Why do you dream of Planting Plants? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Planting Why do you dream about planting flowers in the garden

Garden work is a symbol of troubles, both pleasant and not so pleasant. If you decide to find out why this is a dream, be sure to remember what you happened to plant in your dream. If you want to get an exact answer about what to expect from a dream, remember all the details of the plot, dream books recommend.

Briefly about the main thing

Of the entire dream, do you remember only the plot in which you planted something? Then remember what exactly it is and use brief interpretations.

  • Digging a garden in a dream means hard work.
  • Planting seedlings in the garden is a successful financial investment.
  • Replanting raspberries - the habit of getting involved in everything will play a cruel joke on you.
  • If you buried a bone in a dream and it grew into a strange tree - expect surprises.
  • In a dream, you are a pilot flying a plane to land - towards the end of a difficult period in life.
  • Planting mushrooms - you are obsessed with an unusual idea.
  • Sowing grass on the lawn means passive relaxation awaits you.
  • Planting flowering plants in a cemetery is a symbol of the revival of something extinct.
  • Planting a Christmas tree on the grave of a deceased person means you want to forget about some episode in your life.
  • Planting lilacs under the window is a sign of longing for love and tenderness.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book predicts a promising business for someone who planted raspberry or currant bushes in a dream. And planting flower bulbs is a symbol of an expensive purchase. An explanation of why you dream about planting indoor plants can also be found in this dream book: changes are coming in your personal life.

Did you dream that you were planting potatoes? The interpretation of the dream can be upsetting: big waste of your personal budget awaits you. But planting tomatoes promises a change in the situation for the better.

Planting vegetables is a sign of financial well-being

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, planting seeds in the ground is a symbol of establishing one’s own well-being. Planting seeds in the ground of crops such as beets, carrots, radishes means an interesting proposition. This could be either a marriage proposal or a profitable job. Fodder beets may mean a futile attempt to make money.

Any dream book can tell you why you dream about planting cabbage: a stable but boring life awaits you. But planting cucumbers means material problems.

Fruit and berry plantings - from jealousy to boredom...

Did you dream that you planted strawberries at your dacha and are caring for the berries? To boring work, says Nostradamus’ dream book. Strawberries grow mixed with wild strawberries - monotonous work will bring you closer to the person who will turn out to be your betrothed.

Why do you dream that you are planting watermelon seeds? A new addition to your family awaits you soon, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book. But if you planted an apple or cherry tree, then soon there will be a new thing. The pear predicts reconciliation. And only the lemon tree promises sadness: your loved one will make you jealous.

Beds with greenery – Tears of happiness and grief

See how you plant green onions? You will shed tears. Parsley, the seed of which you scattered around the garden, has the same meaning. And only planting dill symbolizes good luck, but the overall joy of the interpretation will be spoiled by the fact that your prosperity will make envious people want to “spit poison.”

Sharp teeth - to anger and illness

If you plant onions in a dream, then pay attention to your state: when planting onions, you cry - you will feel angry. And if the onion does not cause you any negative feelings, then you will feel weak.

Seeing that you have planted garlic is a sign of a serious illness. And if you watched someone else plant garlic, it means you are not happy in your marriage.

Have you planted hot peppers? There will be problems due to gambling.

Flower beds - Joy is coming

Planting flowers in a dream usually promises joy. So roses are a sign of love and passion. Planting violets in a dream means you crave care. Replanting an orchid means changes in your personal life.

It’s not difficult to guess why lilies of the valley dream. These spring flowers symbolize the emergence of feelings, as interpreted by the Lunar Dream Book. Dreaming of tulips predicts happiness. And only a cactus warns of a meeting with an insidious person.

Tree seedlings - Both in profit and in business

Planting a birch tree, according to the Wanderer’s dream book, prophesies a successful acquisition of both things and relationships. Were there a lot of birch trees? You will quickly advance in your career thanks to the right connections. If you see in a dream that you are planting a spruce sprout, this means that someone will make barbs at you. And those who planted a pine tree in a dream can hope for good profits.

Shrub crops - Are you satisfied with everything?

If you dreamed that you were planting grapes, be sure to check Freud’s dream book. He warns that a grape bush seen in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you put sex at the forefront and smooth out all conflicts in bed. Self-grown grapes are a pleasure from admiring yourself and your actions.

Plants symbolize fertility, motherhood, vitality; representatives of the flora are depicted on state emblems; people have long believed in their supernatural power and considered them talismans against troubles. Everyday life is associated with them; flowers, herbs, shrubs and trees accompany people all their lives; people plant plants in their dreams and in reality.

What if you dream about planting plants?

In order to understand why he dreams of planting plants, the dreamer needs to remember what crops he happened to plant; many dream books are convinced that planting seedlings and seedlings is identified with the dreamer’s contribution to the future.

When a dreamer plants seedlings or seedlings in a dream, he immediately sees the result of his action, which means that his contribution to the future will be significant, therefore, in a dream, planting is a better sign than sowing seeds. A dream of this kind can be interpreted as a large offspring left by the dreamer, wealth earned through one’s own efforts.

If the dreamer sows seeds in a night dream and does not see the shoots, it means that in reality he is doing useless things, wasting energy, time, and material resources on unprofitable activities.

A negative symbol is burying a whole seedling in the ground; this is a sign that the sleeper is burying his capabilities and talents in the ground.

China is home to more than 30,000 species of various crops, including famous “living fossils,” and the Chinese honor the traditions of plant growing. The most popular plants include bamboo, orchid, apple tree, peony, pine, chrysanthemum, narcissus, azalea, camellia; they are often identified with a person and his character.

The interpretation of the dream depends on what crops the sleeper planted; if in the dream he happened to be planting potatoes, this means that he will suffer big expenses and the sleeper will owe a substantial amount of money.

Planting cucumbers in a dream means finding peace in life, good luck in financial transactions, the birth of healthy children, family well-being, prosperity, and success in various fields of activity. Planting tomatoes - fortunately, family well-being; the dreamer will soon commit an unusual act, establishing relationships between household members; for single people, planting tomato seedlings in a dream promises in reality a fateful meeting with their soulmate.

Planting apple tree seedlings is associated with moving, expanding living space, planting a birch tree means setting up a family home in reality, a cherry tree means receiving wealth, a large inheritance, an oak tree symbolizes long-term success, the tree symbolizes vitality and good health.

What does it portend?

If in a dream a person is planting flowers, it means that in reality he will have a stormy and eventful life, a promotion, and other pleasant events.

Dreaming of planting potted and balcony crops means receiving an original surprise or a dear gift; planting in a flowerbed means a cheerful family celebration. If you had a chance to plant a flower in the forest - for the visit of noble guests, or plant flowers in a cemetery - higher powers will help the dreamer survive in a difficult period.

Planting flowers in the garden near the house means that the dreamer has reached the age when he needs to get married; such a dream is interpreted as profit in the family, childbearing.

Planting flowers together with a loved one is a good symbol that predicts mutual love, it will be like in a fairy tale - to the grave, a long and warm relationship between the spouses will give the fruit of love - a healthy and beautiful child.

The god of dreams prepares pleasant surprises for everyone who planted plants and trees in a dream; he cannot leave those who plant his landscaping without gifts; In reality, dreamers will experience good turns of fate, a surge of vitality, and happy changes.

Find out from the online dream book why you dream of Planting by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream of planting in a dream?

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Planting from your dream

Plant - Hope.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Planting is a device for your well-being.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Boarding - Getting into the carriage, the crew is dangerous.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Plant according to Chinese ancient books:

Planting vegetables - portends longevity and a happy destiny.

Great modern dream book

Planting - why does the dreamer dream?

Planting - You seem to be planting some plants in a dream - you will soon be busy with some arrangement: your life, workplace, etc.

Big family dream book / Olga Smurova

Dreaming about planting, what does it mean

Planting - If you dreamed that you were planting something, this means that you are trying to improve your life by all possible methods.

See also: trees, flowers, potatoes.

Dream Interpretation of Sergei Karatov

Planting - dream interpretation

Planting - If you dreamed that you were planting vegetables, flowers or trees in a garden or vegetable garden, then this portends you a great profit and also the birth of children. From another Russian dream book: planting something in a dream means your well-being awaits you.

Planting in a dream- Do you dream that you are planting something in the ground? This is a good sign.
Seeing other people planting plants- the dream suggests that in reality it is difficult for you to find a common language with colleagues, relationships in the team do not go well at all.
Planting roses in a dream- to the problems that you create for yourself.
If you dreamed about planting something- this means that in reality you have high hopes for your spouse or children. However, there is no guarantee that your expectations will be met.
If in a dream it was not you who was put in, but you, meaning in a carriage or carriage, then you have to wait for the danger that lurks around a dangerous turn. You should be vigilant and beware of unfamiliar people.
If in your dream you plant flowers in a garden bed, expect a pleasant acquaintance and romantic relationship soon. The main thing is that the flowers are fresh.
If these wonderful plants were white, then it was time to collect the dowry and prepare for the wedding.
When you plant green plants in a dream- fate tells you that in the near future you will firmly stand on your feet and with your work will achieve recognition and success.
It is very good when plants have long and strong roots - this means that you will soon find a reliable place in life.
Planting an onion foreshadows the complete defeat of your worst enemies.
Planting vegetables is akin to the beneficial qualities of these plants themselves. Such a dream speaks of a happy fate and long life, but on the way to all this, you will have to eat a pound of salt, so it is better to stock up on courage and patience.
Cucumbers and tomatoes planted in dreams promise an early pregnancy and a happy family life.
The centuries-old trees you plant predict a quick meeting with a wise man. He will be able to give advice that will most likely radically change your destiny.
A harbinger of quick wealth is a dream in which you plant a tree, this speaks of an imminent and large profit that will radically change your life.
Plant potatoes- soon you will find your own home.
Planting potatoes or other vegetables in a dream- to solitude, you will have a chance to relax calmly and think about plans for the future.
Plant carrots or beets- to longevity and strong friendship.
Put the criminal in jail- the dream suggests that you lack gentleness and tolerance towards the people around you in reality, you are too critical and picky, which makes communication and friendship with you difficult.
Plant what- either in a dream, means taking care of your well-being and home. This is a symbol of nepotism and creating your own home and family. In addition, this is a harbinger of favorable hopes that are destined to come true soon, you just need to be a little patient.
Planting beans or broad beans in the garden- think about it: it’s time to replenish household supplies.
When planting a tree, know- wealth and prosperity await you.
Plant a tree or small seedling yourself- the dream indicates that you are a very promising and successful person in real life, your development and resounding success is only a matter of time.
Wilted or dry plants- not a very good harbinger. The same goes for roses.
Seating someone on a chair or bench- the dream warns that if you do not stop and stop your extravagance in real life, you risk being left penniless, and even in debt.
Setting up a greenhouse and planting flowers can bring joy not only in dreams, but also in reality.

Dream interpretation of planting flowers

Many people simply love digging in the ground and planting flowers. If you are a lover of gardening, then perhaps a dream about planting seeds in a flowerbed does not convey any message to you, you are simply worried about your brainchild, or are looking forward to the new summer season.

But if you are far from plant growing, planting seedlings in a dream is a sign of change in a positive direction.

Why do you dream of planting flowers?

In general, dreams with flowers have a positive connotation. They delight with their beauty even in a dream. When you dream about something like this, a person usually wakes up in the morning with a positive charge of emotions.

What dream books say about planting flowers

If you dreamed that you were planting flowers

Dream books promise, after such a dream, success, happiness at the family hearth, prosperity, and a fun pastime. But dreams are different, so in a dream you can plant flowers anywhere. In order not to be tormented by unnecessary doubts, we pick up a dream book.

Velesov's dream book

Planting flowers means trouble. Taking care of them, watering them - happiness and joy will bring me into the house.

Seeing dew on them means the planned business will end in failure.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed that the flower garden you planted was trampled by someone underfoot - the enemies have activated, they will do everything in their power to prevent them from obtaining reliable and necessary information.

Planting flowers in your garden means you are doing a noble deed.

Miller's Dream Book

Replanting indoor plants with a feeling of pleasure is a very good sign.

Miller divides his interpretations depending on where you bury the seedlings:

If you dream that you are planting seeds in a pot, all your efforts to optimize your living space will be effective.

Predictions from other dream books

Sigmund Freud believed that digging seeds into the ground in a flower bed near the house was a sign of marriage. For those couples who had already legalized their relationship, the psychologist predicted an addition to the family.

If you dreamed that you were planting in the ground in a flowerbed together with your loved one - your love will only grow stronger, you will soon see this.

But the dream book interprets replanting flowers on a grave in a dream as a complete change in your views. It is possible that you will begin to preach a completely different religion, or get carried away by things that are completely unusual for you.

Negative Predictions

Watching in a dream how another person is trying to plant a flower in a place unsuitable for growth - expect a difficult period, but it will not be long.

If flowers are constantly being pulled out

Another negative sign is if you plant flowers, no matter where, in a flower bed, on a grave, or at home in a flower pot, and another person immediately breaks or pulls them out. Such a dream speaks of the evil plans of ill-wishers who have entered the active phase and are trying to harm you.

Planting wilted plants is more likely not a sign, but an indication that something is going wrong, think about what you are doing wrong.

To the delight of dreamers, such dreams no longer have any negative predictions.

Positive interpretation of sleep

It seems that planting seedlings on a grave a priori cannot bode well; you are mistaken. Planting flowers on a grave means that in the near future dizzying prospects will open up before you, all you have to do is extend your hand and receive your bonus.

Where do you plant the seedlings?

Important information for interpretation, place of planting seedlings:

In a dream, you see a group of people planting seeds - you will find yourself at a cheerful festive holiday.

Color range of seedlings

The dream book also advises paying attention to what color predominated in your plantings:

  • if black - good news from friends, acquaintances;
  • orange - to the inevitable death;
  • pink – romantic surprise;
  • blue - a moment of bright longing for the old days will come;
  • red - some events in your life will lead to you becoming proud;
  • white - meeting your soulmate.

Other interpretations

In the east, they believe that planting flowers in a dream means that you will be offered some business that you will like, but will not bring profit.

If you just planted flowers, and they immediately bloom, your work will be appreciated.

Planting exotic plants in a pot is a sign of wealth and fame. Perhaps you have hidden talents that will soon come to light.

Despite all its gloom, planting flowers on the grave of a friend is a sign of great happiness that is literally knocking on your door. Although some dream interpreters claim that such a dream indicates that you will definitely achieve your goal, but for this it will be necessary to make some kind of sacrifice on your part. All you have to do is decide what is more important to you.

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