iPhone drains quickly - how to increase battery life. iPhone drains quickly - how to increase battery life Ios 10 iphone 5 battery

Is your iPhone or iPad draining faster than usual? Do not rush to go to the nearest service center - you can increase the battery life of the i-gadget on your own.

1. Use Power Saving Mode

With the advent of iOS 9, iPhone owners finally have the ability to put their device into power saving mode. "Low Power Mode", according to Apple, and practice shows, allows the iPhone to work for three additional hours without the need to recharge the device.

3. Remove the Facebook app

Late last year, the Facebook app was massively blamed for the uncontrolled consumption of iPhone and iPad batteries. The strong appetite of the application was also confirmed by representatives of the social network, promising to deal with the situation in the near future.

The problem was solved, however, the official Facebook application is still one of the main consumers of battery power in iOS devices. It is noteworthy that Facebook does not even need to be launched to consume the charge - it does its job perfectly in the background. The solution here is quite simple - remove the Facebook application from the device, of course, if you do not use it very actively.

4. Reduce the brightness of your device

Let's make a reservation right away - our advice on reducing the brightness of the device is not banal. About what's on the menu Settings -> Screen and brightness(or from the Control Center) you need to set the display brightness to moderate and, if necessary, enable the " auto brightness, almost everyone knows. We will tell you about an advanced way to reduce the brightness of an iPhone or iPad.

Step 1. Go to the menu Settings -> Main -> Universal access

Step 2. Select " Increase» and activate the switch of the same name

Step 3. Tap the display three times with three fingers at the same time to open a menu with zoom mode options

Step 4. Drag the zoom slider to the left to the maximum and click " In full screen"

Step 5: Go to Settings Select filter” and select “ weak light»

Step 6. Tap on any part of the screen to close the settings menu

Step 7. Go to the menu Settings -> Main -> Universal access-> Keyboard Shortcut and check the box " Increase»
After applying these settings, you get a truly unique opportunity. By triple pressing the Home button, the display of your iPhone or iPad will become as dark as possible. The brightness will be quite enough to work with any applications in the evening and at night, while the battery charge of the device will practically not be consumed. To return the brightness to normal, you will need to press the Home button three times in a row.

Note: This method will especially appeal to those who like to read books before bed on the iPhone and iPad. Your eyes will stop straining a lot due to bright light and you will be able to relax and fall asleep much faster.

5. Set the minimum time for automatic display lock

It's very strange, but many iPhone and iPad owners do not pay enough attention to setting up automatic display lock. Such a seemingly standard parameter is for some reason ignored by users, but the always-on display greatly affects the battery life of the device.

To set the minimum time for automatic display lock, go to the menu Settings -> Main -> Auto-lock and check the box for the desired option. The screen of your iPhone or iPad due to these settings will be locked even after minor inactivity.

6. Turn on "Airplane Mode" when the mobile network signal is weak

If you're in a location where your iPhone or iPad doesn't have good cellular reception, simply turn on Airplane Mode to conserve battery power. The fact is that your mobile device, in an attempt to establish a stable connection, will send signals to the telecom operator over and over again. Many will be surprised, but gadgets spend a lot of “strength” on this action and, as a result, battery charge.

7. Activate "Reduce Motion"

Another non-standard, but at the same time very effective way to extend the battery life of an iPhone or iPad, is to activate " Reduced motion". This setting reduces the movement of the user interface by enabling the parallax effect on the icons. And if you have already enjoyed the beauty of iOS (moving wallpapers and animation), then feel free to go to the menu Settings -> Main -> Universal access and activate the " Reduced motion».

8. Turn off Background Content Refresh

The more apps you have installed on your iPhone and iPad that are constantly accessing the internet for content updates, the faster your device's battery will drain. Luckily, iOS allows you to prevent apps from performing background refreshes, and this is a must-have feature if you want to maximize your gadget's battery life.

This is done very simply. Go to menu Settings -> Main -> Content update and deactivate the switchers for the apps you want to prevent background refresh. Here you can also turn off background content refresh completely.

9. Use ad blockers in Safari

Ad inserts and pop-up banners on websites are an additional load on your device. By installing one of the ad blockers for Safari, you will not only get rid of the need to see advertising banners in their great variety, but also help your device work much longer.

10. Turn off part of the pop-up notifications

Constantly incoming notifications from various applications have a load on your device, albeit insignificant, but very noticeable over time. Take the time to set up app alerts in the menu Settings -> Notifications. Just starting to do this, you will immediately notice that you simply do not need notifications from a sufficiently large number of applications.

If a smartphone on ios 10 quickly discharges, shows a chaotic battery charge, turns off for no reason, cuts off when it wants to, although there are still percentages, then you need to check the battery. The reasons why the battery drains quickly in iOS 10 can be small problems that can be solved by disabling a couple of unnecessary features. The right actions will help increase the battery life of your smartphone.

Check Battery Status on iPhone

There are a huge number of applications in the AppStore that show detailed battery status. The level of its wear should be no more than 30% of the entire capacity.

Applications will help:

  • Battery Live
  • Battery Care
  • Battery Saver

just wait

With the release of the new system, many users complain about the rapid discharge of their devices. Do not rush to draw conclusions, because sometimes you just have to wait a bit. Various features and animations have been added to the new iOS 10. The smartphone just needs time to adapt. With each update, the developers try to cover up all the bugs and make the system more stable.

Power saving mode

Significantly saves the coveted percentages of the power saving mode. Automatic loading of programs is disabled, some visual effects are disabled, and the phone's operating time is increased by 30%. It is enabled in the settings under the Battery tab.

Battery usage

Staying in this tab, scrolling down the page a little, you can see applications that consume a lot of energy.

Very often, users turn on the stopwatch, and it runs in the background, which drains the battery a lot.


Brightness is one of the main reasons why the iPhone battery runs out quickly on ios 10. Turn on auto-brightness in settings. This feature allows the phone to automatically adjust the brightness of the phone in a room under different lighting conditions.


The menu animation of the new iOS 10 significantly reduces battery life. You can turn off the background parallax effect in the settings:

Settings - General - Accessibility - Reduce Motion (On)

Raise on activation

A handy Raise to wake feature that has been added to the new system. When the phone is lifted, the screen is activated. But such a feature greatly affects the battery of the phone. How to turn off lifting on activation on iPhone?

Settings - Screen and brightness - raise when activated

How to disable raise on touch ios10


Unfortunately, having geolocation turned on (even in the background) drains your battery a lot. It is advisable to turn it off when there is no need to use it.

AirDrop and Bluetooth

Disabling these features will help your phone stay active for a long time and conserve battery life.

Siri and Spotlight

The Siri assistant is always on guard and waiting for your instructions. In order to save precious interest, Siri can be turned off so as not to accidentally call it.

For those who don't use Spotlight's smart search, it's best to turn off all Siri features and suggestions completely in the main settings so that they don't affect battery power.

Continuous use of 3G and Wi-Fi

Many users have noticed on their smartphones that when they use network data, the battery on ios 10 runs out quickly, melting right before their eyes. If possible, it is better to use WiFi. With data transfer over the air, the phone works much longer. Use Wi-Fi as needed, for example, turn off Wi-Fi when you are on the road or walking in the park, such savings will save a few precious percentages of battery power.


An excellent solution would be to turn off notifications in unnecessary applications. Constant sounds or messages put a lot of strain on your phone, causing it to drain quickly.

Background refresh

Disabling automatic content updates (Weather, Promotions) can be disabled in Settings. It is advisable to leave the most important programs that are necessary for comfortable work. Many apps that update in the background create a lot of load on the phone without saving its battery.

For example, you can configure mail updates manually. In the mail credentials, just turn off put the data download manually. With this, you can save up to 20% of the charge daily.

Disable automatic updates from the AppStore

Every day some new updates for applications arrive. In order for downloading updates not to drain the battery, you just need to turn off auto-update in the settings.


For the best work with the device, it is better to set auto-lock for 30 seconds.


It really works! You don't need to unload an app from multitasking every time. Indeed, for its subsequent opening, the phone uses much more energy resources than when the program is minimized.

Radical methods if the battery runs out quickly on ios 10

If no tips have helped, then you should proceed to the most radical methods that will help solve the problem with the rapid discharge of the battery.

Reset all settings

This solution can help save the smartphone and bring the battery back to normal. Before a hard reset, you must save all notes, photos and videos. It is advisable to make a backup copy of the phone.

Flash via iTunes

Full flashing will help rid the phone of bugs and lags. There are chances that battery problems will disappear. You will receive an absolutely clean phone, without additional programs and settings that could affect the iPhone battery.


To calibrate your phone, you need to properly discharge and charge your phone.

  1. First we discharge to zero, then we charge to full state.
  2. When the battery shows 100%, it is worth leaving it on charge for some more time.
  3. Next, we do a full reboot of the phone. Hold down the power key and Home until a glowing apple appears.
  4. We repeat all the points again 2-3 times.


Any wireless adapter that can charge from 2 to 10 charge cycles (depending on the model) will be a good helper. Convenient and compact thing that will always help out.


If no advice helped, and the phone still swears and gives out tricks, then the problem is in the battery itself or the power controller. It is advisable to replace the battery in any iPhone repair service.

After updating to iOS 11, many owners of Apple mobile devices began to complain about a significant decrease in the battery life of their gadgets. Apparently, the developers really presented a poorly optimized operating system. In this article, you will learn how to check the level of battery wear, what actions you need to perform directly on the device to extend battery life, and how to monitor the battery of a mobile gadget.

How to check battery wear level

The first thing to do before manipulations to extend the battery life of devices is to check the level of battery wear. Over time, the battery of any smartphone loses its original capacity, and if it drops critically, further instructions for extending battery life will be ineffective.

We have selected three programs that will help you find out the degree of battery wear. All applications show approximately the same data, so you can use any of the methods below.

1. Battery Life app for iOS

by the most in a simple way To check battery wear is to use the Battery Life app. It is enough to install it on the device and run it, after which the program will show the degree of wear as a percentage and display an estimate.

2. iBackupBot for Windows and Mac

This application is installed on a computer and displays information about the device connected via cable. To find out the battery information, you need to click on the name of your device in the lower left tab, and then select the More Information item. In the window that appears, all the necessary information will be available.

3. coconutBattery utility for Mac

Apple computer owners can use the simple coconutBattery app. All you need to check the battery status is to connect the device to your Mac via a cable and run the utility.

If the battery of your device is in good condition (has retained more than 75% of its original capacity), then the following instructions will significantly extend the battery life of the gadget. If the battery has lost almost all its capacity, then you should think about replacing the battery or buying a new device.

How to extend battery life

To extend the battery life of your iPhone or iPad, just use the operating system settings. No applications from unscrupulous developers who promise to increase battery capacity after installing their programs will come in handy. We have selected six of the best ways to extend the battery life of your device, which are placed in order of efficiency (in descending order).

1. Removing gluttonous applications
The main source of battery drain are installed games and programs - they consume the most battery power. Applications can work not only in open form, but also in the background (continuing to consume battery power - more on this in paragraph 4). Fortunately, the iOS operating system makes it easy to track the most voracious applications. To do this, just go to the specified path: Settings → Battery, and then scroll to the item "Battery usage".

Settings → Battery

To make the statistics more accurate, you need to switch to the "Last 7 days" tab. In the list shown, you'll see which apps are using the most battery. By clicking on the clock icon, next to each program and game, their operating time (during the week) in the open state and in the background will appear.

To extend the battery life, it is recommended to remove the most gluttonous applications. Often social networks spend the most traffic (in particular - Twitter and Facebook). Official clients of services are difficult to refuse, but in the App Store you can find more optimized third-party applications for social networks.

2. Activate power saving mode

Settings → Battery

iOS has a built-in power-saving mode that, when activated, the system does not perform background checks for mail and software updates, limits applications running in the background, and also underestimates the processor clock speed. To activate this mode, you need to go to Settings → Battery and click on the corresponding switch.

Settings → Control Center

For ease of use, the icon for launching the energy-saving mode can be moved to the control center (a curtain activated by swiping up from the bottom of the display). To do this, go to Settings → Control Center and add "Power Saving Mode" by clicking on the "+".

It is not recommended to use the power saving mode on a permanent basis, as the performance of the device degrades during its operation.
3. Screen brightness adjustment

Settings → Accessibility → Display adaptation

The smartphone display consumes quite a lot of energy. That is why it is important to properly adjust the screen brightness. We recommend using automatic brightness adjustment - the light sensors in Apple devices are well calibrated, so the system will find the optimal brightness level in any situation. You can activate auto-brightness along the path: Settings → Accessibility → Display adaptation.

Search by settings

For some reason, in iOS 11, this item is hidden deep in the settings. If you do not find this option, use the settings search: swipe down on the main settings menu and enter "Auto-brightness" in the search field.

4. Adjusting applications running in the background

Settings → General → Content Update

Some programs may run in the background, synchronizing certain data over the Internet. Thus, applications consume traffic even when closed. In the iOS operating system, this can be adjusted by going along the path: Settings → General → Content update. In this section, you can allow or block the selected program from running in the background.

5. Throttling the use of location services

Settings → Privacy → Location Services

Some apps use location services to determine the location of a device. Some people really need this function (for example, navigators), but some programs activate geolocation services without special need. Naturally, positioning consumes battery power. To adjust which applications should not use the corresponding function, just go to Settings → Privacy → Location Services.

6. Change automatic app sync

Settings → Accounts and passwords

System applications such as mail service or notes are automatically synchronized with the server to look for updates. This feature is useful, but it consumes battery power. The iOS operating system allows you to customize it for individual applications. For example, for iCloud cloud storage, you can set a standard automatic check, and for a rarely used application, you can set a scheduled check: 1 time per hour. This fine-tuning will help reduce battery consumption. You can do this along the path: Settings → Accounts and passwords.

The degree of deterioration of the battery depends not only on the time of use, but also on the care of the user. To maximize battery life, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Do not use (let alone charge) Apple devices in extreme temperatures. The optimal temperature when working with an iPhone or iPad is from 0 to 35 degrees Celsius.
  • Do not charge iPhone and iPad in unlicensed cases. The design of some types of cases can contribute to overheating of the battery, which negatively affects its capacity.
  • For long-term storage, leave devices half charged (and recharge up to 50% every six months). Storing your iPhone or iPad with a fully charged battery will lose its capacity, and storing it with a fully discharged battery will lose its ability to hold a charge.

  • Charge your battery whenever you want. Apple Lithium-Ion batteries cycle, with one cycle completed when the charge is used up, similar to 100% battery capacity. Thus, you can use up 75% of the battery capacity, then recharge it to 100%, and then spend another 25% - this will be one battery discharge cycle (the sum with the previous consumption will be 100%).

The old methods and tips for optimizing battery consumption with the release of a new version of the apple mobile OS have not lost their relevance at all. It's just that the previous one was replenished with new, interesting tricks.

In contact with

New view of application energy usage window

First appeared in iOS 8, while developing the "nine" it was somewhat improved. Previously, opposite the names of applications, the amount of energy consumed for their maintenance was reflected as a percentage of the total charge consumption per day. Now (on the way Settings –> Battery –> Power saving mode), by clicking the clock icon in the upper right corner of the window, we can additionally find out how long a particular program was in active mode, and how long it worked in the background. The data is displayed with an accuracy of up to a minute and it is now much easier to calculate really voracious services.

Mastering the low power mode

According to Apple, it is optimized so that it provides an additional hour of work for all iPhone models, with the exception of the two most recent ones. Plus one hour is great, but it’s better if there are three of them at once, which is what this mode is intended for. By sacrificing visuals, auto-loading, background updates, and a number of other non-essential services, as outlined in the official warning, we're giving iOS the go-ahead for tough power savings. You can constantly operate the device in this mode by checking the checkbox in the menu Settings –> Battery –> Power saving mode. Or rely on automation - when the charge level drops to 20%, the system itself will offer to start saving it.

Disable apps from accessing GPS

By default, almost every second program wants to be able to operate this module. Often - without arguing the need for this in any way and without warning the user about the untargeted consumption of system resources. An example of this is the Dictionary, in the case of which it is difficult to imagine a situation where knowledge of the current coordinates is important for the program to work. So, do not postpone a visit to the menu for later Settings –> Privacy –> Location Services, which provides a list of software that has access to GPS data. And we put things in order.

Deactivate Bluetooth

As a low power technology, the Bluetooth receiver puts little to no strain on the battery when idle. Trouble begins during the active scanning of space in order to monitor devices ready for pairing. The easiest way to deal with the problem is to turn off the service entirely for the time it is not needed - we do not use Blutooth headsets, keyboards and other peripherals every second.

Disable unused widgets

Apple did its part by providing support for author widgets in the last version of iOS, albeit only for the Notification Center for now. The task of users is to learn how to understand the heap of curious, but often useless content that is on the market. And remove from the system something that is not needed daily - it often takes several minutes to get acquainted, study a new widget and get bored again.

Update in the background - not for everyone

With the release iOS 9 nothing has changed, all more or less serious applications constantly require access to parent sites in order to check and install updates. Monitoring the appearance of small, third-rate patches, in reality, takes a lot of work and, naturally, energy.

For the sake of saving the latter, it makes sense to go to Settings –> General –> Content Update to arrange the checkboxes in the correct order or disable the feature altogether.

Disable animation effects

You can turn off the parallax effect and reduce the amount of animation here: Settings –> Main –> Universal access -> Reduced motion.

Black and white gamma, transparency reduction, contrast, vibration

The choice between working comfort in iOS 9 and solid energy savings, each user does at his own discretion. If the latter is more important to you, it makes sense to abandon the colorful palette at least for a while. To do this, first, go to Settings –> General –> Accessibility –> Grayscale, where we deactivate the corresponding switch.

Secondly, next to it is the Increase Contrast section, which has several useful sliders that make the picture on the iPhone screen look faded (branded transparency is removed).

But this helps to minimize energy consumption, for which, in addition, it would be nice to turn off the notification with vibration - the switch is still in the same menu universal access.

Disable auto-update content

By analogy with the ban on the search and download of new versions and patches, we can iOS 9 block automatic downloads of fresh versions of what was previously obtained in Apple branded stores. For example, apps and music. Going into Settings –> iTunes Store, App Store –> Automatic Downloads, you can set the corresponding switches to the "off" position.

Change the brightness of the screen backlight

A rule that is relevant for any similar gadget due to the fact that human eyes do not need all 100% of the light that lamps integrated into the screen can give out. It is even harmful to eyesight - 50% is usually more than enough, but no one forbids lowering the brightness further, optimizing energy consumption. The necessary slider can be called up by swiping from the bottom up in control point or purposefully going to the section Settings –> Screen and brightness.

"Live Photos" are also among the major energy consumers

The innovation called in the new iPhone formally uses the mere crumbs of the charge accumulated in the battery - from a technical point of view, the load on the smartphone's power system is minimal. The problem is that when you install such an image on your desktop, a human craving for an emotional message provokes multiple playback of the video during the day. It is estimated that this leads to an increase in energy consumption in the range of 1-5% of the entire battery capacity, which is no longer a joke. So, having played enough, we can, with a clear conscience, turn off "Live Photos" or simply refuse to use them as desktop wallpaper iOS 9.

3D Touch sometimes needs to be turned off too

In most cases, when working with a shutdown, it can cause a lot of inconvenience (after all, this is the main feature of the new iPhones), but if every mAh counts, there is not much choice. The good old touch screen will not let you down - you can send an SOS signal or wait for an important message that you definitely need to urgently answer without using innovation. So we remember the way Settings –> Accessibility –> 3D Touch, where the desired switch is found.

It's no secret that modern "diagonal" smartphones can work autonomously for a very short time. Gone are the days when cell phones lasted more than a week on a single charge. Today, the energy in batteries is usually enough for a day and a half of not the most active use. One has only to download the game, or run a couple of other "heavy" applications, as the battery simply melts before our eyes.

Apple has long been reproached for the fact that for the sake of a spectacular design - with an ultra-thin body, functionality and performance were put. There was just a flurry of comments from dissatisfied users, and many said that it would be better if the iPhone was thicker - because of the more capacious battery, but it would work longer.

By and large, for many years the battery capacity has not changed, and performance is increased mainly by optimizing the proprietary shell and hardware. But, to be honest, the actions of users themselves are often the cause of the rapid discharge of the battery. And the owner of the smartphone himself may not even be aware of what exactly the bulk of the energy is spent on, even with seemingly not the most intensive use.

In order to optimize energy consumption iniOS10, which is now being actively tested by developers, a special feature has been introduced economy mode. This menu displays suggestions for the rational use of the gadget. The system shows what the most energy is spent on and recommendations are put forward to reduce these expenses.

You can find the service in the settings menu, in the battery section - it is called “economy mode offers.” As the system operates, the system itself will offer the user the best ways to reduce “irrational” energy costs . Recommendations may relate to screen brightness, backlight and auto-lock duration, sleep mode, etc. To do this, system prompts will appear on the iPhone screen recommending that you perform one or another action. However, if the iPhone is configured as expected - manually, by the user himself, there will be no "economy mode" notifications.

According to the testers, using the resources and recommendations of this menu allows you to reduce the charge consumption by 10-15 percent. And this is already a couple of extra hours of active work without recharging, so why not use it?

We are convinced that this service can be very useful for not very experienced users. Thanks to him, they will know how to minimize the power consumption of the gadget in situations where there is no way to connect to the outlet, and you need to save the charge.

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