How to remove swelling from a broken lip. How to get rid of swollen lips after a blow? In what cases is the lip sutured?

Hematoma and swelling on the lip rarely pose serious health problems or lead to any dangerous consequences. These symptoms are primarily an aesthetic nuisance, but may be accompanied by pain and discomfort. There are several ways to quickly remove a bruise from your lip so that within a few days there will be no trace left of it. These can be both pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies. The main rule is that it is better to start treatment before extensive swelling appears on the face.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

The seal on the lip is an ordinary hematoma. It is formed when small vessels are damaged and the subsequent development of inflammation. You can get such an injury at home or during cosmetic procedures. There are several of the most common causes of bruising in this area:

  • bruise - a consequence of a household or sports injury, a fall or a blow from a hard object;
  • tissue inflammation after injection - one of the side effects of the cosmetic procedure for lip augmentation, which is warned in advance;
  • after a kiss - the cause of this phenomenon may be weakness of blood vessels.

The appearance of hematomas, including on the face or lip, is a common situation for a child. During active play, children often fall and get injured. In addition, they have weaker blood vessels, and damage to their walls leads to the formation of lumps. At a young age, while the child’s coordination of movements is not sufficiently developed, bruises and abrasions appear constantly.

For an adult, if the lip is swollen from a blow or for any other reason, it is important to treat it with special ointments in a timely manner.

Extensive swelling can be uncomfortable, painful, and attract attention from others. However, simply covering it up with foundation is not enough. If swelling has time to form, the lip can significantly increase in size and become numb.

First aid

Removing swelling from the lip is much more difficult than preventing its occurrence in time. One of the simplest recommendations is apply a cold compress immediately after the impact. This method allows you to narrow the blood vessels and thereby reduce the release of fluid from them. In addition, using cold can stop bleeding from small capillaries. Ice or any frozen product will work for this procedure, but it is better not to apply it directly to the skin. It is recommended to wrap pieces of ice in a cloth - this way it will not cause frostbite.

There are several methods that are not suitable as first aid for bruises in the face and lips:

  • warming ointments - such drugs will increase the release of blood from the vessels and provoke the appearance of extensive bruising;
  • iodine mesh - despite the fact that this drug is used to resolve hematomas on sensitive skin of the lips, it can cause allergies or chemical burns;
  • It is not recommended to use cosmetics during the treatment period - if you cover up the bruise with tinting agents, this may worsen the symptoms.

If the wound bleeds profusely, it is better not to try to heal it yourself. Modern surgical methods make it possible to apply a suture in such a way that there are no scars left at the site of injury. Traces of self-healing of skin damage will be visible after a long time.

Drug treatment

The basic principle of treating lip bruises is anti-inflammatory ointments and compresses. In the first few days, until the damaged vessels are completely restored, you can only use cold compresses or purchase a cooling agent. Then use warming ointments or those that stimulate blood circulation.

However, it is worth remembering that the skin of the lips is very sensitive, and it is necessary to monitor its reaction to such medications.

There are several remedies that can be used to treat a hematoma on the lip:

  • Rescuer is a plant-based ointment that quickly relieves inflammation, accelerates the resorption of bruises and has a disinfecting effect;
  • Heparin ointment- thins the blood and promotes its outflow from the site of injury, thereby eliminating hematomas;
  • Comfrey ointment is a natural remedy for bruising and swelling, but is not applied to damaged skin;
  • Lyoton, Lyogel and analogues- heparin-based products.

Small hematomas can be cured in a few days.

It is better to apply medicinal ointments, including at night, in the form of a compress. Improvements will be noticeable the next morning. Balls in the lip area should not appear after injections; minor swelling is allowed. However, within 2 weeks the situation can be corrected by applying ointments daily.

The use of folk remedies

Concept of calendula and camomile flower essential oil and tincture – beauty treatment.

There are several ways to quickly get rid of a small hematoma on the lip using simple and affordable folk remedies. They are represented by natural decoctions and infusions of herbs, animal products and other substances that act against bruises. Among the most effective and safe recipes that can be used for sensitive lip skin are:

  • decoction or infusion of calendula is an anti-inflammatory agent, used in the form of warm compresses;
  • lotions with natural tea - also relieve inflammation and soothe the skin;
  • propolis is a beekeeping product that has proven itself as an analgesic and disinfectant, and also accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • aloe juice - applied to intact skin to relieve swelling;
  • cabbage leaf as a compress for the night.

A bruise on the lip can be removed in a few days with a special ointment. If you do not interfere with the healing process, it will go away in a week at most, but during this time it will cause pain and discomfort. The best solution is to apply ice to the lip in time so that it does not have time to swell. If swelling does appear, you will have to smear the damaged area with pharmaceutical ointments or use traditional methods.

The best folk remedies for bruises on the face, including in the lips

When soft tissue and mucous membranes of the oral cavity are injured, a person experiences severe discomfort. It is important to know what to treat if your lip is broken from the inside. This will allow you to avoid complications and consequences or keep them minimal.

Most often, a broken lip occurs in children. This could be falling from a swing, hitting something. Adults are less likely to encounter this phenomenon. Since the skin in the area around the mouth is very delicate and sensitive, it is easily injured and swells quickly. Therefore, it is important to know, if the lip is broken, what first aid should be carried out at home so that healing occurs much faster and the consequences of a broken lip are minimal. The key rule in a situation where an injury has occurred is to remain calm. To stop bleeding and prevent swelling, use an antiseptic (miramistin or chlorhexidine) followed by ice.

Immediately after injury to the upper or lower lip, it is necessary to rinse the wound with warm water and treat with an antiseptic. This will remove dirt particles and prevent infection.

Often the lip may become swollen. If your lip is swollen, you need to take appropriate measures. How to remove a tumor? Next, you need to apply a cold compress to the damaged area; it effectively relieves swelling and has a resolving effect if the lip is swollen. Apply ice correctly - wrapping it in a clean cloth, towel or handkerchief to prevent hypothermia. If an injury occurs to a baby, in any case, the help of a doctor is needed.

A cold compress is applied to the injury site for 15 minutes. To stop the bleeding, you need to apply a small piece of bandage or a piece of cotton wool and press it between your lip and teeth. The tampon should absorb the liquid, but not stick to the wound. Under no circumstances should you treat a bruise in adults or children with brilliant green or iodine, otherwise this can lead to burns of delicate tissues.

An effective folk method for speedy wound healing is to apply cotton wool with aloe juice. Cut a plant leaf lengthwise, moisten a cotton pad and apply. This medicinal plant has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation. This will help the wound heal faster and prevent infectious agents from entering the wound area.

A doctor's help is required if a tooth is knocked out in the mouth, the gum is torn, the torn area bleeds heavily, and the body temperature rises. In the situations described, you should contact a surgeon who will apply stitches in a medical facility.

Pharmacy products

A broken lip requires mandatory treatment with antiseptic drugs. Hydrogen peroxide comes first. It can be used if there is an injury to the inner surface of the lip. After a child, man or woman has cut the soft tissue, lubricate the wound with this product. Hydrogen peroxide does not leave burns; it can be used to treat an open wound surface. The drug immediately has an active effect - bubbles and hissing appear. Disinfection is carried out through the release of atomic oxygen. To treat damaged mucous membranes, a 0.25% solution of hydrogen peroxide is used.

Another effective drug is chlorhexidine. With the help of this substance, the wound is disinfected. The antiseptic is designed to help tears heal faster to prevent infection of the wound surface.

Another effective disinfectant is Miramistin. The main advantage of this drug is the absence of any negative reactions. The product is applied to damaged areas without leaving burns. With its help, pathogenic microorganisms are actively eliminated and the inflammatory process is eliminated. The drug is used to treat burned tissues, to treat candidiasis, and gynecological diseases.

Potassium permanganate solution is an effective way to wash festering wounds. Be sure to prepare the medicine correctly - add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to a glass of warm water. The solution should be light pink. It can also be used to rinse your mouth if the injury occurs from the inside.

A simple and affordable remedy is furatsilin solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve ten furatsilin tablets in a liter of warm water. Next, you need to smear the medicine on the damaged areas. The prepared solution should be stored in the refrigerator.

What should I use to speed up tissue healing? An effective remedy is an ointment called traumeel. This is a homeopathic medicine that can help eliminate infection, inflammation, and relieve severe swelling. To relieve swelling and speed up recovery, the instructions for use state that the medicine should be applied to the skin in a thin layer several times a day. Duration of use is two weeks. Such wound care makes it possible to prevent lip scars and other lip problems. This product is used only for external treatment of wounds.

How to quickly heal injured tissue? Panthenol cream is used for treatment. It helps damaged areas to heal faster, without leaving a scar. Before applying the drug, you need to stop the bleeding and take measures to disinfect the damaged area. If necessary, the cut lip is sutured. Panthenol is safe, there are no adverse reactions after use. Lubricate the lip injury with it in the morning and evening until there is no trace left of the hematoma on the lip. The cream is used for external use only.

Traditional methods

How to remove a tumor, what to do if you break your lip? You can get rid of swelling and treat a broken lip using unconventional methods. But they must be combined with pharmaceutical drugs. Comprehensive treatment will help prevent the appearance of scars after a rupture, including if the mouth is damaged from the inside. Treatment with unconventional methods promotes rapid healing of the wound. To do this, you need to properly treat the wound. The following non-traditional methods are used:

  1. Lotions made from warm tea.
  2. Aloe juice.
  3. Kalanchoe juice.
  4. Lotions from a decoction of celandine.
  5. For faster healing of wounds, you can use oil solutions of sea buckthorn, rose hips, chlorophyllipt, vitamin A or E, pumpkinol, aekola.

What is contraindicated to do in case of injury

To avoid leaving heavy scars, it is important to know the correct behavior during treatment. Rapid healing will occur if:

  1. Carry out comprehensive measures to treat the wound to relieve swelling.
  2. Care must be taken not to accidentally tear the crusts that have formed.
  3. You should not use heat compresses if you have a broken lip due to swelling. So the healing wound will bother you for a long time, leaving scars.
  4. It is not recommended to eat food after you have a broken lip.
  5. During recovery, you should not consume too cold or hot foods, alcoholic beverages, and minimize smoking.
  6. Do not touch your lips with your hands, do not bite them, do not tear off the scabs, this will take longer for the wound to heal, and scars may remain.
  7. Avoid kissing and avoid direct sunlight.

How long does it take for healing to take place? With proper treatment and compliance with all necessary measures, the wound will heal in a short time.

If a new growth appears on the lip, it may indicate the presence of cancer. Cancer most often affects the lower lip. It usually occurs in long-term smokers and people over 55 years of age. But if you consult a doctor at the initial stage of the disease, you can be cured of the disease. Surgery for lip cancer is an extremely rare occurrence. Rather, the patient will be prescribed a course of radiation therapy.

Also, a swelling on the lip may appear due to a bruise. To remove it, you will need to apply a warm or cold compress to the damaged area. Simply wrap a few ice cubes in a tissue and apply to the skin around the tumor. You can also soak a piece of cloth in hot water and do the same. But do not keep the compress on the skin for more than 20 minutes. For the same purposes, bodyagi powder or gel can be used. Of course, the lip can be so broken that its outline cannot even be seen. In this case, it is better to immediately rush to see a specialist.

If the appearance of a tumor is caused by herpes, under no circumstances try to squeeze it out. Herpes looks like a vesicle filled with translucent liquid. If you find it, use special means. It is recommended to use proven ointments Zovirax and Acyclovir. Treatment should be systematic and regular. These drugs contain components that destroy all manifestations of the herpes virus.

The cause of the inflammatory process on the lip can be a wound, cut or other damage to soft tissue. In such a situation, immediate treatment of the tumor with hydrogen peroxide will be required. Iodine is suitable for the same purposes. Only it will need to be mixed with water in equal proportions, otherwise you can damage the skin even more. If a tumor on the lip occurs due to purulent processes in the oral cavity, the problem is unlikely to be solved on your own. Swelling can be caused by stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases. Purulent processes will be accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being. It is better to contact a good dentist for recommendations.

If a tumor occurs due to a viral or infectious disease, use antiseptic agents (Orasept, Bioparox). It is advisable to use drugs in the form of sprays and liquids. Simply soak a cotton swab in antiseptic and apply it to the tumor.

If your lip suddenly becomes swollen at night, you may not be able to see a doctor right away. However, you need to react instantly. In this case, proven folk remedies will help.

Take an aloe leaf, chop and grind it. Squeeze out enough juice and dampen a cotton pad. Apply to the swelling for 15 minutes. Mix baking soda and water in equal proportions to form a paste. Apply to the tumor for 10-12 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Natural honey has a healing effect. You can apply it to a piece of cotton wool and apply it to the damaged area of ​​the lip for half an hour. It is advisable to repeat this procedure every day until the tumor is completely eliminated.

A split lip is an injury to the soft tissues and mucous membranes of the mouth, which causes a lot of discomfort. It is important that the consequences of the dissection are minimal.

Falling off a swing and hitting your lip and nose is a common occurrence. Soft tissues are easy to break, bite, and as a result they can swell and swell. The main condition when receiving an injury is to remain calm. As soon as the liquid has stopped oozing, you should begin treating the wound.

First aid when a child breaks his lip is to rinse the wound with warm water and treat it with an antiseptic. It is important to wash your face with soap to remove dirt and blood; dirty hands can easily introduce infection into the wound surface. If an injury occurs to a baby, you need to consult a doctor; any injury is dangerous for the child.

If a small amount of blood is released from the wound, you should rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine or miramistine. This is done if the child is an adult. Small children need to lubricate the outside of the lip with a cotton swab. Apply a cold compress (ice or a cold metal object covered with a towel) to relieve swelling. You need to remove the bandage after 15 minutes.

A small piece of bandage or cotton wool pressed between your lips and teeth will help stop blood seepage. It is necessary to ensure that the tampon only absorbs the liquid and does not stick to the wound.

Treating the damaged area with brilliant green or iodine is strictly prohibited to prevent burns.

An effective folk method is to apply cotton wool with aloe juice to the broken area. The plant leaf is cut lengthwise and applied to the wound. Aloe has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which you can heal the wound.

You should seek medical help if the bleeding cannot be stopped, the gums are damaged, a tooth is knocked out, or there is a high fever. If the internal cut is large, it will need to be stitched up in the hospital.

Processing agents

A split lip requires mandatory treatment with antiseptic drugs.

The first place is occupied by hydrogen peroxide - a solution for external use of 3%. The medicine is effective when the baby has broken his lip from the inside. The main advantage is that (unlike iodine and brilliant green) peroxide can be anointed on open wound surfaces and will not cause burn damage to the skin. The effect of the drug becomes noticeable: bubbles and hissing appear. The disinfection process occurs through the release of atomic oxygen.

It is forbidden to remove dried bandages and compresses so that the healing wound does not begin to fester. Peroxide is not applied to damaged mucous membranes.

Another broad-spectrum agent is chlorhexidine. Available in the form of a solution, adhesive plaster, gel and cream. The substance disinfects the wound surface and removes pus. The price of the medicine is affordable for everyone. The antiseptic is intended for healing ruptures and is capable of treating fungal diseases, sexually transmitted infections, and pathologies of the oral cavity.

If the cut is severe, the doctor will prescribe a regimen of using chlorhexidine solution. After applying the product to the skin or mucous membrane, allergic reactions in the form of contact dermatitis are rarely possible. Pregnant and lactating women and adolescents should use the solution with caution.

A modern disinfectant medicine is Miramistin. The main advantage of the drug is the complete absence of side effects. A solution for external use helps damaged areas heal without burning them. The medicine kills harmful microorganisms, blocking the inflammatory process. Miramistin is used to treat burned skin areas, for candidal and gynecological diseases, and ENT pathologies.

Potassium permanganate solution is a home method for washing festering wounds. You can prepare weak potassium permanganate by adding a few crystals of permanganate to a glass of warm water. The cut should be treated several times a day, diluting a new mixture.

Furacilin solution is a simple remedy. The healing liquid is prepared by adding 10 furatsilin tablets per liter of hot water. After this, the medicine is cooled and the wound is washed. An alternative option is a dry bandage applied to the torn corner of the lip. It is easy to remove and change. The prepared solution can be used for no more than 2 weeks. Store in a dark glass container at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees.

Traumeel ointment will help your lip heal - a homeopathic medicine that helps relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation. The product should be applied to the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. You can use gauze bandages.

If the frenulum is torn, Panthenol cream will help. It promotes rapid healing of damaged areas without scar formation. Before applying the medicine, you need to disinfect the wound. The drug has no side effects, with the exception of intolerance to the components. Apply the cream twice a day until the wound surface heals and the swelling and thickening disappear.

How to remove swelling after a blow

The affected lip may darken and swell. The following types of damage to the labial border are distinguished:

  1. Bruise (can be caused by being hit by an object, resulting in internal swelling). The bruise or hematoma will go away within a few weeks.
  2. An abrasion is a minor tissue injury that does not need to be stitched.
  3. The wounds appear when the labial border is bitten or cut. The main symptom is a violation of the integrity of the skin. The wound surface may be damaged through and through.

Treatment provides assistance in restoring normal shape and allows the natural color to return. If the lip is swollen from the inside, lotions based on bee honey are useful. The mass is applied to cotton wool and applied to the lower or upper swollen area for 30 minutes.

It is forbidden to apply warm compresses to the wound; the area will swell and swell even more.

Wound care

In order for the wound surface to heal quickly, proper care is necessary. There are several recommendations:

  1. The painful area should be treated regularly and treated with recommended remedies.
  2. You need to be careful not to accidentally tear the scabs near the wound.
  3. To avoid injury to the labial border, it is recommended to lubricate it with protective agents.

In most cases, the wound will go away on its own. Such injuries heal on their own with proper care. But if pimples or pus appear on your lip, the pain does not go away and prevents you from living fully, you need to consult a doctor.

Swollen lips require special attention. This phenomenon almost always means what happens in the body serious failures. Therefore, swelling of the lips is a signal that requires urgent medical examination. For what reasons does swelling of the lip occur, what diseases are responsible for its appearance, how to get rid of it?

Causes of swelling of the upper lip

Edema is the body’s reaction to any irritant and mechanical impact. The symptom may also indicate the development of certain diseases.

The main causes of swelling of the upper lip.

    Allergic reaction. It is characterized by the body's hypersensitivity to a particular irritant (dust, plant pollen, animal hair, medications, food, etc.). The reaction occurs immediately after contact with the allergen or after 3-6 hours. In addition, accompanying symptoms are observed in the form of lacrimation, runny nose, and red eyes.

    Inflammatory process.


    Poor-quality decorative cosmetics, violations of hygiene rules.

    Dental diseases, stomatitis, teething, gumboil. If the cheek is swollen along with the upper lip, then the main cause of the symptom is periodontitis. The disease is a complication of dental injuries, caries and poorly performed dental procedures. As a result, the inflammatory process spreads to the cheek and lip. In this case, severe pain is felt in the area of ​​the affected tooth, swelling of the gums, and an increase in body temperature are observed.

    Infectious or viral disease against the background of high body temperature, the consequences of hypothermia, frostbite, hot weather.

    Facial neuritis. Accompanied by swelling and numbness of the upper lip.

    Surgeries (facial plastic surgery) and injuries (biting the upper lip, damage to the lip with a toothpick, dental floss, piercing, burn).

If swelling of the upper lip is accompanied by pain, then an inflammatory process may develop due to injury, the presence of ulcers, cystic acne, wounds, and abrasions. Painful sensations may be associated with an infectious process. After all, abrasions and open wounds are an excellent environment for germs to enter and multiply. In addition to swelling and pain, the patient there is an increase in body temperature, numbness of the skin, unpleasant odor from the mouth. If treatment is not started in time, the inflammatory process will spread to neighboring tissues and lead to complications.

When the upper lip swells from the inside, periostitis develops - inflammatory process in the periosteum and bone jaw tissues. Complicated by suppuration, abscesses, tissue necrosis. The causes of the disease are improper dental procedures, improper antiseptic treatment, and installation of fillings. Swelling of the lip is accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums.

In children, a symptom may appear due to the development of stomatitis, an allergic reaction, pathological lesions of the teeth and gums, bruises, and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of swelling of the lower lip

Just as in the case of the upper lip, the following are the causes of swelling of the lower lip.


  1. Development of pathologies.

Pathological factors include infectious and non-infectious diseases. This:

    ARVI, acute respiratory infections, herpes;

    Quincke's edema;

    lichen, fungus;


    lip cancer;


    cheilitis (a rare inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane and red border of the lips);

    malignant tumors.

An allergic reaction occurs to food, medications, and cosmetics. Accompanied by swelling and numbness of the lower lip.

Traumatic factors include:

    constant lip biting;

    burns resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation after consuming hot drinks and food;

    blow, scratch, puncture;

    bruise, bite;

    piercing, tattooing, permanent makeup, surgery, anesthesia.

Leads to swelling lower lip vitamin B and C deficiency . Vitamin deficiency occurs due to fasting and adherence to strict one-component diets.

An increase in the area under the lip may indicate the development of aphthous stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), fibroma (benign neoplasm), and angioedema ().

If the swelling affects both the lip and chin, this indicates an abscess of the lower jaw caused by injury to the dental pulp.

Swelling on the inside of the lip indicates blockage of the salivary glands. A symptom appears when you frequently bite your cheeks, lips, or have piercings.

The cause of lip swelling can be fluid retention in the body (usually observed during pregnancy), blood transfusion, liver, kidney, heart and vascular diseases. In this case, the symptom extends not only to the lower lip, but also to the upper lip.

How to quickly relieve swelling?

Swelling caused by a bruise or injury (without cracks, abrasions) is eliminated with the help of applying a cold compress, always wrapped in clean cloth. They hold it for a quarter of an hour. The compress allows you to slow down the flow of blood to the damaged area and quickly relieve swelling and relieve pain.

How to relieve swelling of the lip in the presence of abrasions and wounds? Fresh aloe leaf is used. It is cut in several places and applied to the sore lip for 5-7 minutes. The plant will relieve inflammation, disinfect and remove swelling.

A warm tea bag and tea tree oil will help restore your lip to its original appearance.

All these manipulations are performed immediately after the swelling appears and serve as first aid elements.

Treatment with drugs

Treatment depends on the cause of the symptom.

    Swelling caused by infection of a wound, abrasion, or pimple is first treated with antiseptics - hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, Chlorhexidine. Then anti-inflammatory ointments are applied to the affected area - tetracycline, erythromycin, oxolinic, as well as Flucinar and Sinalar.

    Swelling that appears as a result of an allergic reaction is treated by taking antihistamines - Zodak, Zyrtec, Cetrin, Suprastin. Antipruritic, antiallergic, and anti-inflammatory ointments are used as local therapy. Suitable for these purposes are Flucinar, Prednisolone, Fluorocort.

    After lip augmentation injections or permanent makeup procedures, it is recommended to apply a cold compress for 2-3 days.

    If the cause is fluid retention in the body, diuretics or diuretics are taken.

    Hematomas and bruises leading to a tumor on the lip will be cured by badyaga. It is mixed with water and applied to the swollen area (or purchase a ready-made gel). Sinyak off, Lyoton, Rescuer, Troxevasin are suitable for the same purposes.

    A burn on the lip, which causes swelling, is treated with Levomekol ointment. It will disinfect the affected area and relieve pain. Solcoseryl and Rescuer are used as burn-relieving ointments. Be sure to regularly treat the burned area with antiseptic drugs.

    Stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity are treated by rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, 1% Clotrimazole solution, Miramistin, weak manganese solution). Also used for therapy are Stomatidin, Lugol, Hexoral sprays. They are also good antiseptics. To combat bacteria, fungi and viruses, the gel Cholisal, Viferon, Lidochlor, Komistad is used. The products eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and fight microbes in the oral cavity.

    If the cause of the swelling is herpes, then antiviral drugs and ointments are prescribed. Usually the swelling is accompanied by itching and tingling. Then redness and small blisters appear, uniting with each other. Occurs due to weakening immune functions. It is not possible to completely overcome the virus and remove its cells from the body. However, there are remedies that will help achieve long-term remission. These are: Acyclovir ointment, Zovirax, Gerpevir. They not only have an antiviral effect, but also quickly relieve itching, burning, inflammation and pain. To quickly regenerate tissue, Bepanthenol and Solcoseryl are prescribed. Activities to strengthen the immune system are also important here.

The ointments are applied to the lip by soaking sterile gauze or bandage with them. This will prevent the product from entering the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.

If you find a tumor on your lip, it is better to go to the doctor and get examined. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will determine the cause of the symptom and prescribe treatment.


Preventive measures are as follows.

    The first thing to do is take measures to strengthen immunity– eat right, don’t be nervous, play sports, get rid of bad habits, get more rest. This prevents the development of infectious diseases.

    Choose a cosmetologist or dentist with special care, contact only trusted clinics.

    Do not touch the wound on your lip with dirty hands.

    If you are prone to allergies, then purchase decorative cosmetics and other lip products labeled “hypoallergenic” or “for sensitive skin.”

    Avoid hypothermia and overheating.

    Drink enough water.

    The menu includes foods rich in vitamins B6, C, B12.

    After cosmetic procedures, follow all doctor’s recommendations.

    Undergo a medical examination once every six months.

Swelling of the lip occurs for various reasons - allergic, traumatic, pathological. All of them require urgent examination, otherwise serious complications cannot be avoided.

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