Sleeping pills reviews. Dream interpretation reviews. Dosage and administration

There are quite a few drugs with hypnotic effects on the drug market, but most of them are sold only by prescription. What to do if you have not been able to sleep for several weeks, and there is no way to get to the doctor? Fortunately, there are drugs with a fairly mild effect that can be bought at any pharmacy.

"Dream Interpretation" was advised to me by a pharmacist. The drug is inexpensive (I bought 36 capsules for 350 rubles), I decided to try it. The name already speaks for itself

The packaging also attracted the attention of a calm, soothing pattern in bed pastel colors.

The components of the drug "Dream Interpretation" have a relaxing effect, causing normal sleep, help fight anxiety and depression, reduce the risk of spasms of the arteries and heart muscle.

"Dream Interpretation" - reliable sleep and no addiction!

Valerian officinalis - reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, improves coronary circulation, has an antispasmodic, hypotensive effect. Effectively used for neurosis, insomnia, neurasthenia, hysteria, the initial stage of hypertension.

Passiflora (flower extract) - suppresses the transmission of nerve impulses in the spinal cord and brain, increases the frequency of breathing, reduces the excitability of the nervous system. It is used as a sedative for neurasthenia, insomnia, vegetative

L-tryptophan - has an antidepressant effect, helps to relieve anxiety, tension, obsessive-compulsive disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, promotes good falling asleep and normal sleep.

Vitamin B8 (inositol) - has an antidepressant and anti-panic effect on a person, is involved in the regulation of heart rhythm. Inositol is necessary for the normal functioning of nerve cells, and also improves the condition of the skin and nails, enhances hair growth, normalizes fat metabolism, and protects the body from certain forms of cancer.

Magnesium oxide is involved in all immune processes as an anti-stress, anti-toxic, anti-allergic, anti-anaphylactic and anti-inflammatory factor. Magnesium is a natural insulator on the pathway of the nerve impulse, it relieves the symptoms of nervous tension: anxiety and irritability. Magnesium normalizes arterial and intracranial pressure, prevents convulsive muscle contraction, relieves vasospasm, and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

  • Insomnia,
  • neuroses,
  • neurasthenia,
  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • early stages of hypertension.

As you can see, natural herbal extracts predominate in the composition, i.e. the effect of the drug should be really mild.

Inside the box there are 3 plates with capsules of a pleasant blue color:

It would seem that even the packaging and the name set you up for a sound and healthy sleep.

Now for the action.

You need to drink a few hours before bedtime, because they do not begin to act immediately. This is their disadvantage over drugs that cause sleep in a few minutes.

I drank for several weeks, insomnia did not disappear. True, I became less nervous, calmed down a little, but I bought it precisely as a means to improve sleep, so for me they turned out to be ineffective. The dietary supplement, rather, helps to cope not with insomnia itself, but with its causes.

I think they are suitable for people who cannot fall asleep precisely because of stress and anxiety. For other causes of insomnia, Dream Interpretation is simply useless.

And I'm still waiting for my sound SLEEP. and where is he.

GOOD DAY, DEAR FRIENDS! There are so many drugs for insomnia and stress now, but it is very difficult to find a good remedy on a natural basis. I don’t want to resort to chemicals, because. Basically, they treat one thing and plant another problem.

Sleep without anxiety.

As we age, many people experience sleep problems. Stress, anxiety can all develop insomnia. Traditional sedatives are ineffective and addictive. I had to look for a natural remedy that is not addictive and helps to cope with insomnia.

Fall asleep and not "wake up"? Yeah, they fled, with "Dream Interpretation" Ria Panda and falling asleep is problematic ..

Hello! Whoever has a problem with sleep is in an eternal search - to accept this and fall asleep in a “dead sleep”. Not literally, but falling asleep quickly and not waking up 25 times a night. Strong sleeping pills will help, but with them there is no desire to get up in the morning.

Dream interpretation reviews

Nervous insomnia

Soft remedy

dream book

I am struggling with insomnia.

dream interpretation

(1 capsule): Valeriana officinalis L. (Valerian officinalis, rhizomes with roots) - 0.103 g;

Vitamin B8 (vitamin B8 (inositol) - 0.075 g; Magnesium oxide (magnesium oxide) - 0.075 g; Passiflora L. (passiflora, flower extract) - 0.027 g; L-Tryptophan (L-tryptophan) - 0.02 g.

Indications for use:

Insomnia, neurosis, neurasthenia, depressive and stressful conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, the initial stage of hypertension. Components of the drug "Dream Interpretation".

The 7 best sleeping pills you can buy without a prescription

In a dream, a person should spend a third of his life - a lot. After a full sleep, a charge of vivacity and efficiency is enough for a long time. At the same time, intermittent, superficial sleep, poor falling asleep can become a real torment, especially on the eve of a responsible day.

The most powerful sleep aids are limited-edition drugs and require a prescription to purchase. Such drugs, for example, include old and well-known barbiturates: etaminal - sodium, barbamil, phenobarbital. You also need a prescription to buy modern, mild drugs like Imovan (zopiclone) and zolpidem.

At the same time, there is a large group of over-the-counter drugs that have a hypnotic effect. They are commercially available because their psychoactive inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is much lower, and overdose does not cause serious side effects. However, they can provide sleep in most cases of mild sleep disorders.

We present these drugs in descending order of hypnotic effect.


The cost is 650 rubles (0.003 g No. 24)

In humans, melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles and is the "sleep hormone". Its task is to cause the effect of drowsiness, which increases the chances of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a moderate sedative (sedative) effect.

Advantages: it is impossible to overdose the drug, due to its very rapid decay. Good sleep continues after the drug has been eliminated from the body, so sleep can be considered physiological. Melaksen works on the principle of "done - gone." The drug does not change the course of the natural cycle and structure of sleep, does not cause nightmares, does not affect awakening. After using the drug, there is no feeling of drowsiness, you can drive a car.

  • possible manifestations of allergic reactions, the occurrence of peripheral edema;
  • relatively high cost.

Conclusions: The drug can be recommended for mild and moderate forms of insomnia, in the complex therapy of functional disorders accompanied by sleep disorders, and also as a means for faster adaptation to rapid change of time zones.

From reviews of Melaxen: “I had absolutely no side effects, I had a healthy and strong, normal sleep, there was not a drop of drowsiness in the morning, and at night I saw beautiful colored dreams. I used it on a tablet 30 minutes before bedtime. After after drinking the whole package, addiction did not develop.One of the best remedies for insomnia, I recommend it!"


(doxylamine succinate, 15 mg effervescent and regular tablets). Also available under the name Sonmil.

The cost is 350 rubles (30 tablets).

It is a blocker of H 1 histamine receptors, and, in essence, an antihistamine. But it is not intended for the treatment of allergic diseases, but is used only for sleep disorders and insomnia. It is one of the best sleeping pills for relieving insomnia attacks in young, healthy people who do not need to drive a car the next day.

Benefits: The effervescent tablet has a quick effect, the drug reduces the time to fall asleep, increases the time of sleep.

Disadvantages: the drug has side effects characteristic of antihistamines: dry mouth, difficulty waking up, possible drowsiness during the day. In addition, the drug is not indicated for patients with impaired renal function of urine outflow, as well as with respiratory failure during sleep.

From the reviews about Donormil: "The medicine turned out to be wonderful. I did not read the instructions and took two tablets at once on the first day. Ten minutes later I was already asleep. After sleeping all night, I felt sleepy in the first half of the day. The next night I took one tablet, according to the instructions. I fell asleep half an hour later, the dream was calm, the awakening was vigorous.

Corvalol (Valocordin)

Contains phenobarbital (as part of a tablet - 7.5 mg, 1.826 g in 100 ml).

Cost of drops (50 ml) - 40 tablets (No. 20) - 150

Corvalol (Valocordin) is the only over-the-counter drug containing the barbiturate phenobarbital. This immediately puts this drug on a par with more serious competitors, and its low cost makes it very attractive to the general population. It is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops per reception.

Benefits: the drug has a characteristic odor, valerian and mint potentiate the action of phenobarbital. It can be used as a distraction for pain in the heart area instead of validol, drops can be used in different, individual dosages. The drug has a mild antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs, is indicated for tachycardia (palpitations) and psychomotor agitation.

  • The characteristic smell of the drug is able to saturate the whole apartment with frequent use.
  • Many people have a prejudice that Corvalol is a “medicine for the poor” - this is completely untrue.
  • Not recommended for breastfeeding.

From the reviews: “Corvalol is the best sleeping pill. I have been taking it all my life. Both my mother and grandmother. In addition to helping with insomnia and palpitations, I apply it on my face in the summer - the medicine repels mosquitoes remarkably, and does not contain terrible chemistry. A solid five! "


Herbal preparation (valerian, lemon balm, elderberry, passion flower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, guaifensin). Available in the form of tablets and syrup.

The cost of tablets No. 30 is 600 rubles, syrup (200 ml) is 330 rubles.

Combined herbal preparation with a pronounced sedative effect. Guaifenzin has an additional anti-anxiety effect, which in total allows the use of the drug for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Advantages: has a quick effect. For insomnia disorders, it is recommended to use a syrup that acts even faster. The drug can be used without a course of administration: the effect of the first dose is quite pronounced.

  • Daytime sleepiness and a feeling of depression may develop, especially with an overdose.
  • Contraindicated in children.
  • Not recommended for use in patients with chronic alcoholism.

From reviews of Novo-Passit: "It is very good that the drug is of natural origin. A pleasant surprise was that in addition to improving sleep, Novo-Passit helped eliminate anxiety, some kind of nervousness, and alleviated headaches caused by sitting at the computer."

Persen - Forte

Combined preparation (melissa, mint, valerian).

The cost of packing in 20 capsules is 350 rubles.

The drug has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, insomnia is mentioned in the indications. It has a mild antispasmodic effect. Unlike Novo-Passita, it does not contain guaifensin, and unlike Corvalol, it does not have an obsessive odor.

Advantages: The "night" variety of Persena is specially designed for night use. It helps to fall asleep well if insomnia is caused by nervous excitability, that is, an altered mood background.

Disadvantages: there is no liquid dosage form. Usually the liquid form has the desired effect faster. The drug is not recommended for people with diseases of the biliary tract, as well as children under 12 years of age. Prolonged use may cause constipation.

From reviews of Persen: "It seems to me that only a course intake has a good effect, and a one-time intake does not improve sleep. But if you drink at least for a week, then your mood becomes even, and it becomes easier to fall asleep."


(herbal preparations for brewing in the form of filter bags)

The cost of packaging (20 filter bags) - 50 rubles.

Phytosedan is available in several varieties of fees (No. 2, No. 3), which are distinguished by a slight change in the formulation. The composition is based on herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian. One package is poured with boiling water, kept for 15 minutes, then drunk at night.

Benefits: has a mild, natural effect, facilitates falling asleep, is able to eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, is used in the complex therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • Not indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The infusion is prepared immediately before use, it can be stored for no more than a day, it is better to use it warm, which, unlike tablets, is more difficult.

From reviews of Fitosedan: “Herbs for 50 rubles turned out to be much more effective than many expensive products. I bought it at a pharmacy, brewed it. It is a little bitter, but it has a pleasant, calm smell. Already on the second day of use, I realized that it does its job perfectly: not causes weakness during the day, and sleep comes softly and easily.


Cost No. rub.

Glycine is a simple amino acid, its role is to regulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. The action of glycine is complex and complex: it should be used not only for sleep disorders. To improve sleep, it is absorbed under the tongue, since absorption into the sublingual vessels avoids passing through the portal system of the liver, which accelerates the effect.

Benefits: Since glycine (aminoacetic acid) is found in sufficient quantities in the human body, an overdose of glycine is hardly possible until serious complications are achieved. In addition, the drug has an anti-anxiety effect, along the way improves memory and memorization processes. Used in therapy, neurology, widely prescribed for school-age children.

Disadvantages: The specific hypnotic effect of glycine has not been studied separately. The effect of the drug is to restore the imbalance between the mediators of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.

From the reviews about Glycine: “I started using glycine on the advice of friends during the session, as I used to abuse coffee in order to remember a large amount of information. Breakdowns, memory impairment, irritability and poor sleep appeared. A week after starting to take glycine, I managed to get rid of all discomfort. Improved sleep and memory."

What you need to know:

This list of the best insomnia remedies you can buy without a prescription is far from complete. Everyone can add new drugs, or swap them, since the effectiveness of the drug is largely due to the individual reaction.

Many "twins" are not listed. So, the drug "Dormiplant" just like the described "Persen" contains lemon balm, mint and valerian. Homeopathic preparations are not described, since they do not have a determined effective dose, and cannot be considered from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.

In conclusion, you need to pay attention to situations in which insomnia becomes a symptom of dangerous diseases. So, insomnia may indicate the following health disorders:

  • hyperthyroidism. Subfebrile temperature, weight loss, irascibility and irritability occur;
  • stress, depression. Such insomnia may be persistent and chronic;
  • sleep apnea;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vascular diseases of the brain, consequences of strokes, dementia.

If it was not possible to stop the unpleasant symptoms of a sleep disorder within a few days, then you should not look for more potent drugs, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

Dream Interpretation /

Dietary supplement Dream interpretation manufacturer VIS LLC, St. Petersburg

Dream Interpretation: helps, but not for its intended purpose

When I woke up 2 times, I barely reached my faience friend, because my head didn’t work at all, my body constantly strove to fall (I never have this when getting up at night), and all the way this wild oppressive feeling of “sleep, sleep, sleep”;

But at the same time, the dream was not deep and, accordingly, did not get enough sleep.

dream interpretation

  • VIS LLC, Russia
  • Expiry date: until 08/01/2019
  • Expiration date: until 06/01/2019

Dream interpretation instructions for use

Buy with this product

Release form


    active ingredients: Valerianae extract (valerian extract); Vitamin B8 (vitamin B8 (inositol); Passiflora L. (passiflora extract); L-Tryptophan (L-tryptophan).

excipients: magnesium oxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.


pharmachologic effect

The problem of insomnia torments many, violations of the daytime sleep-wake cycle occurs for many reasons and leads to chronic fatigue, irritability, depression and bad mood. However, you should not rush to take different chemistry, firstly, most sleeping pills are addictive and you won’t fall asleep without them later, and secondly, folk remedies perfectly save you from insomnia.

The components of the drug "Dream Interpretation" have a relaxing effect, causing normal sleep, help fight anxiety and depression, reduce the risk of spasms of the arteries and heart muscle. "Dream Interpretation" - reliable sleep and no addiction!

The components of the drug "Dream Interpretation" have a relaxing effect, causing normal sleep, help fight anxiety and depression, reduce the risk of spasms of the arteries and heart muscle.

Valerian officinalis - reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, improves coronary circulation, has an antispasmodic, hypotensive effect. Effectively used for neurosis, insomnia, neurasthenia, hysteria, the initial stage of hypertension.

Passiflora (flower extract) - suppresses the transmission of nerve impulses in the spinal cord and brain, increases the frequency of breathing, reduces the excitability of the nervous system. It is used as a sedative for neurasthenia, insomnia, vegetative

violations in the climacteric period, with post-concussion and post-influenza asthenia.

L-tryptophan - has an antidepressant effect, helps to relieve anxiety, tension, obsessive-compulsive disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, promotes good falling asleep and normal sleep.

Vitamin B8 (inositol) - has an antidepressant and anti-panic effect on a person, is involved in the regulation of heart rhythm. Inositol is necessary for the normal functioning of nerve cells, and also improves the condition of the skin and nails, enhances hair growth, normalizes fat metabolism, and protects the body from certain forms of cancer.

Magnesium oxide is involved in all immune processes as an anti-stress, anti-toxic, anti-allergic, anti-anaphylactic and anti-inflammatory factor. Magnesium is a natural insulator on the pathway of the nerve impulse, it relieves the symptoms of nervous tension: anxiety and irritability. Magnesium normalizes arterial and intracranial pressure, prevents convulsive muscle contraction, relieves vascular spasms, chronic fatigue syndrome, lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Dream interpretation, indications for use

  • Insomnia,
  • neuroses,
  • neurasthenia,
  • depression and stress conditions,
  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • early stages of hypertension.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of the dietary supplement Dream Interpretation,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period,
  • children under 14 years old.

Dosage and administration

Capsules Dream Interpretation are taken orally. Adults and children over 14 years old - 1 capsule 1 time per day with meals. Course of admission: weeks.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Side effects

special instructions

Storage conditions

in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25ºС.

Best before date

  • Dream interpretation caps. 0.3g №36 (bad)
  • Dream interpretation syrup 150ml (bad)
  • Dream interpretation capsules 0.3 g 36 pcs.
  • Dream interpretation syrup fl. 150ml Russia
  • Dream interpretation syrup 150ml

Latest reviews about Dream Interpretation

I liked it, the main thing is that it is natural. In the morning, the head is fresh, you walk all so calm, no one infuriates. Beauty.

I periodically give the syrup to my son at night to sleep better. A mild remedy on herbs, you can not be afraid for side effects.

She began to sleep badly, waking up often at night. I bought a Dream Interpretation, I liked the natural composition, all sorts of sedative herbs. Affordable, you wake up normally in the morning, there is no drowsiness. Stopped waking up at night. I recommend it as a mild sleeping pill.

Medicines in alphabetical order

** Delivery is carried out only for the privileged category of citizens on the basis of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 09.01.1997 N 5-FZ "On the provision of social guarantees to the heroes of socialist labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory" (as amended on 02.07.2013) and Article 1.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 15.01.1993 N "On the status of Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory. All orders are formed in a pharmacy (licensed) and collected by qualified pharmacists.

dream interpretation

Find in a pharmacy and buy Dream Interpretation from 71R

Dream Interpretation Instruction

Dream Interpretation is a biologically active food supplement. It is not a medicinal product.

Adults and children over 14 years old - 1 capsule 1 time per day with meals. Duration of admission weeks.

Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

Store in a dry place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Individual intolerance to the components.

Children under 14 years old.

Before use, you should consult with your doctor.

The information is provided by the reference book of medicines "Vidal".

Description last update 09/28/2011

4 reviews

The composition of the preparation indicated above (valerian, marjoram, motherwort) differs from the composition in the advertising brochure of the TELESEME ZAO InterMediaGroup magazine (valerian and passionflower, Ltryptophan, vitamin B8) what to believe.

How to normalize sleep?

01.11.12 04:31 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? user Metelitsa

many recommend medication. Not a sleeping pill, not a sedative. "Melaxen" - it seems to be called so. But I haven’t tried it yet - my hands don’t reach everything. I go to pharmacies every five years. But I want to get there. I'll try and tell you.

Plus duodenal sounding

Spacious, house 38\3, apt. 12

07.11.12 23:48 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? user Metelitsa

08.11.12 00:41 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? user Metelitsa

“Studies have shown that, in general, the optimal temperature for sleep should be fairly cool, around degrees Celsius. Scientists explain this by the fact that at such a temperature in the room, the body temperature also decreases, which in turn develops drowsiness. If the temperature in the room is much higher or lower than this range, then it can lead to anxiety, which will cause insomnia."

Shower and honey helped me more than once. And Corvalol helps me well - 25-30 drops. At the expense of a cool bedroom, too - when I can’t fall asleep, I throw off the blanket or open the window, when I start to freeze, I hide and it becomes soooo good - I immediately pass out. Apparently the body begins to actively spend energy on warming up and the charter falls asleep.

Who is a fool - he knows!

Corvalol is practically unknown outside of Eastern Europe and the USSR (although its German equivalent, Valocordin, is available in some Western European countries). The main active constituents of Corvalol are considered drugs or controlled substances in a number of countries and are prohibited from import and sale. In particular, Corvalol is banned from being imported into Lithuania and the USA.

Who is a fool - he knows!

He who does not punish evil, he helps to make it happen. Leonardo da Vinci

08.11.12 21:06 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? user Metelitsa

08.11.12 21:11 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? user Metelitsa

He who does not punish evil, he helps to make it happen. Leonardo da Vinci

09.11.12 02:19 Reply to message Re: How to normalize sleep? by lenalight

He who does not punish evil, he helps to make it happen. Leonardo da Vinci

alles in ordnung

09.11.12 11:16 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? user Metelitsa

Now I myself am treating insomnia from the Chinese. Clinic "Yellow Peony". I have osteochondrosis and to the heap they treat me for insomnia. By the way, I stopped waking up several times a night!

In response to: it seems to be made in the USA and without a prescription, in my opinion, what we write on packages and instructions for use, I personally have no faith, as I have come across obvious fakes, although it says “made in Germany, France, etc.) . When you take this drug, where it is written that it is produced, you immediately feel the difference, and this is not a “placebo effect”.

In response to: She herself personally lived next door to a guy who took Corvalol. This is a very scary sight. Did he drink it by the liter?

alles in ordnung

Corvalol, together with phenobarbital, belongs to the class of barbiturates and remarkably leads to chemical dependence.

Speak, speak. I always yawn when I'm interested

09.11.12 13:54 Reply to message Re: How to normalize sleep? by Lava_Laguna

Corvalol, together with phenobarbital, belongs to the class of barbiturates and wonderfully leads to chemical dependence. Let's not have these ridiculous emotions of yours! Drug addicts use short-acting barbiturates, look for the list yourself (phenobarbital does not apply to them). There is very little phenobarbital in Corvalol: in 20 drops of Corvalol - 7.5 milligrams. This is 13 times less than in a standard tablet of pure phenobarbital containing 100 mg of this substance, which was used as a sleeping pill. So shta-ah-ah-ah, do not drink Corvalol liters, but use it in therapeutic doses, and do not disgrace yourself with rash statements on the forum.

Fixed by seabee (09.11.12 16:50)

alles in ordnung

Phenazepam, you know, is also not eaten in kilograms, but in small pills, and the withdrawal syndrome looks like a classic delirium. Come on, tell me about the fact that these are unsubstantiated conclusions. Maybe you also worked in a mental hospital instead of me? In the acute department? M?

Speak, speak. I always yawn when I'm interested

11/09/12 18:33 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? by seabee

09.11.12 18:40 Reply to message Re: How to normalize sleep? by Lava_Laguna

28.11.12 10:30 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? user Metelitsa

28.11.12 13:30 Reply to message Re: How to normalize sleep? by Lava_Laguna

Corvalol, together with phenobarbital, belongs to the class of barbiturates and remarkably leads to chemical dependence Degree I am with you !!

and currants are poison for the stomach - there will definitely be an ulcer or even worse, cancer will develop.

My grandmother drank Corvalol at night - there was a core - 20 drops and bainki

He who does not punish evil, he helps to make it happen. Leonardo da Vinci

I have long walks with dogs in the fresh air before going to bed every night. Does not help.

He who does not punish evil, he helps to make it happen. Leonardo da Vinci

28.11.12 14:59 Reply to the message How to normalize sleep? user Metelitsa

Each cloud has a silver edge.

alles in ordnung

Progress does not stand still. And people with addiction will always find something to use in order to reach the HIS. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in either Corvalol or phenobarbital.

Speak, speak. I always yawn when I'm interested

He who does not punish evil, he helps to make it happen. Leonardo da Vinci

Why did you initially confused day and night?

Each cloud has a silver edge.

That's how they messed up.)

He who does not punish evil, he helps to make it happen. Leonardo da Vinci

Happiness is when you don't have to lie that you feel good (c)

But in any case, it is necessary to relieve stress, it in itself can easily provoke disruptions in the synthesis of melatonin. So your lifestyle is not very harmful?)

Each cloud has a silver edge.

30.11.12 16:12 Reply to message Re: How to normalize sleep? by Lava_Laguna

Progress does not stand still. And people with addiction will always find something to use in order to reach the HIS. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in either Corvalol or phenobarbital, morphine is now used, as a last resort, in Germany

when the vaunted German doctors decided to have an operation (our doctors, when I brought them pictures and tests, they said why they went there - they only accelerated the death of a person)

and they were still walking and wondering - it must be the same without antibiotics, his seam healed.

and he didn’t even have a temperature, the lymph nodes on his neck just became huge, first on 1 side, then on 2, then they slept - at that time he was already on morphine and after 3 days everything

I just want to say - the human body resisted. but they didn’t help him, they just began to put morphine

That's how they got confused.) I now have such a state

began to wake up at night, I react - did I drink coffee

and getting up at 6:30 is difficult. I'd like to sleep until 9 - then it's fine

A drug dream interpretation has a relaxing effect, causing normal sleep, helps fight anxiety and depression, reduces the risk of spasms of the arteries and heart muscle.
Valerian officinalis - reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, improves coronary circulation, has an antispasmodic, hypotensive effect. Effectively used for neurosis, insomnia, neurasthenia, hysteria, the initial stage of hypertension.
Passiflora - reduces the excitability of the nervous system. It is used as a sedative for neurasthenia, insomnia, autonomic disorders in menopause.
L-tryptophan - has an antidepressant effect, helps to relieve anxiety, tension, obsessive-compulsive disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, promotes good falling asleep and normal sleep.
Vitamin B8 - has an antidepressant and anti-panic effect on a person, is involved in the regulation of the heart rhythm and is necessary for the normal functioning of nerve cells.
Magnesium is involved in all immune processes as an anti-stress, anti-toxic, anti-allergic, anti-anaphylactic factor. Magnesium - a natural insulator in the nerve impulse pathway, relieves symptoms
nervous tension: anxiety and irritability, prevents convulsive muscle contraction, relieves vascular spasms, chronic fatigue syndrome.
The components of the complex contribute to:
- good sleep and normal sleep;
- decrease in excitability of the central nervous system;
- removal of anxiety, irritability, spasms;
- relief of stressful, depressive conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome;
- improvement of coronary circulation.

Indications for use:
A drug dream interpretation contributes to the normalization of sleep.

Mode of application:
A drug dream interpretation Adults and children over 14 years of age take 1 capsule 1 time per day during dinner.
Duration of admission: 4-6 weeks.
Reception can be repeated 3-4 times a year.

Contraindications to the use of the drug dream interpretation are: individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Storage conditions:
dream interpretation should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Release form:
Dream Interpretation - capsules, 0.3 g.
36 capsules per pack.

1 capsule, 0.3 g dream interpretation contains:
Valerianae extract (valerian extract) ...... 0.124 g
Vitamin B8 (vitamin B8 (inositol) .............. 0.08 g
Passiflora L. (passiflora extract).............0.027 g
L-Tryptophan (L-tryptophan).................................0.025 g
Auxiliary components: magnesium oxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Pills for insomnia are very diverse. Medicines are presented in the pharmacy network in a wide range. These are “light” drugs that are not addictive, contain natural ingredients and are available without a doctor's prescription. Sleeping pills, which have a more pronounced hypnotic effect, but are also sold without a doctor's prescription.

And strong drugs, which are used in severe cases of insomnia, when lighter drugs do not cope with the patient's sleep disturbance. Such funds are prescribed only by a doctor and are purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. The dose and course of treatment for insomnia is determined by the doctor, who observes the patient and, if necessary, changes medications.

Tablets for insomnia and hypnotics available in the pharmacy network are conventionally divided into drugs containing certain components in their composition:

Separately, a group of non-drug drugs that have a mild hypnotic effect is presented:

  • herbs and fees according to traditional medicine recipes;
  • homeopathic remedies.

The mechanism of action of sleeping pills

The action of sleeping pills is conventionally divided into periods:

  1. Short - in this case, the drugs act depressingly on excitation, that is, they lower the threshold for excitation of the nervous system. Medicines with such a period of action are suitable for patients who have trouble falling asleep.
  2. Medium - drugs of this period of action simultaneously affect the processes of both excitation and inhibition. This type of sleeping pill is suitable for patients with intrasomnia when the depth of sleep suffers.
  3. Long-term action - drugs of this group have a more pronounced effect on the processes in the central nervous system. In this case, drugs of this period of action are suitable for patients with post-somnia, when there is a sleep disturbance in the form of early awakening.

It can be short-term, after stress or overwork. As a rule, to a greater extent, sleep problems stop on their own. To do this, it is enough to adjust your daily routine and limit your viewing of TV and games on your computer. But, if the sleep disturbance lasts for more than four weeks, then, in this case, there is insomnia.

Pathological disorders of insomnia

In the structure of insomnia, the following disorders are distinguished:

With such a pathology of sleep, there is a need for treatment with special drugs in order to normalize the patient's nightly rest. Any sleeping pills, acting on the central nervous system, contribute to the activation of the processes of inhibition and inhibition of excitation. Some drugs affect, to a greater extent, more active inhibition, while in others, the predominant effect is the phenomenon of inhibition of excitation.

Indications for the use of sleeping pills

Sleep disturbance is always a big problem for a person, as not only somatic health suffers, but also the psychological background. Determines the need for the use of sleeping pills, only a doctor. Depending on the objective data, he determines a specific sleeping pill and course of treatment, with a mandatory re-consultation after the end of treatment.

The main indications for prescribing drugs that restore disturbed night sleep are:

As a rule, the treatment of night sleep disorders begins with light drugs that act positively on the nervous system and restore the disturbed sleep phase. Sleeping pills are prescribed, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Over-the-counter insomnia pills are mild but stronger than herbal remedies, which are more effective and non-addictive. The most popular are the following drugs:

  1. Melaxen

Sleeping drug of synthetic origin, which is an analogue of natural melatonin, which is responsible in the body for the change of sleep and wakefulness. promotes a rapid transition to sleep and does not disturb the sleep phase. After using the drug, sleep becomes full and high quality. The drug does not accumulate in the body, due to its rapid excretion.

It is not addictive and does not give side effects. But with caution, the use of the remedy is shown to persons prone to allergic reactions. This drug is indicated for the elderly, as a remedy for the lack of natural melatonin, due to age-related changes in the central nervous system, which is responsible for regulating sleep phases. Successfully eliminates sleep disorders.

Reception of tablets is carried out, according to the instructions, no more than three weeks.

The analogue is the drug, and the active ingredient is doxylamine. This drug was previously used as an antihistamine drug that blocks the manifestation of allergy symptoms. But, having the properties of a powerful sedative action, it promotes fast falling asleep and good quality sleep.

Not addictive, but has side effects. When using the drug, there is daytime sleepiness, decreased concentration, dryness of the oral mucosa.

The use is contraindicated in patients whose profession is related to the concentration of attention, patients suffering from chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, patients with glaucoma and the elderly. Pregnancy is also a contraindication for taking donormil.

  1. Atarax

It has not only a hypnotic effect, but also contains ingredients that have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. This combined effect of the drug allows it to be used for patients with concomitant diseases accompanied by smooth muscle spasm (radiculitis, gastritis).

herbal remedies

These are light medications that contain environmentally friendly herbs that give a positive effect with a mild degree of night sleep disturbance without causing a negative reaction from the internal organs.

  1. Valerian tablets

The drug, which is based on natural raw materials and has a slight sedative and hypnotic effect. It is indicated for sleep disorders in patients in whom the mechanism of falling asleep due to stressful conditions suffers. A positive effect is a drug on the work of the heart muscle. Does not cause side effects and does not develop addiction. Well restores night sleep, but the use of the drug is indicated for a long time.

Produced in the form of alcohol tincture, filter - bags for the preparation of infusion. In addition to ingestion, the tincture can be used in the form of aromatherapy, inhaling its vapors before going to bed. The combined use of valerian tablets inside and inhalation of its aroma, gives a good effect in the treatment of insomnia.

  1. Motherwort

Herbal remedy, used in the form of an alcohol tincture or decoction of dry raw materials. It has the property of inhibiting the processes of excitation of the central nervous system, exerting a sedative effect on it. In addition, it helps to lower blood pressure, therefore it is a drug that is indicated for hypertensive patients, especially the elderly.

  1. Dormiplant

Herbal preparation , which contains valerian root and lemon balm leaf extract. The combination of these two components gives a pronounced sedative effect. Helps to fall asleep quickly and normalizes sleep. Does not affect concentration and does not cause daytime drowsiness.

  1. Persen

It is an analogue of Dormiplant, but in its composition it contains, in addition to valerian root and lemon balm, peppermint leaves. It is a mild sedative that not only has a hypnotic effect, but also has an antispasmodic effect.

This drug belongs to biologically active additives. This remedy for insomnia, which includes natural ingredients such as valerian, passionflower. The tool has a mild effect, relieves tension, irritability. Morning awakening is light, cheerful. Patient reviews are only positive. Well restores night sleep.

In addition to mild over-the-counter sleeping pills, there are drugs in the pharmacy network that can also be purchased without a prescription, but the composition of these medications has a stronger effect on the central nervous system.

All of these insomnia pills are available without a prescription. But, in any case, it is obligatory to consult a doctor, on the recommendation of which a certain drug is taken. Self-treatment, in this case, is unacceptable.

Sleeping pills by prescription

In some cases, when it is not possible to cope with insomnia with the help of mild drugs that give a sedative and hypnotic effect, they resort to stronger drugs that are prescribed by a doctor and are purchased only by prescription. The peculiarity of these drugs is that with prolonged or uncontrolled use, dependence on these drugs develops.

Currently, there are three generations of drugs that have a strong calming effect and eliminate insomnia:

  • barbiturates containing in their composition barbituric acid, chloral hydrate and antihistamines, giving a pronounced sedative effect;
  • hypnotics of the benzodiazepine series;
  • non-benzodiazepine hypnotics - zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon.

These potent drugs are able to quickly restore sleep disturbance at night. But, due to the occurrence of a number of side effects, addiction and the development of a withdrawal syndrome, with the irrational intake of these dream books, the appointment and the necessary course of treatment are carried out only by a doctor.

  1. Barbiturates

The drug of this group - phenobarbital, acting at the cellular level on the central nervous system, suppresses the processes of excitation in the brain. The hypnotic effect of this remedy is very pronounced, and by its action causes a dream similar to a narcotic state.

It has side effects when used, such as headache, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, slowing heart rate, a reaction from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of nausea, vomiting, and intestinal dysfunction. An overdose of the drug is an emergency condition of the patient, when immediate help is required.

  1. Benzodiazepines

This group of drugs - nitrazepam, midazolam, act, like the barbiturate group, on the nervous system, but more gently. The effect of the treatment of insomnia depends on the dose of the drug. In small quantities, the tablets have a sedative effect, relieve anxiety. To normalize sleep, the dose of the drug must be increased. It has a number of side effects and contraindications for the appointment.

  1. Nonbenzodiazepines

These drugs - zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon, are modern hypnotic drugs that are highly effective in achieving a hypnotic effect and a small list of contraindications. Due to the rapid excretion from the body, these medications are most effective in violation of falling asleep.

After using the tablets, there are no side effects during the daytime, and the patient feels normal. These are the main pills for insomnia.

The course of treatment for all sleeping pills is no more than three weeks. The last group of strong sleeping pills is currently the most effective and safest. But, the presence of various side effects and addiction, make these medicines available only on prescription and are used to treat chronic insomnia.

It’s not so easy to say what the capsules dream of. To begin with, the dream books suggest, it is necessary to find out exactly which capsules were dreamed of, what they were filled with in a dream and other details, and only then look for an explanation for your nightly dream.

What does Miller predict?

Success in a very insignificant event is prophesied by Miller's dream book to that dreamer who in a dream saw a medicine packaged in gelatin capsules.

Did the man dream about how he was enthusiastically looking for a capsule in the first aid kit? This means that this dreamer has big expenses and large acquisitions ahead. But if a woman gets into such a situation in a dream, then the dream will mean the onset of an alarming time, the interpreter upsets.

Medications, or Learn to make contact

What the packaging of capsule tablets is dreaming of, the Chinese dream book will explain: be careful, you run the risk of being targeted by slanderers and envious people. Anticipate their attempts to "merge" you by talking frankly about your plans - this will unbalance them and discourage the desire to gossip.

Buying capsule medicines at a pharmacy and carefully reading the annotation right next to the cash register is a sign that you are too scrupulous and pedantic person. Sometimes this is not bad, but most often this line of behavior causes rejection of loved ones and friends.

Space capsule as a determinant of stability

The Wanderer's dream book speaks of constancy and immutability in habits, explaining why the plot is dreaming, in which you see yourself in a space capsule. Everything that you promise is fulfilled on time, without delays and delays. This, of course, positions you as a responsible and reliable business partner, as well as a true friend.

Being in a rocket capsule in company with someone is a signal that in reality you should pay special attention to this person and, if possible, get closer to him. Your "symbiosis" will give excellent results, the dream book assures.

Time capsule is a sign of bad luck

If you dreamed that you found a time capsule hidden by someone similar to you, either by profession or by hobby, then this is a signal that you are in a state of frustration, or close to it, due to the inability to realize their ideas and dreams, upsets the Eastern Dream Book.

But, hiding or making a time capsule yourself in a dream is a sign that you were able to get rid of a depressed state, either by finding a way out of the situation or by learning to cope with problems.

What else did you do in your sleep

Depending on which capsules you dreamed about, the interpretation of the dream about them also depends, the dream books say. And that's what some actions with other capsules are dreaming of. So, to dream that you:

  • refuel the coffee machine - you will learn how to find a rational approach to the problem;
  • make your own medicine - a brilliant idea will dawn on you;
  • throw them away or break them - you should not do anything, now is not the best period;
  • bursting capsules with paint, splashing at passers-by - you will change your profession or hobby.

In a dream, a person should spend a third of his life - a lot. After a full sleep, a charge of vivacity and efficiency is enough for a long time. At the same time, intermittent, superficial sleep, poor falling asleep can become a real torment, especially on the eve of a responsible day.

The most powerful sleep aids are limited-edition drugs and require a prescription to purchase. Such drugs, for example, include old and well-known barbiturates: etaminal - sodium, barbamil, phenobarbital. You also need a prescription to buy modern, mild drugs like Imovan (zopiclone) and zolpidem.

At the same time, there is a large group of over-the-counter drugs that have a hypnotic effect. They are commercially available because their psychoactive inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is much lower, and overdose does not cause serious side effects. However, they can provide sleep in most cases of mild sleep disorders.

We present these drugs in descending order of hypnotic effect.



The cost is 650 rubles (0.003 g No. 24)

In humans, melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles and is the "sleep hormone". Its task is to cause the effect of drowsiness, which increases the chances of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a moderate sedative (sedative) effect.

Advantages: an overdose of the drug is impossible, due to its very rapid decay. Good sleep continues after the drug has been eliminated from the body, so sleep can be considered physiological. Melaksen works on the principle of "done - gone." The drug does not change the course of the natural cycle and structure of sleep, does not cause nightmares, does not affect awakening. After using the drug, there is no feeling of drowsiness, you can drive a car.


  • possible manifestations of allergic reactions, the occurrence of peripheral edema;
  • relatively high cost.

Conclusions: The drug can be recommended for mild and moderate forms of insomnia, in the complex therapy of functional disorders accompanied by sleep disorders, and also as a means for faster adaptation to rapid change of time zones.

From reviews about Melaksen: "I had absolutely no side effects, I had a healthy and strong, normal sleep, in the morning there was not a drop of drowsiness, and at night I saw beautiful colored dreams. I used it on a tablet 30 minutes before bedtime. After I drank the whole package, no addiction developed. One of the best remedies for insomnia, I recommend it!"


( doxylamine succinate, 15 mg effervescent and regular tablets). Also published under the name sunmil.


The cost is 350 rubles (30 tablets).

Prescription drug.

It is a blocker of H 1 histamine receptors, and, in essence, an antihistamine. But it is not intended for the treatment of allergic diseases, but is used only for sleep disorders and insomnia. It is one of the best sleeping pills for relieving insomnia attacks in young, healthy people who do not need to drive a car the next day.

Advantages: effervescent tablet has a quick effect, the drug reduces the time to fall asleep, increases the time of sleep.

Flaws: the drug has side effects characteristic of antihistamines: dry mouth, difficulty waking up, possible drowsiness during the day. In addition, the drug is not indicated for patients with impaired renal function of urine outflow, as well as with respiratory failure during sleep.

From reviews about Donormila:"The medicine turned out to be wonderful. I did not read the instructions and took two tablets at once on the first day. Ten minutes later I was already asleep. After sleeping all night, I felt sleepy for the first half of the day. The next night I took one tablet, according to the instructions. was calm, awakening was vigorous.

Corvalol (Valocordin)

Contains phenobarbital (as part of a tablet - 7.5 mg, 1.826 g in 100 ml).



Cost of drops (50 ml) - 40 tablets (No. 20) - 150

Corvalol (Valocordin) is the only over-the-counter drug containing the barbiturate phenobarbital. This immediately puts this drug on a par with more serious competitors, and its low cost makes it very attractive to the general population. It is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops per reception.

Advantages: the drug has a characteristic odor, valerian and mint potentiate the action of phenobarbital. It can be used as a distraction for pain in the heart area instead of validol, drops can be used in different, individual dosages. The drug has a mild antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs, is indicated for tachycardia (palpitations) and psychomotor agitation.


  • The characteristic smell of the drug is able to saturate the whole apartment with frequent use.
  • Many people have a prejudice that Corvalol is a “medicine for the poor” - this is completely untrue.
  • Not recommended for breastfeeding.

From the reviews:"Corvalol is the best sleeping pill. I have been taking it all my life. Both my mother and grandmother. In addition to helping with insomnia and palpitations, I apply it on my face in the summer - the medicine repels mosquitoes remarkably, and does not contain terrible chemistry. A solid five!"

Novo - Passit

Herbal preparation (valerian, lemon balm, elderberry, passion flower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, guaifensin). Available in the form of tablets and syrup.


The cost of tablets number 30 - 600 rubles, syrup (200 ml) - 330 rubles.

Combined herbal preparation with a pronounced sedative effect. Guaifenzin has an additional anti-anxiety effect, which in total allows the use of the drug for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Advantages: has a quick effect. For insomnia disorders, it is recommended to use a syrup that acts even faster. The drug can be used without a course of administration: the effect of the first dose is quite pronounced.


  • Daytime sleepiness and a feeling of depression may develop, especially with an overdose.
  • Contraindicated in children.
  • Not recommended for use in patients with chronic alcoholism.

From reviews about Novo-Passite:"It's very good that the drug is of natural origin. A pleasant surprise was that in addition to improving sleep, Novo-Passit helped to eliminate anxiety, some kind of nervousness, and alleviated headaches caused by sitting at the computer."

Persen - Forte

Combined preparation (melissa, mint, valerian).


The cost of packing in 20 capsules is 350 rubles.

The drug has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, insomnia is mentioned in the indications. It has a mild antispasmodic effect. Unlike Novo-Passita, it does not contain guaifensin, and unlike Corvalol, it does not have an obsessive odor.

Advantages: A variety of Persen "night" is specially designed for night use. It helps to fall asleep well if insomnia is caused by nervous excitability, that is, an altered mood background.

Flaws: there is no liquid dosage form. Usually the liquid form has the desired effect faster. The drug is not recommended for people with diseases of the biliary tract, as well as children under 12 years of age. Prolonged use may cause constipation.

From reviews about Persen:"It seems to me that only a course intake has a good effect, and a single dose does not improve sleep. But if you drink it for at least a week, then your mood becomes even, and it becomes easier to fall asleep."


(herbal preparations for brewing in the form of filter bags)


The cost of packaging (20 filter bags) - 50 rubles.

Phytosedan is available in several varieties of fees (No. 2, No. 3), which are distinguished by a slight change in the formulation. The composition is based on herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian. One package is poured with boiling water, kept for 15 minutes, then drunk at night.

Advantages: has a mild, natural effect, facilitates falling asleep, is able to eliminate spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, is used in the complex therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia


  • Not indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The infusion is prepared immediately before use, it can be stored for no more than a day, it is better to use it warm, which, unlike tablets, is more difficult.

From reviews of Fitosedan:“Herbs for 50 rubles turned out to be much more effective than many expensive products. I bought it at a pharmacy, brewed it. It is a little bitter, but it has a pleasant, calm smell. Already on the second day of use, I realized that it does its job perfectly: sleep comes softly and easily."



Cost No. 50 - 49 rubles.

Glycine is a simple amino acid, its role is to regulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. The action of glycine is complex and complex: it should be used not only for sleep disorders. To improve sleep, it is absorbed under the tongue, since absorption into the sublingual vessels avoids passing through the portal system of the liver, which accelerates the effect.

Advantages: since glycine (aminoacetic acid) is found in sufficient quantities in the human body, an overdose of glycine is hardly possible until serious complications are achieved. In addition, the drug has an anti-anxiety effect, along the way improves memory and memorization processes. Used in therapy, neurology, widely prescribed for school-age children.

Flaws: the specific hypnotic effect of glycine has not been studied separately. The effect of the drug is to restore the imbalance between the mediators of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.

From reviews of Glycine:“I began to use glycine on the advice of friends during the session, as I used to abuse coffee in order to memorize a large amount of information. Breakdowns, memory impairment, irritability and poor sleep appeared. A week after starting to take glycine, I managed to get rid of all the unpleasant sensations. Sleep improved and memory."

What you need to know:

This list of the best insomnia remedies you can buy without a prescription is far from complete. Everyone can add new drugs, or swap them, since the effectiveness of the drug is largely due to the individual reaction.

Many "twins" are not listed. So, the drug Dormiplant” just like the described “Persen” contains lemon balm, mint and valerian. Homeopathic preparations are not described, since they do not have a determined effective dose, and cannot be considered from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.

In conclusion, attention should be paid to situations in which insomnia becomes a symptom of dangerous diseases. So, insomnia may indicate the following health disorders:

  • hyperthyroidism. Subfebrile temperature, weight loss, irascibility and irritability occur;
  • stress, depression. Such insomnia may be persistent and chronic;
  • sleep apnea;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vascular diseases of the brain, consequences of strokes, dementia.

If it was not possible to stop the unpleasant symptoms of a sleep disorder within a few days, then you should not look for more potent drugs, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

Attention! There are contraindications, you need to consult a specialist

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