Accounting for account 99. When accounting entry D99 - K09 is made

In modern world can not imagine activities of an enterprise without accounting. Correct reporting allows you to have a clear picture of the company’s activities, understand its weaknesses and hidden opportunities, thereby improving its efficiency, increasing income, and reaching a new level of business.

The result of the activity of any enterprise is profit. Profit is the difference between and the costs of producing goods or services, is the most important indicator for understanding the financial independence of a company. The laws of the Russian Federation in the field of accounting determine that profit should be reflected on 99 account Chart of accounts.

Regardless of the type of activity of the enterprise and the form of education, the accountant is obliged to open an account 99 and display transactions on it reliably and in full. Account transactions reflect the profit or loss of the enterprise in the reporting period, namely:

  1. Income and expenses for ordinary activities, which are determined by the statutory documents.
  2. Profit and loss from emergency activities (elimination of emergency situations, insurance amounts, loss of equipment, goods, forced shutdown of production lines).
  3. Payments and recalculations for income taxes and tax penalties, deferred liabilities.

The Profit and Loss account is active-passive, that is, the transaction can be shown as a credit or debit - it depends on the situation. The final result of the activity reflects the balance. In the debit of account 99, it is necessary to display actions on expenses and losses of the company.

Expenses are the sum of all costs that were incurred by the company during the reporting year (month, quarter) as a result of its work. These expenses are the costs of raw materials, purchase of equipment, payment to employees, operation of transport, etc. Expenses correspond to the loan with accounts: 64, 03, etc. An example in the debit of account 99 is the loss of goods that occurred as a result of an emergency ( Dt. 99 / Kt. 41).

In credit accounts, they show the firm's income. Income- these are all receipts to the current accounts that the enterprise has within the specified period. Income examples: revenue, profit on transactions with securities, interest on investments, rental income, etc. The account credit is linked to the following accounts: 90, 72, 8, etc. Example: the action on the loan is to receive profit from the sales of goods or services produced (Dt. 90 / Kt. 99).


Balance is the difference between profit and expenses that appears as a result of production and sales of products. The balance is considered the most important indicator in financial statements. The balance can be initial and final, which is determined at the beginning and at the end of a given time period.

Of course, any enterprise strives for profits to exceed expenses. If the account balance turns out to be debit at the end of the reporting date, this means that the level of costs exceeded the level of profit. In this case, the balance is negative - the company did not make a profit during the reporting period of its activities. If the balance is credit, then the company reflects profit with a plus sign in the report on the results of its work.

At the end of each period, organizations it is necessary to close the account and open it again at the beginning of the year. This is done in order to understand how the enterprise operates and what its level of profitability is. Since accounting periods are equal to tax periods, it is easy to understand that it is also necessary to reset balances in order to make tax payments on time and in full.

The opening balance for the future period should always be zero. In order to close a 99 account, you must first close the accounts that are associated with it. Such accounts include:

90 "Sales"

This account displays income from the sale of goods and the provision of services that were produced as a result of the organization's main activity. For ease of accounting, subaccounts are opened on this account: 90.1, 90.2, 90.3,90.9.

Until July 2017, depreciation on this equipment in accounting was 216,000 rubles, in tax accounting – 240,000 rubles, the calculated temporary difference was 24,000 rubles. The deferred tax asset amounted to:

24,000 * 20% = 4800 rub.

Since the company sold this equipment in July 2017, it needs to write off the deferred tax asset. This is done with the following wiring:

Dt. 99 Kt. 09 = 4800 rub.

Example 2: the company Sintomat LLC produced and sold goods worth 2,500,000 rubles in 2016. Value added tax in the period amounted to 500,000 rubles. Production costs – RUB 1,080,343. Operating costs, management costs, rental costs and transport are equal to RUB 523,487.

Account 90.1 - Balance Kt - 2,500,000 rubles.

Account 90.2 - Balance Dt - 1,080,343 rubles.

Account 90.3 - Balance Dt - 500,000 rubles.

Account 44 - Balance Dt - 523,487 rubles.

The account is closed as of December 31, 2016 following diagram:

Dt. 90.2 Kt. 44 - 523,487 rub.

Dt. 90.9 Kt. 99.1.1 - (1,080,343 + 500,000 + 523,487) - 2,500,000 = 396,170 rubles.

Total, credit balance, that is, the company made a profit in 2016 in the amount of 396,170 rubles. Final wiring upon account closure it will be:

Dt. 99 Kt. 84 - 396,170 rub.

To determine the amount of income tax liability for the reporting period, it is necessary to fulfill this wiring:

Dt. 99.1.1 Kt. 68 - 396,170 * 20% = 79,234 rub.

When maintaining accounting records, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of correct execution of account 99 “Profit and Loss”, since it is by it that the result of the enterprise’s work is assessed, further plans are made for the effective conduct of business and the amount of tax liability for income tax is determined.

Additional account information is provided below.

That synthetic accounting is carried out on synthetic accounting accounts in accordance with the Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n). We'll talk about count 99 in our material.

Account 99 “Profits and losses”

In accordance with the Chart of Accounts, account 99 “Profits and Losses” is necessary to summarize information on the formation of the final financial result of the organization in the reporting year.

It is in this account that profits or losses from ordinary activities and other transactions accumulate throughout the year.

Debit 99 is profit or loss

Every month, synthetic accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses” are closed (“reset to zero”). This is due to the fact that the excess debit or credit turnover of these accounts is assigned to account 99.

Let us demonstrate this using the example of counting 90.

During the month, goods were sold in the amount of 118,000 rubles, incl. VAT 18%. Cost of sales is 85,000 rubles. There were no other transactions on account 90.

Despite the fact that the sub-accounts to account 90 continue to accumulate turnover throughout the year (they are closed only on December 31), the synthetic account 90 itself must be closed at the end of each month. To do this, credit and debit turnovers are compared on the last day of each month:

In order for account 90 to be closed at the end of the month, you need to debit it for 15,000 rubles:

Thus, account 90 was closed:

If at the end of the month the debit turnover of account 90 turns out to be greater than the credit turnover, then a loss occurs, which is reflected by the reverse entry: Debit 99 - Credit 90.

Similarly, profit and loss are identified for other types of activities, income and expenses from which are recorded in account 91:

Debit 91 - Credit 99 means that profit was generated for other activities at the end of the month.

Debit 99 - Credit 91 means that there was a loss for other income and expenses for the month.

Account 99 - for income tax calculations

During the year, account 99 also reflects the amounts of accrued, permanent tax liabilities and assets and payments for recalculation of this tax from actual profit, as well as the amount of tax sanctions due for payment. Thus, the accrual of a conditional income tax expense in accordance with PBU 18/02, as well as simply income tax on the basis of a declaration, if accounting for calculations in accordance with PBU 18/02 is not kept, will look like this: Debit 99 - Credit 68. Same The entry will reflect the accrual of fines and penalties to the budget for income tax, VAT and other taxes.

Sanctions to extra-budgetary funds (for example, the Pension Fund of Russia) should be calculated as follows: Debit 99 - Credit 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security”.

If accounting for profit calculations is carried out in accordance with PBU 18/02, then debit account 99 can also correspond, in particular, with account 09 “Deferred tax assets”. Thus, accounting entry D99 K09 is made when writing off a deferred tax asset in the event of disposal of the object for which it was accrued.

Closing account 99

At the end of the year, account 99 is reset to zero with the difference assigned to account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”: the so-called “balance sheet reformation” occurs. At the end of the year, the posting of Debit 99 - Credit 84 means that the identified final profit at the end of the year for all types of activities is included in the profits (losses) of previous years. And the loss at the end of the year is reflected: Debit 84 - Credit 99.

Thus, the answer to the question “Profit on the debit or credit of account 99” is as follows: during the year, the balance on account 99 in credit means a profit, and on the debit - a loss. Accordingly, debiting account 99 during the year means recognizing a monthly loss (as well as charging income tax and sanctions), and crediting it means profit. Consequently, crediting account 99 at the end of the year when reforming the balance sheet means that the year ended with a loss, and debiting (Debit account 99 - Credit account 84) means that at the end of the year a profit was made.

The profit that remains after paying taxes and has not yet been spent on paying dividends to shareholders, has not been distributed to replenish the authorized capital or has not been used as funds to pay off uncovered losses is called - undistributed (NRP).

An uncovered loss is a financial loss of an organization of a negative nature incurred during the reporting year or previous years.

List of subaccounts and features

Count 84 applies to displaying the financial results of the company's activities from the moment of its creation to the time of liquidation. It is replenished during the period when the balance sheet changes - at the end of the reporting year.

The decision on the disposal of funds can only be made by the owners of the enterprise, most often through a meeting and voting, after which everything is certified by a specially drawn up protocol and certified by each shareholder or participant.

The amount of net profit received is shown as a credit, and the amount of uncovered losses is shown as a debit. Count 84 is active-passive.

List of subaccounts:

  • 84.01 – profit to be distributed;
  • 84.02 – the amount of loss to be covered;
  • 84.03 – profit of undistributed type, which is in circulation;
  • 84.04 - displays the amount of spent retained income that has gone through the process of being converted into goods or, conversely, through depreciation deductions.

Funds transferred to special funds and spent on expenses such as privileged expenses, corporatization, payments and other material incentives for employees - they must be displayed and accounted for in the balance sheet in the amount of the authorized capital.

Accounting for account 84 is necessary to combine data on profits received that have not yet been capitalized and losses that have not been received.



Display of NRP by on-farm reserves and funds:

  1. D 80 Kt 84– a decrease in the volume of the authorized capital (AC) to the amount of its net assets is displayed.
  2. D 84 Kt 80– the reverse process – an increase in the amount of funds of the management company.
  3. D 82 Kt 84– reduction or full coverage of losses through deductions from the capital.
  4. D 83 Kt 84– writing off the amount of loss using additional capital (AC).
  5. D 75 Kt 84– repayment of financial losses of the organization through contributions collected from shareholders or owners of the enterprise.
  6. D 84 Kt 83– use of research and development funds to increase the volume of additional capital.
  7. D 84 Kt 84– movement of funds within the account – reserving finances for an upcoming purchase or organizing a fund for accumulation.

In analytical accounting, account 84 is formed in such a way that it will ensure the organization of data in accordance with the purposes of using its resources. Also, when displaying information about the use of retained earnings as a financial instrument for the acquisition of new tools and other funds for the production development of the company, this data may be subject to differentiation.

How to close

If an organization operates on the simplified tax system, it happens in the same way as with other enterprises - at the end of the reporting year. However, there are peculiarities when closing. At the beginning of the process, the subaccounts of account 90 are closed. After this, the company can begin to reset the account. 90, and 99.

This is shown in writing in the following way:

  1. D 90, 91 Kt 99 or D 99 Kt 90, 91- this means that income accounts have been closed.
  2. D 99 Kt 84 or D 84 Kt 99– written-off net profit or incurred loss is taken into account.

At the end of the reporting year

Every month, the accountant generates the entries necessary to write off the results of the company’s activities. This is done like this:

  1. D 90.9 Kt 99 or D 99 Kt 90.9– data on income or losses from the main activities of the organization is generated.
  2. D 99 Kt 84– the write-off of net profit (NP) is displayed; if in posting 84 it is formed by debit, then this means a write-off of the company’s losses.

At the end of the year it is held balance reform. During this process, the corresponding accounts are reset. Postings are compiled depending on the intended purpose:

  1. D 84 Kt 75– contains information on the accrual of funds for settlements based on the results of the year.
  2. D 84 Kt 80– deductions for increasing the volume of capital.
  3. D 84 Kt 82– drawing up a reserve capital base.
  4. D 84.3 Kt 84.2– using part of the NRP to cover the losses accumulated during the reporting year.

Debit and credit

Account 84 corresponds to both debit and credit.

By debit:

  1. - checking account. Its function is to display information about the movement of funds in a current account opened with a banking organization.
  2. 52 – accounts in foreign currency. Contains information about existing accounts in which funds in foreign equivalents are stored.
  3. 55 – accounts in special purpose banks. Needed to display data on accounts held by the company, the funds in which are in rubles or other currencies within the Russian Federation or other countries. The basis may be a checkbook, payment documentation, with the exception of bills of exchange, special and special accounts
  4. 70 - remuneration of employees. All payments between the employee and the company are displayed here.
  5. 75 – settlement with the founders. All payments made by the founders of the company are taken into account.
  6. 79 – calculations of intra-farm type.
  7. 80 – authorized capital (AC)
  8. 82 – contains information about the size and changes in the company’s reserve funds (RC).
  9. 83 – capital of additional type. Using it you can find out the volume of total additional capital (AC).
  10. 84 – profit that has not yet been distributed.
  11. 99 – profit and loss.

By loan:

  • – settlement actions in front of company employees that do not relate to wages;
  • 75 – settlements with founders;
  • 79 – on-farm calculations;
  • 80 – UK;
  • 82 – RK;
  • 83 – DK;
  • 84 – uncovered loss or retained earnings;
  • 99 – income received from the activities of the organization and losses arising in the process of its functioning.


The balance of account 84 can be formed either as a debit or as a credit. Moreover, the credit shows the net income received, and the debit shows the loss, financial losses.

Certain subaccounts are created for the account. First - IURP that must be subject to distribution procedure. In accordance with the decision made at the meeting of the founders, the amount of private equity received for the year is displayed, which needs to be capitalized.

The balance of the subaccount reflects the size of the NRP, which remains unchanged until the founders make another decision. Its amount is transferred to the credit column.

Second - IUU fishing in circulation. This contains information about the total amount of funds in circulation. The balance reflects the amount of financial resources that have been accumulated for the purpose of creating new property in the form of fixed assets of the enterprise, as well as the materials necessary for this.

The entry for the previous subaccount is made in this - NRP used. It is formed from funds already spent on the creation of new property. After accounting for the funds used, the NRP balance in circulation will be the value of the free type balance.

At the end of each reporting month, the accountant draws up postings:

  • D 90.9 Kt 99– the amount of income received from sold goods, services, etc.;
  • D 99 Kt 90.9– in case of damage caused.

Also subject to closure is account 91 – other income and expenses:

  1. D 91.9 Kt 99– receipt of financial resources from operations that are not related to the sale and marketing of the enterprise’s products.
  2. D 99 Kt 91.9– damage has been caused related to the company’s main activities in other operations.

Accounts 90.9 and 91.9 do not have a balance at the end of the reporting month. The funds are transferred and accounted for in account 99. The results of each period are generated and summarized at the end of the year. Account 99 has a balance all year. In credit - profit, in debit - financial losses.

From the first day of the new year the count becomes 99 clean (resets to zero). It is closed using account 84 - this process is called balance sheet reformation.

The following postings:

  1. D 99 Kt 84– the income received during the year from the activities of the organization is taken into account.
  2. D 84 Kt 99– the annual loss of the company is displayed.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, account 84, which contains information about the amount of retained earnings, does not take into account transaction amounts, which display coverage for damage caused by theft. The write-off of such transactions occurs according to a different scheme during the inventory period, which revealed the shortage.

Additional information on the account is presented in this video.

Accounting accounts are designed to record all monetary transactions. This review will examine in detail account 99 “Profit and Loss”. The reader will learn about what functions it performs, whether it can have its own categories, how to work with it and close it. The information is accompanied by examples to help better explain the topic.

Purpose of account 99

Every enterprise works to achieve the main goal - increasing profits. Financial result is the sum of all income from each type of activity. For or services you will need to invest money, but how profitable this will be in the reporting period will become known after summarizing all the information on cash costs and receipts. This is exactly what the 99 account is intended for, which can reflect:

  • increase or decrease in income from the main activity (D90 K99);
  • the balance of other expenses and income for the reporting period (D91 K99);
  • the impact of emergency situations on economic activities (force majeure, accidents);
  • accrual of amounts intended for calculating taxes (interaction with account 68).

Is it possible to open new subaccounts?

According to the instructions, the account in question has no categories. An accountant can create them independently, taking into account the requirements of the enterprise (analysis, control, reporting). In this regard, the following system could be introduced:

  • 99/1 “Profit or loss from the sale of goods”;
  • 99/2 “Balances of miscellaneous income (expenses)”;
  • 99/3 “Unexpected income”;
  • 99/4 “Unexpected expenses”;
  • 99/5 “Income tax”;
  • 99/6 “Tax contributions”.

The last three subaccounts can have a balance in debit and credit. You can also open category 99/9 “Net profit or loss”, which will show the amount of income received (deductions) for the reporting period.

Debit correspondence

99 account can interact by debit with different categories:

What kind of wiring can there be?

The debit of account 99 reflects the enterprise's losses for various types of activities. Examples can be seen in the table.

Damage from installation equipment due to unpredictable events (fire, hurricane, natural disaster, etc.).

Deferred tax assets were written off.

The costs of the main production for canceled orders are included in losses.

The amount of VAT on MT (material assets) has been written off.

Production losses caused by unpredictable events.

Reflection of costs from defects.

Losses of finished products.

Calculation of income tax.

Damage from canceled orders is included in losses

Identification of the balance of insurance premiums.

The amounts intended for contributions to the preventive measures fund have been determined.

Loan correspondence

Account 99 “Profits and losses” interacts on the loan with the following categories:

  • "Materials" (10).
  • “Financial transactions with suppliers and contractors” (60).
  • “Currency and current accounts” (52, 51).
  • “Retained earnings” (84).
  • “Sales of goods” (90).
  • “Shortages and damage from damaged valuables” (94).
  • “Reserves for future expenses” (96).
  • “Special bank accounts” (55).
  • “Intra-household calculations” (79).
  • “Financial transactions with creditors and debtors” (76).
  • “Other expenses and income” (91).
  • “Settlements with employees for various operations” (73).

Loan transactions

The table provides some examples to help you understand what a 99 credit entry account may have, reflecting the profit (income) of the company.

Identification of excess materials.

Receipt of income from unexpected situations to the cash register.

Crediting on profits.

Attribution of the excess amount intended for the repair of fixed assets to the results of the reporting period. A similar exception is provided for in some enterprises.

Reflection of the financial result from intermediary activities (account credit 99 characterizes income).

Write-off of profit from the main activities of the organization.

Identification of balances of insurance reserves.

The final entry of the last month in the reporting period, which writes off the amount of the net loss.

Features of closing 99 profit and loss accounts

The result of the company's activities in monetary terms is reflected when comparing debit and credit turnover. In this regard, it is necessary to close some accounting accounts (99, 90, 91). In modern production conditions, it is very important to correctly define and economically justify the procedure in question. To perform tasks competently, a specialist must be guided by a special rule. First of all, you should close the accounts of industries and companies with the largest number of clients receiving the least amount of counter services, and in the opposite situation - in the last place (maximum services and minimum buyers).

Sequence of closing account 99

The operation in question is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Closing account 90 “Product sales”. By comparing income and expenses from sales, you can formulate the final result from the company’s core activities. At the end of the year, the debit reflects the goods sold, taking into account all costs. The loan is used to generate the sales amount. The total value is equal to the difference between the credit and debit balances of account 90 and 90/3 “VAT”. If the debit balance is greater than the credit balance, make the following entry: D99 K90 (loss), otherwise - D90 K99 (profit).
  2. The same operations should be carried out as in the first stage. If financial results are negative, posting D91 K99 and D99 K91 are posted if they are positive.
  3. Thus, account 99 is closed last. The result that was formed by comparing the debit and credit balances of accounts 90 and 91 is retained profit remaining at the disposal of the organization, or uncovered loss. The results are entered in credit or debit of account 84.

The final completion of the procedure is carried out by gradually closing distribution and expense accounts. This allows you to create a preliminary working balance that reflects the real financial position of the organization.

Knowing all the distinctive features that the 99 “Profit and Loss” account has, young professionals will be able to understand all the features of accounting. Do not forget about PBU, as well as reference and legal systems, without which the legal activities of enterprises are impossible.

Savings account 99 in accounting is practically used to generate information about the financial results of any company, regardless of its legal status or industry sector. Data is summarized for a certain reporting period for all types of activities - main and additional. Let's consider what is reflected in the 99th account and in what order.

Account 99 in accounting

The main goal of a commercial organization is to make a profit. Moreover, each business operation affects the amount of income and expenses, and for the summary accumulation of information, account 99 “Profits and losses” is used. For the entire year, it accumulates information on:

  • Profit or loss from 90 accounts. according to the main OKVED.
  • Profit or loss from 91 accounts. according to additional OKVED.
  • Conditional income/expenses involved in tax calculation.
  • Accepted fines, arrears and PNO/ONA (when working according to PBU 18/02).

Accounting account 99 is the last step towards reforming the balance sheet. The final posting resets the balances to zero by transferring the resulting amounts to the account. 84. And also business transactions on account 99 reflect the write-off (capitalization) of losses (surpluses) of inventory and fixed assets received in emergency or force majeure circumstances (emergency situations, natural disasters, wars, etc.).

Account 99 – subaccounts:

  • 99.1 - used to reflect financial results according to the company’s usual OKVED.
  • 99.2, 99.3 – used to reflect financial results for other OKVED.
  • 99.4 – to reflect extraordinary income.
  • 99.5 – to reflect extraordinary expenses.
  • 99.6 – to reflect the amounts of profit tax and penalties.
  • 99.7 – the amounts of financial results for the reporting period are reflected here.
  • 99.9 – other amounts of financial results may be reflected here.

It should be noted that account 99, the characteristics contained in Order No. 94n dated October 31, 2000, can be grouped in another way, taking into account the analytical needs of the organization and the nuances of filling out reliable and complete accounting records.

Count 99 – active or passive?

Accounting account 99 is an active-passive accounting account. Credit 99 of account shows the formation of profits and all kinds of income, corresponding with accounts - 90, 91, 84, , , , , etc. And debit 99 of account shows the receipt of losses and various expenses, corresponding with accounts - 01, 03, 10, , 07 , , 20, 29, , 28, , , , , , 84, 91, 90, etc.

An incoming or outgoing credit balance on account 99 means an excess of income over expenses, hence the company’s profit. When the balance is reflected in the debit of account 99, it means that the amount of expenses for the period turned out to be more than income and as a result a loss was formed. Thus, the debit account balance 99 indicates a loss, and the credit account indicates a profit.

Note! 99 account is not directly reflected in the balance sheet, but only after the reformation of the balances. In this case, the total amount from the account. 99 is written off as a debit or credit to the account. 84, and then from account 84 the balance as of December 31 is entered into page 1370 of the balance sheet form.

Postings to account 99

To understand more clearly what 99 loan account means and what financial result the debit of account 99 shows, we will give a typical example from the activities of an enterprise.

Let's assume a trading company sells equipment. During the month of December, electrical goods were sold for 354,000 rubles, including VAT 18% 54,000 rubles. Additionally, the organization provides premises for rent on a one-time basis; the rent amounted to 23,600 rubles, including VAT of 3,600 rubles. Let’s assume that there were no other transactions for the period, the cost of products sold is equal to 260,000 rubles, and since December is the final month, the balance sheet is being reformed at the same time.

The accountant will make the entries as follows:

  • D 90 K 99 for 40,000 rubles. – profit from trading activities was generated at the end of the month. In this case, the answer to the question: Credit 99 of the account - profit or loss? unambiguous - profit.
  • D 62 K 91.1 for 23,600 rubles. – income from the lease agreement is reflected.
  • D 91.2 K 68.2 for 3600 rubles. – allocated for rent VAT.
  • D 91 K 99 for 20,000 rubles. – rental profit for the month has been generated.
  • D account 99 09 K 84 for 60,000 rubles. – at the end of the year, the balance sheet was reformed: the identified profit was included in the financial result for previous periods.

Conclusion - we found out that account 99 “Profits and losses” is active-passive and is intended for the accountant to determine the amount of profit or loss received by the enterprise for the reporting period. At the end of the reporting period, this account has no balance, since it is reset to zero through reformation by writing off amounts to the account. 84.

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