Aquarium fish project in biology. Research work "the underwater world at home." "Aquarium and its inhabitants"

MKOU "Chastoozersk secondary school"


on this topic:

Aquarium in your home

Scientific supervisor: Dotsenko E.T., primary school teacher


2011-2012 academic year year

1. Introduction. ..…………………………………………. 3

2. Main part

    Choosing an aquarium. ……………………… 4

    What and why grows in an aquarium? ……….. 4-5

    Fish ……………………………. 5-6

    Feeding and feeding 7

    Rules for maintaining and caring for an aquarium…………………

3. Conclusion …………………………… 10-12

4. Literature

Introduction .


While studying the works of V. Bianchi in literary reading lessons, the teacher began the lesson with his statement that “The whole huge world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. And I will discover them all my life, because this is the most interesting, most exciting activity in the world!" I thought. But it’s true, what a person does all his life is discovering secrets, exploring the unknown. Today, many people keep various animals at home. Some have a dog, some have a cat, some keep hamsters, and some keep aquarium fish. Pets like aquarium fish (and they are also considered pets) are probably the most convenient of all the living creatures that you can keep at home. After all, these are friends who will never betray, reliable comforters in trouble. And how much joy and pleasure they bring!Having once admired the beauty of the underwater world behind the “glass shore”, we decided to purchase an aquarium. And they didn’t know how to care for him yet. To enjoy the small underwater kingdom, certain knowledge was necessary. Proper management of a home pond requires knowledge, experience and skill.

The topic of my research work is “Aquarium in your home” This is veryan interesting topic, relevant because it develops a love of nature, hard work, attentiveness, responsibility,

Aquarium - this includes ecology, hydrochemistry, biology, genetics, and electrical engineering... But if you love it, the knowledge will be absorbed as if by itself.

So,the object of my research became an aquarium.

Subject of research – the interaction of living and nonliving components in it.

The problem I decided to work on - this is knowledge of the underwater world through studying the life of a home aquarium.

Goal of the work – learn about the structure of the aquarium, the rules for keeping fish, and study the behavior of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Tasks – collect as much information as possible for practical use at home when arranging a mini-reservoir, namely:

1.Study the rules for starting an aquarium, what grows in an aquarium and why.

2.What and how to feed the fish

3. Find out if the fish are trainable.

4.Determine whether the fish hear.

5. Conduct experiments to study the behavior of fish at different temperatures.

6. Find out how fish sleep.

7.Study the behavior of fish depending on lighting.

Research methods: experiments, observations, scientific literature, Internet

Practical significance

An aquarium is not only about aesthetics and knowledge of the underwater world. The water shimmers softly and mysteriously, and exotic plants sway lightly. Graceful, multi-colored fish like a mosaic emerge from their shadows and, slowly moving their fins, “hang” against the backdrop of picturesque driftwood... A real corner of tropical nature! Although this is just an indoor pond, how much joy and peace it brings to the house, and most importantly to the family! It has already been established that even a short (about an hour) observation of fish normalizes a person’s blood pressure and calms the nervous system. There are cases where, in families where aquarium fish are introduced, children grow up calm. For families with children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, scientists recommend keeping an aquarium at home. In other words, fish can protect their owner from some of the stresses of modern life. And the practical significance of the work lies in the use of the obtained data in lessons of the surrounding world at the elementary level, in extracurricular activities.

Main part.

Choosing an aquarium.

“Aquarium” translated from Greek means “water container”.

An aquarium is not only about aesthetics and knowledge of the underwater world. It has already been established that even a short (about an hour) observation of fish normalizes a person’s blood pressure and calms the nervous system. In other words, fish can protect their owner from some of the stresses of modern life.Just judge - there is no unpleasant smell, the aquarium takes up little space and at the same time fits very well into the interior of the room, it looks more comfortable, richer. A properly organized aquarium looks great and does not require constant attention. But in order for the aquarium to please the eye, you need to put in a lot of effort.When choosing an aquarium, it is recommended to take into account its volume and shape. A large aquarium is better than a small one, because it constantly maintains biological balance and does not require frequent cleaning. Before filling with water, the aquarium should be disinfected with potassium permanganate or a solution of table salt. When installing, you shouldconsider:

    its location, since fish and plants must receive enough daylight. The most successful placement of the aquarium is near a window to the east and west. We tried to place the aquarium near a window facing north - there is little light, but in the south - there is a lot of light and this leads to water blooming. Therefore, I concluded that a large excess of light is undesirable;

    distance from the window so that temperature and light are evenly distributed;

    access for cleaning and maintaining the aquarium;

    sustainability; You should not install it in such a way that you are constantly afraid of catching it and breaking it.

First of all, you need to fill the bottom of the aquarium with soil. The soil is made up of colorful pebbles. They must be washed with water before installation. Then the soil is carefully laid out in the form of a pattern.

After this, various decorations are placed. In my aquarium it is a large beautiful castle, white and blue corals, a chest, a crab, artificial algae, and shells.

The water must stand for at least 1 day before pouring in order for chlorine, which is dangerous for fish, to be released. After this, water is poured into the aquarium. After 3 days, the water in the aquarium became cloudy. My relatives explained to me that this is due to the fact that in the aquarium, in addition to plants and fish, there are many more microorganisms that keep the water clean. After 2 weeks, the water became clear and crystal clear. Now the aquarium is ready to add fish and plant plants.

What and why grows in an aquarium

By purchasing new plant, the need for light and temperature conditions should be taken into account. Some plants grow in low light (hornwort), others in strong light, for example: watercolor. Depending on their temperature needs, plants are divided into:

- cold-loving, temperate and heat-loving.

When planting plants, keep in mind that:

    for valuable plants, multi-layer soil is poured into the pot

    It is better to take young plants for planting; they take root more easily and are more actively involved in the process of biological water treatment;

    tall plants are planted behind short ones, and small ones in the foreground;

    if plants are planted in a pot, then there should be enough holes for ventilation;

    Most domestic aquatic plants are of little use for an aquarium, since they die in winter (the exception is plants growing in the south of Russia). It is better to plant tropical and subtropical plants;

    to highlight a beautiful plant, you need to place it among low ones, next to a stone or in an empty place.

Having filled the aquarium with water to about 5 - 8 cm, we began to plant the plants. Before planting, the long roots were trimmed with scissors and bad leaves were removed. After planting the plants, the aquarium was filled with water.

The most commonly used plants in aquariums are fern plants (water cabbage, salvinia) and algae (sparkleweed, marsh grass), mosses, and flowering plants (elodea, duckweed).An aquarium without plants is just a container of water. Plants transform it into a working model of a natural reservoir. After planting the plants, the aquarium begins to “breathe”, “work”, and the “dead” tap water becomes “alive”. This water is the main thing in the aquarist’s work.
Aquarium plants are not primitive algae, but very complex creatures that subtly “feel” and respond to changes in their environment. The important task is for them to live well.

Today, the amateur has dozens of technical devices at his disposal to help him properly manage the operation of his home pond. But no technology, even the most reliable, can replace an underwater plant - a living oxygen factory. Practice shows that you can do without equipment in an aquarium, but hardly without plants. In any case, it will not be a living model, but a dead one.


What kind of fish should I put in the aquarium? - this is a question asked by almost every beginner.

It is not so easy to answer. First of all, it is a matter of taste. But one cannot be guided only by aesthetic considerations. A novice aquarist should know at least the following. There are viviparous fish, in which the offspring are born and are immediately able to do without the help of their parents. There are spawning fish whose offspring require the care of their parents in the first days of life. Both among viviparous and spawning fish there are predators that cannot be kept with other fish, especially if they are smaller. Therefore, before purchasing the fish you like, you need to know all its features and habits. You can read about this in specialized literature or consult with experienced aquarists. But often even the most qualified consultation does not guarantee against surprises.

To begin with, you should not strive to acquire large fish, and the size of the aquarium (50 liters) does not provide grounds for this. It is preferable to purchase not adult fish, but young ones, but, of course, not fry, which require special food. When selecting fish that are diverse in color and body shape, you should strive to ensure that they are similar in housing conditions. It is also important to remember that different types of fish prefer to live in different layers of water.

Some aquarium fish are not found in nature at all, but are only the fruit of many years of work by breeders. These are various breeds of goldfish, swordtails, guppies, discus, angelfish and catfish. They also have ancestors that they resemble, but differ significantly.

There are 25 in my aquariumfish and various plants.The main and main inhabitants of a home pond are fish.In my home pond, as a novice aquarist, there are fish that are not very demanding in terms of keeping conditions and have already “taken root” to each other. I'll tell you about them.

The first to populate the pond were guppies, zebrafish and neons. After some time, we added gourami and mollies to them. When balance in the aquarium was restored and all the fish were safe and healthy, more speckled catfish and angelfish appeared.

Danio is one of the most popular aquarium fish. (Appendix) It is distinguished by its attractive coloring, mobility and exceptional peacefulness. It does not require large amounts of maintenance and is content with modest care.

It prefers to live in a flock in an elongated container with a volume of 30 liters or more with clean water, an abundance of vegetation (including floating) and proportionate peaceful neighbors. It lives mainly in the upper layers of water.
Natural habitat - Eastern India.
Maximum length - 6 cm.

The most popular fish. Guppies are very unpretentious, peaceful and get along well with many other inhabitants of the aquarium. However, it is not recommended to keep them with active, moving fish, such as barbs. There are many breeding forms that differ in color and fin shape.
Food: medium-sized frozen food, flake mixtures, including those with plant ingredients and additives to enhance color.

Approximate size - 2 cm.

Marbled gourami

Breeding form of blue gourami. One of the most popular ornamental fish. Compatible with almost all peaceful inhabitants of warm-water aquariums. Attracts attention with pleasant colors, graceful movements, funny, characteristic of the majority Maximum size - 12 cm
Food: frozen and floating dry mixtures, gelled food.

Approximate size - 3 cm.

neon simple usually measures up to 4 cm. The females of this fish have a thicker abdomen and the blue stripe on it is curved, while in males it is straight.

If you have purchased simple neon fry, before planting them in a common aquarium, it is advisable to gradually add hard water from the aquarium to them - the fry will be able to better adapt to the habitat in which they will live. Keeping adult fish is not difficult, since simple neons are undemanding to the quality of water and food. The fish eat a variety of dry and live food.

It is optimal to keep simple neons in spacious aquariums, densely planted, with designated areas for feeding and swimming. They usually contain simple neons in flocks.

Speckled catfish

When we bought catfish and placed them in the aquarium, I noticed that they always swim near the bottom. At first I thought that the fish were sick, but it turned out that catfish are real “scavengers”: they clean the aquarium of food debris. And another secret was revealed to me - all fish breathe oxygen, which is in the water, and catfish, like you and me, breathe atmospheric air. To do this, they occasionally stick out of the water. Who else will play the role of scavengers in the aquarium? Clams, crayfish, snails - reels. The illuminated glass of aquariums is overgrown with a green carpet - tiny algae. They serve as the main source of oxygen. The size of speckled catfish usually does not exceed 7 cm.

The catfish is stuck. (Appendix 3) It uses its legs to stick to underwater objects and scrape off algae growths from them. Aquatic plants are as important inhabitants of aquariums as fish. With them, the aquarium begins to “breathe”, “work”, and the water in it becomes “alive”.

In the first week, when throwing food, the fish did not float to the surface, but began to eat the food when it fell to the bottom. In the second week, during feeding, almost all the fish floated to the surface and ate the food, preventing it from falling to the bottom. In the third week, closer to 8 o’clock in the evening, even before feeding, all the fish unanimously floated to the surface, waiting for food.

Experiment 2. I decided to check if the fish could hear. The feeding time had not yet come; the fish were swimming calmly in the aquarium. I went up to the aquarium and rang the bell over the lid - almost all the fish floated to the surface. From which it follows that fish hear. There is a thermometer in the aquarium. Without turning on the heater, the water temperature in the aquarium was 20 degrees. The fish swam slowly, did not play, most of them were at the bottom.

Experiment 3. I turned on the heater. The water temperature reached 26 degrees. The behavior of the fish changed, they became active, mobile, and swam throughout the aquarium.

Experiment 4. At night, in the dark, I approached the aquarium and saw that the fish were not moving and their eyes were open and not blinking. I wondered why fish sleep with their eyes open. From the book I learned that this happens because fish do not have eyelids. I woke up and started watching the fish. The lights in the aquarium were turned off and the fish were in the dark. The fish were inactive and half asleep. I turned on the light and the fish's behavior changed. They became active and mobile.


Proper nutritious nutrition is an indispensable condition for normal growth and reproduction of fish. When feeding fish, you need to adhere to the rule: it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed them, since they will always find food in the aquarium in the form of various living organisms and plants. It should be taken into account that if there is an overdose of food, the water in the aquarium will deteriorate.

After studying the literature and doing experiments, I came to the conclusion that:

    Fish are trainable. If you feed them at the same time every day, they will swim to the surface waiting for food.

    Fish have hearing.

    At low water temperatures, the fish are sedentary and sad. When the water in the aquarium is heated, the fish become active, mobile, and playful.

    I found out that fish sleep with their eyes open and this is due to their lack of eyelids.

    In the dark, the fish are inactive; when the light is on, the fish become active and mobile.

So, having examined the living conditions in the aquarium, I want to say, that my hypothesis was partially confirmed. An aquarium is truly a small artificial ecosystem. But to maintain it you cannot do without human help, and I also want to add that I achieved the goal that I set for myself; I learned about underwater life, the principles of setting up an aquarium, the basic rules for keeping fish and aquatic plants, and conducted experiments.

Remembering the words of the writer Vitaly Bianki, we can say that while doing this work, I discovered the unknown and interesting.

Annex 1.

Purpose of the work: Explore interesting facts from the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Research planning: - Familiarize yourself with the history of the appearance of aquarium fish. - Explore a variety of unusual fish. - Find and explore interesting facts from the life of aquarium fish. - Draw conclusions.

Introduction. When I was little and still went to kindergarten, I had many hobbies. At first I was very interested in toy cars, I had a whole fleet of cars. Then I became interested in dinosaurs, I had a lot of books about them. All my albums were painted with dinosaurs. Then there were superheroes from movies... But one day, while visiting, I saw an aquarium and was fascinated by its inhabitants. I watched them for a very long time and carefully, my mother noticed this. And for my birthday, my parents surprised me by giving me an aquarium. I was happy!!! I could spend hours watching the fish and their behavior. I wondered how we were similar to them. Do fish have intelligence, memory, can they be trained and can they talk? And I started researching.

The history of the appearance of aquarium fish. The most ancient information about goldfish appeared in China in the 6th century BC, which were considered sacred. The first European to see and describe fish of extraordinary beauty was the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo. People have long learned to recreate a piece of the underwater world next to them. These are aquariums - permanent homes for fish. The word aquarium comes from the Latin “aqua” (water) and the suffix “rium” (place, house), that is, literally translated it means a water house or dwelling with water. Previously, fish were kept in small marble tanks near the guests' beds. Then they removed one marble wall from the containers and replaced it with glass. And nowadays there are already such unusual aquariums:

As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Freely sliding behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only please the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve stress, anxiety, and tension. As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Freely sliding behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only please the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve stress, anxiety, and tension.

Aquarium fish amaze us with their richness of color and body shape. There are fish that fit in a teaspoon, and there are fish the size of a child's palm. Nature has used all colors - yellow, red, blue and indigo, green and emerald, white and black - so the fish are very elegant. Some fish sport a striped outfit, others - a spotted or one-color outfit. The neon fish have blue stripes on their sides, like lights flashing. The body shape is also varied. There are fish that are flat, like a leaf. Available with thick round sides. Some fish have a large, lush caudal fin - like a veil. They are called veiltails. Aquarium fish amaze us with their richness of color and body shape. There are fish that fit in a teaspoon, and there are fish the size of a child's palm. Nature has used all colors - yellow, red, blue and indigo, green and emerald, white and black - so the fish are very elegant. Some fish sport a striped outfit, others - a spotted or one-color outfit. The neon fish have blue stripes on their sides, like lights flashing. The body shape is also varied. There are fish that are flat, like a leaf. Available with thick round sides. Some fish have a large, lush caudal fin - like a veil. They are called veiltails.

Telescope: A very interesting and unique fish. She has large, bulging, attentive eyes (it is worth mentioning that the fish often damages them and goes blind, so there should not be many hard plants in the aquarium that could hurt her). The fish has a spherical shape and is therefore clumsy, slow and a little clumsy. A very interesting and unique fish. She has large, bulging, attentive eyes (it is worth mentioning that the fish often damages them and goes blind, so there should not be many hard plants in the aquarium that could hurt her). The fish has a spherical shape and is therefore clumsy, slow and a little clumsy.

And other inhabitants of the aquarium have a long, narrow tail, like a pike or a sword. They are called swordtails. There are amazing creatures among aquarium fish. For example, gourami fish build a nest out of air bubbles! The male releases bubbles with his mouth. And each bubble is enveloped in sticky saliva. The female lays eggs in such a nest. And other inhabitants of the aquarium have a long, narrow tail, like a pike or a sword. They are called swordtails. There are amazing creatures among aquarium fish. For example, gourami fish build a nest out of air bubbles! The male releases bubbles with his mouth. And each bubble is enveloped in sticky saliva. The female lays eggs in such a nest.

Ball fish The ball fish lives in the coral reefs of many seas - from the Red to the Caribbean, this is the most voluminous coral creature, which, by swallowing water, can swell to an incredible size. In case of danger, it takes on a spherical shape, which allows it to scare away small predators. Its peaceful appearance is deceptive: in fact, the ball fish is one of the most poisonous. The ball fish lives in the coral reefs of many seas - from the Red to the Caribbean; it is the most voluminous coral creature, which, by swallowing water, can swell to an incredible size. In case of danger, it takes on a spherical shape, which allows it to scare away small predators. Its peaceful appearance is deceptive: in fact, the ball fish is one of the most poisonous.

Running fish The unusual fish was caught in Australia on the Tasmanian coast in 2000, and belongs to an unknown species of marine inhabitants. The fish was nicknamed “handfish” because of the fins with which it is able to move along the bottom. The fish lives in clean water, in shallow water, crawling along the bottom and almost not swimming. This rare fish species was included in the Red Book. The unusual fish was caught in Australia on the Tasmanian coast in 2000, and belongs to an unknown species of marine inhabitants. The fish was nicknamed “handfish” because of the fins with which it is able to move along the bottom. The fish lives in clean water, in shallow water, crawling along the bottom and almost not swimming. This rare fish species was included in the Red Book.

Flying fish Pisces are capable of covering a distance of 500 meters at a speed of 75 km/h, and after jumping out they still remain in the air for 30 seconds. Scientists have come to the conclusion that fish can fly perfectly, no worse than birds. Fish are able to cover a distance of 500 meters at a speed of 75 km/h, and after jumping out they still remain in the air for 30 seconds. Scientists have come to the conclusion that fish can fly perfectly, no worse than birds.

CHANDA RANGA, or Indian glass perch CHANDA RANGA, or Indian glass perch Lives in the waters of India, Burma and Thailand. Breeding of these calm fish is very difficult. The female spawns about 100 eggs on thin leaves of certain plants. Tiny fry have to be fed (also tiny) ciliates. Size 6-8 cm. Lives in the waters of India, Burma and Thailand. Breeding of these calm fish is very difficult. The female lays about 100 eggs on the thin leaves of certain plants. Tiny fry have to be fed (also tiny) ciliates. Size 6-8 cm.

The first fish in my aquarium were Ancistrus or Cleaner Catfish and Guppies. The first fish in my aquarium were Ancistrus or Cleaner Catfish and Guppies. The cleaner catfish was named so because it cleans the aquarium. He has a very unusual mouth, like a suction cup. The catfish eats very interestingly, like a vacuum cleaner. It swims to the surface of the water and sucks in food. We bought him very little, but he grew up very big. It turns out that the larger the aquarium, the larger the fish grow. The cleaner catfish was named so because it cleans the aquarium. He has a very unusual mouth, like a suction cup. The catfish eats very interestingly, like a vacuum cleaner. It swims to the surface of the water and sucks in food. We bought him very little, but he grew up very big. It turns out that the larger the aquarium, the larger the fish grow.

I also had: I also had: - astronotus-fish-predator. A very big, beautiful fish. She built barricades from soil. The funny thing was how she did it. Swallowing large stones into her mouth, she dragged them from one place to another. Thus, she built a mountain of stones. They also love to play with plants. Like this. - astronotus fish-predator. A very big, beautiful fish. She built barricades from soil. The funny thing was how she did it. Swallowing large stones into her mouth, she dragged them from one place to another. Thus, she built a mountain of stones. They also love to play with plants. Like this.

The cockerel is a very beautiful fish, but despite this, it is considered a fighting fish. You cannot keep two males in the same tank, otherwise they will always fight. The fish tear off each other’s fins, try to gouge out each other’s eyes, and sometimes even tear off the gill covers. If they are not separated in time, one of the males usually dies. It is this pugnacity that gives them their names, bettas and bettas. I once did an experiment, brought a mirror to a cockerel and he began to fight with his reflection. And he, like a person, lay down on the stones as if on a pillow and slept.

I always thought that fish reproduce by spawning. But it turns out that there are viviparous fish, just like people. This is what my guppies turned out to be. It was a great surprise for me when she gave birth to live fish in front of my eyes. It was very funny and funny to watch the process, first two small eyes appear and begin to swim rapidly. And after him, another and another and another... Unlike people, fish can give birth to up to 30 fry at a time! I always thought that fish reproduce by spawning. But it turns out that there are viviparous fish, just like people. This is what my guppies turned out to be. It was a great surprise for me when she gave birth to live fish in front of my eyes. It was very funny and funny to watch the process, first two small eyes appear and begin to swim rapidly. And after him, another and another and another... Unlike people, fish can give birth to up to 30 fry at a time!

Observing the behavior of fish, I became interested in whether they have intelligence, can they talk, and can they be trained? To answer the question: “Do fish speak?” I reviewed a lot of interesting material in magazines, encyclopedias and the Internet. Now I can confidently answer: “Imagine, yes!” It turns out that fish not only can talk, they are actually quite talkative! Each type of fish has its own tongue. And they talk not only with their mouths, but also with their fins, tails and even special swim bladders. Observing the behavior of fish, I became interested in whether they have intelligence, can they talk, and can they be trained? To answer the question: “Do fish talk?” I reviewed a lot of interesting material in magazines, encyclopedias and the Internet. Now I can confidently answer: “Imagine, yes!” It turns out that fish not only can talk, they are actually quite talkative! Each type of fish has its own tongue. And they talk not only with their mouths, but also with their fins, tails and even special swim bladders.

It turns out that a lot of interesting things happen in the water. Scientists have been able to establish that fish sing in chorus and their singing means: I am here, I have found a place for a nest, this place is mine! The females, having heard the “song,” rush to the singer, the males bypass him. It turns out that a lot of interesting things happen in the water. Scientists have been able to establish that fish sing in chorus and their singing means: I am here, I have found a place for a nest, this place is mine! The females, having heard the “song,” rush to the singer, the males bypass him.

Do fish have intelligence? Are fish trainable? An American scientist decided to create the world's first school for goldfish. Now he has the fish with the largest repertoire of tricks in the world - this achievement is listed in the Guinness Book. Using cocktail straws, the American built a feed supply system for training fish.

After a few weeks of training, his first pet was already able to maneuver, swim through a special tunnel, and also dance limbo under the crossbar. It was even possible to teach a fish to push a soccer ball into a goal: it was then that Dean decided to name the smart creature Albert Einstein - he was included in the Book of Records.

After studying materials from the Internet and reading books, I also learned that: - scales grow along with the fish and the age of the fish can be determined by the number of annual rings on the scales. - Like people, fish have a heart, liver, intestines, and stomach. After studying materials from the Internet and reading books, I also learned that: - scales grow along with the fish and the age of the fish can be determined by the number of annual rings on the scales. - Like people, fish have a heart, liver, intestines, and stomach.

This work helped us understand that fish are pets that delight us not only with their beauty, but also calm our nervous system, so they need care and attention, and for this we must correctly use the knowledge gained. I expanded my knowledge, learned a lot of interesting things and shared my knowledge with my friends. Conclusions. This work helped us understand that fish are pets that delight us not only with their beauty, but also calm our nervous system, so they need care and attention, and for this we must correctly use the knowledge gained. I expanded my knowledge, learned a lot of interesting things and shared my knowledge with my friends.

Literature and resources: 1. All about aquarium fish. Atlas-reference book Year of release: Publisher: Crystal 2. Encyclopedia for children. T. 2. Biology / Comp. S.T. Ismailova. – 3rd ed. Reworked And additional – M.: Avanta+, – 704 with interesnye-rybki/ interesnye-rybki/

“River Fish” - Goals: to develop children’s knowledge about the life of fish. Acne. Carp. Sturgeon. Catfish feed on fish of any size. The ruff is a small fish with a very spiny dorsal fin. Come on, look into a fairy tale! (fish) Who are fish? Be able to name fish. Rudd is a fish with red fins and slightly golden sides. Rotan.

“Questions about fish” - Class cartilaginous fish. There are fish that have a notochord that lasts their entire life. You can tell the age of a fish by its scales. Cartilaginous fish have a pronounced snout - rostrum. I option 3. The number of parts of the fish brain is: A) 4 B) 3 C) 5 D) 6. Class Bony fish. The skeleton is weak, not ossified, cartilaginous. Gill covers and swim bladder are absent.

“Lung-breathing fish” - Class Bony fish. It turned out that the skeleton of modern coelacanth is almost completely identical to the skeleton of a fossil lobe-finned fish that lived 200 million years ago. The largest white shark caught reached 7 m in length and weighed 1208 kg. Beluga. Hammerhead shark. The whale shark is the largest shark in the world (up to 20 m).

“Aquarium fish” - Fizminutka. Who has a mouth on its belly? Which fish resembles a chess piece in appearance? Guppy. Sword bearers. Catfish. What type of living creatures did you meet today? The bell rang and stopped and the lesson began. Besides, she’s so mean! Cockerel. Proverbs and sayings. Aquarium plants. Crossword. What fish live long?

“Fish and seafood” - Minerals: iodine, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium. 20 amino acids. Kitchen tools. What methods of cooking food do you know (remember from 5th grade)? Why should a person eat fish and seafood? Crustaceans Molluscs Echinoderms Sea kale. Freshwater fish.

“Diversity of fish” - Birds. Scales, mucus, fins breathe through gills. Crucian carp. Flounder. Fish. Mystery. Variety of fish. Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins. Scales. Herbivores. Aquarium. They are developing. V – already knew + - learned something new? - I want to know. Som Soldatova. Zebra is a lionfish. Cockerel. Scat. Questions: Growing. River.

Larionova Elizaveta

Research work by 3rd grade student Elizaveta Larionova "Aquarium fish"



Municipal state educational institution

"Simbirsk secondary school"



Completed by: Elizaveta Larionova,

2nd grade

Head: Strekalina T.L.,

Primary school teacher

April 2013


Chapter 1

  1. Observing aquarium fish:

2.1 characteristics of aquarium fish angelfish

2.2 organization of living space

2.3 my observations:

a) feeding the fish

b) temperature and light conditions

B) development of conditioned reflexes

3. Conclusions

4. References

1. Introduction

There are fish in the aquarium

They have their own little world

There are stones and snails

And a stream of bubbles.

An aquarium is a relaxation corner, a window into nature. Its importance is especially great here in Siberia. After all, summer here is short, and before you know it, autumn is already coming, and then a long winter. In an aquarium, it can be summer all year round and this gives any apartment coziness and comfort.

Caring for the inhabitants of the aquarium disciplines and fosters a sense of responsibility: when someone’s life depends on a person, this helps the development of the main qualities of a harmonious personality. After a hard day, it’s nice to return home and immerse yourself in silence, peace, watching the slow continuous movement in a glass vessel with fish and look at their life from the outside.

Water calms, relaxes, and brings peace of mind.

I have always dreamed of having a small corner of wildlife at home. A hobby is then pleasant and brings joy when it takes little time. Therefore, the aquarium became for me a corner of relaxation and a window into nature. In the light of a lamp, when the room is completely dark and the house is very quiet, the aquarium is especially beautiful; a different life continues there. Currently I have three angelfish, three barbs, two speckled catfish and one snail living in my aquarium.

I love taking care of fish and learning something new about them every day.

Relevance The research project reflects the meaning of human need to communicate with nature. Since I have an aquarium, I decided to study and conduct observations of aquarium fish.

Hypothesis: studying scientific literature about the life of aquarium fish and applying the acquired knowledge to care for pets.

Purpose of my research: to monitor the life activity of aquariumsfish and their behavior during the experiment.


  1. Organize a living space for aquarium fish "Angelar".
  2. Determine what food the fish prefer.
  3. Observe the property of irritability in fish (to light, heat).

Object of study: aquarium -45 liters, angelfish

Research methodI chose to observe fish during feeding, their reaction to light, heat, and an experiment on the development of conditioned reflexes in angelfish.

Chapter 1. Observing aquarium fish

1.1 Characteristics of aquarium fish angelfish

Angelfish is a genus of fish of the order Perciformes, belongs to the family Cichlids . The length of the fish reaches 15 cm, height up to 26 cm. The body of these fish has a disc-shaped shape, with more height than length. Thanks to its highly elongated fins, it takes on a shape resembling a crescent. The basic body color of angelfish varies greatly. It can have various shades, ranging from greenish-gray to olive with a silvery tint. The back of the fish is darker than the belly. Vertical dark stripes run along their body, the intensity of which depends on the condition of the fish.

The homeland of angelfish is the northern part of South America, the middle reaches of the Amazon River and its tributaries. There they live in slow-flowing rivers with dense vegetation. The generic name of this fish is translated as “winged leaf”. In the West it is called “angel fish”. These fish appeared in our country at the beginning of the 20th century.

Angelfish need a large and deep aquarium of at least 50 cm in height. The aquarium should have dense vegetation, but at the same time it also needs free space for swimming. (Annex 1)

1.2 Organization of living space

The fish and plants kept in the aquarium are mostly from tropical areas. Therefore, the first thing I had to do was create good living conditions for my pets.

An aquarium is a small artificial reservoir. For the aquarium I needed: a floating feeder, a heater, a thermometer, a lamp, a net for catching fish, a compressor, a filter. (Appendix 2)

To provide the aquarium plants with a substrate and the fish with “soil under their feet” at the bottom of the aquarium, I place soil from small pebbles and various shells. (Appendix 3)

To decorate the living space of the aquarium, you will also need aquatic plants and certain decorative materials. I plant aquatic plants in the ground. To decorate the aquarium, I place a clay pot in the center. And she filled a glass vessel with water and let it sit for two to three days. At first the water was cloudy, but gradually small particles of soil settled and the water became clear. The inhabitants of the aquarium were placed in water that had settled and heated to the required temperature.


Chapter 2. Practical work

2.1 Care and maintenance of angelfish

a) feeding the fish

The main factor in the long life of fish is proper feeding. It is necessary to feed the fish slowly and carefully observing their reaction to the food.

However, one of the main rules for an aquarist is this: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. If there is uneaten food left in the aquarium, it begins to rot, the water becomes cloudy, and this can result in mass death of fish.

After my observation, I determined that, having taken any measure of food, it should be added in small portions so that the fish eat it instantly, and the food that accidentally fell to the bottom was collected in about five minutes. I sprinkled the food into the floating feeder. I began to give this amount of food, that is, eaten in five minutes, in the following days. And I remove excess food with a net.

A variety of live food can be considered an ideal food. But it is not always possible to purchase it in our conditions, so we have to make do with dry food. Dry food is best purchased at special pet stores. They sell high-quality vitamin food.

We bought two types of food: “Universal” and “Cocktail” - daily food for aquarium fish. This is a feed balanced in all essential nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Produced from natural products of animal and plant origin using the dry pressing method. The food contains: fish, wheat, grass and soy flour, nettle, microelements, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, H and special additives.

I fed the fish 2 times a day, morning and evening, alternating food. But I tried at the same time. The fish really liked the food I fed them. (Appendix 4)

Conclusion: Fish like any of these foods; they quickly get used to the feeding regime. The inhabitants of the aquarium love a variety of food, so it is better to alternate food. You should not give the fish too much food, as this leads to disruption of the biological balance in the aquarium and worsens the condition of its inhabitants.

b) temperature and light conditions

Then I made the following observation. When the water in my aquarium was 20-22°, at this temperature the fish swam on top. I decided to test how the fish would react to heat. When the temperature of the heater increased, the fish quickly chose a warm place and swam where the water was heated by the heater. (Appendix 5)

Continuing the experiment, I placed the angelfish in a separate jar with a temperature of 28°C.

I saw that at a very high temperature - above 28°C it becomes bad, they lack oxygen, and they begin to suffocate. After all, less oxygen dissolves in warm water than in cold water. If the temperature is 28°C, then it is necessary that the air ventilation in the aquarium be constant. The optimal temperature for keeping angelfish is 24°C, and in order for them to begin to reproduce, the temperature must be increased to 26°C-28°C. But at this temperature, the water must be purged and filtered. And if the temperature in the aquarium drops to 17°, then illness, and then the death of the wonderful fish, is inevitable.

Conclusion: The best water temperature for angelfish is 24-26°C. At this temperature the fish look especially bright.

I paid special attention to the lighting of the aquarium where the fish live. My aquarium does not have special lighting, so I use a fluorescent table lamp. I noticed that if you screw a simple light bulb into a lamp, the water in the aquarium quickly becomes cloudy and the fish begin to lose their bright colors. Angelfish are also very shy. A sudden light can frighten them and then their paint also fades. If the light is on in the aquarium, then the fish behave more animatedly, swim near the light, they like the artificial sun, but not more than 12 hours a day.

The conclusion of my observation: angelfish love bright light, but with prolonged illumination they lose their color.

2.2. Development of conditioned reflexes

Over the course of five days, I conducted an experiment with my fish on the development of conditioned reflexes. I fed the fish at the same time.

Day 1 I tapped the aquarium with a spoon. The fish did not swim up to the knock. Sprinkled the food. The fish swam up.

Day 2. I tapped the aquarium with a spoon. Five fish swam up. Sprinkled the food. The fish all swam up.

Day 3 I tapped the aquarium with a spoon. Almost all the big fish swam up and a few small ones. Sprinkled the food. All the fish swam up

Day 4 I tapped the aquarium with a spoon. All the fish swam up with some exceptions. Sprinkled the food. All the fish swam up.

Day 5 I tapped the aquarium with a spoon. All the fish swam to the feeder. Sprinkled the food. (Appendix 7)

Conclusion: Thus, it only took me 5 days to develop a conditioned reflex in fish to sound. To develop a conditioned reflex, you need to feed the fish at the same time, knock on the wall of the aquarium in a certain place.

Conclusion of my observations

Based on my observations and experiments, I concluded that these fish easily get along with other fish breeds. Angelfish need a large and deep aquarium with a height of at least 50 cm, so it is more convenient to observe them. Angelfish eat any kind of food. They need to be fed in small portions at the same time once a day or even every other day. It is better to alternate food. Excess food has a bad effect on the water in the aquarium and its inhabitants. Angelfish love warmth; the optimal water temperature in the aquarium is 24-26 degrees. And too warm water will kill the fish. Angelfish also love light, but with prolonged exposure they lose their colors. It is easy for these fish to develop a conditioned reflex. You just need to feed the fish at the same time, but first knock on the aquarium with some object.

In the future, I plan to observe the birth of the fry and their behavior in the first days of life. I want to observe how long it takes for the fry to reach the size of adult fish? I have yet to find out the answers to these questions.


  1. A.V.Efremov Aquarium and its inhabitants. – Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 1992-192 p.
  1. M. B. Tsirling 99 tips. An aquarium in every home / - M.: Aquarium-Print LLC, 2007. – 112 p.
  1. Encyclopedia for children. T.2. Biology / Comp. S.T. Ismailova. – 3rd ed. Reworked and additional – M.: Avanta, 1996. – 704 p.

Publication date: 28.11.2015

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MKOU "Chastoozersk secondary school"


Aquarium in your home

Scientific supervisor: Dotsenko E.T., primary school teacher


2011-2012 academic year year

1. Introduction. ..…………………………………………. 3

2. Main part

    Choosing an aquarium. ……………………… 4

    What and why grows in an aquarium? ……….. 4-5

    Fish ……………………………. 5-6

    Feeding and feeding 7

3. Conclusion …………………………… 10-12

4. Literature



While studying the works of V. Bianchi in literary reading lessons, the teacher began the lesson with his statement that “The whole huge world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. And I will discover them all my life, because this is the most interesting, most exciting activity in the world!" I thought. But it’s true what a person does all his life - discovering secrets, exploring the unknown. Today, many people keep various animals at home. Some people have a dog, some people have a cat, some keep hamsters, and some people have aquarium fish. Pets such as aquarium fish (and they are also considered pets) are probably the most convenient of all living creatures that can be found. keep them at home. After all, these are friends who will never betray, reliable comforters in trouble. And how much joy and pleasure they bring! Once we admired the beauty of the underwater world behind the “glass shore”, we decided to buy an aquarium. But we still didn’t know how to care for it. To enjoy the small underwater kingdom, certain knowledge was required. Proper management of a home pond requires knowledge, experience and skill.

The topic of my research work is “Aquarium in your home.” This is a very interesting topic, relevant in that it develops a love of nature, hard work, attentiveness, responsibility,

An aquarium is ecology, hydrochemistry, biology, genetics, electrical engineering... But if you love it, the knowledge will be absorbed as if by itself.

So, the object of my research was an aquarium.

The subject of the study is the interaction of living and nonliving components in it.

The problem I decided to work on is understanding the underwater world through studying the life of a home aquarium.

The purpose of the work is to learn about the structure of the aquarium, the rules for keeping fish, and study the behavior of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

The objectives are to collect as much information as possible for practical use at home when arranging a mini-reservoir, namely:

1.Study the rules for starting an aquarium, what grows in an aquarium and why.

2.What and how to feed the fish

3. Find out if the fish are trainable.

4.Determine whether the fish hear.

5. Conduct experiments to study the behavior of fish at different temperatures.

6. Find out how fish sleep.

7.Study the behavior of fish depending on lighting.

Research methods: experiments, observations, scientific literature, Internet

Practical significance

An aquarium is not only about aesthetics and knowledge of the underwater world. The water shimmers softly and mysteriously, and exotic plants sway lightly. Graceful, multi-colored fish like a mosaic emerge from their shadows and, slowly moving their fins, “hang” against the backdrop of picturesque driftwood... A real corner of tropical nature! Although this is just an indoor pond, how much joy and peace it brings to the house, and most importantly to the family! It has already been established that even a short (about an hour) observation of fish normalizes a person’s blood pressure and calms the nervous system. There are cases where, in families where aquarium fish are introduced, children grow up calm. For families with children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, scientists recommend keeping an aquarium at home. In other words, fish can protect their owner from some of the stresses of modern life. And the practical significance of the work lies in the use of the obtained data in lessons of the surrounding world at the elementary level, in extracurricular activities.

Main part.

Choosing an aquarium.

“Aquarium” translated from Greek means “water container”.

An aquarium is not only about aesthetics and knowledge of the underwater world. It has already been established that even a short (about an hour) observation of fish normalizes a person’s blood pressure and calms the nervous system. In other words, fish can protect their owner from some of the stresses of modern life. Just judge - there is no unpleasant smell, the aquarium takes up little space and at the same time fits very well into the interior of the room, it looks more comfortable, richer. A properly organized aquarium looks great and does not require constant attention. But in order for the aquarium to please the eye, you need to put in a lot of effort. When choosing an aquarium, it is recommended to take into account its volume and shape. A large aquarium is better than a small one, because it constantly maintains biological balance and does not require frequent cleaning. Before filling with water, the aquarium should be disinfected with potassium permanganate or a solution of table salt. When installing, please consider:

    its location, since fish and plants must receive enough daylight. The most successful placement of the aquarium is near a window to the east and west. We tried to place the aquarium near a window facing north - there is little light, but in the south - there is a lot of light and this leads to water blooming. Therefore, I concluded that a large excess of light is undesirable;

    distance from the window so that temperature and light are evenly distributed;

    access for cleaning and maintaining the aquarium;

    sustainability; You should not install it in such a way that you are constantly afraid of catching it and breaking it.

First of all, you need to fill the bottom of the aquarium with soil. The soil is made up of multi-colored pebbles. They must be washed with water before installation. Then the soil is carefully laid out in the form of a pattern.

After this, various decorations are placed. In my aquarium it is a large beautiful castle, white and blue corals, a chest, a crab, artificial algae, and shells.

The water must stand for at least 1 day before pouring in order for chlorine, which is dangerous for fish, to be released. After this, water is poured into the aquarium. After 3 days, the water in the aquarium became cloudy. My relatives explained to me that this is due to the fact that in the aquarium, in addition to plants and fish, there are many more microorganisms that keep the water clean. After 2 weeks, the water became clear and crystal clear. Now the aquarium is ready to add fish and plant plants.

What and why grows in an aquarium

When purchasing a new plant, you should take into account the need for light and temperature conditions. Some plants grow in low light (hornwort), others in strong light, for example: watercolor. Depending on their temperature needs, plants are divided into:

Cold-loving, temperate and heat-loving.

When planting plants, keep in mind that:

    for valuable plants, multi-layer soil is poured into the pot

    It is better to take young plants for planting; they take root more easily and are more actively involved in the process of biological water treatment;

    tall plants are planted behind short ones, and small ones in the foreground;

    if plants are planted in a pot, then there should be enough holes for ventilation;

    Most domestic aquatic plants are of little use for an aquarium, since they die in winter (the exception is plants growing in the south of Russia). It is better to plant tropical and subtropical plants;

    to highlight a beautiful plant, you need to place it among low ones, next to a stone or in an empty place.

Having filled the aquarium with water to about 5 - 8 cm, we began to plant the plants. Before planting, the long roots were trimmed with scissors and bad leaves were removed. After planting the plants, the aquarium was filled with water.

The most commonly used plants in aquariums are fern plants (water cabbage, salvinia) and algae (sparkleweed, marsh grass), mosses, and flowering plants (elodea, duckweed). An aquarium without plants is just a container of water. Plants transform it into a working model of a natural reservoir. After planting the plants, the aquarium begins to “breathe”, “work”, and the “dead” tap water becomes “alive”. This water is the main thing in the aquarist’s work.
Aquarium plants are not primitive algae, but very complex creatures that subtly “feel” and respond to changes in their environment. The important task is for them to live well.

Today, the amateur has dozens of technical devices at his disposal to help him properly manage the operation of his home pond. But no technology, even the most reliable, can replace an underwater plant - a living oxygen factory. Practice shows that you can do without equipment in an aquarium, but hardly without plants. In any case, it will not be a living model, but a dead one.

What kind of fish should I put in the aquarium? - this is a question asked by almost every beginner.

It is not so easy to answer. First of all, it is a matter of taste. But one cannot be guided only by aesthetic considerations. A novice aquarist should know at least the following. There are viviparous fish, in which the offspring are born and are immediately able to do without the help of their parents. There are spawning fish whose offspring require the care of their parents in the first days of life. Both among viviparous and spawning fish there are predators that cannot be kept with other fish, especially if they are smaller. Therefore, before purchasing the fish you like, you need to know all its features and habits. You can read about this in specialized literature or consult with experienced aquarists. But often even the most qualified consultation does not guarantee against surprises.

To begin with, you should not strive to acquire large fish, and the size of the aquarium (50 liters) does not provide grounds for this. It is preferable to purchase not adult fish, but young ones, but, of course, not fry, which require special food. When selecting fish that are diverse in color and body shape, you should strive to ensure that they are similar in housing conditions. It is also important to remember that different types of fish prefer to live in different layers of water.

Some aquarium fish are not found in nature at all, but are only the fruit of many years of work by breeders. These are various breeds of goldfish, swordtails, guppies, discus, angelfish and catfish. They also have ancestors that they resemble, but differ significantly.

My aquarium contains 25 fish and various plants. The main and main inhabitants of a home pond are fish. In my home pond, as a novice aquarist, there are fish that are not very demanding in terms of keeping conditions and have already “taken root” to each other. I'll tell you about them.

The first to populate the pond were guppies, zebrafish and neons. After some time, we added gourami and mollies to them. When balance in the aquarium was restored and all the fish were safe and healthy, more speckled catfish and angelfish appeared.

Danio is one of the most popular aquarium fish. (Appendix) It is distinguished by its attractive coloring, mobility and exceptional peacefulness. It does not require large amounts of maintenance and is content with modest care.

It prefers to live in a flock in an elongated container with a volume of 30 liters or more with clean water, an abundance of vegetation (including floating) and proportionate peaceful neighbors. It lives mainly in the upper layers of water.
Natural habitat - Eastern India.
Maximum length - 6 cm.

The most popular fish. Guppies are very unpretentious, peaceful and get along well with many other inhabitants of the aquarium. However, it is not recommended to keep them with active, moving fish, such as barbs. There are many breeding forms that differ in color and fin shape.
Food: medium-sized frozen food, flake mixtures, including those with plant ingredients and additives to enhance color.

Approximate size - 2 cm.

Marbled gourami

Breeding form of blue gourami. One of the most popular ornamental fish. Compatible with almost all peaceful inhabitants of warm-water aquariums. Attracts attention with pleasant colors, graceful movements, funny, characteristic of the majority Maximum size - 12 cm
Food: frozen and floating dry mixtures, gelled food.

Approximate size - 3 cm.

Simple neon usually measures up to 4 cm. The females of this fish have a thicker abdomen and the blue stripe on it is curved, while in males it is straight.

If you have purchased simple neon fry, before planting them in a common aquarium, it is advisable to gradually add hard water from the aquarium to them - the fry will be able to better adapt to the habitat in which they will live. Keeping adult fish is not difficult, since simple neons are undemanding to the quality of water and food. The fish eat a variety of dry and live food.

It is optimal to keep simple neons in spacious aquariums, densely planted, with designated areas for feeding and swimming. They usually contain simple neons in flocks.

Speckled catfish

When we bought catfish and placed them in the aquarium, I noticed that they always swim near the bottom. At first I thought that the fish were sick, but it turned out that catfish are real “scavengers”: they clean the aquarium of food debris. And another secret was revealed to me - all fish breathe oxygen, which is in the water, and catfish, like you and me, breathe atmospheric air. To do this, they occasionally stick out of the water. Who else will play the role of scavengers in the aquarium? Clams, crayfish, snails - reels. The illuminated glass of aquariums is overgrown with a green carpet - tiny algae. They serve as the main source of oxygen. The size of speckled catfish usually does not exceed 7 cm.

Catfish - stuck. (Appendix 3) It uses its legs to stick to underwater objects and scrape off algae growths from them. Aquatic plants are just as important inhabitants of aquariums as fish. With them, the aquarium begins to “breathe”, “work”, and the water in it becomes “alive”.

In the first week, when throwing food, the fish did not float to the surface, but began to eat the food when it fell to the bottom. In the second week, during feeding, almost all the fish floated to the surface and ate the food, preventing it from falling to the bottom. In the third week, closer to 8 o’clock in the evening, even before feeding, all the fish unanimously floated to the surface, waiting for food.

Experiment 2. I decided to check if the fish could hear. The feeding time had not yet come; the fish were swimming calmly in the aquarium. I went up to the aquarium and rang the bell over the lid - almost all the fish floated to the surface. From which it follows that fish hear. There is a thermometer in the aquarium. Without turning on the heater, the water temperature in the aquarium was 20 degrees. The fish swam slowly, did not play, most of them were at the bottom.

Experiment 3. I turned on the heater. The water temperature reached 26 degrees. The behavior of the fish changed, they became active, mobile, and swam throughout the aquarium.

Experiment 4. At night, in the dark, I approached the aquarium and saw that the fish were not moving and their eyes were open and not blinking. I wondered why fish sleep with their eyes open. From the book I learned that this happens because fish do not have eyelids. I woke up and started watching the fish. The lights in the aquarium were turned off and the fish were in the dark. The fish were inactive and half asleep. I turned on the light and the fish's behavior changed. They became active and mobile.


Proper, nutritious nutrition is an indispensable condition for normal growth and reproduction of fish. When feeding fish, you need to adhere to the rule: it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed them, since they will always find food in the aquarium in the form of various living organisms and plants. It should be taken into account that if there is an overdose of food, the water in the aquarium will deteriorate.

After studying the literature and doing experiments, I came to the conclusion that:

    Fish are trainable. If you feed them at the same time every day, they will swim to the surface waiting for food.

    Fish have hearing.

    At low water temperatures, the fish are sedentary and sad. When the water in the aquarium is heated, the fish become active, mobile, and playful.

    I found out that fish sleep with their eyes open and this is due to their lack of eyelids.

    In the dark, the fish are inactive; when the light is on, the fish become active and mobile.

So, having examined the living conditions in the aquarium, I want to say that my hypothesis was partially confirmed. An aquarium is truly a small artificial ecosystem. But to maintain it you cannot do without human help, and I also want to add that I achieved the goal that I set for myself; I learned about underwater life, the principles of setting up an aquarium, the basic rules for keeping fish and aquatic plants, and conducted experiments.

Remembering the words of the writer Vitaly Bianki, we can say that while doing this work, I discovered the unknown and interesting.

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

Ancistrus vulgaris or catfish - stuck

Appendix 3: Aquatic Plants

Thailand fern

Rotala rotundifolia

Appendix 4.

I feed the fish

Appendix 5.

Diagram 1. Number of fish emerging during feeding




    Makhlin M.D..





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