O great, mighty Russian language. The great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language

We all know from the media that strange things are happening with the weather now, and global warming is supposedly happening, and the greenhouse effect is being blamed for everything, and the main thing they are trying to convince us of is that the greenhouse effect is bad.

To understand what the greenhouse effect is, we first need to understand the source of heat and light on our planet.

The most basic source of light and heat for the Earth is our star - the Sun.

In second place is the geothermal activity of the planet itself.

The third is the radioactive decay of isotopes and the combustion of fossil fuels. But the third type of energy sources are, so to speak, derivatives from the Sun.

Here it should be noted that now, both in the past and in the future, life on Earth is possible solely due to the greenhouse effect.

The average temperature on the Earth's surface is 15°-17° C. The highest temperature in the entire history of weather observations on our planet was plus 70.7 ° C in the Lut Desert, Iran in 2005.

Friends, if you are interested in this article, I suggest you watch the film based on it and personally plunge into the atmosphere of research:

At this point, I am not saying goodbye to you, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

See you in the next articles. The topic will be continued. All the best to you, goodbye!

From early childhood to old age, a person’s entire life is connected with language.

A fairy tale is a language. Song is a language. A mathematical formula is also a language.

We think, reflect, and therefore use words mentally - language.

Language is the most important tool of communication between people.

Language is like the sea. On one shore the waters are clear and salty, on the other they are fresh and muddy. Linguistics studies all types, all changes of language. He is interested in everything related to the amazing ability to speak, to convey his thoughts to others using sounds.

When finishing school, every person dreams of choosing an interesting profession. Some people are interested in geography, others in physics. But the work of a linguist is no less interesting. He is surrounded by a whole ocean of secrets and mysteries. We think that the science of language is the most serious, deep and fascinating.

Interesting? Come with us.

You will learn a lot of interesting things about words.

Beautiful, rich, powerful Russian language!

“Treasures of the native word -

Important minds will notice -

For someone else's babble

We neglected it madly.

We love the muses of other people's toys,

Rattles of foreign dialects,

But we don’t read our books...”

A.S. Pushkin

We are spoiling the Russian language by using foreign words unnecessarily.

Ivan Turgenev called for a reverent attitude towards the Russian language. He said that everyone who speaks Russian must fight against the dangers leading to the weakening and damage of their native language.

The Russian people followed their great historical path century after century. No matter how his face, the face of a multi-million people, changed, he remained himself under Vladimir of Kiev, and under Ivan the Terrible, and in the days of 1812. What held it together? What is it that lives indestructible for many centuries that makes us feel like the stern warrior Svyatoslav, the wise chronicler Nestor, and the glorious naval commander Ushakov as our brother and fellow tribesman?

Certainly, Russian language!

In Russian, 750 years ago, the majestic patriotic words of Prince Igor were heard, calling on soldiers to defend their Motherland: “Brotherhood and squad! Better yet, I am tired of being, rather than full of being!”, i.e. It is easier to suffer death in battle for Rus' than to be captured by its enemies.

The same language sounds like a trumpet in the famous address of Peter the Great on the day of the Battle of Poltava: “And about Peter, know that life is not dear to him, if only Russia lived in prosperity and glory...”

Love and learn your native Russian language!

Where did this word come to us from?

"Airplane"– what is this object? If you ask about this, you will laugh. But in vain. This is the history of the word.

When the troops of Peter the Great took the Oreshek fortress and the city of Shlisselburg at the source of the Neva, “A special detachment was transported to the right bank and captured the fortifications that were located, interrupting the fortress’s communications with Vyborg and Kexholm. The flotilla blocked the fortress from Lake Ladoga. On airplane a connection was established between both banks of the Neva...” You will say that under Peter the Great there was no aviation! And rightly so!

So, we invite you to conduct a military-historical investigation. It turns out that two hundred years ago an “airplane” was called something that had very little resemblance to our airplanes. However, if you ask a modern sapper, he will tell you that it is a special self-propelled ferry, propelled by the force of the river stream. On exactly this “plane” Peter the Great maintained contact between units located on both sides of the mighty river.

But if you pick up the Encyclopedia, published in 1900, you will find that the word “airplane” means manual loom, with a device for more convenient transfer of the shuttle.

And, besides, we remember well from Russian fairy tales that “airplane” was called everything that could fly through the air on its own.

So, when a new word was needed to denote a flying car, the Russian language easily found it. After all, the word “airplane” has existed since ancient times.

History of the word

Let's look at the vocabulary of the Russian language using an example.

Since ancient times, the well-known root word has been at the core of root words "fishing". In the “Initial Chronicle”, under the date May 21, 1071, it is said about how Prince Vsevolod, outside the city of Vyshgorod in the forests, “did animal fishing.” “Fishing” then already meant: hunting with a net, capturing an animal. In Vladimir Monomakh’s teaching to children, it is also said that the Grand Duke worked hard, all his life he “hunted Dey”: he tied 10 and 20 wild horses with his own hands, and hunted other animals. He also reports that “he himself kept the hunting outfit,” that is, he kept the hunt, stable, hawks and falcons in order.

This means that already in the 11th century the words “loving”, “lovchiy”, “lovitva” existed and were known to the Russian people. Several centuries later, the word acquired a different meaning: in the charters of Muscovite Rus', “beaver catches” and “fish catches” are mentioned, which one owner transfers or bequeaths to another. Now this word also means a place where you can hunt and hunt.

And now the word “fishing” lives in our language. But again we understand him slightly differently. The word “fishing” has become overgrown with many related words. But the word “lovitva” is not used at all.

The meaning of related words is different. For example: “hunter” - old

We understand the word as “engaged in hunting.” And there is a more modern word “dexterous”. The root is the same, but what is the meaning? "Dexterous" means:

  • skilled in movements, displaying great physical dexterity and flexibility;
  • resourceful, finding a way out of any difficult situation.

And here's what else is interesting. In Russian, the word “trick” means a trap, a snare, but is found only in compound words: mouse dexterity, rat dexterity. And among the Bulgarians, Slavic brothers, for example, this word exists independently “trap - trap”.

How many relatives does the root “lov” have, you ask?

Watch! Count it!

Have you ever wondered why the Russian language is powerful and great? There are, of course, many versions... But why Russian? Why not English, which is spoken by almost half the planet. After all, it is for English language has secured the status of an international language. The format of all international forums and conferences, as well as documentation, is officially in English. But the Russian language is still considered great and powerful.

More examples. Chinese— more than 50,000 hieroglyphs. It's incredibly difficult to learn. The Chinese themselves mostly know about 8,000 characters. For normal communication, reading and understanding each other, this is quite enough. The Chinese language is complex, one of the most ancient languages, and its speakers are more than 1.4 billion people, but with all due respect to the Chinese, it is not powerful or great...

Did you know that the Chinese language has extremely simple grammar: verbs are not conjugated, there are no genders, and even the familiar concept of the plural is not here. Punctuation is present only at the most primitive level, and phrases are constructed strictly according to certain structures.

If it were not for the crazy pronunciation and the huge number of hieroglyphs, then Chinese would be one of the simplest languages... No, the Chinese language is not powerful or great.

Japanese language. For me - one of the most complex - more than 150,000 hieroglyphs. Think about these numbers. It seems that to learn Japanese you need to be calm, like the philosopher Confucius, and inquisitive, like Leo Tolstoy. Japanese is a very difficult language, more difficult than Chinese and English. But at the same time, Japanese is a language with quirks.

Few people know that there are very few affectionate words in the Japanese language. This is why the Japanese take twice as long to say something.

At least in this parameter alone he cannot be compared with the great and mighty Russian!

So, I am absolutely convinced that such factors as international recognition, the ancient history of the language, difficulty in learning, borrowing and much, much more do not in any way secure the right of a language to be called great and powerful! It's difficult to prove, but I'll try.

In general, the phrase “great, mighty Russian language” first came into use in 1882. Its author, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, passionately loved his native language. Without taking the necessary phrases out of context, I will quote the classic’s thought in the meaning in which he expressed it:

“In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”
Ivan Turgenev

These are not words of despair or fanatically blind worship, and this was not said for the sake of words. Ivan Sergeevich had reason to call things by their proper names. His acquaintance with Pushkin, Lermontov, Zhukovsky, Nekrasov, Belinsky, Herzen, his life abroad, his experience and acquaintance with Western culture, art, literature; his vision and understanding of life and longing for his homeland... - all of the above gave him a special right to speak as he saw fit, as he thought and thought.

Turgenev liked life in the West. He accepted it, and his life in Paris was much better than in Russia, but to renounce the Russian language and write his novels in French or English was out of the question.

It was Turgenev who was the mouthpiece of Russian culture in the world, an ardent propagandist of Russian literature in the West. From the height of his years, the writer firmly believed that the Russian language was given exclusively to the great people. Turgenev understood all the strength and richness of the Russian language - its flexibility, euphony, versatility.

Indeed, the Russian language is beautiful and melodic, and cannot be compared with any other. No other language in the world contains such a variety of shades of meaning.

“You can do wonders with the Russian language”

The genius of the Russian language lies in the fact that with the help of word forms, epithets and figures of speech it is easy to convey the slightest nuances in descriptions and create colorful images. “You can do wonders with the Russian language”, wrote another genius of the word K. Paustovsky. He was convinced that “there is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in the Russian word. The sound of music, the spectral brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, the whisper of children and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts for which there would not be an exact expression in our language.”

Nothing is impossible in the Russian language. In Russian, you can write a story in which all words begin with the same letter. There are many such examples. One of them is a story starting with the letter “P”, which we already discussed earlier.

And Russian swearing, profanity, obscenity, Russian swearing. We even swear with complex and untranslatable phrases for the West. Sometimes Russian swearing gave us a significant advantage - take the years of the Great Patriotic War, for example. The German cryptographers could not understand what the Soviet troops would do, because, at times, orders and commands were pronounced in purely Russian language. In the USSR, there were secretly two international languages ​​- Russian and swearing. All countries of the socialist camp spoke and understood Russian. By the way, in no country in the world is there explanatory dictionary of criminal jargons. Think about it! Not one! This is not a reason to be proud, but it is a fact of life.

And Russian humor in literature. Take a volume of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - the most translated Russian writer in the world. And read the sarcasm of the “dissident” Dovlatov. And Gilyarovsky, Averchenko, Kuprin are people with a rich sense of humor.

The Russian language is vast! The vocabulary of the Russian language is really large. An ordinary Russian-speaking person does not use even a fifth of all words existing in the language. At the same time, there are many borrowings from other languages, which are also considered part of the Russian vocabulary. But even if we do not take into account modern foreign words (ancient Greek, Latin and other borrowings are not considered as such), the Russian language is still vast.

The idea expressed in Russian is no less complex. Much often depends on intonation, word order, and punctuation marks. “Execution cannot be pardoned” is remembered by all Russian-speaking people from their school years, and this example extremely successfully demonstrates this difference.

It is for these reasons that the Russian language was called great and powerful, but these words have not yet lost their significance. Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, and at the same time one of the most complex. He has a great past, but also an equally great future.

And instead of a conclusion, a few funny examples found on the Internet confirming the greatness and richness of the Russian language:

I WILL PRESENT the theme, I HANDLE the strings:
Let's drink TO THE LADIES, and also TO THE VIRGINS!

Sometimes I look in the mirror and whine:
I would like to see myself as DIFFERENT...

About how harmful SEX MINISTERS is...

I'm looking for a photo LENS, BUT -
Please give me another one,
So that it reflects OBJECTIVELY
Me skinny and young!

Understanding ladies' quirks,
Please take note, gentlemen:
Sometimes the words “GET OUT OF HERE”
Means "IDIOT, HERE"!

Get to the coveted throne
One cartridge will help me.
Here's a plan, reliable and simple:
I need a cartridge. Idle!

Apparently, the Creator made a mistake,
Having provided men with a distorted picture,
And, looking at the dressed Makha,
A man sees Maha naked...

Take care of the properties of your own language, because what we love in the Latin, French or German style is sometimes worthy of laughter in Russian.

M. Lomonosov

V. Belinsky

A. Kuprin


You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself, and, truly, another name is even more precious than the thing itself.


K. Paustovsky

Language is the centuries-old work of an entire generation.

V. I. Dal

New words of foreign origin are introduced into the Russian press incessantly and often completely unnecessarily, and - what is most offensive - these harmful exercises are practiced in the very organs where Russian nationality and its characteristics are most ardently advocated.

N. S. Leskov

The people express themselves most fully in their language. A people and a language, one without the other, cannot be represented.

I. I. Sreznevsky

Language is the most precious treasure of a people, the first means of its development and the guarantee of all spiritual successes, the main right to glory in posterity.

M. P. Pogodin

Language is the confession of the people, / Its soul and way of life are native.

P. A. Vyazemsky

...It is not for nothing that long-suffering peoples, enduring the most terrible blows of fate, cannot only endure the death of their native word...

N. A. Kotlyarevsky

The incorrect use of words leads to errors in the field of thought and then in the practice of life.

D. Pisarev

Where the word has not perished, the deed has not yet perished.

A. I. Herzen

The heavenly beauty of our language / Will never be trampled upon by cattle.

M. V. Lomonosov

Based on the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value. True love for one's country is inconceivable without love for one's language. A person who is indifferent to his language is a savage. His indifference to the language is explained by his complete indifference to the past and future of his people.


Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed on to us by our predecessors... Treat this powerful weapon with respect, in the hands of skilled people it can perform miracles. Take care of the purity of your language as if it were a sacred thing. Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and deep that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.

I.S. Turgenev

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language. We learn language and must learn it continuously until the last days of our lives.

I.S. Turgenev

Language is a tool of thinking. To handle language in a haphazard manner means to think haphazardly: imprecisely, approximately, incorrectly.

A. N. Tolstoy

There is nothing sedimentary or crystalline in the Russian language; everything excites, breathes, lives.

A. S. Khomyakov

The immortality of a people is in its language.

Ch. Aitmatov

There are a great many good words for everything in the Russian language.


Rich, sonorous, lively, distinguished by the flexibility of stress and infinitely varied in onomatopoeia, capable of conveying the finest shades, endowed, like Greek, with almost limitless creative thought, the Russian language seems to us created for poetry.

P. Merimee

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years, countless treasures of human thought and experience accumulate and live forever in the word.

M. A. Sholokhov

The word is the deed.

L.N. Tolstoy

The Russian language is inexhaustibly rich and everything is being enriched with amazing speed.

M. Gorky

As a material for literature, the Slavic Russian language has undeniable superiority over all European languages.

A.S. Pushkin

The Russian people are the first people in the world in terms of their glory and power, in terms of their sonorous, rich, powerful language, which has no analogue in Europe!


Native speech is the basis of the Fatherland.

Do not muddy the Divine spring,

Protect yourself: the soul gives birth to a word -

The Great Svyatorussky is our language.

Hieromonk Roman

Language is a heritage received from ancestors and left to descendants, a heritage that must be treated with fear and respect, as something sacred, invaluable and inaccessible to insult.

F. Nietzsche

We must protect our language from contamination, remembering that the words we use now - with the transfer of a certain number of new ones - will serve many centuries after you to express ideas and thoughts still unknown to us, to create new poetic creations that are beyond our foresight. And we should be deeply grateful to previous generations who brought this heritage to us - figurative, capacious, intelligent language. It itself already contains all the elements of art: harmonious syntactic architecture, music of words, verbal painting.


The material was prepared based on information from open sources

N.V. Gogol

There is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much as a well-spoken Russian word.

M. Gorky

The Russian language is quite rich, but it has its own shortcomings, and one of them is hissing sound combinations: - lice, - lice, - vshu, - shcha, - shchi. On the first page of your story, lice crawl in large numbers: those who arrived, those who worked, those who spoke. It is quite possible to do without insects.

F. M. Dostoevsky

Only having mastered the initial material, that is, our native language, to the possible perfection, will we be able to master a foreign language to the possible perfection, but not before.

V. I. Lenin

We are spoiling the Russian language. We use foreign words unnecessarily. We use them incorrectly. Why say “defects” when you can say shortcomings, or shortcomings, or gaps?.. Isn’t it time for us to declare war on the use of foreign words unnecessarily?

A. I. Kuprin

Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why studying and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.

K. G. Paustovsky

There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language.

A. P. Chekhov

Ugly, dissonant words should be avoided. I don’t like words with a lot of hissing and whistling sounds, so I avoid them.

I. S. Turgenev

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

V. G. Belinsky

To use a foreign word when there is an equivalent Russian word means to insult both common sense and common taste.

V. G. Belinsky

By necessity, many foreign words entered the Russian language, because many foreign concepts and ideas entered Russian life. This phenomenon is not new... Inventing your own terms to express other people's concepts is very difficult, and in general this work is rarely successful. Therefore, with a new concept that one takes from another, he takes the very word expressing this concept. [...] an unsuccessfully invented Russian word to express the concept is not only not better, but decidedly worse than the foreign word.

N. S. Leskov

New words of foreign origin are introduced into the Russian press incessantly and often completely unnecessarily, and - what is most offensive of all - these harmful exercises are practiced in the very organs where Russian nationality and its characteristics are most passionately advocated.

Prosper Merimee

The Russian language is a language created for poetry; it is extremely rich and remarkable mainly for the subtlety of its shades.

G. R. Derzhavin

The Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimony of foreign aestheticians themselves, is not inferior either to Latin or to Greek in fluency, surpassing all European languages: Italian, French and Spanish, and even more so German.

Friedrich Engels

How beautiful the Russian language is! All the advantages of German without its terrible rudeness.

F. M. Dostoevsky

The more national we are, the more we will be Europeans (all people).

A. I. Kuprin

The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.

The great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language
Quote from a prose poem by I.S. Turgenev’s “Russian Language” (1882): “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! .. Without you, how not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home. But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! "

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

The great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language

Quote from a prose poem by I.S. Turgenev’s “Russian Language” (1882): “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! .. Without you, how not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home. But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! "

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what the “Great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language” is in other dictionaries:

    The great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language- wing. sl. Quote from the prose poem by I. S. Turgenev “The Russian Language” (1882): “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! . . Do not be… … Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    See: In the days of doubt, in the days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland... Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. M.: Locked Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    RUSSIAN LANGUAGE- The language of the Russian nation, the state language of the Russian Federation, the language of interethnic communication of peoples living in Russia*, the CIS and other countries that were part of the Soviet Union*; ranks fifth in the world in terms of the absolute number of people who own it,... ... Linguistic and regional dictionary

    Speech * Aphorism * Loquacity * Literacy * Dialogue * Slander * Eloquence * Brevity * Shout * Criticism * Flattery * Silence * Thought * Ridicule * Promise * Witness * ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    RUSSIAN, Russian, Russian. 1. adj. to the Russians. Great Russian people. “Oh, the great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!” A. Turgenev. “Russian revolutionary scope is that life-giving force that awakens thought, moves forward, breaks... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Tongue (book language, obsolete, only in 3, 4, 7 and 8 meanings), m. 1. An organ in the oral cavity in the form of a movable soft outgrowth, which is an organ of taste, and in humans also contributes to the formation of speech sounds. Cow tongue. It hurts to bite your tongue. Lick... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    This article needs to be completely rewritten. There may be explanations on the talk page... Wikipedia

    History of the Russian literary language - the formation and transformation of the Russian language used in literary works. The oldest surviving literary monuments date back to the 11th century. In *** centuries it spread in Rus'... ... Wikipedia

    Famous writer. Genus. October 28, 1818 in Orel. It is difficult to imagine a greater contrast than the general spiritual appearance of T. and the environment from which he directly came. His father Sergei Nikolaevich, a retired cuirassier colonel, was... ... Large biographical encyclopedia


  • , . “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!.. Without you, how not to fall into...
  • The great and mighty Russian language. Aphorisms, Kodzova S.Z.. `In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!.. Without you, how not to fall V…
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