If the uterus is bent back where the fetus is attached. Bend of the uterus - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, possibility of conception, methods and exercises for treatment. What is uterine inclination and its causes?

Among the most common reasons why couples cannot have a child is a tilted uterus. This situation determines that the sperm simply does not reach the egg, due to which fertilization does not occur. However, it is worth considering that such a pathology has a negative impact not only on the process of conception, but also on the birth itself. Childbirth and uterine depression: childbirth often occurs with complications associated with low patency of the uterine canal. Let's look at this problem in more detail.

Deflection of the uterus and childbirth

The curvature of the uterus and childbirth are related to each other due to the fact that this reproductive organ becomes a kind of home for the child throughout pregnancy. The cervix is ​​the only natural passage through which it can exit during childbirth. That is why natural childbirth when the uterus is bent can cause quite a lot of difficulties.

When considering all the features of the ongoing birth when the uterus is bent, we note the following points:

  • Childbirth with a bent uterus can also occur naturally, for which purpose special medications are taken that make the uterus more elastic. By increasing elasticity, the resistance felt by the baby during childbirth is significantly reduced.
  • Considering the question of a bent uterus: is it possible to give birth, we also note the fact that people have given birth with a cesarean section for many years with various problems of the reproductive organs. If the curvature of the uterus is severe or the cervix is ​​twisted, then often this method allows you to give birth to a healthy child without complications.

Anyone who has given birth with a tilted uterus knows that in most cases the decision to have a caesarean section is made by the doctor, since there is no possibility of a natural birth. If it is possible to get by only with special medications, then the doctor provides the opportunity to choose and warns about the likelihood of complications. Let's consider both cases in more detail.

Curved uterus: how to give birth naturally?

Considering how the curvature of the uterus affects childbirth, it should be noted that such a pathology is recorded when examining 15% of nulliparous women at the time of ultrasound examination. Therefore, when making such a diagnosis, you should not be afraid of such a diagnosis, you just need to find a good doctor and follow his recommendations.

As previously noted, it is possible to have a natural birth. The curvature of the uterus does not significantly affect childbirth if it is slightly bent forward. After pregnancy, this problem may disappear altogether. The important points include the following:

  1. The doctor should periodically conduct examinations and observe how the position of the uterus changes. If, due to the growth of the fetus, it does not shift, and the bend does not increase, no twisting or other changes occur, then a decision may be made to carry out the birth as usual, but with preliminary preparation of the patient.
  2. Preliminary preparation consists of taking special medications that can increase the elasticity of the uterus. By increasing the elasticity of the uterus, it is more susceptible to deformation and stretching, and the child passes through the uterine canals with fewer problems. The drugs are taken long before the planned birth.

It is worth considering that if the birth is difficult, doctors may decide on the need for a caesarean section. Therefore, the patient should be prepared for such a development of labor.

Curved uterus: how to give birth?

Until relatively recently, caesarean section was perceived as a complex operation that causes a large number of adverse consequences. A uterus with a bend: how to give birth in such a case today? Before the advent of modern treatment methods, when considering whether it is possible to give birth with a tilted uterus, information was widely found that with such a pathology, childbirth could only take place by cesarean section.

Today, such an operation makes it possible to give birth to a healthy child in almost any pathology of the uterus. Unlike the previous method of childbirth when the uterus is bent, this one reduces the risks of complications. At the same time, the likelihood that the child will be injured during childbirth is almost minimal. Do not forget that during childbirth the baby’s bones are still very soft; too much resistance in the uterine canal can cause deformation of the skull or other organs.

In turn, cesarean section has an adverse effect on the mother’s body, which is manifested by a long postoperative period. It takes quite a long time for the sutures to heal and the uterus to recover. Also, during the postoperative period, it is recommended to refrain from intimacy, as this will lead to the sutures coming apart. All this should be taken into account when considering the features of how childbirth occurs when the uterus is bent.

After the first birth, which took place naturally, the uterus often returns to the correct position and the bend disappears. Do not forget that such a pathology can develop again. In order to eliminate this possibility, the muscles and ligaments of the abdominal cavity should be strengthened. To do this, you can perform various exercises that will not take much time.

If you have a bent uterus or other problems with the reproductive organs that develop during pregnancy, you should be observed by a highly qualified specialist. To do this, you can sign up for a consultation and be observed by a doctor at the center who specializes in solving infertility problems. This approach will reduce the likelihood that the birth will be complicated. Negligence of doctors is one of the reasons why such a common problem associated with a bent uterus leads to serious consequences at the time of childbirth and after it.


Any deviations from the norm cause significant complications in childbirth. A fairly common question is “who gave birth with a posterior bend of the uterus” and what are the features of childbirth with such a pathology. Some women believe that the curvature of the uterus will not affect the progress of labor. However, this is a common misconception that the doctor should tell the patient about when making a diagnosis.

Posteriorly curved uterus and childbirth

A posteriorly curved uterus and childbirth are compatible. At the same time, there are often cases when a woman has no difficulties with pregnancy. However, posterior bending of the uterus and childbirth require special attention from doctors, both during pregnancy management and during immediate childbirth. This is due to the following points:

  • Due to the increasing stress associated with fetal development, the uterus may shift even more. In this case, the bend will become more and more, there is a possibility of twisting of the uterus. This situation can cause miscarriage or the development of other problems. Therefore, when diagnosing a bending of the uterus, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor who is managing the pregnancy. In addition, she should take measures that will reduce the likelihood of uterine displacement.
  • Childbirth with a posterior bend of the uterus is also complicated. This is due to the fact that the channel's permeability is low. During birth, the baby has to overcome a lot of resistance associated with the small uterine canal. Too much bending can cause a significant increase in such resistance, which can cause injury to both mother and child.

Childbirth when the uterus is bent backwards in many cases occurs during a cesarean section. This is due to the fact that normal childbirth with such a pathology quite often leads to postpartum complications or injuries. During childbirth, doctors strive to reduce the likelihood of serious problems arising, for which certain measures are taken.

If the bend is not significant, but is still present, then the doctor may decide to prescribe special medications that can increase the elasticity of the uterus and reduce the resistance that occurs during the passage of the child. It will take quite a lot of time to increase the elasticity of the uterus. Therefore, the course is prescribed long before birth, but a caesarean section may be necessary. Therefore, during childbirth, the doctor may decide that the patency of the canal is insufficient, and to eliminate the likelihood of complications, perform an operation.

In conclusion, we note that with the modern level of medicine, a cesarean section allows you to give birth to a healthy child and have more children in the future. Therefore, you should not be afraid of carrying out such an operation. Of course, in the case of an operation, the healing process is significantly delayed, preventing you from moving on to intimacy with your partners. However, complications occur extremely rarely.

Every fifth woman, after visiting a gynecologist, learns about the diagnosis of “uterine flexion.” This is a common gynecological pathology in which the body of the reproductive organ deviates from its normal anatomical position in the pelvis. Most often, the anomaly is congenital, less often it is formed against the background of inflammation and adhesions. Deviation of the uterus and pregnancy are two completely compatible phenomena, since in this case practically nothing interferes with conception and pregnancy.

But sometimes a curvature of the uterus becomes an obstacle to motherhood. In such cases, the reproductive organ is deprived of mobility due to pathological phenomena in the woman’s reproductive system. Comprehensive surgical and conservative treatment will help correct the situation. There are no hopeless situations leading to persistent infertility when the uterus is bent.

Physiological congenital bending of the uterus is usually weakly expressed. Therefore, the course of a woman’s pregnancy will not differ from the norm.

Pathological bending of the uterus is usually formed against the background of such conditions as infectious and inflammatory phenomena in the pelvis, adhesions. These conditions provoke the development of female infertility, and the curvature of the uterus only aggravates the problem, especially if it is pronounced.

Under such conditions, the sex cells of a man and a woman have little chance of meeting. And in the event of fertilization, the normal growth and development of the fetus may be disrupted.

Features of conception

Congenital anatomical bending of the uterus and pregnancy are quite compatible. The pathology is insignificantly expressed, so the woman does not have problems with conception. If the bend is more pronounced, then the physiological penetration of seminal fluid into the uterus is difficult, since the movement of male reproductive cells is limited to the vaginal cavity.

To increase the likelihood of pregnancy with a pronounced curvature of the uterus, it is recommended to choose a position for sexual intercourse on all fours, while the woman’s pelvis should be located above shoulder level. After the end of intercourse, a woman should lie on her stomach for at least 30 minutes.

If an adhesive process is diagnosed in the fallopian tubes, then attempts to conceive a child will most likely be unsuccessful. In this case we are talking about female infertility.

How does pregnancy proceed when the uterus is bent?

If a woman is diagnosed with a uterine inflexion and pregnancy, this is already a positive sign, since the pathology has not become an obstacle to conception. But women with this problem often experience spontaneous abortion in the early stages. Therefore, in case of severe pathology, you should be observed by a gynecologist from the first weeks of gestation, and, if necessary, agree to hospitalization in a hospital.

If the uterus remains mobile, there is no adhesive process or it is only slightly expressed and does not fix the organ in one position, then as the fetus grows and develops, the uterus will take the correct position in the pelvic organs. To speed up the process, doctors recommend periodically stimulating the reproductive organ.

You need to take a knee-elbow position and stay in this position for at least 5 minutes every day. Otherwise, the course of pregnancy should not differ from the norm; nothing needs to be done.

If the uterus is deprived of mobility, that is, it is connected by an adhesive process to the pelvic organs, for example, to the bladder or intestines, then pregnancy will proceed with complications. As the uterus enlarges, pathological pressure will arise on the rectum, and the bladder will rise upward, following the uterus, leaving the pelvis due to the growth of the child.

Of course, such phenomena will affect the well-being of the expectant mother. She may experience:

  • sharp pain when emptying the bladder;
  • constant discomfort during bowel movements;
  • abdominal pain due to gas formation.

By the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus completely extends beyond the pelvis, as a result of which unpleasant symptoms reach their peak. In this case, the woman’s external genitalia become blue and the tissues swell. The situation can be complicated not only by conditions such as inflammation of the genitourinary system and chronic constipation, but also by a more serious complication - strangulation of the uterus. In this case, premature birth can occur at any stage.

That is why the bending of the uterus during pregnancy requires observation. Usually, when the reproductive organ is immobile, doctors perform an operation, the purpose of which is to fix the uterus in the correct position. Incarceration of the uterus requires urgent surgical intervention. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, but is not considered difficult.

This type of pathology, such as a backward bend of the uterus, rarely causes pregnancy complications. But in this case, during labor, the normal dilatation of the cervix may be disrupted, so doctors usually recommend a cesarean section.

So, the bend of the uterus, depending on the severity and type of pathology, has various complications during pregnancy. Methods for eliminating and treating pathology, as well as delivery tactics, will also be different.

Treatment methods

The pathology of the location of the uterus is easily determined during an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound examination using a vaginal sensor. At the same time, congenital physiological bending of the uterus does not require any treatment; sexual life and pregnancy do not cause the woman any discomfort.

Pregnancy and uterine flexion are not uncommon occurrences in medical practice. Normally, the reproductive organ is quite mobile and can move under the pressure of the bladder, but it always returns to its place in the center of the abdominal cavity. The development of pathology leads to a constant deviation of the uterus from the central part.

Bend of the uterus causes and consequences during pregnancy

There are two types of cervical bending:
  • Fixed, when as a result of concomitant diseases (tumor or inflammation) the organ remains in one place due to adhesions or endometriosis.
  • The mobile appearance is characterized by weakened muscles and decreased tone. Under the influence of frequent abortions, heavy work, or too rapid weight loss. Rarely, pregnancy and uterine bending occur due to congenital anomalies.
Pathological bending may be accompanied not only by displacement, but also by twisting, bending or tilting. The main reasons are due to various diseases, in which case displacement can lead to prolapse of the uterus or its prolapse.

The consequences of a bent uterus can be different. First of all, this is pain during menstruation, decreased blood flow and the appearance of clots. Sexual intercourse will bring discomfort, conception is difficult, and bearing a fetus is accompanied by certain complications.

Often the pathology is caused by pressure on the urinary system or intestines, which causes frequent urination and constipation.

Pregnancy with a bent uterus increases unpleasant symptoms when the organ, in the second trimester, begins to leave the pelvis. Thus, complications are accompanied by inflammation or pinching, which leads to premature labor.

How to get pregnant with a tilted uterus

It is possible to get pregnant if the uterus is bent; the difficulty is that it is difficult for the sperm to find the egg when the reproductive organ is displaced. The adhesive process or inflammation, which is diagnosed in the early stages, affects the gestation of the fetus.

Subsequent treatment depends on the reasons that caused the bend of the cervix. For infectious diseases, appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If the normal position is prevented by adhesions, then it is recommended to perform surgery to restore the anatomically correct localization of the organ.

When answering the question of how you can get pregnant if the uterus is bent, it is necessary to take into account the degree of pathology and the physiological characteristics of the woman. For a weak muscle frame, special exercises and poses are recommended:

  1. Kegel exercises involve training the pelvic floor muscles (alternately tensing and weakening the muscles of the vagina, anus and urethra). It is better to perform from different positions several times a day for 10 minutes.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures using UHF heating, mud treatment or massage.
  3. After sexual intercourse, during the period of ovulation, you need to place a pillow under the buttocks and raise your legs as high as possible to help the sperm reach the egg.
  4. During sexual intercourse, the best position for conception will be the knee-elbow position, which will increase the chances of getting pregnant.
A slight bend does not pose a threat to the course of pregnancy. The main condition will be a healthy lifestyle with dietary adjustments, abdominal strengthening and physical activity. It is dangerous to conceive a child with significant displacement or bending, as this can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

The movable reproductive organ, as the child develops and grows, can fall into place in the abdominal cavity without outside intervention. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and monitor the dynamics of changes in the bending of the uterus.

Uterine inflexion is a condition in which the uterus occupies an unusual position in the pelvis. For most women, the apex of the uterus is tilted forward towards the pubis. This position is normal and is often described as “anteversio” on ultrasound. When the uterus is bent, its apex, on the contrary, is tilted posteriorly, towards the sacrum. On ultrasound, this position is described as “retroversio” or “retroflexio”.

Causes of uterine bending

Doctors are not always able to understand why the uterus has developed. However, there are known factors that increase the risk of developing a posterior bend of the uterus:

  • Adhesions in the pelvis

Adhesions are a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (adnexitis,), and surgical operations on the pelvic organs and abdominal organs. For example, adhesions can develop after laparoscopy or appendectomy. Adhesions can disrupt the position of organs in the pelvis and are often the cause of infertility.

  • Uterine fibroids

In some cases, a benign tumor of the uterus () can disrupt its position in the pelvis and lead to a posterior bend of the uterus.

  • Pregnancy and childbirth

A posterior bend of the uterus is often found in women who have given birth. The thing is that during pregnancy, the ligaments that normally support the uterus and maintain its correct position in the pelvis are stretched. After childbirth, when the uterus shrinks again, the ligaments remain slightly stretched, which means they are no longer able to hold the uterus in a physiological position.

How common is uterine flexion?

According to some reports, a bent uterus is not such a rare condition. Up to 20% of women may have a tilted uterus and not even know it.

Symptoms and signs of a bent uterus

Some women can live their whole lives and never know that they have a tilted uterus. The fact is that this condition is sometimes asymptomatic and does not cause any consequences.

However, when the uterus is bent, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Frequent attacks and/or urethritis
  • Heavy, prolonged periods
  • in the middle of the cycle

Is a bent uterus dangerous?

As a rule, the bend of the uterus is not dangerous to health and does not cause any consequences. However, some women experience infertility when their uterus is bent.

If you have a tilted uterus and you cannot get pregnant within 12 months (provided you have regular unprotected sex), then you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of a bent uterus

If the bend of the uterus is asymptomatic and was discovered by chance, then no treatment is required.

If, when the uterus is bent, a woman is bothered by pain during sex and during menstruation, she may be recommended special exercises:

  • Kegel exercises
  • Knee-elbow position

By taking the knee-elbow position (on all fours, using your knees and elbows for support) for 15 minutes every day, some women manage to return the uterus to its normal position. Note that not all experts agree with the effectiveness of this exercise, especially if the bend of the uterus is caused by adhesions.

  • Pessary

A pessary is a plastic or silicone ring that is placed around the cervix. Wearing a pessary helps normalize the position of the uterus in the pelvis. Some experts believe that this pessary is effective only while it is worn, and after removing the ring, the uterus returns to its previous position.

  • Surgery

Surgery for a bent uterus may be required if the bent is caused by conditions such as endometriosis, severe adhesions, or uterine fibroids. As a rule, the surgical method of treating uterine flexion is resorted to in case of infertility if other methods have failed.

How to get pregnant when the uterus is bent?

A curvature of the uterus does not always lead to infertility, but if you are having problems conceiving and all other possible causes of infertility have been excluded, then the following advice from gynecologists can help you:

  • Change your sex position

Some sex positions increase the chances of conception if the uterus is bent backwards. Many women with a tilted uterus report that they have been able to get pregnant while standing on all fours, with the man behind them. The missionary position (the woman lies on her back, the man on top) also gives good results, as it helps the penetration of more sperm into the uterus.

  • After sex, lie down for another 15 minutes

After sexual intercourse, a woman is not recommended to get up immediately, as in this case a significant part of the sperm will leak out. Some women report that the birch tree helped them get pregnant after sex (upside down position), although experts say that it is enough to simply lie either on your back, with a pillow under your butt, or on your stomach with a pillow under your lower abdomen.

  • Calculate ovulation days

If you have a regular menstrual cycle, then it will be easy for you to calculate the days most favorable for conception. During these days, try to have sex every day or every other day. At the same time, it is not recommended to make love more than once a day: too frequent sex leads to the fact that there are few sperm left in a man’s sperm, which means his ability to conceive will be reduced.

If pregnancy does not occur within 12 months of regular sexual activity, you should consult a gynecologist.

How does pregnancy proceed when the uterus is bent?

In early pregnancy, when your uterus is inverted, you may experience back pain, urinary problems, and urinary incontinence. If the uterus is severely bent backwards, doctors may have difficulty conducting a gynecological examination and ultrasound.

Fortunately, this condition does not cause miscarriage and does not increase the risk of pregnancy complications. Already at 12-13, the fetus growing in the uterine cavity causes it to increase in size and take a normal position. In this regard, already in the second trimester of pregnancy, all symptoms associated with a bent uterus should disappear.

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