Treatment of bruises and hematomas at home. Treatment of bruises at home: folk recipes Traditional methods of treating bruises and sprains

According to statistics, bruise of any part of the body is the most common injury. But not everyone knows what a bruise is, how to treat it and how. This is useful information, as the consequences of such damage can be dangerous.

A bruise is an injury to tissues or organs caused by a fall or blow. Damage to soft tissue is accompanied by swelling and hematomas. Mechanical impact does not violate the integrity of the skin, but leads to injury to blood and lymphatic vessels, and in more severe cases, muscles and joints, nerve fibers and the spinal cord.

With bruises, an infiltrate always forms - a painful compaction is detected at the site of injury upon palpation. With severe bruises, joints and bones may become displaced.

The limbs (leg, arm) are most often damaged, but internal organs can also be bruised - usually the kidneys and liver, less often the lungs and the brain. With bruises of internal organs, the symptoms become more complicated due to the absence of external signs. Such injuries can be recognized by pain and changes in mobility, temperature, blood pressure and other indicators.

Severity of injury

The main symptom of a bruise is pain. There are four degrees. In the first case, minor trauma is caused to soft tissues; a slight bruise disappears in 3 days, maximum in a week. The pain is mild. External signs are absent or manifested by slight bluishness of the skin. No specific treatment is required.

Important! Within a day, the hematoma changes its color, so when contacting a specialist, you need to indicate the date when the injury occurred.

In the second degree of injury, muscle fibers and capillaries are damaged, which contributes to the formation of hematoma and edema. The patient notes pain, which intensifies with pressure. Motor function may be impaired due to discomfort.

The third degree may be accompanied by dislocations and subluxations, tendon tears. Characterized by diffuse edema and extensive hematoma. Such bruises are especially dangerous for the musculoskeletal system and joints.

Fourth degree – severe bruises, leading to dysfunction of organs and systems, deterioration of general condition. Often accompanied by internal bleeding. The more severe the injury and the larger the damaged vessels, the greater the interstitial bleeding and the more painful the hematoma. When joints are bruised, fluid accumulates in the joint capsule and nearby tissues, and a purplish-bluish tumor forms.

First aid for bruises

The first thing to do in case of a bruise is to apply cold to the damaged area. You should immediately apply a cold compress or a heating pad with ice. If you don’t have a heating pad, you can apply ice to the area of ​​the bruise by wrapping it in a towel to reduce swelling.

If a limb is bruised, you need to immobilize it and, if necessary, call a doctor. In case of noticeable pain, give an anesthetic (tablets Analgin, Baralgin, Efferalagan).

Indications for calling an ambulance:

  • head injury with severe pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting (possible concussion or brain contusion);
  • bruise of the lumbar or abdominal region with pain, dizziness, loss of consciousness, coldness of the extremities (damage and rupture of the kidneys, liver, spleen are possible);
  • spinal bruise with severe pain and loss of sensation;
  • a strong blow to any area of ​​the body, after which the person loses consciousness.

In case of severe bruises, the doctor prescribes an examination, and injuries that do not threaten health are treated at home, using conservative therapy and traditional medicine.

Important! With an extensive unresolved hematoma, the consequence may be suppuration - an abscess.

The following medications are used to treat bruises:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • enzyme preparations.

Physiotherapy is very effective - massage, warming, magnet. Bruised joints and tissues are heated by the Almag apparatus, provided that no more than 12 hours have passed since the injury. Only in this case the device helps to resolve hematomas and swelling, improving vascular permeability. If the blood has already clotted, you need to look for other methods.

Ointments for bruises and bruises:

  • Badyaga-forte;
  • Badyaga 911;
  • Bruise-off;
  • Balm lifesaver;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Troxegel;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Heparin ointment.

Medical treatment of bruises includes painkillers. Analgesics used:

  • Ketanov;
  • Solpadeine;
  • Paracetamol.

Of the enzyme preparations, Wobenzym should be noted.

In sports medicine, immediately after a bruise, freezing with a special spray is used, and further treatment of extensive hematomas, not complicated by bone and joint dysfunction, necessarily includes massage, medications (ointments, injections) and physical therapy. This is necessary in order to improve blood circulation in the injured area. Troxevasin and other ointments will help get rid of infiltrates and swelling.

Traditional methods and recipes

For treatment at home, natural heating, herbal medicines, plants themselves, natural oils and fats are used. But you need to know that home medicine does not always normalize the condition. If, despite all efforts, the pain does not go away for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. Folk remedies are used to treat bruises, both fresh and old.

Herbal remedies

The most effective recipes:

  1. The products are made from onions - fresh and baked. Onion juice is used to treat recent bruises: squeezed from grated onion pulp, mixed with vegetable oil and lubricated the bruised area, rubbing lightly. Baked onions are prepared as follows: fresh onions are cut in half and placed in a dry, heated frying pan without oil so that the cut becomes baked and browned. This remedy helps relieve pain and swelling.
  2. Treatment of bruises with cabbage. Take a fresh cabbage leaf, cut off a thick vein from it and beat it lightly so that it becomes soft and releases the juice. The compress is applied to the damaged area, the sheet is changed 3-4 times a day.

The following will also help fight hematoma:

  • badyagi powder (dilute to a paste and rub into the bruised area);
  • fresh celandine (apply the juice of the leaves and stems to the skin in a very thin layer to avoid burns);
  • burdock oil (pharmaceutical ready-made preparation);
  • burdock roots (pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and leave for 24 hours).

A compress made from a decoction of oak bark and chamomile (1:1, 2 tablespoons of bark and 2 tablespoons of chamomile per glass of boiling water) helps relieve pain.

Important! The main contraindication to the use of folk remedies is the body’s increased sensitivity to their components.

Non-herbal remedies

To prepare medicinal ointments at home, vegetable and animal fats and chemicals are used:

  1. Add a little garlic or onion to lard (unsalted pork fat). This ointment should be used to treat the bruised area.
  2. If the bruised joint swells, laundry soap helps: finely rub to make 1 tbsp. l., mix with turpentine and rub in.
  3. Make a strong solution from sea or table salt (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and dip the injured limb into it. The bath should be taken for about an hour. The water should be at room temperature.
  4. A lotion made from vegetable oil, vinegar and water is effective: take everything in equal parts (1 tablespoon each), mix it, soak gauze in this mixture and apply it to the bruise. You need to re-moisten the gauze as it dries.
  5. It will help to reduce swelling and vinegar with water 1:1 if you apply a dampened cloth to the bruise.

Important! You cannot continue treatment with traditional methods if the person’s condition does not improve.

Rehabilitation therapy

For bruises, it is necessary to increase physical activity as you recover. Massage, hydromassage, acupuncture and other physiotherapeutic procedures will speed up the resorption of the hematoma and reduce swelling.

During the treatment period, the victim needs to eat properly, his diet should be balanced. Taking multivitamins is also helpful. It is better to abstain from alcoholic beverages during the recovery period.

Bruises and such common complications after them as hematomas and bruises come in varying degrees of complexity. It all depends on the force of the blow.

In simple situations, you can completely get by with folk remedies; in more complex or advanced situations, medical intervention will be required.

Complex bruises include injuries in which there are wounds on the skin or damage to bones and nerves.

Treatment of bruises and hematomas at home does not take much time and can save a person from various complications.

To quickly treat bruises and hematomas, you should follow certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the injured part of the body is provided with complete rest; they need to be moved as little as possible.

You can make such a cold compress using some kind of frozen product or a heating pad filled with cold water.

A positive result from the cold can only be obtained within 24 hours after the injury, that is, this must be done as quickly as possible.

Cold very quickly constricts blood vessels and prevents the development of bruises. It quickly stops the appearance of edema and unpleasant secondary damage to nearby tissues and organs.

To achieve a high effect during the treatment process, you need to use cold as correctly as possible. To prevent skin damage that may occur from contact with ice, the ice object must be wrapped in a cloth.

The cold on the bruise should be kept for no more than 10-15 minutes, this will help avoid frostbite and hypothermia of the tissues. After a two or three hour break, you can repeat the procedure again.

If your legs, arm or finger are bruised, you just need to lift them up. This is necessary to prevent the formation of edema and for the outflow of blood.

Thanks to this, the damaged segment will feel much better. At night, you should make a mesh of iodine, which has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Overall blood circulation is significantly improved.

About a day later, immediately after the swelling is removed, all damaged organs can be provided with heat.

It’s not difficult to make, just heat a small amount of salt in a frying pan, then just pour it into a fabric bag or a regular sock and apply it to the bruise for 15 minutes. Such warming up should be done a couple of times a day.

To treat and eliminate bruises and contusions, you can purchase inexpensive bodyaga powder at the pharmacy.. This is a unique and quite effective remedy that was developed and created specifically for this purpose.

The product is used very simply - just dilute it with water to a creamy paste and apply it to the bruised area for about an hour.

There is not only a powder with a similar name, but also an ointment. If you use these remedies immediately after a bruise, you can effectively avoid the formation of a hematoma. This is an ideal remedy for treating bruises in older people.

Other, no less effective ointments include troxevasin, gaparin ointment, bruise-off, lyoton. These are inexpensive products that must be used strictly according to the instructions.

If you bruise your leg, for example, and there is no way to go to the pharmacy, you can find many effective remedies at home, in the refrigerator or in your home medicine cabinet.

There are several of the most accessible and simple methods of treating bruises and hematomas using folk remedies, each of which has been tested for years and helps very quickly. You can choose based on personal preference or what you have on hand.

If a hematoma occurs during pregnancy, treatment of this type will be most appropriate. So, here are the most common remedies for severe bumps and bruises:

All the recipes listed in this section are quite effective. Herbal treatment is no less effective. It can be used either independently or as an addition to the main treatment.

There are several of the most popular and effective ways to relieve pain from a bruise and remove both the hematoma itself and its consequences, that is, how to treat bruises at home.

Here are the most popular and effective of them:

The properties listed above are excellent for bruises of all parts of the body, not just the hands and feet. There are also highly targeted remedies and methods of treatment.

When you bruise your big toe, the most unpleasant consequences are blue bruises that form under the nails, there is also some pain, and in more complex situations there is a risk of losing the nail.

To avoid such rather unpleasant phenomena, you should hold your finger under a stream of very cold water. Equally effective is immersing the bruised finger in salted water for about 10 minutes..

After these procedures, the hands or feet are wiped dry and a tight bandage is made, which must be changed until the finger is completely healed.

To prevent unattractive blackening of the nail, you should make an iodine mesh as quickly as possible or simply lubricate the entire finger with iodine.

Turmeric powder is no less effective for bruised toes.. It must be mixed with water until a paste forms. The resulting mass simply lubricates your finger.

Turmeric is characterized by ideal antibacterial and healing properties, therefore it perfectly helps to heal bruises and restore tissue if there is damage to the heel.

A bruised knee or collarbone should be taken as seriously as possible, especially if this part of the body is severely swollen. Lack of proper treatment can lead to the development of arthritis and other equally dangerous consequences.

If there is a bruise, you need to apply a cold compress to the knee, and also make sure that it is motionless and slightly higher than the rest of the body. It is advisable to visit a traumatologist to rule out a serious injury and, in the absence of one, you can begin treatment with folk remedies.

Treatment with cabbage and a compress of vinegar, water and oil is ideal here.. Everything is clear with cabbage, but to prepare a compress you just need to mix a spoonful of water, vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar.

Knee and fingers are the most common types of bruises. Other options for injury can be considered in less detail:

If you bruise any part of the body - elbow, back, hip or wrist, or if a serious hematoma forms, you should consult a doctor.

Only after a serious problem or complication has been ruled out can traditional treatment methods be used.

Cold compresses can and should be used immediately after an injury and before visiting a specialist.

If a hematoma has formed after a bruise on the leg, treatment should consist of special measures aimed at dilating the blood vessels. They can be used only after a day, or better yet, two days after the injury. Education can be treated with the following measures or procedures:

In more serious situations, the doctor may prescribe surgical removal of the hematoma.

This is an important and necessary decision, since a hematoma of the forearm, shoulder or foot, if completely untreated, the hematoma can cause quite serious health problems.

It can complicate the functioning of the kidney or other important organs.

Summing up

All recipes presented can be used either independently or as an addition to treatment prescribed by a specialist.

It is quite difficult to decide which remedy is better; each method is quite effective. The choice of treatment method depends on the degree of injury, the size of the hematoma, as well as the location of the injury.

Treatment of bruises using various methods is available at home. Medicines in combination with numerous traditional medicine recipes give excellent results. The bruise goes away within a few days, and the victim quickly recovers.

Among the variety of injuries, bruise occupies a leading place in the number of cases. Closed injuries without violating the anatomical integrity do not pose a great danger to the body if internal organs are not damaged due to blunt trauma. Treatment begins with the first emergency aid, on the correctness of actions, during which the further result of therapeutic actions depends.

Home therapy

During closed tissue damage due to mechanical impact on soft tissues, pain appears, the leg swells, and a hematoma appears at the site of local impact.

To exclude closed fractures and damage to internal organs, the victim must be taken to a trauma center to exclude concomitant injuries.

If your fears are not confirmed, you can treat it yourself at home. To recover, you will need to carry out a set of medical procedures. Accurate adherence to recommendations largely determines the rapid receipt of a stable positive result.

First aid algorithm

By carefully examining the location of the injury, you can make a preliminary conclusion about the extent of the damage. If the integrity of the skin is not broken, the patient is conscious, acute pain of moderate intensity is noted, the bones are not deformed, which means that there is an uncomplicated bruise.

In this case, first aid is carried out:

  1. Apply cold to the injury site (ice cubes from the refrigerator, frozen food from the freezer, hypothermic “Snowball” first aid bag). The duration of exposure should not exceed a quarter of an hour. Before applying the cold, you should wrap it in a towel so as not to overcool the skin.
  2. After exposure to cold, a tight bandage is applied to the damaged area using an elastic bandage, which is left for two hours.
  3. If the pain is severe, the patient is given painkillers. The most effective are Ketoprofen, Ketorolac, Nimesil.

If there is no suspicion of internal injuries, treatment of the bruise at home continues. With strong blows to the stomach, head, lumbar region, or chest, the following symptoms may appear:

  • pale skin;
  • strong thirst;
  • skin cold and clammy;
  • severe weakness;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

This condition requires immediate attention to a medical institution. Crash syndrome, which appears after prolonged compression of a limb by a heavy object, requires special attention. Impaired blood flow causes traumatic toxicosis with subsequent development of acute renal failure.

Medical treatment of bruises at home

For the first two days, it is necessary to ensure a state of rest for the bruised part. If a limb is injured, it must be fixed so that the swelling does not spread to adjacent soft tissues. For this, you can use tight bandaging with an elastic bandage or an orthopedic bandage specially designed for this type of injury.

A tight bandage relieves pain due to compression on soft tissue, creating a micromassage effect. Cold is applied every two hours for 15 minutes on top of the bandage or bandage. You cannot warm up the injury in the first two days. To reduce pain, you can take Baralgin, Ketanov, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. For local anesthesia, you can use Nise gel, which does not have a warming effect.

In the following days, warming the bruise site is effective so that the hematoma resolves and the outflow of accumulated fluid from the damaged tissue improves. The hematoma must be lubricated with ointments: Badyaga, Troxevasin, Girudalgon, Lyoton. Products based on heparin and leech extract will promote rapid resorption of subcutaneous blood accumulation.

An analgesic effect with a warming effect will be provided by Voltaren, Dolobene, Bystrum gel, Indovazin, consult before use. External agents containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are powerful analgesics, resist inflammation and relieve swelling.

Taking metabolic agents containing enzymes will speed up recovery. Wobenzym, Unienzym, Merkenzym accelerate metabolic processes, influencing biochemical reactions at the site of damage.

Folk remedies

Treatment of bruises at home involves the use of old “grandmother’s” recipes, which are passed down from generation to generation. Healing remedies are prepared independently using medicinal herbs, vegetable and essential oils, and beekeeping products.

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Compresses and rubbing

  • Onions are a good remedy for inflammation, pain and swelling. One method involves using baked vegetables. The onion is baked whole in the oven until golden brown. The cooled onion is cut into two parts and applied warm to the bruise. Raw onion juice can be used for rubbing with superficial massage movements. With this option, raw onions are mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil and rubbed into the damaged area.
  • A large leaf of white cabbage is washed and beaten with a rolling pin until the juice appears. The prepared sheet is applied to the site of the bruise and fixed with cling film. For an anti-inflammatory effect, cabbage can be coated with honey. The compress can be kept for up to 12 hours.
  • A compress with vinegar and vegetable oil will help heal the injury in a few days. Prepare boiled water, apple cider vinegar and any vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients, 30 milliliters each, in one bowl. Dip gauze, folded in several layers, into the solution and apply to the hematoma. You can cover the top with cellophane and insulate it with a blanket.
  • Grind oak bark to a powder, take one hundred grams of powder and add eighty grams of dried perennial daisy flowers. Thirty grams of the mixture, pour a glass of boiled water and let stand for 10 minutes. Moisten chintz in the resulting broth and cover the bruise.
  • Raw potatoes are grated and the paste is applied to the damaged area. Can be used as a compress by wrapping it with film on top.
  • Grind flax seeds and mix with olive oil to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the healing mixture and cover with film. The compress can be kept for no more than sixty minutes, after which the mixture is carefully washed off.
  • Aloe leaves are cut lengthwise, smeared with honey and applied to the bruise.
  • Pour hot water over St. John's wort and plantain in equal proportions and leave for 6 hours. Use the resulting solution for medicinal dressings by applying a piece of gauze, previously immersed in a container with a medicinal solution, to the bruised area.


  1. To make homemade ointment you will need: pine resin, tar, lard. All ingredients must be mixed in equal quantities, seal the container tightly and leave in a warm place for a day. Rub the ointment warm into the affected area and be sure to warm it up before the next use.
  2. Grind medium-sized burdock root. Add olive oil and leave to brew for 12 hours. Then heat the oil infusion over low heat and hold for fifteen minutes. Strain and store in a dark container in the refrigerator. You can lubricate the bruise immediately after the injury.
  3. Grate a bar of laundry soap, add camphor alcohol and a glass of turpentine. After mixing, the ointment can be used.
  4. Tear plantain leaves, wash thoroughly and grind in a meat grinder. Mix with butter or sunflower oil and lubricate several times a day.
  5. Dry wormwood leaves are ground into powder. Add half a glass of pork fat to fifteen grams of raw material and place in a fireproof container. Place the mixture in a heated oven for one hour. After preparing the wormwood ointment, store it in a cool place and use it for bruises.
  6. Place young hop cones in a vessel with a glass of nutria fat. Heat in a water bath for ten minutes, making sure that the composition does not boil. Strain and lubricate the bruise after cooling.


Every person would like to protect themselves from injury, but this does not always work out. Sometimes circumstances become beyond all measures. You need to be careful in a situation where there is a possibility of falling or danger of injury.

Bruises are closed injuries to parts of the human body, of a closed nature, most often arising due to carelessness or haste in the process of life. All of them, without exception, are accompanied by the formation of a hematoma and pain in the place that was subjected to a strong blow.

The faster the treatment is provided to the victim, the easier the rehabilitation process will be. It is not always possible to quickly receive qualified help, so everyone should know how to act in case of a closed injury at home.

Bruises are classified by severity:

  • first – slight damage to skin tissue;
  • the second is the appearance of swelling and;
  • third – injury to the joints of the limbs, muscles, ligaments;
  • fourth – extensive damage to soft tissues, affecting internal organs.

The use of traditional medicine as the main method of treatment for the first and second stages is quite advisable, but for more severe injuries it is indicated for the purpose of auxiliary rehabilitation.

Therapeutic measures using traditional medicine involve the use of complex procedures, which include: rubbing, poultices, herbal and compression therapy.

Folk remedies for leg injuries

A slight injury to the leg, accompanied by a hematoma and pain, is perfectly relieved by drugs based on herbal components.

  1. As herbal medicine, wild rosemary is used to prepare a decoction of strong consistency, which is added to the main amount of water and the sore leg is steamed for about 20 minutes.
  2. Onion gruel or juice will help, soak a gauze bandage with it and apply it to the bruise for 30 minutes.
  3. Wormwood is an indispensable remedy; it is pre-soaked, finely chopped and used as a compress.
  4. Effective preparation for future use will help with a closed leg injury. Prepared with 0.5 liters of vinegar and 2-3 heads of chopped garlic, it stores well. The components are mixed, kept in a shaded place for a day and used to rub the limb.

Elbow bruise, treatment with folk remedies

To provide immediate assistance in this situation, it is impossible to do without effective traditional medicine.

  1. Grated raw potatoes must be applied to the bruised area for 30 minutes. Or the second option is to apply a banana skin to the area of ​​the injury for a couple of hours.
  2. Bodyaga, a medicinal powder that is diluted 2:1 with water, is applied to the painful area and left for 15 minutes, is a good help in the event of an unpleasant incident.
  3. An infusion of arnica, prepared according to a generally accepted recipe or purchased at a pharmacy stall, is used for bruises as a lotion. Prepared gauze wipes are soaked in the liquid and kept in the elbow area until completely dry.

Folk remedies for knee injuries

When bruising the knee area of ​​the leg, white cabbage leaves help well, which are applied to the area affected by the blow, additionally fixed and replaced every half hour.

Significant benefits are provided by treatment with an ointment based on the herb wormwood and medical petroleum jelly, taken in equal proportions - the components are mixed and simmered in the oven for a couple of hours. The finished product is rubbed into the sore area of ​​the knee with light massaging movements at least three times a day.

Foot injury - treatment with folk remedies

Unfortunately, foot injury is the most common type of injury compared to other parts of the human body.

First aid is cold. In the event of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended to immediately apply an ice compress or something like that to the affected area. Cryotherapy should be applied at intervals of 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. If you get a foot bruise, it is recommended to immediately lie down and elevate your leg, thereby ensuring the flow of blood.

After a blow to the foot, a hematoma occurs, therefore, to speed up the resorption process, it is recommended to use a medicinal tincture. To prepare: grind aloe leaves, mix with a small amount of granulated sugar and keep in a warm place for three days.

Herbal lotions, for which dried raw materials are used: linden blossom, wormwood, celandine infused in water for 24 hours, help relieve the inflammatory process.

These folk remedies also effectively help with bruised fingers and toes.

Shoulder bruise and its treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of bruises of the shoulder area and costal part with folk remedies

As a result of domestic injuries, bruises of the shoulder girdle are no exception. In folk medicine, there are several ways to treat this type of damage.

In the home bins, of course, there is a bar of laundry soap, which is crushed using a grater and mixed with whipped yolk foam.

The resulting mass is applied to the painful area in the morning and evening for a certain number of days, depending on the healing process.

Burdock has medicinal properties in folk medicine - you will need 75 g of it per 200 ml of any oil to grow
body origin. Components: mix in a suitable container, leave for 2 days and heat for about 15 minutes, without bringing to a boil. The finished drug is used for its intended purpose as an ointment.

Rib injuries. Due to carelessness or other reasons, closed rib injuries occur in life, which are accompanied by ruptures of small capillaries, hemorrhage in the soft tissues and the formation of swelling.

The first thing you need to do is take a reclining position and lean an ice bladder against the painful area. It is recommended to perform it for no more than three days; subsequently it is replaced with warming compresses. A tight bandage applied to the rib area effectively relieves pain during regular breathing.

  • Arnica herbal decoction – taken as a drink;
  • camphor alcohol - rub the bruised area;
  • Epsom salt - used for lotions per 1 liter of water, 30 g are needed;
  • cabbage leaves (plantain) - for compresses in the morning and evening;
  • bodyaga - a sachet of 120 ml of water as a lotion;
  • radish juice – for compression treatment at least 5 times a day;
  • aloe and honey – reduces the inflammatory process.

The recovery period for a closed injury depends on the specific complexity of the injuries and timely assistance provided.

As you know, the consequence of any injury is a bruise. Not only is it very painful, but it must also be said that it is not very aesthetically pleasing. Modern medicine offers a wide range of all kinds of remedies for abrasions and bruises, however, this does not always achieve the desired effect. Along with them, there are many folk methods of getting rid of the consequences of bruises, which are very effective. We present some of them here.

  • Recipe No. 1. Grind the herb into powder, add a little water to it to obtain a thick mass in the ratio: 1 spoon of water - 2 spoons of herb powder. Then this paste should be applied to the affected area, the result will not be long in coming.
  • Recipe No. 2. An excellent remedy for treating bruises is the mountain arnica herb. This is done as follows: 100 g of pre-chopped grass, pour 1 liter of vodka, leave for 5 days, and then make lotions with this tincture. With this treatment, the pain soon disappears, the bleeding stops and the swelling subsides.
  • Recipe No. 3. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of pre-chopped cinquefoil, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter and cool. This infusion should be taken orally in small sips, and the thickener should be applied to the bruised area with gauze or a bandage.
  • Recipe No. 4. Make a mixture of the following medicinal plants: steamed clover, knotweed, sweet clover and medicinal lemon balm; chop everything, steam it and use it for compresses.
  • Recipe No. 5. For bruises and bruises, burnet roots are used as a pain reliever. This is done this way: 3 or 4 tbsp. Wrap spoons of crushed roots in several layers of gauze, dip in boiling water, then squeeze and apply to the sore spot.
  • Recipe No. 6. Hemorrhages and bruises resolve quite quickly if a compress with 10% alcohol or vodka tincture of golden mustache leaves is applied to them.
  • Recipe No. 7. A fairly effective and efficient folk method for getting rid of bruises and swelling below the back, including bruises from intramuscular injections, is the most common cabbage. To get rid of a bruise and the pain associated with its appearance, just apply a cabbage leaf to it. In the case of bruises from injections, a cabbage leaf is not only a more effective remedy, but also more convenient in the sense that it can simply be placed under clothing, where it will be unnoticeable, while the freshwater leaves “dirty” marks on the clothes.

Effective ways to treat bruises using folk remedies

Method No. 1. To treat a bruised area, you can prepare a linen plaster. To do this, take a clean linen cloth and rub it to a powder. Then mix this “linseed” powder with sunflower oil, maintaining a ratio of 1:4. The mixture is applied to the bruised area and covered with a film on top. After some time, everything needs to be washed off and wiped dry. If necessary, this patch can be removed early.

Method number 2. An excellent remedy for bruises is viper fat. It must be rubbed into the sore spot, and it turns out to be therapeutic. So does the anesthetic effect.

Method No. 3. You can also rub the bruised area with camphor alcohol. Camphor creates a warming effect and has an exceptional ability to extinguish inflammatory processes in tissues.

Method number 4. To quickly get rid of bruises, you can take baths with high concentration Epsom salts. To prepare such a bath, you need to pour about 400 grams of salt into a bucket of warm water and mix thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. This bath has an analgesic and hematoma-absorbing effect.

Method No. 5. Beans and potatoes are a very effective remedy against bruises. Vegetables need to be boiled, mashed into a paste and applied to the bruised area several times a day for half an hour. Raw potatoes, which should be finely chopped and applied to the bruised area, also relieve inflammation well.

Method number 6. Natural honey is considered one of the most effective remedies. To apply to a sore spot, you will need to prepare a mixture of honey and aloe leaves. A compress from this mixture quickly relieves pain and inflammation.

Method No. 7. Compresses made from plantain, onions and honey are good for bruises. You can prepare them as follows: chop 1 onion until mushy with 1 tablespoon of plantain leaves, then add the same amount of honey. Use this mixture as a compress three times a day; it is very effective in eliminating bruises.

Method No. 8. The following ointment is very effective for bruises and bruises: gruel from 10 onions, gruel from 100 g of spruce needles, melted butter - 500 g, oleoresin powder - 200 g and copper sulfate powder - 150 g. Mix everything thoroughly, boil on water bath, stirring constantly. It turns out to be a “burning” ointment, but it is very effective in helping with severe bruises.

A few more good old methods for getting rid of bruises

Method No. 1. If at the time of “acquiring” a bruise, you are in the country or outside the city, then you probably have leaves of burdock, coltsfoot or plantain on hand. They need to be washed and applied to the bruised area. The influence of herbs on the body cannot be underestimated; sometimes they act quite effectively in cases of such damage.

Method No. 2. A very effective way to get rid of hematomas is lead lotions. Lead water is sold at the pharmacy. This method is only effective for resolving fresh hematomas. An alternative to lead lotions is the most common newspaper (an old folk remedy). The newspaper needs to be folded in several layers, wetted and applied to the just bruised area. Moreover, you need to choose for this those sheets that have the most printing ink. This newspaper works like lead lotions.

Method No. 3. Vodka-vinegar lotions. To prepare a solution for compresses, you need to take 1 glass of vodka, 1 glass of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt, mix everything until the salt is completely dissolved. Then a tampon is made from gauze, moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the hematoma. The skin in this area should not be damaged.

Method No. 4. Regular laundry soap can be an excellent assistant in the treatment of hematomas. To do this, you need to dilute laundry soap in water, moisten a piece of cotton cloth in it and apply it to the hematoma. You can also prepare a mixture of grated laundry soap, egg yolk and water in a ratio of 1:1:2. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Then, if necessary, you need to soak a bandage or gauze with this ointment and apply it to the bruised area. Simple and effective, great for pain relief.

Method No. 5. A simple and effective remedy for bruises is the peel of a regular banana. It is applied with the inside for half an hour to the bruised area. Helps a lot.

Method No. 6. For good healing of bruises, a gruel made from soy flour (the consistency of thick sour cream) is ideal, which is applied to the bruise at night.

Method No. 7. Hop cone ointment is an optimal remedy for bruises, joint pain and abrasions. You can prepare it like this: mix 50 g of powder made from hop cones with 200 g of interior fat. It is recommended to rub the ointment several times a day into the bruised area; it helps very well.

Method No. 8. Compresses made from infusion of dry crushed herbs. Preparation: 2 tbsp. spoons of wormwood herb, 3 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort, 3 tbsp. spoons of wild rosemary and 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of hop cones. Then pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos with boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for 3 hours. Moisten a cotton cloth with the hot infusion and apply it to the bruised area, hold until the compress cools down.

Method No. 9. You can use regular onions and salt to treat hematomas. For this purpose, take 5 or 6 onions and grate them on a fine grater, add 1 tbsp. spoon of rock salt. This mixture should be wrapped in a cloth and applied to the bruise. This compress needs to be changed 3 times a day, treatment continued for 5 days, during this period the bruises will completely disappear.

How to get rid of a bruise?

As often happens, you involuntarily hit yourself somewhere, and then you get a bruise. Or, as it should be called correctly, a hematoma. At first, the hematoma looks like a dark spot, and later turns green or yellow. But, no matter what shades the hematoma is, its appearance, to put it mildly, is not aesthetic. Especially if it has “bloomed” on your leg, and it’s summer outside and you really want to wear a miniskirt. To quickly get rid of a bruise, follow some simple tips.

Cold to the rescue

Immediately after an injury, apply ice or something very cold to the sore spot. This way your blood vessels will begin to shrink, and less blood will enter the surrounding tissues. But, be careful not to get frostbite, wrap ice or something cold in a small piece of cloth and try to hold it for no longer than 10 minutes.

Then it's warm

When the swelling has subsided, it is advisable to apply a warm compress to the bruise; the heat dilates the blood vessels, and the blood begins to intensively wash the bruised tissue. This way it will dissolve faster.

Run to the pharmacy

To help the hematoma leave your body faster, a special ointment that contains vitamin K will help to effectively break down caked blood. Another effective and efficient remedy is ointments that contain arnica.

We disguise ourselves

Until the bruise completely disappears, you can disguise it using special products that you will find in your cosmetic bag, for example, concealer.

Prevention is the best defense

To avoid bruises in the future, strengthen your blood vessels. Take a contrast shower in the morning, include in your diet foods containing vitamins C, P, K (citrus fruits, apricots, egg yolk, seaweed, fish oil).

Caution: possible bruises on the body!

Bruises on the body are a fairly common occurrence. You can verify this in the warm season if you pay attention to the bare legs of those around you. Unfortunately, most of us don't take the problem of bruises seriously. Having hit, we either apply cold to the site of the injury, or use special absorbable ointments. The first method helps partially: a bruise still forms, but not completely. And ointments are even less useful, since the skin is only able to transmit a tiny amount of the medicinal substance. In order to get rid of the consequences of a bruise, the ointment must be rubbed in almost every minute, which is almost impossible.

Meanwhile, bruises are not just a cosmetic defect. In fact, they signal about certain problems in the body. Let's figure out why after a bruise, and sometimes for no apparent reason, these unpleasant blue-violet spots form on the body.

Why do bruises appear on the body?

The most common cause of bruises, especially in summer and spring, is capillary fragility due to vitamin C deficiency. The solution to this problem is obvious: it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamin with the help of products containing it, or with the help of ordinary ascorbic acid. You can take ascorbic acid in liquid form, but you need to do this after eating and be sure to immediately rinse your mouth with water so as not to harm tooth enamel. You should not be overzealous with the dosage and duration of vitamin C intake. Allergy sufferers and people suffering from urolithiasis, gastritis and pancreatitis need to be especially careful.

If there are so-called “nodules” and spider veins on your legs, then the cause of the bruises most likely lies in diseases of the small veins. At the same time, quite often a bruise appears not only after a bruise, but also on its own, outwardly resembling a “spider” of purple or red colors. In this case, you need to consult a phlebologist and undergo an ultrasound of the blood vessels of the legs. If it turns out that the “stars” are not associated with venous diseases, and in addition there is swelling and heaviness in the legs, the doctor will help you choose special compression hosiery to prevent possible diseases. If an examination of the legs reveals existing diseases of the deep and superficial veins, the problem will have to be solved with medication, and in some cases, possibly surgically.

Quite often, patients ask for sclerotherapy. In this procedure, a substance is injected into a vein using a very thin needle, which heals the affected vessel. However, you should know that using this method you can only temporarily hide cosmetic defects. If the problem with the veins is not radically solved, bruises and spider veins will soon return again.

Also, bruises on the legs are quite common accompaniments of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the veins experience serious stress. To avoid varicose veins after childbirth, from about the third month of pregnancy it is recommended to wear compression stockings selected by your doctor.

It also happens that there is no vitamin C deficiency, the veins are healthy, but bruises still often appear, and not only on the legs. In this case, you need to contact a hematologist and check if everything is okay with your blood. Blood diseases can be hereditary. Therefore, if someone in your family suffers from constant bruises, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

Whatever the reason for the bruises, do not be upset. This problem can be dealt with, and the sooner you pay attention to it, the easier it will be to restore your health.

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