Recipes for copper treatment. Treatment with copper, folk recipes What can be treated with copper coins

Copper treatment has gained great popularity in folk medicine in recent years. And if you know some of the features of copper treatment and use them correctly, the healing power of copper can be significantly increased.

When treating with copper, wire or copper royal nickels are most often used by applying them to certain areas of the body. These can be looped wrappings of the joints, lower back, or head. In essence, these methods do not have any fundamental differences from the long-known and well-proven applications with copper wire and pennies, which have been used by our ancestors since ancient times.

How does a copper applicator work?

Human skin secretes various secretions through the sweat glands, or simply put, sweat, which is saturated with various salts (mainly NaCl) and is a good electrolyte. When a copper object is placed on the skin, ions are separated from the copper into the electrolyte, which penetrate into the subcutaneous layer through the sweat glands. Here, ions exert their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, destroy pathogens, and enhance some physiological processes. As a result of this effect, wounds heal, inflammation goes away, bruises and bumps resolve. In cases such as non-healing wounds, dermatitis, skin damage by various bacteria and viruses, copper treatment can become an indispensable and safe remedy.

Upon contact with the skin, copper gradually oxidizes and darkens, leaving a greenish mark on the body. During illness, the composition of sweat, as a rule, becomes acidic, as a result of which the process of metal oxidation intensifies, the number of ions and oxides increases and the therapeutic effect becomes more effective. In other words, the more oxidized the metal, the higher its healing properties. To increase the layer of soluble oxides, copper wire should be calcined over a fire.

Now let's move on to the special properties of copper wire.

Not only does the wire act as an applicator according to the principle described above, but if it is given a closed ring shape, then circular microcurrents appear in it, which have an additional therapeutic effect. This happens due to the Earth’s magnetic field, as well as fields generated by human activity: radiation from television and radio stations, computers, microwave ovens, cell phones and other electrical equipment. Taking on any electromagnetic radiation, a copper wire circuit converts it into electric current and dissipates it in space in the form of thermal energy. Thus, the circuit has a positive effect on the sore spot and reduces the intensity of harmful radiation.

According to serious medical research, by wrapping copper wire around the lower back or a sore joint, you can carry out real physical therapy procedures at home, which can be long-term without any contraindications for health.

For treatment with copper, soft stranded wire of grade M - 1 is best suited, which must be removed from the electrical wire and cleaned of insulation. But it should be noted that after removing the insulation, an invisible film remains on the wire, which greatly weakens the therapeutic effect. You can remove the film by calcining the wire over a fire and holding it in vinegar essence for 2 hours. Then the wire must be washed with water and dried. To avoid scratching the skin, wrap the ends of the wire with adhesive tape.

By putting a copper hoop on your head, you will get rid of headaches, calm your nervous system, and insomnia will disappear. A copper headband is indispensable for patients with epilepsy, significantly reducing the number of seizures.

Copper coins applied to the body have exactly the same positive effect. Several of them are attached over a short distance to the sore spot. They treat radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. If you do not find the required number of coins, you can cut nickels up to 3 cm in size from sheet red copper.

Using copper, you can also cure diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, etc.), gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, benign tumors, bruises, fractures, hemorrhoids, postoperative scars, hearing impairment, metabolism.

You can wear copper for a very long time without any harm to your health. But if you feel a metallic taste in your mouth, this means that your body is “saturated” with copper and you should reduce the duration of wearing wire or coins.

Treatment with copper - applications.

Copper applications can be useful in the treatment of almost all people and even pregnant women. Copper is usually kept on the skin for two days, then take a break and repeat the procedure.

1. Headaches. Place a 5-kopeck copper coin on the area where the greatest pain is felt. Usually half an hour is enough for the pain to go away.

2. Sore throat. Place a copper coin or plate on your neck and tie a warm scarf around your throat.

3. Pain after bone fractures and bruises. Take a pre-1961 copper coin. Apply to the sore spot and secure.

4. Postoperative scar. Apply a copper coin and you will notice that the scar begins to heal faster, adhesions are better resolved, and muscle activity is restored faster.

5. Pain in the shoulder joint. Take a piece of wool, soak it in gasoline and apply it to the sore spot. Place a hot copper plate or large coin on top. It will take several treatments for the pain to disappear.

6. Varicose veins. Attach the coins to your foot and walk with them until they end up on your heel.

7. For deafness. Place a 2-kopeck copper coin on the bone behind the ear, which protrudes slightly, and place the second coin on the back side. If there is a pounding effect in the ears, then the coin should be attached to the back of the neck.

8. Sinusitis. Place small coins on your eyes overnight.

9. Heart pain. Place a copper coin on the subclavian fossa. If the coin is tightly connected to the skin, then fix the coin with a band-aid and leave it like that for 10 days. This method will help to restore health even after a heart attack. For coronary heart disease, apply a coin to the collar area for 4 days.

10. Uterine fibroid. Fix the coins on your stomach all night.

11. Hemorrhoids. Take two copper coins. Place one coin edgewise on the anus, and squeeze the second one between the buttocks. Try to fix the coins so that they do not touch each other.

12. Diabetes mellitus. Copper activates the production of insulin in the blood. Therefore, when treating with copper, the amount of insulin taken should be reduced to a minimum.

13. Insomnia. Apply a copper coin to your temples, and insomnia will gradually subside.

Treatment with copper water.

Copper water is a good tonic for the liver and spleen. For these diseases, Healthy Life advises drinking 2 tsp. copper water three times a day.

To prepare it, you need to take two plates of pure copper and put them in an enamel container with 1.5 liters of water. Then the container must be put on fire and boiled until half the volume of water has boiled away.


1. Copper resolves all benign tumors. Many sick women with fibroids and breast tumors recovered after applying coins.

2. Copper cures chronic diseases well: otitis media, sinusitis, tracheobronchitis. For sinusitis, you need to apply penny coins (sometimes even they are large). For tracheobronchitis, it is applied to the neck (copper cannot be used until a doctor’s diagnosis, since the picture of the disease changes very quickly and the doctor cannot establish the correct diagnosis).

3. Copper activates the action of insulin in the blood. Therefore, using medical treatment, you can reduce insulin or completely abandon it.

4. Copper relieves inflammation, soothes pain, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, helps avoid infectious diseases, and stimulates the body's defenses. Upon contact with skin, it has a local bactericidal effect.

5. Copper has a good effect on the cardiovascular system: if the heart hurts, then coins are placed in the subclavian fossa. Attach the plates and wear them around the clock during the day. After 10 days the pain may stop.

6. As a result of a bruised leg, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To warn him, copper coins are placed in a shoe, under a stocking.

7. Copper coins cure hemorrhoids and stop hemorrhoidal bleeding because they have a good effect on the veins around the anus. One coin should be placed with its edge directly on the anus, and the second coin should be held higher between the gluteal muscles, but so that they do not touch each other. For chronic illness, repeated courses are needed at night.

8. To cure deafness, apply one 3-kopeck coin to the bulge of the bone behind the ear, and the other to the ear on the side of the face.

9. Treatment with copper alleviates the post-infarction condition, and in case of a heart attack, copper is applied to the subclavian region.

10. The treatment uses the application of copper plates. The plates are made of red copper. These are thin, well-polished copper circles of various Diameters, applied at

Copper (Cuprum, Cu) is a malleable ductile metal of a reddish hue, on a cut or fracture it is pinkish in color, in thin places you can see a bluish-greenish color. If this metal is in a damp place, a thin greenish film - oxide - will form on the surface.

Copper has been known to mankind since ancient times. It played a significant role in the formation of civilization and the development of culture, including material culture. For a long time, various alloys from it served as a material for the manufacture of weapons and tools, used in industry, made various jewelry, and used in medicine.

In ancient times, namely during antiquity, copper, according to experts, was almost the most popular remedy in medical practice, as it was considered very affordable, even for the poorest segments of the population. Everyone had a copper coin or jewelry. The healers of that time were completely convinced of the various beneficial properties of this metal.

The ancient Greek philosopher, poet and doctor Empedocles always wore copper sandals, believing that they helped improve well-being, and Aristotle argued that this metal should be used for bruises and swelling and, even when sleeping, did not let go of the copper ball.

The Roman philosopher, physician, and surgeon often turned to copper therapy (preparing a mixture of vinegar and copper), and Avicenna, after surgery to remove tonsils, especially purulent ones, recommended rinsing the mouth with a solution of water and vinegar, and then applying copper sulfate to the wound.

In Rus', copper was also used for medicinal purposes. It was noticed that workers who mined red metal did not suffer from cholera during terrible epidemics of cholera, and barge haulers who put dimes under their heels became infected with cholera or plague much less often. As a preventive measure against epilepsy or rickets, doctors advised wearing copper bracelets.

Currently, copper is no less popular metal, which is used in alternative medicine. If we talk about oriental medicine, there is an opinion that human pain points have a slightly reduced electrical potential and are a good conductor of current of one charge. In addition, sweat, a kind of electrolyte, passes through the skin pores, thanks to which copper ions penetrate deep into the body.

For treatment, you can take a copper coin or plate, you can attach a patch to certain areas on the body and wear it around the clock, even if greenish spots appear on the body.

Some traditional healers argue that you should not attach copper with a bandage, but rather bandage it to the sore area. Usually such treatment lasts up to 5 days, but sometimes the course can last for several weeks, or even a month. After the coins (plates) are removed, the skin should be washed with soap and water.

For medicinal purposes, it is best to use well-polished thin plates or disks made of pure copper. Experts say that the best coins are from the time of Peter the Great, since then they were melted without impurities, but it is almost impossible to find such money, so the Soviet-style version before 1961 is suitable; it is a copper-aluminum alloy, but the content of the metal we are interested in in it is very high.

Copper as a chemical element is found in vital enzymes, and with its deficiency, serious diseases develop.

Medicinal properties

Copper ions have a positive effect on the condition of the human body:

  • antibacterial;
  • pain reliever;
  • hemostatic;
  • antipyretic;
  • harmonizing the nervous system;
  • antitumor.

When applied externally, a regular application of copper can relieve inflammation, relieve pain, accelerate the maturation of an abscess, and disinfect foci of infection.

For benign tumors, copper plates have a positive effect - they remove, treat mastopathy, and even.

Copper has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Coins are placed in the subclavian fossa and held until the condition improves.

How to be treated with copper

The grades of copper most suitable for treatment are MG, MOO, MOB, vacuum copper.

It is in these brands that the percentage of useful metal is the highest.

To determine whether treatment is right for you, you need to apply a piece of copper to the painful area overnight or even for 24 hours. If the plate is literally stuck to the skin, then a positive therapeutic effect can be expected.

After removing the plate, a green coating may remain on the skin. This means that the plate is “working”. If it is not observed, you need to replace the brand of copper or change the location of application.

There is an opinion that it sticks itself to the right places and does not even need additional fixation. At the end of treatment it disappears.

Treatment with copper plates or coins is indicated for people of any age. Tsarist and Soviet coins from 1930 to 1957, as well as 2, 3, 5 kopeck coins until 1961, are considered especially valuable and strong. You can also use special copper disks or red copper plates, which are purchased at alternative medicine pharmacies.

The joints of the arms and legs can be treated with copper wire. For this purpose, it must be well cleaned and kept in vinegar essence for 2 hours. Wire is wrapped around the sore joint of the limb, perhaps the lower back. An additional therapeutic effect occurs due to the resulting circular microcurrents.

To “revive” the metal, before use, coins are boiled in a slightly salted solution, washed, calcined over a fire, and cleaned with fine sandpaper.

Vacuum copper bracelets contain more than 99% pure metal, they must have a closed circuit and do not contain any inserts of other metals. Hypertension (right hand) and hypotension (left hand) are well treated with such bracelets. The bracelet should fit as tightly as possible to the skin and be well polished. It should be worn on the wrist area where the pulse can be heard. The positive effect of copper bracelets has been noted not only in cases of weather dependence, weak immunity, miscarriage, migraines, arthritis, and radiculitis.

Copper jars are used in Tibetan medicine. They are used for bronchopulmonary diseases. And Russian healers placed such cups on the stomach when internal organs prolapsed.

If you boil copper coins in water, you get a remedy for internal use that stimulates the functioning of the internal organs. However, this information is not sufficiently confirmed by practice.

Use for various diseases

Traditional healers claim that an application of copper coins can relieve fever and inflammatory processes in the human body, including inflammation of the joints, relieve pain, and promote the maturation of abscesses.

Using this application, you can treat gynecological diseases, including uterine fibroids (applied to the lower abdomen), mastopathy (applied to the chest).

Copper, according to healers, can stop bleeding, eliminate a hernia, its applications are used after a heart attack to stabilize the general condition, and they also help reduce radiation exposure during irradiation.

  1. . At night, apply coins or discs to the tonsil area. then the throat is tied with a warm scarf. Exposure time from 9 to 12 hours.
  2. . Compresses made from copper water are applied to sore spots for 3-4 hours.
  3. . Wear coins on those places on your legs where they themselves are well attached until they fall off.
  4. . Coins are applied to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses overnight.
  5. . The copper coin is placed edgewise between the buttocks, closer to the anus. The plate is fixed a little higher on the tailbone.
  6. . Coins or discs are applied to the forehead, temples and back of the head in a lying position. After 30 minutes the pain subsides.
  7. For benign tumors, if the diagnosis is truly confirmed. Applications to the skin above the tumor area. Keep for 7 days, break for 3 days, another 7 days.
  8. Women's diseases. Application area: lower abdomen. Copper is applied for 30 minutes.
  9. For cataracts and glaucoma. We place a penny (plate) on the arc that goes from the corner of the eye to the temple. The nickel itself should stick well to the skin.
  10. For fractures and bruises. Applications made of copper plates are applied to the place where the copper itself sticks well. After a week, we move the plate to another place. We keep it until complete healing. In the first hours of treatment, slight swelling, a feeling of warmth, and increased pain are possible, which quickly passes. If you feel a metallic taste in your mouth, stop treatment.
  11. For scars and adhesions. Copper is applied directly to the scar or adhesions area.
  12. . Drink 2-3 tablespoons of copper water before meals 3 times a day for a month. Several courses of treatment with breaks of 5 - 7 days.
  13. For heart pain, after a heart attack. In the subclavian fossa, leave a copper disk in the subclavian fossa, if it adheres to the skin, leave it for 10 days, fix it with a bandage. Do not take it off at night.
  14. . Behind the ear, on the convex bone, we place a 2-penny coin. The second is on the tragus.
  15. For tinnitus, a coin is placed on the back of the neck.

Copper, like silver and gold, has bactericidal properties, so it can be used as an antiseptic when sterilizing water. You can gargle and wash your eyes with this water.

Official medicine does not deny the beneficial properties of copper and uses it to prepare medicines. For example, copper sulfate is used for phosphorus burns, and it is also used as an antiseptic in eye drops. Copper nitrate is used in eye ointments.

If copper is combined with vitamin C, this will significantly increase the body's resistance to infections.

Copper in food

Copper plays a huge role in the human body, namely, it promotes metabolism and the growth process, and provides the human body with energy. It serves as antioxidant protection, which significantly prolongs our life, and is involved in the structure of connective tissue - elastin, melanin and collagen. Every day a person should consume at least 2 mg of copper with food, and during heavy physical activity - at least 3 mg; approximately the same dose is needed for a patient suffering from cardiac ischemia.

There are many foods that contain copper.

  • These are nuts, cocoa, peas, mushrooms (boletus, white mushroom, chanterelles, champignons).
  • Copper is found in seafood, in halibut and cod liver, and a lot of it in buckwheat and oatmeal, rye and wheat bread.
  • In addition, copper is found in medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, wormwood, yarrow, oregano.


It is worth knowing that copper treatment does not always help and not everyone. That is why you need to undergo a thorough examination to establish the cause of the disease, since it will be possible to provoke a worsening of the condition if you act on the secondary focus of the disease.

Traditional healers recommend a simple way to determine whether copper treatment will help or not. If the coin is easily held on the body and the color of the skin under it gradually changes, it means that the treatment will be successful; if this does not happen, then honey therapy can cause discomfort and even complications.

When copper is consumed orally and the dosage is not followed, poisoning with its salts is possible. An overdose causes vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, weakening of cardiac activity and breathing, suffocation occurs, and even coma is possible. True, such poisonings are extremely rare. To avoid such a situation, you must coordinate all your actions with your doctor.

All the best to you!

Copper is a well-known healing agent, the healing properties of which people have known for a long time. In ancient India, it was used to treat skin and eye diseases. In ancient Greece, copper was used to treat inflammation of the tonsils and deafness. The ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles loved to wear sandals made of copper. Warriors who wore armor made of this metal coped with fatigue faster, the wounds they received healed faster and festered less.

Aristotle also wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents bruising and that copper treats swelling, and that when treating ulcers, copper plates should be applied. In the old days, doctors noted that people wearing a copper cross were less likely than others to contract cholera during epidemics. To prevent rickets, children were given copper bracelets. Copper was used to treat helminthic diseases, epilepsy, chorea, anemia, and meningitis. Copper can kill germs; Copper mill workers never suffered from cholera. Blacksmiths belted with copper wire never suffered from radiculitis.

In Rus', it has long been customary to treat with copper coins. Russian peasants applied them to sore spots and this was the most effective in the treatment of radiculitis, polyarthritis and sore throat. Healers in Russian villages have long used copper treatment. However, classical medicine and the long-term government persecution of “quackery” have had their detrimental effect.

Copper treatment has gained great popularity in folk medicine in recent years. And if you know some of the features of this treatment and use them correctly, the healing power of copper can be significantly increased.

Properties of copper

Copper (Cuprum, Cu) is a soft metal of red color, pink in fractures, and greenish-blue in thin layers. The metal is malleable and ductile, heats up quickly and conducts heat well.

Copper is part of more than ten vital enzymes and its lack is fraught with the development of serious diseases. Copper has the following properties: antibacterial; painkillers; hemostatic; reduces body temperature; calms the nervous system; restores sleep.

When used externally, copper has a strong healing effect. It relieves inflammation, soothes pain, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, and helps to avoid infectious diseases. Treatment with copper is effective in many cases for benign tumors (mastitis, lumps in the mammary glands and even uterine fibroids). Copper has a good effect on the cardiovascular system: if the heart hurts, then coins are placed in the subclavian fossa. When in contact with the skin, it has a local bactericidal effect.

Copper grades MOO, MOB, MG, MB (vacuum) are suitable for treatment. In the literature you can find information that the MB (oxygen-free) brand is better suited for treatment. In all brands of copper, the content of copper itself is close to 100%, but they differ greatly in the composition of impurities. These brands contain an order of magnitude (ten times or more) less impurities than other brands. This, obviously, explains the ability of these brands to have a therapeutic effect.

To determine whether copper treatment will occur or not, you need to apply a copper plate (a piece of copper sheet) to the sore spot overnight or for the whole day. If the plate adheres well (literally stuck to the body), then treatment with copper will occur. After removing the plate from the sore spot, a green coating can be observed on it - a clear fact that copper has a healing effect. If there is no green deposit, it means that the wrong brand of copper was chosen or the application was not made in the “correct” place.

The fact is that copper itself “finds the right” places where it should have a healing effect. The literature describes cases where the copper located under the bandage, when the bandage was removed, turned out to be far from the place where it was originally applied. Moreover, this happened in bedridden patients, so any impact on the copper plates was excluded.

Magic properties of copper

Copper was traditionally considered to ward off trouble from the home. The Eastern Slavs had a custom of burying a copper talisman - a bird or the sun - in the ground under the threshold of a house under construction, although sometimes instead of the sun they simply buried a copper coin.
It was believed that this would protect the house from thieves and from lightning and fire. It was believed that copper, similar in color to fire, could repel flames.
If a family moved to another house, it was advisable to dig up a coin or a bird and take it to the new home. Leaving was considered a bad omen, as if you were leaving wealth.
In Central and Western Europe, they tried to clean jewelry and copper products until they shine, while some peoples of Eastern Europe considered it beautiful when the copper was covered with a greenish coating from oxidation under the influence of air. Then they said that the copper survived and acquired additional magical properties.

How does a copper applicator work?

Human skin secretes sweat through the sweat glands, which is saturated with various salts and is a good electrolyte. When a copper object is placed on the skin, ions pass from it into the electrolyte, which penetrate into the subcutaneous layer through the sweat glands. Here they exert their therapeutic effect, destroy pathogens, and enhance some physiological processes.

Upon contact with the skin, copper gradually oxidizes and darkens, leaving a greenish mark on the body. The composition of sweat during an illness, as a rule, acquires an acidic reaction, as a result of which the process of metal oxidation intensifies, the number of ions and oxides that penetrate the subcutaneous layer increases and the therapeutic effect becomes more effective.

When copper, gold and lead come into contact with human skin, current flows from the metal to the skin. When silver and tin come into contact - from skin to metal. Metals can attract and repel.

Copper plates and coins

Special plates are made for copper treatment. These are thin, well-polished copper circles made of red copper of various diameters, applied to the appropriate places for diseases. You can use plates ranging in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter and 1 to 3 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use they must be heated over a fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper.

Copper coin treatment can be used by people of any age. Those coins that were issued between 1930 and 1957 have especially valuable and strong healing properties. Treatment can also be carried out with copper coins of royal minting, as well as 2, 3, 5 kopeck coins issued before 1961, made from the wonderful healing copper MV-1.

The effect of copper treatment is enhanced if the plates or coins are polished and holes with a diameter of 2 - 7 mm are punched in them.

Method of treatment with copper plates and coins.

Coins or round plates are placed on the sheet in several rows. The coins must lie next to each other. This copper applique should correspond in width to the distance between the shoulder blades in a standing position, and in length - the distance from the 7th cervical vertebra to the beginning of the gluteal fold. Then you need to carefully lie down on the prepared copper bed and lie motionless on it for 30 - 40 minutes. When lifted, most of the coins will fall off, but some will remain - they will “suck” to the skin of the back. They need to be attached with a thin strip of plaster 3 - 4 mm wide (or two in a crisscross pattern) and left for 3 - 5 days.

Then the copper plates and coins are removed, the skin is washed with warm water and soap, and lubricated with cream. A good sign is the presence of greenish spots in the place where the coins or plates were. After 2 - 3 days the procedure is repeated. The course requires 10 - 15 applications.

Do not use copper plates or coins on oily, wet or sweaty skin. Any working side of the disk (attached to the body) can be chosen without further change, since the adhesive plaster is difficult to wash off. After treatment, they are removed carefully, as they can damage the cover.

It is better to choose the size of the coin or plate so that there is no sagging above the skin. When treating with copper, do not try to take larger and thicker plates, otherwise poisoning may occur - general weakness, vomiting, nausea. When using the metal, it is good to periodically “revive” it - boil it in a salty broth, and then wash it off any remaining salt, calcinate it over a fire and clean it with the finest sandpaper.

Bracelets are widely used for copper treatment. When purchasing it, please note that all parts are made of MB grade copper - vacuum melted copper (copper content 99.9%) and that it is polished on all sides. A bracelet cannot be considered copper if at least one part is not made of copper. It is also very important that the copper bracelet closes to form a loop.

Copper bracelets are usually worn one at a time, on the arm that corresponds to your blood pressure. If the pressure is high, it is put on the right wrist, and if the pressure is low, on the left. It is advisable that the bracelet be in the place where the pulse is usually measured. The copper bracelet should fit snugly against the skin.

Copper bracelets activate blood circulation, metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and promote the production of sex hormones. When using them, an improvement in the condition has been established in the following cases: hypertension, arthritis, sciatica, cardiovascular diseases, migraines, weather dependence, insomnia. Wearing a copper bracelet helps women bear and give birth to healthy children, and men maintain sexual activity longer.

During long-term use of a copper bracelet, an oxide film is formed, which can be removed with toothpaste, thereby giving it its original shine.

Copper cans

In Tibetan medicine, copper jars are used in one of the treatment methods. They are placed along paravertebral lines along the spine for back pain (osteochondrosis, radiculitis, sciatica, intervertebral hernia). Treatment with copper cans is also used for chronic nonspecific diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma) and many others. In Russian folk healing, placing cups on the abdominal area is a well-known method of treating prolapse of internal organs with copper.

Copper wire

For copper treatment, soft stranded wire of grade M-1 is best suited, which must be removed from the electrical wire and cleaned of insulation. After removing the insulation, an invisible film remains on the wire, which greatly weakens the therapeutic effect. To remove it, you need to heat the wire over a fire and soak it in vinegar essence for 2 hours. Then the wire must be washed with water and dried. It is recommended to wrap the ends of the wire with adhesive tape.

On the one hand, the wire acts as an applicator according to the principle described above, and on the other, if it is given a closed ring shape, then circular microcurrents appear in it, which have an additional therapeutic effect. By wrapping a sore joint or lower back with copper wire, you can carry out real physical therapy procedures at home, which can be long-term in nature, without any contraindications for health.

Copper water

There are several ways to obtain copper water.
Method No. 1. To obtain copper water, you need to take several plates (10 grams) of chemically pure copper or two copper coins of royal mintage, rinse in lime water, then put in an enamel bowl and pour in 1.5 liters of water. Boil until half the water has evaporated.
Method No. 2. To prepare copper water, you will need a vessel made of pure copper, without admixtures of other metals. In the evening, pour water into a rinsed copper bowl and cover with a glass saucer (or something else made of the same material). After 8 hours, copper water, obtained at home, but no less useful, is ready for use.

It is recommended to drink no more than 2-3 cups of healing liquid per day. If abused, copper water will not bring benefit, but harm, since excess inorganic copper causes poisoning. If there is a serious deficiency of a microelement in the body, you need to discuss with your doctor how to make up for the deficiency, get tested, and not swallow liters of liquid.

Important details:
Do not store water with copper ions in the refrigerator.
Don't cook food with it - just drink a little.
Do not wash the dishes in which you cook them with dishwashing liquid.
If rust begins to accumulate inside, rub 1/2 lemon over the surface of the dish, and after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water. Or use baking soda for this purpose.

Copper water is the simplest to prepare, but at the same time a valuable home remedy. A liquid enriched with a microelement, if consumed in moderation, will not cause any harm - only benefit. It is believed that it stimulates the work of the hematopoietic organs, liver, spleen, fights anemia of any etiology and helps prevent obesity. However, reliable scientific data confirming these effects does not yet exist.

Copper preparation

To increase the effectiveness of copper treatment, you must first boil the coins and plates in a saturated saline solution (1 teaspoon of table salt per glass of water) for 5 - 7 minutes, then wait until the solution has cooled completely and quickly pour it onto damp ground. By this we remove those diseases that could be layered on coins with dirt. Then the coins and plates need to be washed from any remaining table salt; it is best to keep them in running water (from a tap). Next, they need to be calcined over a fire, cooled and cleaned with the finest sandpaper or very fine sand. This procedure should be carried out after 5 - 10 days.


Copper heals quickly, but does not help everyone. To determine whether treatment with this metal is right for you, you need to apply a copper coin or disk to the skin. If the disc or coin adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then copper treatment is right for you. If there is no adhesion, then this metal is not suitable for you as a healing agent.

If in one area of ​​the body the adhesion of copper to the skin is good, but in another it is not. Then it is advisable to treat with its help only those sore spots or diseased organs in the area of ​​which adhesion is observed.

Treatment of sore throat with copper. At night, place coins or discs on the tonsil area. Wrap a warm scarf or handkerchief around your throat. Keep the coins on your neck for 9 - 12 hours.

Copper treatment for arthritis. Apply a compress soaked in copper water to the sore spots for 3-4 hours.

Treatment of varicose veins with copper. Copper treats this disease well. Place the coins or plates on your leg; they should “stick.” You need to wear coins or plates until they begin to roll under your heel.

Treatment of sinusitis with copper. Apply coins at night to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses to the right and left of the nose, below the eyes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with copper. Unadvanced forms can be easily cured with applications of copper disks or coins, which strengthen blood vessels and capillaries and thereby help eliminate bleeding and further inflammation of hemorrhoids. Place one coin with its edge directly on the anus, and the second - also with its edge - a little higher between the gluteal muscles. The coins should not touch each other. They will not fall because the inflammation will grab onto them on its own.

Treatment of headaches with copper. Lie on your back and place five-kopeck coins or copper disks on your forehead, temples and back of your head. Lie quietly, without moving. Usually half an hour is enough for the pain to go away. Copper normalizes blood pressure and has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries in the brain.

Treatment of benign neoplasms with copper. Copper applications help stop their growth, and in some cases, in the initial stages, the tumor disappears completely. Attach copper disks to the skin in the area of ​​projection of the benign formation, secure with a bandage and wear around the clock for at least 7 days. Repeat the course after 3 - 4 days of rest. But besides this, be sure to get examined at an oncology clinic. Start treatment only if the diagnosis of a benign tumor is confirmed.

Treatment of female diseases with copper(painful menstruation, fibroids). Place the coins on your lower abdomen and lie quietly for 30 minutes.

Copper treatment for knee pain. Place coins around your knee. Tie the top with woolen cloth. Treatment lasts 3 - 7 days.

Treatment of cataracts and glaucoma with copper. We apply a penny (plate) to the groove that runs from the corner of the eye to the temple. They seem to stick to the skin. For reliability, we attach it to the face with an adhesive plaster. After the copper heals, the coin will fall off on its own. If a black circle appears under it, this is a good sign.

Treatment of bone fractures and bruises with copper. For treatment, use applications made of copper plates. Find the point where the attraction is strongest, place plates on it and secure them with a bandage. After a week, if the pain has not completely subsided, simply change the location of the plates and leave for another week. At first, it is quite possible that you will feel that the pain has intensified and the swelling has increased. But if you do not feel other symptoms, such as a metallic taste in the mouth, then continue therapy - these unpleasant sensations should soon disappear.

Treatment of postoperative scars and adhesions with copper. Apply copper coins or plates directly to the suture site, secure with a bandage and hold until the postoperative scars heal. But at the same time, monitor your own well-being very carefully and check the condition of the skin in this area daily.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with copper. Drink 2 - 3 tablespoons of copper water every day before meals for a month. Several courses of treatment must be carried out per year.

Treatment of heart pain with copper. Place a copper coin or disk in the subclavian fossa. If the coin adheres to the skin, wear it for 10 days, securing it with a band-aid and not removing it even at night. The same method of treatment is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. For coronary heart disease, coins or discs should be placed on the collar area and kept for 4 days.

Treatment of hearing loss with copper. One two-kopeck coin needs to be stuck on the convex bone behind the ear, the other on the tragus, so that they look as if at each other. When there is pounding in the ears, a coin is placed on the back of the neck.

Treatment of obesity with copper. Drink “copper” water 2 teaspoons three times a day 20 minutes before meals for a month. This remedy stimulates rapid metabolism and helps the absorption of especially valuable vitamins and minerals, which normalizes energy metabolism, blood sugar levels and improves the condition of the liver. With the help of this water you can cure obesity to any degree.

Treatment with copper for pressure. If you wear wrist bracelets regularly, your blood pressure will soon normalize and there will be no need to relieve attacks with medications. Be prepared for your hands to turn black or blue where they come into contact with copper. This is completely normal, everything will wash off later. It is believed that this is how the “disease” comes out.

Copper treatment of joints. According to serious medical research, by wrapping copper wire around the lower back or a sore joint, you can carry out real physical therapy procedures at home, which can be long-term without any contraindications for health.

Treatment of calluses. In the old days, an ointment was used for calluses, to prepare which you should drip candle lard onto old copper coins and leave for three days. During this time, a green ointment forms on the nickels. It is applied to the calluses and a bandage is made.

Reproductive function. Copper promotes the production of sex hormones. Just wearing a copper bracelet helps female representatives to bear and give birth to healthy children and - just like men - to maintain sexual activity longer. By the way, the increased production of sex hormones under the influence of copper also affects the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

General weakness. Massage the copper disk into the dimple between the index finger and thumb on the back of the hand.

In large quantities, copper is very dangerous for the body. Poisoning with it leads to severe illness. Therefore, before carrying out copper treatment, you should consult your doctor.


Copper is related to approximately 90% of suffering humanity, and for 10%, on the contrary, it is a noticeable accelerator of the diseases that they tried to get rid of with its help. For this part of humanity, the best way to get rid of such misfortunes as infections, bruises, and radicular pain is a metal such as silver.

For copper treatment, it is necessary to use a copper bracelet or copper plates of such a size that they cover exactly the diseased area. The bracelet should fit very close to your hand and not dangle on your wrist. The plates must be fixed on the sore spot with canvas bandages or cotton cloth.

To increase the effectiveness of copper treatment, it is necessary to remove it and cleanse it every two days. To do this, the removed copper object is placed in a 6% or 9% vinegar solution and left for 2 hours. Then you need to rinse them with running water, wipe with alcohol, and they are ready for use again.


Copper treatment does not always help and not everyone. That is why you need to undergo a thorough examination to establish the cause of the disease, since it will be possible to provoke a worsening of the condition if you act on the secondary focus of the disease.

Traditional healers recommend a simple way to determine whether copper treatment will help or not. If the coin is easily held on the body and the color of the skin under it gradually changes, it means that the treatment will be successful; if this does not happen, then honey therapy can cause discomfort and even complications.

When copper is consumed orally and the dosage is not followed, poisoning with its salts is possible. An overdose causes vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, weakening of cardiac activity and breathing, suffocation occurs, and even coma is possible. True, such poisonings are extremely rare. To avoid such a situation, you must coordinate all your actions with your doctor.

Copper- This is a well-known medicinal product, the healing properties of which people have known for a long time. In ancient India, it was used to treat skin and eye diseases. In ancient Greece, copper was used to treat inflammation of the tonsils and deafness. The ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles loved to wear sandals made of copper. Warriors who wore armor made of this metal coped with fatigue faster, the wounds they received healed faster and festered less.

Aristotle also wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents bruising and that copper treats swelling, and that when treating ulcers, copper plates should be applied.

In the old days, doctors noted that people wearing a copper cross were less likely than others to contract cholera during epidemics. To prevent rickets, children were given copper bracelets. Copper was used to treat helminthic diseases, epilepsy, chorea, anemia, and meningitis. Copper can kill germs; Copper mill workers never suffered from cholera. Blacksmiths belted with copper wire never suffered from radiculitis.

In Rus', it has long been customary to treat with copper coins. Russian peasants applied them to sore spots and this was the most effective in the treatment of radiculitis, polyarthritis and sore throat. Healers in Russian villages have long used copper treatment. However, classical medicine and the long-term government persecution of “quackery” have had their detrimental effect.

Copper treatment has gained great popularity in folk medicine in recent years. And if you know some of the features of this treatment and use them correctly, the healing power of copper can be significantly increased.

Properties of copper

Copper (Cuprum, Cu) is a soft metal of red color, pink in fractures, and greenish-blue in thin layers. The metal is malleable and ductile, heats up quickly and conducts heat well.
Copper is part of more than ten vital enzymes and its lack is fraught with the development of serious diseases. Copper has the following properties: antibacterial; painkillers; hemostatic; reduces body temperature; calms the nervous system; restores sleep.
When used externally, copper has a strong healing effect. It relieves inflammation, soothes pain, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, and helps to avoid infectious diseases. Treatment with copper is effective in many cases for benign tumors (mastitis, lumps in the mammary glands and even uterine fibroids). Copper has a good effect on the cardiovascular system: if the heart hurts, then coins are placed in the subclavian fossa. When in contact with the skin, it has a local bactericidal effect.

Copper grades MOO, MOB, MG, MB (vacuum) are suitable for treatment. In the literature you can find information that the MB (oxygen-free) brand is better suited for treatment. In all brands of copper, the content of copper itself is close to 100%, but they differ greatly in the composition of impurities. These brands contain an order of magnitude (ten times or more) less impurities than other brands. This, obviously, explains the ability of these brands to have a therapeutic effect.

To determine whether copper treatment will occur or not, you need to apply a copper plate (a piece of copper sheet) to the sore spot overnight or for the whole day. If the plate adheres well (literally stuck to the body), then treatment with copper will occur. After removing the plate from the sore spot, a green coating can be observed on it - a clear fact that copper has a healing effect. If there is no green deposit, it means that the wrong brand of copper was chosen or the application was not made in the “correct” place.
The fact is that copper itself “finds the right” places where it should have a healing effect. The literature describes cases where the copper located under the bandage, when the bandage was removed, turned out to be far from the place where it was originally applied. Moreover, this happened in bedridden patients, so any impact on the copper plates was excluded.

Magic properties of copper

Copper was traditionally considered to ward off trouble from the home. The Eastern Slavs had a custom of burying a copper talisman - a bird or the sun - in the ground under the threshold of a house under construction, although sometimes instead of the sun they simply buried a copper coin.

It was believed that this would protect the house from thieves and from lightning and fire. It was believed that copper, similar in color to fire, could repel flames.

If a family moved to another house, it was advisable to dig up a coin or a bird and take it to the new home. Leaving was considered a bad omen, as if you were leaving wealth.
In Central and Western Europe, they tried to clean jewelry and copper products until they shine, while some peoples of Eastern Europe considered it beautiful when the copper was covered with a greenish coating from oxidation under the influence of air. Then they said that the copper survived and acquired additional magical properties.

How does a copper applicator work?

Human skin secretes sweat through the sweat glands, which is saturated with various salts and is a good electrolyte. When a copper object is placed on the skin, ions pass from it into the electrolyte, which penetrate into the subcutaneous layer through the sweat glands. Here they exert their therapeutic effect, destroy pathogens, and enhance some physiological processes.

Upon contact with the skin, copper gradually oxidizes and darkens, leaving a greenish mark on the body. The composition of sweat during an illness, as a rule, acquires an acidic reaction, as a result of which the process of metal oxidation intensifies, the number of ions and oxides that penetrate the subcutaneous layer increases and the therapeutic effect becomes more effective.

When copper, gold and lead come into contact with human skin, current flows from the metal to the skin. When silver and tin come into contact - from skin to metal. Metals can attract and repel.

Copper plates and coins

Special plates are made for copper treatment. These are thin, well-polished copper circles made of red copper of various diameters, applied to the appropriate places for diseases. You can use plates ranging in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter and 1 to 3 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use they must be heated over a fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper.
Copper coin treatment can be used by people of any age. Those coins that were issued between 1930 and 1957 have especially valuable and strong healing properties. Treatment can also be carried out with copper coins of royal minting, as well as 2, 3, 5 kopeck coins issued before 1961, made from the wonderful healing copper MV-1.
The effect of copper treatment increases if the plates or coins are polished and holes with a diameter of 2 - 7 mm are punched in them.

Method of treatment with copper plates and coins.

Coins or round plates are placed on the sheet in several rows. The coins must lie next to each other. This copper applique should correspond in width to the distance between the shoulder blades in a standing position, and in length - the distance from the 7th cervical vertebra to the beginning of the gluteal fold. Then you need to carefully lie down on the prepared copper bed and lie motionless on it for 30 - 40 minutes. When lifted, most of the coins will fall off, but some will remain and “suck” to the skin of the back. They need to be attached with a thin strip of plaster 3 - 4 mm wide (or two crosswise) and left for 3 - 5 days.

Then the copper plates and coins are removed, the skin is washed with warm water and soap, and lubricated with cream. A good sign is the presence of greenish spots in the place where the coins or plates were. After 2 - 3 days the procedure is repeated. The course requires 10 - 15 applications.

Do not use copper plates or coins on oily, wet or sweaty skin. Any working side of the disk (attached to the body) can be chosen without further change, since the adhesive plaster is difficult to wash off. After treatment, they are removed carefully, as they can damage the cover.
It is better to choose the size of the coin or plate so that there is no sagging above the skin. When treating with copper, do not try to take larger and thicker plates, otherwise poisoning may occur - general weakness, vomiting, nausea. When using the metal, it is good to periodically “revive” it - boil it in a salty broth, and then wash it off any remaining salt, calcinate it over a fire and clean it with the finest sandpaper.

Copper bracelets

Bracelets are widely used for copper treatment. When purchasing it, please note that all parts are made of MB grade copper - vacuum melted copper (copper content 99.9%) and that it is polished on all sides. A bracelet cannot be considered copper if at least one part is not made of copper. It is also very important that the copper bracelet closes to form a loop.

Copper bracelets are usually worn one at a time, on the arm that corresponds to your blood pressure. If the pressure is high, it is put on the right wrist, and if the pressure is low, on the left. It is advisable that the bracelet be in the place where the pulse is usually measured. The copper bracelet should fit snugly against the skin.

1. The bracelet should fit closely to the skin in the area of ​​the middle crease of the wrist joint.
2. The ends of the bracelet should not meet by 15-20 mm.
3. On the left hand, the open ends of the bracelet should be on the inner surface of the wrist, and on the right hand - on the outer surface.
4. The therapeutic effect is achieved only with long-term constant wearing of the bracelet.
5. Every 5-7 days it is necessary to remove and clean with sandpaper, and wash the skin under the bracelet with warm water and soap.

A copper bracelet on the right hand is recommended for headaches, insomnia, mental and physical fatigue, sexual weakness; on the left hand - for coronary heart disease, the initial stages of hypertension, hemorrhoids.
Copper bracelets activate blood circulation, metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and promote the production of sex hormones. When using them, an improvement in the condition has been established in the following cases: hypertension, arthritis, sciatica, cardiovascular diseases, migraines, weather dependence, insomnia. Wearing a copper bracelet helps women bear and give birth to healthy children, and men maintain sexual activity longer.
Copper bracelets are allowed and even recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
During long-term use of a copper bracelet, an oxide film is formed, which can be removed with toothpaste, thereby giving it its original shine.

Copper cans

In Tibetan medicine, copper jars are used in one of the treatment methods. They are placed along paravertebral lines along the spine for back pain (osteochondrosis, radiculitis, sciatica, intervertebral hernia). Treatment with copper cans is also used for chronic nonspecific diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma) and many others. In Russian folk healing, placing cups on the abdominal area is a well-known method of treating prolapse of internal organs with copper.

Copper wire

For copper treatment, soft stranded wire of grade M-1 is best suited, which must be removed from the electrical wire and cleaned of insulation. After removing the insulation, an invisible film remains on the wire, which greatly weakens the therapeutic effect. To remove it, you need to heat the wire over a fire and soak it in vinegar essence for 2 hours. Then the wire must be washed with water and dried. It is recommended to wrap the ends of the wire with adhesive tape.

On the one hand, the wire acts as an applicator according to the principle described above, and on the other, if it is given a closed ring shape, then circular microcurrents appear in it, which have an additional therapeutic effect. By wrapping a sore joint or lower back with copper wire, you can carry out real physical therapy procedures at home, which can be long-term in nature, without any contraindications for health.

Copper water

There are several ways to obtain copper water.

Method No. 1. To obtain copper water, you need to take several plates (10 grams) of chemically pure copper or two copper coins of royal mintage, rinse in lime water, then put in an enamel bowl and pour in 1.5 liters of water. Boil until half the water has evaporated.

Method number 2. To prepare copper water, you will need a vessel made of pure copper, without admixtures of other metals. In the evening, pour water into a rinsed copper bowl and cover with a glass saucer (or something else made of the same material). After 8 hours, copper water, obtained at home, but no less useful, is ready for use.
It is recommended to drink no more than 2-3 cups of healing liquid per day. If abused, copper water will not bring benefit, but harm, since excess inorganic copper causes poisoning. If there is a serious deficiency of a microelement in the body, you need to discuss with your doctor how to make up for the deficiency, get tested, and not swallow liters of liquid.

Important details:
Do not store water with copper ions in the refrigerator.
Don't cook food with it - just drink a little.
Do not wash the dishes in which you cook them with dishwashing liquid.
If rust begins to accumulate inside, rub 1/2 lemon over the surface of the dish, and after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water. Or use baking soda for this purpose.

Copper water is the simplest to prepare, but at the same time a valuable home remedy. A liquid enriched with a microelement, if consumed in moderation, will not cause any harm - only benefit. It is believed that it stimulates the work of the hematopoietic organs, liver, spleen, fights anemia of any etiology and helps prevent obesity. However, reliable scientific data confirming these effects does not yet exist.

Copper preparation

To increase the effectiveness of copper treatment, you must first boil the coins and plates in a saturated saline solution (1 teaspoon of table salt per glass of water) for 5 - 7 minutes, then wait until the solution has cooled completely and quickly pour it onto damp ground. By this we remove those diseases that could be layered on coins with dirt. Then the coins and plates need to be washed from any remaining table salt; it is best to keep them in running water (from a tap). Next, they need to be calcined over a fire, cooled and cleaned with the finest sandpaper or very fine sand. This procedure should be carried out after 5 - 10 days.

Treatment of diseases with copper

Copper heals quickly, but does not help everyone. To determine whether treatment with this metal is right for you, you need to apply a copper coin or disk to the skin. If the disc or coin adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then copper treatment is right for you. If there is no adhesion, then this metal is not suitable for you as a healing agent.
If in one area of ​​the body the adhesion of copper to the skin is good, but in another it is not. Then it is advisable to treat with its help only those sore spots or diseased organs in the area of ​​which adhesion is observed.

Treatment of sore throat with copper. At night, place coins or discs on the tonsil area. Wrap a warm scarf or handkerchief around your throat. Keep the coins on your neck for 9 - 12 hours.

Copper treatment for arthritis. Apply a compress soaked in copper water to the sore spots for 3-4 hours.

Treatment of varicose veins with copper. Copper treats this disease well. Place the coins or plates on your leg; they should “stick.” You need to wear coins or plates until they begin to roll under your heel.

Treatment of sinusitis with copper. Apply coins at night to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses to the right and left of the nose, below the eyes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with copper. Unadvanced forms can be easily cured with applications of copper disks or coins, which strengthen blood vessels and capillaries and thereby help eliminate bleeding and further inflammation of hemorrhoids. Place one coin with its edge directly on the anus, and the second - also with its edge - a little higher between the gluteal muscles. The coins should not touch each other. They will not fall because the inflammation will grab onto them on its own.

Treatment of headaches with copper. Lie on your back and place five-kopeck coins or copper disks on your forehead, temples and back of your head. Lie quietly, without moving. Usually half an hour is enough for the pain to go away. Copper normalizes blood pressure and has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries in the brain.

Treatment of benign neoplasms with copper. Copper applications help stop their growth, and in some cases, in the initial stages, the tumor disappears completely. Attach copper disks to the skin in the area of ​​projection of the benign formation, secure with a bandage and wear around the clock for at least 7 days. Repeat the course after 3 - 4 days of rest. But besides this, be sure to get examined at an oncology clinic. Start treatment only if the diagnosis of a benign tumor is confirmed.

Treatment of female diseases with copper (painful menstruation, fibroids). Place the coins on your lower abdomen and lie quietly for 30 minutes.

Copper treatment for knee pain. Place coins around your knee. Tie the top with woolen cloth. Treatment lasts 3 - 7 days.

Treatment of cataracts and glaucoma with copper. We apply a penny (plate) to the groove that runs from the corner of the eye to the temple. They seem to stick to the skin. For reliability, we attach it to the face with an adhesive plaster. After the copper heals, the coin will fall off on its own. If a black circle appears under it, this is a good sign.

Treatment of bone fractures and bruises with copper. For treatment, use applications made of copper plates. Find the point where the attraction is strongest, place plates on it and secure them with a bandage. After a week, if the pain has not completely subsided, simply change the location of the plates and leave for another week. At first, it is quite possible that you will feel that the pain has intensified and the swelling has increased. But if you do not feel other symptoms, such as a metallic taste in the mouth, then continue therapy - these unpleasant sensations should disappear soon.

Treatment of postoperative scars and adhesions with copper. Apply copper coins or plates directly to the suture site, secure with a bandage and hold until the postoperative scars heal. But at the same time, monitor your own well-being very carefully and check the condition of the skin in this area daily.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with copper. Drink 2 - 3 tablespoons of copper water every day before meals for a month. Several courses of treatment must be carried out per year.

Treatment of heart pain with copper. Place a copper coin or disk in the subclavian fossa. If the coin adheres to the skin, wear it for 10 days, securing it with a band-aid and not removing it even at night. The same method of treatment is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. For coronary heart disease, coins or discs should be placed on the collar area and kept for 4 days.

Treatment of hearing loss with copper. One two-kopeck coin needs to be stuck on the convex bone behind the ear, the other on the tragus, so that they look as if at each other. When there is pounding in the ears, a coin is placed on the back of the neck.

Treatment of obesity with copper. Drink “copper” water 2 teaspoons three times a day 20 minutes before meals for a month. This remedy stimulates rapid metabolism and helps the absorption of especially valuable vitamins and minerals, which normalizes energy metabolism, blood sugar levels and improves the condition of the liver. With the help of this water you can cure obesity to any degree.

Treatment with copper for pressure. If you wear wrist bracelets regularly, your blood pressure will soon normalize and there will be no need to relieve attacks with medications. Be prepared for your hands to turn black or blue where they come into contact with copper. This is completely normal, everything will wash off later. It is believed that this is how the “disease” comes out.

Copper treatment of joints. According to serious medical research, by wrapping copper wire around the lower back or a sore joint, you can carry out real physical therapy procedures at home, which can be long-term without any contraindications for health.

Treatment of calluses. In the old days, an ointment was used for calluses, to prepare which you should drip candle lard onto old copper coins and leave for three days. During this time, a green ointment forms on the nickels. It is applied to the calluses and a bandage is made.

Reproductive function. Copper promotes the production of sex hormones. Just wearing a copper bracelet helps female representatives to bear and give birth to healthy children and - just like men - to maintain sexual activity longer. By the way, the increased production of sex hormones under the influence of copper also affects the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

General weakness. Massage the copper disk into the dimple between the index finger and thumb on the back of the hand.
In large quantities, copper is very dangerous for the body. Poisoning with it leads to severe illness. Therefore, before carrying out copper treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Rules for copper treatment

Copper is related to approximately 90% of suffering humanity, and for 10%, on the contrary, it is a noticeable accelerator of the diseases that they tried to get rid of with its help. For this part of humanity, the best way to get rid of such misfortunes as infections, bruises, and radicular pain is a metal such as silver.
For copper treatment, it is necessary to use a copper bracelet or copper plates of such a size that they cover exactly the diseased area. The bracelet should fit very close to your hand and not dangle on your wrist. The plates must be fixed on the sore spot with canvas bandages or cotton cloth.
To increase the effectiveness of copper treatment, it is necessary to remove it and cleanse it every two days. To do this, the removed copper object is placed in a 6% or 9% vinegar solution and left for 2 hours. Then you need to rinse them with running water, wipe with alcohol, and they are ready for use again.


Copper treatment does not always help and not everyone. That is why you need to undergo a thorough examination to establish the cause of the disease, since it will be possible to provoke a worsening of the condition if you act on the secondary focus of the disease.

Traditional healers recommend a simple way to determine whether copper treatment will help or not. If the coin is easily held on the body and the color of the skin under it gradually changes, it means that the treatment will be successful; if this does not happen, then honey therapy can cause discomfort and even complications.
When copper is consumed orally and the dosage is not followed, poisoning with its salts is possible. An overdose causes vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, weakening of cardiac activity and breathing, suffocation occurs, and even coma is possible. True, such poisonings are extremely rare. To avoid such a situation, you must coordinate all your actions with your doctor.

Magic properties of copper

Copper corresponds to Venus - planet and goddess. A metal of peace and tranquility, associated with harmony and art, an equalizer and corrector. In ancient times, most works of art were made from copper or its alloys. And this is also no coincidence. Copper has healing and magical properties. She is able to identify and clarify our feelings. Copper has the ability to make feelings permanent and strong. She is capable of transforming unconscious, elusive attractions into fully conscious attachments and sympathies. And also, by analogy, transform unconscious rejection into fully conscious antipathies. In everyday life, copper perfectly smooths out relationships and smoothes out conflicts. Moreover, this is facilitated not only by wearing copper, but by the presence of large products made of copper and copper alloys in the house. Very pure copper is able to compensate and restore the energy of the kidneys and the entire venous system.

Who does copper love?

Copper is especially useful for wearing by such solar signs as Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Libra. It is good to wear copper for people with Venus and Saturn, expressed both in status and in aspects. It is precisely these people that copper especially loves.

Every person can and should use copper. But only people with an unstable and very mixed cosmogram need to wear it constantly. Copper is especially good for people with a water-air or air-water cosmogram.

With good planets, copper is worn by women on the left side of the body, by men on the right side. For evil ones - on the opposite side of the body.

For people with an unstable cosmogram, copper aligns, guides and concentrates them in something. People with too stable cosmograms should not wear copper. For example, Earth-Water, Earth-Fire, Fire-Earth. It makes such people too stable, rather even inert, and deprives them of active movement. And, of course, people with Mars and the Sun in the cosmogram that are highly emphasized in status and aspects should not wear copper. It emasculates their will, compensates for it, depriving a person of the impulse to achieve his goals. People with Jupiter and Chiron expressed in their cosmogram by status and aspects can wear copper periodically. They cannot wear copper all the time, as it can make them lazy. Copper is a source of harmony and a powerful medicine that relieves stress.

But it is necessary to take into account that heliotrope, topaz, crystal, morion, rauchtopaz, hyacinth are not combined with copper.

The healing properties of copper have been known to people for a very long time. Wearing and applying it helps eliminate the consequences of injuries. Hematomas and bruises resolve. Prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia and other neurovascular disorders occurs. In particular, with vascular disorders, wearing copper bracelets on the arms and legs greatly helps. If these are bracelets to be worn on legs, then they should be closed. Unlocked copper bracelets lower blood pressure, while closed ones increase it. The clasp should also be copper.

Copper- metal of Venus. And it is not for nothing that Venus corresponds to a sweet taste in astrology: it is copper that takes an active part in the synthesis of sugar in biosystems. And sugar, more precisely, glucose, is involved in the mechanism of relieving stress and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, copper should be worn by people with an unstable cosmogram, who have a lot of things mixed up. It normalizes the energy of such people.

Copper- the second most important metal after tin, helping with magnetic storms during the years of the active Sun. It relieves excitement, excess energy and shields.

Copper, like any metal, can lose its healing properties at times depending on the state of the cosmos at a given time. This happens if Venus is in negative aspects. This does not mean that the metal has become unusable. Don't think so, because metal is a conductor. If the metal does not restore its healing properties for a long time, it means that you have either damaged it somehow, or dirt has settled on it.

Then the metal needs cleaning and rest.
Copper is cleaned on the 28th Lunar day (on the day of Zem, the patron saint of the Earth), and rest is given on the 13th Lunar day. All metals without stones that you constantly work with must be cleaned at least once a month. Copper can be cleaned in the same way as gold and silver. For copper, it doesn’t really matter where you start cleaning: with fire or with water. But after you clean it, the copper needs to be placed on a large piece of copper for 2 hours, which should be at least 10 times heavier than your product. But no more than 1000 times.

Treatment. You need to smelt a copper product on the 6th Lunar day, and you need to join the cycle of working with copper on the 21st day of the Lunar calendar. The most accessible pure copper is obtained electrochemically. True, such electrode copper will be very fragile due to the presence of contaminants.

July 18, 2019

Copper is a metal that has a large number of characteristics that make it in demand for solving a wide range of problems. It is very plastic, can be easily forged, and has a beautiful reddish (pink at the break) tint. When metal is exposed to moisture for a long time, it enters into a chemical reaction with it and a thin film of greenish oxide forms on the surface.

People have long known the properties of copper, which allowed it to have a significant impact on the development of civilization and culture. It was one of the main elements used in the production of tools and military weapons, beautiful and expensive jewelry, amulets and household items. But perhaps few people know that copper, like silver, has antibacterial properties and is widely used in medicine.

Application history

Copper was used to perform medical procedures back in Ancient India. In those days, ancient healers used it to treat diseases of the organs of vision, hearing, tonsils, and skin. With her help they tried to get rid of deafness. Warriors of Ancient Greece preferred armor made of copper. Not only were they light, beautiful, and affordable, but they also helped cope with fatigue, prevented the development of inflammatory processes when receiving wounds that did not fester, and healed faster.

Copper is not a precious, expensive metal. Copper coins (medyaks) and jewelry made from them were in every family. And since the beneficial properties have been known since antiquity, it was used in a variety of forms to solve all sorts of problems. For example, Aristotle used coppers to get rid of swelling, bruises, and contusions, and Empedocles, a poet and philosopher of Ancient Greece, wore copper sandals, confident in their positive effect on the general condition of the entire body. The famous Avicenna, who practiced surgical removal of tonsils when necessary, recommended after this, especially in the presence of an inflammatory (purulent) process, as oral care, rinsing with an aqueous solution of vinegar, and then compresses using copper sulfate.

Honey therapy was also widely used in Rus'. Doctors noticed that during the terrible epidemics of cholera and plague, which recurred quite often in those days, workers who worked mining ore in copper mines and barge haulers who carried coppers in their shoes were less likely to get sick. Therefore, copper crosses were used not only as religious attributes, but also as a preventative measure. Copper bracelets were worn by patients with epilepsy and worn when there was a threat of rickets. Blacksmiths, to prevent radiculitis, girded themselves with copper wire. Copper was used to treat meningitis, anemia, and worms.

Copper treatment is one of the methods of alternative medicine and is used by residents of many European and Asian countries. During the “fight against quackery,” when healers, sorcerers and sorceresses were persecuted, this treatment method was prohibited. But today, when people are increasingly turning to the knowledge that our ancestors possessed, medical therapy is again becoming more and more relevant. Scientists have found that copper is part of many human enzymes and its deficiency can lead to the development of serious diseases. Therefore, it is part of many vitamins and mineral complexes.

Eastern healers believe that the mechanism of action of plates, coins, and other copper objects applied to areas of the body that are sources of pain is of a physical nature. In particular, they believe that the electrical potential of the pain points is somewhat reduced, so a constant current flows through them in one direction. In addition, sweat released from the skin pores is a kind of electrolyte. Thanks to these features, copper ions penetrate deeply into the subcutaneous layers, and then reach diseased organs and exert their healing effect on them.

Medicinal properties

Copper should only be applied to those areas of the body surface under which the sources of pain are located. To do this, it is necessary to consult a specialist who, after conducting an examination, ordering the necessary tests and studies, will establish an accurate diagnosis.

Copper therapy is used by both traditional healers and official medicine, because copper ions have a wide range of effects on the human body and can be used as a means of providing various types of effects:

  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitumor.

Copper helps normalize water-mineral metabolism and has a calming effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Applications using copper plates can lower the temperature, prevent the development of the inflammatory process, including in the joints, promote the rapid ripening of abscesses, disinfect the source of infection, and relieve pain.

The use of copper plates is also indicated for the development of benign tumors. With their help, you can get rid of mastopathy, mastitis, and uterine fibroids without surgery. Copper helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases, improves the patient’s condition after a heart attack, and helps quickly eliminate a hernia. It activates and accelerates the action of insulin, so it can be used as an additional remedy when taking diabetes medications prescribed by a doctor.

Copper sulfate is widely used in traditional, official medicine. It is added to various preparations intended for use:

  • for phosphorus burns;
  • as a means of inducing vomiting, for example, to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxic substances;
  • in the treatment of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

Copper nitrate is included in eye ointments.

Like precious metals such as silver and gold, copper has antibacterial properties. But it is much cheaper, so its use for water sterilization is more economical.

The most favorable effects can be expected when using ingots or items made from copper of such grades as MOB, MOO, MG, vacuum (MV), oxygen-free (MB) with a high percentage of metal and a small amount of impurities. For treatment, special plates, coins, and disks are used, which can be purchased in pharmacies, salons, and boutiques offering non-traditional health products.

Not all coins are suitable for medical therapy. The best coins are considered to be from the era of Peter the Great and coined by the Tsars. They were made from pure copper without any impurities, therefore they have the greatest healing power. But it is quite difficult to find them; all of them have long become the property of numismatists and have a fairly high cost. The most affordable coins are coins in denominations from 1 to 5 kopecks from 1930 to 1961, made of copper-aluminum alloy. Some families still keep them.

For external treatment, plates (coins, disks) are applied to the painful area and secured. Some patients even do without fixation, since the pieces of copper themselves literally “stick” to the skin. After removal (after 12, 24 hours, or when the coin falls off on its own), a trace in the form of a greenish coating may remain on the surface of the skin. It is believed that this indicates an effect on the diseased organ. If this does not happen, then either the location is chosen incorrectly, or the grade of metal is incorrectly selected (low percentage of copper).

Sometimes copper is used as a medicine for internal use. Of course, it is best if it is manufactured at a specialized pharmaceutical plant. However, some people simply boil coppers in water and then drink this water to stimulate the functioning of internal organs. It is impossible to say for sure how effective and safe it is.

Terms of use

There is an opinion that treatment with copper occurs quite quickly. But it doesn’t always help and not everyone. Whether this method of getting rid of the disease is right for you can be done experimentally. Just apply a disk (coin, plate) to the skin and see how tight the “grip” is and how long the item will last. As already mentioned, you don’t need to apply the coin to just anyone, but only to the sore spot. You can identify problem areas by consulting a medical specialist, or by determining them empirically by placing a disc on the most painful point.

In folk medicine, several different treatment methods using copper have been developed and are widely used. It is impossible to say how scientific they are, but their effectiveness is evidenced by positive reviews from patients who used these methods to get rid of various ailments.

You should not think that the larger, more massive the piece of metal, the faster the recovery will come. This is not true. It is better to use thin, high-quality polished disks, plates, and coins rather than ingots. They must be “revitalized” before use. This can be done in several ways: clean with fine sandpaper, rinse thoroughly, boil in a weak solution of table salt, and ignite over an open fire.

The greatest therapeutic effect can be achieved by thin (up to 3 mm) polished circles made of red copper with a diameter of 1-8 cm. It is believed that the healing properties of the plates increase if they are carefully polished and have a small hole (2-7 mm) in the middle.

To carry out the application, pre-prepared plates (coins, disks) are placed in dense rows on a sheet, completely filling a rectangle with dimensions equal to the distance between the shoulder blades (width) and between the 7th cervical vertebra and the gluteal fold (length). Carefully lay on top, the skin should be clean and dry, without traces of sweat or fat. After half an hour they also carefully get up. In this case, some elements will fall. And those that attach need to be fixed, for example, with adhesive tape.

After 3-5 days, the patch is removed, the coins are removed, the surface is thoroughly washed with soapy water, and the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream. Greenish spots remaining at the places where the plates are attached indicate the positive effect of copper. After a few days (2-3), the procedure should be repeated. In total, the course consists of 10-15 sessions.

Usually, the adhesive plaster used to secure coins (plates) is difficult to wash off its surface, so when choosing one of the sides as the front side, they try not to change it. You need to remove coins very carefully so as not to damage the surface of the skin. Since the course consists of a large number of procedures, the applicators must be periodically “revitalized”.


It is unlikely that you will be able to attach coins or discs to the joints. Therefore, wire is used to treat them. For this purpose, a copper core of a stranded electrical wire of grade M-1 is suitable. It is cleaned of insulation and then kept for 2 hours in vinegar essence or calcined. This allows you to get rid of the invisible film that covers the wire and weakens the effect of copper on the body. After washing and drying, the ends of the prepared wire should be wrapped with a plaster, which will protect the patient from damage to the skin by sharp edges.

Sore joints, including the lower back, are simply wrapped with wire, which in this case has the same effect as with the application. If you give it the appearance of a ring, then the circular microcurrents arising inside a closed circuit will enhance the therapeutic effect. Such physiotherapeutic procedures have no contraindications and can be carried out without restrictions on duration and frequency.


Bracelets with a closed shape are made from vacuum copper containing only 1% impurity. They are not decorations, therefore they should not contain inserts from other metals, precious stones, or ornaments or any designs should be applied to their surface. Well polished and smooth, they are used to stabilize blood pressure. The bracelet is worn on the left hand for hypotension and on the right hand for hypertension so that it fits tightly around the wrist in the pulse listening area.

Copper bracelets have a wide range of effects on the human body and can be used not only to normalize blood pressure, but also to solve problems such as:

  • weather dependence;
  • weakened immune system;
  • post-infarction state;
  • insomnia;
  • radiculitis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • arthritis;
  • miscarriage;
  • migraine;
  • negative effect from exposure to radiation and so on.

In most cases, the healing bracelet has a width of 14 mm, that is, the optimal size for women's and men's hands, the weight is only 45 grams, and special heat treatment provides the product with increased strength. You can wear it continuously for two years.

However, prolonged use leads to the formation of a thin oxide film on the surface, which reduces the effectiveness of the effect on the body. It is removed by polishing with toothpaste. If it is difficult to remove or is not removed at all, then wearing the bracelet should be temporarily suspended.

Due to the characteristics of the body, the therapeutic effects of honey therapy can also have negative, negative consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically undergo examination by the attending physician, and if signs characteristic of poisoning appear (nausea, vomiting, metallic taste, etc.), further procedures should be abandoned.

Massage cups

Tibetan healers use copper massage jars to treat back diseases (intervertebral hernia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, sciatica), non-infectious respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis) and in other cases. Russian healers also use them. They are usually placed on the stomach when internal organs prolapse.

Copper water

It has already been said above that there is no scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of taking copper water internally. However, alternative medicine experts claim that it:

  • has a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis;
  • helps cope with anemia;
  • stimulates the work of the spleen and liver;
  • is a good preventative against obesity.

To prepare copper water, old coppers or several thin plates with a total weight of about 10 grams are used. They are pre-cleaned, for example, with lime water, thoroughly washed under running water, and dried. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a clean enamel bowl, lower the prepared copper products, bring to a boil and continue to boil until the amount of water is reduced by half. Take the resulting medicine for a month, 2 tsp. three times a day. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to wear a copper bracelet on your hand throughout this time.

Along with other microelements, copper also plays an important role in the functioning of the human body. It contains 100-200 mg. In particular, it regulates metabolism, takes part in the construction of connective tissue (collagen, melanin, elastin), and provides protection against the effects of antioxidants. The daily intake of copper is 2-3 mg. With heavy physical exertion or problems with the cardiovascular system, the norm may be slightly increased.

It is not necessary to take copper water internally. There is a wide range of food products that people eat that contain copper in varying proportions. These are the usual foods that we eat almost every day: veal, lamb, liver (pork and beef), legumes (beans, peas), nuts, mushrooms (porcini, chanterelles, boletus, champignons), buckwheat and oatmeal, lemons, bread (white and rye). Copper is found in large quantities in seafood: crabs, lobsters, squid, oysters, shrimp, cod liver and halibut. The body can also obtain copper by taking herbal teas, which include medicinal herbs such as oregano, St. John's wort, yarrow, and wormwood.

During the cooking process, no matter what kind of processing the food is subjected to (frying, boiling, stewing, baking), copper is not destroyed. But its absorption is hampered by casein, a protein found in milk. Therefore, dairy products should not be taken with foods rich in copper.

A lack of this microelement leads to increased irritability, fatigue, frequent headaches, and bad mood. In some cases, copper deficiency can lead to gout.


Like other methods of traditional medicine, honey therapy can lead not to improvement, but to deterioration of health. To avoid negative consequences from copper treatment, before starting the course, you must consult a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis, give recommendations, and identify the true cause of the ailment.

One of the most reliable methods for determining the effectiveness of medical treatment is to apply a coin (plate) to the skin. If the product is held on the surface, as if stuck to it, if a greenish coating gradually forms under the disc, then treatment will help cope with the disease. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain, and may cause a negative reaction from the body: discomfort, itching, burning.

In case of an overdose of copper, especially when ingesting copper water, toxicity of the body is possible, which can be expressed in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and convulsions. In particularly difficult situations, weakening of cardiac activity, suffocation, and coma are possible. Such extreme cases are quite rare, but to eliminate their likelihood, you must always consult a doctor.

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