Gum diseases: types, causes, symptoms and treatment. Why a sore (white sore) appeared on the gum: causes and treatment of sores in children and adults A wound near a tooth

The appearance of all kinds of wounds in the oral cavity is always a problem that requires a quick solution. It is important to remember that this may be a symptom of dental disease, which is a spreading infection. Therefore, the only right decision is not to leave the symptom without special attention, but to immediately consult a dentist.

Rashes in the mouth

Of course, wounds on the gums are a reason for immediate response. However, there are cases when there is no need to worry too much. This type of manifestation is not always a symptom of dental disease.

There are irritants that are not directly related to dental diseases, due to which a wound may form in the mouth:

  • Small wound may be the result of damage to the gums by any objects or food. For example, sores in the mouth in children under one year of age are a common occurrence. Children are just beginning to explore the world around them and “taste” it. Objects that periodically appear in a child's mouth can scratch the gums.

The above reasons for the appearance of gum deformation have nothing to do with dental diseases, but this does not mean that they should be ignored.

During the period when even the smallest scratch is observed, it is recommended to take oral hygiene with particular seriousness. After all, a wound in the mouth can act as an irritant for the manifestation of dental diseases.

E If a wound appears on the gum, how to treat it you need to know:

  • It is recommended to rinse your mouth antiseptic agents purchased at the pharmacy, or herbal tinctures. One of the most effective remedies sold in pharmacies is “Forest Balm”. During the period when even slight damage is observed in the oral cavity, rinse the mouth with an antiseptic after each meal, including snacks. After treating the oral cavity, it is recommended to refrain from consuming food and water for 15 minutes.
  • Herbal tincture can be made at home. Chamomile and sage are considered the most effective for healing scratches in the mouth. Usually one teaspoon of dried herbs is added to a glass of warm water, then filtered and cooled. Rinsing is done 3-4 times a day until the wound in the mouth is completely healed.

Dental diseases

A completely different situation is when a wound on the gum does not heal. This is certainly a cause for concern. Any scratch in the mouth that is not attended to sufficiently can cause dental disease. If the disease manifests itself, the wound does not heal, but rather becomes inflamed and causes pain and discomfort.

Dental diseases for which this symptom is characteristic include:

  • stomatitis;
  • herpes;
  • gingitis.

Infectious diseases do not go away on their own and always require appropriate treatment.


Stomatitis is an inflammatory process that occurs on the oral mucosa. As a rule, the disease appears against the background of a virus or reduced immunity.

The causes of stomatitis include:

  • Scientists have proven that there is a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of stomatitis. If a person is at risk, he is recommended to observe hygienic standards for oral care with special care.
  • Bacteria also refer to stomatitis irritants.
  • During treatment for cancer There is a sharp decrease in immunity, which contributes to the appearance of stomatitis, which spreads at high speed over the entire surface of the oral cavity in the form of small wounds with a white coating. To get rid of rashes, you need to rinse your mouth with antiseptic agents. "Furacilin" is a medicine that penetrates into the wound and inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Stomatitis may be accompanied by elevated body temperature, this is due to the inflammatory process. If you have a fever, you need to take an antipyretic drug. Nurofen is an antipyretic drug with a mild analgesic effect. Suitable for both adults and children.


The herpes virus is present in the body of 98% of the world's population in a passive state.

Antibodies to the virus are produced in infancy.

Activation of herpes occurs under certain conditions:

  • Mechanical damage can be a virus irritant if they are not properly cared for. The virus can be cured through medications. "Acyclovir" is an antiherpetic drug, the effect of which has been proven over time. It is characterized by rapid absorption into the body and obvious effectiveness after the first dose of the tablet.

Herpes does not go away on its own. The disease requires adequate treatment, which is prescribed by the attending physician.


Gingvit– this is inflammation of the gums, which manifests itself against the background of viral diseases or insufficient oral hygiene. The symptom is a wound on the gum near the tooth, which causes pain, accompanied by redness and bad breath.

Gingitis does not require drug treatment. The course is determined by the inclusion of solid food in the daily diet. With sufficient load on the chewing apparatus produced by solid food, the body is also fed with useful microelements.

Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene should rightfully be an indispensable attribute of every day. In order to maintain healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, it is considered necessary to follow hygiene rules:

  • It is recommended to make systematic visits to the doctor dentist for preventive purposes. When identifying the very first symptoms of dental diseases, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.
  • It is necessary to monitor the state of the immune system, in winter it is recommended to drink a complex of vitamins. In the summer, it is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as take walks in the park.

If a person follows hygiene standards and is attentive to the signals of his body, he is guaranteed health. A healthy body is an unquestioning guarantee of success in any endeavor.

A wound on the gum is a very unpleasant phenomenon that can significantly complicate life.

From gum pain to bad breath.

Its causes can be either mechanical damage or infection in the oral cavity.


It must be remembered that a wound that appears on the gum is a fairly serious reason for contacting a dentist. If this is not done in time, infectious pathogens may enter the wound, leading to inflammation in the oral cavity. In dental practice, it is quite common for people who have damage to their gums to come to us.

The reasons for this may be the following factors:

  • incorrect tooth extraction when the gum is damaged by a medical instrument;
  • brushing your teeth with too hard a brush or eating hard foods;
  • In young children, the cause may be mechanical damage from sharp objects that they put in their mouths.

In addition to wounds on the gums, inflammation may also occur.

The main reasons for this are:

  • mechanical gum injuries;
  • improper oral care;
  • stomatitis and gingivitis.

If the wound is not treated, it can cause serious infectious complications. Such as the appearance of tartar, rough growth.

The gums may separate a few millimeters from the teeth and fester. And if all this is not treated, then you can eventually lose the tooth.


Dental diseases, which are characterized by the appearance of wounds on the gums, include stomatitis.

The forms of its manifestation can be different, as well as the treatment that follows their appearance.

So, let's look at each of them:

  • Catarrhal form occurs most often. It is characterized by: swelling, redness and swelling in the affected area, white or yellow plaque, pain.
  • Ulcerative the form is more severe than catarrhal. It can be either an independent form of the disease or an advanced case of catarrhal form. The temperature rises to subfebrile levels, and acute pain is typical.
  • Aphthous. The cause of the aphthous form may be gastrointestinal diseases. Aphthae form on the affected areas - small wounds, the temperature rises.
  • Candidal stomatitis– this is a consequence of either a fungal infection or long-term use of antibiotics. White cheesy deposits on the oral mucosa are characteristic.
  • Herpetic form caused by the virus of the same name. Rashes in the form of blisters.

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, women may experience gum pain. How to avoid this and how to treat it if the problem makes itself felt - about this.

Main types

The main cause of sores in the mouth is stomatitis. There are several types of it:

  • chronic stomatitis appears with constant biting, malocclusion, poorly made dentures;
  • chemical stomatitis is caused by the appearance of burns in the oral cavity as a result of exposure to chemicals and drugs;
  • allergic stomatitis occurs when the body is sensitized to various allergens;
  • fungal stomatitis appears when affected by microspores of candidiasis, etc.

How to treat

To cure wounds on the gums, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with different solutions and tinctures:

  • Soda solution. To prepare it you will need a teaspoon of salt and soda. They need to be diluted with a glass of warm boiled water and rinsed with this.
  • Rotokan. You can buy it at the pharmacy, it is a herbal infusion with alcohol. At night, you can moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the wound. In two or three days everything will pass.
  • Chlorhexidine. Wash the wound with the solution twice a day.
  • For children, wounds are lubricated with an oil solution of vitamin B12.

The pharmacy also sells gels such as Metrogyl, which will quickly relieve inflammation and heal a wound on the gum.

But we must remember that self-medication is fraught with consequences, so it is better to consult a dentist.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies suggest rinsing with herbal infusions, propolis and sea buckthorn oil.

  • Sea buckthorn oil or vitamin A, purchased at the pharmacy, eliminates inflammation quite quickly. Everything will heal in a few days.
  • Take pine or spruce branches, chop them, mix them with oak cuttings and pour the resulting mass with alcohol. Leave for 12 hours, and then rinse your mouth day and evening. The wound will heal quickly.
  • Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile and marigold in a 1:1 ratio helps a lot. Place in a saucepan, add a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  • Inflamed gums can be lubricated with 10% propolis tincture, purchased at a pharmacy or made independently. With its help, you can kill the entire infection and at the same time strengthen your gums.


To prevent the occurrence of wounds, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • treat your teeth on time by visiting a dentist;
  • take vitamins and products to boost immunity;
  • prevent oral injuries whenever possible;
  • Maintain daily oral hygiene.

Video on the topic


Thanks to vocal cords, people are able to regularly exchange entire streams of information. It turns out that our teeth, gums and oral cavity as a whole give us no less information. This information is only about one thing - about the state of our health.

“Our mouth is part of our body,” says Anthony Iacopino, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Canadian University of Manitobi (University of Manitoba Faculty of Dentistry) and representative of the American Dental Association (American Dental Association). – Everything that happens in our mouth has a significant effect on our entire organ system and on the processes occurring in the body. And vice versa: everything that regularly happens in our body manifests itself in one way or another in our mouth."

So, all we can do is talk about the seven most important signals that our body gives us through our teeth and mouth, and which, undoubtedly, need to be paid attention to (in conjunction with other manifestations and signals of the body).

Signal one: flat, worn teeth plus frequent headaches

The body signals stress

Many people are surprised to learn that they grind their teeth in their sleep. And indeed, this happens completely unconsciously. But grinding teeth in a dream (bruxism, Carolini phenomenon, odonterism) usually indicates that the person is (or has experienced) severe stress. Iacopino says that wear on the tips of the teeth can indicate the presence of bruxism—you can even feel them with your tongue. Aching pain in the jaws is also possible.

Bruxism is usually accompanied by headaches caused by spasms of the facial muscles. Sometimes the pain spreads from the mouth and head to the neck and even the upper back. Special rubber mouthpieces worn at night can help in this situation.

Signal two: teeth often crack and crumble

The body signals the presence of gastroesophageal reflux

Very often, teeth crack and crumble in older people. The enamel becomes thin and almost transparent. But such dental erosion is not a normal phenomenon that accompanies aging. In fact, it can happen at any age.

Teeth can be damaged by acid that rises from the stomach and dissolves tooth enamel. The reason, as mentioned above, is gastroesophageal reflux, or as it is also called, acid reflux. This disease provokes the release of stomach acid back into the esophagus, and from there to the oral cavity, as they say, is just a stone's throw away. Gastrointestinal reflux is a chronic disorder caused by a breakdown of the natural barrier between the stomach and esophagus.

What else should you pay attention to?

Dry mouth and heartburn are symptoms that often accompany acid reflux. Also, crumbling and breaking teeth at a young age may indicate the presence of bulimia or the so-called ravenous hunger (sharply increased feeling of hunger). In this case, the patient often begins to vomit after eating food, and the result is the same - gastric juice rises into the oral cavity, gradually destroying tooth enamel.

Signal three: non-healing wounds in the oral cavity

The body signals about oral cancer

Many people sometimes bite themselves on the inside of their cheek, and they do this for a reason (as happens while eating, for example). It's a nervous habit. Others may actually accidentally bite their cheek while chewing. Usually such wounds heal quite quickly. But if an open wound does not heal within a week or two, you should definitely visit a doctor (the same dentist, for example). “A person can accidentally injure the tissues of the oral cavity, but if various redness (or vice versa - too white areas) remain so for a long time, without acquiring a normal pink color, then it is necessary to be checked to exclude the diagnosis of oral cancer,” says Susan Hyde, Associate Professor, University of California, School of Dentistry (University of California, San Francisco, School of Dentistry).

According to the National Cancer Institute (National Cancer Institute), each year more than 21,000 men and 9,000 women are diagnosed with oral cancer. Moreover, the survival rate for patients with this type of disease is only 31 percent, and this is due to the fact that oral cancer is usually diagnosed too late. Smokers are most at risk of developing this disease, but out of 4 cases of oral cancer, 1 occurs in a non-smoker.

What else should you pay attention to?

People who may suffer from this disease have a high degree of oral damage. Very often the edge of the lips is red or white. Sores can form under the tongue, where they are difficult to notice. Numb gums and bleeding are other signs of oral cancer., but very often the only sign is damage that does not go away for a long time. An accurate diagnosis can be given biopsy– a method for studying tissue cells.

Signal four: gums are growing over the teeth

The body signals an overdose of certain drugs

If you notice that your gums are literally growing over your teeth and growing abnormally on them, and at the same time you are taking some kind of treatment for heart disease or immune-supporting medications, this means that you should definitely consult with your doctor about such a side effect doctor.

“Gums that are swollen to the point that they protrude between your teeth is a sign that the dose of medications you are taking needs to be reduced.”, explains American Dental Association spokesman Anthony Iacopino. The fact is that certain medications stimulate gum tissue growth. Due to this, it becomes impossible to brush your teeth, which can cause gums to rot and, as a result, periodontal disease.

What else should you pay attention to?

As a rule, swollen gums cause severe discomfort. And in severe cases, the gums can cover the entire inside of the teeth. Both reasons should make you see a doctor.

Signal five: dry mouth

The body signals about Sjögren's syndrome or diabetes

Many things can lead to dry mouth, from dehydration to allergic reactions, such as smoking or new medications. Moreover, there are thousands of medications that cause dry mouth as a side effect.. These include medications for depression, incontinence, muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety medications and antihistamines. But a lack of saliva in the mouth may be an early warning sign of two autoimmune diseases: about Sjögren's syndrome or diabetes.

If you have Sjögren's syndrome, white blood cells (leukocytes) for unknown reasons, they affect the glands that secrete moisture. This is a fairly common disease. In America alone, more than 4 million Americans suffer from Sjögren's syndrome (half of them are women). And another 24 million people in the United States also have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, suffering from high blood sugar.

What else should you pay attention to?

Other signs that may indicate diabetes include extreme thirst, tingling in the hands and feet, frequent urination, blurred vision and weight loss. In the case of Sjögren's syndrome, the eyes dry out as intensely as the mouth, and throughout the rest of the body, there are disturbances in the functioning of various organs. It must be said that due to the similarity of the symptoms of these two diseases (Sjögren's syndrome and diabetes mellitus), quite often patients are misdiagnosed, and they live for many years without proper treatment.

Signal six: white rash on the gums, palate, cheeks, tongue

The body signals the presence of Wilson's lichen

The last thing people usually pay attention to when brushing their teeth is the condition of their cheeks and tongue. But you should pay attention to them, just like the condition of your gums. Especially if a characteristic white rash appears on the oral mucosa. In this case, we can talk about the so-called lichen planus (or Wilson syndrome). The causes of this disease are unknown, but it affects men and women aged 30 to 70 years. And the first to be hit is the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Wilson's ringworm appears as whitish, almost lacy patterns on the inside of the cheeks. The very name of the disease - lichen - comes from lichens that affect the bark of trees, and are even somewhat similar in structure to Wilson's lichen (visually, of course). In almost 70 percent of cases, this disease manifests itself first in the oral cavity, and only then affects other parts of the body.

What else should you pay attention to?

In women, if this disease is present, the vaginal area can often be covered with similar “lace”. Very often, Wilson's lichen goes away on its own, but sometimes drug intervention may be necessary.

Signal seven: the presence of growths (plaques) on false teeth

There is a potential risk of developing aspiration pneumonia

Few people associate the presence of artificial teeth (dentures) with pneumonia. Meanwhile, it is worth thinking about the connection between these two things. Of course, we are talking primarily about older people, since they mainly use dentures. Moreover, aspiration pneumonia is a deadly disease. “The main reason why older people pass away is precisely aspiration pneumonia, which is often caused by false teeth, due to the presence of which pathogens of various infections enter the lungs.”, said Anthony Iacopino.

Indeed, in the case of aspiration pneumonia, the infection develops in the lungs, getting there through the airways with foreign particles, which is very dangerous for the body, and sometimes leads to death. Very often, the infection is transmitted to a healthy person from sick people somewhere in a hospital, or in a nursing home, especially if the person does not take proper care of their dentures. That is why false teeth must be thoroughly cleaned with a special brush and stored in a special solution.

What else should you pay attention to?

Attention should be paid to the soft (crust-like) plaque that forms around the teeth. And avoiding the risk of aspiration pneumonia when wearing false teeth is very simple - You should take proper care of your dentures and clean them. Indeed, Anthony Jacopino claims that if you maintain the hygiene of your false teeth, you can be 100 percent insured against aspiration pneumonia. And, therefore, avoid the most common cause of death in old age!

Many people face the problem of cracked teeth. When the protective layer (enamel) becomes thinner, the risk of injury increases.

This entails not only an unaesthetic appearance, but the development of possible dental diseases.

What measures should be taken to eliminate the crack? Is it possible to solve this problem on my own?

Provoking factors

A crack is considered one of the most dangerous and painful injuries to the elements of the jaw row. It can form as a result of injury or other predisposing factors.

The main causes of damage include:

  • household or sports injuries, which entail not only the formation of a crack, but also damage to the root system;
  • biting hard objects (nuts, opening bottle caps, etc.);
  • grinding of lateral incisors;
  • poor-quality dental treatment, which entails a split of the root into two parts with a further crack in the enamel;
  • lack of microelements (potassium and fluorine) in the body;
  • congenital or acquired increased thinness of enamel;
  • careless play (typical for pediatric patients);
  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • alternating very hot or cold foods.

It is worth noting that a crack does not always make itself felt immediately after an injury. Very often it develops gradually, which is why it is considered dangerous.

Untimely treatment threatens the development of serious complications, including complete loss of the problem element.

Classification of injuries and clinical picture

Dentists classify damage according to the following indicators:

  1. Horizontal. They are considered the safest, they do not cause inflammatory processes in the pulp. The result of such a process may be the fragmentation of fragments.

    Restoration is quite complex and requires highly qualified specialists. For large horizontal cracks, in most cases, removal is carried out followed by a prosthetic procedure.

  2. Vertical. They can be of varying depths; as a result of strong pressure on the dental nerve, patients often develop pulpitis (an inflammatory process in the pulp).

    In the initial stages, this type of split causes caries, which over time affects the entire tooth and reaches its root.

  3. Diagonal ones are rare. They are characterized by a diagonal split. This problem requires professional medical treatment.
  4. Internal. They are very difficult to diagnose, develop slowly and cause great harm. Very often, such cracks lead to a fracture of the tooth root. They can only be determined using an x-ray.
  5. Root cracks. They develop against the background of complications of one of the above types of split. It is almost impossible to cure such a problem; the tooth must be completely removed.

There are also superficial and deep types of damage. The former are not particularly dangerous and do not affect the structure of the tooth. In the second case, destruction of external and internal tissues occurs.


The most common symptoms are:

  • pain that does not have an exact location (radiates to different parts of the dentition);
  • increased sensitivity of the enamel (this is strongly felt when eating hot or cold foods);
  • severe discomfort while chewing food.

If vertical damage leads to pulpitis, then the patient develops a characteristic putrid odor from the oral cavity, which cannot be gotten rid of even after cleaning.

With the development of tissue necrosis, the color of the enamel may change, the gums become swollen, and when pressed they are very painful. Very often the damage affects the root, and this leads to severe loosening of the tooth.

First aid

If unpleasant symptoms appear, it is best to immediately seek help from a dentist; timely treatment will reduce the risk of developing complications in the future.

If this is not possible, then it is important to provide first aid correctly. These activities include:

  • rinse the mouth with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexedine, Furacilin, etc.);
  • for severe pain, you can take local analgesics (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, etc.);
  • limit any contact of the cracked element with food or tongue, otherwise this may lead to chipping of the enamel;
  • limit temperature changes.

It is worth noting that such measures will not help get rid of the problem, but will only relieve unpleasant symptoms. Self-medication can lead to the development of serious complications.

Recovery methods

The choice of treatment method depends on the type and depth of the damage. Only a doctor can determine the correct treatment regimen after a thorough examination of the patient.

It is important to understand that a crack does not always lead to a split tooth and requires serious treatment.

Enamel restoration

This includes procedures for remineralization and fluoridation of enamel. In the first case, I saturate the surface with fluorine, calcium and other necessary minerals and trace elements. This helps strengthen the enamel and prevent further cracking..

Fluoridation is carried out in several stages; this method is considered more durable than the previous one.


This procedure is performed primarily on molars. Applying filling material helps solve the problem of small cracks, chips and discoloration of the enamel.

Before installing a filling, the root canal must be cleaned, etc. As a rule, the doctor eliminates shallow damage in one session.

Covering with veneers

The procedure involves placing a veneer, made primarily of ceramic, on the outer surface of the tooth.

They do not require periodic correction and have a good aesthetic appearance. The procedure is carried out in several stages; veneers are made to the patient according to individual sizes.

The disadvantage of this method is its high price. Among the advantages are long service life and beautiful appearance (people around will not distinguish a veneer from an anatomical organ).

Building up

To restore the fragment, a special composite resin is applied. The color can be selected individually, thus ensuring an attractive appearance.

The advantage of this method is its low cost and the absence of the need for frequent visits to the dentist. The disadvantage is the fragility of such material.

The duration of the entire procedure does not take more than 30 minutes, during which the patient does not feel any discomfort.

No special preparation is required before the extension, but after restoration it is recommended to avoid the use of any coloring products. This will significantly extend the service life of the material.


In case of deep lesions of hard tissues, the patient requires prosthetics and treatment of the root system, otherwise complications in the form of pulpitis are possible.

The dentist performs root canal treatment and then places a crown. The latter can be made of various materials (ceramics, cermets, metal, etc.).

You need to know that no method guarantees the durability of the restoration. It is very important to get rid of the cause that led to the formation of damage.

It is very important to choose the right toothpaste, it will help improve the effect (especially for microcracks).

You should not delay visiting a dentist; this entails the development of serious complications that can lead to complete tooth loss.


The main preventive measures are compliance with the rules of oral hygiene and timely examination by a dentist.

  • avoid injury to teeth, which leads to the formation of cracks;
  • promptly restore problematic elements of the jaw row;
  • do not load the dentition (do not bite nails, nuts and other hard objects);
  • avoid questionable home whitening methods;
  • treat bruxism in a timely manner (if necessary, wear special mouthguards at night);
  • in the presence of malocclusions, effective treatment should be carried out.

By following all these simple rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of cracks.

Treatment price

Each treatment procedure has its own characteristics and differs in price:

This cost does not include additional services and initial dental examination. Some procedures require endodontic treatment for root canals, tooth decay, or other dental problems.

To restore fragments with deep damage, local anesthesia is often used.

A doctor at a particular clinic can tell you the exact cost.

The video presents one of the ways to restore a tooth when a crack appears.

The oral mucosa has a thin and delicate structure and is sensitive to damaging factors. Any slightest crack or scratch on the gum will cause significant discomfort and will be a reason for urgent treatment, since any open injury is a kind of entry gate for infection.

First of all, this problem affects young children, who often damage the mucous membrane with foreign bodies.

The periodontal tissues and periosteum of the lower and upper jaw are in close contact with the mucous membrane of the gums. Mucosal tissue not only plays a protective function, but also serves as a conductor for metabolic reactions.

The tooth is nourished due to reliable blood supply and innervation in the gums, and any slightest damage will always result in a painful sensation. Thanks to this, the dentist can determine the location of the lesion and its parameters.

A scratch, be it a microcrack that is not visually visible, is a reason to seek specialized medical help. In the oral cavity (on the surface of the tongue, cheeks) there is a large amount of foreign microflora, which, if they get into the scratch itself, cause serious problems for the teeth and the body as a whole.

There are three reasons that cause gum damage:

  1. Mechanical factor - when the oral mucosa is damaged by hard food during eating (for example, when the gums are crushed with hard food: crackers, sweets, seeds) and during therapeutic measures (the gums are damaged during dental treatment - touching with a needle, drill, etc.). Mechanical damage (scratches) is more often caused by young children who carry unknown things to their mouths, gnaw or chew them.
  2. Chemical factor - when the mucous membrane is exposed to various chemical compounds (acids, alkalis).
  3. Thermal factor - ingestion of too hot food or water causes burns, and exposure to cold damages teeth.

One should take into account the fact that the mucous membrane becomes more susceptible when the human body’s immunity is reduced. Typically, this condition is caused by concomitant diseases: diabetes mellitus, HIV infection, benign and malignant neoplasms, sexually transmitted diseases.

In children

Since gum scratches more often occur in children who want to “taste” everything, their parents should carefully examine the oral cavity every day for the presence of such scratches. In children, the immune system is still weak and the protective mechanism in a small body may not work, and then a small scratch may be complicated by swelling and redness of the soft tissues around the lesion. Externally, the child will be restless due to soreness in the mouth.

The teenage generation has a high risk of bruises (street fights, football, bad falls). Vivid symptoms of damage include severe pain in the mouth, bleeding gums, a knocked out tooth, etc.

Complications after gum injuries

If you do not properly care for the oral cavity, as well as ignore a scratch on the gum, serious complications will always follow - infection in the scratched gum and the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction. How to understand that a complication has appeared?

    1. If a scratch has a whitish tint and its edges rise above the level of healthy tissue, this is a guarantee of a foreign infection.
    2. If the healthy tissues around the lesion are red and there is also swelling, this is evidence of inflammation (the body’s response to the introduction of a pathogen into a painful wound).
  1. If pus is released from a scratched gum, then an intoxication syndrome may occur in the body (fever, increased general weakness, increased pain in the mouth, a feeling of brittle bones).
  2. If there is a throbbing pain in the damaged areas, radiating throughout the jaw.

Cyst in a child's mouth

If symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact your dentist, because the infected exudate from the scratch gets into the roots of the teeth and deep into the gums, causing local complications (stomatitis, gingivitis). Since the mucous membrane is supplied with blood, its flow causes the infectious process to become generalized.

Treatment of scratches and wounds on the gums

What to do if you cut your gum? If the scratch is without foci of inflammation and other signs of complications, then you can get by with treatment at home using traditional medicine and the use of local antiseptics. Treatment chlorhexidine or furatsilin scratched gums when rinsed, promotes healing of the scratch and will become a serious obstacle to infection.

Treatment activities will include:

  1. drug treatment;
  2. folk remedies for wound healing;
  3. surgical care.

Drug treatment of injured areas

Many dentists do not advise self-medication and delaying consultation, especially when the child has cut the gum. At the stage of specialized care, the doctor will examine the surface of the mucous membrane, the nature of the cut in the gums and tell you how to treat it.

For difficult-to-heal mouth ulcers, dentists use antiseptic ointments:

  • gel "Metrogil denta";
  • gel "Cholisal";
  • "Levomekol" (antibacterial agent);
  • medicinal paste “Parodontocide”;

Metrogyl and Cholisal

For deep cuts, in order to prevent purulent infection, they are prescribed antibiotics:

  1. penicillin antibiotics (Amoxiclav);
  2. tetracyclines (Doxycycline, Tetracycline);
  3. tyrothricins (Grammidin).

Along with antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory treatment is indicated, including taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Ketorolac;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Diclofenac.

This therapy is aimed at reducing the inflammatory response and pain.

A frequent question: “What to do when you scratch your gum, it’s swollen and you have bad breath?” If the gums are scratched and have an unpleasant odor, this indicates an infection in the mouth. If there is a complication, then in this case it is carried out surgical intervention, the purpose of which will be to release pus from the scratch and then treat it with local antibiotics.

Folk remedies for wound healing

If the patient has scratched his gums, but does not want to seek medical help, a solution may be to take folk remedies that will quickly eliminate signs of inflammation and relieve tissue swelling.

  1. Dried St. John's wort in combination with flax seeds and oak bark will cope with an infection in the mouth. By killing the infectious agent, this decoction will restore beneficial microflora. Use 1 time per day for a week.
  2. Pieces of propolis relieve the inflammatory reaction. Used in alcohol infusion or made in the form of plates, attached to the inflamed area of ​​​​the gums for 30 minutes. Use daily until inflammation disappears.
  3. Compresses with calendula have a similar effect to propolis.
  4. Using a solution of potassium permanganate to relieve inflammation, 2 times a day, for a week (especially for pulpitis, stomatitis, gingivitis).

Treatment of scratches in a child

Since children are susceptible to infection, self-medication is not the right solution. If a child exhibits the corresponding symptoms of gum damage, you need to contact a dentist to decide on further treatment measures.

Even a microcrack in children is an indication for consultation. The doctor will examine you and tell you how to treat the inflamed scratch.

Features of oral care

Proper oral care is vital. Taking into account the peculiarities of care, you can avoid diseases of the teeth, gums, throat and their complications.

A competent approach to oral hygiene includes:

  1. Choosing a quality toothbrush to clean hard-to-reach areas and minimize the risk of injury while brushing your teeth.
  2. Rinsing with medicinal solutions (rinse your mouth with Colgate mouthwash, Forest Balm, etc.).
  3. Refusal of dental sticks as hygiene products, or their replacement with dental floss.
  4. Visit the dentist once a year. Removing tartar when identified. Examination of gums.
  5. Vitamin therapy.
  6. Proper nutrition (refusal to hard and hot foods).
  7. Rejection of bad habits.

If the patient has damaged the gum with a toothbrush or the gum has cracked due to a lack of vitamins due to a concomitant disease, it is necessary to immediately clean the teeth and treat the scratch with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine, furacilin).

If gum inflammation develops in the future and pain increases, you should consult a dentist. With a calm course, a non-inflamed scratch will resolve on its own, but only if the rules of oral hygiene are observed.

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