Desire under the chiming clock. How to attract good luck on New Year's Eve? How to attract good luck in the new year

New Year's Eve is the most magical night of the year. At this time, the heavens open, and the requests of people are heard by the universe. At this time, rituals and rituals are traditionally performed to attract good luck and wealth. On New Year's Eve, you can get rid of obstacles and troubles, make a secret wish. What other rituals for the new year can be performed? Let's look at some effective magic spells on the different cases life.

In order for the year to be successful, it is necessary to put magical protection against the machinations of unclean spirits. These rituals will keep you and your family from misfortune for a year, and the next year you need to repeat everything all over again. However, before setting up protections and amulets, it is necessary to clean the room from energy dirt.

Cleaning the room of negativity

After finishing the usual cleaning in the house, sprinkle the room with holy water. Particular attention should be paid to corners, windows and doors. Then light a church candle and say:

Amulet from trouble

You need to prepare for this ritual in advance. You need to collect the following magic items:

  • cones and needles from pine;
  • a thread of pure wool without synthetics, 30 cm long;
  • sprigs of dry wormwood with flowers;
  • a copper coin or any object made of copper;
  • a white or silver coin;
  • a piece of silk fabric;
  • dry lilac flowers;
  • dry petals of a red rose;
  • seven oat grains;
  • seashell or stone with a hole;
  • three dry leaves from oak;
  • candle wax.

You should have 12 different items representing the 12 months of the year. Now take a piece of red fabric without a pattern and cut a circle out of it. With a new needle and red thread, walk along the edge of the circle with a “zhivulka” stitch and fix with a knot at the end.

Put objects on the circle and tighten the threads. Before knotting the bag, blow inward on the objects and say:

Scroll of Wishes

What new year is complete without fortune-telling and rituals for wishes? Those who practice rituals for the fulfillment of desires every year say that everything is fulfilled literally. Only this ritual must be taken responsibly and the desires to make really feasible ones. You can not demand the impossible from the universe, it will not come true anyway.

So, you need to prepare:

  • sheet of white paper;
  • a crust of black bread;
  • red rose;
  • a piece of refined sugar;
  • a red pen or felt-tip pen;
  • a white candle and a scarlet ribbon.

What wishes can you make on New Year's Eve? These can be dreams related to well-being, love and money. Each person has his own dreams, and the universe responds to the desires of the heart. The ceremony must begin a week before New Year's Eve.

Light a candle. Write down three cherished desires on a piece of paper and put a magical “so be it” under them. Pack all the items in a sheet, hold in your hands for a few minutes and focus on your desires.

Then tie the bundle with ribbon and secure with candle wax and seal. Put the bag under the mattress, you should sleep with a bundle every night: 7 days before the new year and 7 days after it. Then take the bag out from under the mattress and put it on the highest place in the house on your photo. First put a photo, and on top of it - a bundle. Within a year, all dreams come true!

Desire in champagne

What other New Year's rituals and rites of desire are there? A fun collective ritual with champagne has gained popularity: it can be carried out together with guests at the festive table. First you need to prepare napkins, boxes of matches and pens according to the number of people at the table.

When the chimes start their fight, you need to quickly write down your innermost desire on a napkin, set it on fire, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it. All actions must be done before the last strike of the chimes. If it works out, the wish will come true quickly!

Three bags of fate

For this ritual, you need to draw three bags of different colors on three sheets of A4 paper: black, blue and red. Next, do the following:

  1. on a piece of paper with a red bag, write a wish list;
  2. on a sheet with a black bag, write what you want to get rid of;
  3. on the sheet with the blue bag, list the good events of the past year.

After the chiming clock, you need to burn a sheet with a black bag and scatter the ashes in the wind (blow off the balcony). This is what should leave you in the new year. Along with the destruction of the sheet, you need to get rid of the pen with black paste - break it. The other two sheets need to be hidden and forgotten about until the next New Year's Eve. After the holidays, you can re-read the notes and note what came true during the year. This ritual can be performed continuously.

New Year fortune telling

This fortune-telling should be carried out in the circle of guests. Prepare walnut shells according to the number of people present and place a symbol of desire in each half of the shell:

  • love is a heart;
  • money is a dollar symbol;
  • car - a wheel from the car;
  • etc.

Pour water into a bowl and lower the shells. Now you need to stand around the basin and blow: what shell will moor to "your shore", then the desire will come true!

New 2019 will be the year of the Earth or Yellow Pig.

Interestingly, the symbols of the year are a tradition of Eastern culture. And although the New Year according to the Chinese calendar comes much later, on the night of January 1, many plan to celebrate it so that the symbol of the year is satisfied.

In the outfit for the New Year's Eve, you can choose clothes with yellow elements. Also, the symbol of the year will like the outfit of sand or lemon color. Suitable this time will be all shades of green and brown. Golden tones must be added to the range of these colors, since the pig represents wealth and prosperity.

The clothes of the hosts and guests must necessarily have shades of the earth, this will help them enlist the favor of the symbol of the year. It is not necessary to wear clothes of those shades that you do not like. You can add accessories in the form of a scarf or gloves in this color to your clothes.

It is advisable to arrange a festive table in the same colors, then the animal will be favorable to all the inhabitants of this house, bring them prosperity and stability. The same colors should be used in order to decorate the Christmas tree.

The symbol of the family personifies care for loved ones, is a symbol of family life and the hearth. That is why it is necessary to celebrate the New Year with your family, invite guests and relatives. A large family will help the hostess of the house to attract a sense of support from loved ones. Be sure to invite those who live alone.

A pig likes any big company, not necessarily a family. You can just get together as friends. For a young couple, the New Year can be the beginning of their happy family life.

New Year's Eve should be organized so that no one gets bored. But at the same time, you should not spend too active and annoying fun. It is necessary to prepare interesting contests and quizzes in advance.

Those who decide to go abroad for the New Year may not postpone their trip, because the animal is prone to adventure.

The yellow pig loves a variety of salads. Some of them can be made in the shape of a pig or whatever the pig might like. With the help of canned corn and peas, you can make a beautiful salad decoration. The pig will love all meals that include nuts and legumes.

The most favorite food of this symbol of the year is potatoes and root vegetables. Vinaigrette should be made for the New Year. This dish will help to attract the favorable attention of the symbol of the year. Potatoes can be mashed or french fries.

In order for good luck to be present throughout the year, a pig figurine must be present in the middle of the New Year's table.

Before you voice your dream during the chiming clock, you need to grunt three times, in which case the symbol of the year will contribute to its fulfillment.

Taking out the trash on December 31st and January 1st is undesirable as you may attract poverty to your home. It is not advisable to clean at this time.

So that money problems bypass you next year, you need to sit down at the festive table with full pockets.

Be sure to put at least one coin in your pocket, this will help attract financial luck. And all debts must be distributed before the New Year.

If you do not cover all your debts this year, then next year there will be even more debts.

Orenburg residents can try several New Year's rituals at once. AiF Orenburg correspondent sincerely hopes that wishes will come true.


3 minutes. Interesting custom there are wires of the old year in Bulgaria. Residents of this country turn off the lights in the house exactly three minutes before X hour. And they kiss! Nice tradition to spend the year. Who knows, maybe next to you will be the same handsome prince.

water procedures. In distant Myanmar, instead of snow, there is ordinary water. And you don't always find one. Therefore, the inhabitants of Myanmar pour water on each other on New Year's Eve. The fact is that this holiday falls on the hottest time. And people splash around to feel the pleasant coolness for a little while.

Christmas log. A funny tradition exists in Italy. In this country, a few days before the New Year, you need to bring a log into the house. Not a Christmas tree, but a wooden log. Before the New Year, the log should smolder in the hearth or in the fireplace. The Italians believe that this will burn all the troubles. So, enter the New Year without any problems and worries. But what if you live in a city apartment? Unfortunately, the old tradition does not provide for such a situation.

Playing cards. The Greeks give each other, in addition to the main gifts, a deck playing cards. Why? They themselves no longer remember, but the tradition has remained. Therefore, among the gifts, the Greeks always find decks of cards under the tree (or rather, under another local tree). Something to do next year! Also, almost everyone gives each other local wine.

Success and wealth. In the Baltics, it is customary to scatter peas on New Year's Eve. It is believed that this will bring wealth next year. The tradition originated a long time ago, of course, among local peasants who really scattered peas in order to get a rich harvest. But why the Latvians are still doing this is not very clear.

Your own magician

You can follow the good old traditions, or you can create your own - and they will work just as well, if not better. All that is needed is faith in miracles and in the fact that each of us is a magician from birth. Simoron - a kind of school for the fulfillment of desires - with its ridiculous rituals and conspiracies, it resembles the theater of the absurd. But here's what's amazing: everything works! What and how can you “conjure” yourself for the New Year?

The followers of this trend believe that from December 25 to January 7, the cosmic gates of abundance open. What does it mean? It is imperative to do a general cleaning and get rid of useless things. Be sure to pay off all debts. You probably already know this unspoken rule. If for some reason you could not do this, then never give money away on the last day of the old year, as well as on the first day of the new year. The same rule applies to the first Monday of January, 6 and 7 January.

Get involved in charity work. This may be an elderly neighbor on the landing or poor relatives. You can give away unwanted clothes, help those in need with money or even food. There is a very true saying: "What you gave is yours." People who are generous never need anything.

Try instead of grapes this year to eat another fruit - pomegranate. According to the followers of Simoron, pomegranate has magical properties. Make a wish and start eating pomegranates - slowly, grain by grain, imagining in detail that the wish has already come true. The result will not be long in coming.

If you want to lose weight, there is a great way. After the New Year holidays, take an empty plastic bottle. Wash thoroughly and pour there, for example, jelly. And now the most important thing: stick a label on the bottle from a detergent that dissolves grease well, for example, the same dishwashing liquid. Drink a spoonful of this potion for a week. And be sure that the fat really literally dissolves.

Write yourself a message from 2018. What job do you want to work? Where do you see yourself in a year? Be sure to write in the affirmative form. It can be a letter sent to yourself (some sites offer this service, you send the letter and choose the date you want it delivered) or an interview you take on yourself, or even a fairy tale starring you. Do not be afraid to dream, this is one of the most important conditions.

Dreaming of a promotion? For this, too, there is a certain ritual. Draw an ear. Yes, the human ear. Imagine that this is the ear of your boss, tell him about your desire to take a higher position in the company or a request for a salary increase. Did you say? Be sure your boss heard your request. By the way, it can be not only the boss, but also a girlfriend, friend, husband. So if you want to tell them something - please!

If you get a headache on New Year's Eve (or any other day), don't despair. Send yourself an SMS with the following content: “I'm leaving you, I'm sorry if I hurt you. Your headache." Has your head stopped hurting? And yes, don't drink too much. But you yourself know this.

Important! The main postulate of all "simoronauts" is to treat these rituals as a game. Believe that your desires will come true, but at the same time do not express claims to the Universe in case of a possible failure. Be patient! If the proposed rituals are not enough for you, feel free to invent new ones!

Why do some people get their wishes fulfilled and others don't?

Since childhood, New Year's Eve has been perceived by most people as something magical and magical, even by the biggest skeptics. According to statistics, wishes made on New Year's Eve come true for about 12% of people (every tenth person), and this is not a small number. Wishes made on this night come true more often than those that people make on ordinary days, because usually at this time we experience an emotional upsurge. This is directly related to the feelings from childhood, when everything seems magical, wonderful and possible, and yet faith in one's own strength helps to achieve a lot.

But as we know, some wishes come true, while others do not. A reasonable question arises - why? Psychologists note that the meaning of making wishes is extremely simple: in any business, project, business, a specific goal is first set, so that later you can draw up a plan that reflects the way to achieve it. The same thing happens with desires - you set goals for yourself and tune in to the search and perception of exactly the information that is now necessary to implement your plan.

Let's suppose that you made a wish to buy a car in the new year, clearly formulated this desire for yourself. Thus, you have already set yourself up to better capture information about opportunities for additional income or career growth in the future, pay attention to ads for profitable car sales, and so on. All this will increase the chances that the plan will come true.

A systematic approach is very important, you need to understand what exactly you want. That is, to determine the system of their values ​​and needs, since those of our desires that are formulated most clearly are realized faster and easier. That is why it is very effective to write down desires on a piece of paper (remember our traditional ritual that we perform under the chimes). Indeed, before burning a piece of paper or doing something similar, we clearly formulate for ourselves what we want to receive in the New Year, how it will look, what words describe it better and more accurately, thereby giving the desire a very real form, in other words - visualize. This is useful from the point of view of systematization, because the more precisely and clearly we formulate for ourselves what we want, the easier it will be for us then to form (consciously or unconsciously) ways to solve and fulfill this desire.

When making a wish, be guided by your own values ​​and needs if you want them to come true. For example, if your parents are waiting for their grandchildren or dream of looking at you in a white dress going to the altar, but at the same time you yourself do not feel such a need, then having guessed this, you are most likely doomed to failure, since these desires are not yours, you yourself will internally resist their execution, and therefore, the probability that they will be fulfilled is close to zero.

The next mistake is to make wishes that are physically or emotionally extremely difficult to fulfill during the year, which take longer. Of course, doing the impossible and overcoming hardships can build your character and willpower, but you're more likely to get physically or emotionally exhausted trying to meet your deadlines. Try to make wishes without using the “not” particle, as our brain has a funny tendency to “skip” this particle and tune in to a positive statement. For example, instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” it’s better to think of “May I have good health.”

Whatever method of making wishes you use, whatever traditions you adhere to, it is important to remember that wishes come true for those who believe in their own strength and that dreams can come true.

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve is amazing. We knock down in search of gifts, think over the menu of the festive table, decorate the home. But care should be taken not only about the material side of the celebration. There are many signs, following which in the new year you can change your life. If you perform the rituals correctly and whisper conspiracies for the New Year, then luck will accompany everything, and with the help of New Year's fortune-telling you can see the future. Rituals and customs for the New Year are special for each nation, but one thing unites us all - faith in the sacrament and witchcraft of New Year's Eve. Therefore, we will tell you about conspiracies, rituals, signs, fortune-telling in the New Year.

We are all little children at heart. A festive night is an occasion not only to gather with friends at a generous table and have a good time, but also to make a wish, find out the future, and attract good luck into your life. Experienced esotericists say that at this time magic pervades literally everything, so everyone can create their own miracle: an ordinary person becomes a wizard. This must be taken advantage of and not to spend the festive night on feasts and libations. The night from December 31st to January 1st is not a simple calendar date.

The forces of the Earth are especially favorable to man, and the day is filled with special energy. One has only to imagine how many people look at watches, count minutes and seconds. The world is imbued with a common expectation of happiness, hope for a happy life, joyful prayers, wonderful meetings. It is simply a sin not to use this energy. The egregor of happiness will be opened to everyone - it is easy to mentally join it, get your share of the joy and positive that fills the world. A simple technique will help you tune in to the “general wave of happiness”. Here are the words that you can read to feel a surge of strength, inspiration and vigor:

May the years bring us only joy.

Experience, wisdom and happiness bring.

May storms and storms pass us by,

And in our homes there will be comfort.

Let friends share joy with us,

And they will drink to the bottom for health.

May love warm our hearts

Like a glass of expensive wine.

Health and youth in the New Year

The most important toast at any table, including New Year's, is “For health”. First of all, we always wish health to our loved ones, because it is our wealth. It is no coincidence that the most popular rituals for the New Year are those that help improve health, preserve youth, strength, and beauty. The main condition for magical actions is complete trust in the Higher Ones and faith in one's own strengths. What will be required?

  • In the pre-New Year's fuss, carve out an hour or two of "personal time" for yourself. It is desirable if there is an hour or two left before midnight. It is then that prayer appeals to heaven have special power.
  • Before the ceremony, completely wash and stand in the shower. Water will relieve fatigue and help to cheer up. It will help to leave all negative emotions in the past, cleanse and prepare for the ceremony.
  • To carry out the ritual, you will also need a mirror (preferably a large one), three candles painted red, and honey.

Sitting comfortably near the mirror, light candles and say the following words on a spoon of honey:

“On three sides of the day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the earth. Run away, sickness, run away sickness. Heal Mother Earth, water. I will drop a sweet drop in my mouth and walk the earth like a swan. I will find a young one for a century, I will seal it with sweet honey. Let it be so!"

After the spell is cast, eat a spoonful of honey and drink water. Cover the mirror with a clean towel and leave until midnight. The rite, according to psychics, has a strong rejuvenating property. In the Russian folk tradition, honey is a remedy for many diseases, and its regular use not only gives rejuvenation, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and internal organs of a person.

Ritual traditions in Russia are rich in conspiracies to preserve the youth of the soul and body. Here is another health conspiracy that is easy to do "at home". It is good in that it is not necessary to pronounce it the day before, but can be postponed to January 1st or 2nd. What will be needed?

  • Candle (church or ordinary decorative).
  • Clay bowl (dishes must be made of clay, no other modern materials will work).
  • Holy water (if it is not available, then you can stock up on water from any flowing source: a spring or a river).
“As the Lord God strengthened the sky and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and as on that damp mother earth there is no illness, no blood wound, no pinches, no swelling, the Lord also created me, the servant of God (name), as the Lord created, firmly established and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body, so it was with me, the servants of God (name), the whole year would not be on a white body, on a zealous heart, nor on my bones no disease, no blood, no wound, no pinches, no aches, no swelling. One Arkhangelsk key: forever and ever, amen!”

Pronounce the text by dipping your fingertips into the water. After the prayer words are read, three small sips must be taken from the bowl, then, wash your face with the same water. It is recommended to pour the remaining moisture into a bottle and use it as needed when getting rid of any ailment is required.

How to attract good luck in the new year

You can attract good luck and luck in the new year with the help of special conspiracies and rituals. You can resort to fortune-telling and find out when you should expect a happy event, and by signs you can find out how productive and successful the coming period will be. For the most easy way will need:

  • Coin (after the ceremony, it cannot be used for its intended purpose).
  • You can take a figurine depicting the symbol of the coming year. 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog according to the Chinese calendar. The figurine should fit easily in the palm of your hand, in a bag or purse.
  • Candle gold or red.

After the clock strikes midnight, light a candle, hold your palms over its flame, mentally touch the hot fire. Ask for support and help. Say the following words:

“Let Luck always walk next to me, I don’t want to be unhappy in anything, let me cry only from happiness, let Fortune be my second mother.

The light fills my palms, the light of Good Luck fills my talisman, let the coming year drive away all problems (list those problems that need to be eliminated).

May good luck always accompany me, may every turn bring happiness, may everything be beautiful - the world and people. Everything will be exactly the same. My word is very strong!”

After the plot is uttered, you do not need to immediately extinguish the candle. She should warm up a bit. After the ritual, hide the candle in a safe place. When you need help again, you can kindle it and mentally turn to the Higher Ones. The magical power of the flame will bring good luck to the house, help get rid of problems.

A coin or figurine will become a kind of talisman that will help in difficult situations. You need to keep the New Year's amulet in secret, do not tell anyone about its purpose.

Conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires

On the eve of the holiday, everyone, from young to old, make wishes. How to ask Heaven correctly so that their fulfillment does not take long? Experts in the visualization of desires advise: you should not just ask, but imagine very well what you want. For clarity, draw an object that you want to possess. If there is no ability to draw, then resort to "artistic cutting" of pictures. For example, a person dreams of buying an apartment or a country house. He needs to cut out the picture he likes from the magazine and place the image under the Christmas tree on the eve of the holidays. Give the Universe the opportunity to dispose of the request itself. Remember - luck accompanies those who correctly formulate requests to the Higher Forces and know how to wait. You can reinforce wishes to heaven with the help of ritual actions, for which you will need 12 candles (according to the number of months). The color can be any, but since we are referring to the sky, it is better to choose a blue or blue color scheme.

“Everything I want should come true in January. May all my wishes come true in February. March will also be full of wishes that will surely come true. And in April I'll get whatever I want. May the wish made in May come true. And in June I will get everything I want. And in July my life will be without worries, because all my desires will knock on my doorstep. August will also bring the fulfillment of desires. And in September, as if by a secret from the outside, desires will come to me. And October will bring me happiness - the fulfillment of desires will come. In November, I will get what I want from other people. And December will sum up, and all innermost desires will come true on time.

It is important to remember that these words are very strong and should only be used in the most “serious” cases. Don't bother Heaven over trifles.

We predict for love

A happy fate is unthinkable without true love. Everyone wants to meet their one and only love. Get married and build a strong relationship. New Year's Eve is a great opportunity to cast a spell on your betrothed and strengthen old love ties, find a response in the heart of a desired person. There is a powerful conspiracy with which you can not only achieve mutual attraction with the opposite sex, but also strengthen your position in society. To carry out this New Year's ritual, you will need:

  • Candles (seven pieces)
  • A large scarf that can completely wrap your shoulders

Arrange the lit candles in a circle, and put one in the center. It will symbolize the person who conducts the ritual.

Cover your head with a handkerchief or scarf. Say the following spell words:

“Let love cover me with its bright veil, everyone who looks at me should love me, dove. The one who hears me will not be able to forget, he will take my hand and go with me. I will be for them a real sun, gold, pure water, a radiant smile. The New Year is coming, its light fills, the light emanating from me illuminates others.

I want to be loved by everyone, and for everyone to be a reward, who will appreciate me, will not want to leave me or cheat on me. Let me wrap myself in love, get tangled in its webs forever and can no longer leave. I don't want to be sad and alone anymore! My word is strong!"

After the ceremony is completed, do not immediately extinguish the candles and do not remove the scarf. Experienced magicians advise to stay in it for a while. After that, put the stole or scarf in a secluded place. Now it is not just a wardrobe item, but a charm. It should be worn only on special occasions: it will not only attract the attention of the opposite sex, but also protect it in difficult times. The spell is recommended to be cast a few minutes after midnight.

If you didn’t manage to do this on the last day of December, you don’t need to be upset. There are many magical and witching nights ahead: you can bewitch for love at Christmas time. At this time in Russia it was customary to guess and tell fortunes about marriage.

We are waiting for an addition to the family: rituals for the birth of a child

The birth of a child is a great joy, but many families wait for it for a very long time. There are many rituals that help people find a long-awaited miracle. The conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova are considered especially strong. A famous folk healer from Siberia helps everyone who seeks help. In her books, she cites many unique conspiracies, including conspiracies for well-being in the family and for the birth of a baby. If a woman wants a child to be born to her, she must pray to the righteous Jokim and Anna:

“On the glorification of the Righteous of Christ, the holy God-fathers Joachim and Anna, coming to the Heavenly Throne of the Great Tsar and having great boldness towards Him, as if from your Most Blessed Daughter, the Most Pure Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, who willed incarnate!

To you, as a powerful representative and diligent prayer book for us, we resort, sinners and unworthiness. Pray for His goodness, as if He would turn away His wrath from us, according to our deeds righteously moved on us, and let our countless transgressions, despising, turn us to the path of repentance and to the paths of His commandments and confirm us. Also, with your prayers in the world, save our life, and in all the good haste, ask for all the belly and piety that we need from God, granting us from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden death by your intercession, delivering us and protecting us from all enemies visible and invisible, as if we would live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and so in the world this temporary life has passed away, we will achieve eternal peace, even if by your holy supplication let us become worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ, our God, to Him with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit all glory befits, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer does not have to be said directly on New Year's Eve. It is better to choose other days for reading it, the healer advises. For example, do it for Christmas. January is a month rich in church holidays: on Christmas Eve or Epiphany Eve, you can make your wishes and ask Heaven for help. January days have a special power, and the response will not be long in coming.

In addition to praying for the birth of a child, there is another old, proven by healers way to get the desired baby. If a woman really wants a child, then she and her husband are advised to take a puppy or kitten into the house. A prerequisite is to pick up an animal on the street, warm it, love it with all your heart. If you do everything from the heart, the addition to the family will not be long in coming.

Everything in the house: we increase wealth and save money

New Year's Eve is a great time to ask Fate for well-being in money matters. Conspiracies that are pronounced for the New Year for money are considered the most effective.

The simplest money spell

Here is a short plot. It must be pronounced over small money received for change on the first day of the coming year:

“As the moon grows in the night sky, so will my money grow. As the moon arrives in the night sky, so will the money in my pockets arrive. Amen".

Coins should be put in an earthen vessel and the words should be read every night shortly before midnight. It is recommended to repeat the action until the first full moon in the coming year, and then bury the trifle along with the pot not far from your home.

Attracting money to the wallet

Esotericists say that everyone who wants a stable income and a good financial position should have their own money talisman. It's simple - this is the so-called "fidget ruble": a coin that can never, under any circumstances, be given into the wrong hands. The coin should be in the secret compartment of the wallet. The wallet needs to be purchased new, the more expensive and better the purchase, the more likely it is to get financial well-being. Magicians warn: the stingy will never get wealth, and the one who knows how to spend money and does not spare them for himself and his loved ones will be doubly rewarded. When making a purchase, one should always wish the seller good and wealth, and it will definitely return.

Powerful conspiracy for the New Year for money

What is needed for the ceremony:

  • 7 coins of the same denomination
  • Candle (preferably church)
  • A small piece of fabric made from natural materials: silk or cotton. Material color red or golden

Light a candle, and put the coins in the center of the cut and carefully tie them into a knot. Say these words:

“I will collect the coins in a bundle, let the magic ones lie before the deadline, let a hundred be added to each so that the wallet is not empty.”

General rules for attracting wealth to the house

There are many New Year's signs associated with prosperity and well-being in the house.

In the bustle of pre-holiday preparations, a woman should not forget about her appearance. There are special conspiracies for beauty. Here is one of them:

“I am a real Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty and love, my skin is very smooth and silky, my body is filled with light from the inside, youth and freshness come from me, everyone is surprised at my beauty! Let it be so!”

Words should be pronounced lying in the bath. For its preparation, the following plants will be required:

  • violet root
  • chamomile

Apart from magical properties, such a fragrant mixture also has an excellent tonic effect, which is needed to feel cheerful all night. Aroma bath should be taken a few hours before the celebration.

To make the work argue

Finding a good job and adequate bosses is the dream of many, so why not make a wish accordingly. In magical practice, there are many special rituals. It is important to remember that the New Year celebrations are a time for fun. Therefore, it is better if the wishes about work are expressed in a playful, Simoronian form.

“Like on the sea-ocean, on the island of the Buyan, there is a white stone, how hard and immovable it is, so my condition will improve, increase, money will stick to my hands, and honest merchants themselves will invite to the house, offer profit, call for work. And I will be a good fellow himself as a rich honest merchant.

No loneliness: a conspiracy for the groom

On New Year's Eve, I really want to hope for a miracle. And if you pray to the Higher powers with all your heart, then they will surely fulfill any desire. Including, about sending down to a person his "second half" (and it could be not only a guy, but also a girl). In Russia, they wondered and told fortunes about their betrothed at Christmas, but you can do this during New Year's hours. To conduct a ritual to attract a man to the house, it is recommended to acquire a new broom. Sweep the floors in all rooms, saying the following words:

“I drive the red fellows to my house. Good and glorious. Not lazy, not thieves, not misers, not rednecks. Come to me, well done grooms. Come from your yards, from strangers, from the unknown. A rock. Scissors. Paper. Let it be so".

That the coming year

2018 will not be a leap year. Astrologers' predictions for the future are very different, but all experts agree on one thing - there will be a lot of events. According to the eastern calendar, the coming year will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. Everyone knows that this animal is very devoted to man. The dog does not tolerate lies, deceit and meanness. She knows how to stand up for herself, and if she doesn’t like something, she will show her character.

  • Astrologers predict that the coming year will be productive in areas related to ecology and agriculture, and favorable for business.
  • The sign of the Dog symbolizes friendship and devotion, we have a chance to restore broken relationships and find friends.
  • At the beginning of the year, astrologers advise to moderate spending, and by September, think about large purchases.

New Year signs and traditions

It is generally accepted that the New Year is a family holiday. But if a person is lonely for some reason, this is not a reason to be upset. Do not think about sad things. It is easy to get a strong charge of joy, just go outside and look at the faces of people glowing with happiness, plunge into a noisy crowd. Each family has its own rituals that people are used to following. Someone immediately after the chiming clock goes outside to launch crackers and fireworks, someone stays at home. But there are a few general rules to follow:

  • New Year's table must be varied. It is not necessary to buy expensive exotic products. It is enough to make some original dishes. According to Feng Shui, the more abundant the table, the more wealth and money will be in the house for the next year. According to tradition, in the house always, and not only on holidays, you need to keep in sight a full bowl of fruit or sweets. They symbolize generosity and wealth.
  • Even if guests are not expected, the apartment needs to be festively decorated. Be sure to treat yourself to something delicious. It is not necessary to be alone. You can noisily and cheerfully spend New Year's Eve in any public place. City "Christmas trees" for adults and children are open all night. Parks and squares will turn into huge venues for folk festivals. Maybe it is there that a fateful meeting will take place that will change life.
  • The menu must include citrus fruits: tangerines, oranges, grapefruits. In aromatherapy, these scents symbolize freshness and vigor. They cheer up, help maintain and replenish strength.
  • The smell of citrus goes well with the aroma of pine needles. The tradition of putting a living tree in the house dates back to ancient times. Spruce is a symbol of eternal life. A prerequisite for the holiday is the presence of a living symbol in the house.

Spruce accumulates negative energy, it seems to take it away from the room. Therefore, it is better if the house has a natural tree, and not an artificial substitute. At the end of the holiday, the ritual tree is thrown away. Together with him, all the bad things that prevented him from living go away. If it is not possible to install a full-fledged tree at home, you can limit yourself to spruce branches.

It is interesting:

The custom of putting up an artificial Christmas tree was dictated by the realities of the Soviet era, when people did not always have the opportunity to purchase a living green beauty. Every year, an artificial Christmas tree was taken from the mezzanine. Together with her, not only the dust of a year ago was spreading around the apartment, but also the negative energy that remained in the room. Therefore, the main condition for a happy holiday is not to “rake up” the dust of past years, but to bring something new into your life every year.

The Year of the Yellow Dog will end on February 5, so don't rush to part with a friendly and loyal symbol on the night of December 31 to January 1!

The Yellow Earth Pig is a homebody and neat woman, she appreciates the warmth of the hearth and loves to take care of loved ones.

Give souvenirs, cute trinkets, make pleasant surprises for family and friends, coax the future owner of the year in advance so that he is successful!

According to the eastern calendar, the New Year in China comes in February. On this day, the symbol is replaced, and one talisman animal passes the reins of power to another, and so, every 12 years. The circle of life does not stop: minutes add up to hours, and days intertwine into years. And may we all be lucky, regardless of which animal will patronize the upcoming new stage in life!

New Year is the time when everyone, young and old, even the most inveterate skeptics, begin to believe in a miracle. This is a special holiday that fulfills wishes, fills hearts with hope, and gives everyone the opportunity to meet together at the New Year's table. And in order to cheer up, enhance the magic and attract the desired into your life, special ceremonies are held. We have prepared for you a selection of the most effective rituals for the New Year 2020 for marriage, luck and money.

Some New Year's ceremonies must begin a certain time before the New Year. And this is one of them. It should be held on the night from Friday to Saturday seven nights before the New Year. Don't despair, if December 31st doesn't fall on a Friday, you can start another day.

You will need:

  • a thick sheet of white paper;
  • red marker;
  • one white (!) candle;
  • a piece of black or white bread;
  • candy or a piece of sugar;
  • banknote;
  • a red rose bud (you need to buy a flower yourself, a gift is not good).

Get comfortable, make sure no one is bothering you.

On the night from Friday to Saturday in the pre-New Year's decade, light a candle. Take a felt-tip pen and imagine that it is a magic wand, hold it in your palms, talk to him, tell him about your desires, “instill” their energy into him.

Write down your three most cherished dreams concerning the basic values ​​of life: love, health, wealth. Only, attention! Desires must be exactly yours, that is, relate to your own person. You can’t guess, for example, a car for a brother and a groom for a girlfriend. Only your personal!

After you have stated - emotionally read what was written, putting all the strength and power of your desires. At the bottom, write: “So it is, thank you.”

Now nest characters:

  • bread is a symbol of abundance,
  • candy or sugar - a symbol of a sweet and cheerful life;
  • the banknote symbolizes wealth, the rose symbolizes love.

When all the symbols are in place, carefully wrap it all in a sheet on which wishes are written and tie a bundle with red and green ribbon (threads can be used) and seal with burning candle wax.

Put this magical sack under your pillow and go to sleep. Under your pillow, he should spend exactly seven nights (ideally, if the seventh night falls on December 31st). In the morning, after the seventh night, take it out and hide it in the highest place in your home (in the closet, in the attic, in the mezzanine).

The rite has been completed. It is valid for exactly one year. Your life will begin to change literally before your eyes for the better. Check it out and you won't regret it.

New Year's rituals for love and marriage

This ceremony must be performed on December 31 at the city Christmas tree. It is addressed to those who dream of attracting love into their lives.

You will need:

  • bright red sheet of paper;
  • pen or marker;
  • hole puncher;
  • a positive attitude, a little enthusiasm, lightness and readiness to accept love into your life.

On the sheet, describe your ideal betrothed in great detail - how you imagine him down to the smallest detail. This is necessary for the Universe to receive the right message.

With the help of a hole punch, turn your red leaf into confetti (it's a lot, a lot of small bright circles), collect it all in a box or bag and go to ... the square where the central Christmas tree of your city is installed.

Throw confetti on the Christmas tree, if there are kids nearby, offer them to help you. Pure, effervescent children's laughter can give a huge energy boost.

Now you just have to wait, your love is just around the corner! Just remember to get out of the house more often.

We decorate the Christmas tree with benefit

And this ceremony is performed before the New Year 2020, which will allow not only to beautifully decorate your Christmas tree (you do this every year), but also to speed up the fulfillment of your cherished desires. Involve your family in this activity, it will be fun, and the rite from the general energy will carry great power. You can also do it alone if you want.

When hanging balls and toys on the Christmas tree, say your desires, each toy is separate. And so on, until your entire Christmas tree is decorated. Agree on who will hang the star, you can make a particularly significant wish on it.

And now, when the Christmas tree is decorated, hang a garland and turn it on, say together: “The lights light up - wishes come true!”. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to repeat the phrase 3, 9 or 27 times (depending on the mood).

5 New Year's rituals for money and good luck

money boomerang

To perform the ritual, you need to purchase a boomerang, decorating the object with monetary symbols. It can be a symbol of any currency or a sticker with an image of an old coin. The next step will be the activation of the attribute, for which they go to a park or other place where they throw a boomerang, mentally saying: "I'm spending money, I'm spending ...". When a boomerang is caught, they whisper: "... and they come back." After the implementation of these actions, you can go shopping, no doubt that all the money spent will be returned in the very near future.

Rite of Prosperity

On the evening of December 31, you need to take some rye and wheat, pour the grains into a plate and put on the table. After waiting for midnight, make a cherished wish regarding material well-being and put a few coins on a plate. The attributes are left on the table until the morning, then the coins are collected and placed in a separate section of the wallet. The grains are put in a bag, and in the spring they are planted in the ground. The wish will come true when the wheat and rye sprout.

New Year's conspiracy for grapes

On New Year's Eve, they take a grape, throw it into a glass of champagne, after which, bending over the drink, they say a spell: “The berry ripened, poured juice, the slave (...) got it. So let wealth and prosperity enter our house in the coming year. Truly." Then they drink the contents of the glass and eat the grape.

Cash flow

This money rite is done like this: before midnight, they are taken into the bath cold water and put a fir branch there. When the chimes strike midnight, they take the branch in their hand, open the tap so that a strong jet flows from it, and begin to walk around the apartment, moving clockwise, while spraying walls and objects. You can take a small bucket with you to dip a spruce branch into it.

While moving, they read a conspiracy: “I open the doors to cash flow, remove all obstacles and barriers, launch wealth into the house. Amen". Then the tap is closed, the coniferous branch is placed in a vase and decorated with balls.

Family rite from poverty

A strong ritual that takes place directly on New Year's Eve will help to get out of poverty. All family members go outside, join hands and say: “Moon and stars, give us well-being. Universe, come to the rescue, take away poverty from us! In conclusion, each participant in the ceremony should drink a glass of champagne.

Old Russian rituals for a happy and rich life

Energy amulet

In the midst of the fun, take a couple of minutes to perform a ritual for making an energy amulet that will help you for a whole year. Just make sure that at this moment you will have a great mood.

Take a piece of paper, put your left palm on it and circle it, then do the same with your right. You need to get two projections of your hands. Now paint them with gold paint.

Throughout the year, if you feel bad, you will be lonely, sad, dreary - feel free to take out this drawing, put your palms on the drawn ones and sit like that for several minutes. The energy of the holiday and good mood will quickly be transferred to you from the drawing.

Declaration of Happiness

Give people health, happiness, love, prosperity, smiles, good mood, fulfillment of desires! After all, as you know, according to the law of the universe, what we give back to us in a multiple amount. Why not perform such a ceremony for the New Year 2020 from the bottom of my heart?

How to do it? Yes, very easy! Make a happiness announcement.

You will need:

  • paper;
  • colored markers;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;

Surely you have seen home-made ads at bus stops, poles, entrances. So, we do exactly that. Only it will not be quite normal.

Come up with a name, such as: “I give happiness”, “Choose a dream”, “Fulfill your desire”. The text reads something like this: “Choose what you want the most and in 2020, it will definitely come true. I wish you happiness, health, love and good luck! You can create your own text.

On the detachable parts of the ad (make about seven or nine pieces of such stripes so that there is enough space for wishes) write what the person who tore off this piece will receive. For example: “I meet my love”, “I win a large amount of money”, “I buy a new apartment”, “I am absolutely healthy in the New Year”, “I have a great relationship with loved ones”, “I get a new great job”, “I am doing what I love”, “I am starting a family”, “I am traveling”, “I am studying at the university” and others.

On the morning of December 31st, hang this announcement in a conspicuous place where there is usually a large flow of people. Passers-by will tear off their desires, and, therefore, they will be fulfilled with them (but how different in the New Year, then?). And your own desires will surely come true, believe me.

There are many options to give happiness to others! You can write notes with wishes, stick them on balloons, and distribute them to passers-by on the street. Instead of an announcement, you can make a seven-flower flower, where in the middle you write a general wish, and on the petals specific for each.

Do not skimp on kindness, make others smile, give pleasant moments, fulfill wishes. Tell your friends about this rite, let “announcements of happiness” appear in all corners of your city. After all, December is a month of waiting for miracles, and before the New Year, everyone can be a little magician.

Happy holidays and lots of sincere smiles!

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