Planets on the ascendant or how the birth went. Conjunction of planets with the Ascendant Venus on the Ascendant in women

Jupiter–ASC conjunction

Optimism, self-confidence, which mobilizes the goodwill and trust of people. Philosophical and religious interests are often spiritual leaders, founders of religions. They love to travel if Jupiter is not in a fixed sign. With bad aspects - delusions of grandeur, a tendency to be overweight.
Francis Sakoyan

Jupiter conjunct the ASC- you are an open, friendly and generous person, at least outwardly. Religion and philosophy play an important role in your life, you are very open-minded and give others the benefit of the doubt. However, if Jupiter has difficult aspects, you may be unyielding. Sports often attract you, and you achieve excellent results in anything that requires physical dexterity. You help people and can be very accommodating to them, but only as long as they respect your moral and ethical standards. You love to travel and live outdoors.
You try to use new suggestions and ideas that can expand your worldview. If Jupiter is in the 12th house, you will not be so open, but you will be lucky and people will always think that you have a lucky hand. When Jupiter is in the 1st house, weight problems may arise.

Trigon (trine), sextile Jupiter – ASC

People often mean a lot to you, and your attractiveness and openness make it easy for you to get along with them. Friends play an important role in your life and often help you in
implementation of your ideas. Witty, outgoing and fun-loving, you enjoy life and are often the life of the party. Try not to be very talkative and superficial and be sure to use your abilities in the field of religion, law, philosophy and other similar sciences. yours
the motto could be - Don't get attached to me because your keyword is travel. You love to be constantly on the move. You often achieve success abroad.

Opposition, square Jupiter – ASC

Square. Interferes with social life, makes them awkward to handle. Pompous, boastful, pompous, know-it-all. They try to do everything at once, which leads to overwork and bad luck. They waste their energy a lot.
Francis Sakoyan

Jupiter in square-opposition-quincunx with the ASC- You tend to dramatize and exaggerate daily events. If you can use this ability correctly, you will be a successful writer or actor. People are important in your life, but you tend to dominate in personal and business relationships. If you were able to make more mature connections, then
you would understand that you should get used to making concessions, and you would see that there are other points of view besides yours. Your parents play an important role in shaping your moral and ethical principles, and it is very likely that you will sincerely try not to disappoint them and live by their example. How restless are you?
mentally as well as physically, you need to release this energy creatively.


Planets on the Ascendant are of great importance; they help in determining the type of personality and play a major role in reading life events according to the horoscope.

Different planets, being on the ascendant, contribute to the formation of different personality types. For example, people with the Sun on the ascendant easily stand out among other people, since they always strive for primacy, crave attention to their person, shine in society, trying to play a noticeable role in any way. These included Emperor Augustus (born before sunrise, had pronounced ambition), Emperor Nero (born at sunrise, in the sign of Sagittarius), Peter I, Nicholas I, Queen Victoria, Catherine de Medici, Richard Wagner (pronounced vanity) , Glinka.

However, depending on the cosmogram (i.e. the position of other planets), these people will glorify themselves in different ways. For example, those born at sunrise under the sign of Virgo will gain intelligence and cunning.

Planets are considered to be on the ascendant if they are located at a distance of no more than 5 degrees. from the ascendant point in the XII house and no more than 10 degrees. in the first house.


It is given to people who were born at sunrise. This situation immediately increases the brightness of a person’s life and gives him improved physical characteristics. In life, such a person radiates energy around him. Many of the people around him will succumb to his charm. Such a person will be persistent and vigilant, as he carries “sunny” characteristics.

The sun on the ascendant is also reflected in the formation of the appearance of a person who acquires a round face, such as Peter I (tall, ruddy, graceful build).

Ideal - Apollo Belvedere.

Examples: Glinka, Omar Khayyam, Wagner, Nicholas I.


People born at the rising of the night star acquire some duality. Their psyche will be labile. The moon will cause very strong reactions in them in all its phases. This situation can be favorable for actors, artists and people of changing professions.

When the moon is “suppressed” by unfavorable aspects (as was the case in Goya’s horoscope), it creates gloom in a person, some pretentiousness, and too sudden a change in psychological cycles (as was the case with Charlie Chaplin, Rossini). All this causes a somewhat weak personality type, especially in men, and determines a tendency to sentimentality, and sometimes to hysterical reactions. For example, for the Roman Emperor Tiberius, such a situation in the horoscope contributed to the formation of suspiciousness and apprehension of danger.

Unfavorable aspects in which the Moon finds itself on the ascendant form an unhealthy psyche in a person, especially when the Moon is in the 12th house.

The moon on the ascendant affects a person's appearance. Moreover, if the Moon is near the new moon, this often results in a pale and elongated face, as well as tall stature. If the Moon is near the full moon, then a rounded face, sagging and watery skin, small hands with chubby fingers and large moist eyes are formed.


A person born at the rising of Mercury develops flexibility, cunning, and dexterity in life's ups and downs. In the worst case, he will be cunning, resourceful, in the best, he will have quick intelligence and mobility. The implementation of these properties will depend on what zodiac sign he was born under.

No matter what kind of person he is, Mercury on the ascendant always provides him with mobility and changeability. Hemingway, many practicing scientists, many politicians (Aldo Moro) and diplomats possessed these properties; Nicholas I also had Mercury on the ascendant.

A fragile constitution, thinness, thin bones, mobility in the joints, some angularity of movements, long pointed fingers, a somewhat pointed nose, small sharp eyes and, as a rule, high growth are formed by Mercury on the ascendant.


In this situation, Venus gives the person some static sensuality. At best, it increases his aesthetic needs, pampering, and desire for comfort. It determines a person’s attachment to things. Often Venus on the ascendant appears in the horoscope of artists (Titian), poets and people of a bohemian type.

In the worst case, Venus on the ascendant worsens the quality of a person’s speech, making it somewhat slow (Jean Jacques Rousseau, Catherine de Medici).

Venus on the ascendant increases the attractiveness of a person, especially women (Sophia Loren - “Double Virgo” - Venus and Neptune on the ascendant; in the worst case, such a woman becomes a “sex bomb”). Attractiveness manifests itself even when these horoscopes are difficult.

Suppressed by aspects, Venus on the ascendant ensures a tendency towards fullness, obesity, and gives men some femininity (Oscar Wilde), loose physique and even effeminacy.


This situation contributes to the formation in a person of courage, composure, focus, concentration of energy, sharpness in the manifestation of character traits, assertiveness, thirst for amazing achievements and a steady desire to establish himself in life. Mars on the ascendant is often found in the horoscopes of politicians and military men (Simon Bolivar, Admiral Nelson, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Cardinal Richelieu).

Mars on the ascendant is responsible for the manifestation of roughness in a person's skin, early folds on the face, roughness in the outline of the face, pronounced brow ridges (often), good muscles, and an athletic physique. The last sign is good for men, but detrimental for women.

Mars on the ascendant gives women masculinity, some redness of the skin, early aging, wrinkles, a large mouth and folds at the mouth.


There is an interesting astrological opinion that a planet near the Ascendant affects not only the appearance of the person born, but also how he was born. This is not an imperative norm, but at 75 percent, thanks to such information it is really possible to make a correct judgment about how the birth went.

Sun on the Ascendant

A child that is desired, especially by the male half of the family, attracts a lot of attention from strangers from birth. The birth is quite calm and normal. If the Sun in the natal chart is very strong and harmonious, it is possible that the birth took place in a prestigious clinic. But, if the daylight is affected, then some problems could occur during birth.

Moon on the Ascendant

From the first minutes of life, the child has good contact with his mother. Very emotional. Childbirth in water, or in an environment close to home, is possible. If the Moon is heavily afflicted in the chart, it can cause postpartum depression in the mother.

Mercury on the Ascendant

Childbirth can begin in transport, for example, in a car or bus. During the birth process, nursing staff may be distracted. The birth itself can hardly be called comfortable, since Mercury is more likely to cause inconvenience.

Venus on the Ascendant

Venus is a minor benefactor in astrology, therefore, with the location of this planet on the Ascendant, it can be assumed that the birth took place in a relatively calm and comfortable environment. If Venus in the chart is strong in sign and house, the woman in labor is given due care and attention.

Mars on the Ascendant

The birth is unexpected and quick, because Mars does not like to wait. The child is exuberant and active from the first minutes. Surgical intervention during childbirth is not excluded. If Mars is tense in the child’s natal chart, skull injuries are possible if the child’s head is pulled.

Jupiter on the Ascendant

Very good position. This could be childbirth in a prestigious foreign clinic, or the birth of a child somehow affects the social status of both the mother and the baby. The child is quite large in size, as a result of which the mother may have tears. But Jupiter, as a rule, does not bring evil, so childbirth takes place quite peacefully.

Saturn on the Ascendant

In terms of duration, labor with this position of Saturn is very protracted, and as a rule, the child is born prematurely, as a result of which he ends up in an incubator, that is, in isolation from the outside world. Contact with the mother is broken, after birth the fetus does not feel maternal warmth and love.

Uranus on the Ascendant

Typically, labor progresses quickly and begins unexpectedly, sometimes even ahead of schedule. The process itself does not last that long: the fruit, so to speak, practically flies out. I have a woman friend who nine years ago gave birth to a son with this position of Uranus. During pregnancy, she received a strong electric shock, so the baby was born cyanotic. In my opinion, this is a perfect example, because Uranus is associated with electricity. From birth to this day, this boy is extremely dangerous, he constantly breaks something, sometimes sticks his fingers in a socket, in a word, a “gift” for his parents.

Neptune on the Ascendant

Neptune is associated with narcotic drugs and medications, therefore, with this position of the planet, childbirth, as a rule, takes place under anesthesia. Sometimes it happens that immediately after birth, a church baptism ceremony takes place. Water birth or artificially induced labor through medications are also possible. Neptune on the Ascendant is in my brother's chart. After entering the maternity hospital, he seemed to fall asleep in his stomach, showing no signs of life, and our mother was injected with a certain drug in her back, after which she gave birth safely.

Pluto on the Ascendant

This is usually an indication of a very protracted, difficult labor. This is a birth on the edge of life and death. Both the native himself and his mother feel extremely uncomfortable. In my chart, Pluto is on the Ascendant, my mother became pregnant with me at 36, and the doctors advocated for her to terminate the pregnancy, citing the fact that she was already old, and this pregnancy could be fatal for her. In response to my mother’s categorical refusal to have an abortion, they said that in case of complications, they would terminate the pregnancy without her consent. What saved me was that my mother and I had the same Rh factor in our blood. According to doctors' estimates, I was supposed to be born in mid-July, but I had no desire to be born. They brought my mother to the maternity hospital, saying that they would induce labor artificially, so the doctors began to press hard on my mother’s stomach. I had no choice but to get out of my mother’s secluded belly.


Mercury conjunct the Ascendant

Indicates an intellectual type of personality, endows with receptivity, agility, dexterity of hands (“golden hands”), clear logic, excellent judgment and the ability to be precise and caustic criticism. Owners of this connection have an excellent memory, they strive for knowledge and, as a rule, receive a good education.

The connection is especially strong in cases where the Ascendant or Mercury form additional aspects to other planets and elements of the horoscope, as well as when there is a planet or stellium in the first field.

If Mercury is located in fiery signs, then this position speaks of intellectual leadership, the ability to solve mental issues decisively, self-confidently, quickly and energetically, however, with some flavor of egocentrism and self-interest.

If Mercury is in earthly signs, a person’s mind is directed to practical matters and material values. Such people tend to evaluate ideas and theories from a purely practical side. With this position of Mercury, symptoms of naked materialism appear in a person’s character.

If Mercury is in air signs, then the person shows interest in intellectual pursuits for their own sake. Ideas here pour in like from a cornucopia, but there is a danger of utopian dreams, excessive theorizing, lack of practicality, and often the ideas and views of such people cause misunderstanding of others.

If Mercury is in water signs, then in most cases a person’s thinking is emotionally colored, and his decisions are based on intuitive feelings. Such people remember information if it is emotionally charged. Those with this position of Mercury have to beware of emotional attachments, a distorted idea of ​​prudence and an inaccurate perception of reality.

If Mercury is located in signs cardinal cross, this emphasizes the determination and self-confidence shown in all matters and actions, strengthens the ability for independent thinking and the ability to draw conclusions. With this position of Mercury, a person should avoid impulsiveness, hot temper, thoughtlessness, haste, and rashness.

If Mercury is in signs fixed cross, a person is inclined to leisurely, careful, circumspect, vigilant. But once a decision has been made, it does not change in the future, which can often still lead to a very rigid and irrational position due to obvious stubbornness and obstinacy.

If Mercury is in the signs Mutable cross, increased flexibility and pliability of thinking, the ability to adapt to everyone and everything. In this situation, a person makes decisions based on accumulated experience and life wisdom.

Favorable aspects of Mercury to the Ascendant

The connection readings are repeated, however, their influence is slightly weaker, but wider. As always, this placement takes into account the essential nature of the Zodiac sign in which Mercury is located and the planets aspecting it or the Ascendant. Favorable aspects of Mercury to the Ascendant indicate wisdom in life, a realistic outlook on life, practicality, oratory, eloquence, curiosity and a good combination of intuition and reason. People with this position of Mercury are resourceful, witty, endowed with a subtle, creative mind, often of a philosophical bent, rich imagination, a lively, vivid imagination, excellent memory and artistic gift. They are distinguished by excellently organized thinking and a passion for science and research, especially applied sciences. They also have the ability to engage in commercial activities.

Unfavorable aspects of Mercury to the Ascendant

They give variability, inconstancy, unbalance of spirit and instability of feelings, haste, haste and rashness. And also eternal inner restlessness, nervousness, distrust, immodesty, talkativeness (what’s on the mind, what’s on the tongue), frivolity, frivolity, superficiality in everything. People with such aspects can be cunning, insincere, and cutesy. They are materialistic and calculating even in spiritual areas, and soberly and coldly use their knowledge and skills to enrich themselves and achieve a certain social position.

From the book The Big Book of Secret Knowledge. Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. Fortune telling author Schwartz Theodor

Ascendant Another factor that most strongly, sometimes even stronger than the position of the Sun, determines a person’s personality is the Ascendant (from the Latin ascendent - “ascending”). The Ascendant indicates the sign that was rising above the horizon when the person

author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

2.1. SUN - ASSCENDENT Conjunction (conjunction) of the Sun with the Ascendant The conjunction of the Sun with the Ascendant gives a strong sense of self-esteem and ambition, which forces a person to constantly strive to implement far-reaching plans, plans,

From the book Volume 8. Aspectology, Part I. Theory Sun Moon Mercury author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

3.1. MOON – ASSCENDANT Conjunction of the Moon with the Ascendant The conjunction of the Moon with the Ascendant gives sociability, politeness, courtesy, rich imagination, vivid imagination and the ability to adapt to people and circumstances. Owners of such a Moon are especially susceptible

author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

1.1. VENUS – ASCENDANT The conjunction of Venus with the Ascendant Gives external beauty, sensuality, subtle feelings, inner harmony, excellent taste, an innate understanding of art, as well as musical, artistic or artistic abilities, a good sense of form,

From the book Volume 9. Aspectology, part II. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

2.1. MARS - ASSCENDENT The conjunction of Mars with the Ascendant usually has a very strong effect on the individual, although much depends on the additional configuration of Mars with other planets and elements of the horoscope and on the sign of the Zodiac in which the Ascendant is located. Here

From the book Volume 9. Aspectology, part II. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

3.1. JUPITER – ASSCENDANT Conjunction of Jupiter with the Ascendant People with this aspect are usually of a large physique and tend to become overweight with age. They look respectable. They are great optimists and natural leaders, they are confident in themselves and their abilities, good-natured, generous, able to

From the book Volume 9. Aspectology, part II. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

4.1. SATURN - ASSCENDANT Saturn conjunct the Ascendant These are reserved, serious, and responsible people who usually look older than their age. They often seem cold and unsociable and even unfriendly, which is why people are afraid of them. Really with strangers

From the book Volume 9. Aspectology, part II. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

5.1. URANUS - ASSCENDANT Conjunction of Uranus with the Ascendant People with this position of Uranus usually stand out from the crowd with their appearance. There is always something special about their appearance. Often long limbs, tall stature or oddly set eyes. These are individualists, they have everything

From the book Volume 9. Aspectology, part II. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

6.1. NEPTUNE - ASSCENDENT Conjunction of Neptune with the Ascendant People with such a conjunction seem strange to others, as if out of this world. Their gaze is directed either to infinity (dreamy gaze) or inside themselves. They are difficult to understand, but very attractive. These

author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

Chapter 3. ASSCENDENT The Ascendant is the ascending degree in the eastern part of the horizon at the time of birth. The name "Ascendant" comes from the Greek word "ascendere", which means "to rise straight up". Due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis during the day, everything

From the book Volume 3. Domology author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

3.2. ASCENDANT IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS 3.2.1. General characteristics of the Dominant. Chiron and retrograde Venus. Main principles. Coolness. Self-control. Self-control. Self-sufficiency. Calm. Constitution. Average height. The physique is rounded, with a tendency to be overweight and

From the book Volume 3. Domology author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

3.3. ASCENDANT IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI 3.3.1. General characteristics of the Dominant. Ascending Lunar Node, retrograde Mercury and Proserpina. Main principles. Physical and spiritual mobility. Diversity and fragmentation. Variability. Constitution. Body type from

From the book Volume 3. Domology author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

3.10. ASCENDANT IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN 3.10.1. General characteristics of the Dominant sign. Saturn and retrograde Uranus. Main principles. Concentration, systematicity, sobriety, prudence, efficiency, thoroughness. Constitution. The height is small. Body build or thin, not

From the book Volume 3. Domology author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

3.11. ASCENDANT IN THE SIGN OF AQUARIUS 3.11.1. General characteristics of the Dominant sign. Uranus and retrograde Saturn. Main principles. Individuality, originality, eccentricity, extravagance. Constitution. Growth is generally high. The figure is strong, well-shaped, with age

From the book Volume 3. Domology author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

3.12. ASCENDANT IN THE SIGN OF PISCES 3.12.1. General characteristics of the Dominant. Neptune and retrograde Jupiter. Main principles. Great sensitivity, receptivity and impressionability. Constitution. Average height. The body is fleshy, weak, and puffy in old age. The complexion is pale.

From the book Practical Astrology or the Art of Foresight and Confrontation with Fate by Kefer Jan

Planets on the Ascendant are of great importance; they help in determining the type of personality and play a major role in reading life events according to the horoscope.

Different planets, being on the ascendant, contribute to the formation of different personality types. For example, people with the Sun on the ascendant easily stand out among other people, since they always strive for primacy, crave attention to their person, shine in society, trying to play a noticeable role in any way. These included Emperor Augustus (born before sunrise, had pronounced ambition), Emperor Nero (born at sunrise, in the sign of Sagittarius), Peter I, Nicholas I, Queen Victoria, Catherine de Medici, Richard Wagner (pronounced vanity) , Glinka.

However, depending on the cosmogram (i.e. the position of other planets), these people will glorify themselves in different ways. For example, those born at sunrise under the sign of Virgo will gain intelligence and cunning.

Planets are considered to be on the ascendant if they are located at a distance of no more than 5 degrees. from the ascendant point in the XII house and no more than 10 degrees. in the first house.


It is given to people who were born at sunrise. This situation immediately increases the brightness of a person’s life and gives him improved physical characteristics. In life, such a person radiates energy around him. Many of the people around him will succumb to his charm. Such a person will be persistent and vigilant, as he carries “sunny” characteristics.

The sun on the ascendant is also reflected in the formation of the appearance of a person who acquires a round face, such as Peter I (tall, ruddy, graceful build).

Ideal - Apollo Belvedere.

Examples: Glinka, Omar Khayyam, Wagner, Nicholas I.


People born at the rising of the night star acquire some duality. Their psyche will be labile. The moon will cause very strong reactions in them in all its phases. This situation can be favorable for actors, artists and people of changing professions.

When the moon is “suppressed” by unfavorable aspects (as was the case in Goya’s horoscope), it creates gloom in a person, some pretentiousness, and too sudden a change in psychological cycles (as was the case with Charlie Chaplin, Rossini). All this causes a somewhat weak personality type, especially in men, and determines a tendency to sentimentality, and sometimes to hysterical reactions. For example, for the Roman Emperor Tiberius, such a situation in the horoscope contributed to the formation of suspiciousness and apprehension of danger.

Unfavorable aspects in which the Moon finds itself on the ascendant form an unhealthy psyche in a person, especially when the Moon is in the 12th house.

The moon on the ascendant affects a person's appearance. Moreover, if the Moon is near the new moon, this often results in a pale and elongated face, as well as tall stature. If the Moon is near the full moon, then a rounded face, sagging and watery skin, small hands with chubby fingers and large moist eyes are formed.


A person born at the rising of Mercury develops flexibility, cunning, and dexterity in life's ups and downs. In the worst case, he will be cunning, resourceful, in the best, he will have quick intelligence and mobility. The implementation of these properties will depend on what zodiac sign he was born under.

No matter what kind of person he is, Mercury on the ascendant always provides him with mobility and changeability. Hemingway, many practicing scientists, many politicians (Aldo Moro) and diplomats possessed these properties; Nicholas I also had Mercury on the ascendant.

A fragile constitution, thinness, thin bones, mobility in the joints, some angularity of movements, long pointed fingers, a somewhat pointed nose, small sharp eyes and, as a rule, high growth are formed by Mercury on the ascendant.


In this situation, Venus gives the person some static sensuality. At best, it increases his aesthetic needs, pampering, and desire for comfort. It determines a person’s attachment to things. Often Venus on the ascendant appears in the horoscope of artists (Titian), poets and people of a bohemian type.

In the worst case, Venus on the ascendant worsens the quality of a person’s speech, making it somewhat slow (Jean Jacques Rousseau, Catherine de Medici).

Venus on the ascendant increases the attractiveness of a person, especially women (Sophia Loren - “Double Virgo” - Venus and Neptune on the ascendant; in the worst case, such a woman becomes a “sex bomb”). Attractiveness manifests itself even when these horoscopes are difficult.

Suppressed by aspects, Venus on the ascendant ensures a tendency towards fullness, obesity, and gives men some femininity (Oscar Wilde), loose physique and even effeminacy.


This situation contributes to the formation in a person of courage, composure, focus, concentration of energy, sharpness in the manifestation of character traits, assertiveness, thirst for amazing achievements and a steady desire to establish himself in life. Mars on the ascendant is often found in the horoscopes of politicians and military men (Simon Bolivar, Admiral Nelson, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Cardinal Richelieu).

Mars on the ascendant is responsible for the manifestation of roughness in a person's skin, early folds on the face, roughness in the outline of the face, pronounced brow ridges (often), good muscles, and an athletic physique. The last sign is good for men, but detrimental for women.

Mars on the ascendant gives women masculinity, some redness of the skin, early aging, wrinkles, a large mouth and folds at the mouth.


This position of Jupiter contributes to the formation of a person’s authoritative character, the ability to command, strengthens the desire to occupy a dominant position, and the desire to teach others. In addition, he is responsible for the emergence in a person of a predisposition to missionary activity (Albert Schweitzer), the desire to create an example from his life for others.

People with Jupiter on the ascendant may be characterized by some detachment, a desire to strike a pose (I. S. Turgenev) - in his horoscope, Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn is located on the ascendant. In addition, ascending Jupiter gives tall height (or above average), a solid figure with an upright posture, a large head thrown back slightly, and often early baldness.

With bad aspects, a person develops an impressive figure, obesity, a measured gait, a square head, a large nose with an elongated base, large hands, a measured voice and a desire to teach. An example is many politicians, including Theodore Roosevelt, the assassinated president.


This situation immediately affects a person’s quality of life, shaping his composure, constancy, secrecy, isolation, and lack of communication. At best, he is a patient person, a resilient person, very focused on his inner life. An example of such an “external” saturian is Saturn far from the Sun - G. H. Andersen. At worst, he is an individualist.

People with Saturn on the ascendant often have a lonely life (N.V. Gogol). If such Saturn is in the XII house, then a desire to lead a monastic lifestyle is formed. Saturn in this house provides a rich field for internal complexes, especially if it is located near the ascendant.

Saturn on the ascendant gives a person a somewhat sallow complexion, sunken cheeks, a long, sometimes straight and thin nose, a high forehead with frontal (philosophical bumps), and a pointed chin.

The further Saturn is from the Sun, the taller a person’s height becomes, the more handsome his appearance becomes. At best, the face will be ascetic, at worst, repulsive. Such people are also characterized by a straight gait and a distant gaze (Goethe, Dante).

The closer Saturn is to the Sun, the person will be smaller in height, more solid in build, and gloomier in appearance. The last property gives the impression of a “black man”.


A person develops great eccentricity (Uranus in the 1st house), uncontrollability, an overly original, often confused lifestyle, and defiant behavior. Usually these are loners, eccentrics, and also people playing the role of renegades who pretend to withdraw from the world (Byronian heroes). This indicator also increases the need for freedom (Stravinsky, Voltaire). Revolutionaries or heralds often have Uranus on the Ascendant. This situation was in the horoscope of Beethoven and A. Besant.

Uranus on the ascendant in the 12th house gives clairvoyance (Nostradamus, Casanova, Edgar Cayce). Forms astrologers (Andre Barbeau).

People with Uranus on the ascendant are able to adjust their lives and build their own destiny. Therefore, the horoscope of a person with Uranus on the ascendant should be commented on very carefully, because the event predicted by the horoscope may not come true due to the indicated adjustment.

If in such a horoscope Uranus on the Ascendant is “crushed” by the Moon, then the situation may not manifest itself at all. It should be noted that the denial of fatalism will be complete.

Uranus on the ascendant contributes to the formation in a person of tall stature, straight long legs, strong thinness, and an elegant, somewhat elongated head.

When Uranus is affected by aspects, irregularities in the figure, different eye colors, and unusual appearance are formed, which simultaneously attracts and repels (first repels, then attracts).

Neptune on the Ascendant

It creates in a person daydreaming, a tendency towards mysticism, increases illusoryness, self-delusion, gives internal complexes, even self-flagellation (N.V. Gogol). This is often observed among religious people, among artists who have a very subtle sense of life and nature, among great musicians. In the worst case, alcoholics and drug addicts are formed.

Suppressed by aspects, evil Neptune on the ascendant can give a person gloominess and some attractiveness (Goya).

In good aspects, Neptune on the ascendant creates a Renoir-type personality. Well aspected Neptune was in the horoscope of Paul I.

Neptune on the ascendant in the 12th house gives a person the opportunity to see prophetic dreams, some mysticism, and trust in signs and superstitions. Kepler did not understand the reason for his inclination towards mysticism, although it was that his Neptune was on the ascendant. The same was true for writers (Jonathan Swift), who in their works predicted future discoveries, as well as for many mediums: their Neptune was located in the XII house near the ascendant.

Neptune on the ascendant contributes to the formation of an unhealthy complexion (pallor, anemia), and dreaminess in the gaze. Sometimes the gaze seems to be directed inward. The physique is most likely obese, the hands are small, the mouth is large, the lips are bright, thick, but not sensual.


This situation is not reflected in appearance, but it creates people who give off a feeling of massiveness and destructive power. The figure of such people even outwardly “presses”, despite the fact that they may have a completely ordinary appearance (G. Rasputin, Eichmann).

People with Pluto on the Ascendant are also characterized by attractiveness and magnetism. Example: actress Gina Lollobrigida has something attractive in her gaze, and in her horoscope the Sun is conjunct Pluto on the Ascendant in the Sign of Cancer. Not only the look, but the whole face of such people is attractive: such faces are not forgotten.

In the worst case, an aspected Pluto on the Ascendant forms a square figure in a person, and he is perceived as a closet person.

People with Pluto on the Ascendant attract events that are associated with this planet.

If Pluto on the Ascendant is well aspected by other planets, then the human figure will be aesthetically attractive. In this case, a good aspect with the Moon is especially favorable for women.


In such a situation, the field for manifestations of personality is cleared (a person must manifest himself). The brightness of the personality and its visibility increases. The personality is revealed, such a person cannot hide anything, all his secrets become public property (Catherine II, Henry II of France, Toulouse-Lautrec led a scandalous lifestyle).

The ascending node on the Ascendant in conjunction with the Sun or Moon increases fatality in a person’s life, pushing him to release energy and develop his personal aspects. Such a person manifests everything that is included in his horoscope chart. For example, in the horoscope of Nicholas I, the presence of Pluto on the MC indicated a predisposition to rule the destinies of the people; the ascending node on the Ascendant helped bring this predisposition to fruition.


The situation puts pressure, stifles, fetters a person’s initiative, creates secretive people who hide their true goals and intentions from others (Casanova). With severe aspects, a person becomes a pessimist, who is corroded by self-doubt and a difficult outlook on life (Charles Baudelaire).


Provides a person with strong fatality, a craving for crime (very often!), increases the desire for the forbidden and for wine, and creates the ground for the development of sexual complexes.

The action of Lilith, located on the Ascendant, manifests itself in people left to their own devices, deprived of group initiative and having a personal attraction to criminal acts.

Sometimes Lilith on the Ascendant creates pessimists with a broken psyche, because in this situation Lilith is an indicator of mental illness. If Lilith is on the Ascendant in the leader’s horoscope, then the people around him are drawn into his story.

Children with Lilith on the Ascendant, as a rule, are drawn to violating prohibitions and doing nasty things. In this situation, they may experience sexual complexes. If a child tortures animals, then when he becomes an adult, he can break the Law - he is a congenital criminal. Therefore, special attention must be paid to raising children in whose horoscope Lilith is located on the Ascendant.

If a person was born during an eclipse of the Sun or Moon, then the events of his life will take place strictly at certain intervals (after 18.5 years, when the eclipse occurs again, and even in the half-phase of this eclipse).

Lilith on the Ascendant is reflected on a person’s appearance, sometimes giving some kind of mark on his face (astrologers Pulis - India - and de Bartolo wrote about this) - this could be, for example, a black spot on the white of the eye. This happens especially often if Lilith is in the 1st house (if she is in the 12th house, then this mark does not appear).


The situation has almost no effect on the person. But, in theory, Selena in this position should give a feeling of light coming from a person to whom people are drawn in moments of misfortune.

Presumably, it should increase a person’s optimism and make him a bearer of happiness. It can also be assumed that Selena has not yet entered the evolutionary period when there will be an external manifestation of her action.


Until 1918, Proserpina was in the sign of Virgo for 50 years. During this period, many scientists were born with the Ascendant in this zodiac sign. Now Proserpina is in the sign of Libra. Here it is considered to be on the Ascendant if its location covers a limit of 1 degree. in the XII house and up to 2 degrees. in the 1st house (counting from the Ascendant point).

Proserpina on the Ascendant puts a person in extreme conditions. Often such people have memory lapses, they often find themselves in meaningless situations, often a total revolution occurs in their lives, and the danger of a total catastrophe in life increases. Some strange abilities may appear. Chemists have an early inclination towards chemistry.

In 1983, Proserpina entered the sign of Scorpio.


The impact of the planet on humans in this situation is not noted. It is possible that the action of Vulcan is combined with the influence of the Sun, since it is always located next to the daylight star. It is possible that Vulcan's influence plays some role when it is at its greatest distance from the Sun. Vulcan gives an understanding of cosmic laws and, very likely, the opportunity to communicate with aliens, with extraterrestrial beings.


Stimulates the emergence of many interests in a person’s life and ensures his versatility. Such a person, like a monkey, grabs onto one thing or another.

Struck by bad aspects, Chiron on the Ascendant prevents the completion of a task, creates duality in the approach to life, in assessing situations, in views, and also gives a person’s life a certain monkey-like quality. Such people are similar to Mercurians, but differ from them in build.

Chiron on the Ascendant (and generally strong Chiron in the horoscope) makes people changeable in build: he either loses weight or gets fatter (a reflection of Chiron’s action on the human hormonal system).

After determining the person’s personality, the key planet on Asc, it is necessary to establish where the person’s goal is projected, into what field of activity, what a person can achieve in his life. To do this, you need to refer to the characteristics of the Zenith and the planets located at this point or near it.

MS indicates the direction of the goal in life, helps to determine the area that is most attractive to a person.

Planets on the MC characterize people who are lucky, who fit well into the social sphere and environment, who are able to achieve professional achievements and social success, and who have a bright, clear worldview. The stronger the planets are on the MC, the harder a person will go towards the goal. Therefore, establishing the characteristics of the MC (i.e., the zodiac sign in which the meridian is located) and determining the planets near the MC is a task no less important than determining the core of the horoscope


This situation in the horoscope suggests that a person will fully strive to discover the purpose of his life. His life will be an example for others and such people will be remembered for a long time in generations. These could be people who are evil. Horoscopes of V.I. Lenin, F. Castro, Khrushchev, Einstein, Dostoevsky, Goethe, Rodin, Goya, Ivan the Terrible, Ivan III, as well as Batu Khan, the fascist Himmler, are characterized by the exact position of the Sun on the meridian. The sun on the meridian appears in the horoscopes of politicians and creative people. Sometimes the names of such people even become household names.


If the Moon is well aspected in this position, then this often ensures popularity for people in the acting profession and bohemian professions. In this case, the goal is achieved by connecting intuition, the ability to influence the masses (among actors). For example, V. Vysotsky had the Moon on the MC. The same is true for artists (Botticelli, S. Dali). The art of these people affects the subconscious, the emotions of people.

The Moon on the MC with bad aspects gives a blurred goal, an inability to concentrate, gather, and somewhat blurs a person’s initiative. Such a moon creates in a person disappointment in the purpose of his life, in his own existence (for example, the German poet Heinrich von Kleist committed suicide). If at the same time there is a strong Saturn on the ascendant, then this situation does not allow the goal to be realized.


Achieving the goal of life is ensured by cunning and deceit. If such a person is a politician, then he rules through a figurehead behind the scenes, or he does not rule at all, transferring all management functions to another person. This was Tsar Nicholas II.

Among politicians, many regents (Biron) and temporary workers (Razumovsky) have Mercury on the MC. At best, many scientists have Mercury on the MC, who are able to project their highest goals, since they are provided with concentration of mind (Mercury in a good aspect with the Moon and Saturn). This was the case with Balzac and Jules Verne. For artists, Mercury on the MC bestows dexterity and virtuosity in mastering their craft.


People strive to achieve goals by securing protection for themselves. They themselves are static in life, often they are led and their activities are directed.

Venus on the MC is typical for people of art, for aesthetic leaders. Their life is somewhat stationary: although they were famous, the goal of their life was not achieved in the struggle. Examples: J. S. Bach, Schiller, Goya, Ibsen, Rossini.

In the worst case, Venus on the MC forms sticky people who choose their course of life to be in the orbit of the activities of stronger people. If such a person is the owner of great power, then he will be a rather weak, pampered ruler (Alexander I is a “weak and crafty ruler”).


The situation pushes people into the field of struggle even when they are weak (with a “suppressed ascendant”). Such people have a clear craving for strong personalities - this is the norm for them. Or they strive to “break through the wall” in order to prove, build, create something. Mars on the MC is in the horoscopes of V.I. Lenin, Zhukov, Suvorov, Mayakovsky, L.N. Tolstoy, Joan of Arc, Ivan the Terrible.


This situation often occurs in the horoscopes of good politicians. They are diplomatic, focused on power and the desire to manage, and are attracted to authority and strong connections. They strive to strengthen their own existence, to create their lasting authority.

Jupiter on the MC contributes to the skillful implementation of undertaken obligations. It occurs among the organizers of entire states, among presidents, among prime ministers, whose activities, as a rule, are not transformative, but are distinguished by some conservatism, a clear focus on establishing the ruling principles. Jupiter on the MC was in the horoscopes of Louis XI, Ivan III, Henry VIII (England), I.B. Tito and the head of the Cold War, Truman.

Jupiter on the MC creates skillful politicians, whose course can be traced from beginning to end. They always strive for absolute authority. Subordinates often treat them with respect.

In any case, Jupiter on the MC is an indicator of fame, fame, honor and respect. But when revolutions, riots and unrest occur, such people are not able to achieve their goals. At such moments and periods, people who have Mercury on the MC in their horoscopes are successful.


Provides a person with concentration on achieving a goal. Such a person individualizes his goal, that is, he separates it from the goals of other people - he is a loner with his own goal. Therefore, success on the way to his goal is ensured slowly and alone.

Saturn on the MC creates goal-focused creative leaders. This position of Saturn is typical for monks, hermits, ascetics and for those who seek to leave and separate from the world (Leonardo da Vinci). They make the goal absolute (M. Proust is a lone writer).

Only loneliness gives a person compensation if Saturn is located on the MC in his horoscope. If this is a politician who is a bright personality (for example, the Sun is in the X house or on the ascendant), then he takes a risk: having risen, he can oppose himself to society. Then Saturn immediately “closes” him, creating the reason for the sharp and irrevocable fall of this politician from his achieved heights. Hitler, Napoleon I and Napoleon III, Ulugbek, Franz Ferdinand, S. Bolivar, Dadier, Nixon had Saturn on MS.

There are only two known cases when politicians who had Saturn on the MC avoided falling - the prophet Mohammed and Mao Tse-tung.


Often forms reformers, revolutionaries, creators of a new political system, course (Alexander III, K. Marx). In addition, this situation in the horoscope gives people who change their goals, that is, people “without a rudder or sails,” uncontrollable, or who acquire a completely new approach to everything. Among them are anarchists (Kropotkin). In addition, Uranus on the MC can be found in the horoscopes of lone criminals. It also contributes to the development of provocative behavior in a person (Marilyn Monroe and Western “sex bombs”).


Forms people with a mystical or hidden purpose from others, sometimes living in something unreal. Often mystical leaders have it, as well as those who carry out a national program (with a strong Neptune on the MC). Usually these are people who have been lucky along the path of life. They were able to guess the cunning of their enemies and reveal other people's secrets (Peter II had this property).

Sometimes Neptune on the MC contributes to the development in a person of fanaticism, conviction in the correctness of the goal, although the goal itself may not be recognized by him due to the darkness of his own consciousness.

Neptune on the MC with a strong Venus or with the ascendant in water signs gives a person greater musicality and a good sense of rhythm, a subtle nature (El Greco, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov). Such a person may be an insecure, hesitant, “complex” ruler (for example, Alexander I, who had Neptune on the MC in opposition to Uranus). In addition, with bad aspects, Neptune on the MS can contribute to the development of cunning, deceit, opportunism, deceit, and resourcefulness in a person (Machiavelli).

Among the owners of horoscopes with Neptune on the MC there are mystics, religious figures (Vl. Solovyov), as well as people who are drawn to distant countries, the exotic, the unknown (Kipling, who had Neptune on the MC in the 9th house). Sometimes Neptune gives a craving for charitable activities (Clara Burton - founder of the Red Cross).


Contributes to the realization of a person’s goal through the masses: without the masses, such a person becomes lethargic and colorless. People with Pluto on the MC need contact with the team, they need to be supported in society. If the goal is revealed through the masses, then such people can be great politicians if Pluto is on the MC or in the X house, or is in good aspects with Mars (V.I. Lenin, Robespierre, Zhukov, Jean Calvin, S. Bolivar ).

Pluto has a strong influence on the MC on people of art, giving them the ability to influence the psyche of other people (Beethoven had Pluto on the MC, and Uranus on the ascendant).

When Pluto is crushed by aspects, this threatens a person with the possibility of being swept away by an avalanche of events: such a person will not be able to cope with opposition from others. As a rule, such people choose gloomy renegade (M. Yu. Lermontov) and challenge society.


Contributes to the formation of a criminal goal in a person. Such a person can become the soul of a bad society.

In the worst case, a person will be negatively affected by an environment that helps cover up his goal. Such a person gets disappointed from his aspirations towards the goal. Lilith on the MC is an indicator of pessimism, dissatisfaction in life (Arthur Rimbaud, John Milton).

In some cases, Lilith on the MC contributes to the rise of extraordinary fame, but fraught with some kind of notoriety (Marquis de Sade). For such people, the goal is something black. There may be some ugly acts and even crimes that were necessary to achieve the goal (people like Raskolnikov). There are traitors among them.


A person's purpose becomes more vivid. Such a person is lucky. He wants too much: total fame, great fame. Moreover, he has everything at once (O. Balzac, Frederick II). If Pluto (or Neptune) is also on the MC, then the person is granted the ability to strongly influence the masses (Savonarola) and manifest dictatorship.


It helps to hide a person’s goal or gives the person who has achieved the goal the ability not to stick out, to be very modest (Andersen). In the worst case - with bad aspects - difficulties arise on the path to achieving the goal and in revealing the essence of the goal (Kepler), and also the person’s achievements are constrained, sometimes even the person himself refuses what he has achieved (Ramakrishna, Copernicus, Garibaldi, Jeanne d 'Ark).

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