How many days of sick leave are given after fibroid removal? How many days of sick leave is given after laparoscopy: minimum and maximum recovery time. Gallbladder removal

The human body is a perfect thing, similar to a well-functioning, highly intelligent computer mechanism, only better. But its components sometimes “break” and fail. And then the person goes to the doctor. In the most extreme cases, when nothing else (neither pills, nor ointments, nor injections, nor drips) can help, the patient is prescribed surgery. Fortunately, now there is a choice - to do abdominal surgery, with full incisions in the abdominal wall, or minimally invasive - laparoscopy. Moreover, now in most cases both medical specialists and patients themselves make a choice in favor of minimally invasive, endoscopic operations.

Many patients have questions about whether they should be given sick leave after laparoscopy

Although laparoscopy is a minimally invasive (low-traumatic) intervention, it remains an operation, after which it also needs to be treated and recovered, so the patient is also entitled to a certificate of incapacity for work. And laparoscopy of the gallbladder is no exception. When the gallbladder is removed, even with the help of a minimally invasive intervention, the patient has every right to receive sick leave. However, many patients still have questions about whether they should be given sick leave after laparoscopy: how long it lasts, how to open and extend it. During laparoscopy of the gallbladder, is sick leave ordinary or some kind of special one? Is this even a reason for not going to work? Which specialists and where will the sick leave be registered and issued to you?

Is it necessary to remove it?

Although laparoscopy is a minimally invasive (low-traumatic) intervention, it remains an operation, after which you also need to undergo treatment and recovery

For many years, the gallbladder was removed in a very traumatic way, after which the peritoneum, organs and tissues next to the removed bladder took a long time to heal. In some cases, both the stitched areas and everything nearby became inflamed - and this meant pain and discomfort. They say that people recovered after removal for three or even four months. And if the patient is already old and things are healing much worse for him than in his youth, of course, this leads to additional problems and increases the recovery time significantly.

Perhaps this is why people are still afraid of such an operation on some intuitive level. Even when hearing the words “bile removal,” many of us have unpleasant and even frightening associations. Such as pain, discomfort, a “bloody”, complex operation, large incisions, many stitches, and after all this nothing at all can be done for a long time.

When it comes to removing this organ, many patients try to find out from doctors whether something can be done to leave the bubble, not cut it out, or be cured in other ways, not surgical. Some experts (and there are a lot of such opinions on the Internet; if you enter the corresponding query into a search engine, a million links will pop up for you) say that you can do without surgery and not cut out the bubble. For example, to undergo treatment with some miracle drugs or magic pills. However, other surgeons (and most of them) object: it is very, very risky.

For example, you can “break” the stones or take medications so that they begin to come out. But in this case, no one can predict what size these stones will be or how they will move. And this is pain, to say the least. And at the most, it can lead to completely unpredictable consequences. How many such cases are known when a stone moves and then gets stuck, causing unbearable pain to a person? Such therapy in any case leads to surgery. Only in front of her does the patient still have time to suffer.

Nowadays, the gallbladder is removed using a full-fledged operation only in very complex cases, when minimally invasive, endoscopic intervention will not help, or for some reason it is impossible to carry out.

Laparoscopy is necessarily done in a hospital with all the necessary steps, as in abdominal surgery

However, even laparoscopy must be done in a hospital setting with all the necessary steps, as in abdominal surgery. A person enters (goes to bed) at a medical facility, where tests are taken from him, he is fully examined, and ultrasound diagnostics are performed again to make sure that removal is still necessary. And a person’s sick leave should be opened on the same date when he was admitted to the hospital.

General characteristics of the disease: as a rule, it occurs in older people who have other concomitant diagnoses. The patient begins to experience first unpleasant sensations, and then unbearable pain in the right side of the abdomen, which then spreads further. It is clear that all this negatively affects the quality of life. This type of intervention must be carried out in the first day after an attack, otherwise everything can develop into something more serious and lead to irreversible consequences.

Removal of the gallbladder using a minimally invasive method (laparoscopy) is done using small punctures on the surface of the abdomen. When removing the gallbladder, surgeons make four (and if necessary, when the area where the liver was located is greatly enlarged, five) such punctures - this will be decided by the attending physician based on the overall clinical picture. A microvideo camera is inserted into these punctures on the electrode. And through it, a 3D image of what is happening in the patient’s abdominal cavity is displayed on the monitor.

The doctor studies the picture, looks at the degree of damage to the gallbladder, looks at what kind of neoplasms are inside it, and only then finally makes a decision: to remove the bladder or not.

But sick leave after surgery to remove the gallbladder is given to the patient as if he had undergone a full-fledged surgical intervention.

How long does sick leave last after laparoscopy?

Of course, patients are interested in how long sick leave lasts after gallbladder removal. How many days of sick leave is given after removal of the gallbladder in a particular case is impossible to answer this question unequivocally; everything is decided individually. The length of time you are on sick leave, the length of your sick leave, and the length of your stay in the hospital are determined by more than one circumstance. First of all, of course, how many days of sick leave you will have after the operation depends on how the cut and stitches (internal and external) heal and are restored.

The removal of the gallbladder itself - cholecystectomy - will only take about an hour (sometimes a little more, but two hours, they say, is the maximum). In the average case, several more days after such interventions are spent recovering in the hospital. Leading doctors will monitor how the incisions and internal sutures are healing. Although already on this day the patient is allowed to get up, and the next day after the operation the person will feel much better.

A sick leave will be issued for the period while a person is in the hospital - undergoing tests before the procedure, preparing for it, and recovering after the operation in a hospital setting.

In total, you will have to stay in the hospital for about seven days, although the period in the hospital can last longer or shorter - everything will depend on the condition of the body after the removal of the organ. Advice: do not rush to run home from the hospital, even if, as they say, you feel better. How long does your sick leave last after gallstone laparoscopy? All these days will only be beneficial. After removal of the gallbladder, they are kept on sick leave no more than required.

  • Firstly, the body, even after minimally invasive intervention, can behave completely unpredictably. And at this time it is very important to be under the supervision of experienced and qualified doctors who can help in an emergency.
  • Secondly, it is worth understanding that the main thing in this period is diet.

So, immediately after the operation you can’t do anything at all. Then you can start drinking - water, juices, broths, fruit drinks. When the time comes to be discharged, you can switch to normal food. But you need to strictly monitor how it is prepared. Nothing fried. Only boiled and steamed. Approximately the same diet should be followed after the hospital. This may seem unusual to some. On the other hand, this is proper nutrition, which will help not only restore the body, but also lose accumulated extra pounds, if any.

You will be kept on sick leave for about 10 more days after you are discharged from the hospital.

In total, you will have to remain on sick leave for about two weeks after removing the gallbladder using endoscopic technologies. And on average, the length of sick leave after such interventions is 19 days.

As a rule, it is during this time that the patient recovers and can go to work with some restrictions on nutrition and physical activity. Then the laparoscopy of the gallbladder will be forgotten like a bad dream, and you will calmly take the closed sick leave to your employer, without fear that you will have to take it again.

How to open a sick leave during laparoscopy

Of course, this is not the heart or the lungs; a person can easily live without biliousness. Of course, following certain rules. The gallstone formation has been removed, sick leave will be given upon admission to the hospital for laparoscopy. Sick leave is issued as follows: when the patient is discharged from the hospital, he is given a sick leave certificate. After this, the patient is placed under outpatient observation in a clinic where he is enrolled under a compulsory health insurance policy, or in a clinic that he has chosen himself. Certificates of incapacity for work, which were issued at the institution where laparoscopy was performed, will be extended and will be issued at the outpatient clinic.

How to extend sick leave when removing the gallbladder

After laparoscopy, complications are sometimes recorded in the form of poor restoration of tissues injured as a result of and after the intervention. And then it is simply necessary to extend the sick leave after removal of the gallbladder.

What problems and troubles may arise after biliary laparoscopy? For example, leakage of bile into the peritoneum. This happens if doctors did something wrong during the intervention, and the section of the bile duct was poorly sutured by the surgeon. This occurs if the patient’s condition after surgery is poor.

In this case, most likely, you will have to do another laparoscopy and sew up the bile duct. Otherwise, everything can develop into a more complex deviation, such as peritonitis. Therefore, it will be necessary to have a cholecystectomy again; it is difficult to say for how many days sick leave is given in this case. You will be given a new sheet, preliminary, for the same number of days as before, you will also have to stay in the hospital for about a week. And then the doctors will look at the facts and decide whether to keep you in the hospital or discharge you home for further treatment. That is, patients must remain on sick leave until complete recovery, and this usually takes a couple of weeks after laparoscopy.

Be that as it may, it all depends on the complexity of the case, and the supervising physician will make the conclusions regarding the need for extension and the extension period.

From all of the above I would like to draw a conclusion. If the doctor says that you need to have your gallbladder removed, you shouldn’t look for any other ways to get rid of the problem, it’s better to listen to the doctor and undergo laparoscopy. And for how many days sick leave is given or should be given after laparoscopy of the gallbladder, this question in this case should worry you least of all.


Features of the recovery period after cholecystectomy.

After any operation, patients need recovery. Therefore, the question of how much sick leave is required after laparoscopy is very important. There is no definite answer, since in each case the doctor determines the severity of the patient’s condition and the speed with which her body returns to normal.

The laparoscopy operation itself, performed at the medical center LeoMed, refers to minimally invasive. This means that patients recover quite quickly. Accordingly, the sick leave will not be long.

How much sick leave is required after laparoscopy in gynecology? The number of days spent at home on sick leave is influenced by the following factors:

  • general condition of the patient who underwent surgery;
  • optimal, from the doctor’s point of view, period of rehabilitation;
  • possible or existing complications;
  • stage of the disease at which the operation was performed.

The complexity and location of the operation itself also affects how much sick leave is required after laparoscopy in gynecology. The period for which sick leave is given after laparoscopy of uterine fibroids is much longer.

Keeping sick leave after laparoscopy of uterine fibroids

It is important to properly observe sick leave after laparoscopy of uterine fibroids. The attending physician issues a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of no more than 15 days; it can be extended by a medical commission. If we are talking about laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst or invasion of the fallopian tubes, sick leave is required for approximately 4-5 days. Sick leave after uterine laparoscopy is given for a longer period, since recovery lasts up to one and a half months. The average recovery time after laparoscopy is 15 days. The woman is in the hospital for 5 days, as constant monitoring by doctors is needed. Subsequent recovery takes place at home. How many days of sick leave after laparoscopy of uterine fibroids? This depends on the patient’s condition; in the standard course of the disease, sick leave after laparoscopy of fibroids lasts up to 45 days.

To make recovery faster and more efficient, you should adhere to the following basic principles:

  1. During the week, food should be an easily digestible diet.
  2. You need to limit physical activity for up to a month; lifting weights is prohibited.
  3. Moderate physical activity is indicated, as it has a positive effect on the entire body.
  4. Limit sexual activity for at least 2 weeks.

How many days does sick leave last after laparoscopy of uterine fibroids?

In some cases, after laparoscopy, a woman can go home within a few hours. But it is better to remain under the supervision of doctors. When it comes to surgery to remove fibroids, how many days of sick leave after uterine laparoscopy will last is more difficult to say. If abdominal surgery is performed, rehabilitation is long. In addition, the woman experiences shock due to the removal of the organ. Laparoscopy, which is performed without removing the uterus, gives a chance for a future pregnancy.

How many days of sick leave after uterine laparoscopy? On average, it lasts 45 days. The use of the laparoscopic method by doctors at the LeoMed multidisciplinary outpatient surgery clinic can significantly reduce rehabilitation time. In each case, the doctor decides how many days of sick leave after laparoscopy of uterine fibroids. When the patient is attentive to herself and follows the doctor’s recommendations, recovery is quick and complications do not arise. But you should remember that you need to consult a doctor if new unpleasant or painful sensations arise.

The duration of rest on sick leave is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as various regulations.

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But there are certain, unusual situations when the standard period is extended. Exactly such a case is the extension of sick leave for an employee who has undergone surgery.

Who sets the deadline

According to the legislation in force in Russia, sick leave can only be issued for a certain, limited period. Moreover, not all doctors even have the right to issue sick leave.

Thus, a disability form cannot be obtained:

  • from an ambulance worker;
  • at the blood transfusion station.

Most often, sick leave is issued by the attending physician. Its duration is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 “On approval of the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work.”

According to it, the maximum validity period of this document can be:

If for some reason the patient’s health has not recovered within the period indicated above, then the certificate of incapacity for work may be extended. But to carry out this action there must be sufficiently serious reasons.

For example, the presence of cancer, assignment of disability, or major surgery.

But at the same time, one should remember an important nuance - the extension operation can only be carried out directly by a special medical commission.

It should consist of qualified physicians with sufficient experience to assess the patient's health status.

When an extension is made, another certificate of incapacity for work is issued. It is attached to the first one. Its effect should begin on the day following the date of completion of the first sick leave form.

Moreover, when filling it out, the corresponding code must be present. It has a numerical value. But, in some cases, its writing requires the consent of the patient himself.

How to renew

Despite the fact that the extension of sick leave is permissible only with appropriate consent from the medical commission, in some cases this procedure can be performed directly by the attending physician himself.

This applies to particularly serious diseases included in a special list. There is one important nuance regarding operated patients.

If the patient can move independently, then he should necessarily come to the hospital on his own for an extension.

If the day prescribed by the doctor is missed for any unexcused reason, a corresponding note will be placed on the disability form.

If it exists, the employer has every right not to fully pay monetary compensation - and this action does not violate the law.

If after the operation the patient is unable to move independently, then the process of extending sick leave must be carried out by the attending physician directly at home. The medical worker must independently arrive at the patient’s place of residence.

Moreover, this is strictly mandatory; this moment is regulated at the legislative level:

  • By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2012, Moscow;
  • By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

How many days does sick leave last after abdominal surgery?

Despite the fact that medicine has made great progress today, many operations are quite dangerous, and after their implementation a long healing period is required. This happens if ovarian resection or the like is performed.

The recovery period in such cases can last quite a long time, sometimes stretching to a whole month or more. Especially if any complications arise.

To extend sick leave after abdominal surgery, you must contact I:

  • to the head physician of the medical institution where treatment is carried out;
  • to the head of the clinic.

In such a situation, the doctor has every right, in accordance with current legislation, to carry out an extension. If there are any difficulties, then the KEC is collected - in case of incomplete recovery.

There are two types of abdominal operations:

  • laparotomy;
  • laparoscopy.

The first type of operation is more complex and requires opening the abdominal cavity. The consequence of this is a fairly long recovery period.

Consequently, sick leave can initially be issued for a fairly long period. The second type of abdominal surgery is a less traumatic intervention in the human body.

All manipulations are carried out with special tools in plastic tubes. The surgeon causes minimal damage to the patient's body.

In this case, the recovery period can be no more than a week. That is why during laparoscopic operations the duration of sick leave is usually standard - 15 days.

Time after brain shunt surgery

Brain shunting is a rather complex and dangerous procedure. Since most often a fragmentary suturing of a part of a vein from another part of the body is required.

Usually it (part of the vein) is taken from the leg or arm. There are several options for this type of operation. But in any case, a cut is made in the skull, as well as other complex surgical operations.

After a successful operation, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor for at least the next 24 hours - in intensive care.

This is a necessary measure, since there is always the possibility of any complications. Only on the second day can the patient get to his feet - and again, always under supervision.

On average, the duration of the initial period of recovery of the body is no less than 5-8 days.

It should be remembered that after the expiration of the period indicated above, you cannot engage in any physical work or bear loads for a long time.

That is why the duration of sick leave is usually more than the standard 15 days. On average, a certificate of incapacity for work after such an operation is issued for 30-45 days.

At the same time, the supervising doctor has the right to issue it - without the involvement of a special commission. If, after the expiration of a month, some symptoms of incomplete recovery are still present, then in this case an examination of the patient by a special medical commission is required.

After laparoscopy

Today, very often, many women have problems with the patency of the fallopian tubes, as well as many other similar ones.

In this case, laparoscopy is most often performed. This procedure can be performed in different ways - it all depends on the immunity and health of the individual patient, as well as many other important factors.

If all procedures are carried out as usual, and the body is strong and resilient enough, then only 15 days are enough for recovery - the standard duration of sick leave:

Since the type of surgical intervention in question is not complicated, if it is necessary to extend sick leave, a medical commission must meet.

The attending physician can independently increase the duration of the disability form only in some special cases.

The basis for extending sick leave is:

  • the occurrence of any complications;
  • the need to repeat the operation.

When performing laparoscopy, a standard hospital form is issued. This operation is carried out by the attending physician - as when filling out this document for other diseases and procedures.

After appendicitis

The appendix is ​​a small part of the cecum. Sometimes it becomes inflamed and this leads to the need for amputation surgery.

There are two possible scenarios:

When performing a removal operation using a laparoscope, a minimal amount of trauma is caused to the human body. That is why there is no need for a long recovery period.

In some cases, the duration of sick leave after removal of appendicitis is only 5-7 days, in extreme cases - 10.

The situation is much worse if the appendix bursts for some reason and peritonitis begins. This leads to serious inflammation, and there is a fairly high probability of death.

To eliminate the consequences of peritonitis, special procedures and the use of antibiotics are required. The result is a long recovery period for the patient. In most cases it takes more than 15 days.

If peritonitis and related complications occur, the attending physician has the right to independently extend sick leave, as well as with the written permission of the head of the department.

The duration of sick leave in most cases depends directly on the attending physician.

Uterine fibroids are a pathological condition of a woman’s reproductive system, which is characterized by the growth of the muscular layer of the uterus. According to average statistics, uterine fibroids are widespread and do not depend on place of residence. This disease is mainly typical for women during menopause. But as practice shows, uterine fibroids are increasingly common among younger representatives of the fairer sex.

Services table

Service name Price
Promotion! Initial consultation with a fertility specialist and ultrasound 0 rub.
Repeated consultation with a fertility specialist 1,900 rub.
Initial consultation with a reproductologist, Ph.D. Osina E.A. 10,000 rub.
Hysteroscopy RUB 22,550
Ultrasound gynecological expert RUB 3,080
Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (difficulty category 1) 65,500 rub.
Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (difficulty category 2) RUB 82,200
Program "Women's Health after 40" RUB 31,770

Treatment of uterine fibroids is aimed at removing fibroid nodes. The choice of treatment depends on the stage at which the disease was detected. If a woman seeks help for small fibroids, she is preferably prescribed hormonal therapy. But in most cases, patients come with serious clinical manifestations, which are typical for larger fibroid nodes.

In addition, the method of treatment for uterine fibroids is determined after determining the location and histological result for the presence of an oncological process. First of all, when this diagnosis is identified, the doctor and his patient converge on a common desire to preserve the organ and its function. This method is myomectomy. The essence of this method is to remove only myomatous nodes, while preserving the organ and its reproductive function.

As after all operations, regardless of complexity, rehabilitation is required after myomectomy. Recovery after surgery to remove uterine fibroids, rehabilitation duration depends on the method performed. So, every woman who has had or will undergo a myomectomy has a lot of questions. The most common are: “How is rehabilitation after myomectomy?” In our article, we will help you understand this issue.

Depending on what technique was chosen for the operation, the rehabilitation period can be long and painful, or it can proceed unnoticed and not for long. Myomectomy with laparoscopic access and hysteroscopic removal of uterine fibroids are considered to be the least traumatic. During such operations, access consists of small punctures through which uterine fibroids are removed. Rehabilitation after surgery with this access lasts no more than 1.5 months. With laparoscopic myomectomy, the patient is in the hospital for only a couple of days, and then, if there are no complications, she is sent home. In the postoperative period, the patient is recommended:

  • avoid heavy physical activity;
  • wearing compression garments to prevent the development of thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • stay in the inpatient department in the first days after laparoscopy;
  • in case of severe pain, which occurs in rare cases after this method of treatment, a painkiller is prescribed;
  • to avoid the development of inflammatory processes and infection, prescribes antibiotics;
  • sexual rest during the entire recovery period.

In addition to the above recommendations, the question remains of what you can eat after removal of uterine fibroids. The diet during the postoperative period should be tailored to the needs of protein, vitamins and microelements. Also, many women develop anemia due to monthly bleeding. In this regard, food should be rich in iron and B vitamins. In addition to all this, you should drink enough fluid to prevent dehydration. The diet after laparoscopy of uterine fibroids should help stimulate the healing of damaged body tissues.

Regardless of the method by which uterine fibroids were removed, the nutritional recommendations after surgery are the same. During the postoperative period, the patient’s diet should contain foods that can be easily absorbed by the body. An important point when choosing products is also their ability to form gases. Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Protein is very important to restore the body; it is recommended to eat more seafood, quail eggs and liver. It is worth abandoning flour products with yeast dough.

Operation myomectomy: postoperative period reviews

It should be noted that the postoperative period does not always proceed smoothly and situations may arise in which recovery occurs later. To prevent the development of an infectious-inflammatory process, the attending physician prescribes antibacterial drugs in the first days. In addition, at first the patient requires the administration of painkillers. In some cases, the rehabilitation period is complicated by the development of hematoma or edema at the site of removal of the fibroid node. There are also cases of uterine bleeding. This is due to trauma to the vessels during the operation. In such cases, the patient experiences an increase in body temperature in the early postoperative period, as well as pain that is not relieved by taking analgesics.
Such conditions require immediate solutions. Based on reviews of operated women, rehabilitation after removal of uterine fibroids depends not only on the professionalism of the attending physician, but also on the patient herself. Compliance with all recommendations and taking prescribed medications will shorten the duration of the rehabilitation period.

Surgery for uterine fibroids: how long to stay in the hospital

The hospital stay is determined not only by the condition of the sutures and myometrium, but also by the general condition of the patient. During laparoscopic removal of fibroids, the patient stays in the hospital without complications for no more than 2-3 days. For abdominal surgery, an inpatient stay of 7-10 days is recommended. Sick leave after myomectomy is also issued taking into account the method of performing the operation, as well as the presence of complaints from the patient. On average, a certificate of incapacity for work for laparoscopic operations is issued for 15 days.

But if there are complaints in the clinic, the doctor can extend sick leave to 30 days, and for abdominal operations to 90 days.

Sick leave after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes - for how many days is it issued? For most patients undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic tubal laparoscopy, it is important to know in advance how much sick leave is given after tubal laparoscopy. This only matters for working patients, since temporary sick leave must be paid by the employer to the extent provided by law.

Basically, during the normal course of the postoperative period, the patient remains in hospital for no more than 10 days. This time is enough for primary rehabilitation to take place and the patient’s normal state of health to be restored. How many days they stay after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes depends on the individual characteristics of the body and its reaction to surgery. By carefully following all the doctor’s recommendations in the postoperative period, you can significantly speed up the recovery period.

In the early recovery period after laparoscopy, pain, disorders of the digestive system, and increased fatigue may occur. By the time of discharge from the hospital, these phenomena usually disappear or become insignificant. If therapeutic laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes is performed, then how many days to stay in the hospital is determined by the volume and severity of the surgical intervention. For example, when cutting adhesions, the sick leave may be shorter than when performing a tubectomy, and the recovery time after diagnostic laparoscopy is much shorter than when performing surgery using a laparoscopic approach. For some diagnostic procedures, the patient can be sent home with an accompanying person at the end of the first day after the operation, but most experts still recommend spending several days in the hospital to be able to monitor the patient’s condition and prevent complications from occurring. It is the early postoperative period that is critical and dangerous due to the increased risk of life-threatening complications, such as bleeding, embolism or thrombosis.

How long it takes to be discharged after tubal laparoscopy in a particular clinic, you need to find out in advance in order to plan further actions after discharge from the hospital. Typically, 5 days of sick leave are allocated for hospital stay and 10 days for recovery at home. After this period, the body has not yet adapted to the usual loads and a protective regime should be followed. After laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes is performed, the attending physician decides how long to stay in the hospital based on an assessment of the patient’s condition.

If unforeseen complications arise and the patient is not feeling well, the sick leave can be extended. The duration of disability after laparoscopy depends on several factors: the volume of the operation, the characteristics of the operation, the presence of complications, the general condition after the operation, and the tactics of further treatment of the patient.

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If the patient requires additional rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment, then the sick leave can be extended by 24 days. If the patient does not show up on the scheduled date, the doctor must indicate why the appointment was missed.

The sick leave certificate is opened by the attending physician on the day of hospitalization (if the patient wishes, the day after hospitalization) and closed on the day when the patient is discharged from the hospital after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes. Only medical institutions that have a special license to provide such services have the right to issue sick leave.

It is important to indicate on the sick leave the regimen prescribed to the patient by the doctor. It can be inpatient, outpatient, home, sanatorium, free.

It is absolutely necessary to visit the doctor on the day indicated by him for a routine postoperative examination and closure of the temporary disability certificate. If this point is not observed, the documents will be marked as a violation of the regime. This may allow the employer not to pay compensation in the amount provided by law for the time the employee is on sick leave. Violations of the regime also include: alcohol or toxic poisoning during treatment, going to work without a doctor’s permission, treatment in another medical institution without the appropriate note from the attending physician, unauthorized leaving the hospital, refusal to be referred to a medical commission.

If a patient is sent by a medical commission for consultation or treatment to another medical institution located in another city, then she is given a sick leave with the expectation that it will include the time required to travel to the designated clinic. The attending physician referring for treatment or an on-site specialist should calculate how many days of sick leave there will be after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes.

Thus, there are no clear deadlines for how many days sick leave is given. How long sick leave lasts after tubal laparoscopy depends on the characteristics of the operation performed and individually in each case.

If a patient is preparing to undergo an operation such as laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes, then how many days of sick leave she will be given, she can first find out from her doctor. For outpatient treatment, the doctor can issue a certificate of temporary incapacity for work for no more than 15 days; further extension of sick leave is possible only by decision of the medical commission.

At the request of the patient, the sick leave certificate may not indicate the disease for which she was treated; you can only indicate the code according to ICD-10 or not indicate anything at all. Fallopian tube laparoscopy, as a rule, is associated with very intimate and personal problems of the patient, and not all women want someone at work to know about their problems.

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