Sol-Iletsk sanatoriums. Treatment of joints in Sol Iletsk Regional Sol Iletsk hospital for rehabilitation treatment

Fortunately, there are still those who believe that there are enough interesting places in Mother Russia. As they say, my native country is wide, there are places here for relaxation, as well as for improving your health.

It was for this purpose that a list of the 18 best sanatoriums and resorts in Russia was compiled at one time. One of the first places in it is occupied by the Sol-Iletsk sanatorium, which is located in the city of the same name.

Dream Town

A small town in the Orenburg region. There is probably not a person in Russia or within the CIS who does not know what this area is famous for.

There are 7 healing lakes here, where people come to improve their health. It should be noted that the season begins in June, peaks in July and early August, and ends around the beginning of September. That is, you can visit the beaches at this time.

Purely for the sake of health

Sanatorium Sol-Iletsk is the ideal place for you if you come to improve your health. In addition, this can be done not only in the summer months, but also at any other time of the year. Here the main emphasis will be on restoring your physical condition. And, I must say, at reasonable prices.

It should be noted right away that this is not a foreign country or a five-star hotel, so there is no unhealthy food or cafe on the territory of the sanatorium. Also here you will not find excursion programs.

What about the profile? Treatment at the Sanatorium

There is a list of diseases that this sanatorium specializes in treating. It includes diseases of the musculoskeletal system (polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, non-healing fractures), most women's diseases, bronchopulmonary pathologies, restoring the health of children, restoring the health of women giving birth, aftercare after any serious illness, cerebral palsy, treatment of infertility in men and women, treatment of chronic diseases, various skin diseases, cardiovascular pathology and the consequences of strokes, decreased immunity, chronic inflammation and much more.

Treatment methods

The sanatorium has in its reserve many methods of treating the diseases described above. The most popular is mud therapy, or so-called mud wraps.

The Sol-Iletsk sanatorium is based on Lake Razval, so salt therapy is also widely used.

Another unusual procedure is cold treatment (up to -190 degrees!). Other methods are treatment with a magnet, electric current, phyto- and physiotherapeutic procedures, vacuum therapy, electrophoresis, extracorporeal ultrasonic shock wave therapy (crushing growths on joints and bones, treatment of heel spurs - without surgical intervention). An artificial speleological chamber has also been created for the sanitation of the bronchopulmonary tree, in which salt ions are sprayed, and people breathe in this environment. Many other treatment methods are also used.

What is the price? Prices.

As I mentioned earlier, a vacation in the Sol-Iletsk sanatorium can be called budget. By the way, not only out-of-town guests are sent here, but also local ones. But let's get back to prices. If you choose a day hospital without meals, it will cost you 519 rubles per day. A day hospital with 3 dietary meals a day (that is, breakfast, lunch and dinner) will cost 625 rubles per day. The same hospital with 6 meals a day - 697 rubles per day. And the most expensive option is a hospital with 6 dietary meals a day. It will cost you 1057 rubles per day.

Small "but"

Since I always try to be as objective and honest as possible, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that despite the highly qualified level of assistance and service, there is a missed opportunity for recreation and treatment of the so-called “wheelchair users” - that is, those people who are limited in their physical capabilities and have the opportunity move only this way. We have democracy in our country, so these people, more than anyone else, need help and treatment with miraculous mud, salts and minerals.

The work of the Iletsk sanatorium is based on restoring the health of women giving birth, children, treatment of female and male infertility, musculoskeletal diseases: polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, the results of long-term non-healing fractures, diseases of the female part, chronic inflammation, bronchopulmonary pathologies, cerebral palsy, decreased immunity and various skin diseases. Recently, people with consequences of stroke and cardiovascular pathology have begun to be accepted for rehabilitation.

It takes its base from natural healing factors located in the city: - salty mineral water Lake Razval and healing mud Lake Tuzluchnoe. Some of the imported equipment of the sanatorium has no analogues in Russia. The sanatorium uses a sufficient variety of therapeutic methods, such as: cold treatment up to -190 degrees, electric current, magnet, phyto- and physiotherapeutic procedures, vacuum therapy, ultrasonic extracorporeal shock wave therapy (treatment of heel spurs - without the intervention of surgeons, crushing growths on bones and joints), electrophoresis.

The sanatorium's opening hours are all year round. For accommodation there are double rooms with TV, refrigerator, toilet and shower. The total number of places is 205. In addition to regular hospital treatment, outpatient treatment is also provided (up to 500 people per day). But even if you couldn’t get a referral to the Sol-Iletsk sanatorium, then don’t be upset - you can use the resort with its salt and mud baths, while not forgetting to read about the precautions of taking the Sol-Iletsk baths, so as not to cause damage to your health instead of benefiting body. 1,200 different physiotherapeutic procedures are performed per day. The most popular of them are: mud, massage, salt baths, aerocryotherapy, speleotherapy, inhalation, physiotherapy rooms, exercise therapy, mechanotherapy, dietary nutrition (from 3 to 6 times), an artificial speleological chamber for the sanitation of the bronchopulmonary tree, in which salt ions are sprayed, oxygen cocktail, herbal tea. Other treatment methods are also used.

The sanatorium's attendance is about 5 thousand people, half of whom are children. There are bathrooms and mud rooms, each with 10 couches.

Indications for treatment
1. Atopic dermatitis and childhood eczema, psoriasis (without exacerbation), including in children.
2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis and polyarthritis of non-tuberculous origin (rheumatoid arthritis, infectious arthritis of a certain nature, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis), spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylopathies, diseases of bones, tendon muscles, osteomyelitis, not requiring surgical intervention, trophic ulcers after long-term treatment of non-healing wounds of traumatic origin, heel spur.
3. Diseases of the nervous system: diseases and consequences of injuries of the peripheral nervous system in the stage of fading exacerbation, complete or incomplete remission (radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis, myelitis), consequences of injuries and other injuries of the spinal cord and its membranes in the absence of disorders of the pelvic organs and with the patient’s ability to move independently, dyscirculatory encephalopathy up to degree 2.
4. Diseases of the female genital area: chronic cervicitis, chronic metroendometritis, deviations of the uterus with limited mobility, chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages of various etiologies, with the exception of tuberculosis, chronic pelvioperitonitis, perimetritis, infertility due to inflammatory disease of the tubes and uterus, as well as with mildly expressed underdevelopment of the uterus, functional insufficiency of the ovaries due to their primary damage with normal uterine sizes, postoperative infiltrates at the end of the acute period, cervical erosion (subject to the exclusion of malignancy), primary and secondary infertility of various origins.

Indications for referral of children
Long-term and frequently ill children (secondary immunodeficiency), cerebral palsy, enuresis, grade 1-4 scoliosis, joint contractures (after burns, fractures), diseases and consequences of injuries of the central and peripheral system, neuroses, cerebroasthenic syndrome. Children are accepted for treatment together with one of their parents.

1. General contraindications, in which resort treatment is generally excluded (tumors, bleeding of any location, especially repeated ones, infections, venereal and mental diseases, diseases in the acute phase, for mud balneotherapy, foreign bodies (plates, artificial joints, single kidney).
2. Tuberculosis of any localization.
3. Nephritis and other kidney diseases with impaired kidney function.
4. Hypothyroidism and diabetes.
5. Polyarthritis with a progressive course, with a tendency to ankylosis and contractures in exacerbation of the process.
6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory failure, grade 2-3. (heart failure).
7. Chronic coronary heart disease with rhythm and conduction disturbances, with exertional angina above functional class 2.
8. Hypertension above stage II A.
9. Exacerbation of atonic dermatitis and childhood eczema with the presence of erosions on the skin (with ESR above 35 mm/h).
10. Bronchial asthma in exacerbation, hormone-dependent bronchial asthma.
11. Epilepsy and convulsive conditions.
12. Constant and long-term use of hormonal drugs.

Necessary documents for the Sol-Iletsk sanatorium A
Patients are required to arrive exactly on time indicated in the referral and have with them:
1. Passport.
2. Originals of the compulsory medical insurance policy (series, number, name of the insurance organization, city, region) and SNILS.

Required documents for adults
1. Certificate about the epidemiological environment
2. Fluorography (no later than 1 year)
3. Ultrasound for men – internal organs, thyroid gland, prostate
4. Ultrasound for women - internal organs, thyroid gland, gynecology
5. General blood test
6. General urine test
7. Electrocardiogram
8. Discharge from the hospital (if there was a previous hospitalization)
9. Data on concomitant diseases

Required documents for children
1. Direction of the established form
2. Extract from the medical history with research data no more than one month old
3. Dermatologist’s conclusion about the absence of contagious skin diseases
4. Certificate from an epidemiologist confirming the absence of contacts with infectious patients at the place of residence
5. Information on vaccinations, the result of a smear for diphtheria bacteria carriage
6. Data from stool examination for worm eggs. According to epidemiological indications - stool culture for dysentery group

The Sol-Iletsk hospital for rehabilitation treatment (sanatorium) accepts patients from all over the region, as well as visitors. Treatment provided by referral from the Central District Hospital and regional clinics is free; you only need a compulsory health insurance policy. After treatment of any serious illness, every person has the right to receive a referral here in order to fully restore their body to a normal working level.

The work of the sanatorium in the city of Sol-Iletsk is to restore health and professional longevity: treatment of chronic diseases and after-care after any serious illness, restoration of the health of children, women giving birth, treatment of infertility in men and women. Also in the Sol-Iletsk sanatorium they treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, the consequences of long-term non-healing fractures), most women's diseases, chronic inflammation, bronchopulmonary pathologies, decreased immunity, cerebral palsy, various skin diseases. In recent years, the sanatorium has also accepted patients with cardiovascular pathology and consequences of strokes for rehabilitation. Sol-Iletsk sanatorium is based on a unique deposit of natural healing factors: the healing mud of Lake Tuzluchnoye and the mineral water of Lake Razval. The sanatorium uses quite a lot of different treatment methods. For example, treatment with cold down to minus 190 degrees, magnet, electric current, phyto- and physiotherapeutic procedures, vacuum therapy, electrophoresis, extracorporeal ultrasound shock wave therapy (crushing growths on joints and bones, treatment of heel spurs - without surgical intervention). An artificial speleological chamber has also been created for the sanitation of the bronchopulmonary tree, in which salt ions are sprayed, and people breathe in this environment. Many other treatment methods are also used.

During the year, the Sol-Iletsk Rehabilitation Hospital (sanatorium) is visited annually by about 4 thousand patients (about 1.5 thousand are children). There is a powerful bathroom and mud room, each with 10 couches. 1,200 different physiotherapeutic procedures are performed per day. The total number of beds today is 205. In addition to regular hospital treatment, outpatient treatment is also provided (up to 500 people per day).

Natural healing factors of Sol-Iletsk

The natural healing factors of Sol-Iletsk make it possible to effectively treat various diseases without traveling to distant resorts. The evolutionary development of man has shaped his genotype, which determines the specific mechanisms of the human body’s response to the influence of various factors.

A positive specific reaction in certain diseases to the use of healing factors created by nature itself (hydrotherapy, heliotherapy, mud therapy, aerotherapy, etc.) is initially inherent in the human information system - the molecular structure of DNA.

The use of artificially formed therapeutic factors causes both desirable - specific and undesirable - nonspecific (side) effects in the treatment of diseases. Based on this, natural healing medicine is one of the most effective, gentle, harmless methods of therapy.

This page describes the indications and contraindications for treatment at the Sol-Iletsk Rehabilitation Hospital

  1. Atopic dermatitis and childhood eczema, psoriasis (beyond exacerbation); including in children.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis and polyarthritis of non-tuberculous origin (rheumatoid arthritis, infectious arthritis of a certain nature, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis); spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylopathies, bone diseases, tendon muscles; osteomyelitis that does not require surgical intervention, trophic ulcers after long-term treatment of non-healing wounds of traumatic origin. Heel spur.
  3. Diseases of the nervous system: diseases and consequences of injuries of the peripheral nervous system in the stage of fading exacerbation, complete or incomplete remission (radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis, myelitis); consequences of wounds and other injuries of the spinal cord and its membranes in the absence of dysfunction of the pelvic organs and the patient’s ability to move independently; discirculatory encephalopathy up to 2 degrees.
  4. Diseases of the female genital area: chronic cervicitis, chronic metroendometritis, deviation of the uterus with limited mobility; chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages of various etiologies, with the exception of tuberculosis, chronic pelvioperitonitis, perimetritis; infertility due to inflammatory disease of the tubes and uterus, as well as mild underdevelopment of the uterus; functional ovarian failure due to their primary lesion with normal uterine size; postoperative infiltrates at the end of the acute period; cervical erosion (subject to exclusion of malignancy); primary and secondary infertility of various origins.
  5. Long-term and frequently ill children (secondary immunodeficiency); cerebral palsy, enuresis, grade 1-4 scoliosis, joint contractures (after burns, fractures), diseases and consequences of injuries of the central and peripheral system, neuroses, cerebroasthenic syndrome. Children are accepted for treatment together with one of their parents.

Contraindications to treatment on the lakes of Sol-Iletsk

  1. General contraindications, in which resort treatment is generally excluded (tumors, bleeding of any location, especially repeated ones, infections, venereal and mental diseases, diseases in the acute phase, for mud balneotherapy, foreign bodies (plates, artificial joints, single kidney));
  2. Tuberculosis of any localization;
  3. Nephritis and other kidney diseases with impaired kidney function;
  4. Hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus;
  5. Polyarthritis with a progressive course, with a tendency to ankylosis and contractures in exacerbation of the process;
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory failure grade 2-3 (heart failure);
  7. Chronic ischemic heart disease with rhythm and conduction disturbances, with angina pectoris above functional class 2;
  8. Hypertension above stage II A;
  9. Exacerbation of atonic dermatitis and childhood eczema with the presence of erosions on the skin (with ESR above 35 mm/h);
  10. Bronchial asthma in exacerbation, hormone-dependent bronchial asthma;
  11. Epilepsy and convulsive conditions;
  12. Constant and long-term use of hormonal drugs.

Treatment methods

Sol-Iletsk regional hospital for rehabilitation treatment (sanatorium) has modern methods of treating various diseases.

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