The snake is the sign of the zodiac. Eastern horoscope of the snake If born in the year of the snake

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Snake: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

In the East, the Serpent is a symbol of miraculous powers, levitation, telepathy and clairvoyance. It is also a symbol of renewal, the ability to conquer space and time.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Snake

Those born in the year of the Snake will be pleased to know that the Snake is incredibly lucky. It is believed that men born this year are sentimental, and women are coquettishly beautiful.

The snake belongs to one of the most mysterious and extraordinary signs of the Eastern horoscope.

The Japanese have long treated the Snake with respect, but at the same time, with caution, since this creature has eternal life. The expression "to change snake skin" means to start a new life. Most families perceive the snake as a deity, the guardian of rice fields, mountains and the hearth. The snake also means fertility and healing power.

The snake is the personification of wisdom and beauty. Therefore, people born in the year of the Snake adopt the traits of its character: natural wisdom, insight, high demands not only on themselves, but also on those around them. In society, the Snake demonstrates impeccable taste and demeanor. Usually she is smartly dressed, knows how to skillfully maintain a small talk and with her diplomatic remarks is able to defuse the situation or extinguish a brewing conflict. She has a gloss and an inner core, which makes others treat her with respect and some caution.

Despite all this, for a real "socialite" she has a too serious view of the world, and does not like empty talk. People born in the year of the Snake are laconic even with their loved ones. Because of this character trait, it is difficult for people to guess what is going on in her soul. The snake has excellent control over his emotions and can experience both stormy joys and deep sorrows deep in his heart.

People born in the year of the Snake have an increased craving for knowledge, determination along with restraint, tact, the ability to keep other people's secrets. It is worth noting that the Snake approaches knowledge pragmatically. She deeply analyzes every smallest situation, detail. Ultimately, her accuracy and insight simply amaze the imagination of others. Relatives often believe that she has a very developed sixth sense. Many Snakes have a penchant for demonstrative behavior, which they justify with their principles and spiritual purity.

People born in the year of the Snake live their own rhythm. They often take much longer than others to achieve their goals. In addition, such people can be both lazy and slow, overly philosophical and self-critical. In other people, he is looking for motivation and an incentive to act, but often at the same time he feels the need for calmness and discipline.

If a person born in the year of the Snake finds his niche in life, he will easily get ahead of all competitors. He is often described as a quiet leader. By the way, the affairs of the Snake are not always clean. She knows how to skillfully and imperceptibly use the situation, people, their feelings, in order to achieve her goals.

Throughout her life, the Snake trusts her intuition more than logic. And, as a rule, she does not let her down. Often, the abilities of the Snake border on psychic. In addition, she has a clear, sober, analytical mind and has the gift of persuasion. The snake is valued as an employee in responsible positions of leadership, as well as in areas where extreme accuracy, organization and attention are required. For example: science, medicine, banking, etc.

A person born in the year of the Snake is infinitely faithful to his ideals. He goes to the intended goal, but at the same time he can show extraordinary flexibility. Sooner or later, he will get his way anyway. And from the outside, it may seem that the money itself sticks to the lucky Snake, it is usually so easy for her to find a well-paid job. However, only the Snake herself knows how much work and sleepless nights are behind this seeming ease.

In love, the Snake chooses her own life partner. Almost always shows impatience and jealousy, even if the feelings have already faded. Has a tendency to wrap around a partner, tie him down and leave no freedom. This is especially true for men born in the year of the Snake.

The Year of the Snake corresponds in Western classical astrology.

Metal Snake: 1941

People born in the year of the Metal Snake rarely allow someone into their souls. They prefer to work alone. They are quiet and inconspicuous and independent. But they are perfectly oriented in any situation and easily find a way out of difficult situations. Like a magnet, they attract profitable offers to themselves and get down to business with enviable determination. They have the ability to successfully invest money. Metal Snake loves luxury and comfort, appreciates art and good music. As a rule, she has a small circle of faithful and devoted friends, she is very generous and generous towards her loved ones.

Water Snake: 1953

The Water Snake is superbly versed in people and knows how to manage them. Has a wide range of interests and continues to study all his life. He has an excellent memory and is well versed in matters of business and finance. Unlike other Snakes, the Water Snake is very attached to family and loved ones, although it does not show it. People born in the year of the Water Snake have a mystical mindset and are highly susceptible to emotions. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, because words and actions are not subject to ordinary everyday logic.

Wood Snake: 1905, 1965

People born in the year of the Wood Snake have a good character, are harmonious and solid. She does not have such qualities as vanity and suspicion, characteristic of other Snakes. The Wood Snake is sociable, witty, intelligent and ambitious. She usually has many friends and a variety of hobbies. She easily comes up with new ways to have fun. More prefers a quiet stable life and work. Appreciates art and loves to collect antiques and paintings. Her advice, in particular of a personal nature, is greatly appreciated and taken into account. People born in the year of the Wood Snake can become talented engineers, as well as excellent administrators and officials who defend the interests of their business no matter what the circumstances.

Fire Snake: 1917, 1977

People born in the year of the Fire Snake have a complex character. The Fire Snake is the least harmonious of all types of Snakes. She is vain and aggressive, but at the same time energetic and active. She wants to fly, not crawl. She is ambitious, self-confident, and the role of an inconspicuous intellectual does not suit her. Still, she has all the qualities of a leader and an outstanding oratorical talent. The Fire Snake has the ability to convince the most stubborn and unshakable opponents. Often very harsh with those she dislikes. However, despite the difficult nature, for many it commands respect and admiration. The Fire Snake tends to have a good sense of humor and many friends. She loves an active social life and traveling.

Earth Snake: 1929, 1989

People born in the year of the Earth Snake are harmonious, honest, sincere and friendly. She treats work with responsibility, but she is not ambitious, so she can easily cancel urgent matters for the sake of talking with friends or walking.

People born in the year of the Earth Snake do not like to take risks, and believe that only honest work and prudence will bring happiness and material well-being. Earth Serpents are great workers and intellectuals. They make excellent scientists, researchers, philosophers and analysts. Also, Earth Snakes are good financiers. They accurately calculate everything, analyze and invest money profitably.

Year of the Snake - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the personality of the Snake

The snake is not afraid of any work, of course, with the exception of those that involve risk. Responsible, wise, demanding of herself and the people around her, always ready to help.

Negative aspects of the personality of the Snake

When turning to the Snake for help, one should take into account the fact that she can go to extremes. Helping others captures her completely. And already she becomes more obsessed than useful. Instinctively, she wraps herself around the person who owes her and tries to strangle him. Also, Snakes are characterized by a desire to deceive, stubbornness, a hot temperament that explodes over trifles.

Career and money of the Snake sign

People born in the year of the Snake achieve professional success relatively easily in almost any field of activity. They can do whatever they want. It can be weaving flowers from beads and big business and even politics. If she has found a job to her liking, then she will never leave it, will not turn off the path, but will only rise higher and higher up the career ladder. In this she is helped by her natural flair, insight and diplomatic talent.

The snake can take on any hard work if it pays well. She knows her worth very well and will not go to work for a penny. In general, as far as money is concerned, the Snake is lucky. She practically does not worry about money, she will always find it as soon as she needs it. He rarely experiences need, as he knows how to use finances wisely. She spends a lot, but still earns. Therefore, as a rule, always has a solid bank account. The snake is very rational and practical. If she spends a large amount of money on a beauty salon and on fashionable clothes from boutiques, it is only because she knows that they are met by clothes, especially if they have to conduct business negotiations.

Life periods of the Snake

The life of the Snake largely depends on when she was born: summer or winter, day or night, and even on what the weather was like at that time. If it was summer and warm, then life will be more successful, and if it is winter, and even a blizzard, bad weather, squally wind, then life circumstances will be appropriate. Very happy are those Snakes who were born in hot tropical countries. If there is a storm on the day when the Snake was born, then her whole life will be full of dangers.

In general, the first two phases of the Snake's life will be relatively calm. But the third phase should be given special attention. It is during this period that her sentimental and passionate nature, her taste for adventure can play a cruel joke, instead of providing her with a calm old age.

Stones of the Serpent: hematite, emerald, bloodstone, malachite, opal, jade, chrysolite, topaz, jasper.

Plants: heather, ferns, thistles and other plants that grow among the stones.

Time of day: 10 am to 11 am.

Season: spring (May).

Colors: green, red

1989 is the year of the earth snake. People born during this period are slow and thoughtful. They carefully plan their affairs, do not rush anywhere and constantly analyze the events taking place. These are very collected and intelligent Snakes. You can safely build a business with them, because they think everything through in advance and never embark on dubious adventures.

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The intuition of the earth sign is less developed than that of representatives of other elements, but this does not prevent a person from achieving his goals. Such a Snake does not look for easy ways, it comes to success through hard work, therefore it highly appreciates what it has and receives from life.

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    For representatives of the year of the Earth Snake, some objects, signs, numbers, symbols, plants and other aspects are significant:

    general characteristics

    Those born in 1989 know how to remain calm. Earth Snakes can instantly respond to extreme events and take the right action. This person cannot be taken by surprise, he does not give in to panic. Thanks to their calmness and composure, Snakes become indispensable workers in the field of rescuing people in emergencies and emergency medical care.

    This person really looks at the world, unrealizable dreams and fantasies are alien to him. An eccentric person has nothing to do next to a representative of the earth sign. He does not like other people's tantrums and dramatic games in life. If close people show their imbalance and try to bring the Snake to emotions, they risk losing the location of this sign forever. The representative of the earth element calmly parted with his loved ones when they disturb his peace.

    The Year of the Snake gives rise to notorious egoists. This is the only sign in the Chinese horoscope that does not need someone's company. He perfectly exists in solitude and very rarely lets someone close to him. The trust of this person is not easy to earn, those born in the year of the Snake are extremely suspicious. Experts explain this by the fact that representatives of the sign judge others by themselves, and since they themselves are quite prudent, they see self-interest in others.

    Personal gain for the Snake is always in the first place, if she needs to betray someone in order to achieve her own goal, she will do it.

    People of this year of birth often show tactlessness in communication. They are bright individualists and leaders, it can be difficult to talk with them due to the fact that the Snakes interrupt the interlocutors and try to impose their opinion on everyone. However, those who support them and share their views, they admit into their inner circle and fiercely protect when necessary.

    The world of the Snake is clearly divided into friends and foes. These people honor and respect their friends and relatives, for the sake of their loved ones they are ready to sacrifice their lives. The rest for the Serpents are enemies. Representatives of this sign are able to maintain neutral relations with others, but in their hearts they are sure that strangers wish them harm. Such an attitude does not allow the Serpents to become truly happy. They constantly expect that someone will try to deceive or betray them. But there are pluses in excessive distrust: Snakes are much less likely than others to become victims of fraud.

    For representatives of the earth element, the following advantages and disadvantages are most characteristic:

    Behavioral Features

    According to the eastern calendar, the year of this animal endows a person with a persistent desire for conceived goals. In any relationship, the Snake very quickly achieves what she needs, so she feels comfortable everywhere. If she fails to establish contacts with someone, she will not be zealous for a long time. Representatives of this sign are sure that there are no irreplaceable ones, they say goodbye to the objectionable without regret.

    Features of the behavior of the earth snake in relations with others:

    Type of relationshipBehavioral Features
    LoveThe Snake is rather cynical about love. This person cannot be called passionate and sensual, he is capable of deep feelings, but they are dictated by reason. It is unlikely that a representative of this sign will lose his head from sudden love. He carefully weighs the pros and cons before allowing himself to enter into a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. But if he decides to get closer, then we can say with confidence that his intentions are serious
    MarriageSnakes are great family people. The marriage of these people is built on mutual respect and common interests with the chosen one. The representative of this sign always fulfills his duties in the family, but also requires the same from the household. Snakes are rarely bred, because they approach the choice of a life partner very responsibly.
    SexIn bed, the Earth Snake is quite resourceful and insatiable. However, the chosen one should not expect that she will take care of his pleasure. In the intimate life of the sign, the egoism of the sign manifests itself most clearly; in sex, this person is only interested in satisfying his own needs.
    FriendshipThe Snake has few friends, and sometimes none at all. Those born this year rarely find those who can be called friends. They have many friends, but things usually do not go beyond superficial relationships. If the Snake finds a true friend, she values ​​\u200b\u200bthis connection very much and puts her whole soul into it.
    JobRepresentatives of the earth sign are hardworking and purposeful. They quickly move up the career ladder. These people grasp new knowledge on the fly, they always strive to be professionals in their field. Their leaders respect and appreciate them, but if the work does not bring the desired income to the Snake, it will not stay in this place.

    Snake Man

    The guy born in 1989 is magnetically charming. Those around him are drawn to him, but when they get to know him better, people are disappointed. It is impossible to chat with this man on secular topics, he does not like to waste time on empty talk, and he answers rudely to persistent interlocutors. He does not consider the feelings of other people, so he often looks aggressive, although in fact he is quite good-natured.

    This man is responsive, if someone asks him for help, he does not refuse, but in the future he counts on reciprocal support. His relations with people are built on the principle: you - to me, I - to you. This is exactly the gentleman who believes that if he treats a lady in a restaurant, then he "dances" her. Women should not flirt with him in vain, the Snake appreciates the seriousness of intentions, he is not interested in fleeting intrigues. His chosen one must be:

    • bright;
    • elegant;
    • smart.

    If the lady failed to impress him at the first meeting, he is unlikely to invite her on a second date. Those who want to win his heart must show their best qualities right away, since there will be no other chance. This guy is a notorious owner, you should not provoke him to jealousy, otherwise he will go berserk. In anger, a man of this sign does not control himself, so he can even beat his beloved. However, the woman who suits him in everything will be surrounded by affection and care.

    Although the Snake Man is prudent, he cannot be called stingy or greedy. He often makes expensive gifts to relatives and loved ones, with these gestures he expresses his feelings for them, which he cannot express in words.

    Snake Woman

    The girl of this sign does not expect gifts from fate. The Snake achieves everything in her life herself, but if on her way she meets a man who is ready to help her, she will never refuse. This is a very attractive and charming woman, she is always surrounded by crowds of gentlemen, and she skillfully uses them for her own purposes. It cannot be said that she does this intentionally, but somehow it turns out that everyone around her supports her in some way.

    The astrological characteristic of this lady is the following qualities:

    • insight;
    • sophistication;
    • rationality.

    The Snake Girl is extremely smart and erudite, by nature she is a born psychologist. This woman very subtly feels other people's weaknesses and skillfully uses them. An insecure, but promising man, the Snake is able to push to the pinnacle of success. This is exactly the lady next to whom the chosen one feels like a knight. The snake delicately supports the beloved so that he achieves the goals that she needs. If a man does not give in to her influence, she says goodbye to him.

    Representatives of this year of birth do not strive for leadership in relationships, but it is impossible to manipulate them either. They are very cunning in building connections, their love and friendship are rarely completely sincere. The Snake Woman will not communicate with a person if she does not have a vested interest. However, she is quite romantic, so she believes in true love and expects that this feeling will one day embrace her. But she makes excessive demands on her chosen ones, it is impossible to reach her criteria.

    Usually this lady is deeply unhappy and lonely in her soul, but outwardly she does not show it. Experts note that for happiness, she needs to learn to accept people with all their shortcomings, otherwise she risks spending her whole life searching for an ideal or re-educating her lover.

    Constellation Influence

    The description of an animal according to the Chinese horoscope does not give a complete description of a person born in a particular year. Of no small importance is the influence of the constellation under which he was born.

    The Earth Snake is characterized by the following zodiac features:

    Zodiac signCharacteristic
    Aries (21.03 - 19.04)This is a wayward and stubborn snake. It is useless to argue with a representative of this constellation, he is obstinate and uncompromising. However, those born under the sign of Aries are distinguished by reliability and devotion, they can be relied upon in any business.
    Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)The combination of these signs negatively affects the character of a person. The snake is not very communicative anyway, and the constellation Taurus adds to its isolation. This representative of the sign loves loneliness, and he devotes all his free time to work.
    Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)The Gemini Snake is an unpredictable and windy person. It is not worth doing serious business with him, as he can change his plans at any time. But with the opposite sex, his relationship develops very well, Gemini is undemanding to people, they perceive the chosen ones as they are
    Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)The Snake's desire to create a family increases if she is born under the constellation Cancer. For this person, nothing is more important than home, children and marriage. He sincerely loves his loved ones and carefully protects from all adversity.
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08)The selfish Snake, combined with Leo's selfishness, is an unbearable narcissist. Leo craves power, he needs others to look at him with servility. If someone does not express his admiration for him, Leo simply forgets about the existence of this person.
    Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)This is an extremely prudent, pedantic and thorough person. Virgo loves order, she lives according to a clear plan, so she is always in business and work. Love relationships are secondary for her. It is difficult for such a Snake to establish a personal life, but if she meets a like-minded person, she will never part with him
    Libra (23.09 - 23.10)Libras are flexible and flexible. They easily strike up relationships with others due to their friendliness. This person needs a strong and decisive partner who will make decisions for him, since Libra themselves do not know how to do this.
    Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)This is a burning combination of two jealous and insightful signs. Scorpio-Snake is impossibly vindictive. It is better for sharp-tongued people to stay away from him so as not to inadvertently hurt his pride. For every insult, Scorpio strikes back, and does it at the most unexpected moment.
    Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)The friendliness and sociability of Sagittarius detract from the isolation and secrecy of the Snake. This person likes to have fun in noisy companies, he has many friends and buddies, but for a serious relationship he is a bad partner. Sagittarius is changeable and fickle, you can hardly rely on him
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)It combines the reasonableness and realism of two powerful signs. The Capricorn Snake is a man of word and deed. He is reliable and obligatory, but it is difficult to live with him. Capricorn is a pessimist, and he imposes his vision of the world on everyone around him. Not everyone can withstand the painful company of this man.
    Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)This representative of the zodiac surprisingly combines lightness and thoroughness. Aquarius does not know what he wants, he often hovers in the clouds, but the purposefulness of the earthly Snake helps him descend from heaven to earth. It is good to be friends with this person, but in a love relationship he is unreliable. Aquarius likes to take a walk and often cheats on a partner
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)If we compare this Snake with reptiles, this is a harmless one. Pisces are sweet and charming, they live in their own world of illusions, but those born in 1989 are able to realistically assess the environment. It is difficult for this person to get along with people, he tries to idealize them, but at the same time he sees all their shortcomings, therefore he has ambivalent feelings for his chosen ones.

    Compatibility with representatives of other signs

    According to the eastern calendar, each year is subject to a certain element, which affects the compatibility of signs. The Earth Snake has the most successful relationship with those who were born in the controlled years:

    • water;
    • the earth;
    • Tree.

    The dominance of the elements in the Chinese horoscope can be determined from the following table:

    Each color corresponds to one element:

    Animal Compatibility

    Snakes are able to get along with any representative of the Chinese horoscope, if they need it. However, initially with some animals their relationship develops more harmoniously than with others.

    General characteristics are presented in the following table:

    SignCharacteristics of the relationship with the earth snake

    Bull (Buffalo)

    The bull is stubborn and persistent, the Snake fails to impose his opinion on him, so he often annoys her. In this union, there is a constant struggle for leadership, but in the end both lose. If these partners fail to reach agreement and equality, they part. Here, the obstinate Snake should give way to the chosen one, since the Buffalo knows how to accept and appreciate sacrifices. He will definitely reward the partner's compliance and try to justify his trust.
    TigerA passionate craving for freedom and independence prevents the Tiger and the Snake from finding a common language. They will never get close to full trust in each other, but they may well make a good couple. Their relationship is more like a business union, but if both are satisfied with this routine, then the partners feel very comfortable together. Each allows the other to live his life and tries not to interfere, but if necessary helps and fully supports
    Rabbit (Cat)The well-known expression about a boa constrictor and a rabbit fully corresponds to the description of this pair. Here the partner suppresses the Rabbit with his authority. The Snake rules in this union, but the Kota is satisfied with this situation. He perfectly adapts to its rules, and in return receives reliable protection and support. These partners rarely quarrel, since the Rabbit is inferior in everything, but if the Snake turns into a tyrant and goes too far, then the timid partner simply runs away from her forever
    The DragonThe strength and power of the Dragon impresses the Serpent, but she can’t come to terms with the fact that in this alliance she is destined for the role of a subordinate. The dragon does not give way to the leader, and the chosen one is always trying to push him or move him. If they manage to come to equality, then their relationship develops happily. Here love is built on mutual respect and strong friendship. For the Dragon, a partner is a faithful companion who can be trusted with any business, and he has no doubt about the reliability of the Snake. This is a strong and strong union of two bright and independent personalities.
    SnakeTwo Snakes have every chance for a long and happy relationship, but getting together is not so easy for them. At first, they see each other as enemies. The confrontation between two persistent personalities often separates them in different directions, so the partners do not even have time to understand that they could make an ideal couple. They need to be patient at the beginning of a relationship, if they survive the period of establishing the rules of conduct in their union, then over time they will achieve complete mutual understanding and harmony. It is in this pair that both can get what they dreamed of.
    HorseWith the Horse, the Snake has perfect compatibility. Both partners are hardworking and purposeful, they are not distracted by the brightness of feelings between them, but immediately move on to a serious relationship. Peace reigns in this union, the devoted Horse does not cause doubts and suspicions in the Snake, everything here is built on honesty and trust. Partners do not argue over trifles, and duties are shared equally. The horse recognizes the supremacy of the partner, but does not seek power itself. She is easy and comfortable next to the Snake, she calmly allows the chosen one to lead herself, as she is confident in his wisdom and prudence
    Goat (Sheep)The fussy Goat annoys the Snake with its restlessness and unpredictability. It is unlikely that these partners will get along together, but if the Sheep is interested in the partner, then she will persistently seek his location. The snake is curious to observe the liveliness and emotionality of the Goat, but in the end she drives her away. You can’t rely on Goat for anything, her plans and decisions change several times a day. In this union, criticism of a partner passes by the ears of the Sheep, and the Snake cannot stand when she is ignored.
    MonkeyThe cunning and agile Monkey is not able to deceive the Snake, but if these representatives of the signs find each other, they are invariably attracted. This couple may have a bright and stormy romance, but very soon both realize that nothing good will come of them. The monkey loves to make fun of the chosen one, and the Snake painfully perceives witticisms in his address. The sarcasm and tactlessness of the Monkey infuriates the Snake, the partners constantly quarrel, but do not even try to come to an understanding. Usually they part as enemies, but if something binds them and forces them to stay together, both suffer in this union.
    RoosterIt is difficult for the Snake to get along with the Rooster, he is as selfish as she is. Here everyone stubbornly defends their positions until a fight breaks out between them. The quick-tempered Rooster, like no one else, is able to bring the restrained Snake to emotions. He deliberately seeks out flaws in his partner, and at any good opportunity, he ruthlessly criticizes. In this union there is no mutual respect, each considers himself smarter than the other. The relationship of this pair can only develop if the Snake needs something from a partner. However, the astute Rooster quickly realizes that he is just being used, so he breaks off the relationship.
    DogThe union of these signs can be successful if the respectable Dog turns a blind eye to the cunning and resourcefulness of the Snake. For the Dog, moral norms are important, and many of the partner’s actions surprise her and cause protest in her. She does not like the deceit of the Snake, so she constantly reproaches the chosen one and lectures him. If the Snake manages to hide his unseemly acts from the Dog in communication with others, then the partners live quite happily. However, these signs are unlikely to achieve mutual understanding and complete idyll, they will always have disagreements in relationships.
    Pig (Boar)A cheerful and good-natured Pig reaches out to a restrained Snake. The boar wants to shake his partner, show him the joy of the world around him, but this number does not work with the Snake. In this union, the Pig is destined for the position of the performer. The snake skillfully directs the energy of the partner in the direction she needs and rests on the laurels achieved by the chosen one. This union is good for both because together these signs are able to achieve any goals. But most often, the Pig gets tired of being pushed around, so she finds herself someone who will not crush her with his power. If the Snake manages to keep the Pig next to him, then the relationship of this couple becomes strong and durable.
    Rat (Mouse)The compatibility of these signs is quite high, but the outcome of the relationship cannot be predicted. Usually the Rat and the Snake instantly find a common language, they are similar in many ways, but this is what prevents them from getting closer. Both are suspicious and dodgy, they immediately see all the shortcomings of each other, but if they are ready to put up with them, then they make an excellent couple. If something does not suit one in the other, you should not count on the fact that the partner will change over time. Even the slightest differences of opinion will lead these partners to an early parting. The Rat will never give in to the Snake, but will try to deceive her, however, her cunning moves will not pass by the gaze of her partner, and in return she will receive such an injection for which she will never be able to forgive the chosen one

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    It all started when I ordered a personal...

The snake is one of the revered signs of the Eastern calendar. People born under this sign can be described as vain, attention-loving individuals. They love to dress up in expensive outfits and look perfect. With all this, representatives of this sign literally want to help the whole world, giving their energy, often in vain. The character of the Snake is soft, but she does not refuse her intended goals, and goes towards her with the right steps.

Representatives of this sign do not listen to the advice of others, relying only on their intuition, which even develops into clairvoyance. People of this sign are unusually wise, and throughout their lives they rely on their experience. Such people are difficult to deceive, because they have developed a sixth sense that can distinguish truth from lies.

Snake Man

He is a sentimental, pleasant in communication, imposing man who is not deprived of a sense of humor. In the affairs of this man, everything is going well, and if financial problems get in his way, he successfully overcomes them. By old age, such a man becomes greedy, even in relation to his children.

Snake Woman

She is an attractive and beautiful person who, often due to her appearance, achieves no small success both in her career and in her personal life. Women of this sign try to dress elegantly and tastefully, because they practically feed on the attention of others.


In love, Snakes are consummate romantics who have a good sense of humor. They are jealous people, which means that in a relationship they are owners. Snakes will enjoy love when the partner gives complete freedom, but at the same time will give security and attention.

Years of birth according to the sign of the Snake - 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Snake Woman - personality trait

The snake occupies a special place in the eastern horoscope and personifies one of the most mysterious signs of the Chinese cycle.

The Snake Woman has the ability to shed her “skin” whenever she grows out of it, so she not only lives long, but is also able to be reborn, emerging from everyday storms with a renewed and full of new energy.

In her life, as a rule, there are many transformations. Most of all, she is characterized by a sudden change in life orientations, as well as the need for renewal and transformation, when she suddenly wants to “shed her skin, change the old for a new one”, change something in her life, whether it be appearance, occupation, work or partner.

But, besides the positive ones, there are also negative moments when she begins to move strangely along the moral and spiritual scale of values. She is able to sink to the very bottom of human vices, and then suddenly soar from the depths of spiritual poverty and gain enlightenment.

As a rule, the Snake woman is well-mannered, cultured, intelligent and elegant. She has a kind of magic and the ability to appear before people in the best light, even if she has obvious physical disabilities. In her behavior, mannerisms, gestures, there is always something that attracts and bewitches the eye.

The Snake Woman is always friendly and easily makes contact. She is well educated and intelligent. He loves small talk and always avoids noisy societies, with destructive behavior, where base feelings are manifested. She is more than anyone from the entire eastern horoscope susceptible to beauty, rhythm and timbre of speech, music, intimate state of spiritual conversation.

It is important for her that everything that surrounds her is beautiful. Even the food served must be in a beautiful plate, otherwise it will definitely be “tasteless”. With all her steel will and "old man's" wisdom, she has an extraordinary sensitivity, vulnerability and sensitivity of a child. By the way, a mean tear on the face of the “sophisticated sadist” is also about her.

The Snake woman has amazing intuition and she rarely listens to opinions and advice from the outside. She always foresees how certain relationships will develop, and predicts where this or that situation will lead.

A woman born in She believes in fate and believes that all events are already predetermined. She has developed religious feelings and psychic abilities. She obeys only her own call of the heart and never tries to keep up with the times. She has her own rhythm of life, thanks to which she achieves the best results. Thanks to the innate sense of inner harmony, the Snake woman easily adapts to environmental changes.

A woman born in the year of the Snake shows the highest degree of ability to hypnosis, influencing her surroundings. It is believed that the magical effects of the Serpent are very difficult to resist. Only people born in the year of the Tiger and the Monkey are able to resist its charms. She, like the Dragon, is able to draw into the sphere of her interests, bewitch with manners and convince even the strongest skeptics.

The Snake Woman always defends her comfort and defends her point of view. If someone encroaches on "her property", then the reaction will be quick, unexpected, swift and unsafe. Therefore, it is better for others not to bring her out of a state of self-satisfied slumber. To convince the Snake woman of what - for it is almost impossible. And she, in order to achieve her goal, is ready to do anything: intrigue, deceit, cunning, and so on - this is her arsenal of means.

In addition, it is difficult to predict the ways and actions that she will choose. Her head is always full of ideas, she, like a computer, is able to calculate a huge number of behaviors in various situations and the choice is the most optimal.

The Snake Woman is very beautiful and enjoys her beauty. True, she works hard to always stay in shape. It is very important for her to always and everywhere look and feel your best: manicure, pedicure, original hairstyle, exquisite accessories and even cosmetic surgery. Her hairdresser has no time to rest. This woman very often radically changes her appearance, and she can change her wardrobe 5-7 times a day. but, such a fuss about her appearance brings her great joy, besides, this does not bother anyone.

The Snake Woman is touchy and can even be angry. Any failures can piss her off. She makes every little thing count. And if she did not like someone, she would not even hide her attitude and mercilessly attack the person, not showing even a shadow of well-being.

The Snake Woman deeply experiences defeat and attaches great importance to the opinions of others. If someone does her a favor, she will definitely find a way to thank her. On the other hand, if anyone harms her, she will wait for the right moment and take revenge.

The Snake Woman, as well as the man born this year, loves to dominate the souls of people, but they do not achieve this in direct and open ways, but bind partners to themselves with the magic of voice, gestures, knowledge of their weaknesses, seeming participation in their inner life, in solving their problems, making their presence simply necessary. Therefore, the Snake is the most tenacious and affectionate sign of the eastern horoscope. This is either a mortal enemy or a friend to the grave.

Woman of the Year Snake - love and family

The snake in the Chinese zodiac represents femininity and all the qualities inherent in a real woman. Woman - Snake goes through life, bewitching and driving crazy naturally and unintentionally, often without even knowing about her own charms. She has no shortage of fans who are hopelessly in love with her, but friendship with women often does not add up because of the envy that she unwittingly causes.

In the east, it is believed that the Snake woman is the best of wives. She is beautiful, wise, calm, and besides, she is a great hostess. Her intuition, the ability to defend the interests of her husband, protect children, maintain order and comfort in the house, and also be a support in the family makes her attractive to a man. But, she is very picky and not everyone is able to achieve her location.

She chooses a spouse for a long time and carefully and makes very high demands on him. A man who wants to impress this intelligent beauty must have a good social status, intelligence or wealth, because this is the key to stability, a prosperous life.

B, chooses a partner first of all with the mind and only then with the heart. First of all, a man should look well-groomed and stunning. The appearance of this woman attaches great importance. By the way, if she begins to give advice and choose clothes for a man, this is a sure sign that she liked him.

Also, the chosen one should have a refined taste, a love of music. He should be able to talk on any topic, share his impressions of his travels and adventures, and speak on philosophical topics.

And in return, the Snake woman, thanks to her erudition, fine taste, will be able to flawlessly play any role intended for a woman in modern society. She is also unusually patient and ready to fulfill any whim of her chosen one.

And the one who can enter the circle of her close associates will come to the conclusion that it was worth working hard for this. After all, the Snake woman is very gentle and caring towards people for whom she has real feelings. She is not ashamed to show love and other emotions, but still remains very mysterious.

She has most of the qualities that a person with self-respect wants to see in a potential partner. Her love for home and family is immeasurable. As a rule, she happily cooks deliciously and plays the role of a housewife, while managing to succeed in her career growth.

The Snake Woman loves to be in love - this keeps her in good shape. Otherwise, it curls up and closes in on itself, and it is quite difficult to get it out of this depressive state. The way to her heart is through indulgence. For example, you can take her to an expensive restaurant, have a candlelit dinner, or give her an original piece of jewelry. But, all this works only at first.

The Snake Woman is a big owner, and does not want to share her man with anything or anyone: be it friends, hobbies, and even work. She is jealous, feels like the center of the universe and demands that all his time belong only to her. And this is the biggest problem that arises in her family. True, if an understanding spouse comes across who will not provoke these feelings in her, then everything will work out.

By old age, the Snake woman becomes an amazing grandmother, soft, gentle, able to guess, bewitch and tell tales.

Horoscope women Snake - career

A wise and secretive Snake woman usually does well in life. She is smart and intelligent and can succeed in any kind of activity, especially in the scientific field. and does it easily and naturally, because he does not like to take risks and work up a sweat. To achieve success and make money, she is driven by natural ambition and a passion for expensive things.

The Snake Woman is executive, intelligent and capable. She does not like to waste time in vain, she prefers to calculate and plan everything, and then act, and in such a way as to spend a minimum of effort and get the maximum benefit. She is meticulous in any of her business: in work, style of clothing, in social relations. In addition, she is cunning and knows how to present any event in the most favorable light for herself. This temptress deftly manipulates the facts and avoids trouble.

The Snake Woman does not like long-term projects, but if she takes up something, she will finish what she started. However, she is prudent, mysterious and knows how to quickly, without fanfare, eliminate her competitors. To achieve career heights or in pursuit of money, she is able to set traps for her rivals, remove any obstacles in her path, bribe and be hypocritical. She will not stop even at deceit and will easily appropriate someone else's work, idea.

Even the clothes and behavior of the Snake woman are aimed at achieving career heights, demonstrating strength and power. To win the competition, the Snake woman effectively uses clothes, jewelry and other accessories. She is happy to spend money on expensive jewelry, because she loves luxury and considers it a reliable investment. With her toilets, the Snake woman emphasizes how rich she is or how wealthy and strong her man is and how inaccessible she is to her rivals.

The Snake Woman in the boss's chair is very demanding of her subordinates. She dislikes change and feelings of insecurity. It is in her rules to teach employees everything that she sees fit. Therefore, she spares neither time nor money for this, sincerely believing that these people will be with her to the end. She always finds a common language with people and works great in a team. She tries not to interfere in the personal lives of her colleagues, but if they turn to her for help, she is always ready to help or give practical advice.

The snake is the year of the animal according to the eastern calendar: Snake of the year of birth - 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025.

Year of birth from 02/14/1953 - 02/02/1954 (element of the year - water, color black)
Year of birth from 02/02/1965 - 01/20/1966 (element of the year - tree, color blue)
Year of birth from 02/18/1977 - 02/06/1978 (element of the year - fire, color red)
Year of birth from 02/06/1989 - 01/26/1990 (element of the year - earth, yellow color)
Year of birth from 01/24/2001 - 02/11/2002 (element of the year - metal, color white)
Year of birth from 02/10/2013 - 01/30/2014 (element of the year - water, black color)
Year of birth from 01/29/2025 - (element of the year - wood, color blue)

Characteristics of the Year of the Snake

Snake- the sixth sign of the Eastern calendar. In Christian countries, it is customary to associate the Snake with something unpleasant, and in Asian countries, on the contrary, it is revered for wisdom, insight and will. The Snake man is sentimental, pleasant to talk to and witty. The Snake woman is very beautiful and popular with men.
In Japan, when they want to compliment a woman, they usually say: "My dear, you are a real snake." You understand that in European countries these words could hardly be taken as a compliment.

The snake dresses very elegantly and even somewhat pretentiously. Women have a passion for exquisite accessories. The snake is an intellectual, a philosopher. She thinks a lot and deeply and does not talk at all. She is wise, but she could do without this quality, since her intuition is remarkably developed. It happens that the intuition of the Snake even develops into clairvoyance. She trusts impressions, sensations and sympathies more than facts, her own experience and the experience of others. The snake does not need anyone's judgments and advice - her sixth sense tells her everything. But oddly enough, there is no player from it.

The snake always brings the job to the end. She does not even allow the thought of failure. Decisions are made very quickly. He does not like to lend, but if he feels sympathy for a person, he will still come to the rescue. However, before turning to the Snake for support, think carefully: in an effort to do you a favor, she will become more embarrassing than useful. That's why she and the Snake - wrap around someone who owes her something, and strangle.

In money, the Snake is lucky. She will always find them if she needs them. So never worry about money. But in old age it can become a miser. The snake can do any job that does not involve risk. Despite the fact that she is quite lazy, if necessary, she can overpower herself and work a lot.

In love, she chooses a partner. And even when love passes, it remains intolerant and jealous towards him. It wraps around the unfortunate and does not give any freedom - and all this from a simple whim. This is especially true for male Snakes.

The snake is calm about extramarital affairs, which greatly complicates her life. If she devotes herself to the family, then her life becomes harmonious and serene. But in both cases, the Snake fetters the partner, which, of course, not everyone will like.

The first phases of the life of the Snake will be relatively calm. But in the last phase, her sentimental and passionate nature, her taste for adventure, can do a disservice. But she could well have a peaceful old age! It all depends on when the Snake was born - summer or winter, night or day. Even the weather on her birthday matters. The snake only likes heat. She is afraid of cold, hurricane wind - in a word, any bad weather. A snake will be happier if born in a hot tropical country on a hot day than on a cold December night. If there was a storm on the Snake's birthday, she will be in danger all her life.

The snake and the sign of the zodiac

Aries: Python snake. Watch out for Aries attacks. Taurus Viper. She will be faithful, but her charm will be irresistible.
Gemini: Movable Snake. The most unstable.
Cancer: Somnambulistic snake. Will not exhaust himself. It should be shaken up.
Leo: Active Snake. A rare species, by far the most balanced.
Virgo: The snake is too polite to be honest. Beware of her getting caught, she can hypnotize.
Scorpio: Lustful Snake. Will always try to make you gnaw on the apple of jealousy.
Sagittarius: Determined Snake. Must achieve its goal, but not always in an attractive way.
Capricorn: Snake philosopher. Lots of intelligence, but somewhat abstract.
Aquarius: The snake is erotic, secretive, mysterious. The future is in providence, in spiritualism...
Pisces: Water Snake. It will be very cool.

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