What to take during an exacerbation of a spinal hernia. Exacerbation of a vertebral hernia, what to do? How to relieve an exacerbation of a lumbar hernia?

Intervertebral hernia can affect the skin of the body when it reaches a large size. If a patient’s lumbar hernia begins to compress the spinal root, then the leg on the affected side will gradually lose sensitivity. In addition, such a complication always leads to thinning of the limb, dry skin or, conversely, hyperhidrosis. Disorders of tissue trophism are more pronounced on the foot.

Education: Moscow State Medical and Dental University (1996). In 2003, he received a diploma from the educational and scientific medical center for the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

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Spinal traction is one of the most effective, but also the most controversial methods of treating spinal pathologies. For some diseases, traction brings quick relief and speeds up recovery, while for others it only aggravates the problem.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine is a violation of the integrity of the fibrous ring of the disc and the exit of a certain part of the nucleus pulposus beyond its boundaries, occurring at the level of one or more of the 7 vertebrae of the neck. As a result of such disorders, compression of the spinal cord and blood vessels occurs.

It's no secret that one of the most effective ways to stimulate and maintain immunity is physical activity. Often, to improve the effect, it is combined with thermal hardening, which certainly includes muscle training. The connection between the musculoskeletal and immune systems is simple to understand.

Microsurgical treatment is carried out using special instruments and a microscope. This method allows you to remove the hernia completely, or that part of it that is located in the spinal canal. It is necessary to prepare for the intervention in advance.

Semi-rigid corsets help relieve stress from the spine and immobilize the affected area. In addition, wearing the product allows you to prevent muscle spasms and feel the effect of micromassage without visiting a massage therapist. This product is recommended for use not only for...

The main active ingredients of chondroprotectors - chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine - are structural components of cartilage tissue, without them the processes of regeneration of damaged vertebrae and joints are impossible. When their concentration in the blood increases, they begin.

The main method of using the drug is to prepare a solution or ointment (the main dosage forms of the drug are powder or solution), and then inject it into the affected area using electrophoresis. Local non-invasive administration is ineffective.

Spinal hernia after surgery - what to do and how to behave

If a person has undergone hernia surgery, then his rehabilitation period should be competent. When the procedure goes without complications, the patient is allowed to get up the next day. It is best to get up this way - rest your knees on the floor, and your stomach and arms on the edges of the bed, while trying to keep your back straight. A spinal hernia after surgery may cause a person discomfort, which is quite normal; painkillers can be taken to reduce pain.

In the first postoperative days, it is recommended to lie down and get up only when necessary. You should also not sit down in the first weeks, otherwise tension in the skin of the back may form and the stitches may come apart. It is allowed to sit down only after 3 weeks. As for the sutures themselves, they are removed 10 days after the operation. The scar will ache and even hurt, so you should carefully monitor it.

Particular attention should be paid to the bed on which the patient sleeps; the mattress should be hard. You can wash only after the stitches are removed - on the third day, and then in the shower. But those who like to sit in the bath should wait about a month.

A person who has undergone surgery may experience such discomforts as weakness, chills, sweating, increased pain and a feeling of heaviness while walking. If something like this occurs, you should tell your doctor about your experiences.

After two months, the body will recover, tissue swelling will completely disappear, and pressure on the nerve endings will decrease. During this period, you should not actively engage in physical activity, otherwise you can “earn” complications in the form of temporary displacement of the vertebra, recurrent hernia or spondylolisthesis. Therefore, everything should be in moderation - light gymnastics with permission and under the supervision of a doctor.

Starting from the second month to six months, the second rehabilitation period occurs, during which the crack in the fibrous ring is completely healed. The pain in the spine subsides or disappears completely, the person returns to his previous lifestyle, if after the operation the vertebral hernia did not cause complications.

Important information

Correct physiotherapy for spinal hernia. The objectives of the exercises include gentle stretching of the spine, as well as increasing blood circulation in the pain area. Swimming, gymnastics and massage effectively help with spinal hernia.

It is necessary to carry out physical exercises only when the doctor himself recommends them. Gymnastics can be performed both in the first days after surgery and after some time. Here is an example of physical activity:

  • Lying on the bed, make circular movements with your feet, then move your feet up and down;
  • Bend your knees and straighten them back;
  • Shallow squats, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself very slowly, inhaling, and as you exhale, rise. This exercise needs to be done 10 times;
  • If you can do more serious loads, then push-ups from the floor or from a bench are recommended. While lowering, inhale and return to the previous position – exhale. The load should be increased gradually, do not overload yourself;
  • Rotate your legs in a “bicycle” pattern. The load on the muscles will be greater if you twist your legs closer to the floor. This exercise should also be increased gradually.

It is recommended to do the exercises at any time, but it is better in the morning, first do a warm-up, and then move on to more push-ups and squats. All you need to do is do gymnastics for up to 15 minutes and then your back will become much stronger.

If the vertebral hernia after surgery does not have complications, then the patient is allowed to go swimming, but you should be aware that hypothermia can be dangerous. Therefore, a long procedure is contraindicated; it is enough for the spine to be rubbed or doused with cool water for 5 seconds.

But it is quite possible to visit the bathhouse; sometimes such a procedure will be beneficial. But even here there are limitations. After the bath, you should not be physically active; steamed muscles simply will not be able to withstand such a load.

After surgery for a vertebral hernia, the patient may experience complications such as:

  • Adhesive and scarring process, which almost always occurs due to the fact that surgical intervention injures the vertebral structures;
  • Impaired functioning of the pelvic bones, in this case the person experiences problems with urination and intestines;
  • Epidurit is an inflammation of the tissue under the membranes in the spinal cord. Paralysis of the arms may occur; this is a dangerous complication that requires hospital treatment;
  • The development of spinal osteochondrosis or the occurrence of spinal osteomyelitis.

All these complications are extremely serious and require long-term treatment in hospital. But not in every case such troubles arise; however, the doctor must inform the patient about all the nuances of the operation.

Exacerbation of intervertebral hernia: basic treatment methods and types of exercises

A hernia almost always makes itself felt by pain, which intensifies in certain periods. What to do in the event of an exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia of a particular part, what treatment methods are available, and home exercises, is described in detail below.

Causes and signs of exacerbation

Spinal hernias develop for various reasons. This could be traumatic effects on the back, bad habits, nutritional problems, chronic diseases (for example, osteochondrosis), too much stress on the lower back, etc.

In any case, the mechanism of development of the disease is as follows:

  1. The vertebral bones that form the spine begin to shift and compress the disc that is located between them.
  2. The contents of the disk are flattened and gradually leave their natural boundaries.
  3. After this, the disc begins to collapse, its substance puts pressure on the spinal nerve fibers located in the spinal canal.
  4. The compressed nerves become inflamed, causing pain of varying intensities and types, as well as other symptoms. They directly depend on the location of the affected area and the stage of development of the disease. For example, with an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region, numbness in the legs is observed, and with pathology in the cervical region, the arms become numb.

Thus, signs of exacerbation of the disease may have certain characteristics depending on the patient’s condition, but they are always associated with pain, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sharp, often unbearable sensations;
  • increase even with light load;
  • they do not allow you to perform certain actions (change position, bend over, turn around);
  • do not disappear even after taking painkillers (or decrease slightly).

Pain is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • feeling of goosebumps;
  • general lethargy, weakness of the body;
  • surges in blood pressure and pulse, etc.

Thus, during an exacerbation of a hernia, the patient will always feel foreign sensations. In these cases, it is important not to waste time and start treatment as quickly as possible (if, after consulting a doctor, you know how to relieve the pain).

Treatment for exacerbations

If there is an exacerbation of the disease, for example, intervertebral hernia of the lumbar or other parts, therapy is aimed, first of all, at alleviating the patient’s condition - i.e. complete cessation or maximum reduction of pain. Conservative treatment is predominantly used (i.e. without surgery). In some cases, only surgery is possible.

Use of medications

The most common intervertebral hernia occurs in the lower back, which is explained by the fact that it is this area of ​​the back that bears the main load (for example, when lifting heavy objects). During an exacerbation, it makes itself known with severe, often unbearable pain.

Therefore, doctors are taking urgent measures:

  1. Injections of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (intramuscular) - for example, the drug "Movalis".
  2. Glucocorticosteroids - they are prescribed to patients with intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine or other parts of the spine in case of a sharp exacerbation. Such injections are more powerful than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Muscle relaxants (for example, Mydocalm) relax the muscles, so that they stop squeezing the affected areas, and the painful sensations weaken.
  4. Finally, in extreme cases, the use of anti-inflammatory steroids is recommended - for example, Diprosan or Dexamethasone. They are also administered through injections.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and massage

After diagnosis, doctors prescribe certain physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • manual therapy;
  • spinal traction (traction therapy);
  • massage;
  • acupuncture, etc.

Application of surgery

For patients with intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region (or other parts) in advanced cases (including during exacerbations), surgery is indicated. Currently, several types of interventions are used, the most common of which are described in the table.


In case of exacerbation of a hernia, complex treatment is almost always prescribed. The use of special exercises plays a special role in therapy. Some of them are discussed in detail in the next section.

Application of exercises

Physical therapy is one of the main areas of treatment for intervertebral hernia. There are different types of exercises, which in most cases can be done at home. Conventionally, training can be divided into those that are used during an exacerbation period, and other types of training.

Exercises during an exacerbation

If there is an exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia, perform exercises that do not put a strong load on the back. At this stage of the development of the disease, strong impact on the spine is prohibited, so all exercises are performed only while lying on your back. Otherwise (exercising in a horizontal position), the pressure on the damaged area increases at least 2 times.

The following is a table describing various movements that are performed from 5 to 15 approaches, while in the break between each cycle you should rest a little: you can lie down, breathe deeply and at the same time try to relax well.

original position description of the exercise
lying on your back, arms and legs along the body counting from 1 to 5, pull the socks in the direction opposite to themselves, and counting from 6 to 10 - towards themselves
raise one leg (without bending the knees) to a height of 20 cm, hold it in a “frozen” position for 10 seconds, slowly lower it and repeat with the other leg
the legs are gradually bent at the knee joints, bringing the heels close to the buttocks, while the feet do not lift off the surface; followed by a movement back in the same direction - the legs relax
lying on your back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees as much as possible (heels are close to the buttocks) hands clasp the knee joint, one leg is bent and slowly pulled to the chest (the back does not come off the surface), then taken back, after which the exercise is performed with the other leg

Exercises outside of exacerbation

Typically, an exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia does not last very long. Correctly taken measures can relieve pain and significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. However, even if you feel well, you need to stay in shape and do appropriate exercises. Some of them are described in the table. These exercises for hernia are also performed about 5-15 times, resting between cycles.

original position description of the exercise
lying on your back, arms and legs along the body bicycle-style leg movements
lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, and heels pressed as close as possible to the buttocks put their hands on their knees, slowly move both legs towards their chest, raise their head a little, as if trying to touch their chin to the knee joints (i.e. the person gradually curls up into a ball); you need to stay in this position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the original position
on all fours inhale deeply, then you need to hunch over, and then exhale and arch your back (your head tilts back a little)
raise opposite arms and legs (right from left and vice versa), hold them suspended for 10 seconds, slowly lower them and repeat the exercise with other limbs
lower the pelvis to the right, sit down, then to the left and sit down again
tilt the head, bring the knee of the left leg to the chin, take it back and repeat with the right leg
move the pelvis back, squat on the heels, return to the original position and repeat the cycle

What you need to know about training: 5 useful tips

Regular training really turns out to be useful in terms of treating intervertebral hernia, preventing its further development, as well as general strengthening of the body. However, it is important to understand that this is not the only method of therapy.

Training is combined with the use of medications, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures. Here are 5 basic rules to pay attention to:

  1. In case of a spinal hernia, the patient must follow the doctor’s recommendations. The types of exercises, duration of classes, number of approaches must be agreed upon with a specialist. In addition, the doctor must monitor how correctly the person has mastered the technique of execution - whether there are any dangerous, sudden movements, etc.
  2. The load always increases gradually. First, simple exercises are mastered, and the duration of each cycle should initially not exceed 5 minutes per day. Then you can increase it by a minute every day. Intense loads are excluded.
  3. Sharp pushes, jerks, careless turns of the body and other dangerous exercises are not allowed for any type of hernia.
  4. It is useful to combine exercises that are supposed to be done for intervertebral hernia with general strengthening exercises for the muscles of the back and limbs.
  5. And the main rule. In no case should the patient feel a deterioration in his condition or pain either during or after exercise. If foreign sensations appear, you must immediately stop all activities and consult a doctor to correct them.

Hernia prevention: 5 effective rules

Prevention of a disease is always better than treatment, and in the case of a hernia this is especially true.

Prevention of pathology involves meeting the minimum requirements of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Constant moderate physical activity, especially for people who constantly work while sitting.
  2. Strict adherence to the correct lifting technique, avoiding jerking and too much stress on the back.
  3. Development of back muscles.
  4. Proper nutrition - your daily diet should contain a sufficient amount of calcium and substances that promote its absorption.
  5. Refusal or minimization of bad habits - overeating, alcohol, smoking, drinking too strong coffee.

Thus, in case of exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, various types of treatment are used. In most cases, it is enough to get by with medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and physical therapy. In advanced cases, surgery is indicated.

Exacerbation of intervertebral hernia: why does it happen and what to do?

When an intervertebral hernia worsens, a person often experiences very severe pain and loses ability to work. In addition, in people diagnosed with intervertebral hernia, exacerbations occur quite often. Today we will tell you what to do to relieve unpleasant symptoms and, on the contrary, what you should never do, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Exacerbation of intervertebral hernia: symptoms and causes

Let's look at the reasons that cause all the unpleasant symptoms of exacerbation of intervertebral hernia. If you have ever been diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia, then there is a high probability of its exacerbation. If in the normal state, at the early stage of the disease, the patient mainly experiences nagging minor pain or “ache” in the back after a day of work or playing sports, then during an exacerbation you will experience completely different symptoms:

  • Exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia can cause sharp pain in the affected part of the spine, which impedes movement
  • With an exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, shooting pain is observed, often radiating to the leg
  • Swelling at the site of the lesion
  • Sometimes, with an exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, a person cannot stand or even sit from pain

What leads to exacerbation of a herniated disc?

There are a number of factors that can lead to such a condition as exacerbation of intervertebral hernia. Here they are:

This is interesting:

  • One of the first places is occupied by excessive physical activity. Nevertheless, if a person has an intervertebral hernia, or osteochondrosis, as is known, often provokes it, physical activity should be moderate. This is especially true for strength training and lifting heavy weights.
  • Incorrect bends and sharp turns. A person with an intervertebral hernia must literally watch his every movement.
  • Exacerbation of intervertebral hernia can often be caused by nervous strain and stress. In this state, all the person’s muscles literally shrink, which provokes a deterioration in the general condition.
  • Also, exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia can cause hypothermia.
  • A common cause of exacerbation is staying in one position for a long time; for example, office workers are susceptible to intervertebral herniation and its exacerbations.

How to get rid of pain and treat exacerbation of intervertebral hernia?

Often the patient's condition during exacerbation of intervertebral hernia is worsened by incorrect treatment methods. What you should know to help and not harm:

  1. The first thing that should be done during an exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia is to provide the patient with complete peace and rest, in a comfortable and least painful position. Under no circumstances should you engage in any physical activity during this period, even physical therapy.
  2. You cannot use any kind of heating, including avoiding warm baths and saunas, this will only complicate the situation.
  3. In case of exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, unlike osteochondrosis, any massage is completely contraindicated.
  4. Treatment of intervertebral hernia should be carried out in a hospital setting, and to a greater extent, it is aimed at relieving pain symptoms; for this there is a method called “novocaine blockade”. Also, the task of doctors is to relieve swelling and inflammation, since often it is swelling, putting pressure on the nerve roots, that causes acute pain. In some cases, painkillers do not help, and then the patient is prescribed surgery to remove a herniated disc.
  5. Before consulting a doctor, you can relieve inflammation and pain using ointments and gels.

Exacerbation of intervertebral hernia is a symptom that the disease requires immediate and competent treatment.

How to live with a lumbar disc herniation?

When diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine, you have to observe a number of restrictions in order not to cause even more harm to your already damaged spine.

If you suffer from this disease, then you need to know what you can and cannot do if you have a spinal hernia. We will try to figure out how to live with a lumbar disc herniation and answer frequently asked questions.

What can and cannot be done with a lumbar intervertebral hernia?

What is allowed?

  1. Hiking. Long walking lasting up to 1.5-2 hours helps saturate the intervertebral discs with moisture and nutrition. When we walk, our spine compresses and unclenches like a shock absorber, absorbing stress. The spine works like a pump - it pumps moisture with all the nutrients into the vertebral discs. But it is worth noting that you need to walk along the streets, in the park, in the forest, and not cheat on treadmills in fitness clubs. You will not deceive your body.
  2. Perform regularly those exercises that are suitable for the injured spine.
  1. Go swimming. Swimming has a positive effect on the spine.
  2. Change your body position frequently.
  3. Rest in a lying position, which removes all stress from the spine.
  4. It is recommended to remain at rest for a long time and adhere to bed rest.

Contraindications for lumbar intervertebral hernia

  • Do not overload the spine, do not lift or carry heavy objects, do not put stress on your back - this can lead to increased pressure in the intervertebral discs.
  • Lifting heavy objects with outstretched arms is prohibited. The correct way to lift weights is as follows: squat down, and then slowly stand up with a heavy object, while holding it, placing it closer to the body.
  • When carrying heavy objects, it is recommended to constantly shift the weight from one hand to the other. Thus, the load on the spine will be evenly distributed.
  • Whenever possible, try to bend down less and stay in a bent position for a long time.
  • It is not recommended to sit in one place for a long time. There is a heavy load on the already damaged intervertebral discs. If you are forced to constantly be in a sitting position due to the nature of your work, then it is recommended to get up from time to time and do special exercises, or just walk around the room a little.
  • Running, jumping and cycling are prohibited. When running, the spine shakes violently.
  • It is prohibited to make any sudden movements, sudden turns of the body while in an inclined position, sudden bends, lifting, sharp turns of the body and head.
  • Smoking is not recommended. Nicotine destroys the cartilage tissue of the discs. When smoking, the blood “suffers”, it receives less oxygen and, as a result, the intervertebral discs are deprived of their main “nutrition”.
  • When drinking coffee, blood circulation in the tissues of the spine worsens.
  • With irregular nutrition, there is also a lack of nutrients in the intervertebral discs.
  • Obesity causes disc destruction. With excess weight, the load on the spine increases several times.
  • Protect your spine from impacts, avoid sudden jolts and jumps.
  • The absence of stressful situations and conflicts is also important.
  • Also, you should stop playing sports that can cause dangerous injuries.
  • For women, it is recommended to reduce the wearing of high-heeled shoes to a minimum.

Is it possible to massage, rub, or warm up a herniated spine?

  1. It is prohibited to warm up the diseased area of ​​the spine or deliberately steam it, for example in a sauna. It may seem to you that the pain has become less, but the situation will only get worse in the future.
  2. It is not recommended to overcool the area of ​​the spinal hernia; avoid drafts, which can lead to muscle spasms.
  3. Is it possible to subject a herniated spine to various rubbings? It is forbidden to rub or knead the hernia site too much. Avoid getting hit.
  4. Strong vertical stretching of the spine (hanging on the crossbar) is prohibited - a back reaction will occur in the back muscles, which are already overloaded.
  5. It is not recommended to do massage during an exacerbation period. After it is carried out, after some time the swelling may increase.
  6. Do not use painkillers unless absolutely necessary. The feeling of pain is a protective reaction of the body that protects it from subsequent damage. Without feeling pain, you can overload your back and further progress the disease.

Pain due to lumbar intervertebral hernia

You can try to help yourself if you have back pain. Of course, self-medication is not the most correct approach, but if you cannot see a doctor, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Mode. It is better to lie in bed, but not longer than 3 days. This is explained by the fact that after 3 days, if you do not move, the spinal muscles weaken and the pain becomes more intense.
  2. Refrain from physical activity. Within 7 days after back pain appears, you need to give up physical activity: sports, physical work. Swimming, race walking and moderate cycling have a positive effect on a sore back. If any activity causes pain, it must be stopped.
  3. Medicines. You need to make sure that you are not allergic to the painkiller. In no case should you exceed the permissible daily dose of the medicine. Patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract should be especially careful: ulcers, gastritis, etc. For hernia, diclofenac, ibuprofen, Celebrex, naproxen in tablet form are indicated. Similar preparations can be used in the form of ointments.

This option is advisable for people with stomach diseases. If the gel or ointment does not help, you can switch to tablets.

Injections for intervertebral hernia

It is worth noting that the patient cannot independently select medications for injections and administer injections. Only a doctor should make such a prescription and carry out the manipulation.

If the doctor believes that it is advisable for the patient to undergo a course of injections, he may prescribe a course of novocaine injections. In this case, the medicine is injected into the area of ​​greatest intensity of pain.

There are 2 types of injections:

  • injections that are given between the ribs;
  • epidural injections, which are placed between the membrane of the spinal cord and the periosteum of the spinal canal.

Manipulation is carried out using a special needle. It must be introduced very slowly and carefully. In the second method, local anesthesia is used because the procedure is painful.

This procedure is very serious, so injections should only be performed by a specialist. Otherwise, complications such as disorders of the motor and nervous systems can be provoked.

Modern medicine widely uses steroids for pain relief.

How to relieve pain without drugs?

But he should definitely consult with his doctor. So, you can use:

  1. Massage. A very useful procedure, but in no way should it be used during periods of very severe pain. Only a doctor should perform therapeutic massage. Massage relieves muscle tension and eliminates pain. Massage should help improve blood circulation and relaxation. The main techniques are stroking, soft rubbing and kneading the skin, but rough techniques that cause pain and discomfort are contraindicated. The appropriateness of a massage course is determined by the doctor.
  2. Honey rub. Ingredients: 100 g – natural honey, 1 tablet – mummy, cream with a warming effect, fir oil. Preparation: Combine mumiyo and honey until smooth. Then rub your back with fir oil. Afterwards, drive the honey mixture into the sore spot with light movements. Then dry the skin and apply a warming cream. Wrap yourself in a blanket.
  3. Oil rubbing. St. John's wort oil helps relieve pain and inflammation very well. It is enough to warm it up in your palms and gently rub the sore area.
  4. Rubbing from cinquefoil tincture. Ingredients: 100 g – cinquefoil root, 100 g – sweet clover herb, 100 g – elecampane root, 150 g – steppe hemlock (immature seeds), vodka. Preparation: chop all the herbs and transfer to a glass container (3 l). Pour vodka over them until it covers the mixture. Leave for 21 days. After this time, you can use the infusion: you need to rub the affected area daily.
  5. Compress. Ingredient: horse fat. You need to freeze the fat in the freezer, then grate it to make shavings. Place the shavings on plastic wrap and cover with chintz on top. The size of the film should correspond to the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the back. Then let stand until the fat reaches room temperature and melts. After this, the compress is applied to the sore spot and wrapped. Within 1 hour the pain will subside.

Physiotherapy for intervertebral hernia

Physiotherapy procedures are widely used as pain relievers. Among them, the most widespread are:

  1. Diadynamic currents. The method involves exposure to low voltage direct current. As a result of the course of procedures, the excitability of nerve endings is reduced, tissue nutrition and blood circulation are improved, and pain is eliminated.
  2. Acupuncture. The method involves inserting special needles into special points on the body. As a result, a pronounced analgesic effect is observed, blood circulation and transport of nutrients to tissues are improved.
  3. Electrophoresis. The method involves administering medicinal solutions through the skin. The transport of these drugs is carried out by electric current. Caripain and papain showed the greatest effectiveness in treating hernia. As a result, not only pain goes away and blood circulation improves, but also damaged tissue is restored, and the protrusion of the hernia decreases.

Massage for lumbar intervertebral hernia

Massage for a spinal hernia and exercise therapy after an acute period helps restore the normal functioning of the ligamentous apparatus and corset of the back muscles. Before performing a massage of the lumbar back, the massage therapist takes into account the condition of the patient’s spine and determines with the doctor the massage technique in accordance with the clinical manifestations of the disease and their severity, the presence of concomitant diseases and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Types of massage

Massage for a spinal hernia can be classic, acupressure, segmental reflex. Honey massage is also often performed, although among doctors there are many supporters and opponents of this type of massage for a hernia of the lumbar back.

To perform a honey massage, the massage therapist must ask a vertebrologist about the shape of the hernia, since massage is contraindicated for large pathological forms of the hernia. The patient's position during the procedure should be convenient and comfortable. Honey massage is performed only by qualified massage therapists. The patient should lie on his stomach when performing a lumbar massage. To reduce tension in the lumbar muscles, a cushion is placed under the shins.

Honey massage is performed gently and carefully, rough techniques and intense manual movements: twisting, tugging and turning (rotation) are not used, they do not cause pain. The honey back massage lasts briefly at first, gradually increasing its duration.

The duration of a classic (or other) lumbar back massage is determined by the attending physician. It can last several minutes or an hour with a course of treatment of 10-20 procedures. After a 2-3 month break, the course of massages is resumed if necessary.

For lumbar hernia, stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration techniques with additional movements are used. Massage is performed simultaneously with other complex types of treatment.

Purpose of massage

  • Activation of blood circulation in the affected area and lymphatic drainage.
  • Relaxation and stretching of spasming muscles.
  • Reducing pain.
  • Reduced excitability of nerve endings.
  • Prevention of muscle atrophy.
  • Increased mobility of the spine.
  • The patient experiences a feeling of warmth, comfort and relaxation in the lumbar spine and throughout the body.

Massage technique

The patient lies on his stomach on a solid base: a table or couch to avoid arching of the spine in the lower back. Place a pillow under the stomach and a cushion under the shins to raise them at an angle of 45˚ to relax the body, especially in the lumbosacral region. Hands are placed along the body. The head is turned to the right or left cheek or placed on a special device with a hole for lowering the head just below the couch.

To relieve tension and pain, perform a preliminary back massage:

  • combined stroking;
  • lightly squeezing with the edge of your palm;
  • circular superficial stroking of the latissimus and longus muscles;
  • on the muscles of the buttocks - combined and double circular stroking, long kneading and shaking, again combined stroking;
  • again on the back - stroking with both hands, light squeezing, stroking, kneading the latissimus muscles, starting from the iliac crest to the armpits, ordinary, double ring, then stroking and shaking.

Now you can just start the main lower back massage, which includes:

  • combined stroking from the tubercles of the buttocks towards the center of the back, then with both hands stroking the latissimus dorsi muscles towards the buttocks, along them with spiral movements clockwise and back;
  • squeezing with the edge of the palm, alternating with stroking and shaking on the gluteal muscles, then in the lumbar region;
  • circular rubbing along the spine with fingertips at right angles to the skin, then squeezing and stroking;
  • rubbing along the spine with the edge of the palm, then across the back, moving towards the buttocks (sawing);
  • straight-line rubbing along the spine with thumbs with increasing pressure, spiral rubbing, sawing and stroking;
  • along the spine - simultaneously dotted rubbing on both sides with the thumbs, shifting the skin by 3-4 cm along with the fingers, alternating with squeezing and stroking;
  • across the lower back and sacrum - squeezing with the edge of the palm, kneading with the base or edge of the palm, tong-shaped and double ring kneading, single and shaking;
  • on the buttocks - stroking, rubbing, squeezing, kneading with fingers or the base of the palm, the comb of a fist, shaking, stroking and working on the tailbone.

Each movement is repeated 3-4 times, increasing their number and strength of impact towards the end of the course. The massage therapist should know that before massaging the sacrolumbar region, the buttocks, longus and latissimus dorsi muscles are well worked out.

Nutrition for lumbar intervertebral hernia

Nutrition for a spinal hernia plays a significant role in the treatment of the disease, since the development of an intervertebral hernia is caused by metabolic disorders and deterioration in the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Including certain foods in the diet and, conversely, excluding others, will stop the unhealthy process in the spinal column and avoid exacerbations of the disease.

Drink plenty of fluids and eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet.

The intervertebral disc contains a considerable amount of water. Thanks to this, the discs remain voluminous and elastic, and normal pressure is ensured between them. If you don't drink enough water, elasticity is lost. Therefore, it is advisable to drink about 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. It is important to limit diuretic drinks.

Irritating foods that should be excluded from your daily diet include:

  • spicy seasonings;
  • spices;
  • alcohol;
  • canned food;
  • preservatives.

In case of intervertebral hernia, foods with a large amount of animal fats should also be limited, because they can provoke inflammatory processes in the body. Nicotine impairs blood circulation in the tissues around the discs, so quitting smoking should be mandatory.

Include vitamin-rich foods in your menu.

Vitamins are involved in stimulating the activity of enzymes that take part in biochemical reactions, so enriching the diet with them is an indispensable condition for therapeutic nutrition for intervertebral hernia.

Hypovitaminosis affects the deterioration of disc nutrition, and therefore degenerative mechanisms begin to develop. To avoid this, you should supplement your diet with foods rich in certain vitamins.

Vitamin A promotes the production of collagen, which is the basis of cartilage tissue. It is contained in beef and cod liver, milk, and carrots. B vitamins restore connective tissue. There are many of them in buckwheat, peas, eggs, sweet peppers, and liver. Folic acid, which plays a role in the formation of collagen fibers, is found in oatmeal, cottage cheese products, cod and beef liver.

Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and slows down the aging of intervertebral discs, is included in sprouted wheat grains, corn oil, herring, and legumes. Vitamin C normalizes the structure of the walls of blood vessels, improving blood circulation. It is found in apples, sea buckthorn, oranges, and rosehip decoction. Vitamin P, which strengthens capillary walls, is found in sorrel, white cabbage, potatoes, and gooseberries.

It is important to keep in mind that heat treatment, freezing, light, and contact with metal contribute to the destruction of vitamins. In this regard, it is better to eat fruits and vegetables raw, cut them with a ceramic knife and store them in glass or plastic containers.

Give preference to low-calorie protein foods.

The diet for a spinal hernia should be enriched with proteins, but this should not become an uncontrolled process.

The average daily dose for an adult should be 58-100 grams of protein. However, since some ailments require their limitation, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist. Proteins provide strength and elasticity to intervertebral discs. In addition, they strengthen the muscles, thereby easing the load on the spine. Protein is found in foods such as fish, eggs, poultry, natural cheeses, and cottage cheese.

If you are overweight, you should strive to get rid of extra pounds, since a large load on the spinal column does not go unnoticed. To do this, it is enough to normalize your diet. Daily calorie intake should be calculated for each person individually. With a daily calorie deficit, the body begins to use existing fat reserves. However, the process of restricting calories should not be drastic, as this will slow down the metabolic process. For many people, it is enough to minimize the consumption of flour and sweet foods, mayonnaise, add fruits and vegetables to the diet, and start eating smaller meals so that fat deposits begin to be actively burned.

Diet alone for intervertebral hernia will not cure the disease, of course. It must be considered as part of a comprehensive impact. For proper nutrition to be effective, you need to stick to it for more than one month. In this case, it is desirable that a specialist prepare the diet, taking into account the presence of ailments, gender, age and lifestyle characteristics of the patient.

Consequences of lumbar disc herniation

Severe protrusion of the disc in the lumbar region leads to compression of the nerves responsible for the functioning of the pelvic organs. At the same time, it is difficult to count on a high quality of life, since the muscles of the lower extremities refuse to work, and uncontrolled urination and defecation significantly complicate the life of a person with a hernia in the lumbar spine. You have to change not only your lifestyle, but also give up your professional activities. Life is also complicated by medical contraindications that require a long stay in bed.

Even a small disc herniation can cause serious symptoms if it is directed posteriorly into the spinal canal. In this place there is a nerve root, which, when compressed, causes not only sharp pain in the lower back, but also numbness of the lower extremities, pain that worsens with sneezing and coughing.

Over time, the muscular system of the legs and spine in the lower part atrophies, which leads to the formation of muscular-tonic syndrome (painful muscle spasm). Of course, it is impossible to live fully with it, so the lifestyle of a person with an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region is very limited.

Tonic syndrome also causes constriction of the venous trunks passing through the muscle tissue. Against this background, edema forms. It should be noted that the symptoms described above create a closed cycle of “spasm-swelling-pain”. Each link strengthens the ones that follow it, and subsequent symptoms complicate the primary pathology.

Prevention of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine

Little physical activity and “sedentary” work aggravate the blood supply to the spinal column. Against this background, at a certain point in time, the condition of the intervertebral disc worsens. It loses its shock-absorbing abilities. As a result, the risk of hernia formation increases, which leads to compression of the nerve root. This results in back pain, radiculitis, and difficulty turning the lower back. However, these complications may not occur if constant prevention of spinal diseases is carried out.

Since poor posture plays a significant role in the formation of a vertebral hernia, you should “pump” your abdominal muscles. The muscle corset helps keep the spinal axis in the correct position.

Take care of your spine daily

In order not to “load” the cartilage discs, you should make flexion and extension movements, tensing the muscles of the buttocks, tightening the stomach, rounding the back. Forming correct posture allows you to unload the muscles and prevent the predominance of their unilateral hypertonicity.

When sitting, you should lean on the chair with your back straight, and be sure to reach the floor with your feet. In a soft bed it is better to sleep on your stomach. However, traumatologists recommend a medium-hard bed for the prevention of vertebral hernia. The bed should be a kind of shield on which the back muscle corset is evenly distributed.

Modern orthopedic products cope with these tasks quite successfully. They optimally adjust to the axis of the spine, so the risk of prolapse of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc when using them is minimal.

Prevention of vertebral hernia also involves normalizing nutrition. Eliminate fatty foods from the menu, eat in fractional portions. Provide food with the optimal content of vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Normalized metabolism will preserve the mobility of the vertebrae and optimize the statics of the intervertebral segment.

To normalize water-salt metabolism, as well as regulate the functioning of muscle tissue, ensure that optimal concentrations of calcium and vitamin C are supplied with food. Avoid canned foods. Replace them with frozen alternatives that do not contain sugar, salt or preservatives.

The usual mug of coffee in the morning will not relieve you of a vertebral hernia. To restore the trophic functions of the intervertebral disc, it is better to take herbal teas (chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort, string).

Sugar, hot seasonings, broths, jellied meats and various smoked foods will lead to a loss of shock-absorbing properties of the spine. In combination with bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs), an unhealthy diet leads to damage to the spinal discs.

What else needs to be done to prevent hernia

  • Let's stop smoking. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, so it becomes a provoking factor for spinal hernia;
  • We go swimming. There is nothing better than swimming in the pool to strengthen your posture. With regular training, the state of the muscular system is normalized, which allows you to maintain the spinal axis in a normal position;
  • Do gymnastics at home. If you cannot go to the gym, do gymnastic exercises at home;
  • Engage in a therapeutic massage, which normalizes blood supply to the cartilage discs and improves the delivery of substances to them with the blood;
  • We take care of the liver. This organ synthesizes a special substance – collagen. It is a protein fiber that is part of the intervertebral disc. Cholecystitis and hepatitis disrupt its formation;
  • Boost your immunity. Constant and frequent inflammation in the body and chronic diseases negatively affect human health. Some of them (caries, herpes, trichomoniasis) can affect the spine. Against the background of an inflamed cartilage disc, there is a high probability of hernia formation;
  • We resist stress. Frequent nervous stress disrupts the condition of the intervertebral disc due to vasoconstriction. A person's thoughts must be in order;
  • We constantly engage in the prevention of spinal scoliosis during school years. In boys and girls under 16 years of age, it is important to form correct posture while the cartilaginous parts of the vertebrae have not yet become bone. In the future, the condition of the intervertebral segment will depend on the person’s posture and lifestyle.

Take vitamins and amino acids in the form of pharmaceutical preparations if they are lacking in food. They will help preserve the trophism of the intervertebral cartilaginous disc.

Wear the right shoes. It should be convenient, stable and comfortable. There is probably no need to explain that high heels do not at all comply with this rule. High heels are the enemy of the intervertebral segment.

Sleep at least 8 hours per night. During sleep, tissues and organs are restored, and the condition of the intervertebral disc improves over a given period of time. It returns to its previous height, which was lost during prolonged standing.

Recovery after removal of lumbar disc herniation

It is difficult to say how long the rehabilitation period lasts, because the recovery period depends on the joint efforts of the doctor and the patient himself. Only an integrated approach after the operation will help you feel the maximum result. Let’s try to figure out how the rehabilitation period proceeds after recovery. It has its own characteristics and subtleties that will allow you to achieve the greatest possible success after a successful operation.

Recovery stages

Doctors divide the recovery period into early, late and long-term. Each has its own specificity, which flows smoothly into the next stage. The early one does not last long - about a week to two after the operation. The late one takes over the baton in the third week and lasts for about two months. Remote begins after the eighth week and lasts for the rest of life. It doesn’t matter in which area the disc herniation was removed, the rehabilitation period will proceed the same.

What is the rehabilitation period?

In general, rehabilitation after removal of a herniated disc in the lumbar spine is a set of special measures, exercises, and procedures that are prescribed to a person after the operation and are mandatory for the patient. The duration is determined by the doctor depending on the complexity of the operation performed and the course of the recovery period after it. A person needs to be monitored by doctors of various specialties; the list includes the neurosurgeon who operated on the patient, a rehabilitation specialist and, if necessary, a neurologist. If necessary, the list can be supplemented by other specialists.

It is mandatory to prescribe medications that can not only prevent possible complications, but also reduce pain. Rehabilitation after removal of an intervertebral hernia is supplemented with a complex of physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. It allows you to make the muscles stronger and tone them after surgery, so they are more prepared for further stress.

Everything ends with sanatorium treatment, where there is special equipment, personnel and developments for the recovery of a person in the postoperative period. However, there are also limitations at each stage.

What will have to be limited

In the early postoperative period it is strictly prohibited:

Seated position. This also applies to travel in transport.

Lift weights. The maximum permitted weight is no more than 3 kilograms.

Move without a special corset. Twisting and abrupt movements are completely eliminated.

Any physical activity without the recommendation of the attending physician is excluded.

Any manual therapy is contraindicated.

The corset is worn for no more than three hours during the day.

You need to completely give up bad habits and follow a diet that allows you to control your weight.

The late period has its own certain limitations.

The list of what is prohibited can be presented as follows:

  • It is not recommended to stay in a stable position for a long time
  • without preliminary warming up the muscles, any, even the most insignificant load is completely eliminated
  • shaking and prolonged travel in public transport are eliminated
  • lifting more than 5 or 8 kilograms (at the discretion of the specialist)
  • You need to walk in a corset for at least 3-4 hours throughout the day

You need to carefully monitor your weight, and every 3 or 4 hours you need to take a horizontal position in order to fully rest for 20 minutes. The pain disappears after the operation, but if you break the restriction regime, it will return again.

In the deferred period, the list of restrictions narrows, but you still shouldn’t relax. In each specific case, the specialist gives his recommendations on how to live further.

Drug treatment

When a herniated disc in the lumbar spine is removed, pain occurs during the operation. During this period, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed. To improve blood flow, vascular drugs are used, as well as those that enhance microcirculation. Additionally, chondroprotectors are used to restore cartilage. But you need to take them for a long time to feel the effect.

Vitamins are very useful for nerve tissue and, strictly speaking, roots, especially group B. For weakness and numbness, anticholinesterase drugs are indicated; they block a special enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, and the impulse can continue to travel along the nerve. If there is muscle tension, remedies to relieve it are indicated.

Compliance with the regime

In the postoperative period, a special regime will be required, which must be strictly followed. You cannot sit for a month; squats are allowed, for example, while going to the toilet. But you need to walk; you are allowed to do this as soon as possible from the second or third day after the operation. During this period, it is important not to overdo it; there should be breaks during which the person takes a horizontal position in bed. The duration of such a break is approximately half an hour.

In the period from 2 to 3 months, the use of a semi-rigid corset is indicated; it is necessary to prevent recurrence of lumbar intervertebral hernia. Additionally, it will help to form correct posture. During this period, it is prohibited to carry weights that exceed 3 to 5 kg, travel on public transport, or ride a bicycle.


There are many methods of physical impact on the surgical site, and each has a unique therapeutic effect, is used at one or another stage of rehabilitation treatment, and lasts for a certain time.

Electrophoresis or iontophoresis techniques are used to help drugs penetrate into the deep tissues of the body. It allows you to reduce pain and speed up recovery after removal of a lumbar intervertebral hernia.

Mud can reduce pain and inflammation, they have a resolving effect on postoperative infiltration and scars.

Due to ultrasound, recovery occurs faster, cells receive more nutrition and actively grow.

UHF allows you to improve blood flow and increase the tone of ligaments and muscles. The procedure reduces pain and relieves inflammation.

Electrical stimulation of tissue helps relieve pain syndrome and restores damaged nerve roots. After the procedure, the nutrition of cartilage and bone tissue improves.

Phonophoresis is a technique by which drugs are introduced into the body under the influence of ultrasound. The effect is the same as that of massage, but there is no mechanical effect on the tissue. It has an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect on the body and the site of the operation.

In magnetic therapy, tissue is exposed to a low-frequency magnetic field. As a result, metabolic processes are activated, inflammation, swelling, pain are reduced, and mobility is restored faster.

Using massage

After surgical treatment, a light massage of the limb on the affected side is indicated in the first week. The procedure is especially necessary for weakness, numbness, decreased reflexes - in general, symptoms characteristic of damage to the roots. You can switch to the lumbosacral region no earlier than 1, or even 1.5 months after the operation. This is due to the healing processes at the site of surgery. There is no need to rush with a massage at the stage of rehabilitation treatment.


But this method of restorative treatment begins as soon as possible after the operation. In the first ten days, dosed walking is allowed for a certain distance, then a break is taken for about half an hour. This is complemented by a set of exercises for contracting the muscles of the torso, as well as gymnastics for the lungs. Performed while lying in bed.

After up to a month, active gymnastic exercises are performed in the position on the back or stomach. And after a month you can go to classes in the exercise therapy room and always under the supervision of an instructor. A visit to the pool is recommended 6-8 weeks after the operation.


The method is used at any stage of rehabilitation treatment. It is optimal to use one month after surgery, when all tissues have healed well and a scar has formed. It is undesirable to combine the technique with the electrical influence provided by electrophoresis and diodynamics.

The recovery process after removal of a lumbar hernia is not so short and may require some time and effort. In each specific case, only an individual rehabilitation program is selected for the person.

Pregnancy with lumbar intervertebral hernia

During pregnancy, the female body experiences enormous stress on all organ systems, and the spine is no exception. Very often at this time existing diseases worsen or new ones appear.

During pregnancy, patients with a history of a disease such as intervertebral hernia very often experience exacerbations, especially in the later stages.

Although a hernia is a serious obstacle to a normal pregnancy, it is still possible to overcome it. Experts say that, despite the danger of the disease, with the right approach it is possible to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth with a lumbar hernia.

When a woman has a hernia, she needs special preparation, a positive attitude and an experienced, qualified doctor, then the likelihood of complications during childbirth can be reduced.

Correct treatment procedures will help stop the progression of the disease and alleviate your condition; moreover, they will not have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Remember, in the presence of any chronic diseases, pregnancy should always be planned; you must first be examined and undergo a course of treatment, because a mother with serious illnesses is less likely to carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Features of the course of the disease in pregnant women:

In the early stages of pregnancy, the amount of the hormone progesterone increases greatly, it increases blood flow in small vessels, which contributes to swelling of the nerve roots in places where they are compressed by a hernia. The constantly growing uterus causes a deviation of the center of gravity anteriorly, which greatly increases the load on the lumbar spine and contributes to even greater compression of the nerve roots by the herniated protrusion of the intervertebral disc.

In the later stages of pregnancy, the active production of the hormone relaxin begins, it relaxes the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis and spine, this, in turn, weakens the muscle corset and increases the load on the vertebrae and discs. During pregnancy, a forced vertical position of the body, the so-called “pregnant posture,” is typical, which creates additional tension in the spine.

Normally, if a woman does not have pathology of the spine and pelvic bones, her leg bones are the same length, and her muscles are well developed, then the load during pregnancy is distributed evenly, and a hernia does not occur.

If there are problems with the spine, then in the second trimester osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia may worsen, often with nerve root compression syndrome. You should also distinguish pain that occurs due to spraining the ligaments and joints of the pelvis under the influence of the hormone relaxin from pain due to a vertebral hernia.

If the problem is related to the pelvis, the patient may have pain in the area of ​​the pubic joint and tailbone, and a feeling of “looseness” of the pelvic bones. Typically, the pain becomes stronger when you are in an uncomfortable position, sitting or walking, or when pressing on the pelvic bones, sacrum and soft tissues underneath. But, in any case, if during pregnancy you notice pain and discomfort in your back, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Disability due to lumbar intervertebral hernia

With the development of diseases that arise as a result of dysfunction of the spinal column, a person is often given disability. It occurs as a result of:

  • complications that arose after surgery to remove a hernia;
  • late diagnosis;
  • long-term course of the disease, in which the help of doctors was not provided;
  • incomplete or inadequate treatment.

Many patients try not to receive a disability group, although they are entitled to it. If a disease of the cervical or lumbar region has led to complete or partial immobility of the patient, then disability is mandatory. The disability group depends on the degree and severity of the disease a person has.

They give a special status to a person only after he has passed a special commission. After determining a person’s level of performance, the commission determines whether the person can receive benefits and a pension depending on it.

Appointment of a patient to a committee

To obtain special status of a disabled person, the patient must pass the appropriate commission. This requires not only the appointment of the attending physician, but also the corresponding development of the disease. A patient is appointed to the commission if:

  • the course of the disease is severe and is characterized by the presence of constant exacerbations that do not allow the patient to fully cope with his responsibilities;
  • the patient has vestibular disorders;
  • the patient experiences frequent exacerbation of radiculopathy, and rehabilitation is characterized by insignificant effect;
  • the patient has persistent and asthenic pain syndrome, cephalgia;
  • the duration of the disease is more than 6 months.

All these signs require the doctor to immediately issue a referral to the patient for a commission.

Research for the commission

To obtain special status, a patient must not only have an appropriate diagnosis from his attending physician, but also the results of appropriate tests. Before the commission, the patient is prescribed an X-ray examination or magnetic resonance imaging. The patient must also provide the results of myelography and rheovasography.

If the patient has undergone surgery during the development of the disease, then it becomes necessary to provide the commission with the results of a consultation with a neurosurgeon. If the patient has posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome, he is prescribed rheoencephalography. In some cases, the patient may experience an exacerbation of the disease in the form of vascular disorders. In this case, the patient is prescribed electromyography.

To pass the commission, the patient must provide not only research results. He must undergo a commission with an appropriate referral from a doctor, a certificate confirming the fact of disability. The patient also needs to have with him a description of the rehabilitation that he underwent before visiting the commission. A passport is a fairly important document.

If the patient has passed all the tests and has all the documents with him, then he can easily pass the commission. The decision to obtain disability will be made depending on the characteristics of the patient.

Features of obtaining disabled status

If diseases of the cervical or lumbar spine are considered, then disability is divided into three groups.

The first disability group includes those patients who are characterized by pain in the spine. In this case, there should be a regular exacerbation of the disease, which lasts a short period of time. The first group is issued if it is difficult for the patient to engage in primary work activities. If spinal disease develops at this stage, the patient may be recommended easier working conditions.

The second group is for a patient who is experiencing a long-term exacerbation of the disease. The commission issues a disability group for prolonged development of pain that is acute in nature. Some patients may experience concomitant symptoms with a disease of the cervical spine in the form of decreased reflexes and numbness. If the patient is granted this status, then he is entitled to work from home. Patients with the second group can perform work that involves performing light physical activity.

The third disability group is issued to patients in especially severe cases. It is intended for those patients who cannot move and care for themselves independently. In this case, the disease of the spine is developed to such an extent that it causes stiffness of movement.

Disability groups are issued in accordance with the patient's condition. It directly depends on the degree of development of the disease.

It can occur for a long time without symptoms - there is no pain or other unpleasant sensations.

This is why many people turn to the doctor late - only when the pain becomes sharp and difficult to bear. And if this does happen, you need to figure out how to treat a lumbar hernia during an exacerbation.

Urgent care and diagnostics

The transition of the disease to an acute form can be triggered by any careless movement and even a single increased load on the back.

With a hernia, back pain is not local - usually the clinical picture corresponds to which spinal nerve is damaged due to protrusion of the intervertebral disc.

Severe pain in the lumbar region radiates to the limbs, neck or shoulder blade; in severe cases, motor functions and the functioning of the pelvic organs are impaired, the limbs go numb. This is an emergency condition in which the following are important:

  • emergency (especially if an exacerbation occurred for the first time, in which case you need to know for sure that the problem lies precisely in the intervertebral hernia);
  • observation by a doctor (sometimes in a hospital).

A neurologist must draw up a diagnostic plan based on an assessment of the clinical picture, the severity of pain during exacerbation, and the duration of the disease. The main diagnostic methods, in addition to MRI:

  • tests;
  • (taking cerebrospinal fluid to measure its pressure, which increases at the site of deformation);
  • electromyography (assessment of muscle motor ability);
  • ECG (to exclude heart pathology).

What you can do yourself

In case of acute back pain, especially radiating to other parts of the body, calling a doctor is mandatory, since it is necessary to distinguish pathology of the spine from serious diseases of the internal organs.

In some cases, timely seeking medical help saves lives. Before the doctor arrives, you need to take the following actions:

  • lie on the floor or on a hard bed: on your back, placing your legs bent with your shins on a raised platform, or on your stomach with a pillow under it;
  • limit movements that cause pain;
  • do not panic, take an available painkiller, apply an irritant (for example, Finalgon) or anti-inflammatory ointment (for example, indomethacin);
  • If possible, provide dry warmth for the lower back.

Features of therapy

Treatment for exacerbation of a hernia is primarily pain relief. What is recommended to do for this:

  • stay in bed for about a week (hospitalization is possible);
  • use medications (analgesics, antispasmodics, diuretics), as well as (for intravenous administration of drugs);
  • contact a chiropractor (if you have MRI images) - after the exacerbation is relieved.

All these measures can relieve pain and inflammation, reduce muscle spasms, improve nerve conduction and nutrition of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region, and reduce pressure on them.

After about six months, the disc begins to recover, but a recurrence of the hernia is possible. Therefore, for example, physical activity without exercise is contraindicated.

After eliminating acute symptoms, spa treatments may be recommended, for example. Their effect is based on the absorption of beneficial substances into the skin.

The first classes should be conducted with a specialist who monitors the correctness of the exercises.

At first, the load should be small, with a slight amplitude, preferably in a light position - on the stomach, on the back, on the side. It should alternate with complete muscle relaxation.


  • excessive extension of the lumbar region (increased pressure on the posterior parts of the discs, ligaments, nerve roots, which can lead to pain);
  • deep bends (more than 20 degrees - the pressure inside the disc increases, it moves, the muscles stretch too much).

Exercises that stretch the spine have a good effect, as the spaces between the vertebrae increase, this helps free the nerve roots and blood vessels.

Intervertebral hernia is a serious disease that occurs with alternating periods of remissions and exacerbations. Conservative treatment is effective, but it does not solve the problem of the protrusion itself. The operation eliminates the disease, but relapse is also possible - re-formation of the intervertebral hernia. How to treat in such a situation?

In case of exacerbation, the same treatment methods are used as at the initial stage of hernia formation. The classic treatment regimen is medications, physical therapy (physical therapy), hirudotherapy, and the use of some folk remedies is allowed.

For small hernias of the lumbar and other parts of the spine, medications are prescribed. The course of treatment takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Etiotropic therapy – elimination of the cause of exacerbation.
  2. Pathogenetic therapy – elimination of elements of the pathogenic process.
  3. Symptomatic therapy – elimination of symptoms.

Additionally, a course of exercise therapy and hirudotherapy may be prescribed.

This stage of treatment includes only surgery. There is no other way to get rid of protrusion.

The hernial protrusion is removed using microdiscectomy, a minimally invasive procedure that leaves only a small scar on the patient’s skin. The rehabilitation period in the clinic is only 1 day. During the intervention, the surgeon does not touch any muscles, ligaments (the ligamentum flavum can be partially removed), or bones. The pain syndrome after surgery is very mild and quickly regresses. Therefore, for the patient this method of treatment is the most effective and gentle.

It is aimed at eliminating pathological processes and includes chondroprotectors and hyaluronic acid preparations, homeopathy, and vasodilators.

Chondroprotectors and preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Their task is to improve the nutrition of the intervertebral discs and supply them with the necessary elements for proper functioning (Teraflex capsules, Karipain Plus and Rumalon injections).

Homeopathic remedies. Used for prophylactic purposes or in combination with other drugs. At the beginning of their use, an exacerbation of chronic diseases occurs, thereby forcing the immune system to fight pathological processes.

Vasodilators. Their goal is to improve blood circulation at the location of the intervertebral hernia. This group of drugs includes Trental and Pentoxifylline. Self-administration is acceptable, but the drugs have contraindications and side effects. It is better if they are prescribed by a doctor.

Allows you to reduce the symptoms of hernia of the lumbar and other parts of the spine. This includes the relief of pain (NSAIDs, steroids), muscle spasms (muscle relaxants), irritability and insomnia.

They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. This group includes ointments (gels) Diclofenac, Voltaren Emulgel, as well as tablets, capsules and powders (Nise, Nimesil, Ibuprofen). Oral medications have many contraindications. It is not advisable to use them without consulting a doctor and in the presence of acute processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Prescribed in case of severe inflammation and pain during exacerbation of a hernia of any part of the spine, including the lumbar. Steroid drugs include Diprosan, Dexamethasone. They are injected directly into the periarticular bursa. For such a procedure, a highly qualified doctor is important.

The first ones are used to relieve muscle tension (Mydocalm capsules or injections). Muscle relaxants are prohibited for independent use. They must be prescribed by the attending physician.

When using NSAIDs, the stomach walls are damaged. Therefore, in parallel, drugs such as Gastal, Almagel, Phosphalugel are prescribed, which create a protective film for the mucous membrane.

Against the background of pain, sleep disturbances often occur, irritability and nervousness increase. To improve the psycho-emotional state, the doctor can prescribe antidepressants, for example, Sertraline or Insidon, or limit himself to something easier - Zelenin drops, peony tincture.

Most drugs for the treatment of hernia of any part of the spine are available by prescription. To provide first aid, you can buy Nise, Ibuprofen without a prescription, or supplement the tablets with ointment or gel containing NSAIDs.

After relief of acute pain, you must urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment. The most ideal option is to call help at home, because delay in a situation with an exacerbation of intervertebral hernia is “like death.”

During exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, bed rest is recommended. Compliance with it allows you to relieve the spine as much as possible. In most cases, a hernia of the lumbar spine worsens. For severe pain, the following muscle relaxation poses help:

  • Using a stand, lying on your back, raise your legs so that your thighs and shins form a right angle with each other.
  • Lie face down and place a pillow or small cushion under your stomach.

The exercise therapy complex is prescribed by a doctor after pain relief. The main objectives of the exercises: improving blood circulation in the affected area, strengthening the abdominal and back muscles. To avoid pain and discomfort, you need to exercise at a slow pace. The complex should be divided into several parts and alternated throughout the day.

In addition to exercise therapy, you can do some yoga poses. To avoid injury, classes must be conducted by an instructor.

Treatment with leeches is prescribed both for exacerbation and for developing spinal hernia. Leeches contain the active substance hirudin, which can restore damaged disc tissue and improve metabolism in a short period of time. Hirudotherapy is aimed at:

  1. Improved blood circulation.
  2. Boosting immunity.
  3. Saturation of the body with useful substances.
  4. Relieving spasms.
  5. Prevents the formation of blood clots
  6. Relief of inflammatory processes.

The first result of treatment appears after two sessions; for complete recovery you need to do courses 2 times a year for 10–12 procedures. Leeches are raised on special farms under sterile conditions and disposed of after use. Like other treatment methods, hirudotherapy has contraindications:

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Low red blood cell count.
  • Oncology
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Along with traditional treatment, various folk remedies, homemade rubs, ointments, lotions, compresses, bee stings, and the use of decoctions/infusions of medicinal herbs are popular among patients. But they can only be considered as aids to relieve pain. It is not advisable to self-medicate using the methods listed above.

When treating with medicinal herbs and fruits, restoratives containing large amounts of vitamins and microelements are used. Before meals it is recommended to consume:

  • Fruits of viburnum, ginseng.
  • Rosehip infusion.
  • Salad of dried apricots, raisins and walnuts, dressed with lemon juice.
  • Bran with honey.

For compresses and rubbing, you can make a decoction of chamomile with rose hips and (or) an infusion of lilac flowers.

Oil infusions have proven themselves to be effective in relieving pain: fir oil with honey, St. John's wort leaves, birch and comfrey roots. Oils can be taken orally, after filtering the sediment. You can massage them, using them as a relaxation and pain reliever.

Essential oils suitable for treating hernia include basil, coriander, rosemary, and mint. Clary sage essential oil relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Such products are used for taking a warm bath and hot compresses.

In case of exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia, treatment with bee venom can quickly relieve pain, as well as improve blood circulation and metabolic processes at the site of the sting. After completing the full course, you can achieve long-term remission. Apitherapy must be performed by a qualified healthcare professional. In addition to experience working with bees, he must also know the points at which the sting must be directed.

Before using herbs and bee products, be sure to consult your doctor and make sure you are not allergic.

Treatment methods such as massage and manual therapy are carried out only at the initial stage of the disease. If they worsen, they can further worsen the patient's condition.

To avoid re-exacerbation of hernia of the lumbar and other parts of the spine, you should regularly (1-2 times a year) be examined by your doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get rid of bad habits and regularly do a complex of exercise therapy.


A hernia of the spine in the lumbar region always manifests itself in the form of pain. The disease can occur not only in the elderly, but also at a young age. Most often, people lead a sedentary lifestyle, which leads them to the development of pathology.

People are interested in what an intervertebral hernia in the lower back is and treatment during an exacerbation. What to do and how to avoid the disease and prevent complications. At the first symptoms, you need to consult a doctor, who will prescribe effective therapy. After all, exacerbation of the disease leads to serious consequences.

The causes of a hernia in the lower back can be different. This may be due to lifting heavy objects or a sedentary lifestyle. With a constant sitting position, blood flow is disrupted; as a result, the intervertebral disc does not receive the necessary blood circulation and cracks.

The causes of a hernia in the lower back are as follows: bruises and injuries to the spine, bad habits, obesity, intense physical activity, frequent hypothermia, inactive lifestyle, sedentary work, scoliosis, playing sports where the spine is severely damaged.

Some people don't even know how much their bad habits affect their health. If you use tobacco products, constantly drink large quantities of strong coffee, and poor nutrition, all this leads to impaired blood circulation in the intervertebral discs.

Symptoms during exacerbation manifest themselves in the form of severe pain. The patient may feel pain radiating to the lower extremities. There may also be an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees, because during an exacerbation an inflammatory process occurs.

The patient may experience fever and a feeling of heat. It is difficult for a person to move because muscle spasms occur. There may even be nausea, vomiting and numbness in the legs. If a person makes a sudden movement, he may faint from pain.

The patient feels constant weakness and goosebumps seem to crawl up his legs. An exacerbation of a lumbar hernia cannot be ignored, because the disease has a number of serious complications. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will prescribe a comprehensive examination and prescribe medications.

If the disease worsens, you can apply a cold compress. This will help reduce pain and relieve swelling and muscle spasms. It is recommended to take a drug that will have an analgesic effect, Ibuprofen or Nurofen.. Such methods can provide relief only for a few hours.

Next, a comprehensive and effective treatment must be prescribed by the doctor. First of all, the patient is prescribed therapy in the form of medications. They will help relieve symptoms and inflammation. The following medications are prescribed:

The product helps maintain the condition of the spinal cartilage and prevents the further development of intervertebral hernia. The drug has virtually no side effects. Alflutop is prohibited during pregnancy, as well as if an allergic reaction to fish occurs.

Special ointments have a good effect in treating the disease. They do not cause any harm to the human body and do not cause allergies. Homeopathic remedies have only natural composition and help with exacerbation of spinal hernia. The ointment is selected individually for each patient.

The Tsel-T preparation is made only from natural ingredients and must be applied several times a day. Rubbing it into the lumbar region. The ointment is allowed to be used by women during pregnancy, as well as by children. Traumeel-S contains calendula and echinacea, which helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

People who have a herniated disc in the lumbar region have the choice of undergoing surgery or conservative treatment. This method of therapy is prescribed only by a doctor. Acupuncture helps relieve pain, inflammation and normalize blood flow.

The procedure allows you to restore sensation in your hands and feet. To achieve a positive result, treatment must be carried out for at least six months. This method of therapy must necessarily be combined with other types of treatment.. One session lasts approximately twenty minutes. During the first procedures, the patient may feel discomfort, but later the body gets used to it and it becomes less painful.

It is important to know that you should not engage in various exercises during an exacerbation, because every movement is already difficult. You must first wait for remission and only then can you gradually begin to engage in physical activity. It is necessary to remember that you cannot run, jump, twist, because such exercises will harm your sore back.

You just need to follow a few rules, this will help improve your condition and return to activity. If you do therapeutic exercises, this will not only reduce exacerbations, but can also completely cure the disease. In such cases, the patient can do without surgery.

Exercises need to be done every day, while increasing the load a little, but you don’t need to overload yourself. Avoid sudden movements and exercises should be moderately active. If you need to increase the load, you need to do it very carefully..

After physical exercise, pain should not bother you, but the patient should feel a little tired. If severe pain occurs, you should immediately contact your doctor. The most important thing to remember is that there will be no immediate results. For a positive effect, patience and strength are required.

The following exercises are performed for a hernia in the lower back:

  • you need to lie on the floor and begin to gently pull your foot away from you and at the same time extend your toe, and then towards you;
  • in a lying position, you need to alternately lift your left and right legs, holding them in the air for a few seconds;
  • you need to lie on your left or right side and raise your leg up;
  • the bicycle is done in a circular motion; the limbs should be bent at the knees.

Therapeutic gymnastics is performed at any time, Do not exercise immediately after waking up or after eating. When a disease occurs that has an inflammatory process, muscle stiffness in the morning is common. Therefore, it is necessary to walk a little so that the body warms up before exercise.

You need to know how dangerous the disease can be. If treatment is not started on time, this can lead to serious complications. This may not happen right away, but at some point it will be impossible to do without surgical intervention. There may be complications such as complete paralysis of the urinary and intestinal tract.

Paralysis of the legs may occur, but this may not develop immediately, but gradually. This ultimately leads to disability. The functioning of the gallbladder may be impaired, which can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus and kidney stones. Radiculitis may appear as a complication; severe pain begins with any movement.

Pain and swelling occurs in the lower extremities; this develops due to spasms. It may bother you at the end of an exacerbation and does not go away for a long time. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. A specialist will help you choose the right and effective treatment.

It is forbidden to exercise or attempt to do so that your back is straight. This will only lead to a worsening of the patient's condition. During the period of exacerbation, you should not engage in any sports. It is necessary to adhere to bed rest so that the patient feels comfortable and can find a comfortable position. You cannot make sudden movements or bend in different directions. When the disease worsens, the patient is forced to seek help from a doctor.

The doctor will prescribe effective treatment to relieve pain and inflammation. It happens that a specialist may prescribe warming up the sore spot, but this is done extremely rarely. You need to drink at least two liters of clean water per day.

Eat small and healthy meals, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Remove fried, smoked, salty, fatty foods from your diet. Do not drink alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, because bad habits will not only make the patient worse, but also harm their health.

Many people don’t even realize how well folk methods help with exacerbation of intervertebral hernia. You can reduce pain and relieve inflammation using certain methods.

Gives good results in the treatment of horse fat, it must first be frozen and grated. Place it on a bag and apply it to the sore spot. You can wrap it with a bandage or stick it with a bandage. You need to walk with such a compress for about two days without removing it.

To make a tincture of garlic, you must first prepare it by grinding it in a blender and adding about 200 grams of vodka. Place in a dark place for about ten days. Moisten the bandage in the prepared tincture and apply to the problem area.

Read also: What is an intervertebral hernia?


  • Free doctor consultation
  • Quick relief of pain;
  • Our goal: complete restoration and improvement of impaired functions;
  • Visible improvements after 1-2 sessions; Safe non-surgical methods.

The presence of osteochondrosis in 80% of the population in the age category over 30 years is practically not disputed. And patients get used to constant cramping pain in the lumbar region. But it is necessary to understand that osteochondrosis causes, although gradual, progressive destruction of the intervertebral discs. It is possible that a rupture of the fibrous ring may develop, resulting in the formation of a hernia.

You can also learn to live with this condition. Especially if at the time of the hernial protrusion in the clinic the therapist prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapy. Acute symptoms are completely relieved, and the person returns to his normal life and fulfillment of his professional duties. And the intervertebral disc continues to deteriorate.

Sooner or later, an exacerbation of intervertebral hernia occurs, which can also be suppressed with the help of potent pharmacological drugs. This time the hernial protrusion will increase in size. And this will happen until compression of the radicular nerve begins. In this case, official medicine sends the patient for emergency surgery. As a result of the intervention, the damaged disk is removed.

The first thing to do to treat an intervertebral hernia during an exacerbation is to create conditions to eliminate the risk of pinching the radicular nerves. Their compression can lead to a complete disruption of the innervation of controlled areas of the body. This will cause paralysis and dysfunction of some abdominal and pelvic organs.

  • severe piercing pain;

Treatment of intervertebral hernia in the lower back during an exacerbation period should begin with eliminating compression of the radicular nerves. To do this, it is most effective to use traction traction of the spinal column. If there are contraindications, osteopathy can be used. Without such manipulations, restore the normal position of the vertebral bodies, which compress the cartilaginous disc and flatten it until it ruptures and a hernial protrusion appears.

To eliminate pain, other methods of influence can be used, such as acupuncture and massage, reflexology and kinesitherapy. If you experience severe pain due to an exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, we advise you to make an initial consultation with a chiropractor at our clinic.

Exacerbation of lumbar intervertebral hernia is a rather dangerous condition in terms of prognosis. Compression of the radicular nerve can lead to disability. Therefore, the first thing to do in case of exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia at home is to try to eliminate any physical and mechanical stress on the spine. You need to lie on your back on a hard surface and call a doctor. It is not recommended to move on your feet in this state. It is necessary, at a minimum, to relieve the pain attack and normalize the condition of the muscular frame of the back.

You should not try to stretch the spine on your own. Recommendations to hang on a horizontal bar are especially dangerous. This is fraught with severe injury to the nerve fiber. It is important to understand what to do in case of exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia, procedures such as traction traction of the spine can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Also, do not try to massage yourself. The protrusion of the nucleus pulposus from the rupture of the annulus fibrosus is an accumulation of nerve fibers. Therefore, any unprofessional influence can significantly worsen the patient’s condition.

  • call a doctor;

If at present it is not possible to seek safe and effective help at a manual therapy clinic, then we can recommend 1 intramuscular injection of Baralgin or Diclofenac.

Many patients who have already undergone surgical treatment methods know that surgery does not save them from osteochondrosis. Namely, this disease causes total destruction of cartilage discs. Recurrence of intervertebral hernia occurs in the next 3 to 5 years after surgery for disc resection. This is due to the fact that after a change in the anatomical structure of the spine, its shock-absorbing ability is lost and the remaining intervertebral discs begin to deteriorate at tremendous speed.

Any exacerbation of intervertebral herniation requires urgent initiation of conservative treatment. It is carried out not with the help of pharmacological drugs, but by using the hidden reserves of the human body. Manual therapy allows you to effectively treat hernias of any size without surgery.

It is quite possible to begin treatment for an intervertebral hernia during an exacerbation. With the help of some techniques, our doctors can quickly eliminate compression, pain and reduce the herniated protrusion of the intervertebral disc. And after this, full treatment will begin. It will not cause any pain in the patient. The result will be a completely healthy spine without signs of osteochondrosis and the threat of recurrent intervertebral hernia.


Back health problems are no longer just a matter of age.

The modern lifestyle contributes in every possible way to their development: a sedentary lifestyle, uncontrolled loads on the spine, physically difficult work - all this leads to the occurrence of intervertebral hernias.

As the intervertebral hernia progresses, it causes severe pain. And its aggravation can lead to serious problems.

What could be the reason exacerbation of hernia, and what treatment methods to resort to for this condition - more on this later in the article.

Between the vertebrae that make up the spinal column are intervertebral discs. They consist of numerous layers of cartilage tissue, which are layered on top of each other and form a ring-shaped shape. This ring of their cartilage tissue is called fibrous. Inside the ring is the inner part of the disk - the nucleus. It is in a jelly-like state.

Intervertebral discs may rupture due to certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as under the influence of other factors. Eventually the disc ruptures.

Its gelatinous contents, when the fibrous ring holding it ruptures, ends up in the spinal canal. The leaked core is called a hernia in medicine. Most often, the lumbar spine is susceptible to hernia, because It is he who is exposed to the heaviest load every day.

A leaked intervertebral disc core is a spinal herniation

Resulting hernial prolapse leads to compression of the spinal nerves and their roots, as well as blood vessels. All this leads to severe pain in a person. The hernia can be in a state of remission - during this period, all symptoms accompanying the course of this disease subside, or in a state of exacerbation.

When a hernia worsens, the following symptoms are observed::

  • increased or persistent pain in the lower back (pain often intensifies during movement or lifting heavy objects);
  • the flow of pain into the lower extremities, which sometimes leads to limitation of motor activity;
  • inflammation of the muscle corset that supports the spine in the lumbar region;
  • problems with urination, and in men, including with potency.

If hernial prolapse is not treated, not only pinching of the spinal nerves, but also the hernia itself may occur. This can lead to the hernia developing into a serious tumor.

Most often intervertebral hernias occur in people suffering from osteochondrosis. This disease leads to the gradual destruction of intervertebral discs, which ultimately becomes the cause of hernial prolapse.

The following categories of people are also often susceptible to hernia::

  • those who lead a sedentary lifestyle (for example, their profession requires them to spend a lot of time at the computer or doing documentation);
  • people who regularly perform physically demanding work;
  • people over 30 years of age;
  • women during pregnancy.

The causes of exacerbation of hernia may be:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Injury to the spine (for example, a strong blow in an accident or a fall).
  • Excess body weight.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Improper nutrition (leads to a lack of components and minerals necessary for the body).
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Lifting weights weighing more than 5 kg.
  • Sudden body movements.

With a disc herniation, complications are possible in the form of dysfunction of the pelvic area and lower extremities. If the occurrence of a hernial prolapse is treated negligently and not promptly treated, the hernia can lead to serious consequences. Compression of the spinal nerve roots will not only cause constant back pain, but also as the disease progresses will lead to permanent general weakness.

Stiffness in movements will also gradually develop - this will cause the need to change your usual lifestyle and may lead to the need for constant bed rest.

Spinal nerve roots compressed by a hernia can cause numbness of the lower extremities and disruption of the pelvic organs. Advanced hernial prolapse can even cause paralysis of the lower extremities and lead to lifelong disability.

In case of exacerbation of hernia Cold compresses can be used to provide first aid. They help eliminate muscle swelling, relieve muscle spasms, and have a mild analgesic effect.

Also It is recommended to take a painkiller tablet(for example, Ibuprofen or Naproxen). But the use of cold and painkillers will help cope with the symptoms that arise during an exacerbation of hernial prolapse only for the first 10-14 hours. Next, it is necessary to use complex treatment.


Treatment of intervertebral hernia in the lower back during an exacerbation is an important issue for most men after 40 years of age. The lifestyle of many of them is sedentary, with prolonged sitting in front of the monitor. It does not contribute to the strength of the spine.

The occurrence of a hernia is a process that extends over time and is chronic in nature. Therefore, an exacerbation of this disease can occur completely suddenly. The doctor will be forced to diagnose it during the first examination.

To understand the processes occurring in this case, it is necessary to consider the causes and symptoms of the disease.

You should remember the anatomy: discs made of cartilage tissue are placed between the vertebrae, working as a shock absorber due to elasticity.

The disc consists of several layers: a dense outer shell (annulus fibrosus) and a soft inner part (nucleus pulposus).

When cracks appear in the disc, the inner layer first deforms, creating a protrusion, then leaks out, pressing against the nerve endings.

The pain that occurs in this case indicates a problem in the supporting apparatus and can be very severe.

The body, which has lost support, responds by disrupting the functioning of internal organs, changing the sensitivity of the limbs or certain parts of the body.

What can have such an impact on the uniquely strong structure of the human spine?

There are several reasons, and knowing them helps the patient understand exactly what is happening to him and how to act during an exacerbation.

One of the main causes of the disease is considered to be injury, heavy lifting, which very often happens in young active men. The second is a weakening of the blood supply to the spinal muscles due to a sedentary lifestyle.

The discs do not have their own power supply system and function at the expense of nearby tissues - the back muscles.

In this case, the following scheme works: a sedentary back - there is no necessary blood supply - the disc starves, becomes less strong - cracks.

A spinal hernia can occur due to individual characteristics of the body - connective tissue defects.

A hernia in the lumbar region gives the following symptoms: aching pain occurs in the lower back, radiating to the leg (part of the foot and lower leg become insensitive, back pain appears, sharply intensifying when turning and walking). A person tends to stay in one position, fearing another attack of pain.

Provoking factors are: osteochondrosis (it is considered the initial stage of intervertebral hernia) and heredity. A hernia can be caused by:

  • oncological and gynecological diseases;
  • broken and displaced vertebrae;
  • changes in the hip bones as a result of inflammation.

At the first stage, a person tries to relieve pain with medications - tablets, ointments, compresses. A doctor is most often consulted in the advanced stage of the disease, when the process has worsened.

When visiting a doctor (neurologist or orthopedist) with complaints of back pain or numbness in the extremities, an x-ray of the spine is prescribed.

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region develops in 2 stages:

  • the first – degenerative changes in this part of the spine, cracks, swelling, pain in tense muscles;
  • the second - at this stage the pain already affects the roots of the vertebral nerves, a loss of sensitivity is noted and a diagnosis is made - a hernia.

The condition of the discs is assessed by the gap in the picture.

For a more accurate diagnosis, discography is prescribed - approximately the same as radiography, but with the introduction of a contrast agent into the suspicious area.

An ultrasound for a lumbar hernia will not be effective. The best diagnostic method is magnetic resonance imaging using contrast agents.

In the first stage of intervertebral hernia, during its exacerbation, medications are prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain. Medicines can be in the form of ointments, injections or tablets.

Physiotherapeutic procedures - massage, acupuncture, UHF, electrophoresis, laser treatment - give very good results. All these remedies relieve pain, but do not eliminate the problem.

Surgical intervention can be avoided in 2/3 of cases of exacerbation of lumbar intervertebral hernia, but with numbness in the legs, periodic severe pain in the lower back, and disruption of the pelvic organs, surgical treatment is inevitable. It is necessary if the frequency of exacerbations is fixed once every 90 days and the pain is not relieved.

For conservative treatment of exacerbations of such hernias, traditional medicine and folk recipes are used.

They relieve pain quite well, but treatment requires at least two weeks of time and a large amount of medications.

They irritate the lining of the stomach and duodenum, affect the kidneys and liver, and can cause allergies. If you have gastritis or ulcers, you should not take them.

For drug therapy of exacerbations, the following are used:

  • pain relieving ointments Diclofenac, Movalis;
  • injections or tablets Naproxen, Indomethacin, Tenoxicam.

If the patient already knows his diagnosis and is experiencing another exacerbation, he needs to take the following measures to relieve pain:

  • go to bed, the damaged lower back and spine cannot support the weight of the body;
  • you need to make the bed hard, try to take a position in which the pain is minimal due to less tension on the roots, you can raise your legs on support;
  • wear a fixing belt so that it is impossible to make sudden movements, which will provoke a resumption of pain;
  • learn how to stand up non-traumatically: first slowly lower your legs to the floor, then you need to rise up, lean on your hands, sit on the edge and, holding your torso straight, stand up;
  • adjust your diet by eliminating rich, fatty and spicy foods;
  • refuse sexual intercourse: it involves mobility in the lower part of the spine;
  • use medications prescribed by your doctor - anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments Finalgon, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, injections of antibiotics, vitamin complexes.

When pain decreases, physical therapy classes are prescribed. The doctor will also recommend massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure.

All these interventions are carried out only between attacks of pain and under the supervision of a physiotherapist. As the pain decreases, the patient can exercise independently.

Basic rules to follow:

  • minimal physical stress;
  • small range of motion;
  • exercises can be performed on a bed with a pillow, on the back or side and stopped when the pain returns;
  • observe the tension-relaxation sequence;
  • Exercises for healthy areas of the body are performed first: you need to start with the legs and arms, while the lower limbs are on the bed;
  • classes last 10-15 minutes, 3 sessions per day;
  • movements to flex the spine are prohibited: the disc sections are innervated by many processes, and even the slightest pressure increases pain;
  • You can’t bend too low; exercises to stretch the spine lengthwise are shown, which releases the nerve roots.

Physical exercises during remission must be done very carefully to avoid pinching and relapse.

Read also: Repair of tires side cuts hernias

If such treatment does not bring results, then hospitalization with intensive therapy or surgery is necessary.

Advantages of surgery:

  1. 1. Pain in the limb is quickly relieved and discomfort in the spine is significantly reduced. It takes 1 day versus two months of drug therapy.
  2. 2. This treatment removes the cause of the pathology and relieves patients from pain for a long time, in contrast to the conservative method of therapy, in which exacerbations are periodic and become stronger every year.
  1. 1. Surgery often requires repeated intervention. But against the background of hospitalization of “conservative” patients 3-4 times a year, this is not a problem.
  2. 2. The risks of the operation itself - inflammation, scars - are treated with the introduction of antibiotics and gels.

There are a large number of traditional medicine recipes used to treat exacerbations of intervertebral hernia - “lumbago”. Here are a few of them:

  1. 1. Honey and fir oil: rub the lower back with oil, then apply honey to the same area (you need to dissolve the mummy in it, which is diluted in 1 teaspoon of water). You should pat the sore area with your palms, the skin should stick to your hands, there may be severe pain. When finished, Finalgon is rubbed into the back and wrapped warmly. The duration of treatment is 30 days. Before such a massage, the skin should be lubricated with cinquefoil tincture, St. John's wort oil, and a decoction of birch leaves.
  2. 2. Garlic (300 g) is twisted in a meat grinder, 150 g of vodka is added. The infusion should be kept for 10-14 days in a dark place. The mixture is applied to the hernia, a warm cloth is placed on top, and everything is wrapped in film. You need to wait 60 minutes, clean the skin with a dry cloth, do not wet it with water. Do this for 1 month. The medicine is used according to the following scheme: 1 day - compress, 1 day - turpentine bath.

Lumbar intervertebral hernia is a common disease that, during an exacerbation, reduces the patient’s standard of living. Its cause is an incorrect lifestyle. Compliance with physical activity and rules of working with weights will help prevent its occurrence.

Exacerbation of spinal hernias occurs very rapidly, with severe pain, stiffness in movement and, in some cases, fever.

Treatment of an attack of intervertebral hernia should begin as early as possible. For this purpose, various anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used. If your back still hurts, injections of powerful pain medications are prescribed.

The most severe is an exacerbation of a vertebral hernia of the lumbar spine. The cervical region suffers somewhat less, but in the thoracic region the exacerbation of the hernia is completely moderate.

What is it like and how to survive an exacerbation of intervertebral hernia? During conditional remission (when the disease practically does not manifest itself at all, or manifests itself minimally), the spinal column more or less stabilizes.

Compensatory mechanisms are activated, which are designed to reduce the consequences of the presence of a hernia on the entire musculoskeletal system. The back muscles are involved in the work (to reduce the load on the spinal column).

Stages of formation of vertebral hernias

During an exacerbation (it rarely occurs on its own - there is usually a provoking factor), all this “stabilization” is disrupted. Displacement of a vertebra often occurs, and it can be so serious that compression (pinching) of the spinal nerves occurs.

With this complication, severe pain syndrome develops. The pain can be so severe that the patient cannot even sleep. The larger the size of the hernia and the more serious the factor that provokes it (for example, an injury or sprain of the back), the more painful the exacerbation will be.

How long an exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia lasts is an individual question. In some patients it can last several hours. For others, the pathology lasts for several days, which already requires a visit to the doctor (or calling him to your home).

What causes exacerbations of intervertebral hernias? What provoking factors exist? In fact, any careless movement of the body can cause an aggravation, but there are several most common causes.

When a vertebral hernia worsens, severe pain occurs

Causes of exacerbation of intervertebral hernia:

  1. Domestic injuries. A careless sudden movement of the body is enough - even this is quite enough to cause pathology. But in general, minor injuries and careless movements are not often the main cause.
  2. Severe injuries often lead to exacerbation of the hernia. For example, a blow to the back, or a fall even from a small height.
  3. Excessive physical activity. Workers in many professions are forced to continue to engage in it even if they have a hernia. The result is progression of the disease and frequent exacerbations.
  4. Spinal column stretch. It is enough to perform prohibited exercises with rotational or axial loads on the spine - and the disease will manifest itself again.
  5. Relatively rare, but still there are exacerbations due to hypothermia. Both local (only in the area of ​​the pathological process) and systemic (for example, walking down the street in winter weather).
  6. Lifting weights. And it can even be small (TV, empty bedside table, bag of groceries).

What cannot be confused is the exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, especially if it is localized in the lumbar spine. Symptoms increase rapidly and are so severe that the patient may lose his life for several days.

Protrusion of a vertebral disc during exacerbation of a vertebral hernia

Symptoms of exacerbation of intervertebral hernia:

  • severe, excruciating pain in the area of ​​the pathological focus with irradiation (radiation) to the lower or upper extremities, less often to the peritoneum or chest (possible development of temporary intercostal neuralgia);
  • fever may occur in response to increasing inflammatory processes in the tissues of the spine and individual vertebrae (the temperature can rise up to 38 degrees);
  • stiffness in back movements, rigidity of the muscle corset (spasm is especially pronounced in the cervical region);
  • when trying to bend or turn the body, severe pain occurs or existing pain intensifies - to the point that the patient may lose consciousness;
  • Nausea and even vomiting may develop, but usually such symptoms occur with severe, large hernias;
  • when localized in the cervical region, dizziness and severe headaches may develop, radiating to the bridge of the nose (due to which the patient cannot look at the light), photopsia (visual artifacts in the form of flashes, lightning) may also occur.

An exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia cannot lead to any fatal consequences. The exception is isolated cases in which the patient has congenital anomalies and structural defects of the vertebral arteries and the spinal column itself.

But many health problems can arise. Firstly, pain itself can interfere with normal life activities. Patients can live normally only under powerful painkillers, and usually do not get enough sleep due to constant awakening due to inflammation and pain.

Secondly, the inflammatory process in the tissues of the spinal column acts as a catalyst for pain. He strengthens and supports it. And inflammation itself leads to some complications: nausea, vomiting, swelling, fever.

Thirdly, even after pain and inflammation have decreased (3-4 days after an exacerbation), some symptoms may remain. For example, stiffness in body movements and spasm of the spinal muscles.

Long-term progression of intervertebral hernia and frequent complications are fraught with damage to the nerve nodes and the spinal canal. And this can already lead to disability of the patient (for example, partial or complete paralysis of the lower extremities).

Therefore, treatment of the disease must be carried out in a timely manner. In the early stages, it is usually limited to conservative (non-surgical) therapy.
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What to do if there is an aggravated intervertebral hernia? It is important here not to try to engage in any physical exercise (even therapeutic exercise therapy is prohibited!) or try to “straighten” your back. This will not lead to anything good; on the contrary, the symptoms will intensify and the exacerbation will take longer.

In the first days of exacerbation of a vertebral hernia, any sports are prohibited

It is important to provide maximum comfort to your body. Bed rest is needed in the most optimal position for the patient (so that he is comfortable and the pain is felt as little as possible).

Treatment is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed. For moderate pain, regular Paracetamol helps (it also relieves inflammation), for severe pain, Ketanov and its analogues.
  2. Warming the affected area (risky, but often helps). You can use warming ointments and gels, or special products. For example, a tourmaline belt or a dog hair belt.
  3. Drinking large amounts of fluid and increasing food intake. For what? To restore the body’s resources and give it “strength” to fight inflammatory processes.
  4. As soon as the symptoms subside by half, you can do general exercises, but in a very gentle manner. Rotational and axial loads are prohibited, as is heavy lifting/jumping/running, and sudden and deep bending of the body.

Development can occur for a long time without symptoms - there is no pain or other unpleasant sensations.

This is why many people turn to the doctor late - only when the pain becomes sharp and difficult to bear. And if this does happen, you need to figure out how to treat a lumbar hernia during an exacerbation.

The transition of the disease to an acute form can be triggered by any careless movement and even a single increased load on the back.

With a hernia, back pain is not local - usually the clinical picture corresponds to which spinal nerve is damaged due to protrusion of the intervertebral disc.

Severe pain in the lumbar region radiates to the limbs, neck or shoulder blade; in severe cases, motor functions and the functioning of the pelvic organs are impaired, the limbs go numb. This is an emergency condition in which the following are important:

  • emergency (especially if an exacerbation occurred for the first time, in which case you need to know for sure that the problem lies precisely in the intervertebral hernia);
  • observation by a doctor (sometimes in a hospital).

A neurologist must draw up a diagnostic plan based on an assessment of the clinical picture, the severity of pain during exacerbation, and the duration of the disease. The main diagnostic methods, in addition to MRI:

  • tests;
  • (taking cerebrospinal fluid to measure its pressure, which increases at the site of deformation);
  • electromyography (assessment of muscle motor ability);
  • ECG (to exclude heart pathology).

In case of acute back pain, especially radiating to other parts of the body, calling a doctor is mandatory, since it is necessary to distinguish pathology of the spine from serious diseases of the internal organs.

In some cases, timely seeking medical help saves lives. Before the doctor arrives, you need to take the following actions:

  • lie on the floor or on a hard bed: on your back, placing your legs bent with your shins on a raised platform, or on your stomach with a pillow under it;
  • limit movements that cause pain;
  • do not panic, take an available painkiller, apply an irritant (for example, Finalgon) or anti-inflammatory ointment (for example, indomethacin);
  • If possible, provide dry warmth for the lower back.

Treatment for exacerbation of a hernia is primarily pain relief. What is recommended to do for this:

  • stay in bed for about a week (hospitalization is possible);
  • use medications (analgesics, antispasmodics, diuretics), as well as (for intravenous administration of drugs);
  • contact a chiropractor (if you have MRI images) - after the exacerbation is relieved.

All these measures can relieve pain and inflammation, reduce muscle spasms, improve nerve conduction and nutrition of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region, and reduce pressure on them.

After about six months, the disc begins to recover, but a recurrence of the hernia is possible. Therefore, for example, physical activity without exercise is contraindicated.

After eliminating acute symptoms, spa treatments may be recommended, for example. Their effect is based on the absorption of beneficial substances into the skin.

Some time after an exacerbation, after achieving remission, it is also used on the recommendation of a doctor.

The first classes should be conducted with a specialist who monitors the correctness of the exercises.

At first, the load should be small, with a slight amplitude, preferably in a light position - on the stomach, on the back, on the side. It should alternate with complete muscle relaxation.

  • excessive extension of the lumbar region (increased pressure on the posterior parts of the discs, ligaments, nerve roots, which can lead to pain);
  • deep bends (more than 20 degrees - the pressure inside the disc increases, it moves, the muscles stretch too much).

Exercises that stretch the spine have a good effect, as the spaces between the vertebrae increase, this helps free the nerve roots and blood vessels.

After treatment, in order to prevent exacerbations of intervertebral hernia, it is important to visit your doctor regularly, twice a year. You need to follow the prescribed lifestyle (work schedule, sleep schedule) and not stop.

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Exacerbation of intervertebral hernia: what to do, how to treat using manual therapy methods

The presence of osteochondrosis in 80% of the population in the age category over 30 years is practically not disputed. And patients get used to constant cramping pain in the lumbar region.

But it is necessary to understand that osteochondrosis causes, although gradual, progressive destruction of the intervertebral discs.

It is possible that a rupture of the fibrous ring may develop, resulting in the formation of a hernia.

You can also learn to live with this condition. Especially if at the time of the hernial protrusion in the clinic the therapist prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapy.

Acute symptoms are completely relieved, and the person returns to his normal life and fulfillment of his professional duties. And the intervertebral disc continues to deteriorate.

The spinal column loses part of its shock-absorbing ability. 2-3 years after the operation, a relapse develops in the projection of other intervertebral discs.

Meanwhile, treatment of intervertebral hernia during the period of exacerbation can be carried out in such a way that the patient will be completely freed from osteochondrosis and at the same time the anatomical structure of the spine will be preserved. We’ll figure out how to do this later in the article. Most often, the lumbosacral spine suffers from this disease. Therefore, we will understand it using his example.

The first thing to do to treat an intervertebral hernia during an exacerbation is to create conditions to eliminate the risk of pinching the radicular nerves.

Their compression can lead to a complete disruption of the innervation of controlled areas of the body.

This will cause paralysis and dysfunction of some abdominal and pelvic organs.

Typical symptoms of exacerbation of intervertebral hernia in the lower back may be:

  • severe piercing pain;
  • pain along the sciatic nerve on the inner or outer side of the thigh and lower leg;
  • inability to move freely in space;
  • severe weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • muscle tension syndrome in the lumbar region;
  • disruption of the process of bowel and bladder emptying;
  • stagnation of bile and lack of appetite.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia in the lower back during an exacerbation period should begin with eliminating compression of the radicular nerves. To do this, it is most effective to use traction traction of the spinal column.

If there are contraindications, osteopathy can be used.

Without such manipulations, restore the normal position of the vertebral bodies, which compress the cartilaginous disc and flatten it until it ruptures and a hernial protrusion appears.

It is basically useless to use anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors at this stage. Until the normal position of the vertebral bodies is ensured, the hernia cannot be cured.

To eliminate pain, other methods of influence can be used, such as acupuncture and massage, reflexology and kinesitherapy.

If you experience severe pain due to an exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, we advise you to make an initial consultation with a chiropractor at our clinic.

This consultation is free. During your appointment, your doctor will be able to recommend procedures that will quickly relieve your pain. Information will also be given on methods and prospects for treating this disease.

Exacerbation of lumbar intervertebral hernia is a rather dangerous condition in terms of prognosis. Compression of the radicular nerve can lead to disability.

Therefore, the first thing to do in case of exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia at home is to try to eliminate any physical and mechanical stress on the spine. You need to lie on your back on a hard surface and call a doctor. It is not recommended to move on your feet in this state.

It is necessary, at a minimum, to relieve the pain attack and normalize the condition of the muscular frame of the back.

After traction, you need to remain in a lying position for some time. And when pulling up after leaving the horizontal bar, even greater return compression occurs.

Also, do not try to massage yourself. The protrusion of the nucleus pulposus from the rupture of the annulus fibrosus is an accumulation of nerve fibers.

Therefore, any unprofessional influence can significantly worsen the patient’s condition.

The patient's algorithm for exacerbation of intervertebral hernia is as follows:

  • lie down on a hard surface and try to relax the tense muscles in the lumbar region;
  • apply cold to the most painful place (in no case should you heat it);
  • call a doctor;
  • When moving, use a rigid orthopedic frame for the lower back.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia in the lower back during an exacerbation is an important issue for most men after 40 years. The lifestyle of many of them is sedentary, with prolonged sitting in front of the monitor. It does not contribute to the strength of the spine.

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    Cause and symptoms of the disease

    The occurrence of a hernia is a process that extends over time and is chronic in nature. Therefore, an exacerbation of this disease can occur completely suddenly. The doctor will be forced to diagnose it during the first examination.

    To understand the processes occurring in this case, it is necessary to consider the causes and symptoms of the disease. You should remember the anatomy: discs made of cartilage tissue are placed between the vertebrae, working as a shock absorber due to elasticity. The disc consists of several layers: a dense outer shell (annulus fibrosus) and a soft inner part (nucleus pulposus).

    When cracks appear in the disc, the inner layer first deforms, creating a protrusion, then leaks out, pressing against the nerve endings. The pain that occurs in this case indicates a problem in the supporting apparatus and can be very strong. The body, which has lost support, responds by disrupting the functioning of internal organs, changing the sensitivity of the limbs or certain parts of the body.

    What can have such an impact on the uniquely strong structure of the human spine?

    There are several reasons, and knowing them helps the patient understand exactly what is happening to him and how to act during an exacerbation.

    One of the main causes of the disease is considered to be injury, heavy lifting, which very often happens in young active men. The second is a weakening of the blood supply to the spinal muscles due to a sedentary lifestyle. The discs do not have their own nutrition system and function at the expense of nearby tissues - the back muscles. In this case, the following scheme works: a sedentary back - there is no necessary blood supply - the disc starves, becomes less strong - it cracks.

    A spinal hernia can occur due to individual characteristics of the body - connective tissue defects.

    A hernia in the lumbar region gives the following symptoms: aching pain occurs in the lower back, radiating to the leg (part of the foot and lower leg become insensitive, back pain appears, sharply intensifying when turning and walking). A person tends to stay in one position, fearing another attack of pain.

    Provoking factors are: osteochondrosis (it is considered the initial stage of intervertebral hernia) and heredity. A hernia can be caused by:

    • oncological and gynecological diseases;
    • broken and displaced vertebrae;
    • changes in the hip bones as a result of inflammation.

    At the first stage, a person tries to relieve pain with medications - tablets, ointments, compresses. A doctor is most often consulted in the advanced stage of the disease, when the process has worsened.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    When visiting a doctor (neurologist or orthopedist) with complaints of back pain or numbness in the extremities, an x-ray of the spine is prescribed.

    Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region develops in 2 stages:

    • the first is degenerative changes in this part of the spine, cracks, swelling, pain in tense muscles;
    • the second - at this stage the pain already affects the roots of the vertebral nerves, a loss of sensitivity is noted and a diagnosis is made - a hernia.

    The condition of the discs is assessed by the gap in the picture. For a more accurate diagnosis, discography is prescribed - approximately the same as radiography, but with the introduction of a contrast agent into the suspicious area. An ultrasound for a lumbar hernia will not be effective. The best diagnostic method is magnetic resonance imaging using contrast agents.

    Choosing the type of treatment

    In the first stage of intervertebral hernia, during its exacerbation, medications are prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain. Medicines can be in the form of ointments, injections or tablets.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures - massage, acupuncture, UHF, electrophoresis, laser treatment - give very good results. All these remedies relieve pain, but do not eliminate the problem.

    Surgical intervention can be avoided in 2/3 of cases of exacerbation of lumbar intervertebral hernia, but with numbness in the legs, periodic severe pain in the lower back, and disruption of the pelvic organs, surgical treatment is inevitable. It is necessary if the frequency of exacerbations is fixed once every 90 days and the pain is not relieved.

    Conservative therapy

    For conservative treatment of exacerbations of such hernias, traditional medicine and folk recipes are used. They relieve pain quite well, but treatment requires at least two weeks of time and a large amount of medications. They irritate the lining of the stomach and duodenum, affect the kidneys and liver, and can cause allergies. If you have gastritis or ulcers, you should not take them.

    For drug therapy of exacerbations, the following are used:

    • pain relieving ointments Diclofenac, Movalis;
    • injections or tablets Naproxen, Indomethacin, Tenoxicam.

    If the patient already knows his diagnosis and is experiencing another exacerbation, he needs to take the following measures to relieve pain:

    • go to bed, the damaged lower back and spine cannot support the weight of the body;
    • you need to make the bed hard, try to take a position in which the pain is minimal due to less tension on the roots, you can raise your legs on support;
    • wear a fixing belt so that it is impossible to make sudden movements, which will provoke a resumption of pain;
    • learn how to stand up non-traumatically: first slowly lower your legs to the floor, then you need to rise up, lean on your hands, sit on the edge and, holding your torso straight, stand up;
    • adjust your diet by eliminating rich, fatty and spicy foods;
    • refuse sexual intercourse: it involves mobility in the lower part of the spine;
    • use medications prescribed by your doctor - anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments Finalgon, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, injections of antibiotics, vitamin complexes.

    When pain decreases, physical therapy classes are prescribed. The doctor will also recommend massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure.

    All these interventions are carried out only between attacks of pain and under the supervision of a physiotherapist. As the pain decreases, the patient can exercise independently.

    Basic rules to follow:

    • minimal physical stress;
    • small range of motion;
    • exercises can be performed on a bed with a pillow, on the back or side and stopped when the pain returns;
    • observe the tension-relaxation sequence;
    • Exercises for healthy areas of the body are performed first: you need to start with the legs and arms, while the lower limbs are on the bed;
    • classes last 10-15 minutes, 3 sessions per day;
    • movements to flex the spine are prohibited: the disc sections are innervated by many processes, and even the slightest pressure increases pain;
    • You can’t bend too low; exercises to stretch the spine lengthwise are shown, which releases the nerve roots.

    Physical exercises during remission must be done very carefully to avoid pinching and relapse.

    If such treatment does not bring results, then hospitalization with intensive therapy or surgery is necessary.

    Surgical correction

    Advantages of surgery:

    1. 1. Pain in the limb is quickly relieved and discomfort in the spine is significantly reduced. It takes 1 day versus two months of drug therapy.
    2. 2. This treatment removes the cause of the pathology and relieves patients from pain for a long time, in contrast to the conservative method of therapy, in which exacerbations are periodic and become stronger every year.

    Negative sides:

    1. 1. Surgery often requires repeated intervention. But against the background of hospitalization of “conservative” patients 3-4 times a year, this is not a problem.
    2. 2. The risks of the operation itself - inflammation, scars - are treated with the introduction of antibiotics and gels.


    There are a large number of traditional medicine recipes used to treat exacerbations of intervertebral hernia - “lumbago”. Here are a few of them:

    1. 1. Honey and fir oil: rub the lower back with oil, then apply honey to the same area (you need to dissolve the mummy in it, which is diluted in 1 teaspoon of water). You should pat the sore area with your palms, the skin should stick to your hands, there may be severe pain. When finished, Finalgon is rubbed into the back and wrapped warmly. The duration of treatment is 30 days. Before such a massage, the skin should be lubricated with cinquefoil tincture, St. John's wort oil, and a decoction of birch leaves.

Intervertebral hernia is a serious disease that occurs with alternating periods of remissions and exacerbations. Conservative treatment is effective, but it does not solve the problem of the protrusion itself. , but relapse is also possible - re-formation of an intervertebral hernia. How to treat in such a situation?

In case of exacerbation, the same treatment methods are used as at the initial stage of hernia formation. The classic treatment regimen is medications, physical therapy (physical therapy), hirudotherapy, and the use of some folk remedies is allowed.

Traditional therapy

For small hernias of the lumbar and other parts of the spine, it is prescribed. The course of treatment takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Etiotropic therapy – elimination of the cause of exacerbation.
  2. Pathogenetic therapy – elimination of elements of the pathogenic process.
  3. Symptomatic therapy – elimination of symptoms.

Additionally, a course of exercise therapy and hirudotherapy may be prescribed.

Etiotropic therapy

This stage of treatment includes only surgery. There is no other way to get rid of protrusion.

The hernial protrusion is removed using microdiscectomy, a minimally invasive procedure that leaves only a small scar on the patient’s skin. The rehabilitation period in the clinic is only 1 day. During the intervention, the surgeon does not touch any muscles, ligaments (the ligamentum flavum can be partially removed), or bones. The pain syndrome after surgery is very mild and quickly regresses. Therefore, for the patient this method of treatment is the most effective and gentle.

Pathogenetic therapy

It is aimed at eliminating pathological processes and includes chondroprotectors, homeopathy, and vasodilators.

Chondroprotectors and preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Their task is to improve the nutrition of the intervertebral discs and supply them with the necessary elements for proper functioning (Teraflex capsules, Plus and Rumalon injections).

Homeopathic remedies. Used for prophylactic purposes or in combination with other drugs. At the beginning of their use, an exacerbation of chronic diseases occurs, thereby forcing the immune system to fight pathological processes.

Vasodilators. Their goal is to improve blood circulation at the location of the intervertebral hernia. This group of drugs includes Trental and Pentoxifylline. Self-administration is acceptable, but the drugs have contraindications and side effects. It is better if they are prescribed by a doctor.

Symptomatic therapy

Allows you to reduce the symptoms of hernia of the lumbar and other parts of the spine. This includes the relief of pain (NSAIDs, steroids), muscle spasms (muscle relaxants), irritability and insomnia.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. This group includes Diclofenac ointments (gels), as well as tablets, capsules and powders (Nise, Nimesil, Ibuprofen). Oral medications have many contraindications. It is not advisable to use them without consulting a doctor and in the presence of acute processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Prescribed in case of severe inflammation and pain during exacerbation of a hernia of any part of the spine, including the lumbar. Steroid drugs include Diprosan,. They are injected directly into the periarticular bursa. For such a procedure, a highly qualified doctor is important.

Muscle relaxants and auxiliary drugs

The former are used to relieve muscle tension (capsules or injections). Muscle relaxants are prohibited for independent use. They must be prescribed by the attending physician.

When using NSAIDs, the stomach walls are damaged. Therefore, in parallel, drugs such as Gastal, Almagel, Phosphalugel are prescribed, which create a protective film for the mucous membrane.

Against the background of pain, sleep disturbances often occur, irritability and nervousness increase. To improve the psycho-emotional state, the doctor can prescribe antidepressants, for example, Sertraline or Insidon, or limit himself to something easier - Zelenin drops, peony tincture.

Most drugs for the treatment of hernia of any part of the spine are available by prescription. To provide first aid, you can buy Nise, Ibuprofen without a prescription, or supplement the tablets with ointment or gel containing NSAIDs.

After relief of acute pain, you must urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment. The most ideal option is to call help at home, because delay in a situation with an exacerbation of intervertebral hernia is “like death.”

Therapeutic exercise (physical therapy)

During exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, bed rest is recommended. Compliance with it allows you to relieve the spine as much as possible. In most cases, a hernia of the lumbar spine worsens. For severe pain, the following muscle relaxation poses help:

  • Using a stand, lying on your back, raise your legs so that your thighs and shins form a right angle with each other.
  • Lie face down and place a pillow or small cushion under your stomach.

Prescribed by a doctor after pain relief. The main objectives of the exercises: improving blood circulation in the affected area, strengthening the abdominal and back muscles. To avoid pain and discomfort, you need to exercise at a slow pace. The complex should be divided into several parts and alternated throughout the day.

In addition to physical therapy exercises, you can do some. To avoid injury, classes must be conducted by an instructor.


Treatment with leeches is prescribed both for exacerbation and for developing spinal hernia. Leeches contain the active substance hirudin, which can restore damaged disc tissue and improve metabolism in a short period of time. aimed at:

  1. Improved blood circulation.
  2. Boosting immunity.
  3. Saturation of the body with useful substances.
  4. Relieving spasms.
  5. Prevents the formation of blood clots
  6. Relief of inflammatory processes.

The first result of treatment appears after two sessions; for complete recovery you need to do courses 2 times a year for 10–12 procedures. Leeches are raised on special farms under sterile conditions and disposed of after use. Like other treatment methods, hirudotherapy has contraindications:

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Low red blood cell count.
  • Oncology
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Traditional methods

Along with traditional treatment, various homemade rubs, ointments, lotions, compresses, bee stings, and the use of decoctions/infusions of medicinal herbs are popular among patients. But they can only be considered as aids to relieve pain. It is not advisable to self-medicate using the methods listed above.


When treating with medicinal herbs and fruits, restoratives containing large amounts of vitamins and microelements are used. Before meals it is recommended to consume:

  • Fruits of viburnum, ginseng.
  • Rosehip infusion.
  • Salad of dried apricots, raisins and walnuts, dressed with lemon juice.
  • Bran with honey.

For compresses and rubbing, you can make a decoction of chamomile with rose hips and (or) an infusion of lilac flowers.


Oil infusions have proven themselves to be effective in relieving pain: fir oil with honey, St. John's wort leaves, birch and comfrey roots. Oils can be taken orally, after filtering the sediment. You can massage them, using them as a relaxation and pain reliever.

Essential oils suitable for treating hernia include basil, coriander, rosemary, and mint. Clary sage essential oil relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Such products are used for taking a warm bath and hot compresses.


In case of exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia, treatment with bee venom can quickly relieve pain, as well as improve blood circulation and metabolic processes at the site of the sting. After completing the full course, you can achieve long-term remission. Apitherapy must be performed by a qualified healthcare professional. In addition to experience working with bees, he must also know the points at which the sting must be directed.

Before using herbs and bee products, be sure to consult your doctor and make sure you are not allergic.

Treatment methods such as massage and manual therapy are carried out only at the initial stage of the disease. If they worsen, they can further worsen the patient's condition.

To avoid re-exacerbation of hernia of the lumbar and other parts of the spine, you should regularly (1-2 times a year) be examined by your doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get rid of bad habits and regularly do a complex of exercise therapy.

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