Gnomes are spirits of the earth. Esoterics of the four elements: elements of fire, earth, air and water Spirits of the earth esoterics how to handle correctly

Chapter 3

The elements that dwell in the exhausted body of the earth, called the earth's ether, are grouped under the general name of gnomes. (The name apparently comes from the Greek word genomus, that is, earthly inhabitant.)
Just as many types of men arose through the objective physical elements of Nature, so many types of dwarves arose through the subjective etheric body of Nature. These earth spirits work in the elements on a vibrational level so close to the material earth that they have tremendous power over rocks and plants, and even over the mineral elements in the animal and human kingdoms. Some, like the pygmies, work with stones, gems and metals and are believed to be guardians of hidden treasures. They live in caves, far away in the land that the Scandinavians called Nibelungen. In R. Wagner's delightful opera cycle “The Ring of the Nibelungs,” Alberich makes himself king of the pygmies and forces these little creatures to collect treasures found underground for themselves.

The most commonly encountered type of gnome is the brownie, or dwarf, a grotesque little figure twelve to eighteen inches tall, dressed in green or brown robes. Most of them are very old, often with long white beards and quite fat. They can often be seen under stumps, and sometimes they disappear, literally disappearing into the tree.

Besides the pygmies, there are other gnomes who are called forest and tree spirits. This group includes sylvesters, satyrs and lords, dryads, hamadryads, durdalis, elves, troublemakers and little old men in the forest.

Paracelsus claimed that the gnomes build their houses from a substance resembling alabaster, marble, cement, but its true nature is unknown and has no analogues. Dwarves gather in communes and live in the substance with which they work. For example, hamadryads live and die with the plants or trees of which they are a part. Each bush and flower has a spirit inherent in its nature, which often uses the physical body of the plant as an abode. The ancient philosophers, conscious of the principle of intelligence manifested in every phenomenon of Nature, believed that the quality of natural selection exhibited by creatures without organized mental faculties was the result of the activity of the nature spirits themselves.

C. M. Gailey, in his book Classical Myths, says: A pleasing feature of the old paganism was the love of tracing every action of nature to the action of the deity. The imagination of the Greeks peopled the lands and waters with deities, whose action was attributed to the operation of natural laws. Thus, on behalf of the plants they worked with, the elements accepted or refused food, deposited dyeing materials, preserved and protected seeds, and performed many other duties. Each type of plant was served by a corresponding type of nature spirit. Those who worked, for example, with poisonous bushes had an ugly appearance. The nature spirit of poison hemlock is said to closely resemble a small human skeleton covered with translucent skin. The spirit lives in this plant, and if you cut a branch from the bush, it will end up with the branch and die along with the branch, but as long as the bush has at least some signs of life, the presence of an elemental guardian spirit can be detected in it.
Huge trees also have their own natural spirits, but much larger than the elements of small plants. The work of the pygmies consists of extracting crystals from rocks and developing ore veins. When gnomes work with animals or people, their work is limited to the tissues inherent in their nature. They work with bones, which belong to the mineral kingdom, and the ancients believed that the reconstruction of broken body parts was impossible without the cooperation of the elemental spirits.

Dwarves come in a variety of sizes, most being smaller than humans, although some have the ability to change their size at will. This leads to extreme mobility in the functioning of elemental spirits. About them, Abbot Villar wrote: The earth is full from the depths to the surface of Dwarves, a people of small size, keepers of treasures, minerals and precious stones. They are resourceful, people-friendly and easy to manage.
Not all authorities agree with the statement about the friendliness of gnomes. Many believe that they are cunning and evil creatures, uncontrollable and treacherous. Writers do agree, however, that if you gain their trust, they will be loyal and loyal. The philosophers and initiates of the ancient world were instructed in the matter of this mysterious little people and knew how to deal with them and obtain their cooperation in matters of utmost importance. Magicians have always warned that one should never betray the trust of elemental spirits, otherwise invisible creatures, working through the subjective nature of a person, can cause him endless sadness and even lead to death. As long as the mystic serves others, the dwarves will help him, but if he seeks their help selfishly for temporary power, they will attack him with unremitting fury. The same thing will happen if he tries to deceive them.

The earth spirits meet at certain times of the year in a great assembly, as suggested by Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night's Dream, where the elemental spirits celebrate the beauty and harmony of Nature and predict a good harvest. The dwarves are ruled by a king whom they love and respect. His name is Gob, which is why his subjects are often called goblins. Medieval mystics assigned one cardinal direction to each of the four kingdoms of nature spirits, and therefore the earthly character of the gnomes was attributed to the North, a place considered by the ancients as the source of darkness and death. One of the four main human temperaments has also been attributed to gnomes, and since many of them live in the darkness of caves and the depths of forests, their temperament bears traces of melancholy, gloom and unsociability. But this does not mean that they themselves have such a temperament. Rather, we are talking about the fact that gnomes control elements with a similar consistency.

Dwarves marry and have families, and their women are called gnomes. Some of them wear clothes made from the elements in which they live. In other cases, their robes are always on them and grow as the wearer grows, like the skin of animals. Dwarves have a voracious appetite and spend most of their time eating. But they eat carefully and with diligence. Most of them are stingy and like to hide their things in secluded places. There is a great deal of evidence that children often see gnomes because their contact with the material side of Nature is not yet complete and they are still immersed more or less consciously in invisible worlds.
According to Paracelsus, man lives in the external elements, and the elemental spirits live in the internal elements. Elemental spirits have clothes and houses, manners and habits, language and social relations, and a leader similar to the queen of bees and the leaders of herds of animals (Occult Philosophy).

Paracelsus thought differently than the Greek mystics about the external limitations imposed on natural spirits. The Swiss philosopher believed them to consist of a thin invisible ether. According to this hypothesis, they are visible only at certain times and only to those who are in tune with their etheric vibrations. Greek thinkers believed that many natural spirits have a material constitution and are quite capable of functioning in the physical world. Often our experiences in a dream are so vivid that later we are convinced that we have actually experienced a physical phenomenon. Difficulties in distinguishing where the physical ends and the etheric begins may justify differences in the respective points of view. But even this explanation is not enough to understand the case of the satyr, who, according to St. Jerome, during the reign of Constantine, he was captured alive and exhibited to the people. He had a human body, the horns and legs of a goat. After his death, he was placed in salt and presented to the emperor so that he could authenticate the event. (This story is quite plausible and could be considered by modern science as a case of deformity).

These are creatures that protect a certain piece of land, sometimes the spirit of a particular place can get tired and then it goes to rest, and another spirit comes in its place to perform the same duties. They vary in strength and size. For us humans, they can take a certain form, which is easier for us to perceive, and so, they are most often just a clot of energy.

Guardians of the area can be attached to (appointed, be responsible for) both small spaces and large ones. It happens that one area has several average guardian spirits; let’s look at the example of a forest. The forest is divided into several parts and a specific Guardian is assigned to each part. There is also someone like a boss, the one who guards the entire forest, and those of lower rank can sometimes report to him, saying that on my site the forest is being cut down right now, and on mine people have created a swamp. They may be responsible, or they may not perform their duties very well. Everyone has different characters. Forest spirits most often sleep in winter; they have a rest, so to speak.

If you go to the forest, then take something tasty with you, maybe sugar, maybe a cookie, and leave it in the place where you like it, the spirit of the area in which you will walk will be favorable to you and grateful for the offering.

Sometimes spirits like to play tricks on people, for example, you can walk through the same place several times, even if you know this area like the back of your hand, this does not mean that they are mocking you, it’s just that the spirits decided to play with you, so way and see your reaction.
And sometimes, in a completely unfamiliar forest, you can turn to the local Guardian if you get lost and they will lead you out as quickly as possible.

They can also belong to one or another element, which is why they distinguish between the spirits of water, earth, fire, air, etc. and so on.

In general, spirits love it when people come to visit them, talk to them and treat them with respect, because... Most people in our time do not consider them to be something natural; for a modern person, just touching them with his hands and seeing what’s inside doesn’t work that way with perfumes, because how we/people treat them is how they react to the presence of people in their domain. If you turn nature into a trash heap, then the attitude towards you will be accordingly. And vice versa, if you walk with respect, then relationships with the inhabitants-guardians of the area will improve.

Excerpt from the session
Q: Spirits of nature, what are they in general, is it a single Spirit or are they mermaids, gnomes, goblins, what are spirits of nature?
A: Nature spirits are certain beings or entities. These are projections. Projections are sent here from different worlds. They have a kind of hierarchy. There are spirits of nature who are responsible for a specific area that is given to him. There are spirits of nature who connect and supervise several areas, and just under their command are those who are given a smaller area (there are several of them, depending on the size of the area or the complexity of the area).
There is a certain Council, meeting. For example, a forest is divided into several sectors, each sector is assigned a caretaker - a guardian spirit, at a certain moment, when a certain event occurs, or the time simply comes, each guardian spirit of the sector entrusted to him comes to the guardian spirit, who is the guardian of everything (the forest) and reports to him about the situation, what’s going on there, including: people messed up, moose can’t eat grass because... too much snow fell and it froze, whatever.

Q: Are they separated somehow? Spirits of the forest, spirits of the meadow, field, water?
A: Essentially, they don’t matter, but every spirit/entity/creature that comes here, is projected into our world, can certainly choose the element in which it is most comfortable or the element in interaction and belonging to which this entity needs/wants to gain certain experience. That is, for example, these are spirits of fire, some kind of volcanic terrain, where the element of fire prevails to a greater extent than the element of water. The spirits of the earth mostly appear where there are fields and roads.

Q: What are they doing?
A: Each performs its own function. Let's say the spirits of water - they keep the water, its purity, its balance, so that the rivers do not overflow their banks too much, so that the living creatures in the rivers have a good time, etc. and so on. Water also stores information in itself, so the spirits are responsible for the territory that is entrusted to them, they supervise this territory, monitor the purity of the information, that is, the water, see how polluted this source is or is not polluted.

Q: Okay, let's say the water gets polluted, what do the perfume do?
A: They record this, pass it on to the top, and, if possible, try to correct this situation from a subtle level, i.e. they delay and do not allow negativity to enter the subtle plane, there are several levels-sublevels. The task is to prevent the leakage of this negativity as much as possible from the physical plane.

Q: And if there are spirits of the forest, what do they do?
A: Let's say the forest is cut down and destroyed, what can the spirit of the forest do about it? Just transmit information upward and try, using any methods available to him, to slow down the process of man’s destruction of nature.
It is very difficult to fight with people, people do not see, do not believe, do not feel and do not want to do this, almost everything, all the activities of most people are aimed at destroying all living things around. It used to be different, before they believed, felt, saw (most people), fed with energy, in a good way. But then there were distortions and interference. Before the distortions, it was more harmonious, there was a connection and merging of human consciousness with the general, planetary consciousness (nature, if you want), everything was unified and the information field was unified. Now everything is fragmented.
Although, more and more people are waking up who feel that besides them there are other beings, different from them, who store and protect this earth, on different planes.

Q: Protected and kept from people?
A: Also, given the current situation, yes. Previously there was no need to do this.
Q: And from whom else?
A: There are different kinds of influences, beings, entities. There are those who crawl from the dark and lower worlds (if we start from the concepts of 3D, although we all remember that good and bad do not exist, everything is one and one without the other would not have proper and successful development), they distort, introduce darkness, chaos. But the good thing about chaos is that you can create from it. This is more difficult to do than from an ordered one, but there is also a huge space for creativity. If you learn to control the energy of chaos, then in this case you can create and embody a lot of different good things, there is no word in your language that would correctly and completely convey the meaning of what embodies the ability to correctly and harmoniously interact with the energy of chaos.
Q: I see. How can nature spirits be useful to people? Can you communicate with them?
A: Well, if a person goes into the forest and litters there, then the local guardians will not be very happy, to put it mildly. If a person goes into the forest with good intentions, and if he also takes some goodies with him for the spirits, then in this case the spirits will perceive this person not as a low vibrational being, if we take the human analogy, then not as an animal, but as an equal to themselves , partnership, will be ready to cooperate. As you treat them, so they treat you, as you treat nature, so nature and guardian spirits will treat you.

Q: Can people turn to them for help?
A: Absolutely! If you turn to them, then regardless of who turns to them, whether the person did harm or not, if a request for help is received, a request, then the spirits of nature help if possible. A request or request for help always receives an answer. If there is no answer to the request, then you need to think about why this happened.

Q: What if, for example, you ask “Nature spirits, help me cleanse my energy channels”?
A: Look at who you are turning to, because in your world there is an orientation and those projections that come as security, as defenders, guardians, teachers, they also have different directions in their activities here, different goals. In your world it is darkness and light. Look to whom you turn to for help, for what purpose and what result you want. If this is darkness, then this is the direction and the entities that have chosen development in this direction are often much more attractive and their methods too, but this is only the beginning. The consequences are disastrous. The path that is straight, bright and simple is not always the right one, because... there is no development on it. See what kind of help you ask for and see who comes to you, feel in your heart who comes to you and answers, and check the information whenever possible.

Q: Do I understand correctly that nature spirits are both high vibrational and low vibrational? In our Russian language - good and evil?
Oh yeah. This is close in meaning and definition.
Q: How can you determine whether they are good or evil?
A: Vibrations, energy. See with your heart, feel what is being offered to you in response to your request. If you call on them for help, see what they ask in return.

Q: What if they ask for money in return?
A: Well, if they ask for a soul in return, who do you think it is, what kind of spirit came to you? Money is rather a low vibrational energy. But as an option, it has a right to exist. Those spirits with whom I interact prefer cookies))). Money is quite raw energy. Then it’s easier to send love, kindness, care, but in theory you should come to the forest with these feelings, so this is debatable. But nevertheless, whatever energies you emit, you attract/receive/send to you in return/in response. Everything is energy exchange, everything is cooperation, exchange of information. Watch what you put out.

Q: I see. But their source is the Earth, the planet or us, for example, where do they come from?
A: These are projections, they come here to watch. They come from different places and from different worlds. People can also be guardians, but this is a different level of development; most Guardians on the subtle plane have a slightly lower level of consciousness than a person. These are creatures who come to this 3D world to develop, they come on the subtle plane, but, nevertheless, they are forced and they also come into contact with the dense plane, because they have to deal with it due to the nature of their service. Perhaps their work is stronger and more persistent, and harder than yours, because... They cannot come into contact with the material in the same way that you come into contact, but this does not negate their responsibility to control the territories entrusted to them. They are forced to protect and clean what you project and emit, to clean the territories behind you, because... you are unable to understand what you are doing and what you are creating.

Q: Are the guardian of the area and the spirit of nature the same thing or are they different?
A: There are those who are only spirits of nature, and there are those who combine both one and the second task.
Q: The Consciousness of Nature Spirits, where was it born, on Earth or did it come from outside to our planet? Is this part of the Earth's consciousness?
A: There are those who are projected, generated and born of this planet, this consciousness, they are called and created to protect. And there are those who come from outside to learn, to gain experience in this dimension and this density (albeit on a subtle plane, but nonetheless). In the second case, they make projections of themselves here into our world from their home worlds, they also condense from there to here, just like the star souls, but only without a physical body.

Q: How can they, the spirits of nature, the guardians, be visualized?
A: Each person has his own perception and his own picture of this world, for each individual they are embodied and visualized in a way that will be most comfortable for that person to perceive if the need and desire to see and communicate arises.

Q: What kind of information can these creatures give a person? Some energy practices maybe?
A: Yes, they can guide, instruct and help, but you must always adjust it to suit yourself, everything is individual, if one practice is good for one person, then it is not a fact that this particular set of “exercises” will suit another.

Q: There are incarnate creatures (people) who are guardians of the area; do they relate specifically to those spirits of nature who are also guardians of the area (meaning a combination of functions)?
A: Not only people, but also other creatures can come here in teams, and the incarnate guardian of the area is also given to help and for communication, even if not incarnate. Depending on the level of development, awareness, vibrations and his desire, the embodied guardian person can interact with different guardian spirits located in the vibrational range accessible to him.
Q: What do simple nature spirits who are not guardians do?
A: They just exist, they are also developing, the ships all come to develop and gain experience.
Q: Do they somehow interact with each other?
A: Yes, of course, they interact, but only in a slightly different way than people interact with each other.

And a visual video about the spirit of nature.

Every intelligent species collective form of life on planet Earth, as well as absolutely ALL Spirits of Nature, have their own structure in the form of vortex formations. Vortexes of two directions are present in them with an obligatory neutral component and resemble magnetic vortex power plants. Left-sided vortices absorb energy, right-sided ones produce it. Entities that have multidirectional rotation always fill the area and are combined in the Natural complex, hierarchically starting from the depths of the soil covers and ending with the atmosphere of the area and its water resources.

If in a given area the Nature Spirits of left rotation predominate, then this area can be called demonized. Usually it degrades: it loses species diversity, becomes dehydrated, and is destroyed in the soil composition. Thus, all deserts can be called demonized areas where the demonic spirits of Nature live. And, on the contrary, in prosperous places on the planet, where life and the diversity of Nature are rampant, there are Spirits of Nature of a bright, creative RIGHT rotation.

All Nature is a Reasonable-Electromagnetic Hierarchy of field structures that have a vortex (torsion) nature. In ancient times they were called spirits, the evil spirits of the forest and field. Essentially, all intelligent-electromagnetic fields originating from the Natural complex are divided into four main groups: Spirits of Water, Spirits of Earth, Spirits of Air and Spirits of Fire. The Main Elements gave birth to the entire material world, but there are also Elements of the Ethereal level.
The spirits of the Earth, which we are talking about here, have many levels of their manifestation and action. There are Dungeon Spirits. There are Spirits of the surface of the soil cover. There are Spirits who are in charge of the life of plant roots. There are Spirits who are in charge of stems, flowers and fruits.

The multiple storey construction of soil spirits corresponds to the Highest Law of Existence of the Hierarchy of Light and has connections in accordance with the Law of Karma, the Law of Love, the Law of Sacrifice and the Law of Reincarnation. All this life occurs in exactly the same mode of evolution of consciousness of each individual species of spirits, as well as the conglomerate of the plant world, which is directly connected with these spirits of the Earth. The harmonious and harmonious interconnection of intelligent electromagnetic fields in the Natural complex creates conditions for evolution and development within the limits of vegetative and natural rhythms, which makes plants more perfect and the elements of nature more enlightened.

The planetary spirits reveal a hierarchy in which the Atmospheric spirits have their own place. Their life and evolution occur in their own conditions, and every outside intervention certainly responds to those who deprive them of natural flows. Human intervention in Nature strongly demonized it, and therefore atmospheric spirits also received their involutionary development, degenerating into spirits - tornadoes and other vortex monsters.

Artificially inducing rain by creating conditions for the formation of additional water resources in the atmosphere outside the conditions of Natural complexes has already given rise to the ugly phenomena of floods and droughts in both Europe and America. Artificially causing rain in any case is violence against atmospheric spirits.

In order to harmonize the entire Hierarchy of Natural Spirits, starting with soil and ending with atmospheric ones in a given territory, it is necessary to consolidate this Hierarchy on the human harmonious field of consciousness. One righteous person in a given area can harmonize the entire Natural complex around his harmonious rational-electromagnetic structure. And one demonically destructured person can unbalance not only his human environment, but the entire Natural complex around him. What can we say about places where destructive individuals gather in large numbers.

Artificial production of rain is not required if the entire Natural complex is in harmony and balance. Rain in such places falls exactly in the amount necessary for the well-being of all intelligent forms of being, coordinated in a single Hierarchy, harmonized by the activity of a reasonable person.
Spirits of Nature are elemental intelligent electromagnetic fields that form their own type of minerals, plants, animals in air, water, earth, fire and ether. Spirits have a strictly individual structure of their fields, and all their creations correspond to this species (order, suborder). Essentially, the creation of human bodies was also done by the creator spirits, who currently constitute the Spirit of the people, expressed by their linguistic environment, located on some territory of the planetary surface. Spirits have their own Hierarchy of Light and respond to their own evolutionary tasks.

The growth of the consciousness of the Spirit has a physical expression in the change in the species characteristics of its Creation, and therefore in the genetic content of their bodies. Genetic dependence on the level of consciousness of the Creation or the Spirit of the Elements always corresponds to the level of their consciousness. Therefore, it is wrong to engage in genetic engineering of plants by influencing only their gene structures through mechanical means. There is a need to influence the growth of the Spirit consciousness of a given plant species, then genetic changes will occur by themselves in the right direction.

The science of cooperation between human civilization and the civilization of the Spirits of Nature is known to peoples, starting with the third race, who have constant contacts with the Spirits of Nature and know how to influence them. But it would be wrong to subject the human spirit to the influence of the consciousness of the spirit of nature, no matter how high it may be in relation to the growing consciousness of Man, since for the Elemental Spirits the civilization is closed only within the planetary complex, and therefore ends with the evolution of the sphere where they are born. And a person has the opportunity to evolve in consciousness almost unlimitedly and beyond the boundaries of the planet and even the solar system.

I will give an excerpt from “The Rose of the World” about the activity of soil spirits: “The upper thin layer of the earth, where the roots and seeds of plants are hidden, has its correspondence in the transphysical worlds - the wonderful country of Darainnu, the region of good spirits nurturing the roots and seeds. Its landscape can seem magical: seeds and roots quietly glow in the most delicate shades of blue, silver and green; a living aura softly flickers around each grain. The inhabitants of Daroinna are tiny creatures that look like white caps; On top of each there is another cap, smaller, like a head; there is a pair of delicate and dexterous limbs - midway between the arms and wings. They quietly float through the air, rustling the folds of their caps - this is their speech, their form of communication with each other, and they cast spells over seeds and roots, as if over cradles. They know the mysterious processes through which tiny seeds grow into large trees with all the complexity of their forms.

Inhabitants of the undergrowth - the lower tier of the forest: mosses, grasses, bushes - elementals live in a layer called Murohamma. In the higher layer, called Arashampf, live the spirits of large trees. These spirits do not at all resemble people; rather, their appearance bears a great resemblance to the plant into which he must incarnate. The trees of Enrof are their physical bodies...” This is how Daniil Andreev saw the work of spirits in “The Rose of the World,” and this is exactly what it looks like.

A person contains in the set of his own vibrations the full component of the entire Natural complex if he lives in harmony with Nature and exerts his ennobling and educational influence on it. If a person has left the Natural complex and lives in a distance, in alienation from Nature, then the plant world lives without the controlling mind of man and from this it becomes demonic and decaying. Thus, soil spirits that emerge from the Hierarchy of Light in their etheric belt or sphere and are not attached to human consciousness become demonic. From their action, plant roots become sick and rot. Soil that is sick and destroyed in its structure is formed. Insects and worms die. The area is either swamped or salted. Dead areas of land are places where all soil spirits have died and where not a single plant can grow.

A person can restore even the most wasteful lands if he is able to introduce the spiritual component of the root guardians into the soil. This is partly done by adding soil from the top of the soil from under the grass tips to pots for indoor plants. The so-called turf soil is a source for the settlement of soil spirits. Therefore, the very first and most useful action for restoring land is to attract turf soil spirits along with the grassy carpet. Then one should build up the “floors” of manifestation of the spirits of the soils, corresponding to the stems and flowers.
Next, you should attract the spirits of the plant world of higher levels: undergrowth and deciduous forest. Higher spirits can create a base even for huge coniferous trees. Cultivating a number of soil spirits and containing on them collective intelligent forms of the plant world a certain and useful component for humans can turn the entire earth into a blooming garden, even in those places where Nature is currently in ruins and is a reservoir of demonic forces.

I. Nilova "Foundations of a new civilization"

Excellent general article by a colleague about various perfumes

I will write my vision and share my knowledge, which does not claim to be the ultimate truth.
Initially, we will keep in mind that all living things are spiritualized. In the living there is a Spirit, as a part of the whole, or a Soul, as an independently developing part.
But Spirits also exist outside of matter, so we will talk about them.
We will consider Spirits outside the material body (human, animal, etc.) or, conditionally, a permanent body. These are the Spirits we meet during viewings, cleanings, and traveling.
The topic of Spirits is very broad and complex. In order to directly communicate with Spirits, it is necessary to gain some understanding of the Universe, as well as the ability to distinguish (see, feel, etc.) the energy of Spirits and other ethereal entities. As an introduction to the topic, I will briefly talk about the most “popular” Spirits encountered.
To begin with, Spirit is a self-defined word:
Good (d). Acquisition; accumulation; multiplication; creation; located above something; beyond what is; superior (superlative form) to something . At the same time, “Good” means fullness and harmony created; developing form .

Uk (u). Form defining interaction with whom or with something (simplifying form), because any interaction (an attempt to understand and accept another point of view) inevitably leads to simplification. Imagine: there is some kind of structure, and “uk” indicates a figurative interaction: where is this or that involved in this structuring.
- Heer (x). Intersection of defining values (x), interconnecting heavenly and earthly structures (yat) for speech (p) in temporal extension (b).

Thus, Spirit is the superior form for the interaction of heavenly and earthly structures.
Most of them do not have flesh, but they can briefly transform and take on some form.

My brief classification of Spirits:

  1. Elemental Spirits(Spirit of the forest, Spirit of the stream, Spirit of the mountain, etc.).

And rain, and fog, and wind, and storms, and underground and spatial fire - everything is inspired by invisible forces.
When you go into nature, you must always remember the presence of the Spirits that inhabit it and existed long before our appearance on earth. It’s good to communicate with them, talk, admire the beauty of the work they do underground and on earth, in water, in the air, etc. At this moment they are happy, they are imbued with friendly feelings towards you, they smile at you, they bring you their gifts: vitality (the energy of their element), joy, poetic inspiration and even clairvoyance.
You can ask the Spirit of the Element to fill you with the energy of his element, pass it through yourself, fill yourself with it and feel it in yourself. They make contact easily and are very happy to communicate and interact. Don't forget to thank them.
The spirits of the elements can tell you epics from the past, what they saw and experienced, tell you about a lot of things...

  1. Earth Spirits or Elementals(Leshy, Mermaids, Kikimoras, Mermen, Dwarves, etc.).

Some of them are also considered as Elemental Spirits. But I brought them to a separate part,
because I consider them different, and the Spirit of the Forest or Mountain for me is a more pronounced representative of the elements of the Earth than the gnomes.
It is believed that the foundations of the concept of elementals were laid by Paracelsus in the 16th century. According to his concept,
Dwarves are earth elementals, sylphs are air elementals, salamanders are fire elementals, and undines are water elementals.
But besides them, the earth, air, and water are also inhabited by trolls, kobolds, fairies, fauns, dynas, goblins, mermaids, kikimoras, etc. Therefore, it seems to me that it is wrong to single out some of them as the only representatives of the elements.
Elementals are in balance through opposites: water extinguishes fire, fire boils water, earth holds back air, air eats away earth. Elementals are often mentioned in grimoires related to alchemy and magic. You can mostly communicate with them in nature, where there are few people and populated areas are far away, but they can also be found near villages. When you go to the forest to pick mushrooms, don’t forget to take Leshy a treat with you, it’s nice for him and useful for you... he won’t “play” with you at lost and can show you the treasured clearings.
There you can also communicate with other representatives of earthly Spirits.
Fairies love honey and powdered sugar, gnomes - of course, money (coins), jewelry and stones, mermaids - combs and jewelry, kikimoras - jewelry and sweets.
They make contact easily, are cunning, love treats and all sorts of gifts, help... but! Very cunning.

  1. Spirits - Guardians of the Earth and places of Power(Guardian of Dragon Mountain, Guardian of Snake Lake, Guardian of Lizard Mountain, etc.).

Their difference from the Spirits of the Elements is that they can transform and take on flesh, they are stronger and, most importantly, representatives of many civilizations can become a Guardian (karma, contract, service, etc.), and after a certain period he can leave , or it can be replaced, which does not happen with Elemental Spirits.
Some of them make contact easily and are happy to communicate, while some are reluctant, communicating either out of necessity or remaining silent altogether. If I understand correctly, they do not like empty talk and communicate only if it is really necessary. When they make contact and receive questions that are relevant, and not out of idle interest, this is a real storehouse of wisdom and knowledge.

  1. Totem Spirits.

These are spirits that have taken on the appearance and properties of a certain animal, mammal, bird, reptile, fish, amphibian, even insect (although more often the animals of the Force are mammals or birds). These animal Spirits act as the collective consciousness of the species they represent, possessing all the Power of their species.
Totemic Spirits are “assigned” both at birth and acquired along the path of life. You can purchase an additional totem Spirit: he will either choose you and inform you in a form accessible to you, or you can call him yourself and make friends with him if you find a common language.
The totemic Spirit given at birth greatly influences a person, his character and habits. This spirit is vulnerable. The shamanic tradition points out that you can even steal it or harm it, or it can leave you on its own. Essentially, this is a Guardian Spirit, carrying within itself the Power of its kind. He endows his ward with the same properties, and the stronger the connection between you, the closer and more accessible the properties of the totem Spirit are to you. It is totem animals that shamans can turn to.

  1. Service perfumes(Brownies, Housekeepers, Helpers, etc.).

Perfume Domovoye, Dvorovye, Banniki, etc. Basically, they are “attached” to a certain place, but they can also move after the owner if he “gets attached” to him with sympathy or karmically. A good owner most often, when moving, calls with him a ministering Spirit with whom he has established a good relationship and mutual understanding. If during the construction of a new bathhouse there was no “familiar” Bannik, he was called from abandoned bathhouses or a new one. Buildings without a service Spirit of a guard were considered uninhabited, unspiritualized, defenseless. Our Ancestors tried to have Helper Spirits present everywhere, for example, in a field with rye - Polevik, Ogorodnik, Khlevnik. They were cared for and cherished, treated and cajoled in every possible way, because a good Helper protected crops and animals from adversity and disease, increased the harvest, etc.
Sorcerers, Magi, Witches, Sorcerers and Mages, as usual, had many service Spirits-Helpers, the most powerful of them were then inherited along with the Gift and Power and became Ancestral Service Spirits (about them below).
You can also call on a “free” Spirit and ask him to become an assistant in some matter, in exchange for something (energy exchange), but this must be done with knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships. It happens that restless Spirits come and ask to be served in exchange for something, but again, “not knowing the ford...” You need to understand that you need to feed him. The question is, what and how will you feed him...
They make contact at their own discretion. Identification “friend or foe” plays a role, likes and dislikes. Gifts and treats are a must!

  1. Egregor perfume(Religious spirits, Santa Claus, etc.).

These Spirits feed exclusively from “their” egregor from a person. Egregor spirits are created (like the egregor of Power) only by the person himself and no one else. These are his fantasies with real human energies invested in them (the energy of life). By origin, they are all images created by man.
They acquire vital force thanks to the accumulated bioenergy of a person in them (through faith or religion) and are therefore relatively independent until their energy runs out.
They are aware to a limited extent, they simply do their job, carry out the program that is laid down in them. While you feed it, it helps you, serves you, it stopped feeding you - if the Spirit is strong (has accumulated a lot of energy), it will try to survive (it is this awareness that it has, and nothing more), and then it will dry up and “die”.

  1. The spirits are not put to rest.

The idle Spirits of the restless are looking for their “place”, “food”, “vengeance”, “peace”, etc.
The reasons for not being put to rest are different, and each Spirit has its own story.
Very often they feed on the energy of their neighbor, therefore they can be mistakenly recognized as demons, aliens (although they are such in character, but in essence they are different), etc.
If a certain Spirit constantly overcomes you, it means that he either needs something from you, he believes that you can help him, or you have a connection with this Spirit and he simply feeds on energy from you. You can find out by talking to him. If he “vampires” you, then you need to work through the connection (remove it with forgiveness and gratitude) and free it, that is, help you go beyond the Rainbow Bridge to Interworld. If the Spirit asks for help, it is up to you to decide whether to help him or not, but if you still decide to help him, then you have the right to ask for something in exchange, provided that nothing binds you. Most often, there is a connection, and this indicates that the Spirit will come until you fulfill what he wants. As a rule, these are the Spirits of loved ones or acquaintances not only from this life, but it happens that “strangers” can also ask for help, and then help by exchange is possible.

  1. Spirits of the Family.

This includes the Guardians of the Family, and the Spirits of the Family Helpers (service), those who are inherited by Mages, Witches and Sorcerers.
If a girl gets married and takes her husband’s surname, she automatically acquires the protection of her husband’s Family. It follows that if children do not bear the father's surname, they are partly deprived of this protection. The surname is, one might say, a seal. If you are divorced and have your husband's last name, then getting married again will be a little more difficult. You shouldn’t take such “little things” (as they once called it to me) lightly. The surname, like the name, has a very strong influence on us.
If you have a service ancestral Spirit, this does not mean that you can control it - they only obey an equal or superior Power. But there are also those who simply protect you, help you by default, that’s their job.
Honoring your Spirits of the Family and its Guardians restores the connection and strengthens your protection.
Communication with them brings wisdom, knowledge, gifts and support. One of the most effective practices for restoring connections with the Family is the small Family Tree.

  1. Guardian Spirits or Guardian Angels.

They are not always generic, they are “assigned” at birth. Their number may change throughout life, and gradual replacement may also occur. There are times when the Guardian is not present at certain stages of life or he observes distantly. But, if you do not feel or “hear” the Guardian, this does not mean that he does not exist, perhaps you have simply not yet found a way to communicate with him.

We will talk in more detail about Spirits, about Guardians, about Spirits of the Family and its Guardians on the upcoming March 12-13, 2016.
See you
Aunt White Wolf.

According to the esoteric teachings of the ancients, at the heart of everything that exists are four elements, or four elements - Fire or the Fire element; Air or Air element; Water - Water element; Earth or Earth element.

Fire Element - Life Energy

Has the most powerful energy potential. It is Fire that makes global changes in the Universe. Volcanoes spewing fiery lava radically change the appearance of the planets, creating and destroying mountain systems, continents and islands. Fire always acts quickly, violently and unpredictably. He never stops and knows no compromises. Both in destruction and in creation, the element of fire always manifests itself to the maximum - maximum passion.

The element of Fire is the energy of heat and light, the energy of life, the energy of masculine creativity. That is why it is a symbol of sexuality. After all, only through a flash of burning emotions, sensations and experiences can the spark of a new life be ignited. But with the same indomitability, the fire incinerates everything that interferes with renewal and change. Thus, the role of the element of Fire is to motivate, ignite, excite and fill the universe with physical and spiritual energy sufficient for constant purification and development.

In nature, the fire element is associated with phenomena and properties that bring warmth, dryness and light: stars, the Sun, volcanoes, hot southern winds. People with a predominance of fire usually have an “explosive” choleric temperament, willpower, passionate emotions and a thirst for life. The zodiac signs related to the element of fire are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Each of them has qualities inherent in their zodiac element

The spirit of the fire element, its elemental is Salamander.

The fire elemental through which the element contacts people is the salamander. This creature, similar to a dragon or a lizard, resembles a bizarrely curved tongue of flame. The alchemists of the Middle Ages believed that the main feature of this fiery inhabitant was the extraordinary coldness of the body, thanks to which it could live in fire without being burned. It was believed that the salamander could put out any fire. A person who managed to establish contact with this spirit gained control over the element of fire and became a powerful magician. But the wayward and dangerous elemental might not agree to such friendship. Then everything turned out the other way around: the spirit of fire took power over a person, and he became an obedient instrument of the elements, possessed by a passion for arson. By the way, such deviations in behavior are found in people today.

The worship of the God of Fire existed in all ancient cultures. Among the Slavs these were the gods Semargl and Svarozhich, among the ancient Greeks - Hephaestus (Vulcan), in Scandinavia - Loki, in India - Agni, in Japan - Kagutsuti, and among the ancient Egyptians - the god of all gods Ptah. In addition to the supreme gods, entities of lower rank continue to live in fairy tales and legends of different peoples. A typical and symbolic example is the Firebird from Russian folk tales. It is easy to see that this is one of the variations of the mysterious Phoenix bird - an immortal creature that burns itself over and over again and is reborn from the ashes, because without self-immolation it is impossible to enter a new round of the endless spiral called “life”. In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the phoenix bird talisman is considered one of the most powerful patrons.

Earth Element – ​​The Basis of Life

Of all the four elements, the Earth element is the most material, static and fundamental. It gives the other three elements the basis for realizing their purpose. The role of the Earth element in maintaining the balance of all elements is great: with its stability and passivity it balances the rebellion of Fire, the mobility of Air, and the unsteady fluidity of Water.

The element of Earth is responsible for all aspects of the material, tangible embodiment of life. The entire cycle of existence of the physical body - from birth to death - is inextricably linked with the Earth. Fertility is the main meaning of the Earth, which is why it is associated with the feminine principle. Just as a mother takes care of her children, so the Earth nurtures and nourishes everything that is born on it. For millions of years, the Earth has stored in its depths countless natural resources that ensure the normal life of all biological species. Wealth and abundance are another symbolic meaning of the Earth element. Her energy is ponderous, it carries rationality, pragmatism and conservatism.

Earth Elementals – Dwarves

Creatures with a bizarre appearance, as a rule, are very small in stature. Dwarves avoid open places and bright light. They live in impenetrable forest thickets, know the language of animals, know how to talk with trees, have excellent navigation in the bowels of the earth and pick up vibrations from the deep layers of the earth's crust. In ancient legends, gnomes act as guardians and owners of countless treasures hidden underground. If a person manages to tune in to the same wavelength with the spirits of the Earth, they can show him a mineral deposit or help him find a treasure.

However, gnomes are very vindictive. In revenge for people who have wronged them, they may well cause health problems. The fact is that the vibrations of the elements of the Earth are related to the vibrations of the human musculoskeletal system - bones and muscles. It is these organs that can suffer from the negative influence of angry Earth elementals.

Spirits related to gnomes - brownies - in Slavic mythology were considered the patrons of the hearth. It was very important for the owners to establish good relationships with the brownies so that they would help maintain well-being, stability and harmony in the house.

In ancient religious cults there were many gods personifying the Earth. In antiquity, these are Demeter and Gaia, among the ancient Egyptians - the god of the Earth Geb and the god of fertility Apis. In the ancient Slavic pantheon there was the goddess of fertility Makosh. However, our distant Slavic ancestors separately revered the deity, which was called the Cheese Earth.

The earth element in the zodiac is represented by the zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Element Air and its inhabitants

Air is a symbol that characterizes high concepts. And if for fire this is life, for water variability, then for the element of air such a concept becomes, first of all, freedom. Freedom in all its manifestations and angles. Freedom that cannot be limited by boundaries and shackles.

This can be personal freedom, freedom of creativity or consciousness, freedom of communication and exchange. Freedom, so close and at the same time constantly slipping away. The second meaning of the air element, which for many is associated with the atmosphere around us, is change. Sudden, sometimes uncontrollable, changes that are impossible to notice and only by the results can one understand that something has happened. It is mobile, easily changes shape, and occupies the entire volume provided to it. He, like fire, is never at rest. Never stands still. It is subject to certain patterns that cannot always be identified and traced. It was this quality that made him a symbol of variability.

Its third symbolic meaning is associated with the associative series that arises when air as an element is identified with the East. The East is wisdom, personal growth and development. And due to the fact that air is never at rest and always strives to expand its own boundaries, it corresponds very well to this concept, and thus acquires another meaning as a symbol of development, growth, and upward striving.

In addition to these three main directions, the air element symbolizes creativity - that which consists of freedom, change and aspiration. This meaning logically comes out of all its symbolic meanings, since creativity is the desire for freedom and a change in the mind. Air also becomes a symbol of purity, but it acquires this meaning much later. This refers to purity of thoughts and intentions, even to some extent holiness.

Elves - elementals of the air element

First of all, among the spirits who inhabit the air, it is necessary to note the elves. Not the elves of Middle-earth, but those who have long been depicted as small creatures with a pair of wings. Different peoples called them differently. The Scandinavians called the spirits of the air alvas, here even the word itself is a little consonant; in England and Scotland these mischievous creatures are called fairies, and in France pixies. The home of the elves has always been considered the air, in the currents of which they swim and play, as if in the waves of a huge ocean.

The ancient world was also not spared by creatures - inhabitants of the air. For example, in Greece such creatures were the winds (Boreas - the god of the north wind, Zephyr - the god of the west wind, Eurus - the god of the southeast wind, Noth - the god of the south wind) and their father - the god of the winds Aeolus. In Rome they corresponded to Austria - the god of the south wind, Favonius - the god of the west wind, Aquilon - the god of the north wind. For many peoples, the god of air was the progenitor of other gods. For example, in Egyptian mythology this is a pair of Shu (god of air) and Tefnut (goddess of the earth), the same picture can be seen in other pantheons. But in the pantheon of gods of Messapotamia, the god of air Enlil was one of the four main gods, while he was separated from the god of the sky.

In astrology, the air element of the zodiac is represented by Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Element of Water – Matrix of Life

Clean, transparent, fresh, life-giving - without it, life on earth would cease in a few days. Water. It washes away dirt from the physical body and cleanses the astral body of negative energy. She carries ancient secret knowledge, she heals and spiritualizes. It is around us and inside us. But there is a lot we don't know about her.

The element of Water is more closely connected than others with biological, material life on Earth. Most of the planet's surface is occupied by the world's oceans. Living organisms consist of an average of 2/3 water, and water is also present in inanimate nature.

Thus, it is water that connects everything on Earth into a complex bioenergy system, a kind of superorganism united by common information flows. Water has the ability to absorb information, store it and transmit it. It contains the information code of life, a kind of Matrix, which millions of years ago was embodied in reality with the help of the remaining elements - Fire, Air and Earth.

Water is changeable, mobile and plastic. But its variability is of a different kind than that of Air or Fire. Unsteady and fluid, it easily takes any form, but keeps the content stable and unchanged. Bypassing obstacles and compliantly changing direction, she nevertheless purposefully moves in the right direction. Amorphous and passive, it suddenly acquires crushing power and sweeps away everything in its path.

Water controls the sphere of the subconscious - emotions, feelings, intuition. Sudden creative insights, intuitively found solutions and discoveries are the result of its influence on a person. The celestial body to which the element of Water obeys is the Moon. It causes ebbs and flows not only in the oceans and seas. Living organisms that are part of a single system of the element of Water also feel a change in their well-being.

Water elementals - undines

Water elementals, helping the elements and people better understand each other - undines. Elegant, graceful creatures, outwardly similar to people. Sometimes they can be seen in the spray of waterfalls or in the fog rising above the surface of the lake. They can affect a person’s health and state of mind through the body’s biological fluids. As a rule, undines are friendly towards people and strive to help. They often come to a person in a dream, trying to warn about something or suggest a solution to a difficult problem.

Water gods existed in pagan cults of many ethnic groups. God Ocean ruled all the water elements in Ancient Greece. Ancient Egyptian mythology tells of the god Sebek, who controlled the floods of the Nile. The Japanese revered the god Susanoo as the lord of Water, and in the Irish epic this function was performed by the god Lera. Various peoples have long recorded the existence of Water spirits in all kinds of myths and fairy tales. Who has not swam in rivers, seas and lakes: mermaids, Nereids, Naiads, mermen.

Fire gives impetus to rebirth, creativity and development. The air realizes this impulse. The earth accumulates, multiplies and stores the wealth of the material world. And Water spiritualizes all this.

In the Zodiac, the water element is represented by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

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