How to cook roast duck in a frying pan. How long to fry a duck, fry a duck in a frying pan

Delicious and simple recipes for cooking duck (fried, stewed or baked) are available in all culinary traditions of the world. Each country has its own characteristics and rules for preparing a whole duck, but the Chinese are especially successful in this: the famous Peking duck, rubbed with honey and served with juicy onions, green sauce and tangerine cakes, is considered the best way to cook duck for Christmas and New Year year.

Choosing a good duck

It is not so easy to find a suitable duck for the holiday table, since a high-quality bird that is well-fed, dry, soft, smooth, non-slippery and odorless is not often found. At the same time, it should have a firm breast, shiny skin, tender webbed feet and rich red meat when cut. Consider yourself lucky if you manage to find a two-month-old duck weighing 2–2.5 kg.

Interestingly, store-bought duck has more tender meat and tastes like chicken, while country duck is considered fattier.

Basics of proper preparation of duck dishes in the oven

Whole carcass, cooked in pieces or stuffed, but the most delicious is the stuffed duck, the various variations of which allow you to get a new dish every time. The most popular fillings for preparing stuffed duck are sweet and sour apples, sauerkraut, pickled lingonberries, boiled potatoes, rice or buckwheat with mushrooms and vegetables, pasta, legumes, fruits, dried fruits and nuts.

Before cooking duck at home, you need to wash it well, dry it, marinate or rub it with salt, spices, garlic outside and inside, and then fill it two-thirds with the filling. Then you need to sew the edges with thread, coat the duck with vegetable oil and put it in the oven in a duckling pan or on a baking sheet with high sides.

The most important thing in cooking baked duck is to achieve softness, juiciness and rich flavor. To do this, you need to calculate the exact time for cooking the duck in the oven, taking 45 minutes for each kilogram of duck meat from the moment the oven is fully heated, not forgetting to include 25 minutes for browning the carcass.

It takes up to 90 minutes to cook duck pieces in the oven - it all depends on the size of the pieces and the initial softness of the meat. The finished bird is served with various side dishes, spicy sauces, herbs, sour appetizers and dry red wine.

Duck and game: cooking recipes and their differences

Cooking Peking duck differs from traditional recipes in that the carcass is doused with boiling water, then rubbed with garlic and spices, placed on a jar and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours in a deep plate, as juice will be released from the bird. Cooking Peking duck is usually not very difficult, since it is baked in foil for an hour, after which it is coated with a mixture of ginger, sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper and again put in the oven for half an hour. The temperature for cooking duck in the oven should be set at 200 °C in the first stage, and at 250 °C in the second stage. Once cooked, the duck is brushed with honey sauce and served.

Cooking stewed duck, cut into pieces, involves pre-frying the meat with onions and vegetables. During the frying process, juice is released from the bird, in which the duck is stewed for an hour with periodic addition of water or wine. If desired, you can supplement the dish with vegetables, mushrooms and dried fruits.

Cooking a duck in a frying pan begins with marinating - the carcass is rubbed with salt, pepper and coated with mayonnaise, and after half an hour the bird, cut into portions, is fried on both sides in a hot frying pan, and then poured with water and stewed until cooked with spices and vegetables. A whole duck is fried in the same way.

Cooking duck in a sleeve or foil follows the usual scenario with one difference - the duck is placed in a sleeve or wrapped in foil, and then sent to the oven. The meat can be surrounded with potatoes and other vegetables, and the carcass can be greased with a mixture of honey, butter and garlic. In foil usually for an hour, and in a sleeve - 90–100 minutes with a baking temperature of 180 °C.

Cooking methods for wild duck are slightly different from traditional poultry cooking recipes. The fact is that game meat is tough, so it takes more time to bake or stew. It is best to cook wild duck in pieces so that it is well baked, but game has one peculiarity - its meat appears to be undercooked in appearance, although in fact the duck may be cooked. The spicy taste of game can be emphasized with roots and herbs, and the specific smell of fish, characteristic of wild duck, can be eliminated by marinating it in spices.

A few more secrets of cooking duck

  • Before roasting the duck, do not forget to cut off the butt to rid the dish of any unpleasant odor.
  • To obtain juicy meat, it is better to use juicy fruits and berries as a filling - apples, oranges, prunes, cranberries and lingonberries.
  • If you cook duck in foil or a sleeve, be sure to remove them 20 minutes before cooking to allow the bird to brown.
  • Periodically remove the duck from the oven and baste it with the fat that renders during the baking process.
  • Cooking duck in a slow cooker is considered simpler and faster; moreover, this method of baking, stewing or frying allows you to preserve as much as possible all the beneficial properties of the meat, and at the same time it remains incredibly soft, tender and juicy.
  • To prevent the duck breast from becoming dry, it should be fried very quickly on both sides over maximum heat.
  • Experienced housewives boil the duck for 20 minutes, and then cook it according to the recipe - thanks to this trick, the duck will never be raw.
  • Cooking duck in a duck pot and cauldron made of ceramic, tempered glass and cast iron makes the bird tender, tasty and aromatic.

Properly cooked duck meat is usually pink and bloodless, with a delicate flavor and pleasant aroma. People on a diet are afraid to include duck in their diet - and completely in vain. Followers of a healthy diet can also enjoy this dish if they buy less fatty poultry, stuff the carcass with dietary fillings and remove the skin before eating. Duck is an excellent dish not only for holidays, but also for every day, and it goes well with all products, so you won’t have any problems with side dishes. On our website you will find interesting recipes for cooking duck with photographs. Enjoy delicious dishes and do not deny yourself gastronomic pleasures!

15.10 Duck baked in the oven: Duck with apples, duck in a sleeve, Peking duck, duck in foil, duck with oranges - the best recipes

How to cook duck? This question arises especially acutely for housewives during the duck hunting season, as well as before the New Year and Christmas. What are the most popular duck recipes during the hunting season, or if the hunter is not very lucky?

Of course, this is duck baked in the oven, duck with apples in the oven, duck baked in the sleeve, and also a recipe for Peking duck in the oven. Duck with apples is a well-known dish, but duck with oranges is no less tasty - the delicate aroma and sweet and sour taste of oranges combine very harmoniously with duck meat. We invite you to learn how to cook duck and recommend eight of the best simple and delicious recipes for cooking duck in the oven. Roasted duck is very tasty!

Duck baked in the oven - The best hunting recipes

Duck is one of the most popular dishes not only during hunting season. Duck recipes are ideal for any holiday table. And, of course, traditionally the New Year holiday is not complete without oven-baked duck. For the New Year, instead of a Christmas goose, many people cook duck in the oven.

  • how to cook duck

Duck is especially good when cooked baked or stewed. If you want to know how to quickly and easily cook duck, choose a baking recipe. Duck baked in the oven- the most successful and simplest option for its preparation. Please note that a whole duck baked in the oven looks much more attractive and festive.

Duck baked in the oven can be stuffed, which is very tasty! Stuffed duck is two in one: both a side dish and meat! Most often, baked duck is stuffed with the following products: porridge, cabbage, dried fruits, quinces, apples or oranges; they can be used as a complement to meat. Aromatic duck with a golden crust lying on a platter with a side dish - what could be tastier?

Duck baked in the oven requires preliminary preparation before cooking. The duck carcass should be well washed, dried, with feathers completely plucked. Cut out the wen above the tail of the duck, you can even cut off the tail. Duck meat has a specific flavor, so it can be marinated before cooking. For the marinade, use lemon juice, wine, vinegar with herbs and spices.

The best recipes for cooking duck baked in the oven

This recipe for cooking duck in the oven will allow you to appreciate the classic taste of duck meat, which will be given a special piquancy by the sour apples used in preparing the duck. This recipe for cooking duck in the oven is quite simple and can be done by young housewives.

Ingredients for cooking duck baked with apples:

  • duck - approximately 2 kg
  • apples - 0.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • spices: ginger, cinnamon, black pepper

The process of preparing duck baked in the oven with apples :

As always, you should start by preparing the duck carcass. If the duck has been frozen, then it must first be thawed, it is advisable to do this gradually - first it is placed in the refrigerator, then the defrosting process continues at room temperature. Chilled duck does not require such manipulations. If the duck is not plucked well enough and there are hairs left on the carcass, they must be removed. To do this, the carcass can be scorched over the gas stove, the feathers and hairs will quickly burn. The remaining “stumps” can be easily removed; to do this, the carcass must be rolled in flour and then wiped with a damp towel. Next, the duck must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

The mixture for rubbing the duck carcass is prepared in a separate bowl, salt and spices are poured into it, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Rub the duck evenly with the homogeneous mixture prepared in this way.

Then start preparing the filling. The apples are washed, peeled, pitted and cut into slices or cubes. Next, you need to squeeze the juice of one lemon and sprinkle it over the sliced ​​apples so that they do not darken. Sprinkle the apples with salt and cinnamon, you can add other spices if desired - the duck filling is ready.

The duck is stuffed with the prepared apple filling. There is no need to be zealous and tightly stuff the carcass with apples, as there is a risk that during baking in the oven the skin of the bird may become very stretched and burst. After stuffing is completed, the duck carcass must be sewn up; for this, coarse threads and over-the-edge stitches are used. Using toothpicks is an easier and less labor-intensive alternative to sewing. Small cuts are made on both sides of the duck and duck wings are tucked into the resulting pockets. This is done so that during the baking process the duck retains its shape and does not turn out dry and wrinkled.

The stuffed duck is placed in a frying pan with its back down and its legs up. The frying pan is placed in a preheated oven. Every 30 minutes it is recommended to open the oven and pour the gradually rendered fat over the duck. Usually the baking process lasts for one and a half to two hours. You can determine whether a duck is ready very simply - you need to pierce the carcass with a knife in the thickest place. If the juice that comes out is without blood, it means that the duck is ready and it’s time to turn off the oven.

  • how to serve duck baked in the oven with apples

Before serving the duck, remove the threads or toothpicks. Duck with apples is usually served hot. The apples with which the duck is stuffed are placed on plates as a side dish. The duck itself can be effectively cut up in the presence of guests and tidbits can be placed on a plate for everyone present.

  • duck - two kilograms
  • apple - 1 piece
  • prunes - 100 grams
  • potatoes - two pieces
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • honey - to taste
  • lemon juice - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication

To prepare sleeveless duck baked in the oven with apples, you need to wash and dry the duck carcass. Next, brush the duck carcass with honey, rub with garlic, salt inside and out, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for one night.

After this, wash the apple, dry it and cut it into small slices. Stuff prunes and apple slices into the belly of the duck and sew them up with thread. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into small slices, add salt and pepper.

After this, place the stuffed duck in the sleeve, cover it with potato slices, secure the sleeve on both sides and place it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake the duck in its sleeve in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 2-2.5 hours.

Almost when the duck is ready, open the top of the sleeve and leave the duck to brown well in a hot oven.

  • duck carcass – 1.5-2 kg;
  • honey – 2-3 tbsp;
  • soy sauce – 3 tbsp;
  • zest of one orange;
  • cognac – 2 tbsp;
  • orange juice – 1 tbsp;
  • ground ginger – 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 1 tsp;
  • salt.

We wash the processed duck well, dry it with paper towels, and trim the tips of the wings. Rub salt on top and inside, pour cognac. Place the duck in the refrigerator in a saucepan or large bowl overnight.

Then we take it out, coat it with a mixture of honey and orange zest and put it back in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

Place the duck on a sheet of foil, wrap it, and place it on a baking sheet. Place in an oven preheated to 200°C for about 1.5 hours (drain excess fat during frying into a separate container).

Combine orange juice, ginger, pepper, soy sauce in a cup and add a little rendered duck fat (2-3 tbsp). Mix everything or beat in a blender.

We take out the duck, remove the foil (we cover only the edges of the legs and wings with it so as not to burn), pour the prepared marinade over the entire duck, including the belly, and put it back into the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 220-240oC until browned. We check readiness like this: stick a sharp knife into the meatiest place (for example, the thigh), if the juice flows out clear without blood, then the bird is ready.

We cut the finished Peking duck into slices and serve on a platter with savory pancakes made from rice or wheat flour, and thin Armenian lavash.

Separately, place on the table a bowl with sweet sauce (for example, a mixture of soy and honey), fresh cucumbers, cut into strips, and onions.

Before eating Peking duck, pieces of duck meat, cucumbers and onions are placed in a pancake or pita bread coated with sauce and then rolled up.

  • 1 medium-sized duck;
  • 8-10 apples;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon crushed cumin;
  • 8-10 olives;
  • 1 sprig of parsley;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of flour;
  • 0.5 cups of meat broth;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of fat.

Wash and dry the prepared duck carcass. Rub the inside and outside with caraway seeds and salt, stuff with small, seeded apples, and then sew the duck up with thread. Then coat with sour cream and place on a greased baking sheet with the back facing down. Place the baking sheet in a very hot oven and roast the duck until it is browned. Then reduce the heat to low and fry the duck until cooked, basting with the juices that have been released. When the duck is almost ready, place the remaining apples on a baking sheet and bake.

Remove the finished duck from the oven, remove the threads and apples, place it on a dish belly down, pour over the sauce. Place the apples with which the duck was stuffed around, lightly crush them with a spoon and place separately baked apples on them. Insert olives into the cutouts of large apples and garnish with herbs.

Prepare the sauce: pour the juice released from the duck into the flour sauté, add 0.5 cups of broth, bring to a boil and strain.

  • 1 piece duck
  • 8-10 medium sized apples
  • pepper,
  • bay leaf,
  • cinnamon,
  • lemon juice (1/2 tsp),
  • nutmeg,
  • salt - to taste

Rinse the duck, remove any remaining feathers, salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Place 3-4 apples (as many will fit) and spices inside the duck. Place in a hot oven (220 degrees C). Baste the duck with the fat generated during frying. Cook for 1 hour. Reduce the heat in the oven to 160 degrees C, put the remaining apples in the bowl. Fry for another 20 minutes. Serve hot. Apples can be baked separately and used to decorate a dish for the holiday table.

  • duck - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • or butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • salt to taste

A simple recipe for cooking duck in the oven. Wash the duck, dry it with a napkin and rub the inside with salt and pepper, grease the outside with oil. Tie the drumsticks together with thread, wrap the bird carcass in foil (3-4 layers) and place in a cool place. Bake the duck in foil in the coals, leaving a hole in the foil for steam to escape. Serve the whole duck baked in foil with a raw vegetable salad.

Duck baked according to this recipe turns out tasty, tender and aromatic, so how to cook duck.

  • duck,
  • mayonnaise,
  • two onions, one small head of garlic,
  • water, lime juice,
  • ground black pepper, ground red pepper, paprika, salt.

Wash and dry the duck using any known method. Then rub the duck with mayonnaise and a mixture of spices. Peel and chop the onion. Also peel and chop the garlic. Stir in prepared onion and garlic.

Prepare a baking dish for duck. Grease it with vegetable oil. Fill the duck with a mixture of garlic and onion, sprinkle with lime juice. Plug the hole with toothpicks.

Place a small amount of onion and garlic on the outside of the duck. Place the bird in the mold. Pour a glass or half a glass of water to prevent the bird from burning. To avoid burning the duck, the wings and ends of the legs can be wrapped in foil.

Bake the duck in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Approximate baking time is one and a half to two hours.

For some reason, almost everyone tried duck with apples, but only a few with oranges. And this dish is more tasty and refined. The delicate aroma and sweet and sour taste of oranges go very harmoniously with duck meat. We suggest you check it out in person. This duck is often called Christmas duck, but it can also be prepared for other holidays or on a day off.

  • young duck carcass – 2.0-2.5 kg,
  • 2-3 green celery stalks,
  • 1-2 oranges.

For glaze – 1 orange (juice), 2 tablespoons each. lie sweet wine (preferably dessert wine) and honey.
Marinade: 1 orange (juice), 1 lemon (juice), 1 tablespoon each. salt and vegetable oil, ½ table each. lie black pepper and Provençal herbs, 1 teaspoon. dried sage (optional, but recommended)

Method for preparing duck with oranges

Trim off excess fat and skin from the carcass in the neck and tail area, remove the extreme joint at the wing.

Dip a cleanly washed carcass without giblets into the marinade (squeeze the juice from lemon and orange and mix the remaining ingredients). Leave the bird to marinate overnight or overnight in the cold, turning it periodically so that it is soaked on all sides.

Grease the mold in which you plan to bake the duck (preferably with high sides so that the juice from the carcass does not spread) and place the bird on its back. Cut the orange into slices and place in the inside of the duck along with green celery stalks. If you don't have celery, replace it with apples or carrots. Vegetables and fruits placed inside the duck not only make it juicy, but also saturate it with additional flavors. Bake for 2-2.5 hours (190C). In the second hour of baking, the duck must be watered every fifteen to twenty minutes with the juice flowing from the carcass.

For the glaze, squeeze the juice out of the orange, add wine and honey and cook until the mixture has doubled in size. It should become thick, similar to syrup. Allow the finished duck to cool slightly for about fifteen minutes, remove the celery, remove the oranges and place around the carcass and pour the glaze sauce over it.

Of course, if the cats in your house cannot wait long for you to prepare a baked duck according to the correct recipe, then you can simply bake the duck and give them apples and tangerines in their natural form to speed up the process.

Sharpening ceramic and metal kitchen knives - cooking poultry quickly and without problems for kitchen knives - where there is shot, there is sharpening

It is not a fact that having shot a duck or goose, a hunter will be able to blame the rest of the process on his wife, who, in theory, should prepare all this for you. Many people cook themselves. But even those whose wife is her own chef, having long been on the hunt, can be called upon to help in the kitchen, let alone There is no escape from sharpening kitchen knives.

When cooking poultry, kitchen knives run the risk of getting into serious trouble many times. The fact is that when cooking game, the housewife will easily want to not only cut off the ducks’ legs or cut up the entire carcass, but even after cooking it, cut it up or cut it for a Peking duck. And what would happen if the owner hit in a heap and with small shot - the knife could not avoid encountering lead, and God forbid even with fashionable European tungsten shot.

Taking into account the fact that housewives, as a rule, do not suffer from knowledge of duck anatomy. then the cut will certainly have to be on the bones, and if it is a goose, in which nowadays there is solid reinforcement, and not meat (autumn “goes on oxygen, at full throttle, without stopping,” so the goose is as thin as a greyhound dog), then bad knives - it’s like a skiff, and even if the good ones fall into disrepair, it’s a pity. At the very least, sharpening will be inevitable.

And one more thing - if the housewife was warned that they do not cut bones with ceramic knives, just like with Damascus knives, but she, nevertheless. then, if the husband is harsh and in love with knives more than with you. Until my husband noticed, it’s better to sharpen the accidentally chipped knives myself. And then also blame him - that since he doesn’t sharpen, then you do it yourself.

Well, in general, if the husband himself is too lazy to sharpen knives all the time, or he simply doesn’t know how to do it, and if, moreover, he doesn’t exist at all. In any case, even without any special knowledge and skills, you can handle sharpening knives on your own, easily and simply, if you have a portable semi-automatic Nakatomi sharpening machine with diamond stones. Electric diamond sharpener Nakatomi NEC-2000 is the most convenient device for sharpening ceramic and steel knives at home.

So your Peking duck will be cut perfectly evenly(which is important both for a tender and well-cooked duck, and for one that will have to be torn with your teeth like a fighting dog) - if after cooking the duck you cut it with perfectly sharpened knives, so as not to ruin so much work by shredding with dull knives.

Andrey Shalygin PhD, DBA, Editor-in-Chief of National Explorer

People all over the world enjoy the great taste and aroma of dark duck meat. The most popular recipes are Peking duck (Chinese cuisine) and orange duck (French cuisine). Roast duck is the most common method of preparing this bird. Properly cooked, roast duck has a crispy exterior and juicy, flavorful meat on the inside. To learn how to roast duck perfectly, start with step 1 of our article.


Part 1

Preparing the duck

Remove the giblets. Remove the duck from the packaging and remove the giblets from the cavity. Decide for yourself what to do with the giblets. Some people simply throw them away, while others make a magnificent pate from duck liver, and cook broth from the remaining offal.

Clean the bird. Once you have removed all the giblets, wash the duck in cold running water. Shake the duck to remove any water from the cavity, then pat the duck dry with paper towels until the skin is very dry. Place the drained duck on a rack in a deep baking tray lined with foil.

Score the duck. Take a small sharp knife and make cross cuts (diamond shaped) into the breast of the duck.

Season the duck and tie the legs. Season the duck with coarse salt and ground black pepper, both outside and inside. Tie the legs by crossing them and tying them with meat twine.

Part 2

Roasting duck

Part 3

Making sauces and glazes
  1. Prepare the sweet and sour spiced glaze. For this glaze you will need:

    • 1/4 cup (80 grams) honey
    • 1/4 cup molasses
    • 3 tablespoons orange juice
    • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
    • 1 1/2 tablespoons sriracha hot sauce (smoked hot red chili sauce)
    • Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and simmer over low heat. Increase the heat to medium and cook, stirring with a whisk, until the mixture thickens to the point that it no longer drips off a spoon.
    • Set the glaze aside and use it when it is time to apply it to the duck. If the glaze is too thick, reheat it before using.
  2. Make the orange sage glaze. For this glaze you will need:

    Make a glaze with balsamic vinegar and honey. For this delicious glaze you will need:

    • 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
    • 1/4 cup (80 grams) honey
    • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
    • 1/2 teaspoon red wine vinegar
    • Add 10 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, honey and pepper to a saucepan and heat the mixture over high heat until it thickens. Stir the mixture constantly until it is reduced to 3 tablespoons of liquid.
    • Remove from heat and add 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar and ½ teaspoon red wine vinegar. Keep the mixture warm until then. Until you start glazing the duck.
  3. Make a delicious plum and apple sauce. For this great sauce you will need:

  4. Prepare lemon and redcurrant sauce. It is very tasty and easy to prepare, which is especially important when you are in a hurry.

    • All you need to do is mix 1 cup of redcurrant jelly with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in a small saucepan.
    • Bring the sauce to a boil, strain through a fine sieve and serve with roast duck.
  • Most store-bought ducks are frozen and need to be thawed in their original packaging in the refrigerator. A whole duck will typically thaw in the refrigerator within 24 to 36 hours. A faster method of thawing is to immerse the duck in cold water in its original packaging or waterproof plastic bag. Change the water every half hour. The duck will defrost in about 3 hours.
  • There is no need to baste the duck with fat when cooking, as there is already a sufficient layer of fat under the skin. The duck can also be glazed.


  • Stuffing any type of raw poultry can be dangerous because the stuffing mixes with raw juices that contain bacteria. The stuffing inside the bird cannot reach the desired temperature without killing the bacteria. Thus, many cooks prefer to cook the filling separately. Even cooks who stuff birds don't stuff ducks because the stuffing absorbs too much fat while the duck is roasting, making it inedible.

Duck, both domestic and wild, has juicy, tasty meat and thick, oily skin. The best place for her is her chest. Duck breast is quite rare in stores, but whenever it is on sale, don’t hesitate to take it; it produces simply wonderful dishes. Perhaps the most pleasant thing about duck breasts (fillets) is the combination of the fact that it is a very interesting and tasty meat and only this part of it can be completely separated from the bones and used as a whole without waste. Duck breasts are about 200-300 grams in size, which is simply ideal for preparing portioned dishes from them.

The most delicious thing about a duck is not only the meat, but also the skin, so it would be wise not to remove the skin under any circumstances, as this will greatly affect the taste. The famous dish of Chinese cuisine - “Peking Duck” - after cooking, is cut in a special way so that each piece has skin on it.

The actual recipe for cooking fried duck breasts in a frying pan is quite simple, but before you put the fillet pieces in the frying pan, you need to marinate them. It is best to let the breasts marinate overnight in the refrigerator, although a couple of hours will do.

Duck fillet should be salted generously - about 2 teaspoons of salt per kilogram of fillet and finely chopped garlic should be added; you don’t have to cut the garlic, but squeeze it out using a special press (garlic press). The amount of garlic is 1 medium head per kilogram of duck meat. Afterwards you need to mix thoroughly and leave to salt and soak in the aroma in the refrigerator for several hours.

After the duck has been marinated (salted), it must be fried in a frying pan in refined vegetable oil. You don’t need a lot of oil, just not a lot so that it doesn’t burn from the very beginning, and then a sufficient amount of fat will be rendered out of the duck.

You need to fry covered for about 30 minutes, constantly turning from one side to the other. Particular attention should be paid to the side on which the skin is, it should be fried as much as possible, but be careful not to burn or char. The more cooked the crust, the tastier the duck fillet.

Step-by-step photos of cooking roasted duck fillet:

How to eat not only healthy, but also enjoyable? It’s very simple - choose a recipe for stewed duck pieces ! This dish is intended for lovers of delicious food. Here is a luxurious culinary selection on the topic of preparing simple and affordable dishes for a family lunch or a festive feast.

It is almost impossible even for a beginner to spoil food in such a container. The thick-walled container carefully distributes heat, treats each piece of meat appetizingly, preserving the vitamin and nutritional composition of the food.

List of ingredients:

  • vegetable oil;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • domestic duck - up to 2.5 kg;
  • carrot;
  • bay leaves, salt, pepper (peas and ground mixture).

Cooking method:

  1. First, let's start processing fresh poultry. The carcass should definitely be scorched over the flame of the burner to destroy any remaining feathers. We remove the remains with tweezers and remove the tail to eliminate the specific smell emanating from the coccygeal gland.
  2. Now gut the duck, rinse thoroughly, and dry with paper towels. Next, we’ll infuse the juicy meat with additional flavors and aromas of spices.
  3. Divide the carcass into portions and treat with marinade. This can be a composition of mayonnaise, spices and spices, mustard combined with honey or citrus juice, or many other fragrant mixtures and sauces.
  4. We select the desired culinary mix, process the product, and leave it in the refrigerator for a day. The marinating time can be reduced to 3 hours.
  5. We take out the aromatic meat, fry the pieces until golden brown over medium heat.
  6. Coarsely grate the washed sweet carrots. We peel the onion and chop it into half rings. Place the golden pieces of meat in the duck pot, alternating them with sliced ​​vegetables.
  7. Pour hot drinking water into the container, filling more than half the volume of the container with liquid. Season the mixture with salt, add pepper (peas and ground mixture), 3 bay leaves. Simmer the food for 1.5 hours, covered, over low heat.

Cooking with vegetables in a slow cooker

If you still fear for the “experimental” result of the future dish, trust a wise kitchen unit. His mechanical “mind” will perform everything in the best possible way!

Product composition:

  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • duck meat - up to 2 kg;
  • liquid honey - 40 g;
  • spices, seasonings.

Cooking method:

  1. We process the carcass in a well-known way, cut it into portions.
  2. Initially, we cook in a slow cooker using the “Stewing” program. To do this, pour fresh oil into the bowl of the unit, lay out pieces of poultry, add 230 ml of purified water. Turn on the appliance to the set mode and set the cooking time to 40 minutes.
  3. We open the device after the specified period, change the program to “Frying”. Evaporate the remaining liquid from the container, then bring the meat to a soft state.
  4. Combine soy sauce, honey, chopped garlic, and selected spices in a bowl. Pour the mixture over the almost finished duck and fry the product until golden brown. Thanks to the aromatic mixture, the resulting crust will be deliciously tasty and deliciously crispy.

When we take the duck out of the slow cooker, we get an almost perfect dish.

With apples

Introducing a great way to festively decorate duck fillet and sweet and sour fruit. Nothing exotic, just familiar aromas of juicy meat and amber fruits!

Required components:

  • liquid honey - 80 g;
  • lemon;
  • duck fillet - 4 pcs.;
  • apples - 10 pcs.;
  • spices (pepper, salt), herbs (to taste).

Cooking process:

  1. Dry the bird breasts well with a towel and make not very deep diamond-shaped cuts on each part. Salt and pepper the product.
  2. Pour a pinch of salt into a hot frying pan and place the meat fillet skin side down. Fry the pieces for 7 minutes on all sides, remove from the container, chop into 2 cm thick plates. Drain the duck fat released during heat treatment into a bowl.
  3. Peel the apples, remove the cores, cut each fruit into 4 parts. Fill the slices with drinking water combined with squeezed lemon juice.
  4. Place the collected fat in a clean container, lay out the apples, fry for 5 minutes, then add aromatic honey and mix the mixture.
  5. We attach meat slices to the fruit, transfer them with the fragrant mass, pour in half a glass of hot purified water. Season the food with a spoon of any spice: cardamom, star anise, ginger, cumin, basil or cinnamon. The selection of fragrant herbs is very large!

Simmer the duck until cooked, place it beautifully on a platter, portioned portions with slices of delicious apples.

Braised duck pieces with potatoes

Incomparably tasty and very nutritious food, provided by a skillful combination of tender meat, root vegetables, vegetables and plants.

Product set:

  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • regular sugar - 15 g;
  • duck (legs, legs) - up to 800 g;
  • chili pepper, oregano - 4 g each;
  • tomato juice or paste diluted with drinking water - 450 ml;
  • beans, frozen corn - 2 cups each;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the peeled onion into half rings. Divide the processed poultry into portions.
  2. Pour oil into a thick-walled bowl, place pieces of meat along with vegetables, fry until the onion is transparent.
  3. Add corn and beans to the mixture without defrosting the food. Continue cooking until the liquid of the canned ingredients evaporates, then pour in 250 ml of vegetable broth. Heat the mixture to a boil.
  4. Add tomato juice (paste), spices and seasonings, peeled and diced potatoes. Continue the process for another 30 minutes until the root vegetables are ready.

Stewed duck with potatoes is ready for a delicious presentation!

How to stew with prunes

Adding dried fruits to a meat dish gives the dish amazing expressiveness. It is no coincidence that such dishes traditionally occupy a central place on the holiday table.

List of components:

  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • onions;
  • root of parsnip or parsley;
  • fresh duck - up to 2 kg;
  • carrot;
  • sun-dried prunes without pits - 1 cup;
  • premium flour - 30 g;
  • salt, pepper

Cooking sequence:

  1. If the dish is intended for a family dinner, the bird can be used without removing the bones to savor the thin ribs and tender cartilage. When preparing to receive guests, it is better to remove these components of the dish so as not to make those present feel uncomfortable during the meal.
  2. We process the carcass, separate the rib bones, neck and upper phalanges of the wings. We remove the sebaceous glands from the tail. Leave the legs whole, cut the pulp into portions, lightly salt everything.
  3. Fry finely chopped white roots, chopped onions and carrots. Soon the vegetables will brown and impart their natural shades to the oil. Now we load the meat pieces. Placing them skin side down to render out the duck fat.
  4. We continue cooking. When the excess liquid evaporates, we will hear the hissing of hot oil and feel the appetizing aroma of meat fried until golden brown.
  5. We find gaps between the pieces of poultry, add portions of flour, sauté for two minutes until slightly thick. Immediately pour in a little hot water, covering parts of the meat with the resulting sauce. Gently stir the mixture, heat to a gentle boil, and simmer the food for 40 minutes, covered.
  6. At the end of cooking, adjust the amount of salt and pepper, add a bay leaf, a clove bud, and pre-washed prunes.
  7. Let the food simmer for another quarter of an hour in an open container so that the liquid composition evaporates a little and the meat is slightly chapped.

Portions of duck stewed with prunes look as beautiful and attractive as if they were baked in the oven. Well, the taste of the dish is simply a delight!

In sour cream sauce

The presented dish of juicy poultry meat stewed in a fragrant sour cream sauce is one of the most beloved dishes. It could not be otherwise!

Components used:

  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 20 ml;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • duck - 1 kg;
  • sour cream (preferably homemade) - 300 g;
  • a pinch of pepper, salt.

Cooking technique:

  1. Cooking duck according to the presented recipe is not difficult at all. The main condition for a tasty and appetizing meal is a high-quality product - a young bird without foreign odors.
  2. We peel and wash the vegetables, chop the onion into half rings, chop the sweet carrots on the middle meshes of a grater, and chop the garlic cloves into thin slices.
  3. We carefully process the carcass and remove excess fat. Divide the duck into portions and fry until golden brown. Initially, lay out the pieces skin side down.
  4. Add the onion mixture to the golden meat. We continue cooking the products until the vegetable component is transparent, then add the carrots.
  5. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes, after which we pour in a little less than two glasses of hot water. Heat the contents of the pan to a boil, immediately reduce the flame intensity, and simmer the duck for about 40 minutes. Use a fork to check the softness of the meat.
  6. Season the dish with salt and pepper, place the garlic slices, and distribute fresh sour cream throughout the composition. The sauce made from a fermented milk product has a very pleasant creamy taste, so it is not advisable to saturate the simmering mass with an excessive amount of spices. At the last stage, cook the duck for no more than half an hour.

You can serve the dish on the family table directly in the roasting pan. What ceremonies are there! It's a pleasure to dip pieces of fresh bread into sour cream sauce, complementing the delicious taste of the stew.

French cuisine has settled in the Russian state since the times of Peter the Great, amazing people with its delights. You will be surprised, but duck with oranges is a delicious “echo” of past centuries.


  • vegetable oil;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • pre-cooked duck;
  • spices.


  1. We thoroughly blot the carcass after all the “procedures” performed on it. Cut the duck into small pieces and fry in a frying pan with hot oil. Cook over medium heat for the first 15 minutes, then increase the heating intensity until a bright pink crust appears. Remove the pieces of meat into a separate bowl.
  2. We peel the onion, chop it into large half rings, put it in place of the duck, and sauté until soft. The melted fat will be enough for the further process.
  3. We wash the oranges well, dry them, chop them into circles, then divide them into quarters. Add the fragrant pieces to the container with vegetables, fry until light brown.
  4. Finally, it was the duck's turn. Place the pieces of poultry among the delicious fruit and vegetable mass, pour in 100 ml of hot purified water. After the boil begins, reduce the heat and simmer the food covered for a little over an hour.

We elegantly serve cooked food and serve hot food in all its French splendor.

Each recipe for stewed duck pieces is just a sketch, a preliminary sketch of a future culinary creation. We just have to show a little imagination to complete this “tasty” and very enjoyable creation.

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