How to improve the material well-being of the family. Three simple steps to improve your well-being How to improve the well-being of the city

In Russia, the task of improving the well-being of the people was set by the Soviet leaders. In the early 60s of the last century, the leader of the USSR N.S. Khrushchev confidently declared that the current generation of Soviet citizens would live under communism. At the same time, it was assumed that society would reach a stage of development in which there would be an abundance in the field of material goods. Years passed, but the bold statement of the party leader did not come true.

After the beginning of the transition of the Russian national economy to capitalist rails, economists associated the growth in the welfare of the population with the introduction of methods of a free market economy. However, at the first stage of economic reforms, the standard of living of the general population was steadily declining. Unemployment rose, prices for food and basic necessities rose. Increased social inequality and stratification of the people.

It became clear that free market relations in themselves are not able to benefit the masses. To achieve a high level of well-being of the population, it was necessary to take a number of measures in the field of state regulation of the economy and social security. Economists of Russia and its statesmen turned to the experience of the most developed countries where social issues were resolved most effectively.

Ways to improve the well-being of the population

It turned out that one of the factors influencing the improvement of the welfare of the population is a developed market infrastructure and transparent "rules of the game" that are mandatory for all economic entities. When representatives of the business world and consumers of goods and services understand what principles the state is guided by in economic policy conditions are being created for cooperation between the state, free enterprise and the people.

Those countries where the standard of living of the people is considered high, use the practice of extensive interference in the economic activities of economic entities. By supporting healthy competition in the market of consumer goods and services, the state influences the price level, which helps to reduce the costs of the population, especially its low-income strata, the least protected in social terms. Entrepreneurs are faced with the need to take into account the interests of consumers.

Another way to improve the well-being of the population is the development by the state of a wide range of social programs and the strict fulfillment of social obligations. This includes increased spending on healthcare, education, culture and science. The standard of living of the population is not only an increase in its income, but also a high degree of development of the entire social infrastructure.

The state, with all its desire, is not able to ensure the well-being of the entire people only at the expense of the budget and the provision of social assistance. A more effective way is to create conditions for the free development of entrepreneurial initiative among a wide range of citizens. In recent years, the state has been implementing programs to help those who decide to take their future into their own hands and start a small business. It is assumed that this approach will solve the problems of employment, lead to the creation of jobs, to a general increase in income and well-being.

What you give is what you get.

So remember the rule: how much we give, exactly how much we get. Therefore, "the miser pays twice."

And that is why it is always better to overpay than not to pay extra. Now many people understand this and are ready to pay more for the best quality, guided by the principle “better more expensive and better”, than vice versa. And they are right! With this principle, I think, many will agree, especially when it comes to goods and services. But what we (in the sense of the citizens of Russia) are not yet ready to pay for is information.

But, how much we pay for it, how much we absorb it, exactly how much it will be useful to us.

There are people who run around half of Moscow to buy something 50-100 rubles cheaper than in other places. You should not do this, even if it is possible to find an item of the same quality at a lower price.

The excess that you gave in one place will definitely return to you in another.

In a word, do not be afraid to overpay. Be happy to tip, buy expensive quality items, services and information - what you like!!! Do not waste time saving on a couple of rubles.

Do not be afraid that you will not be paid for your work! Anyone who does not pay you will pay double or even triple elsewhere, but you will win in something else, more. For the same reason, do not be afraid to be deceived and robbed.

The leadership of the world-famous English corporation “Marx and Spencer” apparently knows these laws of conservation of energy, since their management principle says: “It is better to give subordinates more than they should be than not to give them their due.”

And further. Treat your friends with joy, not only at home, but also in a cafe. It is no coincidence that it is customary to invite guests to a housewarming party and the birth of a child (in a month), to wash the first salary in a new place (to pay well), to buy a good thing (to wear longer). At the same time, it is not necessary to water half of the capital, the treat can be purely symbolic for a small company.

Today, people often try to “forget” such important events to mark, and “wash” things. Such savings can be expensive: you will lose in something else, and people from whom you can’t hide either a child or a new apartment with a car will most likely be offended.

good deeds

It used to be customary in Russia to give a tithe (one-tenth of one's income) to the church. Then churches and monasteries contained schools, hospitals, almshouses (where destitute orphans and the poor found shelter). And the tithe went not only for the construction and maintenance of temples, but also for social security, as we would say, speaking modern language. On the other hand, Russian nobles and merchants also built churches, hospitals, and schools at their own expense. They understood that charity is not only their retribution for wealth - it is better to give something consciously than to lose when you do not expect it, but also to increase their monetary energy - you give more, you get more.

So do charity work, but stay away from our charitable foundations. They rarely have a real relationship with charity. As a rule, this is a collection of money under the guise of good intentions.

It is better to find some kind of orphanage, a society for the disabled yourself and bring money or things there. At the very least, you will make sure that your help reaches the addressee.

If you are bad with money and there seems to be no time for charity, sort out your old things and distribute them to the poor, or simply take them to the trash cans and leave them nearby. I assure you that your, even the most “no” things, will always be useful in the household of a certain category of people. And they will dismantle them in the blink of an eye, and even get torn apart because of them.

Should I give charity or not?

As for those beggars who beg for alms every other step, as you can guess, they are not beggars at all. This is one of the ways to make money. But you can't blame them for it. Everyone earns as he can - not for us to judge.

To give charity or not to give? That's the question! Do not give at all - you can not!!!

Then, when you ask someone for something, they will not give you. You can call it God's punishment, karma or something else. But it has long been noticed that everything returns to us like a boomerang. It works all the same law: "What you give, you will receive."
And if in our time to give to everyone who asks, you can go broke. If you give selectively, then you can give not to those who really need it. What to do?
Throw doubts away and listen to your heart. Whom you will feel sorry for, to whom your hand will reach out, you will feel that you need to help - help. You don't have to give money. You can buy bread, a pie, an apple. And don't regret it. Everything will come back to you. But if you wanted to help and did not help, then you will definitely lose more elsewhere.

How to give money?

Another mistake is to transfer money from hand to hand, even if you pay for something. When you pay money, always put it on a table or stand near the cash register (it is there not only for convenience). The fact is that with money another person can transfer his energy to us, and not everyone has it healthy and clean. Money taken from a bad or sick person will not bring good luck. But it is best to transfer money to put it on something wooden, although now it is more and more difficult to find natural wood in our everyday life. The tree also has an excellent ability to extinguish bad energy.

This is especially true for paying off debts. Remember that debts are not repaid in the evening (the money is already asleep!!!). If, nevertheless, such a need has ripened, giving money, put it on the floor.

In general, money (like all nature) wakes up at dawn and falls asleep at sunset. That's why "Who gets up early, God gives him!" Don't believe? Check it out in practice!

Without exception, all sellers know this rule: when someone bought something from you, you need to immediately fan the remaining unpurchased goods with this money. What for? To speed up the process of "money - goods - money", that is, the transformation of goods into money.

By fanning the product with the buyer's money, we transfer the buyer's money energy to it, that is, we multiply our own money energy. In addition, at the energy level, we thus equate the energy of money with the energy of the product (money = product), and the product is sold faster.

1. Don't be afraid to overpay. Better to overpay than underpay!
2. Don't skimp on food and tips!
3. Do charity work! It will come back to you!
4. Sort out your old things, and give the unnecessary to the poor!
5. If you want to help someone, be sure to help!
6. Give alms!

How to improve your well-being in a few simple steps? The road to financial well-being consists of only three steps that everyone needs to overcome.

Do you often feel short of money? Worried that you do not have enough finance for the necessary purchase? Do you know that in 95% of cases, you yourself are main reason such a shortage? A certain way of thinking that has developed inside pushes money away from you.

Is it really possible to change something? Certainly! Here, light exercises can help you, which will make you look at money problems in a completely different way, and will be able to become the initial bricks in a strong foundation for your financial well-being.

1. Materialize thoughts

First, take a notebook and write down what you are afraid of or afraid of in the financial aspect, which of the money issues confuse you?

You can write in notepad something like:

What if I don't have enough money to pay off the loan?

What if I lose my job?;

I'm afraid I won't be able to raise money until the summer for a vacation by the sea.

It is precisely in such fears that the difference between a solid, financially successful person and one who constantly cries and “something is missing” is manifested. Thus, the former think about what they want to come to, and the latter think about what they want to get away from.

You have probably heard that thoughts are directly related to their material reflection? For example, by thinking about how to get away from any money problems, you, on the contrary, increase the likelihood of their implementation. But having depicted a certain goal in front of you, you, completely imperceptibly for everyone, attract the necessary people, useful information, stop at achieving this financial goal and, ultimately, achieve it.

2. Use the principle of reversibility

Now it's time for the second exercise. Pick from financial problems that you wrote down earlier, some of the most significant ones, the memory of which really does not let you calm down.

Selected? And now we use the principle of reversibility in relation to them.

For example, in the first paragraph, you wrote “I’m afraid I won’t have enough money to pay off the loan.” Say the same thought in a slightly different way: “How can I earn money to pay off the loan? What needs to be done to earn the necessary funds?

After all, the whole essence of the principle of reversibility lies in the fact that the negative statement - "I'm afraid of the problem" becomes a positive one - "what can be done to solve this", thus stimulating the brain to find the right solution.

Pass all your doubts and anxieties through the principle of reversibility, turn all problems in a positive direction - “what can I do to achieve the agreed goal”, and you will see for yourself how the result will not be long in coming.

You will torment yourself with thoughts “why there is not enough money, why everything goes wrong”, the brain will instantly pick up a thousand excuses for all troubles and hardships. And in order for the human brain to choose the right answers, start asking it the right questions.

3. Move forward according to the plan

Sometimes all our changes are completed at the stage of the plan. You know how to proceed in order to pay off the loan. But you can’t take action in any way: either the beginning of the week is terrible, then a blockage at work, then you catch a cold, get tired, a scandal at home ... In the modern world, this phenomenon is called the serious word procrastination, it is the tendency to postpone important things for later.

There are quite a few helpful books out there on how to deal with this affliction, but to get you started on your way to serious money now, here are some simple methods:

Make a short plan to get closer to your financial independence. Even if it is a plan with small steps, but certain dates, you don’t need to think everything through to the details right away. For example, let it be like this - “deserve a salary increase”, “achieve career growth to ...”, “collect 10% of the profits”. After some time, take all these points and make a plan for them.

Goes according to your plan - do at least something to complete the points every day. You shouldn't take on everything at once, but there's no point in stopping either. Great journeys always begin with a single first step, so don't delay.

Get started right now. It makes no sense to put off your own wealth for several months or even days. Everything is in your hands, go ahead!

If you decide to radically change everything in your life, the Binomo broker will help you with this.

The main end goals of economic growth are to increase

material well-being of the population and maintaining the national

security. Increasing material well-being as the main goal

economic growth is specified in the following main components:

1. Increase in per capita income of the population. Achieving this goal

is reflected in the growth rate of national income (NI) per capita


4. Improving the quality and increasing the diversity of manufactured goods and services.

This component is not directly reflected in the real NI indicator. AT

At the same time, it is quite plausible to assume that higher quality and

associated with the strengthening of its social orientation. Main

the components of the quality of economic growth are:

Improving the material well-being of the population;

Increasing free time as the basis for harmonious development


Increasing the level of development of social infrastructure sectors;

Growth of investment in human capital;

Ensuring the safety of working conditions and people's lives;

Social protection of the unemployed and disabled;

Maintaining full employment in the face of growing supply

in the labor market.

The direct line consists of five main factors,

that directly determine the dynamics of aggregate production and


Increasing the number and improving the quality of labor resources;

Growth in the volume and improvement in the qualitative composition of fixed capital;

Improvement of technology and organization of production;

Increasing the quantity and quality of those involved in the economic turnover

natural resources; .

Growth of entrepreneurial abilities in society.

Indirect factors include such supply factors as a decrease in

the degree of monopolization of markets, a decrease in prices for production resources,

division of society into classes (according to Rostow, the concept of "classes" is identical

closed, disconnected castes), static equilibrium in the economy, low

the rate of accumulation, the resistance of producers to scientific and technical progress and high rates

population growth. The combination of low economic growth and, conversely,

high population growth leads to a fall in real per capita income

population. Under the pressure of this negative trend, there is gradually

stabilization of the population and income levels.

2. The stage of creating conditions for the run. It is characterized by slow

gradual creation of conditions for some increase in efficiency

production and economic growth rates.

3. Stage of takeoff. Its distinguishing feature is the increase

the rate of accumulation in the national income, which makes it possible to use

achievements of scientific and technological progress and overcome resistance to development from the existing

institutions of power, traditions and customs.

4. Path to maturity. The pace of economic growth is increasing. Extension

output outstrips population growth

which leads to higher living standards.

5. Society of high mass consumption. At this stage of concern for

resource constraints on output growth are eliminated. Against,

restrictions on the demand side and the environment are increasing, the importance of

durable goods and services.
State regulation of economic growth

The state plays a significant role in regulating economic growth, and it is necessary to consider what measures of state regulation can best stimulate this process.

1. Keynesians view economic growth primarily in terms of demand factors. They usually attribute low growth rates to an inadequate level of aggregate spending, which does not provide the necessary increase in GNP. So they preach low rates percent (policy of "cheap money") as a means of stimulating investment. If necessary, fiscal policy can be used to limit government spending and consumption so that high levels of investment do not lead to inflation.

For more than 8 years, the economic recession has continued in Russia. For the period of GDP shrank by 42% and industrial production by 54%. The strongest decline was observed in the manufacturing industries. The number of unemployed for the period increased from 3.6 to 9 million people.

At the end of 1998 - beginning of 1999. In the industry, there has been a weak dynamics of economic growth. In the first half of 1999, industrial production grew by 3.1%, but GDP fell by 2.9%. Small growth in the industry was stimulated by three factors:

clearing the domestic market of imports in connection with the devaluation of the ruble in 1998. and the growth of import-substituting industries;

the acceleration of trade in connection with the increase in the money supply in circulation;

change in price proportions in favor of the manufacturing industry.

The devaluation of the ruble ensured a decrease in demand for imports, both for consumer and investment goods. National manufacturers and foreign companies with production facilities in Russia have been given the opportunity to expand the production of import-substituting products. At the same time, some groups of Russian goods, for example, a number of food products, as a result of the modernization carried out (before the crisis of August 1998, on the basis of imported equipment in the overwhelming majority of cases), surpass imported analogues in quality.

As a result of the devaluation of the ruble, the share of the economy's income derived from exports increased sharply. National exporters received a powerful incentive to earn a currency growing in value and, thus, ensure the well-being of their workers, pay taxes, and create a reserve for investment. Export oil prices were very low at the beginning of the year. Now the situation has improved significantly - world oil prices have risen to $20 per barrel. This basically positive trend for our economy in the third quarter led to an increase in domestic prices for petroleum products, which, along the chain, leads to an increase in inflation in the country.

However, the export of machinery and equipment, including capital-intensive products, almost did not increase - the state did practically nothing to this end.

In order to fully compensate for the drop in imports in 1999 by domestic production, it is necessary to ensure GDP growth for the year by at least 6%. There are financial resources for this growth in Russia. The positive foreign trade balance this year could reach $30 billion. If at least a third of the $30 billion is used to purchase domestic goods, demand growth will increase domestic production by 5.5-6%.

The second factor stimulating economic growth - the limited issue of money by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - led to a certain increase in domestic demand, a reduction in barter, an improvement in the structure of working capital, and an increase in the liquidity of industrial enterprises.

The third factor of economic growth is associated with the still rapid rise in prices for manufacturing products, especially in the food and light industries, in comparison with primary industries.

Thus, inflation resulting from the devaluation of the ruble objectively made a positive contribution to the normalization of price proportions.

Unfortunately, the positive impulse of the noted factors operates in a very limited space, without affecting the bulk of the manufacturing industry. Rising prices for petroleum products indicate that the positive effect of the devaluation of the ruble in Russia is almost exhausted.

Economic growth associated with import substitution rests on the limited domestic demand in the Russian market, in the absence of available financial resources. The level of investment in the real sector of the economy is extremely low, and there is no targeted financial support from the state. To prevent the threat of a new decline in industrial production, urgent measures are needed to increase the purchasing power of the population and to clear up non-payments.

I think a lot of people wantimprove well-being your family, increase your personal capital. The only pity is that not everyone knows how to do it.

Let's try to find out what increases in our material condition exist today.

Naturally, we are talking about additional types of earnings, or a radical change in the type of activity, position.

Because by continuing to work in the same place where you are now, you are unlikely to be able toimprove well-being . It's like running in one place.

So, the first thing that comes to mind is in any of their forms. This includes investments:

    in securities (shares, bonds);

    in precious metals (platinum, silver, gold);

    in residential, commercial real estate (including participating in shared construction), which can be resold or permanently leased;

    in business (your own, someone else's). A variation of the latter can be called participation in affiliate programs, investments in developing Internet projects;

    in mutual funds (acquiring their shares). Here, in fact, the integration of investments takes place, since investment funds invest the collected money at their discretion in various investment objects;

    in banks (deposit, metal, currency accounts). You will earn interest on any of these investments. They are small, so this is not suitable for short-term investments;

    transfer money to the management of professionals (management company, traders, by joining a PAMM account);

    c (according to many insurance contracts, in addition to life insurance itself, it is assumed that the invested money of the insured will be used for investment purposes). Therefore, if an insured event does not occur after the expiration of the insurance contract, not only sum insured, but also the incremental investment profit;

    into someone else's talent (producing). This mainly applies to art, show business, cinema, and literature. You can produce the artist himself, the author or his individual works.

Also, investment can be divided into separate industries:

    in natural resources (for example, in the creation of artificial reservoirs for the organization of mass recreation or fisheries or the acquisition of a land plot with a pond).

They mainly invest in recreational resources (that is, those that can be used for recreation for commercial purposes).

Also common are investments directed to projects for the development, extraction of minerals - oil, coal, gas, hydrocarbons, diamonds and forests;

    to agriculture;

    in mechanical engineering;

    in the aircraft industry;

    in shipbuilding;

    in telecommunications;

    IT technologies;

    gas, oil, petrochemical industries.

How else canimprove well-being without breaking the law? Finding a high paying job.

Such that wages are enough not only for your monthly needs, but also left in reserve.

And for this it is necessary to become competitive in the labor market (after all, there are many who want to). This means upgrading your skills or learning a new specialty.

You can also work on:

    start an additional small business from scratch,

    organize a passive income for yourself (which does not require active personal efforts),

    turn a hobby into a business

    use, knowledge, skills for commercial purposes;

    become a co-owner of an existing business;

    start an infobusiness (creation, promotion of websites, information resources, products).

Generally,improve well-being can be in various ways - there would be a desire.

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