Why do you dream about cornflowers? Interpretation of sleep price in dream books. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Flower?

Cornflowers in a dream are a very ambiguous symbol. In the dream book you can find several completely different interpretations. In order to correctly interpret what dreams mean - whether they promise fun, romance, a date, or warn of difficulties or illness - you need to remember the details of the vision.

Changes and difficulties are coming

A dreamed cornflower often foreshadows the futility of the dreamer's hopes. Also, according to the dream book, it symbolizes short-lived joy, small pleasant incidents that can distract you from your daily routine for a while.

The cornflowers themselves in a dream represent a change in the soul. Tearing them promises a change in the course of things: if they are going well, there will be changes for the worse, if they are bad, for the better.

Sometimes the dream book gives the following interpretation of a dream about cornflowers: difficulties in business lie ahead. Initiatives that were going well will stall.

Tearing - there is a big risk of losing your job.

Fight the anger

Trampling flowers underfoot foreshadows senseless outbursts of anger and anger. It is necessary to minimize such manifestations of emotions, since a nervous breakdown may occur.

Did you dream that someone gave them to you? Beware: a serious illness awaits you due to the fault of one of your relatives.

Why do you dream of smelling a bouquet of cornflowers? The dream book informs: the person sleeping in reality realizes that his dreams are unrealistic, but they bring a lot of joy, so a person cannot give up on them.

Love, emotional impulses

Making a bouquet of them yourself in a dream means the old acquaintance will soon be resumed. For a girl to see such flowers, it foretells the appearance of many fans. A bouquet of cornflowers can also promise a quick romantic date.

These flowers sometimes reflect the spiritual impulses of the sleeper. We must remember what they were like: fresh, beautiful, or faded, shabby. And for young spouses, such flowers in a dream promise the imminent birth of a child.

Subtleties of relationships

Why do you dream of a cornflower abandoned on the road? The dream book emphasizes: the dreamer’s feelings for his chosen one (chosen one) are not the same as before. However, a short separation can revive them and give them new impetus.

A cornflower field in a dream often means: there is fun ahead, a meeting, drinking with friends, a noisy company. Excesses should be avoided so that fun does not turn into its opposite.

Did you dream of seeing cornflowers and daisies growing in a field? The dream book states: you are about to have a long, stormy romance with an interesting person. It will bring a lot of positive things, not least of which is secrecy.

Values ​​according to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream of collecting cornflowers and daisies? Nothing will darken the dreamer’s happiness very soon. Collecting cornflowers means you will soon have a long conversation with your loved one.

What did they do with them?

Remember what you had to do in your dream with cornflowers:

  • just seeing is a reminder of the chosen one;
  • collect - your love relationships are simple, but bring great joy;
  • plant in the garden - you will be slandered;
  • weave a wreath - you will be lucky in the little things.

If a girl wove a wreath from them, this means a touching, tender relationship between lovers. Perhaps the chosen one will propose.

Did you dream that they were growing right in the garden? Take care of your health: such a dream warns of a serious illness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Cornflowers- date.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • date.

Freud's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed of cornflower
  • Picking cornflowers in a dream- a dream means that changes will soon begin in your life. They will be associated with a new partner (partner), who will be distinguished by simplicity and naivety.

Esoteric dream book

  • Cornflowers- to tender relationships, small children in the house.

Children's dream book

  • Knapweed- frank conversation with a friend.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Knapweed- change in soul.
  • tear it up- changes in business.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

  • Cornflowers in the field mean fun and drunkenness; they are torn apart by a serious illness and the death of a loved one.

Dream book of lovers

  • If you dream that you are picking cornflowers- this means that you will meet a person with whom the love relationship will be simple and uncomplicated.

Old Russian dream book

  • date.

Russian dream book

  • To great joy

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Knapweed- this flower for girls was the personification of her lover, which is why wreaths woven from cornflowers were so popular.
  • In a dream there are cornflowers- can serve as a reminder of your other half or be a reflection of your spiritual impulses.
  • Picking cornflowers in a dream- in reality you will have a long conversation with your loved one.
  • Seeing a bouquet of cornflowers in a dream- have many fans in reality.
  • If you dreamed of a cornflower being picked by someone and thrown on the road- this means that your feelings towards your loved one have somewhat dulled, but they will flare up with renewed vigor after a short separation.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Cornflowers in a dream- a sign of small and most often pleasant events that can temporarily distract you from ordinary affairs.
  • If the cornflowers in your dream look drooping or withered- most likely, the reason for this is the premonition of sad news about someone you know.

Modern combined dream book

  • Cornflowers in the field- joy, drunkenness; pick cornflowers- serious illness, death of a loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • See yourself in a field among cornflowers, picking these flowers and you already have armfuls of them in your hands- prepare for some kind of loss, in some cases even the death of a loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

  • Seeing yourself in a field early in the morning, and around a whole sea of ​​cornflowers- in reality you will be in a place where you will experience great aesthetic pleasure.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

  • Cornflowers- to the death of a loved one.

Collection of dream books

  • Cornflowers- to great joy.
  • If you dreamed of cornflower- this indicates that having sex with your partner fits into the definition: simple, but tasteful.
  • Picking cornflowers in a dream- the dream foretells that changes will soon begin in your life. They will be associated with a new partner (partner), who will be distinguished by simplicity and naivety.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

  • Cornflowers- date, fun; tear- to fun, change / illness, death of a loved one.

Flowers in a dream usually foreshadow pleasant and kind things. Soon you may have a romantic date, communication with children, or an interesting work project. But exactly why do you dream about cornflowers? You can find out by reading the values ​​below.

I dreamed of cornflowers - there will be a date, reports Maly Velesov’s dream book. Moreover, this could be a romantic dinner either with your spouse or with a new, attractive acquaintance. The meeting will be remembered for nice conversations and good jokes.

Tearing cornflowers in a dream means having fun. This could be a meeting dedicated to a birthday, wedding, birth of a child, or just a party with friends for no reason. By the way, there is a high probability that you yourself will become the organizer of the event.

A dream in which an unmarried girl had a chance to collect cornflowers promises her a meeting with her chosen one. He will turn out to be a simple and easy-to-communicate guy and will attract the young lady with these very qualities. There is a high percentage of probability that this relationship will be crowned with a magnificent wedding and a happy marriage.

In the Psychological Dream Book, cornflower is included as a sign of a harmonious intimate relationship with a loved one. In this regard, everything will work out easily and as if by itself. This will allow you to improve your relationship with your partner and increase your level of trust.


Wilted cornflowers enter a dream as a warning - be attentive to your health in the near future. Dress warmly, eat right and remember to sleep well. This will keep you toned and energized throughout the day.

Trampling cornflowers in a dream means experiencing negative emotions. However, you can easily avoid this if you manage to pull yourself together and calm down in time. The reason for your feelings will be trivial and will only make you laugh afterwards.

Sniffing cornflowers in a field means a sudden change of plans. You will have to quickly adapt to new conditions. However, later you realize that they are extremely beneficial for you and open up a lot of new opportunities for realizing your potential.

If you see a cornflower field in a dream, you are in for a whirlpool of unexpected events, which at first may cause you confusion. The dream book recommends that you relax and sort out the order of tasks. After you do this, the chaos will stop and all your business will go like clockwork.

The interpretation of dreams differs depending on the time of year outside the window:

  • Seeing cornflowers in a dream in the summer means hot weather.
  • If you had a dream in the fall, you will receive a long-awaited gift.
  • If you saw flowers in winter, a loved one will take care of you.
  • A spring dream portends improved health.

Seeing cornflowers in the hands of children means a new addition to your family. A happy pregnancy can occur both in your close relatives and in your couple. Show interest in this topic and you will soon learn good news. The flowers were in the hands of an elderly person - you will spend time with the older generation and receive valuable, wise advice that will allow you to find answers to long-standing questions. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova

Why do you dream of a blossoming cornflower? Depending on the plot of the dream, seers give completely different predictions. A flower can mean joy, the beginning of a new relationship. Sometimes the dream book reports problems and illness.

According to Miller

A psychologist interprets seeing a blooming or picked cornflower as a harbinger of small changes in life.

Why do you dream of collecting cornflowers and daisies? A fun event will happen soon that you will sincerely rejoice at.

Collecting cornflowers means a long and serious conversation with your chosen one.

Changes and difficulties

Cornflower in a dream indicates the impossibility of desires.

According to another version, he predicts short-term luck, which will distract from a series of gray days.

The dream book identifies cornflowers with the changes that the soul has undergone. Tearing them means changes in work. If everything was fine before, get ready for problems to start. If the current situation is not very successful, then everything will be resolved soon.

Broken cornflowers appearing in a dream often foreshadow a slowdown in business. Was everything going swimmingly before? Now, on the contrary, difficulties will arise out of nowhere.

Did they tear them? The dream book warns: the likelihood of being fired increases sharply.

Control the Negativity

Did you trample flowers underfoot in your sleep? Soothsayers recommend keeping yourself in control during groundless outbursts of anger. Otherwise, if you do not suppress destructive emotions, you will have a nervous breakdown.

Did someone give you limp cornflowers? The dream book warns of a serious illness in which a loved one will be involved. Don't look for someone to blame, just be more careful.

Why do you dream of smelling a bouquet of cornflowers? You will understand that you will not be able to fulfill your dream, but thoughts about it will bring pleasure.

Falling in love and other emotions

In a dream, you made a bouquet of flowers yourself - in reality, previously stopped communication will be resumed.

For a young woman, cornflowers predict many suitors. And the dream book deciphers a bouquet in a dream as a romantic pastime.

Flowers are often a reflection of the spiritual impulses of a person. Remember what they were like in your dream: fresh and beautiful, or limp and frayed.

For a young wife, the dream book predicts an early pregnancy, an easy birth and a healthy baby.

Nuances of relationships

Why do you dream of a cornflower abandoned on the road? The feelings that the person experiences for the chosen one began to fade away. But a short separation can bring back the former passion and tenderness.

A cornflower field in a dream is interpreted as a pleasant pastime. For example, a fun party with loved ones, alcohol, jokes, pranks. But the dream book recommends observing moderation and using common sense. Permissiveness will result in disaster.

Chamomiles and cornflowers growing in a field portend: in the near future you will begin a romance with an amazing person. You decide not to advertise the relationship, having experienced unforgettable delightful emotions.


We saw a flower in a dream - a reminder of a loved one in reality.

Collected - the simplest relationships will bring happiness.

A dream in the spring is a sign of joy; in the summer - to change; In autumn, you will drink alone; in winter - to melancholy.

1 Cornflowers by Astrological dream book

Seeing cornflowers growing in a dream means great fun.

1 Cornflowers by Astrological dream book

If you dream that you are picking cornflowers, this means that you will meet a person with whom your love relationship will be simple and uncomplicated.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Cornflowers by Tsvetkov's dream book

Cornflowers in a dream means:


1 Cornflowers by Russian dream book

Cornflower dream meaning:

To great joy.

1 Cornflowers by Family dream book

Cornflower - The expected will not come true, hopes will be deceived. Trample cornflowers, tear them - to causeless anger, a nervous breakdown. Sniffing cornflowers is a vain hope, a failure that you understand deep down in your soul, but you consciously turn a blind eye to it. Seeing cornflowers in a Saturday dream means pleasant moments and a good mood.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Cornflowers by Rick Dillon's Dream Book

In the field there is fun with drinking.

1 Cornflowers by Esoteric dream book

Cornflowers in a dream mean:

To tender relationships, small children in the house.

1 Cornflowers by An old Russian dream book

Cornflower - A sign of fragile joy; picking these flowers marks some change.

1 Cornflowers by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Date, fun; tearing - to fun, change / illness, death of a loved one.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Cornflowers by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why does a woman dream of cornflowers:

You see a bouquet of cornflowers - the dream warns you of an upcoming date; this date will be pleasant. It’s as if you are picking cornflowers and making a bouquet of them - a change is expected in your affairs; if things were going well, then the change will be for the worse; if things went badly, then for the better.

1 Cornflowers by Fairytale-mythological dream book

Seeing cornflowers in a dream means:

Basilisk - A snake-like creature, a king of snakes, or a creature with the head of a rooster, the body of a toad, bird wings and a snake tail, poisonous at the end - mortal or exaggerated danger; dangerous woman.

1 Cornflowers by Danilova's children's dream book

Cornflowers in a dream in the dream book are interpreted as:

Cornflower - a frank conversation with a friend.

1 Cornflowers by Old Russian dream book

Cornflowers in a dream means:


1 Cornflowers by Slavic dream book

Cornflower dream meaning:

Date; tearing - a change in business.

1 Cornflowers by Combined dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of cornflowers:

If you dreamed of a cornflower, this indicates that having sex with your partner fits the definition: simple, but tasteful.

Picking cornflowers in a dream - the dream foretells that changes will soon begin in your life. They will be associated with a new partner (partner), who will be distinguished by simplicity and naivety.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Cornflowers by Modern dream book

What can cornflowers dream about:

Cornflowers in the field - joy, drunkenness; Picking cornflowers is a serious illness, the death of a loved one.

1 Cornflowers by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Cornflowers in a dream mean:

To see yourself in a field among cornflowers, picking these flowers and you already have whole armfuls in your hands - get ready for some kind of loss, in some cases even the death of a loved one.

1 Cornflowers by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If a girl dreams of cornflowers, it means:

To see yourself in a field early in the morning, and there is a whole sea of ​​cornflowers around - in reality you will be in a place where you will experience great aesthetic pleasure.

1 Cornflowers by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why does a woman dream of cornflowers:

To the death of a loved one.

1 Cornflowers by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Seeing cornflowers in a dream means:

If you dreamed of cornflowers in a dream, you may see a dead child.

In a dream, you collected and smelled cornflowers - to a serious illness.

Receiving cornflowers as a gift is a serious illness due to the fault of one of your loved ones.

Knapweed- frank conversation with a friend.
Children's dream book

If you dreamed of cornflower
Picking cornflowers in a dream- the dream foretells that changes will soon begin in your life. They will be associated with a new partner (partner), who will be distinguished by simplicity and naivety.
Combined dream book

Cornflowers in the field- joy, drunkenness; pick cornflowers- serious illness, death of a loved one.
Modern dream book

Cornflowers in a dream- a sign of small and most often pleasant events that can temporarily distract you from ordinary affairs.
If the cornflowers in your dream look drooping or withered- most likely, the reason for this is the premonition of sad news about someone you know.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

See yourself in a field among cornflowers, picking these flowers and you already have armfuls of them in your hands- prepare for some kind of loss, in some cases even the death of a loved one.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing yourself in a field early in the morning, and around a whole sea of ​​cornflowers- in reality you will be in a place where you will experience great aesthetic pleasure.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Cornflowers- to the death of a loved one.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

If in a dream you dreamed of cornflowers- you can see a dead child.
In a dream you collected and smelled cornflowers- to a serious illness.
Receive cornflowers as a gift- a serious illness caused by someone close to you.
Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of cornflower- this indicates that having sex with your partner fits into the definition: simple, but tasteful.
Picking cornflowers in a dream- a dream means that changes will soon begin in your life. They will be associated with a new partner (partner), who will be distinguished by simplicity and naivety.
Freud's Dream Book

Cornflowers- date.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Cornflowers- to tender relationships, small children in the house.
Esoteric dream book

Cornflowers- date, fun; tear- to fun, change / illness, death of a loved one.
Maly Velesov dream book

Knapweed- change in soul.
tear it up- changes in business.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina

As a rule, cornflowers in a dream- this is a sign of short-lived joy; they foreshadow changes in life.
Dream book of the 21st century

Cornflowers- to great joy.
Russian dream book

Knapweed- the expected will not come true, hopes will be deceived.
Trample cornflowers, tear them- to causeless anger, a nervous breakdown.
Smell cornflowers- vain hopes, inconsistency, which you understand deep down yourself, but deliberately close your eyes to it.
In a Saturday dream to see cornflowers- to pleasant moments, good mood.
Dream book for the whole family

Cornflowers- fun, friendly party.
Collect cornflowers and weave a wreath in a dream- slight ailment, illness.
Dream book for a bitch

If you dream that you are picking cornflowers- this means that you will meet a person with whom the love relationship will be simple and uncomplicated.
Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Cornflowers in the field- fun, drunkenness; tear- illness, death of a loved one.
Solomon's Dream Book

Knapweed- a sign of fragile joy; picking these flowers marks some change.
Dream Interpreter

Knapweed- this flower for girls was the personification of her lover, which is why wreaths woven from cornflowers were so popular.
In a dream there are cornflowers- can serve as a reminder of your other half or be a reflection of your spiritual impulses.
Picking cornflowers in a dream- in reality you will have a long conversation with your loved one.
Seeing a bouquet of cornflowers in a dream- have many fans in reality.
If you dreamed of a cornflower being picked by someone and thrown on the road- this means that your feelings towards your loved one have somewhat dulled, but they will flare up with renewed vigor after a short separation.
Aesop's Dream Book

Accumulating cornflowers in a dream - expect changes in your life in the near future.
If you smelled them, expect vain aspirations, poverty, which you are well aware of, but do not want to do anything about it.
Engaging in collecting and weaving cornflowers - a dream warns of visible ailments and diseases.
You dream of field cornflowers - in reality you will have fun and get drunk.
If you dreamed about a bouquet of them, the dream book foretells you a lot of admirers.
Online dream book

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