Why do you dream about rakes and shovels? Rake interpretation of the dream book. Complete dream book of the New Era

Profit; order in the house.

1 Rake by English dream book

Seeing a rake in a dream means:

They are used to break up and divide the earth; The rake and hoe make it easier to remove weeds and keep plants healthy. A rake or hoe most likely has a metaphorical meaning in a dream. They can mean raking in money, in which case it means profit made through effort rather than gambling). Or their meaning is closer to a curved groove, meaning that some of the projects you are working on are difficult to bring to a successful conclusion. Is there a way to improve the situation?

1 Rake according to Dream Book 2012

The need to start a new cycle, but not repeat old mistakes (also the possibility of starting).

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Rake by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dreaming with a rake means:

Trouble that is caused by you.

1 Rake by Esoteric dream book

Rake dream meaning:

There are a lot of unnecessary things in your house.

1 Rake by Jewish dream book

To undeserved insult.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Rake by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Seeing a rake means profit.

1 Rake by Dream interpretation for a bitch

A rake in a dream means:

In order to complete the important work you have started, you will have to give up assistants and do it yourself.

Watching someone working with a rake is good luck, success in work.

1 Rake by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Obstacles, profits, hard work; working with them means recovery, happiness.

1 Rake by Slavic dream book

Shameful, unprestigious, hard work.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Rake by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Why does a woman dream about a rake:

Working with a rake in a garden plot in a dream means your opponents want to steal everything from you.

1 Rake by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Seeing a rake in a dream means:

Seeing a rake in a dream means difficult work.

You dreamed that you were rowing with a rake - you will soon receive big money.

In a dream, you watched someone rowing with a rake - soon one of your relatives will receive a large sum of money, part of which will go to you.

You repaired a rake - expect a lot of work for which you will receive a large reward.

If you dreamed that you broke a rake, you will face failure in business.

Buying a rake - you are the architect of your own happiness.

You dreamed that you were selling a rake - beware, an accident may soon occur with one of your relatives.

1 Rake by Tsvetkov's dream book

A dream with a rake in the dream book is interpreted as:

Working with a rake means recovery, happiness in family life.

1 Rake by Ukrainian dream book

Dreaming with a rake means:

As you dream about a rake - there will be some profit.

1 Rake by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Rake dream meaning:

It’s as if you are working with a rake - the dream suggests that you are used to keeping your business under control - only then is your soul calm; you will not be envied if your business is big; you will entrust someone with something important and check the execution; Even if you feel unwell, do not change your rule. You dream of a broken rake - you planned the matter far in advance, but a sudden illness will mix up all plans; You will have to turn to a reliable person for help. Other people work with rakes - success awaits your friends; you will join in their joy.

1 Rake by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a rake:

Your work will be crowned with success and will benefit both you and others, for which you will be awarded honors, respect and material rewards. Imagine that you see different rakes in front of you. You look at them all and choose the ones you like best. Then you work with a rake, raking up leaves, debris, or loosening the beds.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Rake by Dream book of catchphrases

What a rake might mean in a dream:

RAKE – “stepping on the same rake” - repeating old mistakes.

1 Rake by Magic dream book

A rake in a dream means:

Repeated errors. Working with a rake means redoing your business all over again. Step on a rake and hit yourself - get a reprimand.

1 Rake by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams of a rake, it means:

Repeating the same mistakes.

1 Rake according to Hasse's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a rake:

Organize your affairs; to be under threat of being hit by a rake - to receive a severe reprimand.

1 Rake by An old Russian dream book

Seeing a rake in a dream means:

To see in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business.

1 Rake by Russian dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a rake:


1 Rake according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Interpretation of a dream about a rake:

Seeing a rake in a dream means profit, the end of hostility; working with it means family happiness; for a patient, it means recovery; catching a rake on something means feeling annoyed or offended by someone.

1 Rake by Gypsy dream book

A rake in a dream predicts:

A garden rake in a dream indicates that you need to better organize your affairs. You won't be able to grow until you have a clearer idea of ​​what you want to do next.

1 Rake by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why do you dream about Rake:

To the dead.

1 Rake by Dream book of the future

A difficult, hopeless period of life.

1 Rake by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To see in a dream how hay is raked in a field means prosperity.

1 Rake according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are working with a rake means that some task that you have delegated to others will never be completed until you look after it yourself.

A broken rake means that illness or some kind of accident will ruin your plans.

Seeing others working with a rake means that you will be pleased with someone's happy outcome.

1 Rake by Dream book alphabetically

To profit, you will soon gain freedom by removing the obligation hanging on you. Working with a rake means that some task that you have entrusted to others will never be completed if you do not control it.

Seeing someone else working with a rake means that you will be pleased with someone else's success. Clinging to a rake means experiencing frustration and resentment in reality. Getting hit with a rake means that in reality you will face a severe reprimand. Seeing a broken rake means illness or some accident will prevent you from finishing the job you started.

Working with a rake means recovery, happiness in the family, profit.

Of course! Firstly, working in the air is good for your health. Secondly, your parents are delighted with your hard work.

And thirdly, the harvest in the garden is growing by leaps and bounds.

1 Rake by Home dream book

  • Working in the garden with a rake and enjoying it means that you are always trying to bring all things to their logical conclusion.
  • Breaking a rake in a dream is a warning about a possible illness; you should be careful and attentive to your health.
  • Why do you dream of a rake? You get caught on a rake and fall - this predicts the possibility of injury in reality.
  • Working with a rake in the garden means redoing your work all over again.
  • Step on a rake and hit yourself - get a reprimand.

1 Rake by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • “Stepping on the same rake” is a repetition of old mistakes.
  • Working with a rake in a dream means that a task that you have entrusted to others will not be completed unless you take it up yourself.
  • Why dream of a rake broken in the middle of the handle - a collapse of plans due to illness or an accident.
  • Dreaming of others working with a rake means your joy in reality due to the happy outcome of other people’s affairs, as the dream book interprets Rake.
  • Dreaming of a rake in a dream means profit, an end to hostility.
  • To catch a rake on something means to feel annoyed or offended by someone.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Rake - Seeing yourself working as a rake means that some task that you have delegated to others will never be completed until you look after it yourself.

If you dreamed of a broken rake, this means that an illness or some kind of accident will ruin your plans.

Seeing others working with a rake in a dream means that you will be pleased with someone's happy outcome.

See also: why do you dream about the earth, why do you dream about working, why do you dream about the village.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Rake:

Rake - If you dreamed of a rake, it means that you will soon be freed from obligations or conditions that limit your freedom.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about Rake, how to understand the dream:

Rake - To see that you are working with a rake - then you need strict control over the work of your subordinates.

To see someone working with a rake in a dream means you will feel relieved that your friend’s problem has been successfully resolved.

If you dreamed of a broken rake, then your plans will be disrupted as a result of illness or an accident.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about Rake:

Rake - If you dreamed of a rake, then shameful, unprestigious, hard work awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream of a rake in a night dream?

Rake - If you dreamed of a rake, this is a sign of profit; you will soon gain freedom by removing the obligation hanging on you. Working with a rake in a dream means that some task that you have entrusted to others will never be completed unless you control it.

Seeing that someone else is working with a rake means that you will be pleased with someone else's success.

If you get caught on a rake in a dream, you will experience annoyance and resentment. If you get hit with a rake in a dream, you will face a severe reprimand.

Why dream of seeing a broken rake - an illness or some accident will prevent you from finishing the job you started.

Lunar dream book

If you dream of a Rake, what is it for:

Raking is a shameful, unprestigious, hard job.

Dream book for girls

Rake in the dream book:

Rake - To implement plans. Stepping on a rake in a dream means the dream is very favorable. Even plans that seem unrealistic at first glance will come true if you enlist the support of close friends. Buying a new rake means profit, order in the household; just seeing a rake means hard, long work (sometimes liberation from some annoying circumstances).

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Rake according to the dream book:

Rake - Working with a rake means in reality doing something that cannot be successfully completed without your participation. A broken rake means trouble, an accident. If you yourself broke the rake while working, then your illness or accident will prevent the successful completion of current affairs. Someone caught you with a rake - to a misunderstanding.

A dream in which you watch someone working with a rake foretells you great joy about the success of your friend or loved one.

What can you say about rakes? This item of household equipment is indispensable for owners of private houses and garden plots. You can’t do without them in the garden.

But it also happens that some people see a rake in a dream. What does this image mean? The most common meaning is a certain responsibility, unfinished business, duties. But taking into account related factors, the value may vary. Therefore, remember as many details as possible and read why you dream about a rake.

See, apply

Watch in a dream how other people work with them - you will rejoice at other people’s successes and good fortune; work yourself - the responsibilities assigned to others should be shifted onto your shoulders, otherwise the work will not be completed.

It also matters what exactly you had to row. , for example, says that the dreamer will have to work hard to achieve his goal. It may be necessary to build your life a little differently, change something, or maybe change your job. But the result will be worth it.

To see a dream in which a rake was used for raking means profit. But the dream book also explains that rakes are dreamed of as a sign of obstacles, problems that you solve by working with them, that is, you rake away all the bad things, clearing the way for new achievements.

Those who stepped on a rake in a dream and got hit in the forehead with it should be more attentive to their health. There is a risk of developing a disease, which will interfere with the realization of your goals. In addition, looking into the dream book, we will find that a rake in the form of a simple image means the usual workdays ahead of you.

But this dream can also call on the dreamer to begin a new life cycle. Apparently, you periodically make the same mistakes - you need to reconsider these moments and enter a new stage without them.

What else can this item of household equipment warn about? The rake also notifies the dreamer about the imminent release of certain obligations - you will solve this issue yourself or your family and friends will come to the rescue. In addition, this dream can be dreamed by a sick person, in which case it promises him a speedy recovery.

Repairing them promises the start of a new project, the conclusion of a profitable deal, or a considerable amount of work. But after doing all this work, you will receive tangible profits. A monetary reward is also expected if you observed another person working with a rake. But it will be a part of his profit.

There is another interpretation option that the dream book offers: according to it, a rake can mean the end of hostility between you and another person. By working with them, you sort of clear up the existing misunderstanding and thereby improve relationships.

This image in a dream is a valuable hint for owners of their own business: it says that it is necessary to streamline things and organize them more carefully. These activities will make it easier to do business, as well as make more profit, especially when the rake was a garden one.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 22nd day of the month. Dreams that occurred last night warn of trouble.

Today is the 24th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true in 12 days.

Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is the day of fiery Mars. Mars gives birth to aspirations and gives impetus to action. Mars is the planet of personal power. Dreams seen on Tuesday are related to your personal aspirations. They will show how much fire and desires you have. Mars is a masculine planet, the planet of a warrior, so Tuesday’s dreams will tell about upcoming or past wars, about scandals. About familiar men.

If Tuesday's sleep is calm. This means that you have found a use for your energy, you can easily overcome any possible obstacles on the path to success, and no scandals are expected in your life in the near future. A vivid dream suggests that there is now a lot of vitality inside you, you have “eight arms” and “three heads”. Don’t put anything off for later, take on several things at once, everything will work out quickly. Sharp objects in a dream will indicate your readiness for active action. An unpleasant dream indicates increased self-esteem and the predominance of selfish intentions. A very good sign is your leadership in a dream.

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RAKE – Miller's Dream Book

To dream that you are working with a rake means that some task that you have entrusted to the shoulders of someone else will never be completed unless you look after it yourself.

A broken rake means that illness or some kind of accident will ruin your plans.

Seeing others working with a rake means that you will be pleased with someone's happy outcome.

RAKE – Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a rake in a dream means that you will soon be freed from obligations or conditions that limit your freedom.

Having a rake in your hands and walking across the field with it is a sign that you will be able to benefit from the fruits of someone else’s labor.

Working with a rake in the garden means that you are used to keeping your work under control - only then will your soul be at peace. You will not be envied if your business is big. You will entrust something important to someone and check how the execution is going. Even if you feel unwell, do not change your rule.

You dream of a broken rake - you have planned the matter far in advance, but a sudden illness will throw all your plans into disarray and you will have to turn to a reliable person for help.

Other people work with rakes - success awaits your friends, you will join their joy.

RAKE – Slavic Dream Book

Working means recovery, happiness in family life.

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To dream that you are working with a rake means that some task that you have delegated to others will never be completed until you look after it yourself. A broken rake means that illness or some kind of accident will ruin your plans. Seeing others working with a rake means that you will be pleased with someone's happy outcome.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse Rake

Put your affairs in order, be under the threat of being hit by a rake - receive a severe reprimand

Modern dream book Rake

If you dream that you are working with a rake, then the dream warns that the work that you have entrusted to others will not be completed until you take up the task yourself. Seeing a broken rake in a dream means that illness or an accident will interfere with the implementation of your plans. If others work with the rake, then you will rejoice in the happiness of other people.

Esoteric dream book Rake

There are a lot of unnecessary things in your house.

Dreams to make wishes come true Rake

your work will be crowned with success and will benefit both you and others, for which you will be awarded with honors, respect and material rewards. Imagine that you see different rakes in front of you. You look at them all and choose the ones you like best. Then you work with a rake, raking up leaves, debris, or loosening the beds.

Your personal dream book Rake

Seeing in a dream how you work with a rake suggests that you should take care of your own affairs, this way you will achieve much more success than if you shift them to other people. If you see others working with a rake, it means your relatives will be happy and you will be happy for them. If you dreamed of a broken rake, it means that the happy ending of your plans will be prevented by illness or some kind of accident.

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