About the school: Abramtsevo art and industrial college (Abramtsevo art and industrial school akhpu). Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after. V.M. Vasnetsova Artistic processing of bone

License for educational activities dated June 12, 2010 No. 64733
Certificate of state accreditation dated November 22, 2007 No. 0878

About the college

Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after Vasnetsov is a state educational institution that provides its graduates with secondary vocational education. This is a unique institution in terms of its significance and role in the culture of modern Russia, because many rare specialties are taught only here. The history of the college dates back to 1870 from the beautiful Abramtsevo estate in the Moscow region. Today the educational institution is one of the branches of the Moscow Academy of Arts and Industry.


Abramtsevo College trains students in the following specializations:

  • artistic woodwork,
  • painting and artistic processing of bone,
  • artistic work on stone,
  • working with metal,
  • artistic ceramic processing,
  • painting.

Upon graduation from college, graduates receive the specialties of master artist and painter, and teacher of applied arts. Many of the proposed professions are considered quite rare today, so the issue of subsequent employment is usually resolved in the shortest possible time.

Duration of training

The duration of study is 3 years and 10 months for applicants after 11th grade and 4 years 10 months for applicants who have completed 9 grades of secondary school.

College Features

One of the main features of the Abramtsevo College of Arts and Industry is its unique teaching staff, thanks to which the educational institution has educated and brought into the world of creativity more than one generation of talented painters and craftsmen. The second characteristic feature of the “Abramtsevo school” is the teaching of rare folk arts and crafts.

However, college teachers try to take into account all the socio-economic and cultural changes in the country, as well as the demand for the professions they graduate in the labor market. Thus, in addition to teaching familiar specialties, the college is working to open departments for restoration, storage of works of art, mastering computer design and painting. These are new and quite in-demand professions that are relevant to the modern labor market.

There is a museum on the college grounds that houses the best works of graduates. Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after Vasnetsov is a special creative world where harmony, beauty and mystery reign.

Form of study: Full-time

Type of training: Paid, Free

Cost of education: 18300 - 27500 rubles per year

Training is based on grades 9 or 11


Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts Painting

Exam subjects:

mathematics, Russian language, history, creative test

Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov
is famous for its graduates not only in our country, but also abroad.
Its history began in the Abramtsevo estate in 1870, when this estate was bought by a large industrialist and philanthropist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov. Together with his wife, Elizaveta Grigorievna, who was madly in love with art, they were able to unite leading Russian artists around them. This is how a creative circle was formed, which later received the name “Abramtsevo”.

Spiritual unity reigned in the circle; the atmosphere was conducive to the creation of wonderful works of art. Much attention was paid to the preservation and development of folk art. Elizaveta Grigorievna opened a school for children from surrounding villages, and then with her - training carpentry workshop. One of the workshop teachers was Elena Dmitrievna Polenova. Gradually, the children learned to create decorative furniture using folk art motifs in carvings, on the basis of which they developed new compositions.
After the death of E.D. Polenova’s “handicraft” nature of the carpentry workshop’s activities began to change, the production part of the workshop was significantly expanded, turning into a kind of furniture factory, where orders for the production of iconostases, furnishings of rooms, libraries, and dining rooms were carried out.

Since the late 1890s. a carver worked in the zemstvo posad workshop Vasily Petrovich Vornoskov(1876-1940) from the village of Kudrino, a graduate of the Abramtsevo carpentry workshop, who is considered one of the founders of the famous “Abramtsevo-Kudrino” direction in wood carving. V.P. Vornoskov managed to organically combine techniques and ornamental motifs of traditional carving with new methods of wood processing.

After the October Revolution, the state's need for the export of handicraft products contributed to the preservation and further activities of the art and carpentry workshop. In 1918, the Abramtsevo estate was nationalized and transformed into a state museum, and the Abramtsevo carpentry workshop was transferred to the subdivision of the Art Industry under the People's Commissariat for Education and transformed into " Central State Woodworking Educational Production and Demonstration Workshop».

After the end of the Civil War, a war against homelessness was declared in the country.
On the initiative of the Moscow Provincial Committee of the RKSM, in 1924, not far from Abramtsevo, in the former hotel of the Intercession Khotkov Monastery, another institution was opened for children from orphanages - the Training and Production Carpentry and Carving Workshop, which included 150 people. For two years, it trained carpenters and woodcarvers, using the educational experience of the Abramtsevo workshop.

In 1931 as a result of the reorganization, both educational institutions were merged into one - Abramtsevo woodworking vocational school with a two-year training period, which is now located in the former monastery hotel in the village of Khotkovo.
In 1944 the school changed its name to Abramtsevo professional art school. The duration of training was increased from two to three years. It introduced the teaching of general education subjects in the scope of a seven-year school, as well as modeling, drawing, and composition.

The emergence of the famous bone carving industry in Khotkovo is largely due to the creation of a department for training bone carvers at the Abramtsevo vocational school. The art of miniature wood and bone carving has existed in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery since ancient times. In the 1950s - 1960s. the artel was a kind of experimental laboratory for the study and implementation of new technologies and equipment, a methodological center for masters of similar industries. The products of the Khotkovo craft have an original artistic and figurative style.

In 1957 on the basis of a vocational school was created Abramtsevo Art and Industrial School, the flourishing of which is associated with the activities of the director Yuri Yakovlevich Tsypin(1920-1987), Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, who led the team for about 30 years. Under him, the school went through a period of formation, strengthening of its material and technical base, and qualitative growth in the level of teaching. Yu.Ya. Tsypin invited ASPU graduates from capital art universities to teaching positions, encouraged their creative inclinations, and the search for new teaching methods. The school opened new departments - artistic ceramics, artistic metal and stone processing.

During classes, students had the opportunity to use materials from the still life and methodological collections, a library of about 30 thousand books, take part in the work of clubs, and an amateur film studio, which received the title “People's Photo Studio”. The Museum of Military Glory of the 326th Infantry Warsaw Red Banner Division was created at the school, where war veterans have been coming for meetings for many years in a row. About two thousand exhibits are stored in the school’s art room.

In 1991 Abramtsevo Art and Industrial School was reorganized into Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after. V.M. Vasnetsova.
Thanks to the work and talents of the majority of graduates, many traditional artistic productions in Russia have been revived: ceramic crafts in Gzhel, Skopin, Dulevo, Ramon, Kazan, bone-cutting and stone-cutting centers in Arkhangelsk, Perm Territory, woodworking industries in Khotkov, Sergiev Posad, Kirov and other regions.

In 2005, AHPK named after. Vasnetsov celebrated his 120th birthday. On this occasion, a big celebration was organized at the Gagarin Palace of Culture, all visiting guests, former students, and teachers received memorable gifts.
Currently, the college provides training for 5 years in six areas - artistic ceramics, artistic processing of metal, stone, bone, wood, and decorative painting. Students receive diplomas of secondary specialized education and become master artists.

Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov
is famous for its graduates not only in our country, but also abroad.
His story began in Abramtsevo estate in 1870, when this estate was bought by a large industrialist and philanthropist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov . Together with his wife, Elizaveta Grigorievna, who was madly in love with art, they were able to unite leading Russian artists around them. This is how a creative circle was formed, which later received the name “Abramtsevo”.

Spiritual unity reigned in the circle; the atmosphere was conducive to the creation of wonderful works of art. Much attention was paid to the preservation and development of folk art. Elizaveta Grigorievna opened a school for children from surrounding villages, and then with her - training carpentry workshop. One of the workshop teachers was Elena Dmitrievna Polenova. Gradually, the children learned to create decorative furniture using folk art motifs in carvings, on the basis of which they developed new compositions.
After the death of E.D. Polenova, the “handicraft” nature of the carpentry workshop’s activities began to change, the production part of the workshop was significantly expanded, turning into a furniture factory , where orders for the production of iconostases, furnishings of rooms, libraries, and dining rooms were carried out.

Since the late 1890s. a carver worked in the zemstvo posad workshop Vasily Petrovich Vornoskov(1876-1940) from the village of Kudrino, a graduate of the Abramtsevo carpentry workshop, who is considered one of the founders of the famous “Abramtsevo-Kudrino” direction in wood carving. V.P. Vornoskov managed to organically combine techniques and ornamental motifs of traditional carving with new methods of wood processing.

After the October Revolution, the state's need for the export of handicraft products contributed to the preservation and further activities of the art and carpentry workshop. In 1918, the Abramtsevo estate was nationalized and transformed into a state museum, and the Abramtsevo carpentry workshop was transferred to the subdivision of the Art Industry under the People's Commissariat for Education and transformed into " Central State Woodworking Educational Production and Demonstration Workshop».

After the end of the Civil War, a war against homelessness was declared in the country.
On the initiative of the Moscow Provincial Committee of the RKSM in 1924, not far from Abramtsevo, in the former hotel Intercession Khotkov Monastery Another institution was opened for children from orphanages - the Training and Production Carpentry and Carving Workshop, which included 150 people. For two years, it trained carpenters and woodcarvers, using the educational experience of the Abramtsevo workshop.

In 1931 as a result of the reorganization, both educational institutions were merged into one - Abramtsevo woodworking vocational school with a two-year training period, which is now located in the former monastery hotel of the village Khotkovo .
In 1944 the school changed its name to Abramtsevo professional art school. The duration of training was increased from two to three years. It introduced the teaching of general education subjects in the scope of a seven-year school, as well as modeling, drawing, and composition.

The emergence of the famous bone carving industry in Khotkovo is largely due to the creation of a department for training bone carvers at the Abramtsevo vocational school. The art of miniature wood and bone carving has existed in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery since ancient times. In the 1950s - 1960s. the artel was a kind of experimental laboratory for the study and implementation of new technologies and equipment, a methodological center for masters of similar industries. The products of the Khotkovo craft have an original artistic and figurative style.

In 1957 on the basis of a vocational school was created Abramtsevo Art and Industrial School, the flourishing of which is associated with the activities of the director Yuri Yakovlevich Tsypin(1920-1987), Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, who led the team for about 30 years. Under him, the school went through a period of formation, strengthening of its material and technical base, and qualitative growth in the level of teaching. Yu.Ya. Tsypin invited ASPU graduates from capital art universities to teaching positions, encouraged their creative inclinations, and the search for new teaching methods. The school opened new departments - artistic ceramics, artistic metal and stone processing.

During classes, students had the opportunity to use materials from the still life and methodological collections, a library of about 30 thousand books, take part in the work of clubs, and an amateur film studio, which received the title “People's Photo Studio”. The Museum of Military Glory of the 326th Infantry Warsaw Red Banner Division was created at the school, where war veterans have been coming for meetings for many years in a row. About two thousand exhibits are stored in the school’s art room.

In 1991 Abramtsevo Art and Industrial School was reorganized into Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after. V.M. Vasnetsova.
Thanks to the work and talents of the majority of graduates, many traditional artistic productions in Russia have been revived: ceramic crafts in Gzhel, Skopin, Dulevo, Ramon, Kazan, bone-cutting and stone-cutting centers in Arkhangelsk, Perm region, woodworking industries in Khotkov, Sergiev Posad , Kirov and other regions.

In 2005, AHPK named after. Vasnetsov celebrated his 120th birthday. On this occasion, a big celebration was organized in DK Gagarin , all visiting guests, former students, teachers received memorable gifts .
Currently, the college provides training for 5 years in six areas - artistic ceramics, artistic processing of metal, stone, bone, wood, and decorative painting. Students receive diplomas of secondary specialized education and become master artists.

Context Help

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Based on a careful study of the traditions of folk art, comprehending the art of drawing, sculpture, painting, composition, here they learn to create artistically expressive household items and decorative items. The school pays great attention to the creation and strengthening of the educational and material base necessary for high-quality training of specialists. An educational building, training and production workshops and a dormitory for 502 people were built.

A new training base has been created. Students receive deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their core subjects. This can be clearly seen in the cabinet of artistic samples, which can rightfully be called the Museum of Applied Arts. It stores over two thousand creative works of students. Decorative panels, dishes, ladles, caskets, caskets, gingerbread boards, salt shakers, decorative plastic are all made from various types of wood using traditional carving techniques. Fantasy and craftsmanship transform simple material into a jewel, into a true work of art.

Artistic processing of bone has its own characteristics. In order for the product to be expressive in color and plasticity, it is necessary to demonstrate high skill. The cabinet of art samples contains many items made from the tarsus (animal bone) and sperm whale tooth. These are decorative cups, chess sets, pincushions, jewelry, caskets, and boxes.

The technologies and their execution and design methods are different. Stone products are no less diverse in their artistic designs: decorative sculptures, panels, grooves, lamps.

The metal works presented are very diverse. made in different techniques: caskets, forged candlesticks and fireplace sets, chased and engraved panels, jewelry, boxes and inserts decorated with cloisonné and painted enamels, filigree, and enamel.

Along with artistic woodworking, one of the leading specialties at the school is artistic ceramics and painting. Students master the skill of producing basic types of ceramics, methods of decorating them and create majolica pottery, earthenware, porcelain dishes, panels, fireclay dishes with painting and stucco, and decorative sculpture. They decorate classrooms, assembly and reading rooms, dormitories, and training and production workshops.

All training sessions are conducted in bright, spacious classrooms and offices.

The library has the necessary literature fund. Training and production workshops, in terms of their equipment, ensure the implementation of practical training programs throughout the entire technological cycle. In 1978, the training and production workshops were transferred to economic accounting and transformed into experimental training and production art workshops (ZUPHM). During training sessions in workshops, students, engaged in productive work, produce products of high artistic and technological quality, which are sold in stores in Moscow, Sergiev Posad and Khotkov. Profit received as a result of economic activities of EUPHM. used to strengthen the educational and material base. Interest in practical training, in mastering skills, in the results of one’s work has grown, which in turn leads to an increase in the quality of training of specialists. The subject of diploma design is expanding, target and real graduation design is being introduced.
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