Lilichka history of creation. “Lilichka!”, analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem. Analysis of the poem “Lilychka!” Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky’s strongest and most painful feelings were for Lila Brik, who never responded to him with the same force and sometimes even mocked his excessive passion. From the time he met Brik, he dedicated all his works to her. She was his muse and strong passion. The poem “Lilichka! (Instead of a letter)” appeared in 1916. - after a year of meeting Brick.

The theme of the poem is love. The poem is written in the form of thoughts that burst into the poet’s head with a frantic pulsation while he sits in a room with

To your beloved. These thoughts, parallel to what is happening, seem to be immediately broadcast. They start with the fact that

“The tobacco smoke has eaten away the air,
room - chapter in Kruchenykhov's hell"

He compares the room to hell from the work of contemporary Kruchenykh, as if it is now a torture chamber for the poet.

"Remember -
outside this window
for the first time
I stroked your hands in a frenzy"

This is an appeal that calls to remember such an insignificant moment as he stroked her hands, but for him even this event is important, unlike her. Another confirmation of hell - everywhere you look, there is a reminder of the past.

/> “Heart in iron” - it seems to him that he is doomed to remove the iron shell from her heart, against which he tirelessly beats.
“One more day - you’ll kick him out” - Mayakovsky has a presentiment that soon she will completely close all doors in front of him. He goes on to describe his fear of the state that will overtake him if this does happen:

“You won’t fit in the muddy front room for a long time.”
hand broken by trembling into sleeve.
I’ll run out and throw my body into the street…” - this is the poet’s allegory of fate, in the hands of which he will meekly refuse, since he will not be able to go out into the street, he can only throw his body into it, like something lifeless.

“Wild, maddened, cut off by despair” -

He already understands that if he is rejected, he will go crazy.
“Don’t do this, dear, good
“let’s say goodbye now” - the pain does not cause aggression, but rather the tenderness “dear”, “good”, and perhaps an attempt to hold back even with such words.
“All the same, my love is a heavy weight” - the weight is opposed to wings, soaring and lightness, which are usually associated with love. The weight pulls you to the bottom and does not allow you to move - Mayakovsky humiliates, calls his love names, as if he himself hates her.
Next, Mayakovsky asks her to “cry out” her grievances

“If a bull is killed by labor,
he will go and lie down in the cold waters.” That is, even the bull that is plowed has rest, which he does not have.
“There is no sun for me except your love,
but I don’t know where you are and with whom.”

Lilya did not undertake to be faithful to Mayakovsky and led a free life. But he didn’t want to share her with someone, it hurt him. In this way, Mayakovsky expresses his jealousy, but justifies it: her love is his sun and he has the right to it, like an elephant, a charter, has the right to lie down in the sand.
Calling himself a poet, he nevertheless emphasizes that she took away from him even the vanity and selfishness characteristic of a poet, thanks to which they can easily exchange “the one they love for money and fame.”

“Instead of a letter” - this is how Mayakovsky marked the poem, that is, this is a message. The poem is written in the special rhythmic manner characteristic of Mayakovsky. When phrases end not measuredly, but in a jagged manner, they are either short or long. When the beginning of a quatrain can be understood only at its end. The lyrical hero here is not personified with anyone; Mayakovsky speaks specifically about himself as a “poet” and about his love as a “heavy weight.” His poems now “live” on “dry leaves,” which Mayakovsky contrasts with “greedy breath,” the living breath of Lily.

The rhetorical question of whether the dry leaves of his words will make her stop has a clear answer - “no.” Understanding this, Mayakovsky asks to accept his last tenderness in the form of a bedding, a carpet on which she will walk or trample when leaving him.

The poem is permeated with self-deprecation, lowering one’s feelings like “weights”, “bedding”, and Mayakovsky himself describes himself as “wild”, “frenzied”, waiting to be “kicked out, scolded” and not even capable of decisive actions (“and in the air I won’t throw myself and drink poison”).

Mayakovsky clearly demonstrates his complete enslavement by an unrequited feeling, which immobilized him, made him weak and exhausted, feeling his insignificance, in contrast to her, which for him is both the sea and the sun, and her name is the most beloved “ringing”.

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem Lilichka according to plan

1. History of creation. V. Mayakovsky is far from the image of a suffering lover. However, the poet’s personal life, hidden behind rebellious, revolutionary works, was unsuccessful.

Throughout his life he was truly in love with one woman - L. Brik. She was married, but did not reject the poet’s advances. Lilya did not divorce her husband, which led Mayakovsky to painful attacks of jealousy. The poem “Lilychka!” clearly expresses the poet’s state of mind. (1916).

2. Genre of the work- love lyrics.

3. Main theme poems - painful love. Mayakovsky remained true to himself in expressing his most intimate feelings. The work is subtitled “Instead of a Letter,” but it is very far from a traditional love letter. There are no romantic sad sighs and regrets.

The rebel poet furiously talks about love, which drives him crazy. Lilya admitted that she really played with the poet. Appreciating Mayakovsky’s poetic talent, the woman did not intend to connect her fate with him. It was interesting for her to observe how a person who denies generally accepted values ​​himself became a victim of love.

The lyrical hero is in real despair from his uncertain situation. He cannot predict when his beloved will once again drive him out of the house. Mayakovsky understood that Lilya did not take him seriously, so he directly called his love a “heavy weight” for his beloved.

The poet compares himself to exhausted animals (bull, elephant), who still find time to rest. The unfortunate lyrical hero is doomed to constant suffering and torment. The author does not consider suicide the best way out, because “except for your gaze, the blade of a single knife has no power over it.” He regrets that these words, imbued with pain and despair, will not leave any trace in the heart of his beloved.

4. Composition poems are sequential.

5. Size of the work- Mayakovsky's original "ladder".

6. Expressive means. Mayakovsky makes a declaration of love using his usual means of artistic expression - neologisms and distorted words: “twisted”, “dissected”, “fired”. The futurist's love appears in an interesting perspective thanks to the use of unusual metaphors ("heart in iron", "days swept up in the carnival"), comparisons ("love" - ​​"heavy weight", "words" - "dry leaves"), personifications ("smoke. .. eaten", "will the leaves make you stop").

The lyrical hero’s excitement is conveyed by the rapid change of past, present and future tenses: “stroked” - “sit” - “kicked out”. The very sense of time seems to disappear under the influence of incredible torment. With very strong emotionality, the poem does not contain a single exclamation mark.

7. Main idea works. Mayakovsky understood perfectly well how absurd and comical his attitude towards Lilya Brik looked from the outside. The woman not only continued to live with her husband, but also did not hesitate to start new romances. The stormy confessions of the poet in love did not seem to concern her. Life together was impossible, but Mayakovsky could not stop loving Lilya. The only salvation for the poet was to express his despair in creativity.

Analyzing the poem “Lilichka” by Mayakovsky is not an easy task. The pearl of intimate lyrics resembles a real avalanche of the poet’s feelings, suffering and thoughts. He is so open and frank that it seems as if the voice of this lump of a man in Russian poetry is heard through the lines. In the article we bring to your attention Mayakovsky and a brief history of his creation.

About the poet

Vladimir Mayakovsky is a controversial but very outstanding figure in Russian poetry. The poet, whose height reached almost two meters, created the effect of his power in poetry. His sharp, biting style was strong, as if the shadow of the greatest poet, cubo-futurist, revolutionary and anarchist, actor and playwright was visible in him.

Mayakovsky is known not only for his outstanding poetry, but also for his rebellious lifestyle. His biography includes years spent in prison and at war, travel, tragedies and love dramas.

The poems and poems of this giant of literature have an incomparable style. Only the great Mayakovsky wrote this way. “Lily instead of a letter” is one of the poet’s most powerful lyrical works. It amazes with its sincerity, the open, vulnerable soul of the poet, which he reveals both to his beloved and to his readers.

Who is Lilichka? The history of the creation of the poem

The mysterious Lilichka is the wife of the poet Osip Brik's friend - Lilya Brik. The poet met her thanks to her sister Elsa, whom he courted. One day he was invited to visit her. There he read his poems to the Brik family. The poems sank into their souls, and Mayakovsky himself fell hopelessly in love with Lilichka...

The poem was written in 1916, a year after meeting his muse. Without a brief background to the relationship, a literary analysis will not be complete. Lilichka (Mayakovsky was madly and hopelessly in love with her) was a classic heartbreaker. The poet’s heart was already too exhausted and wounded. Lilya held him close, not allowing him to get closer and at the same time not letting him go. It was about these complex relationships that the poet wrote a poem.

Analysis of the poem “Lilichka” by Mayakovsky

Poetry belongs to the golden collection of intimate lyrics of Russian poetry. The title is supplemented by the postscript “Instead of a letter,” but we find no signs. More like a poet's attempt to calm the storm of his feelings, from which there is no salvation for a tormented heart.

The analysis of “Lilichka” (Mayakovsky, according to biographers, wrote while in the same room with Lilya) is difficult due to its emotional burden. It seems that the poet tried to pour all his pain and suffering onto paper.

The poet calls his love a “heavy weight” for a woman, but it is worth saying that this is precisely the impression Lilya sought for him; she liked to feel her power over the poet, to make him suffer, and then to read hard-won poems washed with the tears of her heart. But the lyrical hero compares it with the sun and the sea, that is, the absolute of life and vital energy. This was the feeling that slowly killed the poet’s heart, both at a distance and next to his beloved, from whose love “even crying cannot beg for rest.”

The literary analysis of this work is very complex and multifaceted. Lilichka (Mayakovsky put all this into words) evoked such a range of feelings in the poet’s soul that it is difficult to understand how his so-suffering heart could beat.

Antithesis and parallelism in the poem

To convey his feelings, the poet uses antithesis, elements of parallelism and a special technique of chronotope - playing with time by alternating verbs of the past, future and present. The poet “stroked the hands” of his beloved in the past, today her “heart is in iron,” and tomorrow she will be “kicked out.” Playing with tense forms of verbs creates the impression of a real kaleidoscope of events, feelings, suffering and experiences.

The antithesis manifests itself in the opposition of the poet’s inner world and feelings for the woman he loves. The severity of suffering is replaced by temporary enlightenment, from the “favorite gaze,” which the poet compares a line later to “the blade of a knife.”

The analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem “Lilichka” is complicated for any reader by his own emotions. It is difficult to read this confession of the poet and remain indifferent. Monotonous lines alternate with sudden impulses of address, tender words and requests to the beloved.

In conclusion

This is how our analysis turned out. “Lilichka” (Mayakovsky tried to say in poetry what he could not say out loud) demonstrates not only the poet’s ability to use linguistic means, but also allows us to understand who the poet was. Very strong, not broken by prisons and war, he found himself unprotected and vulnerable in the face of love. When reading the poem, a double impression is created. You sympathize with the poet, but at the same time you understand that without such strong feelings, we would not be able to enjoy such a poignant poem about love, which has no analogues and has never existed before.

Lilichka! (1916)

The poem is addressed to Lila Yuryevna Brik, who for many years remained the muse of Vladimir Mayakovsky. They had a difficult relationship.

Nevertheless, this woman was an ideal for the poet. It was to her that he dedicated the poem “Cloud in Pants” on the very first evening of their acquaintance. There were many other dedications.

But the most striking of them can be called the poem-letter “Lilichka!” It was written about a year after Lily Brik and Mayakovsky met.

The usual beginning of any letter is to address the recipient by name with an exclamation mark. This appeal became the title of the work. Before us is a letter from the hero to a woman who, apparently, can leave him at any moment. The poet is madly in love, but his ardent passion has turned into a burden for his beloved.

The excited intonation of the letter is expressed in the accented verse characteristic of Mayakovsky. Pauses and graphic highlighting of particularly significant text fragments are of great importance.

Already the first lines of this letter convey the tense state of the author. The depicted interior also immerses you in the appropriate mood: “The tobacco smoke has eaten away from the air. / Room - / chapter in Kruchenykhov’s hell” (referring to the poem by A. Kruchenykh and V. Khlebnikov “The Game in Hell”).

In a few short sentences, the poet recalls the past (“Remember - / behind this window / for the first time / your hands, frantically, stroked”), defines the present (“Today you sit here, / your heart is in iron”) and the future (“One more day - / you will drive out , / maybe scolded. / In the muddy hallway it won’t take long / a hand broken by trembling to fit into the sleeve”). And then - the most piercing lines:

I'll throw the body into the street.

Wild, I’ll go crazy, cut off by despair.

The poet’s despair is so great, the premonition that his beloved will leave him so painfully that he does not want to prolong this torment and asks her: “let us say goodbye now.” With the typical poetic imagery, Mayakovsky tries to prove his love. And we see that this feeling controls him completely.

The culmination of this passionate letter can be called the words about the craving for suicide, which the hero cannot commit, because “the blade of a single knife has no power over him,” except for the gaze of his beloved:

And I won’t throw myself into the air, and I won’t drink poison,

and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple.

The poet seems to be doing his best to deny the fatal act, but in the light of his future death this sounds tragic.

Hyperbolism of images is the main characteristic feature of the poet’s expressive linguistic means.

The lyrical hero indirectly compares himself with a bull, which is “killed by labor,” with a tired elephant, and speaks of his insane despair: “... he burned out a blooming soul with love.”

The epithet blooming soul for Mayakovsky is familiar - the poet’s soul is almost always blooming, broad, great. Such a lyrical hero always perceives personal problems as a universal catastrophe. Vivid metaphors (carnival of days; leaves of words) provide additional emotional coloring.

As always in Mayakovsky’s works, we find unusual lexical units in the text of this lyrical letter (I will go mad, I will be exhausted by despair; I will howl; Kruchenykh’s hell).

The hyperbolism of the images is combined by the author of this romantic and bitterness-filled poem with aching and defenseless tenderness: “Don’t do this, / dear, / good ...”; “and to me / no ringing is joyful / except the ringing of your beloved name”; “Besides your love, / I / have no sun...”; “Let me at least / cover / your departing step with the last tenderness.”

Before us is a passionate monologue about love, behind the lines of which the tragic silhouette of the lyrical hero is indicated.

Searched here:

  • Lilichka analysis
  • analysis of the poem Lilichka
  • Mayakovsky Lilichka analysis


Instead of a letter

The tobacco smoke has eaten away from the air.
Room -
chapter in Kruchenykhov's hell.
Remember -
outside this window
for the first time

Today you are sitting here,

heart in iron.
Another day -
you'll kick me out
maybe scolded.

I'll run out
I'll throw the body into the street.
I'll go crazy
cut off by despair.
Don't need this
let's say goodbye now.
Doesn't matter
My love -
it's a heavy weight -
hangs on you
wherever I would run.

the bitterness of offended complaints.
If a bull is killed by labor -
he will leave
will lie down in the cold waters.
Except your love
to me
there is no sea,

A tired elephant wants peace -

Besides your love,
to me
there is no sun

If only I had tormented the poet like that,

and for me
not a single joyful ringing,

And I won’t throw myself into the air,
and I won’t drink poison,

Above me
except your gaze,

Tomorrow you'll forget
that he crowned you,

and a carnival of vain days

Are my words dry leaves?
will make you stop
panting greedily?
Give me at least

your leaving step.

The above rap poem Vladimir Mayakovsky known to many, especially after it was set to the music of rock bands "Pesnyary" And "Spleen", however, I want to talk about it again.

Poem-letter-despair poet (the lyrical hero is himself Mayakovsky) - is insane in its essence, it can even be said to be of a suicidal nature, although it says that the desperate poet and will not commit suicide (in the end, he did commit suicide in life).

Madness - how passion when you see nothing in life except the object of “love”. This is often the case and suicides on this basis are not uncommon, when it seems that you can no longer live without your “loved” person.

Shown feeling poet tragic, this unrequited "love", this is torment and worry, this is something hellish(“the head in Kruchenykhov’s hell”), dependent, material (look, ringing voice, hands, etc.)

But let's look line by line...

The tobacco smoke has eaten away from the air.
Room -
chapter in Kruchenykhov's hell.
Remember -
outside this window
for the first time
In a frenzy, he stroked your hands.

They ( poet And "beloved" poet) they smoke in the room, they smoke a lot, the room resembles hell (“a chapter in Kruchenykhov’s hell” ... - This refers to the poem A. Kruchenykh And V. Khlebnikova"Game in Hell"). They don’t talk, he talks all the time, turns to his beloved Lilichkapoet, but there is no answer throughout the entire conversation, no verse between them.

Poet tortures himself, telling her: Do you remember how outside this window I first stroked your hands in a frenzy? Frenzy is a demonic, possessed state...

Today you are sitting here,
heart in iron.
Another day -
you'll kick me out
maybe scolded.
Won't fit in the muddy hallway for a long time
hand broken by trembling into sleeve.

Psycho poet He yells at her about his torment, and she sits, heart in iron(dead, indifferent to his cries), and after some time, he feels that she will kick him out completely (she will get completely tired of her). He will find himself in a cloudy hallway, with trembling hands... broken by the shiver of cold, which he tries to stuff into his sleeves to keep warm...

I'll run out
I'll throw the body into the street.
I'll go crazy
cut off by despair.
Don't need this
let's say goodbye now.

He will run out, and it’s clear that this has happened many times already - such madness, he anticipates the continuation of the attack. Wild, insane, cut off by despair(like a knife or razor) will end up on the street. But he wants to say goodbye right now, close this “topic”, not drag out the torment, forget about it.

Doesn't matter
My love -
it's a heavy weight -
hangs on you
wherever I would run.
Let me cry out in my last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.

"Love" poet- a heavy weight for her, Lilichki, but he is still offended, he cries right in front of her eyes, or rather roars like a child whose toy is taken away.

If the bull is hard they'll kill you -
he will leave
will lie down in the cold waters.
Except your love
to me
There is not seas,
and you can’t beg your love for rest even with tears.

Further poet compares himself to bull who works until deathly tired, he wants relax in cold waters. That's "love" Lilichki- this is cold for a madman maritime water, but in it he cannot even cry (!!!) rest. And he doesn’t need anything else good.

The tired one wants peace elephant -
the royal one will lie down in the fried sand.
Besides your love,
to me
There is not sun ,
and I don’t even know where you are or with whom.

Co elephant- the same story. Again he is tired, wants to rest in the sand (by the way, “fired”, burnt out), but “love” poet, Lilichka, – and there is Sun (rest, happiness, the meaning of life), and at the same time he doesn’t know where she is and who she’s hanging around with. Wants sun in the sky, but it is not there, it has disappeared behind the clouds.

Interesting Mayakovsky speaks of himself as a bull, a royal elephant... something big, but animal ( poet lives animals feelings). Bolshoi Mayakovsky with a telling surname!!!

Rhymes “they will kill the seas” bear opposition: how death and life(rest) like sea ​​Lilichka is deadly for Mayakovsky. With rhymes "Elephant - the sun" such a similar situation: the elephant wants life, rest through the sun Lilichka, which is actually lifeless, has gone behind the clouds, is absent.

If only I had tormented the poet like that,
I would trade my beloved for money and fame,
and for me
not a single joyful ringing,
except the ringing of your favorite name.

Poet so exhausted that he doesn’t even need money, because it no longer rings for him, like the name of his “beloved” rings - Lilichka!

And I won’t throw myself into the air,
and I won’t drink poison,
and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple.
Above me
except your gaze,
the blade of no knife has power.

Poet says that he will not commit suicide, that weapon not powerful over him, but powerful sight Lilichki, and she leaves him, drives him away, they part, which means that anyway, according to the logic of the poet, death awaits through suicide. Tricky O It's like madness.

Tomorrow you'll forget
that he crowned you,
that he burned out a blossoming soul with love,
and hectic days, a soaring carnival
will ruffle the pages of my books...

He is sad that, despite his suicide, she will still forget him, the fool who treated her queen, and burned his soul to the ground with “love.” The days (time) will become disheveled and the leaves-pages of his poems will scatter. He feels sorry for himself. Selfish state.

Are my words dry leaves?
will make you stop
panting greedily?
Give me at least
cover with the last tenderness
your leaving step.

They are in the room, he tells her everything, says... but his words are like dry leaves for her... she will leave and will not stop, even though he greedily and breathing(greedy for her, does not want to lose her as an object of pleasure). But he is also a romantic romantic poet: he asks tenderly Lilichka line her outgoing step. I remember Jesus Christ riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, his step was also lined.

But she'll still leave Lilichka, his personal personal Jyzhas.

P.S. Vladimir Mayakovsky And Lilya Brik painfully met with 1915 By 1930 a year before the death of the poet, who, according to official data, shot himself.

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