Lunar days for fortune telling. When can you tell fortunes: favorable days Lunar calendar for tarot fortune telling

1st lunar day
Fortune telling is deceiving. At this time, the future seems uncertain.

2nd lunar day
You should only ask about what should happen during the next lunar month. Use wax, paper, and bulbs for fortune telling.

3rd lunar day
Guessing is not recommended. You can disrupt the favorable program of upcoming events.

4th lunar day
It is best to guess the desire, as well as ask questions that can be answered “yes” or “no”. Use a pendulum, coins, a ring and water. Complex rituals should be avoided. Much knowledge - many sorrows.

5th lunar day
At this time, it is worth asking about love and your own inner experiences. The choice of tools is yours, but mirrors are especially recommended.

6th lunar day
This day is a haven for mantic practices: there are no prohibitions in choosing the method of fortune-telling and in asking questions.

7th lunar day
During this period, fortune telling most truthfully answers questions regarding relationships with people around you - relatives, friends, colleagues. Use rice and peas. But it’s better not to ask about love as such.

8th lunar day
A great day to find out what from your past influences the events of your current life. It is worth resorting to the help of a regular “playing” deck of cards.

9th lunar day
There's no point in guessing.

10th lunar day
At this time, the most truthful is fortune-telling about the clan, about the family, about one’s true origins, about the relationship of generations, about children. You can ask about what kind of relationship you will have with your future mother-in-law. Use a broom, needles, buttons.

11th lunar day
The best lunar day for fortune telling by fire. You can ask any questions.

12th lunar day
Leave the most important and pressing questions for this day and be precise in your wording - you will receive a vague answer to an unclear question. Use books.

13th lunar day
A good day for fortune telling for the very near future (from 2 days to a week) or for the past. You should not ask questions related to other people. Wax and paper are relevant again.

14th lunar day
On this day, it is best to ask about your true purpose, your spiritual path, and what mistakes you should avoid. A good time for fortune telling with a crystal ball.

15th lunar day
A great day for any fortune telling and questions. Moreover, with the help of mantic practices you can gain power over the people around you.

16th lunar day
On this day, financial fortune-telling, questions about career and social status are most relevant. Use coins, bills, plant leaves and cracks in walls and asphalt.

17th lunar day
Fortune telling will answer questions related to any emotional manifestations and mental state. You can tell fortunes about love and marriage. The use of a crystal ball is again relevant - in it you can see your true love.

18th lunar day
It is better to refrain from fortune telling. But it is worth paying attention to the signs of Fate.

19th lunar day
It’s definitely not worth guessing. And fortune telling on mirrors can actually be dangerous.

20th lunar day
It is best to ask questions related to social life, your environment, interaction with officials and superiors. In addition, fortune telling on this day will help clarify situations concerning your true position in society. Use dice, clocks, sand and dirt.

21st lunar day
On this day, fortune telling will most truthfully tell you about the creative side of your life. For example, will some creation bring you fame or in what field will success await you? Use colored signs and books.

22nd lunar day
It is best to guess about wealth and any other material values. In addition, you can again ask questions about success, fame, and popularity. Tools – banknotes of various denominations, mirrors, salt.

23rd lunar day
There is no point in guessing on this day.

24th lunar day
Fortune telling is relevant for new projects, for the start of building a house, for making the right decisions related to the distant future. A good day for fortune telling on legumes and grains, as well as on stones and clay tablets.

25th lunar day
It is better to resort to fortune telling when necessary. But you can ask any questions. Use the tools you see fit.

26th lunar day
Guessing is not recommended.

27th lunar day
On this day, use fortune telling on water, milk, snow. The most truthful answers will be to questions about sea and river travel, about financial flows, about the time frame of some enterprise you have started.

28th lunar day
You can ask about anything. At this time, the gift of clairvoyance intensifies, so this day is one of the most favorable for fortune telling and for reading the signs of Fate. It is best to use the toolkit with which you have the greatest “mutual understanding”.

29th lunar day
On this day, you should only ask about what you are going to get rid of - about the breakup of a love relationship, about an illness and its consequences, about the destruction of any social connection. Use black candles.

30th lunar day
This day does not happen every month, so at this time it is best to ask the most serious questions and use multi-stage and complex rituals, voluminous card layouts, and animal bones for fortune telling. In addition, during this period it is possible to obtain an accurate prediction of the distant future.

Experienced magicians and psychics claim that there are certain days for fortune telling when you can get the most accurate information about the future. Fortune telling is a way of obtaining information from the other world. And for the prediction to be true, it is necessary to guess on specific days and hours when the connection with the world of the dead is strongest. So, when can we guess?

Days to guess

There is an opinion that the most truthful predictions can be obtained on certain lunar days. It is believed that the connection with the other world is strongest on the 12th, 14th and 18th lunar days. And psychics and fortune tellers also highlight certain numbers in the calendar when you can get reliable information about the future:

  • 2nd - the day is good for all types of fortune telling and magical rituals;
  • The 6th is the day when you can find out your future;
  • 10th - on this day you can get correct information about the events of the past;
  • The 20th is the day when Fate gives the greatest number of signs. Also on this day you can;
  • 22nd - on this day it is good to guess from books;
  • 27th - on this day events of both past and future life are easily revealed. On the 27th you can get all the answers to your questions;
  • The 28th - on this day you can trust your intuition. Most people open their third eye, which allows them to see the future most clearly.

In addition, there are days of the year when you can get a true prediction. These are considered holy days - from January 7 to January 19. You can also guess from March 15 to 20, from June 23 to 28, from November 15 to 21.

A special day for fortune telling is the holiday of Ivan Kupala - July 6. It is these days that a person becomes more receptive to receiving information from another world.

When can you start guessing by time?

You can also guess during the day - from 14 to 16 hours. But at this time, it is usually more difficult for a person to concentrate on the ritual, and he can easily lose touch with the other world.

When can you tell fortunes about your betrothed?

Fortune telling for the betrothed and for love require separate consideration. Love magic is very different from other types of witchcraft, so fortune telling about your betrothed is necessary on certain days. Psychics and soothsayers recommend telling fortunes about love and relationships on Friday evening. This day is patronized by Venus - the planet of love. On Friday, people’s heart chakra begins to work more actively, which means it will be easier for them to perceive information.

You can use the lunar calendar to choose the day of fortune telling for relationships. The most favorable days for fortune telling are the days when the Moon is in Taurus and Libra.

When can you tell fortunes with cards?

Card fortune telling also needs to be distinguished separately from other methods of fortune telling. You can tell fortunes on cards at any time of the day, but on certain days. The most favorable days for fortune telling with cards are Monday and Friday. You should not lay out the deck on Saturday and Sunday - on these days of the week the cards lie.

Fortune telling on favorable days and hours will allow you to obtain reliable information about your future and make a true prediction. We wish you good luck and don't forget to click and

11.03.2014 15:26

There are many different ways to find out what kind of relationship you will have with your loved one. ...

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

Any fortune telling should be coordinated with the days of the week and the lunar calendar. After all, most aspects of human life are connected with the night luminary. Everyone knows perfectly well that changes in nature occur according to the lunar calendar and lunar days.

Fortune telling on cards should also be carried out on certain days or evenings. The moon and fortune telling are very closely related. It is no secret to anyone that it is the night, the night luminary in all its altered phases, and magic that are interconnected and relate to the secrets of the universe and all living things.

Only on certain lunar days do dark or light forces give a chance to receive truthful answers to fortune telling.

What is a lunar calendar

The moon and fortune telling are two mandatory components of the truthfulness of answers to any intended action by a fortune teller. Only experienced magicians can cope with such nuances as the day of evil spirits or men's day. They often do not pay attention to the lunar or any other calendar, since they know how to protect themselves, their forces and their client from the consequences of communication with dark forces. As for beginners, the lunar calendar and fortune-telling days, especially for tarot fortune-telling, must be known and strictly observed. Lunar days and card fortune telling on playing cards are less dangerous, but it is still worth knowing which day is preferable.

Each day of the week and lunar day suggest a certain type of fortune telling, and the gender of the person for whom the reading is being made is also taken into account. It is important that several factors coincide in order to obtain a correct and correct answer to the questions posed to the cards:

  • type of layout (for love, money, relationships, loss, gain, etc.);
  • gender and age of the client (those under 16 years of age are strictly prohibited from guessing on cards according to the lunar calendar);
  • coincidence with church holidays;
  • selected deck. The Vampire and Egyptian tarots suggest and carry a special danger;
  • day of the week and belonging to women's and men's days;
  • fortune telling should correspond to lunar days.

The lunar fortune telling calendar was compiled in ancient times by the priests of Ancient Egypt. At the same time, it was calculated which day was better suited for revealing the secrets of love magic, and which day to answer the financial question. The priests spent a long time tracking what awaits a person in different phases of the moon. This is how a calendar was compiled for each day. Not only favorable days were taken into account, but also the lunar day, when it was impossible to tell fortunes with tarot, was also taken out separately. After all, in those days only they existed.

Why should you tell fortunes on the full moon?

Full moon fortune telling is flawless. Three days in a month when the moon is favorable and fortune telling is subject to everyone magical powers. At the same time, they do not try at all to harm those who make the alignment. They are free. For fortune telling, the 14th, 15th and 16th lunar days are distinguished by truthfulness and honest answers. Only if the fortune teller has no critical days. The moon is very clean and fortune telling for any lunar phase, and especially for the full moon, promises trouble for a woman. The luminary will take revenge for disrespect for its beauty and purity.

You can tell fortunes on the full moon in all ways, choose any deck for the reading. The answers will be especially complete for those who are interested in love and finance. You can perform rituals on the full moon to attract good luck or tell fortunes. Rituals are performed either before bedtime, or at the moment when a pale light falls and well illuminates the room in which the sacraments are taking place. A mandatory attribute of the event is a candle.

If you are guessing for love, then this is a red candle. If you make a reading or perform a ritual for money on a full moon, then a green candle will help, and for good luck you will need an interweaving of three thin self-made wax candles.
braids of blue, yellow and green strands. Anyone can make fortunes on the full moon about the fulfillment of a wish. But you are allowed to make no more than one wish. But be careful. The call may come from dark forces that love to deceive newcomers.

Therefore, create a protective field of salt. This will ensure calm during the fortune-telling process, the truthfulness of fortune-telling and the absence of otherworldly forces.

The most successful days for fortune telling

The lunar day and the chosen fortune telling on the cards must correspond. It is impossible to perform a ritual if the fortune telling for love on the expected lunar days does not coincide. This applies to all forms and types of fortune-telling events. The punishment is especially severe if a person decides to tell fortunes for the future on the 9th, 18th and 27th day of the lunar day, and even on a church holiday. These days are called satanic.

So the eighteenth lunar day and the 27th increase the influence of dark forces. Only an experienced magician practitioner is able to protect himself from troubles and misfortune. But even they will not undertake to reveal secrets on the ninth day or day. Fortune telling carried out even on successful lunar days, but compatible with Christian holidays, is not taken into account. No one can help you get a prediction here.

Let's look at the table, when the moon and fortune telling are combined, they bring positive results. And also a day when you should avoid picking up cards:

  1. On what days can you tell fortunes using cards according to the lunar calendar? If you need to get an answer regarding love and relationships, then on the 17th day you will receive all the answers for the near future. For seduction and interesting acquaintances, then on the 23rd and 26th lunar days.

  2. Favorable days for fortune telling on financial matters according to the lunar calendar, the first day is 21 days, ideal for everyone. The second financial day - 22 and the last day - is suitable for people with a strong and strong-willed character.
  3. On day 20, you can only guess using simple calculations: “Yes - No”, what day it is, as well as attitude work colleagues.
  4. If on the first lunar day fortune-telling is contraindicated for everyone, since the favorable program will go wrong, then on day 2, as well as on the 25th and 26th, it is recommended to do fortune-telling for all questions without exception. The future is open and already formed. Is it possible to tell fortunes? Please. Just keep in mind that the answers you receive cannot be shared with anyone.
  5. The third day according to the lunar calendar increases the chances of predicting your fate and luck by 3 times. Therefore, all types of fortune telling are contraindicated.
  6. On the sixteenth day you can learn all the secrets of the universe. On the 16th day, like the eighth, luck is on the side of the fortuneteller. Day 28 is good for getting answers on the road and travel.
  7. The fourteenth and thirteenth days are not favorable for everyone. So at 14 it is recommended to do layouts for strong people, and at 13 - for trusting and cheerful people.
  8. The sixth lunar day gives truthful answers to everyone. On day 6 you can make wishes, and they will definitely come true. On the tenth day he will answer questions from the family and children. On day 10, it is not recommended to ask questions about finances. Dangerous.
  9. On the fourth day they answer only questions about today. On day 4, it is useless to learn about the future. But it is quite possible to receive a prophecy on the seventh day of the lunar calendar. The number 7 always brings good luck. And even during the fortune-telling process.
  10. The nineteenth day, according to some sources, promises trouble. If you get acquainted with the Druid calendar, then on the contrary, day 19 gives truthful answers, and wishes are quickly fulfilled.
  11. The fifth lunar day, like the 25th, provides the opportunity for fortune telling for the distant future. Is a neutral day. Both powers of magic give answers, but they will not do any harm.

As for fortune telling on the 12th day, it is recommended that beginners wait out the twelfth lunar day. Experienced magicians and fortune tellers know this day because they can joke with power and show the answer and all events.

Can fortune telling be done on a new moon? If this is not the first day or the third, then you can try to get a truthful answer. These days are the worst for fortune telling. A person will lose his luck not only for a month, but also for a longer time. It is advisable to avoid fortune-telling processes altogether during this period. Fortune telling for the waxing moon can only be done online for a month, day or week. But even here, depending on what dangerous day it is, it is not always possible to hear the truth if you guess on the cards.

On the new moon, you are allowed to tell fortunes about love or to tell fortunes about your betrothed. But only after the fifth lunar day. If you make a wish on the seventh day or start doing fortune telling for the future for waxing moon, then it will definitely come true.

The 100% best lunar days for rituals and fortune telling are the waning moon. On such days, everything negative is neutralized. Lunar fortune telling as it decreases will no longer have a black tint and does not promise trouble. You are allowed to ask any questions. Especially if the layouts concern the future, and not just the love of a man or woman.

But when fortune telling for love on the waning moon, it is worth remembering a very important thing: if you do not want to know the truth about the love affairs of your chosen one, then it is better not to make a personal alignment for him. You can get by with general plans for relationships, future marriage, and others.

The lunar fortune telling calendar will help you choose the best day for predictions and divination.

All girls love to guess. Some people tell fortunes on holidays, such as Christmas, while others tell fortunes almost every day. Some girls want to find out their future for fun, but many hope for something serious and believe all the predictions.

  • Few people know that to get an accurate answer, you need to predict fate on certain days.
  • Astrologers advise using the lunar calendar for fortune telling, since the Moon is a constant satellite of the Earth. Without the participation of this planet, not a single action on our planet that is associated with the movement of such an element as water can occur. All the elements on our planet are connected with Space, and the Moon is part of it. Therefore, this white magical planet is a force to be reckoned with.
  • The ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, and even the growth of plants occurs according to the Moon.
  • People follow lunar advice when planning travel, weddings, starting new businesses, conceiving a child, or planting plants. Favorable lunar days for fortune telling are also chosen.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for 2019: general provisions

  • On the new moon(dark Moon, true information is hidden, information from dark forces can slip through).
  • On dates eclipses of the Moon and Sun.
  • On Sunday.
  • When you are emotionally depressed, unhealthy, just not in a good mood.

Remember: Fortune telling is not fate. You can and should believe in good things and make them part of your destiny. Bad things can be changed through your own personal development.

  • Good days of the week for fortune telling- Friday.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for January 2019

The most active month for fortune telling. Girls tell fortunes for the New Year, Christmastide, Christmas, Epiphany. The answer will be especially true if the fortune telling takes place on a favorable lunar day.

January 2019 —
Lunar day Divination
1st of January 25 — Desc. Moon
January 2 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
January 3 27 — Desc. Moon
4 January 28 — Desc. Moon
5 January 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling is before the new moon (dark moon), complicated by a solar eclipse. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
6th January 1 - New Moon.
Jan. 7 2 - Growing Moon
January 8 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
January 9 4 - Growing Moon
January 10 5 - Growing Moon
January 11 6 - Growing Moon
January 12 7 - Growing Moon
13th of January 8 - Growing Moon
January 14 9 - Growing Moon
January 15 10 - Growing Moon
January 16 11 - Growing Moon
January 17 12 - Growing Moon
January 18 13 - Growing Moon
January 19 14 - Growing Moon
January 20th 15 - Growing Moon
January 21 16 - Full Moon.
Moon eclipse.
On the day of a lunar eclipse, it is better not to guess. All true information is hidden.
January 22 17 — Desc. Moon
January 23 18 — Desc. Moon
January 24 19 — Desc. Moon
The 25th of January 20 — Desc. Moon
January 26 21 — Desc. Moon
January 27 22 — Desc. Moon
28 January 23 — Desc. Moon
January 29 24 — Desc. Moon
January 30 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
January 31 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for February 2019

Lunar fortune telling calendar for February

When it’s cold and cold outside, you really want to get together with your friends at one of their houses and tell fortunes about your betrothed. Choose a good day and tell fortunes in any way that you know.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for February 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
1st of February 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
February 2 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
February 3rd 29 — Desc. Moon
February 4 30 — Desc. Moon A good day for fortune telling, but only using vegetables and fruits.
February 5th 1 - New Moon. They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
February 6 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
February 7 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
February 8 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
February 9th 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
February 10 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
11 February 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
12th of February 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
February 13 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
The 14th of February 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
February, 15 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
February 16 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
February 17 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
18th of Febuary 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
February 19 15 - Full moon. On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
February 20th 16 — Desc. Moon
February 21 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
February 22 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
February 23 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
24 February 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
25 February 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
February 26 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
February 27 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
28th of February 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for March 2019: best days

Those girls who are looking for a soul mate, with the help of divination, receive answers to specific questions about mutual love. Follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar and cast a spell on your betrothed. But remember that this is just a prediction, and you don’t need to take the results you see on cards or other objects seriously.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for March 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
March 1 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
2nd of March 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
March, 3rd 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
March 4 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
5th of March 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
March, 6 30 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
March 7 1 - Growing Moon
March 8 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
9th of March 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
10th of March 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
11th of March 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
March 12 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
March 13 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
March 14th 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
March 15th 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
March 16 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
March 17 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
18th of March 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
March 19 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
20th of March 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
21 March 15 - Full moon. On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
March 22 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
March 23 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
March 24 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
March 25 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
26 March 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
March 27 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
March 28 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
March 29 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
30th of March 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
March 31 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for April 2019: best days

If the predictions are bad, don't worry. Do everything to fix everything. Direct the situation in the opposite direction, because every person is the master of his own destiny. Always remember this.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for April 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
April 1 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
April 2 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
April 3 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
April, 4 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
5th of April 30 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
April 6 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
April 7 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
April 8 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
April 9 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
April 10th 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
11 April 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
12th of April 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
April 13 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
14th of April 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
April 15 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
April 16 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
April 17 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
April 18th 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
April 19 14 – Full Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
20 April 15 — Desc. Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
April 21 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
April 22 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
April 23 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
April 24 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
25th of April 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
26 April 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
April 27 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
April 28 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
April 29 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
April 30 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for May 2019: best days

Every day has a special energy. Therefore, a specific day is chosen for divination when it is allowed to be done according to the lunar calendar. People usually don’t tell fortunes on a new moon, especially for love. This day is included in the column with a ban on fortune telling. The full moon is a good period for predictions, as the magical properties of the moon on this day are off the charts.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for May 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
1st of May 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
May 2 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
May 3 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
May 4th 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
5 May 1 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
the 6th of May 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
May 7 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
May 8 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
9th May 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
May 10 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
May 11 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
12 May 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
may 13 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
May 14 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
May 15 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
16th of May 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
May 17 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
May 18 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
May 19 15 - full moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
May 20 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
May 21st 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
22nd of May 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
May, 23rd 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
May 24 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
May 25 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
26 of May 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
May 27 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
May 28 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
May 29 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
May 30 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
May 31 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for June 2019: best days

Often the result of this action depends on the method and time of prediction. There are fortune tellings that reveal the future only on holidays (New Year, Maslenitsa, Christmas), while others are tied to the lunar calendar. The inner feeling before fortune telling is also important. If you are tuned in to this process, then you can cast a spell.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for June 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
June 1st 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
2 June 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
June 3 30 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
June 4 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
June 5 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
June 6 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
June 7 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
June 8 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
the 9th of June 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
June 10th 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
June 11 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
12 June 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
June 13 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
June 14 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
June 15 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
June 16 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
June 17 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
June 18 15 — Desc. Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
June 19 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
June 20 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
21st of June 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
22nd of June 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
June 23 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
June 24 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
June 25 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
June 26 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
27th of June 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
June 28 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
June 29 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
30 June 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for July 2019: best days

If you are telling fortunes about love, choose the right days according to the moon. You also need to light red candles. Fortune telling for money is done with golden candles. The number of candles does not matter. They should provide good illumination of the table on which the cards will be placed, without getting in the way.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for July 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
July 1 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
July 2 29 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
3 July 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
4th of July 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
5'th of July 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
July 6 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
July 7 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
July 8 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
July 9 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
July 10 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
July 11 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
July, 12 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
July 13 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
the 14 th of July 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
July 15 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
July 16 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
July 17th 15 — Desc. Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
July 18 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
July 19 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
July 20 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
21 July 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
July 22 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
July 23 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
July 24 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
July 25 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
26 July 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
July 27 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
July 28th 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
July 29 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
July 30 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
July 31 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for August 2019: best days

For fortune telling to come true, you need to lay out the cards on the best day on the Moon. But remember that the lunar calendar does not affect Christmas, Maslenitsa and New Year's predictions. These rituals are performed on the days indicated by the name.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for August 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
August 1 30 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
August 2 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
August 3rd 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
August 4 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
5th of August 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
August 6 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
August 7 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
8 August 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
August 9 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
10th of August 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
11th August 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
12th of August 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
August 13 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
August 14 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
August 15 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
August 16 15 — Desc. Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
August 17 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
August 18 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
August 19 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
August 20 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
August 21 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
August 22 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
August 23 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
24 August 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
25-th of August 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
August, 26th 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
August 27 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
August 28 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
August 29 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
August 30 29 – New Moon
August 31 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for September 2019: best days

Whether or not to take the lunar calendar into account when casting fortunes is a personal matter for each fortuneteller. But many people still listen to the advice of astrologers, and their lives are easier. Plan this activity in advance so you can tune in and attract positive energy.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for September 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
September 1 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
September 2 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
September 3 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
4 September 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
September 5 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
6 September 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
September 7 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
8 September 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
9th of September 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
10 September 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
11 September 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
12-th of September 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
September 13 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
September 14 15 - full moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
September 15th 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
16 of September 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
September 17 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
September 18 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
September 19 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
September 20 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
September 21 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
September 22nd 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
23 September 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
September 24 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
September 25 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
September 26 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
September 27 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
September 28 29 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden! The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
September 29 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
September 30th 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for October 2019: best days

Before fortune telling, it is good to create a suitable environment in the room. This is necessary if you do not guess often. A calm environment, candles, dim lighting and a good mood - this is what you need to carry out the process.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for October 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
October 1 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
2 October 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
October 3 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
The 4th of October 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
October 5 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
October 6 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
October 7th 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
October 8 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
October 9 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
October 10 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
October 11 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
October 12 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
October 13 15 - Growing Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
October 14 16th full moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
October 15 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
October 16 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
17 October 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
October 18 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
October 19 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
The 20th of October 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
October 21 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
22 of October 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
October 23 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
October 24 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
the 25th of October 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
October 26 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
27th October 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
28 of October 1 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
29th of October 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
October 30 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
October 31 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for November 2019: best days

When reading cards, ask only about plans for the next month. If you guess for a longer period, the prophecies may turn out to be false. It’s better to create the necessary environment again after a while and tell your fortune. Do not perform magical actions on church holidays and Sundays, so as not to cause trouble.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for November 2019 - best days: table

Lunar day Divination
Nov. 1 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
November 2 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
the 3rd of November 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
November 4 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
November 5 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
November 6 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
November 7 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
November 8 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
November 9 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
10th of November 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
11th of November 15 - Growing Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
November 12 16 - full moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
the 13th of November 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
November 14 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
15th of November 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
November 16 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
November 17 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
November 18th 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
November 19 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
20 November 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
November 21 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
November 22 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
November 23 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
November 24 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
November 25 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
November 26 30 - new moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
November 27 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
November 28 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
29th of November 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
November 30th 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for December 2019: best days

The best day for predictions is Friday the 13th. If this day coincides with the day of the lunar calendar, when you can guess, then you are triple lucky. Many fortune tellers claim that the safest day to receive predictions is a person’s birthday.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for December 2019 - best days: table

Lunar day Divination
December 1 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
December 2nd 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
December 3 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
December 4 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
5th of December 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
December 6 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
December 7 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
December 8 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
9th December 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
December 10 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
December 11th 15 - Growing Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
12 December 16 - full moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
December 13th 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
December 14 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
December 15 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
December 16 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
December 17 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
December 18 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
December 19th 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
20th of December 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
21 December 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
December 22 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
December 23 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
December 24 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
December 25 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
December 26 1 - new moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
27th of December 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
December 28th 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
December 29th 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
December 30th 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
31th of December 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.

Every person should know the peculiarities of the influence of the Moon. This will help him tell fortunes on good days, as well as successfully perform other actions: planting plants in the garden, giving birth to children, doing haircuts, cutting nails, fishing. The lunar calendar is a real helper for all people.

Video: When will I get married - ancient fortune telling

It has long been a known fact that the position of the moon affects human behavior and the events occurring in their lives. There is a lunar calendar for tarot cards as well. There are periods during which you should never play cards under any circumstances. The lunar calendar and tarot are closely interrelated.

The new moon is a dead period. On such days, it is worth calculating and planning the divination that you want to carry out. You can act on other days of the young moon. The full moon is the most suitable period for predictions. During this period, the moon helps to enhance miraculous activity.

There is a lunar calendar for tarot cards too

First day of the moon. The sign is a lamp. Start of the lunar month. This day is the basis of the whole month. This period is given to design all the events that will take place during the month. Fortune telling will not give the correct answers, because during these periods the forces that close the future are activated. You should start making protections: amulets and other things.

Second day of the moon. Sign of the day horn with wealth. Everything planned on the first day will now become a reality. Everything sent by fate will play its role in the future. The prophecy will become true. The third lunar day is the leopard sign. The young crescent moon appears in the sky for the first time. Everything sown on the first day begins to grow and develop. There is no need to cast a spell on the third lunar day; an extremely large number of powerful currents can reduce effectiveness.

Fourth day of the moon.

  1. Sign of the tree of comprehension.
  2. The time period is suitable for any questions about the cards.
  3. Day of gaining knowledge.

Fifth day of the moon - the unicorn is the sign of this day. During this period, you need to very carefully monitor your thoughts, actions and desires. You can spread the cards for a short period of the future.

Sixth day of the moon: symbolization – crane. There is an opinion that the day is interconnected with two elements at the same time. With air and water. Rest is what you need. There is no need to transfer your individual items to anyone. The most successful day for fortune telling. The power to make predictions awakens in the magician.

Seventh day of the moon. Sign of the wind rose. Words acquire special power. You should watch your language and not direct curses at people. You need to guess about human relationships.

Eighth day of the moon. Symbolization - Phoenix. On this day, it is better to seek help from numerology. You can find out the reasons for failures. The period in which a person receives transformation, purification of the soul by fire.

Ninth day of the moon. The bat is the symbol of this day. Everything that is hidden in the shadows comes out on this day. Fortune telling is not recommended.

Tenth day of the moon. The sign is a fountain. Family fortune-telling on everything connected with it is welcomed on this day. Eleventh day of the moon. The sign is the crown. The most accurate predictions will be for layouts related to fire. The energy flow is so strong these days that if you don’t cope with such a powerful movement, you can fall under its influence.

Twelfth day of the moon. The heart is the symbol of this day. This day is unfavorable for fortune telling. The period of comprehension of oneself, inner meaning.

The full moon is the most suitable period for predictions

On the following days of the month, the moon also gives the questioner special recommendations.

  • Thirteenth day of the moon. Symbolization – wheel. There is no point in guessing on this day. There is a change of energy to a new one. On the fourteenth day the sign is a trumpet. The last stage before the full moon. You can only guess about what is really important. This can only be done by a person who actively wants to change his future and makes every effort to do so.
  • Day fifteen of the lunar tarot calendar. The sign is a snake. They tell fortunes on any topic, only in traditional ways. Full Moon - During this period, the moon is at the peak of its energetic capabilities. On the sixteenth day of the moon the sign is a dove. You should surround yourself with peace and quiet. Recover wasted strength. You can guess about career growth, desires and betrothed.
  • On the seventeenth day the sign is a bunch of grapes. Time to guess about relationships. And the eighteenth day has the sign of a mirror. Fortune telling that uses reflective surfaces should be avoided. The nineteenth day has a sign - a spider. The air is filled with tension. One wrong move and everything will catch fire. Fortune telling on this day is strictly prohibited.
  • The twentieth day has a sign - an eagle. This is a high-flying period. It is recommended to guess on this day about relationships between people at work. The 21st sign is a horse. Day of creative power. It is not recommended to spend money. The twenty-second day of the moon is distinguished by the sign of the day - the elephant. They spread cards for prosperity, love, success. A period of time responsible for spiritual meaning, insight.
  • Day twenty-three. The sign is a crocodile. The day is filled with activity and aggression. It is better to refrain and not cast a spell. 24 is a bear. It is best to lay out the cards for various types of enterprises and their development. You will receive the most accurate prophecies by calling on fire for help. Day twenty-fifth. The sign is a turtle. It is best to be like the sign of this day. Try to do all the work slowly. You can cast a spell on anything.
  • Day twenty-six. The sign is a toad. Provocative period. There is a high probability of theft. People who drive cars should be especially careful. Predictions should be abandoned. Day twenty-seven. The sign is a trident. It's time to turn to the inner meaning. You can talk with cards on any topic during divination.
  • Day twenty-eight. Symbolization – lotus flower. Mystical events may occur. The wonderful, good and bad received this day must be correctly accepted. Lay out travel cards.
  • Day twenty-nine. The sign is an octopus. Devil's period. This day is favorable for black magicians. They curse fortune tellers through their instruments. Therefore, guessing in any way is prohibited. Day thirty is the golden swan sign. Time for unexpected gifts of fate. During divination, you can ask whatever you want.

Low cards drawn in response to a particular question usually answer it clearly. To read the answer correctly, it is worth using the full meaning of each card. Remember the connection between astrology and numerology. One simple layout in which each arcana is responsible for a separate time period is called the tarot calendar:

  • You need to understand what period you want to cover: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, centuries, millennia.
  • Next, ask a question of interest: what events will happen today from ten in the morning to five in the evening.
  • We take out one card for every hour. The interpretation of each card covers the required time period and highlights the events of that day.

Low cards drawn in response to a particular question usually answer it clearly

Even the most favorable lunar days are not always suitable for fortune telling. There are many restrictions that prohibit rituals and fortune telling. When is it wrong to guess?

  • Even if the most fruitful lunar day falls on Sunday.
  • Great divine holidays.
  • On the anniversary of the death of close relatives, it is strictly forbidden to take cards.

If you want to become a professional and interpret layouts accurately, you need not only to study all the meanings of the cards, but also to listen and look closely at the signs, which the moon provides.

Notice when the situation is most successful. Note exactly the time and what weather conditions were that day. What lunar day was it exactly?

Those who are more experienced in fortune telling and communicating with cards can, even without looking at the calendar, feel when they need to act and when they should not even touch the cards. The deck itself attracts its magician to itself.

The most accurate schedules according to which everything will come true are on the full moon and on significant days, such as the thirteenth, for example.

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