How to remove damage caused to hemorrhoids. Conspiracy against hemorrhoids. Ancient spells and prayers for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (treatment of such damage)

Unfortunately, such damage is common in the modern world. It’s not difficult to do, but it’s harmful to health. With such damage, no medications bring relief. If, according to your suspicions, there is damage to the rectum that hurts, you have unbearable pain, try using this option and you will get relief, the pain will gradually subside, and it will no longer manifest itself so strongly.

If you have had hemorrhoids before, then after such treatment the medications will help you and they will not bother you much. What need to do? Take some toilet paper or a napkin and apply it to the sore spot between the buttocks for 3-4 minutes, then place this paper on a metal dish (which you won’t mind throwing away), next to matches and a small new candle and read the following words over this paper:

“My words relieve pain, my words will be heard by the one who sent pain to my sinful body and his soul will suffer from the evil that was done to my sinful body, r.b. (name). Fire relieves my pain, and water will wash away someone else’s spell to a place where it cannot escape. Her place in the underworld, from where she came, returned there. My words are strong, the fire is strong, fast water will ease the pain and my sinful body (name) will be healthy. Amen".

“The words of evil spells burn, the damage burns, burns, but I am healthy.”

Then throw the ashes into the toilet and flush with the words: “I wash away what was sent, I wash away what burned forever, forever, and I am healthy.”

Throw the metal object into the trash, break the candle and bury it deeper in the ground. Prepare water "" and drink in the amount as written in the option.

If you don’t have a toilet in your house, then you can flush the ashes in the washbasin by running a stream, or in the kitchen, if there is a sink, by running a stream and rinsing it off using the same words as when flushing the toilet.

And if someone lives in a rural area and there is neither one nor the other, do the following: take water from half a bucket, dig a small hole in the ground, throw ashes from the dish there and pour water from a bucket onto it with the same words that are written in the explanation . Then cover the hole with earth and you can leave. Health to everyone.

The hemorrhoid spell has come to us through the centuries, retaining and increasing its power. But you shouldn’t take your health lightly. But don't expect to solve your problems once and for all with magic alone.

This unpleasant disease, which can lead to surgery, can be easily treated with spells. In ancient Rus' there were no doctors, and all diseases were treated using folk methods, reading conspiracies and prayers to the gods.

Health must be protected! You need to adhere to the diet prescribed by doctors, maintain hygiene of your body and thoughts, and improve your health.

Strong conspiracy for hemorrhoids

On the waning moon at sunset, move your ring finger over the sore spot and read the hemorrhoid spell three times. In this case, you need to spit over your left shoulder:

“On the sea-okiyan, Buyan island, there is an ancient oak tree.
The bird Era is sitting on it.
Fly to the hysterical places of God's servant (your name), peck your children!
Send them beyond steep mountains, fast rivers, and dark forests.
There's a rotten deck lying there.
Take them there and put them there forever.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids using a ritual with alder cones.

To perform this ritual we will need the following components:

  • a handful of alder cones;
  • wax candle;
  • clay or ceramic bowl.

To get rid of hemorrhoids, take a handful of alder cones and place them in a clay container. Light the candle with a match and light the pine cones from its flame.

Then place the candle next to the bowl and read the plot as many times as possible until the pine cones burn out:

“Fir cone into pine cone.
Pine cone into alder cone.
Into a hot fire on a hot stove, a cone into smoke and ashes.
Smoke to the sky, ashes to the wind, purity to purity.
All purity to me, God's servant Mary.

Take the bowl of ashes to a crossroads and scatter the ashes in the wind. Bring the bowl home and hide it.

This ritual must be performed every evening for two weeks in a row from the full moon to the new moon.

You can talk about the disease of hemorrhoids with the help of hazel.

To do this, you need to find a nut with a dried core and split it in half.

Read the spell words over this nut three times and take it to the crossroads.

There you need to throw the pieces to the wind.

“Hazel-hazel, split your son into two halves.
Inside there is dry fruit, the flesh has shriveled and shrunk.
With the evil wind, shell, go away, never come back.
Don’t return to God’s servant (name), die and split!

Conspiracies and prayers for healing and getting rid of diseases are read only when the moon is waning so that the disease goes away.

If there is bleeding

If hemorrhoids begin to bleed, you should speak to spring water, which you then drink in small sips until the end.

“The channel is deep, the veil of the Mother of God is pure.
The swamps are quicksand, the sands are loose.
Archangel Uriel, give me ten strength,
With which you defeated your enemies.
Lord, send Elijah the Prophet,
Drive away the demons' power
Cut off what is unnecessary to the body.
In Your name, so that the body does not hurt,
So that the pain in him subsides,
The flesh did not bleed.
May my words come true.
May Your bright deeds be accomplished.

Food conspiracy for hemorrhoids

When treating hemorrhoids, cast a special spell on your food and drink, placing the sign of the cross on it:

“Christ has risen and the enemy has disappeared.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Unclean spirit, disappear from the body of God’s servant Ivan (or God’s servant Mary)!”

Amulet against illness

To secure conspiracies for healing from an illness and prevent the return of hemorrhoids, read the special amulet twelve times:

“I, servant of God Ivan, will go into an open field under the red sun, under a bright moon, under frequent stars, flying clouds.
I will stand in an open field on a level place that is on the Throne of my Lord.
I will be clouded with clouds, covered with heaven, I will put the clear sun on my head, I will girdle myself with bright dawns, I will be used to frequent stars for any ailment.

Modern medicine can work miracles, but people do not turn to specialists for all diseases. Thus, hemorrhoids are considered a “shameful” disease, and it causes a lot of trouble to a person.

A spell for hemorrhoids can cure a sufferer from this disease. People rarely turn to specialists with these types of diseases because they are embarrassed by them. It’s difficult to ask for remedies for hemorrhoids at a pharmacy, let alone undergo a full-scale examination in a clinic.

Any disease requires treatment, especially one that is so unpleasant and complicates life. In the hospital, specialists can set the prolapse, but few people turn to them for help. With the help of magical rituals and folk remedies, you can get rid of such an ailment on your own without causing negative consequences. There are many remedies for hemorrhoids among the people, the use of which is even highly recommended. Conspiracies will help supplement treatment with traditional methods.

When treating hemorrhoids with spells and folk remedies, you should definitely visit a doctor - only he can determine the stage of the disease or its absence.

The people know several magical conspiracies, which differ in the time of implementation and means of performing the ritual. So, there are rituals that are recommended to be performed in the morning, afternoon and evening. At the same time, the means for performing the ritual also differ.

Morning, afternoon and evening rituals

The first healing magical ritual should be performed in the early morning hours. To do this, you need to get up at the first rays of the sun and pour holy water into a glass. It is necessary to read the spell for the rising sun three times, then cross yourself and drink three sips of holy water.

Spell “From hemorrhoids” to the rising sun

“Guardian Angel, save the servant of God - name (servant of God - name), wave your wings, quench the pain, calm the secret blood. Just go away and disappear. Amen."
pure, I see the whole truth. Fierce animals run past. Black birds fly by, rotten worms crawl by. Let what is said come true. Amen."

The second plot is recommended to be read during the daytime. To carry out the ceremony you will need a bowl with vinegar, a bowl with soda and a glass of water. While reading the prayer, vinegar and soda are poured alternately into a glass of water, forming a bubbling liquid. The glass of liquid should be emptied immediately by pouring the contents over the threshold.

Spell “For hemorrhoids” using vinegar, soda and water

“As water boils and boils, so the itch of the servant of God - the name (of the servant of God - name) hurts."
for swampy swamps and dense forests. Sends you to places where people don’t live, where young girls don’t braid their hair. There are 77 types of you, but there is something for all of you.
There will be a wedding for you, there will be a party, where you lie down, there your place will be. Caviar, bear children, your strength will be there, but it will not leave there. As for the servant of God (name), you will no longer live, you will not give birth to your own kind, you will not harm her.
And if you don’t leave God’s servant (name), it will be like that for you, who sends lice, fleas, and cockroaches on everyone. As it is said, it will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

In the evening, a very strong conspiracy against hemorrhoids is carried out. To implement it you will need a fir cone.

The ritual should be performed on the street, facing west. It is necessary to read the prayer on a fir cone.

Spell “For hemorrhoids” on a fir cone

“Get lost, disappear like this bad guy. Amen."
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
So would it be with my enemies.
No hands were raised against me,
eyes did not open on me,
The mouth did not open with accusation.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
The Lord is with me everywhere and everywhere. The cross of Jesus is on me.
God exists, God is great, God conquers everyone.
According to my faith, it frees me from any enemies.
Who can overcome the word of God,
Only he can harm me from now on.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

After reading, the charmed cone is thrown over the left shoulder, and the patient, without looking back, leaves the place of the ritual. It is recommended to perform this magical ritual against hemorrhoids three times. After the last repetition of the ritual, the patients’ condition improves.

Another evening ritual also provides treatment, but it is recommended to supplement it with folk remedies. No additional funds are required for the ceremony. The ritual is performed during the waning moon, when the day comes to an end. So, at sunset, you should read the text of the plot in a half-whisper three times and the disease will recede.

Spell “For hemorrhoids” on the waning moon

“The sickly radish, the prickly radish, perish, perish, do not walk after the servant of God - name (servant of God - name). Amen."

the most powerful conspiracy, boiling resin,
flammable ash, painful disease.
Swamp mud, pull, mill, twist and push
mortal melancholy to the grave.
Take it with a jug without a bottom,
from the first word to the last word.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Milk, water and candles will heal an unpleasant illness

Folk legends have preserved to this day several more effective rituals against hemorrhoids that do not cause consequences. In the first case, treatment should be carried out on Sunday. At dawn it is worth visiting the church and lighting a candle for your own health. It is necessary to read a prayer before leaving the house.

Conspiracy “From hemorrhoids” on Sunday

“Hello, red dawn, hello, early morning. I treat myself, I pronounce words for myself, I speak against illness. Get away from me, you disgusting disease, your place is in the field, not on me, but in cow shit. Go away, perish, go away once and for all. Lord God, help the servant of God (name), deliver her from her illness. Amen. Amen. Amen."

A very effective treatment is a spell, which should be carried out with the help of milk and linden bark. So, for the ritual you will need such folk remedies as fresh milk, bulbs and linden bark. It is important that the milk is not store-bought, and that the bark is removed from a young tree. A healing decoction should be prepared from these ingredients. When hot, the broth is poured into a wide container. It is necessary to warm up the disease very carefully so as not to get burns. To begin heating treatment, you need to sit on the vessel. After the procedure, it is recommended to go to bed and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

The last rites are performed early in the morning. Thus, folk legends say that a sick person needs to wash his face with warm water in the morning, then take warm liquid into his hands and pray to it. The hemorrhoidal cones are washed away with the enchanted liquid and the disease recedes.

Warm water spell for hemorrhoids

“Saint Nicholas, you help all those who suffer, you heal all the sick, help me too, heal my physical weakness, remove spiritual illness from the servant of God (name). So be it, Amen. Amen. Amen."

Hemorrhoids are a very painful pathology. This disease must be treated. But some people consider it a shameful disease and do not even dare to purchase medicines from the pharmacy to treat it. Therefore, the question of how to cure hemorrhoids with the help of magic is very relevant.

Useful rituals for hemorrhoids

It should be remembered, first of all, that any spell for hemorrhoids will be effective if magic is combined with traditional medicine methods of treating the disease. In addition, it is important to understand that instant positive results should not be expected after performing a magical ritual.

The conspiracy against hemorrhoids is rooted in the distant past. Therefore, we can say that this is a proven remedy, but it only works against the background of a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude.

Ritual with cones

The ritual with alder cones is very powerful and is carried out at sunset in the waning moon phase.

You should first prepare:

  • Guest of alder cones;
  • Wax candle;
  • Ceramic bowl.

The ceremony must be carried out in a separate, well-ventilated room. First, the cones are placed in a bowl, and then a candle is lit. From its flame you need to set fire to one of the cones and put it in a bowl. You need to make sure that other cones catch fire from it.

After this, the candle should be placed next to the bowl and the following plot should be calculated:

“A spruce cone turns into a pine cone, and then into an alder cone. They are in a hot fire and flame, and then the cones are in smoke and ashes. The alder smoke goes into the sky, and the ash floats in the wind. Cleanliness always keeps things clean. Bless me, Servant of God (name), Holy Mother of God. Amen".

You need to repeat the spell until the alder cones burn completely. The ashes should immediately be taken to the nearest intersection and, standing at the intersection of roads, scatter them to the wind. The bowl must be taken home and hidden in a secret place so that no one will ever find it. It is strictly prohibited to use a container that was used in the ritual in everyday life.

This ritual should be performed every evening from the beginning of the waning moon phase to the new moon.

Water spell

An effective remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids is charmed water. Every morning after washing your face, you should take in some water.

“Saint Nicholas, I am turning to you, I am the Servant of God (my own name), you help all those who suffer, so help me too. Deliver me from bad pain, take away my weakness, physical and spiritual disorder. That's the only way it will happen. Amen".

Hemorrhoidal cones should be washed with enchanted water.

If this procedure is repeated daily in combination with traditional methods of treatment, then recovery can be significantly accelerated.

Effective way

There is a very powerful magic spell that is performed once. But the main condition for success is that it should be carried out in strict accordance with the rules. In order to perform the ritual in seven houses, you should ask for a little water. It is very important to take water from houses and not from apartments.

You should bring the water home and speak it with these words:

“The blood of demons was raging, and human blood was flowing. Water collected from different houses, heal the Servant of God (own name). Help me, the word of Christ, the Holy Mother of God and all the powers of heaven. Amen".

You need to wash your face and hemorrhoids with this water. As a rule, such a ritual helps very well during an exacerbation of the disease.

Prayers for hemorrhoids should always be read in complete solitude, in a room in which there must be an icon of the Holy Mother of God. First, the well-known and powerful prayer “Our Father” is always read several times. Before you pray, you must make the sign of the cross.

Then, with the help of a special prayer, food or drink is enchanted. You need to pray so that your breath touches the attribute you are using.

The words in this case should sound like this:

“Christ always rises, so for me, the Servant of God (his) (proper name), the illness disappears. Just as the Holy Mother of God raised a baby, my bad illness would go away forever. Amen".

During exacerbation of the disease

There is a strong prayer that will help with an exacerbation. To do this, use a special prayer to pray the spring water.

Her words sound like this:

“I turn, Slave(s) of God(s) (my own name) to the pure protection of the Holy Mother of God, and to the hand of the Lord Almighty. I ask you to banish the impassable swamps and remove the quicksand and painful sands from the deep channel of the body. I praise Archangel Gabriel, I ask you to grant me good powers. So that I can overcome all my enemies who harm my body, so that I destroy them, drive them away from myself, and win forever. Help me, the heavenly forces, to disperse the darkness of demons, cut off everything unnecessary from my body. Let my blood not flow and unbearable painful feelings not burn me. My strong words and the righteous deeds of the Lord will come true. Amen".

You should drink the charmed water in small sips, imagining that you are getting rid of the disease.

There is no need to be afraid to use spells and prayers for hemorrhoids. Such rituals belong to white magic and cannot harm. It is very important to believe in your inner natural powers; such faith will help you quickly get rid of an unpleasant illness.

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A young oak tree grows on a steep mountain, there the leaves grow on that oak tree, but fall in the bark, the Mother of God stands, looks at the oak tree, they fall, servant of God (Name) the disease is cleansed from blood, from pus, from all stagnation. May the Mother of God protect and send her grace to the servant of God (Name).

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