Remedy for bruises - eliminating bruises using folk remedies at home. Bruises: treatment at home Muscle bruise and its treatment with folk remedies

Bruised is called closed mechanical damage to tissues and organs of the body due to the rapid short-term impact of a blunt object on the surface of the body without visible damage to the skin. It can also occur when falling.

The mechanism of bruise is the direct action of a blunt object on one or another part of the body. This can be either a fall or a blow from an object.

Bruise clinic. Pain, bruising, swelling, dysfunction of the bruised organ or area. When a large tangential force is applied, extensive skin detachment is observed. If a large nerve is bruised, shock or paralysis of the area innervated by this nerve may develop; if a joint is bruised, its function is impaired; bruises of internal organs (brain, liver, lungs, kidneys, heart) can lead to severe disorders throughout the body and even death.

The action of the paramedic upon diagnosis of a bruise (its localization is called): first of all, it is necessary to create rest for the damaged organ. It is necessary to apply a pressure bandage to the area of ​​the bruise and give this area an elevated position, which helps stop further hemorrhage into the soft tissues. To reduce pain and inflammation, cold is applied to the site of the injury for 2-3 days, then warming procedures (UHF, Sollux, dry heat, ozokerite applications). For minor bruises of soft tissues, especially the extremities, as a rule, hospitalization is not required; the patient is sent to the emergency room. In case of extensive bruises of the chest, abdomen, joints - hospitalization in a trauma or surgical department to exclude fractures, dislocations, and damage to internal organs. For bruises of the limbs - administration of a solution of analgin 50% - 2.0 intramuscularly, or baralgin 5.0, no-shpa 2% 1.0 (you can add diphenhydramine 1% - 1.0) intramuscularly.

For bruises of the torso, it is better not to administer painkillers, so as not to blur the clinical picture of injuries to internal organs.

Heart bruise. Occurs with blunt chest trauma (direct blow to the sternum, multiple chest injuries). Patients are bothered by intense chest pain that occurs immediately or several hours after the injury. More often it is localized at the site of a bruise or in the region of the heart; it can radiate to the back, jaw, i.e. may mimic angina pectoris. In some cases, pain is absent and appears after physical activity several hours or days after the injury. There are also complaints of palpitations, shortness of breath and general weakness. From the anamnesis - information about chest trauma. Heart rhythm disturbances are the most common type of pathology among patients with cardiac contusions. When such patients contact a paramedic, their urgent hospitalization in intensive care wards is necessary.

Symptoms: a bruise is always accompanied by pain, especially severe when the periosteum and ulnar nerve are damaged.

Excessively severe pain sometimes leads to painful shock.

What's happening? Often a bruise is accompanied by hemorrhage. Bleeding may take the form of a bruise (bruise) or hematoma (a significant accumulation of blood in the tissue). Severe bruises can lead to damage to various organs. So, with a head injury, a concussion is possible; in case of abdominal contusion - rupture of the spleen and (or) bladder; with a chest contusion - rib fractures and hemorrhage into the pleura; in case of bruising of the arms and legs - muscle ruptures, tendon damage, hemorrhages in the joint. If you bruise your finger, the nail may come off.

What do? The first few hours after a bruise, the affected area is treated with cold and rest. Cold reduces pain and relieves bleeding faster. You can apply a towel soaked in ice water, an ice pack, or a bottle of ice water to the area of ​​the bruise. 3 hours after receiving the bruise, a pressure bandage is applied to the bruise (but not too tight so as not to interfere with blood flow) for the next day or two.


Traditional medicine recommends applying a plantain leaf or crushed wormwood to the bruise site. As soon as the wormwood dries out, it needs to be changed or moistened with water. You can apply bodyaga diluted in water (2 tablespoons of bodyagi powder per tablespoon of water) to the site of the injury in the form

The consequence of a bruise is most often the rupture of blood vessels and a slight hemorrhage (bruise). In this case, there is pain when palpating the bruised area and its swelling. Minor soft tissue bruises do not require visiting a doctor; their consequences can be eliminated using simple home remedies. If a joint injury or severe bruise of soft tissue occurs, a consultation with a doctor and, possibly, a small examination is necessary. When treating any bruises to relieve pain, it is quite acceptable to use traditional medicine such as compresses and lotions using alcohol tinctures of various herbs.

For the first 24 hours, cold should be applied to the bruised area, and only on the second day can you begin using warm compresses and wraps.

It is known that alcohol warms and “takes” medicinal substances from the herbs infused with it. This is why compresses made from alcohol tinctures are such an excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant. It is important to note that undiluted medical alcohol should not be used for compresses, as it can cause skin burns.

Tinctures prepared with vodka are best suited for treating bruises.

1. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 20 g each of meadowsweet flowers, bearberry leaves, herbs, knotweed, horsetail, blue cornflower flowers, 30 g each of corn silks, dry bean pods, birch buds.

Cooking method. Grind the collection and mix. 4 tbsp. l. Fill the mixture with vodka. Leave for 3 days. Strain before use.

Mode of application. For compresses on a sore joint. Keep for no more than 4 hours. The course of treatment is 1 week.

2. Required: 1 liter of vodka, 30 g each of burdock root and tricolor violet herb, 20 g each of creeping wheatgrass rhizomes and veronica herb.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the herbal mixture. Leave for 5 days. Strain.

Mode of application. For compresses throughout the night. For complete healing, 10 procedures are enough.

3. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 20 g of coltsfoot and oregano herbs.

Cooking method. Grind the herbal mixture, add vodka, leave for 3 days, strain before use.

Mode of application. For compresses and wraps, for the whole night. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

4. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 100 g of calamus herb. Cooking method. Pour vodka over the grass. Leave for 3 days.

Mode of application. For lotions on bruises. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

5. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 100 g each of wild rosemary herb and nettle leaves, 2 tbsp. l. pomegranate juice.

Cooking method. Chop the herbs and add vodka. Leave for 4 days, add pomegranate juice, let stand for another 2 days..

Mode of application. For compresses and wraps for sore joints. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

6. Required: 1/2 l of vodka, 50 g of barberry leaves, 100 g of birch buds.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over barberry leaves and birch buds. Leave for 5 days.

Mode of application. For compresses throughout the night. Repeat the compresses every evening for 10 days.

7. Required: 300 g vodka, 70 g speckled hemlock leaves, 50 g balsam herb, 3 tsp. aloe juice

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the herbs. Leave for 4 days, then add aloe juice, let stand for 2 days. Mode of application. For lotions on sore joints.

8. Required: 400 g of vodka, 30 g of St. John's wort herb, 20 g of oak bark and marshmallow leaves.

Cooking method. Grind the herbs, add vodka, leave for 4 days. Strain before use.

Mode of application. For compresses on sore joints. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

9. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 20 g of alder bark and St. John's wort, 10 g of speckled hemlock leaves.

Cooking method. Grind the herbs, add vodka, leave for 3 days.

Mode of application. For wrapping a sore joint at night. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

10. Required: 1/2 l of vodka, 20 g of common harmala, 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the grass and add lemon juice. Leave for 5 days.

Mode of application. For compresses on a sore joint. 10 procedures are enough for the disease to recede.

11. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 30 g of common harmala, 10 g of elm and St. John's wort bark, 20 g of balsam herb.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the herbs and leave for 4 days.

Mode of application. For lotions on sore joints. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

12. Required: 1/2 l vodka, 3 tbsp. l. lemon zest, 30 g linden bark.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over lemon zest and linden bark and leave for 4 days.

- Mode of application. For compresses and wraps. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

13. Required: 400 g vodka, 3 tbsp. l. bay leaf, 20 g juniper needles.

Cooking method. Chop the bay leaf, mix with juniper, pour in vodka. Leave for 3 days.

Mode of application. For compresses and wraps. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

14. Required: 1 liter of vodka, 20 g of angelica rhizomes.

Cooking method.- Pour vodka over the angelica rhizomes. Leave for 2 days.

Mode of application. For lotions and compresses. Repeat the procedure for 3 weeks.

15. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 80 g of Moldavian snakehead leaves.

Cooking method. Grind the herb, add vodka, leave for 2 days.

Mode of application. For lotions on the bruised area. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

16. Required: 400 g of vodka, 20 g each of thyme-flowering snakehead and linden bark.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over linden bark and grass and leave for 5 days.

Mode of application. For lotions on bruised areas. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

17. Required: 1/2 vodka, 30 nettles, 20 g leaves of oleaginous angustifolia.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the chopped herbs. Leave for 2 days. Strain.

Mode of application. As a lotion for bruised areas. Repeat treatment for 10 days.

18. Required: 400 g vodka, 100 g hop cones.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the hop cones. Leave for 2 days.

Mode of application. For compresses on the bruised area. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.


A bruise (contusion) is a mechanical damage to tissue without violating the integrity of the skin. In this case, pain appears at the site of injury, swelling, and bruising.

Stretching (distortion) is damage to ligaments, muscles, tendons and other tissues under the influence of a force acting longitudinally, without violating their anatomical integrity. Most often, a sprain of the ankle or knee joint is observed, which is based on a tear of individual fibers of the ligament with hemorrhage into its thickness. In this case, pain in the joint during movement and swelling are noted.

The timing of massage depends on the depth and extent of the injury, as well as the body’s overall response to the injury. In case of a fresh soft tissue injury, sprain of the joint-ligamentous apparatus and muscles, massage should be started immediately - on the day of injury or the next. Early massage significantly reduces the recovery time for impaired motor functions, helping to reduce pain and accelerate the resorption of hemorrhages. When starting to massage a patient, it is necessary to ensure that the muscles of the injured limb are as relaxed as possible.

Massage techniques are first performed on healthy tissues above the site of injury, thereby creating an increased outflow of blood and lymph from the injured area. This massage is called suction. In this case, the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments must be massaged (lumbar - for injuries of the lower extremities, cervical - for injuries of the upper extremities). Techniques include various types of stroking (daily, preferably 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes) alternating with squeezing and rubbing, as well as vibration in the area of ​​the spinal segments. Stroking is performed strictly in the direction of the venous outflow so as not to cause pain at the site of injury. As the painful sensations subside, massage techniques are performed closer and closer to the site of injury.

Starting from the 4th-5th massage sessions, in the absence of negative reactions (fever, pain, etc.), they move on to massage in the area of ​​​​damage. Apply stroking and rubbing, then (first above the injury site) kneading. The intensity of massage techniques increases gradually from session to session. Next, passive and active-passive movements are included in the joints located near the site of injury, and they are carried out so that they do not cause significant pain. The duration of the massage is increased to 15-20 minutes.

Gradually, the activity of massage techniques in the area of ​​injury increases, they begin to use all types of stroking, rubbing, tapping above or near the site of injury, increase the volume of passive movements in the joints, and introduce resistance exercises.

It is recommended to combine the massage with therapeutic rubbing, and after 2-3 days - with thermal procedures (paraffin, water baths, dry air baths, etc.). It must be remembered that the areas of the lymph nodes, especially when they are inflamed, are not massaged.

Spot The massage is carried out using a strong inhibitory method on inhibitory (sedative) points of a wide spectrum of action, such as HE-GU, TZU-SAN-LI, etc.

For any manifestation of acute pain, the easiest way to start massage is with points of the auricle. First, the most painful areas corresponding to the area of ​​injury are found using special rods or fingers. After this, you need to press on it for 2-3 minutes, slightly shaking the rod or making rotational movements with the pads of your fingers.

Shilajit treatment

1. Taking the drug orally in doses of 0.2-0.5 g along with rubbing the affected area (depending on the affected area), the course of treatment orally should be 25-28 days, alternate after 10 days if necessary, rubbing continue throughout the entire period of treatment Without stops.

2. For bruises with damage to the chest and its organs, it is recommended to drink 0.2 g of mumiyo with a decoction of caraway seeds, aigona, and caraway seeds.

3. Mix 0.5 g of mumiyo with rose oil and give it to drink, and also lubricate the fracture. Bones grow together very quickly.

Herbal treatment

1. Wormwood (herb). An excellent remedy. Crush the fresh herb to form juice and apply to the affected areas. If the injury is severe, apply a thick layer. Do not allow it to dry out, change it more often or moisten it with water. In winter, use ointment (1 part wormwood juice, condensed in air, to 4 parts base, i.e. cow butter, or pork fat, or Vaseline). You can use canned juice. The juice is preserved with vodka or 60-proof alcohol. You can steam fresh herbs with boiling water and, when it cools, use it as a cold lotion, but this is not as effective.

2. Garden onions. Use fresh juice or grated onion pulp as a compress. An excellent remedy for bruises, especially the knee.

3. Arnica. Tincture. 30-40 drops inside. Externally like a lotion. If the bruise has lesions and abrasions, then use undiluted tincture, but if there are no lesions, but only bruises and swelling, then dilute the tincture 1:10. Arnica is valuable for chest bruises as a sedative and analgesic.

4. St. John's wort. Inside in the form of a decoction. 20 g of St. John's wort per 400 g of boiling water. Simmer to half the volume over low heat. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. For external use, an ointment is made in the same way as from wormwood juice (see above).

5. Plantain (herb). Valuable fresh as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Apply crushed or whole sheets to bruised areas, even with lesions. Juice can replace fresh leaves. Sold in a pharmacy. You can use tincture or ointment from it (1:4). Can partially replace fresh leaves or juice.

6. Lobel's hellebore. Fresh roots are boiled in water. Warm decoction is rubbed on sore areas. It treats well dislocations, bruises, tumors. Dislocations without correction fall into place, the swelling subsides. The same decoction is used to treat swelling (by rubbing).

7. Bodyaga. An excellent remedy. For 1 tablespoon of water, 2 tablespoons of bodyagi powder. Apply this dough to the bruise and bandage it. The healing effect will begin as soon as the water begins to evaporate and the freshwater becomes semi-dry. You can dilute bodyaga with sunflower oil in a 1:1 ratio. Change 2 times a day.

8. Make lotions and compresses from lead water. Sold in a pharmacy.

9. Take 1/2 liter of 6% vinegar, 2 heads of garlic and finely chop, then leave for 1 day. Rub the prepared mixture onto sore areas.

10. Grind 5-6 onions with 30 g of salt, apply the prepared pulp to the sore spot. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

If you are injured, make this ointment. Mix a tablespoon of some animal fat, a tablespoon of finely chopped onions and add to this mixture half a tablespoon of crushed sea salt. Treat the wound with the resulting ointment, apply a bandage on top and do not remove it for 24 hours. Repeat the procedure daily until the wound is completely scarred.

If the wound has festered, soak a sterile bandage in an eighteen percent sea salt solution and bandage it to the wound for several hours.

If you have a severe bruise, make a solution of sea salt at room temperature (three tablespoons of sea salt per liter of water), soak a piece of soft cloth in it, squeeze it lightly and apply it to the sore spot.

First aid

Scratch, abrasion, cut often become the cause of big troubles if they are not handled correctly and on time.

First of all, rinse the wound with a stream of water (preferably boiled). Then rinse with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, pouring a thin stream from the bottle. This solution, when applied to a wound, releases atomic oxygen, which is destructive to all microbes. If you don't have hydrogen peroxide, you can use potassium permanganate. It has pronounced disinfectant properties, but only its weak, pale pink solution should be used to wash wounds. A strong solution or crystals of potassium permanganate can cause burns.

Lubricate the skin around the wound with iodine tincture, and then apply a sterile bandage.

In the immediate hours after the injury, especially if the wound is contaminated with soil or caused by a rusty object, the victim should consult a doctor to check the quality of the wound treatment and decide whether a tetanus vaccination is needed.

It happens that throbbing pain appears in the area of ​​damage. This indicates possible suppuration of the wound. In this case, you cannot wait, but you must urgently consult a doctor.

The bactericidal patch can be applied for no longer than a day. It is necessary to periodically remove it and check the condition of the wound, making sure that it does not get wet. It is not recommended to seal wounds, especially abrasions, with a regular adhesive plaster.

Small wounds on the face heal quickly. If the wound has become suppurated, you should under no circumstances self-medicate. The vascular network of the subcutaneous tissue of the face is connected by arterial and venous branches with intracranial (cerebral) vessels. Therefore, an infection through the bloodstream can relatively easily spread into the cranial cavity, infect the brain and its membranes, and cause meningitis and encephalitis.

Numerous small spines of the plant that have stuck into the skin can be quickly removed by dripping wax from a candle onto the area. The frozen wax is removed along with the thorns. Some types of glue that form an elastic film are also suitable for this purpose.

Bruise, sprain. In the first hours after this happens, apply an ice pack or a towel soaked in cold water to the injury site. Cooling reduces pain, prevents the development of edema, and reduces the amount of internal hemorrhage. In case of sprained ligaments, a tight fixing bandage is also needed.

In no case should you hover your leg or arm, pull or tug if you have bruises or sprains. This may make the injury worse. Having taken the first urgent measures of self- and mutual assistance, be sure to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe further treatment.

After a bruise, a bruise often forms on the face - hemorrhage into the soft tissue due to damage to small blood vessels. To prevent a bruise, in the first 20-30 minutes after a bruise, apply a bubble with ice, snow, cold water, pieces of ice wrapped in plastic wrap or a napkin, a towel soaked in cold water and slightly wrung out.

And if a bruise does form, to quickly resolve it on the second day, it is recommended to apply dry heat to the site of the bruise two or three times a day: a heating pad, a bottle of hot water, a bag of heated sand.

At nosebleeds, which often happens with facial bruises, you must immediately sit the victim down so that his head is lowered, put cotton swabs into the nasal passages, apply cold to the nose area. It is not recommended to throw your head back, as blood will enter the nasopharynx, the person will swallow it - and then vomiting may occur. If the measures taken do not help, the victim should be immediately sent to a medical facility or an ambulance should be called.

A very serious symptom is the discharge of colorless liquid or blood, like water, from the nose or ear, as well as the appearance of bruises around the eyes (a symptom of glasses). These are signs of severe traumatic brain injury. With fractures and cracks of the skull, convulsions, motor agitation, and sometimes paralysis of the legs and arms, loss of consciousness, and vomiting are possible.

In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed! Delay can cost your life. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to lay the victim on his side or turn his head to one side so that vomit, blood, saliva, and cerebrospinal fluid do not enter the windpipe. If a person is unconscious, it is necessary to clean the mouth with a finger, wrapping it in gauze or a handkerchief.

Dislocation- a very serious injury. There is a strong displacement of the bones that make up the joint, overstretching of muscles, ligaments, and often their rupture, which causes severe pain. A dislocation is characterized by shortening or lengthening of the limb, increasing pain in the joint, sharply increasing with movement, difficulty in active movements and a sharp limitation of passive movements. The configuration of the joint also changes: the dislocated bone protrudes in a new, unusual place. When a dislocation occurs, ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves can be damaged.

Only a medical professional can correct a dislocation! Under no circumstances should you do this yourself, since inept actions can only further injure ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves.

First aid consists primarily of immobilizing the injured limb. To do this, apply a fixing bandage or splint. Then the victim must be taken to a medical facility. In case of severe pain, you should give him an analgin or amidopyrine tablet. To reduce pain and swelling, it is recommended to apply a heating pad with cold water or a towel soaked in cold water to the site of the sprain.

If it happened fracture, fracture the victim feels sharp pain, swelling, deformation of the limb, bruising, impaired movement in the injured arm or leg, or mobility outside the joint. Sometimes a crunching sound is heard at the fracture site due to the uneven surfaces of the bone fragments.

Using careful superficial palpation, determine the place of greatest pain; it corresponds to the location of the fracture. Remember that under no circumstances should you check the mobility of bone fragments or set them yourself, as you can damage soft tissues, blood vessels, nerves and cause additional pain to the victim, up to the development of shock.

If a fracture is suspected, first aid is provided to the same extent as for an obvious fracture.

In the case of a closed fracture, measures should be taken to stop further displacement of the fragments, reduce trauma to the soft tissue at their ends, and eliminate or reduce pain. In case of an open fracture, when bone fragments protrude into the wound, you must first stop the bleeding and apply a sterile bandage. These actions help prevent the development of shock from blood loss, as well as additional infection of the wound.

The main thing to do is to ensure immobility (immobilization) of the injured limb. For this you can use scarves, bandages, cotton wool, belts, ready-made or improvised splints.

Forearm fracture. Having bent the arm at the elbow at a right angle and wrapped it in any fabric, apply splints along the back and palmar surfaces of the forearm, capturing both joints. Secure the splints with a bandage or scarf. You cannot lower your arm down, as this increases swelling and pain. It is best to hang your hand on a sling across your neck.

At fracture of the tibia and femur splints are applied to the entire injured leg from the outside and inside, and also over the fabric. Bone protrusions (anklebones, condyles) are protected with cotton wool pads. You can also bandage the injured leg to the healthy one, which will serve as a kind of splint.

Spinal fractures, especially in the cervical and thoracic regions - a very dangerous injury, it is fraught with the development of paralysis. Such a victim must be handled with special care. It is necessary to provide assistance in two or three people. The victim is laid face up on a flat, hard surface (on a wide board, a door removed from its hinges, or a wooden board) and tied so that he does not move.

In case of injuries to the cervical spine, the victim is placed on his back on a hard surface, and the head and neck are fixed from the sides with two bolsters made of rolled up clothes, blankets, and pillows.

At rib fractures To reduce pain, the chest is tightly bandaged with bandages, towels or sheets, or the victim is given a position that is comfortable for him.

If it's broken collarbone, it is fixed with a scarf or outerwear.

At fractures of the skull bones, which often happens in car accidents or a fall from a height, the victim is placed on his back, his head is fixed on both sides with soft rollers made of clothing.

Pelvic fracture often complicated by injury to the pelvic organs and the development of shock. The victim should be carefully laid with his back on the shield (or the removed door), with a soft cushion placed under his head. Bend your legs at the knees and spread them slightly to the sides (give them a “frog position”), place a roll of folded clothing under your knees.

Jaw fractures- a fairly common injury. In this case, speech and swallowing are difficult, severe pain is noted, and the mouth does not close. To create immobility of the jaw, a gauze bandage is applied to the chin, the rounds of which go around the head and under the chin. If the upper jaw is fractured, a splint (plate) is placed between the upper and lower teeth, and then the jaw is secured with a bandage through the chin.

Spell treatment

1. “How Jesus Christ was crucified, red blood was shed, he knew no cuts, no mowing, no sorrows, no aches, no painful tumors. Likewise, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) knows neither cuts, nor mowing, nor sorrows, nor pains, nor aches, nor pinches, nor painful tumors. Go, all of you, into the dark dense forests, into the deep blue seas, into the quicksand swamps. There you live, there you eat and drink. Don’t know the Arab of God (servant of God) (name), don’t grab him. Amen". 2. “I will go out into an open, free field. In a clean, free field there is a golden multi-step staircase. The brave warrior Yegory on a silver hot horse with a sharp damask spear descends along a golden multi-step staircase. Brave Yegoriy pierced the gray stone with a golden, highly consecrated knife and a sharp silver damask spear. The gray stone has no pain, no blood, no wound. Likewise, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) does not have an evil, dashing tumor, neither at dawn, nor at dawn, nor at moonlight, nor at noon. Be, my words, sculpted and strong, sharper than a sharp damask knife, sharper than a damask spear.” 3. “The dead body lies for thirty years. There is no wound on him, no blood, no stinging, no aching, no blue bruise, no evil tumor. Likewise, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) would have no wound, no blood, no pinch, no ache, no blue bruise, no evil tumor. Amen". 4. “First of all, in the morning hour, the Holy Most Pure Mother of God, Theotokos, come and help. I ask you and I tell you. (name) on the left,

Massage for bruises and sprains of the ligamentous-muscular system

Bruises are injuries to soft tissues in which the integrity of the outer integument remains intact. Clinical signs of a bruise are pain, swelling, hematoma with increased skin temperature in the injured area.

Ligament sprain is the most common type of joint injury. The degree of sprain varies: along with mild subluxation of the joint, which patients often do not pay attention to, there are more severe forms, accompanied by rupture or separation of the ligaments, and the subluxation often recurs in the future (for example, the shoulder and ankle joints). The most common sprains of the ankle joint are observed with sharp adduction and simultaneous supination of the foot; in this case, a tear or rupture of the talofibular ligament occurs, located transversely in front of the lateral malleolus. At the same time, there may be tears of the calcaneofibular and other ligaments in this area.

Massage is indicated from 2-3 days after injury. Early massage helps reduce pain, accelerate the resorption of hemorrhage in tissues, effusion in joints and mucous membranes, resulting in a significantly shorter recovery period for impaired motor functions.

For the first 2-3 days, you should massage above the site of injury (suction massage), while the damaged joint should be well fixed by the massage therapist’s hand. For example, when the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint is sprained, one hand of the massage therapist fixes the foot, the other massages the muscles of the thigh and lower leg.

Massage techniques in the first days after injury: continuous and intermittent stroking, rubbing (spiral, circular), combined with continuous grasping stroking.

Massage is carried out in the direction of venous outflow daily for 5-10 minutes.

From the 4th-5th day, in the absence of pronounced reactive phenomena (absence of tissue swelling, normalization of local and general temperature, decrease in the zone of hyperesthesia at the site of injury, etc.), it is recommended to move on to massage in the area of ​​injury. The procedure is complemented by the following massage techniques: light kneading in various directions alternately with continuous grasping stroking, massage of individual muscles or muscle groups. In the first days after injury, intermittent vibration in the form of chopping and tapping is excluded.

As the reactive phenomena subside, the intensity of the massage movements gradually increases. Kneading techniques are used on damaged muscles - felting, longitudinal and transverse kneading, shifting and vibration techniques - continuous vibration, patting, shaking, etc.

Stroking and deep rubbing techniques are used to massage joint capsules, tendon sheaths, bony protrusions of the articular ends of bones, muscle tendons and their attachment points.

Symmetrically located intact segments are massaged and the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments and reflexogenic zones of the torso are affected.

In case of injuries to the lower extremities, the area of ​​the lumbar sympathetic nodes is affected. The gluteal muscles, costal arches, and iliac crests are also massaged.

In case of damage to the upper extremities, the area of ​​the cervical sympathetic nodes is affected, the sternocleidomastoid muscles, supraclavicular portions of the trapezius muscles, the outer edges of the latissimus dorsi muscle, deltoid muscles, the areas of the sternocleidomastoid and clavicular-acromial joints of the affected side are massaged.

Massage of the paravertebral zones is carried out in the direction from the underlying segments to the overlying ones. On the joints of the limbs, stroking and rubbing techniques are recommended.

Massage should be combined with physical exercise. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.

Treatment with kerosene

Lubricate with kerosene or alcohol mixed with camphor. Moisten with melted alum or saline solution. The wound heals in 10-20 days. Avoid suppuration, which can lead to gangrene.

A hematoma is a formation that forms as a result of trauma and damage to soft tissues and is characterized by the accumulation of blood in a limited space. It can form under the skin, in muscle tissue, under the periosteum, in the mucous membrane. Immediately after the rupture of the blood vessels, the blood remains liquid, but after some time it coagulates, which provokes the progression of the inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues.

As a rule, a hematoma occurs at the site of a bruise - this is external mechanical damage. Accompanied by severe pain, swelling and early or late formation of a bruise (hematoma).

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What is a bruise

A bruise is bleeding into the superficial layers of the skin. Appears due to rupture of blood vessels upon impact. Usually the cause is a fall or domestic injury. In people with blood diseases (few platelets or clotting factors), fragile blood vessels, bruises occur with slight pressure on the skin or even spontaneously (for example, after sleep).

How long does a bruise last?

A small bruise will disappear in 10-12 days. Large and deep lesions can take at least 2-3 weeks to resolve. If there are complications - suppuration, the formation of an abscess or phlegmon (extensive inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue), then this condition will not disappear on its own. Surgical treatment will be required. You should also consult a doctor if there is pain, swelling and restriction of movement for a long time.

Degrees of hematomas

Most often, hematomas are treated at home, but this is not always unjustified. It all depends on the degree of injury, how much blood has “spread” in the soft tissues.

Mild degree

Their formation ends one day after injury. Mild hematomas are characterized by mild pain at the site of the injury and minor bruising.

Treatment of such bruises occurs at home. They either go away on their own or under the influence of simple external medications.

Moderate severity

It forms within a maximum of 5 hours and is characterized by severe bruising and mild pain. If the bruise occurs on a limb, it will most often be limited in movement.

It is best to treat such hematomas under the supervision of doctors, but it is quite acceptable to do it independently.

But even if the pain does not bother you, the hematoma is not extensive, but there is immobility of the limb, then a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided.

Severe hematomas

Bruising appears after 40 - 90 minutes, severe pain and complete immobility of the limb are noted (if the injury occurred in this particular part of the body).

Such damage involves seeking qualified medical help with a full examination, prescribing a full therapeutic course, and in some cases, surgical intervention helps to cope with the problem and restore the functionality of the damaged organ.

Effective remedies from the pharmacy for bruises and bruises

Before starting treatment of bruises and hematomas, the victim is given first aid:

  • You need to make sure that there is no damage to the musculoskeletal system. This is easy to do: just move your fingers, joints, bend over/unbend. If acute pain or inability to move occurs, you must immediately contact a medical facility.
  • It is advisable to apply cold to the site of the bruise - ice, meat from the freezer, a cold compress. This will help reduce the intensity of pain and prevent the formation of a hematoma (at least it will be less pronounced). One nuance needs to be taken into account: cold is applied to the site of injury for a maximum of 15 minutes, then you need to remove it for 20 minutes and repeat the procedure again.
  • On the second day after the injury, an iodine mesh is “applied” to the site of hematoma formation. If the movements of the bruised area are not limited and there is no pain, then you can do a massage.

Pharmacy products will help speed up recovery after a bruise and hematoma formation:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen and Paracetamol in tablet form. They are taken from the first minutes of injury, 1 - 2 tablets every 4 hours. These drugs have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect at the same time.
  • Enzymatic agents - Wobenzym or Phlogenzyme. They are intended for oral administration and help quickly restore joint mobility, relieve swelling, and reduce the severity of hematoma.
  • Preparations Viprosal or Apizartron containing bee or snake venom. They perfectly warm the deep layers of soft tissues and promote the resorption of blood accumulations.
  • Capsicam is an ointment with a vasodilating effect. Its use causes minimal spread of the bruise and reduces pain.

The most effective remedies for treating hematomas and bruises are those that are applied topically.

Ointments for bruises

You can find a lot of topical products in pharmacies, but some of them are the most popular:

  • , . These ointments dissolve “clogged” blood, restore and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. All together contributes to the rapid disappearance of bruises and swelling.
  • – Available in the form of a gel, it significantly accelerates the resorption of hematomas and relieves swelling. This drug differs from others in that it has disinfectant properties. Lyoton can be applied to open wound surfaces.
  • Badyaga is in the form of a gel, made on the basis of a freshwater sponge, and it, in turn, contains a lot of organic substances that promote rapid recovery only if the gel is applied in the first hour after injury.
  • Rescuer - a balm based on natural plant extracts, is considered the most effective remedy among similar ones.

The listed ointments can be used to treat bruises and bruises only in cases of mild injury.

Moderate and severe bruises require consultation with a doctor and subsequent treatment.

Watch the video about bruises and hematomas:

What best resolves hematomas?

Hematomas resolve best when applying local products (gel, ointment, cream), which contain:

  • heparin is a natural anti-clotting substance that prevents blood from stagnating at the site of injury, relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • escin – extract from horse chestnut seeds, facilitates blood flow, reduces vascular permeability, removes swelling;
  • troxerutin – strengthens vascular walls, helps relieve inflammation and limit the affected area;
  • leech extract – contains hirudin, similar to heparin, prevents the formation of blood clots, has an analgesic effect, and activates blood circulation.

Maximum effectiveness is observed in drugs that contain several components, since they mutually reinforce each other:

  • Venitan plus,
  • Trombless plus,
  • Venolife,
  • Gepatrombin S,
  • Dolonite,
  • Detragel.

Bruise cream

Anti-bruise cream has less penetrating power, so it is recommended to apply it to small and superficial hematomas. It can be used on any part of the body, but it is best used on the face and around the eyes. The delicate base is quickly absorbed, leaves no visible trace, and does not give a greasy feeling. The big advantage of creams is the ability to simultaneously obtain a toning effect. Popular concealers include:


Action and application

Express bruise

Contains freshwater sponge bodyagu, which increases blood flow and quickly resolves bruises; the effect is maximum if you begin treatment immediately after the blow. Apply 4-5 times a day. Price 15 g – 137 rubles, 43 hryvnia.


Its action is based on leech extract and enhanced by the chemical compound pentoxifylline, helps relieve inflammation, swelling, accelerates blood movement, and normalizes vascular permeability. Lubricate the affected skin 3-5 times a day; usually 3-4 days of use on the face is enough. Price for 30 ml – 150 rubles, 45 hryvnia.

Stop bruise

Available in the form of a stick (similar to a tinting corrector in a case), it contains arnica, bodyaga, shea butter, camelina, vitamins A, E and rutin, it helps not only to quickly remove a bruise, but also improves metabolic processes, helps skin restoration, nourishes and moisturizes her. Price – 133 rubles for 5.9 g.

Any of these drugs can also be used for stagnant spots on the skin after inflammation, acne.

Fast-acting ointment for bruises

Fast-acting ointments for bruises include: Vishnevsky's liniment, Zinkovaya, Dolobene, Traumeel S.


Vishnevsky's ointment (balsamic liniment) differs from others in that it can be applied even to damaged skin. She resolves bruises and disinfects wounds. The birch tar included in the composition relieves inflammation, activates blood flow, and relieves swelling. For hematomas, apply a thin layer 2-3 times a day. The disadvantages include a strong specific smell, and the advantage is the price - for 40 g you need to pay 45 rubles, 15 hryvnia.


Zinc ointment has a decongestant effect, dries the skin, and relieves inflammation. Its absorbable effect is less pronounced than that of drugs with heparin or bodyaga, but in the presence of superficial wounds (scratches, abrasions) it has an advantage, as it quickly reduces fluid secretion and accelerates skin healing. It is applied to the affected area 3-4 times a day. The price for 25 g is 23 rubles, 6 hryvnia.

The components of this gel are dimexide, heparin, panthenol. They penetrate deeply into the skin and have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • absorbable,
  • painkiller,
  • decongestant,
  • recovering from injury,
  • improve blood circulation.

After use, the gel immediately relieves pain and cools. For the treatment of superficial bruises, 2-3 days are enough; extensive lesions usually disappear in 1.5-2 weeks. It is advisable to use Dolobene for deep hematomas. Apply to skin that does not have a wound surface three times a day. Price for 50 g – 380 rubles, 125 hryvnia.

Traumeel S

This is a homeopathic remedy. Accelerates wound healing, resolves hematomas, relieves pain and inflammation, normalizes skin functions. It is recommended to apply 5-6 times a day on the first day after injury, and as the condition improves, switch to 2-3 times a day. The advantage of this drug is the minimum of side effects. Price for 50 g – 516 rubles, 220 hryvnia.

Plaster for bruises and contusions

The use of a patch for bruises and contusions (Nanoplast Forte) helps quickly:

  • relieve pain and muscle spasms;
  • reduce the inflammatory response of tissues;
  • get rid of bruising;
  • eliminate swelling.

The skin is exposed to magnetic and thermal radiation from the applied rare earth element powder. The patch is applied to the area of ​​the hematoma for 12 hours. In mild cases, 3 days are enough, for deep lesions - at least six. For a package with 3 patches you need to pay 170 rubles.

Compress and lotions for bruises and contusions

To get rid of bruises and contusions, apply compresses and lotions with the following solutions:

  • strong tea leaves;
  • alcohol diluted half with water, or vodka;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons per glass of warm water.

Any of these liquids should be moistened with a bandage of 8 layers of gauze or other cotton cloth, squeezed out, and applied to the injury site. Either compress paper (baking parchment) or thick cellophane is placed on top of the compress. An elastic bandage is used for fixation, but in an emergency, nylon tights can be used for this. All these methods will help if you don’t have medications on hand.

Banana for bruises is used as a temporary measure to help relieve swelling. The peel is applied to the area of ​​injury. Its inner part has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

To enhance the effect, immediately after the blow it is applied chilled (it is enough to keep it in the freezer for 15 minutes), from the second day you can use the usual one. At the site of the bruise or contusion, it is secured with cling film or an elastic bandage for 30 minutes. Such dressings need to be repeated 3-4 times a day.

Medicines for bruises and hematomas

To get rid of bruises and hematomas, if they are extensive, multiple, accompanied by swelling and pain, a traumatologist may recommend medications: absorbable injections (L-lysine escinate and Traumeel) and tablets (Eskuzan, Detralex, Troxevasin, Phlebodia and others). Iodine is sometimes indicated for topical use.

Absorbable injections

Severe swelling and pain are relieved with a drug for resorption in injections - L-lysine escinate. It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, reduces capillary permeability, and quickly reduces tissue swelling. One of the advantages of this remedy is stimulation of the immune system, which helps restore damage and prevent suppuration. Contraindicated in case of bleeding and severe kidney and liver diseases.

The second remedy is used only in complex treatment. Injections of Traumeel solution help relieve pain, improve the flow of blood and interstitial fluid, and accelerate the resorption of hematomas. Not recommended for individual intolerance, diseases of the blood and immune system, viral infections.


For oral administration, tablets that act on blood vessels (venotonics) are used. They reduce swelling, strengthen capillaries, relieve pain and local inflammatory reaction. They are also taken as preventative courses for frequent bruising due to the fragility of the vascular wall. The most effective include:

  • Aescusan,
  • Detralex,
  • Troxevasin,
  • Phlebodia,
  • Cyclo-3-fort.

Although most of their components are herbal extracts, any medicine is prescribed only after examination.

Vitamins Ascorutin are also indicated to strengthen blood vessels. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take one tablet 2 times a day for a month.

Does iodine help?

Iodine helps with bruises due to local irritation of skin receptors. It causes:

  • expansion of capillaries;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • elimination of edema and stagnation in tissues;
  • resorption of seals.

A mesh of iodine is applied to the affected part of the skin; it is best to do this procedure at night. Repeat lubrication no more than once a day. It is recommended to use on the body and limbs, avoiding application to the elbows and knees, and the face, as burns are possible there.

What to put on a child's bruise

To relieve pain and swelling of the skin and speed up resorption, you can anoint your child’s bruise with ointments with medicinal herbs:

  • with arnica (gel, balm), calendula;
  • Boro plus;
  • Rescuer;
  • Traumeel S.

At night, an iodine mesh can be applied to the bruise area from the age of 1 year. It must be remembered that a child’s skin is more sensitive, and its absorption capacity is much higher than that of adults. Therefore, ointments and gels should be applied in a very thin layer and no more than 2 times a day.

Children's ointment for bruises and bruises

The safety and effectiveness of children's ointment for bruises and bruises - Bepanten - has been proven. It contains dexpanthenol. This substance has vitamin activity, as well as wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effects. The drug is especially effective for small abrasions. Prescribed from birth. If there is a risk of infection, Bepanten plus is used.

Parents should also have a remedy such as calendula ointment in their home medicine cabinet. It helps with cuts, falls, and hematomas in children. Ointments are applied from 1 to 4-5 times a day, depending on the degree of injury.

What will help with subcutaneous bruising

Help for subcutaneous bruises: cold in the first hours after injury, compresses, ointments, iodine. Depending on the location of the hematoma (nose, lips, eyelid above and below the eye, limbs, body), there are features of the use of drugs and procedures.

How to get rid of a hematoma on the leg, back, neck

To get rid of a hematoma on an arm, leg, neck or back, you need:

  • After injury, immediately apply cold (hold for about 20-30 minutes with breaks), repeat periodically in the first 6-12 hours.
  • Apply a tight bandage to the limb (for no more than 3 hours, there should be no pain or change in the color of the surrounding skin).
  • Apply a compress of vodka, calendula tincture or salt half diluted with water (10 g per 100 ml of water).
  • Lubricate with Heparin, Troxevasin ointment or Dolobene at least 5-6 times in the first 2 days, and then 2-3 times a day until completely absorbed.
  • At night, apply a mesh of iodine or undiluted tincture of arnica and calendula.

In the first two days, it is recommended to limit physical activity, especially if there is severe pain and swelling. In this case, it is important that when resting, the affected part is in an elevated position if possible (for example, a pillow or a cushion from a blanket is placed under the leg). It is also important to exclude during the first day any exposure to heat - hot showers, alcoholic drinks, warming up.

From the third day, there must be movement in the affected area, as this will speed up the resorption of the bruise. Warming up also helps. At home, this could be a canvas bag of salt, heated in the oven until pleasantly warm (not hot), or a heating pad.

Watch the video on how to remove a bruise at home:

How to remove a black eye from a blow

To help remove a black eye from a blow:

  • Ice, tablespoons chilled in the freezer, frozen water and half-and-half vodka in the first 6 hours, rubbing should be done as often as possible throughout the day.
  • A compress of strong tea leaves, frozen tea bags or cut aloe leaf.
  • Application of ointments (not earlier than 6 hours from the injury) - Bruise Off, Heparin, Rescuer, Boro Plus.
  • A mask of grated cabbage leaves and finely chopped parsley, they are mixed with cold sour cream until it becomes a paste, it needs to be kept for 20 minutes.
  • Warming up from the third day. A bag of heated salt or a boiled egg is suitable for this (there should be a feeling of pleasant warmth; hot compresses can increase swelling).

The sleeping pillow must be high to ensure blood flow away from the face.

How to remove a bruise above the eye

You can remove a bruise above the eye using:

  • Cold in the first hours after injury - any ice or even food from the freezer, wrapped in a cotton towel or napkin.
  • A compress of cabbage leaves, smeared with tincture of calendula or arnica, semi-alcoholic or vodka.
  • Lubricating with gels - Heparin, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Dolobene.
  • Apply banana peel (inner side) or finely grated raw potato for 20 minutes.

To disguise bruises on the face, products with a tinting effect (Express Bruise, Bruise Off) and concealers with a dense texture are suitable.

How to remove bruises from injections

In order to remove bruises from injections, an iodine mesh is used. It is recommended to do it at night. During the day, the skin is additionally lubricated with preparations - Indovazin, Rescuer, Dolobene, Venitan Forte. Compresses made from arnica or comfrey tincture and Vishnevsky ointment will also help.

How to treat a bruise on the eyelid, lips, or remove it from the nose

In order to remove a bruise from the nose, lips, or quickly cure a hematoma on the eyelid, you need to:

  • Use ice in the first hours.
  • Apply a compress: a gauze cloth is soaked in the juice of aloe or Kalanchoe, cabbage, or potatoes.
  • Make a mask from cold cottage cheese, mashed with salt (a quarter of a teaspoon is needed for 50 g).
  • Apply ointment - Trombless plus, Heparin, Zinc.

What to do if a black eye does not go away

If the bruise under the eye does not go away for a long time, you need to use:

Method or means

What to do

Absorbable agents

Rub in Rescuer, Gepatrombin S, Lyoton gel.

Face massage

It must first be lubricated with a preparation for bruises or a balm with arnica or comfrey.

Gel with bodyaga

Rub, but be careful not to get it into your eye.

Contrast compresses

Soak a napkin in hot water and apply it all over your face, then in ice water, alternate several times. You can also use tablespoons (heated and cooled) for this purpose and massage the infraorbital area with them.


Electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, darsonvalization.

Prolonged resorption of bruises is a sign of venous and lymphatic stagnation. To find out its cause, you need to contact a traumatologist, and if you have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (headaches, difficulty moving the neck) - to a neurologist.

Why did a lump form at the site of the bruise?

A lump at the site of a bruise is formed due to the accumulation of blood under the skin. If it is small and there is no infection, it usually resolves with proper treatment (cold, ointments, then warming, iodine mesh). If swelling, redness, severe pain, increased local temperature or fever increases, immediate contact with a traumatologist or surgeon is required, as these signs occur during suppuration.

Folk remedies to quickly treat a bruise, remove a hematoma, bruise

If there are no serious consequences of the bruise, and the hematoma is not widespread, then you can use folk remedies:

  • Mix dry red wine and vinegar in equal quantities, add salt (maximum 1 teaspoon). A gauze napkin or textile rag is moistened in the resulting product and applied to the injured area. The compress should be kept until it dries, then the procedure is repeated. If you treat a contusion and bruise in this way during the first 24 hours after the injury, then your health will be restored quickly.
  • 2 hours after the injury and the formation of a hematoma, the injured area should be wiped with camphor alcohol and a pressure bandage applied. This treatment method is only advisable if the bruise is minor and there is no severe pain.

Applying a pressure bandage
  • Mix brewer's yeast with water in such an amount to obtain a paste-like mass. It is laid out on a gauze napkin and applied to the bruised area for a couple of hours. You need to do at least 2 such procedures a day - and already on the third day the discomfort will disappear, and the bruise will become less pronounced.
  • White cabbage leaves and grated raw potatoes are applied to the bruise site - the skin temperature decreases, the bruise and swelling become smaller. Apply the indicated vegetables for 20 - 40 minutes.

Bruises with hematomas are not always a banal injury that can either be treated at home or go away on its own. Before starting treatment, you need to find out the extent of the damage. If medical assistance is not required, then it is enough to carry out a couple of procedures with folk remedies - and your health will be restored. If acute pain occurs, any independent measures are contraindicated.

Bruises are closed injuries to parts of the human body, of a closed nature, most often arising due to carelessness or haste in the process of life. All of them, without exception, are accompanied by the formation of a hematoma and pain in the place that was subjected to a strong blow.

The faster the treatment is provided to the victim, the easier the rehabilitation process will be. It is not always possible to quickly receive qualified help, so everyone should know how to act in case of a closed injury at home.

Bruises are classified by severity:

  • first – slight damage to skin tissue;
  • the second is the appearance of swelling and;
  • third – injury to the joints of the limbs, muscles, ligaments;
  • fourth – extensive damage to soft tissues, affecting internal organs.

The use of traditional medicine as the main method of treatment for the first and second stages is quite advisable, but for more severe injuries it is indicated for the purpose of auxiliary rehabilitation.

Therapeutic measures using traditional medicine involve the use of complex procedures, which include: rubbing, poultices, herbal and compression therapy.

Folk remedies for leg injuries

A slight injury to the leg, accompanied by a hematoma and pain, is perfectly relieved by drugs based on herbal components.

  1. As herbal medicine, wild rosemary is used to prepare a decoction of strong consistency, which is added to the main amount of water and the sore leg is steamed for about 20 minutes.
  2. Onion gruel or juice will help, soak a gauze bandage with it and apply it to the bruise for 30 minutes.
  3. Wormwood is an indispensable remedy; it is pre-soaked, finely chopped and used as a compress.
  4. Effective preparation for future use will help with a closed leg injury. Prepared with 0.5 liters of vinegar and 2-3 heads of chopped garlic, it stores well. The components are mixed, kept in a shaded place for a day and used to rub the limb.

Elbow bruise, treatment with folk remedies

To provide immediate assistance in this situation, it is impossible to do without effective traditional medicine.

  1. Grated raw potatoes must be applied to the bruised area for 30 minutes. Or the second option is to apply a banana skin to the area of ​​the injury for a couple of hours.
  2. Bodyaga, a medicinal powder that is diluted 2:1 with water, is applied to the painful area and left for 15 minutes, is a good help in the event of an unpleasant incident.
  3. An infusion of arnica, prepared according to a generally accepted recipe or purchased at a pharmacy stall, is used for bruises as a lotion. Prepared gauze wipes are soaked in the liquid and kept in the elbow area until completely dry.

Folk remedies for knee injuries

When bruising the knee area of ​​the leg, white cabbage leaves help well, which are applied to the area affected by the blow, additionally fixed and replaced every half hour.

Significant benefits are provided by treatment with an ointment based on the herb wormwood and medical petroleum jelly, taken in equal proportions - the components are mixed and simmered in the oven for a couple of hours. The finished product is rubbed into the sore area of ​​the knee with light massaging movements at least three times a day.

Foot injury - treatment with folk remedies

Unfortunately, foot injury is the most common type of injury compared to other parts of the human body.

First aid is cold. In the event of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended to immediately apply an ice compress or something like that to the affected area. Cryotherapy should be applied at intervals of 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. If you get a foot bruise, it is recommended to immediately lie down and elevate your leg, thereby ensuring the flow of blood.

After a blow to the foot, a hematoma occurs, therefore, to speed up the resorption process, it is recommended to use a medicinal tincture. To prepare: grind aloe leaves, mix with a small amount of granulated sugar and keep in a warm place for three days.

Herbal lotions, for which dried raw materials are used: linden blossom, wormwood, celandine infused in water for 24 hours, help relieve the inflammatory process.

These folk remedies also effectively help with bruised fingers and toes.

Shoulder bruise and its treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of bruises of the shoulder area and costal part with folk remedies

As a result of domestic injuries, bruises of the shoulder girdle are no exception. In folk medicine, there are several ways to treat this type of damage.

In the home bins, of course, there is a bar of laundry soap, which is crushed using a grater and mixed with whipped yolk foam.

The resulting mass is applied to the painful area in the morning and evening for a certain number of days, depending on the healing process.

Burdock has medicinal properties in folk medicine - you will need 75 g of it per 200 ml of any oil to grow
body origin. Components: mix in a suitable container, leave for 2 days and heat for about 15 minutes, without bringing to a boil. The finished drug is used for its intended purpose as an ointment.

Rib injuries. Due to carelessness or other reasons, closed rib injuries occur in life, which are accompanied by ruptures of small capillaries, hemorrhage in the soft tissues and the formation of swelling.

The first thing you need to do is take a reclining position and lean an ice bladder against the painful area. It is recommended to perform it for no more than three days; subsequently it is replaced with warming compresses. A tight bandage applied to the rib area effectively relieves pain during regular breathing.

  • Arnica herbal decoction – taken as a drink;
  • camphor alcohol - rub the bruised area;
  • Epsom salt - used for lotions per 1 liter of water, 30 g are needed;
  • cabbage leaves (plantain) - for compresses in the morning and evening;
  • bodyaga - a sachet of 120 ml of water as a lotion;
  • radish juice – for compression treatment at least 5 times a day;
  • aloe and honey – reduces the inflammatory process.

The recovery period for a closed injury depends on the specific complexity of the injuries and timely assistance provided.

With bruises, soft tissues located superficially are affected. This is a closed injury to muscles, skin, periosteum and subcutaneous fat. Treatment at home is carried out in case of mild bruise. As a rule, it is based on the use of compresses, ointments, and massage and application of ice are also effective.

A bruise occurs when soft tissue and blood vessels are damaged, resulting in swelling. Blood leaks from damaged vessels and accumulates in surrounding tissues. Swelling with bruising forms. Other symptoms of bruise:

  • soreness;
  • color change depending on the age of injury (purple, blue-yellow);
  • difficulty moving;
  • hematoma.

The absence of a hematoma in a contusion of the brain or chest indicates the absence of internal bleeding.

Traumatologists distinguish 4 degrees of injury:

  1. The first degree is characterized by minor damage (scratches, abrasions), which usually goes away after 4 days painlessly and without a trace.
  2. The second degree is accompanied by muscle rupture, leading to a hematoma.
  3. The third degree includes damage to tendons, bones and muscles.
  4. At the fourth stage, the normal functioning of the organ is completely disrupted. The patient's condition may be critical.

It is very easy to distinguish a bruise from a fracture. When bruised, the pain is dull, large joints swell, and soft tissues swell. If a finger is injured, a normal bruise occurs. With a fracture, on the contrary, severe acute pain appears, which has a cutting nature; the damaged part of the body is limited in movement and bleeds.

Features of first aid

The goal of first aid is to quickly relieve pain and use available means to prevent swelling and stop bleeding from fractures.

When providing first aid to a victim or yourself, first of all there is no need to panic.

So, immediately after the blow, you need to apply something cold to the damaged area to minimize the appearance of swelling.

  • Apply ice during the first 24 hours;
  • in the first two days you should not take hot baths, apply heating pads or warm compresses, otherwise the swelling will increase;
  • if the pain does not go away, take a painkiller that you can find in your home medicine cabinet.

After the swelling has decreased slightly, you can use anti-inflammatory ointments and creams. Ibuprofen and Diclofenac are great help, but they should not be applied if there is damage such as scratches or abrasions.

For severe bruises of the knee or elbow joint, wear a special bandage. Also regularly give a light massage to the damaged area, this will prevent fluid from accumulating at the site of the bruise.

If pain and swelling do not subside after 48 hours, seek qualified medical attention. The doctor will evaluate the injury and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment with home remedies

Treatment of bruises must begin immediately, without waiting until the affected area begins to swell and become very painful. Folk remedies will cope perfectly with minor manifestations. Of course, if acute pain occurs as a result of a bruise, it is necessary to take an x-ray to make sure there is no crack or fracture. Traditional methods of treatment include ointments, compresses, and tinctures prepared at home.

Folk remedies for leg bruises

Reliable traditional medicine recipes can relieve pain from a bruised leg.

Best treatments:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar, vegetable oil and water. Mix the ingredients, then soak the cotton cloth in the prepared solution. Applying it to the sore spot, cover the top with film and a warm towel.
  2. Grind 5 onions in a blender. Add 1 tbsp to it. l. rock salt. Wrap the resulting mixture in a cloth and apply to the bruise 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  3. Iodine is excellent at fighting inflammation. Apply iodine mesh to the damaged area. Use a cotton swab and do not try to rub it in like an ointment, otherwise burns will occur.
  4. Take equal amounts of crushed coltsfoot and oregano. To prepare the solution you will need 40 grams of raw materials and 500 ml of vodka. Pour the prepared liquid over the herb, leave for 3 days, then strain. Application: soak a cloth in the resulting tincture and apply to the damaged area overnight. The course of treatment lasts 14 days.

To treat leg bruises after eliminating acute pain and swelling, you can use sea salt, aloe and an alcohol tincture based on barberry leaves and birch buds.

How to treat a knee bruise with folk remedies

An ointment based on spruce resin, minced lard and birch tar deserves popular recognition. All components in equal quantities are placed in a clay dish and closed tightly with a lid. The product is placed in a warm place for a day. Then the ointment is applied to the site of the bruise and kept for 12 hours.

It is better to use the product at night, since the victim should rest and not move. Before using the ointment again, do not forget to warm it up.

Homemade compresses are no less useful for bruising your knee. Ingredients:

  • violet;
  • veronica.

In the evening, mix 1 tbsp in a glass bowl. l. each plant, fill with vodka or medical alcohol (1 l). After 24 hours of infusion, soak a cotton cloth in the solution and apply to the bruised area overnight. To relieve pain and swelling, 10 procedures are sufficient.

Effective compresses to relieve swelling

The most common type of compress is cold or ice. They cope well with swelling from injuries and bruises.

Proven compress options:

  1. Rinse cabbage leaves with cold water and apply them to the sore spot. Secure the compress with a regular bandage and remove after 2 hours. Instead of cabbage, you can use burdock leaves.
  2. Cut 200 grams of freshly picked birch leaves. Fill them with boiling water, 1 liter is enough. Add 1 tbsp. l. salt, leave for half an hour. Moisten a cotton cloth and apply to the bruise up to 6 times a day.
  3. Chop 1-2 medium sized potatoes. Apply the resulting paste to the sore area, wrap with cling film and a warm towel.

Olive and camphor oils cope very well with long-term stagnation of liquid.

Take 1 tbsp. l. each product and rub the swollen area. Wrap the bruised area with any towel that you don't mind, since camphor oil leaves stains. The compress is applied daily for 7 days.

Homemade ointment based on chamomile and aloe vera

Treatment of bruises involves long-term use of various folk remedies, including ointments. In order not to cause harm to the victim, the ointment is applied in a circular motion until completely absorbed.

Place 3 tbsp in a small enamel pan. l. butter or coconut oil, heat it a little and place in a water bath. Add 1 tbsp to the oil. l. dried chamomile flowers (can be bought at any pharmacy), boil a little and remove from heat.

After an hour, strain the oil mixture through a double layer of gauze. Then add 2 drops of lavender essential oil and aloe vera gel (also available in ready-made form). Keep the ointment in a dark place for no more than 1 month. Use several times daily to relieve pain, swelling or wound healing.

Chamomile can be replaced with another plant, such as sage, calendula, nettle, string or mint. You can use all the herbs together in equal quantities.

Possible complications

Bruises do not always go away without leaving a trace; the consequences can be very terrible. With a strong or oblique blow, tissue crushing occurs and a hematoma appears. Over time, such damage leads to suppuration if the necessary treatment is lacking. Subsequent suppuration leads to necrosis and sepsis.

In areas where large blood vessels are located, their walls may rupture and blood clots may occur. If large joints have been injured (for example, elbow, knee, hip, radial and shoulder), the function of the motor system is disrupted, up to paralysis or paresis of the limb.

With such complications, medical care is necessary, as well as restorative gymnastic exercises to develop motor functions.


  1. A bruise is a closed injury to soft tissue.
  2. If the injury is severe, consult a doctor immediately, but first apply ice and secure it with a bandage.
  3. Ointments not only relieve swelling, but also relieve pain and eliminate bruises.
  4. Compresses can be used after acute pain and severe swelling have been eliminated.
  5. If you experience an allergic reaction to any component of the folk remedy, stop using it.
  6. If after 2-3 days of intensive treatment alternative methods have not helped, make an appointment with a traumatologist to avoid possible complications.

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