Whether infection. How can I determine if I could have been infected with HIV or AIDS? recently updated! Food route of infection

The respiratory organs are susceptible to many dangerous diseases, and one of the most severe is pneumonia, which often develops into pneumonia. Everyone has heard about the complex course of the disease, disappointing prognoses, and possible complications. What can I say, everyone is afraid to face such a pathology in reality, knowing how long it takes to be treated and what the consequences may be. Doctors are often asked whether pneumonia is contagious to others, children, and what to do to avoid infection.

Pneumonia is classified as an infectious disease, which differs in different forms and pathogens. Whether infection or transmission of infection takes place depends on what microorganism contributed to the manifestation of the disease, what served as the provoking factor, and what state the human body was in at the moment.

It is believed that one can become infected with pneumonia and acquire the infection only if the pathology has become the main initial disease. When another disease develops in the body, and pneumonia becomes its consequence, that is, it develops against the background of indicators existing in the body, then it will not be dangerous for others. Infection, in this case, with pneumonia is simply impossible, but healthy people may well take over the original virus, infection, for example, contract the flu, or get a cold. Whether this phenomenon will develop into a more dangerous state of pneumonia, pneumonia, depends on the general indicators of the body.

The body must be as “prepared” as possible, there must be an individual predisposition, protective functions must be reduced, only in this case is infection possible. That is why the answer to the question: “Can you get pneumonia?” is answered ambiguously, as if it were no, but at the same time yes.

Is pneumonia contagious in children?

Examination of a child for pneumonia

Most often, children become infected with pneumonia, due to the fact that it is their immature body that is not able to fully resist attacking viruses and infections. Sometimes in preschool institutions, schools, together with healthy children, there are infected people and then, with close contact, which is inevitable in such conditions, children begin to get sick en masse. This happens to a greater extent because in some cases the pathology develops for a very long time, the first manifestations and symptoms often go unnoticed, and parents, without even realizing that the child is sick, bring him to child care institutions, instead of starting timely treatment .

But even then, only one child out of ten will get sick. Most likely, these will be children who fall under the following factors:

  • weak immunity;
  • the presence of other pathologies under the influence of which, at the moment, the body is severely depleted;
  • the child lives in inadequate sanitary conditions, in an apartment where it is often cold, dirty, and there is a lack of oxygen;
  • The baby’s nutrition is incorrect, the body is depleted as a result of a lack of vitamins and mineral components.

By eliminating all this, infection can be avoided.

How can you get pneumonia?

Certain forms of the disease that arose secondary, for example, in hospital treatment, when an operation was performed and an infection was introduced, are considered absolutely non-contagious. That is why, often during inpatient treatment, patients lie with others in the same ward. Is pneumonia contagious to others in this case, definitely not.

A healthy person can acquire a pathogen that can lead to pneumonia only through direct contact:

  • respiratory route. If a sick person coughs or sneezes, simply “scattering” pathogenic microorganisms into the air, then a healthy person may well get sick by inhaling. Infection is possible even at a great distance - up to 4 meters, even after the patient has left the room for several hours;
  • intestinal route. The saliva of an infected person ends up on the hands, lips, and mucous membranes of a healthy person, which often happens in children's institutions when using the same towel, one toy, a shared blanket, a cup, or a glass. Infection is possible through poor-quality or poorly washed food, when a person simply eats an apple or a piece of meat on which a pathogenic microorganism is located;
  • close contact. Pneumonia is contagious to others when the patient is in an apartment where it is stuffy and damp. At the same time, he is in close contact with loved ones, sexual intercourse, the use of the same household items, and kissing are possible.

It turns out that despite the fact that the disease is very dangerous and no matter how complex pneumonia is, whether it is possible to become infected with it depends on many factors in each specific case and until they merge together, a person may well have contact with the patient for a long time and remain healthy .

How not to get sick

Vaccination against pneumonia

When you have to be in contact for a long time with a person who has pneumonia, people don’t have to “guess” - in this form, at this stage of its course, whether pneumonia is contagious... it is important for those around you to be able to protect your body in time and then the consequences can be avoided. For such cases, doctors recommend taking the following preventive measures:

  • get an annual vaccination against pneumonia;
  • prevent the development of viral, infectious, inflammatory, fungal diseases, especially those associated with the respiratory system;
  • have less contact with patients; in cases of unavoidable communication, use masks that protect the respiratory system, mucous membranes, carefully cover the surface of the skin of the hands or wear gloves. After such interactions, remove clothes, wash hands and face thoroughly using antimicrobial agents;
  • do not use other people’s cutlery or towels, especially while in hospital;
  • protect your body from colds, hypothermia, overheating;
  • if any disease develops, try to follow the recommendations of doctors, completely eliminating the disease;
  • You cannot use any medications in the treatment of any disease without first consulting a specialist;
  • it is important to properly organize your diet, enriching it with vitamins, light, quickly digestible food;
  • if possible, begin to harden the body, play sports, or at least spend more time in the fresh air;
  • avoid physical and mental fatigue.

The room where the patient is kept, especially if he is undergoing home treatment, should be periodically ventilated. Maintain warmth, humidity, and perform cleaning several times a day using disinfectants, for example, regular bleach. You need to understand whether others around you will become infected with pneumonia from a patient or not depends on many factors, and if you warn them, then nothing bad will happen from such communications and contacts.


As soon as the first symptoms of blood poisoning are noticed in a person or there is a suspicion of what could be the cause, you should immediately consult a doctor to receive competent treatment recommendations and avoid dire consequences. Self-medication in such situations may not be safe and will likely only make the problem worse. Being attentive to your body is very important, especially if you do not exclude the possibility of infection.

What is blood poisoning

Many adult illnesses are no different in severity from the same illnesses in a child. Often, a younger body, on the contrary, is able to persistently fight the problem. Blood poisoning or sepsis is a reaction to microorganisms and infections entering the bloodstream. Regardless of the patient’s age, this condition is considered severe and in advanced cases can be fatal.

According to the international classification of diseases, sepsis is indicated under two codes at once - A40 and A41, which implies streptococcal and other septicemia. The name for bacterial infection was not chosen by chance, because the causative agents are mostly streptococci. In other cases, the blood may be contaminated with microorganisms such as E. coli, staphylococci and pneumococci.


Due to the differences in the forms of blood sepsis, it does not have any definitive symptoms. The course of infection can be rapid and, without allowing the patient to come to his senses, lead to disastrous consequences. Often the disease drags on for 5-7 days, during which its presence can be identified by its characteristic features and consult a doctor. Symptoms of human blood infection or sepsis may include:

  • the appearance of herpes on the lips;
  • sudden development of skin hyperpigmentation or pallor;
  • the appearance of purulent inflammation on the body;
  • breathing problems;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state, apathy;
  • depressions on the face in the cheek area.

The first signs of blood poisoning

Lightning-fast deterioration in health with asymptomatic progression is observed only in a number of diseases, to which blood sepsis may relate. If you suspect a possible infection, then listen to your own body - it will let you know whether there is cause for concern or not. As a rule, significant changes during infection occur in the first days. Signs of infection may include the following:

  • increase or decrease in temperature, chills;
  • increased sweating;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • redness of the skin, spots on the body;
  • loss of consciousness.


Knowing about a possible danger, a person subconsciously tries to avoid it. When it comes to diseases, it makes sense to remember the main causes of their occurrence. It is impossible to protect yourself from everything in the world, but it is possible to protect yourself from the possibility of infection caused by an infection in the blood. The causative agents are various microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci and others. When they enter the blood, especially against the background of decreased immunity, they lead to dire consequences. Among the causes of infection are the following:

  • congenital or acquired defects of the immune system;
  • drug use;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules in hospitals and beauty salons;
  • performing an abortion in an inappropriate manner;
  • infection in the blood due to radiation and other therapies that suppress the immune system;
  • complications from wounds, cuts and burns.

How does blood poisoning occur?

Signs of blood sepsis can appear in a completely healthy person, but in patients with reduced immunity, the risk of getting sick increases significantly. Being a systemic inflammatory response syndrome of the body, infection can be obtained as follows:

  • During the operation. When using unsterile instruments, doctors can introduce an infection into the bloodstream through open wounds, which will multiply if the immune system is weak.
  • During the treatment and removal of teeth. Microorganisms easily penetrate through an open channel into the blood if sterility is not maintained.
  • For cuts. A cut received at home or in a salon, for example, when processing nails, is a “gateway” for infection.

Blood poisoning from a tooth

Not many people add visiting the dentist to their annual to-do list. In this regard, situations arise when it is not possible to help a diseased tooth and removal is the only way to get rid of painful sensations. Odontogenic blood sepsis is one of the possible consequences of such a decision. Infection occurs at the junctions between the hard part of the tooth and the gum. Due to difficulties in diagnosis, this disease is considered very dangerous, and it takes a long time to treat. However, even after the disease, immunity is not developed, which threatens relapse.


The classifications of infections are very extensive and are divided into categories with a different number of items. The two largest groups are cryptogenic blood sepsis and secondary. In the first case, the entrance gate is not identified, but in the second, the source of infection can be identified. The following indicates the method by which blood sepsis occurred: through a wound, as a result of surgery, or by rupture of the birth canal. However, more important is the classification according to the location of the source of infection:

  • odontogenic – the hard part of the tooth;
  • intestinal – digestive system;
  • cutaneous - skin;
  • rhinogenic – nasal sinuses;
  • urosepsis – organs of the genitourinary system;
  • oral – oral cavity;
  • otogenic – ears;
  • tonsillogenic – tonsils;
  • endocardial – heart valves.

Stages of sepsis

You can prevent the spread of infection and toxins by understanding in time what stage the disease is at.. The principle of treatment of infection, its duration and results depend on the stage of its progression. There are several of them:

  • Initial stage of infection. The body reacts to microorganisms in the blood. Body temperature and skin color change, heart rate increases.
  • Lightning fast. Accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health. Such an acute stage can lead to septicopyemia - the formation of abscesses.
  • Late stage of infection. Characterized by disruption of vital organs and hypotension.
  • Septic shock. The blood supply to organs is disrupted, which leads to death.

How to determine blood poisoning

To identify the fact that a patient's blood is contaminated, at least two criteria indicating this must be present: hypothermia or hyperthermia, tachycardia and a low white blood cell count. In addition, there is a whole range of studies that can be used to detect infection:

  • urine test (excess protein in the urine can confirm the diagnosis);
  • comprehensive study of intravascular coagulation indicators;
  • X-ray or ultrasound to detect purulent lesions of the body.


To save a person from the consequences of the penetration and spread of dangerous bacteria in the blood during infection, doctors can resort to radical surgical methods to remove necrosis or limit themselves to more conservative treatment. It all depends on the stage of the disease and the condition of the particular organism, so self-medication is unacceptable here. Treatment for blood sepsis may include:

  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapies that kill microorganisms and increase resistance to them;
  • administration of water-salt solutions intravenously to detoxify the body after infection;
  • plasma transfusion from a donor in the most advanced cases.


An infection in the blood prevents a person from living normally due to the dysfunction of his internal organs. Antibiotics inhibit the growth of living cells, which also include dangerous microorganisms. When infected, this option will be the most effective at first and in the initial stages. The drug can be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and in combination with an excipient. To treat blood sepsis use:

  • Gentamicin. It disrupts protein synthesis by acting through the cell membrane of microorganisms. The downside is the side effects associated with long-term use of the drug.
  • Vancomycin. Slows down the biosynthesis of bacterial cell walls, which has a detrimental effect on them. Contraindicated in renal diseases.
  • Amoxicillin. Belongs to the group of penicillins, works due to its inhibitory effect on infected cells. This group is very allergic.


Scary photos and videos depicting complications after blood sepsis are amazing and frightening. The most dangerous consequence is septic shock, which impedes blood circulation in the internal organs. Even if the disease has not reached this state, the danger to health is enormous, since various pathologies can develop:

  • heart or kidney failure;
  • liver tissue damage;
  • significant increase in shortness of breath;
  • instability of temperature and pressure;
  • the appearance of bedsores;
  • blockage of blood vessels and tissue necrosis;
  • bleeding.


It is not possible to predict that a healthy person will suddenly develop a disease. One person may be completely insensitive to any virus in the blood, while another may fall ill instantly. However, there are preventive measures that can reduce the risk of infection and protect yourself from severe consequences:

  • Strengthening the immune system. This set of effects will create a barrier to infection. If your immune system is weakened, consult a doctor to select therapy.
  • Maintaining hygiene rules. This point especially applies to the administration of injections and the treatment of open wounds.
  • Accuracy. Reducing the level of injury will not allow bacteria to penetrate inside.


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Usually the question is: “Could I have become infected with HIV?” arises after a stormy night with a stranger, a young lady from the street of pink lanterns, “just an acquaintance.” Usually this is a fast, violent, “under the table” intercourse with jumping out of panties without rubber product No. 2, which reduces the risk of contracting HIV infection by 80% (according to the US Centers for Disease Control).

Any person who considers himself highly moral, but nevertheless has been married three times, can become infected. This is enough for one of the wives to become infected and then infect the next ones.

“And in the morning they woke up”

and in the morning they woke up...

And they began to think: “Have I become infected with HIV????”

Have I become infected with HIV?

Was it possible to become infected with HIV at all?

First, let’s determine: “Was it possible to become infected with HIV at all?”

He may be a virgin) (although it is possible that he could have been infected through a needle or from his mother during birth, breastfeeding when he was a baby).

Therefore, there is no need to panic right away.

First, try to find out his HIV status and bring him for examination. immediately and in a month, because may not show right away, and suddenly he is in . Who said it would be easy? You have to pay for everything, especially for pleasure.

Let's start with the worst option: “You had contact with HIV+.” In principle, HIV should be suspected in all unfamiliar, untested partners, even if she is “well-groomed and smells delicious.”

This wonderful sign will help you determine the likelihood of contracting HIV or AIDS if your partner was HIV-infected:

The risk of contracting HIV and AIDS through various contacts with an HIV-infected person in percentage.

Approximate probability of “catching” HIV infection from HIV positive under different situations.
Contact typeProbability of infection, %
Blood transfusion for HIV+92,5
Using someone else's syringe or needle after an HIV-infected person0,6
A needle prick after an injection for an HIV-infected person0,2
Passive intercourse through the anus with HIV+ with extraction of part before eruption0,7
Passive intercourse through the anus with HIV+ with the introduction of semen1,4
Active uncircumcised intercourse in the anus of an HIV+ partner0,6
Active intercourse with a circumcised man in the anus of an HIV+ partner0,1
Passive natural intercourse of a woman with an HIV+ man0,08
Passive natural intercourse between a man and an HIV+ woman0,04
Oral intercourseFantastically low
FightFantastically low
Slobbering, spittingFantastically low
Swallowing body fluids (such as semen)Fantastically low
Sharing toys for sensual pleasuresFantastically low

It is not so easy to become infected through sexual contact, and as the most important AIDS specialist in Russia, Academician Vadim Pokrovsky, says: “To become infected through sexual contact, you need to sweat VERY GOOD!”)).

May the hand of the giver never fail

Project "AIDS.HIV.STD." is a non-profit, created by volunteer HIV/AIDS experts at their own expense to bring the truth to people and to be clear before their professional conscience. We will be grateful for any help to the project. May it be rewarded to you a thousandfold: DONATE .

What contributes to HIV infection?

What factors increase the likelihood of contracting HIV infection. After all, not every contact makes a person infected. That’s why the horror story is about how, after a stormy night, a stranger writes on the glass of her victim: “Welcome to the AIDS club.” not entirely true, it might get carried away.

Even if you managed to be alone with an HIV+ guy, this does not mean that you have become infected.

Firstly, the risk of infection depends on the HIV+ status itself partner: if he:

  • regularly tested for viral load,
  • takes medications that suppress HIV,

as a result, he has an undetectable viral load and his risk is dramatically reduced by 96% (with little remaining).

If he is in the stage of acute HIV infection (6-12 weeks after infection), then at this time the infectiousness increases 26 times, the amount of the HIV virus in his blood goes off scale. In this situation, the risk of a woman becoming infected with HIV from a man with such a high viral load with a single normal natural contact soars from 0.4% to 2%!!!, and with contact in the anus for the receiving partner, the risk of infection increases from 1.4% up to 33.3%!!!

What helps you become infected with HIV and AIDS?

Also, whether you will become infected with HIV or not depends on his behavior: “How many partners does he have?” and if there are a lot of them, this is bad, the risk of infection increases, as well as from your behavior: “Did he put the elastic band on right away?” If he also has others, then this is a clear marker of his dysfunction (for example, gonorrhea in the anus or throat increases the risk of HIV infection by 8 times), even if he does THIS like a god.

The nature of intercourse is also of great importance, whether it’s just oral sex (the lowest level of risk, you can’t get infected with HIV through saliva (if there are no wounds)), or whether it’s an act on the anus (the biggest risk of contracting HIV, which is why there is now an HIV epidemic -infections among lovers of this method of obtaining pleasure) and of course duration, intensity, roughness (increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases by 3 times, HIV by 1.5 times). If there are abrasions, tears, blood, even with normal natural intercourse, this is very bad, you can skip and run to get tested for HIV after 2 weeks.

Is it possible to become infected with HIV through oral sex?

The number of documented cases of infection through oral few, but they are there. This is due to the fact that they are very difficult to identify, because... no one does oral sex only, but also .

Besides, there are different types of oral:

  • woman, man, anus,
  • different roles: active, passive,
  • change of roles: active - passive, passive - active.

Oral to a man

Although the risk through natural intercourse is much higher than through the mouth, there have been cases of infection of the receiving partner even without ejaculation. The cause of infection may be transmission of HIV through seminal fluid into the mouth with wounds and ulcers.

Oral to a woman

Again, the risk through natural intercourse is much higher than through oral intercourse, but there are documented cases where more likely HIV infection occurred through vaginal fluid, which entered the mouth with wounds and ulcers.

Oral anus

There has only been one reported case of infection of the receiving partner through stimulation of the anus with the mouth. Theoretically, infection is possible, just as with oral sex to a woman and a man, through infected secretions of the anus into the mouth with ulcers and damage to the mucous membrane.

Is it possible to get infected with HIV and AIDS through a kiss?

To become infected with AIDS through a kiss, you need to try REALLY, REALLY hard, there is a risk, but it is very minimal and certain conditions are required: ulcers, bleeding wounds, gums, injuries, it also depends on the type of kiss: simple, French, wet, hickey. Here's one rule:

The more traumatic the kisses, the higher the number of them with an HIV-infected person, the higher the likelihood of HIV transmission.

To date, only one case of suspected infection of a woman through kisses from an HIV+ man has been officially registered (according to the CDC). He kissed her regularly for 2 years, even when he had bleeding ulcers. Presumably because they had other types of unprotected contact, they had a rubber band accident, they used nonxynol-9 lubricant (increases the risk of HIV infection for women), but in this case the likelihood of contracting AIDS through kissing is high.

Apart from this case, there are no other recorded cases of infection through kissing, but this does not mean that it is impossible, it is just rare when it is done only smack-smack.

What does it take to become infected with HIV and AIDS through kissing?

  1. There must be biological fluid (seminal, vaginal, breast milk, blood) of an HIV-positive person in which HIV can survive. HIV does not fly through the air, it dies in an acidic environment (stomach, gall bladder), and it also dies where there is antibacterial protection, for example in the mouth.
  2. There must be a path along which HIV in biological fluid will move into the body of a healthy person , for example intercourse, used syringe, .
  3. There must be an “entry gate” for the virus , for example, a tear, an injection, a microtrauma.
  4. There must be a sufficient concentration of the HIV virus in the biological fluid for infection Therefore, HIV is not transmitted through saliva, urine, or tears.

From this we can conclude:

To become infected with HIV through a kiss you have to be VERY, VERY lucky.

Speedophobes and conspiracy theorists

It’s sad, but even today people who believe that you can become infected with HIV from shaking hands, touching someone, sitting on the toilet where an HIV-infected person sat, or touching a doorknob. There is, of course, out of ignorance. But if a person is provided with complete information, then these people really need qualified help from a specialist: a psychologist, a psychotherapist, so that they can get rid of the fear and depression that constantly haunts them.

If a person is at real risk of contracting AIDS, for example living with an HIV-positive person, then the doctor may prescribe pre-exposure prophylaxis (pre-exposure prophylaxis). One tablet a day can reduce the risk of infection by 90%).

What should I do next?

Determine the risk of infection using a test:

Test to determine the risk of HIV infection.

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Determining the likelihood of infection after drug or sexual contact.

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Time is over

    You are NOT at risk of contracting HIV.

    But if you still have concerns, then get tested for HIV.

    You DO have a risk of contracting HIV!
    Get tested for HIV immediately!

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 10

    1 .

    Have you had unprotected intercourse with a person who is (or may be) sick with HIV infection or AIDS.

  2. Task 2 of 10

    2 .

    Have you had intercourse through the anus with a person who is (or may be) sick with HIV infection or AIDS.

  3. Task 3 of 10

    3 .

    Have you had contact with the biological fluids of a person who is (or may be) sick with HIV infection or AIDS.

  4. Task 4 of 10

    4 .

    Have you had sexual intercourse with several partners or with a person who has many sexual partners?

Today, more than ever, the problem of HIV is acute. Despite active propaganda, the risk of infection is only increasing, as more people become infected every day. Every year, thematic meetings are held in educational institutions, leaflets and booklets are distributed, and series of programs are published, but the statistics are merciless. About 40 million people today live with a high probability of encountering a virus carrier. Moreover, he himself may not yet know the diagnosis. Therefore, it is extremely important to consider all possible routes of transmission of the disease. Do you know whether you can become infected with HIV through oral sex? Many are already beginning to doubt the completeness of their knowledge regarding this issue. Let's study together the possible ways the immunodeficiency virus enters the blood.

What is HIV

Despite the abundance of information, it would be useful to go over the theory again. So, this is the scourge of the 20th century. It does not live in the environment and dies without a host within a few seconds. However, in the cavity of the needle, where the remains of human blood are stored, it can easily survive up to 5 days. When it enters the bloodstream, it deprives the body of the ability to resist various bacteria and viruses.

An HIV-positive person with proper treatment can live a normal life. If treatment was stopped and the number of viruses in the blood increased and immune cells decreased, we can talk about the onset of the AIDS stage. This is a reversible condition. With proper correction, the AIDS stage may not occur at all, although the disease cannot be cured.

Oral contact

Let's take a short excursion into sexology. This term refers to a person using their mouth, tongue, and lips to stimulate their partner's genitals. There are different types of manipulations that have their own names. Many couples practice this method of getting sexual release, especially since this way they can avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Your safety

In fact, there are infections that are most likely to be transmitted to a partner through oral sex. However, this method remains safer than unprotected vaginal contact. In this case, the risk is only for the receiving partner, who performs manipulations with other people's genitals. In this case, secretions enter the oral cavity, which are sources of various pathogens. For a passive partner, there is virtually no risk, since he is in contact only with the oral cavity, and not with genital fluids. Therefore, if the partner is not permanent, reliable and proven, it is worth thinking about means of protection.

It is important to know

  • The very first option that doctors shout about at every turn is sexual intercourse. This is why the question so often arises: is it possible to become infected with HIV orally? After all, this kind of caresses in the mind is closely associated with foreplay or an alternative to regular sex.
  • Narcotic injections. An extremely common route of transmission of the virus. However, the solution is very simple; today, HIV centers provide free sterile syringes for injections.
  • In the process of blood transfusion.
  • From mother to newborn.
  • From a sick patient to a medical professional.

As you can see, nothing is said about whether HIV is transmitted through oral sex. This option is theoretically possible, but so far this possibility has not been confirmed. That is, there have been no such cases in world practice.

Intimate relationships

Let's take a little closer look at this point. It is clear that this term can be understood as a whole range of actions. Starting from petting and mutual caresses, to classic penetration. In fact, each region also has its own statistics on HIV transmission routes. In Russia today the leader is drug injections.

However, let's return to our topic. We want to know if you can get HIV through oral sex. The risk is minimal, but it cannot be discounted. For example, the probability of infection during anal sex is up to 3%. The more often contact with a carrier of the virus occurs, the greater the likelihood of infection increases. Therefore, if one of the spouses becomes infected, very often the second one becomes HIV-positive even before the first one finds out about it.

With a single vaginal contact, statistics show that the chances are even lower. Transmission of the immunodeficiency virus occurs in 0.15% of cases. However, the active partner, as a rule, cannot become infected. However, among the stronger sex there is usually more concern about this.

What can be said about oral sex? The inserting partner takes no risk at all, since contact occurs only through saliva. Therefore, speaking about whether it is possible to become infected with HIV through oral sex to a man, we can safely say that no such cases have been registered. That is, theoretically the probability cannot be denied, but in practice this has never happened.

For men and women

It turns out that the risks are not the same for both partners. Therefore, it is extremely important to know whether HIV can be transmitted orally. The reasons that increase this likelihood stem from the routes of transmission of the virus. The main thing is through blood. Thus, if there are bleeding wounds in a woman’s mouth, then theoretically there is a possibility of infection from an infected man. With the reverse scheme, if she is HIV-positive, we can talk about zero risk for the man.

In any case, the receiving partner is always more likely to become infected. Don’t risk your health; it’s much better to prevent a problem than to solve it later.

Not just HIV

Indeed, this is not the only danger that awaits those who practice oral sex. What can you get infected with if your partner is not honest enough with you? This is a whole range of Herpes, gonorrhea and syphilis, candida and so on.

How can you protect yourself? First of all, this is sex with a trusted partner. If he himself said that he is a carrier of HIV, then it is important to use contraception. If you still decide to have sexual intercourse, then remember the following risk factors:

  • You are more susceptible to the disease if you currently have a sore throat, there are wounds, sores or inflammation on your lips.
  • If a partner has sores, sores or cuts on the genitals, lips or mouth, this should be a subject of open discussion.
  • Infected fluids have gotten into your mouth or throat or onto your mucous membranes (eyes).

To protect yourself, you should also not engage in oral sex with your partner and brush your teeth immediately before the act. Also, try to avoid direct contact with vaginal secretions or semen.

How HIV is not transmitted

The answer to this question is asked very often. And in most cases, people are interested, they can be passionate about it. The virus cannot be transmitted this way. There is always a logical argument that if there are bleeding wounds on the lips and mouth, there is still a risk. Let's imagine this situation. You meet a stranger whose lips are bleeding, will you kiss him? Most likely no. A minor crack cannot cause infection, because the chances are negligible.

The virus is not transmitted through hugs and handshakes, or hygienic objects, that is, all household routes are absent. The virus does not survive in a swimming pool. Only those who have unprotected sex in a pool where an infected person is swimming at the same time can be at risk. Mosquitoes are not carriers of HIV, since they inject saliva rather than foreign blood into the body. Damage to the skin in public places, visits to the dentist and other horror stories are myths. The virus does not live outside the host, which means it cannot wait in the wings.

Cancer is the scourge of our time. Scientists are fighting this disease, spending enormous intellectual and material resources on it. Research is carried out simultaneously in many directions. Doctors are trying to develop a miracle cure, and at the same time they are studying whether it is possible to become infected with cancer in some way. In this article we will tell you everything that we have found out on this issue to date.

When cells in the body begin to divide abnormally quickly, some of them turn into malignant tumors, due to which a person is diagnosed with cancer.

If, unfortunately, there are people in your family or environment who are cancer patients, then you have probably wondered whether it is possible to get cancer from a sick person. The fact is that modern doctors unanimously say that this is practically impossible, but some situations that have recently begun to become more frequent around the world show the opposite.

Why might this happen? Cancer can develop in the human body under the influence of certain factors:

  1. Age – the older a person is, the higher the likelihood that he will develop cancer.
  2. Lifestyle. If a person at a young age does not give up bad habits and poor nutrition, then the likelihood of developing a tumor in the body is very high.
  3. Disturbances in the DNA structure. They occur every day in all people, but under the influence of carcinogens (ultraviolet, tobacco, radiation) a malfunction may occur and a tumor may form.
  4. Heredity. If someone in your family has had cancer, then the risk that you may get sick is quite high.
  5. Papillomovirus. If you have encountered it at least once, this means that you have a predisposition to cancer.
  6. Low immunity. In this case, any infection necessarily takes root in the human body and begins to provoke the development of abnormal cells.

Recent foreign studies have concluded that cancer is transmitted through certain contact in animals. This means that this option cannot be ruled out in people either. Next, we will look at in what cases a person can become infected with cancer, and when this is simply unrealistic.

In what cases is contracting cancer possible and in what cases is it not?

Scientists examined several cases in which a healthy person could hypothetically become infected with cancer:

  1. Transplantation of internal organs. If a person undergoes such a complex procedure, he is always prescribed immunosuppressive drugs so that the transplanted organs take root. However, these drugs can cause malignant tumors to form during cell division.
  2. During pregnancy, a woman may be diagnosed with cancer, and in this case, the woman will even worry more not about herself, but about her child, fearing that he will also become infected. There really is some truth in this. Scientists have come to the conclusion that if a future mother is diagnosed with skin cancer, then the baby can also become infected with skin cancer (melanoma). However, there has not yet been practical confirmation of such scientific arguments.
  3. Many life-threatening diseases are known to be transmitted through injections. However, it is impossible to become infected with cancer through a syringe, because cancer cells simply die in such conditions and do not take root, entering the body of another person through the blood.
  4. You can become infected with cancer through sexual contact, but only if the person has very low immunity and is predisposed to cancer. Most often, cancer develops on the reproductive organs if infection with papillomavirus occurs during intimacy. It primarily provokes the development of cervical cancer.

  1. There is an opinion among people that you can become infected with blood cancer - leukemia. However, it is not. Blood cancer is not a contagious disease, otherwise it would have to be dealt with like an epidemic of influenza or tuberculosis. Based on this, it can also be argued that it is impossible to contract lung cancer from a patient through airborne droplets.
  2. There is a very high probability that you can become infected with stomach cancer due to the Helictobacter bacterium, which lives in this digestive organ in each of us. The danger of this infection is that it can cause cancer through kissing. Of course, in your particular case, cancer may not develop. The bacterium will only provoke an ulcer or erosion of its mucous membranes. But if these illnesses are neglected, it will be quite difficult to avoid oncology, because cancer cells will multiply at lightning speed.
  3. There is an assumption that you can become infected with cancer through blood. It is confirmed by the conclusions made by Ilya Mechnikov that there is a direct connection between oncology and viral infection. The scientist suggested that cancer is a fungal disease, because it develops rapidly and affects different internal organs at the same time. This explains why in Japan today there has been an increase in the number of cases in which mothers with leukemia infect their newborn children with the same disease.
  4. When it comes to the transmission of nasopharyngeal cancer, we can safely say that it can be contracted through saliva, but only among representatives of the Negroid race.
  5. There is also another very common virus that a person can become infected with in early childhood and not even know about it, because he does not have any symptoms of infection. The virus can live in the cells of the human body for a long time, and then manifest itself in the form of brain cancer when a person reaches adulthood. This virus is called Epstein-Barr. The danger of this infection is that a person can become infected with cancer, in this case through saliva. For example, a child playing with the toys of a sick child who has licked them will definitely be infected.

  1. A dangerous virus like hepatitis. It is very famous and widespread not only because it causes the development of dangerous liver diseases. It can lead to oncology of this organ of the digestive organ. If a person is diagnosed with this disease, then it is no longer possible to save his life. He dies very quickly in a short period of time.
  2. The herpes virus, which is closely related to HIV infection, can also take root in the body so strongly that it develops into oncology. The human immune system, as we all know, with immunodeficiency is almost completely damaged; the body cannot resist the active influence of terrible infections on it. Scientists are sure that HIV infection cannot cause cancer, but the development of this disease cannot be denied, because the most favorable conditions arise in the human body for a tumor to grow in it, and perhaps not even one.

Is cancer contagious: scientific experiments

The number of people with cancer is only increasing every day. Scientists have to conduct all kinds of experiments and set up experiments to determine whether it is safe for healthy people to come into contact with cancer patients. To date, 3 striking and revealing studies have been conducted on this issue:

  1. The first was carried out in the 19th century by Jean Albert, a surgeon from France. He extracted a breast tumor extract and injected it through a syringe into several volunteers. The place on the skin where the puncture was made became very inflamed and painful, but after a few days all the unpleasant symptoms disappeared by themselves.
  2. A similar experiment was carried out by Carla Fonti from Italy already in the twentieth century. She transplanted ulcerative bacteria from the breast skin of a woman with cancer onto her own breast. The skin, of course, became inflamed, but this inflammation had nothing to do with cancer. It was caused by ulcer bacteria.
  3. In 2007, scientists at the Swiss University conducted a large-scale experiment that confirmed that cancer is not transmitted through blood. They performed several hundred blood transfusions from people with cancer to volunteers. It turned out that none of the participants got cancer.

Oncology is a terrible disease, and a person who wants to live and enjoy his life must carefully monitor his health so as to never hear a terrible diagnosis. But this does not mean that those who have become victims of the disease need to be isolated from their society. They are people just like us, moreover, they do not pose a danger to the lives of healthy people, but they really need our support.

Video: “Cancer you can catch”

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