Making changes to the accounting policy How to draw up an order to approve and change an accounting policy Sample order to make changes to an accounting policy

If accounting methods are changed at the initiative of a budgetary organization, the innovations come into force from the beginning of the next year (part 7 of article 8 of Law No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011).

If amendments are made to the law, then the adjustments come into force when the new legal act enters into force.

In the financial statements, disclose and explain all the new provisions of the UE, if these amendments significantly affected the financial result of the organization (clause 16 of PBU 1/2008).

Explanations must include:

  • why the content of the document has changed in the reporting year. For example, a change in the method of writing off inventories (as this led to an increase in the reliability of information), the number of the law, the entry into force of which led to amendments or a change in the company's activities;
  • what adjustments have been made;
  • how the consequences of the adjustments made are reflected in the financial statements;
  • the amount of adjustments associated with innovations. If the company is not a small business, then it is also necessary to make a retrospective calculation.

How to approve, change or supplement a document

Each organization at the time of its creation must form a PM and apply it consistently from year to year. It is not necessary to form and approve this document annually. By order on accounting policy, the head determines the date of commencement of its application.

A POA can be issued in one of two ways:

  • in two separate documents. In this case, each provision must be approved by its own order;
  • one document with two different sections: one for accounting, the second for tax accounting. Then the order to approve the UE will be one.

Consider samples of administrative documentation relating to UE.

On the approval of the UE

In the course of the organization's business activities, it may be necessary to make additions and (or) changes to the accounting or tax management plan, which are also approved by the order of the head.

On amendments to the UE

On making additions to the UE

Consider the following:

  • additions to the UE are made in the event that the organization has new facts of economic activity, for example, in addition to wholesale trade, it began to provide services for the transportation of goods. Therefore, the MP should reflect the procedure for accounting for income and expenses in relation to a new type of activity. Additions to the UE are made at any time of the year and are applied from the moment they are approved (clause 10 PBU 1/2008; article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • An organization can make changes to the UE for two reasons: if it decides to change the previously used method of accounting for the facts of its economic life, or if appropriate changes have been made to the legislation.

The introduced changes are applied only from the beginning of the year or from the moment of entry into force of the normative act, which made adjustments to the norms of accounting and tax legislation.

How PBU 1/2008 details the process of making changes

PBU 1/2008 "Accounting policy of the organization" (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2008 No. 106n) explains the algorithms for making changes to the accounting policy in an expanded format - the regulation has a separate chapter for this, establishing:

  • reasons for the introduction of changes (clause 10) - they fully comply with those listed in Art. 8 of Law No. 402-FZ;
  • the requirement for the validity of the changes being made (clause 11);
  • registration requirements - changes are approved by order or order of the head;
  • the requirement for the date of making changes (clause 12) - it coincides with that specified in clause 7 of Art. 8 of Law No. 402-FZ;
  • the requirement for a monetary assessment of the consequences of changes (clause 13) - it refers to changes that can significantly affect the financial position of the organization, the results of its activities and (or) cash flows;
  • the need to reflect in accounting the consequences of changes in accounting policies (clauses 14, 15) in one of the following ways: prospectively or retrospectively;
  • a scheme for describing the consequences of the application of changes in the reporting - changes that have had or are capable of having a significant impact on the financial performance of the organization are subject to separate disclosure.

In addition to these requirements, III PBU 1/2008 contains important clarifications:

  • about which accounting innovations are not considered changes - approval of accounting methods for the facts of economic activity that appeared in the organization's activities for the first time or differ in essence from those that took place earlier (paragraph 5, clause 10);
  • about when all changes can be reflected in the reporting prospectively - if the organization organizes accounting using simplified methods (clause 15.1).

Read about who is allowed to use simplified accounting in the article “Peculiarities of Accounting in Small Businesses”.

The considered requirements describe the algorithms for changing the accounting policy. However, they also need to be properly formatted. This is done by drawing up an order that supplements or changes the accounting policy.

Making changes to the accounting policy (sample)

The need to make changes may arise not only in relation to accounting, but also in terms of tax accounting policies. The conditions under which changes are made to the tax accounting policy are specified in par. 6 art. 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, they are identical to the above accounting standards.

Read about how tax accounting is organized and how it differs from accounting.

We will consider the registration of changes in the accounting policy of an organization using an example.

Mir Company applies the accounting policy approved by Order No. 412/U dated December 28, 2017. According to clause 5.8 of the accounting policy, the applied tax method for calculating depreciation of fixed assets is a linear one. Management decided in October 2018 to change the depreciation method to a non-linear one.

When making changes, the following organizational and methodological aspects were taken into account:

  • changes to the accounting policy are introduced from 01/01/2019 - such a rule is established in Art. 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for changes made by the taxpayer not in connection with a change in legislation, but due to a decision by the taxpayer;
  • the introduction of a new "amortization" method is carried out by issuing an order signed by the general director of Mir LLC;
  • as preliminary measures to prepare for the transition to a new accounting method, calculations of the total balances for each depreciation group were made, registers for accounting for accrued depreciation were developed, and the period for applying this method was determined, taking into account the restrictions established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

You can see a sample order for amending the accounting policy on our website.

The order to amend the accounting policy is a documentary impetus for editing one of the main regulatory provisions of the company.


What is an accounting policy

Under the term "accounting policy" understands the methods of accounting at an enterprise, including the creation of various kinds of documentation, the procedure for relations with supervisory, tax authorities, the establishment of internal relations between organizational units in terms of financial interaction, etc.

The accounting policy includes a number of local regulations that are developed at the stage of company formation on the basis of relevant laws, regulations and instructions.

Key standards and rules of accounting policy are formed at the federal level and have their own nuances and subtleties depending on the type of activity of enterprises.

In an organization, the accounting policy is usually developed either by the director or the chief accountant, it is approved by a separate order of the head, and only after that it enters into force.

Once approved, it is binding.

Who is required to comply with the accounting policy

Accounting policies must comply with all organizations registered as legal entities whose responsibility is to maintain accounting. accounting.

Sole proprietorships are exempted from compliance with the accounting policy just like the subdivisions of foreign enterprises - there are other regulatory documents for them.

One important point should be noted: do not confuse accounting (which is determined in accordance with the provisions of the accounting policy) and tax - if there are exceptions for the first, then everyone must keep the second, regardless of the field of work and the taxation system.

How to change the accounting policy

Accounting policy is a system of rules that is chosen at a time for a long time.

It starts at the beginning of each calendar year.

It is possible to make changes to it during the reporting period only in extreme cases, for example:

  • when it is required to provide the most truthful information about the accounting object;
  • when editing the law on accounting policy;
  • when the company itself changes direction.

In order to make the necessary changes or additions to the accounting policy, an appropriate order must be issued in the organization.

Who prepares the order to amend the accounting policy

Leaders of organizations do not often write orders themselves. Usually this function is included in the duties of one of their subordinates - the secretary, the head of the structural unit, the legal adviser.

In this case, the order to amend the accounting policy is often written by the chief accountant - since it is this employee who applies the above rules and regulations in his work.

Who signs the document

Regardless of who exactly forms the order, the document must be signed by the highest official of the enterprise - the director or an employee temporarily located in his place.

This is due to the fact that all orders are always issued on behalf of the chief executive of the company - this is established by law, i.e. without his signature, the document will not be considered valid.

In addition, all employees indicated in it, as well as those who are obliged to control its execution, must sign the order. Thus, all these persons indicate that they have read the order and are ready to carry it out.

Making an order

To date, there is no single standard order. This means that it can be written in free form. The exception is those situations when the company has developed its own unified order template - then, of course, the order must be made according to its model.

You can also freely choose a form: it can be branded (with printed details and logo) or an ordinary blank sheet of paper.

Write by hand or type

The format of the document can also be arbitrary. That is, you can type it on a computer or write it yourself. True, in the first case, it will need to be printed out - this is necessary so that all employees of the company, whose names are in the document, can put their autographs under it.

How to register an order to amend an accounting policy

The generated order must be recorded in a special ledger, which is usually kept by the secretary - this is necessary in order to certify the very fact of its creation, and also, if necessary, quickly and easily find it. To register, it is enough to enter the name of the order, number and date of its compilation in the journal.

Terms and conditions of storage

Any issued and promulgated order is subject to mandatory storage. To do this, the form must be placed in a folder with other such orders.

The duration of the storage period is indicated either in the local acts of the company, or is determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Sample order to amend the accounting policy

If you have read the above information, then you most likely need to create an order to amend the accounting policy. Below is an example of it - based on it, you can easily make your own order.

First of all, fill in the form:

  • the name of your company;
  • document number (according to internal workflow), location of the formation of the order (place) and date;
  • the basis for creating the order - put a link to the desired article of the law of the Russian Federation.

After that comes the main block. Include here in order:

  • the actual indication of changes to the accounting policy and the date from which this must be done;
  • a previously valid accounting policy item subject to amendments and its new edition;
  • the employee responsible for the execution of the order (usually an accountant or chief accountant).

If necessary, this part can be supplemented with other information you need. In conclusion, give the order for signature to all the persons indicated in it.

Drawn up at the time of registration of the company, and after approval, applied continuously year after year. If necessary, accounting policies for accounting and taxation can be changed, but this should be done only in accordance with the established rules. When it is possible to make changes to the current accounting policy and how to do it - our article will tell about this.

When changes are made to accounting policies

Changes in accounting or tax accounting policies are made when an entity changes the way it takes into account any existing fact of its business. There are only three reasons for the change, they are regulated by law and can be as follows (clause 10 PBU 1/2008):

  • amendments have been made to the legislation on accounting and taxation, or a new normative act has been adopted, for example, changes have been made to PBU or the law on accounting,
  • the company has developed a new method of accounting, which improves the quality of information about the object of accounting, for example, another, more appropriate method of depreciation,
  • business conditions have changed significantly - a reorganization has taken place, the company has changed its profile of activity, etc.

This list is exhaustive, making changes to the accounting policy in other cases is unacceptable.

The organization will be able to apply the changes made to the accounting policy no earlier than the next reporting year. That is, making changes before 12/31/2017, you can count on their application in accounting only from 01/01/2018. If the company was forced to change its accounting policy due to amendments to the legislation, such changes should be applied from the moment the regulatory act comes into force (clause 12 PBU 1/2008).

Changes should be distinguished from additions made to the accounting policy. You can supplement the accounting policy every time when new types of activities appear in the company that have not been carried out before (clause 10 PBU 1/2008). There are no restrictions on the number of additions to the document. For example, a store that was engaged only in retail trade decided to trade in wholesale as well. In this case, the accounting policy should additionally reflect the ways in which the accounting of "wholesale" transactions will be reflected. Moreover, it is possible to apply the introduced additions, in contrast to the changes, immediately, without waiting for the beginning of the next year.

The procedure for changing accounting policies

Changes in the accounting policy must be justified and approved by order or order of the head of the enterprise. Additional approval of changes (for example, in the tax office) is not required. The order must specify:

  • what provisions (points) of accounting accounting or tax policy are being changed,
  • bring in the order or in an annex to it, the text of the amended or new provision
  • indicate the date from which the changes come into force - if the reason for the changes is related to amendments to the legislation, then the date will coincide with the day the legislative amendments come into force, in other cases the changes will come into force on January 1 of the year following the year of their approval.

Information about changes in accounting policies must be reflected in the accounting (financial) statements of the enterprise. Subject to disclosure (clause 21 PBU 1/2008):

  • the reason for the change in accounting policy,
  • the content of the change
  • the procedure for reflecting the consequences of a change in accounting,
  • the amount of adjustments due to changes, for each accounting item for each reporting period presented,
  • the amount of the adjustment (to the extent possible) for reporting periods prior to those presented.

In the general case, PBU 1/2008 provides for a retrospective procedure for applying changes (except for those related to changes in legislation), when it is assumed that a change in an organization's accounting policy is applied from the moment the corresponding fact of the enterprise's business occurs. To do this, the opening balance of the item "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" of the earliest period presented in the accounting is adjusted and other items related to the adjustment are recalculated.

In the case when changes in accounting policies cannot be reflected for past periods, changes in accounting are applied only to transactions carried out after the introduction of changes, that is, prospectively (clause 15 of PBU 1/2008).

It is a promising method that can be used by enterprises that maintain simplified accounting and submit accounting reports using simplified forms to reflect in their reporting the consequences of a change in accounting policy (clause 15.1 PBU 1/2008).

When amendments to the law, PBU, Tax Code of the Russian Federation, etc. the mandatory use of a specific method of accounting is approved, the enterprise is obliged to apply it, even if it has not changed its accounting policy.

Accounting policy (UP) is applied at the enterprise consistently from year to year. But there are times when changes need to be made.

Order to amend the accounting policy

Consider the reasons why you may need to update such a document, as well as the procedure for their execution.

When does a company have the right to change its accounting policy?

This change refers to the adjustment of existing accounting methods. The reason for this may be:

  1. Development and implementation of new methods of accounting. These innovations are justified if they increase the reliability and quality of information, or reduce the complexity of the process. For example, a company is switching to electronic document management with suppliers and buyers.
  2. Innovations in legislation. For example, a company uses an accounting method that is abolished at the legislative level. In this situation, you also need to make adjustments.
  3. Change of conditions of activity. A change in the accounting policy of an organization may be the result of a reorganization of an enterprise, a change in ownership or a change in the type of activity. Suppose an organization changes its field of activity from trade to construction, which must be reflected in the document.

When innovations take effect

If accounting methods are changed at the initiative of a budgetary organization, the innovations come into force from the beginning of the next year (part 7 of article 8 of Law No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011).

If amendments are made to the law, then the adjustments come into force when the new legal act enters into force.

In the financial statements, disclose and explain all the new provisions of the UE, if these amendments significantly affected the financial result of the organization (clause 16 of PBU 1/2008).

Explanations must include:

  • why the content of the document has changed in the reporting year. For example, a change in the method of writing off inventories (as this led to an increase in the reliability of information), the number of the law, the entry into force of which led to amendments or a change in the company's activities;
  • what adjustments have been made;
  • how the consequences of the adjustments made are reflected in the financial statements;
  • the amount of adjustments associated with innovations. If the company is not a small business, then it is also necessary to make a retrospective calculation.

How to make innovations

A change in accounting policy must be introduced by order of the head of the budgetary organization.

In the document, indicate the reasons and points that you change.

Let's give an example of making changes to the accounting policy made in connection with changes in the legislation - for example, a new order of the Ministry of Finance came into force.

How to make additions

It happens that during the year of the company there are new transactions, the accounting methods of which are not reflected in the accounting policy. For example, an organization that performed services began selling purchased goods, and the new accounting procedure for goods must be reflected in the document. In this case, it is supplemented (clause 10 PBU 1/2008).

Such additions are introduced in the same way as any other changes. You can make them at any time, including in the middle of the year.

Let's take an example of making additions to the UE. The organization attracted borrowed funds for the first time, the procedure for accounting for loans is not reflected in the accounting policy. Additions were made to the order.

How to change accounting policies for accounting purposes

Accounting policies for accounting purposes an entity must apply consistently from year to year. However, you can make the necessary changes and additions to this document. Such rules are established by part 6 of article 8 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ and paragraph 10 of PBU 1/2008.

Additions to the accounting policy

An addition to the accounting policy is a description of the fact of economic life or transactions that occur in the organization's activities for the first time (clause 10 PBU 1/2008)

If the accounting policy was supplemented during the year, then information about this must be disclosed in the Notes to the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Results to the interim financial statements. And those new accounting methods that have been applied since the beginning of the year should be given in the Explanations to the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Results to the annual financial statements (p.

How to make changes to the accounting policy of a budgetary organization

24 PBU 1/2008).

Make additions to the accounting policy on the basis of an order (instruction) of the head of the organization (clause 8 PBU 1/2008). There is no standard sample for such an order, so it can be drawn up in any form.

An example of making additions to an accounting policy for accounting purposes

Alfa CJSC received a bank loan to replenish working capital. Loan term - 5 years. Previously, Alfa did not attract borrowed funds, therefore, the accounting policy of the organization did not contain instructions for their accounting. Additions to the accounting policy were made on the basis of the order of the head.

Accounting policy changes

A change in accounting policy is an adjustment to existing descriptions of the facts of economic activities or transactions.

Changes to an accounting policy can only be made if:
— regulatory and legal acts regulating the accounting procedure, federal and industry standards are being changed;
- the organization develops and implements new accounting methods that reduce labor intensity and increase the reliability of data and the quality of information (for example, it switches to computer processing of accounting information);
- the conditions of the organization's activities are significantly changing (reorganization, change of owners, reprofiling).

No. 402-FZ and paragraph 10 PBU 1/2008.

Changes made to the accounting policy come into force on January 1 of the year following the year of their approval, if there are no grounds for making changes during the current year (part 7 of article 8 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, p 12 PBU 1/2008).

If changes in accounting policies are due to changes in legislation, then they come into force in the manner specified in the regulatory legal act that introduces them (clause 14 PBU 1/2008).

If changes in accounting policies have significantly affected the financial results (cash flow) of the organization, they must be disclosed in the financial statements (paragraph 16 of PBU 1/2008).

An example of making changes to an accounting policy for accounting purposes. An entity changes the way it accounts for long-term liabilities

In the accounting policy of CJSC Alfa for 2012, it is written that loans and credits attracted for a period of more than 12 months are accounted for as long-term debt.

To improve the reliability of information, which is reflected in section IV "Long-term liabilities" of the balance sheet, it was decided to change the accounting policy. Starting with the 2013 financial statements, loans and credits attracted for a period of more than 12 months will be transferred to short-term debt when less than 365 days remain until their repayment.

At a minimum, the Notes to the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Performance for the year in which the change in accounting policy was approved should include:
- the reason for the change in accounting policy in the reporting year;
- the content of the change in accounting policy in the reporting year;
- the procedure for reflecting the consequences of changes in accounting policies in the financial statements (retrospectively or prospectively);
- the amount of adjustments associated with a change in accounting policies for each item of the financial statements for each of the reporting periods presented;
- the amount of the corresponding adjustment relating to the reporting periods preceding those presented in the financial statements, to the extent that this is practicable.

This procedure is established by paragraphs 21, 25 PBU 1/2008.

At the same time, changes in accounting policies that have had or can have a significant impact on the financial position of the organization, the financial results of its activities and (or) cash flows are subject to separate disclosure in the financial statements (clause 16 PBU 1/2008).

Situation: how to reflect the change in accounting policy in the financial statements?

The answer to this question depends on whether the organization belongs to small businesses or not.

Organizations that are not small businesses, when changing accounting policies, need to recalculate reporting indicators for past periods (retrospective recalculation). However, the period of such a recalculation should first be determined and the possibility of its implementation should be assessed.

In a situation where the method of accounting is changed, determine the period of retrospective restatement based on the assumption that the changed method of accounting has been applied since the beginning of the activity of this type. If the recalculation cannot be done with a sufficient degree of accuracy, do not carry it out and apply the modified accounting method prospectively. That is, from the beginning of the new reporting period.

If a new legal act is adopted or an existing one is changed, it may establish a specific period or procedure for recalculation. Then recalculate in the order established by this document.

This procedure follows from paragraphs 14 and 15 of PBU 1/2008.

For retrospective restatement, the financial statements need to be recalculated on the assumption that the new accounting policy was applied during the entire recalculation period. Since this will lead to a change in the balances of assets and liabilities, information on the results of the recalculation must be reflected in the Notes to the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Performance for the financial statements. This will be the documentary justification for the changes made.

After that, you need to make changes to the financial statements of the current period. And reflect in them the results of the recalculation of indicators of previous periods (clause 21 PBU 1/2008). And in accounting, the difference between the actual data and the results of the recalculation should be reflected. Make the necessary entries in the accounting in the interreporting period between December 31 and January 1. As a result, they will not fall into the closing balance of the balance sheet for the reporting year, but will be included in the opening balance of the next year's balance sheet. Differences between these two indicators will show the monetary value of changes in accounting policies. The results of the recalculation are attributed to account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)". When revaluing balance sheet items in the interreporting period, use this account, as well as related accounts participating in the recalculation.

This procedure is established by paragraph 15 of PBU 1/2008.

Organizations recognized as small businesses may not carry out a retrospective recalculation and reflect all changes in the statements prospectively. This means that the changed method of accounting is applied to the relevant facts of economic activity that occurred after the changes were made to the accounting policy. This right is granted to small businesses by paragraph 15.1 of PBU 1/2008.

Changes in accounting policies must be disclosed in the Notes to the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Results for the reporting year. Here they indicate:
- the reason for the change in accounting policy;
— the content of the change;
- the procedure for reflecting the consequences of a change in accounting policies in accounting;
- the amount of adjustments for each accounting item for each of the periods presented in the reporting;
- the amount of the adjustment that relates to reporting periods preceding those presented in the financial statements, as far as practicable.

If such disclosure is not possible for the prior period presented in the financial statements or for earlier reporting periods, disclose such information in the Notes to the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Performance and indicate the period in which the changes begin to apply.

If the change in accounting policy is due to the issuance of a new or amendment to an existing legal act, disclose information about the consequences of the change in accounting policy in accordance with the norms provided for by this act.

This procedure follows from paragraphs 21 and 25 of PBU 1/2008.

Accounting policy of the company: when to supplement and when to change?

The accounting policy of an organization can be changed in cases

1. change in product range

2. development of new types of products

3. reorganization, changes in legislation

4. change of chief accountant

The accounting policy of the organization is formed

1. chief accountant

2. the head of the organization

3. CFO

4. tax inspector

The accounting policy of the organization is approved

1. chief accountant

2. the head of the organization

Sample order to amend the accounting policy for the simplified tax system from August 1, 2016

financial director

4. tax inspector

The newly created organization draws up an accounting policy no later than

1. 90 days from the date of state registration

2. 60 days from the date of state registration

3. 30 days from the beginning of the calendar year

4. 90 days from the beginning of the calendar year

24. Active accounts are accounts for accounting

1. sources of property formation

2. business results

3. property

Analytical accounts are accounts for

1.detailed characteristics of accounting objects

Accounting entry (posting) is

1. entry of a debit (credit) account

2. Correspondence of invoices and amounts for business transactions

3. deciphering the business transaction in the accounting register

4. recording the amount of a business transaction

Double entry is the way

1. grouping of accounting objects

2. summarizing accounting data

3. reflection of business transactions

The double entry provides a relationship between

1. subaccounts and analytical accounts

2. synthetic accounts

3. accounts and balance

Off-balance sheet accounts are for

1. accounting for property rights

2. accounting for especially valuable property

3. accounting for values ​​that do not belong to the organization

The ending balance of an asset account is zero if

1. during the month there was no movement of funds on the account

2. debit turnover is equal to credit turnover

3. opening balance plus debit turnover less than credit turnover

4. opening balance plus debit turnover equals credit turnover

The ending balance of a liability account is zero if

1. there was no movement on the account during the month

2. credit turnover is equal to debit turnover

3. opening balance plus credit turnover less than debit

4. opening balance plus credit turnover equals debit turnover

Correspondence of accounts - the connection between

1. analytical accounts and sub-accounts

2. debit one and credit another account

3. synthetic and analytical accounts

The debit balance on the accounts for accounting reflects

1. accounts receivable

2. debt to the budget for taxes

3. arrears to staff for wages

4. accounts payable

The credit balance on accounts for accounting of settlements reflects

1. accounts receivable

2. indebtedness of accountable persons on received advances

3. accounts payable

4. Prepaid expenses

35. Passive accounts are accounts for accounting

1. property

2. sources of property formation

3. business results

The Chart of Accounts is

1. classifier of the general nomenclature of synthetic accounting indicators

2. list of analytical accounts used in accounting

3. set of synthetic and analytical accounts

4. set of synthetic, analytical accounts and sub-accounts

In relation to the balance, all accounts are divided into

1. active and passive

2. synthetic and analytical

3. inventory, stock, settlement

Accounting registers are intended for

1. detection of errors in tax accounting

2. filling in primary documents

3. systematization of information

Synthetic accounts are accounts for

1. detailed characteristics of accounting objects

2. Current control over business transactions

3. enlarged grouping and accounting of homogeneous objects

Sub-account is

1. off-balance account

2. way of grouping data of analytical accounts

3. account of analytical accounting

4. synthetic accounting account

Account is the way

1. grouping of property, sources of its formation and economic processes

2. grouping of assets and sources of their formation

3. grouping and current accounting of property

Similar information.

We emphasize: if we touch on the introduction of additions to the accounting policy, we will talk about the addition, and not about changing the accounting policy. After all, according to paragraph 10 of PBU 1/2008 "Accounting Policy of the Organization" (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 6, 2008 No. 106n), the establishment of a method of accounting for facts of economic activity that differ in essence from the facts that occurred earlier or arose for the first time in activities of the entity is not considered a change in accounting policy.

If a construction company has begun to carry out new activities, for example, to perform some work that has never been done before, the accounting policy, of course, must be supplemented with appropriate provisions governing the accounting for emerging transactions. But this is not considered a change in accounting policy. And therefore, there is no need to follow the procedure prescribed for cases of changes in accounting policies. That is, it is not necessary to wait for the beginning of the next calendar year to introduce a modified option (however, even if the accounting policy is changed, there is an exception to this rule - if the change is made in the middle of the year due to objective circumstances, for example, in connection with the entry into force of new accounting provisions or new regulations).

And it is not necessary to show the consequences of the change in the financial statements. Moreover, when the accounting policy is supplemented in connection with the emergence of new operations, the continuity of the accounting policy in relation to the remaining - continuing - operations is not violated.


So, having planned the implementation of new activities, you need to supplement the accounting policy. PBU 1/2008 does not establish special rules for the execution of such additions. So, you should be guided by general requirements and common sense.

Since the policy itself is drawn up by organizational and administrative documentation (order, order of the head of the company), it is also necessary to draw up additions to it in the same way. Thus, it is required to issue an order (instruction) to amend the accounting policy, in which to determine all additional provisions, the need for the introduction of which is caused by the start of new types of activities (implementation of new operations).

However, you can do it differently - issue a new order on accounting policy in the organization, which will include all the old and all new provisions.

This is more convenient if there are a lot of add-ons, and in different sections, and, accordingly, it will be difficult to use two documents at the same time (the policy itself and the addendum to it).

In this case, the main thing is to clearly define in the order that the new edition was prepared precisely in connection with the introduction of additions due to the start of new types of activities (operations) and there were no changes in the accounting policy regarding other operations.

What to include in content

If an organization begins to use PBU 2/2008 “Accounting for construction contracts” in connection with the implementation of new operations, and this PBU was not applied to its activities earlier, it is necessary to fix in the accounting policy only those moments for which it is possible to choose one of several accounting methods .

But those provisions that are mandatory and unambiguous for everyone to whom PBU 2/2008 applies, do not need to be included in the order. As well as explaining the very fact of its application, since this regulation is applied automatically if the organization has operations that fall under its action. Namely: if it acts as a contractor (subcontractor) under long-term construction contracts, the execution period of which is more than one reporting year or the start and end dates of which fall on different reporting years.

True, small enterprises that are not issuers of publicly placed securities have the right not to apply this PBU.

If your company meets the criteria of a small business entity and does not issue publicly placed securities, you can simply write in the accounting policy that the organization will not be guided by the rules of PBU 2/2008 with respect to long-term contracts.

In any case, there are not so many questions in this document that involve the choice of one option. In fact, there are only three. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Accounting for foreseen expenses

The costs under the contract, according to paragraph 11 of PBU 2/2008, are divided into three types:

  • direct (expenses directly related to the execution of the contract);
  • indirect (part of the organization's total expenses attributable to this contract);
  • other (expenses not related to the construction activities of the organization, but reimbursed by the customer under the terms of the contract).

The composition of direct costs under the contract, in addition to actual costs, includes foreseen, that is, expected unavoidable costs reimbursed by the customer under the terms of the contract (clause 12 PBU 2/2008). Such expenses are accepted for accounting:

  • or as they arise in the course of construction work (elimination of imperfections in projects and construction and installation works, dismantling of equipment due to defects in anti-corrosion protection, etc.);
  • or by creating a reserve to cover foreseen expenses (warranty service and warranty repair of the created object, etc.).

True, it is permissible to create a reserve only on the condition that the foreseen expenses can be reliably determined. This means that in the accounting policy it is necessary to indicate the chosen option: the organization will take into account these costs after the fact or form a reserve. If you decide to use redundancy, you should also determine the methodology for creating a reserve.

Distribution of indirect costs

The second case of "variance" is associated with the second type of costs - with indirect costs under the contract.

If it is not possible to do this in any reporting period, then the revenue under the contract is recognized as equal to the amount of expenses incurred, which are considered possible for reimbursement in this reporting period.

Such a situation may arise, for example, at the initial stage of the execution of the contract, when the terms of the contract are specified regarding the amount of expenses reimbursed by the customer.

If there is no likelihood of recovery (in particular, for contracts that may be recognized as invalid transactions or for which the parties are unable to fulfill their contractual obligations), the costs incurred are recognized as expenses for ordinary activities of the reporting period.

And if at the reporting date there is uncertainty about the possibility of receipt of all deviations, claims, incentive payments assumed under the contract, then the amount that may not be received by the construction organization (expected loss) is recognized as expenses for ordinary activities of the reporting period (without reducing the amount previously recognized contract revenue).

This is done regardless of the stage at which the expected loss occurred. In the future, when the uncertainty in the determination of the financial result is eliminated, the revenue and expenses under the contract are taken into account in the manner provided for in paragraphs 17-21 of PBU 2/2008, regardless of at what stage of the execution of the contract the uncertainty was eliminated.

But let's get back to the method of recognizing revenue and expenses in the main way - “as soon as it is ready”. An organization may use one of two methods to apply it:

  1. by the share of the volume of work performed as of the reporting date in the total volume of work under the contract (for example, by expert assessment or by calculating the share of work performed in physical terms (in kilometers of roadway, cubic meters of concrete, etc.) in the total volume of work under the contract) ;
  2. by the share of expenses incurred as of the reporting date in the estimated amount of total expenses under the contract (for example, by calculating the share of expenses incurred in physical and cost meter in the estimated amount of total expenses under the agreement in the same meter).

So, you need to approve one of these two options. And also to clarify exactly how it will be calculated:

  • the share of the volume of work performed: by expert means or based on the volume in physical terms;
  • share of expenses incurred: based on the assessment of expenses in physical or cost terms.

If the second method is chosen - “by the share of expenses incurred at the reporting date in the estimated value of the total costs under the contract”, then the following conditions must be taken into account.

Expenses on the reporting date are calculated only for the work performed. This does not take into account the costs incurred on account of the forthcoming work under the contract (the cost of materials transferred for the performance of work, but not yet used for the implementation of the contract; rent transferred in the reporting period, but related to future reporting periods, etc.). ), and advance payments to organizations acting as subcontractors.

The estimated total costs under the contract are calculated as the sum of all costs actually incurred as of the reporting date and the estimated costs to be incurred to complete the work under the contract.

Such conditions are provided for in paragraph 21 of PBU 2/2008.

In case of simultaneous execution of several contracts for different objects (for different types of construction and installation works), it is allowed to use different methods for determining the degree of completion of work.

The second option - by the share of expenses (by calculation in a cost meter) - is the most universal and applicable to all types of contracts and works. Unlike, for example, the method of determining the share of work based on the volume of work performed in physical terms.

Adjustment of the working chart of accounts

Making additions to the accounting policy, in its methodological section, do not forget about the working chart of accounts in the organizational and technical section. After all, as already noted, the obligatory way of recognizing revenue under contracts that fall under RAS 2/2008 is the “as soon as it is ready” method.

And its practical application implies the need to use account 46 “Completed stages for work in progress” (separate sub-accounts are opened for it).

In conclusion, we give a sample order to supplement the accounting policy.

Order to supplement the accounting policy. Sample

Important to remember

Since the policy itself is formalized by order (instruction) of the head of the company, it is also necessary to formalize the additions made to it. That is, it is necessary to issue an order and prescribe in it all the additional provisions, the need for the introduction of which is caused by the start of new activities.

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