"General" Kitaev - exposing a fake. How journalist Maria Kitaeva caught up with the generals, and why the Ministry of Defense needed new shoulder straps A woman general at a meeting

The Russian media continue to analyze the reason why, when Anatoly Serdyukov was the head of the Ministry of Defense, women occupied the best places in the department. Where did the "Serdyukov's concubines" come from, how they were dubbed by evil tongues, what they did in order to "command the regiments", and what changed in these regiments with their arrival, the journalists of Moskovsky Komsomolets tried to find out, publishing an incomplete list of high-ranking military leaders in skirts.

So, according to MK, Ekaterina Priezzheva headed the Department of Education under the Ministry of Defense, Olga Kharchenko - head of the Department of Housing, Tatyana Shevtsova - Deputy Minister of Defense in charge of the financial block, Elena Kozlova - another deputy in charge of military medicine and financial inspection, Nadezhda Sinikova - head of Rosoboronpostavka... The head of the minister's office is Elena Kalnaya. Press Secretary - Lieutenant Colonel Irina Kovalchuk. Olga Vasilyeva is the head of the financial support department. Anna Kondratieva is the head of the financial planning department. Daria Morozova - Head of the State Order Department. Alla Yashina is the director of the military product pricing department. Marina Balakireva is the director of the legal department. Marina Chubkina is the head of the central administrative department of the Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy). Tatyana Zavyalova is an adviser to the minister on the creation of the Zvezda media holding. Vera Chistova - Deputy Minister for Financial and Economic Affairs. Elena Chufyreva - head of the department for sanatorium and resort support.

As the newspaper writes, the list of representatives of the weaker sex who occupied high positions under Serdyukov can be continued indefinitely, and the ladies themselves, according to high-ranking military men, sometimes behaved inconsistently with the “image of an officer” and felt their complete impunity. "MK" cites only some facts from the biographies of the most prominent ladies from the entourage of the now former ex-minister.

So, the head of the Department of Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Ekaterina Priezzheva, with whose name many in the army associate the collapse of the military education system, in particular, the liquidation of several major military academies and universities and a 7-fold decrease in the number of teachers, until 2005, as it turns out, she was the head of the control department for the circulation of alcoholic products of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial politics and trade of St. Petersburg. Then she worked for a short time as the head of the interdistrict tax inspectorate No. 1 of St. Petersburg, for another 2 years she worked at the Federal Tax Service as the head of the department for taxes and fees on alcohol and tobacco products, until in 2007 she moved to the Ministry of Defense as an adviser to Serdyukov, who, before the post of minister, also worked as a tax specialist .

Ekaterina Priezzheva

The caustic nickname Bolonka, according to the newspaper, Priezzheva received for the introduction of a three-level Bologna system (with a bachelor's degree, a specialist's degree and a master's degree), according to which, starting from September 2011, they began to train the officers of the Ministry of Defense. The transition to the Bologna system aroused the indignation of experts, who believe that this led to a sharp decline in the quality of officer training. On this occasion, the Public Chamber met several times, where, according to the testimony of its participants, Priezzheva “mastered the special terminology well,” but she could not clearly substantiate the essence and goals of the military education reform to the military specialists present.

According to "MK", ​​many ladies of the Ministry of Defense came for Serdyukov from the tax office, for which the military immediately stuck an ambiguous definition to them: "the minister's concubines." Among the former favorites of the minister there are those who at the time of appointment were a little over 25 years old.

The 26-year-old was nicknamed the Lady with the Dog for showing up to meetings with a small puppy in her arms. Olga Kharchenko, who spent a whole year in the chair of the head of the housing department. In this position, she replaced Olga Lirshaft, who was dismissed in 2011 after she failed to report how many people were on the waiting list waiting for housing conditions to improve.

Olga Kharchenko

Kharchenko, who was also unable or unwilling to turn the tide, ended up being fired, allegedly with a “severance pay” of 15 million rubles. In her place came Galina Semina, which was remembered for the fact that she immediately settled in a house intended for officers, from whom she hid more than 1.5 thousand Moscow apartments purchased for them by the ministry. As a result, Semina was ordered to provide the officers with apartments in Moscow through the court, and the bailiffs who were instructed to execute this court decision could not find her for a long time and banned her from leaving the Russian Federation.

Tatyana Shevtsova was appointed Deputy Minister in 2010. She received this massive promotion after trying and failing to complete a notorious housing program for retired military servicemen and their families. The military also associates the name of Shevtsova with many months of salary delays in 2012.

Tatyana Shevtsova

Another deputy of Anatoly Serdyukov was Elena Kozlova, which was entrusted with overseeing two areas at once - military medicine and financial inspection. According to "MK", ​​before her appointment as a "medical" Kozlova once studied with Serdyukov at the Institute of Soviet Trade, and then worked with him at the Federal Tax Service.

Elena Kozlova

Nadezhda Sinikova, appointed by Serdyukov in 2010 to the post of head of the Federal Agency for the Supply of Arms, Military, Special Equipment and Materiel, previously also worked with him in the tax office. Sinikova is an economist by education, she graduated from an agricultural university, before tax she was a specialist in accounting in agriculture.

Nadezhda Sinikova

In 2011, the former “tax official” was also transferred to Rosoboronpostavka Olga Stepanova. What is known about her is that, being the head of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 28 for Moscow, she paid 15.6 billion rubles from the budget to various companies in the form of tax refunds.

Elena Knyazeva- Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation (GUMVS) of the Russian Ministry of Defense - became the first female general of the Russian Armed Forces in this millennium. Before her, Valentina Tereshkova was awarded this title. It is only known about Knyazeva that in 2010-2011 she acted as head of the GUMVS of the Ministry of Defense, then became his deputy. Prior to that, she worked as the head of the English language department at a military university.

Elena Knyazeva

Marina Chubkina, which the media refers to as "the most beautiful woman of Serdyukov" - the former head of the central administrative department of the Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy), a very important organization for the Ministry of Defense, which, among other things, is engaged in the construction of special and nuclear facilities that ensure the defense and security of the state.

Marina Chubkina

Before becoming one of the numerous right and left hands of Serdyukov, Chubkina managed to work on television, as an assistant to a State Duma deputy and an adviser to a member of the Federation Council. After her resignation, as you know, Chubkina went to work as an adviser to the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin.

And finally, the most discussed figure from the environment of the ex-minister is the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva.

According to MK, the relationship between Serdyukov and Vasilyeva began at the university, but Vedomosti insists that they did not know each other at the university (Serdyukov graduated from the same faculty in absentia). The newspaper presents two other versions of how Vasilyeva met Serdyukov.

Evgenia Vasilyeva

Former colleagues at SU-155 (one of the largest builders of housing for the Ministry of Defense) claim that Serdyukov Vasiliev was recommended by Resin, then the head of the capital's construction complex, as a valuable specialist. As it turned out, Vasilyeva, in turn, met Resin in 2007 at the international real estate exhibition MIPIM in Cannes, where she arrived as
director of a small real estate firm with only three employees, including herself. The minister appreciated Vasilyeva and offered her to head the department of property relations of the Ministry of Defense. Vasilyeva's former colleagues in the Ministry of Defense say that she could have met Serdyukov through his sister's husband, St. Petersburg businessman Valery Puzikov.

Having made Vasilyeva the head of the property department of the Ministry of Defense and a member of the board of directors of Oboronservis, Serdyukov “did not invent anything new,” says a person close to the Ministry of Defense

It is generally accepted that military service is the lot of men, and not of the fairer sex. Moreover, it is considered atypical when a woman occupies the highest command posts in the army. But these stereotypes are broken by the example of such a person as Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova, an army general. The biography of this outstanding woman and statesman will be the subject of our study.

early years

In July 1969, in a small town with a very ancient and glorious history since the time of the Chernigov Principality, Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna, an army general, was born. The family largely predetermined her future fate, since Tanya's father was Viktor Shevtsov, who was a regular soldier.

Significant is the fact that the hometown of Tatyana Viktorovna - Kozelsk - at one time offered the most stubborn resistance to the Mongol-Tatar invasion among the settlements of Rus'. His siege in 1238 lasted seven weeks. For this, he called Kozelsk the "evil city" and ordered to burn it. But later it was rebuilt.

After graduating from a local school and receiving a secondary education, the future Army General Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna decided to devote herself to economic activity and entered the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics, which now already has the status of a university. In 1991, she successfully completed her studies at this educational institution.

in public service

Immediately after graduating from the institute, the future Army General Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna chose the path of a civil servant for herself. Since 1991, she has been working in various structures of the tax service. At the beginning of this journey, Tatyana Viktorovna was an ordinary inspector serving the Central District of the city of St. Petersburg.

In her post, she showed diligence, initiative, readiness to fulfill the most important tasks with zeal. These characteristic features of her could not be overlooked by Tatyana Viktorovna's immediate supervisors. Therefore, it was relatively easy for her to move up the career ladder. In 2000, she moved to work in Moscow, where she held the position of head of the department of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, which in 2004 was transformed into the Federal Tax Service (FTS) under the Ministry of Finance.

In 2004, the future General of the Army Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova was appointed to the high post of Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service, who at that time was Serdyukov Anatoly Eduardovich. She will cross paths with this person more than once when they work together in a completely different department.

In the meantime, the future General of the Army Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova continued to master the offices of the tax service. Photos of those times are located above. Her immediate tasks as deputy head of the country included the administration of the payment of taxes and fees by the largest enterprises in Russia.

Distinctions and awards in the public service

In 2006, in connection with her direct professional activities, Tatyana Viktorovna received the title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, as well as a candidate of economic sciences. The very next year, she was awarded. But as it turned out, Tatyana Shevtsova's further career was no longer connected with work in the tax service.

Ministerial reshuffles

As mentioned above, the fate of Tatyana Shevtsova was largely connected with the fate of A.E. Serdyukov. Until 2007, he served as head of the Federal Tax Service, under which Tatyana Viktorovna was deputy. In February 2007, Anatoly Eduardovich was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, but by agreement for another three years he continued to oversee the work of the Federal Tax Service. MP Mokretsov was appointed head of this department instead of him, who, by and large, like Tatyana Shevtsova, was a member of Serdyukov's team.

But 2010 brought significant changes. M. V. Mishustin became the head of the Federal Tax Service, who decided to put his own people in leadership positions in the service. Therefore, a number of persons close to A.E. Serdyukov were soon dismissed from the Federal Tax Service. The future General of the Army Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna was no exception.

Appointment to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense

However, A.E. Serdyukov did not forget about the members of his team. Knowing their professionalism and already having considerable experience of working with these people, Anatoly Eduardovich offered them a number of important positions in the Ministry of Defense. So, Mikhail Mokretsov became the chief of staff of the Ministry of Defense and deputy minister. Nadezhda Sinnikova, who previously held the position of deputy head of the Federal Tax Service, became the head of Rosoboronpostavka. In addition, such associates of Serdyukov as E. Vechko and D. Chushkin moved from the tax service to work in the Ministry of Defense.

Naturally, Anatoly Serdyukov also could not forget about such an active woman as Tatyana Shevtsova, who had repeatedly shown her professionalism in any business that she would undertake. In May 2010, she became his official advisor. Already in August of the same year, Tatyana Viktorovna, by order of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In a new position

As always, Tatyana Viktorovna began to fulfill her duties in her new position with zeal. Just in this work, an important role, in addition to Shevtsova's personal qualities, was played by the fact that her father was a regular military man. Therefore, the army life was in her blood, and Tatyana Viktorovna knew about it firsthand.

A year after her appointment, she received the rank of the second class of the actual state adviser, and after some time he was promoted to the level of the first class. This rank corresponded. Thus, we can say that now Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna is an army general.

Scandal at the Department of Defense

In 2012, there was a major scandal in the Ministry of Defense, which directly or indirectly affected all the higher ranks of the department, including Tatyana Shevtsova. It was caused by the revelation of facts of corruption, abuse and fraud among employees of Oboronservis, which was an enterprise controlled by the Ministry of Defense. In addition, Serdyukov was the chairman of the board of directors of Oboronservis. The basis for the proceedings was the sale of the organization's property at deliberately low prices. The loss of the state amounted to at least 3 billion rubles.

The investigation in this case revealed the facts of Serdyukov's possible direct involvement in these illegal actions, since the sale of such a volume of property of a controlled enterprise without his consent simply could not be carried out.

Considering that Serdyukov could be personally interested in falsifying the results of the investigation, as well as the fact that he could not ensure the safety of the company's property, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev decided to resign him. The relevant decree is dated November 2012. Sergei Shoigu, who previously headed the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and also briefly the former governor of the Moscow Region, was appointed head of the Ministry of Defense.

In 2013, Serdyukov himself was charged with negligence in this case, but the next year the case was closed, since Anatoly Eduardovich fell under an amnesty as a “defender of the Fatherland”.

Members of Serdyukov's team were also investigated by the Ministry of Defense, but no specific charges were filed. Tatyana Shevtsova continued to hold the position of Deputy Minister of Defense under Sergei Shoigu, although she wrote a letter of resignation back in 2012, but it was not accepted until a new person was found for the position of financier of the armed forces.

Modern stage

After 2012, Tatyana Shevtsova also continues to pay full attention to her work as Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Thanks to her personal qualities, she quite easily joined Shoigu's team. Tatyana Shevtsova successfully copes with all the assigned tasks.

At present, the main task of Tatyana Viktorovna is the financial support of the country's armed forces. Experience in the tax service to a large extent helps her in this matter. Shevtsova is directly subordinate to the departments of social guarantees, financial planning, financial monitoring, economic planning, and financial support.


Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna, an army general, has many state distinctions. She has awards of various levels and from different departments in her luggage. She received these distinctions both while working in the Federal Tax Service and in the Ministry of Defense. Each award represents a certain value for her, it symbolizes that the work of Tatyana Shevtsova is in demand.

Even during her work at the Federal Tax Service, she received such distinctions as the title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation and the Order of Honor, was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor" and a diploma of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Then she was awarded the medals "300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg" as a person who did a lot for the development of this city, and "65 Years of the Kaluga Region" as a famous native of this region.

After moving to work in the Ministry of Defense, the number of awards became even greater. Tatyana Viktorovna received the Order of Friendship, as well as the medals "For the return of the Crimea", "For services to the Fatherland" and "Colonel-General Dutov".

Undoubtedly, the number of orders, awards and distinctions in the future Tatyana Shevtsova will increase even more.

Contact details

As part of her service, Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova, an army general, communicates quite a lot with different people. Contacts of a personal nature of such an important person, of course, are not disclosed. Any citizen of Russia can directly contact Tatyana Viktorovna through the official website of the Ministry of Defense.


Now let's find out what kind of personal life Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova lives - Army General. Marital status is of interest to many.

A high position obliges to special relations with relatives. Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna, an army general, understands this very well. The family for her is not a topic that the Deputy Minister of Defense wants to expand on. Nevertheless, it is known that Tatyana Viktorovna is married to a man who was previously a professional soldier and is now a businessman. Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna, an army general, has been married for more than a year. There are also children in this family, or rather, one child.

general characteristics

We learned a lot of interesting information about such a high-ranking person as Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna - Army General. The biography, family, career of this woman were studied in some detail by us.

During her work in the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Defense, she has established herself as a responsible person, a professional who is very difficult to find a replacement for. Tatyana Shevtsova is a specialist who is ready to take on tasks of any complexity. Tatyana Viktorovna's professional characteristics have been repeatedly marked by state awards and incentives at various levels.

At the same time, a busy work schedule did not prevent her from starting her own family. Although, unfortunately, due to her professional employment, Tatyana Shevtsova cannot devote the amount of time she would like to her.

Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova is an excellent example that breaks the stereotype that the army is not for women. Her biography proves that the fairer sex in the armed forces can be no less useful than men. Let's hope that the main career achievements of Tatyana Viktorovna are yet to come.

A very piquant situation is developing in the generals of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Apparently, there appeared two types of generals. "Regular" - with yellow stars on shoulder straps. These titles are awarded by the Supreme Commander, whose role is played by the President of the country. And there are "unusual" - with white stars. These stars appeared in the army after the post of Minister of Defense was taken by Sergei Shoigu. Such insignia are awarded on the basis of civil ranks to trusted civilians (including females) by internal orders of the Ministry of Defense. Thus, Sergei Shoigu seems to be forming his own "women's battalion" with "almost general" stars, and unlimited confidence.

The material dated 05/03/19 was amended on 07/03/19 (in italics) in accordance with the information received from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The exact number of generals (and admirals) in the Russian army is currently unknown. According to data for past years, it can be assumed that there are from 860 to 879 of them.

Of these, 115 lieutenant generals (vice admirals), 290 major generals (senior rear admirals), 440 brigadier generals (junior rear admirals), and 34 "full" generals. All of them wear yellow stars on shoulder straps.

Whitecaps and Yellowcaps

With the advent in 2012 to the post of Minister of Defense Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu the situation in the army began to change rapidly. There, for example, new shoulder straps were seen - with large white stars. But if the “yellow” generals are appointed by their decrees by the supreme commander in chief (the Russian president), then the “white” ones, apparently, are the minister of defense. Do you get, so to speak, "generals" for "internal use"? A special piquancy to the whole story is given by the fact how the "white-lined" these epaulettes are combined with skirts.

And the topic was in the spotlight after the appearance on the youtube channel of a video that talked about Maria Kitaeva. The video scored two million views, after which it was blocked, but very quickly multiplied on social networks. The Streisand Effect once again proved its strength - now many more people know and watch the movie about "General Kitaev".

The star has risen

Now on the website of the Ministry of Defense there is no information about the employee Maria Kitaeva. Other information resources have also been thoroughly cleaned up. They do not agree on the main dates - the birth, study and work of Maria Vladimirovna. In the article about her on the Wikipedia website, there is not even a year of birth. According to some reports, it looks like she was born in 1986 and spent her childhood in Belgium, but then something went wrong and she returned to Moscow, where she entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. But instead of a career as a diplomat, she decided to become an actress. This is evidenced by the career of Maria Kitaeva: according to the site kleo.ru, she is the one who starred in the film “The Year of the Horse - the constellation of Scorpio” and participates in theatrical productions.

Then Maria began her career as a television presenter: from 2007 to 2010 she worked on the Stolitsa TV channel, and then on Zvezda. But Kitaeva’s career on the VGTRK TV channel turned out to be extremely bright: there are many videos on the network about how a young TV star tries to talk about economics and business and (despite his education from MGIMO) desperately confuses basic concepts and names. These frank shortcomings do not prevent her from interviewing the iconic faces of the country - Dmitry Peskov, Irina Winner, Mikhail Prokhorov and others. The somewhat glamorous image of the TV presenter was paired with quite risky work as a reporter in Syria, Tunisia and Libya. And the work of Maria Kitaeva in documentaries about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations turned out to be especially significant.

It is not known for certain how the life and bureaucratic paths of Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu and Maria Kitaeva intersected, and whether they intersected at all. The media casually mentions that a spectacular journalist when he was the governor of the Moscow region in 2011 was noticed by Sergei Shoigu, and offered the job of an adviser on information policy. And about a year later, Maria Kitaeva received a high rank.

Supplemented with a quote from a rebuttal received from the Department of Defense:

The position category "adviser to the federal minister" not only in the Ministry of Defense of Russia, but also in all other federal ministries in accordance with Federal Law No. positions of the Federal State Civil Service” is assigned to the highest group of positions of state civil servants.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 113 "On the procedure for assigning and maintaining class ranks of the state civil service of the Russian Federation", each civil servant is assigned a class rank.

The same regulatory legal document establishes that the position of "adviser to the federal minister" corresponds to the class rank "actual state adviser of the 2nd class", which is assigned only by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the class rank "actual state adviser of the 2nd class" of federal state civil servants had nothing to do with the military ranks of senior officers of the Armed Forces and does not have.

Note that the class rank of the state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class corresponds to the military rank - lieutenant general and vice admiral. So the class rank of Maria Kitaeva corresponds to the military general rank.

In fact, of course, all these general stars can be called "real" with a stretch - they are for internal use. But on the TV screen they look quite real and cannot but attract attention. Against the background of the career of former colleagues, the rise of Maria Kitaeva really turned out to be stellar. Apparently, this method has already been adopted by new generations of Russian girls. "General" epaulettes (even fake) can be cooler than life in Brussels.

By the way

All this might seem like a joke, but such stars adorn, for example, another deputy minister of defense - Tatyana Shevtsova. She oversees the organization of the financial support of the Armed Forces.

“A 28-year-old general’s wife was found in Shoigu’s military harem” Published: February 3, 2019

From the comments: “Another bottom has been broken!”

“My brother is a retired officer. He served in the DSHB, was a combat officer. He shot, jumped with a parachute, studied hand-to-hand combat, prepared to defend his homeland. Maybe he didn't study it? It turns out that the officers do not study there, you need to study the modeling business, then they will rise to the rank of marshals "

“Very often, female individuals study at MGIMO for the money of their dads”

Here: China Eva is a Muscovite!
She is from childhood: a star?
Her field: show business?
Once a model: in it - was it?

Journalist: like - too?
Even - in VGTRK!
On TV - read: texts!
Noodles - hung up: she?

On TV, is she a business ball?
Was it very funny to her?
In a country of fools - as if?
She is at ease: okay?

Not a country, but a theatre: sartirs?
Generalshei: suddenly - she?
Became: what if - for the sake of laughter?
To laugh: the whole country?

From the comments: “The Internet is seething with indignation about the 28-year-old woman of the general. Here is a typical quote: “Maria Kitaeva is the youngest major general in the armed forces. She received this title at the age of 28, being just an adviser to the Minister of the Armed Forces Shoigu ... Professional military for years, but what is there, for decades waiting for promotion, and few people reach the rank of general, even from among military officers. Well, righteous indignation continues to escalate. Or here's another article on the same subject, and indeed we type the request "General Kitaev" and enjoy the streams of nonsense. But what is it really? Firstly, Maria Kitaeva is not a soldier at all! This is a purely civilian person. But what about the title, you ask? But what about shoulder straps? We don't believe! It follows from this ... Secondly, Kitaeva is neither a major general nor a lieutenant general. She never had a military rank, and now she doesn't. Who is this madam? And everything is very simple: Maria Kitaeva, adviser to Shoigu, current state adviser of the Russian Federation, 2nd class. An absolutely civilian rank, assigned to her by presidential decree. And why in uniform? And the truth is, everyone burns fiercely from shoulder straps. How so? Boils our mind indignant! It turns out that you just need to follow the news - a new uniform is being introduced in the Ministry of Defense. This is quite officially stated. Here's another typical example for you: If you look at the epaulettes, it's an army general, right? But no! Not a general, and in general a completely civilian person, without ranks. This is Tatyana Shevtsova, Shoigu's deputy, acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Economic Sciences. So where did they get all their epaulettes from? We read the explanation of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defense Nikolai Pankov: “The minister himself and his deputies were the first to change into new suits at the end of August. Civilian deputies - Tatyana Shevtsova and Anatoly Antonov - did not hide their embarrassment when they found themselves on the line at the "tank biathlon" in Alabino in a new black uniform with white "general's" shoulder straps. Pankov explained that the stars of civilian deputies Shoigu were hanged because of their class rank - Shevtsova is a state adviser of the first class, and Antonov is of the second. All civil servants of the Ministry of Defense with a class rank will have such stars. Thus, believing our eyes and observing the white stars on shoulder straps, we draw the obvious conclusion: Kitaeva, Shevtsova and other beautiful ladies are not “generals”, in any sense. These are civilians, albeit in serious positions. And the main question remains: who and why is spreading fakes.

Taken from here: https://yushchuk.livejournal.com/623241.html https://www.bfm.ru/news/370356

2. The people in social networks are outraged that Kitaeva is a lieutenant general, asking the question: "What did she do so outstandingly for such a rank, and what did this Kitaeva do in general, and why nothing was heard about her for several years?".

Along the way, they discover negative image articles about Shoigu removed from the Internet:

Articles from the Internet are removed, it seems :)

Like these ones:

07/30/14 at 15:37
Reliable rear of Sergei Shoigu
Adviser - former TV presenter Maria Kitaeva received the post of adviser to the Minister of Defense 10 days after Sergei Shoigu joined the department"

"State Advisor"!
Do you understand?
General - shoulder straps: linden?
Sit quietly: do not rage?

Is the whole country on alert?
And China is he: your mother?
Or Kuzkin - of course?
It will be visible: congratulations?

With the fact that you are: holy - great?
With the fact that you are a “special way”!
Prepare: at least you are singing?
About singing - in unison: do not forget?
Here's an army for you: with a navy?
Here is the “church” for you: your mother?
Are your people God-bearers?
Ile as you there - to magnify?

Silent, very wise?
Very brave: straight - a saint?
All the heirs: Victory?
He is one: it seems like this?

Question: is it right, is it glorious, and did your people act like a peasant that they handed over their flock to the wolves?

And after that, despicable cowards, smerds, and traitors, still want to make scapegoats out of honest people, and judge? To justify your meanness, and to blame others?

The legend of Colonel Shendakov about the Russian army: “A woman in uniform of a general is a treasure!”
Question: Has the defense of your special country fallen into reliable hands, or have you all fallen into danger?
Question for the Fatherland Day in the Russian Federation: why did your top leadership not serve in the army of their country?

Question: Is the power of Rome No. 3 a foreigner, and even Peskov - the mouth of Putin, the guarantor of love?
The heretical and seditious legend of a learned husband alone that there is no more Russian F, because they closed it
Question: did not only Germany but also Russia, your mother, sign the "Chancellor Act" and now she is a slave of the United States?
Question: are Russian citizens in the country really migrants and homeless people, and are they now deprived of their motherland?
The legend of a fool about non-existent citizenship in the country: “There are no citizens in Russia, and you are all migrants!”
Question: really Putin, Lukashenko Poroshenko have not signed a single law while in the theater for a fool?

Question: is not the ROC-MP a fake private firm, but its owner and yours is Kirill in one person?

Question: Is it possible in a special country to issue not a passport, but a fool's certificate, or is it too early yet?
Question: in a special country to issue instead of a citizen's passport, a certificate of a slave or not yet?
Question: do you recognize people - the authorities, and the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church, or only for the defective flock, such as "bebe"?
The story of Shemyakin's court to a citizen of the Russian Federation: "I refuse to recognize you as a person, this is pointless!"

Question: is the Russian Federation really a private company, and elections are held so that you give your consent?
Question: do the Russian people really live in a non-existent country now, or is this a hallucination?
Question: is the state of the Russian Federation a private company, or is this “blather and nonsense”?
Question: Is the Russian Federation a commercial structure registered in the USA, or is it slander?

In St. Petersburg, Aleksey Anokhin, a nephew of Russian Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova, was convicted of fraud. Despite the impressive amount for which he caused damage to the state, the sentence turned out to be suspended. Note, meanwhile, that Tatiana Shevtsova is the last of the Mohicans of the "women's battalion" of ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov.

Conditionally. Everyone.

In St. Petersburg, a 34-year-old 34-year-old was sentenced to 4.5 years of probation by the Kuibyshev court for fraud Alexey Anokhin, who is the nephew of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Tatyana Shevtsova. In addition to him, in the dock were present Alexey Titov, Olga Anokhina, Dmitry Govorov, Tatyana Nedikova, Andrey Fedorov, Nikolai Prudov, Vitaly Mozgovoy. They also got off with a conditional sentence of 4 to 1.5 years.

Olga Anokhina - spouse Alexei Anokhin, they signed already during the investigation, which lasted about a year and a half. A Vitaly Mozgovoy- a lawyer who provided legal support to an economic organized crime group.

As the investigators established, with whom the court eventually agreed, it was Anokhin who was the organizer of the criminal group, which increased the amount of VAT paid on the purchase of products, which led to an unreasonable overstatement of the tax to be reimbursed from the budget of the Russian Federation by a total of 294.3 million rubles.

The essence of the scam was that non-ferrous metals were fictitiously supplied abroad. In particular, as follows from the materials of the criminal case, Anokhin controlled the company " TD KMK”, which is mentioned in a fictitious transaction with a UK resident Hillgold Properties Limited. It follows from the companies' agreement that TD KMK sent to Britain copper powder for 10 million dollars, but there was actually no delivery. The persons mentioned above bought scrap of non-ferrous metals in the territory of the Russian Federation, processed it at their industrial facilities, passed it through a chain of one-day firms (there were about seventy of them), and then sold it through the Svelen holding company for export to Germany or Austria at inflated prices. After that, in fact, they received a refund for VAT.

The economic police of St. Petersburg announced the disclosure of this crime back in 2016. All this time there was an investigation, and then a trial. Initially, it was said that the damage to the state amounted to almost a billion rubles, but the amount, as we see, has significantly decreased - for reasons that have not yet been announced.

Conditional terms for an economic, but still bandit group, which caused major damage to the state, cause certain bewilderment. Anokhin's close relationship with Deputy Defense Minister Shevtsova, apparently, may not have anything to do with it, but this woman deserves special mention.

Protege of Anatoly Serdyukov

A native of the Kaluga region, in 1991 she graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after N.A. Voznesensky (better known as FINEK) and entered the civil service the same year. She worked her way up from a state tax inspector to a deputy head of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. In St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 2000s, she became close at work with the future Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, then deputy head, and then head of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties in St. Petersburg. As former employees of the UMNS say, Serdyukov praised Shevtsova as an intelligent and thoughtful worker who dealt with the largest taxpayers in the northern capital. That is, "carrying golden eggs."

On this topic

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented on the statement of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Zahorodniuk that his country has experience of a “five-year war with Russia”, which may be of interest to NATO.

In those days, there were a lot of rumors about the love of Anatoly Eduardovich, but the story with Evgenia Vasilyeva is still piecemeal. One way or another, in 2010, for three years as Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov I remembered Tatyana Shevtsova, who was appointed deputy minister of the department and soon received the class rank of a real state adviser of the 1st class, which corresponds to the military rank of "general of the army." Recall that under Serdyukov there was a real expansion in the Ministry of Defense of the former tax workers of St. Petersburg, whom journalists dubbed the "women's battalion".

Then and now, already under Sergei Shoigu, Shevtsova, the last of that "battalion", is responsible in a broad sense for the economy of our army. This includes both higher accounting activities, estimates and budgeting, as well as creative financial work, such as proposals to improve the economic performance of the Ministry of Defense. As follows from the department's website, Ms. Shevtsova “supervises in the Armed Forces the planning of federal budget expenditures for the next financial year and planning period, the preparation of justifications for budget allocations; distribution of budgetary appropriations and limits of budgetary obligations; financing of expenses, including state capital investments, provided for by the federal budget for the Ministry of Defense; formation of a unified accounting policy and budget reporting of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”.

Her services to the Fatherland are appreciated: she was awarded the orders "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree, "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree "and many medals.

If, according to the common expression, “the son is not responsible for the father”, probably the aunt for the nephew - even more so. However, let's see how the career of Tatyana Shevtsova, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, will be affected, albeit conditional, but by the term of her nephew Alexei Anokhin, who has always been considered a talented economist. Tatyana Viktorovna is 48 years old, and it is unlikely that she is going to retire.

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