outstretched hand.”Przekruj (Polish magazine)

There is no greater strength than the fortitude of a volunteer.

Yulia Bolsheva

I would give an example of my philosophy teacher with the phrase - “Do at least one good deed a day and you will be credited in heaven! (If you are assigned to hell or heaven, those people whom you helped will say a good word to the Lord about your good deeds and if there are more of them, then you will go to heaven!")

“What is the essence of life? Serve others and do good" - Aristotle

“Wherever there is a person, there is opportunity for kindness” - Seneca

“A small act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention” - Oscar Wilde

“Wherever a person finds himself, he can find someone who needs him” - Albert Schweitzer

“Volunteers get a million...smiles” - Gayla Lemaire

“Those who can do it. Those who can do more are volunteers” - unknown author

“Volunteers don’t get paid not because they are useless, but because they are invaluable.” - Sherry Anderson

“Volunteering is the glue that holds us together, and it is the energy that will carry us into the 21st century.” - Barbara Mikulski

“Volunteerism builds national character and helps communities and countries live with compassion, friendship and trust.” - Brian O'Connell

“Volunteering can be an exciting, enjoyable experience. It is truly a pleasure to serve a cause, to serve an ideal, to do some kind of work with people, to solve problems.” - Harriet Naylor


Happiness is what a person desires for himself alone; good is what a person desires for himself along with everyone else. L.N. Tolstoy

We have been given a great benefit because we are allowed to give alms, for otherwise we could not grow and develop.S. Vivekananda

Good nature is stronger than tomahawks. Emerson

The sea does not push away any river. Thomas Fuller

Whoever becomes a good tree will be overshadowed by a good tree. Cervantes

Let it not be the one who provided the service, but the one who received it, who speaks about the service. Seneca Jr.

He who is kind only in words is doubly unworthy. Publius Syrus

What comes from the heart reaches the heart. Payette

...all the wonderful feelings in the world weigh less than one good deed. Lowell

Kindness, your name is man. Lautreamont

Above all, be kind; kindness disarms most people.Lacordaire

Just as there is nothing excessive for intelligence, so there is nothing too small for kindness. Jean Paul

There is no such villain who would not do some good. Guicciardini

Kindness is an art. Hauptmann

Setting a good example is as good as following it. Bacon

Supporting a person in trouble with a kind word is often as important as switching a switch on a railroad track in time: just one inch separates a disaster from a smooth and safe movement through life. Beecher

A big heart, like the ocean, never freezes.Börne

Every being, as long as it exists, must have the quality of goodness - just as it has the quality of existence. Aurelius Augustine

He who is good is free, even if he is a slave; the one who is angry is a slave, even if he is a king. Aurelius Augustine

It is difficult to lead to good with moral teachings, easy by example. Seneca

Kindness is a language that the dumb can speak and that the deaf can hear. P. Bovey

The greatness of the world is always in accordance with the greatness of the spirit looking at it. The good one finds his paradise here on earth, the evil one already has his hell here. G. Heine

You can resist anything, but not kindness. J. Rousseau

Good deeds should never be delayed: any delay is unwise and often dangerous. M. Cervantes

Charity is only charity when it is a sacrifice. Leo Tolstoy

Charity comes with open palms, its purpose is to give. Pearl Buck

Before talking about the benefit of satisfying needs, we must decide which needs constitute the benefit. Lev Tolstoy

A person who gives willingly is loved by God, and his lack of deeds will be filled. Author Bible Prov. 22.8.

Charity is like heaven, full of blessings, and almsgiving endures forever. Author Bible Sir. 40.17.

We are tied to life by those to whom we serve as support. Author M. Ebner-Eschenbach

No matter how small the benefit, it will sprout a hundred sprouts if you show it to someone worthy. Author of Ancient Indian saying

To make good look like a miracle, do it secretly. Author Andrey Lavrukhin

It is impossible to thank all the people who helped you in this life; but you can help others. Written by Frank Mayer

When you give alms, look not at the little man, but at his need. If a person did not even deserve your alms, then you gave it to humanity. By Francis Quorle

You can’t help everyone, says the unmerciful one, and help no one. Author M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Charity is some kind of inner urge. Vladislav Tretyak

The true purpose of charity is not to do good, but to ensure that there is no one to do good. Vasily Klyuchevsky

In this world, anyone who lightens the burden of another person benefits. Charles Dickens

“In the inner world of man, kindness is the sun” V. Hugo

I don’t know whether you will like it or not, but no one achieves anything on their own, behind everyone there are people who helped them, and this should not belittle you in any way.

The main thing is to just live. Help others and accept help yourself. This is what it means to be human.

- Will you help me?

- I can only guide you. You must do the rest yourself.

A person feels alive only to the extent that he feels useful to others.

The world is filled with sunshine and happiness when you look for an opportunity to help others.

When you serve others, your heart is healed. I encourage you to sow good seeds by serving others. And you can understand that the life you are transforming is your own. Nick Vujicic.

So it goes


Organization: Camp of the equal opportunity center “Up” for orphans from correctional orphanages

In my native England, volunteering, like charity, is perceived as something natural - many people do it there. I was always told - both at home and at school - that I received a lot from life, so at some point I need to start giving back. That I am not getting an education just to make money.

I studied Russian at the university and somehow received a mailing with an invitation to go to a volunteer camp in Russia. I wanted to practice the language and at the same time start doing something useful, and without thinking twice I got ready. The camp was in the Pskov region, next to a village where there is a boarding school for children with special needs. Volunteers live in the camp for a month and conduct educational activities with children every day.

Before that, I was in Russia once - in St. Petersburg. On my first visit to the camp, I didn’t know Russian well, and it wasn’t easy for me. I remember how in the first lesson I was so confused that the students themselves had to explain to me what to do and show me some games. Now I’m going to the camp for the fifth time - already as a coordinator.

The children don’t really understand that I’m a foreigner. It doesn’t really matter to them where you’re from - they call all volunteers “Muscovites.” Of course, I’m talking about England, but it’s very difficult for them to understand what it is: most of them have never been anywhere except the Pskov region. Therefore, it seems to them that I simply speak Russian poorly. As, in fact, are some of them.

The main point of the classes is to keep the children interested all the time. This is difficult because their attention switches very quickly and they get tired faster than other children. But this does not necessarily mean that they do not know or cannot do something. You just have to constantly move, offer them something new. It’s easier for Russian-speaking volunteers - they don’t even always have to prepare classes in advance. They can just come and chat with the children. Foreigners simply do not have enough vocabulary.

It’s also hard when you start to get attached to children. Of course, you begin to love some children more than others, but I understand that communicating with someone too closely is wrong. There are volunteers who adopt children or take them into foster care. But I couldn’t do that, so I try to communicate with children openly and honestly, but keep my distance.

Many people think that working with children with special needs is difficult, but it seems to me that in reality these people have never really communicated with such children. Of course, at first such communication is scary. But you get used to it very quickly and begin to understand that, in general, these are the same ordinary children. Almost all the volunteers who came for the first time say that our children could study together with ordinary children and in general can do much more than they think. They are simply lost in this system: first they live in orphanages, and then they are transferred to adult boarding schools - that’s basically all.

Due to the fact that they spent their entire lives in a boarding school, children do not know well how to express their emotions and communicate with people. One summer, another volunteer from England came to us - a tall boy with long beautiful hair. And the older girls who liked him couldn’t think of anything better than to approach him from behind at a disco, jump up and grab him by the hair. Other children may even lightly hit or pinch to express sympathy.

Of course, they are also poorly adapted to independent living. Therefore, we try to instill in them important social skills. In our camp, for example, we have a store day. Children receive stamps or some other pieces of paper, replacement money, we open small stands where toys or books are sold, and children learn to make purchases themselves.

At first, many things in Russian boarding schools come as a shock. Some children end up there not because of any severe developmental disabilities, but as a punishment - simply because they behaved badly in another orphanage. Or that some educators control groups through stronger children: they can beat the weaker ones if they do something wrong, and the educator no longer has to do this.

The first time it causes protest, but when you work with a boarding school for a long time, you get used to it. You don’t approve of this, but you understand why this happens, why the system is structured this way. I can only intervene as a last resort. I don’t think that I, a person who comes and goes, and, moreover, has the opportunity to go to another country, can say anything to educators who have been working with these children for many years. I simply don't have that right.

Statements about volunteering by city competition participants

"Volunteer of the Year 2012"

Volunteering is a great prospect for developing one’s social practices for a person with an active lifestyle. A wonderful opportunity to help society and develop your own creative potential!

Vera Zhdankina,

In my volunteer activities, it is difficult for me to single out one most significant event. Each of them helped me realize and then become convinced that volunteerism is one of the most important areas of social development. And in our country it requires special support from the younger generation.

Volunteering for me has become a kind of testing ground for the realization of untapped potential. Through this activity, I discovered my leadership qualities, became an organizer of significant events, a developer of social projects and their coordinator.

Participation in events at the regional, interregional, all-Russian and international level allowed me to track my personal growth, develop public speaking skills, advance in the field of social design, and the exchange of experience among volunteer organizations is also an important component for me as a participant.

Katya Didichenko, volunteer of the center for active youth "Vector of Good" DDYUT

For me, volunteering is an unusual way of self-realization. I’ve tried a lot of interesting things in my life, but I have to be passionate about it. Dancing and fine arts are a matter of technology; other hobbies may not be available to me. Anyone can become a volunteer, as long as they have the desire. Volunteers are people with a pure heart who help those in need for free, and therefore volunteering is a selfless matter. Anyone can become a volunteer, regardless of position, figure, age, etc., and this is what I value most about volunteering. People can communicate as equals while helping others, so volunteering has a special place in my life.

Nastya Yankova, volunteer of the center for active youth "Vector of Good" DDYUT

For me, volunteering is not a forced action, it is already a norm of life. This is also a way to find new friends, an opportunity to be needed by someone. After all, this is a small happiness.

Anna Afanasyeva, volunteer of the center for active youth "Vector of Good" DDYUT

Volunteering for me is a way to help people, to help myself, volunteering lays a huge spiritual foundation, teaches you to be persistent, tolerant and creative. It helps to develop a DESIRE to help people, not because it is necessary, but because I want to help. Volunteering helps us to find the person within ourselves, not to be a gray mass incapable of self-development, but to become a Person, with a capital P, a person about whom people say good things. You don’t have to be a volunteer to have this spirit of volunteerism, you just need to help people, give them warmth and light, guide them where they cannot go on their own.

Daniil Zemskov, volunteer of the center for active youth "Vector of Good" DDYUT

Volunteering for me is helping people who need our help. Help animals. Help veterans and the entire society without asking for money or any gifts or prizes.

Vasilina Verkhovina,

VOLUNTEERING is a way to: build social relationships; practice your religious and moral principles; gain new skills; find support and friends; feel capable of accomplishing something; feel good.

Svetlakova Nastya,

Volunteering for me is a vibrant life, a sea of ​​emotions, learning what is not taught in schools and universities; experience - which you will not get in any job; the desire to jump above yourself - which you only get when you really really want something. If you want, you can “color” the whole world, and no one can stop you.

Lobov Ivan, Representative of the Children's City Parliament for the Padunsky District

Volunteering is a slice of life. Because I remain caring about the world and people around me, I get a lot of positive emotions, new acquaintances, and an interesting life. And of course, the main thing is the smiles of children and their parents, sincere and cheerful - they replace all rewards, even the most valuable ones...

Katatova Ekaterina, Representative of the Children's City Parliament for the Padunsky District

Children's City Parliament

"Don't ask a country what it can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

J. Kennedy, US President

Volunteering is a part of my life, a dream of helping other people and attracting others to do good without any self-interest. I want good to triumph in the world.

Andrey Churkin,

Volunteering is helping people, doing good, participating in events in an interesting way, communicating with all people.

Nikolay Strenin, volunteer of the volunteer detachment “Good Hands”, PU No. 27

Volunteering is self-development and self-education for me. Fate throws you everywhere, but you have to emerge victorious. It is not your external data that is valuable, but your internal qualities, such as the ability to show ingenuity, endurance, and tolerance, depending on the situation.

Stepan Zinnurov Strenin, volunteer of the “Good Hands” volunteer squad of Vocational School No. 27

Volunteering for me is helping people who need our help. Help animals. Help veterans and the entire society without asking for money or any gifts or prizes.

Vasilina Verkhovina, volunteer of the volunteer movement "Sunflower" MBOU "Secondary School No. 45".


In December 2017, at the award ceremony for the annual All-Russian Volunteer of Russia Award, President Vladimir Putin announced that 2018 will be dedicated to the volunteer movement in Russia. Millions of people volunteer to do good. They are called volunteers or volunteers, and they are always exactly where they are really needed. Today, volunteer work is practically unlimited - neither by age, nor by profession (if it does not require special skills). Both teenagers and those over 60 participate in it. Moreover, the volunteer movement of the older generation is so widespread that its participants have a special name - “silver volunteers.” This is a very different job. Someone removes garbage from the shore of the lake, someone helps a young man who left an orphanage and does not know what to do next with his life get back on his feet, and someone helps to look for a person lost in the forest. As Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, reported, now in Russia, “according to various sources, from 17 to 26 percent of the country’s citizens are already involved in volunteer activities, and even more are ready to unite for good deeds - from 47 to 58 percent.” . There are 20 volunteer organizations in the Tula region, two of them in Tula.

Volunteer Center "Achievement" at the Children's Public Council of the Tula Region. "Achievement" is valid children's association of citizens under 18 years of age and adult citizens who have united to carry out joint volunteer and patriotic activities, created on the basis of the Federal Law "On State Support of Children's and Youth Public Associations" and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Online registration of volunteers is done at: volunteeria.rf/registration/. The goal of the preschool educational institution "Achievement" is to organize activities aimed at creating social activity, developing patriotism, their creative initiative, providing charitable assistance to children, disabled children, disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Tula Volunteer Center , began its work on the basis of the Rodina MMC on January 30, 2014

Years and during his work he attracted more than 500 volunteers into his ranks. The Tula Volunteer Center is a member of the Association of Volunteer Centers, actively cooperates with the Russian Schoolchildren Movement, the Creative Association “Heralds of Freedom”, the Library named after. A.S. Pushkin, etc. This center was created for caring people who have a burning desire to be volunteers, to help others, despite their advantages and disadvantages, as well as to organize and conduct socially significant events of various levels and directions!

The largest projects:

Volunteer school “Make Dreams.” The main task of the Volunteer School is to create an effective system for training volunteers; these are interesting and useful trainings on personal growth and team building, volunteer motivation and development of leadership qualities.

"Memory of our hearts." The project is aimed at instilling a sense of citizenship and patriotism among Tula residents, as well as preserving the memory of the feat of our Great Warriors in the Great Patriotic War. As part of the project, volunteers are engaged in the improvement of military graves, mass graves of Soviet soldiers, memorial structures and objects of military glory associated with the events of the Great Patriotic War.

This cool new collection contains motivational quotes about volunteers for personal growth and success in your activities.

I never listen to anyone who criticizes my space travel, my attractions or my gorillas. When this happens, I just pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room. Ray Bradbury

If you want the world to change, become that change yourself. Mahatma Gandhi

To achieve great things, we must not only act, but also dream, and not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France

Noah was the first businessman in the world, and he founded his business when the rest of the world was in the process of liquidation.

When all you think about is how to make money, it’s hard work. Little by little, without noticing it, a person loses himself. Haruki Murakami

You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. Albert Einstein

Mood is when you are in the spirit, and inspiration is when you are in the Spirit. Alexander Kruglov

For the success of any enterprise, three people are needed: the dreamer, the businessman and the son of a bitch. Peter MacArthur

With tact you can achieve success even in cases where nothing can be done with force. John Lubbock

You can kill your spirit in binge work. It seems that no one has yet described this method of suicide, but every scientist who has not made a discovery is a suicide. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Whatever he undertakes, he succeeds; and no matter what I try, I end up losing it.

Inspiration comes from daily work. Charles Badler

If you work for the present, your work will come out insignificant; one must work with only the future in mind. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Physical labor helps to forget about moral suffering. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

If you don't make mistakes, then you are unable to make a decision. Warren Buffett

Trust yourself. You know more than you think. Benjamin Spock

Most of life's tasks can only be accomplished by working together. Alfred Adler

In business, no chance is lost: if you ruin it, your competitor will find it.

Every time you start complex work, never rush, give time, depending on the work, to get into this complex work, to mobilize in an orderly manner, and not senselessly, fussily. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

The hardworking bee knows how to collect honey from bitter flowers. Maxim Adamovich Bogdanovich

It is always worth starting with something that sows doubt. Boris Strugatsky

People with clean hands are often best suited for dirty work. Janusz Wasilkowski

Work is a sacred thing, it befits everyone. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

One succeeded, but the other failed.

If you want to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing. Elbert Hubbard

Happiness does not float in the air—it comes with hard work. Rulaki

What a genius fears most is work - it turns him into talent. Georges Elgozy

It is better to do and regret than not to do and regret. Mikhail Weller

Capital is the portion of wealth that we sacrifice to increase our wealth. Alfred Marshall

Time flies.

The most useful thing I did at work was lubricate the door, now you couldn’t hear me leaving half an hour early!

Surround yourself only with those people who will pull you higher. It’s just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down. George Clooney

If you can climb the mountain, don't stay in the valley.

Just because I don’t do anything at work doesn’t mean I don’t worry about it...

An obstacle is what a person's gaze rests on when he takes his gaze away from his goal. Tom Krause

It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is what our plan is.

When an artist decides to share the fate of everyone, he asserts himself as an individual. Albert Camus

You can’t chase money - you need to meet it halfway. Aristotle Onassis

Betsy Tabak, American entrepreneur

Time flies.

Let us work, because work is the father of pleasure. Stendhal

Decide. Change. Strive forward. Think. Take on challenges. Get up and take action. Refuse stereotypes. Achieve. Dream. Open. Believe. Stop. Listen to yourself. Grow. Win. Look at life with open eyes. Paulo Coelho

While we put off life, it passes. Seneca

I respect people who know exactly what they want. Most of the troubles around the world come from people not being clear enough about their goals. When they begin to erect a building, they spend too little effort on the foundation so that the tower can stand. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Work as long as your strength and years allow. Ovid

Even now, your enemies are eagerly leafing through the books.

You cannot ask for happiness, you cannot avoid unhappiness if you yourself have acted badly or worked carelessly. Mo Tzu (Mo Di)

If you want to do something truly right and honest, do it alone. Richard Yates

Labor is the only title of true nobility! This is the power and joy of a human creator. Romain Rolland

The purpose of every good action is to love what is worthy of love, to hate what is worthy of hatred, to enjoy what is worthy of pleasure, and to enjoy what is beneficial. What is bad is to use what you should enjoy, enjoy what you should use, hate what you love and love what you hate. Lorenzo Pisano

The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working, and idiots who are willing to work without getting rich. Bernard Show

Topic of the issue: motivational quotes about volunteers with pictures and videos from YouTube.

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