Delay after escapelle. Escapelle and delayed menstruation: why no menstruation? Changes in blood clotting

Already after unprotected sex or in emergency cases (the condom breaks), you can prevent unwanted pregnancy with the help of emergency contraception. And here the woman begins to wonder what kind of discharge one might encounter after Escapelle, as well as what they are talking about.

It should be understood that each body reacts individually to the same drug, so it is necessary to find out which secretion after Escapel is considered normal and does not threaten health, and which secretions indicate disturbances in processes in the body or incorrect use of emergency contraception. Having all this knowledge, you can not only identify the problem in time, but also prevent undesirable consequences.

Action of the drug and connection with secretions

Emergency postcoital contraception is represented by progestin drugs, which are most effective 24 hours after sex. Escapelle is a modern drug based on levonorgestrel. It is this substance that causes disturbances in gestation and prevents the introduction of the egg into the endometrium. Also, these tablets affect the consistency of mucus in the vagina. It becomes thicker, and therefore it is more difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

Postinor emergency contraceptive pills have a similar effect, due to the same active ingredient in the composition. You can compare the nature of secretion while taking this drug, especially if you notice bloody spots on the pad. Women on the Internet share information about what they are observing, including... Read about this in one of our articles.

All this can provoke uncharacteristic secretion, which most often alarms a woman. In addition, the discharge may not change its character, but most often there are minor bloody traces on the daily. Bleeding is also possible, which can easily be confused with menstruation.

Causes of bloody secretion while taking emergency contraception

Emergency contraception methods are considered very powerful drugs that must be used correctly. In most situations, discharge after taking Escapel is natural, that is, it indicates the effect of the drug. But various violations cannot be ruled out.


The action of the drug Escapelle is based on a synthetic version of the natural hormone gestagen. Levonorgestrel causes processes in the female body that are similar to the end of the menstrual cycle. It turns out that brown discharge after Escapelle occurs due to rejection of the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body, which is also called the endometrium or mucous layer. This process is considered normal and does not threaten the woman’s health. And it is also commonly called “artificial menstruation.”


The presence of blood in vaginal secretion after taking the drug may also indicate pathological processes. Here are several reasons worth paying attention to:

Dose violation

There are often situations when a woman takes first one and then another pill, worrying about the effectiveness of emergency contraception. Doing this is strictly prohibited, otherwise you can get intoxication of the body, as well as hormonal imbalance, which is often accompanied by bloody secretion.

Very frequent use

Only one dose per menstrual cycle is allowed. And some doctors are of the opinion that using Escapel more than once every three months has a negative effect on the reproductive system, causing heavy bleeding of unknown etymology.

Gynecological problems

Situations are possible when bloody secretion is caused not by the use of the drug, but by gynecological diseases. If a woman has uterine fibroids, endometrial pathology and other problems, then Escapelle is likely to provoke bloody discharge against the background of existing diseases of the reproductive system.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal imbalances after taking Escapel most often occur in very young girls (under 16 years old) or in premenopausal women. Therefore, the tablets are recommended only for patients with regular periods.

Ectopic pregnancy

Characterized by the fixation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. Accompanied by scanty spotting, also chills and nausea.

During pregnancy

If the drug is used during pregnancy, the active substance levonorgestrel can cause incomplete abortion, which will be accompanied by acute bleeding.

To avoid these negative consequences, you must follow the instructions and also consult your doctor.

When does discharge occur after Escapelle?

Most often, with proper use of emergency contraception, pseudomenstrual discharge occurs 3-5 days after taking the pill. They may resemble light bleeding or leave slight brownish marks on your daily routine or underwear.

Such secretion directly indicates the achievement of the maximum effect from the pill. It is also worth noting that, depending on the characteristics of each organism, secretion can be observed within a day after using the drug. Sometimes there is a clear discharge without blood, which is also normal.
It is worth remembering that postcoital contraception may cause a slight delay in menstruation due to shifts in the menstrual cycle. There is nothing terrible here, so the absence of menstruation should not be immediately perceived as pregnancy.

How long do they last?

Here it is important to pay attention to the state of the body. If there are no complications or side effects, then there will be no discharge after three or six days. Sometimes bloody secretion can last up to ten days, and the woman does not experience any additional discomfort.

But you should be wary of any discharge if it is accompanied by pain or general malaise. In such situations, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor who, based on symptoms and tests, will prescribe medications to stabilize the hormonal balance and stop heavy bleeding.

If the bleeding is associated not with the drug, but with pathologies, then you will have to undergo a more detailed examination to determine the causes of metrorrhagia.

Normal secretion after contraception

Uncharacteristic vaginal discharge always alarms a woman, especially when using hormonal agents such as Escapelle. Due to the influence of levonorgestrel, “artificial menstruation” occurs, which is accompanied by rejection of the mucous layer of the endometrium. As a result, a peculiar vaginal secretion occurs, which normally does not have a strong odor and is characterized by a small amount and a brown tint. Slight red discharge is also allowed.

But brown secretion after Escapelle and spotting should not be abundant or last too long.

If vaginal secretion with blood is not abundant, does not cause pain and ends on the third or sixth day, then this condition is not a pathology, but simply indicates the effect of the drug. Sometimes doctors note situations where the onset of menstruation occurs on the second or third day after taking postcoital contraception. As a result, the brown secretion is replaced by bloody secretion, which is menstruation.

Any woman who uses such a drug must remember that it can change her cycle under the influence of an artificial progestin analogue. But here it is important not to confuse the onset of menstruation with the continuation of pathological bleeding.

What is considered a violation?

If emergency postcoital contraception has a negative effect on the body, then a clear sign of the problem will be discharge of the following nature:

More than a week

If bloody spotting does not stop 6-10 days after taking the pill, this may indicate a hormonal imbalance or persistence of the gestation process.

Copious white discharge

White or yellow secretion with a curd-like consistency should alert you. Most likely the woman has candidiasis, which is also accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the vaginal area (burning, itching, redness, swelling of the labia).

Heavy bleeding

Pathological processes in the pelvic area, partial abortion, as well as serious hormonal imbalance are possible.

Any such manifestations cannot be ignored, because every health problem is easier to cure at the initial stage than to deal with negative consequences later. If treated in a timely manner, the gynecologist will prescribe appropriate therapy and give other recommendations.

What color can the discharge be after Escapelle?

  • transparent;
  • mucous membranes are white;
  • red;
  • brown.

They should not appear for a long time and in large numbers. Also considered normal is something resembling mucus. It occurs due to the effect of levonorgestrel on the cervical mucus, which becomes more viscous. But here too there should not be any unpleasant sensations.

What does the absence of blood mean?

If after Escapel there is absolutely no discharge with blood, this does not mean that the remedy did not produce results. It is absolutely wrong to associate bleeding with the effectiveness of the drug. Escapelle can create all the necessary conditions to prevent unwanted conception, but the woman still does not have any characteristic discharge.

Due to ignorance of this fact, patients often try to induce bleeding on their own. To do this, use a repeated dose of the drug, which only harms the body. The result of this may be:

  • overdose,
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • heavy bleeding
  • hormonal infertility.

Patients who are worried about the lack of bloody secretion after taking this drug are advised to consult a gynecologist after a few weeks. The doctor will prescribe appropriate examinations, tests, and conduct a transvaginal ultrasound to rule out disorders in the pelvic organs, as well as conception.

Acceptable up to a week. A period beyond this period indicates a violation.

Who are the tablets contraindicated for?

The drug itself has very few contraindications, but do not forget that Escapelle is a potent drug, the use of which requires special care and compliance with the instructions.

Levonorgestrel is contraindicated:

  • persons under sixteen years of age;
  • pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • persons with liver diseases;
  • women with hormonal problems.

But it is worth remembering that each body reacts individually to the drug and its components, and its use must be truly justified. If it is possible to use traditional contraception (condom, interrupted intercourse, etc.), then it is better to abandon such means. Also, you should not abuse Escapelle, which, if used incorrectly, can harm your health and also make future desired conception very problematic.

How to take it correctly?

  1. First, you should consult with your gynecologist, who knows the specifics of your health better than anyone else, and will also tell you in more detail about the drug.
  2. Doctors recommend using the product no more than once a month. In other words, only one dose per menstrual cycle is allowed.
  3. If a woman is taking other hormonal medications, then it is necessary to check with her doctor about the safety of using emergency contraception in her case.
  4. It is advisable to use the pill immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse, because with each subsequent day the effectiveness of the drug decreases by 10-20%.
  5. It is recommended that you visit your gynecologist for an examination even when menstruation occurs.

Many women have encountered situations where they need to urgently use contraception after intimate intercourse. For this purpose, there are a number of drugs, the features of which you need to know initially. For example, menstruation after Escapelle may proceed in a normal rhythm, or it may change with little predictable probability. They are influenced by various factors, from the characteristics of the body and the frequency of taking contraceptives, to the phase of the cycle in which the drug was taken.

Why do people drink Escapelle?

Popular emergency contraceptive drugs include Escapelle, which helps minimize the risks of unwanted pregnancy. It is taken after intimacy; its composition is similar to its predecessors, but it allows you to get the expected effect with a single dose. However, it is often noted after this, from, to.

The contraceptive is a gestagenic drug, which allows it to be used by women of different age groups. It is not prohibited for use during lactation, but you need to take the pill six hours before breastfeeding. It is also necessary to take into account that Escapelle does not exclude pregnancy if there was repeated unprotected sex after taking it. If symptoms occur after taking the pills, it is recommended to take a blood test for pregnancy hormone (hCG), or conduct a test yourself. The effectiveness of the drug is noted when taken within seventy-two hours after sexual intercourse. It is believed that its effect lasts more than a hundred hours, but the shorter the period after intimacy and taking the pill, the higher the effectiveness of the contraceptive.

It is also possible to take Escapelle during menstruation, but menstruation may last several days longer, or small periods may appear after ten to fourteen days.

When is Escapelle necessary:

  • Rape;
  • High probability of conception when other contraceptives are not recommended;
  • The schedule for taking oral contraceptives is disrupted;
  • Casual unprotected sex;
  • In case of spontaneous removal of the vaginal ring, intrauterine device, or damage to the condom;
  • Other situations where there is a high probability of unwanted pregnancy.

Operating principle

The active substance of the drug is Levonogestrel, which acts on the woman’s body in a complex manner in several directions, which makes it possible to achieve a 99% chance of eliminating unwanted pregnancy.

Under the influence of Escapelle:

  • The onset of the ovulation period is delayed;
  • Eggs mature more slowly;
  • Cervical mucus thickens in the cavity and cervix, which makes it difficult for the fertilized egg to advance;
  • The endometrium does not develop, which prevents the implantation of fertilized eggs.

It should be noted that menstrual irregularities depend on the phase of the ovulation period when the drug was taken.

Failure of the menstrual cycle

If menstruation begins on time or ahead of schedule, a woman may understand that pregnancy has not occurred, but if there are no periods, the risks of an unplanned pregnancy are high. However, a delay in menstruation after Escapel is a fairly common occurrence, because the drug disrupts the menstrual cycle.

In the first phase of the cycle

Half of women mistakenly believe that they got their period the next day if the drug is taken before ovulation, although in reality it is a daub. The discharge is perceived as menstruation that began ahead of schedule, so they are quite surprised when the discharge recurs after a couple of weeks. The reason lies in hormonal imbalance, which prevents the development of eggs. Regardless of whether they started early or on time, scanty periods usually pass. The reason is simple: the endometrial layer does not develop enough under the influence of hormones, which means there is nothing special to reject.

In the second phase

Menstruation after taking the drug in the second phase may also be disrupted, because the high level of progesterone prepares the body for pregnancy, despite the fact that fertilization has not occurred. During this period, the endometrium grows, the discharge becomes thicker, and menstruation may be delayed for days, or even several weeks. Sometimes in, but the delay can reach twenty days, after which heavy discharge begins.

During menstruation itself

There is a common stereotype that during menstruation, a woman cannot become pregnant. In fact, it has a high probability of ending in pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of contraception even during such a piquant period. Please note that taking Escapel during menstruation may cause a small amount of bloody discharge to appear after ten to fourteen days, or prolong menstruation by several days.

Other disorders and consequences of taking the drug

As a result of a single dose of a high dose of a hormonal drug, functional changes may occur in the mammary glands, expressed as an increase in size, tension, and pain. This discomfort lasts for two to three weeks. Before menstruation or spotting, you may experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, and the menstruation itself may also be more painful. If a woman has impaired kidney or liver function, Escapelle should be taken only after consultation with a doctor, and if there are diseases of the digestive system, the effect of the drug may be reduced.

In some cases, taking Escapel leads to adverse reactions, such as:

  • Allergy;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Fatigue;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Sense of anxiety.

Escapelle is an effective drug designed for use by women of different age groups. Also, the reasons for its popularity include affordable cost and good tolerability, low likelihood of adverse reactions. Disorders in the menstrual cycle are caused by high levels of hormones and this disruption is eliminated fairly quickly.

When should your period start after taking Escapel?

After taking Escapel, the onset of menstruation in three to five days is the norm. Usually, menstruation does not occur profusely, perhaps in the form of what is called “artificial menstruation.” , after taking the drug, is three to six days. Taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, menstruation can begin either after seven days or within the first day after taking Escapel. Each of these situations is normal. However, if your period has not started after a week, you should consult a specialist to eliminate the risks of pregnancy or complications. Usually, menstruation quickly recovers to the levels familiar to every woman.

Article outline

There are many situations in a woman's life when emergency contraception may be needed. The pharmaceutical industry provides a large selection of drugs that are aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancy. One of them is Escapelle. Before taking this remedy, you need to know its principle of action and side effects.

Menstruation after Escapelle can occur either in a normal rhythm or with disruptions. Let's consider the factors affecting menstrual flow after taking Escapelle.

About the drug

Escapel is an emergency contraceptive whose active ingredient is levonongesterel.

The concentration of this component in the drug is 2 times less than the Postinor contraceptive. To reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, the drug is taken not before sexual intercourse, but after it for no more than 72 hours. Although scientific research has proven that the effect of the drug lasts 120 hours after unprotected sex. The effect of taking the drug will be more reliable if a woman takes it as soon as possible after sex. Unlike Postinor, Escapelle is taken once.

This is a gestagenic type contraceptive that is suitable for women of different age categories. Escapelle can be taken during breastfeeding, but no later than 6 hours before feeding. The drug cannot exclude pregnancy if unprotected sexual intercourse is repeated after taking it.

If scanty bleeding appears after taking the drug, your doctor may recommend taking a test for the hCG hormone or doing a pregnancy test at home. You can also take the drug during your critical days, then they will last several days longer. Or 2 weeks after their completion, intermenstrual spotting may occur.

Indications for use

Escapelle is sold without a prescription, so women need to know in what cases they can use this remedy without going to their doctor.

  • Casual sexual intercourse without a condom, even in the case of interrupted sexual intercourse, since it is not a guaranteed method of contraception. Such carelessness causes infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Escapal will not protect against this, but it will prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • If the condom breaks or slips off.
  • If ovulation is approaching and it is not possible to use other methods of contraception.
  • In case of forced sexual contact.
  • If during sex the intrauterine device was spontaneously removed.
  • When a woman took birth control pills according to the wrong schedule or in violation of it...
  • If the contraceptive ring falls out of the vagina and is missing for more than an hour or two.
  • In any other situations that do not exclude pregnancy.

Operating principle of Escapel

Levonogesterel acts in several directions at once, which ensures the high contraceptive effect of the drug, which is achieved in 99% of cases. The drug works as follows.

  • If ovulation has not occurred, the drug slows it down - the components of the drug delay the release of the germ cell from the ovary. This prevents the egg from meeting the sperm. Escapelle acts in a similar way if taken in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • Under the influence of the drug, changes occur in the properties of the inner mucous layer of the uterus, into which under normal conditions a fertilized egg is implanted and implantation becomes impossible. If the zygote has already attached to the endometrium, this means that conception has occurred and Escapelle will not work, nor will it provoke spontaneous abortion.
  • The drug helps thicken the secretion secreted by the cervical canal of the uterine cervix. The presence of a large amount of mucus prevents the sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity and its further advancement to the egg.

Cycle failures

If menstruation comes on time or even a little earlier after taking Escapel, the woman understands that the emergency contraceptive effect of the drug has worked. If there is a delay in menstruation, then the chances of an unplanned conception are high.

But since the contraceptive affects the menstrual cycle, it is not uncommon that after Escapelle there are no periods and this has nothing to do with the onset of pregnancy. The reasons for the delay may be different and depend on the phase of the cycle in which the drug was taken.

In the first phase

If you take the drug before ovulation, spotting may begin on the second day. Some women mistake the discharge for scanty periods after Escapelle, but in practice, after 2 weeks they will begin to experience normal periods. And this spotting is a sign of a hormonal surge, which becomes an obstacle to the development of the egg. Since ovulation does not occur, conception becomes impossible, so menstruation occurs on time or a little earlier. Discharge will be scanty due to insufficient development of the endometrium, which is prevented by hormonal imbalance.

In the second

In the second half of the cycle, women experience increased levels of progesterone, which helps prepare the body for pregnancy. If at this time there is a need to take emergency contraception, then fertilization will not occur. But there is a high probability that due to hormonal imbalance there will be a delay in menstruation after Escapelle. During this time, the endometrium will grow greatly and menstrual flow will become thicker; after a long delay, very heavy periods will begin. Sometimes intermenstrual spotting may also occur.

During your period

Some women mistakenly assume that if you have sex while you're on your period, you can't get pregnant. At the beginning of menstruation and at its end, conception is as possible as throughout the rest of the cycle. This means that during unprotected sexual intercourse, even on these days, it is necessary to think about contraception.

Taking Escapel during menstruation may cause the symptoms to be delayed for an additional few days. Or, after 10-14 days, scanty bleeding will appear.

Other violations and consequences

Escapelle affects a woman’s hormonal levels, and therefore the entire reproductive system. The mammary glands may respond to a single dose of the drug with an increase in size, swelling and pain that lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. Before her period begins or a woman begins to have spotting, she may experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. And the menstrual flow itself may occur with more severe pain than usual.

When a woman has problems with her kidneys or liver, it is not recommended to drink Escapelle without consulting a doctor. With diseases of the digestive tract, the effect of the contraceptive may be reduced, which increases the chances of unwanted conception.

Taking the drug can lead to side effects, including allergic reactions, nausea, including vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue. You may feel temporarily dizzy or have a headache and a short-term feeling of anxiety.

The drug should not be taken more than once per cycle. If you exceed this norm, your period may begin prematurely, and hormonal imbalance caused by an overdose may last for at least 3 months.

When should your period start?

After taking the drug, your period should begin within 3-5 days.

The discharge can be very scanty, since menstruation is artificially induced. The duration of discharge does not exceed 3-6 days. Some women experience menstruation either immediately after taking the drug or a week later. Such dates for the onset of menstruation can be considered a variant of the norm.

If a week has passed since taking the drug, and there are no critical days, you need to visit a gynecologist to exclude the possibility of pregnancy or the development of complications associated with the use of Escapel. If you do not exceed the dose of the drug, a woman’s menstrual cycle will be restored quite quickly after taking it.


The drug Escapelle belongs to the group of progestin contraceptives used postcoitally for the urgent prevention of possible pregnancy as a result of unprotected intercourse.

The effectiveness of the drug is quite high; when used within 96 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, it is 98.9%.

The effectiveness of contraception decreases as the time elapses between sexual intercourse and taking the drug increases.

Escapelle does not prevent fertilization in all cases. In cases where the time of sexual intercourse is unknown, or when more than 96 hours have passed since sexual intercourse without contraception, the likelihood of fertilization is high. In such cases, taking the Escapelle tablet after the second sexual intercourse will not bring the desired result. If menstruation is delayed by more than 7 days, as well as when menstruation occurs on time in an unusual manner, or pregnancy is suspected for some other reason, the manufacturer recommends a gynecological examination to exclude pregnancy.

You can check the presence of pregnancy with a high degree of probability at home, using a rapid test to determine pregnancy.

In the absence of pregnancy, a delay in menstruation may be caused by a hormonal imbalance due to taking the drug.

The drug Escapelle contains the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, in sufficient dosage, which causes inhibition of ovulation if sexual intercourse occurs in the preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, i.e. during the period of greatest likelihood of fertilization. In addition, the regression of endometrial proliferation caused by the drug prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Therefore, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle when taking the drug, a delay in menstruation may be associated with suppression of the maturation of the egg in the follicle, or changes in the level of natural hormones due to the effects of levonorgestrel.

All cyclical processes in the female body occur under the influence of certain hormones at a certain period of time, and interference with the coordinated functioning of the body by introducing an artificial hormone can unbalance this delicate process.

Menstrual irregularities may also be associated with individual intolerance to the drug Escapelle, its overdose, or taking other medications in a given menstrual cycle.

It is possible that there are reasons for the delay that have nothing to do with taking Escapel, due to the presence of inflammatory or pathological processes in the genital organs, and even diseases of other organs and systems of the body.

Therefore, to accurately determine the cause of delayed menstruation, you should consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination, including ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood tests, and blood tests for hormone levels.

Emergency contraception can be used under various circumstances - there has been unprotected sexual intercourse, sexual violence has occurred, the usual methods of protection have failed (the condom may break, the intrauterine device/vaginal ring may shift or fall off, etc.). For such cases, the modern pharmaceutical market offers a significant variety of drugs, Escapelle is one of them.

Its disadvantage, as well as any other emergency contraceptive, is its strong effect on the body and the female reproductive system.

A single tablet can significantly affect the specifics of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the drug and all the changes in the body provoked by its use. How long does it take to get your period after Escapelle? Does their number change? Can this remedy cause a delay in menstrual periods? It is recommended to find out the answers to all these questions in advance.

Why take Escapelle

The progestin drug Escapelle belongs to the pharmacological group of emergency contraceptives. Its use is permissible at different age periods, also during lactation (provided that the tablet is taken at least 6 hours before feeding the baby). The product is designed to protect against unwanted pregnancy; the main indications for taking this contraceptive are as follows:

  • Casual sexual intercourse - both unprotected and using the method of interrupting sexual intercourse.
  • Days close to ovulation, during which the probability of fertilization of the egg is high, and no other methods of protection are available.
  • A failed barrier method—the condom slipped, burst, or was used incorrectly from the start.
  • Premature removal of the vaginal diaphragm/cap during coitus.
  • Expulsion of the IUD.
  • Violations of the specificity of taking oral contraceptives.
  • Prolapse of the vaginal ring, provided it has been absent from the vagina for more than two hours.
  • Sexual violence.

This hormonal contraceptive is an improved analogue of Postinor. The difference with its predecessor is in the number of tablets recommended for administration - instead of two capsules, there is one left. Of course, the dose of the active substance has become higher, so it is not surprising that hormonal levels are disrupted, and menstruation after taking Escapel often undergo significant changes.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, the drug must be taken within a 72-hour period after sexual intercourse. The instructions say: the less time has passed after coitus, the higher the percentage of successful contraceptive effect. However, studies conducted by WHO claim that the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease until 120 hours after unprotected sex. This once again confirms the colossal effect of the drug on the female body.

If you have repeated sexual intercourse after taking the pill, the risk of pregnancy increases exponentially. Therefore, if, as a result of using a contraceptive, scanty menstruation occurs, this is a reason for concern, visiting a gynecologist and donating blood for hCG.

Operating principle of Escapel

The active substance of the emergency contraceptive being discussed is levonorgestrel. This is a synthetic progestogen that has a complex effect on the female body and eliminates by 98-99% the likelihood of pregnancy at an early stage of fertilization.

The scheme of action of the drug is as follows:

  1. The onset of ovulation is delayed (if it has not yet occurred).
  2. The maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary occur much later.
  3. The structure of the endometrium changes, after which it is not possible for a fertilized egg to implant into the uterine wall. It is worth understanding that if the embryo is in the basal layer, Escapelle will not be able to influence it, i.e. it will not cause a miscarriage, nor will it pose a risk of terminating an existing pregnancy.
  4. Cervical mucus thickens, preventing the smooth passage of sperm in the cervix.

Depending on the phase of the ovulation period at the time of taking Escapela tablet, menstruation may come either earlier than the expected date or with a certain delay.

The intensity of menstrual bleeding in half of the cases undergoes changes as a result of severe hormonal imbalance. Heavy periods, as well as scanty discharge, under certain conditions can be considered the norm, in a number of other circumstances - a consequence of pathological processes.

The effect of the drug on menstruation

As already mentioned, in almost 80% of cases, Escapelle disrupts the usual period of menstruation, disrupts the cycle, duration and intensity of bleeding. Each situation is individual, but there are generally accepted indicators that are worth focusing on. Typically, critical days after taking this contraceptive occur on the third to fifth day. Menstruation in the first 24 hours, as well as its onset a week after taking the pill, are considered normal; everything can be determined by the individual characteristics of a particular organism. A 20-day delay also falls within acceptable limits.

Features of bleeding after Escapelle

During this period, it is scanty and smearing. The color of blood is dark, from brownish to burgundy. Duration – from 3 to 6 days. When the duration of menstruation does not fit into this framework, especially if the discharge lasts longer than a week and a half, prompt medical intervention is required.

In fact, the first periods after Escapelle are not even critical days in their usual sense, but “artificial menstruation” - this is what doctors call the phenomenon. It is provoked by a large amount of synthetic hormone contained in the drug. Mostly the next month after taking the contraceptive, the cycle spontaneously restores to normal levels. Scarlet menstrual bleeding containing clots indicates the beginning of this process.

Reasons for contacting a gynecologist

If after a week your period has not started, this is a good reason to seek medical advice - there is a possibility that conception has occurred or complications caused by the action of the progestin drug.

Read also When do you get your period after buserelin?

Escapelle directly during menstruation

There is a common misconception among many couples that if sperm enters the posterior vaginal vault directly during menstruation, pregnancy is excluded. In fact, at the beginning and end of menstrual bleeding, the probability of successful fertilization of the egg is extremely high, therefore, if you do not want to have a child, contraception is still required. If Escapelle was taken during menstruation, a small amount of bleeding may appear after 1.5-2 weeks. The possibility of prolongation of menstruation by several days is also possible.

Side effects of Escapelle

The drug Escapel changes menstruation. But in addition to menstrual irregularities, other side effects may occur:

  • dizziness and migraines;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness, increased fatigue;
  • insomnia, or, conversely, endless drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • constant feeling of anxiety;
  • other disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • allergic reactions, for example, Quincke's edema, urticaria, etc.

If, after taking Escapela, excessive vomiting or severe diarrhea occurs, then most of the synthetic hormones are removed from the body, and the effectiveness of the drug is minimized. A consultation with a gynecologist is required; only he can say for sure whether the pill can be taken again without significant harm to the body.

It is important to understand that it is recommended to drink Escapelle only once during one ovulation period. If two or more tablets are used, there is a high risk of severe bleeding and colossal hormonal imbalance, from which the body will need at least six months to recover. In addition, functional changes in the mammary glands are possible, up to their enlargement and severe pain.

Delay - normal or deviation

Sometimes there is a delay in menstruation after taking Escapel. If the pregnancy test is negative, the reasons may be:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. Of course, a high dose of synthetic hormones causes disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands and some cycle disruptions. After Escapelle was taken, the delay in menstruation is usually one-time in nature; full recovery usually occurs within 2-3 months. Otherwise, hormonal therapy is prescribed.
  2. Increased blood clotting. As you know, the endometrium contains a considerable number of blood vessels. At the moment of mucosal rejection, due to the influence of levonorgestrel, most of the blood coagulates in the uterine cavity, which causes a delay in its release to the outside. That is why, as a result of using Escapel, there are no periods.
  3. Individual intolerance to the active component of the contraceptive. In this case, the side effects described above will occur immediately after administration.
  4. Incompatibility of the drug with other medications. There is a separate paragraph dedicated to this in the instructions. The effectiveness of Escapelle is reduced by the following medications:
    1. strong antibiotics;
    2. tablets for the treatment of HIV-positive people;
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Botkin's disease (viral hepatitis A) is an infectious liver lesion, which is one of the most favorable forms of hepatitis...
Observing dietary restrictions for patients helps to achieve effective results in the treatment of diseases. Speed ​​up withdrawal...
Fatty liver disease, or fatty hepatosis, or as it is also called, liver steatosis, is the most common disease in our time...