Assignments on the letter d. Lesson summary on the topic “Sounds D, D. Letter D. List of used literature

Literacy training

Subject: Consonants [d], [d’], letter D. Writing a lowercase letter d.

Target: Forming the ability of students to correlate their behavior with the communication situation.


we develop the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants;

we develop the ability to identify sounds in words;

we develop the ability to master the styles of written letters and words;

We develop the ability to write sentences;

We develop the ability to analyze text.

Equipment: printed and written letters, incl. D, pictures “house”, “smoke”, “tree”, “hollow”, “woodpecker”, “grandfather”, “path”, “firewood”, “children”.


Lesson steps

During the classes

Formation of UUD

Organizational moment.

Ι. Updating knowledge

We have an unusual lesson today.

Let's tell you about ourselves and get ourselves ready for work.

We are smart, serious,

We study well, everything will work out for us.

Prepare your ears and eyes so that during the lesson we can hear, see and remember everything.

Dunno sent a letter. On the letter the address is school 42. For the most serious, intelligent, inquisitive first-graders. This is probably for us?

He asks these questions. Do you agree to answer the questions? So that Dunno also knows the answers to these questions.

- What sounds do we hear? (speech and non-speech).

- What groups of speech sounds do we know? (vowels and consonants).

- What vowel sounds have you learned? (a, i, o, s, u).

- What do you know about vowel sounds? (stressed or unstressed, softens the preceding consonant or not).

- What do you know about consonants? (voiced, unvoiced, paired or unpaired, soft or hard).

Well done! We answered all Dunno's questions. We hope we helped him learn a little more.

Sounds are different: consonants or vowels, voiced or unvoiced. Soft or hard. Sounds behave differently in different situations. Do you agree with me? Likewise, a person can behave differently. The main thing is to be able to correctly understand where you are, who you are talking to, who surrounds you. If you know how to be soft and kind in time, or firmly defend your opinion. Then others respect you, you have many friends and you are happy. If you don’t know how to be kind when others need it, or you can’t defend your opinion. Then you will not be respected, there will be no friends, you will be bored and lonely.

As smart, inquisitive children, you want to learn how to correlate your behavior with the communication situation through participation in the project “Identifying the characters of one letter of our alphabet.”

We agree.

1 3 - Now, please help me finish the sentences.

Tablets with words are a support for memorization.

. Coming from the pipe... .

There is a growing... .

On the tree … . At the hollow... .

Sitting at the house... .

Leads to the house... .

What words were needed to create this picture?(House , smoke , oak , hollow , woodpecker , grandfather , track .)

Let's say the words:house , smoke , oak , hollow , track .

What do these words have in common?(All words begin with a hard consonant[d]. )

Attach a blue circle.

Listen carefully to the words:grandfather , woodpecker . What did you notice?

(All words begin with a soft consonant [d’].)

Attach a green circle.

What is the sound in terms of deafness and sonority?

Let's listen (cover our ears with our hands).

What kind of headgear will the sound artist have? (call).

Words on the board.


Why are letters missing in these words?(we did not study this letter)

Which letter will represent these sounds? (letter de).

What do you think will be the purpose of our lesson? ( Learn to read and write words with a new letter).

I suggest planning a lesson plan.

Plan (approximate) 3 2

    Introducing new sounds and letters.

    Introduction to writing letters d.

    Reading syllables.

    Reading words.

    Working on a story.

What were we doing now? (planned their activities).

Which part of the plan have we already completed? (1).

Cognitive UUD:

1) we develop the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, and texts;

2) we develop the ability to present information in the form of a diagram;

3 ) We develop the ability to identify the essence, features of objects;

4) we develop the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

5) we develop the ability to generalize and classify according to characteristics;

6) we develop the ability to navigate the spread of a textbook;

7) We develop the ability to find answers to questions in illustrations.

ΙΙ. Statement of educational problem. Discovery of new knowledge

Look at what we must do in step 2 of the plan? (familiarity with writing the letter d).

Why do we study this letter? (To learn to read and write)

To learn how to write words with this letter, we must first learn how to write this letter. To do this, open the copybook on page 14.

3. Work in copybook. 2 5

Look at the sound player and put it on, remembering again and telling your neighbor about the nature of these sounds.

1) Look at the scoreboard.

How many elements does a letter consist of? (out of two)

In what letters do these elements appear? (oh, oh, oh)

The teacher connects the elements of the letter d on the board:

I'm writing a letter A, but I don’t round to the right, but lead down, like a letter at.

2) – Write the first and second line.

For whom was the letter d difficult to write?

In the next lessons, you and I will also practice writing syllables, words and sentences.

What did you learn to do now? (write the letter d).

We completed the second point of the plan.

Now let’s rest (physical minute).

Game "Catch the Sound".

I will name the words. Boys stand on the hard sound d. and girls on the soft sound d.

Children, fight, friend, village, soul, Dima, Motherland, friendship.

We rested and worked at the same time.

Someone may have heard the worst word from my suggested words in the game? (fight).

When does the fight happen? (When people do not know how to choose the right manners of communication).

And now we will learn how to choose our actions correctly through reading syllables.

Communicative UUD:

1) We develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2) we develop the ability to construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks;

3 ) We develop the ability to express our thoughts orally;

4) We develop the ability to work in pairs.

ΙΙΙ. Application of new knowledge

4. Summary

1. Work at Bukvar. 5 6 2

Let's pay attention to the next point of the plan.

    Reading syllables. To do this, open page 92

Let's get ready to read syllables.

Read to yourself.

How are syllables 1 and 2 different?

What is the difference between syllables 3 and 4?

Are there any syllables with a soft consonant? In which column? Read it. Why, prove it.

Girls read syllables with the letter D, and boys read syllables with the letter T.

We read in chorus.

Why? (because words consist of several syllables)

Read the words of the 1st column.

Read the word similar to the word thought. (Duma).

A word for a woman. (Lady).

Name a word that denotes an action. (Breathing)

Find a word that means what sings when a person is doing well? (soul)

Prepare to read the 4th column.

What do the words in this column have in common? (cognate)

What does the word mean? Gift (1. gift, donation.

2. ability, talent).

New Year is coming soon, who will you prepare a gift for?

Who gives you a good mood every morning?


Which points of the plan have you completed? (3 and 4)

3).– Let’s return to the words of our story (pictures on the board).

Let's read the sentences again.

What have we read just now? (story)

Why did you decide so? (connected in meaning).

What's missing from this story? (title)

Let's give it a title.

Notice where the events take place? (in the village, in the yard).

Title (In my grandfather's yard, In the village.)

What were we doing now? (were working on a story)

We completed point 5 of the plan.

Have we completed all the tasks?

But I want to offer you one more thing: draw your own little man with your own character and convey your mood to him.

Let's draw.

Exhibition of little men.

Let's summarize our work.

I would rate my work…………………

I would clap my hands for a good job…………….

I did in class……………………….

I think…………...........

What word would you use to rate your work?

Regulatory UUD:

1) we develop the ability to express our assumptions based on working with the textbook material;

2) we develop the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the assigned task;

3 ) we develop the ability to predict upcoming work (make a plan);

4) We develop the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Personal UUD:

1) We develop the ability to express our attitude towards the characters and express our emotions;

2) we form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity;

3) We develop the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.

Spiritual and moral development and education:

1) education of moral sense, ethical consciousness and readiness to perform positive actions, including speech;

2) civic-patriotic education;

3) education of hard work and ability to learn;

4) education of a healthy lifestyle;

5) environmental education;

6) aesthetic education.

Today's lesson begins with very necessary and important words:

D ohm

D kids

D friendship

D obro

Not a single person can do without these words. And the letter that today’s lesson is dedicated to was also called “good” in ancient times. Of course it's a letter D(Fig. 1). The topic of this lesson: “Letter D and the sounds it represents."

Rice. 1. Letter D ()

The dragon has three heads. And each head has prepared its own task for you. The first head loves to count. Read the numbers:

2, 9, 10, 12, 19, 20, 200, 900

Think about which numbers are pronounced with a soft sound [d′], and which ones - with solid [d].

The second dragon head likes to name words with opposite meanings. Read the pairs of words and determine whether the second word begins with a hard or soft sound.

Enmity - d make a sound (hard sound) [d])

Idleness - d elo (soft sound) [d′])

Night - d een (soft sound [d′])

No - d a (hard sound [d])

The dragon flew far away

He has been overseas.

He saw a magical forest,

Enchanted princesses.

He saw the heroes

Sorcerers, kings...

He knows a lot of fairy tales -

My flying dragon.

Vladimir Stepanov

Do you know fairy tales? Guess the fairy tale, its author and hero.

Someone opened his mouth

Someone swallowed something.

Everything around got dark,

Oh, what a fright there is everywhere!

This is a crocodile from the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun” by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Croco d il - there is a soft sound in the middle of the word [d′](Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Crocodile with the stolen sun ()

A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.

Who has read such a book?

Knows a little girl?

This is Thumbelina from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale “Thumbelina” (Fig. 4).

D Yumovochka - soft sound [d′] at the beginning of a word.

Rice. 4. Thumbelina ()

My question is not at all difficult,

It is about the city of Emerald.

Who was the glorious ruler there?

Who was the main wizard there?

This is Goodwin from the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” by Alexander Volkov.

Gu d vin - a hard sound in the middle of a word [d](Fig. 5).

What kind of worker does the priest have?

And the cook, and the groom, and the carpenter,

Sitting with a child as a nanny,

Threatens the devils with a rope,

Competing with an imp?

Whose image do you see now?

This is Balda from the fairy tale by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, which is called “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”

Ball d a - in the middle of a word there is a hard sound [d](Fig. 6).

At the sounds [d] And [d′] there is a peculiarity - they do not occur at the end of words, because at the end of words they are pronounced as sounds [T] And [T']. These sounds are very friendly with each other and often occur in pairs. They talk about it scientifically: sounds are stunned, that is, they are not pronounced loudly, but are pronounced dully. And here is the letter D written in any part of a word, including at the end of words.

Look at the block letters Dd(Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Block letters Dd

Letter D denotes both hard and soft sounds in writing.

Visible outside the windows of the house

And children on the paths.

And here is the letter D herself

On samovar legs(Fig. 8) .

Rice. 8. Letter D ()

What does the letter look like? D?

This house is a letter D.

There is a window in the house,

There's smoke coming from the chimney,

And there's a cat in the window(Fig. 9) .

Another letter D looks a little like a chair, like a tractor, like a letter L.

To better remember the letter D, mold it from plasticine or fold it from some objects. Draw an interesting letter D. This will help you recognize it and not confuse it with other letters.

But the writer Viktor Khmelnitsky saw the letter D and composed a fairy tale.

The road cannot exist without a house. She becomes bored, she gets lost somewhere in the steppe and disappears from sight. And if there is no road or path from the house, it means that no one lives in the house: the chimney does not smoke, cold and hunger roam the house, wind and rain come in - and the house falls apart. So it turns out that the road leads to the house, and the house calls for the road. That’s why the letter D stands at the beginning of these words, like a brick on legs. The brick reminds of a house, and the legs remind of a road...

Read the words in pairs:

d om - d th

R from - R od

Are the words in the pairs the same? Different. Can you come up with a proposal with them?

Now read the words in transcription:

[d ohm] - [ d ym]

[ro T] - [po T]

At the beginning of a word there is a sound [d] read loudly, but at the end - dull, like sound [T]. This is how important it is to write the correct letter. Sounds can confuse us

Consider a written letter Dd(big and small). Compare them with block letters (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Printed and written letters Dd ()

Let's learn to write a capital letter D(Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Letter D ()

It is written without interruption. We begin to write the letter just above the middle of the additional ruler. We write a straight line from top to bottom, without reaching the bottom line of the working line, we make a curve to the left by touching it. We round to the right, without raising the line high above the bottom ruler, and cross the straight line of the letter slightly above the bottom line of the working line. We draw a semi-oval line to the right, touching the bottom line of the working line. We lift it up, round it to the left, writing a curve above the first element of the letter.

When writing a capital letter D The following errors are possible: the letter is very wide; the result is a large loop that lies on the bottom line of the working line; The curvature line after writing the loop did not touch the working line, but ran straight up, which is why the letter turned out to be crooked.

Try writing the letter in your notebook yourself. Remember the correct slanted position of the notebook, how to hold the pen correctly, and how to keep your back straight while writing.

Now let's write a small letter d. Lowercase letter d consists of two elements - an oval and a straight line with a curve at the bottom. She looks like a small letter at. lowercase letter d can be written in two ways.

Let's look at the first way to write a small letter d(Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Writing a lowercase letter d ()

We begin to write the letter just below the top line of the working line. From right to left we draw a semi-oval line, touching the bottom line of the working line. We raise the line up, close the oval at the point where the letter is written and raise the straight line up, deviating to the right, to the top line of the working line. We return and continue to draw a straight line down. We cross the bottom line of the working line and lower the straight line to the middle of the additional line. We draw a curve to the left, turn it and draw a smooth line upward, deviating to the right. We cross the straight line at the bottom line of the working line, continue driving a little further and stop.

Second way to write a lowercase letter d convenient for continuous connection with other letters when we write a letter d in the middle of a word.

We start writing just above the bottom line of the working line. From left to right, draw a semi-oval line by touching the bottom ruler. We lift it up, round it to the left, touching the top line of the working line, lower it down, and close the oval. Repeat at the bottom of the oval. We continue the repeat line to the top line, deviating to the right. We touch the top line of the working line and lower the straight line down. Having reached the middle of the additional line, we write a curve to the left, turn it and draw a smooth line upward, deviating to the right. We cross the straight line at the bottom line of the working line, continue driving a little further and stop.

Try writing this letter in the air. Write it with the back of the pen on your palm.

When writing a lowercase letter d The following errors are possible: short or very long second element of the letter; very wide rounding loop of the second element.

Try writing the letter in your notebook yourself.

Connect capital letter D It should be like this: having written the letter, we do not stop, but continue to draw a line of the cap around the first element. This line crosses the letter itself and leads to the bottom line of the working line for the lower connection; it stops before reaching the bottom line of the working line. Next, write down the required letter, such as m, l, I and others. For the top connection, this line is drawn to the top line of the working line. From it the following letters will be written: R, n and others.

Small letter d we will connect with other letters like a letter at. For the lower connection, the connecting line is not written separately, but the next letter is added to the end of the letter d. For the top connection, we draw a loop (the second element) to the top line of the working line, from where we begin to write the next letter.

Try to write the syllables yourself, connecting a capital and a small letter Dd with all the vowels you already know.

Today in class you learned about the letter D, which in writing denotes soft and hard voiced sounds [d′] And [d]. But do you remember that at the end of words these sounds are deafened and turned into sounds [T] And [T'].

Letter D appeared in our alphabet with the word good. Of course, we cannot do without goodness these days. And in fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. Remember three more very important words: d lose your mind, d eat, d break off. Let these words live with you.


  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas, 2012
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook, 2013
  1. ().
  3. ().


  • Practice writing letters D. Write your own block and capital letters Dd(big and small).
  • Find words in which the letter D denotes a hard sound [d].

Pair d, d rowa, d tree, d oroga, d engi, chu d O.

  • Guess the riddle:

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are celebrating the New Year.

Ksenia Stepanova
Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory school group “Letter “D”. Sound [D] and [D’]"

Notes on teaching literacy in a pre-school group.

Subject: Letter D. Sound [D] and [D"]

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about letter D and sound [D] and [D"].


Form and consolidate the ability to determine the presence sound in a word and its position.

Strengthen the ability to differentiate sounds in hardness and softness.

Learn to transform words by replacing one sound to others.

Develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory.

Equipment: TV; laptop; cards with letters; presentation; magnets in green, blue and red colors; workbooks; colour pencils.

GCD move.

I. Organizational moment.

Children sit on chairs on the carpet.

Educator: Hello children. Today you and I will be on our class play, solve riddles, come up with new words, work in notebooks, look for a given sound and do sound analysis of words, make up words on the board. Please look at the screen. (Slide No. 1). Tell me which one letter shown in the picture?

Children: Letter D.

Educate Right. This letter D. And who can answer me with what? the letter is different from the sound?

Children: We see the letter, read and write, and sound we hear and pronounce.

Educator: Absolutely right. Tell me which one the sound could be the letter D?

Children: Maybe hard sound and can be soft sound.

Educated Right. Who can tell me about sound D, what is he like? (if children find it difficult, ask leading questions).

Children: It is consonant, hard, and is indicated in blue.

Educate Well done. Which one then sound indicated in green?

Children: Sound D".

Educator: Okay. Everything was answered correctly. It's time to solve the riddles. Ready?

Children: Yes.

I. Main part.

1. Guessing riddles.

Educator: then listen. (Slide No. 2).

This is a huge noisy world.

It has four hundred apartments, five entrances, intercoms,

Glazed balconies.

Children: This is a house.

Educator: Correct. This is home. (Slide No. 3). Tell me, what is in this word sound, hard or soft?

Children: solid.

Education: correct, solid. Where is he located in this word?

Children: It is at the beginning of a word.

Educator: Well done. We've solved the first riddle, now it's time to move on to the second. Ready?

Children: Yes.

Educated: Listen: (Slide No. 4)

It lives in seas and rivers, but often hovers in the clouds.

And when she gets bored of flying, she falls to the ground again!

Children: This is water.

Educator: That's right, it's water. (slide No. 5). Who can describe it to me? sound in this word, which we are talking about?

Children: This sound D, it is indicated in blue and is located in the middle of the word. (children complement each other’s answers and correct each other’s inaccuracies and incorrect answers).

Educator: Well done, and you completed this task. Listen to the next riddle. (Slide No. 5). It’s good to lie down and sit on it when it’s there...

It was given to us for relaxation, soft, plush...

Children: This is a sofa!

Educator: That's right, this is a sofa. (Slide No. 7). Tell me which one sound hidden in this word and where is it located?

Children: Sound D". it is located at the beginning of the word and is indicated in green.

Educator: Well done, you completed the task. Now let's take a little rest.

2. Physical exercise.

Physical exercise is performed with musical accompaniment. (at the teacher's choice).

3. “Coming up with words with a given sound» .

Well done, take a seat on the chairs. The next task is for you. The one who comes up with and names a word that begins with sound D or D ". Is the task clear to everyone?

Children: Yes. Having come up with a word, the child raises his hand and says the correct word and sits down at the table.

Educated Helps those children who have encountered minor difficulties with leading questions, but does not say words for them.

4. "Define what sound» .

Educator: I will name the words with sound D, and you raise the pencil of the color that corresponds to sound in a word. For example, I say the word YARD, what color do you pick up your pencil?

Children: Blue.

Educator: Correct. Get your pencils and ears ready. (Reads words):

Woodpecker, Doctor, Day, Kindergarten, Domino, Vladik, Tree, Friend, Rains, Water, Nature, Road, Herd.

5. "Come up with a word"-adding syllables YES or DYA.

Educator: Guys, now we are going to play a game "Come up with a word". I will tell you a word, and you need to add the syllable YES or DYA to it. Do you understand the task?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then listen:

On the…. Liu… Li…. Volo... Fe... Vla... With...

Mo... Yes...

6. "Say it differently"- replacement the sound T - Th to the sound D - D.

Educator: And now the task will be more difficult. Your task is to replace in words the sound T-T to the sound D-D.

Tom-house Dot-daughter Rafts-fruits Shadow-day of Tim-Dim

Grass-firewood Body-business Duck-fishing rod Twig-pond Wheelbarrow-dacha.

Well done, you coped with such a difficult task.

7. Compiling a word from a picture. A picture is attached to the board, and the child comes to the board, guesses the word and writes it under the picture.

Guys, look what is drawn in the picture that I hung on the board.

Children: This is a shower.

Educator: That's right, it's a SHOWER. Who wants to go out and spell the word shower on the board?

The person who wants to comes out, and the rest of the children check the correct spelling of the word.

Educator: Who can do it? sound analysis of the word SHOWER?

At will, the child goes out and does sound analysis, denoting sound colored magnet of the corresponding color (blue, red, blue).

The words DOOR and TREE are guessed, composed and parsed in the same way.

8. Finger gymnastics at the request of children.

III. The final stage.

9. Work in a notebook.

Educator: Guys, please open your notebooks. Read the first word that you have written in your notebooks.

Children: SHOWER

Educator: That's right, this is the word SHOWER. Who wants to go out and write this word on the board? (The person who wishes leaves, and the rest of the children check the correct spelling of the word and do sound analysis in their notebooks). And who can do sound analysis of words? At will, the child goes out and does sound analysis, denoting sound with a colored magnet of the corresponding color (blue, red, dark blue), and the rest of the children check the correctness of the word and do sound analysis in your notebooks.

The word TREE is understood in the same way.

And the children sort out the third word independently, each in their own notebook.

10. Reflection.

Educator: Guys, think a little about what you have for today I liked the lesson, and what you didn’t really like. Maybe it was difficult for you, or not interesting, or another reason. I will tell you the tasks that we completed today on assignments, and if you liked this task, raise up a red pencil, and if not, then a green one. Did everyone understand the task?

Children: Yes.

Educator: The first task is guessing riddles. Children raise their hand with a pencil up. Tasks No. 3 and No. 7 are assessed in the same way.

Thank you, you are all great today and it was a pleasure to work with you today. Is our class is over.

Natalya Mukhovikova
Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound and letter [D]”

Subject: Sound and letter D.

Target: introduce children to sound and letter D.


Teach to characterize sound[D] based on acoustic and articulatory characteristics, analyze syllables;

Practice highlighting sound[D] in the middle and beginning of words;

Develop phonemic processes in children;

reinforce concepts: syllable, word, sentence;

Train in laying out a sentence diagram;

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and complete the assigned task.

Equipment: mirrors, table, designations sounds, subject pictures, the title of which contains sound [D], letter D, teaching aid « Zvukarik» , pencil cases for laying out the sentence diagram.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: - The one who determines the number of syllables in word:

hammock, ball, Tanya, fly, bathhouse, raspberry, owl, paw, paper, juice, ditch.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist: - Listen to the words. Which 1st the sound in these words?

Children: - sound [D].

Speech therapist: - today we will meet sound [D].

3. Articulation gymnastics. (performed in front of a mirror)

Fence - tube, let's brush our teeth (lower ones only).

Pronunciation of pure sayings.

Yes, yes, yes, the water is running.

Doo-doo-doo - I'll find you.

Do-do-do - the beep sounds.

Do-do-do - the gardens are blooming.

Our tongue is ready to go.

4. Acoustic-articulatory image sound.

Speech therapist: -Say sound [D].

Choral and individual performance sound [D].

[D] with observation of articulation before mirror: The lips are stretched in a smile, the tip of the tongue touches the upper front teeth.

The air does not come out freely, it meets obstacle: tongue and upper teeth. Means, sound D - consonant, we will denote it with a blue chip. Now listen to how firmly I say sound [D]: Y-y-y.

Sound [D] - consonant, hard, will be denoted in blue.

Several children repeat the full description sound [D].

5. Communication sounds and letters.

Getting to know letter D. Show letters. "Write" letter D in the air, and then on the table with your fingers.

Invite children to name objects that look like letter D.

One child finds letter among others.

6. Development of phonemic hearing. A game “Clap, don’t yawn!”

Children should clap their hands when they hear the syllables sound [D], among others syllables: yes, mu, ko, ta, do, we, tu, do, po, yes, dy, ka, do, etc.

7. Consolidation sounds in syllables.

Then the speech therapist pronounces the syllable YES in an exaggerated manner.

Together with the children, he performs a detailed analysis of this syllable.

Following the analysis, a game is played "Living Syllables".

Two children go to the board and stand "living syllables": the speech therapist says which of them will be which sound, and children choose the appropriate color designation.

Speech therapist (puts the children next to each other and names the resulting syllable):

This is the syllable YES.

What Olya are we like? sound? (Sound A.)

And what about Vanya? sound? (Sound D.)

The same is true sound analysis of the syllable DU(other children come out).

Physical education minute

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up.

We'll spread our hands

And we'll all go in circles

8. Consolidation sound in words.

Location determination sound D in words:

Melon, house, dishes, oaks, gift, pencils, pillow, water, etc.

Children indicate location sound in« sound house» (dactic game « Zvukarik» ).

Speech therapist sound [D] at the beginning of a word?

Children: - two.

L: - Name which ones?

Children: - Melon and oak trees.

Speech therapist: - How many pictures, in the title of which sound[D] in the middle of a word?

Children: - two.

L: - Name which ones?

Children: - Pencils and a pillow.

9. Consolidation sound in sentences.

Speech therapist: Guess what I wished for.

Growing in the forest. They have There is: roots, trunk, branches, leaves.

Children: - Oak trees.

Speech therapist: - Come up with a sentence of 4 words.

Children: - Oak trees grow in the forest.

Speech therapist: - What is the 1st word?

Children: - Oak trees.

Speech therapist: - What is the 2nd word?

Children: - Growing.

Speech therapist: - What is the 3rd word?

Children: - IN.

Speech therapist: - What is the 4th word?

Children: - Forest.

You can play the game "Live offer".

Speech therapist: How many words are there in a sentence?

Children: - Four words.

Speech therapist: - What is the action word?

Children: - Growing.

Speech therapist: - What is the smallest word in the sentence?

Children: - IN.

Speech therapist: - The little word B is a preposition.

Speech therapist: - Lay out the outline of the proposal. And Pasha is at the blackboard.

Speech therapist: - What is the 1st word?

Children: - Oak trees.

Speech therapist: - What is the 2nd word?

Children: - Growing.

Speech therapist: - What is the 3rd word?

Children: - IN.

Speech therapist: - What is the 4th word?

Children: - Forest.

Speech therapist: - Look at the board and check with you?

Children: - Yes.

Speech therapist: - I point to the word out of order. And you name it.

Speech therapist: - Well done.

Speech therapist: - What is the word in the sentence with sound [D]

Children: - Oak trees.

Speech therapist: - Where do we hear in the word OAKS sound [D](at the beginning, in the middle, at the end?

Children: - In the word oaks we hear sound [D] at the beginning of a word.

Speech therapist: - What color should you take a square to indicate sound [D]?

Children: - Blue square.

Speech therapist: - Take a square and put it at the beginning of the word.

Speech therapist: - Well done, you put everything right.

16. Summary classes.

Speech therapist: With which met by sound? Which one sound?

Name words with this sound.

1.Work from the textbook p.98-99.

So, what letter did we get acquainted with today? Listen to the riddles and guess them.

Here's a funny incident

A cloud settled in the bathroom.

Rain is pouring from the ceiling

On my back and sides.

How nice this is!

The rain is warm, heated.

There are no puddles on the floor,

All the guys love... ( shower).

Who is wearing a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking. (Woodpecker.)

Perform a sound-letter analysis of the words “shower”, “woodpecker”.

(Work in pairs)

Look at word patterns.

Compare the sounds indicated in the diagrams with an arrow. What could the sound be like? [d])? (hard and soft)

2. Differentiated work.

Assignment for non-reading children: p. 98 reading syllables, words.

3. Work on the workbook “I am learning to write and read.”

1) Practicing the visual image of the letter D, d .

Color in those parts of the drawing where the letter is inscribed. D, d .

2) Comparison of the letter composition of words.

Find the letters that distinguish the words in the pairs.

Write these letters in the empty cells and read the resulting words vertically. (Cedars, city.)

Compare these words by the number of sounds; by number of syllables; at the point of emphasis.

Guess the riddle and you will find out who came to visit us.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

It scares passersby. (Owl.)

Today the wise Owl came to visit us and brought an interesting task. The Wise Owl will read a poem to you, and you must listen carefully and remember the words in which the sound [d], [d’] occurs.

We can easily find the letter D in the word day and in the word house

And if during the day you're in the forest you'll come- on woodpecker in oak You you will find it.

Woodpecker hammering a tree - day of the day bark crushes

Woodpecker lived in hollow empty - the oak was hollowing like chisel.

Doctor The woodpecker was hammering the oak - twenty yes beetle got it.

The beetle is terrible bark beetle- inflicts on everyone in the forest harm.

Woodpecker - master good deeds - the ancient oak tree has become younger.

Woodpecker, woodpecker - m oh buddy, the oak is chiseling like a chisel

Help me, Uncle Woodpecker, build a house for the starlings. G. Sapgir

(Children name the words in which they metsound [d]).

Words on D you will meet a lot

Words on D full around:

House, valley, day, road,

Kindness, trust, friend.

4. Working with riddles that involve a letter and a sound [d]).

Slide 9-13.

What new and interesting things did you learn in the lesson?

What can you say about the letter and sound? [d])?

Slide 14-15.

Name words with a new letter.

In which words is the sound [d] heard, and in which [d’]? What does this depend on?

Remember what goal you set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson, did you achieve this goal?

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