Perm State Agricultural and Technological University. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Perm State Agricultural and Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikova Perm region

The agro-industrial complex is currently developing at an accelerated pace. For this reason, agricultural specialists are in great demand. To obtain the education necessary to work in the agricultural sector, you can try to enroll in the Perm Agricultural Academy (PGSHA). This is a state university that has been operating for over 80 years and offers applicants paid and free education.

General information about the educational institution

The current Perm State Agricultural Academy was founded in 1930. The educational institution was based on a faculty of this profile, taken from the local classical university. The name of the educational organization at that time was not the same as it is now. It was called the Ural (and later Perm) Agricultural Institute.

For several decades the university had the status of an institute. In 1995 it became an academy. The educational institution does not yet reach the status of a university. It is quite possible that in the future the academy will be able to achieve it, because it is improving its activities. Now it is considered a leading, dynamically developing, multidisciplinary center of agricultural education and science

First impression of the academy

Applicants who submit documents have a positive impression of the university, because applicants are offered a wide selection of programs. According to statistics, the academy implements:

  • 25 undergraduate educational programs;
  • 15 specialty programs;
  • 17 master's programs;
  • 10 postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel.

If you wish, you can choose a full-time, part-time (evening) or correspondence form of study at the academy. The latter is the most popular. In October 2016, there were 3,893 students, of which 1,137 people studied in budget places. The increased interest of applicants in correspondence courses is caused by the convenience of obtaining higher education without interrupting work.

Analysis of available areas of training and specialties

Many people think that the Perm State Agricultural Academy offers only those areas of training and specialties that correspond to its profile. In fact, this is partly true. The main part of the list of educational programs really consists of areas and specialties related to agriculture (“Gardening”, “Agronomy”, “Agroengineering”, “Agrochemistry and agro-soil science”, etc.).

The admissions committee of the Perm State Academy of Agricultural Sciences also offers such directions and specialties that allow graduates to find creative work. One of these educational programs is “Landscape Architecture” (profile - “Landscape and garden construction”). The curriculum in this area provides for the study of decorative dendrology, design and maintenance of landscape architecture, and floristry. After graduation, graduates are employed as specialists in a landscape company, designers of office and residential premises, and master florists.

Promising educational programs

For those wishing to obtain in-demand and modern professions not related to agriculture, the Perm State Agricultural Academy has suitable options. Judging by the reviews of applicants, the university offers the following areas of training and specialties that will allow graduates to work in the future:

  • auditors;
  • accountants;
  • credit experts;
  • programmers-economists;
  • Web application developers;
  • financial analysts;
  • managers.

An interesting and promising specialty is “Veterinary Medicine” (specialization: “Diseases of small domestic animals”). Here, students receive the knowledge necessary for veterinarians, paramedics, veterinary laboratory specialists (microbiologists, bacteriologists, pathologists), and veterinary sanitation experts.

Admission to the Agricultural Academy

It is not difficult to enroll in PGSHA. Applicants talk about this process in their reviews. It all starts with choosing the direction of training or specialty. It is best to make a decision immediately after entering 11th grade. The sooner this is done, the sooner it will be possible to begin preparing for the Unified State Exam in those subjects that are necessary for admission to the PGSHA.

The next stage is collecting documents. When submitting an application to the admissions committee, applicants provide a passport and educational document. Those individuals who need to take entrance tests at the academy still need to bring two small photographs.

After submitting the documents, all that remains is to wait for the entrance tests. They are held at the university for those applicants who do not have Unified State Examination results and who enroll on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education. After the completion of the admissions campaign, passing scores for budget places are determined, and an order is issued for enrollment in full-time, part-time and part-time studies.

Passing score information

This indicator is determined for each area of ​​training, for each specialty. Let's consider the passing score in the PGSHA for 2017 for the most interesting and popular educational programs in full-time and evening forms of study (the first figure is taken from the order of August 3, 2017, and the second from the order of August 8, 2017):

  • at “Agroengineering” - 142 and 137;
  • on “Veterinary Medicine” - 196 and 190;
  • on “Landscape Architecture” - 149 and 161;
  • on “Gardening” - 126 and 108;
  • on “Food products from plant materials” - 122 and 136.

Applicants about tuition fees

Not all people who apply to the Perm State Agricultural Academy manage to enroll on the budget. Persons who have become students of a paid department should take into account that tuition prices are not the same for everyone. They depend on many nuances:

  • forms of training;
  • course;
  • areas of training or specialty;
  • existing education.

At full-time bachelor's degrees, the most inexpensive educational programs are Economics, Management, and Commodity Science. For the 2017/2018 academic year, the cost of studying in the 1st year was set at 83 thousand 600 rubles, in the second year - 86 thousand 800 rubles, in the 3rd year - 90 thousand rubles, but in the 4th year - 93 thousand 600 rubles. The highest cost was in the “Veterinary” specialty - from 97 thousand 800 rubles. For full-time, part-time, and accelerated forms, tuition prices are naturally several thousand rubles lower.

It is a good educational institution. However, at the end of 2016 it became known that PGSHA did not pass accreditation. Many thought that the university provided low-quality educational services. But the truthful information was a little different. Rosobrnadzor conducted a scheduled inspection at the university. Based on its results, experts identified some shortcomings at the Faculty of Economics. Due to their presence, Rosobrnadzor suspended the state accreditation of the academy.

This measure did not pose any serious threat to the university and did not indicate the ineffectiveness of the educational process. It was applied only to guarantee the elimination of deficiencies due to which PGSHA did not pass accreditation. Rosobrnadzor ordered to eliminate all violations and provide a report on the work done by December 30, 2016. The Academy fulfilled all these requirements. As a result, accreditation at the Faculty of Economics was restored. Social networks Facebook:
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About the university

With the opening of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at Perm University on July 1, 1918, higher agricultural and agronomic education was born for the first time in the Urals. Today, scientists of the Perm State Agricultural Academy named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov developed new modern competitive technologies in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, forestry, land management, new mechanisms for crop production, received patents and copyright certificates for various inventions, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. And this is far from the full contribution of university scientists to the development of the agro-industrial complex of the region and the country.

The first dean of this faculty was Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor A.I. Lugnac. Here, the training of students in the specialties “Agronomy”, “Agrochemistry”, “Forestry” began. Since 1922, the faculty was renamed into agronomy and until 1930 it functioned in this form as part of Perm University. In 1930, by decision of the Council of People's Commissars and by order of the Glavprofobra, the agricultural faculty of the university was transformed into an independent Ural Agricultural Institute, subordinate to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture. Three faculties were created at the institute: agronomics, zootechnics, agrochemistry and soil science. A graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University, F.A., was appointed director. Bynov. Over the years, the directors of the Ural Agricultural Institute, and since 1933 of the Perm Agricultural Institute, were: N.N. Betonov, N.A. Gerasimov, Z.S. Torbeev, K.F. Rudko, M.I. Lola, N.K. Masalkin, rectors P.A. Khorinko, P.V. Mordvintsev, V.G. Okulov, Yu.V. Shcherbakov.

In 1948, the institute was named after the outstanding agricultural chemist D.N. Pryanishnikova.
In 1995, the Perm Agricultural Institute received the status of an academy.

Today the Perm State Agricultural Academy named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikova is a multidisciplinary university, with 12 faculties teaching about 10 thousand students in 30 specialties. It is headed by Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Andrey Alekseevich Belykh.
The Academy actively carries out targeted admissions in all specialties on the basis of quadripartite agreements between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Perm Territory, the administration of the district/enterprise, the academy, and the student. More than 300 people study at the academy on a targeted basis.

Intellectual resource at the university: 50 doctors of science and more than 200 candidates of science are working on training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in 19 specialties; five doctoral dissertation councils function here, which provides continuity in the training of specialists at the university. The Academy provides the Perm region with graduates not only from typical agricultural industries, but also in the field of economics and finance, land management and cadastre, veterinary medicine, forestry, processing and sales of agricultural and non-food products, and vehicle servicing. The Perm State Agricultural Academy is proud of its graduates, including Chairman of the Legislative Assembly N.A. Devyatkin, Hero of Socialist Labor G.P. Sergachev, Hero of Socialist Labor N.G. Kozlov, Honored Livestock Technician of the RSFSR M.B. Zaripova, secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU, deputy of the Legislative Assembly G.V. Laptev, director of the Permskaya poultry farm N.V. Roshak, director of the Tchaikovsky poultry farm P.S. Belkov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly P.K. Krepyshev and others.

The Academy has formed well-known scientific schools: private zootechnics, veterinary medicine, land management and economics, agro-industrial construction, crop production, feed production, general agriculture and plant protection, agrochemistry and agro-soil science, plant physiology, organic chemistry, agricultural mechanization and information systems.
International relations of the Academy are developing in three directions: participation in international conferences, symposiums and seminars (USA, UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, China), scientific contacts with educational institutions and enterprises related to the activities of the agricultural sector and education, student internships and teachers in foreign universities and agricultural enterprises.

To carry out research work, the Academy has a modern base, which includes: the “Linden Mountain” educational and experimental farm with developed dairy farming and a breeding stock of black and white cows for 400 heads, a training experimental and scientific field, an educational and research center department of horticulture and educational base of the forestry faculty. A unique collection of soils from the world has been collected, and there is an anatomical and zoomuseum.
The developed innovative technologies are used in the agricultural regions of the region: Chastinsky, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, Chernushinsky, Suksunsky, Kungursky, etc.

The Academy's library contains literature on all branches of science and is able to satisfy the needs of the most demanding readers. Since 1970, the library has been a regional center for agricultural literature. Its collection consists of more than 650 thousand copies of educational and scientific literature, and more than 300 periodicals are subscribed annually. Possesses a unique rare fund. The search for sources on topics of interest is carried out by readers using the electronic catalog (AIBS “Irbis”). Since 2004, the library has been part of a cultural and information center created to provide access to integrated information resources.
The current state of informatization of the academy is characterized by the local use of technical means and information technologies in the main areas of activity: teaching, research, and administrative management. An information center has been opened. The academy has created a fleet of modern personal computers of more than 600 units, and there are 25 computer classes for performing laboratory tasks. During non-classroom hours, students, graduate students, and teachers work in the Internet room, which provides a wide range of information services. Students have the opportunity to simultaneously work with printed sources and Internet resources, type printed text, and search for legal information. In addition, here you can bind your finished scientific work. The university has virtually unlimited opportunities to increase the required computing power using telecommunication channels and remote resources of leading universities in Russia and the world.
The quality of education at the university is ensured by the development, updating and replenishment of laboratory equipment, regular training of teachers, and the development of scientific research in the educational process. Over the past three years, the academy's teachers have prepared and published over 500 educational and methodological manuals, including 45 certified by educational and methodological associations and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The academy has 13 faculties: agronomics, agrochemicals, forestry, technology, engineering, animal engineering, applied informatics, land management and cadastre, technical services, veterinary medicine, architecture and construction, economics, finance and commerce, and correspondence education; student catering network "Perm Mariinsky", Marketing Center (MC), Center for Testing and Quality Control of Education (Ts KKO), Center for Career Guidance Preparatory Courses (CPC), Research Unit of the Technology Development Center (NICH TsOT) "Agroresurs", Informatization Center (CI).

The physical education and sports center has a sports complex with an area of ​​5000 m2, which includes an athletics arena, six gyms, a sauna, and a herbal bar. Also included in the structure of the center is the recreation center "Aelita", which is located in an ecologically clean area, on the banks of the Sylva River, where sports competitions and other events take place. Academy employees and students relax at the recreation center, for which preferential rates have been developed. On the basis of the sports complex, competitions at the regional and district levels are held, famous athletes, including Olympic medalist Tatyana Tomasheva, conduct training. The academy's volleyball team annually takes prizes at city and national championships. Students also achieved great success in Greco-Roman wrestling, volleyball and athletics.
All scientific, educational, and methodological literature is printed in the Prokrost publishing and printing center.

The Center for International Relations provides additional language training for students, and also organizes their industrial internship or practice abroad.
The network of student cafes includes three canteens, four cafes and a herbal bar. The team of the cafe chain is a repeated winner and participant of competitions, and is a member of the international culinary association as a representative of the student catering network.
The Marketing Center invites everyone to receive additional education and improve their qualifications, to carry out professional retraining in courses: “HR Manager”, “Interior Design”, etc.
The Center for Testing and Quality Control of Knowledge provides additional educational services for organizing testing, processing and interpreting the results of control of students and students, preparing scientific and methodological support for the educational process, developing tests and software and instrumental materials.
The Center for Career Guidance Preparatory Courses trains 600-800 people annually. Preparatory courses operate not only at the university, but also in the regions - in rural schools, where academy teachers go for consultations. Thanks to such preparation, students have an increased chance of entering the academy.
The Academy participated in an experiment to introduce the Unified State Exam for four years. Thus, since 2005, 100% of applicants were enrolled in the first year based on the results of passing the unified state exam and centralized testing, and since 2006, for almost all specialties, without passing entrance tests at the university, applicants can participate in the competition based on the results of the Unified State Exam and centralized testing, with that the competition at the university increases every year and amounts to 8-9 people per place.
The research part of the Agroresurs technology development center coordinates issues related to the scientific activities of the university. New modern competitive technologies in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, forestry, land management, new machines and mechanisms for crop production, patents and copyright certificates for various inventions, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids.

Every year, 2.5 thousand senior students study in the student scientific society and clubs. Gifted students are scholarship holders of the Academic Council of the Academy, nominal scholarship holders of university professors, the administration of Perm and the Perm region, the President and Government of the Russian Federation. 77% of teachers, all graduate students and half of undergraduates take part in active research and development activities. The scientific development program is relevant and corresponds to modern scientific directions and the profile of specialist training. Research is carried out on 23 departmental complex and 13 economic contractual topics. The annual volume of research is 8-10 million rubles. From 2000 to 2004, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Academy, scientists and staff of the Research Institute received 44 patents, 37 positive decisions for inventions, four awards for outstanding scientists of Russia and the Urals, and 45 monographs were published. 20 collections of scientific works have been published, including the Perm Agrarian Bulletin magazine, edited at the academy by the Department of Agro-Industrial Complex and Food of the Perm Region, and the regional agricultural almanac Agrotechnology. Employees have published 4,000 scientific articles and abstracts, 100 of them in foreign publications.

The university is replenished with new qualified personnel. The average age of the teaching staff is 43 years.
Along with ensuring the quality of education at the university, the task of the structural system centers of the academy remains to attract extra-budgetary financial resources into the educational, scientific and educational activities of the academy. In this series, there are scientific and production innovative enterprises and agricultural firms of the university “Gardening”, “Mariinsky Garden”, “Bioklon”, “Tavr” and “Vetline”, which are “built-in” into the scientific and production business of the academy and the region.

The Academy carries out retraining and advanced training of specialists in the agro-industrial complex, a program for this training has been developed, there are highly qualified specialists, a structure for such training has been created, a faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of personnel.

Higher agricultural education in the Urals turns 100 years old.The history of its development is inextricably linked with the history of the Perm State Agricultural and Technological University. It all started on July 1, 1918 - the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry was opened at Perm University.In 1923, the faculty received the building where its main building is located to this day, and in 1930 the faculty became an independent university.

Perm State Agricultural and Technological University. History of creation and history of the building - from the women's Mariinsky gymnasium to an agricultural university

In 1859, the famous public figure D.D. Smyshlyaev began collecting funds for a women's gymnasium in Perm. For this purpose, charity evenings were held. At that time, women's gymnasiums were named Mariinsky in honor of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, who contributed to the opening of these institutions in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Perm Mariinsky Gymnasium was opened at the end of 1860 on Permskaya Street. The duration of training was 8 years.

The city grew, there were more students in the gymnasium, and the question of constructing a new building arose. The city council allocated a place for a new gymnasium - on the corner of Obvinskaya and Petropavlovskaya streets. Built by architect Yuliy Osipovich Dutel. A well-known name, an honored man. It is not surprising that the building he created is today the hallmark of the city.

It was built in the neo-Gothic style. This style was popular in the 70-80s of the 19th century in the West, but not in Russia; the more valuable are the surviving examples. It took three years to build the educational buildings, which were ready in 1887. Later, a hostel building was added and the Church of St. Nicholas of Myra was erected. The gymnasium existed until 1918, then it housed the services of the Red Army Commissariat.

In 1923, the complex was given to the agricultural faculty of Perm State University. In 1930, the faculty was allocated to the Agricultural Institute.

During the war, a hospital was located in the buildings, it operated until 1946, then the building was returned to the university. Today it houses the Agricultural Academy named after D.N. Pryanishnikova. The institute was given the status of an academy in 1995, and the name of a famous Russian scientist - in 1948. On October 26, 2017, the academy becomes an agricultural and technological university.

Academician Dmitry Nikolaevich Pryanishnikov

This educational institution has its own history. It began on July 1, 1918 with the opening of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at Perm University. The first dean is Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor A.I. Lugnac. They trained in the specialties “Agronomy”, “Agrochemistry”, “Forestry”. When the faculty separated into an independent institute, three faculties were created - agronomics, zootechnics, agrochemistry and soil science. Today, the rector of the Perm State Agricultural and Technological University is Yuri Nikolaevich Zubarev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex.

Today's Perm State Agricultural and Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikova is a multidisciplinary educational institution, it has 9 faculties, where 7 thousand students study. These are: 1) architectural and construction, 2) engineering, 3) agricultural technology and forestry, 4) veterinary medicine and animal science, 5) land management and cadastre, 6) soil science, agrochemistry, ecology and commodity science, 7) applied computer science, 8) economics , finance and commerce, 9) department of distance learning.

The university employs 40 doctors of science and more than 200 candidates of science. The graduate school trains personnel in 12 specialties. The list of graduates is impressive. These are workers in typical agricultural industries, as well as economists, financiers, land managers, veterinarians, employees of cadastral services, forestry, processing and sales of agricultural products, vehicle service and others.

The university maintains international connections, which are expressed by participation in conferences, symposiums and seminars (USA, UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, China), scientific contacts with educational institutions, internships for students and teachers in foreign universities and enterprises.

The university has a modern base for conducting research work. This is the educational and experimental farm "Linden Mountain", an experimental scientific field, an educational and scientific center of the department of horticulture, and a training base for the forestry faculty. There is an anatomical and zoomuseum.

The library plays a significant role in learning. It has 4 subscriptions, 3 reading rooms, 29 library points at the departments. Total area - 1462 sq. m. Number of seats - 219. The library's collection of electronic resources amounts to more than 3 million copies.

Library of the Agricultural Academy named after. D. N. Pryanishnikova

There is a student catering network “Perm Mariinsky”, a marketing center, a center for promoting the employment of students and graduates, a center for international relations, a technology development center (NICH TsOT) “Agroresurs”, a quality and information department.

There is everything for sports. A sports complex with an area of ​​5000 m2 with an athletics arena, six gyms, a sauna, and a herbal bar. This also includes the recreation center "Aelita". Employees and students enjoy discounted rates. Competitions in various sports are held here.

The university has its own publishing and printing center “Prokrost”. There is a center for international relations. A network of student cafes, uniting three canteens, four cafes and a herbal bar, provides excellent food for students and teachers.

There is a marketing center that allows you to get a second education or improve your qualifications, a career guidance center and preparatory courses. In general, there is everything for a fruitful and interesting life for applicants and students. The university is proud of its graduates, who contribute to the development of the Russian economy. The educational institution turns 100 years old this year.

Marina Ryzhova

Today's Perm State Agricultural and Technological University named after Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov is a multidisciplinary educational institution, it has 9 faculties, attended by 7 thousand students. These are: 1) architectural and construction, 2) engineering, 3) agricultural technology and forestry, 4) veterinary medicine and animal science, 5) land management and cadastre, 6) soil science, agrochemistry, ecology and commodity science, 7) applied computer science, 8) economics , finance and commerce, 9) department of distance learning.

The university employs 40 doctors of science and more than 200 candidates of science. The graduate school trains personnel in 12 specialties. The list of graduates is impressive. These are workers in typical agricultural industries, as well as economists, financiers, land managers, veterinarians, employees of cadastral services, forestry, processing and sales of agricultural products, vehicle service and others. The university maintains international connections, which are expressed by participation in conferences, symposiums and seminars (USA, UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, China), scientific contacts with educational institutions, internships for students and teachers in foreign universities and enterprises.

The university has a modern base for conducting research work. This is the educational and experimental farm "Linden Mountain", an experimental scientific field, an educational and scientific center of the department of horticulture, and a training base for the forestry faculty. There is an anatomical and zoomuseum. The library plays a significant role in learning. It has 4 subscriptions, 3 reading rooms, 29 library points at the departments. Total area - 1462 sq. m. Number of seats - 219. The library's collection of electronic resources amounts to more than 3 million copies.

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