Role relationships. Characteristics of role relationships. See what “Role relationships” are in other dictionaries

Status-role relationships.

“Status and role are part of the set of personal characteristics of an individual and complement each other. The main criterion in determining the status of a communicant is his position in the social system, determined by a number of characteristics (economic, professional, ethnic, family, age, and others).” [ :125] Status relationships are constant, unlike role relationships, which are always related to the situation and vary with it. “Status parameters are realized through role relationships in a certain communication setting, which necessitates the need to address the situational context.” [:125] In the process of communication, communicants focus not so much on the social role itself, but on its social status, also defined as the social prestige of the role.

Determining the status of a role allows communicants to determine the hierarchy of their statuses and, depending on this hierarchy, select the means of expression.

In many linguistic studies, the relations of communicants are considered on the axes of opposition “equality - inequality”, or as relations of coordination (“equal” - “equal”) and subordination (“below” - “above” and “above” - “below”), and socio-psychological distance between participants in communication - on the axes “friend” - “stranger”. Social and psychological distance can be distant or close.

The speaker, depending on the status and role parameters of the addressee, the psychological distance between them and the conditions of communication, can change the linguistic forms of the same message, choosing a certain communicative version of the statement. In the linguistic design of various linguistic actions of the speaker, there is a connection between the social status of the communicant and his speech behavior. The differences in the status-role relationships of communicants are expressed in the content of behavioral tactics.

The concept of tone of communication.

When analyzing a behavioral situation, one cannot fail to take into account such a parameter as the tone of communication, the choice of which is determined by the statuses of the communicants and the socio-psychological distance between them. The choice of tone has a direct impact on the grammatical design of the utterances of the participants in communication.

There are different understandings of the tone of communication. Most often, when describing a communication situation, tone refers to the form of manifestation of ethical rules of behavior.

Tarasova E.F. represents the tonality of communication in the form of the following scale: sublime (solemn) tonality, neutral, neutral - everyday, familiar and vulgar tonality. [:273]

Sublime tonality is the tonality of such exceptional, rare social situations as solemn ritual acts, mostly in official structures.

Neutral tonality is a tonality used by communicants mainly in normative, standard social situations.

Neutral - everyday - the most common tonality used in non-normative, standard/non-standard social situations with direct contact between communicants.

Familiar tonality is a tonality that is very often used in non-standard/standard social situations that are not within the formal structures of society.

Vulgar tonality is the tonality of non-normative social situations.

The tone of communication is determined by a number of characteristics: status and role relationships of communicants, normative rules of behavior established by society.

Conclusions to chapter 1.

· The semantic field of accusation has a nuclear and non-peripheral zone;

· The nuclear zone is represented by dominant features in the form of tactics that convey all shades of meaning that are most appropriate for a given microfield, which is one of the components of the microfield of accusation;

· The peripheral zone is represented by tactics that convey the meaning of a given microfield less clearly and have ambiguity.

The semantics of the category accusation is formed by a set of semantic parts, thus, this category can be considered as a behavioral situation, which introduces certain pragmatic parameters into its characteristics - status and role relations of communicants, the communication environment, the totality of the speaker’s remarks and the addressee’s response, which together form the communicative - pragmatic context of the behavioral situation.

The semantic field of accusation is a composition of the functional semantic field of Noncategoricality and at the junction of this field and the field of Categoricality. As a result, part of the peripheral meanings (semantic lobes) of the microfield of accusation falls into the zone of its merger with the microfields of Threat and Warning, located outside the functional-semantic field of Noncategoricality.

The pragmatic aspect of the study of the category of accusation is defined as a set of social situations that form the behavioral situation “Accusation” and have as their basic concepts the status-role relations of communicants, the socio-psychological distance between them and the tone of communication.

Interpersonal relationships are directly determined by role relationships, on the one hand, and the individual personal characteristics of the subjects, on the other. Much of what we think and do is related to our social roles. As roles change, our views change.

Role relationships- these are relationships determined by the functional responsibilities of the subject. They are characterized, in particular, by the following features.

1) Impersonality. “Roles are attached to everyone who is in the appropriate position of status.

2)Conditioning of behavior by role responsibilities. A social role is a set of expected behavioral stereotypes associated with the performance of a very specific, specific job.

The role behavior of an individual has two plans. These are actions caused by:

1) regulatory requirements - “I” in the given circumstances -
roles; 2) personal claims - “I” as such.

The first plan of behavior is a social form of role-playing actions,
the second plan is a psychological method of role self-realization. This is where a significant problem arises - the difficult compatibility of social roles. The difference between what the subject considers his role to be, what others think about it, and what the “real” given role actually is, as a rule, leads to intra-role and inter-role conflicts.

The quality of a person’s performance of a particular role largely depends on how much he understands its specifics and to what extent this role is accepted and assimilated (internalized) by him.

About internalized We can speak of a social role when the external demands placed on an individual occupying a particular position become his own demands on himself.

Next, we will consider the issue of mutual influence of personality and social role. In general, the behavior of each individual consists of individual actions within the framework of certain social roles; however, it can be said that any role, as such, exists separately from the individual performing it. Sometimes an individual even seeks to emphasize his independence from the role, demonstrating the so-called role distance. For example, a waiter can show restaurant visitors by his behavior that he is not only a waiter, but a person who is forced to do this work.

Not only does a personality with its own characteristics influence the characteristics of its fulfillment of one or another social role, there is also a reverse influence of the role on the personality as a whole and, in particular, on its self-concept (a person holding a major government position). Long-term performance by an individual of any role contributes to a more vivid manifestation of some personality traits and the masking of others (professional roles).

Founder of the first sex hotel in Ukraine "Cherry Twins" and sex expert Elena Solovyova told why we need role-playing games and how to practice them correctly.

People meet, people fall in love, get married... And then each couple tries to build their relationship according to the fairy-tale postulate “and they lived happily ever after.”

At the same time, almost everyone works diligently for the duration of the relationship, and not for its quality. At first everything is perfect, you spend almost all your free time together and enjoy each other's company.

A few years pass and you realize it's been a damn long time since you kissed in an elevator. You stopped sleeping in an embrace and don’t tear off each other’s clothes when left alone. This means that three messengers of betrayal or divorce have come into your life - everyday life, routine and boredom.

You diligently try not to notice these uninvited guests, say that this is not about you and it’s like that for everyone, but sex happens less and less, passion is less and less and gradually watching a new film becomes more interesting than going to the bedroom.

Then there are several scenarios for the development of the plot - at some point you realize that you are two strangers under the same ceiling and simply go your separate ways. You decide to “get” emotions on the side and take on your lover’s mistress.

You live parallel lives and find a hundred excuses for yourself. And finally, the most difficult option and rare option - you choose to work on the relationship and return the former passion to it. This is what role-playing games are for. And since the sexual education of the majority of Ukrainians is approaching zero, role-playing games are presented as sex, but in costume.

We'll just change into a nurse or a teacher, and then continue as usual. Such “dressing up” has nothing in common with a swarm game. Role-playing is an opportunity to be with other people, to do things that are unusual for you, or to show unusual emotions. Only in this case will you be able to discover new facets in each other and fall in love with your partner again.

A modest woman can become an imperious Domina, a tough boss can become a timid page, and a self-confident beauty can turn into a submissive odalisque. You will learn to receive new and very vivid emotions from each other, it would seem that there are two of you, but every game is sex with a new person. Role-playing games are the prevention of infidelity and divorce.

This is the basis for a harmonious sex life, energy fullness and self-confidence, and most importantly, it incredibly brings people together and increases the level of trust in a couple.

Alas, often couples simply do not know “how to start.” How to admit your desires, fantasies and generally start talking about intimate topics.

  1. If you really know how to start a conversation, send your other half a link to a text or video plot that turns you on and that you would like to bring to life.
  2. Are you ready to discuss your fantasies? Great, but don’t do it casually and on the run. Have a romantic evening out and discuss all the juicy details over a glass of wine
  3. Scenario. The only way. If you are not professional actors, prepare yourself. Come up with dialogues and mise-en-scenes, otherwise it will just be a banal disguise. Remember that there are only two of you on this stage. No one is filming you, judging you or grading you. Enjoy the situation. If you switch to sex 10 minutes after the start, you lose. Have you chosen a nurse and a patient? Carry out an inspection. Tease and touch. Write out the prescription. Drop the stethoscope. Take time and inflame each other until it becomes impossible to hold back
  4. No slippers or dressing gowns. You don't have to buy costumes from a sex shop, but do some work.
  5. Ideally, change the location. The walls of the marital bedroom are anchors that store both positive and negative emotions.
  6. Do not be shy. Don't prick each other and don't be afraid. When you were children, you were able to sincerely imagine your role in the game. Try to remember what it's like.

Our whole life is a game. And play in sex is what makes our life truly bright.

The interest of men and women in role-playing games, as part of sexual play, arose in ancient times. Our ancestors came out of the caves, more or less arranged their life, established a social life, and became bored. At that moment, it probably occurred to them that they can love each other not only in different ways and in different positions, but also using different means at hand and playing role-playing games. True, over time it became clear that the game is different.

What is sexual role play

Dr. Dan Michael, a clinical sexologist, relationship expert, author and coach, believes that this is an erotic variation of conventional role-play, when two or more adults role-play a sexual fantasy. These can be simple improvisations and seriously elaborate games with complex costumes and scenarios.

Many erotic games have a BDSM motive, that is, they are based on submission and dominance. This, for example, is playing master (mistress) and slave (slave), variations on the theme of rape, that is, forced sex, kidnapping and erotic “torture”, gender reassignment (the main thing here is not to die laughing while watching your partner portray a flirtatious woman). And games in which one of the participants depicts an inanimate object. In the latter case, considerable endurance and patience may be required, unless, of course, you have extensive experience in pantomime.

Why do we need erotic role-playing games?

The main task of a role-playing sex game is to make your sex life brighter, refresh your relationship and give it more color. This is true for couples of all ages.

Newlyweds (let's loosely call those who haven't been together for that long) are simply channeling stupid sexual energy in the right direction. Couples with experience renew close ties, remember past passions and add variety. Thoughts about what happened in the bedroom last night pleasantly invigorate you during the day and put you in a playful mood.

Role-playing sex game is a wonderful opportunity to liberate yourself, be someone else and “forgive” yourself for the desire to be vulgar or even depraved. This is especially true for “good girls” who believe that they “need to behave decently.” Let it be so, but even a good girl can turn into a sex bomb for a while and then become herself again.

The most popular erotic role-playing games

Most couples don't have to go very far with their fantasies. The simplest erotic games will already bring a lot of benefits to relationships, if there is a need for it.

By the way, fun fact: according to the online magazine, the millennial generation, that is, those born at the end of the last - beginning of this century, have a greater penchant for erotic role-playing games. This is explained simply: millennials grew up during the heyday of various computer games in which the player chooses a character, “pumps up” (develops) him, chooses clothes, equipment, and the like. In other words, modern young people are already accustomed to role-playing games; for them this is a common thing.

When it comes to popular erotic games, prioritizes meeting two strangers in a crowd or bar. The opportunity to replay the moment of the first meeting is incredibly exciting. The second common plot is a teacher and a student and the reverse version. The combination of power and innocence is a hundred percent turn on.

Third place goes to games based on the popular Fifty Shades of Grey. In fourth place are games with uniforms: flight attendants, maids, police officers, nurses (this is a hit of all times), plumbers, auto mechanics and other professions with which we associate uniforms.

Bondage as a game and an act of art

Obviously, bondage and tie-up games did not appear with the novel about Mr. Gray. In Japan, for example, the art of shibari or shibari has existed since ancient times. This is not about tying at random, this is a real creative and philosophical process of limiting the partner’s mobility with the help of strong ropes, preferably made from natural materials. The technique in shibari is firmly intertwined with aesthetics.

The history of shibari began with war and military skill, but, as often happens, skill became the property of the people. Once upon a time, shibari masters tied their enemies in a special way to demonstrate respect for their merits and experience. Today, shibari is also liked by those who are far from the topic of BDSM. For many, it is a form of self-expression and a form of expression of sensuality. The famous sexy sword belts come from there.

Most importantly, shibari takes into account the imperfections of the human body so that no one feels funny. Great respect and even reverence for your partner - this is where the mastery of the ancient Japanese art of bondage begins. We can agree with this one hundred percent: few people want to look like a bandaged ham in a store.

Funny role-playing sex games

Not all games are created equal, as can be said about failed scenarios and ridiculous costumes. Take an alien costume and a game based on the movie “The Fifth Element.” If you don't discuss the details in advance, your partner may not guess who you are portraying in that red wig and bandages. If you also speak gibberish in an incomprehensible language, your loved one may think that you, for example, feel ill.

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