Country story. Social life in the dachas

So the moment came when I sat down to write my story. After all, paraphrasing, we can say that "all summer residents are equally happy, but everyone goes their own way to this happiness."
In August 2015, after a long search, one was found that she liked, and was bought! The search criteria were: a plot of at least 6 acres, with plantings, a more or less solid house, (necessarily !!!) - with a stove, and an attic.

with special pride we were shown a bathhouse, freshly built, which turned out to be a pleasant bonus for us when buying.

A lot of work was foreseen at the new dacha, it was thoroughly overgrown with grass, it was necessary to clean the site, at home ... But this only incited us, and we boldly rushed into battle for our “dacha happiness!” Especially since there was a whole autumn season ahead.

My sister and I started to equip the berry garden. It looked like this:

there are strawberries somewhere

Obviously, the former owners mulched the berry with straw, which turned out to be with seeds. The result - everything is overgrown with wheatgrass. They began to dig and literally shake up every piece of land, choosing the roots of wheatgrass.

sister in the frame, I document the story (take a picture)

After digging, they made high ridges, brought in compost (the previous owners left an excellent mountain of compost), planted strawberries (relatives shared planting material). A total of 6 ridges were made. Writing about it is easy and fast now. At that time, this work was just hellish. But on the other hand, the result for two summer seasons is obvious:

berry plant in the spring of 2017. A lot of berries set. The harvest was excellent in the end (I did not find a photo of the same row, only with ripe berries)

But the berry story doesn't end there. Every autumn I add 3 new beds, removing the old bushes. In addition, in another corner of the dacha I breed some remontant strawberries, which please in the fall.

In the same autumn, we began to make a warm bed! The information was taken from the site 7 dachas, which by this time had become my friend and assistant.
Son and nephew dug a trench.

trench 6 meters (swung!)

Everything that was prescribed went here - large branches, small branches, grass, compost, earth, humus. In the spring, all this happiness was fenced off, a trellis was put up, twine was pulled. I sowed cucumbers in two rows, but only at 4 meters, the rest went under zucchini (5 seeds).

cucumbers together began to grow on a warm bed, I liked it)

As a result, I can say that cucumbers on a warm bed were very successful last year. Filmed a bucket every other day. The problem was where to go. There are also a lot this season, but somehow they began to wither early. But this weather failed - early fogs and night cold snaps began, and street cucumbers do not like this.

We did even more work in our first autumn - this is work with berry bushes and trees. There were a lot of cherries on the site, and this cherry was already acting as an aggressor, the shoots had gone almost a meter from the main trees and bushes. I had to literally make a “clearing” to remove the growth, and then do pruning in a row, since everything there also grew in a “dense forest”.

on the left is a cherry, and you can see the clearing that was made when removing the shoots.

Cherry was along the boundary fence for 30 meters and on the other side along the fence for 10 meters. So the work was not one day. I had to tinker.
In addition, two gooseberry bushes were pruned (I still had to rip out the wheatgrass with incredible efforts), the currant bush is very huge, I have not even seen such large bushes.

I planned to remove it altogether and plant new ones, but at the last moment I gave it a chance to show itself in the next season, and I did not regret it. Rejuvenating pruning, top dressing gave a result, in 16 the currant was not bad, and this year it is excellent. The berries have become large, the harvest has increased markedly. I also planted three bushes with layering from this currant. And I think next year the bushes will bear fruit.

There were apple trees and one plum tree on the site. But the former owners spoke about them somehow indistinctly, which I did not understand, in general, they saw the fruits from these trees or not. Decided to check it out in season.
Pre-autumn pruning and feeding.
Here's what turned out.

apples of an unidentified variety, early, very juicy, sweet

The second apple tree - a late variety, similar to Pepin's saffron, also gave a good harvest.
The plum did not disappoint.

In the summer of 16, the former owners visited us and were very surprised by this turn of events - plum and apple trees did not indulge them at all with a harvest. Although, for the sake of justice, it must be said that in the year 17, one apple tree thoroughly froze and gave a crop only on two branches, at the base. Plum - too, one branch bore fruit. The rest had to be cut.
To my surprise, it turned out that among the raspberries we still have two blackberry bushes growing. They didn't even tell us

Well, what about without flowers? Of course not!
That memorable autumn, the laying of the flowerbed began.

trying to guess what is already growing here

There was a bush of a peony, a bush of a "dog" rose, when digging, bulbs of tulips and lilies, bushes of chamomile, lychnis, aquilegia came across. I sorted it all out and sorted it out. I added irises, chives, delphinium, bruner (this is before winter). In the spring, they already planted various letniki there.

snapdragon just "rescued" my flower bed. So pretty and blooming so much!

For two seasons, the flower bed has undergone very strong changes. But that will be another story. Separately, about the flower beds, rabatki and my other experiences in floriculture.

Another topic is my greenhouse, which was planned by the very first purchase. She appeared in the spring of 15. I will also tell a separate story about this.

The entry is posted in sections:

» about how you can transform an old house into a beautiful estate.

I was born in a village that is now within the boundaries of Minsk, and I always dreamed of living in a city where there is hot water, a toilet, a cinema and shops nearby. When I was 13, we moved to the city. The dream came true. But after 40 years, for some reason, I wanted to go to the village. The real one, with forest, mushrooms and berries, water from a well, a stove, windows with firankas and an embroidered tablecloth on a round table.

I began to look after houses in the village, but not just in the village, but further away, more secluded. In the spring of 2010, my daughters and I went to look at the ads at home. We were lucky on the second attempt: we found a farm with three houses in the Stolbtsovsky district. Around the forest, young pine trees right on the site, and silence. I liked the place right away (I didn’t even really see the house itself), I wanted to shout: “Yes, yes, this is what we need, we’ll take it!”. But in order to bargain a little, she restrained herself.

And here it is ours! Every weekend from Friday to Sunday we went to our favorite farm. We were so “burned” by him that we did not notice fatigue. And it was necessary to plow a lot, a lot. Thanks to my hardworking daughters and brother who later joined our "fever".

This is what the house looked like when I bought it. For the story, I found photos of the house in 2010. Now I look at them and think, was I in a sober mind when I bought this? What could I like about it? But it's like love: something will hook, it's impossible to explain, and then everything goes through rose-colored glasses.

The house consists of one large room of 25 square meters, a kitchen and an entrance hall. From the furniture from the previous owner, there was a stool, an old sofa from the 50s and a round table. We gave new life to all old things.

Simultaneously with the house, the plot was also put in order. What a weed there was! Uprooted, rowed, mowed. It’s scary to remember, and now we can’t even believe ourselves that we did it all ourselves.

The farm turned out to be a testing ground for us to embody the talents and ideas of everyone. My brother built his first stove in his life. The eldest daughter, Anna, learned how to handle a grinder, a screwdriver and other tools. The youngest, Alexandra, at the age of 11, helped as much as she could, and when she got bored, she “hunted” for lizards. And I became a little designer and needlewoman.

The kindling of the old stove showed that, unfortunately, it smokes. It became clear that it had to be disassembled and put a new one. By that time, my brother had stove-setting courses behind him, but he had no experience - that was the opportunity to try his hand. We designed a heating stove with a stove and a fireplace, we wanted a little romance.

Dismantling the old furnace, they found in it a brick with the mark of the Kavalerchik and Orlik manufactory, which produced bricks in the period 1909-1914. What a surprise! According to the documents, the house was built in the 60s, but in fact it turned out to be about a hundred years old.

The centennial house certainly has many stories. I wanted to know more about it, about the people who lived there. There was nothing on the Internet about the history of this village in the region, I had to go to the library, but there were not many, just a few references, from which it became clear that the place was very old. But another interesting discovery awaited us. Behind the architraves of the door they found a photograph of a young man in the uniform of a high school student neatly wrapped in a notebook sheet. Perhaps some girl hid a photo of her lover, or maybe this is some other story.

After the stove was rebuilt, an unsightly hole was left in the floor, since the new stove is smaller than the Russian one. I didn’t figure out how to beat this “beauty”, so I had to lay a new floor.

Already in 2016, instead of the old porch, my brother and I built a terrace. We designed and built ourselves. Of course, he built, and from me - ideas, decoration and financing.

The walls were sheathed with an imitation of timber - as they say, walk like that! Of course, when we started, we thought that it was just work: repaint, wash, repair. But it was not there. The entire salary was spent on the farm.

I became a builder, and a foreman, and a cook. Food was cooked on a fire, the refrigerator was in the cellar, they slept on the floor, but no one whined and did not seem to get tired. Everyone enjoyed what they were doing, the house was transformed before our eyes! We did a lot in the first two seasons.

They did not refuse the help of friends: someone helped to lay the floor, someone did the electrical wiring, they gave embroidered tablecloths, bedspreads, firankas and simply maintained a positive attitude. Thanks to them all.

As a result, our neglected house turned into a cute house with white walls, a white stove, and began to fill with things and life. We are still changing something there, adding, and we are not tired of it!

Now grandiose plans for landscaping the site. To help - landscape design courses. I have always had a love for the earth and gardening, but a professional approach is needed here. The project is in the works, although something has already been planted, time is running out, we must hurry to plant the garden of our dreams.

I love my farm. Soul and heart are invested in it. In fact, everyone loves it: relatives, friends and acquaintances, and those who have been here at least once. Now I can’t imagine how to live without all this: without waiting for spring, the first flowers, without the smell of the earth and without my beloved farm.

Tell us about your cottage and win a prize

site competition for avid and novice gardeners. Tell us about your dacha: how it was bought, built or rebuilt, how you created a place where you feel comfortable. The best stories will be published, and the best ones will receive a cash prize.

If the whole dacha is still far from ideal, send a description that you have arranged for relaxation and gatherings with friends and relatives - this can be an original gazebo, a terrace, a barbecue and barbecue area, a bathhouse, a pond where you can sunbathe.

We expect from you:

- text in doc format;

- 5-15 photos. Submit as a separate file. Desirable - horizontal in jpeg format of good quality;

- phone number and name to make it easier to contact for the prize.

Send both text and photos by email. [email protected] marked "dacha".

The winner will traditionally be chosen by TUT.BY readers by voting. The best dacha story will receive a monetary reward - 300 Belarusian rubles.

I well remember my grandmother's "six acres" with a tiny one-story house with no signs of a fence (members of the Soviet gardening partnership were not supposed to nurture private property sentiments). Literally every centimeter of land, apart from a few paths and a wooden toilet, was planted and cultivated. My brother and I, sent to stay with my grandmother for the summer, of course, also had to weed the beds and pick fruits and berries. And I don't want any! It was possible to walk only after the "labor landing". However, the neighboring guys lived by the same rules, so that until lunch the street was empty. And no one had any idea that it could be different. My mother grew up in the same way, and she still loves to dig in the ground. And my own children, who live all year round in a spacious cottage, with a garden and a kitchen garden under the windows of the nursery, are not very eager to go into the “field”. They are summer residents of the third millennium, like the heroes of the very last pages of Evgenia Gunther's book “To the dacha! History of suburban life. Why such a different attitude to life in nature among different generations of citizens? This question arose almost as soon as we started reading.

Probably, if this book were a collection of funny stories, recipes and household tips, it would be difficult for children to figure it out on their own, without the help of adults. But Eugenia Günther set the historical vector for the development of the “dacha” theme. And my readers of six and nine years old not only immediately noticed that dacha life has undergone significant changes over the past hundred years, but also felt that it was the tragic course of Russian history in the 20th century that had a very serious impact on the originally peaceful and cozy dacha world.

In short stories, the reader opens up a panorama of everyday life in the country with its lovely details, and the author chooses his characteristic, memorable details for each decade. Home performances, country balls in white dresses and canvas jackets, morning cries of milk peddlers and evening walks to the station to meet dad "from work" - these are the pre-revolutionary 1900-1910s of the last century. Departmental dachas of responsible Soviet workers, hammocks and rocking chairs at the dachas of the Soviet intelligentsia, tiny subsidiary farms of workers planted with potatoes - this is how the countryside world of the 30s looks like. That's when, it turns out, a stable Soviet dacha "tradition" arises - to turn the land around the dacha house into a garden, from which the family feeds all winter. Having reached these pages, it seems to me quite appropriate to talk with the children about why it was at this time that the dacha from the place of rest became a subsidiary farm for most families.

Between the thirties and the fifties, wartime also fit in, which for our children is becoming more and more vague and distant for a completely objective reason - the complete impossibility of communicating with the living participants in the events. But such an unexpected turn to war - through the "cottage theme" - gives the children another chance to understand what happened then to our country.

The era of the 50-80s, which passed under the slogan "All the best to children!", Is presented in the book by a description of the life of a suburban dacha of a kindergarten and garden partnerships, where everyone relied on the very famous "six acres", as a significant help to the small salary of Soviet engineers.

So, from decade to decade, the reader develops a rather voluminous image of the dacha world, and in parallel - the national history of the last century, which opens up through unexpected details. For example, only in this book did we first come across a description of peddlers who went from dacha to dacha with milk or city sweets in the pre-revolutionary years. Until now, my children have learned about such things in my retelling of the memoirs of famous people, adapted for their understanding. Only from here did they learn about the "cyclists" who disturbed the rest of summer residents at the beginning of the century by strumming their bicycles. And it seemed to them that suburban life and “great” things are unchanging and eternal, like the sun in the sky.

In general, it seems to me that a very interesting reading experience can turn out if you try to read two books at once at the same time - “To the dacha!” Eugenia Günther and Alexandra Litvina and Anna Desnitskaya. They are very similar stylistically, and such a parallel reading “by decades” will surely give children a lot of new things to build the image of Soviet life, which is gradually taking shape in their heads. I really like this trend of recent years - to acquaint children with the controversial national history not only through celebrity biographies, political reforms, the development of economic systems or foreign policy stories, although this is also necessary and important. A “private” view of history through everyday life helps to maintain a keen interest in children in the past of their country and family; it is close to absolutely all children, and not just lovers of thick books. Then, in high school, this “private” vision of the era helps out many times when you have to wade through the not always lively and figurative texts of a history textbook.

The work of the illustrator of the book, Olesya Ganserovskaya, is a special topic. The drawings make the book "atmospheric", with them the reader is truly immersed in the motley country universe. Thanks to them, not only signs of a certain decade are revealed, manifested in the style of a country house or the clothes of its inhabitants, but also timeless, intangible things that convey the spirit and mood of country life. The bookends of the book resemble a motley country blanket in the patchwork technique, on the pages of the reader are surrounded by pretty tanned children's faces, lilac twilight of the evening garden, the glitter of the July lake, soft green May grass, brown plowed garden land, a huge Colorado potato beetle devouring potatoes ... Almost everyone The reversal raises questions in children, and memories in adults. What kind of game is this - "cockerel or hen"? Yes, we played it all day in the grass! What, you flew kites too? Certainly! And they also made a salad of nettles and plantains, and pupae from twigs and dandelions soaked in a puddle. What can we say about the Indians and the "Cossack robbers" who pass from generation to generation.

Under the cover of "History of country life" is a magnificent collection of all kinds of country games, invented over a hundred years. Some of them I completely forgot, but now they are played by my own children. What is very important - the games are not only described and drawn, their rules are detailed and clearly stated here, and it is not at all difficult to learn how to play "burim" or "charades" on a rainy day, and in clear weather you can build a raft or turn into Indians and "pale-faced ". Or make a "flower manicure" and "jewelry" from plants. Of course, the authors have not forgotten modern country fun, such as a flying saucer-frisbee and playing with balls "petanque". So, if you take this book with you when you leave the city for the summer, none of the small residents of big cities will be bored in the country, even in the absence of the Internet.

Or you can try and finish the pages of this unusual country encyclopedia yourself by inserting the rules of your own games or a new recipe for jam and apple pie. Fortunately, the summer season is open!

Elena Litvyak


The desire to build or buy a dacha appears in Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi almost immediately after marriage ... Nina Maksimovna's apartment is very crowded, it is not possible to rent a good apartment for a long time ... And in this sense, a dacha would be an ideal way out.

Marina Vlady writes in her book “Vladimir, or an Interrupted Flight”: “From the first visit to Moscow, I have a desire to buy a house outside the city. But here I am faced with an almost insoluble problem: foreigners are forbidden to travel further than forty kilometers from Moscow - only with special permission.

The opinion of E. Volodarsky - he will become one of the main characters in this story: “Volodya wanted to buy a house or a summer house in the vicinity of Moscow, but he was not accepted into any cooperative. Firstly, because of the odiousness of the family name, and secondly, because of Marina, foreigners were not allowed to live in most of Moscow's environs.

V. Yanklovich, who later had to deal with the construction of the dacha: “The idea of ​​the dacha arose from the fact that Marina always wanted to live outside the city, and not in an apartment on Malaya Gruzinskaya. And Volodya thought that by building a dacha, he would be able to leave Marina there, and go about his own business: work, write, get medicine ... ”Note that this is already a late motivation ...

At first, V.V. and M.V. simply wanted to buy a house in one of the villages or summer cottages in the Moscow region. Many acquaintances and friends offered a variety of options ... Marina Vladi describes in detail all these unsuccessful attempts. The next option is a house on wheels ...

“We saw these houses at a sales exhibition, and you really wanted to buy one - compact: with a shower, a kitchen and a heating system in case of cold weather. You imagine a trip around Russia, and then you can put it somewhere with friends near Moscow to live there ...

You're fired up, you even find a Soviet cargo ship where you have a captain friend to take the van to Odessa. But it turned out that it costs a fortune ... Over the years of travel, I have squandered the last of my savings, and since I am filming less and less, such a purchase simply exceeds my capabilities. And then the idea arises to build a house on the site of one of the friends ... "

Perhaps the only close acquaintance who had a large summer cottage was the famous playwright Eduard Volodarsky: “And once, when we were sitting in my country house, I suggested to Volodya: Well, if you want, build a house with me. Over there in the place of that old temporary house.

Marina Vladi: “Edik Volodarsky immediately agrees to cede part of his land to us. I draw a plan: a living room with a fireplace and a kitchen, two rooms, a bathroom, a spiral staircase to the attic ... There will be a terrace on the south side. Everything is wooden and of moderate size…”

E. Volodarsky then believed that everything would be quite simple and fast: “And when Volodya got excited about this idea, he had acquaintances in the warehouse of Finnish houses, and they promised him to sell such a house. But when he arrived there, it turned out that all the houses had already dispersed to the authorities.

V. Yanklovich describes this situation more precisely: “Volodya ordered a house at the timber depot - such special houses were sold there - and paid the money. But when they came to take out this house, it turned out that it had already been sold to some general. It was possible to obtain only building material: a house in a “raw”, so to speak, form ... "

E. Volodarsky: “Volodya was terribly upset, he came to me and asked:

And what if a house is folded from a wooden beam? The guys promised me.

I quickly agreed. The beam was delivered, construction began ... I did not have the legal right to build another house, but there was, so to speak, a workaround - I wrote a statement to the cooperative's board asking them to allow me to build an archive-library. I had the right to do so."

Construction begins ... Numerous friends and fans help, for example, the foundation of the house is erected by the workers of Metrostroy (the head of Metrostroy at that time was a fan of V.V. - B. Goldman). V. Yanklovich: “When I arrived at the site, the foundation was already laid, some communications were made, the metro builders helped ... We urgently needed wood finishes ... And Volodya and I went to woodworking plant number six.”

Marina Vladi: “An epic begins, about which we do not even have an idea. In this country, it is impossible to legally acquire an elementary nail or the most ordinary board - so you have to travel around the whole city ... You buy them, overpaying, by pull ... You give concerts at every factory, in every institution, in a warehouse where they take them out to you ... "

Marina Vladi in her book sometimes allows some exaggerations - not to distort the truth, but to increase the artistic effect ... But here she is right - there were many such "sponsored" concerts ... V. Yanklovich: "We are going to some kind of research institute, and the guys practically free of charge make him steam heating. Things are going well in this way.” All this time, V. Yanklovich keeps a book of expenses, fixing the cost of materials and work ...

Another, now clearly romanticized excerpt from Marina Vlady’s book: “All summer I cook huge pots of borscht for workers ... They live right here, on the site, and every morning I bring a full car of food ...”

Volodarsky objects: “Marina writes that she was sitting, watching the workers, preparing food ... My wife, Farida, prepared food for the workers. Twice she (Marina Vladi) appeared when she flew in, and that's it. My wife and I watched the construction, and a certain Yankulovich (V. Yanklovich), Volodya's administrator, was in charge of the money and construction. They built the house for more than a year, during this time I suffered the devil knows how.

Expenses grew: “According to my calculations, Volodya invested a lot of money in the house - forty thousand. True, when we turned to Volodarsky, it turned out that according to state rates - twelve thousand ”(V. Yanklovich).

What about equipment, furniture, things? Marina Vladi did all this: “I'm going to London, and there the seasonal sale just started, and everyone rushed to buy. Three days in a row, from morning to evening, I spend in stores in an indescribable crowd and buy everything with which to furnish and decorate the cottage. An English-style salon, lamps, beds, all household items, a huge refrigerator, which - as you asked - constantly gives out pieces of ice. I also buy dishes, an oven, a food processor. In a word, I am completely ruined, but terribly happy, imagining how happy you will be.

With the help of Oleg Khalimonov, a friend of V.V., who at that time worked in London, all this mass of things was transported from London to Moscow ...

By the end of 1979, the dacha was basically built. According to V. Abdulov, on the night of December 31, 1979 to January 1, 1980, Vysotsky's friends spend the night there ... But the dacha was finally ready in the spring (March) 1980 - gas and heating were supplied.

The most detailed description of the dacha is in D. Chizhkov's book "Reflections". We will give it almost in full, at least in order to be able to judge its value - albeit very approximately:

“Everything was thought out in the house, down to the smallest detail ... Downstairs there was a huge room - a hall, with large windows on three sides. Opposite the front door, in the far right corner, was a fireplace. On top of it stood an exotic, wrought-iron, copper teapot. There were soft armchairs and a sofa by the fireplace, surrounded by a low coffee table. In the middle of the room, facing the window, across the hall stood a huge table and two hewn benches along it. Opposite the window, along a windowless wall, on a platform lined with large colorful tiles, there is a gas stove, next to the dishwasher. It turned out a kitchen in the middle of the room - the hostess could be with the guests and at the same time cook. At the end and beginning of the wall with kitchen equipment there are two doors. One led to the bedroom. Another - in another room, which housed a huge multi-chamber refrigerator. From this room, as well as from the bedroom, there were doors to a spacious bathroom.

Closer to the front door, to the right along the window, stood out an old massive crockery chest of drawers. And on the left in the corner - a beautiful spiral staircase led to the second floor. Upstairs… there was a huge bedroom-study. There is also another toilet and utility rooms…”

“So, in the spring of 1980, everything is ready. But because of your serious condition, we spend only two days at the dacha, which we dreamed about so much ... Two short nights, several hours of solitary work, many plans and hopes - and everything ends ... ”(Marina Vladi).

But Vysotsky himself - alone and with friends - of course, was more often at the dacha. And immediately problems began to arise ... V. Yanklovich: “No, the question of dividing the site did not arise at all ... They are friends with Volodarsky. But in order to go to the dacha, Volodya had to call Volodarsky's Faridezhenya every time - it was impossible to come just like that ... The only thing Volodya asked Volodarsky about was to make a separate gate so that he would have a separate entrance.

Vladimir Shekhtman, a man who has been very close to V.V. for the past six months, recalls: “Volodya did not like the dacha, although he bled a lot of money into it. To get to the cottage, you had to call:

Ale! Faridul? We're going, you open the door there ...

Summer of the 80th year, a large Mercedes has already come out of repair. Volodya says: “Get behind the wheel, let's go to the dacha ...” We scratch along Leningradsky ... Volodya asks: “Do we have a canister of gasoline? - I have, why? “Let’s burn this dacha!”

It could only be a mood, but it was…”

Cars were sold to pay off debts, the apartment on Malaya Gruzinskaya was transferred to Vysotsky's mother, Nina Maksimovna. A complicated story begins with the cottage. Only two points of view have been published, E. Volodarsky and A. Makarov (“Dom Kino” - November 1990, January 1991, earlier in “Soviet Culture” there were several publications on this topic ...)

To figure out who is right and who is wrong, we need documents and evidence from third parties ... Let's try to at least trace the outline of events ...

The confidant of Marina Vladi is Artur Sergeevich Makarov: “The question arose of what to do with the dacha, which was listed in the site plan as Volodarsky's archive-library. E. Volodarsky immediately announced that he would pay its cost and keep the house for himself ... "

E. Volodarsky: “A few days after Volodya's death, Marina asked what to do with the house. And she herself answered: “Let the house remain with you. It cost forty thousand ... ”Although, by the way, Yanklovich did not have any documents for such an amount. I replied that I did not need this house, I have my own. And I don’t have that kind of money…”

After Volodarsky’s refusal, it was decided to raise money among Vysotsky’s close friends - and give it to Marina ... And the house will have a kind of Vysotsky museum ... “For my part, I could give an official commitment that no one would live in the house, except for Marina, when she arrives to the Union "(E. Volodarsky).

A. S. Makarov objects, everything is so, but “no one should have given the collected money to Marina, they should have gone to other heirs: mother, father, sons. In any case, I received such instructions” (as a confidant of Marina Vladi).

Then this option also disappears: A. Makarov himself is going to buy the dacha. Again, everyone agrees, Makarov and his family will even live there for some time ... V.V.'s birthday is celebrated at the dacha - January 25, 1981 - they are still friends, everyone is at the same table ...

And then a complex, tangled story begins with mutual claims and accusations, which, we repeat, cannot be sorted out without documents and additional evidence ...

Volodarsky demands that Makarov vacate the dacha - he is going to dismantle it ... Marina Vlady appeals to the Moscow City Council - the decision to divide the site has been made, but the board of the cooperative is against ... or not against - you need to look at the minutes of the board meeting ...

In the end, Volodarsky dacha was dismantled, and the cost of building materials was paid to his sons ... During its short existence, the dacha played, perhaps, only one positive role: the archive of V. Vysotsky was dismantled and re-shot on it ... And Marina Vladi handed over the original manuscripts for storage to TsGALI - handed over for free. Although she could keep the archive at home or sell it for a lot of money. So to accuse Marina Vladi of some selfish aspirations - as E. Volodarsky does - is at least unreasonable ... By the way, she herself writes that the furniture was sold by her ... But as for other things ... Only one detail: in the last V. V.’s birthday was presented with a funny cloth woman for a teapot ... Marina Vladi transported her to the dacha. Now this toy, among many other things - albeit small things - is located at Volodarsky's dacha ...

In conclusion, it must be said that the story with the dacha quarreled many of V.V.'s close friends, and made some of them real enemies ... And it was not only about things or money, it was just that all these people were united by the powerful personality of V. Vysotsky. And he was gone...

And one cannot but agree with Marina Vlady: “I can’t help but think that maybe if we were allowed to buy a house in the village from the very beginning, this would extend your life for several years ...”

From the book by William Thackeray. His life and literary activity author Aleksandrov Nikolai Nikolaevich

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From the book Confession of a conscript author Dovgalenko Alexander Vitalievich

History Recently, more and more noise began to rise around our long-suffering army, then someone shot himself there, then someone strangled himself, then a serviceman shot half the guardhouse, and he himself went on the run, the recently sensational case with a soldier ,

From the book Mike: Rock and Roll Time author Rybin Alexey Viktorovich

History Further, the text in the book will be somewhat incoherent - the chapters will not be arranged in chronological order, but in the way that I, the author, imagined. There are two reasons for this. The first is that it is not fashionable to write coherent texts now, and rock musicians are the first fashionistas. I was too

From the book Diary by Peeps Samuel

1. HISTORY OF RESTORATION1 With God's help, I did not have to complain about my health at the end of last year. I lived in the Ex Yard; apart from my wife, the maid, and myself, there was no one in the house. This is the state of affairs. Rump2 has returned and sits again; Monk with his army in

From Herder's book author Gulyga Arseniy Vladimirovich

2. The history of mankind as the history of culture Since Herder created not a work on world history, but a general sociological study, he was primarily interested not in facts, but in the lessons of history. However, he tried to derive the latter from the analysis of historical events.

From the book Poetry of the peoples of the Caucasus in the translations of Bella Akhmadulina author Abashidze Grigol

COUNTRY SUITE The old-fashioned mysteries of Saturday keep their delicate plot. You will not go out into this garden, which is full of freedom and languor of midnight creatures - you sit in the dining room with a mysterious husband until late. Prolong your slow dinner two candles, two glasses of wine. And in the window

From the book Child of the Jungle [Real Events] the author Kugler Sabina

My story I will tell my story, the story of a girl from another age... a story of love and hate, cruelty and forgiveness and the beauty of life. This is a truly true story. This is my story. October. I'm seventeen years old, I'm wearing a striped sweater and low shoes that

From the book Home, dinner and bed. From a diary by Peeps Samuel

History Restoration With God's help, I did not have to complain about my health at the end of last year. I lived in the Ex Yard; apart from my wife, the maid, and myself, there was no one in the house. This is the state of affairs. Rump has returned and is sitting again; Monk with his army in

From the book Devil's Bridge, or My Life as a Mote of History: (notes of the cheerful) author Simukov Alexey Dmitrievich

History is us While working as a senior editor at the Soyuzmultfilm studio, in 1945 I met Grigory Alexandrovich Ryazhsky. An old Muscovite, warmed by a film studio, interested me with his stories about our past. His very appearance, manners, expressions

From the book Forex Club: Win-win revolution the author Taran Vyacheslav

My story According to Russian etiquette, good deeds are not subject to publicity. Because “it is customary”, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers walked so righteously through life. I lived for ten school years in the Nanai district of the Khabarovsk Territory. I remember one local tradition. Pregnant for centuries

From the book My name is Wit Mano ... by Mano Wit

From the book of Francois Marie Voltaire author Kuznetsov Vitaly Nikolaevich

From the book Living Life. Strokes to the biography of Vladimir Vysotsky author Carriers Valery Kuzmich

From the book Vladimir Vysotsky. Life after death author Bakin Viktor V.

Artur Sergeevich MAKAROV. COUNTRY HISTORY After the death of Volodya Vysotsky, debts remained, rather large debts, and the question arose: who should do this ... They thought and discussed for a long time, and then Marina says: - Arthur, who, if not you ?! And although I refused, she immediately wrote out to me

From the book In the shadow of Stalin's skyscrapers [Confessions of an architect] author Galkin Daniil Semyonovich

P. Soldatenkov - "The story of love, the history of the disease" There is nothing more boring than talking about other people's illnesses and someone else's fornication. Anna Akhmatova I don't like it when respectable creative people tell how he drank. I understand that he was drinking, but they bring it to the fore, like

From the author's book

Dacha idyll in old Kratovo Granny Dorita's dacha was located in the then prestigious village of Kratovo along the Kazan railway. A home-grown builder by the name of Chudakov lived on a neighboring plot. He did private commissions. For renovation and expansion

Good day to all! This is my first post, please do not judge strictly. My history.
My story began back in those days when the whole country, or most of it, experienced a shortage in almost everything! I was then 13-14 years old. Our dacha was still very young, 3-5 years old, a house made of timber was being completed with my grandfather, and my grandmother fought with a garden. The story began with the fact that my uncle began to bring his grandfather alcohol "free"! And very good quality (royal), and even in serious volumes. There was so much alcohol in the dacha that the grandfather himself drank and praised, and even paid for everything he got! Lumber, manure, land were also plowed by tractor drivers for alcohol! One fine summer day, a friend from the city came to me. Accidentally noticing a flask of 60 liters in the dressing room, he asked me what was in it! I confessed to a friend: ALCOHOL ROYAL! Of course, he was surprised at such wealth, and even in the country! We decided to shoot the test in the evening, we were going to go fishing anyway, we decided to take it to the lake with us, we’ll be back late, everyone will sleep, maybe it’ll blow over, we won’t sleep! They poured 100 grams into a bottle, maybe less, diluted it with a squeeze of jam and onto the lake! So softly I have not yet "tidy up"! They probably diluted it just right, or maybe the alcohol really was very good! We got home without incident, but we climbed up the hill on all fours, the crucian bucket was very annoying, but we went fishing and not drinking as many thought! A friend left a couple of days later, and my idea was born, to save alcohol until better times! When I'm older, I'll get it for my birthday, or when I get back from the army! I took a bottle of vodka RUSSIA 1l. (I close my eyes and see it in front of me)! I plugged the wine cork and even wrapped it with electrical tape on top for reliability! And the alcohol in the flask had to be diluted with water! GRANDFATHER strictly watched the liquid level! After thinking at my leisure about the place where my "treasure" was hidden, I firmly decided that there are simply no reliable places on the territory of the dacha! I have an extreme site, at the very edge of the forest, and went there with a shovel and a bottle! I found a snout more noticeable, counted the birch trees around and buried them for 2-3 bayonets! On the way back, I also counted the steps! Later he returned and sketched a map on a piece of paper! The first time I seriously thought about extracting the treasure was when I turned 16! Friends arrived, drank beer and I told about the treasure. At first, of course, they laughed together! But when the beer was over and the evening had just begun, they began to ask me about a more detailed place where the treasure was hidden! Of course, the map was gone, but how many steps from the gate I had forgotten a long time ago! took 3 shovels and went to look for my remnants of memories. They dug up 2 acres, within a radius of 10 meters from the alleged place of the cache! Someone thinned the birch felts, or some other mystical forces, but so far the treasure has not been found! And they took every summer to look for 2-3 times! The other day I was at the dacha with a friend, recalled this story, laughed until you drop! And I don’t even believe that he is there, too much water has flowed under the bridge over the years, my beloved grandfather is no longer there, the dacha has passed to me, or rather what is left of it, but that’s a completely different story ...

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