Roulettes measuring metal. Metal measuring tapes Measuring tapes GOST 7502 98

of this standard are mandatory, others are recommended.

The standard does not apply to tape measures developed and mastered by production before the introduction of this standard.

Tape measure with nominal length scale 5 m, carbon steel tape, class 3 accuracy, rectangular end at the pull end of the tape:

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Roulettes must comply with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for specific brands of roulettes, approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 The permissible deviation of the actual length of the intervals of the tape measure scales from that marked on the scale at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C and the tension of the measuring tape with the working force should not exceed that indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

The working force of the tape tension during measurements:

- (100+-10) H - for roulettes 10 m long and more; - (10+-1) H "" " 1-5 m;

For roulettes with a load - the tension force is created by the load itself;

For tape measure with grooved tape - no tension.

For tape measures with a weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape, the mass of the weight must be () kg.

4.3 At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer compares the ordered tape measures in accordance with regulatory documents * (2) .

Comparable roulettes are assigned a factory number. The verification certificate indicates the actual length (according to the standard) from zero to each meter stroke of the tape measure, rounded to tenths of a millimeter.

4.4 Tapes must be operational at ambient temperature from minus 40 to plus 50°C and relative humidity up to 98% at a temperature of plus 25°C, and tapes supplied to mines - at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 35°C and relative humidity up to 100% at a temperature of plus 35°С (UHL version, placement category 1 and 5 according to GOST 15150).

4.5 Total average life for stainless steel tape measure is 2000 cycles, carbon steel tape measure is 1500 cycles (cycle includes: pulling the tape to full length, pulling with operating force, counting, winding the tape).

The criterion for the limit state (failure) is considered to be: breakage of the body and winding mechanism, jamming, tearing, erasing of strokes and numbers of the measuring tape over 10% of the total number of strokes and numbers.

4.6 The scale is applied to one or both edges of the tape. It is allowed to apply scales on both sides of the tape.

4.7 Tape scales are applied at millimeter, centimeter and meter intervals.

4.8 Roulettes are made with the beginning of the scale coinciding with the end of the measuring tape.

Roulettes with a pull ring 10 m or more in length are manufactured with the beginning of the scale at least 100 mm away from the end.

For tape measures with a load, the bottom end of the load serves as the beginning of the scale.

4.9 The starting point for digitization should be taken:

For centimeter intervals - the beginning of each meter;

For meter intervals - the beginning of the roulette scale.

For centimeter intervals, it is allowed to take the beginning of each decimeter as the origin, while the digitization of intervals that are multiples of 10 is indicated in the number of centimeter intervals from the beginning of each meter.

For centimeter intervals of roulette scales up to 5 m long inclusive, it is allowed to take the beginning of the roulette scale as the origin of reference without applying digital designations of meter intervals.

4.10 The stroke width should be selected from the range: 0.20; 0.30; 0.40 mm. Permissible deviation mm.

4.11 The strokes of different scale intervals should be of different lengths.

4.12 Digitizing scales

4.12.1 Each centimeter and meter intervals must have digital designations of the total number of intervals from the origin; figures indicating meter intervals must be supplemented by the letter "m" (meter).

4.12.2 Numerical indications of centimeter intervals, multiples of ten, and meter intervals should be highlighted with an increase in font size or a color background.

4.12.3 Near the designations of centimeter intervals, a multiple of 10, put numbers indicating the number of full meters from the beginning of the scale.

4.13 Strokes and numbers should be even, distinct and perpendicular to the working edge of the tape. The deviation from perpendicularity for strokes should not exceed 30", for numbers - 3 °.

4.14 For numbers and inscriptions, fonts are used in accordance with GOST 26.020. On scales with printed strokes, it is allowed to carry out numbers and inscriptions in typographic font in accordance with GOST 3489.2.

4.15 Roulette scales should be made with printed or etched strokes and digitization.

4.16 The background of the roulette scale should be light, and the strokes and digits should be dark and of contrasting colors.

For carbon steel tape measures with etched strokes and digitization, a dark background is allowed, while the strokes and digitization are light.

4.17 Roulettes must have a device for fixing the measuring tape in any working position or within one turn of the drum.

4.18 Roulettes must have a tape winder. Roulettes up to 5 m in length must have a device for automatic tape winding. It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to produce roulettes without automatic winding of the tape.

It is forbidden to use the automatic winding device for roulettes with a load.

4.19 When unwinding and winding the measuring tape, there should be no distortions and jamming.

4.20 Cases of tape measures should ensure the safety of the measuring tape in the wound form when falling from a height of 1.5 m.

4.21 The design of the body must protect the measuring tape from breakage or the appearance of residual deformations after it has been tensioned for measurements.

4.22 The design of the closed case of a tape measure 10 m or more in length should ensure the possibility of periodic cleaning of the internal cavity.

4.23 Measuring tapes of roulettes are made flat. For tape measures up to 5 m long, inclusive, tapes with a rectangular end and with a holder are allowed to be made convex (grooved).

4.24 For the manufacture of measuring tapes, tape measures are used

a) stainless steel bands:

Cold-rolled from corrosion-resistant steel grade Kh18G14AN4 (EP-197), heat-treated, polished according to regulatory documents * (3) ;

Cold-rolled from corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel 12X17G9AN4 hard-worked or highly hard-worked, increased accuracy, group 1, surface class A according to GOST 4986;

b) carbon steel tapes:

Cold-rolled heat-treated steel, strength group 2P, normal manufacturing accuracy, light-hardened, polished, with machined edges, with a crescent not more than 2 mm per 3 m in accordance with GOST 21996.

It is allowed to use steels of other grades with physical-chemical, physical-mechanical and technological characteristics that are not inferior to the corresponding characteristics of steels of these grades.

4.25 The width and thickness of the tape is selected in accordance with table 2.

table 2

In millimeters

4.26 Tape tapes made of carbon steel must have a protective anti-corrosion coating: lacquer, enamel or polymer.

A combination of the above is allowed.

Applicable protective coatings tape measures, including cargo, must comply with GOST 9.005, GOST 9.032, GOST 9.301, GOST 9.303, GOST 9.401, GOST 23852.

4.27 Roulettes in a package must withstand the following external influences:

Sinusoidal vibration with an acceleration of 49 (5 g) in the frequency range of 20-80 Hz;.

Multiple shocks with acceleration 147 (15 g) with a shock pulse duration of 5 ms;

Single shocks with acceleration 294 (30 g) with a shock pulse duration of 3 ms;

Climatic factors according to storage conditions 5 according to GOST 15150.

4.28 Completeness

4.28.1 At the request of the consumer, tape measures 10 m or more in length must be equipped with a dynamometer that provides working tension with the force specified in 4.2.

4.28.2 Each batch of tape measures supplied must have a document (certificate or passport) confirming its compliance with the requirements of this standard, and for tape measures with a load, an additional instruction manual. The documents must bear the sign of approval of the type of measuring instrument in accordance with regulatory documents * (4) .

4.29 Marking of tape measures must be clear and remain throughout the entire service life. The place and method of marking are indicated in the drawings.

4.30 On the body of each tape measure must be applied:

Conventional designation of roulette;

Mark of approval for the type of tape measure as a means of measurement according to regulatory documents * (4) ;

Serial number (for compared tape measures);

Year and month of issue;

The stamp of the technical control service.

4.31 On the measuring tape of each tape measure at the exhaust end is applied:

Roulette length in meters;

Mass of 1 m measuring tape in grams;

Coefficient of linear expansion of the tape material (for roulettes with a length of 10 m or more);

The mark of faith.

4.32 The weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape must be marked with:

Trademark of the manufacturer or its name;

Weight of cargo in kilograms.

4.33 On the transport container, in addition to marking in accordance with GOST 14192, the following must be applied:

The name of the packaged products and its symbol;

Quantity of packed products;

Name of the manufacturer.

4.34 Before packing the tape measure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and apply temporary anti-corrosion protection in accordance with GOST 9.014.

4.35 Roulettes in an open case must be wrapped in waterproof packaging paper and individually packaged.

4.36 When grouped, the tape measures should be tightly packed in a container lined inside with moisture-proof paper.

Group packaging must have a packing list, which indicates:

Name of the manufacturer and its address;

Conventional designation of roulettes;

The number of packed roulettes;

Date of manufacture of rolls.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 To check the compliance of tape measures with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands, the following is carried out: tests for approval of the type of measuring instrument, acceptance and periodic tests, verification, tests to confirm compliance with the approved type.

5.2 Tests for approval of the type of measuring instrument and for confirmation of compliance with the approved type are carried out in accordance with regulatory documents * (4) .

5.3 Acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of 3.1-3.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6-4.19, 4.23-4.26, 4.28-4.36 are carried out using statistical sampling control. Control plans are established in the methods developed in accordance with regulatory documents * (5) and approved in the prescribed manner. Tests are carried out (organized) by the technical control service of the manufacturer.

5.4 After passing acceptance tests, tape measures must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents * (6) and, if required by the customer, comparation in accordance with the requirements of 4.3.

5.5 Periodic tests are carried out at least once a year in full scope of the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands.

5.5.1 Tests are subjected to at least three samples of tape measures with and without load, lengths 3 (or 5), 10, 30 (or 50), 100 m of each material, anti-corrosion coating, accuracy class, selected by the technical control service from among those who passed acceptance - passing tests.

Test tapes with a length of 10 m or more of one accuracy class, differing only in the length of the scale, are carried out on tape measures of the greatest length, and the test results are extended to the entire standard size range.

The results of periodic tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested.

5.5.2 If a non-compliance of the samples (sample) with the requirement being checked is found, the tests are not stopped and carried out in full. Further, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples selected by the technical control service from among those that have passed acceptance tests, according to the points of nonconformity.

The results of repeated tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested. The results of the retests are final.

6 Test methods

6.1 Tests of roulettes and making decisions based on their results are carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for roulettes of specific brands. The methods and test tools specified in this standard, except for the mandatory ones, can be replaced by others, while ensuring the required accuracy and measurement conditions, agreed in the prescribed manner.

All measuring instruments used must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents * (7) , and testing equipment must be certified in accordance with GOST 24555 * (8) .

6.5 Compliance with the requirements of 4.26 is checked according to GOST 9.032, GOST 9.302, GOST 9.401, GOST 9.407, the type of coating is checked according to the design documentation. During periodic tests, the condition of the coatings is checked after each climatic and mechanical test.

6.7 Compliance with the requirements of 4.20 is checked by dropping the tape measure without applying additional acceleration from a height of 1.5 m onto a hard surface base at least 5 times.

After testing, the measuring tape should not have nicks, cracks, dents, damage to coatings, jamming of the tape when the tape is pulled out three times to its full length and wound. There should be no damage on the case that prevents further use of tape measures.

6.8 Compliance with the requirements of 4.21 is checked by stretching the measuring tape three times with the force of 4.2.

There should be no dents, residual deformations on the tape, there should not be a separation (break) of the measuring tape.

6.9 Compliance



Official edition



1 DEVELOPED by the State Enterprise "Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying" (VNIMI) and the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 296 "Optics and Optical Instruments"

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 13 of May 28, 1998)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


the Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

T adjikgosstandart


Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 Decree of the State Committee Russian Federation on standardization and metrology dated July 27, 1999 No. 220-st, the interstate standard GOST 7502-98 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2000.


5 REVISION. November 2006

© IPK Standards Publishing House, 1998 © Standartinform, 2006

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without permission federal agency for technical regulation and metrology

1 area of ​​use...............................................

3 Main parameters and dimensions .................................................. ..2

4 Specifications .................................................................. ......2

5 Rules for acceptance ............................................... ...........5

6 Test methods.................................................................... ..........6

7 Transport and storage............................................................... ..7

8 Instructions for use............................................................... .....7

9 Manufacturer's Warranty............................................................... .......eight

Appendix A Bibliography .................................................................. .eight




Measuring metal tapes.

Introduction date 2000-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to metal measuring tapes of the 2nd and 3rd accuracy classes (hereinafter referred to as tape measures), designed to measure linear dimensions by direct comparison with the scale.

Safety requirements for weighted tapes are set out in 4.18.

Requirements 3.4, 4.1-4.4, 4.7-4.10, 4.12, 4.13, 4.18, 4.19, 4.26, 4.28-4.33, 6.1, 6.2, 8.1, 8.4, 8.6, sections 5, 9 of this standard are mandatory, others are recommended.

The standard does not apply to tape measures developed and mastered by production before the introduction of this standard.

GOST 9.005-72 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metals, alloys, metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Permissible and impermissible contacts with metals and non-metals

GOST 9.014-78 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Temporary anticorrosive protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9.032-74 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.301-86 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements

GOST 9.302-88 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Control methods

GOST 9.303-84 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements for selection.

GOST 9.401-91 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. General requirements and accelerated test methods for resistance to climatic factors

GOST 9.407-84 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Assessment method appearance

GOST 26.020-80 Fonts for measuring instruments and automation. Styles and basic sizes

GOST 27.410-87 Reliability in engineering. Methods for monitoring reliability indicators and plans for control tests for reliability

GOST 3489.2-71 Typographic fonts. Typeface Journal chopped (for alphabets in Russian and Latin graphic bases). Appointment. Picture. Font line. Capacity

GOST 4986-79 Cold-rolled strip of corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel. Specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods Official edition

GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors

GOST 21996-76 Cold-rolled heat-treated steel strip. Specifications

GOST 23852-79 Paint coatings. General requirements for the selection of decorative properties

GOST 24297-87 Input control products. Key points

GOST 24555-81 1 * System of state testing of products. The procedure for certification of test equipment. Key points

3 Main parameters and dimensions

3.1 Roulettes should be manufactured with nominal length scales of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 m.

At the request of the consumer, tape measures are allowed to be manufactured with scales of a different length.

3.2 Roulettes should be made with stainless steel bands (symbol - H) or carbon steel (symbol - Y).

3.3 The pull-out ends of the roulettes should be made:

With a ring (in the symbol - the letter "K");

With cargo (in the symbol - the letter "G"),

Roulettes up to 5 m inclusive are allowed to be manufactured with an exhaust end in the form of:

Rectangular end (in the symbol - the letter "P");

With a holder for fixing on the object to be measured (in the symbol - the letter "D").

3.4 The symbol for tape measures should include: the letter "P" - "roulette", the nominal length of the scale, the material of the tape, the accuracy class, the design of the pull end of the tape and the designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

Tape measure with nominal length scale 30 m, stainless steel tape, class 2 accuracy, ring at the pull end of the tape:

Р30Н2К GOST 7502-98

Tape measure with nominal length scale 5 m, carbon steel tape, class 3 accuracy, rectangular end at the pull end of the tape:

R5UZP GOST 7502-98

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Roulettes must comply with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for specific brands of roulettes, approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 The permissible deviation of the actual length of the intervals of the tape measure scales from that marked on the scale at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C and the tension of the measuring tape with the working force should not exceed that specified in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

Note - L - the number of full and incomplete meters in the segment.

The working force of the tape tension during measurements:

- (100+10) H - for roulettes 10 m long and more;

- (10+1) H » » 1-5 m;

For roulettes with a load - the tension force is created by the load itself;

For tape measure with grooved tape - no tension.

For tape measures with a weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape, the mass of the weight must be (2 + 0.1) kg.

4.3 At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer compares the ordered tape measures in accordance with regulatory documents 1).

Comparable roulettes are assigned a factory number. The verification certificate indicates the actual length (according to the standard) from zero to each meter stroke of the tape measure, rounded to tenths of a millimeter.

4.4 Tapes must be operational at ambient temperature from minus 40 to plus 50 °C and relative humidity up to 98% at a temperature of plus 25 °C, and tapes supplied to mines - at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 35 °C and relative humidity up to 100% at a temperature of plus 35 °C (UHL version, placement category 1 and 5 according to GOST 15150).

4.5 Total average life for stainless steel tape measure is 2000 cycles, carbon steel tape measure is 1500 cycles (cycle includes: pulling the tape to full length, pulling with operating force, counting, winding the tape).

The limit state criterion (failure) is considered to be: breakage of the body and winding mechanism, jamming, tearing, erasing of strokes and numbers of the measuring tape over 10% of the total number of strokes and numbers.

4.6 The scale is applied to one or both edges of the tape. It is allowed to apply scales on both sides of the tape.

4.7 Tape scales are applied at millimeter, centimeter and meter intervals.

4.8 Roulettes are made with the beginning of the scale coinciding with the end of the measuring tape.

Roulettes with a pull ring 10 m or more in length are manufactured with the beginning of the scale removed

not less than 100 mm from the end.

For tape measures with a load, the bottom end of the load serves as the beginning of the scale.

4.9 The starting point for digitization should be taken:

For centimeter intervals - the beginning of each meter;

For meter intervals - the beginning of the roulette scale.

For centimeter intervals, it is allowed to take the beginning of each decimeter as the origin, while the digitization of intervals that are multiples of 10 is indicated in the number of centimeter intervals from the beginning of each meter.

For centimeter intervals of roulette scales up to 5 m long inclusive, it is allowed to take the beginning of the roulette scale as the origin of reference without applying digital designations of meter intervals.

4.10 The stroke width should be selected from the range: 0.20; 0.30; 0.40 mm. Permissible deviation +0.05 mm.

4.11 The strokes of different scale intervals should be of different lengths.

4.12 Digitizing scales

4.12.1 Each centimeter and meter intervals must have digital designations of the total number of intervals from the origin; figures indicating meter intervals must be supplemented by the letter "m" (meter).

4.12.2 Numerical indications of centimeter intervals, multiples of ten, and meter intervals should be highlighted with an increase in font size or a color background.

4.12.3 Near the designations of centimeter intervals, a multiple of 10, put numbers indicating the number of full meters from the beginning of the scale.

4.13 Strokes and numbers should be even, distinct and perpendicular to the working edge of the tape. The deviation from perpendicularity for strokes should not exceed 30", for numbers - 3 °.

4.14 For numbers and inscriptions, fonts are used in accordance with GOST 26.020. On scales with printed strokes, it is allowed to carry out numbers and inscriptions in typographic font in accordance with GOST 3489.2.

4.15 Roulette scales should be made with printed or etched strokes and digitization.

4.16 The background of the roulette scale should be light, and the strokes and digits should be dark and of contrasting colors.

For carbon steel tape measures with etched strokes and digitization, a dark background is allowed, while the strokes and digitization are light.

4.17 Roulettes must have a device for fixing the measuring tape in any working position or within one turn of the drum.

4.18 Roulettes must have a tape winder. Roulettes up to 5 m in length must have a device for automatic tape winding. It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to produce roulettes without automatic winding of the tape.

It is forbidden to use the automatic winding device for roulettes with a load.

4.19 When unwinding and winding the measuring tape, there should be no distortions and jamming.

4.20 Cases of tape measures should ensure the safety of the measuring tape in the wound form when falling from a height of 1.5 m.

4.21 The design of the body must protect the measuring tape from breakage or the appearance of residual deformations after it has been tensioned for measurements.

4.22 The design of the closed case of a tape measure 10 m or more in length should ensure the possibility of periodic cleaning of the internal cavity.

4.23 Measuring tapes of roulettes are made flat. For tape measures up to 5 m long, inclusive, tapes with a rectangular end and with a holder are allowed to be made convex (grooved).

4.24 For the manufacture of measuring tapes, tape measures are used

a) stainless steel bands:

Cold-rolled from corrosion-resistant steel grade Kh18G14AN4 (EP-197), heat-treated, polished according to regulatory documents 1);

Cold-rolled from corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel 12X17G9AN4 hard-worked or highly hard-worked, increased accuracy, group 1, surface class A according to GOST 4986;

b) carbon steel tapes:

Cold-rolled heat-treated steel, strength group 2P, normal manufacturing accuracy, light-hardened, polished, with machined edges, with a crescent not more than 2 mm per 3 m in accordance with GOST 21996.

It is allowed to use steels of other grades with physical-chemical, physical-mechanical and technological characteristics that are not inferior to the corresponding characteristics of steels

4.26 Tape tapes made of carbon steel must have a protective anti-corrosion coating: lacquer, enamel or polymer.

A combination of the above is allowed.

The applied protective coatings of tape measures, including the load, must comply with GOST 9.005, GOST 9.032, GOST 9.301, GOST 9.303, GOST 9.401, GOST 23852.

4.27 Roulettes in a package must withstand the following external influences:

Sinusoidal vibration with an acceleration of 49 m / s 2 (5 g) in the frequency range of 20-80 Hz;

Multiple shocks with an acceleration of 147 m/s 2 (15 g) with a shock pulse duration of 5 ms;

Single impacts with an acceleration of 294 m/s 2 (30 g) with a shock pulse duration of 3 ms;

Climatic factors according to storage conditions 5 according to GOST 15150.

4.28 Completeness

4.28.1 At the request of the consumer, tape measures 10 m or more in length must be equipped with a dynamometer that provides working tension with the force specified in 4.2.

4.28.2 Each batch of tape measures supplied must have a document (certificate or passport) confirming its compliance with the requirements of this standard, and for tape measures with a load, an additional instruction manual. The documents must bear the type approval mark of the measuring instrument in accordance with regulatory documents 1).

4.28.3 Comparable tape measures must have a verification certificate indicating the data according to 4.3.

4.29 Marking of tape measures must be clear and remain throughout the entire service life. The place and method of marking are indicated in the drawings.

4.30 On the body of each tape measure must be applied:

Conventional designation of roulette;

Approval mark for the type of tape measure as a measuring instrument according to regulatory documents 1);

Serial number (for compared tape measures);

Year and month of issue;

The stamp of the technical control service.

4.31 On the measuring tape of each tape measure at the exhaust end is applied:

Roulette length in meters;

Mass of 1 m measuring tape in grams;

Coefficient of linear expansion of the tape material (for roulettes with a length of 10 m or more);

The mark of faith.

4.32 The weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape must be marked with:

Trademark of the manufacturer or its name;

Weight of cargo in kilograms.

4.33 On the transport container, in addition to marking in accordance with GOST 14192, the following must be applied:

The name of the packaged products and its symbol;

Quantity of packed products;

Name of the manufacturer.

4.34 Before packing the tape measure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and apply temporary anti-corrosion protection in accordance with GOST 9.014.

4.35 Roulettes in an open case must be wrapped in waterproof packaging paper and individually packaged.

4.36 When grouped, the tape measures should be tightly packed in a container lined inside with moisture-proof paper.

Group packaging must have a packing list, which indicates:

Name of the manufacturer and its address;

Conventional designation of roulettes;

The number of packed roulettes;

Date of manufacture of rolls.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 To check the compliance of tape measures with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands, the following is carried out: tests for approval of the type of measuring instrument, acceptance and periodic tests, verification, tests to confirm compliance with the approved type.

5.2 Tests for approval of the type of measuring instrument and confirmation of compliance with the approved type are carried out in accordance with regulatory documents 1).

5.3 Acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of 3.1-3.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6-4.19, 4.23-4.26, 4.28-4.36 are carried out using statistical sampling control. Plans

control is established in the methods developed in accordance with regulatory documents 1) and approved in the prescribed manner. Tests are carried out (organized) by the technical control service of the manufacturer.

5.4 After passing acceptance tests, tape measures must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents 2) and, if required by the customer, comparation in accordance with the requirements of 4.3.

5.5 Periodic tests are carried out at least once a year in full scope of the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands.

5.5.1 Tests are subjected to at least three samples of tape measures with and without load, lengths 3 (or 5), 10, 30 (or 50), 100 m of each material, anti-corrosion coating, accuracy class, selected by the technical control service from among those who passed acceptance - passing tests.

Test tapes with a length of 10 m or more of one accuracy class, differing only in the length of the scale, are carried out on tape measures of the greatest length, and the test results are extended to the entire standard size range.

The results of periodic tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested.

5.5.2 If a non-compliance of the samples (sample) with the requirement being checked is found, the tests are not stopped and carried out in full. Further, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples selected by the technical control service from among those that have passed acceptance tests, according to the points of nonconformity.

The results of repeated tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested. The results of the retests are final.

6 Test methods

6.1 Tests of roulettes and making decisions based on their results are carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for roulettes of specific brands. The methods and test tools specified in this standard, except for the mandatory ones, can be replaced by others, while ensuring the required accuracy and measurement conditions, agreed in the prescribed manner.

All measuring instruments used must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents 3), and test equipment must be certified in accordance with GOST 24555 4).

6.2 Checking the width and thickness of the measuring tape (4.25), strokes and numbers (4.10, 4.13), deviations in the length of the intervals (4.2), mass and scale of the load for tape measures with a load (4.2, 4.8) is carried out according to regulatory documents 5).

6.3 Compliance with the requirements of 3.1-3.4, 4.6-4.9, 4.11, 4.12, 4.15, 4.16, 4.23, 4.28-4.36 is checked by external inspection and comparison with the design documentation. Dimensions are controlled by any measuring instruments that provide control of the dimensions indicated on the drawings and their tolerances.

6.4 Compliance with the requirements of 4.24 is checked during incoming inspection in accordance with GOST 24297 using methods in accordance with GOST 4986, GOST 21996 and other regulatory documents ^).

6.5 Compliance with the requirements of 4.26 is checked according to GOST 9.032, GOST 9.302, GOST 9.401, GOST 9.407, the type of coating is checked according to the design documentation. During periodic tests, the condition of the coatings is checked after each climatic and mechanical test.

6.6 The correspondence of the font (4.14) is checked by comparison with a sample according to GOST 26.020 or GOST 3489.2.

6.7 Compliance with the requirements of 4.20 is checked by dropping the tape measure without applying additional acceleration from a height of 1.5 m onto a hard surface base at least 5 times.

After testing, the measuring tape should not have nicks, cracks, dents, damage to coatings, jamming of the tape when the tape is pulled out three times to its full length and wound. There should be no damage on the case that prevents further use of tape measures.

11 On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with RD 50-605.

21 On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.006.

31 On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to PR 50.2.006.

41 On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to GOST R 8.568.

51 On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to MI 1780 or according to verification methods developed in accordance with MI 1780 and approved in the prescribed manner.

61 On the territory of the Russian Federation - additionally according to TU 14-1-425.

6.8 Compliance with the requirements of 4.21 is checked by stretching the measuring tape three times with the force of 4.2.

There should be no dents, residual deformations on the tape, there should not be a separation (break) of the measuring tape.

6.9 Compliance with the requirements of 4.17-4.19, 4.22 is checked by practical testing and by pulling and winding the measuring tape three times over the entire length, checking fixation at any three points along the length of the tape.

6.10 Compliance with the requirements of 4.4 is checked in a thermal moisture chamber by pulling out and winding the measuring tape over its entire length three times, each time after 2 hours of exposure at established limit values ​​of temperature and humidity. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the chamber at steady-state values ​​should not exceed +3 °C and +3%, respectively.

After the tests, there should be no mechanical damage, jamming and distortion of the measuring tape, erasing of the scale elements and damage to the coatings.

6.11 Compliance with the requirements of 4.27 in terms of mechanical effects is checked on test benches at specified loads.

Duration of tests for vibration strength - 1 hour.

Impact resistance with repeated impacts is checked by applying for 30 minutes at least 3000 impacts with a frequency of 80-120 impacts per minute.

Impact resistance when exposed to single blows is checked by applying at least 5 blows.

During testing, the container shall be rigidly fixed.

Resistance to climatic factors during transportation is checked by holding the packaged rolls in a heat chamber for 2 hours at a temperature of minus 50 °C, then plus 50 °C.

The tape measure is considered to have passed the test if after the test there is no mechanical damage to the body, tape, tape jamming, damage to the coatings and the scale.

6.12 Reliability indicators according to 4.5 are checked according to reliability test programs developed in accordance with GOST 27.410 and approved in the prescribed manner.

7 Transport and storage

7.1 Roulettes are transported in closed vehicles.

7.2 Transportation conditions in terms of exposure to climatic factors must comply with storage conditions 5 in accordance with GOST 15150.

7.3 In airplanes, tape measures are transported in heated compartments.

7.4 Tape measure should be stored on racks in heated storages according to storage conditions 1 GOST 15150.

8 Instructions for use

8.1 When measuring the level of oil and oil products with tapes with a load, the following precautions must be observed:

Lower and raise the load smoothly, slowly turning the handle;

Do not allow the load to hit the necks of containers and other metal objects in order to avoid damage to the coating.

8.2 Before use, you should depreserve the tape measure, wipe the measuring tape dry with a soft cloth.

8.3 After measurements, the roulette tape, when wound on the drum, must be wiped with a dry soft rag.

8.4 Roulettes must be subject to periodic verification in accordance with regulatory documents 1).

8.5 To ensure the required working tension during measurements, it is recommended to use dynamometers.

8.6 When measuring at temperatures other than 20 °C, it is necessary to introduce a correction A t for the temperature coefficient of linear expansion, calculated by the formula

A t \u003d a L n (t - 20),

where a is the coefficient of linear expansion of the measuring tape material (for carbon steel a = 1.2-10 5 , for stainless steel a = 2.0-10 -5);

b and - length on a tape measure scale, measured at a temperature of K t - air temperature during measurement, °C.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of tape measures to the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer observes the conditions of operation, transportation and storage.

9.2 Warranty period - 12 months from the date of sale through a retail network or from the date of receipt by the consumer.

APPENDIX A (informative)


MI 1780-87 “Guidelines. ESI. Tapes exemplary and tape measure metal measuring

nye. Verification Rules. Approved by VNIIM them. DI. Mendeleev

TU 14-1-425-72 "Cold-rolled strip of corrosion-resistant steel grades X18E14AN4 (EP-197) and

Kh18N9SMR (EP-414)". Approved by Yelavmetiz of the USSR Ministry of Mining Metallurgy

PR 50.2.009-94 “Metrology Rules. ESI. Procedure for testing and type approval

measuring instruments". Accepted by Ecostandart of Russia

RD 50-605-86 "Guidelines for the application of standards for statistical acceptance

the control". Approved by the USSR Ecostandart

PR 50.2.006-94 “Metrology Rules. ESI. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and order

carrying out". Accepted by Ecostandart of Russia

UDC 531.711.15:006.354 MKS 17.040.30 P53 OKP 44 3356

Key words: metal measuring tapes, specifications, classes, basic parameters, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods

Editor V.P. Kopysov Ekhnichesky editor L.A. Guseva Proofreader S.I. Firsova Computer proofing L.A. Circular

Signed for publication on October 25, 2006. Format 60х84*/8 - Offset paper. Eames headset. Offset printing. Uel. oven l. 1.40.

Uch.-ed. l. 1.15. Airage 88 copies. Zach. 770. From 3417.

FSUE "Standartinform", 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. Typed in FSUE "Standartinform" on a PC.

Printed in the branch of FSUE "Standartinform" - type. "Moscow printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin per., 6

Roulettes measuring metal.


GOST 7502-98

Group P53




Measuring metal tapes. Specifications

ISS 17.040.30

Introduction date 2000-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the State Enterprise "Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying" (VNIMI) and the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 296 "Optics and Optical Instruments"

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 13 of May 28, 1998)

State name Name of the national standardization body
The Republic of AzerbaijanAzgosstandart
Republic of ArmeniaArmstate standard
Republic of BelarusState Standard of Belarus
The Republic of KazakhstanState Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kyrgyz RepublicKyrgyzstandart
The Republic of MoldovaMoldovastandard
the Russian FederationGosstandart of Russia
The Republic of TajikistanTajik State Standard
TurkmenistanMain State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan
The Republic of UzbekistanUzgosstandart
UkraineState Standard of Ukraine

3 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated July 27, 1999 N 220-st, the interstate standard GOST 7502-98 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2000.


5 REVISION. November 2006

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to metal measuring tapes of the 2nd and 3rd accuracy classes (hereinafter referred to as tape measures), designed to measure linear dimensions by direct comparison with the scale.

Safety requirements for weighted tapes are set out in 4.18.

Requirements 3.4, 4.1-4.4, 4.7-4.10, 4.12, 4.13, 4.18, 4.19, 4.26, 4.28-4.33, 6.1, 6.2, 8.1, 8.4, 8.6, sections 5, 9 of this standard are mandatory, others are recommended.

The standard does not apply to tape measures developed and mastered by production before the introduction of this standard.

2 Normative references

GOST 9.005-72 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metals, alloys, metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Permissible and impermissible contacts with metals and non-metals

GOST 9.014-78 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Temporary anticorrosive protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9.032-74 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

3 Main parameters and dimensions

3.1 Roulettes should be manufactured with nominal length scales of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 m. By order of the consumer, tape measures may be manufactured with scales of other lengths.

3.2 Roulettes should be made with stainless steel bands (symbol - H) or carbon steel (symbol - Y).

3.3 The pull-out ends of the roulettes should be made:

  • with a ring (in the symbol - the letter "K");
  • with a load (in the symbol - the letter "G").

Roulettes up to 5 m inclusive are allowed to be manufactured with an exhaust end in the form of:

  • rectangular end (in the symbol - the letter "P");
  • with a holder for fixing on the object to be measured (in the symbol - the letter "D").

3.4 The symbol for tape measures should include: the letter "P" - "roulette", the nominal length of the scale, the material of the tape, the accuracy class, the design of the pull end of the tape and the designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

Tape measure with nominal length scale 30 m, stainless steel tape, class 2 accuracy, ring at the pull end of the tape:

Р30Н2К GOST 7502-98

Tape measure with nominal length scale 5 m, carbon steel tape, class 3 accuracy, rectangular end at the pull end of the tape:

R5U3P GOST 7502-98

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Roulettes must comply with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for specific brands of roulettes, approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 The permissible deviation of the actual length of the intervals of the tape measure scales from that marked on the scale at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C and the tension of the measuring tape with the working force should not exceed that specified in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

The working force of the tape tension during measurements:

  • (100±10) H - for roulettes 10 m long and more;
  • (10±1) N » » » 1-5 m;
  • for roulettes with a load - the tension force is created by the load itself;
  • for roulettes with grooved tape - without tension.

For tape measures with a weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape, the mass of the weight must be (2 ± 0.1) kg.

4.3 At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer compares the ordered tape measures in accordance with regulatory documents 1) .

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with MI 1780.

Comparable roulettes are assigned a factory number. The verification certificate indicates the actual length (according to the standard) from zero to each meter stroke of the tape measure, rounded to tenths of a millimeter.

4.4 Tapes must be operable at ambient temperature from minus 40 to plus 50 °C and relative humidity up to 98% at a temperature of plus 25 °C, and tapes supplied to mines - at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 35 °C and relative humidity up to 100% at a temperature of plus 35 °C (UHL version, placement category 1 and 5 according to ).

4.5 Total average life for stainless steel tape measures - 2000 cycles, carbon steel tape tapes - 1500 cycles (the cycle includes: pulling the tape to its full length, tension with the working force, counting, winding the tape). Limit state criterion ( failure) consider: breakage of the body and winding mechanism, jamming, tearing, erasing of strokes and numbers of the measuring tape over 10% of the total number of strokes and numbers.

4.6 The scale is applied to one or both edges of the tape. It is allowed to apply scales on both sides of the tape.

4.7 Tape scales are applied at millimeter, centimeter and meter intervals.

4.8 Roulettes are made with the beginning of the scale coinciding with the end of the measuring tape. Roulettes with a pull ring 10 m or more in length are manufactured with the beginning of the scale at least 100 mm away from the end.

For tape measures with a load, the bottom end of the load serves as the beginning of the scale.

4.9 The starting point for digitization should be taken:

  • for centimeter intervals - the beginning of each meter;
  • for meter intervals - the beginning of the roulette scale.

For centimeter intervals, it is allowed to take the beginning of each decimeter as the origin, while the digitization of intervals that are multiples of 10 is indicated in the number of centimeter intervals from the beginning of each meter.

For centimeter intervals of roulette scales up to 5 m long inclusive, it is allowed to take the beginning of the roulette scale as the origin of reference without applying digital designations of meter intervals.

4.10 The stroke width should be selected from the range: 0.20; 0.30; 0.40 mm. Permissible deviation ±0.05 mm.

4.11 The strokes of different scale intervals should be of different lengths.

4.12 Digitizing scales

4.12.1 Each centimeter and meter intervals must have digital designations of the total number of intervals from the origin; figures indicating meter intervals must be supplemented by the letter "m" (meter).

4.12.2 Numerical indications of centimeter intervals, multiples of ten, and meter intervals should be highlighted with an increase in font size or a color background.

4.12.3 Near the designations of centimeter intervals, a multiple of 10, put numbers indicating the number of full meters from the beginning of the scale.

4.13 Strokes and numbers should be even, distinct and perpendicular to the working edge of the tape. The deviation from perpendicularity for strokes should not exceed 30", for numbers - 3 °.

4.14 For numbers and inscriptions, fonts are used in accordance with GOST 26.020-80. On scales with printed strokes, it is allowed to carry out numbers and inscriptions in typographic font in accordance with GOST 3489.2-71.

4.15 Roulette scales should be made with printed or etched strokes and digitization

4.16 The background of the roulette scale should be light, and the strokes and digits should be dark and of contrasting colors. For carbon steel tape measures with etched strokes and digitization, a dark background is allowed, while the strokes and digitization are light.

4.17 Roulettes must have a device for fixing the measuring tape in any working position or within one turn of the drum.

4.18 Roulettes must have a tape winder. Roulettes up to 5 m in length must have a device for automatic tape winding. It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to produce roulettes without automatic winding of the tape. It is forbidden to use the automatic winding device for roulettes with a load.

4.19 When unwinding and winding the measuring tape, there should be no distortions and jamming.

4.20 Cases of tape measures should ensure the safety of the measuring tape in the wound form when falling from a height of 1.5 m.

4.21 The design of the body must protect the measuring tape from breakage or the appearance of residual deformations after it has been tensioned for measurements.

4.22 The design of the closed case of a tape measure 10 m or more in length should ensure the possibility of periodic cleaning of the internal cavity.

4.23 Measuring tapes of roulettes are made flat. For tape measures up to 5 m long, inclusive, tapes with a rectangular end and with a holder are allowed to be made convex (grooved).

4.24 For the manufacture of measuring tapes, tape measures are used

a) stainless steel bands:

  • cold-rolled from corrosion-resistant steel grade X18G14AN4 (EP-197), heat-treated, polished according to regulatory documents 1) ;

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to TU 14-1-425.

  • cold-rolled from corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel 12Kh17G9AN4 hard-worked or highly hard-worked, increased accuracy, group 1, surface class A according to GOST 4986-79;

b) carbon steel tapes:

  • cold-rolled heat-treated steel, strength group 2P, normal manufacturing accuracy, light-hardened, polished, with machined edges, with a crescent not more than 2 mm per 3 m in accordance with GOST 21996-76.

It is allowed to use steels of other grades with physical-chemical, physical-mechanical and technological characteristics that are not inferior to the corresponding characteristics of steels of these grades.

4.25 The width and thickness of the tape is selected in accordance with table 2.

table 2

In millimeters

4.26 Carbon steel tapes must have a protective anti-corrosion coating: lacquer, enamel or polymer. A combination of the coatings listed above is allowed.

The applied protective coatings of tape measures, including the load, must comply with GOST 9.005-72, GOST 9.032-74, GOST 9.303-84,.

4.27 Roulettes in a package must withstand the following external influences:

  • sinusoidal vibration with an acceleration of 49 m/s² (5 g) in the frequency range of 20-80 Hz;
  • multiple shocks with an acceleration of 147 m/s² (15 g) with a shock pulse duration of 5 ms;
  • single impacts with an acceleration of 294 m / s² (30 g) with a shock pulse duration of 3 ms;
  • climatic factors according to storage conditions 5 by .

4.28 Completeness

4.28.1 At the request of the consumer, tape measures 10 m or more in length must be equipped with a dynamometer that provides working tension with the force specified in 4.2.

4.28.2 Each batch of tape measures supplied must have a document (certificate or passport) confirming its compliance with the requirements of this standard, and for tape measures with a load, an additional instruction manual. Documents must bear the sign of approval of the type of measuring instrument in accordance with regulatory documents 1 .

On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.009 *.

* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Repealed on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated November 30, 2009 N 1081. The procedure for testing standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval, the procedure for approving the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, the procedure for issuing certificates of approval of the type of standard samples or the type of means measurements, establishing and changing the period of validity of the indicated certificates and the interval between verification of measuring instruments, Requirements for approval marks for the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments and the procedure for their application, hereinafter in the text.

4.28.3 Comparable tape measures must have a verification certificate indicating the data according to 4.3.

4.29 Marking of tape measures must be clear and remain throughout the entire service life. The place and method of marking are indicated in the drawings.

4.30 On the body of each tape measure must be applied:

  • roulette symbol;
  • sign of approval of the type of tape measure as a means of measurement according to regulatory documents 1) ;
  • serial number (for compared tape measures);
  • year and month of issue;
  • stamp of the technical control service.

4.31 On the measuring tape of each tape measure at the exhaust end is applied:

  • tape measure length in meters;
  • weight of 1 m measuring tape in grams;
  • coefficient of linear expansion of the tape material (for roulettes 10 m long and more);
  • trust mark.

4.32 The weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape must be marked with:

  • trademark of the manufacturer or its name;
  • weight of the load in kilograms.

4.33 On the transport container, in addition to marking on , the following must be applied:

  • the name of the packaged product and its symbol;
  • quantity of packaged products;
  • name of the manufacturer.

4.34 Before packing the tape measure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and apply temporary anti-corrosion protection in accordance with GOST 9.014-78.

4.35 Roulettes in an open case must be wrapped in waterproof packaging paper and individually packaged.

4.36 When grouped, the tape measures should be tightly packed in a container lined inside with moisture-proof paper.

Group packaging must have a packing list, which indicates:

  • name of the manufacturer and his address;
  • conventional designation of roulettes;
  • the number of packed rolls;
  • date of manufacture of rolls.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 To check the compliance of tape measures with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands, the following is carried out: tests for approval of the type of measuring instrument, acceptance and periodic tests, verification, tests to confirm compliance with the approved type.

5.2 Tests for approval of the type of measuring instrument and for confirmation of compliance with the approved type are carried out in accordance with regulatory documents 1) .

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.009.

5.3 Acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of 3.1-3.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6-4.19, 4.23-4.26, 4.28-4.36 are carried out using statistical sampling control. Control plans are established in the methods developed in accordance with regulatory documents 1) and approved in the prescribed manner. Tests are carried out (organized) by the technical control service of the manufacturer.

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with RD 50-605.

5.4 After passing acceptance tests, tape measures must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents 1) and, if required by the customer, comparation in accordance with the requirements of 4.3.

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.006.

5.5 Periodic tests are carried out at least once a year in full scope of the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands.

5.5.1 Tests are subjected to at least three samples of tape measures with and without load, lengths 3 (or 5), 10, 30 (or 50), 100 m of each material, anti-corrosion coating, accuracy class, selected by the technical control service from among those who passed acceptance - acceptance tests. Tests of roulettes with a length of 10 m and more of one accuracy class, which differ only in the length of the scale, are carried out on roulettes of the greatest length, and the test results are extended to the entire standard size range.

The results of periodic tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested.

5.5.2 If a non-compliance of the samples (sample) with the requirement being checked is found, the tests are not stopped and carried out in full. Further, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples selected by the technical control service from among those that have passed acceptance tests, according to the points of nonconformity.

The results of repeated tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested. The results of the retests are final.

6 Test methods

6.1 Tests of roulettes and making decisions based on their results are carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for roulettes of specific brands. The methods and test tools specified in this standard, except for the mandatory ones, can be replaced by others, while ensuring the required accuracy and measurement conditions, agreed in the prescribed manner.

All measuring instruments used must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents 1), and test equipment must be certified in accordance with GOST 24555-81 2) .

2) On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to.

6.2 Checking the width and thickness of the measuring tape (4.25), strokes and numbers (4.10, 4.13), deviations in the length of the intervals (4.2), mass and scale of the load for tape measures with a load (4.2, 4.8) is carried out according to regulatory documents 1) .

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to MI 1780 or according to the verification methods developed in accordance with MI 1780 and approved in the prescribed manner.

6.3 Compliance with the requirements of 3.1-3.4, 4.6-4.9, 4.11, 4.12, 4.15, 4.16, 4.23, 4.28-4.36 is checked by external inspection and comparison with the design documentation. Dimensions are controlled by any measuring instruments that provide control of the dimensions indicated on the drawings and their tolerances.

6.4 Compliance with the requirements of 4.24 is checked during incoming inspection in accordance with GOST 24297-2013 using methods in accordance with GOST 4986-79, GOST 21996-76 and other regulatory documents 1) .

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - additionally according to TU 14-1-425.

6.5 Compliance with the requirements of 4.26 is checked in accordance with GOST 9.032-74, the type of coating is checked according to the design documentation. During periodic tests, the condition of the coatings is checked after each climatic and mechanical test.

6.6 The correspondence of the font (4.14) is checked by comparison with a sample according to GOST 26.020-80 or GOST 3489.2-71.

6.7 Compliance with the requirements of 4.20 is checked by dropping the tape measure without applying additional acceleration from a height of 1.5 m onto a hard surface base at least 5 times.

After testing, the measuring tape should not have nicks, cracks, dents, damage to coatings, jamming of the tape when the tape is pulled out three times to its full length and wound up. There should be no damage on the case that prevents further use of tape measures.

6.8 Compliance with the requirements of 4.21 is checked by three-fold tension of the measuring tape with a force according to 4.2. There should be no dents, residual deformations on the tape, there should be no separation (break) of the measuring tape.

6.9 Compliance with the requirements of 4.17-4.19, 4.22 is checked by practical testing and by pulling and winding the measuring tape three times over the entire length, checking fixation at any three points along the length of the tape.

6.10 Compliance with the requirements of 4.4 is checked in a thermal moisture chamber by pulling out and winding the measuring tape over its entire length three times, each time after 2 hours of exposure at established limit values ​​of temperature and humidity. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the chamber at steady-state values ​​should not exceed ± 3 ° C and ± 3%, respectively.

After the tests, there should be no mechanical damage, jamming and distortion of the measuring tape, erasing of the scale elements and damage to the coatings.

6.11 Compliance with the requirements of 4.27 in terms of mechanical effects is checked on test benches at specified loads.

The duration of vibration tests is 1 hour.

Impact resistance with repeated impacts is checked by applying for 30 minutes at least 3000 impacts with a frequency of 80-120 impacts per minute.

Impact resistance when exposed to single blows is checked by applying at least 5 blows.

During testing, the container shall be rigidly fixed.

Resistance to climatic factors during transportation is checked by holding the packaged rolls in a heat chamber for 2 hours at a temperature of minus 50 °C, then plus 50 °C.

The tape measure is considered to have passed the test if after the test there is no mechanical damage to the body, tape, tape jamming, damage to the coatings and the scale.

6.12 The reliability indicators according to 4.5 are checked according to the reliability test programs developed in accordance with GOST 27.410-87 and approved in the prescribed manner.

7 Transport and storage

7.1 Roulettes are transported in closed vehicles.

7.2 The conditions of transportation in terms of the impact of climatic factors must comply with the storage conditions 5 on.

7.3 In airplanes, tape measures are transported in heated compartments.

7.4 Tape measure should be stored on racks in heated storage facilities according to storage conditions 1 .

8 Instructions for use

8.1 When measuring the level of oil and oil products with tapes with a load, the following precautions must be observed:

  • lower and raise the load smoothly, slowly turning the handle;
  • do not allow the cargo to hit the necks of containers and other metal objects in order to avoid damage to the coating.

8.2 Before use, you should depreserve the tape measure, wipe the measuring tape dry with a soft cloth.

8.3 After measurements, the roulette tape, when wound on the drum, must be wiped with a dry soft rag.

8.4 Roulettes must be subject to periodic verification in accordance with regulatory documents 1) .

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.006.

8.5 To ensure the required working tension during measurements, it is recommended to use dynamometers.

8.6 When measuring at temperatures other than 20 °C, it is necessary to introduce a correction Δ t on the temperature coefficient of linear expansion, calculated by the formula

Δ t = αL and(t − 20),

where α - coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the measuring tape (for carbon steel α = 1.2 10 -5 , for stainless steel α = 2.0 10 -5);

L and- length on a tape measure scale, measured at a temperature t;

t- air temperature during measurement, °C.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of tape measures to the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer observes the conditions of operation, transportation and storage.

9.2 Warranty period - 12 months from the date of sale through a retail network or from the date of receipt by the consumer.

APPENDIX A (informative).


MI 1780-87"Guidelines. GSI. Exemplary tapes and metal measuring tapes. Verification rules". Approved by VNIIM named after D.I. Mendeleev
TU 14-1-425-72"Cold-rolled strip from corrosion-resistant steel grades Kh18G14AN4 (EP-197) and Kh18N9SMR (EP-414)". Approved by Glavmetiz of the USSR Ministry of Mining Metallurgy
PR 50.2.009-94"Rules on metrology. GSI. The procedure for testing and approval of the type of measuring instruments". Accepted by Gosstandart of Russia
RD 50-605-86"Guidelines for the application of standards for statistical acceptance control". Approved by the State Standard of the USSR
PR 50.2.006-94"Rules on metrology. CSI. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure". Accepted by Gosstandart of Russia

End of document

GOST 7502-98

Group P53




Measuring metal tapes. Specifications

ISS 17.040.30
OKP 44 3356

Introduction date 2000-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the State Enterprise "Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying" (VNIMI) and the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 296 "Optics and Optical Instruments"

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 13 of May 28, 1998)

Voted to accept:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


the Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Standard


Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated July 27, 1999 N 220-st, the interstate standard GOST 7502-98 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2000.


5 REVISION. November 2006

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to metal measuring tapes of the 2nd and 3rd accuracy classes (hereinafter referred to as tape measures), designed to measure linear dimensions by direct comparison with the scale.

Safety requirements for weighted tapes are set out in 4.18.

Requirements 3.4, 4.1-4.4, 4.7-4.10, 4.12, 4.13, 4.18, 4.19, 4.26, 4.28-4.33, 6.1, 6.2, 8.1, 8.4, 8.6, sections 5, 9 of this standard are mandatory, others are recommended.

The standard does not apply to tape measures developed and mastered by production before the introduction of this standard.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 9.005-72 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metals, alloys, metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Permissible and impermissible contacts with metals and non-metals

GOST 9.014-78 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Temporary anticorrosive protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9.032-74 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.301-86 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements

GOST 9.302-88 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Control methods

GOST 9.303-84 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General selection requirements

GOST 9.401-91 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. General requirements and accelerated test methods for resistance to climatic factors

GOST 9.407-84 * Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Appearance evaluation method
GOST R 9.414-2012

GOST 26.020-80 Fonts for measuring instruments and automation. Styles and basic sizes

GOST 27.410-87 * Reliability in engineering. Methods for monitoring reliability indicators and plans for control tests for reliability
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 27.403-2009 is in force, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST 3489.2-71 Typographic fonts. Chopped magazine typeface (for alphabets in Russian and Latin graphic bases). Appointment. Picture. Font line. Capacity

GOST 4986-79 Cold-rolled strip of corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel. Specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors

GOST 21996-76 Cold-rolled heat-treated steel strip. Specifications

GOST 23852-79 Paint coatings. General requirements for the selection of decorative properties

GOST 24297-87 * Input control of products. Key points
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 24297-2013 is in force, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST 24555-81 State product testing system. The procedure for certification of test equipment. Key points
On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 8.568-97 applies.

3 Main parameters and dimensions

3.1 Roulettes should be manufactured with nominal length scales of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 m.

At the request of the consumer, tape measures are allowed to be manufactured with scales of a different length.

3.2 Roulettes should be made with stainless steel bands (symbol - H) or carbon steel (symbol - Y).

3.3 The pull-out ends of the roulettes should be made:

- with a ring (in the symbol - the letter "K");

- with a load (in the symbol - the letter "G").

Roulettes up to 5 m inclusive are allowed to be manufactured with an exhaust end in the form of:

- rectangular end (in the symbol - the letter "P");

- with a holder for fixing on the object to be measured (in the symbol - the letter "D").

3.4 The symbol for tape measures should include: the letter "P" - "roulette", the nominal length of the scale, the material of the tape, the accuracy class, the design of the pull end of the tape and the designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

Tape measure with nominal length scale 30 m, stainless steel tape, class 2 accuracy, ring at the pull end of the tape:

Р30Н2К GOST 7502-98

Tape measure with nominal length scale 5 m, carbon steel tape, class 3 accuracy, rectangular end at the pull end of the tape:

R5U3P GOST 7502-98

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Roulettes must comply with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for specific brands of roulettes, approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 The permissible deviation of the actual length of the intervals of the tape measure scales from that marked on the scale at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C and the tension of the measuring tape with the working force should not exceed that specified in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

Interval name

Permissible deviation of the actual length, no more, for the accuracy class




Scale segment 1 m or more


Note - - the number of full and incomplete meters in the segment.

The working force of the tape tension during measurements:

- (100±10) H - for tape measures 10 m long and more;

- (10±1) N "" " 1-5 m;

- for roulettes with a load - the tension force is created by the load itself;

- for roulettes with a grooved tape - without tension.

For tape measures with a weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape, the mass of the weight must be (2 ± 0.1) kg.

4.3 At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer compares the ordered tape measures in accordance with the regulatory documents.
MI 1780.

Comparable roulettes are assigned a factory number. The verification certificate indicates the actual length (according to the standard) from zero to each meter stroke of the tape measure, rounded to tenths of a millimeter.

4.4 Tapes must be operable at ambient temperature from minus 40 to plus 50 °C and relative humidity up to 98% at a temperature of plus 25 °C, and tapes supplied to mines - at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 35 °C and relative humidity up to 100% at a temperature of plus 35 °C (UHL version, placement category 1 and 5 according to GOST 15150).

4.5 Total average life for stainless steel tape measure is 2000 cycles, carbon steel tape measure is 1500 cycles (cycle includes: pulling the tape to full length, pulling with operating force, counting, winding the tape).

The criterion for the limit state (failure) is considered to be: breakage of the body and winding mechanism, jamming, tearing, erasing of strokes and numbers of the measuring tape over 10% of the total number of strokes and numbers.

4.6 The scale is applied to one or both edges of the tape. It is allowed to apply scales on both sides of the tape.

4.7 Tape scales are applied at millimeter, centimeter and meter intervals.

4.8 Roulettes are made with the beginning of the scale coinciding with the end of the measuring tape.

Roulettes with a pull ring 10 m or more in length are manufactured with the beginning of the scale at least 100 mm away from the end.

For tape measures with a load, the bottom end of the load serves as the beginning of the scale.

4.9 The starting point for digitization should be taken:

- for centimeter intervals - the beginning of each meter;

- for meter intervals - the beginning of the roulette scale.

For centimeter intervals, it is allowed to take the beginning of each decimeter as the origin, while the digitization of intervals that are multiples of 10 is indicated in the number of centimeter intervals from the beginning of each meter.

For centimeter intervals of roulette scales up to 5 m long inclusive, it is allowed to take the beginning of the roulette scale as the origin of reference without applying digital designations of meter intervals.

4.10 The stroke width should be selected from the range: 0.20; 0.30; 0.40 mm. Permissible deviation ±0.05 mm.

4.11 The strokes of different scale intervals should be of different lengths.

4.12 Digitizing scales

4.12.1 Each centimeter and meter intervals must have digital designations of the total number of intervals from the origin; figures indicating meter intervals must be supplemented by the letter "m" (meter).

4.12.2 Numerical indications of centimeter intervals, multiples of ten, and meter intervals should be highlighted with an increase in font size or a color background.

4.12.3 Near the designations of centimeter intervals, a multiple of 10, put numbers indicating the number of full meters from the beginning of the scale.

4.13 Strokes and numbers should be even, distinct and perpendicular to the working edge of the tape. The deviation from perpendicularity for strokes should not exceed 30", for numbers - 3 °.

4.14 For numbers and inscriptions, fonts are used in accordance with GOST 26.020. On scales with printed strokes, it is allowed to carry out numbers and inscriptions in typographic font in accordance with GOST 3489.2.

4.15 Roulette scales should be made with printed or etched strokes and digitization

4.16 The background of the roulette scale should be light, and the strokes and digits should be dark and of contrasting colors.

For carbon steel tape measures with etched strokes and digitization, a dark background is allowed, while the strokes and digitization are light.

4.17 Roulettes must have a device for fixing the measuring tape in any working position or within one turn of the drum.

4.18 Roulettes must have a tape winder. Roulettes up to 5 m in length must have a device for automatic tape winding. It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to produce roulettes without automatic winding of the tape.

It is forbidden to use the automatic winding device for roulettes with a load.

4.19 When unwinding and winding the measuring tape, there should be no distortions and jamming.

4.20 Cases of tape measures should ensure the safety of the measuring tape in the wound form when falling from a height of 1.5 m.

4.21 The design of the body must protect the measuring tape from breakage or the appearance of residual deformations after it has been tensioned for measurements.

4.22 The design of the closed case of a tape measure 10 m or more in length should ensure the possibility of periodic cleaning of the internal cavity.

4.23 Measuring tapes of roulettes are made flat. For tape measures up to 5 m long, inclusive, tapes with a rectangular end and with a holder are allowed to be made convex (grooved).

4.24 For the manufacture of measuring tapes, tape measures are used

a) stainless steel bands:

- cold-rolled from corrosion-resistant steel grade Kh18G14AN4 (EP-197), heat-treated, polished according to regulatory documents;
On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to TU 14-1-425 *.

* Specifications mentioned hereinafter are the author's development. See the link for more information. - Database manufacturer's note.

- cold-rolled from corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel 12Kh17G9AN4 hard-worked or highly hard-worked, increased accuracy, group 1, surface class A according to GOST 4986;

b) carbon steel tapes:

- cold-rolled heat-treated steel, strength group 2P, normal manufacturing accuracy, light-hardened, polished, with machined edges, with a crescent not more than 2 mm per 3 m in accordance with GOST 21996.

It is allowed to use steels of other grades with physical-chemical, physical-mechanical and technological characteristics that are not inferior to the corresponding characteristics of steels of these grades.

4.25 The width and thickness of the tape is selected in accordance with table 2.

table 2

In millimeters

Parameter name


Tape width

Tape thickness

Note - It is allowed to use tapes with a width of 6 mm for tape measures up to 5 m long, sold through a distribution network.

4.26 Tape tapes made of carbon steel must have a protective anti-corrosion coating: lacquer, enamel or polymer.

A combination of the above is allowed.

The applied protective coatings of tape measures, including the load, must comply with GOST 9.005, GOST 9.032, GOST 9.301, GOST 9.303, GOST 9.401, GOST 23852.

4.27 Roulettes in a package must withstand the following external influences:

- sinusoidal vibration with an acceleration of 49 m/s (5 g) in the frequency range of 20-80 Hz;

- multiple impacts with an acceleration of 147 m/s (15 g) with a shock pulse duration of 5 ms;

- single impacts with an acceleration of 294 m/s (30 g) with a shock pulse duration of 3 ms;

- climatic factors according to storage conditions 5 according to GOST 15150.

4.28 Completeness

4.28.1 At the request of the consumer, tape measures 10 m or more in length must be equipped with a dynamometer that provides working tension with the force specified in 4.2.

4.28.2 Each batch of tape measures supplied must have a document (certificate or passport) confirming its compliance with the requirements of this standard, and for tape measures with a load, an additional instruction manual. The documents must bear the type approval mark of the measuring instrument in accordance with the regulatory documents.
On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.009 *.

* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Has become invalid on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated November 30, 2009 N 1081. The procedure for testing standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval, the procedure for approving the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, the procedure for issuing certificates of approval of the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments, establishing and changing the validity period of these certificates and the interval between verification of measuring instruments , Requirements for approval marks of the type of standard samples or the type of measuring instruments and the order of their application, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.28.3 Comparable tape measures must have a verification certificate indicating the data according to 4.3.

4.29 Marking of tape measures must be clear and remain throughout the entire service life. The place and method of marking are indicated in the drawings.

4.30 On the body of each tape measure must be applied:

- conventional designation of roulette;

- sign of approval of the type of tape measure as a means of measurement according to regulatory documents;
On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.009.

- serial number (for compared tape measures);

- year and month of issue;

- stamp of technical control service.

4.31 On the measuring tape of each tape measure at the exhaust end is applied:

- the length of the tape measure in meters;

- weight of 1 m measuring tape in grams;

- coefficient of linear expansion of the tape material (for roulettes with a length of 10 m or more);

- the mark of trust.

4.32 The weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape must be marked with:

- trademark of the manufacturer or its name;

is the weight of the load in kilograms.

4.33 On the transport container, in addition to marking in accordance with GOST 14192, the following must be applied:

- the name of the packaged product and its symbol;

- quantity of packed products;

- name of the manufacturer.

4.34 Before packing the tape measure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and apply temporary anti-corrosion protection in accordance with GOST 9.014.

4.35 Roulettes in an open case must be wrapped in waterproof packaging paper and individually packaged.

4.36 When grouped, the tape measures should be tightly packed in a container lined inside with moisture-proof paper.

Group packaging must have a packing list, which indicates:

- name of the manufacturer and his address;

- conventional designation of roulettes;

- the number of packed rolls;

- date of manufacture of roulettes.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 To check the compliance of tape measures with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands, the following is carried out: tests for approval of the type of measuring instrument, acceptance and periodic tests, verification, tests to confirm compliance with the approved type.

5.2 Tests for approval of the type of measuring instrument and for confirmation of compliance with the approved type are carried out in accordance with regulatory documents.
On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.009.

5.3 Acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of 3.1-3.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6-4.19, 4.23-4.26, 4.28-4.36 are carried out using statistical sampling control. Control plans are established in the methods developed in accordance with regulatory documents and approved in the prescribed manner. Tests are carried out (organized) by the technical control service of the manufacturer.
On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with RD 50-605.

5.4 After passing acceptance tests, tape measures must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents and, if required by the customer, comparation in accordance with the requirements of 4.3.
On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.006.

5.5 Periodic tests are carried out at least once a year in full scope of the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands.

5.5.1 Tests are subjected to at least three samples of tape measures with and without load, lengths 3 (or 5), 10, 30 (or 50), 100 m of each material, anti-corrosion coating, accuracy class, selected by the technical control service from among those who passed acceptance - passing tests.

Test tapes with a length of 10 m or more of one accuracy class, differing only in the length of the scale, are carried out on tape measures of the greatest length, and the test results are extended to the entire standard size range.

The results of periodic tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested.

5.5.2 If a non-compliance of the samples (sample) with the requirement being checked is found, the tests are not stopped and carried out in full. Further, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples selected by the technical control service from among those that have passed acceptance tests, according to the points of nonconformity.

The results of repeated tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested. The results of the retests are final.

6 Test methods

6.1 Tests of roulettes and making decisions based on their results are carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard and design documentation for roulettes of specific brands. The methods and test tools specified in this standard, except for the mandatory ones, can be replaced by others, while ensuring the required accuracy and measurement conditions, agreed in the prescribed manner.

All measuring instruments used must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents, and testing equipment must be certified in accordance with GOST 24555.
PR 50.2.006.

On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to GOST R 8.568.

6.2 Checking the width and thickness of the measuring tape (4.25), strokes and numbers (4.10, 4.13), deviations in the length of the intervals (4.2), mass and scale of the load for tape measures with a load (4.2, 4.8) is carried out according to regulatory documents.
On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to other regulatory documents

6.6 Font compliance (4.14) is checked by comparison with a sample according to GOST 26.020 or GOST 3489.2.

6.7 Compliance with the requirements of 4.20 is checked by dropping the tape measure without applying additional acceleration from a height of 1.5 m onto a hard surface base at least 5 times.

After testing, the measuring tape should not have nicks, cracks, dents, damage to coatings, jamming of the tape when the tape is pulled out three times to its full length and wound up. There should be no damage on the case that prevents further use of tape measures.

6.8 Compliance with the requirements of 4.21 is checked by stretching the measuring tape three times with the force of 4.2.

There should be no dents, residual deformations on the tape, there should not be a separation (break) of the measuring tape.

6.9 Compliance with the requirements of 4.17-4.19, 4.22 is checked by practical testing and by pulling and winding the measuring tape three times over the entire length, checking fixation at any three points along the length of the tape.

6.10 Compliance with the requirements of 4.4 is checked in a thermal moisture chamber by pulling out and winding the measuring tape over its entire length three times, each time after 2 hours of exposure at established limit values ​​of temperature and humidity. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the chamber at steady-state values ​​should not exceed ± 3 ° C and ± 3%, respectively.

After the tests, there should be no mechanical damage, jamming and distortion of the measuring tape, erasing of the scale elements and damage to the coatings.

6.11 Compliance with the requirements of 4.27 in terms of mechanical effects is checked on test benches at specified loads.

The duration of vibration tests is 1 hour.

Impact resistance with repeated impacts is checked by applying for 30 minutes at least 3000 impacts with a frequency of 80-120 impacts per minute.

Impact resistance when exposed to single blows is checked by applying at least 5 blows.

During testing, the container shall be rigidly fixed.

Resistance to climatic factors during transportation is checked by holding the packaged rolls in a heat chamber for 2 hours at a temperature of minus 50 °C, then plus 50 °C.

The tape measure is considered to have passed the test if after the test there is no mechanical damage to the body, tape, tape jamming, damage to the coatings and the scale.

6.12 Reliability indicators according to 4.5 are checked according to reliability test programs developed in accordance with GOST 27.410 and approved in the prescribed manner.

7 Transport and storage

7.1 Roulettes are transported in closed vehicles.

7.2 Transportation conditions in terms of exposure to climatic factors must comply with storage conditions 5 in accordance with GOST 15150.

7.3 In airplanes, tape measures are transported in heated compartments.

7.4 Tape measure should be stored on racks in heated storages according to storage conditions 1 GOST 15150.

8 Instructions for use

8.1 When measuring the level of oil and oil products with tapes with a load, the following precautions must be observed:

- lower and raise the load smoothly, slowly turning the handle;

- do not allow the cargo to hit the necks of containers and other metal objects in order to avoid damage to the coating.

8.2 Before use, you should depreserve the tape measure, wipe the measuring tape dry with a soft cloth.

8.3 After measurements, the roulette tape, when wound on the drum, must be wiped with a dry soft rag.

8.4 Roulettes must be subject to periodic verification in accordance with regulatory documents.
On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to PR 50.2.006.

8.5 To ensure the required working tension during measurements, it is recommended to use dynamometers.

8.6 When measuring at temperatures other than 20 °C, it is necessary to introduce a correction for the temperature coefficient of linear expansion, calculated by the formula

where is the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the measuring tape (for carbon steel = 1.2 10, for stainless steel = 2.0 10);

Length on a roulette scale, measured at a temperature of ;

Air temperature during measurement, °С.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of tape measures to the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer observes the conditions of operation, transportation and storage.

9.2 Warranty period - 12 months from the date of sale through a retail network or from the date of receipt by the consumer.

APPENDIX A (informative). Bibliography


"Guidelines. GSI. Exemplary tapes and metal measuring tapes. Verification rules". Approved by VNIIM named after D.I. Mendeleev

TU 14-1-425-72

"Cold-rolled strip from corrosion-resistant steel grades Kh18G14AN4 (EP-197) and Kh18N9SMR (EP-414)". Approved by Glavmetiz of the USSR Ministry of Mining Metallurgy

"Rules on metrology. GSI. The procedure for testing and approval of the type of measuring instruments". Accepted by Gosstandart of Russia

"Guidelines for the application of standards for statistical acceptance control". Approved by the State Standard of the USSR

"Rules on metrology. CSI. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure". Accepted by Gosstandart of Russia

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2006

GOST 7502-98







1 DEVELOPED by the State Enterprise "Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying" (VNIMI) and the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 296 "Optics and Optical Instruments"

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 13-98 dated May 28, 1998)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


The Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Standard


Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated July 27, 1999 No. 220-st, the interstate standard GOST 7502-98 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2000.


GOST 7502-98




Measuring metal tapes.

Introduction date 2000-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to metal measuring tapes of the 2nd and 3rd accuracy classes (hereinafter referred to as tape measures), designed to measure linear dimensions by direct comparison with the scale.

Safety requirements for tape measures with a load are set out in.

4.28.2 Each batch of tape measures supplied must have a document (certificate or passport) confirming its compliance with the requirements of this standard, and for tape measures with a load, an additional instruction manual. The documents must be marked with the type approval mark of the measuring instrument in accordance with the regulatory documents 1) .

4.28.3 Comparable tape measures must have a verification certificate indicating data on .

4.29 Marking of tape measures must be clear and remain throughout the entire service life. The place and method of marking are indicated in the drawings.

4.30 On the body of each tape measure must be applied:

Conventional designation of roulette;

Approval mark for the type of tape measure as a means of measurement according to regulatory documents 1) ;

Serial number (for compared tape measures);

Year and month of issue;

The stamp of the technical control service.

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.009.

4.31 On the measuring tape of each tape measure at the exhaust end is applied:

Roulette length in meters;

Mass of 1 m measuring tape in grams;

Coefficient of linear expansion of the tape material (for roulettes with a length of 10 m or more);

The mark of faith.

4.32 The weight attached to the pull end of the measuring tape must be marked with:

Trademark of the manufacturer or its name;

Weight of cargo in kilograms.

5.3 Acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements , , , , , are carried out using statistical sampling control. Control plans are established in the methods developed in accordance with regulatory documents 1) and approved in the prescribed manner. Tests are carried out (organized) by the technical control service of the manufacturer.

1) On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with RD 50-605.

5.4 After passing acceptance tests, tape measures must be verified in accordance with regulatory documents 2) and, if required by the customer, comparation in accordance with the requirements.

2) On the territory of the Russian Federation - in accordance with PR 50.2.006.

5.5 Periodic tests are carried out at least once a year in full scope of the requirements of this standard and design documentation for tape measures of specific brands.

5.5.1 Tests are subjected to at least three samples of tape measures with and without load, lengths 3 (or 5), 10, 30 (or 50), 100 m of each material, anti-corrosion coating, accuracy class, selected by the technical control service from among those who passed acceptance - passing tests.

Test tapes with a length of 10 m or more of one accuracy class, differing only in the length of the scale, are carried out on tape measures of the greatest length, and the test results are extended to the entire standard size range.

The results of periodic tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested.

5.5.2 If a non-compliance of the samples (sample) with the requirement being checked is found, the tests are not stopped and carried out in full. Further, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples selected by the technical control service from among those that have passed acceptance tests, according to the points of nonconformity.

The results of repeated tests are considered positive if all samples meet all the requirements being tested. The results of the retests are final.

6 Test methods

4) On the territory of the Russian Federation - according to GOST R 8.568.

6.5 Compliance with the requirements is checked according to GOST 9.032, GOST 9.302, GOST 9.401, GOST 9.407, the type of coating is checked according to the design documentation. During periodic tests, the condition of the coatings is checked after each climatic and mechanical test.

6.6 The correspondence of the font () is checked by comparison with a sample according to GOST 26.020 or GOST 3489.2.

6.7 Compliance is checked by dropping the tape measure without additional acceleration from a height of 1.5 m onto a hard surface at least 5 times.

After testing, the measuring tape should not have nicks, cracks, dents, damage to coatings, jamming of the tape when the tape is pulled out three times to its full length and wound. There should be no damage on the case that prevents further use of tape measures.

6.8 Compliance is checked by stretching the measuring tape three times with a force of .

There should be no dents, residual deformations on the tape, there should not be a separation (break) of the measuring tape.

6.9 Compliance with the requirements is checked by practical testing and three times by pulling and winding the measuring tape over its entire length, checking for fixation at any three points along the length of the tape.

6.10 Compliance with the requirements is checked in a thermal moisture chamber by pulling out and winding the measuring tape over its entire length three times, each time after 2 hours of exposure at established limit values ​​of temperature and humidity. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the chamber at steady-state values ​​should not exceed± 3 ° C and ± 3% respectively.

After the tests, there should be no mechanical damage, jamming and distortion of the measuring tape, erasing of the scale elements and damage to the coatings.

6.11 Compliance with the requirements in terms of mechanical effects is checked on test benches under specified loads.

The duration of vibration tests is 1 hour.

Impact resistance with repeated impacts is checked by applying for 30 minutes at least 3000 impacts with a frequency of 80-120 impacts per minute.

Impact resistance when exposed to single blows is checked by applying at least 5 blows.

During testing, the container shall be rigidly fixed.

Resistance to climatic factors during transportation is checked by holding the packed rolls in a heat chamber for 2 hours at a temperature of minus 50° C, then plus 50 ° WITH.

The tape measure is considered to have passed the test if after the test there is no mechanical damage to the body, tape, tape jamming, damage to the coatings and the scale.

6.12 Reliability indicators are checked according to reliability test programs developed in accordance with GOST 27.410 and approved in the prescribed manner.

7 Transport and storage

7.1 Roulettes are transported in closed vehicles.

7.2 Transportation conditions in terms of exposure to climatic factors must comply with storage conditions 5 in accordance with GOST 15150.

7.3 In airplanes, tape measures are transported in heated compartments.

7.4 Tape measure should be stored on racks in heated storages according to storage conditions 1 GOST 15150.

8 Instructions for use

8.5 To ensure the required working tension during measurements, it is recommended to use dynamometers.

8.6 When measuring at temperatures other than 20° With , an amendment needs to be madeD ton the temperature coefficient of linear expansion, calculated by the formula

D t = aLAnd(t - 20),

where a- coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the measuring tape (for carbon steela = 1, 2× 10 -5 , for stainless steela = 2,0 × 10 -5 );

L and -tape measure length measured at temperaturet;

t - air temperature during measurement,° WITH.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of tape measures to the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer observes the conditions of operation, transportation and storage.

9.2 Warranty period - 12 months. from the date of sale through a retail trade network or from the date of receipt by the consumer.


MI 1780-87 “Guidelines. GSI. Exemplary tapes and metal measuring tapes. Verification Rules. Approved by VNIIM them. DI. Mendeleev

TU 14-1-425-72 "Cold-rolled strip of corrosion-resistant steel grades Kh18G14AN4 (EP-197) and Kh18N9SMR (EP-414)". Approved by Glavmetiz of the USSR Ministry of Mining Metallurgy

PR 50.2.009-94 “Metrology Rules. GSI. The procedure for testing and approval of the type of measuring instruments. Accepted by Gosstandart of Russia

RD 50-605-86 "Guidelines for the application of standards for statistical acceptance control". Approved by the State Standard of the USSR

PR 50.2.006-94 “Metrology Rules. GSI. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure”. Accepted by Gosstandart of Russia

Key words: metal measuring tapes, specifications, classes, basic parameters, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods

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We are all afraid of judgment from others and want to learn not to pay attention to the opinions of others. We're afraid of being judged, oh...
07/02/2018 17,546 1 Igor Psychology and Society The word "snobbery" is quite rare in oral speech, unlike ...
To the release of the film "Mary Magdalene" on April 5, 2018. Mary Magdalene is one of the most mysterious personalities of the Gospel. The idea of ​​her...
Tweet There are programs as universal as the Swiss Army knife. The hero of my article is just such a "universal". His name is AVZ (Antivirus...
50 years ago, Alexei Leonov was the first in history to go into the airless space. Half a century ago, on March 18, 1965, a Soviet cosmonaut...
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