Freeze sea cocktail recipes. How to make a frozen seafood cocktail - the best recipes for every taste! Baked rolls with seafood

Seafood is tasty and healthy. And if until now your gastronomic acquaintance with these products has been limited to salted herring and boiled shrimp, then, as they say, we are coming to you. To tell you how to quickly and easily cook seafood and turn it into an appetizing and satisfying dish. And, of course, we will take into account all the nuances of culinary processing. Because we understand perfectly well that for everyone who lives more than 500 km from the nearest salty body of water, seafood is available only in frozen and packaged form. Don’t let this fact upset you too much: when properly prepared, they are almost as good in taste and properties as fresh, recently caught sea creatures.

Types and characteristics of frozen seafood
The entire diversity of edible living organisms from the depths of the sea can be divided into two main groups: mollusks and crustaceans. Of course, fish is a separate group, but we will not consider it in this article. But let’s try to sort out the first two categories literally “by the bones,” although many of their representatives just don’t have bones. Edible shellfish are mussels, scallops, squid, oysters and some other bivalves. Among crustaceans, most of our compatriots are familiar with the taste of shrimp, crabs and lobsters.

All these invertebrates are caught by fishermen directly in their habitats, but end up on supermarket shelves only after processing and more or less long transportation. Freezing technology varies for different types of seafood depending on their size and structure. For example, most small organisms are frozen in whole blocks, but a large crab can be left individual and whole. Most often, frozen mussels and squid are covered with a so-called glaze - that is, a layer of ice.

Both shellfish and crustaceans can be sold cut or whole, raw or pre-cooked before freezing. For example, shrimp retain their taste and meat structure better if they are frozen already cooked. Squid and mussels are found in the windows of fish stores, both fresh-frozen and boiled-frozen. When you go shopping for them, you are most likely to be able to buy the following seafood:

  • shrimps;
  • mussels;
  • scallops;
  • crabs and crayfish;
  • lobsters and lobsters;
  • squid;
  • octopuses;
  • cuttlefish;
  • sea ​​cocktail (assortment of several varieties of seafood).
In short, the assortment is quite wide, and allows you to choose any or several delicacies to your taste, sold by weight or in factory packaging. The shape of the packaging is not of fundamental importance, so be guided by your own convenience. The main thing is that frozen seafood is not frozen into a lump, and that the glaze on its surface does not take up too much volume.

Defrosting seafood
Whatever type of marine exotic you prefer, it is important to be able to properly defrost and prepare this product. Most manufacturers place instructions on the packaging for how to use the contents, but if you purchased loose seafood, you can defrost it using a universal method without any problems.

To do this, place the bag or bowl on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (or the one farthest from the freezer) and wait until the ice turns into water. You can achieve the same effect faster by defrosting seafood in the kitchen sink. Some housewives douse the frozen bag with hot water. But most often, seafood is defrosted directly during the cooking process. Especially boiled-frozen ones and those that do not require long-term heat treatment.

Cooking frozen seafood
Depending on the occasion and type of seafood, choose one of the recipes to suit your taste. Each of them is tested and good in its own way:

  1. Sea cocktail in a frying pan. A mixture of mussels, squid, shrimp, etc. Place in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then transfer to a heated frying pan and quickly fry in vegetable or butter. There is no need to salt seafood, and aromatic herbs and/or a mixture of peppers can be added at the very end of cooking.
  2. Pilaf with seafood. Take 500 g of seafood (excluding the weight of ice), a glass of rice, a small onion, 1 tablespoon of refined vegetable (olive or sunflower) oil, spices for pilaf. Without pre-defrosting, boil seafood in boiling water and transfer to a cauldron with heated oil. Separately, fry the chopped onion and add it along with the spices. Rinse the rice in advance and soak in cold water. Then place on top of the seafood and add water to cover the level of solids by about 2 cm. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until the rice is cooked. As the liquid boils, add water in small portions.
  3. Seafood in wine. For half a kilo of seafood cocktail (or any seafood of your choice) you will need half a ripe lemon, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 1 sweet red pepper, 2 tablespoons each of butter and olive oil, 1 glass of wine (dry white), a pinch of salt , ground pepper and fresh herbs.
    Thaw the seafood according to the instructions on the package or in another convenient way, and transfer to a glass bowl. Pour lemon juice, salt and add a little pepper, stir and place under the lid in a cool place for 20-30 minutes. Peel the onion and garlic, cut into smaller pieces, quickly fry in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Then cut the pepper into narrow strips and simmer together with the onion for 7 minutes.
    Remove the bowl of seafood and discard any liquid that has formed around it. Add to vegetables and simmer, stirring continuously, over low heat. After 5 minutes, pour in the wine, stir and simmer under the lid for another 8-10 minutes or until the liquid has completely evaporated. Only a small amount of thick sauce made from vegetables and wine will remain in the pan along with the seafood. Before serving with a side dish of rice and/or a fresh vegetable salad, sprinkle the seafood with chopped herbs.
  4. “Drunk” seafood with tomatoes and cheese. A Mediterranean recipe that is in demand among visitors to European restaurants. You can join them in our latitudes. To do this, take 500-700 g of a mixture of mussels, scallops, shrimp and squid, 400 g of tomatoes canned in their own juice, 2 large salad peppers (red or yellow, or one of each of a different color), 5 cloves of garlic, 1 medium onion, 300-350 g unsalted cheese (can be replaced with feta), 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, zest from one large lemon, 3 tablespoons of vodka, a pinch of salt and ground white pepper, a few dried chili pepper flakes and a couple of anise stars.
    Thaw seafood in the refrigerator or at room temperature, drain the thawed water. Meanwhile, take care of the vegetables: peel and cut the onions and peppers into cubes, chop the garlic in a crush or mortar. Place the garlic in a bowl with the defrosted seafood, pour in half the butter and vodka, sprinkle with salt, pepper and zest, mix everything and add anise. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
    To prepare the sauce, sauté the prepared onions and peppers in the remaining oil in a deep saucepan, after 5 minutes add salt, add two more tablespoons of vodka and remove the tomatoes from the jar. Simmer for 5 minutes covered over low heat, then fry for another 5 minutes without a lid.
    Take out the bowl of seafood and add it to the saucepan along with the marinade and juices. Cover with a lid, reduce the heat to low and leave for 10 minutes. Use time as a guide to the readiness of the seafood: large specimens take longer to cook, while small boiled shrimp only need a few minutes to warm up.
    A couple of minutes before it’s ready, crumble the feta cheese (you can use other white cheese) and generously sprinkle the contents of the dish with it. Cover with a lid, turn off the heat and let sit for at least 10-15 minutes. When serving the finished stew, immediately place it on portioned plates and add a side dish of rice or pasta without sauce. The fact is that there is already enough sauce in this dish, and it is very tasty, so do not forget about fresh bread, which you will happily use to soak up the leftovers from the plate.
These are the basic seafood preparation techniques on which increasingly complex recipes are built. Wine sauce and rice are the most suitable companions for them. Seafood is often cooked in batter, but this is far from the healthiest culinary technology. Whereas seafood that has undergone only slight heat treatment is certainly healthy and easily digestible.

However, cases of poisoning from seafood are not uncommon. In most cases, this occurs due to failure to comply with basic safety rules. Remember them so as not to repeat the mistakes of others:

  1. Do not skimp on purchasing seafood and purchase it only from large food chains or trusted retail outlets. The slightest doubt about the freshness of the product should make you refuse to eat seafood, especially those purchased at the market.
  2. When purchasing packaged seafood, make sure the package is intact. When purchasing loose, check the delivery time and expiration date of the product.
  3. Once defrosted, seafood cannot be re-frozen. At home, if you were unable to cook all the contents of the defrosted package, do not regret it and throw away the leftovers. Health is more valuable.
Both fresh and defrosted seafood spoil quickly even at room temperature, so you need to cook and eat it quickly. Only in this case will you receive a complete set of valuable microelements, vitamins and light protein hidden in their composition.

How to prepare a frozen seafood cocktail, and what is this magnificent dish? How long and how long should seafood be cooked and should it be defrosted beforehand? We will consider all these questions below. Join us!

As a rule, a mixture of seafood is usually called a seafood cocktail or platter. It mainly contains shrimp, mussels, squid and octopus. There are a lot of recipes using seafood. From the seafood included in the mixture, you can make excellent appetizers, prepare first courses and dizzyingly delicious hot dishes, serving them with a side dish or on their own. It doesn’t matter at all what you prefer, because in any case, the result in the form of an easily digestible and healthy dish is guaranteed to you!

What to Look for When Buying Mixed Seafood

It is very easy to buy such a freshly frozen semi-finished product nowadays, because it is sold in any supermarket. If you look closely at the packaging, you will see on it not only the names of the manufacturer and supplier of the product, its composition and expiration date, but also instructions for use. The photo shows seafood products - a cocktail of octopus, squid and crab sticks.

In stores you can find raw-frozen and boiled-frozen seafood cocktails. Please note: it is more profitable to buy already cooked seafood, since raw frozen seafood will lose about half of its weight during cooking.

Seafood is sold in transparent and translucent packaging. Take the time to consider whether the seafood is separated from each other in the mixture. If the octopus, squid and mussels are stuck together, it means the bag has already been defrosted or was stored incorrectly. Find out how and for a variety of dishes.

Consider also the appearance of the seafood mix, noting its consistency and color, when buying a fresh product - smell if there is a sour smell. Mussels should not have any blackening, while octopuses must be dark in color. Quality shrimp have the correct comma shape, and squid should ideally be firm.

How to prepare a frozen seafood cocktail: recipes

Each ingredient included in the seafood mixture is sold ready-to-eat, boiled and cleaned. Sea cocktail is usually used as part of a dish or as its base. From its ingredients, chefs all over the world bake, boil, fry, make excellent appetizers, salads, excellent first courses and even soups. But you can try such a tasty dish not only in a restaurant, but also learn how to cook it at home.

Before cooking, the frozen product must be defrosted, and then the seafood must be washed. It is best to defrost it in the refrigerator, leaving the mixture for two to three hours. If time is pressing, defrost the semi-finished product at room temperature. If you have defrosted seafood, and cooking is postponed until the next day, salt it, but do not re-freeze it.

Seafood will become a complete meat substitute in dishes such as pilaf. And your guests will definitely appreciate the surprisingly harmonious taste of the food, as well as your non-standard approach to the cooking process.

Preparing pilaf with seafood is as easy as shelling pears. Use a step-by-step recipe from a world-famous nutritionist, whose name is Pierre Dukan, and use a new cooking method that you may not have known about before.

Boil the rice until cooked, then start preparing the seafood set. Fry grated carrots, finely chopped onions and bell peppers in a frying pan with oil. Don't forget about garlic, salt and ground black pepper. Add spices according to your taste. After the vegetables are cooked, add the defrosted seafood mixture to them (remember that it must be washed first), fry and simmer this pilaf dressing for about 10 minutes. To complete the cooking process, mix the rice with seafood.

It is allowed to add tomato paste or tomatoes to the pilaf; such ingredients can emphasize the spicy aroma of seafood. If you like a spicy taste, then add some ground red pepper. This dish is tasty and healthy, contains few calories and is included in the menu of some diets and the PP diet.

Shrimp, squid and other seafood for a family dinner? Another great idea is to turn everyone’s boring navy-style pasta into a luxurious Italian dish worthy of being served in a “star” restaurant. So, just replace the minced meat with a sea cocktail, and before serving, sprinkle the spaghetti or noodles with grated cheese and herbs. Seafood products must be fried in a frying pan with olive oil. The end result is a wonderful, low-calorie fried seafood gravy. And perhaps you won’t exchange this version of the dish for classic navy-style pasta.

When guests are on the doorstep, and you only have about 20 minutes to prepare food, use a freshly frozen seafood cocktail for. Pizza crust will save you. Grease the dough with tomato paste or mayonnaise, evenly spread defrosted seafood on the pizza base, add blanched tomatoes, olives and bake the pizza in the oven for about 15 - 20 minutes. Have no doubt, your guests will appreciate your pizza with a bang.

Cooking seafood soup

Seafood soup is an excellent first course that is very easy and quick to prepare. The ingredients you should take are leeks, onions, carrots, half a glass of white wine, olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh herbs and sea cocktail.

First, fry all the vegetables in butter, then place them in a pan of boiling salted water. Boil the vegetables for 20 minutes, then strain the broth. Add wine to the strained soup and bring the broth to a boil. Thawed seafood must be cleaned, scalded with boiling water, and added to the broth. In 15 minutes the soup will be ready. To decorate the dish, sprinkle it with herbs and serve.

A wonderful combination that is appreciated by gourmets all over the world is a boiled mixture of seafood and mushrooms. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy this dizzying taste and prepare julienne from a mixture of seafood. Boil defrosted seafood for 5 minutes, adding salt and bay leaf or garlic sauce to the water for flavor. While the seafood is cooking, prepare the sauce.

Separately, fry the onions and mushrooms, add seafood to them. Simmer for a few minutes, allowing the ingredients of the mixture to “make friends.” Next, add a spoonful of flour to the pan, pour in half a glass of cream, salt and pepper the resulting sauce. Watch the process: the fire should not be too high so that the flour does not burn.

Literally before your eyes, the contents of the frying pan will change consistency, and when the sauce looks like sour cream, put the dish in molds and sprinkle with cheese. Next, the dish needs to be baked. To do this, bake in the oven for about 10 - 15 minutes at 180 °C. You should definitely decorate the julienne with herbs, because this will make the dish look very presentable.

Sea cocktail with soy sauce

The “right” sauce is the one that will help bring out the flavor of seafood. Start cooking by defrosting the seafood cocktail. Salt the seafood, add a little soy sauce and leave the mussels, shrimp and squid to marinate in it for about half an hour.

To save time, peel the garlic and onions and fry them in olive oil. Add cream, half a spoon of soy sauce and pepper to taste. Next, add seafood and simmer everything for a couple of minutes. If you are not a fan of soy sauce, replace it with sour cream and the seafood cocktail will be lighter. The dish is prepared simply and very quickly, and its taste will definitely conquer your family.

Sea cocktail for beer

A mixture of seafood is not only an exquisite culinary dish, but also a product that will be an excellent snack for any type of beer. Seafood should be thawed and marinated in a mixture of two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of soy sauce. It would be a good idea to add a few slices of lemon to the marinade. After 15 minutes, place the seafood in a colander to drain the brine and fry the seafood in a pan for about 5 minutes. You will definitely like this beer snack.

Preparing a seafood cocktail in a slow cooker

The seafood mixture is easy to prepare not only in a saucepan, frying pan or oven, but also in a slow cooker. Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl, then add the onion cubes and turn on the “Fry” mode. As soon as the onion turns golden, add the seafood cocktail and finely chopped garlic (to taste) into the bowl. After 5 minutes, add one chopped tomato or two to three tablespoons of tomato paste to the seafood.
The magnificent dish is ready, and it is appropriate to serve it with rice or pasta.

Surely, after you prepare all the above recipes, you will envy the people living by the ocean. This is who can eat unlimited amounts of fresh seafood! Don’t despair, because you can enjoy mussels, shrimp, octopus, squid and other seafood far from the ocean thanks to the use of a mixture of seafood.

The benefits of seafood

Since ancient times, seafood has been considered an exquisite and sophisticated food, highly valued by gourmets.

In addition to truly tasting great, the seafood included in the mix, raw, fresh or frozen, is very healthy. So, shrimp, octopus, squid, mussels and other seafood - , D, E. Sea cocktail is a very light, dietary dish that is low in calories, but provides a feeling of fullness throughout the day due to the high protein content in its components. It is a lean product that replaces meat.

Find out quick and easy with unusual and delicious recipes.

You can watch the video for more information about preparing dishes from a mixture of seafood.

On store shelves you often find mixtures of seafood in various packages or in bulk, frozen or chilled. We'll tell you how to make a frozen seafood cocktail and give step-by-step instructions for preparing 3 popular and delicious dishes. You will receive practical recommendations on product selection and preparation.

Secrets to choosing a seafood mixture

Now stores offer a wide range of this exotic product. Before you prepare a frozen seafood cocktail, let's learn how to choose it correctly.

To avoid getting into trouble when purchasing, pay attention to the following features:

  • Seafood on sale can be found raw and thermally processed. Both of these options are frozen for longer storage and transportation. When purchasing a mixture of raw seafood, keep in mind that it will lose a lot of weight during the cooking process. And the boiled ones just need to melt and you can eat them.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the packaging. Never purchase expired goods, as seafood is perishable and can cause severe food poisoning.
  • Consider the weight of the seafood cocktail package. These products come to us from many countries and are packaged in a variety of ways. It is advisable to find out the net weight and calculate how much a kilogram of product will cost you. This way you can quickly figure out the price and not overpay.
  • Study the composition of the mixture. It can be varied. Sometimes, instead of overseas octopus, mussels and squid, a third of the weight will be a surrogate in the form of crab sticks.
  • If the seafood has a large amount of ice and is frozen together, this mixture has previously been defrosted. You should not buy this product; it may be spoiled or stale.

How to properly defrost and prepare a cocktail

The taste of the dish directly depends not only on the choice of mixture, but also on the correct defrosting. In order not to lose the taste and aroma of seafood and preserve their beneficial properties, use the following scheme:

  1. Thaw the mixture in the refrigerator.
  2. If you need to do it quickly, then do it in a cool place.
  3. Do not do this in the microwave, in the sun or by soaking in water.
  4. During the defrosting process, drain the resulting liquid (especially if there is a large amount of it), this way you will not allow the product to become saturated with water or lose its taste and aroma along with the melted ice.
  5. If, after defrosting the cocktail, you cannot prepare it right away, there is no need to freeze it again, it is better to salt it and leave it for a while in the zero chamber of the refrigerator.
  6. Sort through defrosted foods. They may contain foreign ingredients (shrimp scales, shells).
  7. Rinse thoroughly under running water and dry the products. They cannot be soaked.

Having gone through all the stages of preparation, you can begin preparing delicious dishes, the recipes of which we will describe below.

Pilaf with sea cocktail

An incredibly tasty, dietary and gourmet dish. It's easy to prepare and doesn't take much time.

We will need:

  • rice (crumb varieties) – 1 cup;
  • white onion or leek – 100-200 gr.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • sea ​​cocktail – 500 gr.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • small tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • spices (salt, pepper, herbs);
  • greens, soy sauce, lemon - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Boil rice in a cauldron or thick-walled container. It must first be washed 5-6 times. This will remove all the starch and the cereal will not stick together. For a glass of rice we need 2 glasses of water.
  2. In a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the carrots (cut into strips), onions (in half rings) and at the end add the sea cocktail. Simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. When all the water from the rice has evaporated, add vegetables and seafood, spices and tomatoes cut into large pieces. Stir well once, cover tightly and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Without opening the cauldron, let it sit for another half hour, wrapped in a towel.
  4. The finished dish can be sprinkled with chopped herbs, sprinkled with lemon or soy sauce.

Pasta with seafood

This Italian dish has gained popularity on our menu due to the ease of preparation and the availability of pasta. Now this delicacy can be found not only on the menus of elite restaurants, but also in home kitchens.

We will need:

  • pasta (hard varieties) – 300 gr.;
  • sea ​​cocktail – 500 gr.;
  • butter – 70 gr.;
  • hard cheese – 100 gr.;
  • herbs, spices, garlic clove.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Boil the pasta until tender in plenty of salted water, strain it.
  2. Melt butter in a frying pan, coarsely chopped garlic, lightly fry and remove from the frying pan. We only need its scent.
  3. Add sea cocktail and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Place fried seafood on top of the prepared pasta.
  5. Sprinkle the hot dish with grated hard cheese (Parmesan is perfect) and dry herbs or chopped herbs.

Pizza with mixed seafood

This is a universal and beloved dish that can be prepared not only with ham or meat, but also with seafood.

We will need:

  • ready-made pizza base (or dough according to your favorite recipe);
  • Seafood Cocktail;
  • boiled fish fillet;
  • tomato;
  • hard cheese;
  • olives;
  • tomato sauce;
  • greens or dried herbs as desired.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Grease the pizza base with tomato sauce.
  2. Place onion cut into half rings, tomato into thin slices, prepared seafood mixture, slices of boiled fish fillet and olives onto the dough.
  3. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle with grated cheese, dry herbs or chopped herbs, and place in the oven for another 7 minutes.

This dish is incredibly tasty both warm and cold.

Subtleties of preparing a frozen sea cocktail

We looked at 3 simple but very tasty seafood dishes. In cooking, this product is used quite widely and a large number of recipes are presented. Our practical recommendations will allow you to perfectly prepare a seafood cocktail in any way.

  1. Cooking time for small seafood is 3-4 minutes, large seafood is 5-7 minutes. After which they become tough and lose their taste. If you plan to use seafood of different sizes in one recipe, add them one at a time to avoid overcooking.
  2. In order not to “interrupt” the subtle aroma of seafood, it is not recommended to combine it with pronounced flavors. For example, fresh garlic, onions, ginger. It is better to use neutral products, then the marine motif will lead in the harmony of all the flavors of your dish.
  3. It is better to brew the cocktail in salted water with the addition of spices. Fry in refined vegetable oil of neutral taste.
  4. Do not store thawed mixture for a long time. It is also better to cook dishes before eating, or keep them in the refrigerator for no more than 1-2 days.
  5. Before eating seafood, make sure that you or your guests are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the mixture. Such reactions are not uncommon.

If you know how to properly prepare a frozen seafood cocktail, the dishes from it will turn out tasty and delicious. In addition to the fact that seafood is recognized as dietary and healthy, it allows us to diversify our daily diet and provides great scope for culinary creativity.

Video recipe

How to prepare a frozen seafood cocktail, and what is this magnificent dish? How long and how long should seafood be cooked and should it be defrosted beforehand? We will consider all these questions below. Join us!

As a rule, a mixture of seafood is usually called a seafood cocktail or platter. It mainly contains shrimp, mussels, squid and octopus. There are a lot of recipes using seafood. From the seafood included in the mixture, you can make excellent appetizers, prepare first courses and dizzyingly delicious hot dishes. It doesn’t matter at all what you prefer, because in any case, the result in the form of an easily digestible and healthy dish is guaranteed to you!

What to Look for When Buying Mixed Seafood

It is very easy to buy such a frozen semi-finished product nowadays, because it is sold in any supermarket. If you look closely at the packaging, you will see on it not only the names of the manufacturer and supplier of the product, its composition and expiration date, but also instructions for use. The photo shows seafood products - a cocktail of octopus, squid and crab sticks.

In stores you can find raw-frozen and boiled-frozen seafood cocktails. Please note: it is more profitable to buy already cooked seafood, since raw frozen seafood will lose about half of its weight during cooking.

Seafood is sold in transparent and translucent packaging. Take the time to consider whether the seafood is separated from each other in the mixture. If the octopus, squid and mussels are stuck together, it means the bag has already been defrosted or was stored incorrectly. Find out how and how much to cook squid for a variety of dishes.

Consider also the appearance of the seafood mix, noting its consistency and color, when buying fresh product - smell for a sour smell. Mussels should not have any blackening, while octopuses must be dark in color. Quality shrimp have the correct comma shape, and squid should ideally be firm.

How to prepare a frozen seafood cocktail: recipes

Each ingredient included in the seafood mixture is sold ready-to-eat, boiled and cleaned. Sea cocktail is usually used as part of a dish or as its base. Chefs all over the world use its ingredients to bake, boil, fry, make excellent appetizers, salads, excellent first courses and even soups. But you can try such a tasty dish not only in a restaurant, but also learn how to cook it at home.

Before cooking, the frozen product must be defrosted, and then the seafood must be washed. It is best to defrost it in the refrigerator, leaving the mixture for two to three hours. If time is pressing, defrost the semi-finished product at room temperature. If you have defrosted seafood, and cooking is postponed until the next day, salt it, but do not re-freeze it.

Helpful tip: It is not recommended to cook seafood for a long time. The optimal cooking time is no more than 5 minutes, because under longer exposure to high temperatures, octopus or tender squid meat will become very tough. If the seafood cocktail has been thawed, do not re-freeze it. Find out how to cook shrimp correctly and tasty.

Seafood pilaf from Pierre Dukan

Seafood will become a complete meat substitute in dishes such as pilaf. And your guests will definitely appreciate the surprisingly harmonious taste of the food, as well as your non-standard approach to the cooking process.

Preparing pilaf with seafood is as easy as shelling pears. Use a step-by-step recipe from a world-famous nutritionist, whose name is Pierre Dukan, and use a new cooking method that you may not have known about before.

Boil the rice until cooked, then start preparing the seafood set. Fry grated carrots, finely chopped onions and bell peppers in a frying pan with oil. Don't forget about garlic, salt and ground black pepper. Add spices according to your taste. After the vegetables are cooked, add the defrosted seafood mixture to them (remember that it must be washed first), fry and simmer this pilaf dressing for about 10 minutes. To complete the cooking process, mix the rice with seafood.

It is allowed to add tomato paste or tomatoes to the pilaf; such ingredients can emphasize the spicy aroma of seafood. If you like a spicy taste, then add some ground red pepper. This dish is tasty and healthy, contains few calories and is included in the menu of some diets.

Pasta with seafood

What can you cook from mussels, shrimp, squid and other seafood? Another great idea is to turn everyone’s tired pasta navy style into a luxurious Italian dish worthy of being served in a “star” restaurant. So, just replace the minced meat with a sea cocktail, and before serving, sprinkle the spaghetti or noodles with grated cheese and herbs. Seafood products must be fried in a frying pan with olive oil. The end result is a wonderful, low-calorie fried seafood gravy. And perhaps you won’t exchange this version of the dish for classic navy-style pasta.

Great pizza with seafood cocktail

When guests are on the doorstep and you only have about 20 minutes to prepare food, use a freshly frozen seafood cocktail to prepare a luxurious pizza. Pizza crust will save you. Grease the dough with tomato paste or mayonnaise, evenly spread thawed seafood on the pizza base, add blanched tomatoes, olives and bake the pizza in the oven for about 15 - 20 minutes. Have no doubt, your guests will appreciate your pizza with a bang.

Cooking seafood soup

Seafood soup is an excellent first course that is very easy and quick to prepare. As ingredients you should take healthy celery, leeks, onions, carrots, half a glass of white wine, olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh herbs and sea cocktail.

First, fry all the vegetables in butter, then place them in a pan of boiling salted water. Boil the vegetables for 20 minutes, then strain the broth. Add wine to the strained soup and bring the broth to a boil. Thawed seafood must be cleaned, scalded with boiling water, and added to the broth. In 15 minutes the soup will be ready. To decorate the dish, sprinkle it with herbs and serve.

Seafood and mushroom julienne

A wonderful combination that is appreciated by gourmets all over the world is a boiled mixture of seafood and mushrooms. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy this dizzying taste and prepare julienne from a mixture of seafood. Boil defrosted seafood for 5 minutes, adding salt and bay leaf or garlic sauce to the water for flavor. While the seafood is cooking, prepare the sauce.

Separately, fry the onions and mushrooms, add seafood to them. Simmer for a few minutes, allowing the ingredients of the mixture to “make friends.” Next, add a spoonful of flour to the pan, pour in half a glass of cream, salt and pepper the resulting sauce. Watch the process: the fire should not be too high so that the flour does not burn.

Literally before your eyes, the contents of the frying pan will change consistency, and when the sauce looks like sour cream, put the dish in molds and sprinkle with cheese. Next, the dish needs to be baked. To do this, bake in the oven for about 10 - 15 minutes at 180 °C. You should definitely decorate the julienne with herbs, because this will make the dish look very presentable.-

Sea cocktail with soy sauce

The “right” sauce is the one that will help bring out the flavor of the seafood. Start cooking by defrosting the seafood cocktail. Salt the seafood, add a little soy sauce and leave the mussels, shrimp and squid to marinate in it for about half an hour.-

To save time, peel the garlic and onions and fry them in olive oil. Add cream, half a spoon of soy sauce and pepper to taste. Next, add seafood and simmer everything for a couple of minutes. If you are not a fan of soy sauce, replace it with sour cream and the seafood cocktail will be lighter. The dish is prepared simply and very quickly, and its taste will definitely conquer your family.

Sea cocktail for beer

A mixture of seafood is not only an exquisite culinary dish, but also a product that will be an excellent snack for any type of beer. Seafood should be thawed and marinated in a mixture of two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of soy sauce. It would be a good idea to add a few slices of lemon to the marinade. After 15 minutes, place the seafood in a colander to drain the marinade and fry the seafood in a pan for about 5 minutes. You will definitely like this beer snack.

Preparing a seafood cocktail in a slow cooker

The seafood mixture is easy to prepare not only in a saucepan, frying pan or oven, but also in a slow cooker. Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl, then add the onion cubes and turn on the “Fry” mode. As soon as the onion turns golden, add the seafood cocktail and finely chopped garlic (to taste) into the bowl. After 5 minutes, add one chopped tomato or two to three tablespoons of tomato paste to the seafood.-

The magnificent dish is ready, and it is appropriate to serve it with rice or pasta.

Surely, after you prepare all the above recipes, you will envy the people living by the ocean. This is who can eat unlimited amounts of fresh seafood! Don’t despair, because you can enjoy mussels, shrimp, octopus, squid and other seafood far from the ocean thanks to the use of a mixture of seafood.

The benefits of seafood

Since ancient times, seafood has been considered an exquisite and sophisticated food, highly valued by gourmets.-

In addition to truly tasting great, the seafood included in the mix, raw, fresh or frozen, is very healthy. Thus, shrimp, octopus, squid, mussels and other seafood are sources of vitamins A, D, E. A seafood cocktail is a very light, dietary dish that is low in calories, but provides a feeling of fullness throughout the day due to the high protein content in its components. It is a lean product that replaces meat.

Find out what you can whip up using unusual and delicious recipes.

You can watch the video for more information about preparing dishes from a mixture of seafood.-

Hello, dear readers! You probably know that many diets include seafood on the menu. And this is no coincidence, since most of them are low-calorie and contain easily digestible protein. On average, 100 grams of the mixture contains 80-100 calories. But in order to preserve the dietary properties of seafood, you need to know how to prepare a frozen seafood cocktail. There are many ways to prepare this product, some of which we will now look at.

Seafood mixture with rice in a frying pan

I call this dish “sea pilaf”, as it resembles it in consistency. To prepare you need:

  • 200 grams of rice (I recommend using long grain rice to prevent it from sticking);
  • 50 grams of olive oil;
  • seafood cocktail packaging;
  • garlic clove;
  • bulb;
  • bell pepper pod.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The rice is washed under cold water until the liquid drains from the grains in a transparent state. I advise you to cover the rice with water in a saucepan, and then rub the grains well with your hands. This way you can clean the cereal faster. Then the rice is boiled until cooked.
  2. The onion is peeled and cut into small pieces. The onion pieces are sent to a frying pan, where they are fried in a small amount of oil until lightly golden.
  3. The paprika is washed, peeled, cut into strips and added to the onion.
  4. The garlic is peeled, passed through a press, and transferred to the vegetables.
  5. All vegetables are mixed and fried until fully cooked. Oil is added.
  6. Then seafood is poured into the pan. Everything is mixed and simmered for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Seafood mixed with rice.

As a side dish for this dish, I recommend serving sliced ​​vegetables, which will refresh the taste of the pilaf.

The video shows a recipe for a sea cocktail with herbs and garlic:

Vegetable salad with cocktail

How to cook frozen seafood for salads? It’s very simple, because all you need to do is boil them.

For a salad with vegetables and seafood you need:

  • packaging of frozen seafood;
  • salad in a pot;
  • bell pepper pod;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the seafood cocktail without first thawing it in lightly salted water until fully cooked. This process usually takes me 5 minutes. Then the seafood is placed in a colander and dried.
  2. The pepper is washed, peeled, cut into cubes and mixed with seafood.
  3. Garlic passed through a press is added to olive oil.
  4. The bottom of the salad bowl is lined with lettuce leaves, and boiled seafood and peppers are placed on them.
  5. Then the salad is dressed with garlic oil.

This salad turns out to be light and tasty, and most importantly – dietary!

Preparing a seafood mixture with sour cream

To do this you need:

  • kilogram of sea cocktail;
  • lemon;
  • half a bunch of parsley;
  • half a dessert spoon of ground black pepper;
  • dessert spoon of ground coriander;
  • 300 grams of sour cream;
  • 3 onions;
  • 50 grams of olive oil.

Cooking in a frying pan:

  1. The onion is peeled, cut into half rings, and fried in oil in a deep frying pan until golden brown.
  2. Frozen seafood is poured into a frying pan.
  3. After the juice from the seafood appears, the dish should be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.
  4. You need to simmer until almost all the juice has evaporated. It takes me about 10 minutes.
  5. Then sour cream is transferred into the frying pan, everything is mixed, seasoned with spices and chopped herbs.
  6. The mixture is simmered for another 5 minutes, seasoned with lemon juice.
  7. After 2 minutes the dish is ready.

Preparing the seafood mixture in the oven

In the photo: ready-made seafood cocktail with herbs

I usually prepare this appetizer for the holiday table. To prepare seafood in sauce you will need:

  • 20 grams of orange;
  • 350 grams of sea mixture;
  • 20 grams of mozzarella;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • dining spoon of vegetable oil;
  • dessert spoon of Worcestershire sauce;
  • dessert spoon of oyster sauce;
  • a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce.

Cooking technology:

  1. I think the best option for preparing this dish is a mixture of shrimp, squid, mussels and octopus.
  2. Seafood is defrosted.
  3. All three sauces are mixed in a small container.
  4. Seafood is fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes. At the same time, they should be stirred constantly.
  5. A mixture of sauces is poured into the mass, everything is mixed and fried for 60 seconds over high heat.
  6. The orange is cleaned of films and seeds.
  7. An orange slice is placed on the bottom of the plate, and cooked seafood is laid out on it.
  8. Mozzarella cheese is cut into small pieces that are placed on the seafood.
  9. Mozzarella is sprinkled with pre-grated hard cheese.
  10. The forms are covered with foil and sent to the oven, where they are cooked at a temperature of 190 degrees for 10 minutes. During this time, the cheese will acquire a golden, appetizing crust.
  11. Next, the foil is removed and the dish is cooked for a couple more minutes.

If you also decide to serve this dish at the holiday table, I recommend decorating the top with shrimp and a sprig of parsley.

The main rule that allows you to cook delicious seafood is to briefly heat treat the dish. Otherwise, you may end up with tough or bitter seafood.

If you liked the described recipes that do not require long preparation, I advise you to save a link to this page on your social network page in case unexpected guests appear who adhere to proper nutrition. You can also tell your friends about them by sharing this post. And if you want to receive interesting information about how to eat properly and take care of yourself, I recommend subscribing to blog updates. Goodbye, dear readers!

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

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