Magnesium chloride is a unique chemical reagent. Magnesium chloride (magnesium chloride, bischofite, magnesium salt of hydrochloric acid) Magnesium chloride salt

Magnesium chloride may help you fight depression, dizziness, and fatigue. However, when taking antibiotics, it may reduce the effectiveness of this type of treatment.

Magnesium chloride is used as a dietary supplement and contains an unparalleled number of health benefits that can help you keep your body looking youthful. In addition, by consuming this supplement, you will feel young, energetic, and magnesium chloride will help the body fight and prevent various infections.

This substance is extremely beneficial for people of all ages, although like any other active pharmaceutical substance, it also has several important contraindications that should be kept in mind.

Magnesium chloride is a compound consisting of chlorine and magnesium that has many beauty and health benefits. In fact, these compounds are used for both industrial and medicinal purposes. Want to learn more about the beneficial properties of magnesium chloride? Read on.

Magnesium chloride offers the following beneficial properties:

  • It serves as an excellent blood purifier, helping to regulate acidity levels in the body. Thanks to this property, magnesium chloride can help you fight a number of diseases.
  • Magnesium chloride helps get rid of excess acidity in the kidneys, thus ensuring kidney health.
  • It stimulates brain function and the transmission of nerve impulses, therefore it has an impact on the overall balance of human mental activity.
  • It is ideal for athletes and people who are quite physically active because it helps prevent muscle damage, cramps, general and/or muscle fatigue.
  • It promotes the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system while helping to prevent heart disease.
  • It helps dissolve bad cholesterol, promoting good blood circulation and fighting disease.
  • Magnesium chloride is a powerful anti-stress drug that also helps fight depression, dizziness and fatigue.
  • It plays a very important role in regulating body temperature.
  • It helps prevent hemorrhoid problems, improves intestinal health and helps in cases such as colitis, constipation, etc.
  • It helps fight prostate problems and prevents their occurrence.
  • Research suggests that magnesium chloride may help prevent cancer.
  • Magnesium chloride strengthens the immune system, helps fight and prevent colds, infections, and phlegm accumulation.
  • It prevents premature aging by making the body more energetic and promoting cell regeneration.
  • It is key to preventing osteoporosis as it promotes better calcium accumulation in the bones.
  • Magnesium chloride prevents the formation of kidney stones, which means it prevents the formation of calcium oxalate in them.
  • It promotes women's health by reducing the telltale symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and regulating hormone levels in the blood.
  • It fights free radicals and, therefore, prevents the occurrence of tumors and warts.
  • Magnesium chloride cleanses the arteries, and therefore prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Contraindications for the use of magnesium chloride

Although magnesium chloride offers a large number of health benefits, it should be noted that its use is not recommended in some cases, meaning that certain people should consult their doctor before taking it.

  • It is not recommended for people who suffer from diarrhea because it has a laxative effect.
  • It should not be prescribed to patients with kidney disease, especially if they suffer from renal failure.
  • Magnesium chloride should not be taken by patients who suffer from ulcerative colitis because it may worsen diarrhea.
  • If you are taking antibiotics, magnesium chloride can significantly reduce their effectiveness, which means that in such cases, you should consume magnesium chloride at least three or four hours before taking antibiotics.

How can I prepare magnesium chloride?

Although you can buy magnesium chloride in tablet form, a recipe for making it at home is also a good idea. You will need the following ingredients and items:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 30 g crystallized magnesium chloride
  • 1 wooden spoon

What should I do?

Boil one liter of water and let it cool. Then pour water into a glass jar and dissolve 30 grams of crystallized magnesium chloride in it. Stir the solution with a wooden spoon so that the drug dissolves, close the jar properly for storage.

How much magnesium chloride should you take?

The amount of magnesium chloride you should take largely depends on your current health problem and your age. We always insist that before taking any medications or treatments, you should consult with your doctor to find out exactly how much of a particular drug you should take.

Magnesium chloride

Chemical properties

Substance – magnesium salt of hydrochloric acid .

Magnesium chloride formula – MgCl2 , occurs in nature as a mineral bischofite .

The connection is hygroscopic crystals transparent or white, odorless.

pH value Magnesium Chloride solution – from 5 to 7. The substance melts at 713 and boils at 1412 degrees Celsius, soluble in water.

In medicine, the drug is used in the form magnesium chloride hexahydrate , formula - MgCl2x6H2O .

Mineral bischofite obtained by evaporation of sea brines. It is first dehydrated to MgCl2x2H2O and subject dehydration with salt to-you at 100-200 degrees.

Magnesium chloride reacts with salts having in its structure cation , which is capable of forming an insoluble salt with chlorine anion or if the salt contains anion , which forms a soluble salt with magnesium cation . The chemical properties of a compound can be studied in more detail by looking at the usual salt solubility table.

The substance is used in many industries (construction, utilities, livestock, chemical, textile and food). In medicine, the compound is used as bactericidal And anabolic agent . Magnesium chloride is included in various drugs and is used for their production.

pharmachologic effect

Anti-inflammatory, metabolic, bactericidal.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Magnesium is one of the most important microelements , taking part in metabolic processes in the human body, found in almost all cells. The substance promotes the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Using bischofite in the form of applications, the product helps restore the spine, joints, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

This substance is absorbed by the body somewhat worse than organic compounds with magnesium. However, it is actively used and added to various drugs. After entering the body, the compound is quickly and almost completely metabolized.

Indications for use

Magnesium chloride is used:

  • for chronic and;
  • for treatment hypomagnesemia ;
  • at , ;
  • for prevention and treatment;
  • for various diseases peripheral nervous system;
  • V dermatology And gastroenterology .

The compound is included in plasma substitutes, regulators water-electrolyte balance , parenteral nutrition .


For certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or gastrointestinal tract, the use of the compound and drugs based on it is highly not recommended.

If you inject the substance, you should stop breastfeeding. Give injections with magnesium chloride Not included in pregnant women.

Applications and baths with contraindicated:

  • at cardiovascular failure , ;
  • persons with sclerosis heart, kidneys, cerebral vessels;
  • for skin diseases and skin tumors.

Side effects

When using different drugs and dosage forms, various adverse reactions may occur:

  • bromism , dizziness, palpitations, rapid breathing (applications and baths, you should stop taking the medication);
  • pain and inflammation at the injection site, feeling of warmth, dizziness (for injection solutions).

Magnesium Chloride, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Depending on the drug and its dosage form, there are different treatment regimens.


While taking baths with Magnesium Chloride, bromism, dizziness, and headaches may develop. In this case, treatment should be stopped.

There are no reports of overdose with Magnesium Chloride injection.


Magnesium chloride, as a rule, combines well with other substances in various preparations. You should carefully study the drug interaction clause in the instructions for the drug.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Drugs containing (Analogs)

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Magnesium chloride is included in the following medicines: , Gemodez-8000, Neogemodez, Sorbilact, solution for infusion Aminoplasmal B. Brown, peritoneal dialysis solution Balance, Solution Aminosol-Neo E, Volulite, Lactasol, Ringer Acetate, Methusol, Quintasol, Aminosteril, Tetraspan, eye drops Vita-Iodurol, Rignera-Lactate with Magnesium and others.

4.4 out of 5

Magnesium chloride is an inorganic chemical compound of magnesium and chlorine. In the natural environment it is found as a substance of mineral origin - bischofite. It is used as a food additive E511 (belongs to the category of emulsifiers) and for medical purposes (the substance is included in many medications). Chemical formula – MgCl2.

Magnesium chloride appears to be transparent crystals that quickly dissolve in water. The substance is extracted as a natural material from the seabed. It can also be obtained from sea water by evaporating the salt from it.

Properties of magnesium chloride

Magnesium chloride has a number of useful properties, due to which it is widely used in medicine. It has anti-edema, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The substance has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes blood circulation, and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. The beneficial properties of magnesium chloride make it possible to include it in various medications. The substance is used both externally and internally.

As a food additive, magnesium chloride acts as a thickener. The following possible names for this additive are: E511, bischofite, magnesium salt of hydrochloric acid, magnesium chloride. It contains magnesium ions, sulfate, and alkali metals. May be found as a thickener in the following products:

  • Dietary;
  • Yeast and mixtures for dough and any type of baking;
  • Canned fruits and vegetables;
  • Thickeners for confectionery products;
  • Milk products;
  • Baby food, yoghurts, jellies;
  • Soft drinks and cocktails.

Applications of magnesium chloride

Magnesium chloride is most widely used in the food industry, followed by medicines.. When used in food products, this substance enriches them with minerals and increases shelf life. In the food industry, magnesium chloride acts as a paint stabilizer after special preparation. In cosmetology and medicine, this substance is used in bath salts, solutions for rinsing the mouth against inflammatory and infectious processes, in ointments and gels for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Magnesium chloride has also found application in other areas:

  • It is used as a finished product and a raw material component in construction: it is part of the solution of floor screeds, foam concrete, glass-magnesium tiles and other building materials;
  • It is widely used in municipal services and is used as an anti-ice agent (reagent). This is a very economical and potent substance. Bishofite, being a natural material, does not harm the environment, and acts no worse than synthetic reagents: it prevents the appearance of ice at temperatures down to minus 35°C;
  • Used in livestock farming: it is an excellent feed additive for domestic animals and birds. It is also used in planting and growing many crops, is a good fertilizer for fruit and berry crops, increases resistance to diseases and pests, and is included in many fertilizers;
  • Magnesium chloride is widely used in medicine. In dermatology, dentistry, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, it is used as an anabolic and bactericidal agent, and is widely used in the production of various drugs;
  • Bishofite comes to the rescue when extinguishing forest fires; in the manufacture of wooden buildings it is used as a fire retardant. Diluted bischofite helps fight fires and stops the spread of fire. Wood impregnated with this composition does not ignite;

Used in the textile industry as a paint stabilizer for carpets.

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Magnesium chloride is an inorganic compound that is quite common in nature. Its main source is bischofite, a crystalline salt that resulted from the evaporation of ancient seas. It was first discovered on the territory of modern Germany (in Zechstein deposits) by the scientist Gustav Bischof, after whom this salt was named.

A bischofite deposit looks like deposits of watery, translucent crystals, which may have a pinkish, yellowish or brownish tint, depending on what mineral impurities are present in them. By the way, the amount of these useful impurities is so large that bischofite could be considered a very valuable breed. Almost the entire periodic table is there, but there are few natural deposits of bischofite, and this salt is extremely capricious - it instantly dissolves and evaporates even in air.

Magnesium chloride in the form of bischofite deposits is found on all continents, and it occurs at different depths and in sediments of different ages. The thickness of the layers does not exceed seven meters, and extraction is complicated by the fact that this salt is difficult to protect from melting. It is known that there are deposits of magnesium chloride in Western Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, but they are not being developed.

But in the countries of Western Europe, on the contrary, the attitude towards the extraction of magnesium chloride from natural salt deposits has recently changed. Bishofite is the most valuable raw material for the industrial production of magnesium metal, refractories and bromine. Therefore, new development methods are now being actively implemented to effectively extract bischofite and preserve it during transportation.

Obtaining magnesium chloride artificially

The chemical element magnesium, as well as the natural raw materials for its production, were first isolated in 1695 by British chemists. One of them, G. Davy, subsequently isolated pure magnesium experimentally. This event took place in 1808. The importance of the discovery of magnesium can hardly be overestimated, since it is a very valuable mineral, necessary, among other things, for the normal development and smooth functioning of the human body.

Magnesium chloride is obtained not only from bischofite. Since the demand for this substance is very high, and the industrial development of salt deposits is associated with high costs and does not cover all needs, magnesium chloride has been learned to be produced artificially. To do this, salt is extracted from sea water and simply evaporated. At this moment, many readers probably wondered: isn’t magnesium chloride related to that same magical sea salt that is used for bathing and has such a beneficial effect on the skin? We answer - it does, and in the most direct way. Essentially, that's what he is. But the scope of its use, due to its beneficial properties, is much wider.

Properties of magnesium chloride

The beneficial medical properties of magnesium chloride have made it a highly sought-after component of many medications. This substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, reduces inflammation and peeling, stops violent allergic reactions, saturates the skin with essential microelements and enhances its natural protective functions.

But it is used not only in dermatology and cosmetology. It is an active component of many ointments to relieve inflammation in the joint area. Magnesium ions prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, so dentists have also adopted this remedy. It is added to rinses to combat bleeding gums and bad breath.

In food production, magnesium chloride acts as a hardening and thickening agent. This food additive has code E511, it is approved and permitted in all countries of the world. Especially popular with Japanese food manufacturers. In the Land of the Rising Sun, a lot of soy milk and tofu are produced and consumed. And tofu requires a special salt solution obtained from local sea salt. This solution is called nigari, and is essentially a concentrate of magnesium chloride.

Magnesium chloride is used as an emulsifier, thickener and color stabilizer in the production of the following food products:

  • Non-alcoholic soft drinks;
  • Pickled vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, squash, cabbage);
  • Canned fruits and berries in syrup (pineapples, peaches, mangoes, guavas, strawberries);
  • Baker's yeast and baking thickeners;
  • Dairy products (yogurt, curds, flavored milk);
  • Baby food (desserts, jelly, puree);
  • Dietary low-calorie foods.

Magnesium chloride not only allows you to achieve the desired consistency and correct color of the product. It keeps food fresh longer and also provides it with magnesium, which is essential for health. There is no need to talk about the dangers of E511; on the contrary, this food additive is recognized as beneficial.

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Among food additives, there are a small number of substances that are valued not only for their properties, such as emulsifying, stabilizing the structure or “preserving” foods to protect against spoilage, but also for their positive effects on human health. Among them are magnesium chloride, magnesium chloride, or simply an emulsifier with the code “E511”. Over its long history, the substance has established itself as an element capable of improving food products and simplifying the process of their production, as a medicinal component that helps overcome certain ailments, and as a chemical reagent with a wide range of uses.

What is magnesium chloride and how is it obtained?

E511 is a binary inorganic compound, the synthesis of hydrochloric acid and magnesium salt.

Magnesium chloride appears as hygroscopic crystals, transparent or white. The substance is odorless, soluble in ethanol, and soluble in ethanol. Decomposition temperature is 300 degrees Celsius, melting temperature is 713 degrees, at 1412 degrees the additive begins to boil. Subject to reaction with salts containing a cation in the structure, which can form an insoluble salt with a chlorine anion. It also reacts with those salts whose anion forms a soluble salt with the magnesium cation.

In nature, it exists in the form of bischofite - a natural mineral that was discovered at the bottom of oceanic depressions, as well as terrestrial rocks where there were seas hundreds or thousands of years ago. A crystalline fossil can be white, pinkish, yellow-ocher or brown in color - this depends on the impurities in its structure. May contain groups of hydromicas and sulfate minerals in small quantities.

Extraction of magnesium chloride occurs in several ways. An artificial technology is the process of evaporation of sea brine: it is dehydrated and then subjected to dehydration with hydrochloric acid at a temperature of 100-200 degrees Celsius. If we are talking about bischofite deposits in the earth's crust, the solid mineral is first subjected to leaching with artesian water directly at the occurrence horizons, after which the resulting solution is pumped out and evaporated to obtain solid salt. Bishofite is not the most convenient substance to extract, since this salt evaporates very quickly in air, so the method of evaporating sea water is now more common.

For the purposes of the food industry, it is of interest, first of all, as a thickener capable of regulating the viscosity of the consistency, and as a stabilizer of the structure of the product.

How the E511 additive is used in human food

Most of the world's magnesium chloride is used in the pharmaceutical industry, but the food industry is not far behind. Recently, the Japanese have become very interested in the additive: they consume large amounts of soy and cheese, and the production of the latter requires magnesium chloride. In addition, a drink called “nigari”, which is an aqueous concentrate of magnesium chloride, is gaining popularity in the Middle Kingdom.

The food industry around the world uses E511 as a color stabilizer, thickener and emulsifier in the manufacture of the following products:

  • pickled vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, peppers,);
  • soft drinks;
  • baker's yeast, thickeners for baking and dough;
  • some dairy products (curds, milk with various tastes and aromas);
  • canned fruits, berries in syrup;
  • dietary products with reduced;
  • tofu;
  • baby food.

The substance also helps to extend the shelf life of the finished product and saturate it with magnesium.

Pharmaceutical industry and magnesium chloride

Today, the world has established the production of drugs with E511 in various forms: tablets, flakes, granules, powders, solutions. Magnesium chloride is valuable as a source for replenishing magnesium reserves, which can be washed out of the human body during life. It is used in the fields of cosmetology, dermatology, and in various medicinal preparations for the skin. The substance is produced in the form of bath salts.

In addition, the additive is used in ophthalmology, dentistry, otolaryngology, the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and the musculoskeletal system.

Other areas of production where E511 can be used

The range of industries in which magnesium chloride is used is really wide:

  • construction (component for the manufacture of magnesium screeds and floors, xylolite slabs, foam concrete, aerated concrete, glass-magnesium sheets and some other materials);
  • public utilities (reagent for combating ice and snowdrifts, deicer, effectively prevents the formation of ice at temperatures from -35 degrees Celsius);
  • textile industry (stabilizer in the process of dyeing fabrics and carpets);
  • forestry (for extinguishing fires as a fire retardant, also applied to wooden coverings to prevent fire);
  • livestock farming, crop farming (feed additive for birds, livestock, plant nutrition);
  • oil and gas industry (component of killing and drilling fluids).

Effect on humans when consumed: harm or benefit

Magnesium is a participant in many vital processes and enzymatic reactions in the body: energy metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, synthesis, prostaglandin synthesis, neuromuscular contractions, balance regulation and (thus affecting water balance).

Both as an ingredient in food products and as a component of medicines, magnesium chloride is clearly a valuable substance for the human body.

Indications for its use:

  • chronic forms of osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis;
  • hypomagnesemia;
  • radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • prevention and treatment of cataracts;
  • some skin diseases (acne, allergic reactions).

Baths and topicals using the supplement are known for their ability to transdermally restore magnesium levels for cramps, muscle and joint pain, and for strengthening bone tissue and nails. Recommended for chronic fatigue, problems with the nervous system, and varicose veins. This therapy helps get rid of the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the limbs, improves blood and lymph circulation, reduces pain caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and increases skin turgor. Contraindications for this form of use of the substance are exacerbations of chronic diseases, thrombosis, stage 2 and 3 hypertension, tuberculosis processes, epilepsy, infectious diseases, and individual intolerance.

Pregnant women are allowed to use medications and products containing E511. According to the results of scientific studies, the level of risk to the fetus falls into Category C according to the FDA teratogenicity classification: this means that the substance has not shown any effects on the fetus in experimental animals, and relevant studies have not been conducted among pregnant women, but the level of potential threat is significantly lower than benefits of taking the substance. It is better for nursing women not to combine lactation and taking medications with magnesium chloride, as it can enter the baby’s body through breast milk.

As a substance in preparations for use on the skin, E511 helps reduce inflammatory processes in tissues, heal peeling and wounds on the skin, saturate them with minerals and.

In solutions for rinsing the mouth, the component has a healing effect in case of bleeding gums and helps fight unpleasant odors.

Magnesium chloride is dangerous only in case of overdose - it can provoke digestive and metabolic disorders.

Packaging methods for food additive E511

The substance is fire and explosion-proof, non-toxic, bioresistant, therefore it is permissible to store it in polyethylene and polypropylene bags, or special soft containers weighing up to 1 ton. By agreement between the buyer and seller of magnesium chloride, it can also be packaged in other containers intended for bulk cargo (food - if the additive will be used for food or pharmaceutical production). In this case, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight and moisture on the substance.

Magnesium chloride “E511” is a food additive that is considered one of the most useful among those known today. Among its properties are the ability to normalize the level of acidity in the body, stimulate the brain and transmit nerve impulses, prevent and treat pain in muscles and joints, prevent heart attacks and other heart diseases, combat chronic fatigue and stress, strengthen the immune system, prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

The substance is approved for use in most countries of the world; it can also be added to baby food. In international classifications of food additives it is labeled as an additive with an extremely low level of danger.

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