Voronezh State Medical University named after Burdenko. Admission. Entrance tests for higher education programs

In Voronezh. Until 2015, the academy, even earlier the institute.

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    ✪ Voronezh State Medical University

    ✪ VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko. Slideshow for the 100th anniversary

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Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko is one of the oldest higher medical educational institutions in Russia.

On April 12, 1801, by decree of Tsar Alexander I, Dorpat (later Yuryev, now Tartu) University was established in the north-west of Russia, the grand opening of which took place on April 21, 1802.

They graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Dorpat, and subsequently became its teachers and outstanding scientists: the founder of the doctrine of vitamins N. I. Lunin; author of the doctrine of diseases of the digestive organs N. I. Leporsky; the founder of Soviet neurosurgery N. N. Burdenko. The founder of many directions in surgery, N. I. Pirogov, also worked at the University of Dorpat.

In February 1918, German troops occupied the city of Yuryev. The university received the status of a German educational institution, and the Russian department was closed and evacuated to Voronezh in the summer of 1918. Among the medical faculty professors who arrived in the city of Voronezh were surgeon N. N. Burdenko, obstetrician-gynecologist S. D. Mikhnov, ophthalmologist A. G. Lyutkevich, forensic expert A. S. Ignatovsky, pediatrician N. I. Krasnogorsky, anatomist I. V. Georgievsky, therapist P. I. Filosofov and other prominent scientists.

On November 12, 1918, classes began at all faculties of Voronezh University. In May 1919, 75 doctors from the Faculty of Medicine graduated from Voronezh. In December 1930, the Faculty of Medicine of Voronezh University was transformed into an independent medical institute and consisted of two faculties - medical and sanitary-hygienic.

Being one of the largest scientific, pedagogical, treatment and diagnostic centers in Russia, in June 1994, the Voronezh State Medical Institute named after N. N. Burdenko received the status of a medical academy, and in 2015 - a university.

Over the years, outstanding scientists worked at the Voronezh State Medical University who made a significant contribution to the development of medical science and practical healthcare: neurosurgeon, first president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Colonel General of the Medical Service, Academician Nikolai Nilovich Burdenko, whose name was given to the Voronezh Medical Institute in 1977 ; Academicians of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences: physiologist D. A. Biryukov, anatomist D. A. Zhdanov; Corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, therapists I. I. Leporsky, N. A. Kurshakov, histologist A. A. Voitkevich, dentist A. I. Evdokimov; Honored Scientist ophthalmologist A. I. Pokrovsky.

More than 1,000 teachers teach and provide medical and advisory assistance at the university, among them 140 doctors of science and professors, 532 candidates of science, 4 honored scientists, 7 honored workers of higher education, 2 honored inventors, 34 honored doctors, more than 40 members of national and international public academies.

Currently, there are more than 7,500 students at VSMU, and in total, since 1918, over 60,000 specialists have been trained. Among the students of the university are famous scientists, clinicians, health care organizers: endocrinologist I. I. Dedov, immunologist R. V. Petrov, oncogynecologist V. P. Kozachenko, angiologist surgeon A. V. Pokrovsky, phthisiatrician A. A. Priymak, immunologist V. M. Zemskov, member of the International Astronaut Association V. V. Antipov, dentist A. I. Evdokimov.

Undergraduate and graduate students receive personal scholarships from the President and Government of the Russian Federation, the administration of the Voronezh region, N. N. Burdenko, I. I. Dedov, N. I. Leporsky, N. M. Itsenko, A. V. Pokrovsky.

In 2006, for its significant contribution to the development of domestic medicine and healthcare, the Academy was awarded the Order of M. Lomonosov.

At VSMU named after. N. N. Burdenko has a trade union organization of healthcare workers, consisting of trade union organizations of employees and students.


Department of Normal Physiology

The Department of Normal Physiology was organized at the Faculty of Medicine of Voronezh State University in 1918. The first head of the department was Professor D. M. Lavrov.

In 1920, Professor P. M. Nikiforovsky was elected to the position of head of the department, who headed it for 18 years. The work of the department during this period was devoted to the study of the higher nervous activity of healthy animals and after revitalization of the body.

From 1938 to 1949, the department was headed by the outstanding Soviet physiologist Professor (later Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences) D. A. Biryukov. During this period, research was carried out in the field of evolutionary and ecological physiology. From 1949 to 1961, the department was headed by Professor A.P. Zhukov. Under his leadership, the combined effects of hypoxia and ionizing radiation on the body were studied.

From 1962 to 1985, the department was headed by Professor I. D. Boenko. The scientific work of the department was devoted to the study of interoceptive regulation under the influence of the energy of electromagnetic oscillations on the body, as well as the genesis of alcohol motivation.

In 1986, Professor V.N. Yakovlev, who headed the department until 2013, was elected to the position of head of the department.

Afterwards, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, E. V. Dorokhov became the head of the department. He remains at the head of the department to this day.

However, the origins of the oldest medical university in Russia go back to the distant past, namely on April 12, 1801, when by decree of Tsar Alexander I the University of Dorpat (later Yurievsky, then Tartu) was established with four faculties: legal, theological, philosophical and medical. Faculty there were only three professors among the teaching staff: D.G. Balk, M.E. Stix and E.G. Arzt. Professor M.E. was appointed the first dean of the faculty. Styx. In 1832, after graduating from the Dorpat “Professorial Institute”, the great Russian doctors Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, Fyodor Ivanovich Inozemtsev, Alexey Matveevich Filomafitsky, Grigory Ivanovich Sokolsky and others were awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine, who later became famous scientists of our country. On March 7, 1918, Yuryev University closed. The question arose about his transfer to one of the cities of Russia. In the difficult years after the First World War and the Civil War, the medical faculty of Voronezh University trained doctors, fought epidemics, improved educational activities, and conducted scientific work. Already during that period, the foundations of scientific and pedagogical schools of surgeons were formed (N.N. Burdenko, A.G. Rusanov), therapists (P.I. Filosofov, G.I. Koppel), pediatricians (N.I. Krasnogorsky), obstetricians-gynecologists (S.D. Mikhnov), pharmacologists (D.M. Lavrov), morphologists (I. V. Georgievsky, V. A. Afanasyev) and others. On the initiative of Professor N.N. Burdenko, short-term courses for nurses were organized to help hospitals, which later became the basis of a workers' faculty, which made it possible to prepare for entering the university. A. Knyazev was appointed dean of the workers' faculty. In 1930, the Faculty of Medicine of VSU was transformed into an independent medical institute. I.G. was appointed the first director of the Voronezh Medical Institute. Grigoriev. From 1937 to 1943 it was headed by E.N. Kovalev, in subsequent years - L.M. Eidlin (1944-1945), D.A. Biryukov (1945-1949), V.P. Radushkevich (1950-1954), N.I. Odnoralov (1955-1963), I.P. Furmenko (1963-1983), A.S. Faustov (1984-1999). Since 2000, the rector has been Professor I.E. Esaulenko. During the period 1930 to 1941, the Voronezh Medical Institute turned into one of the largest universities in the country. It had three faculties: medical, pediatric and sanitary-hygienic, more than 40 departments, about 2,500 students and 200 teachers, including 26 professors. In June 1941, the peaceful life of the country was disrupted by the treacherous attack of Germany. The Great Patriotic War began. During this difficult period, the Voronezh Medical Institute began a lot of work to train doctors for the Soviet army and the civilian population. In the first days of the war, hundreds of medical students and 156 professors and teachers went to the front. Among them is assistant V.I. Zavrazhnov, associate professor M.V. Zemskov, students I.D. Boyenko, V.P. Rozin, N.P. Belyaev, O.A. Vasilyeva, N.P. Lanetsky, K.B. Belyaev. In medical battalions, hospitals, ambulance trains, divisions, and in medical institutions of defense facilities, they honestly fulfilled their medical and patriotic duty to the Motherland. Many employees and students of the institute took direct part in the hostilities. Among them is Fedor Ionovich Pashanin. As a medical battalion doctor, he fought bravely among the soldiers. Died on November 17, 1941. The unforgettable feat of Alexandra Gerasimovna Petunina, who on March 18, 1943 accompanied a group of wounded soldiers who encountered a Nazi tank column that had broken through on the way. Having hidden the wounded in the forest, she alone went out to meet the tanks and was shot. The wounded escaped, and at the site of Petunina’s death, her fellow soldiers subsequently erected a memorial plaque: “Attention! Here, on Ukrainian soil, on March 18, 1943, one of the best daughters of the Russian people, military doctor Alexandra Petunina, died the death of a hero. Eternal memory to the heroine!” In the post-war years, the Voronezh State Medical Institute “healed its wounds”, restored its material and technical base, educational and scientific potential. In 1947, the university had only two faculties: medical and pediatric. During the first post-war five-year period, thanks to the labor feat of employees and students, the working conditions of the institute significantly improved. During these years, due to the commissioning and commissioning of the main part of the destroyed anatomical building, the teaching area increased by more than 3000 sq.m. The gym and two classrooms were re-equipped. A student dormitory with 300 beds was restored. The institute's clinical bases, destroyed during the war, were restored and rebuilt: the regional clinical and 7th children's infectious diseases hospitals, the 1st and 4th maternity hospitals, the oncology clinic and many others. At this time, many departments received new equipment for educational and scientific work. In the 1947-48 academic year alone, more than 90,000 rubles were spent on it. Gradually, the institute became one of the leading medical universities in the country. In 1977, the Voronezh State Medical Institute was named after the outstanding neurosurgeon, the first president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Colonel General of the Medical Service, Academician Nikolai Nilovich Burdenko. Despite the difficulties of the late 1980s and early 1990s, the university continued to grow and develop during this period. In 1994, by orders of the Ministry of Health and the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education, the Voronezh Medical Institute was awarded the status of an academy. By this time, Voronezh State Medical Institute named after N.N. Burdenko has become one of the largest scientific, pedagogical, treatment and diagnostic centers in Russia. In the 21st century, Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko became a powerful educational, scientific, medical and production complex, in which more than 10,000 students, cadets and doctors are trained. The structure of the Academy includes five faculties, three educational institutes, six research institutes working within the framework of well-known and consistently developing scientific schools, a Central Research Laboratory, two own clinics (dental and children's), a sports complex with a swimming pool, A regional scientific and medical library with a collection of over 700,000 volumes, a museum complex, five student dormitories, and a botanical garden. The pride of the academy is its teachers. They lay a solid foundation for the professional skills of future specialists. Over 800 teachers teach and provide medical and advisory assistance at the university. Among them are five academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, six honored workers of higher education of the Russian Federation, 12 honored scientists of the Russian Federation, 29 honored doctors of the Russian Federation, two honored inventors of the Russian Federation, two laureates of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize, 146 medical doctors and professors, more 600 candidates of medical sciences and associate professors. Among the significant achievements of the academy staff are eight scientific discoveries (seven of them since 2000). Student scientific conference in accordance with generally accepted systemic trends of higher medical education, the modern concept of development of which provides for a significant increase in the practical component in the educational process, a comprehensive program is being implemented at the academy providing the pedagogical process with modern phantom equipment. As part of this program, the academy opened a Center for Practical Training of Specialists, with a capacity of more than 3,000 students per year. The center has four specialized rooms: pediatric, surgical, obstetrics and gynecology and general care. The simulator fleet consists of 75 pieces of equipment, including high-tech dummies that simulate complex biological processes. A training pharmacy and a pharmacy museum are in preparation for opening, where students of the Faculty of Pharmacy will be able to practice their acquired knowledge. The most important task of the Academy staff was and remains to improve and develop the educational, scientific, educational and moral traditions laid down by the devotees of science, to preserve the spirit of creativity, intelligence, and absolute devotion to the interests of the medical profession at the university. That is why educational work at the university is given a dominant role. The coordinating council for educational work, the student government council work in close cooperation, and public, creative and sports organizations operate successfully. Together with the Voronezh Theological Seminary, an elective course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” and a student Orthodox club “Lekar” were organized, the work of which is aimed at developing and consolidating in the minds of students universal human values ​​- spirituality, morality and ethics. A home church of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke was opened at the academy. Over its more than 90-year history, the academy has trained over 50,000 specialists not only for Russia, but also for countries near and far abroad. Among the students of the university are laureates of State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, world-famous scientists, famous clinicians, health care organizers: immunologist R.V. Petrov, endocrinologist I.I. Ledov, gynecologist V.P. Kozachenko, angiologist surgeon A.V. Pokrovsky, phthisiatrician A.A. Priymak, immunologist V.M. Zemskov, member of the International Astronaut Association V.V. Antipov and many others. Statutory pages of the history of VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko are reflected in detail in the constantly updated exhibitions of the museum complex, which includes museums of the history of the academy, the history of healthcare of the Voronezh region, space medicine, the history of pharmacy, medicinal plants, rare books. The biological and anatomical museums of the academy have a complex of exhibits that are constantly used in the educational process. Extensive international activities The academy operates within its own International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation, which has trained more than 700 specialists from 36 countries: Great Britain, China, Germany, India, Israel, Greece, Kenya, Turkey and others. In 2006, for significant contribution to the development of domestic medicine and healthcare, the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko was awarded the Order of M.V. Lomonosov. One of the priority areas of the academy’s activities is postgraduate education of primary care doctors, which is carried out by the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education (INMO) of VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko.Over the past three years, the volume of training for local therapists, local pediatricians and family doctors has increased significantly; their training is carried out not only on the basis of the Voronezh State Medical Academy, but also in large regional hospitals using distance learning and telemedicine technologies. The identification of postgraduate training of medical personnel as one of the most significant components of the national project “Health” not only made it possible to increase the number of trained outpatient doctors, but also to improve the quality of the cycles, develop new curricula, and introduce new pedagogical methods. Every year, the IPMO publishes dozens of teaching aids and creates electronic databases on current medical issues. The implementation of the national project made it possible to significantly improve the material and technical component of the pedagogical process. As a result, all departments are equipped with the latest multimedia demonstration equipment and computer technology, which is widely used in the educational process. Central Medical Auditorium Since 2003, VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko is implementing a comprehensive regional program “Health in every family.” Teams of leading specialists from the Academy - professors and associate professors - travel to regional centers and remote settlements free of charge. During such visits, specialists conduct consultations with patients in regional and rural hospitals, outpatient clinics, select patients for treatment in clinical medical institutions in the city of Voronezh, optimize treatment regimens for patients in regional health care facilities, conduct seminars with medical workers, and give lectures for the population on current issues. issues of preventing various diseases and promoting a healthy lifestyle. In the summer of 2008, at the VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko created a board of trustees. The purpose of creating the council was to strengthen the role of the academy in the socio-economic and cultural development of the Central Black Earth region, consolidate the activities of the academy staff, improve the quality of training of higher and mid-level specialists, generalize and disseminate positive experience in organizing the educational process, scientific work, and disseminate advanced pedagogical technologies , improving the system of continuous education. The board of trustees includes prominent figures in politics, art, business, and journalism. The activities of the council are aimed at solving problems of higher medical education in the Central Black Earth region. In the area of ​​interests of the council are issues of joint participation of members of the board of trustees and the teaching staff of the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko in the training of highly qualified medical personnel, the establishment and award to students and teachers of the VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko personal scholarships, etc. The current processes of reforming education and healthcare have found their application in the work of the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko. The development and implementation of modern educational, therapeutic and diagnostic technologies and scientific research into the educational process are actively underway. This makes it possible today to provide qualified medical and pharmaceutical personnel to the territories with which the academy works on a contractual basis through state orders. And these are 11 regions of the Central Black Earth Region, the Chechen Republic, Chukotka and Kaliningrad. The Academy has all the necessary conditions for the teaching staff and students to constantly replenish and improve their knowledge, contribute to the progress of medical science and practice, be ardent patriots of the Fatherland, and strengthen and enhance the glorious traditions of Alma mater.

The success of each person is determined by the timely and correct choice of profession. All modern applicants understand this. They, dreaming of an interesting and well-paid job, often have difficulty making a choice. Which specialty and which educational institution should you focus on? People who are thinking about this can choose the Voronezh Medical Academy (University), because from ancient times to this day, the professions of medical workers continue to be noble, in demand and competitive in the labor market.

The first pages of history

Voronezh State Medical Academy is one of the oldest educational institutions in our country. Its history began in 1801, when the University of Dorpat was opened in the northwestern region of the Russian Empire. In 1893, this educational institution was renamed. It was named Yuryev University, and in 1918 the history of this university was completed due to the occupation of the Baltic territory by German troops.

Nikolai Nilovich Burdenko studied at Yuryev University during its existence. It is his name that the modern Voronezh Medical Academy (University) bears. This man graduated from the educational institution in 1906. Burdenko studied brilliantly. He received his medical degree with honors. After completing his studies, Nikolai Nilovich began practical work. In 1917, he returned to his native university and received the position of head of the department of surgery.

Work after 1918 as part of VSU

In 1918, the Russian teaching staff of Yuryev University arrived in Voronezh. Among the visiting professors was Burdenko. Also, part of the educational institution’s property was evacuated to Voronezh. All this served as the basis for the creation of a new university. In November 1918, Voronezh State University (VSU) opened its doors to students.

The university included 4 faculties. Among them was a medical structural unit that once existed at Yuryev University. One of the most active organizers of this faculty was Burdenko. When the university started operating, he became the head of the department of the faculty clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of VSU, and opened special courses for students and doctors in military field surgery.

Work after 1930

The Faculty of Medicine as part of Voronezh State University existed until 1930. In December, it left the university and became an independent educational institution - a medical institute. It is this date that is considered the founding date of the Voronezh Medical Academy.

The medical institute at that time had only 2 faculties - medical and sanitary-hygienic. At the first of them, the development of the curriculum was provided for 5 years, and at the second - for 4 years. In 1933, the organizational structure of the university was replenished with another department - the Faculty of Maternity and Childhood Protection.

War and post-war years

Until 1941, the medical institute gradually developed and strengthened its position in the educational sphere. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a threat arose to the continued existence of the university. In connection with this, the educational institution was evacuated. In 1941 he was sent to Krasnoyarsk, and in 1942 - to Ulyanovsk. In 1944, the medical institute returned to its hometown of Voronezh and began to restore educational activities. The training of students began at the medical and pediatric faculties.

The organizational structure of the university was not replenished with new divisions for a long time. Only in 1957 did the dental faculty appear in the educational institution, and in 1961 the medical institute had its own dental clinic. Other important events took place in the following years:

  1. In 1977. The university was named after N. N. Burdenko, the person who made a significant contribution to the development of the institute.
  2. In 1994. The educational institution has increased its status. The institute was transformed into an academy.
  3. In 2006 year. The educational organization received the Order of M. Lomonosov for its significant contribution to the development of healthcare and domestic medicine.

Medical Academy today

Voronezh State Medical Academy named after Nikolai Nilovich Burdenko is currently a university. It is a large and significant educational institution. The university has 9 buildings. There are 73 classrooms in the main building, 40 in the educational and laboratory building, and 300 at the medical institutions in Voronezh. 28 lecture rooms are equipped for lectures in the main building and at the city medical institutions.

The academy, which has become a university, pays great attention to practical training, because every student must acquire all the necessary skills while still at the university. The educational institution has created a simulation and training center and is currently investing heavily in it to purchase modern equipment. This department of the university has:

  • showrooms;
  • classroom for interactive lectures, equipped with a projector;
  • computer lab with information panel;
  • various phantoms, mannequins, simulators.

Scientific activities of the educational institution

The Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy is developing 11 scientific schools in laser therapy for diseases of internal organs, clinical immunology, cardiac surgery, pediatric nephrology, anesthesiology and resuscitation, etc. The university has a Research Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine. It has a center for collective use, which provides employees of the educational institution with various relevant and popular biomedical research.

The results of the scientific activities of the educational institution are quite good. In 2016, the university took part in an all-Russian competition called “University Science Relay.” According to its results, VSMU became the winner and entered the top five medical educational organizations in our country. In total, the university presented 30 scientific and innovative projects at the competition. All of them received the highest marks from federal experts. One project earned a special award - an award from the Council of Rectors of Pharmaceutical and Medical Higher Education Institutions of the Russian Federation in the category “Best 10 Scientific Projects in the Field of Preventive Medicine.”

International activity

Voronezh Medical Academy Burdenko actively cooperates with foreign organizations. Some of the university's partners are the Hamburg Institute of Hematology, the Charité (university clinic of the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Free University of Berlin). VSMU interacts with foreign organizations on the problems of studying molecular morphology, conducting research in the field of endocrinology, periodontology and orthodontics.

Work in the field of international activities is also being carried out to attract foreign applicants to the university, because here you can get a high-quality higher education. In 2015, the share of students who were citizens of other countries was 7.36%. In 2016, this figure increased to 8.32%.

Advantages and disadvantages of the university

The characteristics of the Voronezh Medical Academy named after Burdenko indicate that the educational institution is good, effective, and has sufficient material and technical resources. VSMU has developed personnel, innovation and scientific potential, and has reputable scientific schools. Modern educational technologies are actively used and international connections are established.

At the same time, the university also has disadvantages. Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. Burdenko has the following weaknesses:

  • wear and gradual aging of the material and technical base;
  • aging of highly qualified teaching staff;
  • discrepancy between the level of material support for university employees and working conditions with European standards and the status of a leading university.

Demand for VSMU among applicants

Employees of the Voronezh State Medical University note one trend that is important for applicants: the number of applications submitted is growing every year, and the passing score is increasing. All this indicates that the university is becoming more and more popular and interesting for young people. In 2017, the university recruited for 5 areas. 2,653 applications were submitted to them. The competition was more than 6 people per place.

After analyzing the 2017 admissions campaign, university staff came to the conclusion that the passing score at the Voronezh Medical Academy was:

  • 249 and 144 points in “medical practice”;
  • 249 and 143 points in “dentistry”;
  • 241 and 130 points in “pediatrics”;
  • 206 and 138 points in “pharmacy”;
  • 214 and 125 points in “medical and preventive work.”*

* The first number is the passing score on a budget, and the second is the passing score on commercial places.

Student evaluation of the university

Over the years of its existence, Voronezh State Medical University has earned both positive and negative reviews. Good opinions are expressed by students who are satisfied with the educational process and the availability of budget places at the university. At the same time, students note that studying at the university is difficult. There is a great demand from students, because their future work will be very responsible. A minor mistake can cost a patient his life.

Negative reviews most often write about corruption. Some students claim that there are teachers at the university who demand money for retakes. At the same time, management asks all people to complain about corruption. When extorting money, senior employees advise contacting the dean’s office or the vice-rector for academic affairs.

Voronezh Medical Academy (University) is a university where students not only study, but also develop personally and creatively. Volunteer movements, teams to help the disabled and children are organized here, artistic and creative groups work, and there are sports sections.

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