In what units is blood pressure measured? How is blood pressure measured? What to look for when measuring pressure with mechanical tonometers

Blood movement is the result of the joint work of the heart and blood vessels. The blood pressure parameter consists of two numbers. Systolic (upper) blood pressure is determined during the compression of the heart and the ejection of blood into the arteries and corresponds to a higher number. As blood moves through the arteries, the pressure gradually decreases. The value of diastolic (lower) blood pressure describes the minimum effect in the vessels when the heart muscle relaxes after contraction and corresponds to a smaller number.


In what units is blood pressure measured? The unit of measurement for blood pressure is the millimeter of mercury (mmHg). The name comes from the method of measuring atmospheric pressure using a column of mercury in a barometer.

The first device in history to measure blood pressure was also mercury. It gave the most accurate readings thanks to mercury liquid moving through a vertical tube. Under the influence of the force of air pumped into the cuff by a rubber bulb, the mercury rose to the conventional level. Then, using the valve on the bulb, the cuff was slowly released from the air.

The appearance and disappearance of tones were listened to using a stethoscope. The corresponding readings of the column going down were recorded as pressure numbers.

Modern blood pressure monitors operate on a mechanical or electronic principle, but traditionally pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. On the digital scale of a mechanical tonometer, 1 division corresponds to 2 mmHg. Art.

Measuring devices

Blood pressure measuring devices are available to everyone. To measure it, a sphygmomanometer, or tonometer, is used.

Currently, two types are common:

  • mechanical device;
  • electronic device.

The mechanical device does not produce ready-made values, but is more accurate. Consists of a pressure gauge with a dial, a rubber bulb and a fabric cuff. The pulsation is heard by a person through a stethoscope while deflating the cuff, which is manually adjusted using a valve on the bulb. The pressure gauge can communicate with the bulb through the cavity of the cuff or directly.

Electronic tonometers determine pressure independently and are divided into:

  • semi-automatic;
  • automatic.

In a semi-automatic tonometer, instead of a pressure gauge, there is a display for displaying indicators. Air is also pumped into the cuff manually using a bulb.

Automatic blood pressure monitors carry out the entire procedure independently after pressing a button. The pump for pumping air is built into the body of the device. In addition to blood pressure, the display shows pulse data. There are wrist (simulating a wristwatch) and automatic shoulder blood pressure monitors. Wrist pressure is not measured in medical institutions, as it does not provide accurate information.

When choosing a sphygmomanometer, you need to pay attention to the size of the cuff. It should correspond to the circumference of the shoulder (less often the hip) or be as close as possible to the first number of the size indicated on the cuff through a dash. All pressure gauges should be checked and adjusted annually.

What do the tonometer numbers show?

What do pressure units indicate? The norm for an adult (over 17 years old) is understood to mean blood pressure equal to 120/80 mm Hg. Art.

A systematic decrease below 90/50 indicates arterial hypotension. Values ​​falling within the range of 120-139/80-89 mmHg. Art., are recognized as a state of prehypertension. This increases the likelihood of heart disease.

Exceeding the mark of 140/90 mmHg. Art. dangerous to health at any age and indicates an overload of the heart and a malfunction in the circulatory system. With regular high blood pressure, arterial hypertension develops.

Isolated systolic hypertension occurs. When systolic blood pressure rises above 140 mmHg. Art., and diastolic blood pressure remains at the normal level.

Failure to properly measure blood pressure will greatly complicate the detection of the disease. This will lead to progression or exacerbation of the disease. Blood pressure should be measured regularly.

The frequency of the procedure depends on how you feel and the presence of symptoms of hypertension:

  1. Annually. If there were single episodes of increased blood pressure discovered by chance;
  2. Monthly If your blood pressure rises frequently, but not significantly. More often than not, this does not affect your well-being;
  3. Daily. If there is a stable increase in blood pressure, the condition worsens and exacerbations occur.

Differences in the figures obtained when measuring in the clinic and at home are allowed by 5 mm Hg. Art.


Author of the article Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna, general practitioner

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Humanity owes a lot to the Italian Riva-Rocci, who at the end of the last century invented a device that measures blood pressure (BP). At the beginning of the last century, this invention was wonderfully supplemented by the Russian scientist N.S. Korotkov, proposing a method for measuring pressure in the brachial artery with a phonendoscope. Although Riva-Rocci apparatus was bulky compared to current blood pressure monitors and was indeed mercury-based, but the principle of its operation did not change for almost 100 years. And the doctors loved him. Unfortunately, now you can only see it in a museum, because it has been replaced by compact (mechanical and electronic) devices of a new generation. And here auscultatory method N.S. Korotkova is still with us and is successfully used by both doctors and their patients.

Where is the norm?

The normal blood pressure in adults is considered to be120/80 mm Hg. st. But can this indicator be fixed if a living organism, which is a person, must constantly adapt to different conditions of existence? And people are all different, so blood pressure still deviates within reasonable limits.

infographics: RIA Novosti

Even though modern medicine has abandoned the previous complex formulas for calculating blood pressure, which took into account such parameters as gender, age, weight, there are still discounts on something. For example, for an asthenic “lightweight” woman, the pressure is 110/70 mm Hg. Art. is considered quite normal, and if blood pressure increases by 20 mm Hg. Art., then she will certainly feel it. In the same way, the normal pressure will be 130/80 mmHg. Art. for a trained young man. After all, athletes usually have it this way.

Fluctuations in blood pressure will still be influenced by factors such as age, physical activity, psycho-emotional situation, climatic and weather conditions. , perhaps, he would not have suffered from hypertension if he lived in another country. Otherwise, how can we understand the fact that on the black African continent, hypertension can be found only occasionally among the indigenous population, while blacks in the USA suffer from it en masse? It turns out that only BP does not depend on race.

However, if the pressure rises slightly (10 mm Hg) and only to give a person the opportunity to adapt to the environment, that is, occasionally, all this is considered normal and does not give reason to think about the disease.

With age, blood pressure also rises slightly. This is due to changes in the blood vessels, which deposit something on their walls. In practically healthy people, the deposits are very small, so the pressure will increase by 10-15 mm Hg. pillar

If blood pressure values ​​exceed 140/90 mm Hg. st., will steadfastly stay at this figure, and sometimes even move upward, such a person will be diagnosed with arterial hypertension of the appropriate degree, depending on the pressure values. Consequently, for adults there is no norm for blood pressure by age; there is only a small discount for age. But for children everything is a little different.

Video: how to keep blood pressure normal?

What about the children?

Blood pressure in children has different values ​​than in adults. And it grows, starting from birth, at first quite quickly, then growth slows down, with some upward leaps in adolescence, and reaches the level of blood pressure of an adult. Of course, it would be surprising if the pressure of such a small newborn baby, with everything so “new”, was 120/80 mmHg. Art.

The structure of all organs of a newly born baby is not yet complete, this also applies to the cardiovascular system. The blood vessels of a newborn are elastic, their lumen is wider, the network of capillaries is larger, so the pressure is 60/40 mm Hg. Art. for him it will be the absolute norm. Although, perhaps, someone will be surprised by the fact that yellow lipid stains can be found in the aorta of newborns, which, however, do not affect health and go away over time. But this is so, a retreat.

As the baby develops and his body further develops, blood pressure rises and by the age of one year the normal figures will be 90-100/40-60 mmHg. Art., and the child will reach the values ​​of an adult only by the age of 9-10. However, at this age the pressure is 100/60 mmHg. Art. will be considered normal and will not surprise anyone. But in adolescents, a blood pressure value that is considered normal is slightly higher than that established for adults, 120/80. This is probably due to the hormonal surge characteristic of adolescence. To calculate normal blood pressure values ​​in children, pediatricians use special table, which we bring to the attention of readers.

AgeNormal minimum systolic pressureNormal maximum systolic pressureNormal minimum diastolic pressureNormal maximum diastolic pressure
Up to 2 weeks 60 96 40 50
2-4 weeks 80 112 40 74
2-12 months 90 112 50 74
2-3 years 100 112 60 74
3-5 years 100 116 60 76
6-9 years 100 122 60 78
10-12 years 110 126 70 82
13-15 years old 110 136 70 86

Blood pressure problems in children and adolescents

Unfortunately, such a pathology as arterial hypertension is no exception for the child’s body. Lability of blood pressure most often manifests itself in adolescence, when the body is undergoing restructuring, but the puberty period is dangerous because a person at this time is not yet an adult, but no longer a child. This age is difficult for the person himself, because it often leads to pressure surges. instability of the nervous system teenager, and for his parents, and for the attending physician. However, pathological deviations must be noticed and leveled out in time. This is the task of adults.

The causes of increased blood pressure in children and adolescents may be:

As a result of the influence of these factors, vascular tone increases, the heart begins to work harder, especially its left side. If urgent measures are not taken, a young man may reach adulthood with a ready-made diagnosis: arterial hypertension or, at best, of one type or another.

Measuring blood pressure at home

We talk about blood pressure for quite a long time, implying that all people know how to measure it. It seems that there is nothing complicated, we put a cuff above the elbow, pump air into it, slowly release it and listen.

Everything is correct, but before moving on to blood pressure in adults, I would like to dwell on the algorithm for measuring blood pressure, since patients often do this on their own and not always according to the method. As a result, inadequate results are obtained, and, accordingly, unreasonable use of antihypertensive drugs. In addition, when people talk about upper and lower blood pressure, they do not always understand what it all means.

To correctly measure blood pressure, it is very important what conditions a person is in. To avoid getting “random numbers”, in America they measure blood pressure following the following rules:

  1. A comfortable environment for a person whose blood pressure is of interest should be at least 5 minutes;
  2. Half an hour before the procedure, do not smoke or eat;
  3. Visit the toilet so that your bladder is not full;
  4. Take into account tension, pain, feeling unwell, taking medications;
  5. Measure blood pressure twice on both arms in a lying, sitting, standing position.

Probably, each of us will not agree with this, unless such a measurement is suitable for a military registration and enlistment office or in strict stationary conditions. Nevertheless, you should strive to fulfill at least some points. For example, It would still be good to measure the pressure in calm atmosphere , having comfortably laid or seated a person, take into account the influence of a “good” smoke break or just eaten a hearty lunch. It should be remembered that the accepted antihypertensive It might not have had its effect yet (not much time has passed) and you might not grab the next pill after seeing a disappointing result.

A person, especially if he is not completely healthy, usually does a poor job of measuring his own blood pressure (it costs a lot to put a cuff on!). It is better if one of the relatives or neighbors does this. Very seriously need to treat And to the method of measuring blood pressure.

Video: measuring pressure with an electronic tonometer

Cuff, tonometer, phonendoscope... systole and diastole

The algorithm for determining blood pressure (auscultatory method by N.S. Korotkov, 1905) is very simple if everything is done correctly. The patient is seated comfortably (can be lying down) and measurement begins:

  • Air is released from the cuff connected to the tonometer and the bulb by squeezing it with the palms;
  • Wrap the cuff around the patient’s arm above the elbow (tightly and evenly), trying to ensure that the rubber connecting tube is on the side of the artery, otherwise you may get an incorrect result;
  • Select a listening location and install a phonendoscope;
  • Inflate air into the cuff;
  • When inflating air, the cuff compresses the arteries due to its own pressure, which is 20-30 mm Hg. Art. above the pressure at which the sounds heard on the brachial artery with each pulse wave completely disappear;
  • Slowly releasing air from the cuff, listen to the sounds of the artery on the elbow;
  • The first sound heard by the phonendoscope is recorded with a glance on the tonometer scale. It will mean the breakthrough of a portion of blood through the compressed area, since the pressure in the artery has slightly exceeded the pressure in the cuff. The impact of escaping blood against the artery wall is called in Korotkov's tone, top or systolic pressure;
  • The series of sounds, noises, tones following systole is understandable to cardiologists, but ordinary people must catch the last sound, which is called diastolic or lower, it is also marked visually.

Thus, contracting, the heart pushes blood into the arteries (systole), creating pressure on them equal to the upper or systolic. Blood begins to distribute through the vessels, which leads to a decrease in pressure and relaxation of the heart (diastole). This is the last, lower, diastolic beat.

However, there are nuances...

Scientists have found that when measuring blood pressure using the traditional method, its values ​​are 10% different from the true ones (direct measurement in the artery during its puncture). Such an error is more than compensated for by the accessibility and simplicity of the procedure; moreover, as a rule, one measurement of blood pressure in the same patient is not enough, and this makes it possible to reduce the magnitude of the error.

In addition, the patients do not differ in the same build. For example, thin people have lower detectable values. But for overweight people, on the contrary, it is higher than in reality. This difference can be leveled out by a cuff with a width of more than 130 mm. However, there are not just fat people. Obesity of 3-4 degrees often makes it difficult to measure blood pressure on the arm. In such cases, the measurement is carried out on the leg using a special cuff.

There are cases when, with the auscultatory method of measuring blood pressure in the interval between the upper and lower arterial pressure, a break is observed in the sound wave (10-20 mm Hg or more), when there are no sounds above the artery (complete silence), but on the vessel itself there is a pulse. This phenomenon is called auscultatory “failure”, which can occur in the upper or middle third of the pressure amplitude. Such a “failure” should not go unnoticed, because then a lower blood pressure value (the lower limit of the auscultatory “failure”) will be mistakenly taken for the value of systolic pressure. Sometimes this difference can be even 50 mm Hg. Art., which, naturally, will greatly affect the interpretation of the result and, accordingly, treatment, if necessary.

An error like this is highly undesirable and can be avoided. To do this, simultaneously with pumping air into the cuff, the pulse in the radial artery should be monitored. The pressure in the cuff must be increased to values ​​sufficiently above the level at which the pulse disappears.

The phenomenon of "infinite tone" well known to adolescents, sports doctors and in military registration and enlistment offices when examining conscripts. The nature of this phenomenon is considered to be a hyperkinetic type of blood circulation and low vascular tone, the cause of which is emotional or physical stress. In this case, it is not possible to determine the diastolic pressure; it seems that it is simply zero. However, after a few days, in a relaxed state of the young man, measuring the lower pressure does not present any difficulties.

Video: measuring pressure using the traditional method

Blood pressure increases... (hypertension)

The causes of high blood pressure in adults are not much different from those in children, but those who are... undoubtedly have more risk factors:

  1. Of course, leading to vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure;
  2. BP clearly correlates with excess weight;
  3. Glucose levels (diabetes mellitus) greatly influence the formation of arterial hypertension;
  4. Excessive consumption of table salt;
  5. Life in the city, because it is known that an increase in blood pressure parallels the acceleration of the pace of life;
  6. Alcohol. Strong tea and coffee become a cause only when they are consumed in excessive quantities;
  7. Oral contraceptives, which many women use to avoid unwanted pregnancy;
  8. Smoking itself, perhaps, would not be among the causes of high blood pressure, but this bad habit has too bad an effect on the blood vessels, especially peripheral ones;
  9. Low physical activity;
  10. Professional activities associated with high psycho-emotional stress;
  11. Changes in atmospheric pressure, changes in weather conditions;
  12. Many other diseases, including surgical ones.

People suffering from arterial hypertension, as a rule, control their condition themselves by constantly taking medications to lower blood pressure, prescribed by a doctor in individually selected dosages. It could be , or. Considering the good awareness of patients about their illness, there is no point in dwelling too much on arterial hypertension, its manifestations and treatment.

However, everything begins somewhere, and so it is with hypertension. It is necessary to determine whether this is a one-time increase in blood pressure caused by objective reasons (stress, drinking alcohol in inadequate doses, certain medications), or whether there is a tendency to increase it on an ongoing basis, for example, blood pressure rises in the evening, after a working day.

It is clear that an evening rise in blood pressure indicates that during the day a person bears an excessive load on himself, so he must analyze the day, find the cause and begin treatment (or prevention). In such cases, the presence of hypertension in the family should be even more alarming, since it is known that this disease has a hereditary predisposition.

If high blood pressure is detected repeatedly, even if in numbers 135/90 mmHg. Art., then it is advisable to start taking measures to prevent it from becoming high. It is not necessary to immediately resort to medications; you can first try to regulate your blood pressure by following a regimen of work, rest and nutrition.

Of course, diet plays a special role in this regard. By giving preference to products that lower blood pressure, you can do without pharmaceuticals for a long time, or even avoid taking them altogether, if you do not forget about folk recipes containing medicinal herbs.

By creating a menu of such affordable foods as garlic, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, beans and peas, milk, baked potatoes, salmon fish, spinach, you can eat well and not feel hungry. And bananas, kiwi, orange, pomegranate can perfectly replace any dessert and at the same time normalize blood pressure.

Video: hypertension in the program “Live Healthy!”

Blood pressure is low... (hypotension)

Low blood pressure, although not fraught with such dangerous complications as high blood pressure, is still uncomfortable for a person to live with. Typically, such patients have a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia of the hypotonic type, which is quite common these days, when at the slightest sign of unfavorable conditions, blood pressure decreases, which is accompanied by pallor of the skin, dizziness, nausea, general weakness and malaise. Patients break into a cold sweat and may faint.

There are many reasons for this, the treatment of such people is very difficult and lengthy, moreover, there are no medications for constant use, except that patients often drink freshly brewed green tea, coffee and occasionally take tincture of Eleutherococcus, ginseng and pantocrine tablets. Regime, especially sleep, which requires at least 10 hours, helps normalize blood pressure in such patients. The diet should be sufficiently high in calories, because low blood pressure requires glucose. Green tea has a beneficial effect on blood vessels during hypotension, increasing blood pressure somewhat and thereby bringing a person to his senses, which is especially noticeable in the morning. A cup of coffee also helps, but you should remember that the drink is addictive, that is, you can get hooked on it unnoticed.

The range of health measures for low blood pressure includes:

  1. Healthy lifestyle (active recreation, sufficient time in the fresh air);
  2. High physical activity, sports;
  3. Water treatments (aroma baths, hydromassage, swimming pool);
  4. Spa treatment;
  5. Diet;
  6. Elimination of provoking factors.

Help yourself!

If you have problems with blood pressure, you should not passively wait for the doctor to come and cure everything. The success of prevention and treatment largely depends on the patient himself. Of course, if you suddenly end up in a hospital with a hypertensive crisis, then they will prescribe a blood pressure profile and select pills. But when a patient comes to an outpatient appointment with complaints of increased blood pressure, he will have to take on a lot. For example, it is difficult to trace the dynamics of blood pressure from words, therefore the patient is asked to keep a diary(at the observation stage for the selection of antihypertensive drugs - a week, during the period of long-term use of drugs - 2 weeks 4 times a year, that is, every 3 months).

The diary can be an ordinary school notebook, divided into columns for convenience. It should be remembered that the measurement of the first day, although carried out, is not taken into account. In the morning (6-8 hours, but always before taking medications) and in the evening (18-21 hours) you need to take 2 measurements. Of course, it will be better if the patient is so careful that he measures the pressure every 12 hours at the same time.

  • Rest for 5 minutes, and if there was emotional or physical stress, then 15-20 minutes;
  • An hour before the procedure, do not drink strong tea and coffee, do not think about alcoholic beverages, do not smoke for half an hour (tolerate it!);
  • Do not comment on the actions of the person measuring, do not discuss the news, remember that there should be silence when measuring blood pressure;
  • Sit comfortably, keeping your hand on a hard surface.
  • Carefully record your blood pressure values ​​in a notebook so that you can later show your notes to your doctor.

You can talk about blood pressure for a long time and a lot, patients love to do this, sitting under the doctor’s office, but you can talk, but you should not take advice and recommendations into account, because everyone has their own cause of arterial hypertension, their own concomitant diseases and their own medicine. For some patients, blood pressure-lowering medications take more than one day to select, so it is better to trust one person - the doctor.

Video: blood pressure in the “Live Healthy!” program

Blood pressure characterizes the functioning of the circulatory system and is considered one of the important indicators in the diagnosis of heart disease. The norm of this parameter depends on age, characteristics of the body and the general rhythm of life.

Blood pressure is the force of blood exerted on the inner walls of arteries (vessels that carry blood from the heart to other organs). Normally, blood pressure is in a changeable state, but the influence of certain factors can increase and decrease values ​​in a negative direction:

  • stress and emotional distress;
  • physical exercise and other body stress;
  • diet;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • weather dependence.

Negative changes in blood pressure provoke the development of:

  • hypertension;
  • or heart attack;
  • deterioration;
  • – cardiac dysfunction;
  • peripheral vascular diseases.

They are called hypotension accordingly.

There are two values ​​of blood pressure:

  1. Systolic (upper numbers). Shows the force of the heart contracting and pushing blood out of the arteries.
  2. Diastolic (lower numbers). Notes the pressure in the vessels during rest of the heart muscles.

The value of the upper parameter depends on:

  • size of the ventricle (the source of blood in the heart);
  • speed of blood movement;
  • pulsations of the heart muscles;
  • width of the aorta (the largest artery).

Lower blood pressure is determined by the state of the system of small vessels: their flexibility and accessibility to blood flow. The higher the elasticity of the arteries and their resistance, the higher the readings on the tonometer.

In what units is blood pressure measured?

Blood pressure is traditionally measured in millimeters of mercury. This unit of blood pressure measurement dates back to the invention of the barometer, which uses the movement of mercury to measure the force with which air presses on the surface of the earth. Mercury as a measuring fluid was also present in the first pressure gauges, which looked like a glass vertical tube with a millimeter scale. The principle of operation of such a mechanical pressure gauge (sphygmomanometer) was to simultaneously press a special bag of water onto the artery until its pulsation completely ceases and monitor the strength of this pressure using indicators on a mercury scale. This design was gradually supplemented with a cuff (sleeve), hoses for air supply and a stethoscope, which ultimately led to the appearance of automatic modern tonometers.

International medical experts propose introducing another official designation for kPa - kilopascals. However, there is still debate about what blood pressure actually is measured in.

On a note!

In France, they use a different system of units - centimeters of mercury.

Blood pressure norms

The optimal value for healthy people is 100/65-139/89 mm. rt. Art., however, it happens that minor changes in values ​​above or below these norms do not affect a person’s well-being. The younger the person, the lower the blood pressure values.

An increase in indicators from 140/90 or a decrease from 90/60 is already dangerous for health. Such a stable change in parameters indicates the development of hypertension or hypotension, treatment of which must be started promptly in order to avoid complications associated with deterioration of heart function. A single increase or decrease in pressure is provoked by the peculiarities of living conditions: stress, physical activity and air temperature can cause fluctuations in indicators.

Read also

The tonometer also displays a third parameter - pulse pressure, which is the difference between the upper and lower numbers. The norm is values ​​from 35 to 55 mmHg. Inflated figures from 60 mmHg. speak of the presence of pathology in the blood vessels and heart, even if systolic and diastolic pressures are within normal limits.

How to measure blood pressure

This is a simple procedure that you can do yourself using an automatic tonometer. Such devices are not so expensive: from 1500 rubles. and more. It is advisable to have blood pressure monitors for people prone to shortness of breath and dizziness. When using an automatic tonometer you must:

  1. Bring yourself to as calm a state as possible (if possible).
  2. and alcohol (they can affect the indicator values).
  3. Sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
  4. Expose your right arm up to the shoulder and place it on a flat surface.
  5. Put the cuff on so that its bottom edge is 2-2.5 cm above the elbow.
  6. Fix the sleeve of the device, but not too tightly: 1-2 fingers should easily fit under it.
  7. Make sure the tonometer wires are correctly positioned.
  8. Press the power button and wait until the cuff fills with air and deflates. In this case, the cuff may slightly compress the arm above the elbow, which is normal.

After the sleeve is deflated, the blood pressure and pulse pressure numbers are displayed on the tonometer. On the screen of some models there is a color scale, where green means, yellow means slightly elevated, and red shows a significant deviation from the norm. There are also talking tonometers on sale, which makes the procedure easier for people with disabilities.

Blood pressure indicators: depending on age

Average blood pressure values ​​often change depending on a person's age and gender. Women under 40 years of age have lower rates than men, however, after 41 years of age the opposite trend is observed. This is due to the characteristics of the female body: during the childbearing period, special hormones remain active and strengthen the woman’s circulatory system.

One of the most important indicators of the state of the body for every person is blood pressure. It is the pressure that reflects the correct functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, in order to detect changes in pressure and prevent the development of serious diseases, it is necessary to constantly monitor and correctly measure blood pressure levels.

Normal human blood pressure

Each person has completely different indicators of normal blood pressure.

Normal blood pressure ranges from 100/50 to 140/50 millimeters of mercury.

For an adult, 110/70-120/60 millimeters of mercury is considered the most optimal. A person whose blood pressure is at the level of 140/50 is most susceptible to developing hypertension, and who has blood pressure below 100/80 mmHg - hypotension.

Despite the standard human pressure, there is also such a thing as “adaptation pressure.” It means that a person can feel good only under a certain pressure. And deviations from such pressure in a positive or negative direction, on the contrary, worsen well-being. These blood pressure indicators can be considered both normal and abnormal. For example, the usual average value for a hypotensive person is 105/60 millimeters of mercury, and if the value increases, the state of health deteriorates sharply.

If the pressure numbers begin to decrease, then it is clearly expressed:

  • Weakness.
  • Loss of consciousness.

Based on this, we can conclude that changes in well-being are possible regardless of blood pressure.

With hypertension, pressure at a level of 140/50 units or more is considered a pathology that must be eliminated so that complications do not arise later.

The term “adaptive pressure” is most often used specifically for high blood pressure. For example, a hypertensive person can feel from 140/70 to 160/50, and a deviation from these limits in a positive or negative direction causes negative symptoms. Based on this, it is precisely these numbers indicating blood pressure for a hypertensive patient that will be considered familiar, although this is a significant deviation. However, such blood pressure contributes to rapid exhaustion of the body, which can lead to premature complications.

Devices for determining blood pressure

The device used to measure blood pressure is called a tonometer. Answering the question of how pressure is measured, it is worth noting that in the first invention the measurement scale was mercury. From there, it is customary to calculate pressure in units such as millimeters of mercury.

There are two types of tonometers:

  • Electronic device.
  • Mechanical device.

A mechanical tonometer consists of a cuff into which air is pumped using a small hand pump, most often called a “rubber bulb,” as well as a pressure gauge with a scale of values. In addition, a stethoscope is used in tandem with this device. This device is still used today. The pressure values ​​on such products are the most accurate.

Divided into 2 types:

  • Auto.
  • Semi-automatic.

A semi-automatic tonometer consists of a cuff similar to a mechanical one, and also has a rubber bulb for inflation. But, unlike a mechanical one, instead of a pressure gauge, it has a device with a display that indicates the value of blood pressure and heart rate.

Today, there are a variety of types of automatic devices for measuring blood pressure. Some types of devices can only be used in a hospital or at home, others can be very compact, for example, in the form of a wristwatch, which allows you to constantly monitor your blood pressure.

This type of tonometer has the most accurate indication of blood pressure and also shows the heart rate.

How to correctly determine blood pressure levels?

For a certain period of time before the measurement procedure, you should refrain from consuming alcohol and tobacco products, coffee, salty or highly fatty foods. There is also no need to take medications that can affect blood pressure. In addition, you should refrain from any physical activity.

Pressure determination takes place in a calm environment. The person whose blood pressure will be measured must take a comfortable position in a sitting or reclining position. Then the hand must be placed on a table or a special stand. After this, put the cuff on your forearm and fasten it tightly. Then they start measuring.

During the blood pressure measurement period, the patient's arm should be completely relaxed. Usually the blood pressure reading on the right arm is slightly higher. If the blood pressure on both arms is the same, then in the future there will be no need to measure on both arms.

In order to constantly monitor blood pressure, it must be measured 2-3 times a day. It is important to measure blood pressure at the same time. After measurement, the indicators must be recorded in a notebook or journal.

Normal blood pressure values ​​are determined depending on age. Typically, blood pressure levels increase as you age.

Blood pressure indicators depending on age:

  • 20 years – 120/70 units.
  • 40 years – 140/80 units.
  • 60 years – 150/85 units.

However, these indicators do not act as universal ones. They mean only average norms. If age indicators are significantly increased, you should consult a doctor. Since in some cases they mean the development of serious diseases.

Blood pressure measurement using the Korotkoff technique

The Korotkoff method is one of the most accurate methods of measuring blood pressure, recognized by WHO. First of all, to carry out the procedure, you need to take the most comfortable position and position your hand correctly. The tonometer cuff is put on the shoulder and fixed, then the stethoscope membrane is placed in the cubital socket and lightly held with your fingers.

A common medical device kept at home is a tonometer, a device for measuring blood pressure. However, it is not necessary for hypertensive patients to use it. Blood pressure (BP) sometimes rises spontaneously, under the influence of a provoking external factor. Taking medications without precise indications and without determining blood pressure levels is dangerous to health. The tonometer belongs to the category of budget devices that are affordable to many. Pharmacies have a wide selection, and many specialized medical stores are also open.

Let's consider in what units blood pressure is measured, and what devices are used for this.

What pressure is considered normal?

To accurately measure pressure and reduce errors, you need to know how to correctly perform the procedure, how high and low blood pressure is measured. It is permissible, of course, not to be interested in what units are used for this, but it is necessary to know the stages of using the device. If previously only a mechanical tonometer was in use, many modern electronic analogues have replaced it and made the procedure for determining blood pressure simple and easy. Pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. The reference to the “mercury column” is now conditional, since initially the scale of the device for measuring pressure consisted of mercury.

It is believed that the ideal pressure of the human body is 120/80, where 120 is the upper pressure standard, and 80 is the lower one. But due to individual reasons, this standard turns out to be uncomfortable. In general, normal limits vary from 100 to 130 mmHg. Art. (upper) and from 60 to 80 mm Hg. Art. (bottom). That is why there are categories of people with hypertension, and there are categories with hypotension. With the latter disease, blood pressure readings of 90/60 are considered normal, and the person feels healthy. When measuring pressure, this feature must be taken into account. It is clear that only a doctor can decipher and determine for certain what the tonometer numbers mean.

Some doctors note that as long as a person feels healthy, nothing interferes with him, does not worsen the quality of life, and medicine should not interfere. For this reason, at the first stage of hypertension, medications are not prescribed for continuous use. A short maintenance course is prescribed: mild medications are prescribed to lower blood pressure, if necessary. The basis of therapy is to correct the patient’s diet and lifestyle. In this case, it is imperative to use a tonometer to monitor the condition.

If there is a need to use the device, you need to study information about the features of tonometers and how pressure is measured. It is important to know that blood pressure readings are different on the left and right arms. Therefore, data must be taken from the same hand when control is required. If you conduct daily monitoring, blood pressure measurement is carried out at certain hours.

What types of tonometers are there?

Most devices are equipped with auxiliary symbols that simplify their operation. Thus, on many devices, pulse values ​​are indicated by a graphic design - a “heart”. That is, when measuring blood pressure, a person will see a flashing icon nearby. And this is a heart rate counter. This parameter is not indicated everywhere, but is of great importance for those suffering from cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure.

There are quite a few types of devices, but the mechanical version is considered accurate. Choose electronic or mechanical devices. The units of measurement remain the same in any case, but there is a difference in the measurements themselves.

The smallest error in mechanical models. In automatic devices, the error reaches a difference of 5 units. Before choosing a tonometer, you should decide for what purpose the mechanism is needed.

Electronic models are a device for measuring blood pressure and a cuff. The display shows the value of the measured pressure; in addition, the device will determine the pulse. The device has built-in memory, but the amount depends on the model. Some store data from previous days, while others only store the latest result. The cuff is placed on the shoulder or hand, depending on the type of device.

When taking measurements, it must be taken into account that the tonometer readings must correspond to the person’s age. Thus, in elderly people there is a deviation from the norm, but there is no history of hypertension. Then this is not a deviation, but the norm of a particular person. You need to know that the readings are divided by age. What is normal for a young person is already a pathology for an elderly person. Sometimes it happens that for people with hypertension, indicators of 120/80 bring discomfort and inconvenience. But values ​​of 150/95 are not felt by them; the patient feels adequate.

The semi-automatic model has three components:

  • cuff;
  • a bulb for pumping air;
  • apparatus.

Some models run on batteries, others are charged from the mains. Semi-automatic machines usually have a small memory, but it is enough for comparison with previous indicators. Unlike an automatic device, the measurements here are more accurate, the error is 2-3 units.

However, all electronic-based devices have a small drawback: sometimes they malfunction during operation. Therefore, before measuring the pressure, you need to make sure that it is correctly configured for operating mode. If operation is incorrect, an error message and numbers may appear: one or more. It’s easy to understand what they mean: the tonometer is working incorrectly. Sometimes in such cases the device makes a characteristic sound. In these cases, you just need to check the functionality of all batteries and reboot the device.

How to measure blood pressure correctly

The main condition for correct data acquisition is a calm position of the body and hand. The procedure is carried out when the patient is in a reclining or sitting position, completely relaxed. You can't even move your fingers. If you are measuring yourself, place your hand freely on a hard surface or stand. Put on the cuff and pump up the bulb with your free hand. If the device is automatic or semi-automatic, it will give a signal when the air injection reaches its limit. Then they put the pear aside and wait for the result. The device will beep when data processing is complete.

If the device is mechanical, a phonendoscope is also attached to it. But such a device is used by knowledgeable people who actively practice the device, doctors.

Determination of pressure occurs simultaneously “by ear” and “by eye”. The air pumping threshold is always higher than the possible pressure. Typically, patients pump up to 180-200 units or more at the upper value. Then the air is slowly released, and the pressure measurement records the occurrence of shocks.

When measuring blood pressure, it is important to take the correct steps, recording pressure readings. This allows us to draw conclusions about the state of a person’s health and helps with diagnostic and monitoring activities. Measuring blood pressure at home also makes it possible to provide timely assistance and consult a doctor.

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