“What is the root for in a dream? If you see a Root in a dream, what does it mean? Why do you dream of Roots: interpretation in various dream books Why do you dream of a tree uprooted

Trees or other plants are a harbinger of trouble, as both your work and your health will deteriorate.

Use roots as medicine in dreams- means the approach of illness or sadness.

Dream book of lovers

Dreamed roots- an unfavorable sign that indicates a lack of mutual understanding and a quarrel with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing tree roots in a dream- a sign that you should take care of the very basics of the business you are engaged in.

Damaged root- means serious miscalculations that threaten to damage all your plans. Such a dream encourages you to take a more thorough approach to the matter and try to look at the essence of the problem instead of constantly eliminating superficial shortcomings.

If in a dream you cling to tree roots while climbing up a slope- the dream suggests that you can solve some important issue for you by getting to the very roots.

Tree uprooted- is a warning against too violent emotions: by succumbing to them, you risk the collapse of all your plans.

Dream book for the whole family

If you dream about the roots of trees, as well as any other plants- then you need to gather your strength in the face of major troubles. Luck will turn away from you for a long time, and representatives of the stronger sex will follow its example. Please be patient. And soon the black stripe will again be replaced by a white one, and you will again find yourself in the center of attention of others, your health, which has been badly shaken, will get better, and money will appear in your wallet again.

Dream book for a bitch

Tree or bush root- thankless hard work awaits you.

New family dream book

Dreamed roots of trees or other plants- portend troubles related to both work and health.

Use of roots as medicines- portends illness or sadness.

Modern combined dream book

Dreamed root- means that you should reconsider your opinion on some issue, you have incorrectly assessed the situation and are ready to make an erroneous decision.

If you were digging the ground and dug up a large, weirdly curving root- you will be able to solve a difficult puzzle task, because... you will have new information.

There are roots in a dream- means health; for patients such a dream promises a speedy recovery.

trip over a root- a bad omen, expect trouble, perhaps you are unfairly accused of something or offended.

Seeing the roots of plants or trees in a dream- portends failure in business and deterioration in health.

Use roots for healing- a sign of approaching illness or sadness.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Roots- problems with relatives who are older than you; if you are the oldest- these will begin for you.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Root- the need to “get to the root.” The need to find and get rid of the root cause of problems. The need to thoroughly feed something.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Aromatic roots- pleasantness; woody- an evil woman or man; trip over roots- be careful in your actions; eat- blooming health; there are seasonings- they envy you; have a spine- everyday troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Root see- hard work, humility.

Women's dream book

Roots of trees or other plants- a harbinger of trouble, deterioration of health and official affairs.

Using roots and medicinal herbs in dreams- also means illness and sadness.

General dream book

You dreamed that you saw, collected or ate roots- in the near future you will experience great annoyance, as it turns out that you took on the wrong things, and those people whose proposals you rejected will receive fabulous profits.

If you dreamed that you saw someone collecting or eating roots- soon one of your loved ones will be deceived in business.

Dream book of the 21st century

dig up roots- to reveal the secret, look for something underneath- means to benefit from other people's secrets.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

There are roots- to quarrels.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Tree roots- an indication of the connection between top and bottom. ID.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Root- find out the secret; illness due to one's own fault.

Healing roots- knowledge of secrets; recovery.

Culinary dream book

There are roots in a dream- to disorder in business or in the house.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Digging up tree roots- a thorough investigation will lead to paradoxical discoveries.

Climb under them- the secrets of birth, the secrets of yours or another person’s distant past.

Exposed roots- revealing the secret.

dig up roots- digging through someone else's dirty laundry.

Search under them- to derive benefits from other people's secrets.

Roots can also be- a symbol of the male organ of love.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Root- hard work, poverty; dig up roots- disease,

According to the dream book, roots in a dream usually mean that in reality you need to concentrate on them. Therefore, either try to look into the very essence of the problem that is weighing you down at this time, or pay attention to the older generation of the family: perhaps things are not going as smoothly as we would like for older relatives.

General interpretation

As was mentioned, first of all, the dreams in question should push a person to think thoroughly about the matter that is occupying him at the moment, to try to dig deeper than before. It may well be that you misjudged the state of affairs or, in overcoming superficial difficulties, missed something more important.

Also, according to some interpretations, seeing roots in a dream means well-being, success in business, and harmonious communication with others. At the same time, there are dream books that consider such visions as warnings of impending misfortune, especially for family members older than you (and if you are the eldest, it turns out that the dream concerns you directly).

A dream about roots is likely to be especially upsetting for women. After all, according to the dream book, this means that the girl will soon feel a decrease in attention from men. However, you shouldn’t be too upset - in the end, all troubles will be left behind, and the usual way of life will be restored.

There is another interpretation, alas, also not very encouraging: roots in a dream warn of difficult work in reality, which is unlikely to be appreciated.

Quite a large number of dream books connect the dreams that interest us with some kind of secret knowledge. For example, digging into the roots or trying to find something among them may be a harbinger of what in reality you will have to search, investigate and find out, and what is discovered can amaze you to the core.

Perhaps the disclosed information will bring you benefits - some sources interpret the search under the roots this way. Did you see yourself with bare roots? The meaning of such a dream is similar: some secret will soon be revealed.

Dream details

However, this is only a general interpretation; the details of the dream will help clarify it. First of all, you need to decide what roots or roots you saw while you were sleeping. What can the roots of a tree, bush or roots mean in a dream? Medicinal or aromatic? It is also important how a person behaved in a dream, what he did or wanted to do with his roots.

First, let's look at the external features and type of roots.

The roots of medicinal plants are a signal that you need to take care of your health. Unfortunately, you may have to use medications in reality – both for yourself and for loved ones. In addition, it is possible that you will hear news that will upset you. If you dreamed that you were brewing the roots of flowers or herbs to get a medicinal decoction, then you will have to fuss over trifles. Preparing tinctures can warn of squabbles and scandals.

Root vegetables that you cook or eat, on the contrary, indicate that the dreamer is not in danger of illness. The interpretation of a dream in which root vegetables appear in the form of seasonings will probably especially appeal to the fair half of humanity. It is believed that such a dream predicts envy on the part of others, caused by new outfits that appeared on the one who saw it.

Roots of plants in water, seen in a dream, may hint at an upcoming wedding, or at least cohabitation with a loved one. In general, plants in water are evidence that cordial relationships will be in the foreground in your life. Maybe you will even have to sacrifice something for the sake of your “other half”.

  • Dried roots are not a good sign. What should you prepare for when you see such a dream? No matter how sad it is, it leads to worries and possible separation from a loved one.
  • Aromatic - promise pleasant emotions and impressions. There is a chance of going on a date or hearing good news.
  • Ugly, gnarled roots can warn you of some evil that threatens in real life.

Tree roots in a dream are interpreted in a very diverse, sometimes contradictory way. Leafing through the dream book, we can conclude that in most cases, tree roots again remind you of the need to return to the basics, to the very essence of the matter or problem that is relevant to you.

The dream book also warns: the roots of trees or bushes dream of worries and dangers. A dream in which the roots have been damaged in some way encourages serious reflection: there are weaknesses and serious mistakes in your strategy, however, trying to eliminate minor shortcomings, you do not notice them.

Did you see trunks completely torn out of the soil? Be careful! Excessive expression of emotions can serve you badly, up to the complete failure of all plans.

In addition, a tree pulled out of the ground is interpreted as an omen that you will soon have to work hard and persistently. However, your efforts will not be in vain: your efforts will be appreciated. To dream of a stump being uprooted means that in reality you will have to tear a person out of your life, stop communicating with someone whom you valued very much in the past.

Now let's see why you have dreams in which you somehow interact with the roots.

Dig up the roots (including dig up a flower with roots) - watch your health, there is a high chance of getting sick! Pulling a bush out of the ground means career difficulties and illness.

Uprooting trees in a dream - in reality, a man who seemed at first glance to be a real prince will spoil his impression of himself during subsequent meetings. Cutting down or uprooting a tree means wasting energy and throwing wealth down the drain.

Are you tripping over roots? In reality, try to remain vigilant: it is very possible that they will try to deceive you in financial matters.

Do you see in a dream how someone collects roots, or do you do it yourself? When you wake up, get ready for quarrels and deceptions, or to hear how one of your acquaintances or friends was deceived.

However, according to other interpretations, these or similar dreams can be quite favorable. So, if, while digging, you find a long, unusually curved root, you can rejoice: in reality you will finally be able to find a solution to a complex problem, because new significant data will appear.

A completely different interpretation is also given regarding flowers: digging up flowers with roots means good news, the development of relationships with your chosen one. If in a dream your goal is to climb up a slope and at the same time you cling to trees and their roots, then in reality you will be able to solve the problem only by getting to the very roots of the issue.

A good sign, according to the dream book, is to sit under a tree at the roots: the news you receive will make you happy. It’s even better to sit in a dream on the tree itself - you will find yourself at the height in reality.

According to most dream books, flowers in a dream represent the dreamer’s relationships with other people, his attitude towards life. But why do you dream of tearing a flower with its roots out of the ground? Could this image indicate negative changes in life or does the sleeper have absolutely nothing to worry about?

What if you dream of a flower with roots?

Loff's dream book is sure that a flower with roots is dreamed of if a person is somehow connected to the earth. Perhaps he has his own plot. which he has worked lovingly all season, now hopes to receive a reward. If the dreamed uprooted plant was healthy and beautiful, it means the dreamer did a good job and a rich harvest awaits him. If the flower in the dream was frail or spoiled, then the harvest will be bad.

In addition, a flower with roots can represent a family. If the dreamer independently tears it up and throws it away, it means family relationships will not work out, scandals and quarrels await him, perhaps even with assault.

Longo's dream book interprets the vision in its own way. The interpreter believes that roots in a dream indicate that the dreamer has achieved a lot in life and is now firmly on his feet. In the future, he has absolutely nothing to worry about, since his well-established life will be successful and rich.

For a woman with adult children, a flower uprooted can predict a quarrel with the child and his departure from his father’s home. Probably, the dreamer is used to seeing him as a baby and cannot accept the fact that he has grown up and has the right to a personal life.

Aesop's Dream Book does not consider the dream to be too harmless. The author compares the torn flower with the “root of evil”, from which many problems come. Thus, a dream can prophesy to the sleeper an impending black streak in life, which will be very difficult to cope with, but time takes its toll, so someday everything will definitely change for the better.

The gypsy dream book is sure that a dream in which a person uproots a flower indicates that he is getting rid of some problem that has been haunting him for a long time. If in a dream a person finds himself in the underground kingdom and wanders for a long time among the roots of various plants, it means that in life he cannot determine the cause of the troubles, and therefore cannot solve them. A dream in which the dreamer paints a flower root in bright colors indicates that he overly idealizes his relatives and their relationship directly to him.

What does it portend?

The dream book of the healer Evdokia believes that a flower or any other plant with roots portends hard work. If the plant also looks unpresentable, it means that the work done by the dreamer will not be paid fairly enough.

A dream in which the sleeper picks flowers with roots to prepare a miracle cure promises him a disease that he will not be able to cure on his own.

Disorder in business, scandals with relatives or acquaintances prophesies a vision in which the sleeping person uses the roots of flowers for food.

Tearing flowers from their roots and throwing them into the trash is a dream that characterizes the sleeper as a person who does not know how to spend money. The interpreter is sure that if he continues to behave in this way, he will soon find himself on the brink of poverty and will never be able to rise to his previous standard of living.

Adaskin's dream book believes that if a sleeping person sees himself in a field among the flowers that he needs to pick, it means that he will have hard and painstaking work, for which he will be given good money.

As can be seen from the description, a flower with roots, torn out of the ground, can have a wide variety of meanings. Therefore, the sleeper should not be upset if the interpreter he has chosen predicts troubles in life; perhaps he should simply trust another dream book and life will sparkle with bright colors again.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Root and what does it mean:

Digging up roots means revealing secrets; looking for something under them means benefiting from other people’s secrets.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Root in a dream?

If you dream about the roots of trees or other plants, this is a harbinger of trouble, as your work and health will deteriorate.

Using roots as medicine in a dream means the approach of illness or sadness.

Healing roots - Knowledge of the secrets; recovery.

If you dream of TREE ROOTS, as well as any other plants, then you need to gather your strength in the face of major troubles. Luck will turn away from you for a long time, and representatives of the stronger sex will follow its example. Please be patient. And soon the black stripe will again be replaced by a white one, and you will again find yourself in the center of attention of others, your health, which has been badly shaken, will get better, and money will appear in your wallet again.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about the root?

“See or look at the root”, “the root of the issue” (the main thing); the basis of something.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about the root?

Root – Hard work, poverty; digging up roots, root crops - disease, death.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Root from your dream

Root - Find out the secret; illness due to one's own fault.

Ancient French dream book

The root of what dreams mean, interpretation:

If you dream of a root(s), then this foretells anxiety and disruption of order in your life.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about Korta

There are roots in a dream - to disorder in business or in the house.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Spine - To have - everyday troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Root – See – hard work, humility

Roots – Aromatic – pleasantness; arboreal - an evil woman or man; tripping over roots - be careful in your actions; eat - blooming health; there are seasonings - they envy you.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about the Root, how can you understand it?

The root is our ancestors; parents; family traditions.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why the Root dreams

Roots in a dream usually mean that in reality you need to concentrate on them. Therefore, either try to look into the very essence of the problem that is weighing you down at this time, or pay attention to the older generation of the family: perhaps things are not going as smoothly as we would like for older relatives. If you dream about roots, it will especially upset women. This means that the girl will soon feel a decrease in attention from men. There is another interpretation, alas, also not very encouraging: roots in a dream warn of difficult work in reality, which is unlikely to be appreciated.

Slavic dream book

Why do you dream about the root?

Root - cutting off - means separation.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why does Root dream about the days of the week?

The root is a waste of energy and time trying to find out the reasons for your failures.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

You saw naked tree roots in a dream - a bad dream; your affairs, which have been developing successfully until now, will be completely upset - you won’t even know what to take on, what holes to patch; health problems are also possible. It’s as if you are using plant roots as medicine - the dream says that you are busy in the wrong activities in your life; you are a healer from birth, from God; you should pay attention to traditional medicine - this is the field in which you will bring great benefit and succeed.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


If you dreamed of Roots - aromatic - a pleasant surprise, tripping over roots - advice to exercise prudence and caution, seeing open roots of growing trees - you should remember your ancestors. Cutting the roots means taming someone’s anger.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about the Root?

What do Tree Roots mean in a dream - You need to gather your strength in the face of great trouble. Imagine that you take your eyes off the roots and look up at the tree. A huge, powerful, strong oak tree is rustling above you, under whose crown you can hide from any bad weather.

What do Roots (edible, seasonings) mean in a dream - Adding roots to food - a dream promises health and well-being. Imagine adding roots to all your dishes and treating your family to them.

Why do women and men dream about the Root?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore the Root in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

The dream you had on the 28th touches on your past; it is a processing and re-evaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftertaste in the morning. Only those stories that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • why do you dream about the image

Why does a woman dream about roots:

Aromatic roots - pleasantness; arboreal - an evil woman or man; tripping over roots - be careful in your actions; eat - blooming health; there are seasonings - they envy you; having a spine means everyday troubles.

1 roots by Dream book for the whole family

Seeing roots in a dream means:

If you dream about the roots of trees, as well as any other plants, then you need to gather your strength in the face of major troubles. Luck will turn away from you for a long time, and representatives of the stronger sex will follow its example. Please be patient. And soon the black stripe will again be replaced by a white one, and you will again find yourself in the center of attention of others, your health, which has been badly shaken, will get better, and money will appear in your wallet again.

1 roots by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The root of seeing is hard work, humility.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 roots by Dream Interpretation of Health

Roots in a dream means:

The roots of trees and bushes are a symbol of danger, injury or illness; edible plant roots - to health; medicinal plants - to illness; aromatic - to positive emotions.

1 roots by French dream book

Meaning of sleep roots:

If you dream about a root, then this portends anxiety and disruption of order in your life.

1 roots by Dream interpretation for a bitch

The root of a tree or bush - thankless hard work awaits you.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 roots by Dream book of Nina Grishina

To dig up the roots of a tree - a thorough investigation will lead to paradoxical discoveries.

Climbing under them is the secrets of birth, the secrets of yours or another person’s distant past.

Exposed roots - revealing the secret.

Digging up roots means digging through someone else's dirty laundry.

To search under them is to extract benefits from other people's secrets.

Roots can also be a symbol of the male organ of love.

1 roots by Idiomatic dream book

Roots in a dream mean:

“Look or look at the root,” “the root of the issue” is the main thing; the basis of something.

1 roots by

There are roots - to quarrels.

1 roots by Daniel's medieval dream book

Why does a woman dream of roots:

The roots of a tree are an indication of the connection between top and bottom. ID.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 roots by Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream about roots:

A dream about a root means that you should reconsider your opinion on some issue; you have misjudged the situation and are ready to make a wrong decision.

If you were digging the ground and dug up a large, intricately curving root, you will be able to solve a difficult puzzle problem, because... you will have new information.

Eating roots in a dream means health; for the sick, such a dream promises a speedy recovery.

Stumbling over a root is a bad omen; expect trouble; perhaps you will be unfairly accused of something or offended.

Seeing the roots of plants or trees in a dream portends failure in business and deterioration in health.

Using roots for treatment is a sign of approaching illness or sadness.

1 roots by Culinary dream book

Seeing roots in a dream means:

There are roots in a dream - to disorder in business or in the house.

1 roots by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Roots in a dream in the dream book are interpreted as:

Dreaming of roots is an unfavorable sign, which indicates a lack of mutual understanding and a quarrel with a loved one.

1 roots by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Roots in a dream means:

The root is to learn the secret; illness due to one's own fault.

Healing roots - knowledge of the secret; recovery.

1 roots by Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Meaning of sleep roots:

See Apple

1 roots according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does it mean if a woman dreams of roots:

Digging up roots means revealing secrets; looking for something under them means benefiting from other people’s secrets.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 roots by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

What roots can mean in a dream:

You dreamed that you saw, collected or ate roots - in the near future you will experience great annoyance, since it turns out that you took on the wrong things, and those people whose proposals you rejected will receive fabulous profits.

If you dreamed that you saw someone collecting or eating roots, soon one of your loved ones will be deceived in business.

1 roots according to Dream Book 2012

Roots in a dream mean:

The root is the need to “get to the root.” The need to find and get rid of the root cause of problems. The need to thoroughly feed something.

1 roots according to Miller's dream book

If a girl dreams of roots, it means:

If you dream of the roots of trees or other plants, this is a harbinger of trouble, since both your work and your health will deteriorate.

Using roots as medicine in a dream means the approach of illness or sadness.

1 roots according to Miller's dream book

Why does a woman dream of roots:

The real image means success in life and the pleasure derived from it.

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