You can swim in the sea after cauterizing the erosion. Cervical erosion. Use of drugs


Cervical erosion is a common disease that affects many women. Therefore, the question of what contraindications doctors call for cervical erosion is quite relevant. Many activities are mistakenly considered prohibited. Others, on the contrary, are not worth practicing, although not all patients know about this.

What can you do?

The presence of cervical erosion does not impose serious restrictions on lifestyle. Below is a list of what you can do about erosion. But some women mistakenly believe that such activities are undesirable.

  • Erosion is not a contraindication to pregnancy. Gestation and erosion do not have any mutual influence on each other. However, with such a pathology, the birth process may be complicated. After all, the tissues are not so stretchable and the cervix may not open completely. More information about pregnancy with this diagnosis can be found in the material “Pregnancy with erosion”;
  • Contraindications for cervical erosion also do not include sexual activity unless it causes discomfort and does not cause bleeding. But it is important to use barrier contraception, since with this diagnosis the woman is susceptible to STDs due to weak local immunity. You should avoid sex if you experience bleeding or pain during intercourse. You can read more about this in the material “Sex with cervical erosion”;
  • You can sunbathe with this diagnosis, but in moderation. Of course, you shouldn’t overheat in the sun, but in general the restrictions are not as strict as, for example, with fibroids;
  • Fitness under reasonable load is not prohibited. The same as aerobics, gymnastics, etc. If the training program is designed correctly, then there can be no adverse health consequences;
  • Massage in the absence of bleeding is also not prohibited. If there is bleeding, then it is worth excluding the treatment of such areas as the lower back, buttocks, and upper thighs. Since they can provoke excessive blood flow into the pelvic area, which will cause bleeding;
  • Dancing, even sports, is also not a contraindication (of course, with moderate loads).

As can be seen from the list, no significant restrictions are imposed on lifestyle. However, it is recommended to treat the pathology as often as possible.

What not to do?

However, some types of activities should still be excluded. We are talking about factors that can increase the likelihood of recurrent erosion, or progression of an existing condition. Eliminating these types of actions can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment and speed up recovery.

In addition, this will protect against the progression of existing pathology, its primary occurrence or relapse. In addition, following such recommendations is beneficial for a person with any health condition.

  • Limit your consumption of fast food. A large number of dyes, preservatives and components with tumor activity in it can worsen the condition. The process of pathological cell division may begin. Cervical erosion will grow, and immunity will decrease, the general condition will worsen;
  • Limit your alcohol consumption, or better yet, give it up completely. Harmful substances, toxins and preservatives in such drinks are even more destructive than those found in fast food. They can also cause pathological cell division. Can provoke the formation of fibroids and the development of endometriosis;
  • Stop smoking. We are also talking about toxins and combustion products that are harmful to the body. It has been noted that cervical erosion develops four times more often in smokers than in non-smokers. They are also more likely to relapse;
  • Baths and saunas are prohibited if periodic bleeding occurs as a result of erosion. Since such procedures dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, they can also cause quite severe bleeding from the pathological area;
  • Also, contraindications for cervical erosion accompanied by bleeding include twisting a hoop, especially with weights. This action stimulates blood flow to the pelvic area, which can also provoke severe bleeding;
  • Bodybuilding and any strength exercises are completely prohibited. Excessive exercise can worsen the condition and cause bleeding;
  • Professional sports are not advisable. Extensive physical activity (both sports and bodybuilding) can cause hormonal imbalance. And such a failure can aggravate the condition and cause erosion to progress.

These restrictions apply not only to women suffering from erosion or being treated for it. The same measures involve the prevention of erosion and its recurrence after treatment.

Women who have undergone treatment should know what not to do after cauterization of erosion - the result of treatment depends on this.

Violations of the integrity of the cervical epithelium is a complex pathology that is diagnosed in every second woman. This disorder occurs for many reasons and is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the body. Cauterization is used when conservative treatment does not bring results.

Techniques for radical effects on the cervical mucosa are constantly being improved and are becoming more gentle for women. The prohibitions that a woman must adhere to after radical treatment depend on the method by which cauterization was carried out.

Cauterization methods

Upon examination, the doctor identifies a visual disturbance of the cervical mucosa. Violations are manifested:

  • mechanical injuries to the cervical mucosa - true erosion;
  • spots of atypical red columnar epithelium, which cannot provide protection to the cervix and secretes mucus, uncharacteristic of the vagina - pseudo-erosion;
  • influxes of red columnar epithelium on the neck, or congenital erosion, characteristic of young nulliparous women under 25 years of age.

Conservative treatment is the first way to influence the mucosa. It is aimed at relieving inflammation and stimulating the restoration of normal squamous epithelium.

If drug treatment does not produce results, the doctor prescribes cauterization. The procedure, which is shocking to the body, “restarts” the process of epithelial restoration: instead of the “incorrect” red cylindrical burn characteristic of the internal canal of the cervix, the burn is closed with a “correct” multi-row flat burn.

The doctor chooses the method of cauterization based on many parameters - age, extent of the lesion, the need to preserve reproductive function. Cauterization treats only false erosion, or ectopia.

For treatment, the following methods of hardware impact on the cervix are used:

  • exposure to high frequency current (diathermocoagulation) is one of the very first methods used to treat erosion. The method is considered outdated and severely traumatic to the mucous membrane, painful and requiring a long period of rehabilitation - the equipment used does not make it possible to accurately regulate the depth and area of ​​exposure. A deep and voluminous burn imposes long-term restrictions on a woman’s life;
  • exposure to liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction, a more gentle method, the disadvantage of which is the inability to accurately influence the affected area. Recovery takes less time than with electric shock;
  • laser vaporization - exposure of the mucous membrane to a precisely directed laser beam. It is considered one of the most effective methods due to the ability to target the erosion zone and regulate the depth of the lesion. The recovery process after the procedure takes much less time than with electric cauterization or freezing. If erosions are large enough, the procedure must be carried out in several stages, which lengthens the rehabilitation period;
  • radio wave method - considered the most promising and gentle, allowing the formation of the smallest affected area;
  • plasma ablation method (argon) – exposure of the affected area to a plasma beam, which makes it possible to accurately influence the epithelium without affecting “clean” surfaces;
  • ultrasonic method, in which radiation affects erosion;
  • the method of medicinal cauterization uses the property of some drugs to provoke a burn of the mucous membrane of the cervix, after which a scab is formed and the restoration of the epithelium begins.

After cauterization is completed, a scab forms on the mucous membranes, under which a new “correct” epithelium is formed. After the crust comes off and the mucous membranes strengthen, the woman can return to normal life.

When cauterization is not performed

Not all women are eligible for radical treatment. There are a number of conditions in which the method becomes impractical.

Contraindications to cauterization are as follows:

  • acute and chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • sexually transmitted infections and HPV;
  • presence of bleeding;
  • blood diseases that interfere with blood clotting;
  • neoplasms of the vagina and cervix;
  • bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • postpartum period;
  • diabetes;
  • installed spiral;
  • a history of cesarean sections;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (in some cases).

If the reason why erosion is not cauterized can be eliminated, drug treatment is carried out, and then a decision is made to cauterize. This applies to inflammatory diseases and sexually transmitted infections, exacerbations of chronic pathologies.

A defect in the epithelium in most cases occurs against the background of inflammation; doctors do not have a consensus on this matter - whether erosion provokes inflammation, weakening the body’s defenses, or vice versa - constant infection affects the reproduction of the epithelium.

Carrying out cauterization

Regardless of the method in which the intervention is carried out, the procedure for treatment is as follows:

  1. After diagnosis, the doctor decides to perform cauterization.
  2. A woman comes for the procedure in the first half of the physiological cycle (with the exception of electric cauterization).
  3. The doctor prepares the area of ​​the previous operation - identifies and treats the area with destroyed epithelium.
  4. Performs cauterization.
  5. A layer of necrotic tissue – a scab – forms on the surface. When exposed to radio waves, a thin film is formed.
  6. After a certain period of time for each method, the scab disappears, and in its place an epithelial covering or a full-fledged scar is formed.
  7. After examination, the doctor declares the woman healthy.

For a speedy recovery, restrictions are imposed on a woman’s behavior, their meaning:

  • protection of the mucous membrane from damage;
  • prevention of infection, including sexually transmitted infections;
  • preservation of the scab from premature damage;
  • prevention of blood flow to the pelvis to prevent bleeding;
  • maintaining and increasing the body's immune defense.

The duration of the prohibitions depends on the type of cauterization and the process of epithelial restoration. To monitor the healing process, the doctor periodically examines the patient.

A woman should know that treatment of erosion does not end with cauterization. The duration of postoperative recovery lasts at least 5-6 weeks. After cauterizing the erosion, the doctor tells the patient what not to do after the intervention.

Lifestyle change

Strengthening the immune system is important for healing the affected area and preventing the recurrence of erosion. To do this, a woman needs to change her lifestyle. To do this you need to exclude:

  • nervous stress;
  • physical and psychological overload;
  • negative attitude towards life and oneself;
  • smoking and alcohol can provoke vasospasm and pain;
  • overeating and heavy food, which promotes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and can provoke bleeding;
  • switch to frequent split meals that do not overload the body;
  • Observe the drinking regime to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process.

Excess weight is one of the factors that affects changes in the cervical mucosa and thinning of the epithelium, so you need to adjust your diet in such a way as to prevent weight gain.

Don't use tampons

After hardware treatment, discharge is natural - first sanguineous, then clear. To maintain hygiene, a woman who has had an erosion cauterized should not use tampons - exclusively external sanitary pads. The period for changing gaskets is as they become dirty, but not less than once every three hours. The use of tampons can promote infection and injury to the vaginal mucosa. A ban on the use of tampons is imposed for the entire healing period - up to 60 days. The underwear should be comfortable, in size, and made from natural fabrics. Wearing synthetic underwear, thongs, leads to irritation of the mucous membranes.

To avoid allergies, hygiene procedures should be carried out exclusively with neutral soap without aromatic substances and additives.

In order not to provoke a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and bleeding, the following are prohibited for the entire rehabilitation period:

  • hot bath;
  • steam bath;
  • Turkish baths.

To perform hygiene procedures, patients are recommended to use a warm or cool shower. Bathing in a bath can lead not only to blood flow to the genitals, but also to overheating of the body, increased body temperature, premature sloughing and bleeding. In addition, water can get inside the vagina and cause an infection.

Restrictions are imposed on douching - they cannot be done after cauterization of cervical erosion until the epithelium has completely healed in order to avoid washing out the scab and getting an infection.

Limit sports and physical activity

A woman who has been actively involved in sports is prohibited from active physical activity until the body is able to recover after the intervention.

Strong physical activity and heavy lifting increase muscle tone and provoke pain, bleeding and premature rejection of the scab.

For a patient who has undergone cauterization, swimming in open water and public pools is unacceptable - this is dangerous due to infection through water entering the vagina and scab rejection.

Women who are used to doing light fitness can maintain their usual lifestyle and start exercising already on the 7th day after cauterization. If this causes pain or discharge, exercise should be stopped until the wound heals.

For athletes who cannot lose shape, exercise can be resumed after a few days, moving from light to heavy loads, but under the careful supervision of a doctor.

Sex and pregnancy planning

For complete healing of the burn after the intervention and timely removal of the scab, gynecologists prohibit traditional sex until the woman has fully recovered. When engaging in sexual intercourse, there is a high risk of mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane, premature removal of the scab and the introduction of infection. The possibility of resuming intimate relationships depends on how the erosion heals after cauterization, but not earlier than 60-90 days after the intervention.

In some cases, after the scab has passed and the woman is feeling well, it is possible to use non-traditional types of sex and masturbation to improve the general condition and increase the protective properties of the immune system.

Pregnancy can be planned only after complete recovery and the first menstruation; it should be taken into account that after cauterization, menstruation may shift.

Treatment and medical examination

The treatment process requires examination of the woman during the recovery period. It is not advisable to use ultrasound with a vaginal sensor for examination and unscheduled consultations. This will prevent premature removal of the scab and infection. The examination can only be carried out by the doctor who cauterized the erosion; all preventive examinations (at work, to obtain a medical certificate) should be limited.

Until healing occurs, vaginal suppositories cannot be used for the same purpose; if necessary, they are prescribed after the scab has come off.

The occurrence of repeated erosion

  • low immunity, which is provoked by stress, hard work, inflammatory processes in the body, poor nutrition, or vice versa – obesity;
  • acute infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • age-related hormonal imbalances or pregnancy;
  • violation of sexual hygiene (multiple sexual partners, unprotected, rough sex, use of sex toys).

Recurrence of erosion can be caused by an initially incorrect determination of the cause of the disease or incorrectly prescribed treatment.

Regardless of the method used to cauterize cervical erosion, during medical procedures unhealthy tissue is destroyed so that a new layer of cells is formed in this place.

But such a mini operation does not solve all problems. During the rehabilitation period, the woman additionally needs to undergo a course of local therapy.

After a chemical substance or equipment has damaged the epithelial layer, an open wound remains.

It gradually tightens and becomes covered with a scab - a crust consisting of coagulated blood and dead tissue.

This is how the body protects delicate tissues from damage, infection and dirt getting into wounds. To speed up healing this area needs to be softened and disinfected in case an infection gets there.

For this purpose, rehabilitation therapy is prescribed. It is prohibited to select medications on your own, since inept self-medication can disrupt the vaginal biocenosis and the healing process.

Doctor in the first days may invite the patient to an appointment to treat the cervix on an outpatient basis.

In order to speed up recovery processes, additional measures are needed.

For this purpose, immunostimulating, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, enhancing tissue regeneration are used.

Usually, their use begins after the scab is rejected, but the specific time for starting the use of suppositories is determined by the attending physician.

Its decision depends on a combination of factors:

  • effectiveness of the uterus and vagina;
  • presence of complications;
  • the degree of change in the cervix after the procedure;
  • tissue regeneration ability;
  • the patient's immune status.

Using candles

Afterwards, suppositories are prescribed with active ingredients that have disinfecting effects and accelerate metabolic processes.

This dosage form is convenient in that the active substance is quickly delivered to the tissues.

At the stage of scab rejection, antiseptic agents have proven themselves to be effective in relieving inflammation and fighting infection. Hexicon candles, used twice daily for a week.

Hexicon is successfully replaced by the following products:

  • antibacterial syntomycin suppositories;
  • antifungal suppositories Pimafucin, Livarol;
  • combination candles Terzhinan, Polizhinaks.

The frequency of use of each drug is determined by the attending physician, who also determines the beginning of the next stage of treatment.

After a woman stops spotting, the healing stage begins.

At this stage use:

  • Methyluracil. These suppositories relieve inflammation, restore local immunity, heal, and improve cell nutrition. Used both rectally and vaginally. Prescribed 1-2 suppositories up to 4 times a day;
  • Depantol. Antimicrobial and restorative effect. Candles are used 1 pc. morning and evening during the week;
  • . They heal wounds, relieve pain, and have an antimicrobial effect. Use morning and evening for 2 weeks.

After low-traumatic radio wave cauterization, exposure to liquid nitrogen or laser at the stage of scab removal, agents are prescribed to accelerate tissue restoration.

For rapid healing after cauterization of cervical erosion treatment with Depantol suppositories or methyluracil suppositories is suitable.


For successful and rapid tissue regeneration compliance with restrictions is mandatory after cauterization of cervical erosion, helping to speed up recovery.

Swimming and tanning

Is it possible to swim in the sea after cauterization of cervical erosion?

You can only wash in the shower, immersion in water is contraindicated, so during the rehabilitation period you will have to give up bathing, swimming in the pool and open reservoirs.

Is it possible to sunbathe after cauterization of cervical erosion?

You can even sit on the shore to admire the sea only in the shade. At all exposure to open sun during the recovery period should be limited.

You can visit the solarium in 20 days and only after the doctor’s permission.

Sexual contacts

Is sex possible after cauterization of cervical erosion? Sexual rest after the procedure is recommended for one and a half months.

It is unacceptable to independently shorten the period indicated by the attending physician.

Sexual activity can be resumed only after reaching a certain stage of healing, which can be determined by a gynecologist during an examination.

Sports and heavy lifting

Is it possible to play sports after cauterization of cervical erosion?

You can start doing light exercises a week after cauterization., but at the slightest deterioration of the condition, all exercise should be abandoned until complete recovery.

The exception is professional athletes, for whom a break in exercise threatens detraining, but before starting exercise you should consult a sports doctor.

Other restrictions

You will have to give up bad habits that cause spasm and dilation of blood vessels. This drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

It is better to avoid them for at least a couple of months, as they can cause bleeding.

During treatment, you should especially beware of infection and the development of bacterial flora. That's why intimate hygiene needs to be given close attention.

You will have to give up tampons, and you will need to change your pads more often.

Duration and features of rehabilitation

Since cauterization of erosion is not a complex manipulation, and it does not lead to serious consequences.

Natural phenomena will be:

  • slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen for several days after the procedure. Heaviness and discomfort are quite natural, but severe pain is most likely a signal of an incipient complication. Mild discomfort can be eliminated by taking a painkiller;
  • the natural result of such intervention will be bloody discharge with which dying tissue comes out. The discharge is usually streaked with dark red blood at first, but gradually the streaks lighten and turn pink. The discharge stops after 1-1.5 weeks;
  • Possible menstrual disorders- the first menstruation may be scanty or even delayed. Most often this happens after treatment with electric current.

The appearance of a putrid odor indicates pathology and is a reason for an urgent visit to the attending physician.

In most cases, after 1-2 days, women do not feel any consequences of cauterization, except for discharge, which decreases day by day, and The duration of the healing period depends on the cauterization method used.

Allows you to remove only damaged tissue. The treated area is covered with a thin film, which is torn off after 1.5-2 weeks.

After the procedure, increased leucorrhoea or slight brown discharge may occur. Healing is very fast.

It is considered gentle. It is not a scab that forms on the treated area, but a thin film that is torn off after about 10 days.

There may be some spotting brown discharge for a while, but generally (9 out of 10 women) there is no bleeding or purulent discharge. It takes 3-4 weeks to heal.

Diathermocoagulation or cauterization with electric current the oldest of all methods used, therefore the longest healing time.

The formed scab after removal of cervical erosion is rejected after 1-1.5 weeks; during this period, discharge containing blood and pus is observed, the inclusion of which decreases day by day.

But spotting and spotting may occur throughout the entire rehabilitation period. Healing occurs in approximately 2 months.

If used for treatment (cauterization) of cervical erosion, the scab is rejected after 10-12 days.

Some time after the procedure, watery discharge is observed. Complete healing occurs in 4-6 weeks.

Chemical method. Healing lasts quickly, 20-30 days, which is due to the use of the procedure only for small erosions.

One month after cauterization cervical erosion, many resume sexual intercourse, since there are no external symptoms, nothing hurts inside. You can not do it this way.

When a month has passed after cauterization of cervical erosion, you should definitely see your doctor, who will give further recommendations and permission only after examining the healing cervix.

Then it will be clear whether it is time to resume sexual activity, start playing sports, swimming in open water or a bath, and sunbathing.

The patient should not guess which measures will best affect recovery; she just needs to listen to the doctor and strictly adhere to the recommended restrictions.

03/20/2002, Marina
Recently, a slight erosion of the cervix was discovered (recent sexual activity) and a slight enlargement of one of the ovaries, the doctor said that there was no need to treat (at my age, the erosion can go away on its own, but nothing was said about the ovary). A smear was taken and they said it was perfect. So my question is what to do with erosion and an enlarged ovary. I read about the drug Solkovagin. Maybe it’s worth cauterizing the erosion or waiting until there are any changes? What can you recommend? And one more question, after cauterization with Solkovagin, how long should you abstain from sexual activity?

You can treat erosion only with Solkovagn, because... it does not leave a scar on the cervix. You can also try conservative treatment with Doctor Nona medications. And you can correct both by taking microdosed contraceptives: Mercilon, Tri-Mercy or Novinet. It is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse until the erosion is completely healed.

06/14/2002, Elena
The doctor diagnosed: cervical erosion, infection - gardnerellosis was cured at the time of starting treatment for erosion with SOLKOVAGIN AND SOLCOSERYL. 8 treatments with these drugs were carried out on average once a week (excluding menstruation). I was not sexually active on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days after treatment, as the gynecologist advised. But after the last treatment (the doctor said that everything had healed), on the second day I discovered small, slightly bloody discharge, although menstruation ended two days before the last procedure. Basically a highlight, but I always have a light color! It's THESE that bother me - the slightly bloody discharge. I beg you, tell me what it could be!

These may be symptoms of a burn film leaving the cervix, under which a new mucous membrane should have formed. Don't worry, everything will pass after a while.

06/14/2002, Katya
I'm 22 years old, no children. A year ago I cured cervical erosion. Can I use sanitary tampons during menstruation and are there any means to prevent this disease?

Preventive measures include: normal ovarian function and the absence of sexually transmitted infections. Tampons should be kept for no more than 3-4 hours, otherwise this may contribute to the explosive proliferation of bacteria, because blood is the favorite food of bacteria, and body temperature is a good thermostat.

06/15/2002, Olga
I was recently diagnosed with a slight erosion, is it possible to make love during treatment (Lopovitamin E and Tri-Mercy were prescribed). It often hurts me when a friend enters me, I’m 19, I’ve been sexually active for about 5 months, and I also don’t experience orgasm with him, even with oral sex, although everything is fine without a friend. What to do? And one more thing: I’m going to the sea, is it possible to swim with erosion?

It is necessary to check for sexually transmitted infections, do a biopsy and colposcopy, and treat erosion, because this is a precancerous disease! When swimming, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections will increase. Lack of orgasm and erosion of the sh/m indicate ovarian failure. Be sure to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

06/17/2002, Lara
I have been married for 3 months and from the second week of marriage I was diagnosed with a flora disorder and erosion. For 3 months now I have been being treated for a flora disorder, and now for a fungal disease, and I decided to cure the erosion with Salpovagin in one go, since I have not given birth yet. Is it possible to treat erosion in parallel with the treatment of fungal disease?

First, you need to be examined by DNA testing (PCR) for sexually transmitted infections, because microflora disturbance and chronic fungal disease are signs of the presence of such infections. By the way, they could cause the formation of erosion of the sh/m. And treatment against the background of infection will not bring the desired result. Treatment with Solkovagin (so correct) is the only possible method for nulliparous women, but only after treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

06/25/2002, Anyuta
I am 20 years old, I visit a gynecologist once every six months, and it so happened that after the first contact with my partner, I got an appointment. After an examination, I was diagnosed with cervical erosion, but no tests were performed. The doctor said that it was necessary to cauterize it with Solkovagin. Can this be done without detailed analysis? What could be the reason for my erosion? And what are the consequences of non-treatment (I am advised not to touch it until childbirth)?

Before treatment with Solkovagin, you must be tested for sexually transmitted infections, because It is they that cause long-term non-healing of erosion. And the reason for its occurrence is long-term chronic infection. Untreated erosion can turn into cancer; erosion is not the absence of integumentary cells, but irregular cells that should not be on the surface of the skin.

06/28/2002, Elena
I have had erosion for 7 years, before pregnancy I was just observing it, 2 years have passed since I gave birth, I’m going to deal with erosion, and then after sexual intercourse, bleeding began, which either disappears or appears again. During the examination, the gynecologist said that it was erosion that was bleeding. I passed all the tests, had a colposcopy and a biopsy. Despite the fact that I gave birth, the doctor advises me Solkovagin as a more gentle method, especially for those who are planning more children, although he says that the erosion is extensive and old (7 years somewhere). I would like to ask whether it is possible to cauterize bleeding erosion with Solkovagin and whether this drug can cope with my “old” erosion? Or you still need to choose another method, for example, cryo or laser.

I agree with your doctor about the effectiveness and safety of this method, about the gentle effect on the cervix.

03/07/2002, ANNA
I am 25 years old, I have erosion, I did a biopsy - it turned out to be good, I signed up for laser. Before that, I did PCR diagnostics... everything is fine, but even earlier I did tests in the same center and they discovered uroplasma in me, I cured it, but because of money problems I did a new test in another simple clinic and there I my doctor said that everything was fine, except for one thing... I was diagnosed with chlamydia.... But there was only one uroplasmosis... I know chlamydia is very difficult to treat.. I have already taken countless amounts of antibiotics. But at the moment my doctor says that now everything is fine according to PCR and we will cauterize it. In general, is it possible that PCR is an accurate analysis??? Otherwise, maybe there is no point in cauterizing it... will it appear again?

Time: 17:26 Date of: 03/07/02

Today the doctor said that I have erosion. Instead of a condom, she advised me to use Pharmatex suppositories, and after receiving the tests (in a week) she would prescribe some more suppositories. I would like to know how effective the candles are if the erosion is at the initial stage, where it could come from (reasons) and what I can’t do now (for example, can I swim in the cold sea?). Thank you in advance for your answers!!!

Time: 22:58 Date of: 03/07/02

If you use a condom to avoid getting pregnant, then I want to warn you that, according to reviews, Pharmatex suppositories are far from the best option for protection. I've heard many stories about how people got carried away with these candles. And about the sea, I had erosion during pregnancy, I swam. And in principle they didn’t tell me about any restrictions.

Time: 08:00 Date of: 04/07/02

You can swim and do everything else, but it could have arisen from mechanical impact and a condom in this case is not advisable, I don’t know about Pharmatex.

Time: 08:37 Date of: 04/07/02

I know that it often happens after the start of sexual activity. The main thing is not to worry, it happens to almost every woman.
In Cosmopolitan for June 2002 - the cause of erosion can be a hormonal imbalance during puberty, abortion, birth trauma or infections such as herpes or chlamydia.
If you want, there are more treatment methods written here?

Time: 15:25 Date of: 04/07/02

Esli vy sobirayetes" ispol"zovat""farmatex" v kachestve protivozachatochnogo sredstva, to eto ne samyi nadejnyi metod predohraneniya. Poskol"ku protsent beremennostei pri ispol"zovanii etih svechei sostavlyaet 20%. A kuratsa mojno. Vozniknyt" eroz iya mogla s nachalom polovoi jizni, after abortion or rodov.Udachi vam.

Time: 03:50 Date of: 09/08/02

I got pregnant with Pharmatex. Then I heard a program that such protective measures do not work on women who smoke.

Time: 07:35 Date of: 12/08/02

Girls, sorry for intruding...
Yulyashenka, if you can’t use a condom, then why can you make love without it? What, the “physical impact” without a rubber band is less than with it??? And then what about planning a pregnancy??? In general, it seems that no means of protection except barrier ones work for me.

Time: 10:50 Date of: 12/08/02

When I had erosion, I did everything I wanted and there were no contraindications from the doctor, and then it turned out that it went away on its own.

Time: 08:46 Date of: 14/08/02

Pharmatex is a very unreliable product, I wouldn’t rely on it when I had erosion, and in fact I always used OK protection, as for a condom, it’s possible and you can’t use it during erosion, I can’t say anything about this.
You can swim in the sea, whether it’s cold or hot, and there are no contraindications at all.
I cauterized the erosion with nitrogen, but that was a long time ago, perhaps now there is something newer, although this procedure is short and painless.

Time: 17:27 Date of: 16/08/02

I developed erosion after colpitis (bacterial vaginitis). And I got sick when I was a virgin. Apparently the bacteria got through dirty hands, I don’t know. When I started having sex, I immediately went to the gynecologist, she said: erosion. She was treated with creotherapy (nitrogen). This was before the first birth. She became pregnant and gave birth normally. In general, a virgin can also have erosion and it can be treated before the first birth.

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