How to make the charging percentages visible. How to turn on battery percentage in android percentage. How to Set Fee Percentage on iPhone X

Charge iPhone batteries in percents

In any model Apple iPhone may be do Displays the battery charge as a percentage. By default, to indicate the charge level, which is located in the upper right corner iPhone screen, a small green battery is being used. For more accurate control of the charge level, there is a percentage indicator.

Especially for those who do not yet know how to interest the iPhone, we have prepared today's materials. We will consider two ways to determine the indicator as a percentage: official and unofficial.

Battery Percentage for iPhone
The official way to enable interest first appeared in the iPhone 3GS, to enable interest in the settings of this phone model, it was enough to update the iOS firmware to version 3.0.1. More new iPhone models also support the official inclusion of battery percentage, this is done as follows:

1. Go to iPhone Settings, select the General section
2. In the main settings, click "Statistics". There is a subsection called "Battery Usage" where you need to turn on "Percentage Charge"

If there is such an item in your phone's settings, after following these steps, a percentage will be shown in the upper right corner, next to the battery indicator, showing the remaining charge iPhone.

  • If you want to install charge in interest in the iPod touchpad, try this instruction - "iPod touch - charge in percents "

how do collection in interest iPhone, iPad.

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Unofficial iPhone fee
Battery for iPhone 3G interest However, it is not set by default, as in the first model. Therefore, if you are using one of the first iPhone models, and there is no " Charge in interest”, Then you can apply a non-standard way to include percentages using the SBSettings program.

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1. Install SBSettings in Apple iPhone
2. Go to the SBSettings program settings, select "System Options" and activate "Numeric Battarey",

The battery charge of the iPhone will begin to be displayed as a percentage.

Turn on interest in iPhone with iOS 8

Periodically, when updating the iOS firmware, the user is faced with the problem of setting the charge display as a percentage. For example, on an iPhone running iOS 8, you can turn on battery percentages like this:

Settings - Usage - Charge percentage

How to put interest on iPhone with iOS 9

How to enable interest on iPhone and iPad. iOS firmware version 9.2

The new iPhone X brought a lot of changes. Now the moments familiar to us, to which we have become accustomed over the years, have become a little different and you just need to learn about them once so that everything goes back to normal again.

One of these elements was the percentage of battery charge on the iPhone 10. Many users love accuracy and it’s not a big deal to give up this feature.

I will show and tell you how to include the percentages we are used to. Apple has not removed anything, just slightly changed the logic of user interaction with the device.

How to put battery percentage on iPhone X (10)?

As you know, the design of the new iPhone X is not very similar to past devices. We said goodbye to the Home button and a strip for Face ID and the front camera appeared on top.

Thanks to these changes, I had to completely change the user's interaction with the device. In most cases, all moments were changed to various kinds of gestures.

When buying a new iPhone 10, you probably wanted to return everything as it was and put a very convenient feature when you can see the percentage of the battery.

If you go the old fashioned way to Settings - Battery, then you will not be able to find this item. It just isn't there and probably never will be.

From this situation, Apple found the following way out. You need drag down from the top right corner and the Control Panel will appear, where this indicator will appear.

If you want more good example then here is the video:

The iPhone is very easy to use, but many things require a little instruction. For example, this should be attributed to an easy solution to the problem of how to enable charging percentages on your favorite iPhone.

The battery indicator is probably the thing that we see all day on the phone and small clarifications in the form of charge percentages are very welcome. After all, you can calculate more accurately when exactly you have to put your iPhone on charge.

To make it a little easier, I will show the instructions along with screenshots, which will be even easier than reading a lot of text. The menu items have changed with the development of the phone's stuffing, and to give you an idea, the screenshots represent iOS 8.3.

Guide on how to put interest on iPhone

After unlocking your phone, go to the item Settings.

Now scroll down a little and look for the item Main.

Next, look for an item from the provided menu Statistics.

Now you can see the second item called Charge percentage.

Opposite it, move the slider to make it active.


With the inclusion of iPhone charging percentages, life will become a little more planned and it will be easier to monitor the work of your favorite smartphone.

For some, this thing will even become a kind of decorative addition to the device, because there are very few things that can be changed on the iPhone.

Many users of smartphones and other mobile devices are accustomed to evaluating the current battery charge by a percentage indicator, which is usually located in the upper right corner of the screen. This feature was in all iPhone models. There was an option in the settings, after enabling which, next to the battery icon (in the upper right corner of the screen), a percentage charge indicator appeared, which told how much battery percentage the user had left.

But, with the release of the iPhone X, this feature simply disappeared from the settings. In this regard, many users are interested in how to make percentage charge on iPhone X.

Let's just say that this is impossible. Apple decided to abandon the option that allowed you to monitor the battery percentage. This feature was removed from the settings and there are simply no tricks that would allow it to be enabled. This decision by Apple is most likely due to the fact that on the new iPhone X there is simply no place to display the battery percentage. The protrusion at the top of the screen eats up most of the information bar.

But, if you are used to focusing on the battery percentage, and not on the image of the battery icon, then you can open the Control Center and see how many percent are left. After all, while the “Control Center” is open on the screen, the battery charge is displayed exactly as a percentage. If you do not know how to open the Control Center, then do the following:

Step #1: Tap the top right corner of the screen, which contains the battery icon.

Step number 2. Without releasing your finger, drag down, until Control Center opens.

Step number 3. Pay attention to upper part screen, an indicator should appear next to the battery icon showing its charge in percent.

Unfortunately, in order to see how much battery percentage is left, these actions must be performed every time.

Recall that earlier, in order to enable the display of percentages, it was necessary to open the "Settings" application and go to the "" section.

After that, the percentage display could be turned on using the "Charge in percentage" switch.

We all plan for something. From shopping in the store for every day to where and how we will meet old age. What is needed for proper planning? Of course, the accuracy of the data. Even such a trifle as the battery level, you need to know as accurately as possible in order to plan your day and not get into trouble anywhere. And sometimes for this it is not enough to assess how full the indicator scale is, the data is needed as a percentage.

How to put battery percentage on iPhone

On iPhones, the ability to display the charge indicator appeared with the release of the 3GS model, on operating system iOS version 3.0.1. By the way, then, in June 2009, the battery percentage indicator was no longer a curiosity, but Apple, being ahead of the rest in innovation, often forgot about convenient little things.

How to Set Battery Percentage on iPhone iOS Versions 3-4-5-6-7

All functions are initially built into the smartphone, fortunately, you won’t have to download anything, it will be enough just to delve into the settings a little according to the instructions.

How to put battery percentage on iPhone iOS 8-9

The same way, iOS versions 8 you can turn on the charge percentage. Only the path for finding the setting we are interested in has been slightly changed.

  1. Open the "Settings" of the smartphone.
  2. Go to the item "Use".
  3. As in the instructions above, turn on the "Charge in percentage" parameter.

For iOS 9 and above, let's change this setting a little more.

Video: how to add percentages to the battery indicator display

Our instructions will help you plan your time much more accurately. You will always know when the battery will die, and if you are late for a meeting or at the registry office, you will be able to warn about being late.

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