Can a child be infected with HIV in dentistry? Is it possible to become infected with HIV in dentistry (at the dentist)? HIV and dentistry: is it possible to become infected?

When visiting a dental office, you are scared not only by the possible pain, but also by the question of whether you can become infected with infectious diseases at the dentist. During dental treatment, infection can occur when the gum tissue is damaged, during tooth extraction, or when bleeding occurs. In addition, the oral cavity is lined with mucous tissue and washed with saliva, which is also a gateway for pathogens and infections to enter the body.

Strict standards have now been introduced for the use of disposable instruments and for the sterilization and disinfection of reusable instruments, but the risk of infection remains. The notorious human factor cannot be written off.

Let's figure out what you really should be afraid of when getting into the dentist's chair and what to pay attention to.

Most of all, people are afraid that they can become infected with HIV during dental procedures. The specificity of this virus is that it does not live outside the human body and dies fairly quickly. Be wary if you notice blood on instruments lying on the table. The greatest danger is the use of a syringe for anesthesia.

The highest risk of infection is hepatitis B, 100 times more than HIV. However, if sanitary and epidemiological standards are observed, this is impossible. This virus is found, in addition to blood, in saliva and tears. There is a risk if they get on damaged mucous membranes or damaged skin. But relative. Transmission of the virus is possible through unsterile instruments and reused gloves.

Transmission of the hepatitis C virus is slightly less likely due to gross violation of sanitary standards. The greatest danger is the blood of an infected person.

It is unlikely that you will become infected with tuberculosis at the dentist. Here you should pay attention to the fact that the spittoons are clean.

Is it possible to become infected at the dentist in addition to such serious infectious diseases as HIV and hepatitis? When visiting the dentist's office, you can “catch” common respiratory viral infections transmitted by airborne droplets. True, the likelihood of this is no higher than when visiting other public places.

Infection with the herpes virus usually occurs through direct contact with the skin of an infected person, for example through a kiss. Theoretically, the virus can be transferred from a sick person to a healthy person through an object, such as a towel. It is unlikely that a dentist will scratch a sore while wearing gloves and then reach into the patient's mouth. Make sure that you are given a clean, autoclaved towel, preferably disposable. Now is the time to remember the advice to take a personal handkerchief or napkin with you. It is better not to take them from the pile prepared by the doctor. Imagine that a previous patient took napkins from here before you.

Make sure that your dentist takes out clean instruments, puts on new gloves, and inspects the area around the chair: the table and spittoon. Pay attention to what surfaces the doctor touches while wearing gloves. If in doubt, for example, if he is talking on the phone, leaving the office, etc., ask him to change his gloves. Knowing all the precautions in the dentist's office, you will not have a question about whether you can get various infections at the dentist.

It's not just sharp instruments and painful procedures that cause fear of the dentist's office. Many patients skip the mandatory visit every six months, and sometimes even delay treatment, for fear of contracting dangerous viruses and infections in dentistry. After all, it is impossible to know for sure how carefully sanitary standards are observed in the premises with such a dense flow of visitors.

What infections really threaten in the dental office?

Indeed, the specificity of medical procedures and the vulnerability of the examination site expose the patient’s health to a certain risk. The fact is that many diseases are transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person, and poorly processed instruments can be their carriers. What diseases can be removed from the dentist's office?


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) suppress or completely deprive the human body of natural immunity. Because of this, any disease becomes potentially life-threatening. There are many myths around this virus, so an infected person may not know about his HIV-positive status for a long time.

To date, more than 824,000 people living with this virus have been registered in Russia.

According to Vladimir Sadovsky, President of the Russian Dental Association, in modern dentistry it is impossible to become infected with HIV due to the careful treatment of all instruments, the chair and the room as a whole.

However, there is still a small chance of infection through objects that injure the mucous membranes, and there are plenty of them in the dentist’s office.

Hepatitis B

This is a viral disease, mainly transmitted through blood. It affects the liver and can be fatal very quickly if left untreated. Among the entire population of the Earth, about 350 million people are infected with hepatitis B. Up to 1 million patients die annually.

Just like HIV, the virus enters the human body through a damaged area on the skin or mucous membrane, it is picked up by the blood and carried to the liver, where it continues to develop. An infected person can live with hepatitis B for a long time without showing any symptoms.

You can become infected with hepatitis B in the dentist's office, although the likelihood is very small. Poorly processed equipment and gloves that the doctor forgot to change pose a danger, as blood from the previous patient may remain on them.

Hepatitis C

The most dangerous type of hepatitis due to the lack of a vaccine. Hepatitis C may not show symptoms from the moment of infection for up to six months, which means that the patient becomes a carrier of the disease, unaware of his status. Leads to serious pathologies of the body, such as cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Transmitted through blood.

At a dentist's appointment, you can become infected in the ways described above.


A disease occurring in the lungs and caused by the microbe Koch's bacillus. Along with the lungs, it affects the intestines and bones with joints. The period when tuberculosis can be quickly treated, occurs without symptoms and is very difficult to detect on your own.

Fortunately, an infected person is unlikely to be able to infect their loved ones during this time - a person with a healthy body and strong immunity has little chance of contracting tuberculosis after contact with a sick person. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, penetrating into the lungs. Tuberculosis kills up to 3 million people a year.

How can you become infected with tuberculosis in a dental clinic? Spit cups can be a source of infection if they have not been replaced after a previous use. By bending over them, a person can inhale germs. Koch's bacillus is resistant to environmental influences and can “live” for a long time outside the human body.


An extremely common viral disease. In total, there are 8 types of the disease, but the most common form is in the form of inflamed skin lesions on the lips and mucous membranes. It is transmitted through direct contact with a patient, but the virus itself can exist outside the human body for up to a day (at room temperature).

Once again, the danger lies in oral appliances. Since most people infected with herpes are located in the lips or throat, the virus can easily get on the instrument.


As in other public places, in a dental clinic you can become infected with influenza, diphtheria, scarlet fever, since these viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets. But, most likely, this will happen in line in front of the office than in the office itself.

Prevention of infections in dentistry

Doctor's personal protection

Contacting the mucous membranes and blood of dozens of people a day, the doctor exposes himself and the medical staff to the risk of infection if he does not follow a list of simple rules. Laziness or negligence can lead to the spread of dangerous diseases both among patients and among employees of a medical institution. Therefore, the main key to preventing the above diseases in the dentist’s office is a responsible attitude to work.

In order to avoid an epidemic of immunodeficiency and other viruses in hospitals and clinics, every health care worker is required to follow the requirements of the following acts:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ;
  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities”;
  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the management of medical waste”;
  • SanPin “Prevention of viral hepatitis B”;
  • SanPin 3.1.958-00 “Prevention of viral hepatitis. General provisions for epidemiological surveillance of viral hepatitis";
  • SanPin 3.5.1378-03 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities”;
  • SanPin “Prevention of HIV infection.”

From these follow the following generally binding rules for all health workers:

  1. Infected blood should never come into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth area. This is one of the reasons why the dentist must wear a mask, glasses, gloves, and medical uniform during the examination;
  2. During the break between doses, it is necessary to remove the gloves with the outer side inward. Never reuse the same gloves;
  3. If blood or saliva gets on the skin, the area is sterilized with 70% alcohol;
  4. If the skin is damaged by a piercing object, immediately remove and throw away gloves, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and treat them with 70% alcohol;
  5. If the patient's blood gets on the doctor's work clothes, they must be removed and disinfected in a solution or in a special disinfectant tank;
  6. In the event of such an emergency, the doctor must administer antiviral medications within 72 hours.

Patient protection

To avoid infection of the patient, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Strict adherence to sterilization and replacement protocols (above);
  2. All disposable tools must be used strictly once and then thrown away;
  3. Reusable instruments must be thoroughly disinfected by immersing them in a special solution or tank;
  4. Be careful when working with a scalpel, scissors, forceps and other sharp objects.

What to look for when visiting the dentist

The visitor himself can monitor compliance with all sanitary standards. For example, disposable devices are often unpacked after the patient enters the office. The spittoons must be clean. Towels – disposable or removed from the autoclave.

As a rule, the dentist first asks about complaints and only then approaches the chair. At this time, he must wear a new mask and gloves. If the doctor was already wearing gloves or touched a pen, medical card, or other surfaces and objects while wearing them, you can ask them to change the gloves.

A good dentist, respecting concern for his health, will not refuse to change his gloves.

What to do if you suspect an infection

At the slightest suspicion of infection, you should immediately consult a doctor and take all the tests prescribed by him. It is vigilance and attention to the body’s signals that can save lives, since many diseases can be defeated at the initial stage.

According to official statements by WHO, the Russian Federation is at the bottom of the top three countries in terms of the number of new cases of HIV infection. According to this indicator, only Nigeria and South Africa are ahead of Russia. The rate at which the infection is spreading is simply frightening. And particularly suspicious people develop a real phobia of contracting HIV. In particular, they are concerned about the question: is it possible to become infected with HIV, for example, at the dentist?

Table of contents:

How is HIV transmitted?

To understand how possible it is to become infected with HIV at a dentist, you must first understand how the infection is transmitted. There are three transmission routes in total.

The first route of transmission is sexual . Infection becomes possible when. Moreover, the virus is transmitted through all types of sexual contact (vaginal, anal, oral sex). Infection with HIV is almost impossible when using contraceptives.

The second route of transmission is parenteral , that is, infection through blood. Basically, this route of transmission occurs among injection drug users, when one syringe is used for everyone, and one of them is HIV-positive. Infection is also possible through blood transfusions, operations and various medical procedures. However, the likelihood of infection during medical procedures is extremely low, because in medical institutions all sanitary standards are observed, which ensure the cleanliness of instruments.

The third way of transmission is vertical , that is, transmission of infection from mother to child. The baby can become infected in utero, directly during childbirth, or during breastfeeding.

Can you get infected with HIV at the dentist?

Why do people fear contracting HIV at the dentist? Some people think that HIV is transmitted through saliva, but in fact the virus is not transmitted that way. But it is known that the virus is transmitted through blood. And dental procedures can cause bleeding in the mouth, which is a cause for concern. After all, it is unknown who was sitting in the chair before, maybe he had HIV infection and his blood got on the instrument?

It is theoretically possible to become infected with HIV during dental procedures. But in practice, the likelihood of contracting an infection at the dentist is close to zero. This is only possible if the doctor does not process the instruments at all. It is very difficult to imagine such a situation, because the work of dental offices is regulated by sanitary standards and is constantly monitored by inspection bodies. Therefore, all dental offices licensed to operate must process instruments as required by law.

So, the processing of dental instruments is carried out in three stages:

  1. Disinfection,
  2. Pre-sterilization treatment,
  3. Sterilization.

At the disinfection stage, dental instruments are placed in special disinfectants. After the end of the exposure, the instruments are thoroughly washed under water using brushes and detergents. Next, they begin sterilization - placing the disinfected instruments in an autoclave.


This three-stage treatment guarantees the death of all viruses, bacteria and their spores. That is, the instrument becomes sterile and the transmission of infectious diseases is excluded.

Control of disinfection of dental instruments

The quality of processing of dental instruments is checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station as planned - once a year. Self-monitoring is also carried out daily in medical institutions. Private dental clinics enter into agreements with private structures to exercise control.

To assess the quality of tool processing, special tests are carried out. Thus, after disinfection and pre-sterilization treatment, samples of the quality of pre-sterilization treatment are carried out. The azopyram test detects the presence of traces of blood, and the phenolphthalein test detects residues of detergents. The operation of sterilization equipment is monitored using chemical indicators and bacterial tests. Regularly conducting such tests makes it possible to assess the quality of instrumentation processing and, if errors are identified, to promptly take action.

To summarize the above, it is theoretically possible to become infected with HIV during dental procedures if dirty instruments are used. In practice, the likelihood of HIV infection is almost zero, since all instruments in dental offices must be processed after each patient. The main routes of HIV infection remain sexual and parenteral through injection drug use. The use of condoms and the absence of bad habits is a guarantee of protection against infection.

Despite progress in medicine, a remedy has not yet been found that will be effective in the fight against the immunodeficiency virus. So the disease remains incurable. And this scares a lot of people. The only way to protect against HIV remains to prevent infection. Many people are still not familiar with the information that describes how the virus is transmitted. Their knowledge is based only on unverified rumors and their own guesses. All this only increases the fear of infection. So today the question is very relevant: “Is it possible to become infected with HIV at the dentist?” Methods of transmission of infection and standards for sanitizing instruments will be discussed in this article.

Briefly about HIV infection

Today, every person knows that the abbreviation HIV stands for “human immunodeficiency virus.” This disease is characterized by the fact that small microorganisms cause disruptions in the protective functions of the body in people. The action of the virus can be described as follows. Once in the body, it affects the immune system, destroying cells responsible for protecting against infections and destroying microbes. Over time, a person becomes unable to resist external infections, either bacteria or fungi. The virus multiplies only inside a person. Outside the body it dies. The duration of life outside the body is influenced by temperature and humidity. The virus dies when heated (over 56 degrees Celsius). Sterilization of dental instruments completely destroys HIV, because it is designed for more tenacious viruses and bacteria.

Routes of transmission of the virus

The greatest likelihood of HIV transmission is from a person who is at the end of the incubation period, at the time of primary manifestation and at a late stage of the disease. The infection is considered to be a long-term illness. The virus thrives in all human biological fluids (blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk, saliva, tears, sweat, etc.). It is worth noting that the virus is contained in these biological fluids in different concentrations. This determines the difference in their epidemiological significance. Human biological substrates that have the greatest likelihood of transmitting infection include:

  • blood;
  • breast milk;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • sperm and pre-cum.
  • It is worth noting that HIV infection is caused by pathogens entering the internal environment of the body. We are interested in the question: “Is it possible to become infected with HIV at the dentist?” Therefore, we will consider the only possible method of transmission of infection through blood.

    HIV prevention in dentistry

    It is no secret that cases of infection of patients in medical institutions, manicure salons and other establishments have been recorded. The risk group includes all facilities where services involving surgical or cosmetic procedures are expected to be provided. Dental clinics are no exception. A huge number of people visit their offices every day. It is for this reason that it is especially important to comply with all sanitary standards and sterilize dental instruments. Today, every clinic has a preventive action plan. By fulfilling all the requirements, both a private dentist and a public hospital doctor protect themselves and the patients of their office from infection.

    Possible causes and features of infection in the dental office

    We are interested in the likelihood and routes of infection of dental patients. Can you get infected with HIV at the dentist? Theoretically yes. In a medical facility, you can become infected with a single exposure of virus particles to the blood. For example, this can happen during tooth extraction with an insufficiently sterile instrument. Repeated fractional hits (microinfection) can also lead to the development of the disease in the patient. As a rule, the body, having good resistance, is able to resist viruses. But the mucous membrane cannot always work as a barrier. When a person is treated in a clinic that has its own sterilization station, there is no risk of infection. The security guarantee is almost one hundred percent. Modern dental clinics in Moscow are almost all equipped to the highest standard. The so-called human factor can only play a cruel joke here. A negligent attitude towards preventing infection of any of the staff is possible. Therefore, the choice of a doctor must be approached with all responsibility.

    How do dental clinics in Moscow carry out sterilization?

    The virus in question is sensitive to high temperature. Boiling kills it very quickly (60 seconds). The virus is not able to withstand the effects of disinfectants (hydrogen peroxide, chloramine solution, alcohol, ether and acetone). In order to prevent infection, specialists at a modern clinic always follow sanitary rules. Dental instruments go through several stages of cleaning:

  • disinfection;
  • Preliminary processing;
  • sterilization.
  • In addition to these manipulations, a procedure is carried out to detect hidden blood on the instrument. The quality of sterilization is also controlled. Dentistry has long practiced the one-time use of such devices and protective equipment:

  • saliva ejector;
  • injection needles;
  • dental aprons and aspirators;
  • gloves, masks.
  • There are several rules that will help you protect your trip to the dentist. For many patients, this event itself is stressful. And if they are also worried about the question: “Is it possible to become infected with HIV at the dentist?”, a trip to the doctor may not take place at all. We offer several ways to kill two birds with one stone.
    Firstly, switching attention will work. And this will turn the patient away from the fear of dental instruments. Secondly, a person will feel much calmer when he can control his own security issues. You must make sure that the doctor opens the packaging of instruments intended for single use before your eyes. Before the procedure, you can pay attention to the condition of the instruments, as well as the cleanliness of the office. Correct actions in unusual situations are the key to safety. For example, anesthesia was administered at the dentist, after which the doctor accidentally pricked herself with a needle. What to do? The specialist should use the Anti-AIDS first aid kit, and not just change gloves and continue treatment.

    Providing dental care to HIV-infected people

    Federal law states that preventing the spread of diseases caused by the immunodeficiency virus in the Russian Federation also includes providing medical care. The reduction of contacts with the patient to a minimum is due. The doctor is obliged to maintain medical confidentiality. The law provides for disinfection measures. In connection with them, the advisability of placing sick patients in separate rooms was noted. At the same time, they must be equipped with the necessary equipment. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to carry out all therapeutic procedures last (after healthy patients). Patients with HIV infection can receive full dental care provided that the prescribed safety measures are followed. In turn, people with HIV infection must notify staff of their status.

    What to do if you suspect an infection?

    In general, experts recommend that all adults periodically get tested for HIV. This can be done using rapid tests, which are sold in pharmacies. The patient will receive more reliable information in specialized rooms. You just need to donate blood and wait for the result. Unfortunately, early diagnosis of HIV infection is complicated by the fact that the initial symptoms also occur with other ailments. However, you should be wary of unmotivated fatigue, increased sweating at night, and headaches. At the same time, high body temperature and prolonged diarrhea may persist. Symptoms of infection include:

  • weight loss;
  • furunculosis;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.
  • HIV can be suspected if the following diseases are diagnosed:

  • pneumonia (Pneumocystis);
  • Kaposi's sarcoma;
  • brain toxoplasmosis;
  • herpes zoster.
  • Instead of a conclusion

    In conclusion, I would like to add that in the field of medicine and dentistry in particular, algorithms have long been developed that make it possible to provide the population with the most safe and reliable treatment. If all preventive and protective measures are followed, the likelihood of HIV infection in the dentist's office is minimal. All this is due to the responsible approach of the doctor and the clinic management to their work and attentive attitude to even the most insignificant details. The responsibility for choosing a clinic and specialist falls on the shoulders of patients. A private dentist will conduct the appointment or a doctor on duty - this decision is yours. It must be remembered that you always have the right to refuse to perform manipulations if any of the doctor’s actions do not inspire confidence in you.

    Date of publication: 05/22/17
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