Scientific and practical (research) work on the topic: The problem of teenage crime. "research work, delinquency and juvenile crime" Project on juvenile delinquency

In a country with a high crime rate, there is an alarming level of juvenile crime. In this case, conditions are created in society for the involvement of minors in illegal activities. In such a situation, legal norms must ensure an adequate response of the state to what is happening. Let us next consider the problems of juvenile delinquency.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Under all articles provided for in the code, punishment is applied to minors from the age of 16. However, the Criminal Code contains a number of norms, liability for which begins at the age of 14. The latter include articles:

  • 105 - "Murder".
  • 111 - "Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm."
  • 126 - "Kidnapping".
  • 112 - "Intentional infliction
  • 131 - "Rape".
  • 158 - "Theft".
  • 132 - "Violent
  • 163 - "Extortion".
  • 162 - "Robbery".
  • 161 - "Robbery".
  • 166 - “Illegal seizure of a vehicle without the purpose of theft.”
  • 167 (part 2) - “Deliberate damage/destruction of property in the presence of aggravating circumstances.”
  • 206 - "Hostage taking."
  • 205 - "Terrorism".
  • 213 (parts 2 and 3) - “Hooliganism with aggravating circumstances.”
  • 214 - "Vandalism".
  • 226 - "Extortion/theft of ammunition, weapons, explosives or
  • 267 - "Making communications or means of transport unusable."
  • 229 - "Extortion/theft of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances."

Features of punishment

The law refers to minors as persons who at the time of committing the act were 14 years old, but have not yet turned 18. Not all types of punishment may be applied to such subjects. In particular, imprisonment cannot last more than 10 years, and correctional labor cannot last more than a year. Serving of a sentence, as a rule, is carried out in educational colonies with enhanced or general regime. When passing a sentence, the court takes into account the living conditions of the minor, the characteristics of mental development, and the degree of influence of elders. Lack of majority is considered a mitigating circumstance. The following penalties may apply to teenagers:

  1. Fine.
  2. Compulsory or corrective labor.
  3. Prohibition on carrying out any activity.
  4. Arrest.
  5. Imprisonment for a specified period. If an act of minor or moderate gravity is committed for the first time, the court may release the minor from liability and compulsory educational measures may be applied to him.
  6. Warning.
  7. Imposing the obligation to make amends for the damage caused.
  8. Transfer under parental supervision or under the control of a specialized government agency.
  9. Limiting leisure time, establishing special rules of behavior.

Several measures may be applied to a minor at the same time. A warning consists of explaining to a person the harm that he has caused, as well as the consequences that arose from his actions. The subject can make amends for the damage financially only if he has income. The legislation includes not only salary, but also stipends and other payments. If a minor systematically fails to comply with the prescribed rules, educational measures are canceled, and the materials of his case are sent to the court, where the issue of bringing him to justice under the Criminal Code is considered.

Adult influence

There are various causes of juvenile delinquency. Not the least of them is the negative influence of adults. In practice, there are many cases where minors participate in illegal activities together with older persons. Repeat offenders often act as instigators. In fact, they commit dangerous crimes with the help of teenagers. At the same time, they themselves often avoid responsibility.

Considering the causes of juvenile delinquency, it should be noted that many minors, inclined not to comply with the norms established in society, meet adults halfway, in return receiving rewards from them in the form of things they themselves stole.

In some cases, the role of adults is manifested in actions not directly related to the commission of a specific illegal act. However, elders have a negative impact on the teenager, contributing. In particular, this applies to the area of ​​sexual development of minors. The participation of adults in sexual maturation forms a fertile ground on which juvenile delinquency is then cultivated. Statistics show that approximately every third minor who committed an illegal act began sexual activity early. More than half of them had sexual contact with adult women and girls.

Psychological characteristics

Solving the problems of teenage crime, experts note that during the formation of transitional and intermediate forms of temperament, a certain inconstancy arises in the formation of inhibitory reactions. In minors with severe aggressive behavior, there is a weakening of awareness of the meaning of verbal stimuli. It is this category of offenders that is called difficult to educate. Child and teenage crime differs from adult crime in that minors commit acts without thinking about the consequences. As a rule, they are driven by a sudden and quickly passing attraction to some object. That is why, when investigating acts against a person committed by minors, it is necessary to use a special approach and exercise caution.

Aggressive behavior is formed by increased emotionality, the predominance of excitation over inhibition. These properties are enhanced by direct experiences. This explains the fact that it is easier for a minor than an adult to realize in a state of passion an unlawful intent using violence. When analyzing juvenile delinquency, many psychologists base their conclusions on the fact that the specifics of the nervous system cannot influence the form of manifestation of a particular action. Meanwhile, violence acts as an expression, and not the content of an illegal behavioral act. A striking example, in particular, is a crime based on imitation.

Influence of physical development

Teenage crime in many cases is directly dependent on the nature of puberty. Moreover, it affects not only the functioning of internal organs and brain function. The specifics of puberty determine the character and behavior of a minor. This is especially evident when considering acts related to an assault on the victim’s sexual sphere (rape, etc.). When studying the subjective side of such a crime as hooliganism, it is necessary to take into account that the development of the muscular apparatus and skeletal system influences adolescents’ awareness of their strength. Many minors take pride in their physical condition and strive to demonstrate strength. This often results in aggressive and violent actions.

Teenage crime: statistics

Over a long period of time, the results of a study of the crime situation indicate an increase in the number of illegal actions committed by minors. At the same time, an increase in juvenile crime was also observed during the years of the USSR. This trend continues today. Currently, statistics on juvenile crime in Russia are as follows:

  • 40% of minors were convicted of theft;
  • 13% - for robbery;
  • 14% - for robbery;
  • 5% - for murder.

In total, 12.7 thousand people are kept in educational colonies. In the Russian Federation there are 3 institutions for girls aged 14-18 years. In accordance with the new Criminal Code, it is allowed to send persons under 20 years of age to educational colonies. More than 70% of those convicted and serving sentences have no education.

Teenage crime in Russia

Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the number of acts committed by minors. At the same time, juvenile crime is growing 7 times faster than the change in the total population of this age category. In some regions, minors determine the crime situation as a whole. Thus, youth and teenage crime is especially developed in the Murmansk, Sakhalin, Kemerovo, Kamchatka, and Arkhangelsk regions. Here, minors commit every third illegal act.

Important circumstances

All the years during which juvenile crime has been studied, the Russian Federation has been included in the list of sovereign states of the former USSR, where it was the highest. On average, it was noted that every 5 years it increased by 14-17%. The increase in juvenile crime since 1975 has been accompanied by a decrease or an extremely slight increase in the total number of this category of the population. At the same time, there was a worsening of the situation throughout the country. Crime affected all segments of the population, but was almost always most intense in the teenage group.

Negative trends were also noted during those periods when fairly severe punitive measures were introduced for minors. During 1973-1984, the increase in the criminal record of adolescents outpaced the increase in the number of detected crimes of this group. However, the total number of juveniles sentenced to prison during this period was significant. In 1981-1985 the average annual number of convicts became the largest in the entire post-revolutionary period. Taking into account latency can make a significant amendment to the statistical results. Due to registration defects and poor identification of unlawful acts of minors, the actual indicators are 3-4 times higher than the officially reported data.

Disadvantages of the system

The practice of combating juvenile delinquency leads not only to certain distortions of the overall picture due to defects in the registration of acts, but also to incorrect and inaccurate criminal legal policies in relation to initiated and investigated cases, as well as the execution of punishment. Proceedings of acts are carried out through fragmentation of reality. This is often due to the reluctance of investigators to establish all the participants in the crimes, all the episodes, connections, etc. In practice, it turns out that thefts are allegedly committed without distributors and guides, speculation - without the organizers of the purchase, drug addicts act independently, without manufacturers and distributors, and so on. All these circumstances lead to a distortion of the crime picture. The decrease in teenage crime, therefore, occurs artificially: the total number of subjects who committed the act, the different age groups participating in them, and so on decreases.


Criminological reasons influencing the development of crime among adolescents include:

In addition, juvenile crime increases under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Unsatisfactory educational conditions in families.
  2. Insufficient assistance to parents from teachers.
  3. Unsatisfactory training of specialists conducting educational work in children's institutions.
  4. Poor work of commissions dealing with cases of minors and law enforcement agencies.

The situation is also negatively affected by the formalism in the work of a number of public organizations, whose activities should be aimed at assisting children's institutions, schools, families, the police, the court, the prosecutor's office and the prevention of juvenile crime.

Measures to improve the situation

Currently, the prevention of juvenile delinquency is the responsibility of the KDN. The commissions are directly designed to ensure interaction between various parts of the law enforcement system. However, in practice, unsatisfactory performance of the control center is often noted. This situation is due to the large volume of cases compared to the judicial authorities. Preparatory proceedings and direct examination of materials are carried out by one, often not relieved of other duties, responsible employee of the commission.

To resolve the situation, it is necessary to form a special body of professional social workers. Their competence should include family support activities. These workers must interact with children growing up in orphanages. A clear legislative definition of the form for carrying out such activities is also necessary. Today, a set of additional measures has already been developed and is being put into practice. They are aimed:

Specific measures

State policy provides:


Currently, the problem of child crime is very acute. Often, the measures taken by society and the state are extremely insufficient to correct the situation. Nevertheless, quite a large amount of work has already been done, and it has yielded a number of positive results. Measures are being actively taken to significantly change the interaction with minors in educational labor colonies. Of course, colossal work still needs to be done to improve the situation. At the same time, interaction should be carried out not only directly with minors themselves, but also with employees of authorized bodies and members of public organizations. Often, after a not very happy childhood, detention, trial, a pre-trial detention center becomes not the worst place to stay. In freedom, no one cares about the convicts. In the colony, for some, for the first time in their life, they are paid attention to. They are dressed and fed. They sleep in a warm room. And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, they lead a completely normal life.


"Causes of juvenile delinquency"

This work is devoted to one of the most important problems of our time. The study of the causes of teenage crime, which has always been relevant, has now acquired particular significance. Adolescence is traditionally considered a problematic period in the formation and development of personality. The teenager tries to prove with all his behavior that he is no longer a child. Sometimes an excessive desire to become an adult or, conversely, rejection of this leads to the manifestation of deviant behavior in adolescents. You should also take into account the fact that in adolescence, existing internal contradictions become aggravated.

The problem of crime remains always relevant for consideration, even despite the variability of the world. The world changes, behavior changes, norms change. This problem is quite specific, as it concerns the fate of the younger generation. The state and growth of crime in the future largely depends on how the motivation of adolescents is studied at the present time.

But there will always be people whose behavior does not fit into the framework of social norms. But it is impossible to consider all people, so in this work the object of study is adolescents from 12–16 years old.

“The study of adolescent delinquency and delinquent “gangs” as a social phenomenon in Russia has been carried out relatively recently, compared to the volume and number of studies in the West. In the USA, the phenomenon of street gangs has been studied since the beginning of the 20th century; the work of F. Thrasher “The Gang” (1927) is considered fundamental” - quote from R.A. Khanipov. Delinquency: modern teenage communities and violent practices // SOCIS, 2007. – No. 12. – P. 96

The need to identify the causes of crime in this category of minors is determined by the characteristics of their mental and moral development, as well as their social immaturity. In adolescence and adolescence, at the time of moral formation of the individual, an accumulation of experience occurs, including negative ones. The main goal of the work is to study the causes of teenage crime.

The criminological aspect of adolescent crime is specific for the reason that the object of attention is a person who is in the stage of personality formation. It is important that his consciousness ultimately ensures the socially useful role of the individual, and does not stimulate criminal behavior.

Shipunova T.V. believes that crime in society is caused by the contradiction associated with the relationship “dominance - submission”. This means that a large number of crimes are explained by an unconscious or indirect attempt by individuals to rebel against the unequal distribution of material wealth and life chances, or an attempt to destroy such an “unfair” distribution.

Consideration of the process of reproduction of crime presupposes a systemic analysis of society as a whole, since society contains the sources of all existing crimes, because it contains the conditions conducive to their development. Society creates the possibility of committing a crime. The criminal realizes this possibility; he is only a tool, a manifestation of the properties and characteristics of society. The quantity and quality of crimes (their types) are determined by the organization of society, crime is a necessary consequence of its organization.

This process approach is proposed by Shipunova T.V. in your work. However, she also talks about other approaches, for example, Within the framework of a systemic and structural-functional analysis of crime, researchers define the phenomenon of crime as a system consisting of individual functional elements.

When considering the statistics, it is shown that the totality of crimes cannot be systemic, since some of the crimes are not related to each other.

In the structural-functional approach, researchers rely on the idea that the presence and constant persistence of crime in society performs a certain social function, serves as a form of either regulatory or adaptive response to social processes, phenomena, institutions, etc.

Work by Khanipov R.A. about delinquency and modern teenage communities is based on sociological research, including mass surveys and in-depth interviews. The object of study in his work is groups of delinquent youth. The first in-depth interviews with adolescents were conducted in the fall of 2001 (the responses are also used in this work). We conducted a mass survey of schoolchildren (100 people from one school) for the first time in the city of Leninogorsk in the spring of 2003. The results of this study were published. In the spring of 2006, we conducted a large-scale survey: 599 schoolchildren from 5 schools (13 schools in total) in the city of Leninogorsk, and 19 in-depth interviews with schoolchildren were also conducted. Compared to 2003, the 2006 survey was more “clean” in terms of the research procedure, thereby making it possible to obtain the most truthful answers. This city was chosen because of its high crime rate. Interviewed All students in grades 7, 8, 9, 313 girls and 286 boys, 12–17 years old. The age cohort was distributed as follows: teenagers 16 years old - 2%, 15 years old - 25%, 14 years old - 51%, 13 years old - 21%, 12 years old - 1%. The author’s conclusions in the work are presented as follows:

· 18% of boys noted that they were subjected to threats, extortion of money, beatings from peers,

· 2% responded that they often experience such physical violence.

· However, only 3% of girls were subjected to threats and extortion of money (1% of them - often).

Khanipov R.A. believes that this can be explained by a kind of “gender regime”, when violent practices on the part of boys are not used against girls.

80% of boys and 74% of girls indicated the existence of gangs in the city; 35% of boys and 23% of girls admitted that they belong to a group association. But what motivates teenagers to organize groups? The author writes in his article that more than half of the girls are in groups because they like to spend time there, while the majority of boys are in groups in order to protect themselves. It can be concluded that boys are subjected to more violent attacks from peers than girls. One of the motivations, the author believes, is the possibility of demanding money through group violence.

The researcher draws a parallel between the organization of teenage delinquent groups and network marketing as a network organization that brings profit to sales agents - the leaders of the gangs and the main agent, perhaps the main organizer of a certain delinquent community. The teenage groups that the author studies represent a multi-tiered network that can be represented as a root system, where each root trunk gives off branches, and these in turn give off new ones. Thus, delinquent communities as a network organization generate profit; the more participants, the greater the profit for higher leaders.

For difficult teenagers, an informal group becomes the only place where they can compensate for their failures, gain recognition and approval from peers, and experience a sense of psychological comfort and emotional well-being. In this case, it is especially important to take into account the social circle of difficult-to-educate adolescents. The further formation of each teenager’s personality and behavior depends on who they communicate with, the nature and content of this communication.

offender family teenager transitional

The family is the most important unit of society. It is thanks to this cell that all the values ​​that guide him throughout his life are embedded in a person’s consciousness. And everything that happens inside this cell directly or indirectly affects the child, including his behavior. The family, and everything that happens within it, is the precursor to the behavior of a teenager.

One of the conditions for the formation of the personality of a minor offender is family dysfunction, negative family conditions: lack of a normal moral environment in the family, alcoholism of parents or relatives, their immoral behavior, etc.

Families of juvenile offenders can be classified into three groups:

1) socially neutral;

2) with passive antisocial education;

3) with active antisocial education.

The proposed classification scheme does not include a group of families with an active social upbringing that can have a positive influence on minors. And it makes sense to divide these groups of families into those willing and able to have a positive impact; those who want, but do not know how or do not have the opportunity to exert such influence and, finally, on those who do not want and cannot.

The relationship between dysfunctional families and juvenile delinquency has long been established. However, in the literature one can find quite different statistical data reflecting this relationship.

Samiulina Y.V. in his work on seminal problems, he cites research data from G.L. Kastorsky, which show that among juvenile delinquents, every third one was brought up in an environment of family dysfunction, caused by defects in the moral position of the parents and their way of life. Deprived of the necessary emotional comfort and communication in a morally dysfunctional family, they seek to compensate for them in the company of representatives of the criminal world who willingly take on their “education.” In such a company, a teenager receives satisfaction of the need for communication and self-affirmation, the necessary social and emotional comfort.

In the basis of the article Lelekova V.A. and Kosheleva E.V. based on the results of a sociological study of the parent families of 1,758 minors who committed a crime in 2003–2004. in 18 subjects of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation (CFD), as well as materials from internal affairs bodies, including criminal law, administrative statistics. The main hypothesis of the study was the following: even in relatively prosperous regions, the type and nature of the family influence the rates of juvenile delinquency.

The Central Federal District was not taken by chance. It is here that the value of national wealth is concentrated, and this area also leads in the number of divorce cases.

Calculation of juvenile crime rates is possible only based on statistics on solved crimes. Juvenile delinquency rates calculated from solved crimes are not comparable to overall crime rates, which are calculated from all reported crimes.

The influence of the family on juvenile delinquency is discussed in many works by lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, and practitioners. The severe consequences of shortcomings in family upbringing include crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and other pathological phenomena, the source of which in most cases was the circumstances surrounding the child in the family. Lelekov V.A. calculated that the contribution of such families to juvenile delinquency is 30–35%. In different years in different regions of the country, the absence of one of the parents was recorded among juvenile delinquents much more often than among adolescents who did not commit crimes. Of the teenagers who committed a second crime, 46% were raised in a single-parent family. Juvenile offenders begin drinking alcoholic beverages at the age of 13–16. They learn about drinking traditions at a much earlier age and, as a rule, in the family. According to data from an article on the influence of family on juvenile delinquency Lelekova V.A. and Kosheleva E.V. It can be seen that among minors who committed crimes, over 42% had previously consumed alcohol and committed the crime while drunk. Almost every second of them drank alcohol before their arrest; At the same time, 14% drank alcohol for the first time with their parents and relatives; 36% of juvenile offenders were brought up in families in which parents and relatives were previously convicted. Surveys of penal colony pupils show that every seventh person started smoking in the first or second grade, drinking alcohol a little later, after two or three years, and in 67% of cases - at home, with family and relatives.

At the same time, it is emphasized that in families of deviants (primarily delinquents), there is no emotional contact between the child and both parents or with one of them, in the case of boys - with the father. What follows is a significant decrease in the level of mutual understanding, not to mention any cooperation between the parents themselves. Excessive demands and indifference have sharply increased and excessive kindness towards children has decreased, which indicates a deterioration in the microclimate in families as a result of the aggravated economic, spiritual, moral, and political situation in society as a whole.

The moral and legal character of a family where juvenile criminals were raised clearly demonstrates its negative impact on children. During the years separating the two studies, the criminality of families became even more acute. Children who later ended up in prison were raised in particularly difficult conditions. Of these, half of the boys and three quarters of the girls had previously convicted close relatives.

Attention is drawn to cruelty and violence in such families. The study of cases of murders committed by minors indicates that it is in this category of cases that the crime was preceded by a long-term conflict relationship between the future victim (most often fathers or stepfathers and other adult relatives: other persons at the minor’s place of residence) and the convicted person. In every fourth family, these persons systematically terrorized a minor and other relatives, drank and provoked the crime themselves. In these families, immorality and the cult of violence in interpersonal relationships became established as a way of communication. Based on the materials of judicial statistics presented in the article, one can conclude that crime is rejuvenating, and the article also provides tables indicating that the number of parents who negatively influence children and are registered is 2.4 times less than registered adolescents. This is due to high latency and low detection of families with unsatisfactory upbringing of children. This conclusion is confirmed by the data provided by Lelekov V.A. on a comparison of the number of protocols drawn up against parents for failure to fulfill the responsibilities of raising children (93,702) and the number of such parents registered (30,723). It is also necessary to pay attention to the following circumstance. During the year, the number of registered parents changes not so much quantitatively as qualitatively. If at the end of the reporting period their number in the Central Federal District increased by only 2.1%, then the personal composition of parents changed by 63.7%.

In conditions of a poor and sometimes beggarly existence, minors, sometimes like their parents, justify any method of obtaining funds, including criminal, moreover, due to the inability, lack of opportunity to achieve this in an honest way, this method remains almost the only one . Many families lead a miserable lifestyle. Increasingly, crimes are being recorded that are committed by parents together with their children in order to simply feed themselves.

Several cases of involvement of minors in stable criminal groups by relatives have been revealed. Parents leading an antisocial lifestyle and systematically drinking heavily encouraged their children to commit a series of thefts. Selling the stolen goods, they allocated pocket money to the children from the proceeds.

The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the main criminogenic factors of families in a socially dangerous situation, which negatively affect the behavior of minors, do not resist, but contribute to their committing crimes, include:

· raising children in single-parent families;

· presence of convicted relatives in the family (parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents)

· alcohol abuse by adult family members, scandals, fights, sexual promiscuity;

· difficult financial situation, poor living conditions of families, lack of a separate room for children, need for food and clothing;

· low legal culture, legal nihilism of parents and other adult family members.

· rudeness, cruelty, domestic violence, raising children in conditions of emotional starvation.

Thus, the negative microclimate of a dysfunctional family and the antisocial behavior of its adult members contribute to the fact that children raised in such families not only adopt negative patterns of behavior, but also internalize value orientations, implementing them in personal antisocial behavior. It is not unreasonable to believe that family relationships between parents and children have a decisive influence on the direction and nature of their social behavior. This requires mutual understanding in the family, a fair and sensitive attitude towards the minor teenager, and the absence of conflicts. Statistical materials and special studies allow us to conclude that the conditions for embarking on the path of demoralization for adolescents are their social deprivation, alcoholism, the corrupting influence of the family, immediate environment, sexual harassment, including relatives, and direct sexual aggression in the form of rape. Many girls suffer from neuropsychiatric disorders. Their occurrence is explained by the influence of unfavorable social factors, the general immaturity of the adolescent’s mental structure, uneven development of the body, which causes pathology of drives, increased sexuality, as well as the consequences of a hereditarily affected mental organization, which acts as an internal prerequisite.

Now it is more profitable for teenagers to gather in groups to commit criminal acts. And more often, gang members say that they simply do not have protectors in the family.


1) Lelekov, V.A. The influence of the family on juvenile delinquency / V.A. Lelekov, E.V. Kosheleva // SOCIS, 2006. – No. 1. – pp. 103–113

2) Lelekov, V.A. On the prevention of juvenile delinquency / V.A. Lelekov, E.V. Kosheleva // SOCIS, 2007. – No. 12. – pp. 87–95.

3) Samiulina Y.V. Family troubles as a cause of juvenile delinquency // Legal analytical journal. 2005. No. 3–4 (15–16) – pp. 36–41

4) Khanipov, R.A. Delinquency: modern teenage communities and violent practices // SOCIS, 2007. – No. 12. – P. 95–103.

5) Shipunova, T.V. Approaches to explaining crime: opposition or complementarity // SOCIS, 2006. – No. 1. S-89–98

Shipunova, T.V. Approaches to explaining crime: opposition or complementarity // SOCIS, 2006. - No. 1. - p. - 90

Khanipov, R.A. Delinquency: modern teenage communities and violent practices // SOCIS, 2007. - No. 12. – P.96

Samiulina Y.V. Family troubles as a cause of juvenile delinquency//Legal Analytical Journal. 2005. No. 3-4 (15-16) - P.37

Lelekov, V.A. The influence of the family on juvenile delinquency / V.A. Lelekov, E.V. Kosheleva // SOCIS, 2006. - No. 1.-P.104

Lelekov, V.A. The influence of the family on juvenile delinquency / V.A. Lelekov, E.V. Kosheleva // SOCIS, 2006. - No. 1.-P.106



1.1 The problem of teenage crime in modern Russia

1.2 Psychological characteristics of adolescents who have committed offenses

1.3 Psychological content of adolescence


2.1 Main directions of psychosocial work with adolescents who have committed offenses

2.2 Measures to prevent crime among adolescents using psychosocial work methods




This work examines the problem of our time - juvenile delinquency. Let us highlight the basic concepts that we will use in our work.

A crime is considered a specific socially dangerous act (action or inaction) provided for by criminal law that encroaches on the social or state structure of the Russian Federation, its political and economic system, state, public and private property, personality, political, labor, property and other rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as any other socially dangerous act committed guilty of guilt, provided for by criminal law.

It is important to note that only acts provided for by criminal law are considered crimes. An act not specified in the law does not belong to the category of crimes and can be considered a disciplinary, administrative or immoral offense.

Social danger is the criterion that defines an act as a crime, that is, causing significant damage (harm) to existing social relations or containing a real threat of causing such damage to these relations should be regarded as a crime. Society is faced with a fact: crime among minors is growing catastrophically quickly, its structure and character are radically changing.

Such children need financial, legal, and psychosocial assistance. The psychological characteristics of juvenile offenders determine the specifics of their behavior.

The object of study of this course work is the problem of juvenile delinquency in modern Russia.

The subject of this course work is the psychological characteristics of adolescent offenders.

The purpose of this course work is to analyze the main directions of psychosocial work with adolescent offenders.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks, which are reflected in the titles of chapters and paragraphs.

The first chapter, entitled “Teenage Crime as a Problem of Modern Society,” solves the following problems:

Consider the problems of teenage crime in modern Russia;

To study the psychological content of adolescence; - to find out the psychological characteristics of adolescent offenders;

The second chapter, entitled “Psychosocial assistance with adolescent offenders,” addresses the following tasks:

Consider the main directions of psychosocial work with adolescent offenders;

To study measures to prevent delinquency among adolescents. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the results for further study of teenage crime and psychosocial assistance to them.

This course work consists of an introduction, which reveals the relevance of the topic, two chapters, five paragraphs, a conclusion and a bibliography.


1.1 The problem of teenage crime in modern Russia

A teenager is a growing person, in whose complicated activities there is a clear focus on a new nature of social observations.

Currently, society is faced with a fact: crime among minors is growing catastrophically quickly, its structure and nature are radically changing. It is important to understand the essence of this phenomenon, to understand why everything happens this way. Not only because with the collapse of the USSR, the crisis of society and statehood, the previously existing system of prevention collapsed, and not only due to the influence of a number of socially negative factors, as criminologists pointed out and point out, but also because we do not know modern teenage crime , we don’t know what she is. We judge it superficially on the basis of only clearly visible signs. At the same time, neither teachers, nor practical psychologists, nor law enforcement officials are psychologically prepared for its rapid changes. And hence there are serious omissions in preventive work. Let's consider the main characteristics of teenage crime.

Juvenile crime is growing disproportionately fast. Typically, crime rates are compared with the dynamics of the adolescent population. There is a pattern when the increase in crime corresponds to an increase or decrease in the teenage population. And now the increase in crime among teenagers and young men significantly outpaces the growth of the teenage population: crime among minors has approximately doubled in 10 years. And the teenage population decreased by 15-20%. This is according to our imperfect and gentle statistics. In fact, it is difficult to obtain accurate data, since in juvenile crime there is a high level of latency, when a crime is committed, but law enforcement agencies do not know about it. For example, not all victims of rape, racketeering, pickpocketing, burglary, and fraud report a crime committed against them. The reasons are different, depending on the nature of the crime committed, for example, in case of rape, false shame acts; reluctance to disclose compromising information about oneself; threats from rapists; payment by the parents of the rapists to the parents of the victims of “farm money”; the feeling of awkwardness experienced by the girl in front of the investigator (most of whom are men), etc. In case of racketeering, pickpocketing, and fraud, other reasons apply. Very often it is a lack of faith in the ability of the police to catch and prosecute criminals; the choice of the least evil (“they will drag you down through the investigation and the courts”). Not even all burglaries are reported by victims, especially those who have something to hide from their ill-gotten gains. Thus, a group of teenagers, through tipsters, found out the rich apartments of people who had made a fortune through illegal means.

Today, on average across the country, every tenth crime is committed by a teenager or young man. In some regions - every fourth. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in crime among children under 14 years of age. There are cases when 11-12 year old children have extensive experience in pickpocketing, stealing from cars, and stealing bicycles. Often such children make a living by “shoeing” other children at train stations - they surround them and take their money. As a rule, such children grow up in dysfunctional families, where one of the parents, and sometimes both, are deprived of parental rights. Problems in families, bad relationships with stepfathers, poverty push children out onto the streets. Some people hand over bottles and sell newspapers, others are engaged in theft. Many juvenile thieves are caught several times. After returning home, they again take up their trade. Cases where children at the age of 13 have never been to school and cannot read and write are quite common. Usually 13-14 year old children finish grades 5-6 and don’t want to study anymore. Substance abuse is common among these children. The highest level of criminal activity of minors in recent years has been observed in the Republic of Buryatia, Primorsky Territory, Sakhalin Region (300-500 criminals per 10 thousand population aged 14-17 years). In 1994, this group of the population committed over 210 thousand crimes. What's behind this number? The fact that very early a significant part of the teenage population falls into the criminal world and becomes familiar with its terrible laws of life. Hence the greatest likelihood of relapse: the sooner a person takes this path, the faster he reaches the level of a particularly dangerous recidivist. This is a pattern.

Therefore, over the past 15 years, the average age of a particularly dangerous recidivist has decreased by 4-5 years (from 28-30 years to 23-25 ​​years). A repeat offender is dangerous not only and not so much because of the potential for him to commit a new crime, but because of the possibility of introducing unstable teenagers and young men to a criminal lifestyle. He does not act alone, but organizes criminal groups, drawing newcomers into them, i.e. begins to criminalize the teenage population and give rise to primary crime. A repeat offender becomes a teacher and mentor of teenagers in the field of criminal activity. A young recidivist is also dangerous because in age (23-25 ​​years) he is not far from teenagers and therefore, as a person, he is psychologically interesting to them. This means that the more minors take the path of crime, the greater the danger of escalation of crime, i.e. its self-generation, self-development according to its inherent laws. It is known that the origins of the formation of criminogenic and criminal groups of minors are in the family dysfunction of adolescents, their unsatisfactory position in the primary educational community (class, study group), in violation of the principle of social justice in relation to individual students, and the formalization of work with them. They strive to compensate for all this with freedom on the “streets” among the same rejected and misunderstood people.

It is the need for communication (in adolescents it is special and intensified), the need for self-affirmation, for the realization of one’s capabilities and abilities, for the recognition of others, the search for psychological and physical protection from the unreasonable claims of others that forces them to unite in groups.

Although juvenile delinquency can be heard, seen and even experienced, most people still do not take the problem seriously. Of course, the economy, social policy, and spiritual sphere are not developed at the proper level in our country and are not at all conducive to the eradication of crime.

Thus, a study of the problems of adolescents has shown that in conditions of instability in the development of society, the processes of maladaptation of children and adolescents are sharply increasing, associated with an increase in family poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction, an increase in homelessness and neglect of minors, which gives rise to an increase in child crime.

teenager crime psychosocial

1.2 Psychological characteristics of adolescents who have committed offenses

Until recently, the attention of specialists in the field of law, psychology and criminology was focused mainly on those characteristics of adolescents that are characterized by a “normal” personality. The psychological characteristics of juvenile offenders determine the specifics of their behavior.

A teenager who has committed a crime has the following psychological properties: lack of restraint and aggressive behavior, a tendency to interpersonal conflicts, stubbornness, inability to obey, difficulties in social adaptation, combined with a powerful psychological defense mechanism - projection of one’s own problems, feelings, emotions onto others, inclination to antisocial behavior and disregard for moral and ethical norms, customs, rules, the ability to persistently implement such a tendency against the backdrop of broken social ties.

Normative behavior of an individual is characterized by a number of psychological characteristics and patterns. It unfolds in a socially problematic situation, includes the processes of developing and making normative decisions, it is characterized by complex combinations of conscious and unconscious components and levels of mental activity, and it includes complex mental operations and actions with norms as conditions for normative tasks and behavior. The personality is characterized by a stable type of normative behavior and normative value system.

When forming a personality under normal conditions of socialization, legal prohibitions are taken into account and become habitual frameworks of behavior; a social stereotype of the individual gradually develops. This stereotype is based on an individual offense based on public legal consciousness. A person develops a mechanism of social self-regulation, i.e. habitual willingness to act in a given environment in a certain way.

Almost all higher mental processes influence the specific organization of consciousness.

Deviations from the norms of consciousness and behavior of adolescent delinquents depend on a number of reasons, among which the influence of negative factors on the formation of individual consciousness is of great importance.

The study of persons who committed a crime revealed the following patterns:

The legal consciousness of the person who committed the crime, as a rule, in a number of aspects does not coincide with the existing public legal consciousness and contradicts legal norms;

The criminal denies a specific legal norm and a group of norms that protect social relations that he has encroached on;

The criminal accepts as correct and fair the current legal norm in accordance with which he was convicted, in its abstract understanding, but considers it unfair (usually, unnecessarily harsh) in relation to himself.

Consequently, when re-educating convicts, it is necessary to work on restoring not legal consciousness in general, but precisely those aspects of it that are lost or denied by a given person.

A psychologist and psychosocial worker practicing in social isolation institutions faces the serious task of individual planning of diagnostic and correctional work with a teenage offender.

The implementation of the task of developing legal consciousness in adolescent delinquents using the principle of active learning includes the actualization of heuristic activity in students.

Firstly, it is necessary to abandon the common form of transferring ready-made knowledge to a teenager about existing legal norms.

Secondly, the consequences of violating the norm should not be considered with a predominance of intimidating motives for a possible crime.

Overcoming defects in legal consciousness in adolescent offenders involves updating reflection in adolescents, without which it is impossible to comprehend their own actions and their laws.

Thus, the psychological characteristics of adolescent delinquents include: lack of restraint and aggressive behavior, a tendency to interpersonal conflicts, stubbornness, inability to obey, difficulties in social adaptation, combined with a powerful psychological defense mechanism, projection of their own problems, feelings, a tendency to antisocial behavior and disregard for moral and ethical standards.

1.3 Psychological content of adolescence

Adolescence is one of the most sensitive and critical periods of human development and formation as a biological species and as an individual. During this period, revolutionary changes occur in the human body and in his psyche. Most people associate this time with the desire for freedom, independence, pleasure, the experience of choosing a life path and prospects.

Puberty is the period of puberty. From the point of view of ontogenesis, at this time there is a transition from childhood to adolescence, accompanied by serious biological changes in the human body. Changes in the body associated with hormonal imbalances during puberty are difficult for adolescents. And bodily problems are one of the components of the teenage crisis. Teenagers are sensitive to the imperfection of their body, acne, disproportions of limbs, delayed formation of secondary sexual characteristics, delayed formation of nervous regulation mechanisms. Such deficiencies often lead to the formation of dysmorphophobia, i.e. fear and irritation at one’s appearance. An extreme manifestation of this problem may be adolescent self-aggressive or violent behavior, which is based on overcompensation of subjectively experienced bodily defects. The main biological content of puberty is puberty and, as a consequence, increased sexual desire, which is difficult for adolescents to cope with. This biological platform is the basis for emotional instability and a sharp increase in conflict behavior characteristic of this age period.

The psychological content of adolescence (12-18 years old) is, according to E. Erikson, an identity crisis. Identity refers to the definition of oneself as a person, as an individual. Its crisis occurs after the collapse of the child's self, when the child has not yet separated himself from his parents psychologically and socially. The teenager begins to feel that some changes are happening in him. The body changes because it is at this age that a new stage of physical maturation begins. He ceases to feel like a child, he has a lot of questions to which he does not yet know the answers, he wants more and more to attract attention to himself. He ceases to feel like a child, he has a lot of questions to which he does not yet know the answers, he wants more and more to attract attention to himself. He becomes very sensitive to the opinions and assessments of people around him.

As a rule, a teenager at this age identifies himself with the person who is the bearer of the most attractive behavior model. A person is looking for someone who could become his “mirror” through which he would check his actions. He chooses an idol for himself, and makes other adults dependent on their attitude towards his choice. Most often, the “teenage ideal” is characterized by shocking behavior that refutes the moral norms of the “older” generation. The teenager makes this idol a “fighter for justice.” In this situation, parents suffer the most.

The cognitive development of adolescents during this period also undergoes significant changes. The level of thinking changes, a person is already able to think at a high level of complexity, abstract-logical thinking is formed. In adolescence, children feel their emerging intellectual capabilities. Associated with these new possibilities are such phenomena as searching for mistakes in adults, looking for rare interesting information, especially if it contradicts generally accepted points of view, and presenting it to one of the adults. In general, this can be characterized as testing previously developed decisions and making new ones aimed at occupying their own niche in the adult world.

However, adolescent thinking is characterized by certain features that leave a serious imprint not only on the intellectual, but also on the behavioral sphere.

Firstly, they are characterized by a tendency to extreme options for assessing facts and events - exaggeration or understatement.

Secondly, teenagers strive for globalization of thinking and draw decisive and final conclusions from incomplete, isolated information.

Thirdly, they base their conclusions on extreme maximalism, without distinguishing nuances. For them there is only black or white. This black and white thinking, maximalism is a striking characteristic of adolescence. The teenager seeks and strives to take his place in the world of adults, to somehow designate it and achieve recognition of his rights to it. Often he overcomes the strongest resistance of adults who do not want competitors to appear in their world. For a teenager, this is his first experience, since previously, as a child, he was deprived of the right to such a choice. He begins to create his own world and does not want to be invaded without his decision. A teenager wants to prove his independence and autonomy, to prove that he is already a child. The search for personal autonomy and deep intimate relationships begins. Interpersonal problems of adolescents are precisely based on the search for deep intimate relationships with another person, often completely devoid of sexual overtones. The inconsistency of this situation lies in the fact that, “fighting” against adults, he singles out some of them, raises them to the pedestal and honors them more than anyone else, unquestioningly everything that the “teacher” says. An authoritative adult appears even with a good relationship with parents, since it is important for a teenager that he did not see or know him when he was little, they only met now. The roles of an authoritative adult and an idol rarely coincide, since they have different functions. An idol is an ideal, often unattainable, to which one must strive, to which unrealized and undifferentiated sexual needs are transferred, and who acts as a role model. An authoritative adult performs an explanatory, encyclopedic function.

Many teenagers are terrified of being alone. Communication is very important for them, especially with peers, it is important to be accepted into a peer group. Identifying oneself with peers is part of the search for identity and a way of emancipation from parents.

The teenage crisis is a crisis of transition to a new age stratum, which leads to strong cultural changes in a person’s environment. Even the type of leading activity is changing - work is replacing educational activity. In archaic cultures, this crisis was characterized by a smaller discrepancy between the onset of physical and social maturity, and also found a constructive solution in the initiation system, which was practically destroyed with the development of Western civilization.

However, adolescent thinking is characterized by certain features that leave a serious imprint not only on the intellectual, but also on the behavioral sphere.


2.1 Main directions of psychosocial work with adolescents who have committed offenses

The effectiveness of psychosocial work with adolescent offenders depends on the team of employees. The structural links are employees of various departments and services, a psychosocial worker, employees of a comprehensive school, a social worker, a vocational school and a medical unit. Psychosocial work with adolescent offenders is aimed at psychological support and emotional instability of adolescents. Depending on the focus of psychosocial work with adolescent offenders, the following strategies can be distinguished:

Working with “at-risk groups” in medical and medical-social institutions; creation of a network of social support institutions;

work in schools, creation of a network of “healthy schools”, inclusion of preventive classes in the curricula of all schools;

Working with family.

But it is possible to identify the most effective areas of work with teenage offenders, which can form the basis for the development of rehabilitation and psychocorrectional programs.

1. Game therapy, i.e. the use of various types of games. Play is a natural environment for teenagers to express themselves. What a teenager does during play symbolizes his emotions and fears. Unconsciously, the child expresses with emotions in the game what he can then realize; he better understands his emotions and copes with them. The game helps to build a good relationship between the juvenile delinquent and the psychologist and his behavior will be spontaneous. The game allows the psychologist to learn more about the life history of a teenage delinquent. To work with teenagers, a psychologist can use free play and directive (controlled) play.

2. Art therapy. This method is based on the use of art as a symbolic activity. The use of this method has two mechanisms of psychological correction. The first is aimed at the influence of art through the symbolic function of reconstructing a conflict-traumatic situation and finding a way out through the reconstruction of this situation. The second is related to the nature of the aesthetic reaction, which allows you to change the reaction of living negative affect in relation to the formation of positive affect that brings pleasure. When working with teenagers, a psychologist uses play therapy and complements it with art therapy methods.

3. Music therapy allows you to work with teenage delinquents who experience fears, anxiety, restlessness. For example: when presented with calm music that causes pleasant sensations, the teenager is instructed to think about objects that cause him fear, anxiety, etc.

4. Bibliotherapy. A method of influencing a child, causing his experiences and feelings by reading books. For this purpose, the psychologist selects literary works that describe the fears of adolescents, forms of experiencing stressful situations, and a way out of a terrible situation for adolescents. To carry out this type of work, we can recommend using works of classic literature for teenagers of different ages.

5. Logotherapy is a method of conversational therapy, which differs from a heart-to-heart conversation aimed at establishing trust between an adult and a teenager. Logotherapy involves a conversation with a teenager aimed at verbalizing his emotional states, verbal description of emotional experiences.

6. Psychodrama, or drama therapy, is the use of puppet dramatization in the work of a psychologist. Adults (or older children) perform a puppet show, “playing out” situations that are conflicting and significant for a teenager, inviting him to look at this situation from the outside and see himself in it. With teenagers who show anxiety, fear, have experienced stress, and various types of trauma, the greatest effect is achieved by using the biodrama method. Its essence is that teenagers are preparing a performance, but all the characters in it are animals. The experiences of adolescents, realized through the images of animals, differ from human ones and at the same time help to understand the feelings of others.

7. Moritatherapy. A method by which a psychologist puts a child in a situation of having to make a good impression on others. The psychologist invites the child to express his opinion about something, and then corrects his ability to speak out, give an assessment, take a pose accordingly, use facial expressions, gestures, intonation, etc. d. In other words, this method helps to educate the rules of good manners, to comply with the norms and rules of the culture of the society in which the child is currently located. A psychologist can recommend to educators and social workers how to study a child’s behavior in a specific situation in which he finds himself.

8. Gestalt therapy. This method can be used by a psychologist for individual work with teenagers, in heart-to-heart conversations. It is carried out as a transformation of a child’s story into action. An example would be a type of work such as “Unfinished Business”, “I Have a Secret”, “My Dreams”. The child tells the psychologist what he dreamed, and the psychologist asks him to show what he dreamed with the help of movements, actions, materials, toys, masks, plasticine, etc.

9. Behavioral psychotherapy is the systematic elimination of fears, bad habits, and unapproved behavior of individual adolescents. This method is used in individual work with adolescents or in work with small subgroups. This method can be recommended to be used by a psychologist to work on overcoming fears. For this purpose, viewing slides, films, and videos is used, which cause adolescents to experience a feeling of fear until the fear decreases. A psychologist can intensify the experiences of fear in adolescents until they take on comic forms. The result of this work will be laughter between the psychologist and the child, humor, and the joy of shared experiences, which are a kind of catharsis.

Thus, when working with teenage delinquents, orphanages, crisis centers, boarding schools, and social hotels, a psychologist needs to think through various forms of classes and methods of conducting them. The use of various kinds of games, art therapy, music therapy, bibliotherapy, logotherapy, drama therapy, moritatherapy, gestalt therapy, behavioral psychotherapy.

A psychologist from social and pedagogical support institutions must work not only with adolescent offenders, but also with all employees in close unity: with educators, social educators and social workers, teachers, doctors, club leaders, etc. Next, we will consider common crime prevention measures among adolescents using psychosocial work methods.

2.2 Measures to prevent crime among adolescents using psychosocial work methods

Prevention of adolescents is a long and painstaking process that does not tolerate forcing events, and therefore allows not only to solve isolated momentary problems of children and their parents, but also to prevent those that, although predictable, have not yet received their final expression. The World Health Organization has adopted a classification of prevention that includes primary, secondary and tertiary forms.

Primary prevention is a system of actions aimed at developing positive stress-resistant forms of behavior while simultaneously changing maladaptive, already formed disturbed forms of behavior. Primary prevention - working with adolescents.

Secondary prevention is intended for adolescents who have already developed risk behavior. This is a system of actions aimed at changing already existing maladaptive forms of behavior and positive development of personal resources and personal strategies.

Tertiary prevention is the prevention of relapse through a system of actions aimed at reducing the risk of committing antisocial acts or resuming the use of alcohol and drugs, as well as activating personal resources that promote adaptation to environmental conditions and the formation of socially effective behavior strategies.

Special psychological and pedagogical measures include:

Psychodiagnostic: study of the student population and identification of persons with an increased criminal risk (difficult and educationally neglected students registered in the OPPN and KDN, as well as those with a criminal record, who arrived from special schools or colonies), identification of their friendships within the school (college) and beyond.

Psychocorrectional: systematic legal educational work with these students using individual and collective forms of work, monitoring their interpersonal relationships;

psychoprophylactic: the use of a wide range of early prevention measures for group offenses on the part of adolescents “pushed out” from dysfunctional families, as well as from educational groups; ensuring systematic monitoring of their behavior inside school, college and beyond.

When working with teenagers, it is important to remember that the vast majority of them, due to their age, are not able to perform any monotonous work or be in the same environment for a long time. Due to their age, they need a constant change of impressions. The greatest number of various kinds of behavioral deviations is observed when adolescents are involved in routine, heavy unskilled work that does not correspond to their physical capabilities, as well as in monotonous, monotonous work. Interesting, exciting, creative activity that corresponds to the mental and physical capabilities of minors, properly stimulated by the achievement of personally significant and collective (group) perspectives is an important means of prevention. Refusal to work is the main indicator of minors' claims to high status in the informal social structure.

When working with teenagers, it is necessary to use their desire to group, and in this situation you can work both with established stable groups and create others. It is very difficult when working with criminals to avoid evaluating the actions they have committed. When organizing psychological assistance for juvenile offenders, it is important to be guided not only by the psychologist’s code of ethics and international and state documents relating to the protection of the rights and interests of children and adolescents, but also by criminal, penal legislation and the departmental regulatory framework.

To prevent the development of asthenia, apathy, reactive psychoses and related conflicts, it is important to pay great attention to physical education (in particular, bodybuilding) as a psychocorrective factor influencing students. In addition, many teenagers need to be taught basic sanitation and hygiene skills.

Thus, an analysis of modern approaches to organizing social prevention of maladjusted children indicates that in social practice a wide variety of models are being formed for social support and assistance for this category of the population. The development of various models of social prevention of maladjusted adolescents, in our opinion, will help to significantly reduce neglect and homelessness among minors.


This study was conducted to study the problems of teenage crime in modern society, the psychological characteristics of adolescent offenders and the main directions of work with them. Although juvenile delinquency can be heard, seen and even experienced, most people still do not take the problem seriously. During the study, the following objectives were achieved:

The problems of teenage crime in modern Russia are considered;

To study the psychological content of adolescence;

The psychological characteristics of adolescent offenders have been clarified;

The main directions of psychosocial work with adolescent offenders are considered;

Measures to prevent crime among adolescents have been studied. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study:

1) A study of the problems of adolescents has shown that in conditions of instability in the development of society, the processes of maladaptation of children and adolescents are sharply increasing, associated with an increase in family poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction, an increase in homelessness and neglect of minors, which gives rise to an increase in child crime.

2) In adolescence, children feel their emerging intellectual capabilities. Associated with these new possibilities are such phenomena as searching for mistakes in adults, looking for rare interesting information, especially if it contradicts generally accepted points of view, and presenting it to one of the adults. In general, this can be characterized as testing previously developed decisions and making new ones aimed at occupying their own niche in the adult world.

3) The psychological characteristics of adolescent delinquents include: lack of restraint and aggressive behavior, a tendency to interpersonal conflicts, stubbornness, inability to obey, difficulties in social adaptation, combined with a powerful psychological defense mechanism, projection of one’s own problems, feelings, a tendency towards antisocial behavior and neglect to moral and ethical standards.

However, adolescent thinking is characterized by certain features that leave a serious imprint not only on the intellectual, but also on the behavioral sphere.

4) When working with teenage delinquents, orphanages, crisis centers, boarding schools, social hotels, a psychologist needs to think through various forms of classes and methods of conducting them. The use of various kinds of games, art therapy, music therapy, bibliotherapy, logotherapy, drama therapy, moritatherapy, gestalt therapy, behavioral psychotherapy.

5) Analysis of modern approaches to organizing social prevention of maladjusted children indicates that in social practice a wide variety of models are being formed for social support and assistance for this category of the population. The development of various models of social prevention of maladjusted adolescents, in our opinion, will help to significantly reduce neglect and homelessness among minors.

In this work, the origins and reasons for the formation of the problem itself were explored. Based on this, we can conclude: it is possible to combat recidivism among minors by ensuring the social adaptation of adolescents; parents play a huge role in the lives of adolescents. They need to understand that they should not forget about the spiritual and moral sides of education. After all, children want to be understood, feel needed and have equal rights with everyone else. It is necessary for children to become adults in front of their parents’ eyes, with their help.


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2. Gulina, M.A., [Text] Psychology of social work / O.N. Alexandrova, O.N. Bogolyubova, N.L. Vasilyeva and others; edited by M.A. Gulina. -SPb.: Peter, 2002. - 352s.

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4. Enikeev, M.I., [Text] General and social. psychologist: textbook - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2008.-440 p.

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6. Zmanovskaya, E.E. Deviantology: (Psychology of deviant behavior): Proc. aid for students higher textbook establishment / Elena Valerievna Zmanovskaya. -3-3 ed., rev. And additional - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 183s.

7. Inshakov, S.M. [Text] Foreign criminology. M., 1997.250p.

8. Rubinshtein S.L. Principles and ways of development of psychology.: Progress, 1959. 235 p.

9. Safonova, L.V. [Text] Contents and methods of psychosocial work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / L.V. Safonova.- 2nd ed., ster.- M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.- 224 p.

Yu. Kholostova, E.I. [Text] Social work: textbook. manual for universities/E.I. Kholostova. - M.: "Dashkov and Co", 2004. - 692 p.

11. Firsov, M.V., Shapiro, B.K [Text] Social psychology. work.: Contents and methods of psychosocial practice: Textbook. aid for students higher Textbook institutions.- M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002p-192p.


Inshakov, S.M.

FOREIGN CRIMINOLOGY. M., 1 9 9 7 p.250-270

Kholostova, E.I. [Text] Social work with maladaptive children: A textbook. – 2nd ed.:-M.; Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K", 2008. pp. 118-130

Vasilkova, Yu.V. [Text] Social. Pedagogy: course of lectures: textbook. A manual for students. higher textbook establishments/ Yu.V. Vasilkova, T.A. Vasilkova.-7th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008 p. 44-47

Zhuravlev, A.L., Sosnin, V.A., Krasnikov, M.A. [Text] Social psychology: Textbook. – M.: FORUM: INFRA – M, 2006 p. 41-50

Rubinstein, S.L. Principles and ways of development of psychology.: Progress, 1959. p. 35-40

Gulina, M.A., [Text] Psychology of social work / O.N. Alexandrova, O.N. Bogolyubova, N.L. Vasilyeva and others; aod ed. M.A. Gulina. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. p. 270-277

Firsov, M.V., Shapiro, B.Yu., [Text] Psychology of social work: Content and methods of psychosocial practice: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002 p. 19-25

Liability of minors

Educational project

Juvenile Crimes

Subject, group

Social studies, law

7-9 grades

Brief summary of the project

In the modern world, the problem of teenage crime is acute. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to study the causes and consequences of crimes committed by adolescents. When working on the project, regulatory documents and materials from the juvenile affairs department were used. The project is aimed at students in grades 7-9. The results of this project can be used in social studies lessons in grades 7-9, as well as at parent meetings and class hours as illustrative material.

Guiding Questions

Fundamental question:

Is it possible to prevent teenage crime?

Problematic issues:

What is the state of teenage crime in Krasnoarmeysk and the Krasnoarmeysky district?

What measures are being taken to prevent juvenile delinquency?

Study questions:

What is a crime?

Types of crimes?

What are the motives for crimes committed by teenagers?

What punishments are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for crimes?

One of the first internal threats to national security the Concept names is the increase in crime, including youth crime. The total number of youth and adolescents from the entire population of Russia is 22.8%. The rate of “rejuvenation” of crime in Russia, unfortunately, is very high.

In conditions when, due to the difficulties of the transition period, there is a tendency in the country to intensify criminogenic factors and increase crime, the importance of studying the problem becomes even more urgent, because the future of our society depends on ensuring the moral health of the younger generation.

The significance of studying the process of crime growth in the Kimovsky district is extremely important.

Great assistance in writing the work was provided by employees of the commission for minors’ affairs and protection of their rights, who provided materials from the Kimovsky Department of Internal Affairs. The information provided is reliable and complete. The materials contain reports on the operational work of employees of the Kimovsky Department of Internal Affairs over the past 5 years, and statistical data.

This problem is widely covered in the literature. Thus, the textbook “Criminology” contains information about the characteristics of juvenile delinquency, common causes of the growth and development of crime.

For this topic, the object of research will be “juvenile crime”, and the subject will be “statistical data, statistical materials reflecting trends in juvenile crime and showing the effectiveness (ineffectiveness) of solving problems of this kind.”

Purpose of the work: to study juvenile delinquency in the Kimovsky district.

In accordance with this, the following tasks are set in the work:

Consider the concept and types of juvenile delinquency;

Identify types of criminal liability and punishment of minors, features of punishments;

Identify the prerequisites for the development of juvenile delinquency in the Kimovsky district;

Describe the state of juvenile delinquency in the Kimovsky district.

Consider the causes of juvenile delinquency in the Kimovsky district;

Conduct an anonymous survey among high school students on issues of propensity for crime;

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the introduction of recommendations in the fight to prevent juvenile delinquency, which can be implemented in the practice of the Kimovsky district.

The structure of the work is determined by the goals and objectives set. It consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references used, and applications.

This work consists of two chapters. The first chapter is theoretical, which outlines the general characteristics of juvenile delinquency, the second is practical, a study of the characteristics of juvenile delinquency in the Kimovsky district municipality based on materials from the Kimovsky Department of Internal Affairs.

In my work I used the following research methods:

Anonymous survey based on the principle of a continuous survey and analysis of the results;

Analysis of statistical data provided by employees of the commission for minors and protection of their rights of the city of Kimovsk;

Conversation with the deputy chairman of the commission on minors’ affairs and the protection of their rights, the head of the sector for organizing the work of the commission on minors’ affairs and the protection of their rights, E. N. Babushkina.

The comparative and comparative method, the use of this method was reduced to the analysis of various sources.

The sampling method made it possible to draw a conclusion about the nature of the distribution of the studied causes of crime by minors in the Kimovsky district.

Chapter 1. Juvenile crime: brief description

The allocation of an independent Section V and Chapter 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, devoted to the peculiarities of criminal liability and punishment of minors, is due to the relevance of the problem of juvenile delinquency, the specifics of the criminal liability of persons who were under eighteen years of age at the time of committing the crime, and the importance of criminal measures to counter the offenses of this social group. To a large extent, Chapter 14 (Articles 87-96 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is a set of rules containing an exception to the general rules of criminal liability provided for by the general part of the Criminal Code. The need for this is dictated both by the prevalence of juvenile crime, its significant share in the total mass of crime, and by the characteristics of the socio-psychological, moral and legal education of this category of the population.

Chapter 14 of Section V of the UKRF complies with the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice, 1985, other UN documents and generally accepted international principles, and takes into account the experience of regulating these issues in pre-revolutionary Russian criminal legislation (Code on Criminal and Correctional Punishments of 1845. Criminal Code of 1903) and in modern foreign legislation.

When juveniles are held accountable, it is very important to accurately determine the age of the person who committed the crime. The procedure for determining the age of the person who committed the crime. The procedure for establishing age and the rules that guide Russian courts, investigative and inquiry bodies are contained in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR No. 16 of December 3, 1976 “On the practice of application by courts of legislation in cases of juvenile crimes and their involvement in criminal or other antisocial activity" (with subsequent changes).

In accordance with paragraph 6 of this resolution, it is necessary to take measures to accurately determine the age of the minor (day, month, year of birth). In this case, a person is considered to have reached a certain age not on his birthday, but starting from the next day.

When establishing age by a forensic medical examination, the defendant’s birthday should be considered the last year of the year named by the experts, and when determining age, the minimum and maximum number of years should be based on the minimum age of such a person assumed by the examination.

1. 1. Difference between criminality and crime

The question of the relationship between crime and crime is important for the correct approach to their study and for the development of effective measures to combat crime. When comparing criminality and crime, one should distinguish between the essential content of crime and its external manifestation. As a negative type of social behavior that violates the norms of criminal law, crime manifests itself in individual individual criminal attacks. But as a social phenomenon, crime is not limited to what is characteristic of individual crimes. Crime is a natural phenomenon, determined by the characteristics of general social conditions, while individual crimes, being a particular manifestation of this pattern, are determined by individual circumstances and are random in nature. This means that any specific crime may or may not occur; it can be prevented. Crime in general at a certain stage of development of society is a naturally and inevitably existing objective reality, which cannot be eradicated.

Individual crimes, as a rule, are not connected with each other, and crime develops spontaneously from them. However, within the framework of all crime, there is a certain connection and dependence between its individual manifestations. Thus, official crimes are interconnected with crimes against property, and the latter with economic crimes.

The difference between crime and a specific crime (or set of crimes) is clearly evident when analyzing its consequences. These consequences can be divided into socio-economic and socio-psychological. If, when committing crimes, first of all, the consequences that are an element of the objective side of the composition of certain crimes are taken into account (damage from theft, due to negligence; the number of victims as a result of murders, etc.), then the consequences of crime are more diverse and significant in their scope and significance. more serious.

1. 2. Concept and types of juvenile delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is a collection of crimes in society committed by persons aged 14 to 18 years. There are two terms hidden in the concept of juvenile delinquency: firstly, this is the concept of crime and, secondly, this is the concept of a juvenile offender. First of all, crime is a form of social behavior of people that disrupts the normal functioning of the social organism. But such violations include immoral acts and what is called deviant behavior. Of all the violations, crime is the most dangerous to society. In addition, crime is a social and legal phenomenon, because the crime figure itself consists of the sum of crimes committed in a given society and in a given period of time. However, crime is not a simple sum of crimes committed, but a phenomenon that has its own laws of existence, is internally contradictory, associated with other social phenomena, and is often determined by them.

Crime is a negative social and legal phenomenon that exists in human society, which has its own patterns, quantitative and qualitative characteristics, entailing negative consequences for society and people, and requiring specific state and public control measures.

A prerequisite for bringing a person to criminal liability is that he reaches a certain age at which criminal liability may begin. The person is the subject of a crime and may be held criminally liable. This is the general rule. At the same time, for a number of serious crimes, such as murder, robbery, rape, the law establishes criminal liability from the age of fourteen.

Minors between the ages of fourteen and sixteen reach a level of mental and volitional development that allows them to critically reflect on their actions. At this age, they may be aware of the social danger of their actions and are able to control them. At the same time, society’s special caring attitude towards minors can be traced even after the latter has committed an unlawful act.

Juvenile delinquency is an integral part of crime in general, but also has its own specific characteristics, which allows us to consider it as an independent object of criminological study. The need for such a distinction is determined by the characteristics of the somatic, mental and moral development of minors, as well as their social immaturity. In adolescence and adolescence, at the time of moral formation of the individual, there is an accumulation of experience, including negative ones, which may not be externally detected or appear with a significant delay.

Minors aged from fourteen to eighteen years, on the one hand, already reach a fairly high level of socialization (they acquire independence, perseverance, the ability to control their behavior, self-control), on the other hand, further socialization of the individual occurs (they continue or complete their studies at school or in a technical school, one’s place in society is clarified, and experience in interpersonal relationships is accumulated).

This age is characterized by excessive categorical judgments, short temper, instability, inability to assess the situation taking into account all the circumstances, etc. Juvenile delinquency is characterized by particular cruelty and insolence towards its victims. Adolescents act, as a rule, in complicity, most often guided by selfish, hooligan motives, the desire to increase their authority among their peers, bitterness or a sense of false camaraderie.

The minimum age of a minor is determined by Art. 20 of the Criminal Code, which provides that a person who has reached 16 years of age at the time of committing a crime is subject to criminal liability. For some crimes, the list of which is established in Part 2 of Art. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a reduced age of criminal responsibility is established - fourteen years.

Such crimes include:

➢ murder

➢ intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm

➢ intentional infliction of moderate harm to health

➢ kidnapping

➢ rape

➢ sexual assault

➢ robbery

➢ robbery

➢ extortion

➢ unlawful taking of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft

➢ intentional destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances

➢ terrorism

➢ hostage taking

➢ knowingly false report about an act of terrorism

➢ aggravated hooliganism

➢ vandalism

➢ theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices

➢ theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

➢ rendering vehicles or means of communication unusable.

Persistent single-handed execution of active actions on the part of a teenager, especially if they are illegal, asocial in nature, poses a great increased danger to society (in terms of audacity, sophistication, preparedness, etc.). If we evaluate this behavior from the standpoint of fighting crime, then to a certain extent, group commission of crimes is easier than non-group, individual crime, it can be identified and recorded, which allows you to really see and know who and how to fight.

However, if we proceed from a criminological assessment of the negative social consequences that society actually experiences as a result of illegal actions committed by a group of minors, then these consequences are more significant than the consequences of the actions of a lone criminal.

Increased impulsiveness, cruelty, intensity and situational nature of group crimes committed by teenagers often significantly aggravate the consequences of such crimes. The ease of quick informal association, habits of group communication, increased interest in conflict situations, the need for self-realization, the desire for originality and uniqueness, the instability of ideological, moral and legal beliefs under certain, especially critical circumstances, in a short period of time can greatly increase the danger of skillfully provoked antisocial actions of minors. All this can bring their negative consequences to a level higher than that observed as a result of illegal actions of the adult population.

In the absolute majority, a juvenile offender is a person with habits, inclinations, and stable stereotypes of antisocial behavior. Only a few of them commit crimes by accident. The rest are characterized by: constant demonstration of disdain for the norms of generally accepted behavior (foul language, appearing drunk, pestering citizens, damaging public property, etc.); following negative drinking customs and traditions, addiction to alcoholic beverages, drugs, participation in gambling; vagrancy, systematic escapes from home, educational and other institutions; early sexual intercourse, sexual promiscuity; systematic manifestation, including in non-conflict situations, of malice, vindictiveness, rudeness, acts of violent behavior: culpable creation of conflict situations, constant quarrels in the family, terrorizing parents and other family members; cultivation of hostility towards other groups of minors who are distinguished by academic success and disciplined behavior; the habit of appropriating everything that is bad, that can be taken away from the weak with impunity.

The influence of adult crime on juvenile crime is most often carried out indirectly - through youth crime. Therefore, it is incorrect to characterize juvenile delinquency only by its present state. The relationship between juvenile delinquency and youth is two-way. Juvenile delinquency is, as it were, a reflection or shadow of youth delinquency, since the younger ones try to repeat the behavioral stereotypes of their elders, and the delinquency of the older ones is replenished due to the influx of yesterday's minors. Juvenile delinquency carries within itself both the past (pre-criminal socially deviant) behavior of adolescents and their future criminal behavior when moving to older age groups.

Juvenile crime is only the initial part of overall crime. It is the connection with crime of other age groups that forms the especially dangerous criminal face of juvenile delinquency. The strength of the connection between juvenile crime and crime in other age groups varies depending on the types of criminal offenses. General acquisitive crime among juveniles is more closely related to acquisitive crime among youth and adults than violent crime.

There are emerging and visible tendencies, especially growing in recent years, towards the autonomy of juvenile delinquency from adult delinquency as a consequence of the expansion of aspirations and opportunities (especially in material terms) for a lifestyle independent of adults. This phenomenon, in turn, gives rise to more and more diverse anti- and asocial associations of minors. Increasingly, clashes of interests between criminal groups of minors, youth and adults arise in connection with control over the production and sale of drugs, prostitution, etc.

The so-called risk groups pose a particular danger to the interpenetration of juvenile delinquency and youth, and to the relationship on this basis of these contingents. Due to the trend towards rejuvenation of crime, the characteristics of adolescence and youth are becoming more and more clearly manifested in them, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs, sex, and prostitution is becoming more and more pronounced as a group-wide character. Aggression increases in the actions of risk groups. The process of subordinating youth risk groups to organized crime is actively underway. The social base for replenishing risk groups is expanding with the help of the unemployed, teenagers engaged in small business, minors released from prison, young men demobilized from the army and unable to find a place in life, teenagers from low-income, impoverished families, etc.

In recent years, there has been a process of increasingly massive involvement of minors and youth in the structures of the shadow economy and organized crime as grassroots perpetrators. Organizational skills allow teenagers to easily establish a monopoly on their favorite type of illegal activity. Organized crime and adult racketeers willingly bring teenagers into the spotlight, monitor their professional criminal formation and growth, recruiting them into their ranks when the need arises.

Juvenile delinquency is nothing more than a set of negative, social and legal phenomena, namely antisocial and illegal acts committed by persons under the age of sixteen.

1. 3. Types of punishments and other measures of a criminal legal nature for minors

According to the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR "On the practice of application by courts of legislation in cases of crimes of minors and on their involvement in criminal and other antisocial activities dated December 3, 1976," the punishment of minors to a special extent must be subordinated to the goal of correcting and re-educating the perpetrators and preventing the commission of new crimes (as amended by Plenum Resolution No. 17 of December 5, 1986).

The peculiarities of the minor’s psyche and his social status presuppose the peculiarities of the criminal punishment measures applied to him: these measures are softer, more focused on educational influence and reflect the living conditions of the minor in society. The most severe measures of criminal punishment (death penalty and life imprisonment) are not applied to minors; the criminal law does not provide for the application to minors of punishments, the application of which is impossible or inappropriate due to the characteristics of the minor’s social status (deprivation of the right to hold certain positions, confiscation of property, restriction of freedom and punishments applied to military personnel).

The types of punishment imposed on minors are, in accordance with Article 88 of the UKRF: fine (Part 2, Article 88 of the UKRF); deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities (Part 1, Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); compulsory work (Part 3, Article 88 of the Criminal Code); correctional labor (Part 4, Article 88 of the Criminal Code); arrest (Part 5, Article 88 of the Criminal Code); imprisonment for a certain period (Part 6, Article 88 of the Criminal Code).

The article contains an exhaustive list of punishments that, with certain restrictions, can be imposed on minors.

This list contains almost half of all types of punishments provided for in Article 44 of the Criminal Code (6 out of 14). It does not include punishments: which are inappropriate to impose on minors due to their social, legal and actual status (deprivation of the right to hold certain positions, as well as punishments provided for in paragraphs “c”, “e”, “g”, “h”, “j” " Art. 44); stipulated by the provisions of paragraph "a" of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, according to which no child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Neither the death penalty nor life imprisonment with no possibility of release are imposed for crimes committed by persons under 18 years of age.

At the same time, of the six types of punishments that can be imposed on minors, only one is not associated with their involvement in labor (fine). Thus, work remains the most effective indicator of a guilty person’s path to reform. Therefore, the recommendations that the court can, in accordance with paragraph 7, give to the body executing punishments, should concern mainly the organization of the process of labor activity of minors. These recommendations may be associated with methods and techniques of an educational nature, determined by the personality of minors and identified by the court.

The court should impose a fine in the form of a fine on minors declared fully capable, in accordance with Article 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A minor is declared fully capable by decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority with the consent of both parents, adoptive parents or trustee or, in the absence of such consent, by a court decision (Part 1 of Article 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This punishment may be imposed on minors within the meaning of the law, both as a primary and as an additional punishment.

Thus, a fine is imposed only if the convicted minor has independent income or property that can be levied against. When determining the amount of the fine, the court must take into account that this punishment should not deprive the convicted person of the material benefits necessary for a normal life.

If a punishment is imposed on minors related to their isolation from society (arrest or deprivation of them from society for a certain period) or their placement in a special educational or medical educational institution, the court must decide the issue of assigning them, as an additional punishment, deprivation of the right to engage in a certain activity. activities.

In other cases, the question of the advisability of imposing this punishment on minors as a primary or additional punishment must be decided by the courts based on information about the identity of the perpetrator and the specific circumstances of the case, as well as life situations.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, compulsory work is assigned for a period of 40 to 160 hours, consists of performing work that is feasible for a minor and is performed either in free time from study or main work. The duration of execution of this type of punishment for persons under the age of 15 years cannot exceed two hours a day, and for persons aged 15 to 16 years – three hours a day. “Free time from study” does not include the time required by minors for self-study and homework, while the minor’s additional study time is taken into account: music schools, sports clubs, etc. Compulsory work for working minors is assigned taking into account the nature and severity of their work at the place of main work.

The procedure for the execution of this punishment and the rules for treating convicts are established by the penal legislation of the Russian Federation.

In case of malicious evasion of a convicted person aged 16 to 18 years from serving compulsory labor, the latter will be replaced by arrest. At the same time, the time during which the minor served compulsory labor is taken into account when determining the period of arrest when calculating: one day of arrest for 8 hours of compulsory labor (clause 3 of Article 49).

Enforcement work is assigned to minors for a period of up to one year (Part 4 of Article 88 of the Criminal Code). This punishment applies only to working minors. If possible, this punishment should not interfere with the social development of the minor, for example: admission to an educational institution.

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, arrest is imposed on minors who have reached the age of 16 years at the time of sentencing for a period of 1 to 6 months. When ordering arrest for minors, the court must take into account the fact that this measure, if possible, should not harm the minor’s studies.

This type of punishment as imprisonment is imposed on convicted minors for a term of not more than 10 years and is served: by male minors sentenced to imprisonment for the first time, as well as by female minors - in general regime educational colonies; male minors who have previously served a sentence of imprisonment in a maximum security colony.

In accordance with Part 7 of Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the court may give instructions to the body executing punishments to take into account certain characteristics of his personality when treating a convicted minor.

These may be mental characteristics of the minor, physical weakness and poor health, abilities and inclinations for a certain type of activity.

Some types of punishments provided for by the Criminal Code in relation to minors have not been applied in practice for a long time. For example, fines are not imposed due to the fact that they do not have independent income, arrests are not imposed due to the lack of arrest houses, and compulsory labor is still not applied. As a result, the court is forced to imprison juvenile offenders or apply a suspended sentence, which, as practice shows, sooner or later still leads these individuals to real isolation from society.

As for compulsory work, Part 3 of Art. 88 of the Criminal Code explains: “Compulsory work consists of performing work that is feasible for a minor and is performed by him in his free time from study or main work.” It is unlikely that 14-18 year old criminals would overstrain themselves while improving their hometown or village under the control of specialized departments of the Internal Affairs Directorate or members of commissions for minors under local governments.

Arrest, like punishment in the form of imprisonment, is also strict isolation from society, but at the same time its term is much shorter than almost any term of imprisonment imposed by the court. Therefore, I believe that this measure is preferable when applied to minors.

In my opinion, the speedy implementation of these punishments will have a beneficial effect on the correction and re-education of juvenile offenders.

1. 4. Causes and conditions of juvenile delinquency

Juvenile delinquency develops under the influence of the same reasons as crime in general, but at the same time it has some features.

Minors most often commit crimes due to the following reasons: under the influence of the negative example of parents and other family members (30-40% of crimes); incitement by adult criminals (30% of cases); parents’ inability to financially provide for the really necessary needs of their children; prolonged absence from certain activities, work, study; propaganda in the media and literature of standards of antisocial behavior (cult of violence, cruelty, drugs, pornography).

Along with these reasons, the formation of criminal behavior is influenced by certain conditions, in the form of influence from society: neglect as the lack of proper control of the family and educational institutions over the connections and time of minors (more than 90% of crime cases); low level of work of schools and other institutions; lack of employment system for teenagers; lack of a network of leisure activities for children and teenagers; an increase in the proportion of children and adolescents with retarded intellectual and volitional development.

In recent years, a strong opinion has emerged that the main reason for juvenile delinquency and its rapid growth is the sharp deterioration of the economic situation and increased tension in society.

Unable to legally satisfy their needs, many teenagers begin to “make money” and obtain necessary things and products to the best of their ability and ability, often by committing a crime. Minors are actively involved in racketeering, illegal businesses and other types of criminal activities.

The aggravation of problems of family dysfunction against the general background of poverty and constant need, moral and social degradation occurring in families, lead to extremely negative consequences. Among minors from disadvantaged families, the intensity of crime is especially high. Basically, drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution flourish in these families; there are no moral principles or elementary culture. Mental disorders of children are largely the result and legacy of the corresponding behavior and life of their parents, alcoholics and drug addicts. Some combinations of mental disorders and socio-psychological deformation of personality are largely explained by the fact that the reasons for the pathological development of the personality of minors lie in the asociality and immorality of parents.

Violence towards each other and towards their children flourishes in these families. And as a direct consequence of this, there is a rapid increase in extremely dangerous violent crimes committed by teenagers and even children. Cruelty begets cruelty.

Mass adoption of alcohol consumption is increasingly shifting from the age group of 16-17 years (in the 1980s) to the age group of 14-15 years, which is fraught with serious consequences for the physical and intellectual development of the younger generation.

Narcotic and other potent, intoxicating substances have an even more destructive effect on the somatic and psychological health of a young person. There has been a decrease in the lower age limit for the onset of drug addiction to 11-13 years. A subculture of preference for drugs and toxic substances over the previously traditional consumption of alcohol is being formed among adolescents.

One of the negative manifestations of the economic crisis is the reduction of jobs. This has led to a decrease in the employment opportunities for teenagers, primarily those who have served their sentences in educational institutions.

One of the specific reasons for juvenile delinquency at the present stage of social life is the catastrophic situation with the organization of leisure for children and adolescents at their place of residence. Many children's institutions and organizations have ceased to exist, and the premises that belonged to them were leased to commercial structures.

In the criminological literature there is a point of view about the influence of the media, and, above all, television and cinema in cultivating a “criminal ideology” among young people. In this regard, it is noted that fear of crime is being intensified against the backdrop of information full of horrors, often far from reality. The media causes no less harm when it romanticizes criminal life and morality. This leads to the fact that among young people and adolescents, negative social behavior becomes attractive. Opinions are emerging about the possibility of “allied” relations with criminals. Ideas are being expressed that the thieves' world, "thieves in law" are part of Russian culture, and thieves' "correct" concepts are easier and more reasonable than laws.

Russian society has lost the system of social control over the process of formation of the younger generation; many institutions of socialization, such as the family, school, children's youth organizations are losing (or have already completely lost) their significance, and little has come to replace them.

Evaluating any behavior involves comparing it with some norm. Non-standard, deviating behavior is often called deviant. Youth criminals are people who deviate from generally accepted norms, or, as they are also called, deviants. Most young deviants come from dysfunctional families.

For example, teenagers from difficult families spend most of their time in basements. “Basement life” seems normal to them; they have their own “basement” moral code, their own laws and cultural complexes.

At the same time, the most ordinary boy from a stable family, surrounded by decent people, can reject the norms accepted in his environment and show obvious signs of criminal behavior (become a delinquent). In this case, we are faced with an individual deviation from the norm within one subculture. Such a person is usually considered an individual deviant.

Having studied and analyzed literary sources and the media, we can draw a conclusion that allows us to consider the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of crimes, mainly in terms of identifying the negative aspects of the interaction between the microenvironment and the individual.

As the costs of education in the causal complex that determines the criminal behavior of minors, researchers most often identify:

1. the criminogenic impact of difficulties and shortcomings in the activities of social institutions directly responsible for the education and upbringing of minors, their correction and re-education;

2. criminogenic impact of negative microenvironmental conditions;

3. the environment of life and upbringing, characterized by the manifestation of malice, cruelty, various types of conflict-aggressive forms of behavior of others, etc.;

4. persistent socially determined negative personality deformations of minors;

All of them retain their criminal significance to this day. However, the general deterioration of the economic situation of the country has led to the fact that in recent years there have been significant changes in the causal complex that determines the unlawful behavior of adolescents.

Negative processes of a social and economic nature, accompanied by transformations carried out in the country, have, first of all, significantly weakened the parental family as a social institution, which previously most consistently and reliably protected the life and health of children and adolescents, ensuring their intellectual and moral development.

The number of divorces among spouses with minor children is growing, the out-of-wedlock birth rate is increasing and, as a consequence of these processes, the number of single-parent families is growing. Children from broken single-parent families and single mothers find themselves in a difficult economic and psychological situation and join the group of people at high social risk. The problem of social orphanhood is growing.

The dynamics of the structure of juvenile delinquency are directly related to the lack of involvement of children and adolescents in socially useful activities.

All of the above proves that minors find themselves in a situation where the state cannot properly ensure the implementation of their fundamental constitutional right - to survival and development.

1. 5. Prevention of juvenile delinquency

State policy for the prevention of juvenile delinquency is the activity of a system of state and non-state institutions based on certain ideas on the formation and implementation of the main tasks, principles, directions and means of preventing the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency in order to protect the people of society and the state from criminal attacks.

State policy to prevent juvenile delinquency should be closely interconnected with economic, social, demographic, etc. policies.

The only way to solve this problem is to develop a state policy for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the main provisions of which must be enshrined in law. In turn, such policies must be based on a clear and consistent vision.

The choice of two goals of state policy for the prevention of juvenile crime is of fundamental importance. On the one hand, this is the protection of the rights and interests of minors, weakening the negative impact of the dysfunction of socialization institutions, and on the other hand, the protection of society from delinquency and criminal attacks by minors. Such an integrated design of the goal of juvenile delinquency prevention policy allows us to conceptually solve many problems of criminological and legal practice.

The state has many means of implementing the policy of preventing juvenile delinquency. The main ones:

❖ Social prevention (measures aimed at protecting the rights and interests of minors in the main spheres of life - everyday life, education, work, leisure).

❖ Legal deterrence (preventive norms and legal education system).

❖ Criminological prevention (measures aimed at weakening, blocking, neutralizing the causes and conditions of crime).

❖ Victimological prevention (measures aimed at creating a safe lifestyle for minors, reducing the risk of becoming a victim of crime and weakening the victimogenic environment).

❖ Criminal legal prevention (prevention of crimes by means of criminal law, process and penal law), the core of which is ensuring the application of effective punishment and its execution.

Prevention of juvenile delinquency is divided into early, direct, prevention of pre-criminal behavior, prevention of relapse.

Early prevention is designed for those who find themselves in unfavorable living conditions and is aimed at eliminating these conditions before their negative impact affects the behavior of minors. It is carried out through supervision and control over compliance with laws, the provision of social assistance and improvement of living standards, law enforcement and public protection and support for minors at risk (orphans, homeless people, children of convicted parents).

The stage of direct prevention is designed for those who have already committed offenses, but of a non-criminal, administrative nature (participation in fights, drunkenness, petty thefts). Here, in addition to the measures characteristic of early prevention, the impact on the minor in legal and educational terms increases. Also, state and public bodies identify and eliminate the circumstances and influences under the influence of which the minor began to commit offenses.

Pre-criminal behavior means the systematic commission of offenses, the nature and intensity of which indicate the likelihood of committing a crime in the future, here a minor is on the verge of a crime and for prevention, registration with state and public organizations for educational work and control, placement in sports and labor camps are used, squads and clubs, as well as civil measures (collection of damages).

Measures to prevent relapse include observation and control of juvenile affairs authorities, as well as law enforcement organizations, legal and moral support from public organizations, social rehabilitation, labor and household arrangements for those released from prison or those sentenced to other measures, seizure of weapons and instruments of crime from previously convicted teenagers.

Of great importance is the preventive effect on the personality of a minor, that is, individual prevention. Individual prevention measures should affect both the personality of the juvenile offender and his environment.

The main elements of the preventive system are: a thorough study of minors capable of committing crimes; identification of the main measures and activities, based on which, in practice it would be possible to achieve the set goals; development of rational methods of organization, control and determination of the effect of individual preventive intervention.

The goal of individual prevention of crimes committed by minors is the correction and re-education of the teenager or changing his criminogenic orientation. This implies the need to solve the problem of establishing patterns of deviant behavior, the mechanism of its formation and change. To do this, it is necessary to: identify minors whose behavior, views, and motives for their actions indicate the possibility of committing crimes; study the personalities of these adolescents; identify and eliminate sources of negative influence on them; explore the possibilities of creating a favorable environment in order to prevent the implementation of criminal intentions; exercise control over the behavior of such minors and their lifestyle; periodically analyze the results obtained and make appropriate adjustments to the work.

There are many actors involved in the prevention of juvenile delinquency. They represent a single system connected by common goals and objectives. A special place in this system is given to internal affairs bodies, which represent the subsystem for the prevention of deviant behavior. Internal affairs bodies carry out the bulk of work in the field of preventing juvenile crimes and are directly involved in the correction and re-education of minors who have committed crimes. In addition, the preventive activities of internal affairs bodies require the mandatory inclusion of other entities.

Internal affairs bodies are involved in the prevention of juvenile delinquency both at the general and individual levels. The work is carried out mainly in the following areas: limiting the influence of negative social factors associated with the causes and conditions of juvenile delinquency; impact on the causes and conditions conducive to this type of crime; direct impact on minors who may be expected to commit crimes; impact on groups with an antisocial orientation that are capable of committing or committing crimes, the participant of which is a minor who is subject to preventive influence.

In the process of preventing juvenile delinquency, internal affairs bodies must direct their efforts to identifying the causes and conditions conducive to crimes, as well as their elimination, limitation and neutralization.

For these purposes, internal affairs bodies organize interaction with state, public and other organizations and institutions involved in preventive activities, conduct complex operations, raids, targeted inspections and other activities.

1. 6. Juvenile delinquency as an object of criminal research

The need to single out juvenile delinquency for independent criminological research is explained by many reasons.

Firstly, the importance and scale of tasks to protect the life and health of the younger generation and the formation in this regard of state policy to protect the rights and legitimate interests of children and adolescents as an independent direction of activity of government bodies and society as a whole.

Secondly, the peculiarities in the genesis and motivation of crimes committed by minors, due to the specifics of their upbringing and life activity (relatively limited period of personality formation, the intensity of social positions, the range and content of social functions, limited legal capacity, etc.), the characteristics of personal, social-group and other characteristics.

Thirdly, closely related to these features is the specific level of the structure of crime, its causes and dynamics, and the high criminal activity of adolescents.

Persons who commit illegal acts at an early age, later, as a rule, are much more difficult to correct, and ultimately constitute the main reserve for adult and recidivism.

On the contrary, the earliest detection and timely adoption of the necessary preventive measures for adolescents committing their first offenses that do not pose a great social danger, to a large extent, make it possible to prevent these individuals from developing a persistent tendency to commit any crimes in the future.

All this together determines the need for a comprehensive analysis of juvenile delinquency as a relatively independent phenomenon, and the development of measures to prevent it, that is, the analysis should consist in the features of the approach, and not in a special approach that isolates the study of juvenile delinquency from the study of its other types. That is why the subject of studying juvenile delinquency by criminologists necessarily includes questions about its place in all crime, about the relationship between youth and adult crime (including the influence of the age of onset of criminal activity on recidivism, the influence of adult criminals on minors, etc.).

The comparison must be carried out on a “part to part” principle, highlighting the indicators of groups of different criminal activity: among minors, young adults (18-20 years old) and older age groups.

Chapter 2. Study of juvenile delinquency in the Moscow Region

Kimovsky district

2. 1. Features of juvenile delinquency based on materials

Kimovsky Department of Internal Affairs

The crime situation among teenagers in the Kimovsky district has now significantly improved compared to 2005, but continues to remain difficult. According to the Department of Internal Affairs in the Kimovsky district, 27 crimes involving minors were committed in 2009, which is 51 crimes less than in 2005 and 12 less than in 2008 (there is a positive trend). Application. Table 1.

Comparative analysis of statistical data on juvenile crime in the Kimovsky district during the period 2008 – 2009. showed that compared to 2007-2008, the juvenile crime rate decreased by -30.8%. In total, 39 crimes were committed in 2008, and 27 in 2009. Along with the general decrease in child crime during this period, there was an increase in theft of motor vehicles without the intent of theft 5 (+4) and other crimes 4 (+1). At the same time, the theft of other people's property decreased significantly 18 (-13). There were no registered murders at all - 0 (-1), robberies - 0 (-2), bodily injuries and beatings - 0 (-1). Thus, we are observing very positive dynamics in juvenile delinquency, which indicates sufficient preventive work by teaching staff and the commission on juvenile affairs.

The main facts that push minors to commit crimes are:

1. Difficult financial situation.

2. Unemployment of teenagers.

3. Loss of life guidelines and social connections.

4. Hopelessness.

5. Insufficient attention from parents.

6. Waste of time.

7. Alcohol, the spread of drug addiction.

8. Low level of legal education.

9. Moral degradation.

One of the features of juvenile delinquency in the Kimovsky district is the commission of crimes at a critical age - from 15 to 17 years.

According to the commission on juvenile affairs of the Kimovsky district municipality, in 2009, a significant number of minors who participated in crimes were brought to criminal responsibility for the first time and had not previously come to the attention of police officers, since they had not previously committed illegal actions. At the same time, there was practically no information about the propensity of these adolescents to commit crimes.

The next feature is that 80% of crimes in the Kimovsky district were committed by minors in the evening and at night. This indicates that parents did not exercise control over their children’s behavior.

One of the main factors in juvenile delinquency is such a negative phenomenon for our society as the spread of drunkenness and drug addiction among teenagers. 23 people were brought to administrative responsibility for offenses related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages by teenagers. 4 cases of illegal possession of narcotic drugs were revealed, for which criminal cases were initiated (Article 307 of the Criminal Code). In this case, a feature of juvenile delinquency is the tendency of adolescents to drink alcohol and drugs that cause drug addiction.

In the Kimovsky district in 2009, the fact was revealed that a greater number of crimes were committed by teenagers living in rural areas. Thus, registered minors who have committed crimes in the Kimovsk municipality – 8 people. , and in municipalities of rural settlements – 11. The largest number of those registered as of January 1, 2010 was in the municipality of Pronskoye, Kimovsky district – 4 people. Application. Table 3. This indicates insufficient preventive work of teaching staff in rural schools, as well as moral degradation due to the low level of legal education, unemployed teenagers and low living standards.

The social status of the family is also of great importance. In single-parent families, as is known, minors cannot receive a good enough upbringing. Likewise, in dysfunctional families in which one of the parents or a family member is an alcoholic, it is impossible to obtain normal conditions for the existence and development of a teenager. Such an environment shapes the future criminal. Thus, out of 19 registered minors, only 4 are raised in a complete family, 14 are raised by one parent and 1 is an orphan. Diagram 1.

Currently, a large number of mercenary crimes are being committed, the purpose of which is to seize other people's property, despite a significant decrease compared to previous years: 2005 - 61, 2006 - 27 (-34), 2007 - 26 (-1), 2008 – 31 (+5), 2009 – 18 (-13). This is due to the lack of financial resources among minors and the low level of material support for the families in which the teenager is being raised. The main items for satisfying selfish motivations are various types of imported and domestic equipment (cars, mobile phones); money, jewelry.

Another feature of juvenile delinquency is the commission of a crime by a group of persons. Application. Table 2. Thus, out of 27 crimes committed in 2009, 14 were committed in a group, but this is less than in previous years (2005 - 33, 2006 - 18 (-15), 2007 - 20 (+2), 2008 - 16(-4)). However, the negative social consequences that society actually experiences as a result of illegal actions committed by a group of minors are more significant than the consequences of the actions of a lone criminal. Increased impulsiveness, cruelty, intensity and situational nature of group crimes committed by teenagers significantly aggravate the consequences of such crimes, often bringing them to a level higher than that observed even as a result of illegal actions of the adult population.

2. 2. Sociological study of high school students

The fight against crime is largely connected with the intellectual and spiritual development of the individual. Currently, the system of youth education has undergone significant changes. On the one hand, previously existing moral norms and rules of behavior in society are gradually losing their power. On the other hand, the process of polarization is growing, and more vital material interests are replacing them.

This circumstance affected every family, and especially affected teenagers. Therefore, it is no coincidence that juvenile crime has increased.

The change in the system of value orientations led to the loss of systemic educational influence on minors. In a conversation with E. N. Babushkina, head of the sector for organizing the work of the CDN and ZP, it was found out that as of January 1, 2010, the total number of those registered was 19 people. Of these, in the city of Kimovsk - 8 hours, in rural settlements - 11 hours (one of which is now in a correctional colony).

In the absolute majority, a juvenile offender is a person with habits, inclinations, and stable stereotypes of antisocial behavior. Only a few of them commit crimes by accident.

In a conversation with the social teacher of our school, T. A. Sazonova, I found out that in our school there are no students registered in cases of minors who have committed crimes. This is very pleasing, and there is an explanation for this. Extracurricular activities in our school are organized at the proper level. We have had various interest groups, associations, special courses and specialized elective courses in high schools since elementary school. There is a wide variety of sports sections that take place in the afternoon, after school, and the children attend them with pleasure. For creative individuals - music, dance, and fine arts clubs. Thus, the problems of employment after school do not arise for the children of our school.

We also have a prevention council at our school, which meets once a week. Students who have unsatisfactory grades, miss school without good reason, violate discipline, or smoke on school grounds are invited to the council.

But we decided to find out from the high school students of our school if they had a chance of slipping up and conducted an anonymous survey. 10 questions were proposed, which we asked them to answer honestly. Annex 1.

After analyzing the questionnaires, we made a conclusion. 9 people out of 109 respondents - a large propensity, 23 - average and 77 - insignificant.

2. 3. Preventive measures carried out with minors KDN and ZP

In the municipality of Kimovsky District, a system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency has been created and is functioning. The coordinator of the actions of bodies and institutions of the prevention system is the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights.

The work of the commission is organized by the sector for organizing the work of the commission on minors’ affairs and protecting their rights, which is located in the building of the center for extracurricular activities. The chairman of the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights is the deputy head of the administration for social issues of the municipal formation of the Kimovsky district, a teacher by education, T. K. Pisareva. Deputy chairman of the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, head of the sector for organizing the work of the commission on minors' affairs and protection of their rights, teacher by training, - Babushkina E. N.

The Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights, within its competence, ensures: implementation of measures to protect and restore the rights and legitimate interests of minors, identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors; implementation of measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to coordinate issues related to compliance with the conditions of education, training, maintenance of minors, as well as the treatment of minors in institutions for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency; implementation of measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to coordinate the activities of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency;

4) preparation, together with the relevant bodies or institutions, of materials submitted to the court on issues related to the detention of minors in special closed educational institutions, as well as on other issues provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5) consideration of submissions from the governing body of an educational institution on the exclusion of minors who have not received general education from the educational institution and on other issues of their education in cases provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;

6) providing assistance in the employment and everyday life of minors released from institutions of the penitentiary system or returning from special educational institutions, assistance in determining the forms of placement of other minors in need of state assistance, as well as performing other functions for the social rehabilitation of minors, which are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

7) application of measures of influence in relation to minors, their parents or other legal representatives in cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

From the report of the head of the sector on organizing the work of the commission on minors’ affairs and protecting their rights of the municipal formation Kimovsky district, E. N. Babushkina, I found out that as a result of strengthening the coordinating role of the commission on minors’ affairs and protecting their rights, the interaction of all interested services and departments, an integrated approach to solving issues of preventing crime, neglect and homelessness among minors, the use of effective forms of work in the municipal formation of the Kimovsky District, over the course of 4 years there has been a stabilization of the number of crimes committed with the participation of minors. In 2009, 27 crimes were committed by minors, which is 30.8% less than in 2008 (2008 - 39 crimes).

In 2009, the municipal formation of Kimovsky District became a pilot site for the regional program “Overcoming” (comprehensive measures for the prevention of crimes and juvenile delinquency in the Tula region for 2009-2011). As part of its implementation, the Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights is working to develop a model of a single municipal rehabilitation space for the resocialization and adaptation of minors in conflict with the law, and to introduce innovative technologies and techniques into the activities of institutions in the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency.

Issues of improving interdepartmental interaction and information support for the prevention of crimes and juvenile delinquency were discussed at six joint meetings of the operational headquarters for coordinating activities aimed at combating homelessness, neglect and delinquency of minors, and the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, an expanded staff meeting of the administration municipal formation Kimovsky district. At these meetings, 13 issues of a preventive nature were considered to solve problems:

✓ uneducated children,

✓ organizing the employment of minors registered with the commission,

✓ prevention of committing offenses by minors and preventing re-offenses,

✓ preventing extremism and nationalism among teenagers,

✓ work with minors who have left their places of permanent residence without permission,

✓ identifying illegal facts of sales at home, in establishments selling alcohol-containing products to minors,

✓ measures to prevent alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking among minors.

The Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights organized and conducted two seminars for social educators, child protection inspectors of educational institutions, and employees of municipal preschool educational institutions on the organization of preventive work with minors and families in a socially dangerous situation.

On March 26, 2009, by resolution of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights, a territorial social commission was created, which this year eliminated the causes and conditions contributing to neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors and organized comprehensive individual preventive work on the resocialization of minors and families in in a socially dangerous situation.

In order to prevent re-offenses among minors, in 2009 the commission organized: a trip to the Aleksinsky correctional colony for teenagers who had committed criminal offenses and were registered with the Commission on Juvenile Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights, a trip to the Room of Memory and Battle Glory of Tula Combat Veterans region, excursions were conducted to the hall of the local history museum of the city of Kimovsk, dedicated to the fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya “Afghanistan is our memory, Chechnya is our pain.”

In 2009, the commission conducted two direct lines on the issues: “On the protection of the rights of minors” and “Providing assistance to families in difficult life situations.”

In December 2009, the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights held a meeting of representatives of trade, the administration of the municipal formation of the Kimovsky district, the department of internal affairs for the Kimovsky district, the Kimovsky interdistrict prosecutor's office, municipalities located in the territory of the Kimovsky district, “On identified violations of legislation in the field of illegal sales of alcohol and tobacco products to minors.”

In order to involve the public in solving the problems of neglect and delinquency of minors, the Commission on Minors’ Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights held a round table “On the interaction of institutions of the social prevention system with socio-political organizations in working with families in a socially dangerous situation.”

Monthly in the media in the newspaper “District Weekdays” under the headings “Social Aspect”, “In the Commission on Minors and Protection of Their Rights”, “Help Every Child”, “Free Time”, “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Prosecutorial Supervision” , “From the Courtroom” and others, local radio publishes information about juvenile delinquents, omissions in the upbringing of parents, the causes and conditions contributing to the antisocial behavior of minors and their commission of offenses, which serves to form a constructive attitude of society towards juvenile delinquents and attract attention children's and youth public organizations to the problems of antisocial behavior of minors.

To prevent juvenile delinquency in the current situation in the Kimovsky district, it is necessary to create a system of general social and individual prevention:

Develop projects related to measures to prevent crime among adolescents, which are based on an individual approach to juvenile offenders.

Coordinate the efforts of local authorities, local governments and representatives of local communities to create employment programs for teenagers.

This also includes all measures that help somehow keep minors occupied during the time they are not attending school, namely:

Creation of centers and clubs for teenagers (in particular, a youth tourism club),

Support for various youth movements (in particular, the Boy Scout movement), etc.

Repair and put in order the city stadium and park, where teenagers could have a cultural recreation.

Create “hotlines” in schools, through which it would be possible to promptly transmit information about the commission of violent crimes in schools.

Prevention of juvenile delinquency should begin with the anti-criminogenic impact of the family on the teenager. The problem of “dysfunctional” families exists, so it is necessary, in my opinion:

When working with “dysfunctional” families, KDN and ZP involve religious organizations, public associations and movements.

Involving fathers in parenting. For example, on the basis of a school, carry out:

1) thematic parent-teacher meetings for dads;

2) business games “the role of the father in shaping the child’s personality”, “The role of a man in the family”.

In addition to the family, the teenager’s environment at the place of residence or leisure activities also has an anti-criminogenic effect, which is rightly noted by criminologists.

Create specialized children's institutions that organize leisure time for teenagers at their place of residence;

Carry out preventive work among adolescents and youth by a non-governmental organization.

The school should play an important role in the anti-criminogenic influence on minors, since self-education, along with education, constitutes the content of the process of appropriate influence on a teenager, forming him as a useful person for society.

A positive role in combating juvenile delinquency could be played by the creation of a separate justice system for minors, which would include a system of specialized courts, places of serving criminal sentences, pre-trial detention centers, etc.

In addition to the above measures, the legislator must introduce prohibitive and restrictive measures to prevent minors from accessing pornographic products, drugs, alcohol, weapons, etc.

The problem of homelessness can be solved by special training of teacher courses aimed at fulfilling the educational functions of street children, as well as by organizing the activities of bodies that promote the employment of minors.


Juvenile delinquency is a negative phenomenon that entails negative consequences for the life of society. One of these consequences is the criminalization of the youth environment, which occurs against the background of the spread of drug addiction, alcoholism and other negative factors.

Theoretically, the information from which the features of juvenile delinquency in the Kimovsky district were subsequently identified was gradually studied.

When studying statistical data, the fact was revealed that the level of crime among minors has decreased. But despite the positive dynamics, juvenile delinquency occurs in the Kimovsky district. This is due to the low material level of the families in which the teenager is being raised. Which in turn indicates the economic problems of the country. The most difficult financial situation, unemployment, loss of life guidelines, despair, hopelessness, poor living conditions and personal development of adolescents are the main factors that push minors to commit crimes.

Among the reasons influencing juvenile delinquency, the following are of fundamental importance:

✓ an increase in the number of minors who find themselves without proper parental care or under the criminal influence of the family or immediate family environment, aggravation of issues;

✓ inaccessibility to them of many forms of leisure and the most necessary consumer goods;

✓ a sharp reduction in the number of clubs, sports sections, etc.;

✓ reducing the role of school in educating the younger generation; the spread of the cult of violence on television, in videos, radio programs, and literature;

✓ interethnic conflicts;

✓ shortcomings and miscalculations in the activities of internal affairs bodies to prevent crime among minors.

Having studied the information and statistical data of the Kimovsky District Department of Internal Affairs, the features of crime among minors in the Kimovsky district were identified. This should help increase the knowledge of both adolescents and adults in legal matters. Also improve understanding of juvenile delinquency itself and its causes.

In my opinion, the analysis of juvenile delinquency indicates that mitigating the negative trends contributing to its growth is impossible without achieving stabilization in the economic and social environments, without consistent implementation of legislative and judicial reforms, and the implementation of programs aimed at preventing neglect and crime , without the targeted work of all services and departments of internal affairs bodies to prevent violent crimes among minors. Unfortunately, one of the fundamental principles of prevention – its humanity – has been forgotten.

Prevention in the activities of internal affairs bodies gradually takes into account its educational orientation. General preventive measures to prevent crimes among adolescents have become more formal and do not correspond to everyday life.

In modern conditions, according to our ideas, they should be propaganda, didactic and intimidating.

The main link remains the prevention of juvenile delinquency. In the municipality of Kimovsky District, a system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency has been created and is functioning. The coordinator of the authorities' actions is the Commission on Minors' Affairs. The main areas of activity that can be found in my work.

When visiting the juvenile department, I studied several criminal cases. I depicted the materials of one case in the form of a summary table. Table 5. After analyzing this case, I made an analysis. The crimes (the first three were theft) were committed over a period of several months at night. This indicates a lack of control on the part of the parents (mother works in Moscow, father has another family). By court decision, the first case was dismissed with reconciliation of the parties, the second - a fine of 6,000 rubles. , third - correctional labor. Thus, impunity led to new crimes and the last, fourth, almost ended in murder - a minor caused serious harm to a man’s health, almost resulting in death. The teenager is currently in custody and awaiting trial. While in custody, the criminal repented, realized and asked for forgiveness from the victim. The teenager also had no organized leisure time and systematically skipped school. Thus, 5 times he stayed for a second year of study. There are also problems in the legislation here, since the Law does not provide for forced involvement in education.

Having studied and analyzed the preventive measures of the KDN and ZP in order to identify, expose and suppress the criminal activities of antisocial groups of minors, I have developed some recommendations.

In our opinion, this work has practical significance and can be used as extracurricular activities in law. In addition, this information can be used by a social teacher.

Working on the theoretical material of educational and research work, conducting research, we managed to achieve the intended goals and objectives. In the future, we plan to continue working in the field of law.

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