Assemble a bowel stimulation kit. A method for stimulating intestinal peristalsis in the postoperative period. Other drugs that stimulate intestinal motility

Medications affect the intestines in different ways. There are drugs that stimulate intestinal motility and slow it down. The general state of health and vital functions of people depend on the healthy functions of the gastrointestinal system. Violation in its functioning leads to a decrease in immunity, a violation of peristalsis and a constant feeling of internal discomfort.

In certain cases, artificial stimulation of intestinal motility may be required, and there are special preparations for this purpose.

Signs of impaired intestinal motility

Intestinal peristalsis is disturbed when the following signs are present:

  • Frequent pain in different areas of the abdomen. The pains vary in intensity and depend on the time of day. Strengthening pain spasms are interconnected with the emotional state and physical activity.
  • Excessive gas formation and a feeling of bloating in the abdomen.
  • Violation of the act of defecation. It is characterized by persistent constipation, developing into chronic forms.
  • An increase in weight indicators caused by a disorder in metabolism and digestion.
  • A sharp negative change in general well-being, expressed in constant weakness, irritability, sleep disturbances.
  • Increasing signs of poisoning of the body (allergy, acne and purulent rash).

The principle of action of drugs for motility

The drug stimulates, enhances motility and increases intestinal tone ("Prozerin", "Vasopressin"). The contractile functions of the intestine can activate laxative drugs, the effect of which affects the work of different segments of the intestines. The composition of such preparations includes the content of normalizing substances that are poorly absorbed.

Saline solutions are an old and simple remedy that has a laxative effect.

Laxatives to improve the condition

Salt products

Salt laxatives act on the entire intestine, perform the normalizing functions of the contained volumes of substances in the intestine and break them down due to the effect on intracavitary osmotic pressure and fluid accumulation. The most famous remedies for constipation from this group are Glauber's and Karlovy Vary salts. These tools are very effective and fast. After their use for a couple of hours, a complete cleansing of the intestines occurs.

Affecting the small intestine

A laxative drug that affects the functioning of the small intestine, normalizes the volume of mucous secretions in the intestinal lumen and stimulates contractions. These remedies include castor oil and Bisacodyl. The effect of these drugs is observed within 2-6 hours after administration and may be accompanied by pain sensations in the form of spasms.

Affecting the large intestine

Laxatives that affect the large intestine are both herbal (Senade, Regulax, buckthorn bark) and synthetic regulators (Guttalax). These drugs have a strengthening effect on the tone of the large segment of the intestine and are actively restoring work on the act of defecation. Prolonged use of a laxative causes addiction to the body, thereby improving the condition only for a while.

Other drugs that stimulate intestinal motility

Stimulant foods

Stimulation of intestinal peristalsis occurs through the inclusion in the daily diet of such foods:

  • a large amount of plant foods;
  • fermented milk products with live lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • dried fruits;
  • reception of oatmeal, buckwheat and barley groats;
  • the use of vegetable oil;
  • greens and nuts.

Folk remedies

Medications do a good job of emptying the intestines with constipation, but with addiction, the situation only gets worse. It follows from this that it is necessary to use laxatives only in extreme and justified cases. To combat constipation, it is better to use folk recipes. Here are some of them:

  • Take 2 large spoons of germinated wheat, 2 large spoons of oatmeal, 1 large spoon of honey, 1 large spoon of nuts, half a lemon and 2 medium finely grated apples. Mix all components. Take with meals.
  • Take 0.5 kg of dried apricots and 0.5 kg of prunes. Grind in a meat grinder or blender. Add 2 large spoons of propolis, 250 ml of honey and senna grass (pack) to the resulting composition. Take 2 small spoons half an hour before bedtime.
  • Brew 1 large spoonful of buckthorn bark in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for 2 hours and drink.
  • The restorative effect of bowel contractions is found in ground psyllium seeds. Take 1 small spoonful before meals. The seeds in the intestines will swell and help in the removal of its contents.
  • A proven peristalsis stimulant is the inclusion of bran in the diet.

§ Insertion of a probe into the stomach to evacuate the contents and decompress the intestines;

§ Carrying out a triad with prozerin.

The algorithm for stimulating the intestines is the “triad with proserin”.

(carried out by doctor's prescription)


Thin gastric tube;

Injection syringes 2; 20 ml;

Pear-shaped balloon with a capacity of 200 ml;

Prozerin solution 0.05% - 1 ml;

Sodium chloride solution 10% - 100 ml for intravenous injection;

Sodium chloride solution 10% - 200 ml for hypertensive

Enemas; petrolatum.

Containers for disinfection of used instruments;

Actions of a nurse

1. Wash your hands and put on gloves.

2. Put the tube into the patient's stomach.

3. Change gloves.

4. Enter 1 ml of prozerin solution under the skin of the abdomen.

5. Enter intravenously 60 - 80 ml of sodium chloride solution 15 minutes after subcutaneous injection.

6. Deliver a hypertonic enema 15 minutes after intravenous injection.

7. Soak used instruments in a disinfectant solution.

8. Wait for the effect of the procedure.

Control questions

1. What is a hernia of the abdominal wall?

2. Describe the components of a hernia?

3. What is the anatomical classification of hernias?

4. Describe the classification of hernias according to clinical signs?

5. List possible complications of hernias?

6. What factors predispose to the occurrence of hernias?

7. What are the clinical signs of a reducible uncomplicated hernia?

8. What is the principle of treatment of uncomplicated hernias?

9. What are the signs of an irreducible hernia and the principle of its treatment?

10. What are the clinical signs of a strangulated hernia?

11. What is the first aid for a patient with a strangulated hernia?

12. What is the principle of treating a patient with a strangulated hernia?

13. What is the preparation of the patient for hernia repair?

14. What are the features of preparing a patient for surgery for a giant hernia?

15. What is the patient's preparation for surgery for a strangulated hernia?

16. Describe nursing care for a patient after herniotomy, hernioplasty?

17. What are the features of nursing care for a patient after surgery for a giant hernia?

18. What is acute intestinal obstruction?

19. What is the classification of OKN?

20. What are the causes of mechanical intestinal obstruction?

21. What are the causes of dynamic intestinal obstruction?

22. What are the clinical signs of mechanical intestinal obstruction?

23. Describe the periods of the clinical course of mechanical intestinal obstruction?

24. What are the clinical signs of obstructive colonic obstruction?

25. What are the clinical signs of volvulus of the sigmoid colon?

26. What are the clinical signs of strangulation AIO (nodulation)?

27. What are the features of adhesive intestinal obstruction?

28. What changes are revealed on plain radiographs of the abdominal organs in AIO?

29. Describe first aid for patients with AIO?

30. What is the principle of treatment of patients with mechanical intestinal obstruction?

31. What are the clinical signs of paralytic ileus?

32. How is intestinal stimulation performed in case of paralytic ileus?

33. Describe the algorithm of intestinal stimulation (triads with prozerin)?

The invention relates to medicine and is intended to stimulate the intestines in the postoperative period. Blood is taken from the peripheral vein at the rate of 2 ml/kg of body weight. Irradiated with ultraviolet rays with a length of 254 nm in the apparatus "Izolda MD-73M". Within 1 h reinfusion is subjected to oxygenation. The flow rate of oxygen in the oxygenator is 10 l/min. The process of reinfusion is carried out in the portal vein through a catheter installed in the recanalized umbilical vein during the operation. Sessions of ultraviolet irradiation and oxygenation of autologous blood in extracorporeal conditions with reinfusion into the portal vein are carried out 1 time per day for 2 days. Sessions begin to be carried out from 2-3 days after the operation. The method allows to restore intestinal motility and dramatically reduce endogenous intoxication. 2 tab., 8 ill.

The invention relates to medicine, mainly to abdominal surgery, and can be used to restore intestinal motility after operations on the abdominal organs. Restoration of motor activity of the intestine after operations on the abdominal organs is one of the most difficult problems of abdominal surgery. The timely appearance of intestinal peristalsis indicates a favorable course of the postoperative period and, as a rule, in most cases serves as a good prognostic sign. With a delay in its recovery, the condition of patients is significantly aggravated, endogenous intoxication increases, and liver functions are aggravated. In addition, bloating in these cases makes it difficult for the adequate function of the heart and lungs. Developing intestinal paresis contributes to overstretching of its walls with gases, and the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the chyme contribute to a sharp increase in intoxication, as well as the penetration of microbes through the intestinal wall into the peritoneal cavity with the development of peritonitis or the entry of microbes into the circulatory system, including the portal system of the liver (B P. Petrov, I. A. Eryukhin "Intestinal obstruction". - M.: Medicine. - 1989. - S. 11, 29-35; V. S. Saveliev et al. "The effect of probe decompression on portal and systemic bacteremia in patients with peritonitis". - Chir. - 1993. - N 10. - S. 25-29). All this necessitates careful monitoring of the process of restoration of intestinal motor activity after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, and also forces the use of its stimulation in case of delays in the restoration of peristalsis. Currently, the following methods of stimulating intestinal motility in the postoperative period are known: a - medications; b - novocaine blockades (perinephric, intrapelvic, round ligament of the liver, etc.); c - epidural anesthesia; d - external decompression of the upper digestive tract (stomach, small intestine), which is most often combined with enteral tube feeding with salt nutrient mixtures (saline enteral solution, Ringer's solution, etc.); e - electrical stimulation; f - oxygen barotherapy; g - detoxification by extracorporeal methods; h - correction of water-electrolyte shifts in the body; and - exposure to sound waves (V.P. Petrov, I.A. Eryukhin "Intestinal obstruction". - M.: Medicine. - 1989. - S. 70-74). Thus, a "Method for the treatment of postoperative intestinal paresis" (a.c. N 1197645, cl. A 61 N 1/36, publ. bul. N 46, 1985), involving the introduction of a medicinal mixture through a microirrigator into the retroperitoneal tissue during and after the operation, as well as the "Method of electrical stimulation of the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract" (AS N 430861, class A 61 N 1 /36, publ. Bull. N 21, 1974) and "Method of treatment of postoperative paresis of the gastrointestinal tract" (a.c. N 1243737, class A 61 N 1/36, publ. Bull. N 26, 1986) based on stimulation of the intestines with pulsed current. Currently, stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out most often against the background of external decompression of the upper digestive tract, including nasointestinal. In particular, a "Method for restoring the motor-evacuation function of the intestine in the postoperative period" is described (a. c. 1560231, class A 61 N 1/36, publ. bull. N 16, 1990), according to which patients with acute intestinal obstruction or peritonitis, a special probe is carried out along the entire length of the small intestine and at the same time, 20-24 hours after the operation, its electrical stimulation is carried out with multiple electrodes located on the probe. Also known is the "Method of electrical stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract in the postoperative period" (patent N 2001401, class A 61 N 1/36, publ. bull. N 37-38, 1993), which provides for the implementation of external decompression of the stomach with enteral tube feeding in the postoperative period and conducting electrical stimulation of the intestine with a half-sinusoidal current in the event of a state of electrophysiological readiness of the small intestine to perceive these electrical impulses. At the same time, vascular spasm and microcirculation disorders play an important role in the pathogenesis of postoperative intestinal paresis, as a result of which the blood supply to the small intestine and liver is sharply reduced. At the same time, hypoxia in these organs reaches the most pronounced value (V.P. Petrov, I.A. Eryukhin "Intestinal obstruction". - M .: Medicine. - 1989. - S. 33-34; V.A. Popov "Peritonitis ". - L .: Medicine. - 1985. - S. 24-25). This causes severe metabolic shifts in the liver, small intestine and in the body as a whole. Therefore, corrective effects on these links in the pathogenesis of postoperative intestinal paresis will be important in restoring intestinal motility. In this regard, ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood deserves attention, which has a complex therapeutic effect on the body, as well as oxygenation of portal blood. As is known, ultraviolet irradiation of blood has a detoxifying, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect, improves microcirculation, rheological properties of blood and its saturation with oxygen, activates respiratory enzymes, factors of specific protection, stimulates regeneration (I. G. Dutkevich et al. "Changes in blood hemostatic potential after autohemotransfusion with UV irradiation". - In: Mechanism of the influence of blood irradiated with ultraviolet rays on the human body and animals. - L.: Science. - 1986. - S. 97-103; A.E. Gromov et al. "Influence of reinfusion of autologous blood irradiated with UV rays on the rheological properties of blood". - There, p. 207-211; V.V. Levanovich, D. M. Vorypin "UV blood autotransfusion in the treatment of purulent peritonitis in children. - Vestn. hir. - 1986. - N 7. - P. 7-10; V. I. Rotar et al. "The effect of ultraviolet blood irradiation on its oxygen transport function. - Wedge. hir. - 1990. - N 3. - S. 29-30). As a prototype of the proposed technical solution, the method described by A.P. Vlasov and I.G. Rumyantsev in the article "Methods for increasing the tolerance of intestinal anastomosis to circulatory hypoxia", published in the collection "Efferent methods in medicine" - Part 1. - Izhevsk. - 1992. - S. 24-25. The essence of the method, taken as a prototype, is that in order to increase the tolerance of the intestinal anastomosis to circulatory hypoxia during surgery on the intestine and in the postoperative period, extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood is performed every other day with its reinfusion into a peripheral vein. They note a faster elimination of oxygen deficiency in the intestine, improved wound healing along the anastomosis suture line, which was important for increasing the tolerance of the intestinal anastomosis to motor activity and passage of chyme. This method has a number of disadvantages: 1 - unexpressed therapeutic effect on the intestine to restore its motor activity, since after reinfusion, the blood irradiated with ultraviolet rays is diluted in the vascular bed; 2 - weaker detoxification effect, reducing the efficiency of restoring intestinal motility; 3 - low blood oxygenation in the portal system, delaying the recovery of liver and small intestine functions. These shortcomings are eliminated in the proposed method for stimulating intestinal peristalsis. Its essence lies in the fact that in order to increase the efficiency and reliability of the method of stimulating intestinal peristalsis, blood is taken from a peripheral vein at the rate of 2 ml/kg, subjected to ultraviolet irradiation and oxygenation in extracorporeal conditions, and then returned to the body intraportally through a catheter inserted into the body. time of surgery into the portal vein along the recanalized umbilical vein. Detailed description of the method and examples of its practical implementation. In seriously ill patients, during an operation on the abdominal organs, the umbilical vein is recanalized with the introduction of a special catheter into its lumen. For this (Fig. 1) on the round ligament 1 of the liver 8 at a distance of 4-5 cm from the anterior abdominal wall, the peritoneum 2 3 cm long is cut longitudinally. In the fatty tissue of this ligament, an obliterated umbilical vein 3 is found in the form of a strand with a diameter of 5-9 mm. The umbilical vein 3 is taken on the ligature-holder 4. Then, the index finger 5 of the left hand, covered with a gauze napkin 6, is brought under the umbilical vein 3. The anterior wall of the umbilical vein 3 is dissected with a scalpel in the transverse direction in the projection 7 of the index finger 5 to the obliterated lumen. A mosquito-type clamp is carried out along the obliterated lumen of the umbilical vein 3 towards the liver 8 in order to enter the proximal end of the umbilical vein 3 and lift its anterior wall. Two clamps (Fig. 2) type "mosquito" 9 capture the free edges of the raised front wall of the umbilical vein 3 for retention. Then, the uterine probe 10 with an olive diameter of 2-3 mm enters the obliterated lumen 11 of the umbilical vein 3 towards the liver 8 to a depth of 12-13 cm. about its passage into the lumen of the portal vein. This is confirmed by the appearance of blood from the recanalized lumen 11 of the umbilical vein 3 when the uterine probe 10 is removed. and immediately with a syringe, for example, Ringer's solution or a weak solution of heparin 3-4 ml is injected into the umbilical catheter 12 to prevent thrombosis. An additional ligature 13 bandages the umbilical vein 3 in the transverse direction to fix the umbilical catheter 12 in it (Fig. 3). Another ligature 14 is passed around the umbilical vein 3, but it is not tied, and the ends are brought to the anterior abdominal wall through the laparotomy wound and fixed on a gauze ball in an unstretched state. The mosquito clips 9 are removed. The peritoneum 2 of the round ligament 1 is sutured with separate sutures. The outer part of the umbilical catheter 12 is brought to the anterior abdominal wall (Fig. 4) through the surgical wound and fixed to the skin with separate ligatures 16. In the postoperative period, glucose-electrolyte solutions, blood substitutes, vitamins are intraportally injected through the umbilical catheter 12, donor blood and its preparations are transfused . By the 2-4th day after the operation, when there are clear signs of postoperative intestinal paresis (bloating, failure to pass gases through the rectum, regurgitation or vomiting, or discharge of abundant stagnant contents through a nasogastric tube, the absence of intestinal peristaltic noises during auscultation of the abdomen), the patient there is a need to stimulate intestinal motility. For this purpose (Fig. 5), a peripheral vein 17, for example, an ulnar vein, is punctured in a patient, and using an infusion system 18, a low-flow blood oxygenator 19 is sequentially connected to it, for example, a membrane dialyzer of the DIP-02-02 type adapted for this purpose, then the device for ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood 20, for example "Izolda MD-73M", and at the end of the vial 21 for collecting blood containing a stabilizer, for example "Glyugitsir", to prevent blood clotting. Using a roller pump apparatus "Izolda MD-73M" 20 from the peripheral vein 17 take blood at the rate of 2 ml/kg and irradiate it with ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 254 nm. Oxygen is not connected to the low-flow blood oxygenator 19 during blood sampling from the peripheral vein 17. Then (Fig. 6), the blood collected in the vial 21 is mounted on a stand and, using the same infusion system 18 and a roller pump, is returned to the portal vein by connecting the cannula 22, through which blood was taken from the peripheral vein 17, to the umbilical catheter 12. Simultaneously through the low-flow oxygenator 19 begins to supply gaseous oxygen at a flow rate of 10 l/min continuously for 1 hour, which is necessary to complete the reinfusion of autologous blood. At the same time, the blood from the vial 21, passing through the apparatus "Izolda MD-73M" 20, is repeatedly exposed to ultraviolet irradiation, and then oxygenated when passing through a low-flow oxygenator 19. Sessions of ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood, followed by oxygenation and reinfusion into the portal vein, are carried out daily for the next 2 day. Already after the first session of ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood with its additional oxygenation, after 18-20 hours, the patient shows signs of restoration of intestinal motility: vomiting disappears, during auscultation of the abdomen, intestinal noises of peristalsis are heard. After the second session, gases begin to leave through the rectum, bloating disappears, an independent stool appears. Sharply decreases endogenous intoxication. After that, the catheter 12 is removed from the umbilical vein 3 (Fig. 4). To do this, the skin around the umbilical catheter 12 is treated with an antiseptic solution, such as 1% iodonate. Sterile scissors release the umbilical catheter 12 from the fixing ligatures 16 on the anterior abdominal wall. The ligature 14 brought to the front wall is pulled at both ends to slightly raise the umbilical vein 3 anteriorly. The umbilical catheter 12 is grasped with tweezers and pulled out with the ligature 14 stretched to clamp the lumen and prevent reverse blood flow through the recanalized umbilical vein 3 into the abdominal cavity. Then the ligature 14, without relaxing, is tied on a gauze ball 15, laid on the skin in the area of ​​the sutured surgical wound, and left in this state for three days (the time required for thrombosis and fixation of blood clots in the recanalized umbilical vein). After three days, the skin in the area of ​​the sutured surgical wound is treated with an antiseptic solution, for example, 1% iodonate, and the gauze ball 15 is slightly raised above the skin with tweezers, one of the ends of the ligature 14 is found and it is crossed with sterile scissors directly above the skin, in the area that appeared from subcutaneous tissue. After that, the second end of the ligature 14 is removed from the abdominal cavity. The proposed method is illustrated by the following clinical examples. 1. B-noy N-o, 16 years old (IB N 3271), was admitted to the surgical department of the Rostov emergency hospital N 1 with a diagnosis of gangrenous-perforated appendicitis, diffuse peritonitis. The patient urgently underwent surgery - laparotomy, appendectomy, lavage of the abdominal cavity with its drainage, catheterization of the umbilical vein. In the postoperative period, the patient's condition is severe. By the second day after the operation, the phenomena of endogenous intoxication and intestinal paresis increased: pulse 118 per minute, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg, copious congestive discharge passed through the nasogastric tube, abdominal distention, flatulence, absence of intestinal noises of intestinal peristalsis on auscultation of the abdomen. In the blood test, leukocytes are 9.910 9 /l, the blood formula: stab neutrophils - 30%, segmented - 59%, lymphocytes - 7%. In this regard, the patient underwent a session of extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood, followed by its oxygenation and reinfusion into the portal vein according to the described method. The oxygen tension in the blood reinfused into the umbilical vein was 310 mm Hg. The study of volumetric blood flow in the vessels of the splanchnic bed by ultrasonic dopplerography indicated an increase in the level of blood supply (Table 1). The next day (18 hours after the first session), the patient's condition improved: auscultation of the abdomen revealed intestinal noises of peristalsis. On the electroenterogram (Fig. 7, pos. B), an increase in the amplitude of the waves was noted in comparison with the state before reinfusion of irradiated with ultraviolet rays and oxygenated blood (Fig. 7, pos. A). The patient re-performed a session of ultraviolet irradiation of blood with its oxygenation and intraportal reinfusion. By the next day (the fourth after the operation), the patient had a well-marked intestinal peristalsis, gases passed through the rectum, and bloating disappeared. The electroenterogram (Fig. 7, pos. B) showed normal wave amplitude. In the general blood test: leukocytes 6.610 9 /l, stab neutrophils - 12%, segmented - 58%, lymphocytes - 24.5%, monocytes - 5.5%. On the fifth day after the operation, food intake through the mouth was allowed, an active motor mode was assigned. A day later, the patient developed an independent stool. The postoperative period proceeded without complications. The patient was discharged from the hospital in a satisfactory condition. 2. B-noy 3-n, 62 years old (IB N 2882), was admitted to the surgical department of the emergency hospital N 1 of Rostov-on-Don about venous thrombosis of the vessels of the mesentery of the small intestine, dynamic intestinal obstruction. On an emergency basis, after preoperative infusion preparation, an operation was performed - laparotomy, cecostomy with intubation of the small intestine, catheterization of the umbilical vein. By the third day after the operation, the patient's condition worsened significantly, the phenomena of endotoxicosis and intestinal paresis increased: bloating, discharge of abundant congestive discharge through the nasogastric tube, intestinal peristalsis was not detected during auscultation of the abdomen. Pulse 112 in 1 min, BP 140/60 mm Hg. In the general blood test, leukocytes are 9.010 9 /l, leukocyte formula: stab neutrophils - 33%, segmented - 47%, lymphocytes - 17%, monocytes - 7%, ESR 48 mm / h. Blood urea rose to 13.6 mmol/l. To stimulate intestinal motility, a session of extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation of blood was performed with its oxygenation and subsequent reinfusion into the portal vein according to the proposed method. Doppler ultrasound examination of splanchnic blood flow showed a significant increase in the supply of blood to the liver and small intestine (Table 2). 20 hours after the first session, the patient began to listen to intestinal peristalsis. On the performed electroenterogram (Fig. 8, pos. B), an increase in the amplitude of the waves was found compared to the previous study before the session of stimulation of intestinal peristalsis (Fig. 8, pos. A). Ultraviolet irradiation of blood with its oxygenation in extracorporeal conditions and reinfusion into the portal vein was repeated. The next day (20 hours after the second session), good intestinal motility was determined by auscultation, there were no swollen abdomens, gases and loose stools passed through the cecostomy. The electroenterogram showed normal wave amplitude (Fig. 8, pos. B). The patient's condition improved significantly: pulse 88 per minute, blood pressure 140/80 mm Hg. In the general analysis of blood, the shift of the leukocyte formula to the left sharply decreased: stab neutrophils - 15%, segmented - 57%, lymphocytes - 20%, monocytes - 6%. Blood urea decreased to 8.6 mmol/l. During further treatment, the patient's condition continued to improve. Discharged from the hospital in a satisfactory condition with good motor-evacuation function of the intestine. The proposed method for stimulating intestinal peristalsis in the postoperative period was tested on four patients. Intestinal peristalsis recovered in all. There were no negative consequences of intraportal reinfusion of ultraviolet irradiated and additionally oxygenated autologous blood. Thus, in comparison with the prototype, the proposed method has the following advantages: 1 - a pronounced effect on the blood flow in the small intestine and the saturation of the blood flowing from it with oxygen, leading to the restoration of peristalsis in the next 18-20 hours after 1-2 sessions of the proposed treatment; 2 - a significant decrease in endogenous intoxication, contributing to the restoration of intestinal motility; 3 - improvement of the blood supply to the liver and the saturation of the blood flowing to it with oxygen, which increases its protective functions.

Most people who have crossed the thirty-year threshold are faced with such a problem as dyskinesia, otherwise - poor intestinal motility. This problem brings a lot of inconvenience and therefore people are increasingly asking themselves how to improve intestinal motility? We will tell you about this in the article.

The concept of peristalsis

The intestine is the largest organ of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the final processing of food, their neutralization and absorption of useful minerals into the blood takes place. If peristalsis (motility) is disturbed, then all these processes are inhibited. Such a process brings harm to the body and inconvenience to a person.

With the stagnation of feces in the intestines, toxins begin to enter the bloodstream and poison the body, causing side symptoms.

Symptoms of intoxication and decreased intestinal motility include:

  • frequent headaches;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • heaviness and pain in the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a person is gaining weight, although he eats as usual, or even less;
  • the appearance of a rash on the face, possibly on the body;
  • sleep problems;
  • bloating that worsens after eating;
  • change in fecal masses, they become smaller, they acquire a denser form;
  • frequent and painful constipation, which can rarely be replaced by bouts of diarrhea;
  • general malaise and even fever.

Neither for an adult, nor for a child, such symptoms of intestinal arrest will not be a joy. Therefore, you need to make your intestines work on their own, or seek help from a doctor.

Moreover, the second option will be much better, because any disease can be the cause of weak motor skills, or the normal functional state of the body. But to figure out what exactly caused the bowel to stop, it is possible only after conducting an examination and passing tests.

Causes of weak peristalsis

Many factors affect bowel function, and now we will try to find out which of them slow down and even completely stop peristalsis, and which can stimulate intestinal motility.

Causes, slowing peristalsis:

  1. Unbalanced nutrition when the diet is dominated by high-calorie foods, artificial foods (fast foods with a lot of spices and sauces and foods with the addition of chemicals - chips, crackers), not regular meals, its speed (to live a sandwich on the way to the office).
  2. Treatment with antibiotics or other drugs that reduce the balance of the intestinal microflora.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract all departments, including the stomach, liver, gallbladder.
  4. Tumor neoplasms in the intestines, both in the small and in the thick.
  5. Behavior of surgical intervention on the intestine.
  6. Inactive lifestyle, permanent sedentary work, frequent climate change.
  7. Predisposition to constipation, them.
  8. Frequent stress, negative experiences.
  9. Violation of the nerves, improper innervation of the intestinal walls.

Factors enhancing intestinal motility:

  1. Regular walking, exercise.
  2. Compliance with the diet, its balance.
  3. Compliance with the drinking regimen is very important for constipation in order to soften the masses and improve their passage through the intestines.
  4. Use of bowel stimulation - massages and morning workouts.
  5. Normalization of lifestyle, regular and sufficient sleep, adherence to the schedule.
  6. Passing a regular annual medical examination and timely treatment of intestinal diseases.

If your life consists mostly or even entirely of the items on the first list, then do not be surprised that intestinal motility is weakening.

To prevent and fix this, live according to the items on the second list and then bowel problems will leave you for a long time.

But if peristalsis is already disturbed by any reason, then there are means to improve the work of intestinal motility in adults and children.

How to improve peristalsis?

It is possible to restore bowel function and strengthen peristalsis only by using several types of treatment at the same time, namely:

  1. Folk means. This is the first thing that is better to try than swallowing advertised pills that can only do harm if the diagnosis is not established.
  2. Drugs that stimulate the intestines can also be purchased at a pharmacy, but before that you should consult a doctor so that he picks them up for you individually, and also prescribes the necessary dosage.
  3. An excellent tool to enhance peristalsis -. It helps to increase blood flow to the intestines, as well as to the pelvic organs, thereby helping to move the feces forward through the intestines. Helps strengthen the walls of the large and small intestines.
  4. You can increase peristalsis by following a certain diet. Her main rule- we eat and drink everything that is healthy, we don’t even try the unhealthy.

Improving peristalsis will largely depend on how the person himself relates to solving his problem.

If he negligently does gymnastics, drinks coffee tablets after dinner at a pizzeria, then it will not work to improve bowel function.

In this case, the intestines did not work, do not work, and will not work. But for those who want to normalize the work of their intestines, we will talk in more detail about each item in the treatment of weak peristalsis.


Before drinking pharmacy medicine, try these methods of enhancing peristalsis:

wheat bran
  • Take two apples and grate them. Add to them a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of oatmeal. Squeeze out the juice of a lemon and add it and a couple of tablespoons of warm water to the mixture. Eat it throughout the day.
  • Grind psyllium seeds and take them with a teaspoonful of food.
  • A couple of tablespoons of wheat bran is washed down with a small amount of water or mixed with it and eaten for breakfast.
  • Take ten grams of buckthorn root and fill them with half liters of boiling water. Let the decoction brew and drink it throughout the day instead of tea.
  • Take two glasses of dried apricots and prunes and twist them in a meat grinder. Add to them a package of senna, two tablespoons of propolis. Pour liquid honey, about 200 ml. Take this mixture before bed in the amount of a couple of teaspoons.


In order to increase the patency of the intestines, laxatives are released. It can be tablets, powder, syrup, drops. All laxatives should be divided into three groups:

The action of drugsDescription
Drugs affecting the peristalsis of the entire intestine.Here you can use sodium sulfate or magnesium. But you should pay attention to the fact that these substances, by increasing the osmotic pressure in the intestine, increase peristalsis. The process is fast enough, and the drugs work after two hours, or even earlier. Therefore, you should not take them before the trip.
Laxatives that act in the small intestine.These medicines include oils. They envelop the feces, contributing to their easy passage through the intestines. At the same time, they also accelerate the motor skills themselves. The effect of the laxative comes from two to six hours.
Laxatives that act in the large intestine.These are drugs of the irritant group. They tone smooth muscles, bringing the walls of the intestine into tone. You can’t use them on your own, as addiction and intestinal atrophy may occur. Only a doctor should prescribe such laxatives. These drugs include dried apricots;
  • fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, kefir;
  • compotes, kissels, fresh juices;
  • white kvass and wine, mineral water, cold or warm teas, but not hot;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, cell;
  • various types of vegetable oils;
  • nuts;
  • spices and spices in moderation will stimulate the intestines;
  • wheat bran.

  • Food should be fresh, warm, well combined with each other. You need to eat at least four times a day. It is important to observe the drinking regimen.

    So if you want to increase intestinal motility, go from natural to artificial.

    It is better to take laxatives only as prescribed by a doctor, and a healthy diet and folk remedies will only add to the effect.

    Monitor your lifestyle constantly, and then you will not have to resort to the help of laxatives in restoring bowel function.

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